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I wouldn’t view myself as a “star”student, but I know I was hard-working and focused. I got through high school and into college with twice or three times as much effort as others.I know college is a new frontier. The fundamental secret for successful college life lies in one’s awareness as a college student: concentrate, work hard and reshape yourself through new knowledge and information.

冒尖:excellent; outstanding; very good; standout

专心:concentrative; attentive; focused

勤奋:hardworking; diligent

重新打造:rebuild; reshape; renew; redefine

参考书原句:凭着常人两倍的努力,完成了中学的学业,进入了大学。(I got through high school and into college with twice as much effort as others.)

Unit 2



In high school, I once entered a national mathematics competition. I didn’t win any place and was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt. I thought I had failed to live up to the expectations of Mr. Green, my mathematics teacher. However, Mr. Green told me that what we should be in quest of was not Number One and what mattered was to keep on improving ourselves. I’ve kept those words in mind all along since then, and they’ve truly helped me come closer to my goals.

参加:participate in; take part in; enter

愧疚的:guilt; be ashamed and uneasy

辜负某人的期望:fail to live up to sb’s expectation; fall short of sb’s expectation

Unit 5



Eye language is the most significant element of body language.People often communicate with eye contact in their daily life. The rules of eye contact depend on the culture in which we live. The same look conveys different meanings in different cultures, which can easily confuse us.For example: in Chinese culture, you are more likely to lower your eyes as a sign of obedience when you are being questioned by the elders for doing something wrong. However, this does not hold true in American culture. In fact, American adults appreciate the honest directness shown by youths who look them in the face.

参考书原句:在日常生活中,人们经常用目光接触来交流思想。然而目光接触的规则依赖于我们所处的文化。同样的看在不同的文化中可以表达不同的意思,这很容易使我们感到困惑。例如,在中国文化中,当长辈对你讲话时,你很可能会垂下眼睛,以示尊敬和顺从。(People often communicate with eye contact in their daily life. Yet the rules of eye contact depend on the culture in which we live. The same look conveys different meanings in different cultures, which can easily confuse us. Take this example: in Chinese culture, you are more likely to lower your eyes as a sign of respectful obedience when your elders address you.)

Unit 7

爱迪生在发明实用电灯泡的过程中,经历了许多次失败。我听说,他有过999次不成功的尝试,直到第1 000次时才成功。这些描述也许不完全准确,但这并不重要。重要的是,面对巨大的困难爱迪生继续前进。正是这种毅力和决心,使他成为近代历史上最伟大的发明家(inventor)。


When trying to make practical light bulbs, Edison experienced many failures. I read that he had made 999 unsuccessful attempts, but that he succeeded on his 1000th trial. The accounts might not be entirely accurate, but that is not important: what really matters is the fact that Edison pushed on in the face of great difficulties. It was his persistence and determination that enabled him to become the greatest inventor in modern history.

描述:description; depiction; account

参考书原句:正是这种不同寻常的毅力和决心,使他成为近代历史上最伟大的发明家。(It was his unusual persistence and determination that enabled him to become the greatest inventor in modern history.)
