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--It was just an ordinary weekend for us. Common: 1. ordinary 2.If something is common, it is found in large
numbers or it happens often.普通的,常见的,普遍 的 --Earthquakes are not common in this part of the world. --Gambling was common in China before liberation.
分居 (3) Separate: 从中隔开(两国,两地) --The Atlantic separates Europe from America. --A river separated the two halves of the city.
Separate … from …: distinguish … from …
Shade of sth.: slight difference in sth 细微的差别
--a word with many shades of meaning 有许多相近意思的一个词 --people with all shades of opinion
Memorize (learn and remember on purpose), remember
将(某特性)灌输给或注入…, 使…获得(某特性) --He argued that a union would infuse
unnecessary conflict into the company’s employee relations. You should infuse new knowledge into yourself all the time. --infuse the workers with new life, energy
his book. Personally: as far as I am concerned 就我而言,就自己而言 --Personally (speaking), I don’t like him at all.
Respectful, respectable, respective
Respectful (to, toward sb., of sth.): feeling or showing respect
恭敬的,表示尊敬或尊重的 --stand at a respectful distance --respectful of other people’s opinions --The boy was well-mannered and
respectful toward the aged.
Respectful, respectable, respective
--Even the closest adviser believes he should hang back no longer.
Separate from 将…分开,离开,隔离
--The two groups of fans must be separated in the stadium.
--Examinations are only one measure of students’ abilities.
--She is the measure of what a college student should accomplish.
Appeal to sb.: 引起(某人)兴趣,吸 引(某人)
--He can’t even read the alphabet, let alone speak the language.
She didn’t encourage familiarity(亲密 而不拘礼仪).
She did not give people the courage to become intimate with her.
It followed that …
Follow: happen as a necessary or logic consequence必然发生
--She is not in the office, but it does not follow that she is ill.
Respectable: 体面的,值得尊敬的 --The professor is also a respectable old
man. --a respectable middle-class background Res源自文库ective: 分别的,各自的 --After class, we went off to our
--I arrived home late last night, or rather early this morning.
The grace of control
… a fine control of her movement
Peel: vi 脱皮,
--These oranges peel easily.
they have English as a common language.
…but my mind never recorded it
…but my mind never formed a picture of it. …but I did not have such impression.
--She spent ten minutes memorizing the lists of prices. It’s amazing.
--Please memorize the alphabet. --I remembered telling the case. --He remembered every word he had
--I can not separate Tom from Jack, as they are twins.
--That unusual talent separates her from other students in her class
Would divide the lesson into five parts. Divide the money equally.
Common, ordinary
Common: 3. If something is common to two or more people or groups, it is done, possessed, or used by them all.共有的,共同 做的,共同受到的
--We share a common purpose. --She is German, and he is French, but
respective rooms.
By being herself:
By being a black woman with such noble personality.
Provision (pl) 食物和饮料,饮料的 供应
--She had a plentiful store of provisions.
learned. --Remember to bring me the book. --Remember what I said.
Common, ordinary
Ordinary: Ordinary people or things are normal and not special or different in any way.(无特别之 处)
A Lesson in living
by Maya Angelou
Sop: 将…放在液体中蘸或浸泡
--sop bread in soup --I was sopped through in the rain this
I spent most of my time …
Or rather: 更确切的说
than is acceptable 过分亲密的,冒失的 --The children are too familiar with their teacher. 这帮小孩对老师过于随便. Intimate: close --He is my intimate friend.
Measure: (估计,评判事务的)标准, 尺度
(2) Separate 分开,分离;分手;分居; --The branch has separated from the trunk of the
tree.分开,分离; --We talked until midnight and then separated分手. --After ten years marriage, they decided to separate.
Familiar, intimate
familiar 熟悉的,通晓的 --Every pupil is familiar with such facts. --Such facts are familiar to every pupil. Familiar: too informal, more friendly and informal
--Her sense of humor appealed to him.
Appeal: attraction吸引力 --This kind of music hasn’t much appeal
for me.
Appeal 恳请,请求(n.,v.) --She made an appeal to her father
提供,供应 --The government is responsible for the
provision of medical services.
--under the provisions of the agreement
They gave each other agegroup looks
Peel: vt. 除去(水果等)的皮 --peel a banana, an apple If snagged: if it had been snagged If it had been town open by something
Let alone: 更不必说
--She never gets up early on weekdays, let alone on weekends.
They gave each other meaningful looks that were exchanged among and understood by people of the same age group.
Hang back:
犹豫, 踊跃不前, 畏缩
--I saw him step forward and then hang back, nervously rubbing his hands.
--You should not address your teacher with such familiarity.
familiarity 熟悉,通晓 --His familiarity with the local languages
surprised me.
for permission of her marriage.
Personally: 亲身,亲自
--The plan was personally inspected by the minister.
Personally: as a person 作为个人,就个人而论 --I don’t know him personally, but I have read