[英语学习]各种专业英语词汇数学专业英语专业名词(很全的)Aabelian group:阿贝尔群; absolute geometry:绝对几何; absolute value:绝对值; abstract algebra:抽象代数; addition:加法; algebra:代数;algebraic closure:代数闭包; algebraic geometry:代数几何; algebraic geometry and analytic geometry:代数几何和解析几何; algebraic numbers:代数数; algorithm:算法; almost all:绝大多数; analytic function:解析函数; analytic geometry:解析几何; and:且; angle:角度; anticommutative:反交换律; antisymmetric relation:反对称关系; antisymmetry:反对称性; approximately equal:约等于; Archimedean field:阿基米德域; Archimedean group:阿基米德群; area:面积; arithmetic:算术; associative algebra:结合代数; associativity:结合律; axiom:公理; axiom of constructibility:可构造公理; axiom of empty set:空集公理; axiom of extensionality:外延公理; axiom of foundation:正则公理; axiom of pairing:对集公理; axiom of regularity:正则公理; axiom of replacement:代换公理; axiom of union:并集公理; axiom schema of separation:分离公理; axiom schema of specification:分离公理; axiomatic set theory:公理集合论; axiomatic system:公理系统;BBaire space:贝利空间; basis:基; Bézout's identity:贝祖恒等式;Bernoulli's inequality:伯努利不等式 ; Big O notation:大O符号; bilinear operator:双线性算子; binary operation:二元运算; binary predicate:二元谓词; binary relation:二元关系; Boolean algebra:布尔代数; Boolean logic:布尔逻辑; Boolean ring:布尔环; boundary:边界; boundary point:边界点; bounded lattice:有界格;Ccalculus:微积分学; Cantor's diagonal argument:康托尔对角线方法; cardinal number:基数; cardinality:势; cardinality of the continuum:连续统的势; Cartesian coordinate system:直角坐标系; Cartesian product:笛卡尔积; category:范畴; Cauchy sequence:柯西序列; Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:柯西不等式; Ceva's Theorem:塞瓦定理; characteristic:特征; characteristic polynomial:特征多项式; circle:圆; class:类; closed:闭集; closure:封闭性或闭包; closure algebra:闭包代数; combinatorial identities:组合恒等式; commutative group:交换群; commutative ring:交换环; commutativity::交换律; compact:紧致的; compact set:紧致集合; compact space:紧致空间; complement:补集或补运算; complete lattice:完备格; complete metric space:完备的度量空间; complete space:完备空间; complex manifold:复流形; complex plane:复平面; congruence:同余; congruent:全等; connected space:连通空间; constructible universe:可构造全集; constructions of the real numbers:实数的构造; continued fraction:连分数; continuous:连续; continuum hypothesis:连续统假设; contractible space:可缩空间; convergence space:收敛空间; cosine:余弦; countable:可数; countableset:可数集; cross product:叉积; cycle space:圈空间; cyclic group:循环群;Dde Morgan's laws:德?摩根律; Dedekind completion:戴德金完备性; Dedekind cut:戴德金分割; del:微分算子; dense:稠密; densely ordered:稠密排列; derivative:导数; determinant:行列式; diffeomorphism:可微同构; difference:差; differentiable manifold:可微流形; differential calculus:微分学; dimension:维数; directed graph:有向图; discrete space:离散空间; discriminant:判别式; distance:距离; distributivity:分配律; dividend:被除数; dividing:除; divisibility:整除; division:除法; divisor:除数; dot product:点积;Eeigenvalue:特征值; eigenvector:特征向量; element:元素; elementary algebra:初等代数; empty function:空函数; empty set:空集; empty product:空积; equal:等于; equality:等式或等于; equation:方程; equivalence relation:等价关系; Euclidean geometry:欧几里德几何; Euclidean metric:欧几里德度量; Euclidean space:欧几里德空间; Euler'seven number:偶数; event:事件; existential identity:欧拉恒等式;quantifier:存在量词; exponential function:指数函数; exponential identities:指数恒等式; expression:表达式; extended real number line: 扩展的实数轴;Ffalse:假; field:域; finite:有限; finite field:有限域; finite set:有限集合; first-countable space:第一可数空间; first order logic:一阶逻辑; foundations of mathematics:数学基础; function:函数; functional analysis:泛函分析; functional predicate:函数谓词; fundamental theorem of algebra:代数基本定理; fraction:分数;Ggauge space:规格空间; general linear group:一般线性群; geometry:几何学; gradient:梯度; graph:图; graph of a relation:关系图; graph theory:图论; greatest element:最大元; group:群; group homomorphism:群同态;HHausdorff space:豪斯多夫空间; hereditarily finite set:遗传有限集合; Heron's formula:海伦公式; Hilbert space:希尔伯特空间; Hilbert's axioms:希尔伯特公理系统; Hodge decomposition:霍奇分解; Hodge Laplacian:霍奇拉普拉斯算子; homeomorphism:同胚; horizontal:水平; hyperbolic function identities:双曲线函数恒等式; hypergeometric function identities:超几何函数恒等式; hyperreal number:超实数; Iidentical:同一的; identity:恒等式; identity element:单位元; identity matrix:单位矩阵; idempotent:幂等; if:若; if and only if:当且仅当; iff:当且仅当; imaginary number:虚数; inclusion:包含; index set:索引集合; indiscrete space:非离散空间; inequality:不等式或不等;inequality of arithmetic and geometric means:平均数不等式; infimum:下确界; infinite series:无穷级数; infinite:无穷大; infinitesimal:无穷小; infinity:无穷大; initial object:初始对象; inner angle:内角; inner product:内积; inner product space:内积空间; integer:整数; integer sequence:整数列; integral:积分; integral domain:整数环; interior:内部; interior algebra:内部代数; interior point:内点; intersection:交集; inverse element:逆元; invertible matrix:可逆矩阵; interval:区间; involution:回旋; irrational number:无理数; isolated point:孤点; isomorphism:同构;JJacobi identity:雅可比恒等式; join:并运算;K格式: Kuratowski closure axioms:Kuratowski 闭包公理; Lleast element:最小元; Lebesgue measure:勒贝格测度; Leibniz's law:莱布尼茨律; Lie algebra:李代数; Lie group:李群; limit:极限; limit point:极限点; line:线; line segment:线段; linear:线性; linear algebra: linear operator:线性算子; linear space:线性空间; linear 线性代数;transformation:线性变换; linearity:线性性; list of inequalities:不等式列表; list of linear algebra topics:线性代数相关条目; locally logarithmic identities:对数恒等式; logic:compact space:局部紧致空间;逻辑学; logical positivism:逻辑实证主义; law of cosines:余弦定理; L??wenheim-Skolem theorem:L??wenheim-Skolem 定理; lower limit topology:下限拓扑;Mmagnitude:量; manifold:流形; map:映射; mathematical symbols:数学符号; mathematical analysis:数学分析; mathematical proof:数学证明; mathematics:数学; matrix:矩阵; matrix multiplication:矩阵乘法; meaning:语义; measure:测度; meet:交运算; member:元素; metamathematics:元数学; metric:度量; metric space:度量空间; model:模型; model theory:模型论; modular arithmetic:模运算; module:模; monotonic function:单调函数; multilinear algebra:多重线性代数; multiplication:乘法; multiset:多样集;Nnaive set theory:朴素集合论; natural logarithm:自然对数; natural number:自然数; natural science:自然科学; negative number:负数;neighbourhood:邻域; New Foundations:新基础理论; nine point circle:九点圆; non-Euclidean geometry:非欧几里德几何; nonlinearity:非线性; non-singular matrix:非奇异矩阵; nonstandard model:非标准模型; nonstandard analysis:非标准分析; norm:范数; normed vector space:赋范向量空间; n-tuple:n 元组或多元组; nullary:空; nullary intersection:空交集; number:数; number line:数轴; Oobject:对象; octonion:八元数; one-to-one correspondence:一一对应;open:开集; open ball:开球; operation:运算; operator:算子; or:或;order topology:序拓扑; ordered field:有序域; ordered pair:有序对;ordered set:偏序集; ordinal number:序数; ordinary mathematics:一般数学; origin:原点; orthogonal matrix:正交矩阵; Pp-adic number:p进数; paracompact space:仿紧致空间; parallel postulate:平行公理; parallelepiped:平行六面体; parallelogram:平行四边形; partial order:偏序关系; partition:分割; Peano arithmetic:皮亚诺公理; Pedoe's inequality:佩多不等式; perpendicular:垂直; philosopher:哲学家; philosophy:哲学; philosophy journals:哲学类杂志; plane:平面; plural quantification:复数量化; point:点; Point-Line-Planepostulate:点线面假设; polar coordinates:极坐标系; polynomial:多项式; polynomial sequence:多项式列; positive-definite matrix:正定矩阵;positive-semidefinite matrix:半正定矩阵; power set:幂集; predicate:谓词; predicate logic:谓词逻辑; preorder:预序关系; prime number:素数; product:积; proof:证明; proper class:纯类; proper subset:真子集; property:性质; proposition:命题; pseudovector:伪Pythagorean theorem:勾股定理; 向量;QQ.E.D.:Q.E.D.; quaternion:四元数; quaternions and spatial rotation: question:疑问句; quotient field:商域; quotient set:四元数与空间旋转;商集;Rradius:半径; ratio:比; rational number:有理数; real analysis:实分析; real closed field:实闭域; real line:实数轴; real number:实数; real number line:实数线; reflexive relation:自反关系; reflexivity:自反性; reification:具体化; relation:关系; relative complement:相对补集; relatively complemented lattice:相对补格; right angle:直角; right-handed rule:右手定则; ring:环;Sscalar:标量; second-countable space:第二可数空间; self-adjoint operator:自伴随算子; sentence:判断; separable space:可分空间; sequence:数列或序列; sequence space:序列空间; series:级数; sesquilinear function:半双线性函数; set:集合; set-theoretic definition of natural numbers:自然数的集合论定义; set theory:集合论; several complex variables:一些复变量; shape:几何形状; sign function:符号函数; singleton:单元素集合; social science:社会科学; solid geometry:立体几何; space:空间; spherical coordinates:球坐标系; square matrix:方块矩阵; square root:平方根; strict:严格; structural recursion:结构递归; subset:子集; subsequence:子序列; subspace:子空间; subspace topology:子空间拓扑; subtraction:减法; sum:和; summation:求和; supremum:上确界; surrealnumber:超实数; symmetric difference:对称差; symmetric relation:对称关系; system of linear equations:线性方程组;Ttensor:张量; terminal object:终结对象; the algebra of sets:集合代数; theorem:定理; top element:最大元; topological field:拓扑域; topological manifold:拓扑流形; topological space:拓扑空间; topology:拓扑或拓扑学; total order:全序关系; totally disconnected:完全不连贯; totally ordered set:全序集; transcendental number:超越数; transfinite recursion:超限归纳法; transitivity:传递性; transitive relation:传递关系; transpose:转置; triangle inequality:三角不等式; trigonometric identities:三角恒等式; triple product:三重积; trivial topology:密着拓扑; true:真; truth value:真值;Uunary operation:一元运算; uncountable:不可数; uniform space:一致空间; union:并集; unique:唯一; unit interval:单位区间; unit step function:单位阶跃函数; unit vector:单位向量; universal quantification:全称量词; universal set:全集; upper bound:上界;Vvacuously true:??; Vandermonde's identity:Vandermonde 恒等式;vector:向量; vector calculus:向量分析; vector space:variable:变量;向量空间; Venn diagram:文氏图; volume:体积; von Neumann ordinal:冯?诺伊曼序数; von Neumann universe:冯?诺伊曼全集; vulgar fraction: 分数;ZZermelo set theory:策梅罗集合论; Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory:策梅罗-弗兰克尔集合论; ZF set theory:ZF 系统; zero:零; zero object:零对象;AActive-matrix主动矩阵Adapter cards适配卡Advanced application高级应用Analytical graph分析图表Analyze分析Animations动画Application software 应用软件Arithmetic operations算术运算Audio-output device音频输出设备Access time存取时间access存取accuracy准确性ad network cookies广告网络信息记录软件administrator管理员Add-ons 插件Address地址Agents代理Analog signals模拟信号Applets程序Asynchronous communications port异步通信端口Attachment附件编辑本段BBar code条形码Bar code reader条形码读卡器Basic application基础程序Binary coding schemes二进制编码方案Binary system二进制系统Bit比特Browser浏览器Bus line总线Backup tape cartridge units备份磁带盒单元Bandwidth带宽Bluetooth蓝牙Broadband宽带Business-to-business企业对企业电子商务Business-to-consumer企业对消费者Bus总线编辑本段CCables连线Cell单元箱Chain printer链式打印机Character and recognition device字符标识识别设备Chart图表Chassis支架Chip芯片Clarity清晰度Closed architecture封闭式体系结构Column列Combination key结合键computer competency计算机能力connectivity连接,结点Continuous-speech recognition system连续语言识别系统Control unit操纵单元Cordless or wireless mouse无线鼠标Cable modems有线调制解调器carpal tunnel syndrome腕骨神经综合症CD-ROM只读光盘CD-RW可重写光盘CD-R可记录压缩光盘Channel信道Chat group谈话群组chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs) ]氯氟甲烷Client客户端Coaxial cable同轴电缆cold site冷网站Commerce servers商业服务器Communication channel信道Communication systems信息系统Compact disc rewritableCompact disc光盘computer abuse amendments act of 19941994计算机滥用法案computer crime计算机犯罪computer ethics计算机道德computer fraud and abuse act of 1986计算机欺诈和滥用法案computer matching and privacy protection act of 1988计算机查找和隐私保护法案Computer network计算机网络computer support specialist计算机支持专家computer technician计算机技术人员computer trainer计算机教师Connection device连接设备Connectivity连接Consumer-to-consumer个人对个人cookies-cutter programs信息记录截取程序cookies信息记录程序cracker解密高手cumulative trauma disorder积累性损伤错乱Cyber cash电子货币Cyberspace计算机空间cynic愤世嫉俗者chart图表closed architecture 封闭式体系结构编辑本段DDatabase数据库database files数据库文件Database manager数据库管理Data bus数据总线Data projector数码放映机Desktop system unit台式电脑系统单元Destination file目标文件Digital cameras数码照相机Digital notebooks数字笔记本Digital video camera数码摄影机Discrete-speech recognition system不连续语言识别系统Document文档document files文档文件Dot-matrix printer点矩阵式打印机Dual-scan monitor双向扫描显示器Dumb terminal非智能终端data security数据安全Data transmission specifications数据传输说明database administrator数据库管理员Dataplay数字播放器Demodulation解调denial of service attack拒绝服务攻击Dial-up service拨号服务Digital cash数字现金Digital signals数字信号Digital subscriber line数字用户线路Digital versatile disc数字化通用磁盘Digital video disc数字化视频光盘Direct access直接存取Directory search目录搜索disaster recovery plan灾难恢复计划Disk caching磁盘驱动器高速缓存Diskette磁盘Disk磁碟Distributed data processing system分部数据处理系统Distributed processing分布处理Domain code域代码Downloading下载DVD 数字化通用磁盘DVD-R 可写DVDDVD-RAM DVD随机存取器DVD-ROM 只读DVD编辑本段Ee-book电子阅读器Expansion cards扩展卡end user终端用户e-cash电子现金e-commerce电子商务electronic cash电子现金electronic commerce电子商务electronic communications privacy act of1986电子通信隐私法案encrypting加密术energy star能源之星Enterprise computing企业计算化environment环境Erasable optical disks可擦除式光盘ergonomics人类工程学ethics道德规范External modem外置调制解调器extranet企业外部网编辑本段FFax machine传真机Field域Find搜索FireWire port火线端口Firmware固件Flash RAM闪存Flatbed scanner台式扫描器Flat-panel monitor纯平显示器floppy disk软盘Formatting toolbar格式化工具条Formula公式Function函数fair credit reporting act of 1970公平信用报告法案Fiber-optic cable光纤电缆File compression文件压缩File decompression文件解压缩filter过滤firewall防火墙firewall防火墙Fixed disk固定硬盘Flash memory闪存Flexible disk可折叠磁盘Floppies磁盘Floppy-disk cartridge磁盘盒Formatting格式化freedom of information act of 1970信息自由法案frequency频率frustrated受挫折Full-duplex communication全双通通信编辑本段GGeneral-purpose application通用运用程序Gigahertz千兆赫Graphic tablet绘图板green pc绿色个人计算机Group by 排序编辑本段Hhandheld computer手提电脑Hard copy硬拷贝hard disk硬盘hardware硬件Help帮助Host computer主机Home page主页Hyperlink超链接hacker黑客Half-duplex communication半双通通信Hard-disk cartridge硬盘盒Hard-disk pack硬盘组Head crash磁头碰撞header标题help desk specialist帮助办公专家helper applications帮助软件Hierarchical network层次型网络history file历史文件hits匹配记录horizontal portal横向用户hot site热网站Hybrid network混合网络编辑本段I Image capturing device图像获取设备information technology信息技术Ink-jet printer墨水喷射印刷机Integrated package综合性组件Intelligent terminal智能终端设备Intergrated circuit集成电路implements 实现接口Interface cards接口卡Internal modem内部调制解调器internet telephony网络电话internet terminal互联网终端Identification识别i-drive网络硬盘驱动器illusion of anonymity匿名幻想index search索引搜索information pushers信息推送器initializing 初始化instant messaging计时信息internal hard disk内置硬盘Internet hard drive 网络硬盘驱动器intranet企业内部网编辑本段Jjoystick操纵杆编辑本段Kkeyword search关键字搜索编辑本段Llaser printer激光打印机Layout files版式文件Light pen光笔Locate定位Logical operations逻辑运算Lands凸面Line of sight communication视影通信Low bandwidth低带宽lurking潜伏编辑本段MMain board主板Mark sensing标志检测Mechanical mouse机械鼠标Memory内存Menu菜单Menu bar菜单条Microprocessor微处理器Microseconds微秒Modem card调制解调器Monitor显示器Motherboard主板Mouse 鼠标Multifunctional device多功能设备Magnetic tape reels磁带卷Magnetic tape streamers磁带条mailing list邮件列表Medium band媒质带宽metasearch engine整合搜索引擎Microwave微波Modem解调器Modulation解调编辑本段NNet PC网络计算机Network adapter card网卡Network personal computer网络个人电脑Network terminal 网络终端Notebook computer笔记本电脑Notebook system unit笔记本系统单元Numeric entry数字输入national information infrastructure protection act of1996国际信息保护法案national service provider全国性服务供应商Network architecture网络体系结构Network bridge网桥Network gateway网关network manager网络管理员newsgroup新闻组no electronic theft act of1997无电子盗窃法Node节点Nonvolatile storage非易失性存储编辑本段O Object embedding对象嵌入Object linking目标链接Open architecture开放式体系结构Operation System 操作系统Optical disk光盘Optical mouse光电鼠标Optical scanner光电扫描仪Outline大纲off-line browsers离线浏览器Online storage联机存储编辑本段Ppalmtop computer掌上电脑Parallel ports并行端口Passive-matrix被动矩阵PC card个人计算机卡Personal laser printer个人激光打印机Personal video recorder card个人视频记录卡Photo printer照片打印机Pixel像素Platform scanner平版式扫描仪Plotter绘图仪Plug and play即插即用Plug-in boards插件卡Pointer指示器Pointing stick指示棍Port端口Portable scanner便携式扫描仪Presentation files演示文稿Presentation graphics电子文稿程序Primary storage主存Procedures规程Processor处理机Programming control language程序控制语言Packets数据包Parallel data transmission平行数据传输Peer-to-peer network system点对点网络系统person-person auction site个人对个人拍卖站点physical security物理安全Pits凹面plug-in插件程序privacy 隐私权proactive 主动地programmer 程序员Protocols协议provider供应商project 项目工程proxy server代理服务pull products推取程序push products推送程序编辑本段RRAM cache随机高速缓冲器Range范围Record记录Relational database关系数据库Replace替换Resolution分辨率Row行Read-only只读Reformatting重组regional service provider区域性服务供应商repetitive motion injury反复性动作损伤reverse directory反向目录right to financial privacy act of 1979财产隐私法案Ring network环形网编辑本段SScanner扫描器Search查找Secondary storage device辅助存储设备Semiconductor半导体Serial ports串行端口Server服务器Shared laser printer共享激光打印机Sheet表格Silicon chip硅片Slots插槽Smart card智能卡Soft copy软拷贝Software suite软件协议Sorting排序Source file源文件Special-purpose application专用文件Spreadsheet电子数据表Standard toolbar标准工具栏Supercomputer巨型机System 系统Systemcabinet 系统箱System clock时钟System software系统软件Satellite/air connection services卫星无线连接服务search engines搜索引擎search providers搜索供应者search services 搜索服务器Sectors扇区security安全Sending and receiving devices发送接收设备Sequential access顺序存取Serial data transmission单向通信signature line签名档snoopware监控软件software copyright act of1980软件版权法案software piracy软件盗版Solid-state storage固态存储器specialized search engine专用搜索引擎spiders网页爬虫spike尖峰电压Star network星型网Strategy方案subject主题subscription address预定地址Superdisk超级磁盘surfing网上冲浪surge protector浪涌保护器systems analyst系统分析师... 编辑本段T Table二维表Telephony电话学Television boards电视扩展卡Terminal 终端Template模板Text entry文本输入Thermal printer 热印刷Thin client瘦客Toggle key触发键Toolbar工具栏Touch screen触摸屏Trackball追踪球TV tuner card电视调谐卡Two-state system双状态系统technical writer技术协作者technostress重压技术telnet远程登录Time-sharing system分时系统Topology拓扑结构Tracks磁道traditional cookies传统的信息记录程序Twisted pair双绞编辑本段UUnicode统一字符标准uploading上传usenet世界性新闻组网络编辑本段VVirtual memory虚拟内存Video display screen视频显示屏Voice recognition system声音识别系统vertical portal纵向门户video privacy protection act of 1988视频隐私权保护法案virus checker病毒检测程序virus病毒Voiceband音频带宽Volatile storage易失性存储voltage surge电涌编辑本段WWand reader 条形码读入Web 网络Web appliance 环球网设备Web page网页Web site address网络地址Web terminal环球网终端Webcam摄像头What-if analysis假定分析Wireless revolution无线革命Word字长Word processing文字处理Word wrap自动换行Worksheet file 工作文件web auctions网上拍卖web broadcasters网络广播web portals门户网站web sites网站web storefront creation packages网上商店创建包web storefronts网上商店web utilities网上应用程序web-downloading utilities网页下载应用程序webmaster web站点管理员web万维网Wireless modems无线调制解调器wireless service provider无线服务供应商world wide web万维网worm蠕虫病毒Write-protect notch写保护口编辑本段其他缩写DVD digital bersatile 数字化通用光盘IT information technology信息技术CD compact disc 压缩盘PDA personal digital assistant个人数字助理RAM random access memory随机存储器WWW World Wide Web 万维网DBMS database management system数据库管理系统HTML Hypertext Markup Language超文本标示语言OLE object linking and embedding对象链接入SQL structured query language结构化查询语言URL uniform resouice locator统一资源定位器AGP accelerated graphics port加速图形接口ALU arithmetic-logic unit算术逻辑单元CPU central processing unit中央处理器CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor互补金属氧化物半导体CISC complex instruction set computer复杂指令集计算机HPSB high performance serial bus高性能串行总线ISA industry standard architecture工业标准结构体系PCI peripheral component interconnect外部设备互连总线PCMCIA Personal Memory Card International Association个人计算机存储卡国际协会RAM random-access memory随机存储器ROM read-only memory只读存储器USB universal serial bus通用串行总线CRT cathode-ray tube阴极射线管HDTV high-definition television高清晰度电视LCD liquid crystal display monitor液晶显示器MICRmagnetic-ink character recognition磁墨水字符识别器OCR optical-character recognition光电字符识别器OMR optical-mark recognition光标阅读器TFT thin film transistor monitor薄膜晶体管显示器Zip disk压缩磁盘Domain name system(DNS)域名服务器file transfer protocol(FTP)文件传送协议hypertext markup language(HTML)超文本链接标识语言Local area network(LAN)局域网internet relay chat(IRC)互联网多线交谈Metropolitan area network(MAN)城域网Network operation system(NOS)网络操作系统uniform resource locator(URL)统一资源定位器Wide area network(WAN)广域网Web server / Web 服务器well-connected / 连接良好well-known services / 公认的服务wide area network, WAN / 广域网wildcard character / 通配符wildcarding / 通配符方式window menu / 窗口菜单Windows 2000 Server File and Print Servers for Macintosh / Windows 2000 Server 的Macintosh 文件与打印服务器Windows 2000 Task Manager / Windows 2000 任务管理器Windows Internet Name Service, WINS / Windows Internet 命名服务Windows Management Instrumentation, WMI / Windows 管理规范Windows Media Services / Windows Media 服务WINS, Windows Internet Name Service / Windows Internet 命名服务WINS proxy / WINS 代理WINS resource / WINS 资源Winsockwireless communication / 无线通讯WMI, Windows Management Instrumentation / Windows 管理规范workgroup / 工作组X.509v3 certificate / X.509/ 证书XOR, exclusive OR / 异或zone / 区域zone list / 区域列表zone transfer / 区域传送电子类专业英语词汇大全(a-z)电子类专业英语词汇(一)(a--z)电子类专业英语词汇 Aa. c .balance indicator,交流平衡指示器 a. c. bridge,交流电桥a. c. current calibrator,交流电流校准器a. c. current distortion,交流电流失真a. c. induced polarization instrument,交流激电仪 a. c. potentiometer,交流电位差计a. c. resistance box,交流电阻箱a. c. standard resistor,交流标准电阻器 a. c. voltage distortion,交流电压校准器a. c. voltage distortion,交流电压失真Abbe comparator,阿贝比长仪aberration,象差ability of anti prereduced component,抗先还原物质能力 ablative thickness transducer [sensor],烧蚀厚度传感器 abrasion testing machine,磨损试验机 absolute calibration,绝对法校准absolute coil,独立线圈absolute error,绝对误差(absolute)error of measurement,测量的(绝对)误差 absolute gravimeter,绝对重力仪absolute gravity survey,绝对重力测量 absolute humidity,绝对湿度absolute method,绝对法absolute moisture of the soil,土壤(绝对)湿度 absolute pressure,绝对压力absolute(pressure transducer,绝对压力表 absolute pressure transducer[sensor],绝对压力传感器 absolute read-out,单独读出absolute resolution,绝对分辨率absolute salinity,绝对盐度absolute stability,绝对稳定性absolute stability of a linear system,线性系统的绝对稳定性absolute static pressure of the fluid,流体绝对静压 absolute temperature scale,绝对温标absorbance,吸光度absorbed current image,吸收电流象absorptance,吸收比absorptiometer,吸收光度计absorption cell,吸收池absorption coefficient,吸收系数absorption correction,吸收修正absorption edges,吸收边absorption factor,吸收系数absorption hygrometer,吸收温度表absorption spectrum,吸收光谱absorption X-ray spectrometry,吸收X射线谱法 absorptivity,吸收率absorptivity of an absorbing,吸引材料的吸收率 abstract system,抽象系统abundance sensityivity,丰度灵敏度AC-ACLVDT displacement transducer,交流差动变压器式位移传感器accelerated test,加速试验accelerationg voltage,加速电压acceleration,加速度acceleration error coefficient,加速度误差系数 acceleration of gravity,重力加速度acceleration simulator,加速度仿真器acceleration transducer[sensor],加速度传感器 accelerometer,加速度计acceptance of the mass filter,滤质器的接收容限 acceptance test,验[交]收检验access,存取 access time,存取时间accessibility,可及性accessories of testing machine,试验机附件 accessory(for a measuring instrument),(测量仪表的)附件accessory hardware,附属硬件accessory of limited interchangeability,有限互换附件 accumulated error,积累误差accumulated time difference,累积时差 accumulative raingauge,累积雨量器accumulator,累加器accuracy,精[准]确度accuracy class,精[准]确度等级accuracy limit factor(of a protective current transformer), (保护用电流互感器的)精确度极限因数accuracy of measurement,测量精[准]确度 accuracy of the wavelength,波长精确度 accuracy rating,精确度限acetylene(pressure)gauge,乙炔压力表 acetylene regulator,乙炔减压器acoustic amplitude logger,声波幅度测井仪 acoustic beacon,水声信标acoustic current meter,声学海流计acoustic element,声学元件acoustic emission,声发射acoustic emission amplitude,声发射振幅 acoustic emission analysis system,声发射分析系统 acoustic emission detection system,声发射检测系统acoustic emission detector,声发射检测仪acoustic emission energy,声发射能量acoustic emission event,声发射事件acoustic emission preamplifier,声发射前置放大器 acoustic emission pulser,声发射脉冲发生器acoustic emission rate,声发射率acoustic emission signal processor[conditioner],声发射信号处理器acoustic emission rate,声发射信号acoustic emission source location and analysis system,声发射源定位及分析系统acoustic emission source location system,声发射源定位系统 acoustic emission source,声发射源acoustic emission spectrum,声发射频谱acoustic emission technique,声发射技术acoustic emission transducer[sensor],声发射换能器 acoustic fatigue,声疲劳acoustic impedance,声阻抗acoustic logging instrument,声波测井仪acoustic malfunction,声失效acoustic matching layer,声匹配层acoustic(quantity)transducer[sensor],声(学量)传感器 acoustic ratio,声比acoustic releaser,声释放器acoustic resistance,声阻acoustic thermometer,声学温度计;声波温度表 acoustic tide gauge,回声验潮仪acoustic transponder,声应答器acoustical frequency electric,声频大地电场仪 acoustical hologram,声全息图acoustical holography,声全息acoustical holography by electron-beam scanning,电子束扫描声全息acoustical holography by laser scanning,激光束扫描声全息 acousticalholography by mechanical scanning,机械扫查声全息 acoustical imaging by Bragg diffraction,布拉格衍射声成像 acoustical impedance method,声阻法acoustical lens,声透镜acoustically transparent pressure vessel,透声压力容器 acquisition time,取数据时间actinometer,光能计;直接日射强度表;日射表 (active)energy meter,(有功)电度表active gauge length,有效基长active gauge width,有效基宽active metal indicated electrode,活性金属指示电极 active remote sensing,主动遥感active transducer[sensor],有源传感器activity,活度 activity coefficient,活度系数actual material calibration,实物校准actual time of observation,实际观测时间 actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer,电压互感器的实际变化actral transformation ratio of current transformer,电流互感器的实际变化actual value,实际值actual voltage ratio,实际电压比actuator,执行机构;驱动器actuator bellows,执行机构波纹管actuator load,执行机构负载actuator power unit,执行机构动力部件 actuator sensor interface(ASI),执行器传感器接口 actuator shaft,执行机构输出轴actuator spring,执行机构弹簧actuator stem,执行机构输出杆actuator stem force,执行机构刚度actuator travel characteristic,执行机构行程特性 adaptation layer,适应层adaptive control,(自)适应控制adaptive control system,适应控制系统 adaptive controller,适应控制器adaptive prediction,适应预报adaptive telemetering system,适应遥测系统 adder,加法器addition method,叠加法additional correction,补充修正additivity of mass spectra,质谱的可迭加性 address,地址 adiabatic calorimeter,绝热式热量计 adjust buffer total ion strength,总离子强度调节缓冲剂 adjustable cistern barometer,动槽水银气压表 adjustable relative humidity range,相对湿度可调范围 adjustable temperature range,温度可调范围 adjusted retention time,调整保留时间 adjusted retention volume,调整保留体积 adjuster,调整机构;调节器adjustment,调整adjustment bellows,调节波纹管adjustment device,调整装置adjusting pin,校正针adsorbent,吸附剂adsorption chromatography,吸附色谱法 aerial camera,航空照相机aerial remote sensing,航空遥感aerial surveying camera,航摄仪aerodynamic balance,空气动力学天平aerodynamic noise,气体动力噪声 aerograph,高空气象计aerogravity survey,航空重力测量aerometeorograph,高空气象计aerosol,县浮微料;气溶胶aging of column,柱老化agitator,搅拌器agricultural analyzer,农用分析仪air-borne gravimeter,航空重力仪air capacitor,空气电容器air consumption,耗气量air damper,空气阻尼器air-deployable buoy,空投式极地浮标 air-drop automatic station,空投自动气象站 air duct,风道air gun,空气枪air inlet,进风口air lock,气锁阀air-lock device,锁气装置air outlet,回风口air pressrue balance,空气压力天平 air pressure test,空气压力试验air sleeve,风(向)袋。
• •
More Examples:
Feature deletion can also be applied to verbs. e.g.
such verbs as kill yields die, teach yields learn, feed yields eat, show yields see, etc. The deletion of the feature [+Volitive] from the verb listen yields hear, look yields see respectively. It should be noted that feature-deletion takes precedence over feature-additon.
Other frequent single-feature contrasts include:
B. The Feature-deletion and Feature-addition Rules
These are rules that either delete features from, or add features to, the end of the feature list. e.g. Deletion of features generally produces superordinates, like fruit from apple, Addition of features produces subordinates, like apple from fruit.
• On the lexical level, paradigmatic contrasts indicate which words
2023年自考专业(英语)《英语词汇学》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】The Indo-European language family is made up of the languages of the following EXCEPT ______ .A.EuropeB.the Far EastC.IndiaD.the Near East2.【单选题】We are interested in the weather because it _______ us so directly—what we wear, what we do and even how we feel.A.benefitsB.affectsC.guidesD.effects3.【单选题】Perseverance is a kind of quality and that is _______ it takes to do anything well.A. whatB.thatC.whichD.why4.【单选题】We were told that the stone figure _______ back to the 16th century was of great value.A. datedB.datingingD.kept5.【单选题】Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1987) has some unique features such as definition, extra column and ______.A. pronunciationB.grammar codesage examplesnguage codes6.【单选题】Words that are identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning are called ______.A.perfect homonymsB.homographsC.homophonesD.homonyms7.【单选题】—David has made great progress recently. — _______,and _______.A.So he has;so you haveB.So he has;so have youC.So he has;so do youD.So has he;so you have8.【单选题】Generally, a dictionary covers the following contents EXCEPT ______.A. spellingB.pronunciationC.definitionD.syntactical rules9.【单选题】“Woman” becomes “ Frau” in German, “femme” in French and “f ùnǔ” in Chinese. This example shows that in different languages the same concept can be represented by different ______ .A. soundsB.formsC.unitiesD.meanings10.【单选题】If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get ________.A. concentratedC.confirmedD.convinced11.【单选题】Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary ’ , 3rd Edition (1980), is among the best-known British ______ dictionaries.A.unabridgedB.deskC.pocketD.bilingual12.【单选题】______ of meaning is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized.A.DegradationB.ElevationC.ExtensionD.Specilization13.【单选题】It has been years ________ I returned home.A.afterB.thatC.sinceD.when14.【单选题】Police are ________ the disappearance of two children.A. looking upB.looking throughC.looking intoD.looking on15.【单选题】Idioms nominal in nature have a(n) ______ as the key word in each and function as a noun in sentences.A.verbB.adjectiveC.prepositionD.noun16.【单选题】It took a few seconds for her eyes to ________ to the darkness.B.adoptC.applyD.adjust17.【单选题】We cannot leave this tough job to a person ________.A.who nobody has confidenceB.in whom nobody has confidenceC.for whom nobody has confidenceD.who everyone has confidence of18.【单选题】Which of the following is NOT one of the extra-linguistic factors that cause changes in meaning?A.Cultural reason.B.Historical reasonC.Class reasonD.Psychological reason19.【单选题】To write up his novel, John is looking for an environment free ________ outside distraction.A. onB.withC.fromD.in20.【单选题】What he told us was more of a(n) ________ than a reality.A.illusionB.demonstrationC.illustrationD.reputation第2卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】A good worker in a key spot could, so _______ as he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted.A.longB.shortC.muchD.little2.【单选题】The following words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around us EXCEPT ______ .A.fireB.hotC.photoscanningD.sister3.【单选题】How many monomorphemic words are there in the following words? cats boss work improper triedA.1B.2C.3D.44.【单选题】One can figure out the meaning of “ airmail ” to be “ mail by air ” by its ______.A.onomatopoeic motivationB.morphological motivationC.semantic motivationD.etymological motivation5.【单选题】A mong the following words, “ ______ ” does NOT have inflectional affixes.A. likedB.children’sC.happierD.it’s6.【单选题】Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of idioms?A.The part of speech of each element in an idiom is very important.B.The constituents of idioms can eplaced. ’ t be rC.The word order in an idiom can ’ t be changed.D.An idiom functions as one word.7.【单选题】Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. Which of the following words comes from Chinese?A.BazaarB.KowtowC.RajahD.Blitzkrieg8.【单选题】Among the following words, “ ______ ” contains a negative prefix.A.amoralB.de-composeC.antiwarD.foretell9.【单选题】In grammatical context, the meaning of a word may be influenced by the ______in which it occurs.A.structureB.sentenceC.phraseD.clause10.【单选题】Which of the following words does NOT have suffixes?A.NorthwardB.WidenC.HappyD.Worker.11.【单选题】Each of us should _______ aside a few minutes to have a rest every day.A.pushB.provideC.turnD.set12.【单选题】Which of the following is partially converted?A. A whiteB.A drunkD.Finals13.【单选题】Parents, teachers in schools and communicators in or using the mass media are all capable of ________ our potential interests.A.raisingB.risingC.arousingD.arising14.【单选题】Which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Grammatical meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs and stylistic features ofwords.B.Unlike conceptual meaning, associative meaning is unstable and indeterminate.C.Affective meaning indicates the listener ’ s attitude towards the person or thing in questionD.Collocation cannot affect the meaning of words.15.【单选题】The word “minister” originally meant “a servant”, but now has changed to“a head of a ministry ”. This process of meaning change is called ______ .A.extensionB.elevationC.degradationD.specialization16.【单选题】Happiness doesn ’t alway s _______ money.A.go throughB.go in forC.go withD.go over17.【单选题】He insured his car ________ he had an accident.A. unlessB.ifC.sinceD.in case18.【单选题】Modern economics ________ the country ’s agricultural policies.B.understandsC.underliesD.undertakes19.【单选题】“ Apple, pear, peach, orange, lemon, etc. ” make up the ______ of“ fruit ”.A.synonymsB.homonymsC.superordinate termD.semantic field20.【单选题】Which of the following is NOT one of the context clues?A.DefinitionB.PolysemyC.SynonymyD.Antonymy.第1卷参考答案一.全考点综合测验1.正确答案:B2.正确答案:B本题解析:affect 多作为动词来用,表示影响。
[01:36.41]afternoon n.午后, 下午 adv.下午的, 晚期
[01:54.65]again adv.又, 再次, 此外, 再一次
[02:08.50]age n.年龄, 成年, 使用年限, 同时期的人, 时代 v.变老, 上年纪, 成熟
[03:48.61]belt n.带子, 地带
[03:59.39]beside prep.在旁边, 和...比较
[04:13.44]between prep.在...之间, 连接...,由...协力合作
[01:30.85]bedroom n.卧室
[01:43.19]bee n.蜜蜂
[01:52.82]beef n.牛肉
[02:03.14]before adv.在前, 以前 prep.在...之前 conj.在...之前, 与其...宁可
[04:04.79]almost adv.几乎, 差不多
[04:17.92]along adv.往前, 向前 prep.顺着, 沿着
[04:33.47]already adv.已经
.' 英语专业八级语言学总结来源:谢萌Fighting的日志一、语言和语言学1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features of language任意性arbitrariness 指语言符号和它代表的意义没有天然的联系二重性duality 指语言由两层结构组成创造性creativity 指语言可以被创造移位性displacement 指语言可以代表时间和空间上不可及的物体、时间、观点2、语言的功能(不是很重要)信息功能informative人际功能interpersonal施为功能performative感情功能emotive function寒暄功能phatic communication娱乐功能recreational function元语言功能metalingual function3、语言学主要分支语音学phonetics 研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音音位学phonology 研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列形态学morphology 研究词的内部结构和构词规则句法学syntax 研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则语义学semantics 不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。
如语素和句子的意义语用学pragmatics 在语境中研究意义4、宏观语言学macrolingustics心理语言学psycholinguistics 社会语言学sociolinguistics 人类语言学anthropological li nguistics 计算机语言学computational linguistics5语言学中的重要区别规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的描写式:descriptive 说明事情本来是怎么样的共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic 研究某个特定时期语言历时:diachronic 研究语言发展规律语言和言语:语言:langue指语言系统的整体言语:parole指具体实际运用的语言语言能力和语言运用:乔姆斯基(chomsky提出)能力:competence用语言的人的语言知识储备运用:performance 真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用二、语音学1、语音学分支发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生声学语言学acoustic phonetics 研究语音的物理属性听觉语音学auditory phonetics 研究语言怎样被感知2 IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的三、音位学1、最小对立体minimal pairs2、音位phoneme3 音位变体allophones4 互补分布complementary distribution5 自由变体free variation6 区别特征distinctive features7 超音段特征suprasegmental feature音节syllable 重音stress 语调tone 声调intonation四形态学1 词的构成语素morpheme 自由语素free morpheme 粘着语素bound morphemeRoot 词根词缀affix 词干stem屈折词汇和派生词汇inflectional affix and derivational affix2特有的词汇变化lexical change proper新创词语invention 混拼词blending 缩写词abbreviation首字母缩写词acronym 逆构词汇back-formation例:editor—edit类推构词analogiacal creation 例:work-worked,,slay-slayed外来词borrowing五句法学1 范畴category 数number 性gender 格case 时tense 体aspect一致关系concord 支配关系govenrment2 结构主义学派the structure approach组合关系syntagmatic relation词和词组合在一起聚合关系paradigmatic 具有共同的语法作用的词聚在一起结构和成分construction and constituents :句子不仅是线性结构liner structure还是层级结构hierarchical structure (句子或短语被称为结构体,而构成句子或短语即结构体的称为成分)3直接成分分析法immediate constitutional analysis指把句子分成直接成分-短语,再把这些短语依次切分,得到下一集直接成分,这样层层切分,直到不能再分4向心结构和离心结构endocentric and exocentric constructions向心:指一个结构中有中心词,例an old man ,中心为man离心:指结构中没有明显的中心词。
英语常见专业词汇分类汇总一、工程与技术:1. Architectural design(建筑设计): the process of creating a plan for the construction of a building or structure.2. Civil engineering(土木工程): the design, construction, and maintenance of structures such as roads, bridges, and buildings.3. Mechanical engineering(机械工程): the branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of machinery.4. Electrical engineering(电气工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.5. Computer programming(计算机编程): the process of designing and writing computer programs.6. Telecommunications(电信): the transmission of information over long distances using electronic or optical signals.7. Aerospace engineering(航空航天工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of aircraft and spacecraft.8. Environmental engineering(环境工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the development of sustainable solutions to environmental problems.二、医学与健康:1. Anatomy(解剖学): the branch of science that deals with the structure and organization of living things.2. Physiology(生理学): the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.3. Genetics(遗传学): the study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.4. Pharmacology(药理学): the branch of medicine concerned with the study of drugs and their effects on the body.5. Radiology(放射学): the branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.6. Psychiatry(精神病学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health disorders.7. Cardiology(心脏病学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.8. Oncology(肿瘤学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.三、商业与经济:1. Marketing(市场营销): the process of promoting and selling products or services.2. Accounting(会计): the process of recording, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions.3. Economics(经济学): the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions.4. Finance(金融学): the management of money, banking, investments, and credit.5. International trade(国际贸易): the exchange of goods and services between countries.6. Entrepreneurship(创业): the activity of starting a new business venture or taking a risk in order to make a profit.7. Supply chain management(供应链管理): the coordination and oversight of the flow of goods, information, and finances from suppliers to end consumers.8. Market research(市场调研): the process of gathering and analyzing data about customers, competitors, and market trends to make informed business decisions.四、计算机科学:1. Algorithm(算法): a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.2. Programming language(编程语言): a formal language used to write computer programs.3. Artificial intelligence(人工智能): the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence.4. Data mining(数据挖掘): the process of discovering patterns and relationships in large datasets.5. Network security(网络安全): the protection of computer networks and their data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.6. Software engineering(软件工程): the application of engineering principles to the design, development, and maintenance of software systems.7. Machine learning(机器学习): the study of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.8. User interface(用户界面): the means by which a user interacts with a computer, website, or application.五、法律与政治:1. Constitutional law(宪法法学): the body of law that defines the relationship between different entities within a state, namely the executive,the legislature, and the judiciary.2. Criminal law(刑法): the body of law that deals with offenses against the state, such as murder, theft, and assault.3. International law(国际法): the body of law that governs the relations between states and other international actors.4. Human rights( ** ): the basic rights and freedoms to which allindividuals are entitled, such as the right to life, liberty, and equality.5. Public policy(公共政策): the principles, actions, and decisions adoptedby government or public authorities to address societal problems or meetpublic needs.6. Political science(政治科学): the study of political systems, behavior,and ideologies.7. Diplomacy(外交): the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad.8. Legislation(立法): the process of making or enacting laws through the legislative branch of government.六、社会科学与人文学科:1. Sociology(社会学): the study of human society, social behavior, and the consequences of social relationships.2. Psychology(心理学): the scientific study of the mind and behavior.3. Anthropology(人类学): the study of human societies, cultures, andphysical characteristics.4. History(历史学): the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.5. Literature(文学): written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.6. Philosophy(哲学): the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and mind.7. Linguistics(语言学): the scientific study of language and its structure, including phonetics, syntax, and semantics.8. Art history(艺术史): the study of visual arts from ancient times to the present, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and photography.七、自然科学与数学:1. Biology(生物学): the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and evolution.2. Chemistry(化学): the study of the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.3. Physics(物理学): the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them.4. Mathematics(数学): the study of numbers, quantity, space, and structure,including algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics.5. Geology(地质学): the study of the Earth's physical structure, history,and processes.6. Astronomy(天文学): the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.7. Environmental science(环境科学): the study of the environment and the effects of human activities on it.8. Statistics(统计学): the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.八、教育与心理学:1. Pedagogy(教育学): the study and practice of teaching and educational methods.2. Educational psychology(教育心理学): the branch of psychology that deals with the study of teaching methods and learning processes.3. Curriculum development(课程开发): the process of creating and designing educational programs and courses.4. Special education(特殊教育): the education of students with special needs or disabilities.5. Counseling psychology(咨询心理学): the branch of psychology that focuses on providing therapeutic services to individuals and groups.6. Child psychology(儿童心理学): the study of children's mental andemotional development and behavior.7. School psychology(学校心理学): the application of psychologicalprinciples and techniques in educational settings to promote the learning and emotional well-being of students.8. Adult education(成人教育): the provision of educational opportunities and programs for adults, often focused on professional development or personal enrichment.九、艺术与设计:1. Fine arts(美术): the creation and appreciation of visual art, such as painting, sculpture, and printmaking.2. Graphic design(平面设计): the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.3. Fashion design(服装设计): the art of applying design, aesthetics, and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories.4. Industrial design(工业设计): the process of creating and developing concepts and specifications for products or systems.5. Architecture(建筑学): the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures.6. Interior design(室内设计): the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space.7. Photography(摄影): the art, application, and practice of creating durable images using a camera or other light-sensitive equipment.8. Film and video production(影视制作): the process of creating and producing films, television shows, and video content.十、环境与地理:1. Ecology(生态学): the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.2. Environmental science(环境科学): the study of the environment and the impact of human activities on it.3. Geography(地理学): the study of the Earth's surface, its physical features, climate, population, and how humans interact with these factors.4. Climate change(气候变化): the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.5. Conservation(保护): the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment and of wildlife.6. Sustainable development(可持续发展): the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.7. Urban planning(城市规划): the practice of envisioning and regulating the use of space in urban areas, including transportation and infrastructure.8. Environmental policy(环境政策): the set of guidelines and principles that govern the regulation and management of the environment.。
下面是本文为大家总结的大学生专业英语词汇:一、商务英语1. revenue –收入\n2. profit –利润\n3. sales –销售额\n4. market –市场\n5. brand –品牌\n6. strategy –策略\n7. investment –投资\n8. competition –竞争\n9. target market –目标市场\n10. advertising –广告二、计算机科学1. algorithm –算法\n2. database –数据库\n3. programming –编程\n4. software –软件\n5. hardware –硬件\n6. network –网络\n7. code –代码\n8. operating system –操作系统\n9. debugging –调试\n10. user interface –用户界面三、金融学1. interest rate –利率\n2. stock –股票\n3. bond –债券\n4. investment –投资\n5. risk –风险\n6. liquidity –流动性\n7. asset –资产\n8. liability –负债\n9. hedge fund –对冲基金\n10. derivatives –衍生品四、法律1. contract –合同\n2. litigation –诉讼\n3. liability –责任\n4. precedent –先例\n5. intellectual property –知识产权\n6. arbitration –仲裁\n7. legal system –法律体系\n8. judgment –判决\n9. plaintiff –原告\n10. defendant –被告五、医学1. diagnosis –诊断\n2. treatment –治疗\n3. surgery –手术\n4. medication –药物\n5. patient –病人\n6. symptom –症状\n7. disease –疾病\n8. surgery –外科学\n9. anatomy –解剖学\n10. physiology –生理学六、教育学1. curriculum –课程\n2. pedagogy –教学法\n3. assessment –评估\n4. classroom management –课堂管理\n5. educational psychology –教育心理学\n6. learning outcomes –学习成果\n7. special education –特殊教育\n8. differentiated instruction –差异化教学\n9. educational research –教育研究\n10. teaching strategies –教学策略七、国际关系1. sovereignty –主权\n2. diplomacy –外交\n3. globalization –全球化\n4. non-governmental organization (NGO) –非政府组织\n5. international law –国际法\n6. foreign policy –外交政策\n7. human rights –人权\n8. conflict resolution –冲突解决\n9. international trade –国际贸易\n10. international governance –国际治理八、建筑设计1. blueprint –蓝图\n2. architecture –建筑学\n3. building materials –建筑材料\n4. interior design –室内设计\n5.construction –建筑工程\n6. sustainable design –可持续设计\n7. building code –建筑规范\n8. structural engineering –结构工程\n9. landscape architecture –景观设计\n10. urban planning –城市规划以上是本文总结的大学生专业英语词汇,涵盖了商务、计算机科学、金融学、法律、医学、教育学、国际关系、建筑设计等多个专业领域。
1. 词汇分类:英语词汇可以分为原生词汇和派生词汇。
2. 词根、前缀和后缀:许多英语单词都有共同的词根,通过添加前缀和后缀,可以构成各种派生词。
3. 同义词和反义词:同义词具有相似的意思,可以在不同的上下文中互换使用,例如'big'和'large'。
4. 合成词:合成词是由两个或多个独立的词组合而成的词汇。
5. 词源学:词源学研究词汇的起源和演变过程。
6. 词义的变化:词汇的意义会随时间和语境的变化而变化。
7. 词汇的语法功能:词汇在句子中扮演不同的语法角色,如名词、动词、形容词等。
8. 语义关系:词汇之间存在各种语义关系,如同义关系、反义关系、上下位关系等。
9. 词汇的习得和记忆:习得和记忆词汇是学习英语的重要一部分。
1. What is lexicology?Lexico-(语素, meaning ‘word’) Lexicon(词典,字典)Lexical((词的,词汇的) Lexicography((词典编纂) Sociology (社会学) Psychology (心理学)Lexicology is the study of the structure, usage, origins and meanings of words.English lexicology studies English words in different aspects and from different angles.Without grammar we can express little; Without words we can express nothing.2.Define “word”A minimal free form of a language; A sound unity; A unit of meaning; A form that can function alone in a sentence.3. Origin of English WordsNative words 本族词Borrowed words / loan words 外来词Latin ,Scandinavian ,French ,Greek ,Spanish, German, Portuguese, Dutch, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Persian, Japanese, Indonesian, RussianNative words: Anglo-Saxon wordsBody parts—hand, foot, arm, eye, boneNature—land, field, earth, hill, sun, moonTime—month, year, dayAnimals and plants—horse, sheep, dog, lamb, oak, elm, beechAdjectives—black, high, wide, long, smallVerbs—drive, ride, shine, choose, fly, seeAuxiliaries—shall, may, will, do, beBorrowed words P.9The boy kept interrupting the government man.Native words on P.5What features do these words have?Form the basic stock of English language most frequently used,Denote the commonest things necessary for life,Acquired earliest by children,Denote the most basic things in language Borrowingcake, knife, crop, ill, husband, Danishcoolie, litchi, dim sum, typhoon, kaolin, loquat, bureau, honor, literature, court French sauna Finnishhamburger, blitz, zinc Germanmacaroni, sonata, spaghetti Italiansultan, roc, harem, sheik, yashmak Arabicczar, commissar, intelligentsia Russiangeometry, gymnastics, tragedy, myth Greekgenius, memorandum, formula Latinkimono, judo, JapaneseReview questions(1)._____ studies the structure, meanings, origins and usage of words.A. Word formationB. LexicologyC. Morphology(2).There is a logical connection between the sound and meaning of words. This is a ____ view.A. naturalistB. conventionalistC. objective(3).____ is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.A. affixB. phraseC. word4. Morphemeneone morpheme nationtwo morphemes nation+althree morphemes inter+nation+alfour morphemes inter+nation+al+ist5.Word formation: affixation 词缀法Affix词缀(a form that is attached to a morpheme to modify meaning or function)prefix前缀,suffix后缀)root词根(the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity.)6. Word and VocabularyThe general estimate of English vocabulary is over one million words.John has a good knowledge of Middle English vocabulary.The vocabulary of Black English proved too difficult for me.The five-year-old child has acquired a vocabulary of over 2000 words.This article gives a good introduction of specialized vocabulary of nuclear physics.V ocabularyThe total number of the words in a language.All the words used in a particular period.All the words of a given dialect.All the words possessed by a person.All the words of a given discipline.Basic Word Stock and Nonbasic V ocabulary 基本词汇和非基本词汇(The common core of the language.)Rain, snow, fire, water, sun, moon, spring, summer, wind, hill;Head, foot, hand, face, father, mother, sonApple, tree, horse, cow, cat, dog, sheepCome, go, eat, beat, carry, old, youngOne, ten, hundred, I, you, who, but, as, tillCharacteristics of Basic Word StockAll national character 全民性,Stability 稳定性,Productivity 能产性,Polysemy 多义性Do these belong to basic word stock?(1)Do you know what subject matter jurisdiction is?(subject matter jurisdiction诉讼标的管辖权;事物管辖权)(2)Due to Habeas Corpus, you and Miss Fontana had a common law marriage, which entitles her to what is legally referred to as equitable division of the assets.(Due to Habeas Corpus 人身保护法, common law marriage习惯法婚姻, 同居婚姻, equitable division of the assets 资产平均分配)(3)Due to the fact that you retained the residence, Miss Fontana is entitled to full canine property ownership. We’ll enforce that ownership right now.Nonbasic V ocabulary 非基本词汇Photoscanning, indigestion, algebraTerminology 术语(technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas)Hypo, buster, bargaining chipsJargon 行话(specialized words used by members of particular arts sciences, trades and professions among themselves)Dough (money), pot (drug) slang 俚语(sub-standard words)Can-opener (all-purpose key), dip (pickpocket) argot黑话(jargon of criminals)Review questions(1) The word ‘limitless’contains two _____.A. affixesB. rootsC. morphemes(2) Which of the following is not true?A. A word is the smallest form of languageB. A word is a sound unity.C.A word has a given meaning.D.A word can be used freely in a sentence.(3) According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.A. soundsB. meaningC. formD. function(4) A word is a _____ that stands for something else in the world.A. symbolB. systemC. structureD. pattern(5) How many morphemes does this word have? What kind of morpheme?•misleadingly7. Affixation 词缀法Prefixation 前缀法Negative prefixes表示否定意义的前缀Prefixes of degree or size (extra,hyper,mini,) 表示程度、大小等意义的前缀Prefixes of orientation and attitude 表示倾向和态度等意义的前缀(pro, anti)Locative prefixes表示方位意义的前缀(intra,inter,tele, sub)Prefixes of time and order 表示时间和顺序意义的前缀(ex, fore, post, pre)Number prefixes表示数字的前缀(mono,bi,tri,penta,)Miscillaneous prefixes其他意义的前缀(eco,auto,neo)Class-changing prefixes 改变词性的前缀(a, en, un, de)Suffixation 后缀法Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to roots.The primary function of suffixes is to change the grammatical function of roots.Review questions(1) Turn the following into verbs with -en,-ify, -ize(Horror, modern, Memory, apology, False, sterile, Length, intense, Beauty, fat Sympathy, memory)He ____ for interrupting her.She tried to ____ her room with posters and plants.A study has been ordered into the feasibility of _____ the airport’s main runway by 200m. However much they _____ with her, they all felt it was her fault.Soya is excellent food to ___ cattle.Over $40000 had been spent on _____ the station._____ the bottles by immersing them in boiling water for 15 minutes.If you are employed by a company, you’re one of its _____.A politician is someone whose job is politics.The _____ in a discussion are the people who participate in it.A woman who works as a ______ does the same job as a waiter.A ____ is someone who earns their living by playing the piano.If someone examines you, you are the ____ and he/she is the _____.8.Conversion 转类法# Noun attribute•Economy measure 节约措施economic measure 经济措施•Bankruptcy lawyer处理破产诉讼的律师bankrupt businessman破了产的商人•Riot police 防暴警察riotous police 闹事的警察•Danger zone 危险区•Depth charge 深水炸弹• A department decision 部门作出的决定•Impulse buying 凭一时的冲动买东西Bankruptcy lawyer# Noun to verb, verb to nounThe newspapers headlined his long record of accomplishments.He was admitted to the university after a three-year wait.This film is a remake.# Adjective to noun–Partial conversionThese books are intended for the deaf and mute.It is highly important to distinguish between the false and the true–Complete conversionMany classics are now available in bookstores.The police are netting 25 illegals a day in ChicagoThey needed to get there within three days. No ifs and buts were accepted. So Tom got the plans and helicoptered to the host city, while David got visaed up in Berlin and went there by Air France. At the airport shop, he was attracted by some celebrity ashtrays and bought one of them .We can’t stomach such a insult.Robert Acheson roomed right next to me.He wolfed down his lunch.I’m one of his familiars.Poor innocents!The engineers ahed and ouched at the new machines.He Hamleted the chance and then regretted for it.These shoes were an excellent buy.They lifted the rifles and hit him in the small of the back.9.Word Formation: Composition/Compounding• A process of word-formation by which two or more independent words are put together to make one word.Cruise missile 巡航导弹Laserbomb 激光炸弹Fox-bat 狐蝠式战斗机(米格-25)Well-balanced 平衡了的Dog-eat-dog 狗咬狗的Cross-question 盘问Compound nounPoorhouse identity crisis Rainbow fox-bat pickpocket Inpatient Compound adjectiveBittersweet lifelong feelgood inbornOne-man (concert) Around-the-moon (flight)Be-kind-to-animal (campaign) The-end-justifies-the-means (philosophy)One-family-one-child family planning (policy)No-one-dared-to-walk-in-the-street (situation)Compound verbbreast-feed sleepwalk Undertake whitewash Badmouth10. The development of the English VocabularyHistorical Review of English V ocabularyFirst language used in Britain: CelticThe Roman Legions(古罗马军团): Latin(55-54BC)Germanic tribes: Anglo-Saxon (450)Three periods of the English LanguageOld English (450AD—1150AD) when the first Germanic tribes began to settle in England.•Anglo-Saxon—the Germanic tribes•Latin –introduction of Christianity at the end of the 6th century.•Scandinavian –Norwegian and Danish vikings•5000-6000 words; highly inflectedMiddle English (1150—1500) during the Norman Conquest.•French influenceNorman Conquest 1066•9000 French words continually flowed into English•Dutch words entered English with the trade relation.•English regained position of importance–Wycliff translation of the Bible (威克利夫)–Writings of Chaucer and Langland (乔叟、朗兰)–English gradually came back to schoolsModern English (1450—)•Early Modern English (1500-1700) 早期现代英语•Late Modern English (1700-up to now) 后期现代英语Early Modern English (1500-1700) 早期现代英语•The Renaissance 文艺复兴—a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics•1500-1700–over 10,000 new words entered English.•The Bourgeois Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, colonization–absorb words from all major languages in the worldLate Modern English (1700-up to now) 后期现代英语•World wars•Advances in science and technology•Thousands and thousands of new words have been created through borrowing and word-formation•New words in all walks of life: politics, economy, commerce, culture, entertainment, education, sports, transportation, mass media•From synthetic language to analytic languageGrowth of Present-day English V ocabulary 当代英语词汇的发展Reasons for new words: 为什么需要新词To express new things and new changesTo arouse public attention and interestMain sources of new words: 新词所属领域Science and technologyEconomic and political changesInfluence of other cultures and languagesNew WordsNew Words and Changing American Culture 1990, Gozzi:•45% science and technology terms;•24% terms related to life-style•11% social and economic termsModes of V ocabulary Development 词汇的发展方式Creation 创词–formation of new words by using existing materials such as roots, affixes and other elements.Semantic changes 旧词新义– an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need. Borrowing借词—absorbing words from foreign languagesReviving archaic or obsolete words古词和废弃词复活11. Word formation•Encourage Affixation词缀法Derivation派生法•Moonlight Compounding 复合法•to Pocket the money Conversion 转类法•Motel Blending拼缀法•Memo (memorandum) Clipping 截短法•UNESCO Acronymy 首字母拼写法•Babysit (from babysitter) Backformation逆构法•Sandwich Proper noun专有名词Which of the following is a compound?A.PreschoolB. school masterC. At schoolD. schoolingBlending 拼缀法Brunch—breakfast+lunch Motel—motor+hotelBotel—boat+hotel Smog—smoke+fogFour structural types of BlendingBrunch—breakfast+lunch Carbecue—car+barbecueMedicare—medical +care Sitcom –situational+comedyThree stylistic types of Blending•Slang or make-shift wordsinfanticipating--infant+anticipating•Words for science and technologybiorhythm—biological+rhythmlidar—light and radar 激光雷达•Words used in mass mediadawk—dove and hawk 中间立场的Back Formation 逆构法edit—editor caretake—caretaker Peeve—peevish Frivol—frivolous Automate—automation Destruct—destruction Sidle—sidlingClipping 截短法Phone—telephone Zoo—zoological garden Copter--helicopterFridge—refrigerator Flu—influenza Curtsy—courtesyInitialism 首字母连接词VOA WTO YZU CCTVAcronym 首字母拼音词NASA AIDS Radar UESCO Laser12. Motivation 词的理据1.Onomatopoeic motivation 拟声理据2.Semantic motivation 语义理据(figurative sense)3.Morphological motivation 形态理据4.Etymological motivation 词源理据Primary onomatopoeia 基本拟声P.60•The imitation of sound by sound.•Here the sound is truly “an echo to the sense”.e.g.Here it comes sparkling,And there it lies darkling…Spouting and frisking,…Secondary Onomatopoeia•Certain sounds and sound sequences are associated with certain senses in an expressive relationship.e.g.sn/--breath noise; quick separation or movement; creeping:sniff, snuff, snore, snort, snip, snap, snatch, snake, snail, sneak, snoop (窥探) Duplicated words or phrases• A tall clock tick-tocked on the stair.•He gave the deck a thorough riffle-shuffle and then dealt the cards. 他把牌彻底洗过一遍,然后发牌. Metaphor•They were allowed to leapfrog the long lines of traders and get immediate appointments with Chinese representatives•US influence and prestige nosedived in Africa.•The came up with a plan for drastic pruning of the bloated institution.Synecdoche 提喻Sail—ship Hand—man The smiling year—spring A Solomon—a wise man Metonymy 借代• A watched bottle never boils.•He never let his heart rule his head.Analogy 类比•talkathon (马拉松式谈话或座谈节目)•telethon (马拉松式电视广播节目)Color analogy 色彩类比His short play is in the white list. (批准上演的节目名单)grey list—非明文查禁但仍属不合法的人或物grey-collar workers—服务性行业的职工Number analogy数字类比The Fourth World (最贫国集团)The First FamilyThe three R’s (reading, writing arithmetic)Space analogy 地点空间类比•Moonscape—landscape•Marrain(火星上地形)—terrain•Earthrise—sunrise•Spacefaring(航天飞行)--seafaring反义类比•Daylighting –白天兼职,晚上主要工作•Low-rise—低层建筑•Cold line—冷线Analogy 近似类比•Missile gap (美国与苏联在导弹发展上的差距)Generation gap, development gap,Production gap, credibility gap•Watergate13.The Change of Word MeaningAlbatross 信天翁---cause of worries, misfortuneFor it is my special albatross to be related to the guy…. (p.88)Harvest---getting in the crops,crops that you get inBenchEvery time we go there, he is sitting on a park bench.(A piece of furniture for you to sit on)Here is the list of the full bench of the supreme court. (judges)He was brought before the bench. (court)Mary served on the bench and in Congress.Tom got a bench in the Parliament. (seat)This is a team with the best bench. (substitutes)They conducted the bench test successfully.(table)Central signification : furnitureSecondary meaning: judge, seat, substitute ,tableShe took her cat to the bench show. 动物展览评比会Tom’s father worked as a bench scientist for many years. 在实验室工作的科学家I am tired of being a bench warmer, nor do I want to be a bench jockey. 替补队员;在替补队员席上起哄的棒球队员(为干扰对方运动员或裁判员)Treacle1. Pertaining to wild beast.(与野兽有关的。
语言学术语:语言学导论animal cry theory/bow-wow theory模声说anthropology人类学Applied linguistics应用语言学Bilateral opposition双边对立checked syllable成阻音节closed syllable闭音节Constant opposition恒定对立Contetualism语境论Conversational implicature会话含义Deictics指示词descriptive linguistics描写语言学dialectology方言学ding-dong theory/nativistic theory本能论Discourse analysis话语分析empirical linguistics经验语言学Equipollent opposition均等对立general linguistics普通语言学Graded opposition渐次对立grammar语法学historical linguistics历史语言学Isolated opposition孤立对立lexicology词汇学Meaning potential意义潜势Metalanguage原语言morphology形态学morphotactics语素结构学/形态配列学morphs形素Mutilateral opposition多边对立Neutralizable opposition可中立对立Nominalism唯名学派open syllable开音节Phatic communion寒暄交谈phonology音系学pooh-pooh theory感叹说Prague school布拉格学派Presupposition预设Private opposition表缺对立Proportional opposition部分对立Psychosomatics身学rank 等级level层次signified所指signifier能指sing-song theory唱歌说Speech acts言语行为stylistics文体学sub-structure低层结构super-structure上层结构syntactic categories句法范畴syntactic classes句法类别序列syntax句法学Systemic-functional grammar系统功能语法ta-ta theory模仿说theoretical linguistics理论语言学yo-he-ho theory劳动喊声说语言学术语:语音Active articulator积极发音器官Adam’s apple喉结Alveolar ride齿龈隆骨Anticipatory assimilation先行同化Apico-alveolar舌尖齿龈音Approximant [j,w]无摩擦延续音back舌后部Bilateral consonant双边辅音blade舌叶/舌面Breath state呼吸状态Broad transcription宽式标音center舌中部Central approximant中央无摩擦延续音Centring diphthong央二合元音Click/ingressive吸气音Closed state封闭状态Closing diphthong闭二合元音Coalescent assimilation融合同化Contiguous assimilation临近同化Contrastive stress对比重音Devoicing清音化Diacritic mark附加符号Diphthongization二合元音化Diphthong二合元音Dorso-alveolar舌背齿龈音Dorso-palatal舌背腭音dorsum舌背Dorsum舌背Ejective呼气音Epenthesis插音Etymology词源Free variant自由变体Free variation自由变异front舌前部Glottal stop喉塞音glottalic airstream mechanism喉气流机制Glottalised stop喉塞音Immovable speech organ不能动发音器官Impossive内爆破音initiator启动部分Interdental齿间音Intonation contour语调升降曲线Intonology语调学Juxtapostional assimilation邻接同化Labal-velar唇化软腭音laryngealization喉化音laryngeals喉音Lateral approximant边无摩擦延续音Lateral边音Lexical stress词汇重音Lexical tone词汇声调Maximal onset principle最大节首辅音原则Monophthongization单元音化Monosyllabic word多音节词Movable speech organ能动发音器官Multilevel phonology多层次音系学Narrow diphthong窄二合元音Narrow transcription窄式标音Non-lateral非边音Non-segmental非音段Nuclear tone核心声调Orthoepy正音法Orthography正字法Palato-alveolar后齿龈音Palato-alveolar腭齿龈音Partial assimilation部分同化Passive articulator消极发音器官pharynx喉/咽腔Phonetic similarity语音相似性Plurisegmental复音段Polysyllabic word单音节次Post-dental后齿音Post-palatal后腭音Pre-palatal前腭音Primary stress主重音Progressive assimilation顺同化pulmonic airstream mechanism肺气流机制Pure vowel纯元音Reciprocal assimilation互相同化Regressive assimilation逆同化Resonant共鸣音rolled consonant滚辅音root舌跟Secondary stress次重音Segmental phonemes音段音位Segmental phonology音段音系学Sentence stress句子重音Stress group重音群Suprasegmental超音段Synthetic language综合型语言tip舌尖Tone units声调单Tonetics声调学top舌顶trachea/windpipe气管Trill [r]颤音trilled consonant颤辅音Triphthong三合元音Unilateral consonant单边辅音velaric airstream mechanism腭气流机制Velarization软腭音化vocal cords声带vocal tract声腔Voice state带音状态Voiced consonant浊辅音Voiced sound浊音Voiceless consonant请辅音Voiceless sound清音Voicing浊音化Weak stress弱重音Whisper state耳语状态Wide diphthong宽二合元音Word stress词重音。
• Motivation deals with the connection between name (word-symbol) and its sense (meaning). It is the relationship between the word structure and its meaning. •Motivation refers to the connection between
II. The Debate over the Connection between Sound and Meaning
– The naturalists maintain there is a natural/intrinsic connection between sound and meaning. – The Conventionalists, on the other hand, hold that the relations between sound and meaning are conventional and arbitrary. The meaning of a word is a kind of linguistic social contract.
III. Types of Motivation
– Onomatopoeic Motivation – Semantic Motivation – Logical Motivation – Morphological Motivation – Etymological Motivation
1. Onomatopoetic Motivation (拟声理据)
They are closely connected but not identical. • They are both related directly to referents and are notions of the words but belong to different categories. • Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind. Concept is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on. • But meaning belongs to language, so is restricted to language use. A concept can have as many referring expressions as there are languages in the world. Even in the same language, the same concept can be expressed in different words.
词汇学复习资料 大纲 英语专业必考
Chapter11.word:A word is the smallest unit of spoken written language which has meanings and can stand alone. A word is a minimal free form that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function2. A word is(1)A minimal free form of a language;(2)a sound unity;(3)a unity of meaning;(4)a form that can function alone in a sentence.3.1 the physical structure of the word(1)Phonetics is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for the description, classification and transcription.(2)Morphology is the branch of linguistics, which studies the internal structure of words and rules by which words are formed. In other words, it identifies the smallest meaningful units in a language which are called morphemes and look into the ways the morphemes are arranged to form words.2.2 the semantic structure of the word(1)the word is a unit of speech or writng, which serves the purposeful human communication.(2)the word can be perceived as the total of the sounds that comprise it(3)the word , in writing, is seen as a sequence of letters bounded on either side by a blank space.(4)the word, viewed linguistically, possesses its physical structure (form) and semantic structure (meaning).4.V ocabulary:V ocabulary refers to all the words used in a particular kind of work, business or known to a particular person.5.V ocabulary and Lexis :Lexi, a mass noun, is defined as the total stick of words in a language.6.Lexicology: the study of meaning and uses of words论述对词汇学的理解包括内容:Lexicology is the part of linguistics which studies words. This may include their nature and function as symbols, their meaning, the relationship of their meaning, and the rules of their composition from smaller elements. Lexicology also involves relations between words, which may involve semantics, derivation, usage and sociolinguistic distinctions. Any other issues involved in analyzing the whole lexicon of a languages.Chapter21.The development of English vocabulary. The history of English language can be divided into 3 periods:a/ Old English period (449—1100)the former inhabitants, the Celtic, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes Anglo-Saxon as Old English, Old English contains 50-60 thousand words, which consists of the basic word stock.*3个重大事件:(1)Teutonic Conquest 乔顿征服(2)Christianity(Latin word)(3)Scandinavian invasionb/ Middle English period (1100-1500)characterized by the strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066.The French loan words were found in law and governmental administration (judge, justice)1150-1204:French occupied the dnoinant position1204-1500:English gradually come back to a positionc/ Modern English period (1500--)the early stage of this period ( including the years between 1500-1700), the Renaissance brought great changes to the vocabulary. borrowing from Latin, Latin were now mostly connected with science and abstract ideas. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words2.The origins of English words2.1 the native words: Anglo-Saxon elements2.2 the loan words: French, Latin, Greek, Scandinavian, other European elements, ChineseChapter31. American English: is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used within the United States.2. British English: is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English dialects used within the United Kingdom.3. The history:(1)17th century: The English language was first introduced to the American by British colonization, beginning in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia.Early in the 17th century, the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts began the main stream of what we recognize as the American history.The language taken there was Elizabethan English(2)The War of Independence : It marks the end of the colonial period.The political independence brings the tendency to develop an American brand of English.4.Americanism: A word, phrase or idiom characteristic of English as it is spoken in the US.5.Difference: pronunciation / spelling/ vocabulary / habitual expression/ grammarChapter41.Neologism(新词): a neologism is a recently coined word, phrase or usage. It can also be an existing word or phrase which has been assigned a new meaning.Chapter51.morpheme:A morpheme is the minimal meaningful units of which the language is composed. Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.2.分类:(1)free morphemes (自由词素)(2)bound morphemes (黏着词素): bound root +affixA. Inflectional affixes (-s ,-es ,ing,-er ,or -(e)d,est)B. Derivational affixes(3)content and function morpheme(4)derivational and Inflectional morpheme3.Root, stem, base词根、词干、词基A root is that part of a word form that remains when all inflectional and derivational affixes have been removed. (词根是所有屈折词缀和派生词缀被去掉后所剩余的那部分)A stem is that part of the word-form which remains when all inflectional affixes have been removed.(词干是所有屈折词缀被去掉后所剩余的那部分)A base refers to a form to which affixes of any kind (both derivational and inflectional) can be added. It can be a root or a stem. (词基是任何一种词缀都可加在上面的形式)词根是所有屈折词缀和派生词缀被去掉后所剩余的那部分。
英语专业-英语词汇学-笔记1.What is polysemy?Having multiple meanings that are related.2.What are the two different ways of organising polysemous words?Explain them1)The diachronic approach begins with the primary meaning andthen arrange the other meanings (derived meanings) in the orderin which they developed.2)The synchronic approach begins with the most popular meaning(central meaning) and then arrange the other meanings(marginal meanings) in order of popularity.3.What are the two different ways in which polysemy develops? Explainthem1)Radiation. Secondary meanings are independent from oneanother and are derived directly from the primary meaning.2)Concatenation. Secondary meanings are connected and derivefrom primary meaning through successive shifts of meaning fromone secondary meaning to another.4.What is homonymy?Homonyms are works different in meaning but either identical both in sound or spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.5.Give an example of a perfect homonym, a homophone and ahomograph1)perfect homonym 同音同形date日期/date红枣2)homophone 同音异形Knew/new, meet/meat3)homograph 异音同形record(v.)/record(n.)6.Give an example of the rhetorical use of homonymyHi Jack (你好杰克)– hijack(打劫)7.What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy? Give anexample to illustrate the difference1)Polysemy is about connection of meanings. Book can mean abook as in “I read a book”, and “I book a hotel room”. Thesecond meaning is related to the first one because in the past hotel staff will write the customers’ information on a book whenreserving a room.2)homonymy is about form. Lie can mean not being honest orbeing in a horizontal position. These two meanings have the same form but no connection.8.Classify the following pairs of antonyms into complementaries(binaries), contraries (gradable) or converses (relational). Explain why1)Good/bad, contraries2)odd/even, complementaries3)above/below, converses4)clean/dirty, contraries5)remember/forget, complementaries?6)old/young, contraries7)before/after, converses9.What is hyponymy? Give an exampleThe meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word.例Flower is the superordinate term, rose is the subordinate term. 10.What is synonymy?Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but nearly or exactly alike in essential meaning.11.What is the difference between absolute and near (relative)synonyms?1)Absolute synonyms – interchangeable in every way2)Near synonyms – similar in denotation but have different shadesof meaning or different degrees of a given quality.12.What are some of the reasons why synonyms exist?1)Borrowing from other languages2)Dialects and regional English3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions13.What are some of the factors that discriminate between relativesynonyms? Use examples1)Range of meaning. “timid” is more extensive because it can beused to describe the state of mind at a time and the disposition,but “timorous” only describe the disposition.2)Degree of intensity. A “wealthy” person has much moremoney than a “rich” person.3)Differences in stylistic features. “ask” is used commonly andtend to be colloquial. “question” is more formal.14.(The development of English) What was the language spoken in theBritish Isles before English? How was English introduced?Celtic. Germanic tribe invaded and settled after Roman. They brought their own culture. It was called Anglo-saxon (the name of two tribes) and also called old English.15.What are the three phases of the English language and what weretheir time periods? What events marked the transition of one phase to another?a)Old English (450 - 1150) ——Norman conquest from France in1066, but the real development of middle English started in the12th century because the ruling class spoke Anglo French and thepeasants spoke Anglo-Saxon so it took quite a long time for themto intermix.b)Middle English (1150 - 1500) ——during Renaissance there wasan explosion of information and knowledge about Ancient Greece and Roman. People stated to read so ideas spread. Greekand Latin words started entering English. Besides, printing wasinvented, more can read and write books.c)Modern English (1500 – present)16.Over its history, English has evolved from a highly inflected languageto a nearly non-inflected language. What is the difference? Give an example of inflection in EnglishInflection means to modify a word to indicate grammatical relations.A lot of words in a highly inflected language have ending or formchanges in order to show its grammatical function. But a weaklyinflected language has fewer changes. As English developed, it has changed from a highly infected language to a weekly one.17.What are the most important languages that English has borrowedfrom? Why?1)French – Norman conquest2)Latin –Renaissance, a lot of Latin book were translated intoEnglish3)Scandinavia – Vikings (9 century) influenced old English18.What is the difference between a Content Word and a Functionalword? Give an example of each.Content words are those are about something. 例nation, earth.Functional words are those used to express relations. 例the, and. 19.Explain two properties of Basic words and give examples1)Productivity. Basic words are very productive because thet aremostly root words or monosyllabic words. They can be used alone and are often used to form now words with other roots andaffixes. 例foot-football-footprint2)Many basic words take part in a number of set expressions. 例heart- by heart –from the bottom of one’s heart- lose heart 20.What is a denizen word? Give an exampleDenizens are words that were borrowed a long time ago, they look and sound like a native word.例‘pork’ from the French ‘porc’21.What is an alien word? Give an exampleAliens are borrowed words which have kept their originalpronunciation and spelling.例café , fiancée22.What is a translation loan? Give an exampleTranslation loans are words and expressions formed from existing material in the English language but tranlate the meaning or thesound from another language.例‘black humour’ from the French ‘humour noir’例‘tea’ from the Chinese23.What is a semantic loan? Give an exampleSemantic loans are where a word already exists in native English but borrows a new meaning from another language.例‘dumb’ has come to mean ‘stupid’ because of the German word ‘dumm’24.(The structure of Words) What is a morpheme?A morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language.25.What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph?Morpheme is about meaning.Morph is about shape and sound.Morphemes are abstract, and are realized in speech by morphs.26.What is the difference between a bound morpheme anda freemorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 例dis-, mis-.2)Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free.例man, dog.27.What is the difference between a derivational morpheme and aninflectional morpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Derivational morphemes can derive new words. 例football,slowly2)Inflectional morphemes don’t create new words and justindicate syntactic relationships. 例-ed, -ing, -er, -est, -s28.What is the difference between a content morpheme and agrammatical morpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Content morphemes have content and can be used to derive newwords. = derivational morphemes.2)Grammatical morphemes are grammatical markers, includingInflectional morphemes & free morphemes. 例while, where, they 29.What is an affix?An affix is a form that are attached to words to modify meaning or function.30.What is the difference between a derivational and an inflectional affix?Give an example of each1)Inflectional affix do not create new words, and indicate syntacticrelationships between words. 例–ed, talked2)Derivational affix derive new words. 例–less, careless. non-,non-smoker.31.What is a root? Give an exampleA root is a word element that contains the main component ofmeaning in a word. It is that part of a word that remains when allaffixes have been removed.例:internationalists → nation Impracticality → pratice。
一、日常生活常用词汇1. Greetings and Farewells(问候与告别)- Hello(你好)- Good morning(早上好)- Goodbye(再见)- See you later (待会见)- Take care(保重)2. Numbers(数字)- One(一)- Two(二)- Ten(十)- Hundred(百)- Thousand(千)3. Time(时间)- Today(今天)- Tomorrow(明天)- Yesterday(昨天)- Hour(小时)- Minute(分钟)4. Colors(颜色)- Red(红色)- Blue(蓝色)- Green(绿色)- Yellow(黄色)- Black(黑色)5. Family(家庭)- Father(父亲)- Mother(母亲)- Brother(兄弟)- Sister(姐妹)- Son(儿子)二、学术领域常用词汇1. Subjects(学科)- Mathematics(数学)- Science(科学)- History(历史)- Geography(地理)- Literature(文学)2. School(学校)- Classroom(教室)- Teacher(老师)- Student(学生)- Homework(作业)- Exam(考试)3. Academic Terms(学术术语)- Experiment(实验)- Hypothesis(假设)- Conclusion(结论)- Thesis(论文)4. Learning(学习)- Read(阅读)- Write(写作)- Study(学习)- Memorize(记忆)- Understand(理解)三、商务领域常用词汇1. Meetings(会议)- Agenda(议程)- Presentation(演示)- Attendees(与会人员)- Minutes(会议纪要)- Discussion(讨论)2. Email(电子邮件)- Subject(主题)- Reply(回复)- Forward(转发)- CC/BCC(抄送/密送)3. Business Terms(商务术语)- Profit(利润)- Sales(销售)- Marketing(市场营销)- Customer(顾客)- Partnership(合作伙伴)4. Negotiation(谈判)- Bargain(讨价还价)- Agreement(协议)- Proposal(提议)- Contract(合同)- Terms and Conditions(条款和条件)四、娱乐常用词汇1. Movies(电影)- Actor(演员)- Actress(女演员)- Director(导演)- Plot(情节)- Genre(类型)2. Music(音乐)- Song(歌曲)- Singer(歌手)- Band(乐队)- Concert(音乐会)- Album(专辑)3. Sports(体育)- Football(足球)- Basketball(篮球)- Swimming(游泳)- Tennis(网球)- Cycling(骑自行车)4. Hobbies(爱好)- Reading(阅读)- Painting(绘画)- Cooking(烹饪)- Traveling(旅行)- Photography(摄影)五、常用动词1. Be(是/在)- I am(我是/在)- You are(你是/在)- He/She/It is(他/她/它是/在)- We/They are(我们/他们是/在)2. Have(有)- I have(我有)- You have(你有)- He/She/It has(他/她/它有)- We/They have(我们/他们有)3. Make(做/制作)- I make(我做/制作)- You make(你做/制作)- He/She/It makes(他/她/它做/制作)- We/They make(我们/他们做/制作)4. Go(去)- I go(我去)- You go(你去)- He/She/It goes(他/她/它去)- We/They go(我们/他们去)六、常用形容词1. Good(好)- I had a good time(我玩得很开心)- You look good(你看起来很好)- He/She/It is good at swimming(他/她/它擅长游泳)- We/They did a good job(我们/他们做得很好)2. Big(大)- I have a big house(我有一座大房子)- You are a big help(你帮了个大忙)- He/She/It has a big garden(他/她/它有个大花园)- We/They made a big mistake(我们/他们犯了个大错误)3. Happy(快乐)- I feel happy today(我今天感到快乐)- You make me happy(你让我快乐)- He/She/It looks happy(他/她/它看起来快乐)- We/They celebrated a happy event(我们/他们庆祝了一个快乐的事件)4. New(新)- I bought a new car(我买了辆新车)- You have a new haircut(你剪了个新发型)- He/She/It wears a new dress(他/她/它穿着件新衣服)- We/They moved to a new house(我们/他们搬到了一座新房子)以上是一些学习必备的常用英语词汇,涵盖了日常生活、学术、商务和娱乐等多个领域。
英语学习基本词汇表a broad 能力accept 接受accident 事故admire 钦佩admit 允许…进入advice 忠告afford 承担得起afraid 害怕、恐怕age 年龄agree 同意allow 允许alone 单独地although 尽管amount 数量ancient 古代的angry 生气的animal 动物answer 回答apologize 道歉appear 出现April 四月argue 争辩arrange 安排arrival 到达(名)arrive 到达(动)as if / as though 好象ask 问ask for sth 要(某物)ask sb for sth 向某人要某物assistant 助手attend 参加(会议)available 现有的pay attention (to) 注意attract 吸引autumn 秋天average 平均、普通baggage 行李beautiful 美丽的because 因为because of 因为(介)begin 开始at the beginning of 开头believe 相信belong to 属于had better 最好between 在…之间bicycle 自行车bill 帐单、法案billion 十亿bite 咬blame 责怪blind 盲的boil 使…沸腾border 边界borrow 借(进)bottle 瓶子brain 大脑branch 树枝、分支brave 勇敢的bread 面包break 使…断裂break down 出故障break out 爆发breath 呼吸(名)hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸out of breath 气喘吁吁breathe 呼吸(动)bridge 桥bright 明亮的bring 带来broadcast 广播build 建设turn 转动burst 爆发出bush 灌木丛business 商业be busy doing sth 忙于做某事be busy with sth 忙于某事call 喊、称、打电话calm 平静的camera 照相机camp 营房careful 细心的careless 粗心的catch 捉住cattle 牛群cause 造成(动)、原因(名)century 世纪certain 一定的、某个certainly 当然chance 机会change...into... 把…变成chat 闲谈cheap 便宜的chicken 小鸡、鸡肉child 儿童(单)children 儿童(复)chocolate 巧克力choice 选择(名)choose 选择(动)church 教堂cinema 电影院clean 打扫clear 清楚的clerk 职员clever 聪明的close 关闭cloth 布clothes衣服cloud 云coat 外套coffee 咖啡catch/take cold 感冒collect 收集go to college 上大学comfort 舒适comfortable 舒服的companion 同伴、伙伴company 公司、陪伴(动)compare 比较complete 完成composition 作文computer 计算机concert 音乐会conclude 得出结论(动)condition 条件congratulation 祝贺connect 连接consider 考虑、认为be considered as 被认为construction 建设contain 包含continue 继续control 控制convenient 方便的conversation 谈话correct 正确的cost 花费、价值cotton 棉花cough 咳嗽count 数(动)courage 勇气cousin 堂表兄妹cover 盖crop 庄稼crowd 人群cruel 残忍的cure 治疗curious 好奇的curtain 窗帘、幕布custom 风俗、海关customer 顾客cut 切、割damage 损坏dance 舞蹈danger 危险(名)dangerous 危险的(形)dare 敢1daughter 女儿deal with 对付、处理death 死debt 债decide 决定(动)decision 决定(名)defeat 击败defence 防御(名)delay 耽搁、延误delicious 美味可口的deliver 递交、投递demand 要求department 部门depend 保卫(动)describe 描述(动)description 描述(名)desert 舍弃(动)、沙漠design 设计desire 欲望、愿望destroy 摧毁、破坏determine 决心develop 发展、开发(动)development 发展(动)devote 奉献dialogue 对话diamond 钻石dictionary 字典die 死(名)difference 不同、区别different 不同的difficult 困难的(形)difficulty 困难(名)dig 挖dinner 正餐director 主任、厂长dirty 肮脏的disadvantage 不利条件disagree 不同意disappear 消失disappoint 使失望discover 发现(动)discovery 发现(名)discuss 讨论(动)discussion 讨论(名)disease 疾病distance 距离disturb 打扰divide 分开、划分dollar 美元doubt 怀疑downstairs 下楼downtown 闹市区draw 画(动)dream 梦(名)drink 喝、饮drive 驾驶、驱动during 在…期间duty 职责、责任earn 挣(钱)eat 吃education 教育effect 效率、影响effort 努力either...or... 不是…就是electric 电的electricity 电employ 雇佣empty 空的encourage 鼓励enemy 敌人energy 精力enjoy 享受、喜欢enjoy oneself 玩得痛快enough 足够的enter 进入escape 逃跑examination 考试examine 仔细检查example 例子、榜样excite 使…兴奋exercise 练习、锻炼exist 存在expect 期望expensive 昂贵的experience 经验、经历experiment 试验explain 解释(动)explanation 解释(名)express 表达、表示expression 表情、短语in fact 实际上fail 失败、不及格famous 著名的farmer 农民favo(u)rite 喜爱的fill in 填写find 找到finger 手指finish 完成fire 火、解雇be fit for 对…合适fix 安装、固定flight 飞行flood 洪水flower 花floor 地上、地板follow 跟随、听从be fond of 喜爱forbid 禁止foreign 外国的forget 忘记form 形成、形式fortunate幸运的make friends 交朋友friendly 友好的friendship 友谊frighten 吓唬be full of 满是…make fun of 嘲笑furniture 家具future 未来garage 车库、修车店generation 世代get in 收获get off 下车get on 上车get through 渡过、浏览get on with sb 和某人相处get together 聚会get up 起床gift 礼物give 给give out 分发give up 放弃go for a walk 去散步go on doing sth 继续做某事go on with one’s work 继续做某人的工作go out 出去be good at 擅长于government 政府graduate 毕业grammar 语法grow up 长大guess 猜guest 客人gun 枪habit 习惯half an hour 半小时hang 挂、吊hard 努力地、困难的hardly 几乎不have sth on 穿着、戴着have to 不得不、必须health 身体、健康healthy 健康的hear 听见hear from 收到某人来信hear of 听别人说say hello to 向…问好2help oneself to 自己吃help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事hide 躲藏、藏hill 小山、高坡hit 打击、击中hold 拿着hold on 抓住不放holiday 假日at home 在家however 然而honest 诚实的honour 荣誉、荣幸hundred 百hung 悬挂、吊hunger 飢饿hungry 飢饿的hurry 匆忙hurt 伤害husband 丈夫ill 有病的illness 生病imagine 想象immediate 立刻的immediately 立刻地importance 重要性important 重要的impossible 不可能的improve 改善、提高include 包括income 收入increase 增加industry 工业information 信息inside 在…里面insist 坚持认为instead of 代替(介)interest 兴趣、利息interesting 有趣的international 国际的interrupt 打断introduce 介绍invite 邀请island 岛屿jacket 上衣job 工作join 参加join in 加入joke 开玩笑journey 旅行judge 法官、判断jump 跳kiss 吻knife 刀knock at 敲knock into sb 把…撞倒know 知道、懂、认识knowledge 知识lab 实验室lack 缺少lady 女士language 语言late 迟到、晚了be late for (school) 上学迟到laugh at 嘲笑law 法律lawyer 律师lay 放、下(蛋)lazy 懒惰的lead 领导、导致learn 学习、得知leave 离开lecture 演讲、讲课lend 借出let 让library 图书馆lie 躺、说谎listen to 听load 重载、装载lock 锁lonely 孤独的no longer 再也不not…any longer 再也不look after 照看look at 看look for 寻找look out 注意、当心look up 查找have a look 看一看take a look 看一看lose 丢失have lunch 吃午饭machine 机器mad 疯的magazine 杂志make 使、制造be made from 由…制成be made of 由…制成manage 管理、处理manager 经理mark 记号、标志market 市场marry 和…结婚master主人、掌握match 和…相配、比赛mean 意思是meaning 意思meanwhile 同时medical 医疗的medicine 药meet 遇见、满足have a meeting 开会hold a meeting 举行会议member 成员memory 记忆力mend 修理mention 提到message口信take a message for 捎口信middle 中等的mile 英里milk 牛奶million 百万mind 头脑、精神make up one’s mind 拿定主意never mind 没关系make a mistake 犯错误money 钱month月mountain 山mouth 嘴murder 谋杀museum 博物馆music 音乐nationality 国籍native 本地的nature 自然necessary 必要的neighbour 邻居neither...nor... 既不…也不nervous 紧张的newspaper 报纸niece 侄女make a noise 吵闹noisy 吵闹的none 没有人not only...but also... 不但…而且number 号码、数字nurse 护士have nothing to do with 和…没有关系a number of 一大批、大量obey 服从、遵守object 物体、反对(动)ocean 大洋occur 发生offer 主动提供operate 操作(动)once upon a time 从前one by one 一个接一个opinion 意见、观点3operation 操作(名)opposite 对面、对立的order 命令、订单in order 按秩序ordinary 普通的in order to 为了organize 组织otherwise 否则own 拥有、自己的owner 主人packet 小包palace 宫殿parent 父母pass通过take part in 参加particular 特殊的passenger 乘客path 小路patient 病人、耐心的pay 支付、给予pay for sth 偿付perform 执行、演出(动)performance 演出(名)period 时期permit 允许person 人personal 个人的persuade 劝说pick 选择、挖、凿pick out 选出pick up 捡起、获得pile 堆take one’s place 取代某人take place 发生take the place of 取代某人plastic 塑料platform站台、讲台、舞台pleasant 愉快的pleased 高兴的pleasure 愉快(名)pocket 衣袋police警方policeman 警察polite 礼貌的pollution 污染popular 流行的、受欢迎的population 人口possible可能的practice 实践(名)practise 实践(动)praise表扬prefer 喜爱prepare 准备present 现在的、礼物president 总统pretend 假装pretty 漂亮的prevent 阻止、预防price 价格pride 自豪(名)prison 监狱prisoner 囚犯professor 教授pronounce 发音(动)pronunciation 发音(名)protect 保护proud 自豪的(形)be proud of 为…而自豪prove 证明provide 提供public 公共的pull 拉punish 惩罚pure 纯净的purpose 目的push 推put on 穿quarrel 争吵quality 质量question 问题quick 快的quiet 安静的quite 相当railway 铁路rain雨raincoat 雨衣raise 提高、举起rather than 宁可reach 到达read 读ready 准备好的realize 实现、意识到really 真正地reason 理由、原因receive 收到recent 最近的keep a record保持记录reduce减少refuse 拒绝regard 问候、把…看作regular 定期的relation关系relative 亲戚remain 保持、维持remember 记住、记得remind 提醒、使想起remove 移动、消除repair 修理repeat 重复reply 回答report 报告、报道require 要求research 研究respect 尊敬take/have a rest 休息一下restaurant 餐馆result 结果return 归还、返回ride 乘、骑ring 打(电话)、按(铃)rise 升起run 跑satisfy 使满意be satisfied with 对…满意save 节省、救save one’s life 救命scene 风景、现场science 科学scientific 科学的scientist 科学家search 搜查secretary 秘书seek 寻求seem 似乎sell 卖4sell out 售完send for 派人去请send up 发射sense 感觉make sentences with 用…造句sentence sb to death 把…处死separate 隔离、分开separate...from... 把…分开serious 严重的servant 仆人serve 服务(动) service 服务(名)set off 出发set out 出发set up 建立settle 解决shadow 阴影shake 摇shame 耻辱、惋惜的事shape 形状share 分享sharp 锋利的shine 照耀shopping 购物should 应当shout 叫喊sign 签字silence 沉默silent 沉默的similar 相似的since 自从sing 唱single 单独的situation 形势sleep 睡觉go to sleep 睡觉smell 闻smile 微笑smoke 烟society 社会soft 软的soil 土壤soldier 士兵spare 抽(时间)、节省speak 说special 特别的speech 演讲、发言speed 速度spend 花费spread 传播、蔓延spring 春天stage 舞台stair 楼梯stand 站standard 标准stare 凝视station 站stay 停留steal 偷stop 停止stop doing sth 停止做某事store 储存、商店storm 暴风雨stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事story 故事stop to do sth 停下来做某事straight 笔直的strange 陌生的、奇怪的stranger 陌生人strict 严格的be strict with 对…严格subject 科目succeed 成功(动)success 成功(名)successful 成功的suffer 遭受suggest 建议supply 提供support 支持suppose 假定sure 肯定的be sure to do sth 一定能做某事make sure 确信surface 表面surprise 惊讶in surprise 惊讶地sweep 打扫swim 游泳take 拿走take a walk/rest 散步、休息take away 拿走take down 记下take off 脱下、起飞take food/medicine 吃饭、吃药take the train/a boat/a bus 乘(车、船)talk 交谈talk of 谈到(某人)talk about 谈到(某事)task 任务teach 教tear 眼泪tear 撕开technique 技术telephone 电话television 电视tell 告诉temperature 温度tense 紧张的、时态5tent 帐篷term 学期、条款terrible 可怕的test 测试have a test 进行测试text 课文theatre 戏院therefore 因此thick 厚的thief 贼thin 薄的think 认为think about 考虑think of 想起throw 扔throw away 扔掉ticket 票tie 系、捆in time 及时have a good time 玩得痛快on time 按时tired 累的today 今天together 一起tomato 西红柿tomorrow 明天too…to 太…不能tooth 牙齿total 总的、全部的touch 碰keep in touch with 和…保持联系tower 塔town 城镇toy 玩具trade 贸易traffic 交通train 火车translate 翻译transport 运输travel 旅行treasure 珍宝treat 对待tree 树trick 计策trip 旅行trouble 麻烦、困难trousers 裤子truck 卡车trust 信任truth 真理、真相try one’s best 尽力turn…into 把…变成turn on/off 打开、关上turn…over 翻到、反复考虑turn to 变成、求助于ugly 丑陋的umbrella 伞uncle 叔叔understand 理解、懂uniform 制服unit 单元、单位unite 联合united 联合的universe 宇宙university 大学unless 除非not…until 直到…才unusual 反常的upstairs 在楼上make use of 利用be used to sth/doing sth 习惯于used to 过去常常useful 有用的usual 通常的usually 通常地vacation 假期valuable 宝贵的value 价值variety 多样various 各种各样的vegetable 蔬菜verb 动词very 很victory 胜利village 村庄visit 参观、访问visitor 参观者voice 声音voyage 航行wait for 等待waiter 服务员waitress 女服务员wake up 醒来have a walk 散步warn 警告waste 浪费watch 手表、观看wave 波浪、招手way 路、方法wealth 财富wear 穿着weather 天气wedding 婚礼weigh 称(重量)weight 重量well-known 著名的whenever 无论何时wherever 无论何地6whether 是否while 当…的时候whole 整个wild 野的willing 乐意的wipe 擦wire 金属线wise 聪明的wish 希望within 在…时间内without 在没有…情况下wonder 感到奇怪wonderful 极好的have a word with sb 和某人说几句话in a word 总之in other words 换句话说at work 正在工作out of work 失业work hard at 刻苦学习work out 设计出、算出world 世界worry about 担忧worse 更糟糕worst 最糟糕be worth doing 值得去做would 将会write 写write down 写下write to 写信给be wrong with 出故障(毛病)yesterday 昨天young 年轻的youth 青年7。
英语词汇学课程简介课程编号: 050244课程名称: 英语词汇学课程名称(英文): English Lexicology适用专业:英语先修课程:综合英语、泛读、写作学时:36学分:2教学层次:本科课程简介: 英语词汇学是为英语专业高年级学生开设的一门英语专业知识课程,其目的在于使学生了解和掌握现代英语词汇现象和规律。
主要参考书目:陆国强,2007,《现代英语词汇学教程》,上海外语教育出版社Lewis, Norman.1978,.Word Power Made Eas. U.S.A林承璋, 2005 ,《英语词汇学引论》, 武汉:武汉大学出版社。
汪榕培,2002, 《现代英语词汇学教程》,上海:上海外语教育出版社。
张维友, 2004, 《英语词汇学教程》,武汉:华中师范大学出版社。
1.What is polysemy?Having multiple meanings that are related.2.What are the two different ways of organising polysemous words? Explain them1)The diachronic approach begins with the primary meaning and then arrangethe other meanings (derived meanings) in the order in which theydeveloped.2)The synchronic approach begins with the most popular meaning (centralmeaning) and then arrange the other meanings (marginal meanings) inorder of popularity.3.What are the two different ways in which polysemy develops? Explain them1)Radiation. Secondary meanings are independent from one another and arederived directly from the primary meaning.2)Concatenation. Secondary meanings are connected and derive from primarymeaning through successive shifts of meaning from one secondary meaningto another.4.What is homonymy?Homonyms are works different in meaning but either identical both in sound or spelling or identical only in sound or spelling.5.Give an example of a perfect homonym, a homophone and a homograph1)perfect homonym 同音同形date日期/date红枣2)homophone 同音异形Knew/new, meet/meat3)homograph 异音同形record(v.)/record(n.)6.Give an example of the rhetorical use of homonymyHi Jack (你好杰克)– hijack(打劫)7.What is the difference between polysemy and homonymy? Give an example toillustrate the difference1)Polysemy is about connection of meanings. Book can mean a book as in “Ibook a hotel room”. The second meaning is related to read a book”, and “Ithe first one because in the past hotel staff will write the customers’information on a book when reserving a room.2)homonymy is about form. Lie can mean not being honest or being in ahorizontal position. These two meanings have the same form but noconnection.8.Classify the following pairs of antonyms into complementaries (binaries),contraries (gradable) or converses (relational). Explain why1)Good/bad, contraries2)odd/even, complementaries3)above/below, converses4)clean/dirty, contraries5)remember/forget, complementaries?6)old/young, contraries7)before/after, converses9.What is hyponymy? Give an exampleThe meaning of a more specific word is included in that of a more general word.例Flower is the superordinate term, rose is the subordinate term.10.What is synonymy?Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but nearly or exactly alike in essential meaning.11.What is the difference between absolute and near (relative) synonyms?1)Absolute synonyms – interchangeable in every way2)Near synonyms – similar in denotation but have different shades of meaningor different degrees of a given quality.12.What are some of the reasons why synonyms exist?1)Borrowing from other languages2)Dialects and regional English3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions13.What are some of the factors that discriminate between relative synonyms? Useexamples1)Range of meaning. “timid” is more extensive because it can be used todescribe the state of mind at a time and the disposition, but “timorous” onlydescribe the disposition.2)Degree of intensity. A “wealthy” person has much more money than a“rich” person.3)Differences in stylistic features. “ask” is used commonly and tend to becolloquial. “question” is more formal.14.(The development of English) What was the language spoken in the British Islesbefore English? How was English introduced?Celtic. Germanic tribe invaded and settled after Roman. They brought their own culture. It was called Anglo-saxon (the name of two tribes) and also called old English.15.What are the three phases of the English language and what were their timeperiods? What events marked the transition of one phase to another?a)Old English (450 - 1150) ——Norman conquest from France in 1066, butthe real development of middle English started in the 12th century becausethe ruling class spoke Anglo French and the peasants spoke Anglo-Saxon so it took quite a long time for them to intermix.b)Middle English (1150 - 1500) ——during Renaissance there was anexplosion of information and knowledge about Ancient Greece and Roman.People stated to read so ideas spread. Greek and Latin words startedentering English. Besides, printing was invented, more can read and writebooks.c)Modern English (1500 – present)16.Over its history, English has evolved from a highly inflected language to a nearlynon-inflected language. What is the difference? Give an example of inflection in EnglishInflection means to modify a word to indicate grammatical relations. A lot ofwords in a highly inflected language have ending or form changes in order toshow its grammatical function. But a weakly inflected language has fewerchanges. As English developed, it has changed from a highly infected language toa weekly one.17.What are the most important languages that English has borrowed from? Why?1)French – Norman conquest2)Latin – Renaissance, a lot of Latin book were translated into English3)Scandinavia – Vikings (9 century) influenced old English18.What is the difference between a Content Word and a Functional word? Give anexample of each.?Content words are those are about something. 例nation, earth.?Functional words are those used to express relations. 例the, and.19.Explain two properties of Basic words and give examples1)Productivity. Basic words are very productive because thet are mostly rootwords or monosyllabic words. They can be used alone and are often used toform now words with other roots and affixes. 例foot-football-footprint2)Many basic words take part in a number of set expressions. 例heart- by- lose heartheart –from the bottom of one’s heart20.What is a denizen word? Give an exampleDenizens are words that were borrowed a long time ago, they look and soundlike a native word.例‘pork’ from the French ‘porc’21.What is an alien word? Give an exampleAliens are borrowed words which have kept their original pronunciation andspelling.例café , fiancée22.What is a translation loan? Give an exampleTranslation loans a re words and expressions formed from existing material inthe English language but tranlate the meaning or the sound from anotherlanguage.例‘black humour’ from the French ‘humour noir’例‘tea’ from the Chinese23.What is a semantic loan? Give an exampleSemantic loans a re where a word already exists in native English but borrows anew meaning from another language.例‘dumb’ has come to mean ‘stupid’ because of the German word ‘dumm’24.(The structure of Words) What is a morpheme?A morpheme is the minimal meaningful unit of language.25.What is the difference between a morpheme and a morph??Morpheme is about meaning.?Morph is about shape and sound.Morphemes are abstract, and are realized in speech by morphs.26.What is the difference between a bound morpheme and a free morpheme? Givean example of each kind of morpheme1)Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 例dis-,mis-.2)Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. 例man,dog.27.What is the difference between a derivational morpheme and an inflectionalmorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Derivational morphemes can derive new words. 例football, slowlycreate new words and just indicate syntactic2)Inflectional morphemes don’trelationships. 例-ed, -ing, -er, -est, -s28.What is the difference between a content morpheme and a grammaticalmorpheme? Give an example of each kind of morpheme1)Content morphemes have content and can be used to derive new words. =derivational morphemes.2)Grammatical morphemes are grammatical markers, including Inflectionalmorphemes & free morphemes. 例while, where, they29.What is an affix?An affix is a form that are attached to words to modify meaning or function. 30.What is the difference between a derivational and an inflectional affix? Give anexample of each1)Inflectional affix do not create new words, and indicate syntacticrelationships between words. 例–ed, talked2)Derivational affix derive new words. 例–less, careless. non-, non-smoker.31.What is a root? Give an exampleA root is a word element that contains the main component of meaning in aword. It is that part of a word that remains when all affixes have been removed.例:internationalists → nation Impracticality → pratice32.What is a stem? Give an exampleA stem is that part of the word form that remains when all inflectional affixeshave been removed.例:internationalists → nationalistsUndesirables → desirable33.What is a base? Give an exampleA base is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.例:possible, understand34.(Word Formation)What is blending?the combination of parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word.35.Give an example of blending and explain how the word has been formedSmog=smoke+fog36.What is clipping?a part of the original word is removed.37.Give an example of clipping and explain how the word has been formedExam-examination38.What is acronymy?new words are formed by joining the initial letters of composite namesor phrases39.Give an example of an initialism and explain how the word is formedInitialism ——pronounced letter by letter. 例:BBC,CCTV40.Give an example of a true acronym and explain how the word is formedTrue acronym ——pronounced as a normal word. 例:NATO, AIDS41.What is the commonization of a proper name? Give an exampleWords come from proper names. 例“rugby” from “Rugby School”, where itwas first played.42.What are the three most productive ways of forming new words in the Englishlanguage?Affixation, compounding, conversion.43.What is affixation? Give an exampleThe formation of new words by adding word-forming or derivationalaffixes to bases.44.What is compounding? Give an exampleThe forming of new words by joining two or more bases. 例hot dog, blueprint45.Give an example of the use of a conversion prefix (a prefix that you add tosomething that changes word class) and explain the shift in word classCage (n.) uncage(v.)46.Give an example of the use of a noun suffix ( a suffix that you add to somethingto produce a noun) and explain the shift in word classDance(v.) dancer(n.)47.Give an example of the use of an adjective suffix and explain the shift in wordclassChild(n.) childish(adj.)48.Give an example of the use of a verb suffix and explain the shift in word classShort(adj.) shorten(v.)49.What differences typically exist between a compound and its matching freephrase? Give an example1)Phonological features. In compounds the word stress usually occur on thefirst constituent whereas in free phrases this generally falls on the second.例fat head复合词fat head短语2)Semantic features. A compound expresses a single idea. 例hot dog3)Grammatical features. A compound tends to behave as single grammaticalunits such as a verb, noun, or adjective. 例’bad-mouth’ used as a verb50.(Meanings)What is a ‘referent’?The object or idea to which a word or phrase refers. It is arbitrary andconventional.?51.What is a ‘concept’Concept is the totality of real world knowledge about an item.52.What is the relation between ‘word’, ‘concept’ and ‘referent’?A word symbolizes a concept, a concept refers to a referent, a word stands for areferent. 【Words are connected to their referent via a concept.】53.54.What is ‘sense’?The realization of a concept by a definite language system.55.How would you describe the difference between a word whose meaning ismotivated and a word whose meaning is u nmotivated?See if there is connection between linguistic symbol and its meaning.56.What is onomatopoeic motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationSome words are created by imitating the natural sounds. 例ha ha57.58.What is morphological motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationCompounds and derived words are multi-morphemic and the meanings of many of them are the meanings of the morphemes combined. 例airmail, hopeful59.60.What is semantic motivation? Give an example and explain its motivationThe meaning is based on an association with the conceptual meaning of a word.例the mouth of the river.61.How would you describe the difference between conceptual meaning andassociative meaning???Conceptual meaning is meaning as it is given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning. The same word generally has the sameconceptual meaning to all the speakers in the same speech community?Associative meaning is secondary meaning supplemental to conceptual meaning. It can be influenced by a range of factors including culture, education, religion, experience, geographical region and so on62.What is connotative meaning? Give an exampleassociations that a word has that is suggested by its conceptual meaning例mother- love, care, forgiving63.What is stylistic meaning? Give an examplestylistic properties that make them appropriate for different styles.例child is formal, kid is informal. Father is formal, papa is informal.64.What is affective meaning? Give an example of pejorative and appreciativemeaningthe speaker’s attitude towards the person orthing in question例the country is backward. (pejorative) the country is developing.(appreciative) 65.What is collocative meaning? Give an exampleassociations a word acquires on account of the meanings of words which tend to occur in its environment’例tremble with fear; quiver with excitement.。
英语本科阶段语言学词汇整理一、语言和语言学1、语言的区别性特征:Design of features of language任意性arbitrariness 指语言符号和它代表的意义没有天然的联系二重性duality 指语言由两层结构组成创造性creativity 指语言可以被创造移位性displacement 指语言可以代表时间和空间上不可及的物体、时间、观点2、语言的功能(不是很重要)信息功能informative人际功能interpersonal施为功能performative感情功能emotive function寒暄功能phatic communication娱乐功能recreational function元语言功能metalingual function3、语言学主要分支语音学phonetics 研究语音的产生、传播、接受过程,考查人类语言中的声音音位学phonology 研究语音和音节结构、分布和序列形态学morphology 研究词的内部结构和构词规则句法学syntax 研究句子结构,词、短语组合的规则语义学semantics 不仅关心字词作为词汇的意义,还有语言中词之上和之下的意义。
如语素和句子的意义语用学pragmatics 在语境中研究意义4、宏观语言学macrolingustics心理语言学psycholinguistics 社会语言学sociolinguistics 人类语言学anthropological li nguistics 计算机语言学computational linguistics5语言学中的重要区别规定式和描写式:规定式:prescriptive说明事情应该是怎么样的描写式:descriptive 说明事情本来是怎么样的共时研究和历时研究:共时:synchronic 研究某个特定时期语言历时:diachronic 研究语言发展规律语言和言语:语言:langue指语言系统的整体言语:parole指具体实际运用的语言语言能力和语言运用:乔姆斯基(chomsky提出)能力:competence用语言的人的语言知识储备运用:performance 真实的语言使用者在实际中的语言使用二、语音学1、语音学分支发音语音学articulatory phonetics研究语言的产生声学语言学acoustic phonetics 研究语音的物理属性听觉语音学auditory phonetics 研究语言怎样被感知2 IPA(国际音标)是由daniel Jones琼斯提出的三、音位学1、最小对立体minimal pairs2、音位phoneme3 音位变体allophones4 互补分布complementary distribution5 自由变体free variation6 区别特征distinctive features7 超音段特征suprasegmental feature音节syllable 重音stress 语调tone 声调intonation四形态学1 词的构成语素morpheme 自由语素free morpheme 粘着语素bound morphemeRoot 词根词缀affix 词干stem屈折词汇和派生词汇inflectional affix and derivational affix2特有的词汇变化lexical change proper新创词语invention 混拼词blending 缩写词abbreviation首字母缩写词acronym 逆构词汇back-formation例:editor—edit类推构词analogiacal creation 例:work-worked,,slay-slayed外来词borrowing五句法学1 范畴category 数number 性gender 格case 时tense 体aspect一致关系concord 支配关系govenrment2 结构主义学派the structure approach组合关系syntagmatic relation词和词组合在一起聚合关系paradigmatic 具有共同的语法作用的词聚在一起结构和成分construction and constituents :句子不仅是线性结构liner structure还是层级结构hierarchical structure (句子或短语被称为结构体,而构成句子或短语即结构体的称为成分)3直接成分分析法immediate constitutional analysis指把句子分成直接成分-短语,再把这些短语依次切分,得到下一集直接成分,这样层层切分,直到不能再分4向心结构和离心结构endocentric and exocentric constructions 向心:指一个结构中有中心词,例an old man ,中心为man离心:指结构中没有明显的中心词。
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➢All the meanings are indepenn all be traced back to the central meaning.
Take head for example:
the head of the school, six pence per head, the head of a page, to come to a head, to lose one’s head, six head of cattle
➢ The first meaning is the primary meaning. Later meanings are called derived meanings.
➢Synchronic approach共时研究方法
Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同 一个词可以拥有许多不同的意义。
• However, when a word is first coined, it is always monosemic. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings. The result is polysemy. But how does a word acquire new meanings? In what way are the meanings related to one another?
• The word treacle is an illustrative example: (1) wild beast;
Two Approaches to Polysemy
• The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach.
➢ The basic meaning of a word is called the central meaning. The derived meanings are secondary in comparison.
2. Two processes of development
1) Radiation辐射型
• Polysemy is a common feature peculiar to all natural languages. This is particularly true of highly developed languages like English. In modern English, an overwhelming majority of words are polysemous. There are words that have two or three senses, and the most commonly used ones can have as many as over a hundred.
Though these senses have little in common, they all derive from special application of the central idea of head as a part of the body.
2) Concatenation连锁型
1. Two approaches to polysemy
➢Diachronic approach历时研究方法 It is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word。
2) Concatenation连锁型
1) Radiation辐射型
➢Semantically, radiation is the process which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.
5.1 Polysemy
• Polysemy means that one single word has two or more senses at the same time.
• The bulk of English words are polysemantic; one –meaning words are rare and are mainly scientific terms such as hydrogen, molecule, and so on.