
七年级英语改错题专项单句改错(一)1. Tom is in Grade One, Class Two.2. It not is my bag.3. I am in Class five.4. -Are you Liu Fang?-No, I amn’t.5. What are eight and six?6.-How old is Bill? -He eleven.7.I’m in No. 4 middle school.8.Bill and I am at school.9.This is our teacher. We love she very much.10.There is a big apple in the tree.11.-Can you see a pen in picture 1? -Yes, I do.12.Where are my photoes? Can you see them? Sorry, I can’t.13.I often play the basketball at school.14.Let’s to play with them.15.What’s are in the bo x? There are some apples.16.There is the pencil and two pens on the desk.17.I can’t see some books on the table.18.I want take some books to the classroom.19.The all boys are here.20.—Do you have a small bag? —Yes, I have it.21.--I think this is a good book..-- I don't think it.22.How many potato are there in the bag?23.Let's do our homeworks.24.It's time for class. Let's go in the classroom.25.Each of us have a new desk.26.They each has a bag for sports.27.Can you speak English? Yes, but only little.28.He doesn't like hamburgers and chicken.29.Our teachers are very strict for us.30.In weekends, what time do you usually run?31.Mike gets to home at about 4:50 in the afternoon.32.How much is the eggs, please?33.This skirt is 80 yuans .34.How much is the socks?35.How much are that pants?36.These shoes are twenty-three dollar.37.Fourteen and twenty-six is fourty.38.Have a look for the picture.39.We have many bags. Do you like it?.40.Thank a lot. You’re welcome.41.That’s a her black hat.42.What’s that on English?43.Is that you chair, Mary?44.Is this his book? Yes, it’s.45.Please call Mary in 394-627546.Does they have a computer?47.Do you have soccer ball?48.Let’s to go home.49.She watch TV every day.50.Can you see they in the room?51.For lunch, what do Lucy like to eat?52.His parents likes sports and games.53.Does she likes salad?54.She isn’t like apples.55.My father like broccoli very much.56.How much are these white short?57.We have sweaters on yellow for only $15.58.They are 7 dollar.59.Where is my new shoes?60.Look! These red clothes are on sells.61.He often go to see his teacher.62.I think it’s a exciting movie.63.I like comedies and I don’t like thrillers.64.I think he isn’t in Class One, Grade Two.65.He wants to buys a new dictionary.66.What time is it? It’s at seven thirty.67.Please write and tell me in your morning.68.Does your brother have the lunch at school?69.Tom’s family have a shower.70.He often play games after school.71.Is these your sisters?72.Her is my grandmother?73.That are my eraser.74.They are my parent.75.Those girls are his brothers.76.Please have a look my new skirt.77.We sell books in a good price.78.Can you play trumpet? No, I can’t.79.There is a few water(水) on the floor.80.My teacher often helps me on my English.81.Can you say English?82.I usually go to bed at ten thirty o’clock.83.Is he often watch morning TV?84.How a funny time to eat breakfast!.85.I need my eraser. Please take it here.86.What’s kind of movies do you like?87.He likes play the violin88.I have a math on Tuesday.89.Because music is relaxing, so Jones likes it.90.How old is your mother? Her is 40.91.How are you today? I’m very good.92.When is Lucy birthday?93.School start at eight o’clock.94.People usually eat dinner at the night.95.He works all day and all evening.96.My mother likes to see a book in the evening.97.Can you speak English good?98.I want to learn a lot of art.99.What club does your sister wants to join?100.What can she does?二、短文改错(一)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。

不得 改变原文意思)【一】Hi , my name Jane . 1.____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ___________ These a re two pho t oes o f my fami ly . They i s n ice . These a re m y grandfa ther bu t g randmother . They a re in the one pho to . My paren t a re he re . Alan i s on the nex t pho to . He i s a ac to r . MySis te r job i s a t a pol i ce s ta t ion . Here’s a dog. It’s name i s Wangwang .【二】I t ’s Sunday morn ing . There a re much people in the park . Some boys a re p lay ing the baske tba l l . There i s some g i r l s under a b ig t ree . They ’re s ing ing and danc ing . What a re those wo man do ing? They a re d r ink ing t ea . Looking a t the wo man in a b lue coa t . Wha t i s she? She ’s my mother . She i s t a lk to L in Feng . L in Feng i s his s tuden t . He s tudies ve ry hard .1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________6. ____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________ 10. ___________ He ’s good fo r a l l t he sub jec t s . And he ’s f r i end ly (友好的) to a l l h i s t eachers wi th h i s f r i ends .【三】On weekends , J im ge t up a t 6:30. He has b reakfas t on 7:00 and then he goes to schoo l . He goes to school and h i s f r i end , Roy.1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________ 10.___________He goes to schoo l a t abou t 7:30 every day . He don’t l ike to be l a te . They s ta r t s c lasses a t 8:00. They have lunch a t school in t he midd le on the day . In the a f t e rnoon , they f in i sh school a t 3:00, and J im goes to home a t about 4:00. Bu t they of ten p lay the baske tba l l , and he ge t s ho me a t 5:00. He has supper a t abou t 6:00 wi th h i s pa rent .In the even ing , J im does h i s homeworks . He goes to bed a t abou t 10:30.【四】Today i s Sunday . There i s a lo t o f 1.____________ 2.____________ch i ld ren on the par k . Some a re watch i ngf lowers . Some a re run ing . Be t ty i s f lying a k i t e . His b ro ther i s s tudy ing chess (国际象棋) under t he t ree . Look a t ! Those chi ld a re p laying foo tba l l . The ch i ld wi th a red sh i r t i s John . He does we l l in p laying the foo tba l l . He p lay ing i t fo r t wo 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________ 9.____________ 10.___________hours everyday .【五】To morrow i s Jenny ’s twelve b i r thday. She i s ve ry happ i ly. Every year he r paren t s have a b i r thday par ty fo r he r . And th i s yea r her good f r i ends would l ike hav ing 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ a b i r thday par ty for he r .Jenny i s good a t do spor t s and she l ikes p lay ing baske tba l l ve ry much , so Tony choose a baske tba l l fo r he r . Jenny l ikes na tu re (大自然), because Ka te makes her a spec ia l b i r thday ca rd wi th some l ea f . Lucy wants g ives J enny a book because read i s J enny ’s favour i t e .5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________ 10.___________ 【六】All my fami ly l ike use ing compute rs . W e l ive in Chinese , but my unc le l ive in Aust ra l i a . M y fa the r o f ten sends emai l s fo r my unc le . M y mother i s a Engl i sh t eacher and s he o f ten search fo r in formation . On the In te rnet my bro ther wi th I o f te n p lay compute r games . My parents don’t like us to play i t . My brothe r l ikes l i s t en ing to mus ic and I l ike look ing m ovies . Somet imes m y bro ther t a lks to h i s f r i ends in the I nte rne t . My paren t s , m y bro ther and I a l ways do some shop on i t .【七】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________ 10.___________ Here i s f ive k inds of an imals . 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________ 4.____________ 5.____________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.____________Elephan ts ea t s p lant s and f ru i t . They l i ke water . The zebra l i ve in Afr ica . I t ea t s l ea f s and g rass . There a re on ly abou t 1800 panda in Chi na . They ea t bamboo and the o ther p lan t s . The t ige r i s in As ia . I t i s l a rge and s t rongly . I t ea t s mea t . I t i s good a t swim. Monkeys l ive in Afr ica ,Asia and A mer ican. They ea t f ru i t,l eaves, meats,and even eggs.9.____________10.___________【八】This i s my school.I t i s ve ry much b ig and beau t i fu l. You can see ing many f l owers in i t. There a re much s tuden ts and t eachers in my school. You can see e igh th c lass rooms, two labs,f ive o f f i c es and two l ib ra rys in my school. Our c lass roo m are b ig and c lean.W e has l e ssons in i t. The t eachers 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________plan them lessons i n the o f f i ces. We have a b ig playground.The boys and g i r l s p lay spor tand have funny there.I l ike my school.【九】At school I have a good f r i end. She i s an Engl i sh boy. He name i s To m. He i s t welve.W e are in No.3 Middle school. We’re indi f fe ren t c l a s s. He is in Class 2. I’m in Class 3. Tom’s sister is a student,a l so. Her name i s Jane. She i s f ive. She i s a n ice g i r l. Mr. Gao i s myEngl i sh t eacher. She i s th i r ty year o l d.She’s favour i t e f ru i t i s app les. Because app lesare hea l th food. Mr. Wang is Tom’s Chinese teacher. He i s th i r ty,too. They a re good teacher.【十】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________Hi, my name i s Tony Smi th.I comes f rom Ca mbr idge.I t s a smal l c i ty inEngl i sh. I’m thirteen years old. Tonyi s my las t name and Smi th i s my 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________f i r s t name. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7.In my c lass, Daming and I am goodf r i end. Da ming i s his f i r s t name.He i s f rom Bei j ing. He i s four teen year s old,too. My favour i t e spor t s i s foo tbal l. She favour i t e spor t i s foo tba l l,too.外研版英语七年级(上)专项练习篇【短文改错】参考答案【一】’s6.paren t s 【二】2.photo7.in3.a re8.an4.and5.f i r s t10.I t s9.s i s t e r’s1.many 6.who2.去掉the3.a re8.her4.wo men9.a t5.Look10.and 7.ta lk ing【三】1.ge t 6.of2.a t3.wi th4.doesn’t5.s ta r t7.goes 8.baske tba l l9.paren t s10.home work【四】1.a re2.in7.in 3.runn ing 4.Her 5.Look6.ch i ld ren 8.去掉the 9.p lays 10.every day 【五】1.twel f th 6.chooses2.happy7.so3.But4.to have9.to g ive5.do ing8.leaves 10.read ing【六】 ing/to use 6.and2.China7.them3.to4.an5.sea rches8.watch ing/see ing 9.on 10.shopping【七】1.a re2.ea t3.l ives4.leaves5.pandas10.mea t6.o ther7.s t rong8.swim ming9.A mer ica【八】1.very 6.i s2.see3.many8.the i r4.e igh t5.l ib ra r ies10.fun 7.have 9.spor t s【九】1.He2.His3.School8.Her 4.c lasses9.hea l thy5.too6.Mrs/Ms/Miss7.years 10.teachers 【十】e 6.a re2.I t’s3.England8.th i r t een4.f i r s ts t 7.f r i ends 9.spor t10.HisAsia and A mer ican. They ea t f ru i t,l eaves, meats,and even eggs.9.____________10.___________【八】This i s my school.I t i s ve ry much b ig and beau t i fu l. You can see ing many f l owers in i t. There a re much s tuden ts and t eachers in my school. You can see e igh th c lass rooms, two labs,f ive o f f i c es and two l ib ra rys in my school. Our c lass roo m are b ig and c lean.W e has l e ssons in i t. The t eachers 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________plan them lessons i n the o f f i ces. We have a b ig playground.The boys and g i r l s p lay spor tand have funny there.I l ike my school.【九】At school I have a good f r i end. She i s an Engl i sh boy. He name i s To m. He i s t welve.W e are in No.3 Middle school. We’re indi f fe ren t c l a s s. He is in Class 2. I’m in Class 3. Tom’s sister is a student,a l so. Her name i s Jane. She i s f ive. She i s a n ice g i r l. Mr. Gao i s myEngl i sh t eacher. She i s th i r ty year o l d.She’s favour i t e f ru i t i s app les. Because app lesare hea l th food. Mr. Wang is Tom’s Chinese teacher. He i s th i r ty,too. They a re good teacher.【十】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________Hi, my name i s Tony Smi th.I comes f rom Ca mbr idge.I t s a smal l c i ty inEngl i sh. I’m thirteen years old. Tonyi s my las t name and Smi th i s my 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________f i r s t name. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7.In my c lass, Daming and I am goodf r i end. Da ming i s his f i r s t name.He i s f rom Bei j ing. He i s four teen year s old,too. My favour i t e spor t s i s foo tbal l. She favour i t e spor t i s foo tba l l,too.外研版英语七年级(上)专项练习篇【短文改错】参考答案【一】’s6.paren t s 【二】2.photo7.in3.a re8.an4.and5.f i r s t10.I t s9.s i s t e r’s1.many 6.who2.去掉the3.a re8.her4.wo men9.a t5.Look10.and 7.ta lk ing【三】1.ge t 6.of2.a t3.wi th4.doesn’t5.s ta r t7.goes 8.baske tba l l9.paren t s10.home work【四】1.a re2.in7.in 3.runn ing 4.Her 5.Look6.ch i ld ren 8.去掉the 9.p lays 10.every day 【五】1.twel f th 6.chooses2.happy7.so3.But4.to have9.to g ive5.do ing8.leaves 10.read ing【六】 ing/to use 6.and2.China7.them3.to4.an5.sea rches8.watch ing/see ing 9.on 10.shopping【七】1.a re2.ea t3.l ives4.leaves5.pandas10.mea t6.o ther7.s t rong8.swim ming9.A mer ica【八】1.very 6.i s2.see3.many8.the i r4.e igh t5.l ib ra r ies10.fun 7.have 9.spor t s【九】1.He2.His3.School8.Her 4.c lasses9.hea l thy5.too6.Mrs/Ms/Miss7.years 10.teachers 【十】e 6.a re2.I t’s3.England8.th i r t een4.f i r s ts t 7.f r i ends 9.spor t10.HisAsia and A mer ican. They ea t f ru i t,l eaves, meats,and even eggs.9.____________10.___________【八】This i s my school.I t i s ve ry much b ig and beau t i fu l. You can see ing many f l owers in i t. There a re much s tuden ts and t eachers in my school. You can see e igh th c lass rooms, two labs,f ive o f f i c es and two l ib ra rys in my school. Our c lass roo m are b ig and c lean.W e has l e ssons in i t. The t eachers 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.____________plan them lessons i n the o f f i ces. We have a b ig playground.The boys and g i r l s p lay spor tand have funny there.I l ike my school.【九】At school I have a good f r i end. She i s an Engl i sh boy. He name i s To m. He i s t welve.W e are in No.3 Middle school. We’re indi f fe ren t c l a s s. He is in Class 2. I’m in Class 3. Tom’s sister is a student,a l so. Her name i s Jane. She i s f ive. She i s a n ice g i r l. Mr. Gao i s myEngl i sh t eacher. She i s th i r ty year o l d.She’s favour i t e f ru i t i s app les. Because app lesare hea l th food. Mr. Wang is Tom’s Chinese teacher. He i s th i r ty,too. They a re good teacher.【十】1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________Hi, my name i s Tony Smi th.I comes f rom Ca mbr idge.I t s a smal l c i ty inEngl i sh. I’m thirteen years old. Tonyi s my las t name and Smi th i s my 1.____________2.____________3.____________4.____________5.____________6.____________7.____________8.____________9.____________10.___________f i r s t name. I’m in Class 4 Grade 7.In my c lass, Daming and I am goodf r i end. Da ming i s his f i r s t name.He i s f rom Bei j ing. He i s four teen year s old,too. My favour i t e spor t s i s foo tbal l. She favour i t e spor t i s foo tba l l,too.外研版英语七年级(上)专项练习篇【短文改错】参考答案【一】’s6.paren t s 【二】2.photo7.in3.a re8.an4.and5.f i r s t10.I t s9.s i s t e r’s1.many 6.who2.去掉the3.a re8.her4.wo men9.a t5.Look10.and 7.ta lk ing【三】1.ge t 6.of2.a t3.wi th4.doesn’t5.s ta r t7.goes 8.baske tba l l9.paren t s10.home work【四】1.a re2.in7.in 3.runn ing 4.Her 5.Look6.ch i ld ren 8.去掉the 9.p lays 10.every day 【五】1.twel f th 6.chooses2.happy7.so3.But4.to have9.to g ive5.do ing8.leaves 10.read ing【六】 ing/to use 6.and2.China7.them3.to4.an5.sea rches8.watch ing/see ing 9.on 10.shopping【七】1.a re2.ea t3.l ives4.leaves5.pandas10.mea t6.o ther7.s t rong8.swim ming9.A mer ica【八】1.very 6.i s2.see3.many8.the i r4.e igh t5.l ib ra r ies10.fun 7.have 9.spor t s【九】1.He2.His3.School8.Her 4.c lasses9.hea l thy5.too6.Mrs/Ms/Miss7.years 10.teachers 【十】e 6.a re2.I t’s3.England8.th i r t een4.f i r s ts t 7.f r i ends 9.spor t10.His。

My Summer VacationI just go back from my summer vacation. I has the best time ever! I traveling to the beach with my family and we stayed there for two weeks. The weather was so beautiful. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. We spend our days playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean.Every morning, I would get up early and go for a run at the beach. Then, we would have a big breakfast. After that, I always goes to the beach with my parents. Sometimes we would have a picnic and other times we would build sand castles.One day, while I playing near the water, I saw a dolphin. It was so amazing! I quickly take out my camera and take a picture of it. I couldn't believe my eyes.At night, my family and I would go for a walk at the beach. We would watch the sunset and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. It was so peaceful.On the last day, we have a barbecue with some friends we met at the beach. We had so much fun together. I didn't want to go home.I will never forget this vacation. It was the best one I have ever been on.I can't wait for the next summer vacation!答案:My Summer VacationI just came back from my summer vacation. I had the best time ever! I traveled to the beach with my family and we stayed there for two weeks. The weather was so beautiful. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. We spent our days playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean.Every morning, I would get up early and go for a run on the beach. Then, we would have a big breakfast. After that, I always went to the beach with my parents. Sometimes we would have a picnic and other times we would build sand castles.One day, while I was playing near the water, I saw a dolphin. It was so amazing! I quickly took out my camera and took a picture of it. I couldn't believe my eyes.At night, my family and I would go for a walk on the beach. We would watch the sunset and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. It was so peaceful.On the last day, we had a barbecue with some friends we met at the beach. We had so much fun together. I didn't want to go home.I will never forget this vacation. It was the best one I have ever been on.I can't wait for the next summer vacation!解释:1. 第一段:go 改为came:表示已经回来,使用过去时态;I改为I've:表示之前的经历。

1.How is you?2.I are fine.3.What's this on English?4.It's an red orange.5.Spell,ple ase.二、短文改错。
Bob:Good morning,Helen!Helen:Good afternoon,Bo b!Bob:How is you?Helen:I are fine.And you?Bob:I'm OK.Helen:What's this on Engl ish?Bob:It's a oran ge.It's a big(大的)orange.H elen:Spell,please.Bob:ORANGE.Helen:What color is it?Bob:It's an orange.Helen:And what are that?Bob:It's an pen.Helen:Thank!参考答案一、单句改错。
1.is→are 解析:考查be动词的用法。
2.are→am 解析:考查be动词的用法。
3.on→in 解析:考查介词。
in English“用英语”,是固定短语。
4.an→a 解析:考查冠词的用法。

Good morning, everyone! I is Eric. Look! 1. _________This is an quilt. It’s a nice quilt. What color 2. _________is it? It’s the yellow and white. I like (喜欢)it 3. _________very much. And what’s this in English? 4. _________It’s a jacket. It an orange jacket. It’s 5. _________my friends Al ice’s. She likes (喜欢)orange. 6. _________Look! This is she orange. Ha-ha, she 7. _________likes eating (吃) orange, too. Oh, 8. _________what’s this?It’s a ruler on English. 9. _________I can spell that, R-U-L-E-R. The ruler is 10. _________white. And that is a Chinese CD. I like it very much.二、阅读短文,判断标有题号的每一行画线部分和有漏字符号(∧)处是否有错误。

Hello, boys and girls. My name are Bob 1. ___________Green. My one name is Bob and my 2. ___________last name is Green. I am on No. 2 3. ___________Middle School. Here is photo of 4 . ___________my family. These is my grandparents. 5. ___________Those are my uncles and aunts. A 6. ___________girl in red (穿红色衣服)is my 7. ___________aunt’s daughter. She is I cousin. 8. ___________She is in the No. 2 Middle School, too. 9. ___________She and I are good friend. My father 10. ___________is in black and my mother is in white.I love my family.三、阅读短文,判断标有题号的每一行画线部分和有漏字符号(∧)处是否有错误。

人教新目标七年级上英语改错专练试题一、单项句改错,每句只有一处错1.-What’s his phone number?-This is 281-9176.2.This is I pen.3.Her name is Jenny Brown. Jenny is my first name.4.What your phone number?5.Can your spell your name?6.What’s color is it ?7.This pen is a black.8.How are Bob?9.The jacket is green color.10.It is an UFO.11.I English name is Ann.12.Is these your grandfather?13.What’s your one sister?14.That isn’t me sister.15.-Is Mary your sister?-No,he isn’t.16.These is his grandparents.17This is a family of three :parent and son.18.Can you bring some thing to school?19.Are these keys on bed?20.Here is some apple for you.21.Please take these books to there.22.He don’t need his hat.23.That’s sounds good.22.Does your parents have a computer?23.She doesn’t has an apple.24.Tom doesn’t have some brothers.25.There are lot of tomatoes on the table.26.Does Lucy likes apples ?Yes, she does.27.Let us having some ice cream.28.She watch sports on TV every day.29.How much is the backpack? It’s 20 yuans.30.Today is Saturday.The girls want go to the zoo.31.Can we look at your photos?32.We often have our P.E. classes in Tuesday.33.Your English teacher birthday is in June.34.-Which month is the two month of a year?-February.35.-How old is the old man?-He is sixty-sixth.36.She like this kind of shoes.37.Many people like comedy.38.The old man run every morning ,so he is very healthy.39.Xiao Ming often goes to school and his brother.40.He favorite sport is baseball.41.I have three kind of CDs.42.-Can you play guitar?-No,I can’t.43.-How old is Jerry?-He is twelfth.44.What can Mr Li does?45.What’s club does Ben want to join?46.Mrs Green can’t draw and swim.47.We have English classes now and we can speak little English.48.-Can you play drums ?-Yes ,I can.49.The girl can’t takes a shower in the morning.50.People love listen to him!51.They also go to school on the afternoon..52.Mary can’t watch TV and her grandparents can.53.We want to know of American sports.54.My grandmother brushs her teeth every morning.55.I’m sorry I can’t sing and dance.56.What does his job?57.The girl can play the piano very good.58.The new teacher teaches our biology.59.-How much is the pencil?-Two dollar.60.Do you want know about my class?61.He likes play baseball in the afternoon.62.Is Ann watch TV every day?63.He is twelve year old.64.What time does she do her homeworks?65.I often brush my tooth in the evening.66.-What time is it now?-It’s at eight o’clock.67.I like English so it’s interesting.68.My brother likes blue and he doesn’t like red.69.Who do they want to learn English? Because it’s interesting.70.His uncle can runs very fast.(快)71.My school start T 8:00am.72.Please write son.73.September is the nineth month of the year.74.The volleyball game is in November 2nd.二、短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。

1.Here is a photo to my family.2.Jim and Anna is good friends.3.The girls are my sister.4.My brother is the first photo.5.These is my cousins.二、短文改错。
My familyHi,I is Jenny.Here are two nice photo of my family.I grandfather and grandmother is in the first photo.These is my parents,Alan and Mary.In ne xt picture is my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girl are my s ister Cindy an d my cousins Helen.Coco is my family,too.参考答案一、单句改错。
2.is→are解析:根据主语Jim and Anna应该看成复数。
4.在the前加介词in 解析:表示“在……”,应该用介词in。
5.is→are解析:根据主语the se可知be动词应该用are。
2020七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Do you like bananas第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.I like apples for the breakfast.2.I like c hickens.3.I like icecream... and I don't eat it.4.She doesn't want is fat.5.Do you like hamburger?二、短文改错。
Sports Star Eats Well!David asks volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eat habits.David:Hello,Cindy.What do you like for the breakfast?Cindy:I love fruit.I think it's health.David:OK.So what fruits do you like?Do you like bananas?Cindy:Well,I don't like bananas.But I like oranges and app les.David:What for lunch?Do you like salad?Cindy:Yes,I really like it.David:Hmm...and do you like hamburger for dinner?Cindy:Oh,no,they're not healthy.I like chickens for dinner.David:OK,well,one last question——do you eat icecream after dinner?Cindy:Err...I like icecream...and I don't eat it.I don't want be fat.参考答案一、单句改错。
2020七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.Here is a photo to my family.2.Jim and Anna is good friends.3.The girls are my sister.4.My brother is the first photo.5.These is my cousins.二、短文改错。
My familyHi,I is Jenny.Here are two nice photo of my family.I grandfather and grandmother is in the first photo.These is my parents,Alan and Mary.In ne xt picture is my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girl are my s ister Cindy an d my cousins Helen.Coco is my family,too.参考答案一、单句改错。
2.is→are解析:根据主语Jim and Anna应该看成复数。
4.在the前加介词in 解析:表示“在……”,应该用介词in。
5.is→are解析:根据主语the se可知be动词应该用are。
【推荐重点】2019七年级英语上册 Starter Units 1-3第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.How is you?2.I are fine.3.What's this on English?4.It's an red orange.5.Spell,ple ase.二、短文改错。
Bob:Good morning,Helen!Helen:Good afternoon,Bo b!Bob:How is you?Helen:I are fine.And you?Bob:I'm OK.Helen:What's this on Engl ish?Bob:It's a oran ge.It's a big(大的)orange.H elen:Spell,please.Bob:ORANGE.Helen:What color is it?Bob:It's an orange.Helen:And what are that?Bob:It's an pen.Helen:Thank!参考答案一、单句改错。
in English“用英语”,是固定短语。

初一英语短文改错单选题40题1. My sister has a lot of book.A. hasB. a lot ofC. book答案:C。
根据句子“My sister has a lot of...”可知,这里表示很多书,book是可数名词,应该用复数形式books。
2. He is taller than me. But I run fast than him.A. meB. fastC. him答案:B。
3. There are three peoples in my family.A. areB. peoplesC. my答案:B。
4. My mother's cooking is more deliciouser than my father's.A. more deliciouserB. thanC. my答案:A。
delicious是多音节形容词,其比较级是more delicious,原句中more deliciouser是错误用法。
5. This is mine book.A. mineB. bookC. This答案:A。
6. She is my the best friend.A. myB. the bestC. friend答案:B。

七年级英语短文改错20题1. I go to school by bike yesterday. (错误:go 应改为went,yesterday 是过去时间,要用一般过去时)2. She is playing football now, and she often plays it. (错误:is playing 和often plays 时态冲突,应删去is playing )3. They have a party last week. (错误:have 应改为had,last week 是过去时间,要用一般过去时)4. My father doesn't worked yesterday. (错误:worked 应改为work,doesn't 后接动词原形)5. Tom always do his homework in the evening. (错误:do 应改为does,Tom 是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式)6. I have a lot of homeworks to do. 错误:homeworks 应改为homework 。
解析:homework 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。
7. She is very good in English. 错误:in 应改为at 。
解析:be good at 是固定短语,意为“擅长” 。
8. He don't like playing football. 错误:don't 应改为doesn't 。
解析:主语he 是第三人称单数,否定形式要用doesn't 。
9. There are some moneys in my pocket. 错误:moneys 应改为money 。
解析:money 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。
10. How many peoples are there in your family? 错误:peoples 应改为people 。

初一英语短文改错能力提升单选题30题1.This is an apple.Those are two orange.A.apple;orangeB.apples;orangeC.apple;orangesD.apples;oranges答案:C。
2.She go to school by bike every day.A.goesB.goC.goingD.to go答案:A。
every day 表示一般现在时,主语she 是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用goes。
3.There are some book on the desk.A.booksB.bookC.a bookD.an book答案:A。
some 后面跟可数名词复数,book的复数是books。
4.He play football after school.A.playsB.playC.playingD.to play答案:A。
after school 表示一般现在时,主语he 是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用plays。
5.I have two pencil.A.pencilsB.pencilC.a pencilD.an pencil答案:A。
two 后面跟可数名词复数,pencil 的复数是pencils。
6.She is read a book now.A.readsB.readingC.to readD.read答案:B。
now 表示现在进行时,其结构是be + 动词的现在分词,read 的现在分词是reading。
7.There is a people in the room.A.peopleB.personC.peoplesD.a person答案:B。

文中共有1 0处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。
第一篇:goodmorning!IisFrank.IamEnglish.ThisisIjacket.It'sblack.Look!Thisisaquilt.Itismyaquilt.What ’sthis?Itamap.What’syellowcoris.Andit?Itthisisa’spen.Apenisred.Oh, Thisisaruler.Itisgreen.Andwhatthisinenglish?Itisakey.It ’sblack.Andthisisaorange.Ilikeit.第二篇:Hello!I’mMary.Look,thisismyamap.Amapisblue.Thatisanruler.tI’sblue,to.Andthisismyfrie nd.He'snameisFrank.HeinWuhan.Hisrulerispurple.JennyGreenarehisfriend. Jennyisheronename,andGreenishislastname.Thisishertelephone.What’scoloristhetelephone?It'sred.H ertelephonenu mberis536-4298.第三篇:IamJennySmith.MyonenameisJennyandmylastnameis Smith.What’sthis?Itsisa’colorsis it?It'sawhite.Myphonenumberis632-4658andherQQnumberis468333909.MyfriendisZhangMingming.HeisChinanow.HerfirstnameisMi ngmingandhislastnameisZhang.HeareinPingyangmiddleSchool.HehasaEnglishfriend,Tom.第四篇:Hello,mynameisPaul.Theseismyfamily.Wehaveeightpeople人()inmyfamily.TomismygrandfathermygrandmotherisSally.MygrandparentareinZunyi.Thataremyparen t,EricandGrace.TheyareintheBeijingnow.DaleandFrankaremyuncle.MybrotherisNancy,hejacketisbl ack.Aliceismysister.Herisnice.第五篇:IamaEnglishboy.IfirstnameisDavid.MylastnameisMiller.Theseisaphotoofmyfamily.Thisismyfa therandthisismymother.Whoisthosegirl?Sheisofmysister,Jane.Mygrandparentareinthepicture,too.AndtheyinTianjinnow.Whoisaboy?Oh,’itmes!What’sthenameofth edog?ItMickey!MysisterandIamhisgoodfriend.第六篇:Herearethreeschoolbags.Isthismytheschoolbag?No.Mineisgreen,It'sonthebed.Thisisapurples choolbag.It'smysisterJane.Whatintheschoolbag?Twopencilbox,abook,adictionary,abaseballandar ingareinit.Whataboutmy?Threewatch,aruler,aeraser,anotebookandfourcomputergameareinit.第七篇:Hereissomelostthings.Thisisaeraser.’foundtheyintheschoollibrary.Isityour?Thatis adictionary.It’sblue.Thosearetwowatchs.Oneisred.Oneispurple.Alicefoundredoneinthecl assroomandJimfoundthepurpleoneinthelostforhispen.It'sablackpen.HemustfoundyouhelpPau l?Ifyoulosesomething,youcanaskmeinIat636-4567.第八篇:DearAlice,I’myoutapeplayerMary.Thismorningyoulostintheschoollibrary.Bobfoundme.AndnowI'minyourEnglish ’steacherMs.Wang’sbag.Inabag,herkeysa ndmearegoodfriends.Herthehagisblue.’sItonhisdesk.PleasecallMr.Wangat516-4568andaskherofme.Youcancometothelibrary,too.Sheareinthelibrarynow.第九篇:MynameisCindy.Ihaveanniceroom.What'sinmyroom?Somebookareinthebookcaseandmyradioisonthedesk.Mytapesareondesk,too.Whereareminekeysandrulers?Oh,theirareinmyschoolbag,ThesearemyfamilyphotoesI.’mtidy,an dmybrotherisnot.Hisbooksandpencilsareineverywhere.Healwaysasksmeofhisbooks.Aretheyinourpar entsroom?Aretheyontheirbed?Idon’twkno.第十篇:MynameisMary.Ihassomeballsandbatsformyroom.I.haveeighttennisballs,sevenping -pongballsandfirstvolleyball,butIaren’thaveaplaysping-pong.Itisinteresting.Idon'tplaysoccer.Ithinkisboring.AndmyfriendJohnhaveasoccerball.Heplaysthesoccer.Hethinkitisrelaxing.第十一篇:Ihaveagoodfriend.HersnameisJennyareinsameschool.Shelovesports.Shehavetwobasketballs,twobaseballsandnineping-pongshedon'thavevolleyballsandbaseballhats.Sheplaysthebasketballatschoolwithherclassmate.Sh elikesping-pong,andshethinkitiseasy.Shedoesn'tplaybaseball.SheonlywatchsbaseballgamesinTV.第十二篇:Lucylikehamburgersandapplesbreakfast.Andshedoesn banana’.Fortlikethelunch,shelikestomatos.Butshedoesn’tstrawberryslike.Shelikeschickens,carrots,andice-creamfordinner.Buthersparentssayvegetablesandfruitisgoodforher.第十三篇:CherryandJackaremyfriend.Herearetheireathabits.Forbreakfast,Cherrylikesbreadsandmilk.Ja ckeatstwoeggsandtwobananaes.Forlunch,Cherryhasriceandvegetables.Jackeatshamburgersandchicke n.Cherrydoesn'twantstofat.Andfordinner,sheonlyeatsfruit.Sheeatsaappleandtwooranges.Jackeats breadandchickens.Afteradinner,hehasice-cream.第十四篇:ComesandbuyclothesatSuperClothesStore!Someclothesareonsell.Theyareinverygood price.Wehaveredsweatersonly$15.Areyouneedsportsshoes?Theirarewhiteforonly$12.Wehaveshortsintheblueforonly$5.Yellowsocksareonly$eatSuperClothesStorenow!第十五篇:WelcometoHuanyuClothesStore!Wehavesweatersofnicecolorsforonly16dollarsandwhitesocksfortwodollars.Areyouneedblackbagsforsports?Wehavesomeforonlyeightteendollars.Forgirlsandwoman,wehaveniceT-shirtsfornineteendollars.Butwehavebluetrousers.Themaretwenty-five dollarsforonepairandfortyeightdollarsfortwopairs.Canyouhavealookattrousers?Wearesureyou ves’etoatHuanyuClothesStorenow!第十六篇:I'mGinaandI'minZunyiNo.30MiddleSchool.InSeptember28th,wearehaveaschooltrip.We’llgoattheHuangguoshuWaterfall.OurSchoolDayisforOctoberandwe’llplaysoc cerinanafternoon.OnNovemberthetwelve,wehavebasketballgameinourschool.Doyoulikesports?Pleasecom estoourschoolinNovember.OnJanuary1th,wehaveaNewYear(新年)party.Ilikeallofthey.第十七篇:IamAlice.I ’mthirteenth.MybirthdayinJanuaryistheone.Therearefourpeople(人〕inaremyfather,mymother,mybrotherandme.Myparentsareteacher.MyfatherbirthdayisonOctoberthefiveth.Mymother ’sbirthdayisonJunethetwelveth.Andmybrother'sbirthdayisonAugustthefifth.Ihaveahappyfamily.第十八篇:MyFavoriteSubjectsHi,IamZhangZhengliang.Iaminclasshaveninesubjectatschool.MinefavoritesubjectsaremusicandP.E.IlikeP.E.,butIcanplaythe.basketball,ping-pongandsoccerinP.E.class.WehavefunsonTuesdayandFriday.Ilikehistories,too.Becausehistoryteacherisgreatfun.IhashistoryonMonday,TuesdayandThursday.Whatisyourfavoritesubjects,dearfriend?第十九篇:DearAlice,IamverybusyonFriday.At8:30,1havethe’tlikeitbecauseIthinkisdifficult.ThenIhaveaEnglishclassat9:20.Englishismyfavoritesubject.Ihavechineseat10:30.Beforethat,Ihaveahistorylessonfor11:20.Ilikehistoryverymuchbecauseitisinteresting.Lunchisalwaysat12:00.Intheafternoon,Ihavemusicandgeography.Mymusicteacherandgeographyteacherisgreatfun,soIli kethemverymuch.Ihavegeographyinanhouranditfinishat4:00p.m.I’mveryhappyonFridaybecauseIcanmyseeparentafterschool.Howaboutyou?Whenare yourclasses?What'syourfavoritesubject?Yours,Jenny。
2020七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.Here is a photo to my family.2.Jim and Anna is good friends.3.The girls are my sister.4.My brother is the first photo.5.These is my cousins.二、短文改错。
My familyHi,I is Jenny.Here are two nice photo of my family.I grandfather and grandmother is in the first photo.These is my parents,Alan and Mary.In ne xt picture is my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girl are my s ister Cindy an d my cousins Helen.Coco is my family,too.参考答案一、单句改错。
2.is→are解析:根据主语Jim and Anna应该看成复数。
4.在the前加介词in 解析:表示“在……”,应该用介词in。
5.is→are解析:根据主语the se可知be动词应该用are。
部编版2020七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.Here is a photo to my family.2.Jim and Anna is good friends.3.The girls are my sister.4.My brother is the first photo.5.These is my cousins.二、短文改错。
My familyHi,I is Jenny.Here are two nice photo of my family.I grandfather and grandmother is in the first photo.These is my parents,Alan and Mary.In ne xt picture is my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girl are my s ister Cindy an d my cousins Helen.Coco is my family,too.参考答案一、单句改错。
2.is→are解析:根据主语Jim and Anna应该看成复数。
4.在the前加介词in 解析:表示“在……”,应该用介词in。
5.is→are解析:根据主语the se可知be动词应该用are。
2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister第四节 短文改错练习 (新版)人教新目标版

1.Here is a photo to my family.2.Jim and Anna is good friends.3.The girls are my sister.4.My brother is the first photo.5.These is my cousins.二、短文改错。
My familyHi,I is Jenny.Here are two nice photo of my family.I grandfather and grandmother is in the first photo.These is my parents,Alan and Mary.In ne xt picture is my brothers,Bob and Eric.These two girl are my s ister Cindy an d my cousins Helen.Coco is my family,too.参考答案一、单句改错。
2.is→are解析:根据主语Jim and Anna应该看成复数。
3.sis ter→sisters解析:根据are可知应该用复数。
4.在the前加介词in 解析:表示“在……”,应该用介词in。
5.is→are解析:根据主语the se可知be动词应该用are。
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It is on Sunday today.Early in the morning my 1___________. classmate and I went to Xi Shan by bus to plant 2_________. trees.As soon as we got there,we began work. 3___________. Some were digging,some planted,and there were 4_________ . still some watering.Both of us were trying hard to 5_________. plant as much as we could.All of us were afraid of 6______. falling behind.After work,we were wet all over.Looking 7_________.
at lines of young trees,we forgot our tiredness.We 8_________. came back at 12.we all think it is necessary of us to take 9________. part at this kind of physical labor(劳动). 10_______.
1. 去掉on
2. classmate 改为复数classmates 。
从下文的some,still some 看,有一群学生。
3. work 之前加to。
begin to do sth. 的用法。
4. planted 改为planting 。
与上文的digging 并列,省略了were。
5. Both 改为All。
both 用于二者的情况,现在是一群学生,应用all。
6. much 改为many。
7. 正确。
8. lines 之前加the 。
9. of 改为for。
10 at 改为in 。