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1. 语法一致原则

Both my parents are doctors. 我的父母都是医生。

The living-room walls are a light yellow. 客厅的墙是淡黄色。

Her job is teaching French. 她的工作是教法语。

The location of the house is near the highway. 房子的地点靠近公路。

2. 意义一致原则

This news is important for us. 这条消息对我们很重要。

Paris is among the largest cities in the world. 巴黎是世界上最大的城市之一。

The thesis was about a hundred and fifty pages long. 论文有一百五十页长。

Less people are going to university than usual. 现在上大学的人比平时少。


1. 形式上虽为单数,但意义为复数名词,如the police, people, cattle等作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如:Cattle eat grass. 牛吃草。The police were called in. 警察被召来了。

注:people 作“民族”解时,其单数形式为people,复数形式为peoples,作主语时,应用语法一致原则。如:The Chinese people is a great people. 中华民族是一个伟大的民族。

56 peoples make up the big family of China. 56个民族构成中国这个大家庭。

2. 主语是指一类人的“the+形容词(或过去分词)”时,谓语动词通常用复数,这类词有:the brave, the poor, the rich, the blind, the young, the old, the sick, the dead, the deaf and dumb, the oppressed, the injured, the wounded, the unemployed等。另外,像the Chinese, the British, the Irish等表示一个国家或民族的人的总称,作主语时,谓语动词也用复数。如:

The injured were taken to hospital. 受伤的人都送进了医院。

The English do not drink much wine. 英国人不喝很多酒。

A.The + 形容词指人做主语时,谓语动词一般用第三人称复数形式。如:

(1) The poor were usually looked down upon by the rich. 过去,穷人常被富人瞧不起。

(2) The wounded have been taken good care of in the hospital. 伤员在医院受到了很好的照护。B.The + 形容词指抽象概念做主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如:

The decayed has been thrown away. 腐烂的东西已经被扔掉了。

3. 形式上为复数,而意义上却是单数的名词,如news, mathematics, physics,politics, economics及以s结尾的书名、国名等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:

Mathematics is the language of science. 数学是科学语言。

His “Selected Poems”was first published in 1965. 他的诗歌选集最早是1965年出版的。3. 就近原则

Either you or I am wrong. 不是你错了就是我错了。

Neither the students nor the teacher is interested in it. 老师和学生对此都不感兴趣。


1. 连词or, not…but…, either…or…, neither…nor…, not only…but also…等连接的并列主语,谓语动词的数与靠近它的主语一致。如:

Not his parents but he doesn’t want to go. 是他的父母亲不想去而不是他不想去。

Neither you nor I am a stranger here. 你和我都不是刚来这里。

Does neither he nor his classmates know the secret? 他和他的同学都不知道这个密秘?

2. 当there be后有两个或几个并列的主语时,be的数由与其靠得最近的那个主语一致。如:There is an apple, two pears and some oranges on the plate. 盘子里有一个苹果,两个梨子和一些桔子。

There are two pears, some oranges and an apple on the plate. 盘子里有两个梨子,一些桔子和一个苹果。


1. 代词做主语

C.主语是:who, what, which, all, more, most, some, any, none, the rest, the remainder时,谓语动词的形式须依具体情况而定。如:

(1) Who’s the girl over there? 那边的那个女孩是谁?

(2) Who are the boys playing games there? 在那里做游戏的男孩子是哪些人?

(3) What’s this? 这是什么?(4) What are those? 哪些是什么?

(5) Which is yours? 哪一个是你的?(6) Which are children’s? 哪一些是孩子们的?


1. 单数型:someone, anyone, no one, everyone, something, nothing等复合不定代词作主语,谓语用单数;either, neither, each, little, much 等不定代词作主语时,谓语也用单数。如:Nothing is yet certain. 一切都还没有肯定。

Neither was satisfactory. 两者都不使人满意。

No one goes to the school during the vacation. 假期时没人到学校去。

2. both, few, several, many作主语:此时谓语要用复数。如:

Few of them are any good. 它们没有几个有用。

Many have given their lives in the cause of truth. 为了真理许多人献出了生命。

3. all 作主语:若指人,谓语用复数;若指事物或现象,谓语通常用单数。如:

All are equal before the law. 法律面前,人人平等。

All is well that ends well. 结局好一切都好。

注:若all 后修饰有其他名词或接有“of+名词”,则其谓语与其中名词的数保持一致。

All (of) the money is mine. 所有这些钱都是我的。

All (of) his friends are poor. 他所有的朋友都很穷。

4. none (of) 作主语:若指不可数名词,谓语用单数;若指复数可数名词,谓语可用单数(较正式)或复数(非正式)。如:

None of the rooms are ready. 房间一个也没准备好。

None of this milk can be used. 这牛奶一点都不能用了。

None of the telephones is [are] working. 没有一部电话中是好的。

注:neither, none做主语时,口语中或非正式文字中,谓语动词通常用复数,正式的书面语中用单数。如:

Are/Is neither of the teams playing this week? 这个星期两个队中有哪一个队要进行比赛?None of them has/have been to the Great Wall. 他们中没有一个人去过长城。


5. the rest 作主语:指不可数名词时谓语用单数,指可数名词时谓语用复数。如:

The rest of the money is yours. 剩余的钱归你。

The rest are arriving later. 其他人稍候就到。

2. 名词做主语

A. 一般说来,不可数名词及可数名词的单数做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。如:

(1) Water is necessary for living things. 水对于生物来说是必须的。
