

Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?

Let’s talk.

Goal request:(教学目的)

1.New words : party, invite .

2.Some useful expressions :

-When is your birthday?

-Next Sunday.

-Are you going to have a birthday party?

-Yes ,I am.

Key difficulty:(教学重难点)

Master these words: party , invite

And master these useful expressions :

-When is your birthday?

-Next Sunday.

-Are you going to have a birthday party?

-Yes ,I am.

Teaching times: (教学课时) 1

Teaching method: three doubts three searches

Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio

Teaching process:

Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes)

First, let the Ss look at these new words : Party , invite ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss

know the meaning of these words .

Step 2 设疑自探(10 minutes)

Let the Ss look at “let’s talk”, in this part let the Ss try to read

this part and try to answer these questions :

(1) Who are they in the picture ?

(2) What are they doing?

(3) What’s lulu going to do ?

(4) Who will she invite?

(5) What day is it today?

(6) When is your birthday?

be going to, have a party ,

at home ,ask ……to ……

Step 3 解疑合探(10 minutes)




②点拨精讲知识点:be going to的用法。

Step 4 质疑再探(7 minutes)

1.In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’stalk :

Do you have any questions about the dialogue ?

2.Can you use “be going to , ask ……to ……

”correctly ?

3.Please act out the dialogue with your partner .

Step5 运用拓展(8 minutes)

一、 Choose the right answer:

1. What day is it today? It’s _______.

A. in the morning

B. the Monday

C. Wednesday

2. Are you going to _______ Eve to come?

A. have

B. also

C. invite

3. Are you going to invite ______ friends?

A. a

B. an

C. some


1. 我的生日就要到了。

2. 我打算下星期天晚上在家举行生日聚会。


Let’s talk (L=Lulu, T= Tom) L: What day is it today? T: It’s Wednesday. L: My birthday is coming. T: When is your birthday? L: Next Sunday. T: Are you going to have a birthday party? L: Yes, I am. I’m going to have a party at home next Sunday evening. Would you like to come? T: Sure. I’d love to. Are you going to ask Eve to come? L: Certainly. Make and say A holiday plan May Day is coming. What are you going to do. Please tell me your plan. On May 1st, I’m going to visit my friends. On May 2nd, I’m going to take swimming lessons. On May 3rd, I’m going to help my mum do some washing. Read. Father’s birthday party. I’m Mary today’s my father’s birthday. The weather is good. It’s sunny. We are going to have a birthday party for him. Now my mother and I are doing some shopping. I'm going to buy some fruit. Mother is going to buy some eggs. She's going to make a birthday cake for my father. The party will begin at four o'clock. It's one o'clock now. And I’m asking my uncle and I and to come to the party.


2015年秋期六年级期中测试卷 一. 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(10分) ( )1.A.begin B.live C.bike ( )2.A.book B.food C.cook ( )3.A.never B.next C.me ( )4.A.third B.fifth C.that ( )5.A.early B.near C.year 2、请给下面的单词选择正确的译文。(10分) ()1.dry A.湿的 B.冷的 C. 干的 ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/7114913844.html,ke A.河 B. 海 C. 湖 ()3.difficult A.困难的 B. 简单的 C.好的 ()4.same A. 相同的 B.一些 C.非常 ()5.than A. 然后 B.比 C.周围 三.按要求写出单词:(10分) 1.sit(现在分词) ________ 2.photo(复数形式)_________ 3.they(宾格形式) ________ 4. dry(反义词)__________ 5.child(复数形式) ________ 6.rain(形容词) 7.eight(序数词)_________ 8.twelve(序数词)__________ 9.去游泳(汉译英)__________ 10.wash(单三)________ 四、选择最佳答案。(20分) ( )1. ---Is this his book? --- No, it’s____ A. my B. mine C .your ( )2. Bruce and Jess _____friends. A.are B.is C.isn’t ( )3.I am going to_______ my grandma. A.sees B.see C.seeing ( )4. Steven _____wears dresses. A. always B. usually C. never ( )5.what will the weather be like tomorrow? It will ____________ A. rain B. be rain C .rainy ()6. That will be bad_______the people. A.for B to C of ( )7. There are many _______in the classroom. A. childs B. children C. child


科普版英语六年级下册 教案(全册) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

科普版小学六年级英语下册(第八册)全册教案 总课时:一 课题: Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class 教学内容: Let's learn 教学目标: 1.掌握形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class Who runs fastest in your cla ss ”等交际用语,并会做替换练习。 教学重点: 目标1 教学难点: 目标1 教学易混点: 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 教学方法: 对话法 教具准备:

形容词的最高级在使用时,前面通常加定冠词并有一个短语或从句表示在哪个范围内情况如此。 (3)训练操作 组织学生对本课主题句进行操练。 (4)反馈矫正 让学生上台指图或指班中学生进行问答,教师指导。 (5)布置作业 作练习册中的练习四和练习七。 板书设计

Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class 1.-Who jumps highest ,Tom ,Jim or Jack -Jack jumps highest of the three . 2.high -higher -highest fat –fatter –fattest 教学反思 总课时:二 课题: Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class 教学内容: Let's talk 和Let's sing 教学目标: 1.复习形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class Who runs fastest in your cla ss ”等交际用语并会做替换练习。 教学重点: 目标2

科普版英语六年级下册课文及翻译 (直接打印版)

Lesson 1 I’m not feeling well. Let’s talk (M=Mom, T= Tom) M: What,'s the matter, Tom T: I'm not feeling well, Mom M: Do you have a cold T: Yes, I think so. Could you give me some water, please M: Here you are. T: Thank you, Mom. M: Tom, you must go and see a doctor. T: OK, Mom. M: It's cold outside. You must wear your coat. T: OK, Mom. Could you pass me my coat,please M: Here you are. T: Thank you, Mom M: Tell me your teacher's number. I'll call him and tell him you are sick. T: OK. Here it is. 译文 (M=妈妈,T=汤姆) 妈妈:怎么了,汤姆 汤姆:我感觉不舒服,妈妈。 妈妈:你感冒了吗 汤姆:是的,我想是这样的。您能给我一些水吗 妈妈:给你。 汤姆:谢谢您,妈妈。 妈妈:汤姆,你必须去看医生. 汤姆:好的,妈妈。 妈妈:外面很冷。你必须穿你的外套。 汤姆:好的,妈妈。您能把我的外套递给我吗 妈妈:给你。 汤姆:谢谢您,妈妈。 妈妈:告诉我你老师的电话号码。我将给他打电话告诉他你生病了。


科普版小学六年级英语下册(第八册)全册教案 总课时:一 课题: Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class ? 教学容: Let's learn 教学目 标: 1.掌握形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class ?Who r uns fastest in your class ?”等交际用语,并会做替换练习。 教学重点: 目标1 教学难点: 目标1 教学易混点: 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 教学方法: 对话法

.. 形容词的最高级在使用时,前面通常加定冠词并有一个短语或从句表示在哪个围情况如此。(3)训练操作 组织学生对本课主题句进行操练。 (4)反馈矫正 让学生上台指图或指班中学生进行问答,教师指导。 .. .

(5)布置作业 作练习册中的练习四和练习七。 板书设计 Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class ? 1.-Who jumps highest ,Tom ,Jim or Jack ? -Jack jumps highest of the three . 2.high -higher -highest fat –fatter –fattest 教学反思 总课时:二 课题: Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class ? 教学容: Let's talk 和Let's sing 教学目标: 1.复习形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class ?Who r uns fastest in your class ?”等交际用语并会做替换练习。


Lesson1你要举办一个生日聚会吗? Let’s talk L:今天是星期几? T:是星期三。 L:我的生日就要到了。 T:你的生日是什么时候? L:下周日。 T:你要举办一个生日聚会吗? L:是的,我要。下周日晚上我要在家里举办一个生日聚会。你想要来吗? T:当然,我想去。你会叫伊芙来吗? L:当然。 Let’s make 亲爱的王菲: 这个周日我要在我家举办一个生日聚会。请在晚上6点来参加这个聚会。 Lulu Read and write 我是佩格。明天是周日。首先,上午我要做作业。接下来,我要打扫我的房间。然后,下午我要去看望奶奶。最后,晚上我要在家里看电视。 Make and say 一个假期计划 劳动节就要来了。 你们要做什么呢? 请告诉我你们的计划。 五月一日,我要去拜访我的朋友。 五月二日,我要去上游泳课。 五月三日,我要帮妈妈洗衣服。 五月一日拜访我的朋友 五月二日上游泳课 五月三日洗衣服

Read 爸爸的生日聚会 我是玛丽。今天是我爸爸的生日。天气很好,阳光灿烂。我们要为他举办一个生日聚会。现在我正在和妈妈一起购物。 我要买些水果。妈妈要买些鸡蛋。她要给爸爸做个生日蛋糕。 聚会将在4点钟开始。现在是1点钟,我在询问我的叔叔和阿姨是否能够来参加这个聚会。 “嗨,露西阿姨!今天是我爸爸的生日,你想来参加他的生日聚会吗?”“哦,我想去。可今天也是蒂姆的生日,我可以带他一起去这个聚会吗?” “您当然可以。顺便问一句,谁是蒂姆啊?”“哈哈,蒂姆是我的小狗。” Lesson2你明天要做什么? Let’s talk E:你明天要做什么? D:我要去购物。 E:你要买什么? D:我要买一张中国地图。 E:我想买些蜡笔。我能和你一起去吗? D:当然可以! E:我们怎么去呢? D:骑自行车,可以吗? E:好的。 Make and say 你这周六要做什么? 我要去看电影。 this Saturday这周六see a film看电影


最新科普版六年级英语试卷 听力部分(40分) 一、科普版六年级英语试卷(10分) ( ) 1. A. cold B. coat C. cloud ( ) 2. A. sun B. say C. sunny ( ) 3. A. hill B. will C. full ( ) 4. A. wet B. wait C. wind ( ) 5. A. put B. cut C. but 二、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)一致.(10分) ()6 ()7.It was Saturday yesterday.We went out and played basketball. ()8.I am going to the sitting room.It’s on the second floor. ()9.New Year’s Day is on January 1st. ()10.Jenny doe sn’t think science is difficult. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子.(10分) ( ) 11. A. I want to buy a bag. B. I want to buy a map. ( ) 12. A. What will you do? B. What do you do? ( ) 13. A. It will be rainy. B. It will rain. ( ) 14. A. Was Tom at school yesterday? B. Was Tom at school last Sunday? ( ) 15. A. We are singing now. B. We are going to sing this morning. 四、听录音,选答语. (10分) ( )16. A. I go to the park. B. I will go to the park. ( )17. A. Yes,I did. B. Yes,I was. ( )18. A. London. B. At six. ( )19. A. She is in Class Two. B. She is at the zoo. ( )20. A. No,there isn't. B. Yes,it is. 笔试部分(60分) 五、选出发音不同的一项.(10分) ( )21. A. just B. son C. full ( )22. A. food B. room C. book


科普版六年级英语试卷 听力部分 (40 分) 一、科普版六年级英语试卷(10 分) ( ) 1. A. cold B. coat C. cloud ( ) 2. A. sun B. say C. sunny ( ) 3. A. hill B. will C. full ( ) 4. A. wet B. wait C. wind ( ) 5. A. put B. cut C. but 二、听录音 ,判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否( F)一致。 (10 分) ()6 ()7.It was Saturday yesterday.We went out and played basketball. ()8.I am going to the sitting room.It’s on the second floor. ()9.New Year ’s Day is on January 1st. ()10.Jenny doesn’t think science is difficult. 三、听录音 ,选出你所听到的句子。(10 分) ( ) 11. A. I want to buy a bag. B. I want to buy a map. ( ) 12. A. What will you do? B. What do you do? ( ) 13. A. It will be rainy. B. It will rain. ( ) 14. A. Was Tom at school yesterday? B. Was Tom at school last Sunday? ( ) 15. A. We are singing now. B. We are going to sing this morning. 四、听录音 ,选答语。(10 分) ( )16. A. I go to the park. B. I will go to the park. ( )17. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I was. ( )18. A. London. B. At six. ( )19. A. She is in Class Two. B. She is at the zoo. ( )20. A. No, there isn't. B. Yes, it is. 笔试部分 (60 分) 五、选出发音不同的一项。(10 分) ()21. A. just B. son C. full ()22. A. food B. room C. book


Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party? Let’s talk (L=Lulu, T= Tom) L: What day is it today? T: It’s Wednesday. L: My birthday is coming. T: When is your birthday? L: Next Sunday. T: Are you going to have a birthday party? L: Yes, I am. I’m going to have a party at home next Sunday evening. Would you like to come? T: Sure. I’d love to. Are you going to ask Eve to come? L: Certainly. Make and say A holiday plan May Day is coming. What are you going to do. Please tell me your plan. On May 1st, I’m going to visit my friends. On May 2nd, I’m going to take swimming lessons. On May 3rd, I’m going to help my mum do some washing. Read. Father’s birthday party. I’m Mary today’s my father’s birthday. The weather is good. It’s sunny. We are going to have a birthday party for him. Now my mother and I are doing some shopping. I'm going to buy some fruit. Mother is going to buy some eggs. She's going to make a birthday cake for my father. The party will begin at four o'clock. It's one o'clock now. And I’m asking my uncle and I and to come to the party.


实验小学六年级英语上册 六(6) 期末试题 分数_____________ 一、根据汉语将单词补充完整。(5分) 1、( )总是 al _ _ ys A 、 wa B 、 aw C 、va 2、( )开始 b _ _in A 、 ge B 、 ag C 、eg 3、( )远的 f _ _ A 、 ar B 、 or C 、ro 4、( )东方 _ _st A 、 ea B 、 ee C 、ae 5、( ) 驾驶 d _ _ ve A 、 re B 、 ri C 、er 二、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。(10分) 1、have_______ 2、do______ 3、watch_________ 4、get______ 5、live______ 三、按要求写出正确的单词。(10分) 1、one (序数词)_____________ 2、hot (比较级)_____________ 3、heavy (比较级)_____________ 4、thin (反义词)_____________ 5、tall (反义词)_____________ 四、选择填空(30分) ( )1、It ’s time ______breakfast . A 、 to B 、 for C 、 four ( )2、______ you always have lunch at twelve ? A 、 Do B 、 Does C 、 are ( )3、Eve ______ here every day . A 、come B 、 comes C 、 coms ( )4、I come ______the USA. A 、 in B 、 on C 、 from ( )5、I usually go to school ______ foot . A 、 in B 、 on C 、 at ( )6、I send my light ______ your room. A 、 in to B 、 in C 、 into ( )7、Please give ______ some beef. A 、 me B 、 I C 、 my ( )8、Do you like them? Yes, I ______ A 、 does B 、 do C 、 don ’t ( )9、______ he go to school by bike? A 、 Does B 、 Do C 、 Is ( )10、She ______homework at five. A 、 doesn ’t B 、 doesn ’t do C 、 don ’t ( )11、Her hair ______short. A 、 am B 、 is C 、 are ( )12、 ______ a beautiful tree. A 、 What B 、How C 、 Who ( )13、______pretty I am . A 、 What B 、 How C 、 Who ( )14、This toy dog is ______you . A 、 for B 、 four C 、 to ( )15、We stop in front ______a tall building A 、 at B 、 off C 、 of 学校_____________________班级_____________________姓名_____________________学号______________ ――――――――――――――――密―――――――――――――――――封――――――――――――――――――线―――――――――――


总课时:1 Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class ?教学内容: Let's learn 教学目标: 1.掌握形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class ?Who runs fastest in your class ?”等交际用语,并会做替换练习。 教学难点:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 教学过程: (1)复习检查 (2 导入新课,出示课题 学习本课的12个单词及词组。 导入Let's learn 组织学生用对话形式导入本课的Let's learn ,主题句是“Who…?”出示形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 a. 单音节词和少数双音节词(如以y结尾的词)词尾加–er 或–es t的方式构成:

B、叫若干学生用角色表演的方式,复习本课主题句。 (2 导入新课 导入Let's talk 。 本课对话的话题是“个人信息”(Personal information )。教师可采用自问自答法导入对话。教师同时扮演Eve和 Ma Jun 两个角色。可先站在左边扮演Eve问 Ma Jun,“ Look at the three runners. Who is the one in the middle ?”,再转到右边扮演Ma Jun 说,“He’s John .”,再转到左边扮演Eve说,“Is he the talles t boy in your class ?”,再转到右边扮演Ma Jun说,“No ,he isn’t .”,其余依次类推,直到把整段对话表演完。表演两遍后放录音。先将全段放一遍,然后逐句放,让学生逐句跟说并译成汉语。(3)操练 将对话分成两段先让学生听录音,并逐句跟说两遍,再让他们连起来说,说时教师可写上关键词作为提示。然后领着学生复述一遍,再给学生一两分钟时间,让学生自己根据关键词复述分两部分练完后,再连起来练习。最后叫若干同学站起来复述全段对话,或者进行俩俩表演。 (4)导入let’s sing: 听录音学唱英文歌曲“Do–re - mi ” 先跟唱,带集体唱,最后个人唱。

科普版六年级英语下册 知识点总结

科普版六年级英语下册知识点总结 知识点总结 Unit 1 短语: 看在中间谈论,讨论在世界上在……前面look at in the middle talk with in the world in front of 去外面寻找 go out look for 爬上下车上车 climb up get down go on 语法:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法和变化规则。 1. 用法技巧:当句子里出现单词than(比什么更……)用比较级,(二者 比较)当句子里出现单词in,of时用最高级(大于等于3者)。 2. 变化规则:a.一般情况下,比较级在词尾加er,最高级在词尾加est。 b。以字母e结尾的,比较级加r,最高级加st。c.以辅音字母加y的,把y变为i,再加er和est(如easy,busy,early).d.有的需要双写最后一个字母,然后加er和est.(如sad ,hot,fat ,big thin)e.不规则good’well —better—best. Unit2 短语:沿着上车回去爬上嘲笑walk along get on go back come up laugh at

阅览室 reading room 句型:她在几年级几班?她在六年级三班。 阅览室在哪儿?它在第二层楼上。 What class is she in? she is in Class 3,Grade 6. Where is reading room? It is on the second floor. 语法:基数词和序数词的转换 one-firsttwo-second three-third five-fifth eight-eighth nine-ninth eleven-eleventhtwelve-twelfth(一般情况下,直接在基数词尾后加th.就变成相对应的序数词了。) Unit 3 短语:在地面上导致, 引起回来一点也不 on the ground bring about come back not……at all 句型:明天的天气将会是怎么样呢?明天将会有风。 今天的天气怎么样呢?今天是晴朗的。 What is the weather like tomorrow? It will be windy. What is the weather like today? It is sunny. Unit 4 短语:长大,成长 grow up


Lesson 1 What day is it today? 今天星期几? It’s Wednesday. 今天星期三。 My birthday is coming. 我的生日是什么时候? When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? Next Sunday. 下周日。 Are you going to have a birthday party? 你打算举办一个生日聚会吗? Yes, I am.是的。 I’m going to have a party at home next Sunday evening.下周日晚上我打算在家举办一场聚会。 Would you like to come? 你愿意来吗? Sure, I’d love to. 当然,我愿意。 Are you going to ask Eve to come? 你打算让伊芙来吗? Certainly. 当然。 Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什么? I’m going to do some shopping. 我打算买东西。What are you going to buy? 你打算买什么? I’m going to buy a map of China. 我打算买一张中国地

图。 I want to buy some crayons. 我想买一些蜡笔。 Can I go with you? 我能和你一起去吗? Sure. 当然。 How can we get there?我们怎么去那儿? By bike, OK? 骑自行车,好吗? OK. 好的。 Lesson 3 It’s nice outside, isn’t it? 外面天气很好,不是吗?Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 What will be the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样? It will be cloudy and windy. 它将是多云有风的。 Will it be cold? 它将会是寒冷的吗? Yes, it will.是的,它将会。 But it’ll be sunny this Sunday. 但是这个星期天它将会是晴朗的。 That’s good. 那很好。 I think it’ll be warm, too. 我想它也会是暖和的。Yes, I think so. 是的,我也这么认为。 What are you going to do this Sunday?这个星期天你打算做什么?


科普版英语三至六年级单词 三年级上 pig fox am cat dog good morning are you a boy yes girl meet too my is goodbye your please sit down what new me how old sorry not know ten bear duck this letter thank bird it that fish frog hen monkey look room bag in cap hat color blue and red can ball black white fine mum dad glad banana for an apple baby chick pear find sad big fat yellow quick miss Mrs hi hello I no nice name bye excuse nine bee he she see 三年级下 again me bad at English help dress but short then let us make blouse nice vest like on ship so many animal no elephant there where my doll bed box with fine day fun the sun play game run race line up two hungry hut little open door who grandma wait we him table plate of cake has bun chips hot she brother sister he name three kite fly bike cool ride why toy white cold go home still nose close thanks Coke birthday her thing get happy count candle four five six seven eight nine sing great Mr Mrs 四年级上 little friend swim bend hill what desk cup guess clock sorry


科普版六年级英语下册全册教案 教材分析及学期目标: 1.让学生掌握基本的词汇,句型和简单的语法知识,重点是一般过去时和将来时的表达; 2.了解文化差异和在日常生活中运用所学知识,能够进行简单的初步阅读。 3.为进入高年级打好基础。 Lesson 1 I‘m not feeling well. 第一课时教案 (1)复习检查 A.复习单词:利用六年级上册的分类词汇表,复习上学期学过的单词。比如老师可以让学生说出上学期学过的表示天气或月份的单词,看谁说得又快、又多、又准确。教师可以根据学生们的表现给出相应的奖励。 B.复习语法结构:上学期主要学习了一般将来时、序数词的用法、日期的表达等。教师应该着重复习这部分知识点。 (2)导入新课 A.学习生词:将本课的生词及其词义写在黑板上,逐个领读几遍,然后将中文词义擦掉,再让学生朗读并说出词义。 B.导入对话:本课对话的话题是“生病”。教师可采用听音问答导入法进行导入,将本课Let's talk按教材所示分成两段,在听每段录音或教师朗读前,教师可以先提几个问题,第一段可以提Where is Tom? Does he have a cold? What does he want?等问题,然后开始听录音,大约听2~3遍,教师再重复一次前面提出的问题,然后找学生回答问题。第二段教师也可以采取类似的方法进行导入,提出的问题可以是Does Tom want to see a doctor? Is it warm outside? What does Tom want this time? (3)操练 可利用挂图进行操练。操练的顺摩是: 1)教师在挂图下写上关键词作为提示,让学生结合关键词听录音并逐句跟说。 2)教师领着学生复述一遍,再给学生两分钟时间,让学生自己根据关键词看图复述。 3)教师领着学生进行集体复述。


一、汉译英:(40`) 1.赛跑选手___________ 2.在中间_______________ 3.衬衣____________4.T恤衫___________ 5.因此_________ 6.第一,首先_____________7.耳朵_________ 8.如果_________ 9.下来____________ 10.更远__________ 11.呼喊_____________ 12.阅览室________________ 13.地板,楼层______________14.沿着_____________ 15.路___________ 16.驴子_____________ 17.上(车/船等),骑上_____________18.一段时间________________ 19.继续,发生______________ 20.在他回家的路上________________21。穿着黄色的T恤衫_____________ 22。出去____________ 23。寻找_______________ 24。爬上_______________ 25。在我班______________26。和某人谈话________________27。在前面______________ 28。回去_________ 29。过来______________30。坐在。。。上_____________31。疲倦的/累的___________ 32.数数___________33。教师办公室______________________ 34。嘲笑_______________ 35.春天____________36。夏天____________ 37。秋天____________ 38。冬天______________ 39。雪/下雪_____________ 40。雨/下雨______________41.厄尔尼诺现象____________42. 吹__ 43.带来____________ 44.火____________ 45.旱灾__________ 46.洪水___________ 47.西班牙语______________ 48.圣婴_____________ 49.海__________ 50.秘鲁_____________ 51.成为____________ 52.温暖的_____________ 53.引起_____________ 54.变化______________ 55.风___________ 56.澳大利亚______________ 57.干的,干旱的__________ 58.湖___________ 59.满的__________60.生长,种植____________ 61.长大,成长_________________ 62.士兵,战士______________ 63.建造,建设__________ 64.父母亲_______________ 65.教__________ 66.学生____________ 67.驾驶员____________ 68.大的,巨大的____________ 69.歌手____________ 70.歌曲_____________ 71. 日子___________ 72.加入,参加_____________ 73.重要的____________ 74.空气____________ 75.没有___________ 76. 生命,存活___________77.保持,喂养_____________ 78.(液体等)流动_____________79.沙尘暴_______________ 80.尽最大努力________________ 81.保护____________ 82.国家,乡村______________ 83.假期______________ 84.旅行___________ 85.多伦多_____________ 86.加拿大_____________ 87.首都______________ 88.大本钟_____________ 89.法国_____________ 90.罗马____________ 91.意大利_____________ 92.俄罗斯_____________ 93.一定的___________ 94.莫斯科_____________ 95.长城____________ 96.海边的____________ 97.悉尼_____________ 98.结束_________________ 99.为。。。做好准备___________________100.学期____________ 二、写出下列单词的序数词:(12`) one ____________ two____________ three ______________ four _____________ five___________ six ____________ seven ____________ eight ____________ nine _____________ ten ____________ eleven ____________ twelve ____________ 写出十二个月份: 一月_______________二月_______________三月______________四月_____________ 五月____________六月____________七月____________八月____________九月_____________十月_____________十一月_____________十二月_______________ 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级: ?1、safe- 2、fast- 3、small- ?4、nice- 5、fat- 6、thin- ?7、big- 8、cheap- 9、near- ?10high- 11、tall- 12 many- ?13little- 14、far- 15good- ?16beautiful- 17long- ?18 interesting- ? 填空: 1. Gold(黄金) is ______ (little) useful than iron(铁).


科普版英语六年级下册教案(全册) 总课时:一 课题: Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class ? 教学内容: Let's learn 教学目 标: 1.掌握形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class ?Who runs fastest in your class ?”等交际用语,并会做替换练习。 教学重点: 目标1 教学难点: 目标1 教学易混点: 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 教学方法: 对话法 教具准备:

总课时:二 课题: Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class ? 教学内容: Let's talk 和Let's sing 教学目标: 1.复习形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法。 2.熟练运用“Who is the tallest boy in your class ?Who runs fastest in your class ?”等交际用语并会做替换练习。 教学重点: 目标2 教学难点: 目标2 教学易混点: 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 教学方法: 自问自答法、角色表演法 教具准备: 录音机磁带

(1)复习检查 A、复习上一课时所学的12个单词及词组。 B、叫若干学生用角色表演的方式,复习本课主题句。 (2)导入新课 导入Let's talk 。 本课对话的话题是“个人信息”(Personal information )。教师可采用自问自答法导入对话。教师同时 扮演Eve和 Ma Jun 两个角色。可先站在左边扮演Eve问 Ma Jun,“ Look at the three runners. Who is the one in the middle ?”,再转到右边扮演Ma Jun 说,“He’s John .”,再转到左边扮演Eve 说,“Is he the tallest boy in your class ?”,再转到右边扮演Ma Jun说,“No ,he isn’t .”,其余依次类推,直到把整段对话表演完。表演两遍后放录音。先将全段放一遍,然后逐句放,让学生逐句 跟说并译成汉语。 (3)操练 将对话分成两段,可利用挂图进行操练。操练的顺序是:先让学生听录音,并逐句跟说两遍,再让他们连 起来说,说时教师可在图下写上关键词作为提示。然后领着学生复述一遍,再给学生一两分钟时间,让学 生自己根据关键词看图复述,然后教师领着学生进行集体复述,集体复述完以后,再让学生个别复述。学 生可同桌之间进行表演,也可以自问自答式进行角色替换表演,直到熟练为止。分两部分练完后,再连起 来练习。最后叫若干同学站起来复述全段对话,或者进行俩俩表演。 (4)导入let’s sing: 听录音学唱英文歌曲“Do–re - mi ” 先跟唱,带集体唱,最后个人唱。 (5)效果测试 做练习册中的练习五。 (6)布置作业
