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全国大学生英语竞赛A类情 景对话
1.考核目的 情景对话题是以书面形式来考查学生用英语进行
口语交际的能力,包括特定交际场合的表达方式、交 际用语的功能、语境中的词汇和语法知识等。
考生在解答该题型时,要注意中西方文化背景的 差异,避免母语的干扰,并能使用英语习惯表达方式 去思考。
2.出题形式 试题为补全对话的形式,给出四个选项,要求考
B. There’s a baby doll in it. C. Most of the patting device is made of steel. D. I think the device is big enough for the baby.
【例6】2010年B类决赛 —Here I am. I got lost in the gift shop. There was so
【例4】2010年D类初赛 Emily: _______? Scott: Yes, it certainly is. Emily: About time too—after all that rain we had. Scott: Yes, I know. That’s why we went away this year.
A. Is there anything I can do for you? B. Is it suitable for you to go? C. Is it a sunny day today? D. Isn’t this weather fantastic?
【例5】2012年A类初赛 Man: Look at this baby patting device. It helps the baby fall asleep by patting it.
1. 认真审题,明确语境 通读整篇对话,弄清对话是在什么地方、什么情
况下进行的,参与对话的人是什么身份、地位。这有 助于充分理解对话所涉及的内容,了解对话双方的目 的和意图。 2. 浏览对话,上下对照
做补全对话题时,要紧密联系上下文,不能孤立 地去看某些句子。既要瞻前,又要顾后。要将自己置 身于对话之中,站在对话人所处的位置上,全面地考 虑,留意问什么就答什么;或答了什么,就问什么。 要紧紧抓住对话主题,围绕对话人的目的和意图,结 合语境,逐步推敲。
【例3】2009年C类决赛 Faith: How many people do you think will show up for
dinner? Louis: Only two of the people we invited can’t come, so
there should be six people. Faith: __________ I cleaned out the store when I bought
Woman: _______. Man: How?
Woman: If the baby moved around and the patter patted it on the head, it could injure the baby.
A. The possible disadvantage is that it could actually harm the baby.
3.沉着做答,重读复核 在补全对话之后,要将整段对话再默读一遍,对
所选答案进行验证。要从所填内容是否符合语境,上 下文意思是否连贯,是否符合英美人的交流习惯等方 面进行复查。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
1.根据上下文语意判断 做情景对话题,最重要的就是联系上下文,从已
有部分中推断出未知部分,通常句子中会出现与之相 关的关键词或句子的提示。最常用的方法就是代入法, 把不合适的一一排除。
the food for tonight.
A. We can make do with paper towels. B. These steaks look great but expensive. C. I have to stay up late cleaning up. D. We’re going to have a lot of extra food.
【例2】2010年B类决赛 —Here is the menu._________ —I’m going to have steak and chips. —I fancy the spaghetti but I always drop it down the
front of my shirt.
A. Can I help you, sir? B. Do you have a menu in Chinese? C. What do you fancy? D. May I see the wine list?
Waiter: How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?
A. And I’d like some tea. B. And I’d also like a steak. C. And perhaps some orange juice. D. And I’d like to order now.
生根据语境选择最佳答案。情景对话题放在 Vocabulary and Structure部分考察,一般为两小题。
3.试题特点 ①对话较短,对话长度不超过10句; ②重视语境对语言的影响。脱离了语境,交流能
力测试就失去了意义; ③重视语言的真实性。试题中使用的对话、问题,
【例1】2008年A类初赛 Customer: I think I’ll have the tomato soup to start.
Waiter: Right. And would you like croutons in your soup? Customer: No, thank you. _______________