
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿时要迅速疏散逃生,不可蜂 拥而出 或留恋 财物, 要当机 立断, 披上浸 湿的衣 服或裹 上湿毛 毯、湿 被褥勇 敢地冲 出去
国际商务英语课文电子版lesson (19)

Lesson 19Foreign Direct Investmentis the major form of international investment, whereby (through FDI)residents of one country acquire 获得assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them. Why does FDI occur? An instinctive本能的answer to the question by many people may be that the rates of investment returns(投资回报率)are higher in a foreign country. This answer, though seemingly似乎plausible似乎有理的, is actually farfetched 牵强的.Just think of the fact that Britain is both a major source of FDI in the United States and an important destination for FDI from the country. We cannot say the rates of investment returns in the United States is at the same time higher than those in Britain (which explains investment into it) and lower (which justifies说明…的理由capital flow to the opposite direction).我们不能说,因为美国的投资收益率高于英国的投资收益率,所以资金流向美国。

一、课程简介二、教学目标1. 了解外贸英语函电的基本格式和写作技巧。
2. 掌握常用外贸术语和表达方式。
三、教学内容第一部分:外贸英语函电基本知识1. 外贸函电的格式与要素2. 外贸函电的写作技巧3. 外贸术语和表达方式1. 商业询盘2. 报盘3. 还盘4. 订单确认5. 付款方式四、教学方法1. 讲授:讲解外贸英语函电的基本知识、常用术语和表达方式。
4. 作业与考核:布置相关作业,检验学生对所学知识的掌握程度。
五、教学资源1. 教材:外贸英语函电教材及相关参考书籍。
2. 网络资源:提供相关外贸英语函电的在线资料,以便学生自主学习。
具体教学安排如下:1. 章节一:外贸英语函电基本知识(第1-2课时)2. 章节二:商业询盘(第3-4课时)3. 章节三:报盘(第5-6课时)4. 章节四:还盘(第7-8课时)5. 章节五:订单确认(第9-10课时)6. 章节六:付款方式(第11-12课时)7. 章节七:包装与运输(第13-14课时)8. 章节八:保险(第15-16课时)9. 章节九:争议与解决(第17-18课时)10. 章节十:实战演练与总结(第19-20课时)七、教学评价1. 平时作业:占总评的30%,考察学生对所学知识的掌握程度。
2. 课堂参与度:占总评的20%,评价学生在课堂讨论、角色扮演等方面的表现。
3. 实战演练:占总评的30%,评价学生在模拟实际业务场景中的沟通能力。
4. 期末考试:占总评的20%,测试学生对整个课程内容的掌握情况。
八、教学注意事项1. 注重培养学生的实际操作能力,鼓励他们积极参与课堂讨论和实战演练。
2. 针对不同学生的英语水平,适当调整教学内容和难度。
3. 关注学生的学习进度,及时解答他们在学习过程中遇到的问题。
九、教学拓展1. 组织学生参加外贸英语函电的相关竞赛,提高他们的实战能力。
2. 邀请外贸行业专家进行讲座,分享实际工作经验和案例。

• 如果你们急需这些商品,我们可以在五月装运。
• If you are badly in need of these goods, we can effect shipment in May.
comply with one’s request 满足某人的要求 • = meet one’s request • = grant one’s request • We regret to say that we cannot comply with your request.
____ Shanghai on or about June 2.
A. on B. from
C. at
D. in
• 8. We wish to stress that shipment must be made _____the
prescribed time limit, as a further prolong will not be
C. for
D. to
• 5. We regret the delayed delivery and the ____inconvenience .
B. cause C. caused D. causing
• 6. _____our customers now urgently need the goods, we must

• According to Contract No. 238, you will insure the above goods against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. But now we prefer to have the shipment insured for 130% of the invoice value.
Exercise II
• Choose the appropriate words to fill in the blanks.
Exercise III
• Translate the following sentences to English.
Exercise IV
• Translate the following letter into English.
• 1. We only cover WPA without taking ____ consideration of War Risks.
A. in B. on
C. with
D. into
• 2. Unless otherwise instructed, we will ____ insurance with the PICC against All Risks.
环宇进出口公司收到 Abe Brown & Sons公司 要按发票金额130%投 保的信函后,征得保险
Lesson 19 Packing arrangements

Assorted不是assort的过去分 词,因为没有assort这个词。
5. S/3, M/6 and L/3 你知道S, M和L代表什么吗? S=Small, M=Medium, L=Large 你知道XL代表什么吗? Extra Large. 你知道XXL代表什么吗? Extra Extra Large. X的这个意思,你还能举出其他 例子吗?
Lesson 19
Packing Arrangements
Dear Sirs, Re: Packing Requirement Your letter concerning packing requirements reached us the day before yesterday. We are now making arrangements accordingly. As requested, each silk blouse is packed in a polybag, one dozen to a box, blue, yellow, white equally assorted, S/3, M/6 and L/3 per dozen, 10 boxes to a carton, three cartons on a pallet.
Adhesive tapes
10. Straps 打包带(1)
PET塑钢带 (聚脂)
10. Straps 打包带(2)
PP Straps (Polypropylene, 聚丙烯)
11. up
to: 达到,符合,赶得上 He is simply not up to the job. 他达不到这项工作的要求。 你们最后一批货没有达到你们往常的标 准。 Your latest shipment is not up to your usual standard. 电影没有我们预期的精彩。 The movie wasn’t up to our expectations. = measure up to
商务英语基础 Unit 19 Insurance 保险 课件

3. He asked __________________________ whether I had any difficulty (我是否
4. The worker told me it would take me two days to finish the work ______________________________________ (做完那项工作需要两天时间).
( F ) 1. Foreign trade is an important part of insurance. ( F ) 2. In international business, the transportation of the goods from the buyer to the seller is usually over a long distance. ( T ) 3. Risks may occur during the procedure of loading. ( T ) 4. If the buyer or the seller didn’t cover the goods, inconveniences or even financial losses might happen. ( F ) 5. Insurance often takes place after the goods are shipped. ( F ) 6. Should any loss or damage occur, the insurance company would agree to pay the insured a stated premium.
实用外贸英语函电教程 全套课件

3. Clearness (清楚)
❖1) Pay attention to choosing the concise and accessible expressions and trying to avoid using the words, and sentences equivocal in meaning. (选择简明易懂的词语,尽是避免意义上模棱两 可的词语和句子。)
❖3) Pay attention to the object of the pronoun and
the relations between the relative pronoun and the antecedent.(注意代词的指代对象和关系代 词与先行词的关系。)
Preparation before Writing
❖1. Studying your reader’s interest, that is, thinking of what your reader thinks. (研究读者的 兴趣,那就是说,想读者之所想。)

to amend L/C
to extend L/C
•execute v. 执行订单 We will execute our contracts to the full. 我们将完全履行合同。 Please try your best to execute this order. 请尽最大努力执行这个订单。
in accordance with
• in accordance with = according to 按照,与···一致
•The quality of our shipment will be in exact accordance with that of the sample.
invite your attention to our Order No.721 for ten Beer Brand No.TX81 of Sightseeing Vehicles, which we sent you about 2 days ago an irrevocable L/C which expires on October 12. • As we all know the delivery date is approaching and our end users are badly in need of the goods, we shall be thankful very much if you will effect shipment without any delay. • We must point out that any late shipment of our order will undoubtedly place us in no small difficulty and any losses arising from which will be borne by you. • Thank you for your kind cooperation.
《国际商务英语函电》课件-unit 1 信函写作1

2013-7-26 11
Your ref. : 345SCB/bxc Our ref. : 532ZXY/mzs 注1. 345 为存档编号, SCB为署名人首写字母, bxc为打字员姓名首写字母。 注2. 532 为存档编号,ZXY 为署名人首写字母, mzs 为打字员姓名首写字母。 3)Date (日期) 每封信必须标明日期,日期常写在信头下方2行 处,一般臵于信笺的右上角,但当信函采用全 齐头式时则臵于左上角。
Complimentary Close, Signature
2013-7-26 8
The Structure and Layout of a Letter
1. The Structure of a Letter 英文书信通常有7个部分组成,即信头、日 期、封内地址、称呼、正文、结尾敬语以及 签名。除此之外。还有一些需根据实际需要 而增加的部分,例如参考标号、经办人姓名、 事由标题、认辨记号、附件、抄送以及附言 等,这些部分可能出现在不同类型的信函中。
lesson one basics of business letters
2013-7-26 1
Learning Objectives
After studying the lesson, you should be able to Know principles of business-letter writing Know parts of a business letter Learn the styles of a business letter Learn some general tips of writing a business letter by studying sample letters
高教版实用商务英语教程(第三版)课件Unit 19 Claim

❖Wang: But let me inform you that the
goods in question were strictly inspected
by the China Commodity Inspection
Dialogue Two Bureau at the time of loading. There
a claim. Yang Hong, the secretary of the other company, is now talking with her on the phone. ❖
Dialogue One Make and
Accept a Claim
❖Yang: Good morning, Red Apple. Can I help you?
Madam? ❖Smith: Actually, no. What we received is not
what we ordered. ❖Yang: Oh, really? We are so sorry. I understand
how you feel. It must be very annoying. I will check into it and call you back as soon as I find out what happened.
❖Wang: Could you tell us the exact cause of the inferior quality? You see, the damage may be caused by a variety of factors.
❖Lee: Here’s a survey report by a well-known lab in London. It says that the packing of the goods is sound and intact at the time of survey. So it is clear that the sesame seeds were not well-dried before packing.
商务英语写作 第19次课

v Notify party: 被通知人。即买方的代理人, 货到目的港时由承运人通知其办理报关提货 等手续。(要填写全名及地址)
v Pre-carriage by: 前段运输; Port of transhipment : 转船港;如果货物需要转运, 则在两栏分别填第一程船名和中转港口名称。
v B/L No.___: 提单号码 (承运人或其代理人按承 托运货的先后顺序或按照舱位入货的位置编排 的号码)
v S/O No. : 是shipping order是指装货单, 是集装 箱托运单中的一联,是第五联,是报关单据之一, 船上大副凭这个收货.
v Reference No. : 索引号码 / 关联号码 , 一般指信 用证或订单号码.
Working process of L/C 信用证的一般收付程序
v 1)开证申请人根据合同填写开证申请书并交纳 押金或提供其他保证,请开证行开证。
v (2)开证行根据申请书内容,向受益人开出信用 证并寄交出口人所在地通知行。
v (3)通知行核对印鉴无误后,将信用证交受益人。 v (4)受益人审核信用证内容与合同规定相符后,
v 填写并呈递由海关出具的正式报关单证。
Unit 4 Classified Business Letter
Bill of Lading 提单/海运提单
v a receipt given by the carrier to the shipper acknowledging receipt of the goods being shipped and specifying the terms of delivery.

阅读这本书,我最大的感受是商务英语函电的严谨性和专业性。每一封函电 都是一个小小的商业世界,每一个词汇、每一个句子都承载着丰富的商业信息和 文化内涵。在函电的撰写过程中,我们不仅要注意语言的准确性和流畅性,还要 充分考虑对方的文化背景、商业习惯,确保信息能够准确、有效地传达。
同时,书中还提供了大量的实际案例,让我能够更直观地了解商务英语函电 在实际操作中的应用。这些案例既有成功的经验,也有失败的教训,让我深刻认 识到商务函电在商业沟通中的重要性。
实践操作篇:在这一部分,目录提供了大量真实的商务场景案例,指导学习 者如何在实际工作中运用所学的商务英语函电知识。通过案例分析,学习者可以 更加深入地理解商务英语函电的实际应用。
拓展知识篇:该部分涵盖了商务英语函电相关的其他知识,如电子邮件礼仪、 跨文化沟通等。这些内容有助于学习者提升综合沟通能力,更好地适应国际商务 环境。
书中还摘录了许多关于订单确认、付款、投诉处理等商务场景的信函。这些 信函不仅语言地道、表达清晰,还充分展示了商务英语的实用性和灵活性。通过 学习这些信函,读者可以更好地掌握商务英语函电的写作技巧,提高在国际商务 沟通中的应对能力。
《新编国际商务英语函电》这本书的精彩摘录为我们提供了丰富的商务英语 函电知识和实践指导。通过学习和模仿这些摘录,我们可以更好地掌握商务英语 函电的写作技巧,为未来的国际商务活动打下坚实的基础。
基础知识篇:这部分主要介绍了商务英语函电的基本概念、特点和写作原则。 通过学习这些内容,学习者可以建立起对商务英语函电的基本认识,为后续的学 习打下基础。

Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction译文信件一进口商自我介绍麦克唐那和伊万有限公司美国纽约劳顿大街58号福建鞋业进出口公司中国福建福州保定大街45号送交:销售部吴刚先生敬启者:我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。
麦克唐那和伊万有限公司(签名)麦克. 伊万经理谨上2010年4月20日信件二回信福建鞋业进出口公司中国福建福州保定大街45号麦克唐那和伊万有限公司美国纽约劳顿大街58号敬启者:感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。
福建鞋业进出口公司(签名)吴刚经理谨上2010年5月10日习题答案I. Basic Training1.Translate the following expressions into Chinese.报价一流的进口商出口产品范围定单广泛的联系具体询盘最新目录有竞争力的价格2.Choose the best answer.1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) bII. Improving TrainingTranslate the following sentence into English.1) We would like to introduce our business range.2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who have done business with us for many years.3) We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in.4) We have received many enquiries from abroad.5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relationswith us.6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos.7) If your price is competitive, we would like to place with you an order for 500 electric bicycles.III. Letter-writing Practice1. Finish the following letter by translating the expressions given.1) obtained your name and address2) establish business relations /enter into business relations3) leading importers4) We appreciate your catalogue and quotations.5) If your prices are competitive2. Write a letterDear sirs,We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm.At present we are interested in your electric fans, details according to our Enquiry Note No. 1345 enclosed,and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible.We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately.Your early reply will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,Lesson 2Exporter’s Self-introduction译文信件一出口商来信敬启者:承蒙东京工商会的介绍,我们获悉你方是贵国最大的纺织品进口商之一。

A. by
B. for
C. in
D. with
• 4. Since the purchase is made on FOB basis, you are to ship the
goods to London by a steamer to be designated _____us.
A. by
B. for
D. within
• 2. Direct steamers to your port are few _____ the winter
A. but B. yet
C. with
D. during
• 3. Please try your best to ship our order _____ that steamer.
considered by our end users.
A. within B. without C. beyond D. out
• 9. We can supply 50 tons_____ stock and the rest in May.
A. on B. in
C. from
D. at
• 10. The steamer is ______ to sail for Hong Kong on December
要求,但承诺按合同交 货。
Asking for Advancing Shipment
Content Words
• Dear Mr. Liu,
• We refer you to our Contract No.533.
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• We are sorry to put you to extra charges.
arise from arise from 由……引起 The additional cost arising from packing in wooden cases shall be for your account. 用木箱包装而引起的额外费用将由你方承担。
place sb. in …
• 置某人于· · · · · · · 状态的表达: place sb. in involve sb. in put sb. to
• If you cannot keep up regular supply, it will place
us in an awkward position. 如你方不能定期供货,会使我方处于尴尬的境地。
修改信用证 延展信用证
30 days’ L/C ; L/C at 30 days sight
to amend L/C to extend L/C
•execute v. 执行订单 We will execute our contracts to the full. 我们将完全履行合同。 Please try your best to execute this order. 请尽最大努力执行这个订单。
call one’s attention to
• 请某人注意· · · · · · ;提醒某人· · · · · ·
call / invite / draw / bring one’s attention to 注意:to 是介词,后接名词或名词性短语。 We would like to bring your attention to the date of shipment. We hope to call your attention to the fact that our
Lesson 19
Rushing Establishment of L/C
Text A
Text B
Text study (Part A)
Dear Jordon, • In regard to your ten Beer Brand No.TX81 of Sightseeing Vehicles under the subject contract, we wish to call your attention to the fact that the delivery date is drawing near, but up to the present moment we have not received the covering L/C. Therefore, we should ask you to have the L/C opened so that we may execute the order within the contracted time. • Meanwhile, in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please make sure that the L/C stipulations should be in exact accordance with the terms of the Contract. • We are awaiting your earlier reply.
Exercise I
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6 7 8 9 10
Exercise III
装运期即将来临。 • As the selling season is approaching, prompt shipment is necessary. 销售季节即将来临, 即期装运极为重要。
covering L/C
• 关于信用证的短语: documentary L/C 跟单信用证
保兑信用证 不可撤销信用证 即期信用证 远期信用证 confirmed L/C irrevocable L/C sight L/C time / term L/C
Text study (Part B)
Dear Mr.Lee, Thank you for your mail dated August 11 but we wish to invite your attention to our Order No.721 for ten Beer Brand No.TX81 of Sightseeing Vehicles, which we sent you about 2 days ago an irrevocable L/C which expires on October 12. As we all know the delivery date is approaching and our end users are badly in need of the goods, we shall be thankful very much if you will effect shipment without any delay. We must point out that any late shipment of our order will undoubtedly place us in no small difficulty and any losses arising from which will be borne by you. Thank you for your kind cooperation.
• The sellers shall bear all expenses and risks of
the commodity before it passes over the vessel’s rail. 货物在越过船舷之前的所有费用和风险由卖方承担。 • The additional packing charges shall be at your cost. 额外包装费用应由你方支付。
goods are superior to the Japanese makes.
draw near
• “临近”的表达:
• be drawing near / be approaching
be coming / be at hand
• The shipment date is drawing near.
由香港转船所引起的额外费用将由你方负担。 The extra expenses arising from transshipment in Hongkong will be borne by you.
be borne by sb.
• “由某人支付”的表达: be borne by sb. be for one’s account be at one’s cost / expenses
expire • expire v. 到期
The contract will expire on next 15th.
expiry n. 到期 expiry date 到期日 The expiry date of L/C is May 31, 2012. 信用证的有效期是2012年5月31日。
Exercise III
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near in to from…by
Exercise IV
Dear Bryen, LESSON 19 Re: Our S/C No. 119 for 1000 Whole Wardrobe As regards the captioned goods, we’d like to direct your attention to the fact that the delivery date is coming, but your covering L/C hasn't reached us yet. Please open the L/C asap so that we can execute the order smoothly. In order to avoid the subsequent amendments, please make sure that the L/C stipulations should be in exact accordance with the terms in the contract. Awaiting your early reply. Best regards, Liu Zhijie
in accordance with
• in accordance with = according to 按照,与· · · 一致 •The quality of our shipment will be in exact accordance with that of the sample. 我方所交货物的质量将和样品完全相符。 • In accordance with your requirement, we have made you our best offer. 按照你方要求,我们已经给你们报了最低价。