南京财经大学电子商务双语版chapter4.ELECTRONIC MARKETPLACES模板
跨境电子商务英语 Unit 4 课件

Part 1 Store Description
Key Sentences:
Hard work and persistence are essential for running your business, but it’s also crucial to differentiate your brand by showing some personality wherever possible.
A: Hi. I’m so glad that your e-shop has the telescope I’m looking for. B: Wow, sounds great. Which one are you interested in? A: I want to buy this one. Here is the link. (http:// www. /...html) B: OK, that’s no problem. Please place your order. A: OK, do you have telescopes for children? B: Yes, I have another e-shop that sells children’s telescope.
Speaking Customer A wants to buy telescopes from B’s e-shop. Customer service B is communicating with the customer. Please try to role play the following dialogue, especially pay attention to the underlined parts.
英文版 电子商务课件(部分) 压缩01

• renting or buying the facilities in which the speakers are made and stored,
❖ Beginning in 2003, with the general economy still in the doldrums, electronic commerce began to show signs of new life. Companies that had survived the downturn were not only seeing growth in sales again, but many of them were showing profits.
❖ From humble beginnings in the mid-1990s, electronic commerce grew rapidly until 2000, when a major downturn occurred.
▪ Many people have seen news stories about the “dot-com boom” followed by the “dot-com burst” or the “dot-bomb.”
▪ In the 2000 to 2003 period, many industry observers were writing obituaries(讣告) for electronic commerce. Just as the unreasonable expectations for immediate success fueled the high expectations during the boom years, overly gloomy news reports colored perceptions during this time.

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南京财经大学编 高纲号 0437 27040 电子商务 考试大纲


Chapter 1 Introduction to E-commerce 电子商务综述Case: (引例:)1.1 The Basic Concept of E-commerce(电子商务的基本概念)1.1.1 The Definition of E-commerce(电子商务的定义)1.1.2 The Contents of E-commerce(电子商务的内容)1.1.3 E-commerce Functional Features(电子商务的功能特性)1.2 E-commerce Emergence and Development(电子商务的产生与发展)1.2.1 The Developing Process of E-commerce(电子商务的发展过程)1.2.2 The Current Situation of E-commerce(电子商务的发展现状)1.2.3 The Trend of the E-commerce Development(电子商务的发展趋势)1.3 E-commerce Influence(电子商务的影响)1.3.1 E-commerce Influence on Economy(电子商务对经济的影响)1.3.2 The Impact of E-commerce on Enterprise(电子商务对企业的影响)1.3.3 The Impact of E-commerce on the Government(电子商务对政府管理的影响)Chapter 2 E-commerce Mechanism and Modes 电子商务机理与模式Case: Digital Beijing Project(引例:首都电子商务工程)2.1 Basic E-commerce Modes(电子商务的基本模式)2.1.1 B2B Mode(B2B模式)2.1.2 B2C Mode(B2C模式)2.1.3 B2G Mode(B2G模式)2.1.4 G2G Mode(G2G模式)2.1.5 C2C Mode(C2C模式)2.2 Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的结构)2.2.1 General Framework of E-commerce(电子商务总框架)2.2.2 Application Framework of E-commerce(电子商务的应用框架)2.3 Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务的系统组成)2.3.1 Major Elements of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要组成部分)2.3.2 Network Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的网络架构)2.3.3 Applications Level of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的应用层次)Chapter 3 E-commerce Infrastructural Facilities 电子商务基础设施Case: Covad(引例:Covad)3.1 The Basis of Computer Network(计算机网络基础)3.1.1 Definition of Computer Network(计算机网络的定义)3.1.2 Computer Network Classification(计算机网络的分类)3.1.3 Function of Computer Network(计算机网络的功能)3.2 Network Communication Protocol(网络通信协议)3.2.1 OSI and IEEE 802 Protocol(OSI与IEEE 802协议)3.2.2 TCP/IP Protocol Suite(TCP/IP协议簇)3.2.3 WLAN Communication Protocol(WLAN通信协议)3.3 Internet(互联网)3.3.1 The Emergence and Development of Internet(互联网的产生与发展)3.3.2 Internet Application(互联网的主要应用)3.3.3 IP Address and Domain Name(IP地址和域名)3.3.4 Internet Access(互联网接入方式)3.3.5 Intranet, Extranet and Internet(内联网、外延网和互联网)3.4 Network Program Technology(网络编程技术)3.4.1 Markup Language(标识语言)3.4.2 Java(Java)3.4.3 .NET(.NET)Chapter 4 Information Processing Technology 信息处理技术Case: General Electric(引例:通用电气)4.1 Electronic Data Interchange(电子数据交换)4.1.1 Introduction of EDI(EDI概述)4.1.2 EDI Standards(EDI标准)4.1.3 EDI Network(EDI网络)4.2 RFID Technology(RFID技术)4.2.1 Brief Introduction to RFID(RFID技术简介)4.2.2 Contents of RFID Tracking System(RFID跟踪系统的组成)4.3 GPS Technology(GPS技术)4.3.1 Brief Introduction to GPS(GPS技术简介)4.3.2 Content of GPS Tracking System(GPS跟踪系统的组成)4.4 GIS Technologies(GIS技术)Chapter 5 E-commerce Payment Technology 电子商务支付技术Case: First Internet Bank of Indiana(引例:印第安纳第一网络银行)5.1 E-money(电子货币)5.1.1 Bank Cards(银行卡)5.1.2 E-cash(电子现金)5.1.3 E-check(电子支票)5.1.4 E-wallets(电子钱包)5.2 E-payment System(电子支付系统)5.2.1 E-cash Payment System(电子现金支付系统)5.2.2 Bank Card Payment System(银行卡支付系统)5.2.3 The E-check System(电子支票支付系统)5.3 Internet Technologies and the Banking Industry(互联网技术与银行业)5.3.1 E-bank(网上银行)5.3.2 Mobile Bank(移动银行)Chapter 6 E-commerce Security Technology 电子商务安全技术Case: Bibliofind Company(引例:Bibliofind Company)6.1 Introduction to E-commerce Security(电子商务安全概述)6.1.1 Security Issues in E-commerce(电子商务的安全性问题)6.1.2 The Basic Requirements for Security in E-commerce (EC对安全的基本要求)6.1.3 Measures for E-commerce Security(电子商务安全措施)6.2 Encryption Technology(加密技术)6.2.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.2.2 Symmetric Encryption Technology(对称式密钥加密技术)6.2.3 Asymmetric Encryption Technology(非对称密钥加密技术)6.2.4 Mixed EncryptionTechnology(混合加密技术)6.3 Authentication Technology(认证技术)6.3.1 Basic Concept(基本概念)6.3.2 Message Digest and Digital Signatures(数字摘要与数字签名)6.3.3 Digital Certificates and CA Security Authentication (数字证书与CA安全认证体系)6.3.4 Public Key Infrastructure(公钥基础设施)6.4 Firewall Technology(防火墙技术)6.4.1 Basic Concept of the Firewall(防火墙的基本概念)6.4.2 Firewall Principle(防火墙原理)6.4.3 Security Policy and Limitations of Firewall(防火墙的安全策略及局限性)6.5 Security Payment Technology(安全支付技术)6.5.1 Secure Socket Layer(安全套接层协议)6.5.2 Secure Electronic Transaction(安全电子交易协议)6.5.3 Comparison between SSL and SET(SSL与SET比较)Chapter 7 E-commerce and the Law 电子商务与法律Case: Legal Issue Related to Hyperlink on the Website(引例:关于网站中的超链接的法律问题)7.1 Introduction to E-commerce Law(电子商务法介绍)7.1.1 The Legal Issue for E-commerce(电子商务引发的法律问题)7.1.2 Concepts and Features of E-commerce Law(电子商务法的概念及其特征)7.1.3 The Legislation Course of E-commerce(电子商务立法进程)7.2 The Law Issues in E-commerce's Transactions(电子商务交易中存在的法律问题)7.2.1 Electronic Signature Law of the People's Republic of China(《中华人民共和国电子签名法》)7.2.2 Contracting and Contract Enforcement in E-commerce (电子商务中的合同和履行)7.2.3 Digital Signatures and Authentication(电子签名及认证问题)7.3 Intellectual Property in E-commerce(电子商务中的知识产权问题)7.3.1 Copyright(网络著作权的法律保护)7.3.2 Domain Names(有关域名的法律保护)7.3.3 Database(数据库的法律保护)7.4 Customer Right Protection at E-commerce(电子商务中的消费者权益保护)7.4.1 Customer Privacy Protection(消费者隐私权保护)7.4.2 Virtual Property Protection(虚拟财产的保护)Chapter 8 E-commerce and Taxation 电子商务与税收Case:eBay'ers(引例:eBay用户)8.1 Introduction to Taxation in E-commerce(电子商务税收概述)8.1.1 Taxation and Its Significance(税收及其重要性)8.1.2 Characteristics of E-commerce Taxation(电子商务税收的特点)8.2 Taxation Issue in E-commerce(电子商务带来的税收问题)8.2.1 Argument for E-commerce Taxation(电子商务征税的争执)8.2.2 Permanent Establishment(常设机构)8.2.3 Tax Jurisdiction(税收权限)8.3 International Legislation of E-commerce Taxation(国际上电子商务的税收法规)8.3.1 Two Perspectives Over Taxation Policy(电子商务税收政策的两种观点)8.3.2 Nexus(直接关系税)8.3.3 European Union Value Added Taxes(欧盟的增值税)8.3.4 The OECD Five Key Principles for E-commerce Taxation(经济发展与合作组织对于电子商务税收的5点原则)8.3.5 Alternative Ways of Taxing the E-commerc(对电子商务税收的几种方案)Chapter 9 E-commerce and Business Management企业电子商务管理Case:P&G and Wal-Mart(引例:宝洁和沃尔玛)9.1 Critical Success Factors and E-commerce Strategies (关键成功因素与电子商务策略)9.1.1 Critical Success Factors(关键成功因素)9.1.2 Critical Success Factors in E-commerce(电子商务的关键成功因素)9.2 E-commerce and Supply Chain Management(电子商务与供应链管理)9.2.1 Supply Chain Introduction(供应链介绍)9.2.2 E-supply Chain Management(电子商务供应链管理)9.2.3 Supply Chain Integration with the Application of E-commerce(运用电子商务进行供应链整合)9.3 E-commerce and Human Resources Management(电子商务与人力资源管理)9.3.1 HRM in the Context of E-Commerce(电子商务环境下的人力资源管理)9.3.2 Knowledge Management(知识管理)9.4 E-commerce and Logistics(电子商务与物流管理)9.4.1 E-logistics Management(电子商务物流管理)9.4.2 E-logistics Differs from Traditional Logistics(电子商务物流与传统物流的区别)Chapter 10 Construction of E-commerce System电子商务系统建设Case:Sinochem Corporation E-commerce System(引例:中国化工进出口总公司电子商务系统)10.1 System Design of E-commerce System(电子商务系统设计)10.1.1 Framework of E-commerce System(电子商务系统结构)10.1.2 E-commerce Website Design Elements(电子商务网站设计要素)10.2 The Developing Process of E-commerce System(电子商务系统建设过程)10.2.1 Lifecycle of System Development(系统开发周期)10.2.2 System Analysis and Planning(系统分析和规划)10.2.3 System Design and Development(系统设计与开发)10.2.4 System Testing/Implementation/Maintenance(系统测试/实施/维护)10.3 System Software of E-commerce System(电子商务系统的主要软件)10.3.1 Web Server Software(Web服务器软件)10.3.2 Application Server(应用服务器)10.3.3 E-commerce Software Package(电子商务软件包)Chapter 11 E-commerce Website 电子商务网站建设Case:Circuit City's E-superstore(引例:Circuit City的网上超市)11.1 E-commerce and Portal Site(电子商务和门户网站)11.1.1 Types of Portal Site(门户网站的类型)11.1.2 Importance of Web Portals(网络门户网站的重要性)11.2 Website Construction(网站建设)11.2.1 The Pattern of E-shops(网上商店的模式)11.2.2 Launch an Successful Online Business(启动一个成功的网上商业项目)11.2.3 Website Design(网站设计)11.2.4 Actualization of E-shops(网上商店的实现)11.3 E-shop Fore-end(网络商店前台)11.3.1 Online Catalog(网上产品目录)11.3.2 Shopping Cart(购物车)11.3.3 Online Payment(网上支付)11.4 E-shop Back-end(网络商店后台)11.4.1 Order Processing(订单处理)11.4.2 Customer Relationship Management(CRM)(客户关系管理)11.4.3 Logistics(物流配送)Chapter 12 E-commerce and the Latest Development电子商务发展动态Case:The Future Store in Germany(引例:德国的未来超市)12.1 Current Status of E-commerce(电子商务现状)12.1.1 Global E-commerce Latest Development(全球电子商务发展的基本情况)12.1.2 Development of E-commerce in China(中国电子商务的基本情况)12.1.3 Problems in China's E-commerce Development(中国电子商务发展中存在的问题)12.1.4 Policy for the Promotion of E-commerce Development (中国促进电子商务发展的方针政策)12.2 M-commerce(移动电子商务)12.2.1 Technologies of M-commerce(移动电子商务的实现技术)12.2.2 M-tickets(移动电子票务)12.3 Other E-commerce Development(其他电子商务的发展情况)12.3.1 IPTV(数字电视)12.3.2 Blog(博客)。


大学跨境电商实用英语教材Chapter 1: Introduction to Cross-border E-commerceIn this chapter, we will provide an overview of cross-border e-commerce and its significance in the global market. We will explore the challenges and opportunities that arise in this field, as well as the role of English language skills in international trade.Section 1: What is Cross-border E-commerce?Cross-border e-commerce refers to the online trading activities conducted between businesses and consumers from different countries. It involves the purchase and sale of goods and services across national borders through various online platforms.Section 2: Importance of Cross-border E-commerceIn this section, we will discuss the reasons why cross-border e-commerce is becoming increasingly important in today's globalized economy. We will highlight the benefits it brings to businesses, consumers, and economies as a whole.Section 3: English Language Skills for Cross-border E-commerceEnglish serves as the lingua franca of international trade, and proficiency in English is crucial for success in cross-border e-commerce. In this section, we will introduce the essential English language skills required in this field, such as business communication, negotiation, and marketing strategies.Chapter 2: Market Research and AnalysisEffective market research and analysis are fundamental for successful cross-border e-commerce. This chapter will guide students on how to conduct market research and analyze data to make informed business decisions.Section 1: Market Research MethodsHere, we will introduce various market research methods, including surveys, interviews, and data analysis. Students will learn how to identify target markets, assess consumer demands, and evaluate competitors in different countries.Section 2: Data Analysis TechniquesIn this section, students will learn how to analyze market data using statistical tools and software. We will cover topics such as data visualization, trend analysis, and forecasting methods.Section 3: Case StudiesTo provide practical insights, this section will include case studies of successful cross-border e-commerce companies. Students will learn from real-world examples and understand how market research and analysis contribute to their success.Chapter 3: International Marketing StrategiesIn this chapter, we will explore various marketing strategies and techniques specific to cross-border e-commerce. Students will gain knowledge on how to adapt marketing strategies to different cultures and target international consumers effectively.Section 1: Cultural Considerations in International MarketingCultural differences play a significant role in international marketing. In this section, we will discuss the importance of cultural awareness and how to tailor marketing messages to different cultural contexts.Section 2: Digital Marketing ChannelsWe will introduce the digital marketing channels commonly used in cross-border e-commerce, including social media, search engine optimization, and content marketing. Students will understand how to leverage these channels to maximize their reach and brand exposure.Section 3: Localization and TranslationAdapting websites, product descriptions, and marketing materials to the local language is crucial in international marketing. This section will provide guidance on localization strategies and the importance of accurate translation.Chapter 4: Regulatory and Legal EnvironmentTo engage in cross-border e-commerce successfully, it is essential to understand the regulatory and legal framework governing international trade. This chapter will cover the key regulations and legal considerations in cross-border e-commerce.Section 1: International Trade RegulationsHere, we will introduce students to international trade regulations, including customs duties, trade barriers, and intellectual property rights protection. Students will learn how to navigate these regulations and ensure legal compliance.Section 2: E-commerce Laws and Privacy ProtectionAs cross-border e-commerce involves the online exchange of personal information, it is crucial to understand e-commerce laws and privacy protection measures. This section will cover topics such as data protection, cybersecurity, and consumer rights.Section 3: Dispute ResolutionIn this section, students will learn about dispute resolution mechanisms in cross-border e-commerce, such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. They will understand the importance of resolving disputes efficiently to maintain business relationships.ConclusionThis practical English language textbook provides students with comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary for success in the field of cross-border e-commerce. Whether students aspire to become entrepreneurs or work in international trade, this textbook equips them with the tools needed to navigate the global marketplace. Through in-depth analysis, case studies, and practical guidance, students will develop a solid foundation in cross-border e-commerce and enhance their English language proficiency.。

The Legal Environment of Electronic Commerce
• Physical world of traditional commerce • 现实中的传统商务
–Territorial borders clearly: –领域边界清晰
• 公司收集与使用客户数据同客户隐私权的矛盾 • Taxes that are levied on electronic commerce • 对电子商务的征税
The Legal Environment of Electronic Commerce
• Businesses that operate on the Web must comply with the same laws and regulations that govern the operations of all businesses.
电子商务立法特点 • 边定制边完善 • 国际立法重点在于扩大传统法律的适用性 • 发达国家在国际立法中占主导地位 • 垄断企业在电子商务技术标准和制定上起了主 要作用
国际组织有关电子商务的立法 1. 1996-联合国国际贸易委员会-《电子商务示范法》 2. 1996-联合国大会-《电子签字示范法》 3. 1997-世界贸易组织-《全球基础贸易协议》 4. 1999-欧盟-《数字签名同意规则草案》 5. 2005-国际标准化组织-《ISO17799国际标准》
Culture,through its effect on ethical standards affects laws directly and indirectly 文化通过其对道德标准的影响,直接或间接的 影响了法律
电子商务 第13版 英文版教学课件5

• Low-cost web attack kits • Online credit card fraud • Underground economy marketplace
Learning Objectives
5.1 Understand the scope of e-commerce crime and security problems, the key dimensions of e-commerce security, and the tension between security and other values. 5.2 Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment. 5.3 Describe how technology helps secure Internet communications channels and protect networks, servers, and clients. 5.4 Appreciate the importance of policies, procedures, and laws in creating security. 5.5 Identify the major e-commerce payment systems in use today. 5.6 Describe the features and functionality of electronic billing presentment and payment systems.

Electronic Commerce: Definitions and Concepts
Pure vs. Partial EC depends upon the degree of digitization (the transformation from physical to digital) of:
Electronic Commerce: Definitions and Concepts
• e-business: a broader definition of EC, which includes:
– – – – buying and selling of goods and services servicing customers collaborating with business partners conducting electronic transactions within an organization
Exhibit 1.1: The Dimensions of Electronic Commerce
Electronic Commerce: Definitions and Concepts
(cont.) • Virtual (pure-play) organizations conduct their business activities solely online • Click-and-mortar organizations conduct some EC activities, but do their primary business in the physical world (Home Page) • Electronic market (emarketplace) online marketplace where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods, services, money, or information

Assessing E-Commerce (1 of 2)
• Stunning technological success • Early years a mixed business success
– Few early dot-coms have survived – Online sales growing rapidly • Many early visions not fulfilled – Price dispersion – Information asymmetry – New intermediaries
Uber: The New Face of E-Commerce?
• Class Discussion – Have you used Uber or any other on-demand service companies? – What is the appeal of these companies for users and providers? – Are there any negative consequences to the increased use of on-demand services like Uber and Airbnb?
Assessing E-Commerce (2 of 2)
• Other surprises – Fast-follower advantages – Start-up costs – Impact of mobile platform – Emergence of on-demand e-commerce
1.2 Define e-commerce, understand how e-commerce differs from ebusiness, identify the primary technological building blocks underlying ecommerce, and recognize major current themes in e-commerce.

电子商务——商务、技术、社会(英文版·第13版)肯尼思·劳东-第8电子商务安全与支付系统1. IntroductionWith the rapid development of information technology, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become increasingly popular. However, along with its growth, the security and payment systems associated with e-commerce have become crucial aspects to consider. This document will provide an overview of the 8th edition of Electronic Commerce: Business, Technology, and Society, written by Kenneth C. Laudon, specifically focusing on the chapter on e-commerce security and payment systems.2. E-commerce SecurityE-commerce security is of paramount importance as it involves the protection of sensitive customer data, financial transactions, and the overall integrity of the e-commerce system. Laudon’s boo k discusses various aspects of e-commerce security, including:2.1. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)SSL is a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communications over the internet. It ensures the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted between a user’s web browser and the e-commerce website. Laudon explains the SSL protocol in detail, highlighting its key features and advantages.2.2. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)PKI is a framework that enables secure communication by using digital certificates and public/private key pairs. Laudon explores the concept of PKI and its application in e-commerce systems. He discusses the roles of certification authorities, digital certificates, and the process of authentication and encryption in establishing a secure communication channel.2.3. Secure Electronic Transactions (SET)SET is a protocol developed for securing credit card transactions over the internet. Laudon examines the SET protocol, its key components, and how it ensures the security of online payment transactions. He also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of SET and its adoption in the e-commerce industry.2.4. Fraud Prevention and DetectionLaudon emphasizes the significance of fraud prevention and detection in e-commerce. He discusses various techniques and technologies employed to identify and prevent fraudulent activities, such as transaction monitoring, rule-based systems, anomaly detection, and machine learning algorithms.3. E-commerce Payment SystemsA crucial aspect of e-commerce is the payment system, which allows customers to make secure and convenient transactions online. Laudon’s book covers several e-commerce payment systems, including:3.1. Credit and Debit CardsLaudon explores the use of credit and debit cards in e-commerce transactions. He discusses the process of authorization, settlement, and chargeback, highlighting the potential risks associated with card-based payments and the measures taken to mitigate these risks.3.2. Mobile PaymentsWith the widespread usage of smartphones, mobile payments have gained popularity in recent years. Laudon examines various mobile payment technologies, such as Near Field Communication (NFC), mobile wallets, and mobile banking apps. He discusses the security measures implemented in these systems and their advantages in terms of convenience and accessibility.3.3. Digital Currencies and CryptocurrenciesLaudon delves into the world of digital currencies and cryptocurrencies, including the concept of blockchain technology. He discusses the advantages and challenges of using digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, in e-commerce transactions. Laudon also explores the potential future impact of cryptocurrencies on the e-commerce industry.4. ConclusionThe 8th edition of Electronic Commerce: Business, Technology, and Society by Kenneth C. Laudon provides comprehensive insights into the security and payment systems of e-commerce. The book covers various topics, including SSL,PKI, SET, fraud prevention, credit and debit card payments, mobile payments, and digital currencies. Laudon’s in-depth explanations and analysis make this book a valuable resource for understanding the complexities and challenges associated with e-commerce security and payment systems.Note: The content above is a fictional document, and the chapter mentioned might not exist in the mentioned book.。
电子商务 英文版 第4章

• Uses building construction and floor space design
– Online firm
• Communications media selection: critical • No physical presence • Customer contact made through image projected through media and Web site
Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition
Web Marketing Strategies
• Mபைடு நூலகம்rketing mix
– Element combination to achieve goals
• Selling and promoting products and services
– Online firm challenge
• Obtain customer trust with no physical presence
Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition 9
Trust, Complexity, and Media Choice
• The Web
Electronic Commerce, Ninth Edition
Web Marketing Strategies (cont’d.)
• Four Ps of marketing (cont’d.)
– Price
• Amount customer pays for product • Customer value: customer benefits minus total cost
电子商务英语E-Commerce English unit 4

E-Commerce English
Text - Language Points
input n. something such as energy, money or information that is put into a system, organization or machine so that it can operate: I didn't have much input into the project (= The help I gave or work I did on it was small). The power input will come largely from hydroelectricity.
Messaih’s Credit Card
Which E-Commerce Payment Method to Choose
Task 1-5: Reading comprehension, Vocabulary, Translation, Discussion
5 Let’s write
Business Greeting Card
归还,偿还额,退款 (指支票)被银行退票 电子支票 信用卡 借记卡 汇票,邮政汇票 银行本票 个人支票
E-Commerce English
Text - Language Points
virtual adj. 1 [before noun] almost a particular thing or quality: Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy. War in the region now looks like a virtual certainty.

4.1.1 Product-Based Marketing Strategies
• The product-based strategy:
– Organize their Web site from an internal viewpoint (根据 企业进行产品设计和安排生产过程的方式来组织网站)
Chapter 4: Marketing on the Web
Electronic Commerce, Seventh Annual Edition
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn about: • When to use product-based and customerbased marketing strategies • Communicating with different market segments • Customer relationship intensity and the customer relationship life cycle • Using advertising on the Web
• Marketing strategy
– When a company decides which elements it will use, the particular marketing mix they called marketing strategy – A company‘s marketing strategy is an important tool that works with its web presence to get the company‘s message across to both its current and prospective customers.

Direct vs. Indirect materials purchasing
Products that companies buy on a recurring basis are called maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) supplies. 很多企业经常性地采购的那些间接物料称为 MRO产品(办公用品集中采购)
• Purchasing activities include:采购活动包括: –Identifying vendors 寻找卖主/供应商 –Evaluating vendors 评估卖主/供应商 –Selecting specific products 选择特定产品 –Placing orders 发送订单 –Resolving any issues that arise after receiving the ordered goods and services –解决收货后出现的问题
Offshoring 离岸外包: The outsourcing is done by organization in other counties 扩展到海外的外包。 主要有外包、创建全资子 公司或与当地企业创办合资公司。
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities
An emerging characteristic of purchasing, logistics, and support activities is that they need to be flexible. 采购—物流—支持活动的一个新特征就是要求这些 活动具备灵活性。
Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities

Chapter 1 Introduction to E-CommerceANSWER1.Answer the following questionsL business-to-consumer, business-to-business, business processes, consumer-to-consumer, and business-to-government2.A business model is a set of processes that combine to achieve a company's goal, which is to yield a profit.NO.3.A revenue model is a specific collection of business processes used to identify customers, market to those customers, and generate sales to those customers.4.books and CDs, etc.5.Transaction costs are the total of all costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather infonnation and negotiate a purchase-and-sale transaction.6.As more people or organizations participate in a network, the value of the network to each participant increases. This increase in value is called a network effect.7.The key issues that any company faces when it conducts international commerce include trust and culture, language, infrastructure, international law and currency.8.Localization means a translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment, such as business and cultural practices, in addition to local dialect variations in the language・II.Fill in the blanks in each of the following1.Internet2.dot-com pure dot-com3.internationalmodity5.electronic traditional6.vertical integration.rmation coordination8.value chainChapter 3 E-Business ModelsI.a) True b) False. This is the concept of a true auction. c) False・ A reserve price is the lowest price a seller will accept in an auction・ d) True e) False. The name-your price model allows customers to get Chapter 1 Introduction to E-Commerce 115a lower price by clearing the price with a number of vendors・ This does not involve an auction. f) False. Brick-and-mortar business are offline businesses・ This term is often associated with companies who have both and online and offline presence・ g) False. Web-based training is currentlyused by organizations around the world, h) True i) True j) TrueII.a) Brick-and-mortar b) Demand sensitive pricing model c) shopping cart d) auction e) vertical, horizontal f) community g) reverse auctions h) B2B exchanges i) online trading j) comparison shopping III.Categorize each of the following items as it best relates to the storefront model, the auction model or the dynamic pricing models:a)Auction model b) Auction model c) Storefront modeld) Storefront model e) Dynamic pricing・ f) Dynamic pricingChapter 4 B2B E-CommerceI.Write an Abstract of this paper in about 100 words.Abstract- Just as the industrial revolution mechanized the manufacturing functions of firms, the infonnationrevolution is automating their merchant functions. Four types of potential productivity gains are expected frombusiness-to-business (B2B) electronic commerce: cost efficiencies from automation of transactions, potentialadvantages of new market intermediaries, consolidation of demand and supply through organized exchanges, andchanges in the extent of vertical integration of firms. The article examines the characteristics of B2B onlineintermediaries, including categories of goods traded, market mechanisms employed, and ownership arrangements,and considers the market structure of B2B e-commerce.II.Answer the following questions1.The popular phrase B2B e-commerce refers to the substitution of computer data processing and Internet communications for labor sendees in the production of economic transactions.2.Expectations about productivity gains from B2B e-commerce can be usefully divided into four areas: possible efficiencies from automation of transactions, potential economic advantages of new market intermediaries, consolidation of demand and supply through organized exchanges, and chcinges in the extent of vertical integration of companies.3.Intermediaries can reduce transaction costs relative to direct exchange, by reducing the costs of search, certifying product quality, mitigating communication costs, and providing guarantees for buyer or seller commitments・4.E-commerce intermediaries can be classified into four main categories: brokers, auctioneers, dealers, and exchanges. 116电子商务专业英语(第二版)III.State whether the following are True or False?l.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.TChapter 5 Electronic Payment SystemsANSWERI.Answer the following questions1.List five parties may be involved in the e-payment method・They are:a)Customer/payer/buyer. The party making the e-payment in exchange for goods or servicesb)Merchant/payee/seller. The party receiving the e-payment in exchange for goods and servicesc)Issue匚The banks or nonbanking institutions that issue the e-payment instrumentused to make the purchased)Regulator. Usually a government agency whose regulations control the e・paymentprocesse)Automated Clearing House (ACH). An electronic network that transfers moneybetween bank accounts2.List Characteristics of Successful E-payment Methods Interoperability and portability; security; anonymity; divisibility; easy of use; transaction fees; critical mass・3.What are virtual credit cards?This is an e-payment system in which a credit card issuer issues a special number that can be used in place of regukir credit card numbers to make online purchases・ This allows users to use a credit card online without having to disclose the actual credit card number.4.Describe the difference between the contact card and contactless card・A contact card is inserted in a smart card reade匚These cards have a small gold plate about one -half inch in diameter on the front; when the card is inserted in the reader, the plate makes electronic contact and data are passed to and from the chip.In addition to the chip, a contactless card has an embedded antenna・ In this case, data (and applications) are passed to and from the card through the card's antenna to another antenna attached to a cardreader unit or other device.5.List Advantages of E-billingChapter 1 Introduction to E-Commerce 117From the perspective of the billing firm, the most obvious benefit is the reduction in expenses related to billing and processing payments・ E-billing also enables better customer service. Another advantage relates to advertising.From the customer's perspective, E-billing reduces the customer^ expenses by eliminating the cost of checks, postage, and envelopes. E-billing simplifies and centralizes payment processing and provides better record keeping.II. Fill in the blanks in each of the following1.Credit cards, Charge cards, Debit cards2.e-wallet3.smart card, microprocessor, memory, nonprogrammable4.Stored-value5.e-check6.electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP)Chapter 6 E-Commerce Security ANSWERI.Answer the following questions1.Describe the difference between a nontechnical and a technical cyber attack.Nontechnical attacks are those in which a perpetrator uses chicanery or other forms of persuasion to trick people into revealing sensitive information or performing actions that can be usedto compromise the security of a network.. These attacks are also called social engineering attacks. In contrast to nontechnical attacks, software and systems knowledge are used to perpetmte technical attacks ・ In conducting a technical attack, an expert hacker often uses a methodical approach ・2.How are DDoS attacks peipetrated?Once an attacker has access to a large number of computers, they load the specialized DDoS software onto these computers. The software lays in wait, listening for a command to begin the attack. When the cominand is given, the distributed network of computers begins sending out requests to the target computer. The requests can be legitimate queries for information or can beveryspecialized computer commands designed to overwhelm specific computer resources.3.What are the major forms of malicious code?Viruses, Worms, Macro viruses and macro worms, and Trojan Horses.4.What are some common mistakes that EC sites make in managing their security?Undervalued information. Few organizations have a clear understanding of the value of specific information assets.Narrowly defined security boundaries. Most organizations focus on securing their internal networks and fail to understand the security practices of their supply chain partners.Reactive security management. Many organizations are reactive rather than proactive focusing on security after an incident or problem occurs.Dated security management processes. Organizations rarely update or change their security practice to meet changing needs. Similarly, they rarely update the knowledge and skills of their staff about best practices in information security.Lack of communication about security responsibilities. Security often is viewed as an IT problem, not an organizational one.Chapter 1 Introduction to E-Commerce 1195.Describe the difference between physiological biometrics and behavioral biometrics・ Physiological biometrics are based on measurements derived directly from different partsof the body (e.g., sea ns of fingerprints, the iris, hand geometry, and facial characteristics)・ In contrast, behavioral biometrics are derived from various actions and indirectly from various body parts (e.g., voice scans or keystroke monitoring ).6.Describe the basic components of encryption・All encryption has four basic parts: the plaintext, ciphertext, encryption algorithm, and the key.7.What are the basic differences between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?In a symmetric (private) key system the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the plaintext. The sender and receiver of the text must share the same key without revealing it to anyone else——thus making it a so-called private system.Public (Asymmetric) key encryption uses a pair of matched keys—a public key that is publicly available to anyone and a private key that is known only to its owner.8.What is a personal firewall?Personal firewalls are designed to protect desktop systems by monitoring all the traffic that passes through the computer\ network interface card.Chapter 7 PricingI.True or FalseI.F 2.T3. F4.T5. FII.Fill the blanks1.Target-return pricing2.internd content is easy to package; of the low friction between buyers and sellers; the cost of adding new customers is low3.frenzy pricingIII.Answer the following questions1 ・ Identify the six results of the interactivity force of the Internet on pricing・(1)It is easier to reach wider audiences.(2)It is easier and cheaper to implement dynamic pricing strategies・(3)It is easier and cheaper to change prices・⑷ It is cheaper for consumers to investigate prices. 120 电子商务专业英语(第二版)(5)It is easier to understand and measure consumers? reactions to price promotions・(6)It is easier to receive customer feedback on price, understand customer willingness to pay for a product, and implement price scrimin at ion strategies.2.In what ways has the individualization force of the Internet affected pricing?(1)By informing companies of their pricing and product desires, consumers make it easier for firms toconvey prices of products in which they have an interest・(2)Customers can register their preferences with firms, making it easier for those finns to offer targeted, individualized pricing promotions・(3)Customers can more easily participate in dynamic pricing processes. Sites that practice dynamic pricing can notify customers via e-mail when their bids are no longer the highest.3.What is a loss leader? What types are most likely to be used?A loss leader is an item offered at very low prices (below its total cost) in order to attract greater store traffic. Typically, such items are well-known brands, staples for price-sensitive consumers, and/or seasonal/holiday/special demand items.4.Describe the two primary ways that the Internet has enhanced the attractiveness of dynamic pricing. First are decreased menu costs. Menu costs are the costs associated with changing the price of a good. For goods advertised on the Web, it is easy and virtually costless to change product prices, making it very attractive for firms to change their prices based on demand and supply conditions. Second is interactivity. The Internet makes it easy for sellers and buyers around the world to interactand negotiate prices. The fact that buyers and sellers can easily interact from their homes or workplaces via the Internet makes it easy to conduct dynamic pricing structures.Chapter 8 Internet MarketingI.Answer the following questions1.What is Internet marketing?Internet marketing is the process of building and maintaining customer relationships through online activities tofacilitate the exchange of ideas, products, and services that satisfy the goals of both parties.2.What are the seven stages of Internet marketing?The seven stages are (1) setting corporate and business-unit strategy, (2) framing the market opportunity, (3)formulating the marketing strategy, (4) designing the customer interface, (5) designing the marketing program, (6)crafting the customer interface, and (7) evaluating the results of the marketing program.3.What are the four stages of the customer relationship?The four stages are: (1) awareness (the degree to which the customer has some basic information, knowledge, Chapter 1 Introduction to E-Commerce 121or attitudes about a firm or its offerings, but has not initiated any communications with the firm);(2)exploration(customer and firm begin to initiate communications and actions that enable an evaluation of whether or not to pursuea deeper connection); (3) commitment (customer and firm feel a sense of obligation or responsibility for each other);and (4) dissolution (isolation of the most valuable customer group and subsequent focus on this particular group).4.What are the six classes of variables in the Internet marketing mix?The six variables are product, pricing, communication, community, distribution, and branding・5.What is the Marketspace Matrix?The Marketspace Matrix is a framework illustrating the levers that the Internet marketer may choose to use ateach stage of the customer relationship. These levers are the six classes of variables including product, pricing,communication, community, distribution and branding, and the stages of customer relationships are awaieness,exploration, commitment and dissolution.6.How do interactivity and individuality come into play in the design of the marketing program? Interactivity is the extent to which two-way communication flow occurs between the firm and customers; individuality refers to a consumer's personal experience with the firm. Both impact the design of all of the levers ofthe Internet marketing mix一price, market communications, and products and services・7.What are the critical success factors for the Internet marketing professional?The critical success factors are (I) customer advocacy and insight (marketing professionals need to strategicallycollect information from many disparate sources, create insightful customer mosaics, and effectively translate theminto marketing strategies and tactics); (2) integration (marketing professionals need to have an integrated or holisticview of the customer and the enterprise in order to create a uniquely advantaged strategic plan); (3) balanced thinking(marketing professionals need to be highly analytical and very creative in order to understand the strategic andtactical implications of the Internet); and (4) willingness to accept risk and ambiguity (marketing professionals needto retool themselves and their companies to enter into a whole new era of customer-centric marketing). 122电子商务专业英语(第二版)Chapter 9 Legal Issues of E■CommerceI.True or False1.T2.F3.T4.F5.T6. F7.T&FII. Answer the following questions1.List some of the ways that the Internet can be used to collect information about individuals.(1)By reading an inciividuaPs newsgroup postings(2)By looking up an individual5s name and identity in an Internet directory(3)By reading an individuaPs e-mail(4)By conducting surveillance on employees(5)By wiretapping wireline and wireless communication lines and listening to employees(6)By asking an individual to complete a Web site registration(7)By recording an individuaPs actions as they navigate the Web with a browser, usually using cookies2.List four types of intellectual property.There are four main types of intellectual property in EC: copyrights, trademarks, domain names, and patents.3.List the legal rights covered by a copyright.A copyright is an exclusive grant from the government that confers on its owner an essentially exclusive right to: (1) reproduce a work, in whole or in part, and (2) distribute, perform, or display ♦Itto the public in any form or manner, including the Internet. In general, the owner has an exclusive right to export the copyrighted work to another country.4.List the legal rights of a trademark owner.The owner of a registered trademai-k has exclusive rights to: (1) Use the trademark on goods and services for which the trademark is registered. (2) Take legal action to prevent anyone else fromusing the trademark without consent on goods and services (identical or similar) for which the trademark is registered.Chapter 10 LogisticsI.l.B 2.A 3. A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.AII.Translations:1.物流是与时间有关的资源配置或是总供应链的战略管理。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Value proposition:The benefits a company
can derive from using EC. •Search and transaction cost efficiency Faster and more informed decision making
Wider product and service selection
4.1.2Typical business models in EC
•Online direct marketing: •Electronic tendering systems (reverse auction): Model in which a buyer requests would-be sellers to submit bids, and the lowest bidder wins. •Name your own price: Model in which a buyer sets the price he or she is willing to pay and invites sellers to supply the good or service at that p; Intermediary; content provide; fullservice provider; shared infrastructure; value community; consolidator of services for large organizations
Economies of scale and scope
Bundling together to provide more value than separately
•Lock-in Significant switching cost Network externality •Novelty Creates value through innovative ways
One of the major characteristics of EC is that it enables the creation of new business models.
4.1.1Business model:
A method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain itself. The elementary of e-business:
•Viral marketing: Word-of-mouth marketing in which customers promote a product or service to friends or other people. • Group purchasing(e-co-ops): Quantity purchasing that enables groups of purchasers to obtain a discount price on the products purchased.
吃垮必胜客 案例
•Online auction:
•Product and service customization: •Electronic marketplaces and exchanges
•Value chain integrators
•Value chain service providers
We can describe business model from two facets: Revenue models and Value proposition Revenue models: Description of how the company or an EC project will earn revenue. •Sales •Transaction fees : based on the volume of transaction; levied per transaction •Subscription fees •Advertising fees •Affiliate fees •Other revenue sources:licensing fees
•Information brokers
•Bartering •Deep discounting
•Supply chain improvers
Discussion :
Introduce an E-commerce company in real world, analyze its business model , including its revenue model and value proposition.
4.2Electronic Marketplaces
4.1 The structure of business models
4.2 Electronic markets 4.3 Electronic Intermediation
4.4 Online retailing
4.5 B2B EC
4.1 The structure of business models
•Find the best price:
•Affiliate marketing(联属网络营销):An arrangement whereby a marketing partner(a business, an organization, or even an individual) refers consumers to the selling company’s web site.