








D.(若数据不对,则应调整定位器齿轮对位,使得执行器全关时,数据在 100-600之间。








产品的不断升级可能导致部分数据的变化,如有改动恕不另行通知电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)产 品 说 明 书(V1.0)通 用 型目录一、 概述 (1)二、 电气性能指标 (1)三、 主要技术指标 (2)四、 操作显示面板 (3)五、 接线方法 (4)六、 产品使用方法 (5)七、 产品输入输出信号标定 (6)八、 出厂恢复与辅助设置 (7)九、 错误代码列表 (8)十、 用户软件操作流程图 (8)符-oh-。




U0-U13按▲或▼键修改设置参数堵转测试:当发给执行器动作指令时,若在xx.x 秒都没有动作,将发出-E4-(或-E5-)错误代码,并停止xx.x 秒后,向动作指令的反方向动作2秒,然后再向动作指令的方向动作xx.x 秒,若故障消除,则清除错误代码且解除报警状态,继续工作。

若没有解除,则再停止xx.x 秒后,向动作指令的反方向动作2秒,然后再向动作指令的方向动作xx.x 秒。






2、在U5菜单时,U5与-oh -交替显示。


3.5.2 阀门定位器参数设定及初始化
此界面是参数设定状态的第一界面。项号10表示直行程执行器。如果执行器为角行程执行器,则用户按向上键进入下一界面,表示角行程执行器。按向下又回到直行程执行器设定界面。退出执行器类型设定界面,按功能 + 向上键,进入执行器正/反作用设定界面。执行器类型则为退出时界面设定的状态。
2.1.3 位置变送电流输出模块报警及限位传感器模块
2.1.5 气动连接模块
2-1-5 外接气源示意图
1为执行器进气流量调节阀, 2为执行器出气流量调节阀
单作用及双作用执行器作用压力输入口Y1 位置反馈作用连杆 供气动力气源输入口Dz 具有消音作用的消耗气体排出口E
设定方法与定位器类型设定相同。项号11为正作用/反作用设定界面。按功能+向上键,系统退出执行器正/反作用设定,进入阀门气开气关设定界面。按功能 +向下键 进入10号菜单。以下所有菜单的转化以此类推,不再重复说明。 正作用表示4—20mA对应于0—100%行程。 反作用表示4—20mA对应于100—0%行程。 阀门定位器参数设定及初始化操作 1. 执行器类型设定:直行程/角行程,系统默认为直行程。 2.执行器正/反作用设定。默认为正作用
阀门气开、气关特性设定 气开型阀门设定,项号为12 型阀门设定,项号为12 特性曲线设定 定
2.1.1 主板
定位器当前位置通过2线制4~20mA输出反馈。一个数字输出表示一组故障信息,这两个报警输出电路与其他电路是隔离的。两个可调整限位位置的数字量输出通道。 2.1.4 现场总线扩展模块 在现代仪器仪表中现场总线技术的应用越来越广泛。然而,由于现场总线的多样性和复杂性,因此为了适应不同的系统就要配置不同的现场总线系统:PROFIBUS 、INTERBUS、CANBUS 总线、FF 总线、HART 总线。目前,我们能够提供HART总线通讯选择板卡。

Parker Hannifin 模型 V11 方向控制阀门说明书

Parker Hannifin 模型 V11 方向控制阀门说明书

Bulletin HY14-2702-M1/US
Offer of Sale
The items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance by any customer ("Buyer") shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer’s order for any such items, when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor ("Seller") verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer.
Bulletin HY14-2702-M1/US Service and Parts Bulletin
Model V11
Байду номын сангаас



阀门定位器.模块使用说明书ZXQ 系列电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)使用说明书DOC NO :201109ZXQ20 ZXQ20ZXQ20ZXQ20目录1一、概述 (2)二、主要技术指标 (2)三、定位器面板 (3)四、接线方式 (5)五、设定操作方法 (6)六、错误代码列表 (9)附录:其它标定操作(出厂后如需此项操作,请在厂家指导下使用) (9)如顾客所购买的是本公司Z型(机电一体)执行器,内部定位器无需对执行器转角标定,接线无误即可正常使用。

系列电动阀门智能定位器是以工业单片机为核心的智能信号采集控制系统,体积小巧,可选择安装在电动执行器的接线盒内或以DIN导轨方式固定在外,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4~20mA DC信号(其它输入信号类型可在出厂前定制),与电位器反馈的电动执行器配套对各种阀门或装置进行精确定位操作,能对电动执行器的转角(或位移)进行自由标定,同时输出4~20mA DC的执行器转角位置(或位移)反馈转换信号,可精确设定执行器转角位置的下限限位值和上限限位值,定位器采用3个按键操作,9个LED灯可直接显示定位器模态,4位数码LED通过2按键切换显示阀位实际开度值、阀位设定开度值、定位器壳内温度,操作方便。

通过U4参数可调) ●可接电动执行器反馈信号:电位器500Ω~10KΩ●可接收外部控制信号(DC):4~20mA (1~5V、0~10V、开关量等出厂前定制)●输入阻抗:250Ω;●通过修改U1参数可设定:①DRTA/正动作,RVSA/逆动作模态②输入信号中断时“中断”模态—OPEN(开)、STOP(停)、SHUT(闭)●可选:可控硅输出(AC,1000V,25A)●输出执行器位置信号:低漂移输出4~20mADC对应执行器全闭至全开,信号完全与输入隔离(光电隔离),输出负载≤500Ω●环境温度:0~80℃,相对湿度:≤90%RH ●有超温保护功能: 定位器壳内温度≥70℃时,定位器停止对执行器的开闭控制●外形尺寸:ZXQ2003→77mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×51mm(高/厚);ZXQ2004→74 mm(底面长)×57mm(底面宽)×45mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004B→119mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004C→62mm(底面长)×48mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)●可通过按键自由标定输入信号所对应执行器的动作区间(一般标定为电动执行器全闭、全开位置)●可设定最大阀位限制值与最小阀位限制值●密码锁,防止误操作●防执行器频繁启动功能●带故障报警代码指示功能(E-0X)3按输入信号和执行器转角位置进行智能步距调整精确定位■1■5■壳上的接线图连接好电动执行器和电源连线,注意连接时的极性,为减少电机干扰,应将电动执行器的电机控制线和反馈信号线分开走线;定位器的弱电信号线应尽量短些,若必须使用较长的连线时,应采用屏蔽信号线,外屏蔽与控制柜外壳妥善接地。







5、气源要求:a、气源应为清洁、干燥的空气,应无明显的油蒸汽、油和其它流体;b、气源应无明显的腐蚀性气体、蒸汽和油剂;c、气源中所含固体微粒数量应小于5mg/m3,且微粒直径小于5um,含油量应小于5mg/ m3;d、工作压力下的气源露点应比定位器工作环境温度至少低10°C。



一、概 述HVP11F型定位器是在HVP11基础上软硬件全面升级的一种智能型的阀门定位器,现场抗电磁干扰和控制能力大幅提升,输入阻抗降至350欧姆。
































TEL:(010)58859981/92FAX:(010)58859950HTTP:// E-MAIL: hart@谢谢您选用HKPS-MODBUS电动调节阀智能定位器。

二、HKPS-MODBUS电动调节阀智能定位器性能特点及接线2.1 性能与技术指标・控制精度:0.1%~5% 可通过按键设定・液晶显示:可显示阀门开度百分比、输入信号百分比以及故障状态时故障代码・通信方式:符合MODBUS协议通信・接收控制信号:MODBUS协议通信控制信号・控制信号:4 mA~20mA DC、MODBUS协议通信控制信号・工作温度范围:-20℃~+70℃・电源:单相交流电220V±10% 50Hz・输出开关触点容量:单项交流250V,5A・位置反馈电阻:0.5K~10KΩ・定位方式选择:手动/自动・安全位置选择:输入信号故障时电动执行机构所处位置可选择全开/全闭/停止在当前位置/运行到预设位置・自动校准:零位/满位2.2 接线端子定义HKPS-MODBUS型电动调节阀智能定位器面板示意及对外接线见图1。















阀门电动执行器故障处理方法:一.电动执行器电机起不动原因: 1.电源线脱开,,2.控制线路故障3.行程与力矩控制机构失灵。











显示界面(见图3.。在未初始化状 态中,按 用于充气,按 用于放气。
2.参数设定、初始化状态 不论在未初始化状态界面,还是在正常运营界面,顾客只需同步按下:
+ + 三个键3秒钟就能够进入到参数设定和初始化状态。
3.正常运营状态 参数设定、初始化成功后,定位器系统自动进入运营状态。
6.调整阀门定位器位置,使阀门定位器到达最高点和最低点时,反馈连杆 摆动角度不超出允许范围。
3.3 电气连接
图3-2-2 安装图
阐明:在进行电气连接前确 保全部旳可选择模块已安 装好。
注意:在进行电气安装时, 请参见有关原则,尤其在 危险旳环境中更要根据危 险
2.1 定位器旳单元构成
3.1 外型连接尺寸 3.2 安装 3.3 电气连接 3.4 气动连接 3.5 初始化及投入使用
4. 主要技术参数
在使用本定位器之前,请务必仔细阅读下面旳安全 注意事项。
2.执行器正/反作用设定。默以为正作用 设定措施与定位器类型设定相同。项号11为
正作用/反作用设定界面。按功能+向上键,系 统退出执行器正/反作用设定,进入阀门气开气 关设定界面。按功能 +向下键 进入10号菜单。 下列全部菜单旳转化以此类推,不再反复阐明。
正作用表达4—20mA相应于0—100%行程。 反作用表达4—20mA相应于100—0%行程。
单作用定位器压力测量模块涉及两个压力表,能够显示输入、输出 气体旳压力。



ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)使用说明书DOC NO:201109ZXQ2003ZXQ2004BZXQ2004ZXQ2004C目录一、概述 (2)二、主要技术指标 (2)三、定位器面板 (3)四、接线方式 (5)五、设定操作方法 (6)六、错误代码列表 (9)附录:其它标定操作(出厂后如需此项操作,请在厂家指导下使用) (9)如顾客所购买的是本公司Z型(机电一体)执行器,部定位器无需对执行器转角标定,接线无误即可正常使用。

ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器是以工业单片机为核心的智能信号采集控制系统,体积小巧,可选择安装在电动执行器的接线盒或以DIN导轨方式固定在外,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4~20mA DC信号(其它输入信号类型可在出厂前定制),与电位器反馈的电动执行器配套对各种阀门或装置进行精确定位操作,能对电动执行器的转角(或位移)进行自由标定,同时输出4~20mA DC的执行器转角位置(或位移)反馈转换信号,可精确设定执行器转角位置的下限限位值和上限限位值,定位器采用3个按键操作,9个LED灯可直接显示定位器模态,4位数码LED通过按键切换显示阀位实际开度值、阀位设定开度值、定位器壳温度,操作方便。

●控制精度:0.1%~3.0%(通过U4参数可调)●可接电动执行器反馈信号:电位器500Ω~10KΩ●可接收外部控制信号(DC):4~20mA (1~5V、0~10V、开关量等出厂前定制)●输入阻抗:250Ω;●通过修改U1参数可设定:①DRTA/正动作,RVSA/逆动作模态②输入信号中断时“中断”模态—OPEN(开)、STOP(停)、SHUT(闭) ●可选:可控硅输出(AC,1000V,25A)●输出执行器位置信号:低漂移输出4~20mA DC对应执行器全闭至全开,信号完全与输入隔离(光电隔离),输出负载≤500Ω●环境温度:0~80℃,相对湿度:≤90%RH●有超温保护功能: 定位器壳温度≥70℃时,定位器停止对执行器的开闭控制●外形尺寸:ZXQ2003→77mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×51mm(高/厚);ZXQ2004→74 mm(底面长)×57mm(底面宽)×45mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004B→119mm(底面长)×76mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)ZXQ2004C→62mm(底面长)×48mm(底面宽)×26mm(高/厚)●可通过按键自由标定输入信号所对应执行器的动作区间(一般标定为电动执行器全闭、全开位置)●可设定最大阀位限制值与最小阀位限制值●密码锁,防止误操作●防执行器频繁启动功能●带故障报警代码指示功能(E-0X)●按输入信号和执行器转角位置进行智能步距调整精确定位■参照下图定位器接线端子和定位器外壳上的接线图连接好电动执行器和电源连线,注意连接时的极性,为减少电机干扰,应将电动执行器的电机控制线和反馈信号线分开走线;定位器的弱电信号线应尽量短些,若必须使用较长的连线时,应采用屏蔽信号线,外屏蔽与控制柜外壳妥善接地。

ABB阀门定位器 EDP300--instruction(V1.0)说明书

ABB阀门定位器 EDP300--instruction(V1.0)说明书
• 连接定位器的输出与气动执行器的气缸. 图中标注 1:定位器输出端口 1、2 标注 2:定位器的气源供应端口
A 侧基本模块:
+31 -32
+41 -42
+51 -52
+81 -82
+83 -84
设定阀门开度阈值:当定位器的给定信号大于该参 数值时,定位器将通过彻底的排气或充气,在控制 模式下移动阀门到 100%,55.0 … 100%
选择 On 参数时,若给定信号为 100%,定位器将在 100%处持续进行调节,适用于阀门行程 100%不是 机械全开位的场合。选择 Off 参数时,若给定信号 为 100%,定位器将驱动阀门至机械全开位,并将 供气压力作用于阀门,以保证阀门完全打开。
EDP300 智能定位器
ABB (中国)自动化有限公司 仪器仪表总部
Tel: 021 5048 0101
Fax: 021 6105 6992
HOT LINE: 8008190190
• 使用与定位器气源端口处标识的标准接口连接气源.
气源的要求:仪表气体(无油、无尘、无水,符 合DIN / ISO8573-1污染及含油三级标准,最大颗 粒直径< 5um,且含量<5mg/m3,油滴<1mg/m3。露 点温度低于工作温度10k)
设定阀门关度阈值:当定位器的给定信号小于该参 数值时,定位器将通过彻底的排气或充 气,在控制模式下移动阀门到 0%。,0 ... 45.0%



电动阀门智能定位器模块使用说明书天津通诺科技一、面板说明1、按键功能说明1〕A/M键:手/自动模式切换;手动模式下按2秒进入标定模式、标定模式下标定结果的存储和确认等;2〕▲键:手动模式下控制电机正转;标定模式下做累加键使用;3〕▼键:手动模式下控制电机反转;标定模式下做递减键使用;自动模式下按2秒进入初始化模式2、液晶显示说明〔参考表1〕〔1〕手动模式下,显示阀门相应开度,显示范围不受~的限制;〔2〕自动模式下,正常状态显示当前阀门开度,显示范围不受~的限制;〔3〕标定模式下,各显示具体含义见标定功能说明;3、状态LED显示说明1〕OPEN:电动执行器控制输出电路“开〞输出有效;2〕SHUT:电动执行器控制输出电路“闭〞输出有效;二、性能参数1、控制精度:0.1%~1.0%〔可设置〕2、工作功耗:<10W3、工作电压:交流100~240V,交流24V4、电动执行器反响电位器:500欧姆~10K欧姆15、输入信号:4~20mA,0-10V,1-5V6、输入阻抗:250欧姆7、输出信号:4~20mA,0-10V,1-5V8、输出信号负载:≤ 450欧姆9、环境温度:-20°C~70°C10、环境湿度:≤80%RH11、三、关于一键标定的说明1、在自开工作状态下,按下▲键4秒钟,自动进入自动标定状态。




2三、标定操作在手动状态下,按住A/M键5秒进入参数标定状态按A/M键按▼键显示方向标定〞进入标定.〞按A/M键按A/M键最终确认相位按▼键显示电机自动标定〞开始自动标定〞按A/M键按A/M键按▼键显示电机手动标定进入关阀标定按A/M键按A/M键,存储关阀位置按▼键显示电机手动标定按A/M键显示无信号设定按A/M键显示精度设定按A/M键退出标定状态,回复到正常运行状态按▼键正反相切换按A/M键标定结束按▲,▼键调关阀位置按▲,▼键调开阀位置按▼键三无种信位号置模切式换按A/M键按▼键改变精度按A/M键31、标定模式进入:手动模式下,按 A/M键并保持2秒,将进入标定模式;2、相位标定:〔1〕显示当前实际相位设置,如是正相模式那么显示“电机正向〞,反相模式那么显示“电机反向〞,等待按键输入,按下A/M 键将跳过本标定进程,直接进行到步骤〔4〕,按下▼键将进入本标定进程,进入步骤〔2〕;2〕当前实际相位的前面将显示一个星号,按下▼键将进行正反模式的切换。



ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)使用说明书DOC NO : 201109(接线前请检查执行器在外部切换开关控制下能否在动作区域内工作, 有^/|\ 无异常现象,能否达到开度的零位与满位,确保限位开关能正常工作。

13 ______________________ J接线前请检查执行器中电位器有无强电,用万用表分别测量电位器三接线端子,确保电位器在执行器运转过程中的阻值变化正常,排除断点等[厶f 异常现象。

定位器与执行器间连线要一致,仔细检查两者端子的对应关系;特别注意定位器电源、输入信号与输出信号接线,切莫把电源接至弱电信号端, 同时用仪表测量控制输入信号在定位器接受信号范围内。

. 如与执行器配套使用,在严寒、酷热、高温的环境下开箱时,仪表应于现场存放3小时以上方可进行标定校验。

目录概述.......主要技术指标三、定位器面板................ ・・. ............ . (3)四、接线方式 (5)五、设定操作方法.......................... ・・・・6六、错误代码列表 (9)附录:其它标定操作(出厂后如需此项操作,请在厂家指导下使用) (9)如顾客所购买的是本公司Z型(机电一体)执行器,内部定位器无需对执行器转角标定,接线无误即可正常使用。

~、概述ZXQ系列电动阀门智能定位器是以工业单片机为核心的智能信号采集控制系统,体积小巧,可选择安装在电动执行器的接线盒内或以DIN导轨方式固定在外,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4~20mA DC信号(其它输入信号类型可在出厂前定制),与电位器反馈的电动执行器配套对各种阀门或装置进行精确定位操作,能对电动执行器的转角(或位移)进行自由标定,同时输出4~20mA DC的执行器转角位置(或位移)反馈转换信号,可精确设定执行器转角位置的下限限位值和上限限位值,定位器采用3个按键操作,9个LED灯可直接显示定位器模态,4位数码LED通过按键切换显示阀位实际开度值、阀位设定开度值、定位器壳内温度,操作方便。



ET-SP2系列智能总线阀门定位器1 安全注意事项请仔细阅读本手册安全警告和注意事项,以确保您安全使用阀门定位器。








2 工作原理ET-SP2系列智能总线阀门定位器,用于气动直行程或角行程执行机构控制器,定位器接收标准电流信号或计算机信号,驱动气动执行机构使阀门达到给定值的位置。




智能定位器的供电取自4-20mA输入电流信号,信号压降6.4V,相当于负载电阻320Ω,可以直接取代传统的喷嘴挡板结构定位器;同时支持四线制或PROFIBUS 总线供电。

图1 智能总线阀门定位器方框图3 直行程位置反馈杠杆结构的安装位置反馈杠杆主要用于直行程气动执行结构,把直线行程转换为角度供定位器测量。





3.1 概述 .................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1.1 定位器在潮湿环境中的使用 ..................................................................................................... 4 3.1.2 定位器在易受到强加速作用力或振动场合的使用..................................................................... 5
2 定位器的供货范围 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 3 组装 ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
SIPART PS2 !"#$%&
1 安全信息 ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 术语含义 ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 前言 .................................................................................................................................................... 1

智能阀门定位器 1600 系列用户手册说明书

智能阀门定位器 1600 系列用户手册说明书

Intelligent Valve Positioner 1600 Series User’s Manual智能阀门定位器1600系列用户手册Contents1 Overview (1)1.1. Product structure (1)1.2. Product description and application (2)2. Installation (3)2.1. Mechanical dimensions (3)2.2. Actuator combination (5)2.2.1. Actuator of line stroke (5)2.2.2. Actuator of angle stroke (7)2.3. Interface angle adjustment (9)3. Connection description (11)4. Technical data (12)4.1. Working data (12)4.2. Electrical data (12)4.3. Mechanical data (13)4.4. Pneumatic data (13)5. Operation (13)5.1. Interface description (13)5.2. Operating mode and operating interface (14)5.3. Main menu (15)5.3.1. INPUT (16)5.3.2. AUTO TUNE (16)5.3.3. ADD FUNC (18) CHARACT (19) CUTOFF (22) DIR CMD (24) LIM STROKE (25) DEAD BAND (27) SAFEPOS (28) BINARY IN(optional) (28) OUTPUT(optional) (30) SIG ERROR (34) CAL USER (35) MANU RATE (37) CODE (38) SET FACT (39)5.3.4. LANGUAGE (39)6. Trouble shooting (40)7. Attention (40)8. Explosion-proof (44)8.1. Standard (44)8.2. Special conditions for Safe use (44)8.3. Product use notes (44)9. Warranty terms (45)10. Technical specifications (46)Intelligent Valve Positioner 1600 Series User’s Manual 1 Overview1.1. Product structureHuman machine interfaceStainless steel body casingMain body casingElectrical connectionPneumatic connectionActuator connectionFigure 1. Positioner structure1.2. Product description and application1600 series intelligent valve positioner is a valve stroke controller based on microprocessor. The valve stroke can be set by external input signal. The positioner can adjust valve stroke quickly and accurately by using automatic control algorithm and PWM control technology,accordingly control the flow of fluid line.The positioner can combine with different pneumatically actuated valves for using. As shown in Figure 2.with diaphragm valve with angle seat valveFigure 2. Combinations of positioner and pneumatically actuated valvesThe product can be used in sealed space and controlled automatically and remotely. It has a variety of auxiliary functions such as transfer characteristic, safety position, cut off, etc. It is easy to install,operate,maintain and has low failure rate.2. Installation2.1. Mechanical dimensionsFigure 3. Mechanical dimensions for line strokeFigure 4. Mechanical dimensions for angle stroke2.2. Actuator combination2.2.1. Actuator of line stroke1. Make sure that the stroke range and the screw thread size of the actuatorwhich needs to combine meet the requirements.2. Separately measure the C1 value when the valve is fully closed and C2value when the valve is fully open by the depth ruler. The values are the distance between the stem top and the datum clamp face of the actuator.As shown in Figure 5.The datum clamp faceof the actuatorValvestrokeValve is fully closed Valve is fully openFigure 5. Actuator measurement3. Adjust the adjusting nut of the displacement sensor. Then measure the Dvalue (as shown in Figure 6) by the depth ruler in the state of the displacement sensor being completely loosened. Calculate the compr- ession value L1 = D –C1, L2 = D –C2. It is recommended that the compression value L1 and L2 are both in the reference range which is showed in Table 1. If L1 value or L2 value is unable to meet the reference range, adjust the D value according to the actual situation.NOTE!The adjusted D value must ensure that L1 >0, L2 <the maximumcompression value of the displacement sensor. Otherwise, the positioner cannot match the actuator.Figure 6. Travel sensor adjustment and measurement4. Raise the internal valve stem of the actuator to the highest position.Makethe actuator connection of the positioner entering into the thread connection of the actuator by NO.32 wrench. As shown in Figure 7.Figure 7. Actuator Combination2.2.2. Actuator of angle stroke1. Fix the mounting body under the positioner. As shown in Figure 8.2. Connect the feedback pole of the positioner with the axis of the actuator.As shown in Figure 8.Figure 8. Graph Installation2.3. Interface angle adjustmentIf you need to adjust the interface angle, relax the hexagon screw in place A (As shown in Figure 10) first. Then adjust the angle clockwise or counter-clockwise in 180°range. After adjusting the angle, lock the angle bythe hexagon screw.Figure 10. Graph operationThe positioner has rotation stopper mechanism. If it is restricted to rotate in one direction, please do not force to rotate continuously. NOTE !180°180°3. Connection descriptionFigure 11. ConnectionNOTE!Error connection of the electrical pin may cause the positioner damage.NOTE!The air source pressure bigger than 7 bar may cause positioner damage.4. Technical data4.1. Working dataAmbient temperature: 0~55 °CProtection class: IP66Vibration resistance parameter: 100Hz4.2. Electrical dataConnections: cable glandSupply voltage:24 V DC ± 10 %, ≥1A. Recommend switching-mode power supply. Power input: <5WInput resistance for set-point signal: 140Ω at 0/4-20mA, 20KΩ at 0-5/10V Input resistance for process signal: 140ΩAnalogue output signal:maximum load 560Ω at 0/4-20mA, maximum current 10mA at 0-5/10VBinary output signal maximum current: 50mABinary input signal: 0-3V = logic ―0‖, 15-30V = logic―1‖4.3. Mechanical dataCover material: Polycarbonate (PC), Stainless steel (304)Sealing material: Silicone rubber (SI)Main body material: Polyamide Resin (PA6-GF30)Control stroke range: 5-50 mm4.4. Pneumatic dataAir pressure range: 3~7 bar, specific values depending on the actuator Connections: Plug-in hose connector G1/4Air quality:ISO 8573-1Solid particle size and density Class 3Dew point Class 3Oil content Class 3Air flow rate:17L/min (input pressure of 0.6Mpa)58L/min (input pressure of 0.6Mpa, only single-acting)5. Operation5.1. Interface descriptionThe positioner includes a 4-key control panel and a 128x64 dot matrix graphics display. User can switch the display and set parameters and functions by pressing the four keys.The functions of the keys are represented in the 4 lower grey bars on the LCD display panel.Figure 12. Operating interface5.2. Operating mode and operating interfaceThe positioner has two operating mode: automatic mode (AUTO) and manual mode (MANU).The positioner default operates in the automatic mode when powering up. At this time, the interface is locked. To unlock the interface, it needs to press both two keys for about 3 seconds.In the automatic mode, the positioner accepts the input signal for set-point value and adjusts the valve stroke automatically.In the manual mode, user mus t press the ―+/-‖ key to adjust the valve stroke manually. The set-point value is the current valve position after adjusting the valve stroke manually or the current valve position after switching from the automatic mode to the manual mode. It is displayed on the manual mode interface.The operating mode can be switched by AUTO key and MANU key if BINARY IN function is not enabled for switching the operating mode. If enabling the BINARY IN function for switching, switching by function keys is not effective. User can switch the operating interface by the function keys. The operating interfaces are descripted in Table 5. The interface will be locked if no keys are pressed for a long time. To unlock the interface, it needs to press both twokeys for about 3 seconds.ValueValue type Key functionsKey 1 Key 2Key 3Key 4Current position in the automatic mode.Press ―POS‖ key or ―AUTO‖ key to display.The value of input signal in the automaticmode. Press ―INPUT‖ key to display.The set-point value in the automatic mode.PressThe temperature value of internal system.Press ―TEMP‖ key to display.Current position value (big font) andposition set-point value (small font) in themanual mode. Press ―MANU‖ key todisplay.Table 5. Operating interface5.3. Main menuUser can operate specific function or set specific parameters under the main menu. The menu interfaces have no lock function. So user should exit to theoperating interface from the main menu after operating specific function or setting specific parameters.Figure 13. Operating structure main menu5.3.1. I NPUTThe option is used to select the type of the input signal for set-point value. Thesignal type is 4-20 mA after factory settings.Figure 14. Operating structure INPUT5.3.2. A UTO TUNEThe function can test the related control parameters including the direction between the aeration state of the actuator and the actual position, the total valve scale, PWM parameters. The whole process will continue for about 2-3minutes if running normally.OPERATING INTERFACEMENUEXITPress for approx.3sAUTO TUNEINPUTADD FUNC LANGUAGEINPUTENTER 4-20 mA 0-20 mA 0-10 V0-5 VSELEXITSystem will check whether the whole valve stroke range is in the effective range of the displacement sensor during the automatic adjustment process. When the whole valve stroke range is out of the effective range of thedisplacement sensor, if the minimum value of the whole valve stroke range is smaller than the minimum value of the effective range of the displacement sensor, LCD displays ―POS MIN ERROR ‖, if the maximum value of the whole valve stroke range is larger than the maximum value of the effective range of the displacement sensor, LCD displays ―POS MAX ERROR ‖. If LCD displays the error information above, it is need to re-match the positioner and the actuator, refer to Chapter 2 for details.Figure 15. Operating structure AUTO TUNEAUTO TUNERUNEXIT TUNE 1 TUNE 2TUNE FINISHPress for approx.3s●Although the positioner has ran the automatic adjustment function in the factory. In order to get the control parameters of the actual work environment, the positioner must run the function again in the actual work environment.●Make sure that the air supply pressure is in the working range of the actuator and has no big wave. Otherwise the automatic adjustment may fail or the test parameters may be error.NOTE !5.3.3. A DD FUNCThe option includes auxiliary functions.Figure 16. operating structure ADD FUNCADD FUNCENTEREXIT CHARACT CUTOFF DIR CMD LIM STROKE DEAD BANDSAFEPOS BINARY IN OUTPUT SIG ERROR CAL USER MANU RATE CODESET FACT5.3.3.1. CHARACTFactory setting:CHARACT option: LINEAR EQ PERC option: 1:25FREE value: 0%, 5%, 10%……95%, 100%The CHARACT function is to determine the relationship between position set-point value and valve stroke. In the actual control system, the controlled variable is usually required to have specific control characteristic, such as linearity. User can select or set the characteristic option to meet the control requirement in the function menu.Set-point value(%)(CMD)Valve stroke(%)(POS)Figure 17. Graph characteristics of linear and equal percentageFigure 18. Operating structure CHARACTCHARACTENTEREXITY100 -> 100.0%Y0 -> 0.0% Y5 -> 5.0%FREEEXITEXITEQ PERC1:33 1:50 25:1 33:1 50:11:25 SELLINEARSELEqual percentage characteristicThe Equal percentage characteristic includes the options of 1:25, 1:33, 1:50, 25:1(inverse), 33:1(inverse), 50:1(inverse). Freely programmable characteristicUser can program free characteristic by operating the FREE option.The position set-point value scale ranging from 0-100 % is divided uniformly into 21 nodes. A freely programmable valve stroke ranging from 0-100 % is assigned to each node.Figure 19. Operating structure CHARACT FREEFREEEXITSELY0 -> 0.0%SET Y0 -> 0.0%OK Y5 -> 5.0%SET Y5 -> 5.0%OKY100 -> 100.0%SET Y100 -> 100.0%OK102030405060708090100102030405060708090100Valve stroke(%)(POS)(CMD)Figure 20. Graph CHARACT FREE5.3.3.2. CUTOFFFactory setting:AUTO CUT MIN value: 1%, AUTO CUT MAX value: 99% MANU CUT MIN value: 2%, MANU CUT MAX value: 98%When the percentage of set-point value is in the enabled range of CUTOFF , the valve is fully deaerated or aerated. The valve is fully close when the percentage of set-point value is less than or equal to MIN setting parameter and is fully open when the percentage of set-point value is greater than or equal to MAX setting parameter.The function divides into AUTO CUT function in the automatic mode and MANU CUT function in the manual mode. Parameter MIN range: 0-25%, Parameter MAX range: 75-100%. When the function is enabled, the sign ―cut off ‖ is indicated on the operating interface.In the automatic mode, when the MIN data is 0%, CUTOFF for closing thevalve is inactive; when the MAX data is 100%, CUTOFF for opening the valve is inactive.When the positioner is running the function, due to the actuator internal characteristics, the valve position will have some deviations after the valve being fully closed or fully opened. As a result, the position value may be smaller than 0% when the valve is fully closed or bigger than 100% when the valve is fully opened.Figure 21. Operating structure CUTOFFCUTOFFENTEREXIT MIN 1%AUTO CUTENTER EXIT MAX 99%MIN 2%MANU CUTENTEREXIT MAX 98%OKSET MIN 1%MIN 1%OKSET MAX 99%MAX 99%102030405060708090100102030405060708090100(CMD)Valve stroke(%)MIN adjustable from 0-25%Figure 22. Graph CUTOFF5.3.3.3. DIR CMDFactory setting:DIR CMD option: RISEThe function is to set the effective sense of direction between the input signal and the position set-point value (CMD).RISE: 0/4 mA or 0 V → 0%, 20 mA or 5/10 V → 100%. FALL: 0/4 mA or 0 V → 100%, 20 mA or 5/10 V →0%.Figure 23. Operating structure DIR CMDInput signalSet-point value(%)(CMD)0/4 mA 0 V20 mA 5/10 VFigure 24. Graph DIR CMD5.3.3.4. LIM STROKEFactory setting:LIM STROKE MIN value: 0% (unlimited) LIM STROKE MAX value: 100% (unlimited)The function limits the automatic adjustment range in the whole valve physical stroke. After setting the limit value, the value of valve stroke (POS) on the display may bigger than 100% or smaller than 0%.MIN adjustment range: 0 – 50 % of the total physical stroke. MAX adjustment range: 50 – 100 % of the total physical stroke.The minimum gap between Min and Max is 50 % of the total physical stroke.DIR CMDENTER RISEFALLEXIT S ELFigure 25. Operating structure LIM STROKE102030405060708090100205070(CMD)Physical stroke(%)(POS)60100160-40Limited stroke(%)(POS)Figure 26. Graph LIM STROKELIM STROKEENTEREXIT OKSET MIN 0%MIN 0%OK SETMAX 100%MAX 100%Please do not set the minimum gap between Min and Max too small inapplication, since it may increase the difficulty of valve stroke adjustment. If to do so for necessary, please change the AUTO DB value bigger.NOTE ! DEAD BANDFactory setting:AUTO DB value: 1% MANU DB value: 1%The system does not adjust the valve stroke when the gap between the stroke value and the position set-point value is not bigger than the dead band value. The dead band value is divided into automatic dead band value and manual dead band value. The automatic dead band value corresponds to limited scale of the valve stroke. The dead band range is 0.1%-10%.Figure 27. Operating structure DEAD BANDDEAD BANDENTEREXIT OKSET AUTO DB 1%AUTO DB 1%OK SET MANU DB 1%MANU DB 1%The smaller the dead band setting, the higher the control accuracy getting. Please set the dead band value in reason. Because the too small value may cause the solenoid valve in the body to act frequently and lead to long adjustment time and unstable working state. NOTE ! SAFEPOSFactory setting: SAFEPOS value: 0%The function is used to set a safety position which the valve stroke is adjusted to for some specific conditions. The safety position is adjusted by the binary input signal or an error signal for set-point value. When the adjustment for the safety position is enabled, the sign ―safe pos‖ is indicated on the operating interface.Figure 28. Operating structure SAFEPOS5.3.3.7. BINARY IN(optional)Factory setting:SWITCH option: CLOSEFUNCTION option: SAFEPOS TYPE option: NORMAL OPENThe function is used to operate the positioner to achieve some functions by binary input signal. If the product selection has no feedback signal, this function is invalid.OKSET SAFEPOS 0%SAFEPOSENTEREXIT SAFEPOS 0%Figure 29. Operating structure BINARY INBINARY INENTEREXITENTER SWITCHEXITCLOSEOPENSEL FUNCTIONENTEREXIT SAFEPOSMANU /AUTOSELSEL NORMAL OPENNORMAL CLOSETYPEENTEREXIT5.3.3.8. OUTPUT(optional)Factory setting:ANALOGUE option: POSANALOGUE TYPE option: 4-20 mABINARY option: LIM DEVBINARY VAL DEV value: 10%BINARY VAL POS value: 100%BINARY TYPE option: NORMAL OPENThe function is used to let system output related control parameters or operating states to the other terminals.One analogue output (can be selected according to product type selection): analogue signal of the current position (POS) or of the set-point value (CMD). Two output signal types (4-20mA, 0-20mA) can be selected.Two binary outputs: 0/24V binary signal of operating state related with the system.If the product selection has no feedback signal, this function is invalid.Figure 30. Operating structure OUTPUTFigure 31. Operating structure ANALOGUE TYPEOUTPUTENTEREXIT ANALOGUEENTEREXIT POS CMDSELTYPEBINARYENTEREXIT CHANNEL 1CHANNEL 2TYPEENTER4-20 mA0-20 mASELEXITFigure 32. Operating structure OUTPUT BINARYOKSET VAL DEV 10%VAL DEV 10%SEL NORMAL OPENNORMAL CLOSETYPEENTEREXITENTEREXIT CHANNEL 1CHANNEL 2POS LIM SAFEPOS SP ERRORA/M STATEPOS DEVSELVAL DEV 10%VAL LIM 100%TYPEOKSET VAL LIM 100%VAL LIM 100% SIG ERRORFactory setting:SIG ERROR option: ERROR OFFSIG ERROR SAFEPOS option: CLOSEThe function is used to detect the error of 4-20mA input signal, but cannot detect input signal of other types. The error condition is the value of 4-20mA input signal ≤ 3.5mA. If opening the error detecting, the set-point value will instruct ―ERROR‖ on the operating interface in the case of detecting the error signal. If the safety position is not enabled, the single-acting power-off safe positioner will exhaust the actuator cylinder ’s air and the single-acting power-off freeze positioner will keep the valve position and the double-acting positioner will leave the valve position in a free state.Figure 33. Operating structure SIG ERRORSIG ERRORENTEREXIT SAFEPOSENTEREXIT CLOSEOPENSELERROROFF ERROR ONSEL5.3.3.10. CAL USERFactory setting:CAL POS MIN: the AD value of minimum position by AUTO TUNE function. CAL POS MAX: the AD value of maximum position by AUTO TUNE function. CAL INPUT MIN for 4-20mA: 765CAL INPUT MAX for 4-20mA: 3823CAL INPUT MIN for 0-20mA: 0CAL INPUT MAX for 0-20mA: 3823CAL INPUT MIN for 0-10V: 0CAL INPUT MAX for 0-10V: 3413CAL INPUT MIN for 0-5V: 0CAL INPUT MAX for 0-5V: 1707The function is used to calibrate the scale value for valve stroke and input signal. And it is not recommended to be used for general users.The value of calibration is a 12bit AD sample value in the system, the range is 0-4095.CAL FACTRUNCalibration values reset to factory settings Press for approx.3sCAL POSENTEREXITOKSETMIN0 MIN 0OKSETMAX 0 MAX 0CAL INPUTENTEREXITOKSET4mA 0 4mA 0OKSET20mA 0 20mA 0CAL USERENTEREXITCAL POS CAL INPUT CAL FACTFigure 34. Operating structure CAL USERWhen the system is running CAL POS or CAL INPUT function, user should watch the lighted changing value whether tends to be stable. The stable value can be judged according to the range of digital number changing less than 5 for a long time. After judging the stable value, press ―OK‖ key on the display to record current changing value as the new calibration value. The recorded value may be different with the changing value which before recording.NOTE!Write down the current changing value before recording. The changing value to be recorded may be different with the value after being recorded. If the deviation of digital number between them is less than 3, the recorded value is available. Otherwise please run the calibration for the related value again. MANU RATEFactory setting:GRADE : 2The function is used for setting the rate for adjusting valve stroke in the manual mode.The grade of adjustment rate: 1-5, 1 is the slowest adjustment rate, 5 is the fastest adjustment rate.Figure 35. Operating structure MANU RATE5.3.3.12. CODEFactory setting:Code: 0000Protect options: noneThe CODE function is to prevent some soft functions of the positioner being accessed. If enabling the CODE function, it needs to input the code before opening the protected menu or running the protected functions.Figure 36. Operating structure CODEOK SET GRADE 2 MANU RATECODE ENTEREXIT CODE INPUTOK EXIT MANU /AUTOADD FUNCAUTO TUNEMAIN MENUCODE MODIFY SEL5.3.3.13. SET FACT All setting parameters reset to factory default value except the parameters of AUTO TUNE and CAL USER. To do so, enter the menu of auxiliary functions, then select the SET FACT option and press the ―RUN‖ key for about 3s. Figure 37. Operating structure SET FACT5.3.4. L ANGUAGE The option is used to select the interface language.Figure 38. Operating structure LANGUAGESET FACTRUN Factory resetPress for approx.3sLANGUAGEENTER CHINESE ENGLISH EXIT SEL6. Trouble shooting1. LCD does not light after the positioner powers up.Make sure that the 24V DC power supply is normal.Make sure that the power cables are connected correctly.2. The positioner is unable to locate position. The valve cannot be fullyopened or fully closed for a long time.Make sure that the pressure of air supply meets the requirement.Make sure that the setting value of limit stroke or dead band are not too small.Make sure that the pneumatic connections of the positioner and actuator are not leaking.7. Attention1.The power supply voltage of the positioner is 24V DC ±10%. Please checkthe power supply before connecting the power cable to the electrical terminal. Make sure that the power supply is cut off before connecting the power cable. If the product is damaged by high voltage, it will lose warranty.2. Air supply use specification1>The air pressure should be less than 0.7MPa.2>Install the filter pressure reducer (5 um filtration accuracy) in front ofthe air supply inlet of the positioner to prevent moisture or oil frominfiltrating. In the situation of much oil in the air, it is suggested toadditionally install oil separator (3 um filtration accuracy) in front of theair supply inlet of the positioner. It is suggested to use the combinationof SMC brand filter pressure reducer and SMC brand oil separator. Itsmodel is AC20D-01CG-A. If the product is damaged due to the oilentering the product without oil separator or filter pressure reducerbeing installed, it will lose warranty.3. Waterproof electrical connectors use specification1> The electrical connectors have foolproof design. Please connect theelectrical female connector with the electrical male connector of thepositioner according to the sign X1 and sign X3. Error connecting bystrong force will destroy the electrical male connector.2> The cable diameter which is compatible with the waterproof electricalconnectors is PG7 (4mm-6mm). Please use the multi - core cable with external insulation protection skin, otherwise the electrical connectors cannot achieve IP66 protection class.Correct and error wiring ways are showing in the following pictures.3> If the electrical male connectors are not used for a long time, toprevent water vapor or corrosive gases corroding the connector pins or entering the positioner inside, please screw on the electrical female connectors and block another side of the electrical female connectors with the silicone plugs. As shown below.If the product is damaged by error operations for the waterproof electrical connectors, it will lose warranty.4. If the product is damaged by the user removing the pneumatic connectorsor the filter elements near the pneumatic connectors, it will lose warranty.5. For matching the angle stroke actuator, make sure that the groove of theactuator axis is vertical, so that the connection between the actuator axis and the positioner sensor is suitable. Otherwise the radial load force will destroy the sensor. If the product is damaged by the above reason, it will lose warranty.8. Explosion-proof8.1. StandardGB3836.1 –2010 Explosive atmospheres —Part 1: Equipment —General requirements.GB3836.8 – 2014 Explosive atmospheres — Part 8: Equipment protection by type of protection ―n‖.Explosion-proof mark: Ex nAⅡC T4 Gc.Explosion-proof certification number: GYB16.1644X.8.2. Special conditions for Safe use1. To prevent the danger of ignition due to static electricity, it is forbidden torub the non-metallic part of the product case.2. After installation of the product, it must be ensured that the overall caseprotection level is not lower than IP54 specified in the GB4208-2008 standard.3. It is forbidden to insert or pull out the external connector of the productduring power-on.4. When using in the field, transient protection measures should be taken toprevent the rated voltage from exceeding 40% due to transient interference.8.3. Product use notes1. When using and maintaining on site, the principle of ―do not open the coverof the product in the explosive atmospheres‖ must be followed.2. Product rated parameter: 24V DC.3. Users are not allowed to replace parts of the product. To prevent theoccurrence of damage, users should work with product manufacturer to solve the problems that occur in operation.4. The installation, use and maintenance of the product should comply withthe requirements of the product user’s manual and the following related standards and specifications.GB3836.13 – 2013 Explosive atmospheres — Part 13: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation.GB3836.15 – 2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres —Part 15: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines).GB3836.16 – 2006 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres —Part 16: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installation (other than mines).GB50257 –2014 Code for construction and acceptance of electric equipment on fire and explosion hazard electrical equipment installation engineering.9. Warranty terms1. If the product is found to have quality problems which are confirmed byour company staff, customers have after-sale services for product maintenance or free replacement in the warranty period.Service response time is 24 hours (excluding non-working days).2. The warranty period of the product is based on the company’s latestwarranty policy, which is no less than 12 months after the sale.3. The following situations for repaired product do not belong to the warrantyrange:(1) The date is not in the warranty period.(2) The product is disassembled without authorization and permit by theproduct company.(3) The damage causes from the operation which is not according to theproduct instruction manual or other human factors. Including but notlimited to:1> The product surface has collision scars.2> Error wiring or error power supply makes the product damaged.3> Parts and accessories are lost.4> The product is damaged due to the oil entering the product withoutoil separator or filter pressure reducer being installed.5> Error using the waterproof electrical connectors makes the productdamaged.(4) Force majeure (natural disasters) causes product failure or damage.4. According to the actual situation, the product company offers the free orfee-based maintenance services outside the warranty range.5. The terms become effective since the two sides signed a supply contract.。

Flowrite Valves和#11反压阀的装配说明书

Flowrite Valves和#11反压阀的装配说明书

TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONSPACKINGFlowrite Valves and #11 RegulatorsForm TB-237 v4This bulletin provides a description of and recommendedinstallation procedures for the packing used in Flowrite Valves and #11 Regulators. The following three types of packing are described:EP Spring loaded V-ring T eflon Spring loaded V-ring Split ring Flowrite Valve and #11 Regulator. The type of packing recom-mended for the various applications is shown in T able 1.Valve stem sizes of the various types and sizes of Flowrite Valves and #11 Regulators are shown in Table 2.DESCRIPTIONThe packing on a Flowrite valve or #11 Regulator providesa seal around the valve stem to prevent loss of the controlled medium (i.e., steam, water, ethylene glycol solutions, etc.), while allowing the valve stem to pass through the packing for functional opening and closing of the valve.V-RING PACKINGAll Flowrite Valves and #11 Regulators now utilize thespring loaded V-ring packing, choose the proper and V-ring packing kit from T able 1. The teflon V-ring packing does not require lubricant. The EP V-ring packing must be lubricated with silicone grease (part #590-165A) prior to installation. Use of lubrication in service is optional. The packing rings are not split and disassembly of the valve is required to install or replace this packing.Repacking Procedure...CAUTION: Isolate the valve so medium (water, steam,etc.) will not leak out of the valve body when disassembled.1.For Flowrites, remove and cap airline to valve actuator.2. Remove actuator and disassemble valve body.3. Check the stem. It must have a polished surface thatis free of roughness or pitting, Replace the stem ifnecessary(see applicable Product Manual for stempart number).4. Remove the old packing and clean packing chamber.Be sure it is free of dirt and grease.5. On valves with removable stem bearing (ST, SD),examine it and replace if damaged. If replaced use epoxy type adhesive (required only on ST valve)to hold the new bearing in place.6. Slide the stem assembly into the bonnet.7. The packing parts must be installed in the exact ordershown in Figure 1. Place split ring (split ring must belubricated), washer, and spring over the stem and gently push each piece into the packing chamber.8. Slide each V-ring (EPV-rings must be lubricated) overthe stem and carefully push it into the packing chamber.9. Place gland spacer on top of bonnet.10.Thread the packing gland assembly into the bonnet.Finger tighten the gland assembly against the spacer. 11. On valves with an “O”-ring seal(Reverse acting ST typevalves, 1-1/2 - 2"), located on the bottom guide, remove old seal and replace it with a new one.12. Reassemble the valve body and attach the actuator. IMPORTANT: Set stem length correctly13. For Flowrites, connect the air line to the actuator.Form TB-237 v4 0510Page 2PACKING APPLICATIONSTYPE SIZE STEM DIAMETEROF inches ATPACKING VALVE inches (mm)CD1/2 thru 1-1/21/4 (6.4)WM1/2 thru3/8 (9.5)DB/DS 1 thru 21/4 (6.4)SD3/4 thru 11/4 (6.4)1-1/4 yhru 23/8 (9.5) SS1/2 thru 11/4 (6.4) V-PORT1/2 A,B,C,D1/4 (6.4)Table 2. Valve Stem SizesForm TB-237 v4 0510Page 3 SPLIT RING PACKINGThe split ring packing is made of woven teflon to provide low friction and a degree of self lubrication. This type of packing is recommended for replacement or repair only, but may be ordered through a Special Order only for a new valve.Valve lubricators and lubricants are recommended topro-long packing life and improve sealing of the controlled medium. Part #590-165A is the lubricant (Dow Corning Number II 1 silicone), 5.3 oz. tube, Part #590-184A is the valve stem lubricator (Dow Corning Number 111 silicone).Coat new rings with recommended lubricant, slip rings around stem, staggering cuts, push down as far as possible and tighten packing gland nut sufficiently to compress the packing rings toward the bottom of the packing gland. Loosen packing gland nut and readjust to ‘"finger tight" only, Pack the bonnet with recommended lubricant.Note: Single seat 2-way screwed valves should be repacked in the closed position.PartIal Repacking...The top three packing rings can be replaced without dis-assembling the valve, to minimize servicing time for critical system operation. However, replacement of all four packing rings is recommended to obtain optimum packing perform-ance and life.Loosen packing gland nut. Remove the three packing rings from above the lubricator spacer with a pointed rod or pick.CAUTION: Do not use a wrench on the packing gland nut of valve stem.Packing Gland NutForm TB-237 v4 0510Page 4COMPLETE REPACKING...1.Disassemble the actuator from the valve body assembly. 2Remove the nuts from the valve stem.3.Remove the packing gland nut from the bonnet.Then disassemble the bonnet from the valve body. If the stem remains with the bonnet, on a normally open valve only slide the stem out of the bonnet.4.Examine the stem, replace if damaged.5.Remove the top three packing rings, the packing spacer,and the lower packing ring with a pointed rod or pick, 6.If a stem bearing is provided, examine it and replace ifdamaged.7.Clean packing chamber so it is free of dirt and grease.8.T o reassemble...Slide the bonnet over the stem andscrew the bonnet into the valve body.9If used, slide the stem bearing over the stem and into the bonnet, make sure it is properly nested in the pocket of the bottom of the bonnet. Use an epoxy type adhesive (required only on ST valve) to hold the bearing in place.10. With the valve stem held in the closed position, carefullyplace a packing ring, the packing spacer, and theremaining three packing rings over the stem in the order shown (Figure 1). Individually tap each packing ring into the bonnet as far as possible.CAUTION:The splits in the packing rings must be staggered to provide a good seal.11.Holding the stem in the closed position, tighten thepacking gland nut sufficiently to fully compress thepacking rings into the bonnet. Loosen the packing gland nut to readjust to “finger tight” only.12.Pack the bonnet with recommended lubricant.13.Reassemble actuator to valve body.IMPORTANT: Set stem length correctly.Form TB-237 v4 0510EDP# 6512234 Printed in U.S.A.。

阀门定位器及变送器调试与参数设置 ppt课件

阀门定位器及变送器调试与参数设置  ppt课件
表示禁止 修改参数
表示处于自 动控制状态
表示处于手动控制状 态,可以开关操作
表示处于组 态状态,运
+11 -12 控制信号输入端子(DC4---20mA,负载电阻Max.410欧姆) +31 -32 位置反馈输出端子(DC4---20mA,DCS+24V供电) +41 -42 全关信号输出端子(光电耦合器输出) +51 -52 全开信号输出端子(光电耦合器输出) +81 -82 开关信号输入端子(光电耦合器输入) +83 -84 报警信号输出端子(光电耦合器输出)
6、检查定位器内部参数设置。ABB定位器自整定后,定位器内部的 设定数据有可能不符合本身的要求又或者是运行一断时间后受外 界的影响,比如:管道的震动、外界信号的干扰等都会使定位器 里面的参数发生改变,所以要对内部的参数重新进行调整。我们 一般都是调整P7.4执行脉冲(向上)、P7.5执行脉冲(向下),由 于Autoadjust确定的数值不应增加,否则会造成过量,所以这两个 数值一般都要向下调;P7.6 Y偏移(向上)、P7.7 Y偏移(向下) 我们通过无数次的调校经验得出,由Autoadjust确定的数值往下调 会得到比较满意的控制效果; P7.8灵敏度 一般灵敏度无需选择 高于0.03%。
阀门定位器及变送器调试与 参数设置
第一章 阀门定位器
第一节 阀门定位器的作用和应用
阀门定位器接受控制回路的4-20MA信号, 去驱动调节阀动作,并利用阀门的阀杆位移(直 行程阀门)进行反馈,将位移信号直接与阀位比 较,改善阀杆行程的线性度,克服阀杆的各种附 加摩擦力,消除被测介质在阀上产生的不平衡力 的影响,从而使阀门对应于控制回路的控制信号, 实现正确定位。














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产品的不断升级可能导致部分数据的变化,如有改动恕不另行通知电动阀门智能定位器/阀门操作器(电子式伺服控制器)产 品 说 明 书(V1.0)通 用 型目录一、 概述 (1)二、 电气性能指标 (1)三、 主要技术指标 (2)四、 操作显示面板 (3)五、 接线方法 (4)六、 产品使用方法 (5)七、 产品输入输出信号标定 (6)八、 出厂恢复与辅助设置 (7)九、 错误代码列表 (8)十、 用户软件操作流程图 (8)符-oh-。




U0-U13按▲或▼键修改设置参数堵转测试:当发给执行器动作指令时,若在xx.x 秒都没有动作,将发出-E4-(或-E5-)错误代码,并停止xx.x 秒后,向动作指令的反方向动作2秒,然后再向动作指令的方向动作xx.x 秒,若故障消除,则清除错误代码且解除报警状态,继续工作。

若没有解除,则再停止xx.x 秒后,向动作指令的反方向动作2秒,然后再向动作指令的方向动作xx.x 秒。






2、在U5菜单时,U5与-oh -交替显示。

若此时继续按A/M 键,则进入到U6与U7的标定,标定好后,退出主菜单; 若此时按▲或▼键,则调节数据:-oh -,1,2,3。





共32个固定密码和字错误 代码 含义-E1- 仅对4~20mA 输入信号有效,当外部输入信号≤3.0mA 时,判定为信号中断,将进行信号中断处理程序(执行器开/停/闭/忽略动作),数码管显示-E1- 。

当信号又恢复好后,继续工作,并解除报警!-E3- 定位器和执行器间的信号反馈线或开闭线接反,断电排查! -E4- 执行器闭方向动作时发生堵转! -E5- 执行器开方向动作时发生堵转!继电器 报警当出现上述E1~E5错误代码时,报警继电器触点闭合,解除后触点断开。

该系列电动阀门智能定位器是以工业单片机为核心的智能信号采集控制系统,体积小巧,可选择安装在电动执行器的接线盒内或以DIN导轨方式固定在外,能直接接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的4~20mA 或0-10V 信号(其它输入信号类型可在出厂前定制)。


能对电动执行器的转角(或位移)进行自由标定,同时输出执行器转角位置(或位移)反馈转换信号4~20mA 或0-10V 。




可包含4-20mA / 0-10 V 1-5V / 0-100V 输入输出等各种工业信号。



智能定位器采用3位轻触键操作,8个LED 可直接显示定位器模态。

4位LED 数码管通过“▲”和“▼”键切换,可分别查看阀位开度值、阀位设定值、定位器温度。

“AM ”键可使智能定位器在自动模式和手动模式下工作。


智能定位器品质:所有原料符合-45℃——105℃环境使用,关键元件150℃,即工业级和汽车级标准;关键元件采用ST 、IXYS 、TI 、AVX 、Fairchild 、TOSHIBA 、GAMMA 等进口品牌。

所有信号处理部分采用低温漂技术!所有产品在出厂前进行超过3次全测,超过72小时高温老化!◆ 电源电压:DC18-42V /AC15-32V /AC85-250V ◆ 消耗功率:<3W◆ 电机负荷:见附录《电动阀门定位器选型手册》 ◆ 工作环境温度:额定-25---65℃ 轻负荷:-45---85℃ ◆ 环境相对湿度:≤90%RH◆ 故障报警方式:继电器干接点,触点AC 2A/250V (PCB 型) ◆ 温度监控:产品内核温度可查看 ◆ 执行器堵转保护:5-60秒可设置 ◆ 输入信号类型:DC 电压或电流◆输入信号阻抗:120Ω(4-20mA);13KΩ(0-10V);16KΩ(1-5V)◆输入信号采集精度:0.1%◆输入信号温飘:<20ppm/℃◆输出信号阻抗:0Ω(4-20mA)恒流源;0.01——2mA(0-10V/1-5V)恒压源◆输出信号转换精度:0.1%◆输出信号温飘:<60ppm/℃◆反馈电位器电阻:1K-10KΩ◆电位器信号采集精度:0.1%◆电位器信号温飘:<20ppm/℃◆电机定位精度:0.1%◆回差重复性精度:0.1%◆产品寿命:>5年或20000小时(0-35℃)◆产品外形尺寸:通用型:61*47*26mm或72*57*44mm(长宽高)功率型:用户指定、且大于72*57*44mm(长宽高)PCB型:用户指定●控制精度可调节:0.1%~9.9%;●外部输入控制信号(DC):4~20mA (1~5V、0~10V、开关量等出厂前定制);●输入信号匹配/校准:用户可对输入信号低端参考点与高端参考点进行非标准匹配,或误差校准;●输入信号丢失中断模式:开、停、闭、忽略处理;●相对输入信号的正反动作模式:D---DRTA正动作,R---RVSA逆动作模态;●执行器位置输出信号:低漂移输出DC4~20mA对应执行器全闭至全开,该信号与输入隔离(光电隔离),即输入输出信号不共地,输出阻抗≤510Ω;●标定执行器的转角电位器:通常对应电动执行器全闭、全开位置,将其转换为0.0-100.0%线性控制;●执行器转角电位器可手动标定和自动标定●阀位下限和上限:通常设定为0.0和100.0,用户可任意改变上下限设定值;●执行器堵转检测控制功能:执行器在开或闭时,超过堵转检测时间,响应堵转报警及处理程序;●防执行器频繁启动功能:当信号轻微波动时,减少执行器的动作频度;●对故障进行错误代码指示:-Ex- ;●智能步距调整:对输入信号和执行器的转角位置,进行实时跟踪与精确调整;●恢复出厂设置:当用户调乱设定与标定值,可恢复出厂设置2、标定输出信号的低位和高位:进入方法:按住A/M键5秒后进入菜单U0,继续按A/M键到U5,然后按▲或▼键调整数据为588,再按A/M键确认,进入到U10(输出信号低位)和U11(输出信号高位)的标定了!进入到U10时,按▲或▼键调整定位器数值,观察测量仪表显示数据,当等于输出信号全程的最低位(如4mA)时,按下A/M键确认,切换到U11,按▲或▼键调整定位器数值,观察测量仪表显示数据,当等于输出信号全程的最高位(如20mA)时,按A/M键确认,且返回到U5 / 588轮显菜单。










6、 标定执行器的零位和满位:定位器首次装配于执行器使用,必须进行执行器转角的标定,标定后定位器才能正常工作。

简易自动标定法(该标定方法要求执行器配有限位开关)首先,按上述1~5点检查接线无误后,在自动状态或手动模式下,先按住A/M 键不动,再轻按▼键后,即启动了自动标定程序,此时应松开按键,即时对按键操作也不会有其他效果的。


标定完成后,数据闪烁,等待用户按A/M 键返回自动状态。

其次,进入设置菜单,按A/M 键直到U5时,按下键使得U5=-oA-状态,再按A/M 键,进入自动标定状态。


手动标定法(自动标定的结果不满意 或 执行器无限位开关 用该方法)长按A/M 键进入到U 设置菜单,当进程到U5显示-oh-符号时,继续按A/M 键将进入到U6,此时按▲或▼键,直到执行器转角指针盘转到零位(全闭),按A/M 键确认,切换到U7,再按▲或▼键,直到执行器转角指针盘转到10位(全开),再按下A/M 键将保存数据并回到自动测控状态。
