安徽省示范高中皖北协作区2020届高三联考英语试题 (含答案)

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听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段材料仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?

A.₤ 19.15.

B. ₤ 9.18.

C. ₤ 9.15.


1. What does the woman mean?

A. She regretted having bought the second-hand car.

B. It is unnecessary to rent another house.

C. They should sell their second-hand car and buy a new one.

2. When does the science class begin?

A. At8:50.

B. At 10:55.

C. At 11 :45.

3. Why d idn’t the woman sleep well?

A. Because the couple next door had a fight.

B. Because she had a sore throat all night.

C. Because the walls were not thick enough to keep the sound out.

4. Where does the woman work now?

A. In a hotel.

B. In a travel agency.

C. In a restaurant.

5. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Finish his paper on time.

B. Report his problem to the librarian.

C. Stop using the computer.




6. What do we know for sure from the dialogue?

A. The man wants to know the schedule of the bus to the airport.

B. The bus to the airport leaves every half hour.

C. If a person wants to confirm the schedule, he should call 74700.

7. When is this dialogue likely to happen?

A. At 10 am.

B. At7 am.



8. What did the man' s grandmother buy today?

A. Two green coats and a red skirt.

B. Two red coats and a green skirt.

C. One red coat and two green skirts.

9. What kind of CD did the man buy for his grandmother?

A. About health exercise.

B. About healthy eating.

C. About heart disease.


10. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. A shopping plan.

B. A party.

C. A picnic.

11. Why do the two speakers give up Japanese food?

A. There are too many people.

B. Few people like Japanese food.

C. It takes too much time to prepare.

12. What does the woman suggest doing in the end?

A. Inviting more kids.

B. Writing a menu.

C. Getting some cushions.


13. What kind of people did the woman write about at first?

A. People who were famous.

B. People who lived meaningful lives.

C. People who had new and interesting ideas.

14. What made the woman take up journalism?

A. Her love for books.

B. Her teacher' s support.

C. Her family background.

15. What happened to the magazine Female Focus under the woman' s management?

A. It made much money.

B. It changed its image.

C. It reduced its loss.

16. What kind of article does the woman believe people are more likely to read?

A. The one that has a good beginning.

B. The one whose content is challenging.

C. The one that has a competitive cover.


17. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

A. The celebration of someone' s birthday.

B. Who will pay the bill at a restaurant.

C. The relationship between people.

18. What relationship may it be if the people share the bill?

A. Friends or colleagues.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Host and guests.

19. Who is NOT expecte d to pay the bill when someone’s birthday is celebrated?

A. The friends who come to celebrate the birthday.

B. The person whose birthday it is.

C. The person's parents.

20. Which of the following situations will a man usually pay the whole of the bill?

A. He invites a woman for a dinner date.

B. He has dinner with his close friends.
