
香港工作英语简历模板个人信息姓名:[您的姓名]性别:[男/女]联系电话:[您的电话号码]电子邮箱:[您的电子邮箱]居住地:香港教育背景[起止年月] [学位],[专业],[院校名称]例:2015 2019年,文学士,商务英语,香港城市大学工作经历[起止年月] [职位名称],[公司名称],[所在城市]例:2019 至今,客户关系经理,ABC国际公司,香港主导与客户的日常沟通与业务洽谈,维护良好的客户关系。
熟练使用Microsoft Office软件,尤其是Word、Excel和PowerPoint。
项目经验[起止年月] [项目名称],[公司名称]例:2020年,美国客户市场调研项目,ABC国际公司负责组织并实施市场调研,收集并整理数据。

例如:- CET-6证书- 英语翻译证书- 商务英语专业翻译证书社会活动提供你的社会活动经验,包括志愿者活动、参与俱乐部或社团等。

英文简历模板表格word制作英文简历模板表格wordA professional and well-organized resume is essential for job applications, especially in an international context where English is commonly used. To help you create a standout resume, we have prepared a template in Word format for your convenience.The template includes all the necessary sections for a comprehensive resume, such as personal information, career objective, education background, work experience, skills, and references. Each section is clearly labeled and easy to fill in with your own details.Personal Information:- Name- Address- Phone Number- Email Address- LinkedIn Profile (optional)- Website (optional)Career Objective:In this section, you can briefly describe your career goals and aspirations. Make sure to tailor your objective to the specific job you are applying for.Education Background:List your educational qualifications in reverse chronological order. Include the name of the institution, degree earned, and graduation year.Work Experience:Detail your work history, starting with your most recent job. Include the name of the company, your job title, and dates of employment. Describe your key responsibilities and achievements in bullet points.Skills:Highlight your professional skills, such as language proficiency, computer skills, and any relevant certifications. Use bullet points for easy reading.References:Include the contact information of professional references who can vouch for your work ethic and abilities. Make sure to ask for permission before listing someone as a reference.The template is designed in a clean and professional layout, making it easy for recruiters to skim through your resume quickly. Remember to tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, emphasizing your relevant skills and experiences.Download our English resume template in Word format and start building your impressive resume today!。

教育经历XX职业技术学院 (XXXX年XX月-XXXX年XX月)专业成绩:XX等获得院级荣誉:优秀团员,优秀学生干部称号。

中英文双语简历模板一、个人信息Personal Information- 姓名:(Your Name)- 性别:(Gender)- 出生日期:(Date of Birth)- 籍贯:(Hometown)- 电子邮箱:(Email)- 手机号码:(Phone Number)二、教育背景Education- 学历:(Education Level) 毕业时间:(Graduation Date) - 学校名称:(Name of School) 所在地:(Location)- 专业:(Major)- 主修课程:(Core Courses)- 获得学位:(Degree Received)三、工作经验Work Experience1. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 任职时间:(Employment Period)- 负责...(Job Responsibility)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)2. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 任职时间:(Employment Period)- 负责...(Job Responsibility)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)四、实习经历Internship Experience1. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 实习时间:(Internship Period)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)2. 公司名称:(Company Name) 所在地:(Location) 职位:(Position) 实习时间:(Internship Period)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)五、项目经历Project Experience1. 项目名称:(Project Name)项目描述:(Project Description)所在团队:(Team)项目时间:(Project Period)- 负责...(Responsibilities)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)2. 项目名称:(Project Name)项目描述:(Project Description) 所在团队:(Team)项目时间:(Project Period)- 负责...(Responsibilities)- 参与...(Participation)- 完成...(Accomplishments)六、专业技能Skills- 语言技能:(Language Skills)- 计算机技能:(Computer Skills) - 其他技能:(Other Skills)七、获奖情况Awards- 获奖名称:(Name of Award)- 获奖时间:(Date of Award)- 获奖机构:(Awarding Organization)八、自我评价Self-Assessment- 个人特点:(Personal Traits)- 目标职位:(Target Position)- 职业规划:(Career Plan)- 兴趣爱好:(Interests and Hobbies)九、参考资料References- 参考人姓名:(Name of Reference)- 联系方式:(Contact Information)以上是中英文双语简历模板的基本内容,你可以根据自己的实际情况来填写和调整各个部分。

英文个人简历表格模板个人信息姓名:[Your Name]性别:[Male/Female]出生日期:[Date of Birth]联系电话:[Phone Number]地址:[Home Address]国籍:[Nationality]教育背景[开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements] [开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements]工作经历[开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements][开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements]技能语言:[Language skills]计算机技能:[Computer skills]专业技能:[Professional skills]证书与奖项[证书名称],[颁发机构],[日期][奖项名称],[颁发机构],[日期]兴趣爱好[Hob 1][Hob 2][Hob 3]自我评价[简短的自我介绍,强调个人优势、职业目标等] [如有需要,列出相关人物或机构的联系方式]英文个人简历表格模板个人陈述教育背景[开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements]实习经历:[描述实习经历和学到的技能][开始日期] [结束日期][学校名称][学位名称],[专业名称]主修课程:[List of major courses]学术成就:[List of academic achievements]实习经历:[描述实习经历和学到的技能]工作经历[开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements]项目经验:[描述参与的项目和取得的成果] [开始日期] [结束日期][公司名称][职位名称]职责:[List of responsibilities]成就:[List of achievements]项目经验:[描述参与的项目和取得的成果]技能语言:[Language skills]计算机技能:[Computer skills]专业技能:[Professional skills]软技能:[Soft skills,如团队合作、沟通能力、领导力等]证书与奖项[证书名称],[颁发机构],[日期][奖项名称],[颁发机构],[日期][其他相关证书或奖项]兴趣爱好[Hob 1][Hob 2][Hob 3][Hob 4]自我评价在[您的职业]领域,我始终保持着对知识的渴望和对创新的追求。
简历模板 简历翻译成英文

简历翻译成英文底纯:良好毕业院校: **大学专业:商务管理电子邮件: ----------联系电话: 手机:通信地址: 邮编:刻育背景及主修课程:? 20__年x月---20__年x月**大学商学系? 人力资源管理、公关与礼仪、电子商务、管理学原理、数据库设计、管理信息系统、西方经济学? 旅游接待英语、导游英语、旅行社经营管理、旅游市场营销、旅游资源规划与开发、旅游财务管理、旅游文化学、旅游地理学、旅游心理学? 餐饮管理、前厅客房管理、酒吧与餐饮管理、客源国概况、饭店管理个人技能:? 顺利通过大学英语CET-6,能熟练的用英语进行对话? 获得剑桥商务英语中级证书(Business English Certificate),熟悉商务英语,能阅读商务文献,并具备一定的商务英语写作能力? 熟练掌握饭店接待英语、旅游英语? 计算机CCT证书,以优异成绩获得全国计算机信息高新技术考试证书,具备Windows环境下文字处理、图文混排以及表格操作能力,熟练掌握WORD、EXCEL、PPT获奖情况:? 二等、三等奖学金(年份)并获系三好学生(年份)? 获系******rdquo;称号(20__)? 获校******rdquo;称号(20__)实践情况:? 参与******************心理调研活动? 为*************公司作市场调研分析,获得好评通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:Name (Sex: female Age:22)ObjectiveA responsible secretary /management position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play.Education20__.9-20__.6 Depts. Business Graduate School of ******** University, M.E.Academic preparation for management:Management: Principles of management, Organization theory, behavioral science. munication: Business munication, Human resource management, Human relations.Marketing: Marketing theory, Sales management.puter AbilitiesSkilled in use of Word, Excel, PPT, Win98, InterEnglish Skills?? Have a good mand of both spoken and written English Past CET-4, CET-6 Past Cambridge Business English Certificate Vantage, ability to write businessreportScholarships and Awards? 20__/20__ Second-class Scholarship for graduate? The best debater of the department? The best debater of the UniversityQualifications? General business knowledge relating to management? Have a passion for the Inter, and an abundance of mon sense? Ability to organize marketing caigns and to supervise employees. Effectivemunication abilities and public relations skills.通信地址:**大学**分校------- 邮编:********联系方式:**************** E-mail:简历翻译成英文二:张某某北京市海淀区西三环北路二号北京外国语大学100号信箱100089电话:+86(10) 8881 0000 手机:+86(0)1381 000 0000 EMAIL:刻育背景20__年x月至今北京外国语大学国际商学院中国,北京将于20__年x月获经济学学士学位,国际经济与贸易专业;文学学士学位,英语专业;总体GPA 3.6/4.0; 主要课程包括:微积分93/100,公司财务98/100,管理学90/100,商务沟通94/100,国际贸易92/100 工作经历20__年x月至20__年x月20__年x月至20__年x月20__年x月瑞穗实业银行上海分行暑期实习生中国,上海●通过银行后台(资金后台,人民币业务科,汇出汇入科,进出口科)的轮岗了解商业银行的后台日常业务; ●在进出口部门学习、使用银行G-Base系统核对汇票以及信用证,每天完成超过200份单证的审核;●参加银行的内部培训,学习了银行的定期存款产品以及中国目前的外汇管制系统; ●对银行有关人民币业务的资料进行分析,整理和归类,为银行进一步开展人民币业务做准备。


个人简历表格个人简历出生年姓名性别月民族政治相貌身高学制学历户籍专业毕业学校技术、专长或喜好外语等级个人履历时间单位计算机经历2002年 4 月2003年 3 月2003年 8 月联系方式联系电通信地点E-mail 话邮编自我评价姓名性别民族政治相貌户籍求职书应聘职位:出生年代婚姻状况工作时间技术职称文化程度主修专业毕业学校南京大学毕业时间英语水平计算机水平薪金要求自己现从事工作要求欲从事工作联系电话邮政编码联系方式通信地点工作简历自我评论个人求职简历姓名性别个人求职简历年纪出诞辰期所在城市从事行业学历民族婚姻状况身份证籍贯户口所在地毕业学校计算机能力姓名成员关系职务工作单位家庭成员工作时间公司名称职位名称所属部门工作经历时间学校学历教育状况培训经历培训时间培训机构培训内容个人求职简历备注1、项目2、3、4、5、开发项目经验6、7、注:8 、其它项9、目10、职业技术语言水平语言能力一般话个人求职简历英语个人荣誉自我评论有关证书注:手机电子邮箱联系方式个人主QQ号码页个人求职简历联系地址写得好,不如说得好,说得好,不如做得好,干得好,不如干得巧备注高质量+好的方法+正确的心态是我的追求 !简历姓名性别:出诞辰期:户口所在地:工作年限:当前年薪:希望年薪:电子邮件;挪动电话:应聘职位:自我评论:对事物有敏锐的洞察力;能很好得与人交流,拥有团队合作精神;对负责的工作会付出所有精力和热忱,拟定周密计划,力求在最短时间内将目标达成;喜爱挑战,能在较短时间内适应高压力的工作。
工作经历:学历:社会实践:证书:语言及操作能力:兴趣喜好:个人简历表应聘单位及职位:姓名性别出生年民族照月片籍贯户口政治面貌身份证号码健康状况身高所在地学历学位何时何院校业技专术何专业毕业熟悉何种外语及程度计算机应用能力职称参加工作时间擅长何种工作应聘何职位待遇要求详尽通邮政联系信地点编码电话个人主要简历及主要业绩, 传真或发E-Mail 请附上学历证明,学位证,职称证,身份证以及有关资历证书等复印件到您要应聘的单位。

Standard resumé template标准简历模板Note:Please complete section 1 and 2 in both English and Chinese and the
ADDRESS:3rd Floor, the Yejin Building,Tsinghua University,Haidian District,Beijing 100084, PRC 请将完成的简历及附件发送到:
appendix 1附件1:
Please note that your responses will be evaluated by a senior RICS member vetting team for assessment to proceed to final interview。
If successful your responses can be expanded and used in case studies put forward for final assessment interview.

英文版个人简历表下面是来自介绍的英文版个人简历表:阅读本文章的网友,还继续阅读了以下文章:英文版个人简历表格英文版个人简历范文英文版个人简历样本英文个人简历表格应届毕业生专用英文个人简历模板Name:Miss.fwdqNationality:China〔Mainland〕Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:165 cm 52 kgMarital Status:marriedAge:32 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Logistics Manager: Sales Supervisor、Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor:、Others: Supply Chain Manager/Supervisor Working life:7Title:Middle titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a monthExpected salary:¥8,000--¥12,000Preferred working place:GuangzhouWork experienceCompany's name:LiteOn Mobile/Perlos Precision Molds 〔Shenzhen〕Co.,Ltd.Beginand end date: 2005-07-Enterprisenature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Mechanics/Electrical Equipment/Heavy IndustryJob Title:Sales SupervisorJob description:1 Sales and customer service:Internal / external customer sales order SAP and tooling sales data monitoring, profit and cost analysis.Reasons for leaving:More learning opportunitiesCompany's name:CNACC〔Guangzhou〕 Import & Export Co., Ltd.Begin and end date: 2004-03-2005-06Enterprisenature:State-owned enterprisesIndustry: Agencies / Institutions / Community GroupsJob Title:Export Sales SpecialistJob description:1. Import/Export customs clearance for company goods, monitoring cargo shipping status.2. Promoting company products via e-platform and trading fairs. New products introduction.Reasons for leaving:Want to seek better developmentCompany's name:Guangzhou Shixin Glass Furniture Co. Ltd.Begin and end date: 2002-09-2004-02Enterprisenature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Paper Making/PrintingJob Title:English TranslatorJob description:1. Official technical documents/drawing translation and business talk interpretation.2. Different trading fairs preparation and promotion for company products.Reasons for leaving:Hope to be able to improve their abilityEducational BackgroundName of School:Xi'anUniversity of Foreign Languages Studies Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:2002-07-01Name of Major 1:EnglishName of Major 2:International Trade。

找工作简历英语模板Personal InformationName: [Your Name]Address: [Your Address]Phone: [Your Phone Number]Email: [Your Email Address]LinkedIn: [Your LinkedIn Profile]EducationBachelor of Science in Business Administration[University Name], [City, Country] [Graduation Year]Major: Business AdministrationMinor: MarketingGPA: [Your GPA]Work ExperienceAdministrative Assistant[Company Name], [City, Country] [Start Date] to [End Date] Managed office supplies and equipment, ensuring smooth operations. Coordinated meetings and appointments for the executive team. Prepared and distributed monthly financial reports to departmentheads.Streamlined filing systems, improving document retrieval efficiency by 20%.Sales Associate[Company Name], [City, Country] [Start Date] to [End Date] Provided exceptional customer service, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.Met and exceeded monthly sales targets by an average of 10%. Assisted in inventory management, ensuring accurate stock levels and minimizing losses.Collaborated with the marketing team to develop and implement successful sales promotions.Skills and CompetenciesStrong organizational and time management skills.Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook). Excellent written and verbal communication abilities.Ability to work independently and as part of a team.Adaptability and quick learning in fastpaced environments. Bilingual: Fluent in English and [Another Language, if applicable]. Project ExperienceMarket Research Project[University/Company], [City, Country] [Year]Conducted comprehensive market research to identify potential new markets for a product.Analyzed data using SPSS and presented findings to the project team. Developed a marketing strategy that led to a 12% increase in product sales within six months.Event Planning Committee[Organization/University], [City, Country] [Year]Coordinated logistics for a fundraising event with over 200 attendees. Managed a team of volunteers and allocated tasks effectively. Secured sponsorships and donations, resulting in a 30% increase in event revenue.SelfAssessmentI am a highly motivated and detailoriented professional with a strong work ethic. I thrive in fastpaced environments and am adept at managing multiple tasks simultaneously. My excellent communication skills allow me to effectively collaborate with diverse teams and build strong relationships with clients and colleagues. I am confident in my ability to contribute positively to any organization and continuously seek opportunities for personal and professional growth.Other InformationVolunteer Experience: [List any relevant volunteer experience] Certifications: [List any relevant certifications]Interests: [List any relevant hobbies or interests]This resume template provides a comprehensive outline for a job search. Make sure to customize each section according to your personal experiences, skills, and qualifications to create a personalized and compelling resume.。

完整的英语简历模板参考(一)Nationality:China (Mainland)Current Place:DongguanHeight/Weight:171 cm?60 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:28 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Project Manager/Supervisor: PM 、 Trade: Quality Engineer 、 Trade: Procurement EngineerWorking life:4Title:Middle titleJob type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a weekExpected salary:¥5,000--¥8,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Shenzhen DongguanWork experienceCompany's name:Dongguan Hesheng Machinery&Elctric Co.,LtdBegin and end date: 2005-11-2012-07Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Mechanics/Electrical Equipment/Heavy IndustryJob Title: PMJob description: Responsible for the overall development process of new product from promotion to mass production.1.Conduct new product promotion, feasibility evaluation.2.Issue draft new product spec, review draft BOM and draft cost analysis sheet.3.Being as a team leader to actively cooperate with internal team members to work in the new project and regularly holdmeeting to review the development progress and figure out the issues during the development phase.4. Be responsible for issuing the English version quality plan and other technique files for our some of big foreign cuostomers.5.Conduct ESL, MSL, Pilot run and hold trial prodcution reviewing meeting.6.Keep in contact with foreign customer via E-mial, Conference call. When customer visite our company, I have to lead customer looking around company and make company profile to them.7.Responsible for communicating with safety approval agent for new product approval and getting certification.Reasons for leaving: seek for a better job.Company's name:lianyungang youli medical equipment serving companyBegin and end date: 2005-07-2005-10 Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Medical Treatment/Nursing/Healthcare/HygieneJob Title: Medical equipment service engineerJob description: Be responsible for servicing of medical equipments in hospitals which have contracted with our company.Reasons for leaving: seek for a better job.Educational BackgroundName of School:NanHua UniversityHighest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:2005-07-01Name of Major 1:Biomedical EngineeringName of Major 2: Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No2007-102005-05BoYi foreign language training schoolhigh level oral englishLanguage AbilityForeign Language:EnglishLevel:perfectLanguage ability:CET-4 (score:71)Chinese level:excellentCantonese Level:normalRelevant skills and abilitieswith three and a half year of NPI experiences for tire inflator, compact air compressor (belong to power tools, small houshold appliance field). Skifull for english speaking, listening, reading and writing, capable of communicating with foreign customer via E-mail, conference call. Can be able to be a tour guy to lead customer visiting company and address company profile to customer.be familiar with safety approval & standard of power tools, household appliance and RoHS, PAHs, WEEE, REACH related directives.easy to communicate with safety approval agent directly regarding new product approval issues (include fill out application form, CDF building, collect UL, TUV or VDE certs for the parts/components of the new product and ect.)be familiar with patent of power tools, household appliance fild, can cope with patent documentations, pantent fee derating application, pantent exposing, and give support to R&D regarding patent obviation related info.be familiar with product packaging(gift box, master carton, instruction manual, label) design & building.完整的英语简历模板参考(二)Nationality:China (Mainland)Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:175 cm?73 kgMarital Status:SingleAge:33 yearsCareer ObjectiveApplication type:JobseekerPreferred job title:Marketing/Sales/Business Development Manager: manager 、Media Manager: 、Biological / Pharmaceuticals / Medical Equipment:Working life:9Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a weekExpected salary:¥8,000--¥12,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Guangzhou GuangzhouWork experienceCompany's name:PCauto Website()Begin and end date: 2007-03-2008-02Enterprise nature:Industry:Job Title: sales director of VIP customer departmentJob description: as a sales director of VIP customer department. Promoted cooperation between vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, traders and media, organized business activities to broaden markets, etc.Reasons for leaving:Company's name:Information Times PressBegin and end date: 2006-06-2006-11Enterprise nature:Industry:Job Title: sales managerJob description: as a sales manager in advertising department. Organized and coordinated advertisement cooperation of business such as auto vehicle ads, etc.Reasons for leaving:Company's name:Huai Hua Fu Nong Biological Fertilizer LtdBegin and end date: 2003-01-2006-04Enterprise nature:Industry:Job Title: general managerJob description: as a founder and general manager. Established the corporation in Oct. 2003. Administered most business of manufacture, sale, market, recruitment and financial management, etc.Reasons for leaving:Company's name:Coast Guard Division one, Bureau of Public Security and Board Guard in Fujian ProvinceBegin and end date: 2000-08-2002-12Enterprise nature:Industry:Job Title: doctorJob description: as a doctor of a first lieutenant grade, assuring safety and quality in clinical practice.Reasons for leaving:Educational BackgroundName of School:Southeast UniversityHighest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:2000-07-01Name of Major 1:Clinical MedicineName of Major 2:Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No1995-082000-07Southeast UniversityClinical MedicineLanguage AbilityForeign Language:EnglishLevel:normalChinese level:perfectCantonese Level:normalRelevant skills and abilitiesAchievements & Activities:Vice-head and Propaganda Secretary of Southeast University Broadcasting StationEditor of Southeast University Newspaper EditorialDepartmentAssistant of organizing various campus activitiesComputer Abilities:Excellent in computer software and network. Past NCR2.English Skills:Have a good command of both spoken and written English. Past CET-4.Driving Abilities:Motor vehicle driving license CCharacteristics:Generous, confident, patient, profound, aggressive, self-discipline, independent, responsible, good grasp of etiquette knowledge and reactivity, flexible to deal with various events in the work. Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit.Self-recommendation letterAs a military doctor, I’ve got the characteristic of intestinal fortitude and the spirit of daring to challenge. Those were the source of strength for me to work hard and make progress continually. As an independent creator and manager of a corporation limited, I’ve been acquainted with market economy directly and enriched the valuable knowledge about enterprise management, financial controlling, marketing and so forth. Therefore, I had not only a preliminary comprehensive acquaintance of the economical environment, but also a profound comprehension of concrete operation in an enterprise, such as production development, human resource management, etc. So my general abilities have been improved and perception of society economic development has been formed. Although these experiences from organizing campus activities to administering an enterprise seemed not so ocular as diploma orcertificate, it was indeed priceless treasure in my life, because all of these were accumulated from lessons in my practical experiences.As a staffer working for the Information Times Press and the PCauto Website for several year s, I’ve been enriched experiences of marketing events like advertisements. And my abilities of making promotion strategies and organizing business activities to broaden markets have been improved. Furthermore, from then on, I have got a close business relationship with many automobile manufacturers and advertising corporations, such as Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company,Southeast Motor, Dongfeng Honda, Dongfeng Citroen, Catch Stone, Guangdong Advertising Corporation, Fujian Xutong Advertising Corporation, and so on.I always pay much more attention to my literature improvement. In campus, I acted as the vice-head and propaganda secretary of Southeast University Broadcasting Station, the editor of Southeast University Newspaper Editorial Department and an Assistant organizing various campus activities. I have no doubt about my abilities of writing and editing manuscripts, planning and organizing activities, and the like. In addition, with an intense interest in motor vehicles, I always concerned the latest news and information about auto vehicles. As a result, I had a profound understanding of the auto market and auto products. Therefore, my reasonable suggestions about the orientation of network, the construction and development of concrete programs have been partially accepted and put into practice promptly. And my job performance was appreciated by the PCauto Website leader.Maybe you’ll think that I’m not the most excellent, but Ihave always been trying my best pursuing higher achievement at work. The beginning of every job means to me a new communication with strange environment and a new platform for further improvement. There are advanced management strategies and perfect professional cultivation systems in your company, so if given a chance, I’ll endeavor to achieve excellent financial profits and higher social value for your company.完整的英语简历模板参考(三)Gender: FemaleAge: 25 Nationality: HanDate of Birth: Height: 160Weight: Nationality: ChineseExit and Entry: the current location of Shaanxi: ShaanxiMarital status: single highest level of education: collegeGraduate institutions: Yan'an University graduation date: July 2008Major categories are: the name of clinical medicine: clinical The second professional categories: clinical medicine name: Maternal and Child HealthThe current title: JuniorID card or other document number:Education / training experienceFrom September 2005 to May 2008 Yan'an University of MedicineFrom June 2006 to June 2008 the second hospital internship Weinan in Shaanxi ProvinceIn July 2008 in Shaanxi Province has 145 hospitals Xingping (dimethylamino) obstetrics workTalent type: general job-related work experience: 2 yearsForeign Languages: English language: goodOther foreign languages: No other foreign language proficiency: NonePutonghua: the capacity of standard computer: goodPersonal details of work experienceFrom June 2006 to June 2008 the second hospital internship Weinan in Shaanxi ProvinceJuly 2008 Xingping Shaanxi has 145 inpatient hospitals healersAbility and expertiseProficiency in diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases, the operation of family planning, birth attendants, in a higher level under the guidance of physicians, such as cesarean sectionJob intentionsJob type: Full-time monthly salary requirements: Negotiable Job functions of candidates: candidates positions Maternal and Child Health Title: Medical Assistant, cliniciansHope that the Working Location: ShaanxiOther duty stations: Xinjiang, Guangdong, FujianDetailed personal autobiographyBecause from the Northwest - I can do hard work from the tradition of hard work on the action;Because the young - I have a versatile and great potential for dedication and perseverance;Because of low academic qualifications - I have a positive attitude seeks to catch up with the confidence of others!Three years of my life cultivating a high sense of responsibility and a strong concept of time, I believe "I am not one of the best, but I would like to do most of the efforts ofordinary people a."Because efforts to do everything I can to serve as a unit services for patients, because I will constantly strive to improve themselves!Other Requirements"Devices will test and then , Ma will know good and then riding a dull"! Please give me a chance, a self-development space, no matter how hard the work, as long as the unit needs, and colleagues I will forge ahead and work together for a better tomorrow heart strength.Hope that your trust, to accept! Must take concrete actions to prove "I can do it!"。

商务英语英文简历模板范文Hope is engaged in the occupation:classes/administrative personnel of foreign tradeExpected salary: negotiableExpect work areas: xinluo districtExpect nature of work: full-timeThe fastest arrive time: arrive at any timeMust provide housing: no needEducation/trainingEducation background:School name: quanzhou normal college (September 2021 - July 2021)Professional title: business English education: college degreeLocation: quanzhou certificate:By senior business English oral test; Through the national English six levels of tests, skilled listen to, say, read, able to skillfully use English for ication; Standard mandarin;National foreign trade documents member certificate, be familiar with the process of foreign trade and the l/c, as well as the shipping documents and so on;School name: jimei university (September 2021 - July 2021)Professional title: business English education: bachelor degreeLocation: xiamen certificate:English skills:By senior business English oral test; Through the national English six levels of tests, skilled listen to, say, read, able to skillfully use English for ication; Standard mandarin; Additional: Japanese;Foreign trade skills:National foreign trade documents member certificate, be familiar with the process of foreign trade and the l/c, as well as the shipping documents and so on;Trained experience:Work experienceCompany name: xiamen (may, 2021 - July 2021)Company size: 10 to 50 people working location: xiamenJob title: documentation specialistJob description: processing documents, to contact the agent and confirm the order, our catalogue and check the bill of lading, etcCompany name: xiamen (September 2021 - February 2021)Company size: 10 to 50 people working location:xiamenJob title: documentation specialistLeaving reason: when a full-time motherLanguage abilityLanguage name master degreeGood EnglishGood mandarinSelf assessmentSelf assessment: I am a down-to-earth person, not the pursuit of fame overnight dream, I just want one step a footprint to live and work, is used to record the dribs and drabs in my life. Strict requirements, improve their himself. Responsible, sincere, modest attitude to treat everyonearound everything. As long as want to do, there will be a: doing my best to study unceasingly, until you find the answer. Anything, all like to systematically sorting out, careful and efficient. I regret is that on the mother's happiness at thesame time, had to give up my work before, now all stabilized, want to go on his own dream, progress!个人信息范文大全性别:女民族:汉族年龄: 28婚姻状况:已婚专业名称:商务英语主修专业:外语类政治面貌:团员毕业院校:集美大学毕业时间: 2021年7月最高学历:本科电脑水平:一般工作经验:四年以上身高: 163cm体重:47公斤现所在地:新罗区户籍: 1008-1170求职意向期望从事职业:外贸类/行政人事类期望薪水:面议期望工作地区:新罗区期望工作性质:全职最快到岗时间:随时到岗需提供住房:不需要教育/培训教育背景:学校名称:泉州师范学院(2021年9月-2021年7月)专业名称:商务英语学历:大专所在地:泉州证书:专业描述:通过全国计算机等级考试,能够熟练地运用Office,PowerPoint,Word,Excel,E-mailsoutin,Internetresources等;通过商务英语高级口语考试;通过各省市英语六级考试,熟练听,说,读,能够熟练地法语运用英语需要进行沟通;普通话标准;取得国家外贸单证员证书,熟悉外贸出口流程和信用证,以及装运单据等;学校名称:集美大学(2021年9月-2021年7月)专业名称:商务英语学历:本科所在地:厦门证书:专业描述:计算机技能:通过我区计算机等级考试,能够熟练地运用Office,PowerPoint,Word,Excel,E-mailsoutin,Internetresources等;英语技能:通过商务英语高级口语司法考试考试;通过全国英语六级考试,熟练听,说,读,能够熟练地运用英语进行沟通;普通话标准;二外:日语;外贸技能:取得国家吸引外资单证员证书,熟悉外贸流程和信用证,以及装运单据等;培训经历:工作经验公司名称:厦门(2021年5月-2021年7月)所属行业:贸易·商务·进出口公司性质:私营.民营企业公司规模: 10~50人工作地点:厦门职位名称:单证员工作描述:处理单据,与代理联系,确认订单,录单,核对提单等等公司名称:厦门(2021年9月-2021年2月)所属行业:贸易·商务·进出口公司性质:私营.民营企业公司规模: 10~50人工作地点:厦门职位名称:单证员工作描述:作为公司总经理助理的职务,主要负责处理国外邮件,跟国外代理联系排载清关,以及和矿主的沟通,资料的整合等等。

商务英语专业求职简历表格个人基本简历姓名:- 国籍:中国个人照片目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:江门身材:18 44 g 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:24 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:服装/纺织/皮革跟单:跟单员工作年限: 4 职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职- 一个星期月薪要求:XX--300 希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:公司名称:A国际内衣贸易有限公司起止年月:XX-10 ~XX-06公司性质:中外合资所属行业:纺织,服装担任职务:板房跟单工作描述:工作範圍負責跟蹤貨期,全部都是外單,主要經營外國品牌內衣,有Eta,Feilet et离职原因:公司名称:新会荣星制衣有限公司起止年月:XX-08 ~XX-10公司性质:中外合资所属行业:纺织,服装担任职务:板房跟单工作描述:工作範圍負責跟蹤貨期,全部都是外單,主要經營外國品牌內衣,有Huber trit,sin,Palers et离职原因:公司名称:江门市恒雅实业有限公司起止年月:XX-08 ~XX-08公司性质:私营企业所属行业:担任职务:跟单工作描述:工作範圍負責跟蹤貨期,全部都是內單,主要是經營有關P袋P膜等等塑膠有關的産品!!离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:江门新会电视大学最高学历:大专毕业- XX-07-01 所学专业一:商务英语所学专业二:受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专业获得证书证书编号XX-09XX-07江门新会电视大学商务英语公共英语三级、计算机三级证书语言能力外语:英语良好国语水平:优秀粤语水平:优秀工作能力及其他专长本人工作态度认真,刻苦耐劳,性格活泼好动,具有强烈的工作责任心和团队精神,能够承受一定工作压力。

Job Target
Working Experience
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3) "I" (我):因为正规简历多用点句,以动词开头,是没有"我"的。
4) 不利因素:我们讲过简历的原则是不要撒谎,但不写不等于骗人。
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英文版个人简历表格最新英文版个人简历表格(一)Name:Date of birth:Native place:OthersHeight:175 CMWeight:70 KGMartial status:SingleSelf-assessmentI have engaged in foreign trade for 1 year and acquaint with the trading business process and documents operation.Good at English and Computer operation, self-confidence and good communication, like working high-pressure, team work spirit, high liability and attribution.Work experience20xx-08 ~ NowJiangsu JiangxxxGroup Imp ExpxxxCo.,LtdMarketing Department / Sales Manager / Full-timeXxGroup is famous for its products-gasoline/diesel engine, generator, lawn mower, water pump and some of which have CE/CARB. Its a leader in this field and its products are sold to all over the world, the main market is America and the developing countries. Subsidiary companies are located on America, Peru, Namibia, Vietnam and so on. I am in xxGroup Shanghai Branch and my responsibility is products exporting, maintenance old customers and find new or potential customers.Sales Manager,1, mainly in charge of selling products, e.g. gasoline engine, diesel engine, generator, pump, etc to global customers. USD850000.00 of goods has been sold when I am on the position.2, finish agency tasks independently, help the company export their products like garments and auto parts. USD660000.00 of goods has been sold and keep the good relationship with customers for sure that everything goes successfully.3, maintenance the old customers and find new or potential customers 20xx-02 ~ 20xx-08WujiangxxxMetal Parts Co.,LtdMarketing Department / Project Manager / Full-timeIt is a manufacturer and exporting company and main products are auto parts, e.g water cooling tank, cylinder etc which have ISO9001. Main customers: Chery, Geely, Valeo,Modine etc.Project Manager,I was in charge of the Valeo Project which is RD, producing and keeping supplying auto parts to customer-American and Sweden Valeo, including communicating with Valeo on problem of RD and production to solve them quickly and successfully, translated papers for technicians, arranged parts delivery.1, keep closed relations with Valeo in America and Sweden, including reply customers in time by E-mail and phone to solve the events, e.g. products development, manufacture, dealing with emergency etc2, assort the departments interior with customer for sure that the information flow smoothly and solving problem quickly3, regarding the orders, I should arrange the production, shipping, custom clearance etc and sent the information to customer so that they could prepare for picking the goods up4, translate the documents in time which is products development related like technological requirements and standards, drawing, agreement, measuring method etc so that the departments could have enough time to cope with5, finish the kinds of investigation papers, for example, VALEO1000, process audit etc and fill the quotation from the customer6, assist the quality department to control the products quality and support the convenient and swift info channel between company and customer to enhance the ability of quality control and decrease the costEducation20xx-09 ~ 20xx-07Suchow Universityundergraduate course / International Economy and TradeMacro/Micro Economics, International Business Law, International Finance, International Trade Theory Practice, World Economy, Accounting, Statistics, etcLanguage/computer skillEnglish:GoodComputer:Good英文版个人简历表格(二)Name:gender :maleBirth :***telephone :Degree :BachelorProfessional:AccountingExperience :yearsnational :HanSchool:*** College of Finance and Economicsaddress :***E-mail :Self Introduction :Eight-years working experience in renowned CPA firms and with five-years team-leading experience.Plenty of audit experience in IPO annual audit under US GAAP and IFRS, SOX404.Be involved in the industry of manufacture consumer goods、medicine pharmacology、TMT.Be familiar with the business operation and capitaltransactions from the VC PE entities.Be familiar with the set up of legal structure out of PRC and the VIE SPE structure in China.Ability to address the complicated transations of MA、finance instruments and stock option、consolidation.Target Job :Desired Job Category:Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor | Auditing Manager/Supervisor | Investment AdministrationDesired Job Industry:Consumer Products(FMCG) | Media/Publishing/Culture | Fund/Stock/Futures/Investment | Professional Service (Consultancy/Accountancy/Legal) | TelecommunicationsDesired Salary:NegotiableDesired City:***I can start from:within 1 monthWork Experience :20xx.3-Now***CPA Ltd***Branch***GroupSenior auditorResponsibilities and Achievements:The major responsibility is to provide assurance advisory service to the clients such as US HK listed coporations, and SOX404. Being the role of Accountant-in-charge, I am responsible to the coordination between the engagement manager and clients, to identify the audit risk based on the understanding and professional judgement of different clients nature and tailor the audit procedure accordingly; to draft the accountingMemo such as revenue recognition、VIE and SPE、Preferred share; to allocate the job to team members according to their experience and review the working papers and coach them;to give reasonable suggestion and solution on the issues identified and submit them to the engagement manager for reference; to clear the comments from the engagement managers and partners, summarize the audit issues and review the auditors report.20xx.2-20xx.2***BranchManagerResponsibilities and Achievements:Prepare the audit planning, understanding the clients business knowledge and nature, evaluate the inherent risk、operating effectiveness design and implementation of internal control, calculating the planning materiality and perform the analytical review on the preliminary financial statements, identify the audit risk and fraud; Allocate different works to the associates based on their experience and grade, give proper encourage and coach to them; review the working papers prepared by them and resolve the queries raised by them during the fieldwork and make sure the timely completion of the engagement; Be responsible for some key accounts such as the review of consolidated financial statements、MA、related party transaction、EPS and deferred tax、the accountingMemo of VIE and warrant preferred shares, the inventory and sales cycle in manufacturing industry; Summarize the significant accountingadjustments and findings after the completion of fieldwork, then reported to engagement manager for ***, draft the auditors report and archive the audit file.1997.9-20xx.1***OfficialResponsibilities and Achievements:I joined the division of government and non-profit organization as a civil servant in the local audit office after my graduation, which is responsible for auditing revenues and expenditures of government departments and non-profit agencies, including institutions under the Local Peoples Congress and local Peoples Court, Local Peoples Procuratorate, Armed Police, party and government organizations and social bodies which receive local budgetary appropriations or turn overrevenues to local financial departments.Education :1994.9-1998.6***College of Finance and EconomicsBachelorMajor Category:AccountingMajor Description and Courses:Higher mathematics 、English、Chinese、Political economy、Philosophy、History、Basic accounting、Industrial accounting、Commercial accounting、Management accounting、Western accounting、Auditing、Finance、Financial Managment、Marketing、Information system design、Computer、Graduation thesis。

英文个人简历模板表格个人信息•姓名: [Your Name]•手机: [Your Phone Number]•邮箱: [Your Email Address]•地址: [Your Address]教育背景•学位: [Degree Earned]•学校: [Name of University/College]•专业: [Your Major]•毕业时间: [Graduation Date]工作经历1.公司名称: [Company Name]–职位: [Your Position]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–工作内容:•[Responsibility 1]•[Responsibility 2]•[Responsibility 3]2.公司名称: [Company Name]–职位: [Your Position]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–工作内容:•[Responsibility 1]•[Responsibility 2]•[Responsibility 3]技能•编程语言: [List Programming Languages]•技能1: [Skill 1]•技能2: [Skill 2]项目经历1.项目名称: [Project Name]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–描述: [Project Description]–责任:•[Your Responsibility 1]•[Your Responsibility 2]2.项目名称: [Project Name]–时间: [Start Date] - [End Date]–描述: [Project Description]–责任:•[Your Responsibility 1]•[Your Responsibility 2]证书•证书1: [Certificate 1]•证书2: [Certificate 2]兴趣爱好•[Interest 1]•[Interest 2]以上是英文个人简历的模板表格,希望对你有所帮助。
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商务英语专业毕业个人简历表格姓名: -段小姐国籍:中国目前所在地:广州民族:汉族户口所在地:广州身材: 161 cm 53 kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄: 23 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:外贸/贸易专员/助理:跟单员
采购专员行政人员货运代理仓管员工作年限: 1 职称:无职称求职类型:全职可到职- 一个星期月薪要求: 1500--2000 希望工作地区:广州花都佛山个人工作经历: xx年7-8月
xx年10月到xx年2月广州卡乐尔进出口贸易有限公司采购员{负责公司的采购国际仿牌衣服,包包,鞋等,对仿牌衣服,包包,鞋的质量和品格都比较熟悉} 毕业院校:广东机电职业技术学院
最高学历:大专毕业- xx-07-01 所学专业一:商务英语所学专业二:日语受教育培训经历: xx年3月-xx年5月广东青年干部学院国际商务单证操作员