






VCOM 缓冲器是被用来驱动TFT-LCD 背板的,电压范围3.8~4.0V。


低输入电压,紧凑型LCD偏置IC,具有VCOM缓冲器特征输入电压范围:1.8V-6V集成VCOM缓冲器用高压开关来隔离VGHVGH的栅极电压整形内嵌2A MOSFET开关主输出电压达到15V,具有小于1%误差的输出电压精度负调节电荷泵驱动器VGL正调节电荷泵驱动器VGH可调加电排序可调故障检测时序栅极驱动信号隔离外部MOSFET热关断可选封装TSSOP-24,QFN-24应用TFT LCD显示屏的笔记本电脑TFT LCD显示屏的监视器汽车导航显示器概述该TPS65150提供了一个非常紧凑,小功率电源解决方案,它提供了TFT LCD显示屏所需的所有三个电压。






用户也可使用同样的内部电路为LCD 面板(受施加到CTRL 输入上的信号控制)提供一个VGH 栅极整形信号。

为了实现最高安全性,TPS65150 有一个集成可调关断锁定特性来实现应用专用灵活性。



II.2.B 测试环境设定 ...................................................................................................... 17 II.2.B.A II.2.B.B II.2.B.C II.2.B.D II.2.B.E II.2.B.F II.2.B.G II.2.B.H 测试文件类型................................................................................................ 18 测试结果显示................................................................................................ 18 测试结果统计................................................................................................ 18 测试结果打印................................................................................................ 18 控制信号输出模式 ......................................................................................... 19 不良品锁定 ................................................................................................... 19 测试警报声 ................................................................................................... 19 不良品连续警报声 ......................................................................................... 19



Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 110kV and 15kV DigitalMegohmmetersModels 6550 & 6555► Insulation measurementup to 30T Ω► Test voltages up to 15,000V► Step, ramp & fixed voltagetesting► Multiple test modes: voltageramp and step with “Burn-In”, “Early-Break” and “I-Limit” modes► 3 filter choices to optimize measurement stability► Selectable voltage from40V to 10,000 / 15,000V ► Storage of up to 80,000 measurements► Optically-isolated USBcommunication for data transfer to PC and report generation using DataView ® softwareExpert tools for testing insulation safely & accuratelyIP 54Our products are backed by over 130 years of experience in test and measurement equipment, and encompass the latest international standards for quality and safety.Technical Hotline: (800) 343-13912 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391Models 6550 & 6555HIGH-END & PORTABLEThe Megohmmeter Models 6550 and 6555 are high-end portable instruments intended for measuring a wide variety of electrical insulation resistance values oncables and devices operating at high voltage. They are packaged in a rugged case that is IP54 rated (cover closed). Test results and configuration information is provided on a graphical LCD screen, as well as exportable throughthe use of the DataView ® software provided. TheMegohmmeters can operate on battery or AC power while testing.These Megohmmeters contribute to the safety ofelectrical installations and equipment. Their operation is managed by microprocessors that acquire, process, display and store the measurements.The Model 6550 makes insulation measurements at voltages up to 10,000 V , the Model 6555 up to 15,000 V .Main Functions:• Detection and measurement of input voltage, frequency, and current prior to running a test.• Quantitative and qualitative insulation measurements.• Measurements at a fixed test voltage of 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000 or 15,000 V dc .• Measurements at an adjustable test voltagebetween 40 and 15,000 V dc preselected by the user prior to the test. Three preselected test voltages can be stored in the instrument and can be modified as needed prior to starting a test.IP 54• Ramp voltage measurements with a ramp from 40 to 10,000 V or 15,000 V , model dependent. Three ramp profiles can be stored in the instrument. Each ramp profile includes the starting and ending test voltage and the ramp time between the two.• Step voltage measurements with steps from 40 to 10,000 V or 15,000 V , model dependent.Three step voltage profiles can be stored in the instrument. Each contains up to 10 steps that include test voltage and duration.• Three test current choices: Burn-In, Early-Break and I-Limit provide qualitative analysis tools for detection breaks in insulation.• Quality ratio calculations for DAR, PI, and DD are calculated and displayed.• Temperature correction of the measured resistance to a reference temperature.• Capacitance measurement of the device tested.• Residual current measurement.Model 6555 checking insulation resistance on feed cables to a three-phase motor.Technical Assistance (800) 3►► SELECTABLE VOLTAGE FROM 40V TO 10kV / 15kV MODELSINSULATION TESTSTest VoltageAPPLICATIONS► Acceptance testing and preventive maintenance ► Test motors, cables, switchgears and wiring installations4 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391CONTROL FEATURESFront Panel Features for Models 6550 & 6555Socket for connection to the ACpower and recharging of thebuilt-in batteriesmeasurementbuttonsUSB connector forcommunicationto a PC Seven position access to the fixed voltage, adjustable voltage,ramp and stepLarge, digital, backlit, Models 6550 and 6555 have the same front panel with differences in the display only .5Measurement Results Display AreaDisplay ofResultsTechnical Assistance (800) 5FUNCTIONSModels 6550 & 65556 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391bargraphterminalsExample of display during measurement.resistanceresistance referred to the reference temperature.cursor Resistance versus time graph.This curve is useful primarily in the case of a measurement in V-RAMP mode.When Timed Run (test with programmed duration) or Timed Run + DD is selected, the duration of the measurement (m:s) can be set.The number of measurements that can be recorded depends on the number of samples stored for each measurement.quality ofof memory white).indicated.T est with programmed durationExample of display before measurement.FUNCTIONAL DISPLAYSSOFTWARE & ANALYSIS SCREENSEasy identification of all stored test results.Real-time display of measurement results.Step voltage set up screen.Technical Assistance (800) 7ORDERING INFORMATION M egohmmeter Model 6550 Ramp, StepV , Variable, Auto DAR/PI/DD, USB w/DataView Megohmmeter Model 6555 Ramp, StepV , Variable, Auto DAR/PI/DD, USB w/DataView AEMC ® Instruments • 15 Faraday Dr. • Dover, NH 03820 USA • (800) 343-1391•Fax(603)742-2346•E-mail:**************Export Department: +1 (603) 749-6434 x520 • Fax +1(603)742-2346•E-mail:***************© Chauvin Arnoux ®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC ®Instruments Call the AEMC ® Instruments Technical Assistance Hotline for immediate consultation with an applications engineer: (800) 343-1391950.BR-6550-6555_0323 • Printed in the USA M u lt i-p u r p o s e C la m p -O n M e t e r s ca o tl in M E G O H MM E T E R SFo r a ll of y ou r I ns ul at io n Te st in g ne ed ni ca l H o tl in e: (800) 343-1391.a em mP O W E R Q U A L I T Y Fo rA ll Y ou r Po w er Q ua li ty N ee ds ...Te 43-1391w w w ( Fo r a ll of yo ur G ro un d In te gr ity T es tin g ne ed s...G R O U N D R E S IS TA N C E T E S TE R S Te ch ni ca l H ot lin e: (800) 343-1391w w w .a em mTEST & MEA SUREM ENT INSTR UMEN TSVOLUM E 23WWW.AEM TECHNICA L HOTLINE : (800) 343-1391Family of ProductsTo learn more, visit 。



• UL Recognized Component: File # E76270 • CSA Certified Component: Certificate # 1175739 • EN/IEC 60950-1 Certified Component: TUV Certificate B 09 07 49410 004
Typical Blocking Voltage Distribution (N=50, TA=25ºC)
Turn-Off (ms)
Turn-On (ms)
25 20 15 10 5 0 376.3 382.8 389.3 395.8 402.3 408.8 415.3 Blocking Voltage (VP)
1 2
Conditions VL=8V, IF=5mA IL=120mA VL=350VP
Min 130 0.4 0.9 -
Typ 170 30 25 0.7 1.2 3
Max 120 210 35 1 3 3 5 1.4 10 -
Device Count (N)
Device Count (N)
1.05 1.35 1.65 1.95 LED Current (mA)
17.8 18.2 18.6 19.0 On-Resistance (Ω)
35 30 Device Count (N)
Pin Configuration
+ Control - Switch #1 – Control - Switch #1 + Control - Switch #2 – Control - Switch #2 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 Load - Switch #1 Load - Switch #1 Load - Switch #2 Load - Switch #2

1SMB6.5AT3中文资料(motorola)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

1SMB6.5AT3中文资料(motorola)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
tr 10µs
值 (%)
半值 - RSM I 2
0.1 0.1
1 µs
10 µs 100µs
1毫秒 10毫秒
160 C ° 140
A 120
图 1.脉冲额定值 Curve
图 2.脉冲波形 典型防护护电路
峰值脉冲4降0 容% 峰值功20率或电流@ T = 25
该装置中感应作用是由于实际导通 所需设备时间(时间去从零电流到全
部件防护护,如图5最小化 这种过冲是在应用非常重要,因为
电压尖峰.在SMB系列有一个很好反响 时间,通常为1纳秒和可以忽略不计电感.然而,
峰值脉冲电流 - 见图2
600瓦峰值功率数据表 5-2
一般数据 - 600瓦峰值功率
100 10 PP,峰值1 功率(KW)
非重复 脉冲波形
tr 100
峰值 - IRSM
脉冲宽度(TP)定义 因为这地步PEAK 电流衰减到50% IRSM.作者:
(Refer to Section 10 for more information on Packaging Specifications.)
0.089 2.261



daq6510英文手册1. IntroductionThe daq6510 is a versatile and powerful data acquisition system designed for a wide range of applications. This manual provides comprehensive information on its features, specifications, and operating instructions. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, this manual will guide you through the various functions and capabilities of the daq6510.2. Features2.1 MeasurementsThe daq6510 offers a wide range of measurement capabilities, including voltage, current, resistance, temperature, and frequency. It provides high accuracy and resolution, making it suitable for demanding measurement tasks in research, development, and production environments.2.2 Flexible ConfigurationWith modular plug-in cards, the daq6510 allows for easy customization and expansion. Users can choose from a variety of measurement and control modules to create a configuration that meets their specific needs. This flexibility ensures compatibility with a wide range of measurement instruments and sensors.2.3 Touchscreen InterfaceThe daq6510 features a large, high-resolution touchscreen display, providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The touchscreen allowsfor easy navigation through menus and settings, making it quick and efficient to set up and operate the system.2.4 Data Logging and ConnectivityThe daq6510 supports data logging, enabling users to record and analyze data over time. It offers multiple connectivity options, including USB, Ethernet, and LXI-compatible interfaces, allowing for easy integration with other devices and data management systems.3. Specifications3.1 General Specifications- Dimensions: 275 mm x 125 mm x 355 mm- Weight: 3.5 kg- Power: 100-240 V AC, 50/60 Hz3.2 Measurement Specifications- Voltage Range: 1 μV to 1000 V- Current Range: 1 nA to 10 A- Resistance Range: 0.01 Ω to 100 MΩ- Temperature Range: -200°C to 1800°C- Frequency Range: 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz4. Operating Instructions4.1 Powering On and OffTo power on the daq6510, press and hold the power button located on the front panel. To power off the system, go to the menu and select the "Power Off" option. Ensure that all measurements and data logging operations are properly saved and closed before powering off the system.4.2 Setting up MeasurementsConnect the appropriate measurement module to the daq6510. Select the desired measurement function from the touchscreen interface. Use the navigation buttons to enter specific measurement parameters, such as range and resolution. The daq6510 will display the measured values in real-time.4.3 Data LoggingTo perform data logging, go to the data logging menu and select the desired settings, such as sampling rate, duration, and file format. Start the data logging operation and the daq6510 will continuously record the measured data. After the logging is complete, the data can be exported for further analysis and processing.5. Troubleshooting5.1 System Freezing or CrashingIf the daq6510 freezes or crashes during operation, perform a power cycle by turning off the system and then turning it back on. Ensure that the firmware and software are up to date. If the problem persists, refer to the troubleshooting section in the manual or contact technical support for assistance.5.2 Measurement InaccuraciesIf the measured values appear to be inaccurate or inconsistent, check the measurement setup, including connections and settings. Calibrate thedaq6510 using the provided calibration procedure. If calibration does not resolve the issue, consult the troubleshooting section in the manual or contact technical support.6. ConclusionThe daq6510 is a feature-rich and reliable data acquisition system that offers a wide range of measurement capabilities. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide for operating and getting the most out of the daq6510. Whether you are a novice or an expert in data acquisition, the daq6510 provides the tools and flexibility needed for accurate and precise measurements.。

EL5375中文资料(Intersil)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

EL5375中文资料(Intersil)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
•双绞线接收器 •差分线路接收器 •VGA通过双绞线 •ADSL / HDSL接收机 •差分单端放大 •模拟信号在嘈杂环境接待
EL5175, EL5375

胶带 &
存储温度范围. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-65°C至+ 150°C
工作结温. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 135℃ 工作环境温度. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-40°C至+ 85°C
% ° dB
mV mV µA kΩ pF V V
V dB
V供应 I儿子)
EL5175, EL5375

SERIES 651 652 653 性能数据说明书

SERIES 651 652 653 性能数据说明书

01806G B -2020/R 01A v a i l a b i l i t y , d e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .COALESCING FILTER/REGULATOR• Extensive range of coalescing filter elements to remove oil and sub-micronparticles down to 0.01 microns. Air purity class according to ISO 8573-1: 2010• Optional 3 micron pre-filter integrated in the coalescing element eliminates the need for a separate particulate element. Coalescing filter elements include 0.3 and 0.01 microns • Optional low profile integrated gauge, round gauge, digital gauge or digital pressure switch• Optional extended temperature range of +80°C• Threaded ports allow for individual or modular mounting• Innovative two position plastic drain with manual and semi-automatic functions. Additional drains include an automatic style (brass) and manual (stainless steel)• Polycarbonate and Aluminum bowls with a selection of sight gauge materials that meet industry and application requirementspurity class is 100 l/min.* S eries 652 maximum flow at 6.3 bar inlet pressure to maintain air purity class is 303 l/min.* Series 653 maximum flow at 6.3 bar inlet pressure to maintain airpurity class is 707 l/min.23Visit our website at /aventics(1) Conforms to ISO standards 1179-1.(2)M etal Bowl Types K or L only.(3)I f multiple options are required, please use the on-line CAD configurator on the website to generate the part number ().G 651 A C D P 2 G A00 H NThread connection G = ISO 228/1-G (1)8 = NPTF Product series 651652653Revision letter AProduct type C = Filter/Regulator - CoalescingGauge type B = Digital pressure switch - PNP C = Digital pressure switch - NPN D = Digital gauge G = Low profile integrated gauge bar/PSI J =L ow profile integrated gauge bar/PSI with pressure range indicatorsQ = Round gauge bar/PSI 0 = No gauge port P = Port Plate Rc 1/8Options (3)A00 = No option101 = Side Mounting Brackets 102 = Panel Nut (651 or 652) 103 = T amper resistant 104 = K ey lockable105 = High temperature (+80°C) 109 = FPM seals 113 = S tainless steel fasteners 114 = P rovision for key lock 117 = ATEX zones 1-21 119 = P anel Bracket with Panel Nut(651 or 652)121 = N on-relieving 123 = G auge type mounted forright-to-left flow124 = CUTR Certification (EAC) 125 = CUTR Ex 202 = 105 + 109Pressure range D = 0.2..3 bar H = 0.5..10 barN = 0.5..16 bar (653 only) (2)Bowl typeK = Metal bowl without sight gauge L = M etal bowl with sight gauge (glass)M = M etal bowl with sight gauge (Polyamide P = P olycarbonate bowl with bowl guard Port size1 = 1/8 (Series 651)2 = 1/4 (Series 651 or 652)3 = 3/8 (Series 652)4 = 1/2 (Series 652)5 = 3/4 (Series 653)6 = 1 (Series 653)Drain type 0 = No Drain A = Auto drain normally open N = Manual/Semi-automatic drain Q = Manual drain - Stainless steel C = Auto drain Normally Closed J = External Pulse DrainElements D = 0.3 micron - Coalescer (Green) E = 0.01 micron - Coalescer (Red) M = 0.3 micron coalescer with 3 micron prefilter(Green)N = 0.01 micron coalescer with 3 micron prefilter(Red)01806G B -2020/R 01A v a i l a b i l i t y , d e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .E/ND/MConfigurator - CAD FilesHow to Order - Coalescing Filter/Regulator123119104103101Q P JGDB/CQNA/CJ24Visit our website at /aventics01806G B -2020/R 01A v a i l a b i l i t y , d e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Configurator - CAD Files:651 - 60mm 652 - 80mm 653 - 105mmfrom the bottom of the bowl drainCross Section - Series 651/652/653Coalescing Filter/Regulatorspecified; if an Automatic Drain is specified, add another 5 mm to "J" dimension.Series 653 High Pressure25Visit our website at /aventics01806G B -2020/R 01A v a i l a b i l i t y , d e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .--—----—----—----—----—----—----—12010080604020P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )—----—----—----—----—--0 10002000 30004000Flow - Q (l/min ANR)—----—----—----—50 100 150Flow - Q (SCFM)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)653 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 1” PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)--—----—----—----—----—----—----—12010080604020P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )—----—----—----—----—--0 10002000 3000 4000Flow - Q (l/min ANR)—----—----—----—0 50 100 150Flow - Q (SCFM)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)653 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 3/4 PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)--—----—----—----—----—----—----—120100806040200P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )0 200 400600 800 10001200 1400—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—--Flow - Q (l/min ANR)0 10 20 30 40 50—----—----—----—----—----—-Flow - Q (SCFM)652 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 1/2 PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)--—----—----—----—----—----—----—120100806040200P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )0 200 400600 800 10001200 1400—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—--10 20 30 40 50Flow - Q (l/min ANR)—----—----—----—----—----—-Flow - Q (SCFM)652 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 3/8 PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)--—----—----—----—----—----—----—120100806040200P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )0 200 400600 800 1000 1200 1400—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—--Flow - Q (l/min ANR)0 10 20 30 40 50—----—----—----—----—----—-Flow - Q (SCFM)652 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 1/4 PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)--—----—----—----—----—----—----—120100806040200P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )0 200400 600800 1000—----—----—----—----—----—Flow - Q (l/min ANR)5 10 15 20 25 3035—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—Flow - Q (SCFM)651 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 1/4 PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)--—----—----—----—----—----—----—120100806040200P r e s s u r e - P 2 (P S I G )—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—9876543210P r e s s u r e - P 2 (b a r )0 200400 600 800 1000—----—----—----—----—----—Flow - Q (l/min ANR)0 5 10 15 20 25 3035—----—----—----—----—----—----—----—Flow - Q (SCFM)651 Filter-Regulator ǀ 0.3µ Filtration ǀ 1/8 PortsP1 = 10 bar (145 PSIG)2.5 bar (36 PSIG)4.0 bar (58 PSIG)6.3 bar (91 PSIG)8.0 bar (116 PSIG)Coalescing Filter/Regulator Flow Charts26Visit our website at /aventics。

阿尔卡特朗讯OmniSwitch 6560多千兆以太网LAN交换机家族说明书

阿尔卡特朗讯OmniSwitch 6560多千兆以太网LAN交换机家族说明书

Data SheetAlcatel-LucentOmniSwitch 6560Stackable Multi-Gigabit Ethernet LAN Switch FamilyThe Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch™ 6560 Stackable Multi-Gigabit Ethernet LAN value switch family is an industry leading campus access solution for enterprise networks. With multi-gigabit ports for high-speed IEEE 802.11ac devices, 10GigE uplinks and 20 GigE stacking, the OmniSwitch 6560 is the right solution for your next generation network.Offering a design optimized for flexibility and scalability as well as low power consumption, the OmniSwitch 6560 is an outstanding edge solution. It uses the field-proven Alcatel-Lucent Operating System (AOS) to deliver highly available, secure, self-protective, easily managed and eco-friendly networks.The Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitch 6560 family is embedded with the latest technology innovations, and offers maximum investment protection.Deployments benefiting from the OmniSwitch 6560 family are:• Edge of small-to-mid-sized networks • Branch office enterprise and campus workgroups • Residential and commercially managed services applicationsFeatures• 24-port and 48-port, PoE and non-PoE with fixed small form factor pluggable (SFP+) 10G interfaces • Support for 10 GigE stacking or 20 GigE stacking • Support for IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at and IEEE802.3bt compliant PoE • Internal modular AC redundant power suppliesManagement• AOS field-proven software with management through web interface(WebView), command line interface (CLI), and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) • Supporting programmable AOS OpenFlow for the creation of specialized services.• Ethernet operations, administration and management (OA&M) support for service configuration and monitoring • Support by Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista™ 2500 Network Management System (NMS)OmniSwitch 6560-P24Z8OmniSwitch 6560-P24Z24OmniSwitch 6560-P48Z16Security• Flexible device and user authentication with Alcatel-Lucent Access Guardian (IEEE 802.1x/MAC/captive portal) with Host Integrity Check (HIC) enforcement• Enables deployment of comprehensive and secure BYoD services in enterprise networks such as guest management, device on-boarding, device posturing, application management and dynamic change of authentication (CoA).• Advanced Quality of Service (QoS) and Access Control Lists (ACLs) for traffic control, including an embedded denial of service (DoS) engine to filter out unwanted traffic attacks• Extensive support of user-oriented features such as learned port security (LPS), port mapping, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) binding tables and User Network Profile (UNP) Performance and Redundancy• Advanced layer-2+ features with basic layer-3 routing for both IPv4 and IPv6+• Triple speed (10/100/1G/2.5G) user interfaces and fiber interfaces (SFPs)supporting 1000Base-X or 10GBase-Xoptical transceivers• 10 G uplinks• Wire-rate switching and routingperformance• High availability with virtual chassisconcept, redundant stacking links,primary/secondary unit failover,hot-swappable power options andconfiguration rollbackConvergence• Enhanced Voice over IP (VoIP) and videoperformance with policy-based QoS• Future-ready support for multimediaapplications with wire-rate multicast• Airgroup™ Network Services for Bonjourspeaking devices provides consistentexperience over wireless and wirednetworks• IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at and IEEE802.3btPoE support for IP phones, wireless LAN(WLAN) access points and video camerasBenefits• Meets any customer configuration needand offers excellent investment protectionand flexibility, as well as ease ofdeployment, operation and maintenance• Provides outstanding performance whensupporting real-time voice, data andvideo applications for converged scalablenetworks• Ensures efficient power management,reduces operating expenses (OPEX) andlowers total cost of ownership (TCO)through low power consumption anddynamic PoE allocation, which deliversonly the power needed by the attacheddevice• A field-upgradeable solution that makesthe network highly available and reducesOPEX• Fully secures the network at the edge atno additional cost• Enterprise-wide cost reduction throughhardware consolidation to achievenetwork segmentation and securitywithout additional hardware installation• Supports cost-effective installation anddeployment with automated switch setupand configuration and end-to-end virtualLAN (VLAN) provisioningTable 1. Available OmniSwitch 6560 modelsOS6560-P24Z81682N/A Internal AC Internal AC OS6560-P24Z2424244Included Internal AC Internal AC OS6560-P48Z1648164Included Internal AC Internal ACNotes:• All OmniSwitch Multi-Gigabit PoE ports comply with IEEE 802.3bt (75W) and IEEE 802.3bz standardsDetailed Product Features Simplified Management• Intuitive CLI in a scriptable BASH environment via console, Telnet or Secure Shell (SSH) v2 over IPv4/IPv6• Powerful WebView Graphical Web Interface via HTTP and HTTPS over IPv4/ IPv6+• Fully programmable RESTful web services interface with XML and JSON support. API enables access to CLI and individual mib objects• Integrated with Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista® products for network management• Full configuration and reporting using SNMPv1/2/3 to facilitate third-party network management over IPv4/IPv6• File upload using USB, TFTP, FTP, SFTP or SCP using IPv4/IPv6• Human-readable ASCII-based configurationfiles for off-line editing, bulk configurationand out-of-the-box auto-provisioning• Fully programmable OpenFlow 1.3.1 and1.0 agent for control of native OpenFlowand hybrid ports• Multiple microcode image support withfallback recovery• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) relay for IPv4/IPv6• IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer DiscoverProtocol (LLDP) with Media EndpointDiscover (MED) extensions• Network Time Protocol (NTP)• DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 server managedby Alcatel-Lucent VitalQIP® DNS/DHCP IPAddress ManagementMonitoring and troubleshooting• Local (on the flash memory) and remoteserver logging (Syslog): event andcommand logging• IP tools: ping and trace route• Dying Gasp support via SNMP and syslogmessages• Loopback IP address support formanagement per service• Policy- and port-based mirroring• Remote port mirroring• sFlow v5 and Remote Monitoring (RMON)• Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD),Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM), andTime Domain Reflectometry (TDR)+ Future software developmentNetwork configuration• Remote auto-configuration download feature• Auto-negotiating 10/100/1000 ports automatically configure port speed and duplex setting• Auto MDI/MDIX automatically configures transmit and receive signals to support straight-through and crossover cabling • BOOTP/DHCP client allows auto-configuration of switch IP information for simplified deployment• DHCP relay to forward client requests to a DHCP server• IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) with MED extensions for automated device discovery• Multiple VLAN Registration Protocol (MVRP) for IEEE 802.1Q-compliant VLAN pruning and dynamic VLAN creation• Auto QoS for switch management traffic as well as traffic from Alcatel-Lucent IP phones • Network Time Protocol (NTP) for network-wide time synchronization• Virtual chassis up to 2 unitResiliency and high availability• Unified management, control and virtual chassis technology• Virtual Chassis 1+N redundant supervisor manager• Virtual Chassis In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU)• Smart continuous switching technology • ITU-T G.8032/Y1344 2010: Ethernet Ring Protection• IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) encompasses IEEE 802.1D Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)• Per-VLAN spanning tree (PVST+) and 1x1 STP mode• IEEE 802.3ad/802.1AX Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) and static LAG groups across modules• Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) with tracking capabilities• IEEE protocol auto-discovery• Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for fast failure detection and reducedre-convergence times in a routed environment• Redundant and hot-swappable power supplies• Built-in CPU protection against malicious attacks• Split Virtual Chassis protection: Auto- detection and recovery of Virtual Chassis splitting due to one or more VFL or stack element failuresAdvanced securityAccess control• Alcatel-Lucent Access Guardian frameworkfor comprehensive user-policy-based NAC• Autosensing IEEE 802.1X multi-client,multi-VLAN support• MAC-based authentication for non-IEEE802.1X hosts• Web based authentication (captive portal):a customizable web portal residing on theswitch• User Network Profile (UNP) simplifies NACby dynamically providing pre-definedpolicy configuration to authenticatedclients — VLAN, ACL, BW• Secure Shell (SSH) with public keyinfrastructure (PKI) support• Terminal Access Controller Access-ControlSystem Plus (TACACS+) client• Centralized Remote Access Dial-InUser Service (RADIUS) and LightweightDirectory Access Protocol (LDAP)administrator authentication• Centralized RADIUS for deviceauthentication and network access controlauthorization• Learned Port Security (LPS) or MACaddress lockdown• Access Control Lists (ACLs); flow-basedfiltering in hardware (Layer 1 to Layer 4)• DHCP Snooping, DHCP IP and AddressResolution Protocol (ARP) spoof protection• ARP poisoning detection• IP Source Filtering as a protective andeffective mechanism against ARP attacks• Bring Your Own Device (BYoD) provideson-boarding of Guest, IT/non-IT issued andsilent devices. Restriction/Remediation oftraffic from non-compliant devices. UsesRADIUS CoA to dynamically enforce UserNetwork Profiles based on Authentication,Profiling, Posture check of devices.** with Aruba ClearPassConverged networksPoE• PoE models support Alcatel-Lucent IPphones and WLAN access points, as well asany IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at or 802.3btcompliant end device• Configurable per-port PoE priority andmax power for power allocation• Dynamic PoE allocation: Delivers only thepower needed by the powered devices(PD) up to the total power budget for mostefficient power consumptionQoS• Priority queues: Eight hardware-basedqueues per port for flexible QoSmanagement• Traffic prioritization: Flow-based QoS withinternal and external (a.k.a., remarking)prioritization• Bandwidth management: Flow-basedbandwidth management, ingress ratelimiting; egress rate shaping per port• Queue management: Configurablescheduling algorithms — Strict PriorityQueuing (SPQ), Weighted Round Robin(WRR)• Congestion avoidance: Support for End-to-End Head-Of-Line (E2E-HOL) BlockingProtection• Auto QoS for switch management trafficas well as traffic from Alcatel-Lucent IPphones• Three-color marker: Single/Dual Rate— policing with commit BW, excess BW,burst sizeSoftware DefinedNetworking (SDN)• Programmable AOS RESTful API• Fully programmable OpenFlow 1.3.1 and1.0 agent for control of native OpenFlowand hybrid ports• OpenStack networking plug-inLayer-2, Layer-3 Routingand MulticastLayer-2 switching• Up to 16k MAC Addresses• Up to 4000 VLANs• Up to 2000 ACLs• Latency: < 4 µs• Max Frame: 9216 bytes (jumbo)IPv4 and IPv6• Static routing for IPv4 and IPv6+• RIP v1 and v2 for IPv4; RIPng for IPv6+• Up to 256 IPv4 and 128 IPv6+ static andRIP routes• Up to 128 IPv4 and 16 IPv6+ interfacesMulticast• IGMPv1/v2/v3 snooping to optimizemulticast traffic• Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) v1/v2snooping+• Up to 1000 multicast groups• IP Multicast VLAN (IPMVLAN) foroptimized multicast replication at theedge, saving network core resourcesNetwork protocols• DHCP relay (including generic UDP relay) • ARP • Generic User Datagram Protocol (UDP) relay per VLAN• DHCP Option 82 — configurable relay agent information+ Future software developmentTechnical SpecificationGigabit PoE port count 24 4824Multi-Gigabit port count241681G/10G SFP+ 44220G QSFP+ stacking ports220USB port 111Console port 111Primary slide-in PSU slot 111Backup slide-in PSU slot 111Fans 222File system flash 2 GB 2 GB 2 GBRAM 2 GB 2 GB 2 GBSwitch bandwidth (all ports,full-duplex)280 Gb/s304 Gb/s112 Gb/sSystem power consumption126W110W85WSystem heat dissipation 430 (BTU/h)375 (BTU/h)290 (BTU/h)Power consumption w/PoE600W920W300WHeat dissipation w/PoE2047 (BTU/h)3140 (BTU/h)1023 (BTU/h)Acoustics (dB) @27C*37-54 (dBA)45-55 (dBA)45-55 (dBA)Height 4.4 cm (1.73 in) 4.4 cm (1.73 in) 4.4 cm (1.73 in)Width 44 cm (17.33 in)44 cm (17.33 in)44 cm (17.33 in)Depth 35 cm (13.78 in)35 cm (13.78 in)35 cm (13.78 in)Weight 4.58 kg (10.1 lb) 4.67 kg (10.3 lb) 4.58 kg (10.1 lb)Operating temperature 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F) Storage temperature -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)-40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F) Humidity (operating) 5% to 95% non-condensing5% to 95% non-condensing5% to 95% non-condensing* Acoustics levels vary depending on installed power supply.OmniSwitch 65606560 backup supplies and specificationsThe OmniSwitch 6560 24 & 48 port models offer a 1RU internal backup supply configuration where the redundant supply is installedin a power supply bay at the back of the unit.Description Modular 300-W AC powersupply. Provides system andPoE power to one 24-portPoE switch Modular 600-W AC PoE powersupply. Provides system andPoE power to one 24-portPoE switchModular 920-W AC PoE powersupply. Provides system andPoE power to one 48-portPoE switchDimensions (H x W x L) 4.0 cm x 7.3 cm x 18.5 cm(1.57 in x 2.87 in x 7.28 in)4.0 cm x 7.3 cm x 18.5 cm (1.57in x 2.87 in x 7.28 in)4.0 cm x 7.3 cm x 18.5 cm (1.57in x 2.87 in x 7.28 in)Weight 1.00 kg (2.2 lb) 1.04 kg (2.25 lb) 1.05 kg( 2.32 lb) Max with 1 PSU 215 W of PoE474 W of PoE810 W of PoE Max with 2 PSUs 515 W of PoE1074 W of PoE1730 W of PoEInput voltage/current 90 V to 136 V AC /2.65 A180 V to 264 VAC /1.5 A 90 V to 136 V AC /8.5 A180 V to 264 V AC/4.25 A90 V to 136 V AC/13 A180 V to 264 V AC/6.5 AMax output power/ current 300 W/5.5 A600 W/11 A920 W/16.88 A Power Supply Efficiency92%92%89%Fans 111IndicatorsSystem LEDs• System (OK) (chassis HW/SW status)• PWR (primary power supply status)• VC (virtual chassis primary)• LED segment display indicates the Virtual Chassis ID of the unit in the stack: 1 to 2Per-port LEDs• 10/100/1000: PoE, link/activity• 100/1000/2.5GE: link/activity• 100/1000/2.5GE: PoE status• SFP: Link/activity• Virtual Chassis (VFL): Link/activityCompliance and certifications Commercial EMI/EMC• 47 CRF FCC Part 15: 2015 Subpart B (Class A)• VCCI (Class A limits. Note: Class A with UTP cables)• ICES–003:2012 Issue 5, Class A• AS/NZS 3548 (Class A) - C-Tick• AS/NZS 3548 (Class A limits.Note: Class A with UTP cables)• CE-Mark: Marking for European countries (Class A limits. Note: Class A with UTP cables)• CE Emission consists of:EN 50581: Standard for technical documentation for RoHS recastEN 55022 (EMI and EMC requirement)EN 55024: 2010 (ITE Immunity characteristics)EN 61000-3-2 (Limits for harmonic current emissions)EN 61000-3-3EN 61000-4-2EN 61000-4-3EN 61000-4-4EN 61000-4-5EN 61000-4-6EN 61000-4-8EN 61000-4-11IEEE802.3: Hi-Pot Test (2250 V DC on all Ethernet ports)Safety agency certifications• CDRH Laser• Compliant with Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directives.• EN 60825-1 Laser• EN 60825-2 Laser• UL 60950-1, 2nd Edition, Information Technology Equipment • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07,2nd Edition, Information TechnologyEquipment• IEC 60950-1, with all National DeviationsUL-AR, ArgentinaAS/NZ TS-001 and 60950, AustraliaANATEL, BrazilCCC, ChinaUL-GS Mark, GermanyKCC, KoreaNOM-019 SCFI, MexicoCU, EAC, RussiaBSMI, TaiwanSupported standardsIEEE standards• IEEE 802.1D (STP)• IEEE 802.1p (CoS)• IEEE 802.1Q (VLANs)• IEEE 802.1ad (Provider Bridge) Q-in-Q(VLAN stacking)*• IEEE 802.1s (MSTP)• IEEE 802.1w (RSTP)• IEEE 802.1X (Port Based Network AccessProtocol)• IEEE 802.3i (10Base-T)• IEEE 802.3u (Fast Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3x (Flow Control)• IEEE 802.3z (Gigabit Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3ab (1000Base-T)• IEEE 802.3ac (VLAN Tagging)• IEEE 802.3ad (Link Aggregation)• IEEE 802.3ae (10 Gigabit Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3af (Power-over-Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3at (Power-over-Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3bt (Power-over-Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3az (Energy Efficient Ethernet)• IEEE 802.3bz (Multi-Gigabit Ethernet)ITU-T recommendations• TU-T G.8032/Y.1344 2010: Ethernet RingProtection (ERPv2)IETF RFCsRIP• RFC 1058 RIP v1• RFC 1722/1723/1724/2453 RIP v2 andMIB• RFC 1812/2644 IPv4 Router Requirement• RFC 2080 RIPng for IPv6*IP Multicast• RFC 1112 IGMP v1• RFC 2236/2933 IGMP v2 and MIB• RFC 2365 Multicast• RFC 3376 IGMPv3 for IPv6IPv6+• RFC 1886 DNS for IPv6• RFC 2292/2373/2374/2460/2462• RFC 2461 NDP• RFC 2463/2466 ICMP v6 and MIB• RFC 2452/2454 IPv6 TCP/UDP MIB• RFC 2464/2553/2893/3493/3513• RFC 3056 IPv6 Tunneling• RFC 3542/3587 IPv6• RFC 4007 IPv6 Scoped AddressArchitecture• RFC 4193 Unique Local IPv6 UnicastAddressesManageability• RFC 854/855 Telnet and Telnet options• RFC 959/2640 FTP• RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol• RFC 1155/2578-2580 SMI v1 and SMI v2• RFC 1157/2271 SNMP• RFC 1212/2737 MIB and MIB-II• RFC 1213/2011-2013 SNMP v2 MIB• RFC 1215 Convention for SNMP Traps• RFC 1573/2233/2863 Private InterfaceMIB• RFC 1643/2665 Ethernet MIB• RFC 1867 Form-based File Upload in HTML• RFC 1901-1908/3416-3418 SNMP v2c• RFC 2096 IP MIB• RFC 2131 DHCP Server/Client• RFC 2388 Returning Values from Forms:multipart/form-data• RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers(URI): Generic Syntax• RFC 2570-2576/3410-3415/3584 SNMP v3• RFC 2616 /2854 HTTP and HTML• RFC 2667 IP Tunneling MIB• RFC 2668/3636 IEEE 802.3 MAU MIB• RFC 2674 VLAN MIB• RFC 3023 XML Media Types• RFC 3414 User-based Security Model• RFC 3826 (AES) Cipher Algorithm in theSNMP User-based Security Model• RFC 4122 A Universally Unique IDentifier(UUID) URN Namespace• RFC 4234 Augmented BNF for SyntaxSpecifications: ABNF• RFC 4251 Secure Shell ProtocolArchitecture• RFC 4252 The Secure Shell (SSH)Authentication Protocol• RFC 4627 JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)• RFC 5424 The Syslog protocol• RFC 6585 Additional HTTP Status Codes Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. To view othertrademarks used by affiliated companies of ALE Holding, visit: /trademarks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © 2017 ALE International. All rights reserved. 201703230002EN Security • RFC 1321 MD5• RFC 1826/1827/4303/4305 Encapsulating Payload (ESP) and crypto algorithms • RFC 2104 HMAC Message Authentication • RFC 2138/2865/2868/3575 /2618 RADIUS Authentication and Client MIB • RFC 2139/2866/2867/2620 RADIUS Accounting and Client MIB • RFC 2228 FTP Security Extensions • RFC 2284 PPP EAP• RFC 2869/2869bis RADIUS Extension • RFC 4301 Security Architecture for IPQuality of service• RFC 896 Congestion control • RFC 1122 Internet Hosts• RFC 2474/2475/2597/3168/3246 DiffServ • RFC 3635 Pause Control • RFC 2697 srTCM • RFC 2698 trTCMOthers• RFC 791/894/1024/1349 IP and IP/Ethernet • RFC 792 ICMP • RFC 768 UDP• RFC 793/1156 TCP/IP and MIB • RFC 826 ARP• RFC 919/922 Broadcasting Internet Datagram • RFC 925/1027 Multi-LAN ARP/Proxy ARP • RFC 950 Subnetting • RFC 951 BOOTP • RFC 1151 RDP• RFC 1191 Path MTU Discovery • RFC 1256 ICMP Router Discovery • RFC 1305/2030 NTP v3 and Simple NTP • RFC 1493 Bridge MIB • RFC 1518/1519 CIDR• RFC 1541/1542/2131/3396/3442 DHCP • RFC 1757/2819 RMON and MIB • RFC 2131/3046 DHCP/BootP Relay • RFC 2132 DHCP Options • RFC 2251 LDAP v3• RFC 2338/3768/2787 VRRP and MIB • RFC 3021 Using 31-bit Prefixes • RFC 3060 Policy Core • RFC 3176 sFlow+ Future AOS software featureOS6560-P24Z8Multi-GigE fixed chassis in 1RU size. Includes 8 RJ-45 100/1G/2.5G BaseT HPoE, 16 RJ-45 10/100/1G BaseT PoE and 2xSFP+ (1G/10G) ports, 300W AC supply, power cord, user guides, and 19" rack mount hardware.OS6560-P24Z24Multi-GigE fixed chassis in 1RU size. Includes 24 RJ-45 100/1G/2.5G BaseT HPoE, 4xSFP+ (1G/10G) and 2x20G stacking ports, 600W AC supply, power cord, user guides, and 19" rack mount hardware.OS6560-P48Z16Multi-GigE fixed chassis in 1RU size. Includes 16 RJ-45 100/1G/2.5G BaseT HPoE, 32 RJ-45 10/100/1G BaseT PoE, 4xSFP+(1G/10G) and 2x20G stacking ports, 900W AC supply, power cord, user guides and 19" rack mount hardware.OS6560-BP-P OS6560-BP-P modular 300W AC PoE backup power supply. Provides system and PoE backup power to one OS6560 PoE switch. Ships with power cord.OS6560-BP-PH OS6560-BP-PH modular 600W AC PoE backup power supply. Provides system and PoE backup power to one OS6560 PoE switch. Ships with power cord.OS6560-BP-PXOS6560-BP-PX modular 900W AC PoE backup power supply. Provides system and PoE backup power to one OS6560 PoE switch. Ships with power cord.OS6560-CBL-40OS6560 20 Gigabit direct attached stacking copper cable (40 cm, QSFP+)OS6560-CBL-100OS6560 20 Gigabit direct attached stacking copper cable (100 cm, QSFP+)OS6560-CBL-300OS6560 20 Gigabit direct attached stacking copper cable (300 cm, QSFP+)SFP-10G-C1M 10 Gigabit direct attached copper cable (1m, SFP+)SFP-10G-C3M 10 Gigabit direct attached copper cable (3m, SFP+)SFP-10G-C7M10 Gigabit direct attached copper cable (1m, SFP+)WarrantyThe OmniSwitch 6560 family comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty.Services and SupportFor more information about our Professional services, Support services, and Managed services, please go to /?services=EnterpriseServices&page=directory .。

Brocade 6510 硬件参考手册说明书

Brocade 6510 硬件参考手册说明书
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LA6500 单电源,功率OP放大器OP-193 单电源,低电压,低功耗,精密运算放大器LA6501 单电源,功率OP放大器OP-196 单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器LA6510 2回路单电源功率OP放大器OP-200 低功耗,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器" LA6512 高压,功率OP放大器双运算放大器OP-213 BICMOS单电源,低噪音,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器LA6513 高压,功率OP放大器双运算放大器OP-250 COMS,单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LA6520 单电源,功率OP放大器三运算放大器OP-260 电流反馈型,高速双运算放大器LF356 JFET输入,高速运算放大器OP-262 单电源,低电压,低功耗,高速,精密双运算放大器LF356A JFET输入,高速运算放大器OP-27 低噪音,低失调电压,精密运算放大器LF411 JFET输入,高速运算放大器OP-270 低噪声,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器LF411A JFET输入,高速运算放大器OP-271 精密双运算放大器LF412 JFET输入,高速双运算放大器OP-275 高速双运算放大器LF412A JFET输入,高速双运算放大器OP-279 单电源,大电流双运算放大器LF441 低功耗,JFET输入运算放大器OP-282 JFET输入,低功耗双运算放大器LF441A 低功耗,JFET输入运算放大器OP-283 单电源,宽带双运算放大器LF442 低功耗,JFET输入双运算放大器OP-284 单电源,低电压,高速,精密双运算放大器LF442A 低功耗,JFET输入双运算放大器OP-290 单电源,低功耗,精密双运算放大器LF444 低功耗,JFET输入四运算放大器OP-291 单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LF444A 低功耗,JFET输入四运算放大器OP-292 BICMOS单电源,通用双运算放大器LM2902 单电源四运算放大器OP-293 单电源,低电压,低功耗,精密双运算放大器LM2904 单电源双运算放大器OP-295 BICMOS低功耗,精密双运算放大器LM324 单电源四运算放大器OP-296 单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LM358 单电源双运算放大器OP-297 低电压,低功耗,低漂移,精密双运算放大器LM4250 单程控、低功耗运算放大器OP-37 低噪音,低失调电压,高速,精密运算放大器LM607 低失调电压,精密运算放大器OP-400 低功耗,低失调电压,精密四运算放大器LM6118 宽带,高速双运算放大器OP-413 BICMOS单电源,低噪音,低失调电压,精密四运算放大器LM6132 单电源,低功耗,低电压,高速双运算放大器OP-450 COMS,单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器LM6134 单电源,低功耗,低电压,高速四运算放大器OP-462 单电源,低电压,低功耗,高速,精密四运算放大器LM6142 低功耗,宽带,高速双运算放大器OP-467 宽带,高速,精密四运算放大器LM6144 低功耗,宽带,高速四运算放大器OP-470 低噪音,精密四运算放大器LM6152 单电源,低功耗,宽带,高速双运算放大器OP-471 低噪音,高速四运算放大器LM6154 单电源,低功耗,宽带,高速四运算放大器OP-482 JFET输入,低功耗四运算放大器LM6161 宽带,高速运算放大器OP-484 单电源,低电压,高速,精密四运算放大器LM6171 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器OP-490 单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器LM6172 低功耗,宽带,高速双运算放大器OP-491 单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器LM6181 电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器OP-492 BICMOS单电源,通用四运算放大器LM6182 电流反馈型,宽带,高速双运算放大器OP-493 单电源,低电压,低功耗,高精四运算放大器LM6218 宽带,高速,双四运算放大器OP-495 BICMOS,低功耗,精密四运算放大器LM6261 宽带,高速运算放大器OP-496 单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器LM627 低噪音,低失调电压,精密运算放大器OP-497 低电压,低功耗,低漂移,精密四运算放大器LM6317 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器OP-77 低失调电压,精密运算放大器LM6361 宽带,高速运算放大器OP-80 CMOS单电源,低功耗,低偏置电流运算放大器LM637 低噪音,低失调电压,精密运算放大器OP-90 单电源,低功耗,低电压,精密运算放大器LM7121 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器OP-97 低功耗,低漂移,精密运算放大器LM7131 单电源,低电压,宽带,高速运算放大器OPA1013 单电源,精密双运算放大器LM7171 宽带,高速运算放大器OPA124 JFET输入,低噪音,精密运算放大器LM7301 单电源,低功耗,低电压运算放大器OPA129 JFET输入,精密,低偏置电流运算放大器LM833 低噪音双运算放大器OPA130 JFET输入,低功耗,精密运算放大器LM837 低噪音四运算放大器OPA131 JFET输入,通用运算放大器LMC6001 CMOS单电源,低功耗,低偏置电流运算放大器OPA132 JFET输入,低噪音,高速运算放大器LMC6022 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器OPA2107 JFET输入,精密双运算放大器LMC6024 CMOS单电源,低功耗四运算放大器OPA2111 JFET输入,低噪音,精密双运算放大器LMC6032 CMOS单电源双运算放大器OPA2130 JFET输入,低功耗,精密双运算放大器LMC6034 CMOS单电源四运算放大器OPA2131 JFET输入,通用双运算放大器LMC6035 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器OPA2132 JFET输入,低噪音,高速双运算放大器LMC6036 CMOS单电源,低功耗四运算放大器OPA2237 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压双运算放大器LMC6041 CMOS单电源,低功耗运算放大器OPA2336 COMS,单电源,低电压,低功耗,精密双运算放大器LMC6042 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器OPA237 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压运算放大器LMC6044 CMOS单电源,低功耗四运算放大器OPA2544 JFET输入,功率OP放大器高耐压双运算放大器LMC6442 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器OPA2604 JFET输入,低噪音,高速双运算放大器LMC6462 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器OPA2650 低功耗,宽带,高速双运算放大器LMC6464 CMOS单电源,低功耗四运算放大器OPA2658 电流反馈型,低功耗,宽带,高速双运算放大器LMC6482 CMOS单电源,双运算放大器OPA336 COMS单电源,低电压,低功耗,精密运算放大器LMC6484 CMOS单电源,四运算放大器OPA404 JFET输入,精密,高速四运算放大器LMC6572 CMOS单电源,低功耗,低电压双运算放大器OPA4130 JFET输入,低功耗,精密四运算放大器LMC6574 CMOS单电源,低功耗,低电压四运算放大器OPA4131 JFET输入,通用四运算放大器LMC6582 CMOS单电源,低电压双运算放大器OPA4132 JFET输入,低噪音,高速四运算放大器LMC6584 CMOS单电源,低电压四运算放大器OPA4237 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压四运算放大器LMC660 CMOS单电源四运算放大器OPA4336 COMS,单电源,低电压,低功耗,精密四运算放大器LMC662 CMOS单电源双运算放大器OPA4650 低功耗,宽带,高速四运算放大器LMC7101 CMOS单电源,低功耗运算放大器OPA544 JFET输入,功率OP放大器,高耐压运算放大器LMC7111 CMOS单电源,低功耗运算放大器OPA547 单电源,功率OP放大器,高耐压运算放大器LP2902 单电源,低功耗四运算放大器OPA548 单电源,功率OP放大器,高耐压运算放大器LP324 单电源,低功耗四运算放大器OPA603 电流反馈型,高速运算放大器LPC660 CMOS单电源,低功耗,四运算放大器OPA604 JFET输入,低噪音,高速运算放大器LPC661 CMOS单电源,低功耗运算放大器OPA606 JFET输入,宽带运算放大器LPC662 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器OPA620 宽带,精密运算放大器LT1007 低噪音,低失调电压,精密运算放大器OPA623A 电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1013 单电源,精密双运算放大器OPA627 高速,精密运算放大器LT1014 单电源,精密四运算放大器OPA628 低失真,低噪音,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1028 低噪音,低失调电压,高速,精密运算放大器OPA637 高速,精密运算放大器LT1037 低噪声,低失调电压,高速,精密运算放大器OPA640 低失真,低噪音,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1057 JFET输入,高速,精密双运算放大器OPA642 低失真,宽带,低噪音,高速运算放大器LT1058 JFET输入,高速,精密四运算放大器OPA644 低失真,电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1077 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压,精密运算放大器OPA646 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1078 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器OPA650 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1079 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压,精密四运算放大器OPA658 电流反馈型,低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1097 低功耗,低失调电压,精密运算放大器OPA680 单电源,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1112 低电压,低偏置电流,精密双运算放大器OPA681 电流反馈型,单电源,宽带,高速运算放大器LT1113 JFET输入,低噪音,精密双运算放大器RC3403A 单电源四运算放大器LT1114 低电压,低偏置电流,精密四运算放大器RC4558 通用双运算放大器LT1115 低失真,低失调电压,低噪音运算放大器RC4559 通用双运算放大器LT1124 低噪音,高速,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器SA5512 通用双运算放大器LT1125 低噪音,高速,低失调电压,精密四运算放大器SE5230 单电源,低电压运算放大器LT1128 低噪音,低失调电压,高速,精密运算放大器SE5512 通用双运算放大器LT1169 低噪音,低偏置电流,精密双运算放大器SE5514 通用四运算放大器LT1178 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器SE5532A 低噪音,高速双运算放大器LT1179 单电源,低功耗,低失调电压,精密四运算放大器SE5534A 低噪声单运算放大器LT1206 电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器SSM-2135 BICMOS单电源,低电压双运算放大器LT1218 单电源,低电压,低功耗,低失调电压,精密运算放大器SSM-2275 BICMOS,单电源,大电流双运算放大器LT1219 单电源,低电压,低功耗,低失调电压,精密运算放大器SSM-2475 BICMOS,单电源,大电流四运算放大器LT1223 电流反馈型运算放大器TA7256P 功率OP放大器,双运算放大器LT1227 电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器TA7272P 功率OP放大器,双运算放大器LT1229 电流反馈型双运算放大器TA75S01F 单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器LT1230 电流反馈型四运算放大器TA75S558F 宽带运算放大器LT1252 电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器TA75W01F 单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LT1253 电流反馈型,宽带,高速双运算放大器TA75W558FU 宽带双运算放大器LT1254 电流反馈型,宽带,高速四运算放大器TC75S51F CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器LT1352 低功耗,低失调电压,高速双运算放大器TC75S54F CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器LT1353 低功耗,低失调电压,高速四运算放大器TC75S55F CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器LT1354 低功耗,低失调电压,高速运算放大器TC75W51FU CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LT1355 低功耗,低失调电压,高速双运算放大器TC75W54FU CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LT1356 低功耗,低失调电压,高速四运算放大器TC75W55FU CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器LT1366 单电源,精密双运算放大器TC901 单电源,低功耗运算放大器LT1367 单电源,精密四运算放大器TC913 单电源,低功耗双运算放大器LT1413 单电源,精密双运算放大器TC914 单电源,低功耗,四运算放大器LT1457 JFET输入,精密双运算放大器TL031 JFET输入,低功耗,精密运算放大器LT1490 单电源,低功耗双运算放大器TL032 JFET输入,低功耗,精密双运算放大器LT1491 单电源,低功耗四运算放大器TL034 JFET输入,低功耗,精密四运算放大器LT1495 单电源,低功耗,低电压,低偏置电流,精密双运算放大器TL051 JFET输入,精密运算放大器LT1496 单电源,低功耗,低电压,低偏置电流,精密四运算放大器TL052 JFET输入,精密双运算放大器LT1498 单电源,低电压,精密双运算放大器TL054 JFET输入,精密四运算放大器LT1499 单电源,低电压,精密四运算放大器TL081 JFET输入,通用运算放大器LTC1047 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器TL082 JFET输入,通用双运算放大器LTC1049 CMOS单电源,低功耗运算放大器TL084 JFET输入,通用四运算放大器LTC1051 CMOS,单电源双运算放大器TLC1078 CMOS单电源,低功耗,精密双运算放大器LTC1053 CMOS,单电源四运算放大器TLC1079 CMOS单电源,低功耗,精密四运算放大器LTC1150 CMOS,单电源,低功耗运算放大器TLC2201 CMOS单电源,低噪音,精密运算放大器LTC1151 CMOS,单电源,低功耗双运算放大器TLC2202 CMOS单电源,低噪音,精密双运算放大器LTC1152 CMOS,单电源,低电压运算放大器TLC2252 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器LTC1250 CMOS,单电源,低噪音运算放大器TLC2254 CMOS单电源,低功耗四运算放大器M5216 大电流双运算放大器TLC251BC CMOS单电源,低电压运算放大器M5220 低噪音,大电流,高压双运算放大器TLC252BC CMOS单电源,低电压双运算放大器M5223 单电源双运算放大器TLC254BC CMOS单电源,低电压四运算放大器M5224 单电源四运算放大器TLC271BC CMOS单电源,精密运算放大器M5228 大电流四运算放大器TLC272BC CMOS单电源,精密双运算放大器M5238 JFET输入,大电流,高速双运算放大器TLC274BC CMOS单电源,精密四运算放大器M5260 大电流双运算放大器TLC4501 CMOS单电源,低失调电压,精密运算放大器MAX400 低失调电压,精密运算放大器TLC4502 CMOS单电源,,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器MAX402 低电压,低功耗,高速运算放大器TLE2021 单电源,低功耗,精密运算放大器MAX403 低电压,低功耗,高速运算放大器TLE2022 单电源,低功耗,精密双运算放大器MAX406 CMOS单电源,低功耗运算放大器TLE2024 单电源,低功耗,精密四运算放大器MAX407 CMOS单电源,低功耗双运算放大器TLE2061 JFET输入,低功耗运算放大器MAX410 低电压,低噪音,低失调电压,精密运算放大器TLE2062 JFET输入,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4100 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器TLE2064 JFET输入,低功耗四运算放大器MAX4101 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器TLE2141 高速,精密运算放大器MAX4102 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器TLV2211 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX4103 低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器TLV2221 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX4112 电流反馈型,低功耗,宽带,高速运算放大器TLV2231 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX412 低电压,低噪音,低失调电压,精密双运算放大器TLV2252 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4122 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密运算放大器TLV2254 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器MAX4123 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密运算放大器TLV2262 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4126 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密双运算放大器TLV2264 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器MAX4128 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密双运算放大器TLV2322 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4129 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密四运算放大器TLV2324 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器MAX4130 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密运算放大器TLV2332 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4131 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密运算放大器TLV2334 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器MAX4132 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密双运算放大器TLV2341 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX4133 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密双运算放大器TLV2342 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4134 单电源,低电压,低功耗,宽带,精密四运算放大器TLV2344 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗,高速四运算放大器MAX414 低电压,低噪音,低失调电压,精密四运算放大器TLV2361 低电压,高速运算放大器MAX4162 单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器TLV2362 低电压,低功耗,高速双运算放大器MAX4163 单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器TLV2422 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4164 单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器TLV2432 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4165 单电源,低电压,大电流,低功耗,精密运算放大器TLV2442 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4167 单电源,低电压,大电流,低功耗,精密双运算放大器TLV2711 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX4169 单电源,低电压,大电流,低功耗,精密四运算放大器TLV2721 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX418 CMOS单电源,低功耗四运算放大器TLV2731 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器MAX4223 电流反馈型,宽带,高速运算放大器TS912 CMOS单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器MAX4225 电流反馈型,宽带,高速双运算放大器TSH150 宽带,高速运算放大器MAX425 CMOS单电源运算放大器TSH151 BIMOS,单电源,宽带,高速运算放大器MAX4250 单电源,低电压,低功耗,低噪音,精密运算放大器UPC4557 通用双运算放大器MAX4252 单电源,低电压,低功耗,低噪音,精密双运算放大器UPC4570 低噪音双运算放大器MAX4254 单电源,低电压,低功耗,低噪音,精密四运算放大器UPC4572 单电源,低噪音双运算放大器MAX430 CMOS单电源运算放大器UPC4574 低噪音四运算放大器MAX432 CMOS单电源运算放大器UPC811 JFET输入,高速运算放大器MAX4330 单电源,低电压,低功耗运算放大器UPC812 JFET输入,高速双运算放大器MAX4332 单电源,低电压,低功耗双运算放大器UPC813 JFET输入,高速运算放大器MAX4334 单电源,低电压,低功耗四运算放大器UPC814 JFET输入,高速双运算放大器MAX473 单电源,低电压,宽带,高速运算放大器UPC815 低失调电压,精密运算放大器MAX474 单电源,低电压,宽带,高速双运算放大器UPC816 高速,低失调电压,精密运算放大器MAX475 单电源,低电压,宽带,高速四运算放大器UPC842 单电源,高速双运算放大器MAX477 宽带,高速运算放大器UPC844 单电源,高速四运算放大器MAX478 单电源,低功耗,精密双运算放大器XR094 JFET输入,四运算放大器MAX478A 单电源,低功耗,精密双运算放大器XR095 JFET输入,四运算放大器MAX479 单电源,低功耗,精密四运算放大器XR096 JFET输入,四运算放大器MAX479A 单电源,低功耗,精密四运算放大器XR4202 低电压四运算放大器来自: /very%5Fknight/blog/item/79471a0a2c8c043be824884e.html。

LA10 LA系列小型吉他电铃器说明书

LA10 LA系列小型吉他电铃器说明书
In order to reduce environmental damage, at the end of its useful life, this product must not be disposed off along with normal household waste to landfill sites. It mist be taken to an approved recycling centre according to the recommendations of the WEEE (Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment) Directive applicable in your country.
CD/MP3 Headphones
General Notes Amplifier connection: In order to avoid damage, it is advisable to establish and follow a pattern for turning on and off your equipment. With all system parts connected, turn on source equipment, MP3/CD players, etc. BEFORE turning on your guitar amplifier. Similarly when turning off your system always turn down the Volume controls on your guitar amplifier and then turn off its power before turning off other equipment. Cables: Only use a good quality screened cable to connect your instrument to the amplifier. Servicing: The user should not attempt to service these products. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. 6

飞利浦 6510系列电视用户手册说明书

飞利浦 6510系列电视用户手册说明书

Register your product and get support at6510 series /welcome用户手册40PFT651050PFT651055PFT6510内容1 电视导览 41.1 飞利浦 Android TV41.2 使用应用程序41.3 玩游戏41.4 电影和错过的节目41.5 Pause TV 和录制41.6 智能手机和平板电脑41.7 社交网络41.8 3D51.9 流光溢彩51.10 流光溢彩 + Hue51.11 蓝牙连接52 设置 62.1 阅读安全说明62.2 电视支架和壁挂安装62.3 摆放提示62.4 电源线62.5 天线63 连接 Android TV 83.1 网络和互联网83.2 Google 帐户103.3 飞利浦应用程序库104 连接设备 124.1 关于连接124.2 带智能卡的 CAM - CI+14 4.3 接收器 - 机顶盒154.4 家庭影院系统 - HTS154.5 智能手机和平板电脑17 4.6 蓝光光盘播放机174.7 DVD 播放机174.8 蓝牙 - 扬声器和游戏手柄17 4.9 耳机184.10 游戏控制台184.11 游戏手柄194.12 USB 硬盘驱动器194.13 USB 键盘204.14 USB 闪存盘204.15 照相机214.16 摄像机214.17 电脑215 打开和关闭 235.1 开机或待机235.2 飞利浦徽标亮度235.3 电视上的按键235.4 定时关机235.5 关闭定时器236 遥控器 256.1 键概述256.2 语音搜索266.3 键盘266.4 与遥控器配对286.5 红外传感器286.6 电池286.7 清洁287 频道 297.1 安装频道297.2 频道列表297.3 观看频道297.4 收藏频道327.5 文本/图文电视337.6 互动电视348 电视指南 368.1 所需组件368.2 电视指南数据368.3 使用电视指南369 录制和 Pause TV 38 9.1 录制389.2 暂停电视3910 精品选择 4110.1 关于精品选择4110.2 电视现有应用程序41 10.3 TV on Demand4110.4 随选视频4111 主菜单 4311.1 关于主菜单4311.2 打开主菜单4311.3 搜索和语音搜索4311.4 受限配置文件4312 电视菜单 4412.1 关于电视菜单4412.2 打开电视菜单4413 Netflix 4514 来源 4614.1 切换设备4614.2 电视输入的选项46 14.3 设备名称和类型46 14.4 游戏或电脑4614.5 重新扫描连接4715 应用程序 4815.1 关于应用程序4815.2 Google Play4815.3 应用程序库4915.4 启动或停止应用程序49 15.5 锁定应用程序4915.6 管理应用程序5015.7 存储5116 游戏 5216.1 所需组件5216.2 游戏手柄5216.3 玩游戏5216.4 分屏游戏5216.5 理想游戏设置5317 互联网 5417.1 启动互联网5417.2 互联网选项5418 视频、照片和音乐 55 18.1 来自 USB 连接5518.2 来自电脑或 NAS5518.3 来自云存储服务5518.4 播放视频5518.5 查看照片5518.6 播放音乐5619 智能手机和平板电脑 57 19.1 飞利浦电视遥控应用程序57 19.2 Google Cast5719.3 Miracast5719.4 AirPlay5819.5 MHL5820 流光溢彩 5920.1 流光溢彩风格5920.2 关闭流光溢彩5920.3 流光溢彩设置5921 3D 6021.1 所需组件6021.2 3D 眼镜6021.3 观看 3D6021.4 优化 3D 观看6121.5 3D 眼镜保养6121.6 健康警告6122 Multi View 6222.1 关于 Multi View6222.2 文本和电视6222.3 网络电视和电视6222.4 HDMI 和电视6223 设置 6323.1 图片6323.2 声音6723.3 流光溢彩设置6923.4 环保设置7123.5 一般设置7123.6 时钟,区域和语音7323.7 通用接入7524 无线和网络 7724.1 网络7724.2 蓝牙7725 Android 设置 7826 频道安装 7926.1 天线/有线安装7926.2 频道列表复制8127 软件 8227.1 更新软件8227.2 软件版本8227.3 开源软件8227.4 通知8228 规格 8328.1 环境8328.2 功率8328.3 操作系统8328.4 接收8428.5 显示屏类型8428.6 显示屏输入分辨率8428.7 尺寸和重量8428.8 连接8428.9 声音8528.10 多媒体8529 帮助与支持 8629.1 注册电视8629.2 使用帮助8629.3 故障检修8629.4 在线帮助8729.5 支持和维修8830 安全与保养 8930.1 安全8930.2 屏幕保养8931 使用条款 9131.1 使用条款 - 电视9131.2 使用条款 - 智能电视9131.3 使用条款 - 飞利浦应用程序库9132 版权 9232.1 MHL9232.2 HDMI9232.3 Dolby Digital Plus9232.4 DTS Premium Sound ™92 32.5 Microsoft9232.6 Wi-Fi Alliance9232.7 Kensington9232.8 其他商标93索引 941电视导览1.1飞利浦 Android TV这就是飞利浦 Android TV™。

吉时利 1DAQ6510 数据采集和记录万用表系统说明书

吉时利 1DAQ6510 数据采集和记录万用表系统说明书

●大型5英寸(12.7 cm)多触点容性触摸屏,支持图形显示●指明了两年指标的全功能可溯源6位半万用表,基本准确度0.0025% DCV (1 V, 10 V 范围)●标配LAN/LXI 和USB-TMC 通信接口●选配接口有GPIB、RS-232和TSP-Link ®技术●12种不同的开关、RF 和控制模块,在一个测试设置可以连接最多80个被测器件●最多80条2极通道热电偶、RTD 或热电阻器温度测量●固态继电器模块,扫描速度高达800通道/秒●前面板插孔,用于独立式DMM 操作●KickStart 免代码仪器控制软件,带数据采集和记录应用●三年保修DAQ6510是一种精密的数据采集和记录系统,它追求极简主义,与许多独立式解决方案中常见的复杂配置和控制相比,把简单推向了极致。

大型5英寸(12.7 cm)多触点显示器可以引导用户完成测试设置、数据查看和分析,不再像许多应用那样必需使用电脑和定制软件。

如果您更愿意使用电脑或要求使用电脑,那么可以使用一套完整的IVI 和Labview 驱动程序和吉时利KickStart 仪器控制软件,帮助您实现任何应用。






许多模块有冷结补偿,有温度基准,使用热电偶在环境测试期间监测器件,支持HALT 和HASS 加速寿命测试。

通过RF 模块,您甚至可以测试来自无线器件的信号,该模块的最大开关频率高达3.5 GHz。



(Contact address for overseas customers in Japan)
As of 18th. April 2005
Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact your nearest sales office.
The products listed in this document are designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, communications devices, electrical appliances and electronic toys). Should you intend to use these products with equipment or devices which require an extremely high level of reliability and the malfunction of with would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance. About Export Control Order in Japan Products described herein are the objects of controlled goods in Annex 1 (Item 16) of Export Trade Control Order in Japan. In case of export from Japan, please confirm if it applies to "objective" criteria or an "informed" (by MITI clause) on the basis of "catch all controls for Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction.

LG NB3520A 300W条形音响系统 使用说明书

LG NB3520A 300W条形音响系统 使用说明书

三角形内的惊叹号提醒用户, 随设备一起提供的印刷品中包 含重要的操作和维护(维修) 指南。
警告: 为了减少火灾或电击的危险,请勿使此 产品淋雨或暴露在潮湿的空气中。
小心: 切勿把电器暴露于有水(滴水或溅水)的 地方,而且不应将载有液体的对象(如花瓶) 放置于本电器上。
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The LA6510 is a dual power operational amplifier IC capable of delivering larger output currents than conventional operational amplifiers.
The LA6510 features an on-chip current limiter and provides high voltage gain and a high common-mode rejection ratio. The LA6510 is an ideal choice for power applications such as DC servos, capstan drivers, actuator drivers, programmable power supplies and high-quality audio amplifiers.
• High output current (I O max = 1.0A) • High gain
• Equipped with current limiter pin
• Supports single power source operation
Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C
Parameter Symbol
Unit Maximum supply voltage V CC / V
EE max
±18V Differential input voltage V ID
30V Common mode input voltage V ICOM ±15V Maximum output current I O max
1.0 A Allowable power dissipation Pd max
W Operating temperature Topr -40 to +85°C Storage temperature
-55 to +150
Monolithic Linear IC
Dual Power Operational Amplifier
Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C, V CC / V EE = ±15V
Parameter Symbol
min typ max
No-load current drain I CCO 12
Input offset voltage V IO
R S ≤ 10k Ω 2 6mV
Input offset current I IO 10 200nA Input bias current
B 100 700
nA Common-mode input voltage range V ICM -15 +13
V Common-mode signal rejection ratio C MR 7080
Output voltage V O
R L =33Ω
±13 V Voltage gain VG O 100
Slew rate
SR G V = 0, R L = 33Ω, R = 2.2Ω, C = 0.1µF 0.15 V/µs
Equivalent input noise voltage V NI Rg = 1k Ω, DIN AUDIO
2 µV Supply voltage rejection ratio
Limiting current
Rsc = 2.2Ω 0.35 A
Package Dimensions
unit : mm 3046D
Pin Assignment
Equivalent Circuit
Test Circuits
2. Output voltage [V O]
1. Input offset voltage [V IO]
Supply voltage rejection ratio [SVR]
3. Common-mode signal rejection ratio [CMR]
4. Input bias current [I B(+)]
Common-mode input voltage range [V ICM]
5. Input bias current [I B(-)]
6. Input offset current [I IO]
7. Current drain [I CC]8. Slew rate [SR]
9. Voltage gain [VG O]10. Equivalent input noise voltage [V NI]
Application Circuit Examples
Current Limiter Circuit and Output Stage
In source mode, when Q3 turns on and current flows into the load resistor, a voltage difference occurs across RSC, turning on Q1 and activating the current limiter.
In sink mode, Q4 turns on to develop a voltage difference of the polarity opposite to that in the source mode across RSC, thus turning on Q2 and activating the limiter.
A RSC can be use to set the maximum output current, but the maximum output current will vary slightly depending on the V BE temperature characteristics of the transistor.。
