

7选5解题技巧 (课件【棒】高考英语专题七选五完整版配套学案)

7选5解题技巧 (课件【棒】高考英语专题七选五完整版配套学案)

二轮复习:七选五解题方法及技巧真题演练The next time you go into a bank, a store, or a supermarket, stop and listen. What do you hear? 71. .It’s similar to the music you listen to, but it’s not exactly the same. That’s because this music was especially designed to relax you, or to give you extra energy. Sometimes you don’t even realize the music is playing, but you react to the music anyway.Quiet background music used to be called "elevator (电梯) music" because we often heard it in elevators. But lately we hear it in more and more places, and it has a new name "Muzak". About one-third of the people in America listen to "Muzak" everyday. The music plays for 15 minutes at a time, with short pauses in between. It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning, and between three and four in the afternoon, when people are more tired. 72. .If you listen to Muzak carefully, you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs. Some musicians or songwriters don’t want their songs to be used as Muzak, but others are happy when their songs are chosen.Why? 73. .Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel. It has been proven that Muzak does what it is designed to do. Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background. 74. . Supermarket shoppers buy 38 percent more groceries.75. . They say it’s boring to hear the same songs all the time. But other people enjoy hearing Muzak in public places. They say it helps them relax and feel calm. One way or another, Muzak affects everyone. Some farmers even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!A. Some people don’t like Muzak.B. The music gives them extra energy.C. Music is playing in the background.D. Factory workers produce 13 percent more.E. They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used.F. Muzak is played in most of the big supermarkets in the world.题型解读:大纲要求:在一段约300词的短文中留出5个空白,要求考生从所给的7个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯。


C. cooking with parents
D.expressing their own ideas
4.“Personal skills” mean____________ in this passage?
A. you can express your own ideas
B. these skills can help children jump to false conclusions
3.Personal skills
Understanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what’s going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions.4______________. “Why do you think she’s crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by looking at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”
A.Encourage kids to cook with you.
B.And we can’t forget science education.
C.We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.



七选五阅读-Better solutions to a Jigsaw Puzzle考查依据:《考试说明》:主要考查考生对文章的整体内容、结构的理解和掌握。


答题技巧:PSL Position观察设空位置(3种位置关系)Structure把握文章结构(2种基本结构)Logic领会文句逻辑关系(2种逻辑关系)重点:显性逻辑关系:文段之间或句子之间有明显的线索词(clue word)提示的文段或句子间的逻辑关系,即文句逻辑关系中常见10种显性关系。


难点:隐性逻辑关系: 文段之间或句子之间没有明显的线索词(clue word),文句逻辑关系中通过上下文语意来决定。


Teaching PlanPart One Brain StormGet Ss to make some guesses according to the context, aiming to draw their attention to the importance of context while reading.Part Two InterpretationReview the key information in the testing syllabus, aiming to make students clear how the testing items would be set.Part Three IntroductionAnalyze the testing items in different angles, aiming to find better solutions.Step 1 Introduction to PSLPositions (where the target sentences lie):段首,段中,段尾Structure (of the passage given):无标题式,有标题式Logic (Pointed Logic):总分,并列,因果,转折,先后,平行,指代,时间,空间Step 2 Magic in hidden logicPart Four PracticePractice finding supporting evidence, aiming to help students to develop logic thinking while reading. Part Five SummarySummarize what we’ve discussed in this period, aiming to form a mind map to help students do better in NMET.Part Six HomeworkDo more practice to consolidate the strategies.七选五阅读-学案【显性逻辑练习】1 总分:举例,论证…… e.g. for example, in my experience, in other words…You can never dream about finding a cure for cancer, but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become equipped with the necessary tools to find that cure. _________ They require you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them happen. Get to it!2 并列:顺承,递进,正反……e.g. also, and, or, instead, …First, understand that some opportunities for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams. __________ And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you’re daydreaming, …3 因果:so, therefore, as a result, …Go to bed early and get enough sleep. In order to stay alert and focused in class, you must make sure that you get enough sleep at night. ___________ So, try getting 7 to 8 hours sleep each night.4 转折:But, However, Although, …Perfect fluency means knowing every word you encounter, speaking quickly, clearly and easily and having no accent. __________ You aren’t familiar with every word of your native language, and sometimes you have to search for the right word, even in your mother tongue.5 先后:First, Second, …Planning in business management has three main aspects. One is the establishment of broad basic policies with respect to production, sales, the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies, and accounting. _________ The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments.6 对称:常见固定结构中如:some…others; For one thing,…For another)Parents choose home-schooling for several reasons. Some choose it because of their religious beliefs. ________.They say home offers a better place for learning. Some parents believe home-schooling avoids problems of traditional schools. These include classes that have too many students. Critics, however, say children need to attend school with other children.7 指代:包括代词的指代,也包括副词so,thus的指代)After all, making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.● Dress appropriately________ That means dressing up or putting on nice, clean, situation-appropriate clothes for social situations.It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much, either.8. 照应:行文前后相互呼应,如问答等The jobs of the future have not been invented, __________ By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds. 【2014•新课标Ⅰ卷】9 时间:按时间顺序说明或叙述Until relatively recently,the vast majority of human beings lived and died without ever seeing a city. The first city was probably founded no more than 5,500 years ago. _______ In fact,nearly everyone lived on farms or in tiny rural (乡村的) villages. It was not until the 20th century that Great Britain became the first urban society in history—a society in which the majority of people live in cities and do not farm for a living. (2013·高考北京卷)10 空间:按空间顺序说明或叙述Welcome to International House Bristol. International House Bristol is number 2 Queens Avenue, just opposite Bristol Grammar School.When you come in through the gates, there is a waiting room on the right-hand side.________. The person behind the desk on your right will be able to direct you to the right class.七选五阅读- 察“显”与悟“隐”学案【隐形逻辑练习】Passage 1He may get a credit card in your name and spend it carelessly without paying the bills. _____ And you have to be responsible for the traffic accidents he causes.A.He may get a driver’s license in your name.B.He may borrow money from the bank in your name.C.And change your passwords on a regular basis.Passage 2When you have found shoes that seem right, walk in them for a few days to double- check the fit. _____ As always, you should stretch at least ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries.A.With each day, increase the distance by a half mile.B.If they still feel good, you can begin running in them.C.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time.Practice:Passage 3Every student has tests when they are at school. But have you ever been so worried about the tests that you can’t fall asleep at night? Have you ever felt sick or had a headache during a test? 16________ This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid, which can give you a stomachache or a headache.17______ Good or normal stress might happen when you are called to answer a question in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. 18_______But bad stress can happen if the stressful feelings keep going over a long time. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is ill, if you are having problems at school, or if you are going through anything else that makes you upset every day. 19_______20______ That means making good decision about how to spend your time. If you are only dealing with school stuff and have no time to play, you can get stressed. Make sure you keep your SELF in mind: Sleep, Exercise, Leisure and Food. If you take care of yourself and get enough sleep and food, and if you exercise and leave time for fun stuff, you will probably be less stressed out!Passage 4In many countries of the world people do what is called house sitting. It means that if owners of the house are going away, they want someone to come into their home and look after the house and maybe pets while they are away.In Australia, many people travel. After people retire, they might buy a van(房车) and travel all over the country. 16. _______ So if someone wants to travel or go away for some reason, they might want someone in their home to care for it and keep the gardens tidy. House sitters might have to care for pets. Also, quite a few people have swimming pools in their back yard and they need cleaning. 17. ______ I feel it is a great way of seeing the country, because you go and stay in a new city, get to meet new people, and have time to go sightseeing in a new area.18. _______ There are websites where you find the advertisements by people who want to travel, and by replying to the advertisement, you can make arrangements to go and look after their home.There are some requirements to be a house sitter. You must be a trusted person, so that the home owner knows you will not steal anything. You must be able to go when the house owner wants you to go, so you need lots of free time.19. ________ You need to be good with pets, able to care for cats and dogs, or other pets they may have.Some house sitting jobs are just for a few days or a couple of weeks while the house owner have a short holiday. Sometimes it is for much longer. We have had one house sit for six months, while the home owner travelled to Europe.20. ________ Then you can travel to many different countries and stay there. One of the important things to get are references from the home owners where you have stayed. A reference is a written letter to say that you are trustworthy and have looked after their home well.You can show these letters to possible house sitting jobs and they know you will do a good job.总结:____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________。








第二节(共5小题:每小题2分, 满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。


Taking gooda time-saving skill that will help you to ba batter studveral wad, youare excellent materialwhen you are studying for a test. Third, note-takingvaur study time and helps you to hold youu will want to taduring classroom discussions and whilading a textbook or doing reseaa2 Whenevwever you tad that note-taking is a selectivThe following methods may work bu.●Read the text quickld the main facts and idea●Carefully read the text a nd wawords that can show maandsupporting fa● Write youur own words.●● Note any qudeas you may have about what was said or wAs you tau may want to use your owand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you uallA. Use wordlB. There aactical note-taking methodu must write youarate paD.Otherwise, you may not be able to read youlau will also want to develop your own method for takingF. That means you mudecide whaant enouglude in youG. Fle act of writingg down maau to understand and remembG 72F 74. A 75. D这篇文章整体分为四个段落层次,每个段落均由几个语段构成相对独立地语义单位,各段都围绕“Taking good notes”这样一个中心话题,形成了文章的线性结构;第一段讲述的是做笔记是好学生在多方面的一项省时技巧,第二段讲述的是不管何时、用何种方法做笔记,都要有选择性的做记录,第三段讲述的是做笔记的最佳方法,第四段讲述的是要记住自己的速记符号,这就形成了文章的层次结构,这对下一步的做题有了明确的整体方向。



英语七选五教案设计及反思English Seven-Choice Five Teaching Plan Design and Reflection。

Introduction:In this document, we will discuss the design and reflection of an English teaching plan for the seven-choice five question type. This teaching plan aims to help students improve their reading comprehension skills and master the strategies needed to answer this specific question type effectively.1. Understanding the Seven-Choice Five Question Type:The seven-choice five question type is a common format in English reading comprehension tests. It requires students to select five sentences from a given list to complete a passage. To succeed in answering these questions, students need to have a good understanding of the passage's main idea, logical structure, and context.2. Teaching Objectives:Familiarize students with the seven-choice five question type and its requirements.Develop students' ability to identify the main idea and logical structure of a passage.Enhance students' comprehension skills by improving their ability to infer and predict.Equip students with effective strategies to approach and solve the seven-choice five questions.3. Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Pre-reading Activities。



七选五命题方向及技巧归纳【学习目标】By the end of the class, students will be able to1.Conclude some skills of gap-filling2.Finish a gap-filling task using the skills learnt.【重点难点】Students explore and conclude some skills of gap-filling through experiencing by themselves【导学流程】Step1:warming up. Put the following sentences about Kate into the right order.An Introduction about Kate① She has been teaching English since then.① Kate, an outgoing and helpful young lady, graduated in 2010.① So we love her so much.①She is a devoted teacher, who gives us a lot of help__________________________________________Step2:观察归纳命题思维(画出能帮助解题的重要线索)观察1:(22全国卷1)…My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, and her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone number. 39E. How can you write a good "seeking training partner" notice?F. Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.G. Any notice for a training partner should include such information.As you work on expressing your ideas in clear, accurate language, …As you study the role of evidence , …As you learn to listen critically to speeches in class, …__________________________________________Carl is really a nice man. First, he is nice to his students...Second, he's nice to his coworkers...Third, he is nice to...__________________________________________Exercise will give you extra energy... It can als o refresh your mind. …. In a word, it is beneficial to take exercise.__________________________________________归纳1:__________________________________________观察2:Hands or Utensils(餐具)(22全国甲卷)In India and the Middle East, it's considered very rude to eat with your left hand. People in France expect you to eat with a utensi l in each hand. 38. ___, instead preferring to use their hands. In Chile, you may never touch any food with your fingers. People in Thailand generally use their forks only to push food onto their spoon s.A. The more friends you make in your lifetimeB. The more time you spend in any given countryC. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils归纳2:__________________________________________观察3:36__ Try the following steps:·Calm yourself down..·Don't wait for an apology..• Take the control away from your offender .….A.Why should you forgive ?B. Recognize the benefits of forgiveness.C.How should you start to forgive?归纳3:__________________________________________观察4:(22全国卷1)You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won’t result in a useful response. 38 If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.A. Your first meeting may be a little awkward.B. A workout partner usually needs to live close by.C. You'll work harder if you train with someone else.思考:Reference(指代/指称)·Reference of person:(人称指代)__________________________________________·Reference of time:(时间指代)__________________________________________·Reference of place:(地点指代)__________________________________________·Reference of demonstrative pronoun:(指示词指代)___________________________________归纳4:__________________________________________观察5:Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)-that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business36__Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations…A. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs.B. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.C. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.归纳5:__________________________________________常见的逻辑关系及其词汇并列关系:______________________________________________________________________比较关系:______________________________________________________________________解释关系:______________________________________________________________________因果关系:______________________________________________________________________递进关系:______________________________________________________________________转折/让步:____________________________________________________________________时间关系:_____________________________________________________________________数据占比:______________________________________________________________________ Step3: Summarize the five direction_____________________________________________________________________________ Step4:牛刀小试(用所学到的命题方向分析以下题目,并总结解题技巧)牛刀小试1:(22全国卷1)So, how do you find a workout partner?First of all, decide what you want from that person. 37 Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.…C. You'll work harder if you train with someone else.D. Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?E. How can you write a good "seeking training partner" notice?牛刀小试2:(22全国乙卷)Practice empathy(共情)38______________. The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved. The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.E. Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communicationF. It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social mediaG. You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind牛刀小试3:Effective time management is the primary means to a less stressful life. High school can be frustrating. This is the time of your life when you are preparing yourself for college and real world.36Plan each day...Prioritize your weekly schedule …A. A healthy lifestyle can improve your concentration.B. How do you manage your time doing all your activities without being overly stressed?C. Take a break before you need one.牛刀小试4:(22全国甲卷)Chopstick RulesThe way you handle chopsticks is important to avoid annoying your companions. When you put them down between bites, always put them down together so they are parallel with the edge of the table in front of you. 37 ._____________E. It's a good sign for the chef if you make a mess around your plateF. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use themG. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal牛刀小试5:(22全国乙卷)Don't rely on technology alone40.______________, but long-distance friendships -even close ones -may require more conscious effort to sustain. Try to seek out chances to renew friendships. How to do it? Just spend face-to-face time together whenever possible.D. Try to find a time that works for both of you and stick to itE. Friends need to talk about their preferred methods of communicationF. It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social mediaSummarize five techniques_________________________________________________________Step5:真题演练(22年全国卷2)用所学到的STARL原则分析并完成Writing an essay is a difficult process for most people. However, the process can be made easier if you learn to practice three simple techniques.36 When you are first trying to think of ideas for an essay, put your pen to your paper and write nonstop for ten or fifteen minutes without letting your pen leave the paper. Stay loose and free. 37 Don't worry about grammar or spelling. Even though this technique won't work for everyone, it helps many people get a good store of ideas to draw on.The next technique is to write your draft rapidly without worrying about being perfect. 38 Yet, by learning to live with imperfection, you will save yourself headaches and a wastepaper basket full of crumpled(弄皱)paper. Think of your first draft as a path cut out of the jungle—as part of an exploration, not as a complete highway.The third technique is to try printing out a triple-spaced(三倍行距)copy to allow space for revision. 39 As a result, these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks(大块)of their draft and writing revisions in the blank space. After you have revised your draft until it is too messy to work from anymore, you can enter your changes into your word processor. 40 The resulting blank space invites you to revise.A. Make sure your handwriting is neat.B. Let your pen follow the waves of thought.C. The second draft of the essay should be better.D. First of all, learn the technique of nonstop writing.E. Too many writers try to get their drafts right the first time.F. Many beginning writers don't leave enough space to revise.G. Then you can print out a fresh draft, again setting your text on triple-space.Step6:终极挑战1.阅读以下段落,站在出题人的角度思考,划出可能作为七选五选项的句子,并且根据“STARL”说出原因。



Passage 3
Nowadays in China, parents care about their children’s education more than anything else. They spend a lot coaching(训练) their children in their studies. Some even hire teachers for their children. Many have their children sent to after-class schools.__段__尾.
Passage 2
__段_首____ When a person does a certain thing again, he is impelled(迫使) by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly; thus a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult , and sometimes impossible, to get rid of .
Passage 1
Universities in Britain are a magnet for overseas students.
There are currently over 200 000 from outside Britain studying
at British universities. The largest single group is Chinese
Passage 5
______ The image includes the way you look, the way you act, the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us.









(每小题1分)There are many differences between American students and Chinese students, especially high schoolkids. For example, in USA, high school usually ends at 4:00 p.m. But in China, school usually ends at five, but they’ll study until 9:00 p.m. at night. 6._____________Why may few go to bed before nine o’clock? 7._____________ So they are swimming in the homework pool. They only do this for a good college. They usually talk about their good grades. But for American students there is little homework. Most of the time they will send e-mail their friends and talk to them. 8._____________ On Friday nights they like to go to movies instead of staying home for homework.Don’t American students care about whether they can go to college or not? Of course they do! For good students, just like Chinese students, but they have different ways. The colleges don’t only look their exam grades. They also look at their extra-curriculum(课外的) activities like soccer team and others. So most of the students who are good at sports mostly will join sports team that they are interested. 9._____________ Joining teams is both fun and a good look on college resume(简历).Although American student don’t have much homework, they are busy on their way to go to college. Though college don’t only look at the grade. 10._____________ They have to take and pass before they graduate.二.请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。






Ⅱ. 做阅读七选五的步骤与技巧Part A.基本步骤1.研读选项2.通读全文3.代入选项4.复查确定步骤详解:通读选项,明确各被选选项的含义通读全文,明确文章主题,了解文章结构和内容,确定文章类型。



Part B.判断方法:在了解了文章的大意及选项后,可以按照下列原则判断原文的空与选项是否匹配:1.词汇衔接正确选项中的关键词(常见的是代词,名词)一般重复前一句的关键词,也与下一句的关键词相呼应。

1.In the twentieth century, some experts began to study dreams scientifically. _______ He believes thatdreams allow a person to express fears or fantasies.A.Dreams are related with a person’s inner thought.B.One of the most famous is Frued’s theory.2.逻辑衔接正确选项与原文空之前或之后的句子在逻辑上是连贯的(解释关系,例证关系,因果关系,顺承或转折关系)。

Example:As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you may understand your symbols(符号) and that you can use them all the time.75A. You must write your notes on separate paper.B. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.3.结构衔接正确选项和前/后句的句式在结构上往往一致。



七选五做题策略Learning objectives:1.Study the structure of exposition, and use the skill to deal with the details2.Study the structure of exposition, and use the skill to deal with the option about topic sentence, transitional sentence, and ending sentence3.Group members study the logic relationship of the context and other skills, then make a conclusion about solving gap-filling4.Get the hang of the skills and improve the ability of solving gap-filling一、定结构Make sure the structure——了解文章主旨In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors is very important. 1.______ While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can arise. Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑) of each to their particular circumstance.......Don’ts......C. If more information is needed, they will ask.D. Remember that online professors get a lot of emails.E. Belo w are some common do’s and don’ts for online learners.F. Everyone has taken a not-so-great class at one time or another.G. Ask questions, but make sure they are good, thoughtful questions.小结:如何定结构___________________________________________________ 二、辨位置Judge the location of blanks——根据其功能筛选选项段首句特点:________________________________________________________ 段中句特点:________________________________________________________ 段尾句特点:________________________________________________________三、析选项Analyse the options1、析选项——标题类(Subtitle)Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame on the alarm clock. In fact, the key to easy morning wake-up lies in resetting your body clock. 1.A better plan for sleep can help. Here’s how to make one.●2.______ In order to make a change, you need to decide why it’s important. Do youwant to get up in time to have breakfast with your family, get in some exercise, or just be better prepared for your day? Once you are clear about your reason, tell your family or roommates about the change you want to make.●Rethink mornings.......●Keep your sleep/wake schedule on weekends.......●Keep a record and evaluate it weekly.......A. Get a sleep specialist.B. Find the right motivation.C. A better plan for sleep can help.F. Stick to your set bedtime and wake-up time, no matter the day.G. Reconsider the 15 minutes you spend in line at the cafe to get coffee.2、析选项——半句话(Half sentence)Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady, gradual increases inA. After six daysB. For a good marathon runnerC. Before you begin your training3、析选项——整句话(Complete sentence) ①析选项——整句话之__________ 【练习1】Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy or untidy. As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight. ___38___ French strawberries donot taste like cardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.......D. The amazing food is mainly consumed by local farmers.E. That’s not the only reason the French eat less than we do.F. Our aim was to see if we could live, in some way, like real Parisians.G. The food is so delicious that you don’t need much of it to make you happy.【练习2】65______Many speakers finish up their speeches with question-and-answer(Q&A) sessions, but some let the Q&A go on without a clear end. The audence is often left confused about whether the meeting is over and when they can get up and leave. Do your listeners a favour by setting a time limit on questions, and close your speech with a specific signal---even if it’s somethi ng simple like, "If you have any more questions, you know where to reach me.”A. Be well-organised.B. Close with a Q&A.C. Don’t be contradictory.D. Bring it to a specific end.E. Speak slowly and pause.F. Drop unnecessary words.②析选项——整句话之__________Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. 39. ______ It gives us a great feeling of peace. A. Fresh air cleans our lungs. B. So what are you waiting for? C. Being in nature refreshes us.D. Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight.③析选项——整句话之__________(2021 乙卷)......People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than “What do you do for a living?”, you’ll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you’re talking to. ___37___, it can bring in “I have this old, broken-down vehicle” or “I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back.” It just opens up conversation. ...... A. How do you know the hostC. If you ask the question “How did you get here?”D. Be prepared to have awkward conversations with strangersE. Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say④析选项——整句话之__________We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” 36.______ According to recent studies, the answer is a big YES, if the air quality in your camping area is good. A. Fresh air cleans our lungs. B. So what are you waiting for? C. Being in nature refreshes us.D. Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight.E. But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?F. Just as importantly,we tend to associate fresh air with health care.G. All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens. ⑤析选项——整句话之__________1、因果关系(Causality)_________________________________________________2、 解释说明(Explanation)_______________________________________________3、并列递进(Compound & Progressive)____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________4、概括总结(Conclusion)________________________________________________5、转折对比(Transition & Contrast)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________【练习1】(2019年全国卷2)___37___ More than that, how should you stay motivated to achieve the goal? First, you need to evaluate yourself, your values your strengths, your weaknesses, your achievements, your desires, etc. Only then should your you’re your goals…..Your personal circumstances are equally important. For example, you may want to be a Pilot but can’t become one because your eyesight is not good enough. ____40____You should reassess your goals, and motivate yourself to set a fresh goal.A. This can affect your work.B. So how should you motivate yourself?C. However, this should not discourage you.D. So why should we try to set specific goals?【练习2】(2021 乙卷) According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting,......And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If you’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment(赞扬). ___40___. Just quickly turn around and say, “This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.”So being interesting at a dinner party isn’t that ha rd.E. Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to sayF. What about that person who had too much to drink or won’t stop talkingG. He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most.四、巩固练习(2021年新高考I 卷)that we had to leave our suitcases in the hallway. The place wasn ’plumbing(水管) worked. (2)______ Our building even had a tiny lift with a female voice that said, “Ouverturedes portes ”, in perfect French.That isthe only French phrase I mastered, and it ’s a shame I don ’t have much use for it.Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy or untidy. As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight.your mouth like little flavor bombs. to pick some groceries. I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little cost $18! 效率). You can tell this by cafe life. French cafes are always crowded. (5)______ When do these people work? The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously --- so seriously that some Iabor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call. A. Not all the customers are tourists.B. The quality of life in France is equally excellent.C. There was a nice kitchen and a comfortable bed.D. The amazing food is mainly consumed by local farmers.E. That ’s not the only reason the French eat less than we do.F. Our aim was to see if we could live, in some way, like real Parisians.G. The food is so delicious that you don ’t need much of it to make you happy.。






Lead-in(导入)回顾2023县一模题型:Zakynthos is in Greece. 61 Visitors like going to the beaches on vacation, but many of them never think about animals there.Every year, turtles (海龟)go to the Zakynthos’ beaches, too. Turtles live in the sea but they lay their eggs on the beach.62 About two months later the baby turtles come out. They are very small. They have to find their way to the sea. 63Visitors often go to the beach to watch the turtles. Some mother turtles are so scared that they go back to the sea. 64When people walk over the beach, they may walk over the beach, they may walk on the turtle eggs and break them.When the baby turtles come out, they see the light of cars, restaurants or hotels near the sea. 65 The longer it takes them to reach the sea, the greater danger they are in.If people keep being careless about the turtles, they may not see these cute animals years later.A. They don’t lay any eggs.B. After laying, the mother turtles go back to the sea.C. Garbage (垃圾)in the ocean is also a big problem.D. They have to reach the sea before they become birds’ food.E. It is a popular place for visitors because it has beautiful beaches.F. And people have caught too many of them.G. Sometimes the light makes the baby turtles run the wrong way.回顾2023县二模题型:I often hear some students say English is difficult and gives them a headache. 61 I’m good at it. I’m very glad to tell you something about how I study Englis h.First, 62 When I began to learn English, it was fresh forme. I was interested in it, so I work hard at it. Soon we had an English exam and I got a very good mark. How happy I was!63 Our English teacher often taught us English songs and the songs sound nice. I often think how interesting English is!Second, English is a foreign language, so I learn it well in the following ways: listening to the teacher carefully, speaking bravely, reading aloud and building up a good vocabulary. Thenpractice again and again. And I also have a good habit: asking for help whenever I have a question. 64 How happy I am when i understand!Besides, i often read English articles, jokes and easy novels. They help me understand the meaning of some words well.65 And I also write English diaries. English has become a close friend of mine.A. After that, I learned English harder and harder.B. So doing more English reading is an important way to learn English well.C. But English is very easy for me.D. I must make it clear by asking my English teacher or classmates for help.E. I think the interest in English is the most important thing in learning English.F. Every morning, I read English passages aloud.G. My teacher always helps me when I have questions.解题思路:一看位置---是段首段尾题,还是段中题二找词汇---锁定选项与文中信息相关联的词汇三思规律---思量选项与文中信息是否符合行文规律解题步骤:通读全文抓大意;代入选项看上下;先定容易后复杂;逐步排解画个叉;文章通顺最重要;全篇通读再检查;I 、段首句通常为该段的主题句,通过分析段落XXX和一些共有的关键词举行推断。





技巧一根据设空位置解题1.设空处在段首2022年(全国甲卷). Making Requests___39___. In Portugal, this would be a serious mistake, because it shows the chef that you don’t like their seasoning skills. Similarly, in Italy, never ask for extra cheese to add to your food.A. The more friends you make in your lifetimeB. The more time you spend in any given countryC. Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils(器具)D. Don’t get caught making an embarrassing mistake at a restaurantE. It’s a good sign for the chef if you make a mess around your plateF. Never stick them upright in your food or cross them as you use themG. It may seem like a simple request to ask for salt and pepper at a meal段首设空特点:常为段落主题句。



阅读理解七选五学案Passage 1 How to Host a Successful PartyEveryone loves a party but when you’re the host, making sure everything goes as planned is not easy. Before the big day, take some time to prepare well and you’ll have a better chance of having a successful party.Pick a topic for your party. It doesn’t have to be anything special. 1 A lover’s coming back, a wedding notice (结婚启事), and a neighboring party are only a few examples of party topics.Send out the invitations. Generally, guests should get their invitations two weeks before the party. 2 If a guest will be traveling a long way, the earlier they get the invitation, the better.3 If you’re having a party at home, look around carefully. Put small things away for a clean look and add some decorations (装饰) to make the room more beautiful.Plan your food list and buy ahead of time. 4 if you’re hiring (雇佣) a hotel to help, book one month in advance. She will need lots of advance (提前) notice of your menu and the number of guests you’re waiting for.Double-check all of the things the night before the party. Do a quick walkthrough, starting at your front door, and make sure there’s an area for guests’ coats. 5 Finally, count your plates and glasses to make sure they are enough.A.Create the proper (恰当的) atmosphere (氛围).B.Dress early for the party.C.But it should be related (与...有联系的) to the reason for having the party.D.Then walk through your home and make sure everything is fine.E.This gives them time to plan the event into their time table.F. Allow time for the guests’ arrival (客人的到来) before giving a meal.G.Dishes that are prepared in advance will save you much time.七选五解题步骤七选五解题技巧Passage 2Nowadays, many people love to travel. It is very common for people to go on a trip at any time. 1 Perhaps, the reason why traveling is popular is that people have realized that traveling is very good.Traveling gives many chances for fun, adventure (冒险) and discovery. When we visit other countries, we get a better understanding of the people living there. We learn their cultures, history and background (背景). We discover the similarities they have with us. 2 It is interesting to learn from people with different backgrounds.Traveling helps to enrich (丰富) our lives. 3 When we visit interesting places, we discover and learn many things. We discover new people, plants and animals. If we want to makeour travel more exciting, we can plan our own tour and choose places we want to visit.Traveling is refreshing (使人重新振作的). It is a psychological necessity (精神需要) , especially for people who have stressful (有压力的) jobs. 45 Because just staying at home during the weekend is not enough to make some people feel relaxed. Traveling helps them to deal with the stress they have at work better. After the break, they feel more energetic in their work. For many people, regular getaways (定期旅行) help them keep their energy they need for their work. Without these breaks, they may suffer from heavy work.A.Years of hard work finally pay off (得到回报).B.We also get to know their differences from us.C.It increases our knowledge and widens(拓宽) our vision (视野).D.Some even think that traveling is part of their lifestyle.E.Today, many people suffer from great stress at work.F.Taking regular trips brings better results to them.G.It is an interesting thing to share the experience of a special trip with others.。

2024年高考英语真题(新高考I卷)七选五 解读分析学案

2024年高考英语真题(新高考I卷)七选五 解读分析学案

2024年高考真题(新高考I卷)七选五解读分析学案A选项中的this dictionary,B选项中的it,F选项中的that,应当指代的前文哪个名词;各个选项前后的规律关系应当怎样,等等。

3. 对于格外相像的选项,或可能两个选项都有肯定道理的空,不要纠结于句子本身,而应当从段意和空前空后上去找规律关系。






我在书桌上放了两本参考书: 词典和同义词词典。














约翰逊在解释“dull”的一个定义时写道: “编词典是件无聊的工作空后提及:没有哪个编辑会容忍一个不愿花心思拼写正确单词的作家。


【37题详解】 B. It takes no account of the context. 留意此空前后句子之间的规律关系:我在书桌上放了两本参考书: 词典和同义词词典。



2025高考英语“七选五”专题复习教学设计Teaching Objectives:Ⅰ. Get Ss to know about the text with gaps and grasp the skills.Ⅱ. Guide Ss to deal with the problems of the gap filling.Ⅲ. Cultivate S s’ integrating skills.Teaching Important PointHow to get Ss to learn and grasp the skills of gap fillingTeaching Difficult PointHow to help Ss use the skills to do the gap filling and be a good--gap filler.Teaching MethodsExplanation; Groups Work; Practicing; ConsolidationTeaching procedures:Step1 GreetingsGreet the whole Ss as usualStep2 Lead-inA wise-cube puzzle gameStep3 English Syllabus题型解读:高考大纲要求试题模式:给出一篇缺少5个句子的文章,对应有7个选项,要求同学们根据文章结构、内容,选出正确的句子,填入相应的空白处。


(考试说明)选项特点:主旨概括句(文章整体内容)main idea过渡性句子(文章结构)structures注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)logical meaningsStep4 (In groups) Discuss and solve the problems among GroupsThe groups discuss the questions on the paper and have them solved with the help of the classmates andteacher. After that, Ss will check each other in pairs through questions on the paper1.Go through the materials: on the paper, underlining and circling the important information, and markingthe problems you have with. 2.Work in groups cooperatively. (Four or more students as a group): Discuss the questions raised by eachgroup members.Step 5 Analyzing1 …During my first meeting, I presented and then opened the floor to questions.. My first reaction was to answer defensively. …B. Restate the question with respect.C. Some ideas can be quite concrete.D. There were many difficult questions.2 There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town, or changed our jobs or schools. Such changes often leave us without a friend . But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage….D. Try not to find fault with your friends.E. Making new friends comes easy for some people.F. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.3 Try taking these four steps. The next time you are stressed:(1) G et support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care about you. Talk to “trusted adult, such as “parent or other relatives.They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a test, or the death of a beloved pet. (2012全国课标卷)D. Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.E. You need to figure out what the problem is.F. And don't forget about your friends.4 ________Take your journal and start writing about your worries, troubles and problems. It is a good way to stop thinking about them. Once you write them down, start thinking about the happiest moments in your life.A. Write a journal.B. I hope these small tips will help you.C. Playing with children can make you feel5 Nowadays, in China, parents care about thei r children’s education more than anything else. They spend a lot coaching(训练) their children in their studies. Some even hire teachers for their children. Many have their children sent to after-class schools.____.A.It seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for their children.B.Skills and knowledge means competition.C.Skills and knowledge doesn’t mean all.Get a coach6 ______, so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking train ing and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that’s right for you. (2013课标卷II)C. Turn your back on too many rulesD. Check the rules about dos and don’tsE. Whatever the presentation,7 One is the establishment (制定)of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase ofequipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. The third relates to the establishment of standards of word in all departments. (2013全国新课标卷)E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.G Planning in business management has three main8 __________ However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be known as Bombay,and so the film industry there is called “Bollywood”A.Sometimes they even write the script by hand.B. Most people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollywood, in the United States.C. They may even shoot scenes for several films on the same day using the same clothes.Step 6 ConsolidationFour ways to live a happier lifeHaving a happier life is something we all always struggle for and being happy includes so many aspects —mental, physical and spiritual — of our lives. One of the key principles of having a happier life is to always do things that bring us happiness. 1Consider the following habits to improve your life and make it as happy as you possibly can.Praise others.Be kind to others, like praising them. 2 Don't be afraid to tell people how great they look, or how awesome their smile is. It'll do them good, and do you good too!Focus on the present moment.Take some time every day to focus on the present moment. 3 Try not to think about negative past experiences and hug the time you have now. You'll soon find that even the slightest thing that you do at this moment can bring about happiness for many hours and days to come.Learn to control your emotions.4 And it's definitely not worth the emotions. Don't compromise on your happiness just because someone is trying to pick a fight. Just let it go (不要理会) and be happier.5Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as a child's laugh or something as huge as a million-dollar deal. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.A. End each day with thankfulness.B. Of course, everyone loves to be happy.C. It is the only certain time we have in our life.D. It can make people happy and give them confidence.E. It's not worth the argument when your partner is testing your patience.F. So it is important to develop the right habits to ensure we live a happier life.G. Try to set aside a few hours a day, doing something fun to make yourself happy. Step 7 Tips:1.速读文章,预测大意、分析结构2.结合选项,找出对应关键词3.看空前空后内容,分析之间的逻辑性4.灵活掌握答题顺序(先易后难)5.代入答案,再读文章,核查逻辑关系。

【通用版】高二英语阅读七选五解题技巧 学案

【通用版】高二英语阅读七选五解题技巧 学案


passage 1 eg] In the 1980s, the team burst onto the international volleyball scene with several major world titles, and an amazing three-set victory over the United States in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. They became national heroes overnight. There was gold once more at Athens in 2004. But winning gold in the 2016 Rio Olympics painted the most vivid portrait of the team's competitive spirit.(山东省乳山市2021 -2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题)A . There surely have been both success and challenges.B . Strong team spirit also contributed greatly to their success.C . Every single member of the team gave their all to the fight.D . You could see the joy and pride on the faces of the Chinese fans.E . Led by well-known coach Lang Ping, they have continued to aim high.F . Next, the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi-final matches.G . The Chinese women's volleyball team holds a very special place in the nation*s heart.根据第二段第一句"In Rio, the Chinese women's volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it was assigned to the “group of death',, where it faced several strong opponents.(在里约热内卢,中国女排在被分配到“死亡小组''后,面对几个解题技巧:根据段落一致性原则,在原文和选项中找到相关的特征词,通常在选项中会出现表示并列,递进关系的关联词或与前文类1以的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他信号线索。



2024年暑假英语初升高衔接教案专题8:阅读理解(7选5)(解析版)【课前小测】阅读理解Complaining is often looked at as a negative, but if you perfect it great things can happen.1 Articles and experts insist that too much complaining will lower your empathy (共情) and stop you achieving your dream and living the life you want. They suggest that you cutout negativity from your life, especially people who complain. But humans love to complain. I know this because I get paid to sit with people while they complain and process every week.Complaining does serve as a real purpose in our lives. 2 Dr Robin Kowalski found those who complain with the hopes of achieving a certain result tend to be happier.Complaining also influences how people see us, creates social bonds, encourages empathy and helps create real changes. It plays a very important role in our lives and is a skill that can be extremely effective. 3 So here are some ways to deal with the art of complaining in a skillful way.1. Clarify and organize your complaints. It will get your complaints across to others more easily.2. Work out who can give you a hand. 4 Pick those who can empathize with you or help with your goal.3. Make connections with others. It would be possible for people to know what you needed. Conclude from specific things above, and our complaining is much more likely to feel useful and effective:·Use facts and logic.·Identify who has the ability to make it happen.· 5Whatever your complaining, it’ll make for your improvement when used correctly and effectively. A.Don’t complain to the same people.B.Get rid of your sharp complaints.C.Socialize with others to make complaints accessible.D.Actually, complaining has a bad reputation.E.However, the influences of complaining are not necessarily beneficial to us all.F.Our goal is not to remove complaining, but make it more useful and effective.G.Once we discover how to effectively integrate it, great things can happen.【答案】1.D 2.G 3.F 4.A 5.C【导语】这是一篇说明文。





以下是小编带来的高考英语七选五教案内容,感谢您的阅读,希望能帮助到您!高考英语七选五教案11. 略读文章抓大意以最快的速度跳跃式地浏览文章的大小标题、首段、每段的首句,以及表示句、段关系的连接性词语(特别是however, but等后的内容)等重要部分,以了解文章的基本结构和内容大意。


2. 重点阅读上下句因为正确选项必定会与上下句之间语义衔接、逻辑通顺,解题时大多只看上句,或只看下句,就可基本确定答案。


3. 看看结构变轻松在解题过程中,除了每做一道有把握的题后就在7个选项中将其画掉缩小范围外,通过观察语言结构也可将选择范围大大缩小,心情变得更加轻松,一般可将7个选项缩小到2~4个选项,碰对的机率大大提高。



如:1. The basic function of money.Being explaining the basic function o f money …2. Money lessons.Approach money lessons with openness…3. 74Begin at the grocery store. Pick out similar brands of a product-a name brand butter and a generic(无商标产品), for example. You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. (2011新课标卷)A. Wise decisions.B. The value of money.解析:本题要求选小标题。

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Building Trust in a Relationship AgainTrust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences. It is putting confidence in someone. That is a risk. But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.Unfortunately, we’ve all been victims of betrayal. Whether we’ve been suffer from, lied to , misled, or cheated on, the re are different levels of losing trust. Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore. They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again. It’s understandable, but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship again, we have some st eps you can take to get you there.●Learn to really trust yourself. Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you cansee what the best outcome would be for your well-being.●Stop regarding yourself as the victim. If you’ve been betrayed, you are the victim of your circumstance. Butthere’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”. At some point in all of our lives, we’ll have our trust tested or violated.●You didn’t lose “everything”. Once trust i s lost, what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from thishopeless angle, look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life. Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened. Instead, it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room for positive growth and forgiveness.课堂笔记(Take notes!):小段落练习(规律巩固):1.Smile!It’s the easiest way to let someone know that you’re nice!Be fun! …Listen! …_____Ask people who take classes with your questions about what they study today.A.Change!B. B. Ask a question!C. C. Class work is a great icebreaker.D. D. Say “hello” and see what happens.E. E. And don’t just talk about yourself all the time.F. F. Even the shyest person can manage a little smile.G.G. We all prefer spending time with people who make us feel happy.2. Be fun!(选项同上)________ Think about the people you most enjoy being with—usually they are always on the up and up. Being fun makes people happy and brightens the way they think of you. It makes you seem like you truly love life and you can deal with any problems that you have to face.3. How fast can a home remodeling(改造) project be completed? ______ At least, that’s the time requirementof the popular TV show called Trading Spaces.A.About 48 hours.B.Wow! That’s great!C.But you didn’t see that on the show.D.They loved redecorating their neighbors’ place.4. Almost every extremely successful person works more hours than the average person—a lot more. They havelong lists of things they want to get done. __________A. They avoid the crowds.B. They are never too proud.C. Decide where you want to end up.D. So they have to put in lots of time.5. Before you shake hands with somebody, make sure that your hands are clean. The handshake should not betoo strong or weak. Most people use their right hands, unless they have a reason to use the left.____A. It could be a similar taste in clothes or a common hobby.B. You’ll be in serious trouble if you leave them with a bad impression.C. However, don’t have your left hand in your pockets because this appears impolite.6. A birthday surpriseNathan woke up early and raced into the kitchen. He saw his family preparing their breakfast just like every other day._____. Where was his birthday cake? Did his family forget his special day?A. And there was nobody.B. Where were his birthday presents?C. All he saw was a not no the ground.7. Don’t forget to wear a helmet(头盔)Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, you’re going to fall, and sometimes you’re going to fall hard. “I went down to one run that was pretty hard,” Nate, a skiing learner, says, “_3 ”You don’t have to buy a lot of expensive and new gear(装备)Some skiers who owned nice winter jackets couldn’t go on the trip. 4 “I have a neighbor who let me borrow some of his gear. That was very helpful,” says 13-year-old Matt Rizer.A. Don’t worry about falling.B. I felt like I was learning pretty quickly.C. I fell down and I was glad I was wearing a helmet.D. Don’t think that you ski well enough not to wear a helmet.E. So they lent their clothes to other skiers.8.Sometimes kids are glad to hear a “no” from their parents.______A. There are two types of parents love.B. It seems a happy feelin g to get out of parents’ control.9.When we change our jobs or schools, it often leaves us without a friend. _____ But for many of us theprocess is difficult and requires courage.A. Making new friends comes easy for some people.B. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.10. 1. ___ However, the real movie capital is Mumbai(孟买市), in India.A. Sometimes they even write the script by hand.B. Most people think the capital of the movie is Hollywood, in the USA.11. ____ This is because some people have certain qualities, which others do not.A. Some people succeed, while others may not.B. As the famous saying goes, “No pains, no gains.”12. _____ In the other words, when you are in love with someone, you may refuse to see anything bad aboutthat person.A. Another proverb says “Love is blind.”B. Proverbs are found in most cultures and are often very old.13. Taking good notes is a time saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways.____Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.A. You must write your notes on separate paper.B. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember.课堂以及课后作业:走近高考练习一:2014年全国课标卷一The jobs of the future have not yet been invented, 36 By helping them develop classic skills that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.1. CuriosityYour children need to be deeply curious. 37 Ask kids, “What ingredients (配料) can we add to mak e these pancakes even better next time” and then try them out. Did those ingredients make the pancakes better? What could we try next time?2. CreativityTrue creativity is the ability to take something existing and create something new from it. 38 There are a dozen different things you can do with them. Experimenting with materials to create something new can go a long way in helping them develop their creativity.3. Interpersonal SkillsUnderstanding how others feel can be a challenge for kids. We know what is going on inside our own head, but what about others? Being able to read people helps kids from misreading a situation and jumping to false conclusions. 39 “Why do you think she is crying?” “Can you tell how that man is feeling by lookin g at his face?” “If someone were to do that to you, how would you feel?”4. Self Expression40 There are many ways to express thoughts and ideas- music, acting, drawing, building, photography. You may find that your child is attracted by one more than another.A. Encourage kids to cook with you.B. And we can’t forget science education.C. We can give kids chances to think about materials in new ways.D. So how can we help our kids prepare for jobs that don’t yet exist?E. Gardening is another great activity for helping kids develop this skill.F. We can do this in real life or ask questions about characters in stories.G. Being able to communicate ideas in a meaningful way is a valuable skill.练习二:2013年全国课标卷一Business is organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit (利润) —that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. __71__Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. __72__Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business.__73__One is the establishment (制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting __74__The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision (监管) and guidance by the management in authority.__75__ A. Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work.B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management.C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and many hospitals.D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs.E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.G. Planning in business management has three main aspects.。
