
⼤学体验英语视听说教程4unite4⽂本与答案Unit 4 Secrets to Win the Chinese MarketLesson OneVideo StudioTask 1 Matching & Predictingin terms of similar tolay out tend tonothing more than1. So what I wanted to do is sort of lay out all the China rookie mistakes that people make.2. Guanxi is really nothing more than your network or you connections.3. T here’s gonna to be differences in terms of whether it is in the north or in the south, or in the west, or in the east.4. If you are doing business from a corporate setting, a lot of the people tend to be in these first tier cities.5. The way of doing business from a corporate setting in the first tier city is going to be very similar to what you are gonna see on the international stage.Task 2Bridging the GapTask 3.1.Where East Eats West is for the person who spends most of his time in the boardroom. Correction: It is for the person who is on the ground and in the trenches.2.For a lot of foreigners coming to China, they overestimate the concept like “face” or guanxi. Correction: They underestimate the concept like “face” or guanxi.3.Chinese market is only diversified in terms of three tiers.Correction: It is also diversified in terms of its geographic location.4.No foreign companies ever venture into the third tier cities of China.Correction: Some companies are venturing into the third tier cities of China.5.Sam Goodman believes it is critical for foreign entrepreneurs to speak Mandarin if they do business in China.Correction: He thinks it depends.Lesson TwoVideo StudioTask 1 Matching & Predictingadd to base on be in consistent withon paper be respectful of1.We don’t want to do anything that would be inconsistent with how people would view anoutsider.2.I was talking about coming to China, and being respectful of the heritage here.3.I would say it’s a premium product and a premium price, based on what it is we deliver to theconsumer.4.And have you ever thought of adding a tea chain to your business? Starbucks tea.5. A few years back, I had the brilliant idea that we should publish our own magazine, and, youknow, on paper it looked like a great opportunity.Task 2 Bridging the GapChinese coffeefeel thereexperience in the Starbucks store.Localization Strategiesof Starbucks in ChinaTask 3 Checking Your Comprehension1.Who reported that Starbucks was being disrespectful of the history and culture of China?Answer:A local blogger.2.Where is the audience from?Answer:The China Europe International Business School.3.How much does tea contribute to Starbucks sales in the past 30 years?Answer:Less than 1%.4.Which product did Starbucks once invest but proved to be a total failure?Answer:The Starbucks magazine.5.How does the Chairman look at Starbucks’ success?Answer:It is not an entitlement and it has to be earned.Home ListeningIt sounds like Mission Impossible: Sell coffee to China’s tea drinkers. Starbucks’ solution is to select high-profile locations on the 1) busiest streets, where stores are sure to seduce the see-and-be-seen set.As Starbucks 2) launches an aggressive expansion in China, a coffee frontier steeped in nearly 5,000 years of tea. The goal: to build hip hang-outs that tap into a new taste for China’s 3) emerging middle class.Starbucks China doesn’t plan any advertising, 4) promotions, or other marketing strategies,aside from sponsoring an on-line coffee club and the occasional office-tower coffee tasting. Instead, the company is counting on selecting such high-visibility, high-traffic cafe locations that they market themselves. Its main advertising 5) medium is the store itself.Yet Starbucks faces an uphill battle. Local media reported that 70% of people they surveyed would rather not see the chain in Beijing’s 6) Forbidden City. And even for middle-class Chinese, Starbucks is a 7) barely affordable luxury. While retailers say a top marketing weapon in urban China is to charge more for public 8) consumption. That’s because Chinese customers have different priorities than their American yuppie counterparts. Guys 40 years old are not coffee drinkers, 9) but if the environment is good and the coffee is not bad, they’ll come back. The store layout, artwork and food options make Starbucks more friendly to Chinese eyes, but coffee remains the core offering and people don’t go there for the coffee. They go there to 10) present themselves as modern Chinese in a public setting.。

阅读教程Lesson 2 Leading MenExercises1. Reading ComprehensionRead the text again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements.1)Which of the following statements is true about the Lewis and Clark expedition?A.President Jefferson was pleased when the expedition achieved its originalaim.B.There was no written record of hostility between the two captains.C.Clark was his only choice when Lewis tried to find a co-commander.D.The corps often came into violent conflict with Indians.2)When the two-volume edition of the Lewis and Clark Expedition journals wasfinally published, _________.A.it turned out to be a great successB.the whole country was shockedC.it is most well-known as a great mapD.its circulation was very limited3)Which of the following is not covered in this article?A.The significance of the expedition.B.The disappointments of Lewis and Clark.C.The personalities of the two captains.D.The hardships of the expedition.4)Which of the following was not the result of the expedition?A.Understanding of numerous Indian tribes.B.Trunks of specimens of plants and animals.C. A masterpiece map of the American West.D. A most direct water route across America.5)The author employs materials from the following sources except _________.A.Jefferson’s diaryB.written records of relevant peopleC.details from Lewis and Clark’s journalsD.recollections of family members or relativesKey:1. B(其他三个选项都与课文内容不符。

全新版大学英语第四册第四单元课后习题答案Unit FourKey to Part II Reading TaskContent Questions:Pair Work:1.Because he feels he is completely international.2.What he means is that if one has a network of friends and enjoys what one is doing, one can functionwell anywhere in the world.3.It refers to a member of the international business elite who treks each year to the Swiss Alpine town ofDavos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.4.The issues include everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil andthe implication of nanotechnology.5.They all believe that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology across nationalborders, is both welcome and unstoppable. They see the world increasingly as one vast, international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy, produce and sell their goods and services.6.He describes Davos Man as an emerging global superspecies and a threat.7.Yes, global trade has been around for centuries. In the past, the corporations and countries that benefitedfrom global trade were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products.8.It predicted that four economies – Russia, Brazil, India andChina – will become a much larger force inthe world economy than widely expected, based on projections of demographics and economic growth, with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade. By 2050, these four newcomers will likely have displaced all but the US and Japan from the top six economies in the world.9.It refers to low-paid migrant workers from Asia and elsewhere who are increasingly providing keyservices around the world.10.Unlike Davos Man, Manila Woman is strongly patriotic.11.Because he thinks that there are still too many barriers to cross-border business in Europe, let alone theworld.12.Davos Man needs to figure out how to strike a balance ona global scale between being international andbeing national at the same time.Text OrganizationWorking on Your Own:1.Part One, Paras. 1-3: introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic ForumPart Two. Paras. 4-5: Debate over the impact of globalization on current society and culturePart Three. Paras. 6-8: History of globalization and its recent trands and future prospectsPart Four. Paras. 9-11: Globalization versus nationalism and the challenges it faces2. Main Events:2) Davos Man seen their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth.3) Davos Man believes that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology acrossnational borders, it both welcome and unstoppable.4) Davos Man sees the world increasingly as one vast, international marketplace in which corporationssearch for the most advantageous locations to buy, produce and sell their goods and services.Language Sense Enhancement1.(1) both see their identity (2) birth (3) incidentally (4) annual(5) networking (6) implications (7) Whatever their considerable differences(8) unimpeded flows (9) interconnected marketplace (10) advantageousLanguage FocusVocabulary:I.1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.1) advantageous 2) let alone 3) witnessing…vanishing 4) landmark5) entitled 6) displace 7) Establishment 8) patriotic…strengthen9) contradictions 10) aspires 11) divorced 12) pendulums2. Use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it.1) come to 2) dozed off 3) believed in 4) was set apart5) take in 6) sucks in 7) clean up 8) turn away3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in the brackets.1) makes no/little difference whether we go there by train orby bus.2) overtaken General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker.3) at odds with his wife over money matters.4) been at the forefront of nanotechnology research.5) let alone cook a meal.4. Complete the sentence, using the words or phrases in the brackets.a) is increasingly…to accelerate…their investmentb) economy…make an earnest…strike a balance betweenc) a handful of…be endorsed by…on a large scaleII. Word Formation:WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值ATM automatic teller machine 自动出纳机V AT value-added tax 增值税CAD computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计IT information technology 信息技术IDD international direct dialing 国际直拨电话MTV music television 音乐电视Radar radio detecting and ranging 雷达IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会VIP very important person 贵宾、大人物Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光CPU central processing unit 中央处理器III. Usage:1)An unusual present, a book on ethics, was given to Henry for his birthday.2)The reason (he gave) that he didn’t notice the car till toolate was unsatisfactory.3)Football, his only interest in life, has brought him many friends.4)Cloning had been raised as a possibility decades ago, then dismissed, something that serious scientiststhought was simply not going to happen anytime soon.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related:(1) academics; (2) networking (3) a variety of (4) growth(5) vanish (6) facilitate (7) endorsing (8) outlook(9) sweeping aside (10) patriotic (11) erasing (12) strike a balance2. Theme-related:(1) aided (2) effects (3) distances (4) connected (5) invested(6) features (7) prevailing (8) qualitatively (9) volume (10) DistinguishingIII. Translation1. Translate the sentences into English:1) Due to his pessimistic outlook on the European economy, John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere.2) I like hiring young people. They are earnest learners and committed to work.3) Unlike her girl friends who center their lives on their children, Mary cares more about her personal growth.4) The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries.2. Translate the passage into English:Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urbanareas for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important. At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The Internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trends can copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.。

全新版大学英语视听说教程4答案U1ListeningA:Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. to go somewhere; to meet someone; for health reasons)2、Answers will vary.3、Answers will vary. (e.g. Yes, because most people are interested in having a better life.)B. Listen and Infer1、Answers will vary. (e.g. to clari fy what she means when she talks about “upgrading” something)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. to make what she says more believable; to ensure that her listeners trust what she says; to encourage more people to listen to her podcasts)3、Answers will vary. (e.g. healthy eating, exercising, avoiding unhealthy habits, etc.)C:Vocabulary1、c2、g3、e4、a5、I6、d7、j8、h9、f10、bD:Listen for Main Ideas 2E:Listen for Details DoctorRadio30CanadianAuthornatureExercise FJapan(the) 1990s(many) health benefits 50,000 peoplePublicshorter life/livesExtended ListeningExercise A:1、C2、B3、B4、D5、AExercise B:1、Noa. can hardly find a really tranquil corner thereb. Shanghai lacks natural scenery and tranquility because of the city’s rapid development.2、Yesa. murmur of cicadas and frogs; lively; charmingb. enchanted by lights, music, and flowing clear water; attracted to stay here for goodc. refreshing tea and melodies; delighted to have an opportunity to connect with my true selfExercise C:1、C2、B3、AExercise D:1、exhausted and cranky2、Return the call3、Read a paper book4、hiking trip5、LaughterExercise E:1、B2、C3、BExercise F:1、F2、T3、F4、F5、TExercise G:1、C3、DExercise H:To people who smile1、brain2、happier3、reducedlower4、pain pillsTo people who see a smile1、they have won a prize2、smile3、more relaxed4、go down Conclusion:win-wineveryone concernedno effort to producSpeakingExercise E:2、B3、ATEDTalksC. Vocabulary:1、f2、e3、a4、b5、g6、i7、h8、j9、d10、cD. Watch for Main Ideas: 31425E. Watch for Details:1、20102、1950s3、72.9 years4、Almost 80 years.5、SmileF.Watch for Supporting Evidence1、b2、e3、a4、d5、c6、fG. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B long-lasting2、A stumbled upon3、C aha! moment4、C judgment was impaired5、C tap intoSelf-test1—5: CDABB6—10:CABDB1—5:BABCD6—10:BCCBAU2ListeningA. Communicate:1、Answers will vary. (e.g. It represents women seeking the right to vote in the U.S.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. movements regarding environmental protection, race relations, human rights, etc.)3、Answers will vary.Exercise BBC. Vocabulary1、A2、C3、A4、C5、B6、C7、A8、C9、B10、CD. Listen for Main Ideas·The right to know movement focuses on getting organizations to disclose information. ·The movement for transparency aims to get organizations to be open with information.·The right to know and transparency movements led to political changes in the U.K. and Iceland.E. Listen for Details1、60spblctn of Silent Spring2、2004rqstd info3、2008cllpsdcrrncy ↓ 50%4、201440% N Amer cnsmrsExercise F144323Extended Listening Exercise A1、D2、A3、CExercise B September 28government-heldNew developments:1、September 19,2011 Access to Information African Platform2、transparency Situation today:1、40-502、Ten3、some time15 yearsExercise C1、C2、C3、DExercise D1、1442、72nd3、2464、affluent5、transparentExercise E1、A2、C3、DExercise F1、F2、T3、F4、F5、TExercise G1、C2、D3、A4、C5、A Exercise H1、The AMA is committed to working with members of2、The AMA has embraced the groundworkhas developed educational programs and practice-based tools3、it is unprincipled to ignore the problem4、What is needed now is the synthesis of these efforts5、the responsibility ofremains unchanged6、any steps towill draw the health care community closer toSpeakingExercise A1、B simile3、A metaphor5、B personificationTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、a2、j3、c4、h5、e6、f7、g8、d9、I10、bD. Watch for Main Ideas 645321E. Watch for Details totalmedicalpublicvoluntaryHugeF. Watch for Multiple Viewpoints1、f2、c,b3、a4、d5、bG. Interpret Figurative Language1、A2、B3、B4、AH. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B provoke anger2、C took my oath3、B short of breath4、A deeply intimate5、B ensure6、C change the paradigmSelf-test1–5: CBADB6—10:BCDAC1—5: BCDCB6–10:BCBCAU3ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. doctors, teachers, police)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. People believe that we learn how to listen through experience.)3、Answers will vary.(e.g. There would be greater understanding and compassion among people, leading to fewer conflicts.)C. Vocabulary1、f2、b3、c4、a5、e6、d7、g8、h9、j10、iD. Listen for Main IdeasBoth content-focused and people-focused listening have benefits. Even though listening seems easy, not everybody can do it well. Listening carefully to others is a valuable skill that can lead to success.E. Listen for Details6132457Exercise G1a1b2b3aExtended Listening Exercise A1、C2、A3、D4、BExercise B1、U.S.2512、Beijing95Exercise C1、F2、F3、T4、TExercise DcharityHopedisabilities medalsExercise E Lord Minister Philanthropist peerExercise F1、B2、B3、B4、A5、CExercise G1、C2、A3、C4、BExercise H1、20042、practical valuehelp themselves or their own communities 3、understand themforeignExercise IExercise J1、B2、A3、C4、DExercise K1、F2、T3、F4、T5、FExercise LTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、c2、a3、f4、I5、b6、g7、e8、j9、d10、hD. Watch for Main Ideas1、a2、e3、c4、bE. Watch for Main Ideas1、first clientthree days2、five fishermen$15 per kilo3、one year27 projects4、40,000 businesses 300 communitiesF. Draw Conclusions1、C2、C3、D4、C5、C6、DH. Watch for HumorI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A shaped by2、B in the nick of time3、B blundering around4、B one-on-one5、C tryoutSelf-test1–5: CBBAA6–10: DABAB1—5: BDCAB6—10: BCACDU4ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. It’s made of the words data and entertainment. It means data that is used as a part of entertainment, for example by posting statistics to social media sites.)2、Answers will varyC. Vocabulary1、a2、c4、e5、f6、I7、g8、h9、j10、dD. Listen for Main Ideas 34521E. Listen for Details1、F2、F3、F4、T5、FF. Communicate Facts: 3 2 Opinions: 4 1Exercise G1、fact2、opinion3、fact4、fact5、fact opinionExtended Listening Exercise A1、B2、C3、B4、A5、BExercise B2、F3、F4、T5、N6、FExercise C1、B2、C3、B4、C Exercise DExercise E1、B2、C3、A4、C Exercise F1、a few drops of water easy to see and count2、a cup of watera bucket of water measured and analyzed difficulty3、a huge waterfall rapid speedhardcontain4、storage systems holdhigh speedprocesssoftware systems managingExercise G1、B2、A3、C4、CExercise H1、examine trendswhat products it should make2、Advertisers3、analyze datadevices and machines improve their products4、Online supermarkets customerthe demand5、what policiesthe economy6、genetic codediseasestreatmentsTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、c2、f3、j4、a5、e6、h7、I8、b9、d10、gD. Watch for Main Ideas1、MI2、SD3、MI4、MI5、SD6、MIE. Watch for DetailsThe basic principle of machine learning is to give data to computers and let them infer rules from it.Machine learning has many beneficial applications, including helping doctors identify cancer cells.Many things we do with technology, such as searching the Internet, rely on machine learning.F. Distinguish Facts from Opinions1、fact2、opinion3、fact4、fact5、opinion6、opinionH. Watch and Note Causes and EffectsI. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B sick of2、A burnt to a crisp3、B In this respect4、B telltale signs5、C assembly line6、A frame of referenceSelf-test1–5: CBBAB6—10: DCBAB1–5: CBDCB 6–10: CBCBCListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary. (e.g. TV, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, newspapers, magazines, etc.)2、Answers will vary. (e.g. We hear about scary events happening in the world on the news, and we also see scary images on TV, in movies, and in the news. It can seem like the TV is scaring viewers or spreading fear among them.)C. Vocabulary1、c2、I3、a4、e5、h6、j7、g8、b9、f10、dD. Listen for Main IdeasBothMinaMinaMateoExercise E1、1/32、<6003、>7004、≈805、≈3/46、20MF. Listen for Details1、The world is scarier and more dangerous than it used to be.2、To sum up.3、To emphasize his opinion about the topicExtended ListeningExercise A1、B2、C4、DExercise B1、882、103、58 percent45、Pandemics6、Reptiles7、DeathExercise Cthe definition of the impostor syndromethe symptoms of the impostor syndromethe negative effects of the impostor syndromethe number of people with the impostor syndrome the advice for those who have the impostor syndromeExercise D1、B2、C3、DExercise E1、D2、D3、A4、CExercise F1、T2、F3、F4、T5、FExercise GJia Jiang came across and decided to try the strategy it introduced. Jia Jiang planned to find a way to be rejected every day for one hundred days.Jia Jiang learned that he should have stayed and faced up to his fear in his first challenge. The donut shop made the donut as Jiang requested on the third day.Jia Jiang gained confidence and learned some important strategies through his failures and successes.Exercise H1、C2、C3、D4、CSpeakingExercise A1、5 engages listeners2、2 introduces his opinion3、3 introduces a key idea4、1 defines “if it bleeds, it leads5、4 signals a new topicTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1、j2、f3、I4、e5、a6、g7、h8、b9、c10、dD. Watch for Main IdeasHer main goal is to illustrate an idea about fear by describing what the men of the Essex experienced.F. Give Examples689G. Expand Your VocabularyabdeJ. Expand Your Vocabulary1、B situation would be really dire2、C dismissing their fears3、C illuminating example4、A embarked on5、B resorted to6、C steered forSelf-test1–5: ACCDA6—10: BBDCC1–5:BDCAC6—10: ADBDBU6ListeningA. Communicate1、Answers will vary.2、Answers will vary.3、Answers will vary.C. Vocabulary1、b2、e3、f4、h5、I6、a7、c8、j9、d10、gD. Listen for Main IdeasThe professor: (Two relevant ideas) dfAmal: (Three relevant ideas)abfE. Listen for Detailslayersitemnutrients machinesfarmslayersnutrientsplantsF. Collaborate Answers will vary.G. Communicate1、Amal / FS2、prof3、Austin / MSExtended Listening Exercise A1、C2、C3、A4、D1、products made from soy beans2、meat3、cultured meatcellsgrowing meat from these cells4、microscopic organisms SeaweedExercise C1、C2、B3、D4、BExercise D1、70% of their earnings2、increase by 25%3、over 2 billion4、high3 or 51、A2、B3、B4、DExercise F1、T2、T3、F4、T5、FExercise G1、B2、C3、B4、DExercise H1、a thin layer of good soil wind and water erosion2、the side of a hilltake some of the good soil3、a plastic filmholesgrow through4、do not need as much wateryield profitsSpeakingA. Communicate1、Personally, I’m neutral onFor me2、I feel thatFor me3、At first, I was skeptical and didn’t thinkI came to thinkTEDTalksC. Vocabulary1–5: ABBCB6-10:BAACCD. Watch for Main Ideas1、Chefs want to sell fish that is sustainable, but global fish stocks are declining.2、The goal of agriculture, including fish farming, should be to create food that is delicious.3、Focusing on the relationships among plants and animals will lead to better food.E. Watch for DetailsMiguel, the biologist at Veta la Palma, is an expert in relationships, not in fish.Veta la Palma does not feed its fish because they eat the same food as wild fish.Veta la Palma loses one fifth of its fish and fish eggs to predators such as flamingos. Miguel thinks that the number of birds at Veta la Palma shows the system’s health.The water at Veta la Palma comes from a polluted river, but the system purifies it.F. Watch and Take Notesthe head of P.R. for a fish farm companythe head biologist for the fish farm companya biologist at Veta La PalmaG. Expand Your Vocabulary54231H. Expand Your Vocabulary1、A for better or for worse2、B a straight answer3、A set us up4、A soak up5、B works its way throughSelf-test1—5: DCAAB6–10:CDBDB1–5: CBCAB6—10:DCCACU7ListeningA. CommunicateAnswers will vary.(自我发挥)B. Communicate1、Rembrandt.2、Vermeer3、Answers will vary.C.Vocabulary1—5: ABCCA6–10:ACBACD. Listen for Main IdeasThe quality of each artist’s paintings Whether or not each artist had students How many people discussed each artist The number of works each artist produced Each artist’s links with people of high st atusE. Listen for Details1、F2、T3、T4、T5、F6、FExtended ListeningExercise A1、B2、D3、C4、CExercise B1、T2、F3、F4、FExercise C1、A2、B3、D4、AExercise D1、It’s essential to the company’s survival.2、Companies should be conscious of their reputations and be responsive to any crisis that may impact their reputations.3、a. Consumer preference.b. Support for the company in times of crisis or controversy.c. The future value of the company in the marketplace.4、Consumers prefer a company’s products even if other companies offer the same or similar products or services for different prices. Take organic products for example, consumers are willing to pay a premium price for products that are considered more prestigious.Exercise E1、B2、C3、D4、DExercise F1、He had everything. He was wealthy and handsome, and a war hero. He was a member of Parliament. He married a popular actress. Above all, he was the war secretary in the British government.2、The Prime Minister was forced to resign and one man who was involved in the matter killed himself. Profumo’s friends who believed his lies and defended him were made like fools after the scandal was revealed publicly.3、She chose to stand by him and encourage him to face up to it.Exercise G1、C2、D3、A4、DExercise Htoiletsdishesrichraise money presidentinvitedQueen of England buildings interview scandalHumilitydiedadmiredheroExercise I1、yearsbuildmoments destroy2、loststart over forgiveness3、dedication serviceSpeaking Exercise A1、Repeat2、Repeat3、lExplain4、DefineD. Communicate1、one2、40。

全新版大学英语视听说答案4一、Listening(20 Points)Listen to the following sentences and passage, and write down what you hear on the lines. Each sentences will be read two times, and the passage will be read three times.Section A Sentences1. I don’t like flying. People say airplanes are safe, but I think flying is ___________. [填空题] *空1答案:risky2. These days, shopping ___________ is becoming more popular. You can shop without leaving the house. [填空题] *空1答案:online3. Is that a real leather jacket? It looks like ___________ leather. [填空题] *空1答案:fake4. Wendy still prefers shopping at a traditional brick-and-mortar ___________. [填空题] *空1答案:store5. Living in the city is so ___________. Everything you need is nearby. [填空题] *空1答案:convenientSection B PassageLast year, Bob didn’t do any exercise and he ate far 6) ____________. Every time I saw him, he had a piece of pizza in his hand. He was 7) ____________ and he was also very unhappy. He stopped 8) _____with his friends and stayed home where he ate even more. He knew he was eating too much but he didn’t know how to stop.Luckily for Bob, his sister decided to help him. She 9) ____________ and bought him a gym membership. She went to the shops and filled the refrigerator with fruit and vegetables. She gave him a lot of support.Now, Bob looks amazing! He is slim and 10) ____________. You just wouldn’t recognize him! [填空题] *空1答案:too much空2答案:overweight空3答案:going out空4答案:saved up空5答案:muscular二、Vocabulary and Structure(30 Points)Section A (20 Points)Choose the best answer to complete each sentences1. Do you know what time ____________? [单选题] *A. it is(正确答案)B. is itC. are they2. There are ____________ many people here. Let’s go somewhere else. [单选题] *A. too(正确答案)B. toC. such3. I ____________ to America in 1999. [单选题] *A. went(正确答案)B. goC. gone4. Tim ____________ that movie three times. [单选题] *A. did seeB. seeingC. has seen(正确答案)5. Can you tell me ____________ you were born? [单选题] *A. ifB. wereC. where(正确答案)6. Do you know ____________ the post office is? [单选题] *A. whenB. where(正确答案)C. if7. This time next week, Tom will be ____________ to Australia. [单选题] *A. flyB. flewC. flying(正确答案)8. You can’t visit Monica tomorrow. She ____________. [单选题] *A. will be working(正确答案)B. was workingC. is working9. We need one ____________ of flour to make pancake. [单选题] *A. pound(正确答案)B. gallonC. dosage10. I can give you the ____________ for these cookies. [单选题] *A. reactionB. receptionC. recipe(正确答案)11. We don’t have ____________ eggs. Can you buy some? [单选题] *A. soB. manyC. enough(正确答案)12. We ____________ English for many years. [单选题] *A. did learnB. were learningC. have learned(正确答案)13. ____________ the meeting ____________ 20 minutes ago? [单选题] *A. Has; startedB. Did; start(正确答案)C. Was; starting14. We ____________ to the zoo yesterday. [单选题] *A. have beenB. goC. went(正确答案)15. Do you know how tall ____________? [单选题] *A. is itB. they’reC. she is(正确答案)16. It was____________ sunny that we decided to go to the park. [单选题] *A. suchB. so(正确答案)C. too17. I am not old ____________ to go to school. [单选题] *A. soB. suchC. enough(正确答案)18. I’ve never ____________ so many people here before. [单选题] *A. sawB. seeingC. seen(正确答案)19. I don’t have enough ____________ for the salad. Let’s go to the store and buy some. [单选题] *A. ingredients(正确答案)B. poundC. dozen20. Let’s ____________ into three groups and work seperately. [单选题] *A. joinB. split up(正确答案)C. workSection B(10 Points)Fill in the blanks with words or the expressions from the boxesstraight // service // benches // afford // split upreceipt // spices // bald // exchange // financial1. Dad started going ___________ when he was only in his thirties. [填空题] *空1答案:bald2. There are five new ___________ in the park. People can sit down and relax. [填空题] *空1答案:benches3. This is a Chinese girl. She has ___________ long hair. [填空题] *空1答案:straight4. When you buy something expensive, make sure you keep the ___________. [填空题] *空1答案:receipt5. Monica likes to buy things in that store, since the ___________ is excellent. [填空题] *空1答案:service6. Can I ___________ this for something else? [填空题] *空1答案:exchange7. Black pepper and garlic are ___________. [填空题] *空1答案:spices8. The teacher has ___________ the class into three groups. [填空题] *空1答案:split up9. Helen can’t ___________ to buy a new car. [填空题] *空1答案:afford10. Steven is a writer for a (n) ___________ magazine. He knowns all about money. [填空题] *空1答案:financial三、Reading Comprehension(15 Points)Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each questionPassage AThe first time I met my math teacher, I did not like her at all. Mrs. Smith was a small woman with dark hair and a thin face. She didn’t smile at us, and I was sure she wasn’t a kind person. “What a horrible woman,” I said to my classmate as we left the math class, “It’s too bad sh e’s our teacher for the year.”When school finished that day, I took the bus home, as usual. I was surprised to find that my new math teacher was on the same bus. Of course, she didn’t smile at me! I was still more surprised when she got off at the same stop as me.It was a cold evening and Mrs. Smith walked very fast. She stopped suddenly, and I saw her give money to a homeless man who was sitting outside a shop. Minutes later, I watched her helping an old woman cross the road, talking to her softly all the while.When I turned into my street, I realized that I lived on the same street as my math teacher! Mrs. Smith walked into a small house with a neat garden. At the window of the house, I could see a very old woman sitting in a wheelchair. When she heard Mrs. Smith at the door, she smiled happily.“Maybe my math teacher isn’t so bad after all.” I thought, as I walked home. I promised myself that I would give Mrs. Smith another chance.1. Why did the writer not like Mrs. Smith? [单选题] *A) She didn’t teach her subject well.B) She was unfriendly and didn’t smile.(正确答案)C) She gave the students very hard tests.D) She was very late for class.2. Mrs. Smith was __________. [单选题] *A) small with blonde hairB) tall with dark hairC) small with dark hair(正确答案)D) overweight with dark hair3. Where did the writer first see Mrs. Smith after school? [单选题] *A) In the school cafeteria.B) In the park.C) On the bus.(正确答案)D) On the street.4. What did Mrs. Smith do on the way home? [单选题] *A) She went shopping.B) She helped people who needed help.(正确答案)C) She talked to herself.D) She lifted money from the bank.5. Why did the writer decide to give Mrs. Smith another chance? [单选题] *A) She realized that Mrs. Smith was a kind person.(正确答案)B) She realized that Mrs. Smith was her neighbor.C) She wanted to do well in math.D) Mrs. Smith smiled at her on the bus.Passage BThank you for shopping at Sparky Clothes!We hope that you have enjoyed shopping with us and that you are very happy with your purchase. All of our clothes are made with the highest quality materials. We’re sure you’ll enjoy wearing your Sparky item of clothing for many years to come.However, you should read the information below carefully.Please note that you must return items to us within 28 days.We offer exchanges for items which do not fit (too small, too big etc.). We also offer credit notes which are valid for one year.We only offer refunds for items which are faulty (有瑕疵的).Please note that we cannot offer exchanges or refunds unless you have the receipt.If you have any questions about our return policy, please email***********************Don’t forget to visit our website for news of special offers and discounts!And remember: if you want to win $500 voucher(代金券、礼券) for Sparky Clothes, just visit our website and fill in the survey. Good luck!6. According to the manufacturers, Sparky Clothes are made with __________. [单选题] *A) good valueB) high quality(正确答案)C) high fashionD) environmentally friendly materials7. If you want to return something, you should do so __________. [单选题] *A) less than 28 days after buying it(正确答案)B) less than 2 weeks after buying itC) within a yearD) immediately8. How long will you be able to use a credit note for? [单选题] *A) 28 days.B) 2 months.C) A year.(正确答案)D) 2 years.9. How can you find out about special offers? [单选题] *A) Visit your local store.B) Email customer care.C) Look out for TV ads.D) Visit the website.(正确答案)10. What do you need to do if you want to win $500 to spend on clothes? [单选题] *A) Follow the shop on social media.B) Return a faulty item.C) Fill in a survey.(正确答案)D) Send an email, asking a question about the return policy.Passage C How to save moneyRead the passage. Write T (true) or F (false) for the statements.Everyone knows that they should try to save money, but in reality, many people still have trouble doing it. Here are some ways to help you save.Firstly, you should open a bank account that is just for saving. Put a percentage of your salary in that account every month and try not to touch it. Make sure that you set a reasonable saving goal. For example, it would be unrealistic for most people to save half their salary every month—a realistic percentage would be ten or even five percent.Secondly, you should make a monthly budget(预算). Write down what you spend money on each month, as this will help you see where you could make savings. Keeping all your receipts is a good way to help you see if you are spending money on things you don’t need.Thirdly, you should remove unnecessary items from your budget. For example, you could trade in your expensive car for a cheaper one that uses less gas.Another major way to save is to find cheaper housing. Consider moving to a less convenient area of living in a smaller house for a while. In the end, saving money is about sacrifice (牺牲)—if you sacrifice some thins in the present, you may have a better future.11. Saving money is easy for everyone. _________ [填空题] *空1答案:F12. Most people can save half their salary every month. _________ [填空题] *空1答案:F13. Keeping receipts is a good way to keep track of expenses. _________ [填空题] *空1答案:T14. Removing unnecessary items is a good way to save money. _________ [填空题] *空1答案:T15. To save money, you need to make some sacrifice. _________ [填空题] *空1答案:T。

新标准大学英语视听说教程第四册第四单元答案Done with this task. Your current score: 100%Watch Part 1 of the video clip and check the true statements.1 Three people say they would help other people if they wona milliondollars.2. Scam artists take advantage of people who have won a lot of moneyand trick them.鬥 3 Maria Ellens mother won part of a million-dollar jackpot4 Criminals told Maria's mother that she couldn't claim a prizebecause she wasn't a US citizen.7 J 5. The con artists promised to collect the prize for her if she gave them partof the prize money7 J 6 More Than Money is an organization that helps people makegood decisions about unexpected wealth.y」7 BoD says whafs most important is to look after your familyDone with this task. You「current score 100%Watch Part 1 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. One speaker says that if they won a million dollars, they would _____(a) give money to their relatives°(b) take a trip round the world(c) buy a house for their parents(d) feed hungry children in Ethiopia2 Mariah dad told his wife _____ .(a) not to give money to the criminals(b) to ring the Lottery Texas Department(c> to visit the Lottery Texas Department herself(d) to check up on the men3 For collecting the prize for her Maria's mother gave the criminals ___◎ (a) $10.000(b)S12.0007 °(C} S15.000((d) S20.0004. Police say that this latest fraud has deceived _____ people.「(a)over 100(b) about 20⑥(c) dozens of◎(d) about 2005. We are told that people who win millio ns ____◎(a) often lose their moneys ? (b) can make poor decisions(c) often make good decisions◎(d) should be helped to make the right decisionI wmv uiF9 icon. rwuv i W/DWatch Part 2 of the video clip and rearrange the things that the winners do in the correct order.Your answer Correct answer1 Our culture wants us to believe that ____________________ t if we hacmore money, we would be happy.Your answer Correct answerif we're not happy f if we arenot happy2 Youll still have fights with your friends sometimes It wonlif w“e not happy __________ .Your answer Correct answerif we1 re not happy make all of that better3 What money does is allow us to make all of that better .Your answer Correct answermake all of that better make more choices4 Despite every man's dream come true. Alberts(ill thinks about money ____ .Your answer Correet answer7 still thinks about money still thinks about money5. The money pressured not there. but other pressuresof navi ng tne money come the n ...Your answer Correct answer7 of having the money of having the money6. I think most of us think that the problems that we have in life would getsolved if we had more money.Your answer Correct answers would get solved would get solved7. Money give us more choices , but it doesrTi give us the blissfulanswerYour answer Correct answergive us more choices gives us more choices1. Tara? before we had money, we exchanged things didn't weYour answer Correct answerwe exchanged things.didn't we we exchanged things, didnl we2 In the Stone Age. people exchanged things like salt or cattle But of course theproblem is that the things you exchange dont lastYour answer Correct answerexchange don't last exchange don't last3. And of course, mone/s also a lot easier to use . You cancarry it around with you very easilyYour answer Correct answera lot easier to use a lot easier to use4 Coins than appeared in Lydia around 700 BC.Your answer Correct answerCoins than appeared Coins then appeared5 Lydia was a country in whafs now known as Turkey Then other countriesfollowed their example and started producing themYour answer Correct answerstarted producing them started producing themG So as well as beinq lonq—lastinq and convenienlTney exchanged tne granYour answerexchanged the grain9 So over a great many centuries banks became places where money wasdeposited and lent. And they guaranteed that a note of a certain value could be exchanged for a certain amont of Si ver .Your answer Correct answera certain amont of silver a certain amount of silver 10 The gold standard was applied all over the world from1820 to 1915but it was slowly abandoned ?Your answerCorrect answer1870 to 1915Correct answer(3) Be careful about credit cards. (5) Look for bargains (2) Budget.(7) Give up your bad habits (6) Find ways to make economies (1) Beg and borrow before you buy. (4) Plan ahead6. so as well as being long —lasting ana convenienta big advantage of coins and paper money is that they have aGan dard value.Your answera big advantage ofCorrect answer7. a big advantage ofThey're what's known as representative money. Every coin or paper note has a certain value that doesn't depend on the actual value of the paper or metalYour answerhas a certain valueCorrect answerhas a certain valuefor promissory notes.Correct answerexchanged tie grain1820 to 19151 The presenter says that if you have a credit card, you should .(a) tear it up(t>) only use it when you have to(c) use it but pay everything back at tne end of eacn month -(d) notuse it at all2 The presenter says that you can find real bargains ____* (a) from second-hand shops(b) from supermarkets(c) from friends and relatives(d) by the roadside3. One way to economize is to ____ .(a) go to the supermarket at the end of the day(b) go to markets just before they close& (c) buy group theatre tickets(d) find offers of cheap tickets for shows4. For planning ahead the prese nter gives an ex ample of ____(a) buying a ticket in advance before you go on a tripclmicc tri runell ic rKifrccc(d) finding out which trips are the cheapest5. Developing economical habits ____ .(a) will M VF you a lot of monay in latpr life◎ (b) will stop you being poor an d miserable ? (c) is an important life skill-(d) is something all students should learn。

3/5 was just… repaired found was going to go get it checked that he… were going have it done was… my hair cut
4/5 1122
5B/5 31
Unit 3
3/16 223
8/16 3312331
9/16 1312
1A/5 22133
1B/5 hand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favorite a bunch of cut out creativity no limits
○6must have can each other
○7if we can get where the restaurant is excited
○1might have was
○222(题目:1.is there anthing else you want me to do…)
2/5 1b 2e 3a 4c 5d
3/5 222112
4/5 13231
5/5 233314
Unit 4
3/16 221
8/16 3212331
9/16 4223
1A/5 12223
1B/5 have got to go by in between your schedule good for really good otherwise ever good for close by quite a bit coming out
3/5 big deal that gets him to calm down didn’t know is who’s involved making make

Unit11. 1) A entertaining B entertainment C entertained D entertainer2) A recognizable B recognized C recognition D3) A tempting B temptation C tempt4) A reasoned B reasoning C reasonable D reason5) A analyzed B analytical C analyst D analysis6) A valuable B valuation C valued/values D values7) A humorist B humor C humorous D humorless8) A understandable B understanding C understand D misunderstood2. 1) a sense of responsibility 2) a sense of safety/security 3) a sense of inferiority4) a sense of superiority 5) a sense of rhythm 6) a sense of justice7) a sense of shame 8) a sense of helplessness 9) a sense of direction 10) a sense of urgency3. 1) Lively behavior is normal 2) Fast cars appeal to 3) diverse arguments4) I asked my boss for clarification 5) sensitive to light 6) Mutual encouragement7) made fun of him 8) persists in his opinion/viewpoint9) to be the focus/center of attention 10) we buy our tickets in advance4. 1) certain/sure 2) involved 3) end 4) behavior 5) disciplining 6) agreed7) individually 8) first 9) response 10) question 11) attempt 12) voice13) directly 14) followed 15) troubleUnit2Step OneColumn A: through;up;draw;teen;hand;birth;chair;rag;ever;over;long;self;mile;type;wellColumn B: day;man;eared;ready;conscious;back;distance; beat; lift; age;due;stone; out; wishing;Writer/writtenThe Compound Words created :throughout;upbeat, uplift;drawback;teenage;handout, handwritten; birthday,birthstone;chairman;rag-eared;ever-ready;overdue, overage;long-distance, long-eared;self-conscious;mileage, milestone;typewriter, typewritten; well-wishing, well-writtenStep Two1) long-distance 2) upbeat 3) ever-ready 4) overdue 5) typewriter6) milestone 7) handwritten 8) uplifted 9) self-conscious 10) rag-eared11) birthday 12) throughout 13) drawbacks 14) chairman 15) teenage3. 1) thrives 2) strategy 3) annual 4) deserve 5) spontaneous 6) sincere7) investments 8) enterprise 9) follow up 10) characterized 11) lingered12) acknowledged4. column 1) D 2) A 3) B 4) C tough 1) D 2) B 3) E 4) F 5) C 6) A6. 1) searched 2) clever 3) solution 4) wasted 5) tolerate 6) hidden 7) dumb8) subject 9) noise 10) extra 11) purchased 12) replaced 13) appreciation14) hurried 15) warrant 16) strangeUnit 3Understanding the Organization of the Text(1) Introduction (para 1)It has been proven repeatedly that the various types of behavior, emotions, andinterests that constitute being masculine and feminine are patterned by both heredityand culture.(2) There is a cultural bias in education that favors boys over girls. (para. 2-4)Supporting evidenceA. Teachers called on males in class far more than on female students. (para 2)i) Its consequence: This has a tremendous impact on the learning process.ii) The reason for this: Active classroom participants develop more positive attitudesand go on to higher achievement.iii) Two examples:a. In many of the former all-women’s colleges, the boys were taking over the class-room discussions and activeparticipation by women students had diminished noticeably.b. A similar subordination of female to male students has also been observed in law and medical school classroomsin recent years.B. Teachers assigned boys and girls different tasks according to stereotyped gender roles. (para.3)i) Its consequence: This prevented girls from participating as actively as boys in class.ii) An example: A teacher had the little boys perform the scientific experiment while the girls were given the task ofputting the materials away.C. Gender-biased education is also reflected in the typical American teacher’ assumption. (para4)i) The assumption: Boys will do better in the hard, masculine subjects of math and science while girls are expected tohave better verbal and reading skills.ii) Three examples:a. American boys do develop reading problems, while girls, who are superior to boys in math up to the age of nine,fall behind from then on.b. In Germany, all studies are considered masculine and it is girls who develop reading problems.c. In Japan, where early education appears to be nonsexist, both girls and boys do equally well in reading.(3) The educational bias begins at home. (para 5)A. Supporting evidence:i) Boy preschoolers were permitted to go away from home in a much wider area than girl preschoolers.ii) Boys were encouraged to develop intellectual curiosity and physical skills, while girls are filled with fears ofthe world outside the home and with the desire to be approved of for their goodness and obedience to rules.B. The consequence when these lessons carry over from the home to the classroom: Girls are generally observed to bemore dependent on the teacher, more concerned with the form and neatness of their work than its content, and more anxiousabout being right in their answers than in being intellectually independent, analytical, or original.C. Conclusion: Through the educational process that occupies most of the child’s wak ing hours, society reinforces itsestablished values and turns out each sex in its traditional and expected mold.V ocabulary1. 1) genetic 2) assign 3) noticeably 4) approved 5) Bias 6) deprived7) constituted 8) participation 9) unintentional 10) postgraduate2.conscious- unconsciousencourage- discouragedirectly- indirectlysexist – nonsexistdependent- independentpositive – negativesuperior - inferiorbiased – fairlimited – unlimitedappropriately- inappropriately3. 1) C 2) D 3) A 4) E 5) B 6) C 7) F 8) B4. 1) turn out2) carry over3) calling on4) put away5) fallen behind6) take overunit4Reading Comprehension1. 1) Introduction(para 1)It is introduced in the article how teachers and parents can encouragecreativity in children.2) An important strategy for parents and teachers to follow (para. 2-3)A. The strategy:To encourage children to spend time thinking and developing new ideas.B. The significance for adopting the strategy:If children can be taught to think creatively, they will be better able tofunction in tomorrow’s society.3) The definition of creativity (para. 4-5)A. Who successful students and adults are:Those who can find a number of ways to approach problems.B. What creative people can do:They can use what they have to produce original ideas that are good forsomething.4) A big problem in school (para. 6)The problem: Children can obtain and give back information, but can’t figureout ways to apply what they know in new situations.5) A new approach to teaching (para 7)A. The approach: Combining the basics with the activities where students mustuse their imaginations.B. How to do so: By asking questions and meanwhile praising their ideas andnew thoughts.C. How to facilitate the process: To create an atmosphere in which there is norisk in being creative-- a place where wild ideas are honored and valued,never scorned or dismissed.6) Things parents can do at home to encourage creativity (para. 8-10)A. To involve children in decision making.B. To help children to understand the consequences of various decisions.C. To encourage them to talk out loud about things they are doing. The reasonfor doing so: Talking out loud improves language skills and thinking skills.D. To show a sense of humor. The reason for doing so: Children can seecreativity in its purest form.E. To give children choices from their earliest age.Examples:a. When they are very young, let them choose between two food items forlunch.b. B. When they grow older, let them decide how to use their time or spendtheir money.V ocabulary3. 1) dismiss 2) consequences 3) promoting 4) applies 5) vital 6) scorned7) conventional 8) original4. 1) consciously 2) innovative 3) unconsciously 4) determined 5) Imagination6) aware 7) control 8) created 9) extension 10) technique 11) vulnerable12) unfolding 13) joyful 14) gain 15) ApplyUnit5Understanding the organization of the text1) Introduction (para. 1)Athletes are chosen to be role models, and they can choose only to be good or bad ones.2) Athletes should be role models. (para. 2-5)The author’s arguments:A. Athletes should not refuse the responsibility of being a role model whileaccepting all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete.(para. 2)B. I try to be a positive role model, but that doesn’t mean I am perfect. (para. 3)C. Qualities of a positive role model: (para. 4)a. He influences people’s lives in a positive w ay.b. He gives of himself in time or money to help those who look up to him.c. He displays the values like honesty and determination.D. Athletes cannot take the place of parents, but can help reinforce what parentstry to teach their children. (para. 5)3) People sometimes expect so much that some athletes don’t want to be rolemodes. (para. 6-7)A. Sometimes people put athletes on a pedestal.Example: I have had parents in Utah put my picture on the wall beside JesusChrist. (para. 6)B. Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times.Example: 1: Negative publicity Michael Jordan received about gambling.2. Ever since I played on the Dream Team, I can’t go anywherewit hout being the center of attention and I can’t even buy amotorcycle I really want. (para. 7)4) Conclusion (para 8-9)The good things about being a role model outweigh the bad.A. It’s a great feeling to think you are part of the reaso n that a id decided to tryto be good.B. But parents should remind their kids that there are no perfect human beings.C. Charles Barkley is a good role model.V ocabulary2. 1) is bound to 2) follow their lead 3) goes too far/is going too far4) take the place of 5) dropped out 6) have a fit 7) measure up to8) look up to 9) Let’s face it 10) you name it3. 1) outgrown 2) outdo 3) outwitted 4) outweigh 5) outlivedUNIT 71. belief – doubt deep- shallow learn- unlearn shame- pride inadequate-adequatesuccess- failure boring- interesting dependent-independent mediocre-excellent uselessuseful well-informed ---- ill-informed smart- dull painful-painless imaginativeunimaginative2. 1) deprived of 2) for the sake of 3) get away with 4) dropped out 5) by no means6) got down to 7) distinguish…from 8) look back on 9) gone through10) after all 11) be rid of 12) on my own3.choice secure hear who keep while now This pressure expecting testswithin had catch marks patents obtain/get teachers relax shapeUNIT 81. C E B D A F2. relearn再学习regain收回,重新获得redo 重做,再做rewrite重写,改写rearrange重新整理reclaim要求归还,收回remodel重新塑造,改变replace取代rephrase重新措辞rejoin 再结合,在加入reform 改革readjust 重新调整reunited(使)再结合rebroadcast 转播,重播reread 再读review 复习3. B A D A D C A A A BUNIT 91. 1) observation 2) available 3) discoveries 4) acceptance 5) experimentation6) inventions 7) evolution 8) adaptable 9) innovative 10) objectivity2. 1) out of the ordinary 2) preceded 3) To be exact 4) Contradict(ed) 5) Prosperity COLUMN A COLUMN Binvention inventavailable AvailInnovation InnovateAdaptable AdaptDiscovery DiscoverAcceptance AcceptEvolution EvolveObjectivity ObjectiveObservation ObserveExperimentation ExperimentProsperity Prosperdisastrous disaster6) Gave birth to 7) Catch our breath 8) had in mind 9) proposed 10) converted 11) disastrous 12) negative3. 1) She had hardly sat down2) Especially if/ when you want to reserve a seat3) is not necessarily the most useful4) What sort/kind of person do you have in mind5) There’s a limit on the time6) Spend part of his childhood7) three times as many girls as boys8) as do most of the people who live in this village9) but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere10) Depite/ In spite of international pressure。

PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION ADirections: In this section you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet.You will hear each conversation TWICE. (22.5 points)Conversation 11. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Lovers.B. Strangers.C. Friends.2. What are they doing now?A. Listening to pop music.B. Going to a ball.C. Dancing.Conversation 23. Which season is it now?A. Autumn.B. Summer.C. Spring.4. What can we learn from the Chinese saying?A. People should wear warm clothes in spring.B. People should wear warm clothes in autumn.C. People should wear less clothing in spring.Conversation 35. Why was Jack at the restaurant with his family?A. For his grandpa’s birthday.B. For his parents’ wedding anniversary.C. For his grandma’s birthday.6. When is the woman’s birthday?A. Tomorrow.B. In February.C. In January.Conversation 47. Why did the woman call the man?A. To ask for directions.B. To inform him where she is.C. To say sorry.8. What time is it now?A. Around 7:30.B. Around 8:00.C. Around 8:30.9. Where did the woman leave from?A. Her house.B. The hotel.C. Her office.Conversation 510. What kind of person is Rosie?A. She’s talkative.B. She’s a real complainer(抱怨者).C. She’s easygoing11. What day is today?A. Friday.B. Thursday.C. Wednesday.12. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Talk with Rosie directly.B. Not go to eat out with Rosie again.C. Let some other people talk to Rosie.Conversation 613. What’s the relationship between the speak ers?A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Guide and traveler.14. What do we know about the woman?A. She visited many interesting places in Nanjing.B. She loves traveling.C. She enjoyed everything in Nanjing.15. What will they do next?A. Enjoy the fresh air.B. Take some pictures.C. Look at some photos.SECTION B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.The Solway Fitness ClubBusiness hours From 6:30 a. m. to 16. ______ p. m., seven days a week.Facilities ●There is a large gym with all the 17. ______.●Pools: a ten-meter pool for diving and 25-meter pool for18. ______●A steam room for relaxationTo become a member Call us and ask to 19. ______ to Mrs. ColvilleClub tours Guided tours are offered at 2:15 every 20. ______.PART TWO KNOWLEDGE USESECTION ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. (15 points)21. —— ________ David this morning?—— Not yet, but he is sure to be here before noon.A. Have you seenB. Will you seeC. Do you seeD. Did you see22. When they came in, Mr. Harris ________ like a baby. Nobody would like to wake him up because he needed rest.A. fell asleepB. was asleepC. got asleepD. went to sleep23. Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous, but which do you think________?A. tastes bestB. smells betterC. sounds bestD. drinks better24. The vegetables didn’t taste good. They ________ too long.A. had been cookedB. were cookedC. had cookedD. cooked25. ——I’m sorry, but I shouldn’t have been so rude to you.——You ________ your temper but it doesn’t matter.A. have lostB. had lostC. did loseD. was losing26. —— Why? Tom, your shirt is so dirty!—— Mum, I ________ my room upstairs all the morning.A. cleanedB. have cleanedC. was cleaningD. have been cleaning27. Some buildings in the past have been pulled down and new ones ________ there.A. are builtB. have builtC. are being builtD. are building28. When they heard the good news, they all looked ________ at the teacher and feltvery________.A. happy; happyB. happily; happilyC. happy; happilyD. happily; happy29. I want to buy that kind of pen because I ________ the pen ________ well.A. have told; writesB. have been told; writesC. was told; wroteD. have been told; is written30. The milk tea, ________, is popular with the teenagers.A. tasted wellB. tasted goodC. tasting goodD. tasting well31. The suggestion put forward by him at the conference ________.A. proved practicalB. was proved to be practicalC. was proved valuableD. proved to be value32. David as well as the other three students who ________ won in this writingcompetition________ praised by our class teacher.A. has; wasB. has; wereC. have; wasD. have; were33. When asked why she studied journalism, Sang Lan said she did so ______ for a host of a sports program.A. trainingB. being trainedC. to have trainedD. to be trained34. ----What do you think of white-water rafting?----It is an enjoyable sport, ________ young people find great excitement.A. whereB. whichC. whenD. that35. There is a new problem with the popularity of private cars_____ road condition need_____.A. that; to be improvedB. which; to be improvedC. where; improvingD. when; improvingSECTION BDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.(18 points)With a heavy heart Sally arrived early on the morning of the auction(拍卖). It was almost a year since her dear grandmother had passed away in this house at the age of ninety-two. 36 , the family business had failed and left them with heavy debts. So the bank had 37 _ the family to have an auction sale to repay their debts.Over the last several weeks, Sally had managed to save 100 dollars in order to bid(出价)for the 38 . Surely this would be enough, she had thought. Now the big moment had arrived. Looking around, Sally was surprised to see so many people had turned up, some from far away.As the auction began, Sally waited. Finally, the time came to bid on the quilt. She held her39 tightly and listened. The first bid was $50. She was shocked. It was so high. Quickly other people bid and soon the bidding 40 $85. Sally cried out “$100!”. For a moment there was silence.Just then, from the back, another person shouted “$125!” She had lost her41 . She couldn’t help wondering why so many people were interested in that old, torn, dirty quilt, which was sold for $500 to a complete 42 .After the sale, she went to the counter to pay for the few items that were now hers. The woman at the cash desk handed her the quilt. “There must be some 43 . Someone else got it,” she said. Then she found a hand-written 44 was pinned to the quilt, which read:Dear Madam,I noticed you 45 the quilt. Clearly, it was 46 to you. Please accept this quilt asmy gift. I don’t expect repayment from you, but do a similar favor in the future for a stranger who 47 to cross your path.36. A. Naturally B. Unfortunately C. Luckily D. Strangely37. A. forbidden B. waited C. forced D. expected38. A. house B. pillow C. furniture D. quilt39. A. purse B. picture C. book D. house40. A. rose B. climbed C. reached D. won41. A. thought B. chance C. method D. fortune42. A. relative B. customer C. friend D. stranger43. A. reason B. secret C. mistake D. fun44. A. note B. wallet C. address D. check45. A. admiring B. touching C. watching D. holding46. A. wonderful B. various C. pretty D. precious47. A. uses B. stops C. happens D. comesSection CDirections: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with ONE word that best fits the context.(12 points)Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be anything from collecting stamps 48 making model airplanes. Some hobbies are very expensive, 49 others don’t cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money; others are valuable only to50 owners.I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare fifty-cent piece worth $250!He was very happy about his purchase (buying) and thought 51 price was reasonable. My youngest brother collects matchboxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt 52 they are worth any money. However, to my brotherthey are extremely valuable. Nothing makes him happier 53 to find a new matchbox for his collection.That’s54 a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure 55 it gives us is.PART THREE READING COMPREHENSIONDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. (30 points)AA woman was walking her dog along a beach in New Zealand in late June when she saw something that looked like a white ball in the sand. It turned out to be a young Emperor penguin that was lost. At his age, he should have been close to Antarctica, swimming for fish and playing on the ice floes(浮冰). But this penguin started swimming north and just kept going.The penguin attracted a lot of attention in New Zealand. It has been 40 years since an Emperor penguin was last seen there. Researchers at the Department of Conservation were called in. They decided to watch the penguin closely, but not to disturb him in any way. Many New Zealanders came to Peka Peka Beach to look at the elegant penguin. They were careful to keep their dogs away from him so he wouldn’t be frightened.The public nicknamed the animal Happy Feet. Researchers started to notice that Happy Feet didn’t seem well. It turned out that he had been eating the sand from the beach, likely thinking it was snow.The public raised more than 11,000 pounds for an operation to get the sand out of his stomach. The operation was a success, and Happy Feet was taken to a zoo in Wellington, NZ. A group of experts met to decide how to help Happy Feet return to the wild.Last Sunday, they put him on a boat called Tangaroa, in a specially built ice-filled box and took him into the ocean which is his natural habitat. He took one last look at his human helpers and then dived into the ocean.56. Where was the young penguin supposed to be?A. On the sunny beach.B. Near Antarctica.C. Inside the hole in the ice.D. At the bottom of the ocean.57. Why did many New Zealanders keep their dogs away from the penguin?A. In order not to frighten him.B. In order not to make a noise.C. In order to watch him at a distanceD. In order to learn about the animal.58. What was the problem with Happy Feet?A. He felt extremely lonely.B. He had trouble walking on the sand.C. He had some sand in his stomach.D. He had no food to eat all the way.59. The public collected some money to ________.A. build a home for the penguinB. pay for an operation on the penguinC. do research on the penguinD. return the penguin to its natural habitat60. Where can we most probably read this passage?A. In a research paper.B. In a student’s book.C. In a travel magazine.D. In a newspaper report.BIf a child has a learning problem before he leaves the Second or Third Grade, it’s difficult for him to study well. ADHD(注意力缺乏多动症)is one of the most common learning disabilities. Even with parents and doctors working together without schools’ help, it is very hard to get rid of the disability. Sadly, even today, there are many schools that don’t know how to de al with the children with these disabilities.Fairfield Primary School is a good place for children that have been diagnosed with ADHD. The teachers really care about all of their students and they are willing to work with parents and doctors in order to help these children. When they see the child want to act up(捣蛋) in class, they usually give the child something physical to do in order to get rid of the excess(过多的) energy. They never punish the child for something that is beyond the child’s control.Overall, Fairfield Primary School has all of things that a child with ADHD needs. They provide interesting class games for the child’s excess energy. They also provide the school rules the child needs. They give the child a caring environment where they are not kept apart because they are different. This is a very good school for a child who is suffering from one or more of these problems.We believe your child with ADHD can learn, change and succeed if they come to study in Fairfield Primary School.61. The passage is mainly about ________.A. a childB. a schoolC. a teacherD. a disease62. Which of the following is necessary to help children with ADHD according to the passage?A. Taking them to see doctors more often.B. Parents’ spending more time c aring for them.C. Parents, doctors and schools’ working together.D. Choosing the best primary school for them.63. The teachers in Fairfield Primary School ________.A. don’t like children with excess energyB. are good at dealing with many diseasesC. create a good environment for parentsD. care about all the children with ADHD64. How do the teachers deal with students with excess energy?A. By punishing and criticizing them.B. By asking them to play games.C. By forcing them to listen to them.D. By giving them a strict environment.65. Who is the passage written for?A. Teachers.B. Children.C. Doctors.D. Parents.CMost of us believe that emotions come from what happens outside of ourselves. In f act, it’s not the outside events but what we do with those outside events in our mind that causes us to be happy or unhappy.Obviously, if it was only the event that was creating our emotions, we all would have the same reaction to any event or circumstanc e. Actually, it’s the way we understand it, or more correctly put the way we judge the event that matters. When we judge an event as positive to us, we have a positive emotion. If we judge the event to be something negative, the emotion we generate is negative.Our ability to judge how events will eventually work out has been proven scientifically to be at best 60% correct and in most cases less than 30%. That means we have only a 30 to 40 percent chance of being right in how we judge something. The truth is that we are very poorly equipped to judge the consequences of events accurately.Every day some people tell us that unfortunate events, disease or a lot of negative experiences were the best things that could have happened to them. Now of course some of you may say these people were optimistic and just retell the event to find a good way of looking at it. Thisway of looking at it is missing the point.If judging things is what causes us to label them positive or negative and this in turn makes us happy or unhappy, then refusing to judge things as bad benefits us a lot.Peace of mind and happiness can be achieved by simply accepting something that is totally true. We can’t judge if something is going to be good or bad for us in the future. If we are to be happy most of the time, we need to stop judging events moment to moment.66. What does the text mainly talk about?A. What creates our emotions.B. How to judge outside events.C. What makes us feel unhappy.D. How to achieve peace of mind.67. What makes us unhappy according to the text?A. Terrible circumstances.B. Daily life and experiences.C. That we judge events as negative.D. That the event goes badly.68. Which of the following is TRUE of people’s judgments?A. They make people happy.B. Most of them are not accurate.C. They are negative in most cases.D. Usually over 40% of them are right.69. What does “the point” refer to in the fifth paragraph?A. Negative experiences always turn out to be positive finally.B. We should keep optimistic when something bad happens.C. Refusing to judge things as bad makes a great deal of sense.D. The consequences of events have little to do with our judgments.70. If we want to keep happy, we should ________.A. not do anything to affect eventsB. accept different judgments from othersC. stop judging quickly how events will turn outD. not judge events when they are going smoothly第Ⅱ卷PART FOUR WRTINGSECTION ADirections: Read the following passage. Complete the notes by using the information for the passage. Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer. (10 points)Happiness is an emotion which is characterized by a feeling of absolute satisfaction. It is the feeling of being where you should be, getting what you want and needing little else.It is easy to confuse happiness with pleasure. But the two aren’t one. Pleasure is intense and continues for a short time. Happiness lasts longer. Pleasure can result from any number of happy experiences. For example you get pleasure from eating your favorite chocolate or reading a fantastic book. Take away the experience and pleasure ends. On the other hand, happiness is the aggregate of a number of experiences.What makes a person happy? Different people get happiness in different ways. For some, it comes from having a good job or a satisfying relationship. For others, it could be the ability to deal with life’s challenges with calmness. Whatever the source is, one thing i s certain: happiness is an attitude. It is the way of thinking that enables you to interpret things in a positive way. It is that particular feeling that puts a smile on your face, for no apparent reason.Happiness affects every aspect of a person’s life. Happier people are generally more successful, more productive and more balanced. They are healthier and stronger physically as well as emotionally. A happier person has a longer life, collects more friends and has greater chances of developing successful relationships with those around him.Happiness is the net result of many factors, of which 40% is within your control. Your thoughts, actions and goals, for example, are your own. You can choose to interpret an experience as enrichment, if you wish to do so. This, in turn, increases your happiness, so a good part of happiness can be controlled. By taking active control of this you can lead a more successful and satisfying life.Title: HappinessI. 71. ________a feeling of absolute satisfaction of being where you should be, getting what you want and needing little elseII. Differences◆ Pleasure● be 72. ________● result from happy experiences◆ 73. ________● be more lasting● be the aggregate of a number of experiencesIII. 74. ________● a good job or a satisfying relationship● the ability to 75. ________ calmlyIV. 76. ________● make people more successful, 77. ________● make people healthier and stronger● make a person 78. ________● make a person collect more friends and have greater chances to de velop successful79. ________V. SuggestionTake active control of the good part of your happiness to live a more80. ________ lifeSection Bw.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mDirections: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet. (10 points)Summer is a busy period for holiday travel. Many people travel great distances in airplanes. Experts say people should know about some health problems that can strike when traveling by air. One of these is a lack of oxygen to the brain called hypoxia(缺氧症). The body begins losing oxygen minutes after an airplane takes off. The air pressure in a plane during flight is lower than that at sea level. This makes it more difficult for the body to effectively use the same amount of oxygen as it would,on the ground. Fewer oxygen molecules(分子) cross the tissues in the lungs and reach the bloodstream. The result is a five to twenty percent decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood. This reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the organs of the body. One effect of this lack of oxygen to the brain is headache. When this happens, the heart attempts to fix the situation by beating harder and faster. This can make the passenger feel tired. These signs of hypoxia are not dangerous in a healthy person. But a drop in oxygen level can cause a health emergency in people with heart or lung problems. They might lose consciousness or even suffer a heart attack.Experts say that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol also reduce the body’s ability to use oxygen. So they suggest people should not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes either before or during a flight. They warn that people with heart or lung problems should seek advice from their doctor before flying.81. What causes hypoxia when we travel by air? (no more than 7 words )__________________________________________________________________82. Why should we not smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol before flying? (no more than 9 words)__________________________________________________________________83. How do oxygen molecules reach our brain? (no more than 3 words)__________________________________________________________________84. What is the writer’s purpose of writing this passage? (no more than 8 words)__________________________________________________________________SECTION CDirections: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. (25 points)假如你是班长,你发现班上大多数同学学习非常努力,但是他们不重视体育锻炼。

全新版大学英语听说教程答案第四册答案Book-IV(《大学英语》全新版)Unit 1Part BTextExercise 1: 1. b 2. c 3.aExercise 2: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. F. 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T 10.TPart C1. c2. d3. c4. a5. bPart Dgreen: sign of life and of hopeblue: color of the sky and the seaorange: color of health and strengthred: color of danger and bravery; of passion and lovepurple: color of royalty an powerindigo: color of silencerainbow: sign of hope for tomorrowUnit 2Part BTextExercise 1: 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. d 6. aExercise 2: (omitted)Part C1.Americans move about a great deal at parties.2....as soon as there are more people than chairs in a room...3.you will see first one and then another make some excuse to get to hisfeet4.sitting becomes static5.introduce themselves6.drift around a room7.you are expected to reply by giving your name and introducing the person with you8.merely nod and smile9.she extends it10.just nods and greets herPart D1.In Japan, you should hold a business with both hands and read the name and the job title carefully. so do not hold the card with one hand a nd put it into your pocket without reading it.2.In Mexico, it is usual for men to touch each other in a friendly way and it is considered unfriendly if you move away when you are touched.3.IN Korea, eye contact means sincerity and respect to the speaker.4.In China, you should avoid criticizing people, otherwise you will embarrass them.5.Kate pretended to criticize her Chinese business partner with the intention of amusing him.6.In China, you should avoid confrontation with people.7.People in Scotland and Wales will be offended if you call them English.It is because England is not one part of the United Kingdom.8.Rob doses not like to be touched and stared at.9.English people tend to look away when talking to each other.Unit 3Part BTextExercise 1:1.radio/TV2.celebrations/world3. a weekly column/Daily Star4.can't afford5.couple/hundred6.eighteen/age/accepted/adult/vote/buy wines/drive a car7.considered/mature/boys8.Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia, and Senegal.Exercise 2: 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.TPart C1.F2.F3.T4.F5.F6.T7.T8.F9.T 10.FPart D1.The reasons why boundaries between countries are fading.2.fading of boundaries of class and caste in societies/relaxation of immigration laws in many counties/freedom for people to convert to other relig ions/birth of the Internet3.They are Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.4.21or more.5.The adoption and circulation of the single currency, the euro.Unit 4Part BTextExercise 1:1.put the OHP on the table2.press the buttons in and lift this part up until it snaps into place3.turn the OHP round so the head is facing towards the screen or a white wall4.plug it in5.switch it on6.place the transparency on the stage7.move the flap up or down to raise or lower the image8.turn the wheel to make the image sharpExercise 2:1.place the OHP about 2 meters from the wall or screen2. a screen works better than a wall3.leave the OHP switched on when using it and place a piece of paper over the glassPart C1.in the address book or contact list2."CCs" stands for copies of a message. when you want other people toget copies of the same email message, you send them "CCs".3.you can copy sentences and paste them in other places4.you can run the spell checker5.you double click the word an type the new word over it.Unit 5Part BTextExercise 1: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. CExercise 2:1.Firstly, it is a fact that some people were born with better memories.2.Secondly, different things are kept in different parts of the brain. Ideas,words and numbers are stored in the left-hand side and images, soundsand smells in the right-hand side.3.Thirdly, unusual experiences can produce chemicals such as adrenaline in our body which can boost memory.4.Fourthly, how well we remember something is also affected by the context in which we learn about it.5.Finally, the more often you recall a memory, the more likely you are to remember it. If you don't, you lose it.Part C1.Four2.Because Australia is shaped a bit like a dog.3.Break it into smaller ones and then think of what the numbers remindus of.4.Try to follow the directions in our mind.5.Try to build them into a story.Part D1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T6.F7.T8.TUnit 6Part BTextExercise 1: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. BExercise 2:1.if a man with a fortune cannot make himself easier and freer than those who are not, he gains nothing. Nothing except glittering baggage thatmust be attended to.(d)2.the larger a man's roof, the more snow it collects.(a)3.the lust for comfort is a stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.(b)4.things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.(c)Part CExercise: 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.bPart D1.He is CEO and co-founder of John Paul Mitchell Systems2.Hair care products.3.It makes about $200 million in the sales per year.4.He joined forces with his friends Paul Mitchell, who was one for America's most influential hair designers then, and together they introduced arevolutionary hair setting and styling method.5.The successful people persist even during the toughest times, but the unsuccessful give up.6.Because DeJoria believes that fewer people can do more.7.They have 87 employees worldwide although they probably should hirefive or six hundred people.8.They are paid more than others in the industry but hey have to do more as well.9.He thinks it his duty to donate to worthwhile projects and causes.10.Success unshared is a failure.Unit 7Part BText 1Exercise 1: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A5. AExercise 2:1.Nonsmokers seem to have won the battle because smoking is banned not only inpublic places like theaters and airports but also in all workplaces. The numberof places where people are allowed to smoke has gradually become smaller an smaller.2.They have banned smoking in parks and recreation centers. In Los Angeles, forexample, they have implemented a smoke-free park policy, officially designatingsmoke-free zones in all 375 parks and recreation centers in the city. And since January 1, 2002 all parks in California have become smoke-free to safeguard children from the harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke and dangerous tobacco waste.Part CThe World Health Organization has named May 31 as World No Tobacco Day. Mark ing the day this year, the WHO announced that there was a 33 percent growth in the Asian cigarette market from 1999-2000.In Singapore, there has been an increase of smokers, which reflects the popularity of the addictive habit in Asia. Statistics show that seven Singaporeans die every day fro m smoking-related diseases in this country of 3.5 million people.Now, smoking will become socially unacceptable under a campaign by Singapore’s g overnment to use family and social pressure to get smokers to kick the habit. The ca mpaign, launched in April 2002, is the latest weapon employed by the state against t he spreading smoking habit. “Show them you care. Help them stop smoking,” is the campaign’s slogan, aimed at obtaining the help of loved ones to he lp smokers stop th eir nicotine habit. As part of its effort to discourage smoking, the government of Sin gapore has been putting up advertisements in newspapers, on TV and the Internet, sh owing parents quitting smoking so as not to worry their children.Part DOmittedUnit 8Part BText 1Exercise 1: 1. c 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. dExercise 2: Medical Record: OmittedPart COld age in the United States presents many problems and 1) opportunities. As a resul t of 2) improved medical services, people live longer than they used to. This increase in 3) longevity creates a wide range of 4)social needs. The medical specialty of gerontology has opened up new research areas and careers related to the elderly.Because of changes in the family structure 5)from extended to nuclear, the elderly h ave to create 6) existence apart from basically small family units. This situation is 7) com plicated by the fact that may of their friends may have died and their children may have moved away.The elderly must set up a new life. Often, 8) the elderly must rely on a fixed incom e—Social Security and pensions—and gradually diminished savings. 9)While some live wi th their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home.However, the increasing proportions of elderly people in society has given them a ne w political power. 10) They have formed organizations to voice their own needs and conc erns to local, state and federal agencies. Lobbying for such issues as increased Social Sec urity benefits, better health care, income tax benefits and rent controls has brought to the public an increased awareness of the determination of the elderly to assert their ability to deal effectively with their own lives.Part D OmittedUnit 9 Part BText 1Exercise 1: 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d Exercise 2: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F Part C1. A2. B3. D4. C5. D6. A7. C8. BPart D omittedUnit 10 Part BText 1Exercise 1: 1. B 2. D3. A4. A5. D6. D Exercise 2: omittedPart CProgram: Talk of the NationHost: Jenny ButlerGuest: Dr. James of Maryland UniversityTopic: Internet addictionHarmful effects of Internet addiction: Relationship problems or problems in maintainin g gradesWarning signals showing you are starting to get addicted: Impulse to go online begi ns to affect other areas of life. Begin to feel anxious or depressed or empty or lon ely when not online.How to avoid Internet addiction: Have some sort of balance in life.。
全新版大学英语第四册Unit 4答案

Unit 4Text Ap.1041-10 both see their identity; birth; not incidentally; annual; networking; implications; Whatever their considerable differences; unimpeded flows; interconnected marketplace; advantageousp.1061-12 advantageous; let alone; witnessing, vanishing; landmark; entitled; displace; Establishment; patriotic, strengthen; contradicions; aspires; divorced; pendulumsp.1071-8 come to; dozed off; believed in; was set apart; take in; sucks in; clean up; turn awayp.1081 makes no/little differnce whether we go there by train or by bus.2 overtaken General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker.3 at odds with his wife over money matters.4 been at the forefront of nanotechnology research.5 let alone cook a meal.p.109a) is increasing; to accelerate; their investmentb) economy; make an earnest; domestic; strike a balance betweenc) a handful of; be endorsed by; on a large scalep.1111 An unusual present, a book on ethics, was given to Henry for his birthday.2 The reason (he gave) that he didn’t notice the car till too late was unsatisfactory.3 Football, his only interest in life, has brought him many friends.4 Cloning had been raised as a possibility decades ago, then dismissed, something that serious thought was simply not going to happen anytime soon.p.1111-12 academics; networking; a variety of; growth; vanish; facilitate;endorsing; outlook; sweeping aside; patriotic; erasing; strike a balance;p.1121-10 aided; effects; distances; connected; invested;features; prevailing; qualitatively; volume; Distinguishingp.1121 Due to his pessimistic outlook on the European economy, John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere.2 I like hiring young people. They are earnest learners and committed to work.3 Unlike her girl friends who center their lives on their children, Mary cares more about her personal growth.4 Why is it that a considerable number of colleagues are at odds with you?5 The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strenghten cooperation with developing countries.p.113Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas to look for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasingly important. At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese students have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The Internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trend and copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.Text Bp.1171-6 c; a; b; b; c; dp.1171 如果9、11 有什么引人注目的地方,那就是恐怖主义者们来自世界山全球化程度最低、最不开放、融合程度最低的地方:沙特阿拉伯、也门、阿富汗和巴基斯坦。

Unit 4★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) conversely 2). but then 3) symptom 4) spitting 5) abusing 6) tone7) took…in 8) editing 9) have arranged 10) in sight 11) stretched 12) data 2. 1) The sight of teenagers smoking cigarettes jars on me.2) A lot of American teenagers don’t like street gangs, but they find themselves gettingsucked in.3) Jeffrey’s computer crashed again this morning. The manager has arranged for atechnician from the computer store to check and repair it.4) During the Vietnam War, many young Americans fled their country to avoid militaryservice/fled to other countries to avoid military service.5) The new government is planning an anti-corruption campaign so as to restore people’sconfidence in it.3. 1) the virtual, on line, via 2) nightmare, routine, any appointment, arrange for3) cue, remarks, his tuneII. 1. We came here all the way on foot.2. Private cars are not allowed on campus.3. They are on vocation in Florida.4. Mary has been talking to her friend on the phone for an hour.5. Don’t worry, Lucy is always on time.6. Industrial demand on fuel is on the rise.III. 1. hard 2. difficult 3. impossible 4. tough 5. hard 6. easyComprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) internet 2) click 3) virtual 4) routines 5) arrange 6) nightmare 7) annoying 8)connection 9) crawls 10) take in 11) spit 12) data 13) sucked into 14) At times 15) flee 16) on line2. 1) companion 2) deliver 3) access 4) enables 5) customers 6) delights 7) provides 8)small 9) remote 10) informationII. Translation1. 1) Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits.2) A slow Internet connecting speed is really annoying.3) As the law stands, helping someone commit suicide is a crime.4) In her report, Mary tries to interpret the data from a completely different angle.5) Sue is a girl of great talent. Her amazing memory sets her apart from her classmates.2. Perhaps you envy me for being able to work from home on the computer. I agree that theInternet has made my job a lot easier. I can write,submit and edit articles via email, chat with my colleagues on line and discuss work with my boss. With a click of the mouse, I can get all the data I need and keep up with the latest news. But then, communicating through the Net can be frustrating at times. The system may crash. Worse still, without the emotional cues of face-to-face communication, the typed words sometimes seem difficult to interpret.★ Text BComprehension Check: c a a b d cLanguage Practice1.d e a c b f g h2.1) vehicle 2) hooked on 3)intense 4)worldwide 5)overnight 6)slipped7) on the whole 8) called forth 9) outwards 10)Needless to say 11) to myknowledge 12) On top of thatUnit 5★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) startled 2) mere 3) motion 4) sweating 5) stretched 6) vain 7) On one occasion 8) anxiety 9) emotions 10) ashamed 11) In my mind’s eye 12) recurring2. 1) Mrs. White’s birthday coincides with her husband’s.2) They make big profits on the stuff they sell by creating an artificial shortage, which send sthe prices soaring/results in the soaring of prices.3) It has been a week of alternate sunshine and rain.4) Politics and philosophy have been his lifelong passions, although he studied economics atuniversity.5) Tension came over her, as she waited for her first TV interview.3. 1) media, dedication to, grace 2) his competitors, in excitement, hug him, congratulate him on 3) emotions, numerous, intensity, passion forII.1.Mike, a Green, made the suggestion that a large park be built near the community.2.In a letter to his daughter, Mr. Smith expressed his wish that she (should) continue hereducation to acquire still another degree.3.There is no reason to hold the belief that humans have no direct moral responsibility tosafeguard the welfare of animals.4.Children need to feel safe about the world they grow up in, and it is unwise to give them theidea that everything they come into contact with might be a threat.5.Anxiety can result from the notion that life has not treated us fairly.6.Nobody believed his claim that he was innocent.III.1.I work out in the gym for one hour every morning.2.Florence has worked as cleaner at the factory for five years.3.The wounded man worked his way across the field on his hands and knees.4.The safe load for a truck of this type works out at about twenty-five tons.5.It is difficult to understand how human minds work.6.To my disappointment, the manager’s plan of promoting the new products doesn’t work at all.7.The teacher has a lot of experience of working with children who don’t know how to learn.8.The medicine was like magic, and it worked instantly after you took it.Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) In my mind’s eye 2) groan 3) competitor 4) intensity 5) anxiety 6) tense7) sweat 8) tension 9) soaring 10) recurring 11) brought me back to earth12) fantasy 13) sweat 14) congratulate 15) numerous 16) media2. 1) engineer 2) forget 3) convinced 4) how 5) build 6) accident7) thought 8)only 9) sharp 10) touched 11) instructions 12) finallyII. Translation1. 1) It is the creativity and dedication of the workers and executives that turned the companyinto a profitable business.2) The prices of food and medicine have soared in the past three months.3) We plan to repaint the upper floors of he office building.4) His success shows that popularity and artistic merit sometimes coincide.5) I don’t want to see my beloved grandmother lying in a hospital bed and groaning painfully.2. Numerous facts bear out the argument/statement/claim that in order to recover speedilyfrom negative emotion, you should allow yourself to cry. You needn’t/don’t have to be ashamed of crying. Anxiety and sorrow can flow out of the body along with tears.Consider the case of/Take Donna, Her son unfortunately died in a car accident. The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry. She said, “It was not until two weeks later that I began to cry. And then I felt as if a big stone had been lifted from my shoulders. It was the tears that brought me back to earth and helped me survive the crisis.”★ Text BComprehension Check: b c b b c aLanguage Practice1. a e d c b h f g2.1) aid 2) inclined 3) in good health 4) shortcomings 5) penetrated6) dismiss 7)has suffered from 8)progressive 9)optimistic 10)to a degree 11)hold on to12)installUnit 7★Text AVocabularyI.1. 1) Strictly speaking 2) drifted 3) resembles 4) invaded 5) is conquered 6) fascinating 7) snack 8) put…into practice 9) source 10) climate 11) surrendered 12) were aroused2. 1) an absolute necessity rather than a luxury 2) is a valuable addition to the football team.3) will get out of control, if the firemen do not arrive within ten minutes.4) alternative but to g via Vancouver to get to Seattle5) declared all beef imports will be banned for the next six months as an emergency measure tostop the spread of mad cow disease.3. 1) systematic, have invented, to a very real extent, mysteries2) to establish, to be modifies/ modifying 3) tolerance towards, strike out, enrichII. 1. a) wish b) wish c) want d) want/wish 2. a) skin b) hide/skin c) hide d) skin 3. a) raise/rear b) raise c) rear/raise d) raise 4. a) royal b) kingly/royal c) sovereignd) royal/kinglyIII. 1. Indeed 2. though 3. Frankly 4. Moreover 5. To my knowledge6. however7. nevertheless8. Yet9. instead 10) in other words Comprehensive ExerciseI.1. 1) fascinating 2) tolerance 3) invented 4) addition 5) ban 6) corrupt7) out of control 8) influenced 9) elite 10)came up with 11) establishing12) Massive 13)sources 14)enrich2. 1) early 2) similar 3) source 4) observation 5) examine6) features 7) declared 8) stronger 9) accident 10) sprungII. Translation1. 1) Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new policy went into effect.2) On hearing the news, she smiled briefly, and then returned to her habitual frown.3) He paused for effect, then said:“We can reach/enter these markets through new channels.”4) The addition of a concert hall to the school will help it nourish young musical talents.5) We have no way to protect our personal liberties until we have established a sovereignstate,/We can’t protect our personal liberties unless we, first of all, establish a sovereign state.2. Though how the English language came into existence remains a mystery to manypeople,linguists believe that English and most other European languages have descended from a common source: the Indo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. They passed onto us the basic vocabulary of English. In over fifteen centuries of its development, English has enriched itself by massive borrowing. As British immigrants landed in America and established the United States as an independent nation, a new variety was added to the English language : American English. Though some people worry that the language is running out of control, many native speakers of English take pride in the tolerance of their language.★ Text BComprehension Check: c c c d b dLanguage Practice1. g e d c b h f a2. 1) give way to 2) predict 3) substantial 4) integrate 5) in transition 6) aspect7) to name a few 8) authority 9) dominate 10) had contributed to 11) unique12) rid yourself of。

Unit 1 enjoy your feelings!IIC BD A Dl Listening InTask 1 what a clumsy man!Keys: A C D C BTask 2 causes of depressionKeys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4)certain (5)self-esteen(6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxietyTask 3 happiness indexKeys: B D A A Cl Let’s TalkKeys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two step (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growing (18) learnl Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!(S1) owner(S2) running(S3) drop(S4) run(S5) local(S6) yelling,(S7) lives!”(S8) As he’s picking himself up, he sees a large man, almost seven feet tall.(S9) The bartender nervously hands the big man a beer, hands shaking.(S10) “I got to get out of town! Don’t you hear Big John is coming?”Task 2 Reason and emotionKey : A B C C DTask 3 Every cloud has a silver liningKey : T F F T Fl Viewing and speakingKey :(1) seven (2) 150 (3) favorite (4) bridge (5) 111 (6) fast (7) simple (8) trusted (9) stupid (10) did (11) No way (12) ultimate (13) limits (14) skywards (15)&60 (16)cheapUnit 2If d a e h i b c jII BACDBIII1.CAADB2.Correct answerthe enddiscountsT-shirtsbig-name brands Interchangeable piecesblack trousers several times simpleststylish and fashionable 3.ABACDV let’s talkTask 1wealthyclothing stylesfigureslimmer constructionlightlargerformalbrightly coloredthe rich and the poorone classoccasionsPoorer peopleFurther listening > Task 1CAABATask 2BABABTask 31.She chose two colors, then built her wardrobe around them.2.She has a pair of black dress slacks, with black shoes to match. If she wearsthat with her turquoise silk blouse and a matching necklace and earrings, she will look dressed up.3.If she wears a T-shirt with the black dress slacks, she is more casual.4.If she brings a pashmina, or another dress scarf, she can dress up the T-shirtinto casual chic.5.Her suitcase will be nearly empty, with lots of room for shopping.Viewing and speaking > Task 1(1)combining clothing with newtechnology(2)brand-new style(3)new industrial design solutions(4)electronics and fashion(5)into your collar(6)went into partnership with(7)bring them together(8)the modern-day worker(9)600 pounds(10)to what we might expectUnit 3Basic listening DACBCListening in Task 1 BCADC Task 2 BBABA Task 3 Correct answer drought tsunami undersea result indry spellfloodwater supplies famine agriculture heavy rainfall meltingswellman-made damsLet’s talk Task 1 Correct answer erupted buryingfewoverseas rescueinjured damaged islanders sevenbiggestcloseaftershockstrap20 million poundsdiseaseFurther listening >Task 1 BADACTask 21. Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance.But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.5. The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.Task 3 ABCDCViewing and speaking >Task 1rescuedworst floodingsurprisefloodedmy son'screwsbursthitsavehigh tidefurniturenormalcomputer systemdrugsheavyIII 3A natural disaster is the consequence of a hazardous event, occurring when human activities are affected by adverse natural phenomena such as flood, drought, hailstorm, heat wave, forest fire, hurricane, typhoon, tornado, tsunami, landslide and mudslide, or volcanic eruption. The scale of the resulting deaths or property damage depends on the human ability to resist the disasters.Sometimes two seemingly different disasters may be related to each other. For example, an undersea earthquake may result in a tsunami. While there is a long dry spell in one area, there may be a great flood in another.A drought is a long-lasting weather pattern consisting of dry conditions with very little or no precipitation. During this period, food and water supplies can run low, and other conditions, such as famine, can occur. Droughts can last for several yearsand are particularly damaging in areas in which the residents depend on agriculture for survival.A flood follows too much rain or water in a location, and could be the result of many different conditions. Floods can be caused by heavy rainfall from a storm, including thunderstorms, rapid melting of large amounts of snow, or rivers which swell from too much precipitation upstream, causing widespread damage to areas downstream. Another possible cause of floods is the bursting of man-made dams.Unit 3 V 1Disaster has struck inHaiti. An earthquake of huge proportions erupted in theCaribbeanisland—one of the poorest communities in the West. Buildings, which were badly built, tumbled, burying thousands of people in their own homes.Haitiis a poor country with few emergency services to help. The islanders had to use their bare hands to search for their families. They waited for teams from overseas countries likeBritainand theUnited Statesto bring equipment and manpower to help rescue any survivors they could find.It's feared that more than 100,000 people have died. One school friend lies injured on the pavement. Another voices her sorrow. The historic cathedral was badly damaged; and at the presidential palace, the roof collapsed.The islanders here know about earthquakes.Haitilies in an area where there are frequent tremors and also tropical storms. But last week's earthquake registered seven on the Richter scale—almost as high as the scale can go. It was the biggest for 200 years. It happened eight kilometers beneath the Earth's crust—that's quite close to the surface, so the tremors were really strong.There were also lots of aftershocks—tremors that happen after the main earthquake. Those aftershocks can also cause damage as buildings collapse further and trap people who might have survived the first disaster.The British government has promised 20 million pounds of aid to helpHaiti, and many people have also made donations.Now the concern is to prevent disease hitting areas without clean water or enough medical help.Unit 3 VI 21.Since the company was composed entirely of men over 65, there was doubt that they would be of any assistance. But the farmer called the company anyway because the fire proved to be more than the small town fire department could handle, and there was no other help available.2. The truck drove straight toward the fire and, instead of stopping in front of the fire, drove right into the middle of the flames.3. After an hour of intense fighting, they had extinguished the fire.4. He presented the volunteer fire company with a check for $10,000.5. The captain said, "The first thing we're going to do is to get the brakes fixed on that stupid fire truck." That suggests that they drove right into the middle of the flames because of useless brakes rather than bravery.Unit 3 viewing and speaking 1Voice-over: Trapped indoors by raging floodwaters for more than 24 hours, a91-year-old woman is rescued by firemen and carried to safety. It's the worst flooding in Coggeshall and the surrounding villages inEssexin more than 50 years, and it's taken residents here by surprise.Elderly woman: I came from home, because my place was flooded with burst pipes, so I came down to my son's to be safe and got this. So, I just wonder what I've done wrong to get all this!Voice-over: Emergency crews have been evacuating people like this woman and her baby since the banks of the River Blackwater burst this weekend. Parts of easternEnglandwere hit yesterday after a month's worth of rain fell here in a day. People told me there was no time to save their belongings.Woman: By the time the high tide had come up at quarter to four in the morning, the water was up to the piano keys. It'd come right up here, and I mean you can just see on the, on the, on the furniture where the water had come up to.Voice-over: There was flooding in Cambridgeshire too. Staff were mopping up water at this doctor's surgery in Borne, trying to get the facilities back to normal. Doctor: It's wrecked all the computer system. It's managed unfortunately to get to a few of the old notes. It's also affected all our drugs that are here, including the flu jabs we were hoping to run our flu jabs sessions.Voice-over: A few roads inEssexin Cambridgeshire remain virtually impassable, but water levels are dropping. The question for residents here now is what will happen if they get even more heavy rain in the next few days.Unit 4Lead inc d a e h f i g bBasic listeningCBABDListening inTask l CBDAATask 2Relationshipsmarketing managerin conflict withexpensesended in vaintraining administrator visitedestablish closer relationships long-termpicked upTask 3 CDDCALet's talkTask 116featuresbriefpaper guidelines interviews treatmentcome back DeadlinesmeetguidancescaryFurther listening > Task 1 DBCAC Task 2 BABAB1. They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, Carl Martin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.2. The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3. The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a press conference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4. The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and the company quickly rebounded.5. The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time for Carl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO.Viewing and speakingTask 1earninglive onfrustratingheadchasingtelevisioneditorlaunchingbasisprivilegedIII 2Lillian: Mr. Baxter, you have worked in the company for five years, and now you manage everything here smoothly, like a clock. Could you tell us the secrets of your successful career?Baxter: Just as the golden rule of real estate is "location, location, location", the golden rule of work is "relationships, relationships, relationships". Unfortunately, many workers focus so hard on the job at hand that they never develop useful relationships with people in other parts of their organization. Worse, when they do interact with colleagues in other departments, they may not treat them with respect.Lillian: Could you give me more details?Baxter: Let's take Wendy as an example. She switched jobs several months ago in the company. In her first position, as a marketing manager, she frequently foundherself in conflict with the financial department over her staff's expenses. Her argument for more funds usually ended in vain. Then in her new job as training administrator, she wanted to launch an on-the-job training project. She needed the financial department to support her request for a budget. How did she convince them this time? Although the financial department's offices were located in another city, Wendy decided to visited them in their offices and try to establish closer relationships. She believed she must first of all understand their mission and their own training needs. Then she found an ally in the company's chief financial officer, who saw how her group could help develop his staff. Thus the two forged along-term alliance, which led to a training program so successful that it has since been picked up by the company's offices inGermanyandJapan. Winning allies throughout your organization has an additional benefit. These days, it's far too risky to expect your work to speak for itself. Having allies who speak well of you increases your reputation with the top management.Unit 4 let’s tallk 1Ayesha: In the newsroom you have about 16 reporters. The news reporters sit in one part of the room, and you have features on the other side of the room. I'm just going to see Kev, he's my news editor and he's gonna do a brief, basically brief me on a story that's happening later on. When I walk into my newsroom I don't know what to expect. You start at eight but you don't know how long that's gonna go on for. Hello.Kevin: Hi Ayesha. So we're really looking for a featurey sort of piece for tomorrow's paper.Ayesha: FrenchayHospital, which is one of our hospitals inBristol. They're celebrating their 10 years of this head injury unit, and we've been invited up. We're gonna obviously cover and take pictures, and I'm gonna get to speak to people. So he was really giving me guidelines.Kevin: You know when you're doing your interviews, speak to people in some detail about, you know, how they were injured in the first place, but then the treatment they've gone through. OK?Ayesha: Yeah. Excellent! Thank you!Well, I've just started writing up for my next, and just basically from the day. I've got to get something through, I think, by about four. Sometimes I come back and I've got so much going on in my hands. So I'm just trying to, sort of, just work it through. Deadlines are very stressful. But you have to meet them because it's important; it's part of what newspaper journalism is all about. You get used to it bygetting the guidance, managing your time, but it's still scary. OK. It's all done. OK.This is theBristolfinal. If I have a look at page 14, there we are, and that's my story.Exciting!Unit 4 VI 31.They gathered for lunch to welcome the new Chief Executive Officer, CarlMartin, and say goodbye to the departing CEO, Dick Jackson.2.The departing CEO left three numbered envelopes for the new CEO.3.The message read, "Blame your predecessor." So, the new CEO held a pressconference and tactfully laid the blame at the feet of the previous CEO.4.The message read, "Reorganize." The new CEO did it, and the companyquickly rebounded.5.The message said, "Prepare three envelopes." It implied that it was time forCarl to leave and give three similar envelopes to the next CEO.。

全新版大学英语视听说教程4答案u41、Two()in our school were sent to a remote village to teach for a month. [单选题] *A. women teachers(正确答案)B. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman teacher2、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred ofB.two hundreds ofC.two hundredsD.two hundred (正确答案)3、15.This kind of bread is terrible. I do not want to eat it ________. [单选题] * A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer4、My friend and classmate Selina()running in her spare time. [单选题] *A.likeB. likes (正确答案)C. is likedD. is liking5、People cut down many trees ______ elephants are losing their homes. ()[单选题] *A. ifB. butC. so(正确答案)D. or6、Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so. [单选题] *A. forbidB. allowC. follow(正确答案)D. ask7、Chinese people spend _____ money on travelling today as they did ten years ago. [单选题] *A. more than twiceB. as twice muchC. twice as much(正确答案)D. twice more than8、My dog is very _______. It is safe to touch it if you want to. [单选题] *A. luckyB. deliciousC. friendly(正确答案)D. helpful9、He always ______ the teacher carefully in class. [单选题] *A. listensB. listens to(正确答案)C. hearsD. hears of10、( ) The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example______us in learning English. [单选题] *A. to(正确答案)B. forC. withD. on11、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in12、In the past, Mary _______ listening to music in her spare time. [单选题] *A. will likeB. likesC. likeD. liked(正确答案)13、19.Students will have computers on their desks ________ . [单选题] * A.in the future(正确答案)B.on the futureC.at the momentD.in the past14、Catherine has two cousins. One is quiet, and _______ is noisy. [单选题] *A. anotherB. the other(正确答案)C. othersD. other15、--_______ does Ben go to school?--By bus. [单选题] *A. How(正确答案)B. WhatC. WhereD. Why16、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)17、Having stayed in the United States for more than ten years, he got an American()[单选题] *A. speechB. accent(正确答案)C. voiceD. sound18、Whatever difficulties you have, you should not _______ your hope. [单选题] *A. give inB. give outC. give up(正确答案)D. give back19、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] *A. watchB. watching(正确答案)C. to watchD. watches20、In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you___ take care of your luggage. [单选题] *A. canB. mayC. must(正确答案)D. will21、He has bought an unusual car. [单选题] *A. 平常的B. 异常的(正确答案)C. 漂亮的D. 废弃的22、Jack would rather spend time complaining than_____the problem by himself. [单选题] *A.solve(正确答案)B.solvedC.solvesD.to solve23、Mr. White likes to live in a _______ place. [单选题] *A. quiteB. quiet(正确答案)C. quickD. quietly24、I repeated my question several times. [单选题] *A. 到达B. 惊奇C. 重复(正确答案)D. 返回25、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)26、He was?very tired,so he stopped?_____ a rest. [单选题] *A. to have(正确答案)B. havingC. haveD. had27、He _______ maths. [单选题] *A. does well in(正确答案)B. good atC. is well inD. does well at28、_______! Jack,the floor is wet. [单选题] *A. Be careful(正确答案)B. Be careful toC. Be careful forD. Be careful with29、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解30、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /(正确答案)D. the; /。

Unit Four Key to Part II Reading Task Content Questions: Pair Work: 1. Because he feels he is completely international. 2. What he means is that if one has a network of friends and enjoys what one is doing, one can function well anywhere in the world. 3. It refers to a member of the international business elite who treks each year to the Swiss Alpine town of Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum. 4. The issues include everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil and the implication of nanotechnology. 5. They all believe that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology across national borders, borders, is is is both both both welcome welcome welcome and and and unstoppable. unstoppable. unstoppable. They They They see see see the the the world world world increasingly increasingly increasingly as as as one one one vast, vast, vast, international international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy, produce and sell their goods and services. 6. He describes Davos Man as an emerging global superspecies and a threat. 7. Yes, global trade has been around for centuries. In the past, the corporations and countries that benefited from global trade were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products. 8. It predicted that four economies – Russia, Brazil, India and China – will become a much larger force in the world economy than widely expected, based on projections of demographics and economic growth, with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade. By 2050, these four newcomers will likely have displaced all but the US and Japan from the top six economies in the world. 9. It It refers refers refers to to to low-paid low-paid low-paid migrant migrant migrant workers workers workers from from from Asia Asia Asia and and and elsewhere elsewhere elsewhere who who who are are are increasingly increasingly increasingly providing providing providing key key services around the world. 10. Unlike Davos Man, Manila Woman is strongly patriotic. 11. Because he thinks that there are still too many barriers to cross-border business in Europe, let alone the world. 12. Davos Man needs to figure out how to strike a balance on a global scale between being international and being national at the same time. Text Organization Working on Y our Own: 1. Part One, Paras. 1-3: introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic Forum Part Two. Paras. 4-5: Debate over the impact of globalization on current society and culture Part Three. Paras. 6-8: History of globalization and its recent trands and future prospects Part Four. Paras. 9-11: Globalization versus nationalism and the challenges it faces 2. Main Events: 2) Davos Man seen their identity as a matter of personal choice, not an accident of birth. 3) Davos Man believes that globalization, the unimpeded flows of capital, labor and technology across national borders, it both welcome and unstoppable. 4) Davos Man sees the world increasingly as one vast, international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy, produce and sell their goods and services. Language Sense Enhancement1. (1) both see their identity (2) birth (3) incidentally (4) annual (5) networking (6) implications (7) Whatever their considerable differences (8) unimpeded flows (9) interconnected marketplace (10) advantageous Language FocusVocabulary:I.1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.1) advantageous 2) let alone 3) witnessing…vanishing 4) landmark strengthen 5) entitled 6) displace 7) Establishment 8) patriotic…patriotic…strengthen 9) contradictions 10) aspires 11) divorced 12) pendulums 2. Use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it.1) come to 2) dozed off 3) believed in 4) was set apart 5) take in 6) sucks in 7) clean up 8) turn away 3. Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in the brackets.1) makes no/little difference whether we go there by train or by bus. ’s biggest car maker. 2) overtaken General Motors as the world3) at odds with his wife over money matters. 4) been at the forefront of nanotechnology research. 5) let alone cook a meal. 4. Complete the sentence, using the words or phrases in the brackets.a) is increasingly…to accelerate…their investment b) economy…make an earnest…strike a balance between c) a handful of…be endorsed by…on a large scale II. Word Formation:WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织世界贸易组织GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值国内生产总值A TM automatic teller machine 自动出纳机自动出纳机V A T value-added tax 增值税增值税CAD computer-aided design 计算机辅助设计计算机辅助设计IT information technology 信息技术信息技术IDD international direct dialing 国际直拨电话国际直拨电话MTV music television 音乐电视音乐电视Radar radio detecting and ranging 雷达雷达IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会国际奥委会VIP very important person 贵宾、大人物贵宾、大人物Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光激光CPU central processing unit 中央处理器中央处理器III. Usage:1)An unusual present, a book on ethics, was given to Henry for his birthday. ’t notice the car till too late was unsatisfactory. 2)The reason (he gave) that he didn3)Football, his only interest in life, has brought him many friends. 4)Cloning had been raised as a possibility decades ago, then dismissed, something that serious scientists thought was simply not going to happen anytime soon. Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. Text-related:(1) academics; (2) networking (3) a variety of (4) growth (5) vanish (6) facilitate (7) endorsing (8) outlook (9) sweeping aside (10) patriotic (11) erasing (12) strike a balance 2. Theme-related:(1) aided (2) effects (3) distances (4) connected (5) invested (6) features (7) prevailing (8) qualitatively (9) volume (10) Distinguishing III. Translation1. Translate the sentences into English:1) 1) Due Due Due to to to his his his pessimistic pessimistic pessimistic outlook outlook outlook on on on the the the European European European economy, economy, economy, John John John has has has moved moved moved his his his assets assets assets from from from Europe Europe Europe to to elsewhere. 2) I like hiring young people. They are earnest learners and committed to work. 3) 3) Unlike Unlike Unlike her her her girl girl girl friends friends friends who who who center center center their their their lives lives lives on on on their their their children, children, children, Mary Mary Mary cares cares cares more more more about about about her her her personal personal growth. 4) The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries. 2. Translate the passage into English:Globalization has great implications for young Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises, enterprises, English English English has has has become become become increasingly increasingly increasingly important. important. important. At At At the the the same same same time, time, time, a a a considerable considerable considerable number number number of of of overseas overseas Chinese have returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy. The Internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trends can copy foreign fashions. Some of them don ’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish. 。

全新版大学英语听说教程4答案【篇一:全新版大学英语听说教程4答案】txt>unit 1part bexercisel1.a radio or tv program.2.birthday celebrations around the world.3.they run a weekly column in the toronto daily star.4.because they can’t afford the cost.5.because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy wines and drive a car.6.because girls are considered to be more mature than boys of the same age.7.turkey ,egypt, indonesia, senegal.exercise 2 1.f2.f3.t4.f5.f6.f7.f8.tpart c 1)unique 2)globe 3)simultaneously 4)terrorist 5)remembrance 6)appropriate 7)sharing 8)the material can be submitted to the project organizers in scotland. 9)it will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age.10)contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countries.unit 2part bexercise 1d c b a aexercise 2 1.smoking is banned...public places...theaters and airports...all workplaces 2.have banned smoking...parks and recreation centers...a smoke-free park...smoke-free zones...375...january1,2002...harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smoke...dangerous tobacco wastepart c ddaa unit 3 part b exercise 1d c a c exercise 2 were born with better memories….in different parts of the brain….idea s, words...numbers...left- hand side….images, sounds...smells...right-hand side….chemicals such as adrenaline...boost memory...context・・・recall...to remember it...lose it.part cadbunit 4 part b exercise Idbdcda exercise 2 go round,everyone individually hello ,everyone , sat down everyone in the group goodbye , left firmly quite gently your left hand ,your pocket her left hand in her pocket first , invited to , titles first name , invited to own name , a stranger how do you do part c cdbunit 5 part b exercise 1 b c a exercise 2 f t f f f f t f t t part ccdcabunit 6 part b exercise 1 addbcd exercise 2 business , economics had years of experience in , stuff they wanted to get rid of$110000 construction materials , old couches metals and electronics,over 60 percent , charities $ 3 million 130 16,80,2012 part cbcbaunit 7part b.exercise 1 d c b b a bexercise 2 1. with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing,glittering baggage, attended to2. the more snow it collects 3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master 4. and ride mankindmatch: 1. d2. a 3. b 4. c part c c a b b unit 8 part b exercise 1 b c b a dexercise 21. he was only 20 years old.2. there are 75 british cemeteries3. the name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls.4. there are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. the whole place is dark and dank. 5. it was created by an explosion. 6. it dates from medieval times part cb d c d c b unit 9 part bexercise 1 c c d c dexercise 2diana, female a zheimer’s disease ,53, four ,memory 1. recognize familiar buildings husband,s workplace 2. no idea how to get home 3. recognize her cousin4. her way round her office building made mistakespart c1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home 10) they have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies.unit 10 part b exercise 1.b d a c exercise21. 41-foot sailing boat 2. dining table 3. devised their own curriculum 4. a shuttle launch, the kennedy space center museums. 5. use a library 6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects 7. the world around them 8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivalspart c a b c cunit 11 part b exercise 1a c b b c exercise 2 1. they are too high 2. so that people can be discouraged from using cars3. she suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are from the city center. 4. because they pollute the city center. 5. use the bus or tram service.part cac c a unit 12 part bexercise 1.c b d d d dexercise 2.1. in sweden in 1997.2. on a south pacific island in may2000.3. they had to find and cook their own food.sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms. 4. nine volunteers. they were filmed 24 hoursa day for 100 days. 5. on new year,s eve 19996. $1 million for the winner of survivor and $500,000 for the winner of big brother. 7. big brother. part cab b d dunit 13part bexercise 1.1. in an expensive restaurant in london.2. no, he was brought up in england but now lives in south africa. 3. with his sister and brother-in-law.exercise 2.c a c c a apart cd c b dunit14part bexercise 1.b d d c cexercise 2.1. he wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist. 2. a cup of coffee. 3. a pistol4. a confession of his intention to poison his wife.5. one thousand dollars.6. he would mail it to a friend.7. preventing murders.part ccb b a test 1.part a1. a 2. c 3.b 4.c 5.a 6.b 7. c 8.d part b9. c 10.d 11.a 12.b 13.d 14.b 15 c part c 16). warned 17). cigarette !8). disease !9) extremely 20) kick 21) attempt 22)quit23) they hope this will eventually enable many people to permanently kill the habit. 24) smoking also can call a special telephone number to hear recorded messages by doctors. 25) americans who do not smoke are being asked to help just one person quit smoking during the 24- hour campaign.part d26. a 27.d 28.a 29.b 30. d 31.a 32. c 33.a 34. c 35.d test 2part a 1. b 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.d 6. d 7.c 8. b part b 9.d 10.d 11.c 12.a 3.d 14.a 15.b part c 16) regularly 17) measure 18) range 19) media 20) preferences 21) appeal 22) strategies23) polls are used to obtain information about voters, attitudes toward issues and candidates. 24) it is often possible to determine the probable winner even before the voting booths close. 25) the public's attitude toward various social, economic, and international issues is also considered newsworthy.part d26. c 27.d 28. b 29.b 30. c 31.d 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. c【篇二:新标准大学英语视听说教程4答案】xt>p3-3true statements are : 2,8p3-51. joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for lift off uk.2. andy wants joe’s job as a producer.p3-61-d 2-d 3-a 4-cp4-71. it’s not always very easy working with2. how did he end up in london3. the least experienced person4. he,s good at his job5. he is confident and very competent6. i get on with him quite wellp4-81-b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-bp6-21,2,3,4p6-41. she needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job.2. she doesn,t know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview.3. she doesn,t understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4. that you need to be well prepared for an interview. it boils down to preparation, presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.p7-51. professional job coach2. research on the position and the company3. having not practiced with some of the questions4. how you present yourself5. what the interviewer is actually looking for6. preparation, presentation and understanding7. in relationship to the job8. some examples in your life9. dealing with problems p7-71, 3,5,7,8,9,10,11p8-31-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-ckeys to unit 2a good readp14-2joe: 1andy: 2 janet: 3,4p14-33. it is a feature programme which reviews recently published books.4. none of them have read all of the books.5. he,s annoyed.6. it features new books that may have a london angle, but not necessarily.7. because Charles dickens, books are always on tv.8. she knows quite a lot about dickens because she is studying his work at university.9. it,s a biography which describes the london locations which are the settings for many ofdickens’ books.10. yes.p15-6place of birth: portsmouthdates: 19th century type of writing: novels setting of stories: around the law courts in the center of londonother features of writing: he describes hardship, poverty and crime in london.most famous novels: oliver twist, david copperfield p15-61-a 2-b 3-d 4-c 5-cp16-71. he wasn,t being at all fair.2. sometimes he really gets on my nerves3. keep his problems away from the studio4. he was born in portsmouth5. he set most of his stories in6. whereabouts in london are his stories set7. some of his stories take place8. cheer up9. i’ll get over itp16-81-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-ap18-227p19-41. borrow books2. look at an art exhibition3. connect to the internet4. let you borrow computer games5. with books and photographs6. in schools and universitiesp19-510. it is a national library11. you can find books and other printed materials.12. the british library adds millions of items to its collection every year.13. no, not at all, although some reading may take new forms (like reading from computerscreens or mobile phones), reading books will remain popular. p19-6 name: the british librarylocation: londonyear the new building opened: 1998items collected: books, sound recordings, music, maps, newspapers, and magazinesnumber of items added yearly: three millionp20-21. it began over 20 years ago2. about once every four or five weeks3. 104. the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5. modern novels, classics, non-fiction like history and travel writingp20-31 .-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-bp21-71. i’m not a professional literary specialist2. their close links with well-known writers3. the home of many well-known writers4. the memorial of great british writers5. rich in its literary history6. because of the recent series of films7. because it was the home of the three sisters8. also made into successful films9. around the english-speaking world10. whose work contributes keys to unit 4 money talks inside viewp38-11. janet: 136andy:2457 p38-21. what janet was doing at the market with joe.2. he is right about andy being late quite often.3. he says something unexpected has come up.4. so that he can check his schedule.5. at 2.30.6. the city of london.p39-42-5-1-4-3p39-51-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-cp40-61. what does; have to do2. so we’re not actually3. basically4. you come in here on the left5. moving through to this room6. what about this room on the left7. and this room here below contains p40-71-b 2-a 3-b 4-a 5-b 6-b outside viewp42-2true statements: 4567p42-31-b 2-a 3-c 4-c 5-b p43-54-3-5-7-1-2-6p43-61. if we’re not happy2. make all of that better3. make more choices4. still thinks about money5. of having the money6. would get solved7. g ives us more choices listening in p44-21. they were exchanging metals for goods.2. they first appeared in europe.3. coins appeared in lydia around 700 bc.4. the drachma was used as a standard form of money in large parts of asia and europe.5. around 960 ad, in china.6. they can be seen as early banks.7. i t was applied all over the world. p44-31. we exchanged things, didn,t we【篇三:全新版大学英语听说教程4听力答案】ass=txt>unit 1 one worldpart b: exercise 1:1. a radio or tv program.2. birthday celebrations around the world.3. they run a weekly column in the toronto daily star.4. because they can,t afford it.5. a couple of hundred years ago.6. because eighteen is the age when one is accepted as an adult with the right to vote, buy winesand drive a car.7. because girls are considered to be more mature than boys.8. turkey, egypt, indonesia, and senegal.1) unique2) globe3) simultaneously4) terrorist5) remembrance 6) appropriate 7) sharing. 8) the material can be submitted to the project organizers in scotland 9) it will allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age.10) contributors will be invited to attend the first public performance of the film in their respective countriesunit 2 anti--smokingpart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.a exercise 2:1. smoking is bannedpublic placestheaters and airportsall workplaces.2. have banned smoking parks and recreation centers a smoke-free park smoke-free zones375 january 1, 2002 harmful effects of secondhand tobacco smokedangerous tobacco waste part c1.d2.d3.a4.aunit 3memorypart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.c 3.d 4.c exercise 2:firstly, it is a fact that some people were born with better memories. secondly, different things are kept in different parts of the brain. ideas, words and numbers arestored in the left-hand side and images, sounds and smells in the right-hand side.thirdly, unusual experiences can produce chemicals such as adrenaline in our body which can boost memory.fourthly, how well we remember something is also affected by the context in which we learn about it.finally, the more often you recall a memory, the more likelyyou are to remember it. if you don't, you’ll lose it. part cl.a 2.d 3.bunit 4dealing with cultural differencespart b:exercise 1: 1.d 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.d 6.a1 .c 2.d 3.bunit 5friendshippart bexercise 1: 1. b 2. c3.aexercise 2: 1. f 2. t 3. f 4.f 5. f.6.f 7.t 8.f 9.t 10.t part c1. c2. d3. c4. a5. bunit 6sucesspart bexercise 1: 1. a 2. d3.d 4.b 5.c 6.d1 .b 2.c 3.b 4.a unit 7 wealth part b.exercise 1 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.a 6.b exercise 21. with a fortune, easier and freer, gains nothing,glittering baggage, attended to2. the more snow it collects3. comfort, enters the house a guest , becomes a host , a master4. and ride mankind match: 1.d2.a 3.b 4.c part c 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.bunit 8 war part b exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.d exercise 2 1. he was only 20 years old.2. there are 75 british cemeteries3. the name of 55,000 missing soldiers are engraved on its walls.4. there are no headstones, no flowers, only slabs in the grass. the whole place is dark anddank.5. it was created by an explosion.6. it dates from medieval times part c1.b2.d3.c4.d5.c6.b unit 9 aging part b exercise 1 1.c 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.d exercise 2 diana female alzheimer’s disease 53, four memory1. recognize familiar buildings husband’s workplace2. no idea how to get home3. recognize her cousin4. her way round her office building made mistakes part c1) opportunities 2) services 3) longevity 4) specialty 5) structure 6) existences 7) complicated8) the elderly must rely on a fixed income9) while some live with their children, many more live by themselves, with a friend or in a nursing home10) they have formed organizations to voice their own needs and concerns to local, state and federal agencies.unit 10 home schooling part bexercise 1. 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c exercise21. 41-foot sailing boat2. dining table3. devised their own curriculum4. a shuttle launch, the kennedy space center museums.5. use alibrary6. writing, science experiments,. artwork, projects7. the world around them8. a rain forest, a coral reef, historic ruins, foreign markets, local festivals part c1.a2.b3.c4.cunit 11 opinion polls part bexercise 1 1.a 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.c exercise 21. they are too high2. so that people can be discouraged from using cars3. she suggests that they use a graded charging system depending on how far they are fromthe city centre.4. because they pollute the city center.5. use the bus or tram service. part c 1.a 2.c 3.c 4.aunit 12 reality tv part bexercise 1. 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.d 6.d exercise 2.1. in sweden in 1997.2. on a south pacific island in may 2000.3. they had to find and cook their own food. sometimes they even had to eat rats and worms.4. nine volunteers. they were filmed 24 hours a day for 100 days.5. on new year,s eve 19996. $1 million for the winner of survivor and $500,000 for the winner of big brother.7. big brother. part c1 .a 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.dunit 13 that,s lifepart b exercise 1.1. in an expensive restaurant in london.2. no, he was brought up in england but now lives in south africa.3. with his sister and brother-in-law.exercise 2. 1.c 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.a part c1.d2.c3.b4.dunit14 crime and punishment part bexercise 1.1.b 2.d 3.d 4.c 5.c exercise 2.1. he wanted to buy some undetectable poison from the druggist.。
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Unit 4This story is set in the country of China. It takes place in the remote areas of Yunnan Province.For thousands of years, certain remote minority nationalities in China have existed in near isolation. Separated from the rest of world, these deeply cultural communities have maintained the old ways of life. Now, with the increased globalization of the world's cultures, they could disappear. What are these cultures? Can they be preserved for the world's future?I. China's Cultural Diversity. Read the paragraph. Then match each word with the correct definition.China's mainstream population is mainly Han Chinese, who comprise approximately 90 percent of the country's inhabitants. While the Han are the predominant group, there are also a number of minority nationalities, several of which have unique languages, customs, and mores. With the growing internationalism in China and the world, some fear smaller societies may vanish as cultural lines merge. Brian Schmeck, a documentary filmmaker, wants to record the existence of these charming cultures before they disappear.1. mainstream ___D___2. Han ___A___3. mores __E____4. vanish ___B___5. charming __C____A. the name of China's biggest ethnic groupB. disappear suddenlyC. pleasing, attractive, delightfulD. the main or most widely acceptedE. the traditional customs and behaviors of a particular cultural groupII. The Global Village. Read the paragraph. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the underlined words or phrases.For thousands of years, isolation from the world has preserved the traditions of many ethnic and cultural minorities. But now, even the most rural areas of the world are joining the global village. Remote areas may soon have access to satellite TV, cell phones, and other modern technology and will thus no longer be as cut off as they once were. While there are advantages to this modernization, the transition to a more global society may also tempt people to discard their ancient traditions and abandon village life.1. _______Discard___________ means to throw something away.2. A ________transition__________ is a change from one condition to another.3. ______Satellites____________ transmit signals from space to provide information.4. A location that is ________cut off __________ is far away from cities and communication.5. A term for describing a planet without borders or boundaries is __________global village________.SUMMARYNearly one-tenth of the population of China is made up of 55 ethnic minority groups, each culturally distinct from mainstream Han Chinese. The cultures, arts, and way of life of these minorities are in danger of being left behind as China becomes more modernized and the young people of these villages move to urban areas. Filmmaker Bryan Schmeck has traveled to the outer edges of the country to meet and record the people of these minority groups.Warming upTeaching NOTES1. Ask students if they know how many ethnic minorities there are in China. List them on the board. Then ask students if they are familiar with the ethnic groups in Yunnan.2. Encourage students to share their knowledge or experience of ethnic groups’ lifestyles, customs, festivals, etc.3. Prepare some pictures of ethnic minority people in their traditional costumes and have students guess their names.The Naxi NationalityThe Naxi nationality mostly live in the Naxi Autonomous County in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, while the rest live in Sichuan and Tibet. This minority group has a population of 308,893, according to the 2000 census. The name Naxi (also spelled Nakhi) consists of Na which means senior and honored, and Xi which means people.The Naxi people have an interesting culture, and the most important feature of it is the Dongba language. The Naxi people believe in Mahayana Buddhism, Taism and Lamaism.The Mou Suo people, a branch of the Naxi nationality, still keep the unique Axia marital custom, and the trace of a matrilineal system can still be seen in this group. Therefore, they have been called the “Living Fossil” in a study of the development of human family and marriage.The main festivals of the Naxi people are the Bangbanghui festival on January 15th on the Lunar calendar, the Sanduo Festival in February 8th and the Live Stock Exchange Fair in March and June.The Bai NationalityThe population of the Bai nationality is about 1.39 million. They live mainly in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. Others are scattered in Kunming, Yuanjiang, Lijiang and Lanping.The Bai people regard white as an honorable color and like to wear white clothes. Men often wear white coats with black vests. Women like to wear white or blue jackets with black or blue vests. Unmarried and married women have different hairstyles and headdresses.The major festivals of the Bai People are the Raosanlin, the Torch Festival, the Patron God Festival and the Shibaoshan Mountain Song Festival. The most important of all is the Third Month Fair in Dali. It falls on March 15th on the Lunar calendarand lasts seven days.Festivals of the Minorities of YunnanTwo festivals are the two important events for the minorities of Yunnan. They are the Water Splashing Festival and the Torch Festival. The Water Splashing Festival is the New Year according to the Dai calendar. At this time, the young girls and boys of Dai nationality will dress in colorful costumes and spray “auspicious” water on their guests to the lively beat of drums. The person who gets soaked through is believed to be the happiest and luckiest!The Torch Festival is on 24th, June in the Lunar calendar and it is the grandest festival of the Yi nationality. In this festival, there are bullfighting and tumbling during the day and dancing and singing around large bonfires at night.Video ScriptNarrator: Outside of China, Han Chinese are often considered to be the sole culture of the country. While China’s population is predominately Han, it is actually composed of a number of ethnic minorities. These smaller groups are culturally distinct from the Han and several have separate languages and customs. Due to the current high levels of expansion and development in China, some feel it’s important to document these ethnic minorities before they’re lost. One person committed to recording the life of these fascinating peoples is Bryan Schmeck, a documentary filmmaker.According to Schmeck, China’s nationalities, also known as “the fifty-six nationalities of China”, include the Han plus 55 other minority g roups. To find them, one must travel to the far edges of China. Here, inhabitants have maintained a way of life with minimal changes over the centuries.In appearance and language, some cultures are distinctly different from those of mainstream China. The groups vary not only in the way they look and the languages they speak, but also in the arts, such as the songs and dances of their culture. For thousands of years, isolation has preserved their traditions, but now, even the most rural areas are joining the global village.Brian Schmeck, Documentary Filmmaker: “I mean, they see the outside world that they’ve never seen before and they like what they see.”Narrator: For a year and a half, filmmaker Bryan Schmeck has been traveling across China, rushing to complete a video archive of its minority cultures before they vanish.Schmeck: “Ten to fifteen years from now, you’re not going to see what I’m seeing. People themselves will still exist, but their ideas, their culture, their way of life will not. It’ll be gone, and it’s disappearing really fast.”Narrator: The Mou Suo people of Yunnan Province are just one of the 55 minority nationalities. A matriarchal society in which women are at the center, they have no word for “marriage”. The cultural mores here d iffer significantly from the rest of the world. Less than a decade ago, this area was rarely visited by outsiders. Now, city residents like Mei Zhou come here as tourists. For urban Chinese, spending time in these charming villages gives them a chance to enjoy nature. As a result of people’s rising interest, local residents can now earn aliving in the tourist industry and they truly seem to enjoy their work.The Naxi people have lived in this mountain village of northwestern Yunnan Province for at least 1,500 years. For most of that time, they’ve been largely cut off from other people, mainly because no road came near the village. A village leader says that children are now able to walk two hours to get to a new road to catch a bus to school. But he worries that after they receive an education, the young people may see no reason to come back.People throughout rural China are flooding into large cities, searching for things they know exist but can’t get out in the country.Schmeck: “Modern conveniences, I mean nice housing. They like this and they want to go this way, so in a sense they’re getting a better life, but they’re forgetting where they came from.”Narrator: For many of the 55 minority nationalities of China, there seems to be a rush to conform t o the rest of the country, and that’s not necessarily good if you believe that diversity is important.Schmeck: “They’re going to be absorbed into mainstream China. You’re going to see it in a dinner theater or a floor show. Or you’re going to go up to a tourist park and a bunch of people will be putting on costumes to give you a little display of what was there.”Narrator: Increasingly, China and the rest of the world are facing change and globalization. To think minority peoples can be immune to that transition is unrealistic. As China charts its course through the 21st Century, it’s important that its 55 minority nationalities don’t give up their cultural heritage or discard their ancient traditions for a new way of life. The varied cultures of China must be encouraged to preserve their history because it’s this diversity that enriches our world.Teaching notesI. 1. Ask students to go through the questions in the left-hand column.2. Play the video.3. Explain that the terms "ethnic minorities , "ethnic groups , "minority nationalities and "minority groups can all be translated to "Shaoshuminzu (少数民族) in Chinese.II. 1. Give students time to list the differences between minority groups and mainstream China.2. Play the video.3. Elicit the answers from students.4. Have students summarize the main idea of this part.III. 1. Have students repeat each sentence after it is spoken twice and then write the sentences.2. Have students listen again, and mark the word stress on content words with a stress mark ( ? ).3. Have students listen to each sentence and draw an upward arrow ? for rising intonation, or a downward arrow ? for falling intonation.4. Have students listen again and draw a curved line to mark any words thatare linked or blended together.5. Have students practice reading the sentences till they can say them using appropriate intonation and stress pattern.Word bank1. be com posed of be formed from a number of substances, parts, or peoplee.g. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.The legal system is composed of people, and people make mistakes.2. distinct adj. clearly differente.g. The learning needs of the two groups are quite distinct from each other.3. document vt. write about something, film it, or take photographs of it, in order to record information about ite.g. His research documents how the crisis occurred.4. preserve vt. save something or someone from being harmed or destroyede.g. We must encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing woodlands.Teaching notesI. 1. Have students guess which picture represents the Mou Suo people and which represents the Naxi people? before they watch the video.2. Play the video.3. Have students give more details about the two ethnic groups after they finish the exercise.4. Have students summarize the main idea of this part.II. 1. Give students some time to predict the answers.2. Play the video.3. Elicit the answers from students.III. 1. Ask students to decide which group they would like to join.2. Have the students in each group discuss the questions in Step 2.3. Let the two groups with opposite viewpoints have a debate.4. Make some constructive comments on the class debate.Word bank1. archive n. a place where a large number of historical records are stored, or the records that are storede.g. The writer's younger sister has been keeping an archive of the writer's unpublished work after his death.2. matriarchal adj. ruled or controlled by womene.g. Around a great lake in the mountains of Southwest China lives a matriarchal group called Mou Suo.3. mores n. customs, social behavior, and moral values of a particular groupe.g. Contemporary social and sexual mores have changed greatly.4. see no reason to there is no reason to do somethinge.g. I see no reason to invest heavily in a building firm.Collocationsee no reason why 没理由……for reasons of sth. 由于……的原因with (good) reason (完全)合乎情理have every reason to do sth. 完全有理由做某事5. flood into cover a place with somethinge.g. Applications flooded into the office.Collocationbe in (full) flood? (江河)泛滥;处于活动高潮be flooded with 充斥Useful expressionsDescribing pros and cons* The good/bad points are…* What can benefit us is …* It proved worthwhile to * The problem is …* We’re concerned/worried about…* We’ll suffer from…if…Teaching notesI. 1. Give students time to predict the answers.2. Play the video.3. Have students compare the answers in pairs.II. 1. Give students time to predict the answers.2. Play the video.3. Have students compare the answers in pairs.4. Have students translate the expressions into Chinese and make a new sentence with each one.III. 1. Explain to students that the three questions correspond to the three paragraphs in the video.2. Play the video.3. Have students answer the three questions with the help of the given expressions.4. Have students summarize the main idea of this part.Word bank1. conform to comply with rules, standards, or lawse.g. All companies are required to conform to these rules.Collocationconform with 符合2. that's not necessarily good not definitely or always goode.g. The more expensive articles are not necessarily better.3. absorb into take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around somethinge.g. Water and salts are absorbed into our blood stream.Collocationbe absorbed by 被……吞并; 为……所吸收be absorbed in 全神贯注在……; 热衷于……absorb sb's attention 吸引某人注意4. be immune to not affected or influenced by somethinge.g. No one is immune to his immense charm.Many people are immune to this disease.5. transition n. when something changes from one form or state to anothere.g. Making the transition from youth to adulthood can be very painful.They all support a peaceful transition.6. chart its course to make a plan of what should be done to achieve a particular resulte.g. Each team was responsible for making its own decisions and charting its own course.Useful expressionsMaking a summary* To sum up, …* Generally speaking, …* In conclusion, …* As we can see from…, …* A recent survey shows that…* People h ave different ideas on…Teaching notesI. 1. Give students time to predict the answers. Explain that the answers may not be the exact words from the video.2. Play the video.3. Elicit the answers from students.II. 1. Put students into pairs and have them decide on the roles.2. Have students outline the interview according to the pictures.3. Have students practice their interview.4. Encourage students to role-play the interview in front of the class.III. 1. Put students into groups of three or four and introduce the task.2. Go through the information in the sample fact sheet. In addition to the items listed in the fact sheet, tell students they can also introduce food, clothes or beliefs of minority groups.3. Give students enough time to do research and complete the fact sheet.4. Invite a representative from each group to report their findings to the class.5. Ask other groups to take notes while a group is reporting their findings.6. Have students compare notes in group s and summarize other groups’ findings.Useful expressionsMaking an interview on professional topics* What an honor it is to have this opportunity to interview you.* Mr./Ms…, thanks for participating all the way from…* What do you suggest…can do to…?* What is your specific area of concern regarding…?* In closing, I thank all of the participants.* Thanks to all for offering your wisdom.I. Watch Part 1. Choose the answer(s) to each of the following questions in the table. Some of the questions may have more than one answer.The Varied Cultures of China1. Which nationality is the biggest one in China?2. Who is Brian Schmeck?3. How many nationalities are there in China?4. Where can people find those ethnic minorities?5. In which aspects are minority cultures different from those of mainstream China?A. The Han nationality.B. The Mou Suo people.A. A documentary editor.B. A documentary filmmaker.A. 56.B. The Han plus 55 other minority groups.A. On the far edges of China.B. In mountainous area.A. In appearance and language.B. Not only in the way they look and the languages they speak, but also in the arts.1.A2.B3.AB4.A5.ABII. Watch again. Complete the following sentences about minority groups in China.1. These smaller groups are culturally distinct from the Han and several have separate ____________________________.2. Here, inhabitants have maintained ___________________ with minimal changes over the centuries.3. In ________________________________, some cultures are distinctly different from those of mainstream China.4. The groups vary not only in the way they look and the languages they speak, but also in the arts, such as the ____________________________ of their culture.5. For thousands of years, isolation has preserved their traditions, but now, even the most rural areas are joining the ____________________________.1. languages and customs2.a way of life3.appearance and language4.songs and dances5.global villageIII. Listen and repeat. You are going to hear five sentences selected from the video. Repeat each sentence after it is spoken twice. Then write the sentences.1.Outside of china,Han Chinese are often considered to be the sole culture of the country.2.Which China’s population is pred onminately Han,it is actually composed of a number of ethnic minorities.3.Due to the current high levels of expansion and development in China some feel it’s important to document those ethnic minorities befre they are lost.4.The documentary filmmaker is commitiny to recording the life of those fascinating people.5.To find them,one must travel to the far edges of China.I. Watch Part 2. Match each description about the Mou Suo people and the Naxi people with the correct picture.Picture A: C A E Picture B: B DA. City residents like Mei Zhou come here as tourists.B. They have lived in the mountain village for at least 1,500 years.C. In a matriarchal society the concept of "marriage exists in a very different way.D. The village leader worries that young people are leaving the village.E. They can now earn a living in the tourist industry.II. Watch again. Underline the incorrect word and write the correct one.1. Ten to twenty years from now, you're not going to see what I'm seeing.______________2. For urban Chinese, spending time in these farming villages gives them a chance to enjoy nature. ______________3. The Naxi people have lived in this mountain village of northeastern Yunnan Province for at least 1,500 years. ______________4. But he worries that after they receive an education, the young people may find no reason to come back. ______________5. They are getting a bitter life, but they're forgetting where they came from.______________1.twenty----fifteen2.farming----charming3.northeastern----northweatern4.find----see5.bitter----betterIII. Oral work. Work in two groups. Have a debate on "whether young people from minority groups should leave their hometowns. Different generations in the village have different opinions on this issue. Young people are eager to go to big cities, while old people have concerns for the future of the village.Step 1: Join one group;Step 2: Have a discussion with people on your side based on the following questions: For the young people:Why do you want to go to big cities?How can you keep your identity in the modern society?Will you come back to your hometown?How can you preserve your traditions?For the old people:What are your worries and concerns?What will happen if young people rush to big cities?What problems will young people encounter in big cities?What kind of way of life should young people live?Step 3: Have a debate.Useful expressionsPros (Young people from minority groups should leave their hometowns.)1. enjoy modern conveniences and better life in big cities2. widen horizons and have rich experiences throughout their whole life3. receive better education and have more opportunities4. discard some superstitious and ignorant ideas and behaviors5. come back home to modernize the hometownCons (Young people from minority groups should not leave their hometowns.)1. many inconveniences and dangers in big cities2. losing their identity in big cities3. disappearance of some traditions and customs4. the village being frequently visited by outsiders5. don't know where they belongI. Watch Part 3. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).1. ______ It's not good for the 55 minority nationalities of China to rush to the rest of the country.2. ______ Schmeck thinks that in the future, people can only get to know minority groups by performances and displays.3. ______ It is realistic to think minority groups are immune to globalization.4. ______ According to the narrator, China should make efforts to preserve cultural heritage of varied cultures.5. ______ Preserving the traditions and history of minority peoples will make China more competitive in the world.1.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII. Watch again. Fill in the blanks with the missing expressions.1. For many of the 55 minority nationalities of China, there seems to be a rush to ________________________ the rest of the country.2. They're going to be ________________________ mainstream China.3. To think minority peoples can be ______________________ that transition is unrealistic.4. It's important that the 55 minority nationalities don't give up their ________________________ or discard their ancient traditions for a new way of life.1.conform to2.absorbed to3.immune to4.cultural heritageIII. Oral work. Work with a partner. Summarize the main idea of this part with the help of the following questions and useful expressions.Question 1 What is the concurrent trend for the 55 minority nationalities?Useful expressions a rush to conform to the rest of the world, not necessarily goodQuestion 2 Where can people get to know minority groups in the future according to Schmeck?Useful expressions in a dinner theater or a floor show, in a tourist parkQuestion 3 What is the opinion expressed in the end as to the future of ethnic minorities?Useful expressions don't give up cultural heritage or discard ancient traditions, preserve the historyI. Watch the entire video. Fill in the blanks with the missing words or expressions. Project Profile1. Name: Brian Schmeck.2.Occupation: Dolumentary filmmaker3.Goal:to document these ethnic minorities before they’re lost4.Location: To find them,one must travel to the far edges of China.5.Length of project: For a year and a half, Brain Schmeck has been travelling across China.6.Time Constraints: Some nationalities may disappear in ten to fifteen years.II. Oral work. Work with your partner and role-play a TV interview between Brian Schmeck and the TV host/hostess.Your interview should include all the information from the Project Profile in the above exercise, an introduction to each of the minority groups mentioned in the video and the reasons why they leave their villages.Useful expressionsthe culture of the Han Chinese not the sole culture of Chinabe composed of a number of ethnic minoritiesbe distinct from/be distinctly different from/differ significantly fromtravel to the far edges of Chinabe largely cut off from outside worlda matriarchal(母系氏族的)societyspending time/having holidays in charming villagesreceive an educationsee no reason to come backflood into big citiesbe absorbed into mainstream Chinapreserve cultural heritageIII. Project. Form groups of three or four. Do research online or at the library on an ethnic minority you're interested in. First, make a fact sheet about one minority, including information about the history, location, language, culture, etc. Secondly, report the findings to the class. Each member should be responsible for a part. Sample Fact SheetMinority The Zhuang Minority GroupHistory with a history of thousands of years dating from Zhou DynastyRegion mostly in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous RegionLanguage a language of its own that belongs to the Zhuang-Dai branch of Zhuang-Dong Austronesian(南太平洋群岛的)(an austronesian belongs to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages). The language is divided into two dialects although they have few differences.Culture crafts, frescoes(壁画装饰)and bronze drumsFestivals In addition to sharing similar festivals with the Han, the Zhuang minority has its unique ones including the Devil Festival, the Ox Soul Festival, and the Singing Festival.READINGThe Varied Cultures of China1. Outside of China, the culture of the Han Chinese is often considered to be the sole culture of China. While it's true that the population is predominantly Han and over 90 percent of its people are classified as such, China is actually composed of a great number of ethnic minorities. These smaller groups are all quite culturally distinct from the Han Chinese and several have their own languages and customs.2. China is presently undergoing extremely high levels of economic development, progress, and rapid change throughout the country. Due to this high level of change and the growth of expansion and development, some feel that it's very important to document the ethnic minorities of the country in some way. Making films about them, for example, would ensure that future generations would be able to gain insights about these cultures, and learn about their languages, beliefs, and mores. One person is committed to recording the way of life of these fascinating people. Brian Schmeck, a documentary filmmaker, has made it his mission to document the vanishing cultures of the 55 minority nationalities of China.3 . Who are these cultural groups and where do they live? According to Schmeck, China's people, also known as "the fifty-six nationalities of China , are composed of the Han people and 55 other minority groups. To find some of these minority nationalities, one must travel to the far edges of China, beyond the great rivers with the deep gorges, and across mountains covered in mystery. It is there that one can find a China that has long remained undiscovered and relatively unknown to those who do not live there. Until recently, some foreigners weren't even aware that these aspects of China existed.4 . In the remoter provinces of the country, such as parts of Yunnan, inhabitants have maintained a way of life with minimal changes over the centuries. These people still use traditional ways of life; some of them still wash their clothes in the river as they have always done, others use oxen to plow their land, and work the earth by hand. It's a hard life, but a simpler one as well, with a close sense of family and a powerful work ethic. It is also a way of living that may be in danger of being discarded for the fast and easy way of progress.5. As one watches one of the ethnic groups wearing traditional dress and doing a cultural dance, it becomes apparent that they are quite dissimilar from the high fashion city residents on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai. In appearance and。