Unit 1●翻译:(黑体的汉字表示与教师用书不同,斜体的汉字表示重点翻译不要遗漏)pass ion, wisdom, altruis m, insight, creativ ity—sometim es only the trialsof adversitycan fosterthese qualities, because sometim es only drastic situations can force us to take on the painful process of change. (Para.6)慈悲、智慧、无私、洞察力及创造力——有时只有经历逆境的考验才能培育这些品质,因为有时只有极端的情形才能迫使我们去承受痛苦的改变过程。
2.In that moment, our sense of invulne rabili ty is pierced, and the self-protect ive mentalarmorthat normall y standsbetween us and our percept ions of the world is torn away. (Para.12) 在事情发生的那一瞬间,我们的安全感被冲破了,平时处于我们与我们对世界的种种看法之间的自我保护的精神盔甲被剥离了。
3.They say that materia l ambitio ns suddenly seem silly and the pleasur es of friends and familyparamou nt—and that the crisisallowed them to recognize in line with their new priorit ies.(Para.14)他们说物质追求突然间变得很无聊,而朋友和家庭带来的快乐变得极为重要,他们还说危机使他们能够按照这些新的优先之事来重新认识生活。
Unit 1Ghosts for Tea' Ten pence for a view over the bay' . said the old man with the telescope.'Lovely clear morning. Have a look at the old lighthouse and the remains of the great shipwreck of 1935.'Ten pence was sheer robbery, but the view was certainly magnificent.Cliffs stretched into the distance, sparkling waves whipped by the wind were unrolling on to the beach,and a few yachts,with creamy-white sails, were curving and dodging gracefully on the sea . Just below,a flock of seagulls were screaming at one another as they twisted and glided over the water. A mile out to sea, the old lighthouse stood on a stone platform on the rocks, which were being greedily licked by the waves. In no way indeed did I grudge my money. As I directed the telescope towards the lighthouse, the man beside me tapped my wrist.' Have you heard about the terrible tragedy that occurred there in that lighthouse?' he asked in a hushed whisper.'I imagine there may be plenty of legends attached to such a dramatic-looking place' , I suggested.'It's no legend' , declared the old man. 'My father knew the two men involved.lt all took place fifty years ago to-day. Let me tell you.His voice seemed to grow deeper and more dramatic.'For a whole week that lighthouse had been isolated by storms' , he began, 'with terrifying seas surging and crashing over the rocks. People on shore were anxious about the two men working there. They'd been on the best of terms until two or three weeks before, when they had quarrelled over cards in the village inn. Martin had accused Blake of cheating. Blake had vowed to avenge the insult to his honour. But thanks to the wise advice of a man they both respected, they apologised to each other, and soon seemed to have got over their disagreement. But some slight resentment and bitterness remained. and it was feared that the strain of continued isolation and rough weather might affect their nerves, though, needless to say, their friends had no idea how serious the consequences would be.'Fifty years ago to-night,no light appeared in the tower, and only at two o'clock in the morning did the beam suddenly start to flash out its warning again.'The next morning the light was still visible. The storm had almost blown itself out, so a relief boat set out to investigate. A grim discovery awaited the crew . The men's living-room was in a horrifying state. The table was over-turned: a pack of playing cards was scattered everywhere: bloodstains splashed the floor. The relief men climbed the winding stair to the lantern room and there discoveredMartin's body, crouched beside the burning lamp. He had been stabbed and was dead. Two days later, Blake's body was washed up. scratched, bruised, and terribly injured.' Only then could we really start guessing what had happened. This great tragedy could only have been due to a renewal of their quarrel. Bored and depressed as a result of their isolation, Martin and Blake must have started to play cards. Again suspecting cheating, Martin had accused his former friend of dishonesty; a fight had broken out and Blake had seized his knife. In a fit of madness he had attacked his companion, who had fallen mortally wounded. Then, appalled by what he had done, the loneliness, the battering of wind and waves, Blake had rushed to the parapet and flung himself on to the rocks below, where the sea had claimed him.'But Martin was still alive. Hours later, after darkness had fallen, he had recovered consciousness. He remembered his job of lighting the lamp; suffering intense pain, the poor wretch crawled slowly up the winding staircase, dragging himself from step to step till he got to the lantern. At his last ' gasp he managed to light this before finally collapsing.'For years afterwards it was said that the lighthouse was haunted, and, owing to these stories, they didn't have any applicants for the job of lighthouse-keeper from among the superstitious local inhabitants. And now they say that on every anniversary of that day, especially when the sea is rough, you can stand in the living-room, hear the cards failing and the sound of angry cries, see the flash of a blade,and then glimpse a figure rushing to the parapet. And then you hear the slow dragging of a body from step to step towards the room above.'The old man paused and I turned to go.'By the way' , he added, 'have you any free time this afternoon? If so, why don't you have teain the lighthouse? We are putting on a special boat trip to-day. We're charging a pound. And my brother, who bought the old lighthouse when they built the new one just on the point, can serve very good teas there - included in the price of the boat trip - a bargain, considering the problem of obtaining the food. And if you are at all sensitive to the supernatural, you're likely to have an unusual, perhaps an uncanny experience there.I eyed him appreciatively. 'You're wasting your talents' , I said. 'You should have been a fiction writer. ''You don't believe it? exclaimed the old man indignantly.'I'd find it a job,' I answered. ' My father, Henry Cox, started as keeper of that lighthouse fifty- two years ago, and he and Jim Dowley, now retired on a pension, were in charge for ten years. Come and see my dad one day with that tale; he'd enjoy it' .But the old man had already turned his attention to a more likely client.Google翻译:“10便士比湾景”。
Unit1 从能力到责任[全文翻译]1 当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。
2 最终而言,大学教育素质的衡量取决于毕业生是否愿意为他们所处的社会和赖以生存的城市作出贡献。
5 类似的一头雾水的感觉,公众曾经尝试过。
研究生英语读说写1课文翻译一、A Working Community5、None of us, mind you, was born into these communities. Nor did we move into them, U-Hauling our possessions along with us. None has papers to prove we are card-carrying members of one such group or another. Y et it seems that more and more of us are identified by work these days, rather than by street.值得一提的是,我们没有谁一出生就属于这些社区,也不是后来我们搬了进来。
6、In the past, most Americans live in neighborhoods. W e were members of precincts or parishes or school districts. My dictionary still defines communtiy, first of all in geographic terms, as ―a body of people who live in one place.‖过去大多数彼邻而居的美国人彼此是同一个街区、教区、校区的成员。
7、But today fewer of us do our living in that one place; more of us just use it for sleeping. Now we call our towns ―bedroom suburbs,‖ and many of us, without small children as icebr eakers, would have trouble naming all the people on our street.然而,如今的情况是居住和工作都在同一个地方的人极少,对更多的人来说家成了一个仅仅用来睡觉的地方。
Unit 1●翻译:(黑体的汉字表示与教师用书不同,斜体的汉字表示重点翻译不要遗漏)passion, wisdom, altruism, insight, creativity—sometimes only the trials of adversity canfoster these qualities, because sometimes only drastic situations can force us to take on the painful process of change. (Para.6)慈悲、智慧、无私、洞察力及创造力——有时只有经历逆境的考验才能培育这些品质,因为有时只有极端的情形才能迫使我们去承受痛苦的改变过程。
2.In that moment, our sense of invulnerability is pierced, and the self-protective mental armorthat normally stands between us and our perceptions of the world is torn away. (Para.12) 在事情发生的那一瞬间,我们的安全感被冲破了,平时处于我们与我们对世界的种种看法之间的自我保护的精神盔甲被剥离了。
toto put aside their personal pleasure in order to care for the baby.Unit 4●翻译:1.Immersing myself in a book or a lengthy article used to be easy. My mind would get caughtup in the narrative or the turns of the argument, and I’d spend hours strolling th rough long stretches of prose. (Para.1)过去总是不费什么劲儿就能让自己沉浸在一本书或者一篇长文章中,被其中的叙述或不同的论点深深吸引。
You need to help them indentify you as a prospective “key player〞.你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。
Trait 1: The selfless collaborator特征1:无私的合作者John Fetzer, career consultant and chemist, first suggested this trait,职业参谋和化学家约翰·费策尔最早提出了这个特征。
which has already been written about a great deal.It deserves repeating because it is the single most public difference between academia and industry.它之所以值得被反复谈及,是因为这一特征是学术界和企业间最明显的差异。
“It's teamwork,〞says Fetzer.“这里需要合作,〞费策尔说,“The business environment is less lone-wolf and competitive.“企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,so signs of being collaborative and selfless stand out.所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。
You just can't succeed in an industry environment without this mindset.〞在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。
〞Many postdocs and grad students have a tough time showing that they can make this transition许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现得相当费力。
早在深水地平线钻机自爆前的很多年,BP 作为一家石油公司为了省钱甘冒安全的风险就已经声名狼藉。
2005 年得克萨斯州炼油厂爆炸中有15 名工人丧生。
就连乔巴顿,对全球变暖持怀疑态度,来自得克萨斯州的共和党众议员,都谴责BP 管理人员“对安全和环境问题表现得漠不关心。
BP 的管理人员在估计似乎不太可能发生、但一旦发生却会带来巨大损失的事件真正会发生的机会时,犯了一个可怕的错误。
也许理解这一点最简单的方法就是思考一下BP 高管们如今的想法。
显然,考虑到清理费用和对BP 声誉的影响,高管们真希望可以回到过去,多花些钱让深水地平线更安全。
尽管针对BP 高管的所有批评可能都是他们应得的,但是他们绝不是唯一艰难应对这种低概率、高成本事件的人。
硕士研究生英语教程课文翻译(精选5篇)第一篇:硕士研究生英语教程课文翻译Unit 1愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义。
Unit 1 对F的赞美1今年将有好几万的十八岁青年毕业,他们都将被授予毫无意义的文凭。
UNIT11. Recently, one of us had the opportunity to speak with a medical student about a research rotation that the student was planning to do. She would be working with Dr. Z, who had given her the project of writing a paper for which he had designed the protocol, collected the data, and compiled the results. The student was to do a literature search and write the first draft of the manuscript. For this she would become first author on the final publication. When concerns were raised about the proposed project, Dr. Z was shocked. "l thought I was doing her a favor," he said innocently, "and besides, I hate writing!"2. Dr. Z is perhaps a bit naive. Certainly, most researchers would know that the student's work would not merit first authorship. They would know that "gift" authorship is not an acceptable research practice. However, an earlier experience in our work makes us wonder. Several years ago, in conjunction with the grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Pott Secondary Education (FIPSE), a team of philosophers and scientists at Dartmouth College 2 ran a University Seminar series for faculty on the topic "Ethical Issues in scientific Research."At one seminar, a senior researcher (let's call him Professor R) argued a similar position to that of Dr. Z. In this case Professor R knew that "gift" authorship, authorship without a significant research contribution, was an unacceptable research practice. However, he had a reason to give authorship to his student.The student had worked for several years on a project suggested by him and the project had yielded to publishable data. Believing that he had a duty to the student to ensure a publication, Professor R had given the student some data that he himself had collected and told the student to write it up. The student had worked hard, he said, albeit on another project, and the student would do the writing. Thus, he reasoned, the authorship was not a "gift."3. These two stories point up a major reason for encouraging courses in research ethics: Good intentions do not necessarily result in ethical decisions. Both of the faculty members in the above scenarios "meant well." In both cases, the faculty members truly believed that what they were doing was morally acceptable. In the first case, Dr. Z's indefensible error was that he was unaware of the conventions of the field.In particular, he seemed blissfully oblivious to the meaning of first authorship. In the second case, Professor R was do ng what he thought best for the student without taking into consideration that moral. ty is a public system and that his actions with regard to a single student have public consequences for the practice of science as a profession.4. Well-meaning scientists, such as those just mentioned, can, with the best of intentions, make unethical decisions. In some cases, such decisions may lead individuals to become embroiled in cases of 1. 最近,我们当中的一员有机会与一名医科学生谈论她正计划要做的一个实验室轮转项目。
Unit 5研究生英语课文翻译
![Unit 5研究生英语课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/125254c9aa00b52acfc7caa9.png)
Unit 5 Text1Lincoln in History1.The annals of the past contain few accounts of truly good men. Historians are more used to analyzing a mixture of ingredients, good and bad intentions, success and failure, high endeavors threatened by flaws in execution, and to balance out the sums ending with a careful plus or minus.过去的那些历史,对伟人的描述不多。
2.Lincoln is rare in providing much for history to ponder and reflect on but little to dispute with except in the shortcomings in the execution of his policies. He is the rarer for his absolute success through four years of bitter politics and bloody warfare.He sought power, without pretending otherwise, and exercised it to the full. But he is singular, perhaps unique in history, in that he was never corrupted by power. His ambition was tied not to personal gain but to a pair of succeeding and complementary principles; to restore a nation dedicated to the proposition that “all men are created equal” and to ensure that a union so recovered was purged of the great contradiction which had lain at the heart of its constitution.林肯提供给历史来思考的地方不多,除了在他执政过程中的一些缺憾,没有让人争论的东西。
【免费下载】研究生英语综合教程下册1 5课文及翻译
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研究生英语综合教程下册1-5课文及翻译Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness1 Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the better.Their refrain might go something like this: "I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm a better person for it." 飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。
”2 We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide type of psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There seems to be a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive responses to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest.In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives subsequently in some ways improved.我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。
UNIT ONE TEXT A The Belly Burden1.因特网是一个互动网络,客户在因特网上能发布消息、参加讨论、进行投票或者聊天。
(release)Internet is an interactive network on which the customers can release news, join in discussion, and perform voting or even chatting.2.与我原先的想法相反,这家跨国公司的气氛一点都不令人愉快。
(contrary to)Contrary to what I had thought, the atmosphere of the multinational company was not easy and enjoyable at all.3.经过几天仔细的调查后,联邦调查局特工人员发现一切证据都表明他犯有谋杀罪(point to)After several days’investigation, FBI agents found all the evidence pointed to his committinga murder.4.2004年,中国政府采取了大量放缓经济增速的措施,并对钢铁行业加以关注(a raft of)In 2004, the government introduced a raft of measures to slow the economy and paid special attention to the steel sector.5.我们的目的是探讨对大学生进行艾滋病教育的有效方式,为研究适合我国高校的艾滋病教育模式提供参考(explore)Our objective is to explore an effective way of AIDS education for college students, and to provide reference for AIDS education model in colleges in China.腹部的累赘新的研究指出,腰围尺寸是更好的健康预报因素。
研究生英语2课文翻译【研究生英语2课文】How to deal with complimentsH. Allen SmithAlthough I am sure that beards can make me more distinguished, walk on the street would make women laugh, but I'm from a beard, the reasonis that I did not dare to adventure, because even if a little beard also is very dangerous, it will attract other people's compliment. For example, if a woman comes up to me and says, "your beard is the most charming," I will be at a loss and I will not know what to say. I might panic and blurt out, "I like your beard, too."In social intercourse, it is much more difficult to cope with compliments than to deal with insults. It sounds paradoxical, but there is some truth in it. When it comes to small talk, most of us are at a loss. For example, when someone said a nice compliment and a compliment, we were too nervous to say anything, and our knees started to shake.I simply can't accept it if others praise it for something that is not really my own. My family lived on a hill overlooking a wide valley. The visitor exclaimed, "heavens! What a beautiful view you have here! The whole valley was there, not mine, nor mine. But I smirked and said, "oh, nothing - nothing but the land of the past."When I accept this particular compliment, the best way to say it is "well, we like it." This answer must be carefully guarded. To say "we like" something, the implication is that many others find it annoying. Not long ago, when I was with a group of people, one of them, a geophysicist from Australia, was gushing about the wonders of the universe. "The earth we live in," he said, "is a remarkable, lively, spinning planet composed of some incredible wonders." Then there was a long pause. At this time, a woman attracted by his extremely exaggerated compliment said, "well, we like this earth." I think it's wrong to take a negative and demeaning attitude to flattery. "What a beautiful dress! "Your friend praised. 'oh, such old clothes! "You answered. This scenario is very similar to the one I mentioned above. You have no right to be ashamed or annoyed when someone compliments your gown -- unless it happens to be your own. If you say so, "I bought it in the basement ofthe maisie mall and another woman in a scramble," you might feel better. Or "my husband picked it for me," and that's fine.I know a man who has been studying this problem, and he has come up with a way to avoid the praise of others. He adopted an unconscionable realism. One night I overheard a woman say to him, "your shoulders are so powerful!" He answered, without blinking an eye: "three-quarters of the water. Three quarters of my body is water, so I have three quarters of my shoulders water. Anything that has three quarters of water is actually not going to be powerful." The kind woman murmured, frowning away. I think there's a problem with the way this guy answers.Many of us try to use wisecracking to deal with flattery. For example, someone said enthusiastically, "smell your name." "I don'tthink it's a good name," was the standard answer. This witty response should be placed in government regulations. It might horrify me, because I'm not a wisecrack. I recently heard a young man praising a girl who said she was like a star Greta garbo. "Flattery will get you everywhere," she replied. I think that's a pretty good answer. But there is a real repartee in the hundreds of thousands of responses. Only people like dorothy parker or George kaufman can handle it.Artists and writers face a particular problem. When a new car comes down, the person in charge can bring outside people in, point to the car and say, "isn't she pretty?" The person who paints, the person whowrites the book or the composer cannot do that. "Said the friend of the poet proffer." prover, the sonnet you wrote last time, is wonderful and rhyming." In fact, prover was perfectly in agreement with his friends, but he could not say so. "Well, actually," he objected, "you know very well that the last six lines don't rhyme."As the author of a pile of books, I sometimes face this situation. Someone would say, "I think it's interesting that your new book." I should be able to answer, "oh, I'm glad someone likes it"-- I was having a hard time writing." "Or," I think it's a good book too." But I can't say that. In fact, an unwritten rule of the author makes me say, "you must be a poor man of literature."I have turned to my children for tips on how to deal with compliments. Too little children can help. For example, say to a little boy, "oh, you're so cute!" How did he react? He would run around the house, his tongue sticking out of his mouth, and his eyes would rollaround, showing a threatening look. I can do this too, but I don't think it's socially acceptable. Or try to compliment a little girl, "what a beautiful dress you have!" You marvel. She immediately raised her skirt to show her petticoat, then she lifted the petticoat to show you the best look of her underwear. It doesn't work in adult society.I thought for a moment that the spanish-speaking people in the world were the best at rhetoric, and perhaps they could learn something from them. You say to one of them, "I've never seen such a beautiful house before," and he immediately replied, "you're going to be a little bit more handsome." You're standing there, embarrassed. It's no use going back to them - no matter what they say, they always have the upper hand.One thing is clear: in all decent social situations, it is essential to stay calm. Elisa peleg wrote one of the earliest books on etiquettein the United States. She tells a story in her book that clarifies the importance of keeping calm. It was at an elegant dinner in New England, when the goose, when the master cut the goose, slipped off the plate and landed on the dress of a lady. If I meet this situation, I will feel extremely embarrassed, I will secretly find a rope to hang. But the master was as cool as a cucumber. He said in a very calm and dignified manner, "madam, you will give me the goose, and I will be very grateful." Our social life would be much more interesting if we were able to maintain our manners and get rid of our awkwardness.If we keep this in mind, we'll be more calm: whenever someone compliments you, he probably just wants to talk to you. The only sensible answer is that eight little letters form two neat little words: Thank you!【翻译】如何应对恭维H·艾伦·史密斯尽管我确信蓄胡子会使我更加气度不凡,走在大街上会使女性发笑,但我从不留胡子,原因是我不敢冒险,因为哪怕蓄一点点胡子也很危险,它会招来别人的恭维。
大学研究生英文系列教程综合英语上册课文原文及翻译课文一:HelloHello, everyone! Today, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Sarah Smith. I am from London, England. I am 25 years old. I am a graduate student majoring in English literature. I am very interested in reading books and writing poems. In my free time, I enjoy playing the piano and traveling to different countries. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and studying together.你好,大家!今天我要介绍一下我自己。
我的名字是Sarah Smith。
课文二:My Hobbies我叫Mark Johnson。
课文三:My FamilyHello, everyone! Let me tell you about my family. I have a small family. There are four members in my family. My parents, my younger brother, and me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They are both very loving and caring. My younger brother is in high school and he is very smart. We all live together in a small house. We always support and help each other. I am very grateful to have such a loving family.大家好!让我告诉你们关于我的家庭。
Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happin ess1 Hurric anes, housefires, cancer, whitew aterraftin g accide nts, planecrashe s, viciou s attack s in dark alleyw ays. Nobody asks for any of it. But to theirsurpri se, many people find that enduri ng such a harrow ing ordeal ultima telychange s them for the better. Theirrefrai n mightgo someth ing like this: "I wish it hadn't happen ed, but I'm a better person for it."1飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。
”2 We love to hear the storie s of people who have been transf ormed by theirtribul ation s, perhap s becaus e they testif y to a bona fide type of psycho logic al truth, one that someti mes gets lost amid endles s report s of disast er: Thereseemsto be a built-in humancapaci ty to flouri sh underthe most diffic ult circum stanc es. Positi ve respon ses to profou ndlydistur bingexperi ences are not limite d to the toughe st or the braves t .In fact, roughl y half the people who strugg le with advers ity say that theirlivessubseq uentl y in some ways improv ed.2我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。
The End Is Not at HandThe environmental rhetoric overblown.The planet will surviveRobert J. SamuelsonWhoever coined the phrase "save the planet" is a public relation genius. It conveys the sense of impending catastrophe and high purpose that has wrapped environmentalism in an aura of moral urgency.It also typifies environmentalism's rhetorical excesses, which, in any other context, would be seen as wild exaggeration or simple dishonesty.无论是谁杜撰了"拯救地球〞这一说法,他都是一位公共关系方面的天才.这一说法既表达了对即将来临的灭顶之灾的意识,也满怀着使环境保护论带有道义紧迫感这一大的目标.同时这种说法也表明环境保护论言过其实,这种夸大在其他任何场合都会被视为是在危言耸听或愚蠢的欺骗.Up to a point, our environmental awareness has checked a mindless enthusiasm for unrestrained economic growth.We have sensibly curbed some of growth's harmful side effects. But environmentalism increasingly resembles a holy crusade addicted to hype and ignorant of history.Every environmental ill is depicted as an onrushing calamity that—if not stopped will end life as we know it.就某种程度而言,我们的环境意识遏制了对自由经济增长所表现出的盲目热情.我们已明智地抑制了增长中所出现的一些有害的副作用,但是环境保护论却越来越像一场沉缅于狂热的宣传与对历史一无所知的圣战.每一由环境问题引发的不幸都被描绘成一场势不可挡的灾难.这场灾难如不加以制止,正像我们所知晓的那样,就会摧毁生命.Take the latest scare: the greenhouse effect. We' re presented with the horrifying specter of a world that incinerates itself.Act now, or sizzle later. Food supplies will wither. Glaciers will melt. Coastal areas will flood. In fact, the probable losses from any greenhouse warming are modest: 1 to 2 percent of our economy's output by the year 2050, estimates economist William Cline.The loss seems even smaller compared with the expected growth of the economy <a doubling> over the same period.以最近出现的恐慌——温室效应——为例.展现在我们面前的是一个自我焚毁、可怕的幽灵般的世界.即刻行动,否则世界将咝咝烧焦.食品供应即将枯竭.冰川即将溶化.沿海地区即将淹没.事实上,任何温室热效应可能造成的损失都是有限的:经济学家威廉·克莱恩估计,到2050年只占我们经济产出的1%到2%.与预想的同期经济增长<翻一番>相比,这一损失更显得微不足道.No environmental problem threatens the "planet" or rates with the danger of a nuclear war.No oil spill ever caused suffering on a par with today's civil war in Yugoslavia, which isa minor episode in human misery. World WarⅡleft more than35 million dead. Cambodia's civil war resulted in 1 million to 3 million deaths.The great scourges of humanity remain what they have always been: war, natural disaster, oppressive government, crushing poverty and hate. On any scale of tragedy, environmental distress is a featherweight.没有任何环境问题威胁这颗"星球〞,任何环境问题无法用核战争所带所来的危害来衡量.任何石油溢出造成的危害也无法同今日南斯拉夫内战——它不过是人类苦难中的一段小插曲——相比拟.第二次世界大战导致 3 500 多万人死亡.柬埔寨内战导致100至300万人死亡.人类的巨大祸患一如既往:战争、自然灾害、暴虐政府、极度的贫困与仇恨.在悲剧的任何尺度上,环境问题造成的痛苦都轻如鸿毛.This is not an argument for indifference or inaction. It is an argument for perspective and balance. You can believe <as I do> that the possibility of greenhouse warming enhances an already strong case for an energy tax.A tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports, cut the budget deficit and promote energy efficient investments that make economic sense.这并非在为漠不关心或无动于衷进行辩解,这是在为前途和平衡而进行辩论.你可以相信<像我那样>,温室热效应的可能性强化了已具说服力的征缴能源税的理由.税收会抑制通常的空气污染,限制石油进口,减少预算赤字并提高具有经济意义的能效投入.But it does not follow that anyone who disagrees with me is evil or even wrong.On the greenhouse effect, for instance, there‘s ample scientific doubt over whether warming will occur and, if so, how much. Moreover, the warming would occur over decades. People and businesses could adjust. To take one example: farmers could shift to more heat-resistant seeds.但这并非意味着同我观点相悖的人就是居心叵测,或甚至是错误的.例如,就温室效应而言,热效应是否会发生,如果发生,其程度如何,对这类问题还存在大量的科学疑问.此外,热效应的发生需几十年的时间.人与行业可以进行调整.举一例:农民可改用更为耐热的种子.Unfortunately, the impulse of many environmentalists is to vilify and simplify. Critics of environmental restrictions are portrayed as selfish and ignorant creeps.Doomsday scenarios are developed to prove the seriousness of environmental dangers. Cline‘s recent greenhouse study projected warming 250 years into the future. Guess what, it increases sharply. This is anabsurd exercise akin to predicting life in 1992 at the time of the French and Indian War <1754~1763>.遗憾的是,许多环境保护论者感情用事,搞中伤和将事情简单化.环境限制法的批评者被描绘为自私自利、愚昧无知的小人.创作出了有关世界末日的电影剧本以证实环境危险的严重性.克莱恩最近对温室效应的研究展现了热效应在今后250年间的变化.猜猜吧,结果是什么?它在急剧增长.这就类似于一种在法印战争〔1754~1763〕时期预言1992的生活的无稽之谈.The rhetorical overkill is not just innocent excess. It clouds our understanding. For starters, it minimizes the great progress that has been made, especially in industrialized countries. In the United States, air and water pollution have dropped dramatically.Since 1960, particulate emissions <soot, cinders> are down by 65 percent. Lead emissions have fallen by 97 percent since 1970. Smog has declined in most cities.大谈特谈过多的伤亡并非过分的无知,它混淆人们的视听.对工业刚起步的国家来说,它低估了特别是工业化国家已取得的巨大成就.在美国,空气与水污染已得到显著缓解.自1960年以来,微颗粒物排放量〔煤灰、煤渣〕已下降65%.自1970年以来,铅排放量已降低97%.在大多数城市中,烟雾已减少.What's also lost is the awkward necessity for choices. Your environmental benefit may be my job. Not every benefit is worth having at any cost.Economists estimate that environmental regulations depress the economy's output by 2.6 to 5 percent, or about $150 billion to $290 billion. <Note: this is larger than the estimated impact of global warming.> For that cost, we've lowered health risks and improved our surroundings. But some gains are small compared with the costs. And some costs are needlessly high because regulations are rigid.同时我们也受到损失.这就是必须进行棘手的选择.你在环保方面所得到的好处也许就是我应尽的义务.并非每种利益都值得不惜任何代价而求之.经济学家估计,环境法规使经济产出下降2.6%至5%,或 1 500亿至2 900亿美元〔注:这一数字大于全球热效应的估计影响〕.我们用这一代价的确减轻了给身体所带来的危害,并且改善了我们的环境.但是,有些却得不偿失,而且由于法规的刻板僵化而使得一些代价毫无必要地上升.Balance: The worst sin of environmental excess is its bias against economic growth. The cure for the immense problems of poor countries usually lies with economic growth. A recent report from the World Bank estimates that more than 1 billion people lack healthy water supplies and sanitary facilities.Theresult is hundreds of millions of cases of diarrhea annually and the deaths of 3 million children <2 million of which the World Bank judges avoidable>. Only by becoming wealthier can countries correct these conditions.平衡:过份夸大环境作用的最大罪过是对经济增长所执的偏见.解决贫困国家所存在的大量问题通常与经济增长息息相关.世界银行最近的一份报告估计, 10亿多人缺少健康用水和卫生设施.其结果是每年成千百万人患痢疾,并导致三百万儿童死亡〔世界银行认为,其中200万人可以免于死亡〕.国家只有变得富裕起来才能改变这些状况.Similarly, wealthier societies have both the desire and the income to clean their air and water. Advanced nations have urban-air-pollution levels only a sixth that of the poorest countries. Finally, economic growth tends to reduce high birthrates, as children survive longer and women escape traditional roles.与此同理,较富庶的国家既具有愿望也具有财政收入来静化空气和用水,发达国家的城市空气污染仅为贫穷国家的六分之一.最终,经济增长将降低高的出生率,因为儿童寿命延长了,妇女也摆脱了传统的角色.Yes, we have environmental problems. Reactors in the former Soviet Union pose safety risks. Economic growth and theenvironment can be at odds. Growth generates carbon dioxide emissions and causes more waste. But these problems are not - as environmental rhetoric implies - the main obstacles to sustained development. The biggest hurdle is inept government. Inept government fostered unsafe reactors. Inept government hampers food production in poor countries by, say, preventing farmers from earning adequate returns on their crops.的确,我们存在环境问题.前苏联的反应堆给安全造成威胁.经济增长与环境会发生矛盾.增长产生二氧化碳排放物,并且造成更多的废弃物.但是这些问题并不像环境保护论者夸夸其谈的那样,是持续发展的主要障碍.最大的障碍是无能的政府.无能的政府培育出无安全保障的反应堆.在贫穷的国家,无能的政府,比如说,通过限止农民从其作物中获得适当的利润,阻碍食品生产.By now, everyone is an environmentalist. But the label is increasingly meaningless, because not all environmental problems are equally serious and even the serious ones need to be balanced against other concerns. Environmentalism should hold the hype. It should inform us more and frighten us less.到现在为止,人人都是环境保护论者,但是这种说法越来越没有意义,因为并非一切环境问题都同样严重,甚至即使那些严重的环境问题也需要同其他利害关系来均衡考虑.环境保护论应当终止那种刺激性宣传.它应当给予我们更多一些信息,更少一些恐吓.Supplementary ReadingJAKARTA - Planet Earth was battered by floods, drought and fire in 1997, a year which ended with the world's major polluters squabbling over ways to prevent further environmental disaster.The 160 nations attending a UN conference on global warming, billed as one of the most vital ever held, finally reached a consensus on cutting greenhouse gas emissions through the next decade.The climate was dominated in the latter part of the year by El Nino, an upswelling of warmer water off the South American coast which affects global weather patterns."I think for sure the most dramatic thing has been the El Nino phenomenon that has been experienced throughout the tropics," said Jeffrey Sayer, director general of the International Centre for Forestry Research <CIFOR>,at Bogor near Jakarta.El Nino, called by Peruvian fisherman after the Christ Child because of its appearance around Christmas, is being blamed for widespread floods and drought in the tropics, and has affected other areas as well.A major manifestation of the phenomenon was drought-aggravated bush fires in Indonesia that spread a choking smog across large areas of Southeast Asia before badly delayed monsoon rains started to fall in late November.Floods swept arid Somalia in East Africa, while the rain forests of Indonesia's lrian Jaya dried out and hundreds of tribes people died from starvation and disease.Apart from El Nino, eastern and central Europe suffered the worst floods in living memory in early July, with over 100 people killed in Poland and the Czech Republic, and many thousands of families displaced through the region and eastern Germany.In the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto, a UN gathering of 159 countries finally agreed on cutting greenhouse gas emissions after 11 days of frenetic negotiations."Perhaps this day will be in the future remembered as the Day of the Atmosphere," conference chairman Raul Estrada told the conference after a treaty text was passed by consensus on December 11.The conference agreed that developed nations should cut emission of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse" gases blamed for global warming.The United States accepted a 7 per cent cut from 1990 levels by 2008~2112, the European Union 8 per cent and Japan 6 per cent.The conference accepted scientific evidence that heating of the Earth's surface by gases trapped in the atmosphere causes more and fiercer storms, expanding deserts, melting polar ice and raising sea levels which threaten to submerge low lying islands-and some island states, such as the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.The United States wants developing countries brought under the emission control umbrella and the treaty still faces a major hurdle in its passage in Washington through a potentially hostile Republican Congress.US Vice President Al Gore called the Kyoto agreement "a vital turning point", but echoed the EU's Environment Minister Ritt Bjerregaard that more still needed to be done."This is not good enough for the future...we would like the parties to be more ambitious," Bjerregaard said.Indonesia's Environment Minister Sarwono Kusumaatmadja said it was up to the developed countries to provide the leadership to guarantee Earth's future.The Kyoto conference would at least provide a greaterawareness of environmental problems, particularly as it took place in an El Nino year."But there is always a time lag between awareness and action, and I think that the time lag can be very long..."he said.He also condemned Western criticism of the environmental and conservation policies of developing countries, saying "market forces" were responsible for many of the problems."Basically, we are facing problems with the present contemporary civilization with its consumption and production attitude...."The market is not friendly to the environment ,and we are part of the market. It is too big a problem for us to handle ...so they want to have their cake and eat it."They want to have their market and they want to have us perform as guardians of the world's environment without them having anything to do with it."The Kyoto conference also pitted big business against campaigners for the environment-although major insurance organizations did offer support to the "greens".CIFOR's Sayer told reporters that a major development in the last two or three years was the emergence of major multinational corporations in the global timber industry."This is not necessarily a bad thing because those companies also have the resources to practice sustainable forestry if they are motivated to do so."。
Unit 1 Presenting a speech(做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
我们用语言language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself.传承文化。
[Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality butalso helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events].和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。
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多为英语教程课文翻译(第二册)Unit 1 从能力到责任1、当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。
(They are torn by (1) idealism of service…(2)the temptation to retreat into…)2、最终而言,大学教育素质的衡量取决于毕业生是否愿意为他们所处的社会和赖以生存的城市做出贡献。
(undergraduate experience大学教育quality素质To be socially and civically engaged为……所用) 雷赫德·尼布尔曾经写道:“一个人只有意识到对社会所负有的责任,他才能够认识到自身的潜力。
”(注:Man cannot behold 一个人不能看到自身潜except he be committed 除非他承担社会义务)本科教育必须对这种带有理想主义色彩的观念进行自我深省,使学生超越以自我为中心的观念。
(The idealism of …must reflect itself in loyalties 这种带有理想主义色彩的观念必须进行彻底反省)在一个充满挑剔、竞争激烈的时代(in this hard-edged, competitive age)人们期望大学生能生活得正直、文明,live with integrity, civility甚至富有同情心,这是否已是一种奢望?(is it too much to expect…?) 人们期望大学的人文教育会在学生的人际交往上反映出他们的人性化,如今是否仍然适合?(is it appropriate to hope…?)3、毫无疑问,大学生应该履行公民的义务(civic obligation)。
美国的教育急需采取行动,来帮助弥合公共政策与公众的理解之间的极具危险的、日益加深的沟壑(to help close the dangerous and growing gap between…)。
所以很多人认为many argue想通过公众的参与来解决复杂的公共问题已不再可能。
他们说,怎么可能让一些非专业人士——在他们连语言的使用都存在困难的时候——去讨论会带来相应后果的政府决策呢?4、核能nuclear energy的使用应该扩大还是削弱?水资源能保证充足的供应吗?怎样控制军备竞赛? arms race 大气污染的安全标准level是多少?甚至连人类的起源与灭绝这样近乎玄乎(semi-metaphysical)的问题也会被列入政治议事日程。
6、对于那些关心“民治政府”(by the people)的人,公众理解程度的每况愈下是无法接受的cannot go unchallenged。
总之,当今世界人类生存问题吉凶未卜at stake,视而不见是无法接受的选择。
但是,那些目光短浅的with limited perspective专家们制定政策时一手遮天full control的做法,也是不可容忍的。
作为公民,我们除非unless找到更好的教育方法,除非unless提出更棘手的问题hard questions,并得到满意的答案,否则,我们就要冒盲目相信一个或几个所谓的专家,而不是基于我们的理解而做出决策的风险。
(We run the risk of making critical decisions.)7、当今,我们的社会需要一批受过良好教育、关心他人的人。
本着共同的信念in the spirit of community,团结一致band together,相互学习learn from each other,以公民身份参与到民主的建设历程之中。
他们善于发问,知道怎样提出恰当的问题,知道公共政策的决策形成过程,并能够对那些影响深远的that affect the future问题做出有见地的判断(informed judgment)。
诚然,没有哪个社会机构能独立地(single-handedly)培养provide我们所需的领导人才.但我们深信but we are convinced that,如果“民治政府”要有生命力的话,大学比起其他机构来说,更有责任去培养我们国家所需的开明的领导人。
如果说自身利益是我们崇尚的最高价值观念,那么我们将选择什么样的政治人物呢? 人性只是一件无利可图的商品!”21、总之,大学教育应该鼓励每位同学提高在生活及行为中明辨常理的能力,无论是在课堂上,或是在地下室餐馆,或是在深夜的自由交谈中,力争分秒,探求模棱两可的未知世界,思索那捉摸不定的人类的情感世界。