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Lesson 1. Narrator:Meet Sandy and Sue!

Narrator:This is Sue's class.

Narrator:Her teacher's Mr Crisp.

Mr Crisp:Which is your pen,Sue?

Sue:The red pen,sir.

Mr Crisp:Here you are,Sue.

Sue:Thank you,sir.

Lesson 3 Narrator:This is Sandy's class.

Narrator:His teacher's Miss Williams

Miss Williams:Whose is this cap?

Tom:It's Sandy's,Miss Williams.

Miss Williams:Sandy!

Sandy:Yes,Miss Williams.

Miss Williams:Come here,please

Sandy:Y es,Miss Williams.

Miss Williams:Is this your cap?

Sandy:Yes,it is.

Miss Williams:Here you are Sandy.Sit down,please.

Sandy:Thank you,Miss Williams.

Lesson 5 Tom:Kick the ball,Sandy!

Sandy:All right,Tom.


Mr Crisp:Oh!

Mr Crisp:It's all right,Sandy.Whose is this ball?

Mr Crisp:Is this your ball,Tom?

Tom:No,it isn't,sir.

Mr Crisp:Is this your ball,Sandy?

Sandy:Yes,it is,sir.

Lesson 7 Mr May:Who's that girl,Mr Crisp?

Mr Crisp:Which girl,Mr May?

Mr May:The girl on the red bicycle

Mr Crisp:That's Sue Clark.She's in my class

Mr May:Who's that boy,Mr Crisp

Mr Crisp:Which boy,Mr May?

Mr May:The boy with the football.

Mr Crisp:That's Sandy Clark He's Sue's brother.

Tom:Kick the ball,Sandy!

Mr Crisp:Look out,Mr May!

Lesson 9 Mother:Hullo,Sandy!Hullo,Sue!


Mother:Tea's ready.

Mother:Are you hungry,Sue?

Sue:Yes,I am.

Mother:Are you hungry,Sandy?

Sandy:No,I'm not.

Sandy:What's for tea?


Mother:Are you hungry now,Sandy?

Sandy:Oh yes,I'm very hungry.

Lesson 11 Sandy:Look at my picture,Sue.

Sue:That's nice,Sandy.

Sue:What's that?

Sandy:It's a bicycle.

Sue:Who's that?

Sandy:It's Tom.He's on his bicycle

Sue:What's this?

Sandy:It's a car.

Sue:Who's this?

Sandy:It's Mr Crisp.

Sandy:He's in his car.

Lesson 13 Mother:This egg is for you,Sandy!


Sue:Listen,Sandy!That's Dad's car.Eat your egg quickly.

Sue:Now put the egg in the egg-cup like this

Father:Good evening,Betty.

Mother:Good evening,Jim.

Father:Good evening,Children.

Children:Good evening,Dad.

Sandy:Tea's ready,Dad.This egg is for you

Father:An egg!That's nice.I'm hungry

Father:Oh!It's empty!

Lesson 15 Sue:Put on Dad's hat,Sandy!

Sandy:Put on Mum's shoes,Sue!

Sandy:You are funny,Sue!

Sue:You're funny,too,Sandy!

Sue:Come with me.

Sandy:Knock at the door,Sue.

Mother:Come in!

Sandy:Look at me!I'm an actor

Sue:Look at me!I'm an actress.

Lesson 17 Sandy:Who's that boy,Tom?

Tom:Which boy,Sandy?

Sandy:That fat boy.

Tom:He's a new boy.His name's Billy Briggs

Sandy:Look at him!

Miss Williams:Billy!

Billy:Yes,Miss Williams

Miss Williams:Open your desk and give me that apple

Billy:I'm sorry,Miss Williams.I'm hungry

Lesson 19 Sandy:My bag's heavy!

Tom:What's in it,Sandy

Sandy:Open it and see.

Tom:Six books and six exercise-books

Billy:My bag's heavy,too.

Tom:What's in it,Billy

Billy:Open it and see!

Tom:One book,two apples,three oranges and a banana! Lesson 21 Tom and Bill:What nationality are you? French or German
