最新高考英语 阅读理解试题(含答案)

最新高考英语 阅读理解试题(含答案)
最新高考英语 阅读理解试题(含答案)




Engineers in Upstate New York have invented a folded paper device that looks like a decorated art project. But don't be fooled. This is actually a paper-based battery. No, it doesn't look like any of those metal batteries running flashlights or smartphones. In these systems, the battery can be printed on a page. The battery's power consists of living bacteria.

Paper electronics are simple to make and inexpensive, notes study leader Seokheun Choi, an engineer at Binghamton University. They need no electrical outlet to recharge. They just need more bacteria, which can be found everywhere — including dirty water.

"Most batteries use chemicals to generate electricity. Substituting bacteria can be an advantage," Choi says. "They are cheap and self-repairing." What paper-based batteries won't do is generate much power. They do, however create enough to run small devices in faraway or dangerous places — such as a battlefield. They might also find use in medicine. For instance, they might power tiny sensors, such as the types used to measure blood sugar.

This invention is based on an observation made more than a century ago — that microbes (微生物) produce electricity as they digest food. Scientists refer to the bio-batteries based on this principle as microbial fuel cells. A fuel cell generates electricity like a regular battery. But a regular battery stops producing electricity when its inner chemical reactions stop. A fuel cell uses fuel that can be refilled. In this case, bacteria serve as the fuel. By refilling more microbes, as needed, scientists can keep these fuel cells running.

Lab tests have shown that the new battery can produce a current. Now, Choi and his team are looking at ways to increase the power. They're studying different shapes and materials for the anode and cathode (正负极). They're also looking for the best ways to combine batteries for more power. The beauty of the paper devices is that you can simply fold them to connect them. And they surely will be a trend in the near future.

(1)What makes the paper-based batteries different from other batteries?

A. They are mainly used to run smartphones.

B. They use bacteria to generate electricity.

C. They are used to decorate small devices.

D. They take a much shorter time to recharge.(2)What can the paper-based batteries do?

A. Power tiny devices.

B. Lower blood sugar levels.

C. Produce much electricity.

D. Change chemicals in the paper.

(3)What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A. The application of the new battery.

B. The characteristics of the paper batteries.

C. The intention to invent the device.

D. The working principle of the invention.

(4)What is the author's attitude towards the development of the paper-based batteries?










(1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"They need no electrical outlet to recharge. They just need more bacteria, which can be found everywhere — including dirty water."这种电池是不需要外接发电设备进行充电的,只需要细菌就可以充电了,这是该电池与传统电池的不同之处。故选B。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"What paper-based batteries won't do is generate much power. They do, however create enough to run small devices in faraway or dangerous places"纸基电池不会储存很多的电量,但这些电量还是能远程支持一些小型设备或运用在一些危险的地方,A项符合题意,故选A。

(3)考查主旨大意。根据第四段中的"This invention is based on an observation made more than a century ago — that microbes(微生物)produce electricity as they digest food",这项发明是基于百年前的一项观察,即微生物在消化食物的时候会产生电量。因此,科学家们"Scientists refer to the bio-batteries based on this principle as microbial fuel cells"根据这一原理将生物电池成为微生物燃料电池。由此可知,第四段介绍了生物电池的工作原理,故选D。

(4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"The beauty of the paper devices is that you can simply fold them to connect them"该电池的优点是,人们可以简单地通过折叠来连接它们。作者用到beauty"优点"一词来说明该设备,说明作者对于该设备持一种积极的态度。故选B。



During this shopping season, salesmen will come up with different strategies to get your business. Many product companies use specific colors to cause positive emotions and compete for a sale. However, sight is not the only sensory (感官的) retail that companies use. Sounds and smells can also influence consumers' purchasing decisions.

Nobel Prize-winning research shows that our sense of smell has great power to cause an emotional response. A study published earlier this year compared purchasing in a French flower shop when the smell of lavender (薰衣草) was given off and when it wasn't. It found that the smell increased the number of consumers' purchasing items and the amount of their purchases. An earlier study using Nike shoes found that consumers desired the shoes more, and were willing to pay more, when the room had a mixed smell of flowers. Realizing the subconscious impact of

smell, many stores apply artificial scents (气味) through their heating and air-conditioning vents (通风口) or place scent machines above their doors. For instance, a coconut scent might make that bikini more appealing as you long for a vacation.

Ever felt frenzied due to a store's fast-paced music? Or calmed by a piece of light music? A retailer's choice of music can have a big impact on consumers' moods. One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a store. But interestingly, the researchers did not find a difference in sales or customers' satisfaction. Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music. Just as department stores use different scents in certain departments, many use different music in some areas to appeal to varying consumers.

Well, you could always leave the store and take a break, but the food court probably isn't your best choices as brands like Cinnabon and Panera Bread also use scents as part of their customers' experience. Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.

(1)The passage is mainly about ________.

A. consumers' favorite sounds and smells while shopping

B. shopping malls' strategies for satisfying consumers

C. some special services from super shopping malls

D. two factors affecting consumers' shopping decisions

(2)What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Decorating stores with flowers becomes a fashion.

B. Shops with special smells can attract more consumers.

C. Smells can actually help businessmen gain more profits.

D. The products with a kind of special smell are more popular.

(3)How does music have an effect on consumers?

A. It controls consumers' desire for shopping.

B. It influences how long consumers stay in a shop.

C. It gives consumers the satisfaction of enjoying shopping.

D. Whether consumers are willing to buy things depends on it.

(4)Which of the following can replace the underl ined word “frenzied” in Paragraph 3? A. Satisfied. B. Depressed. C. Surprised. D. Excited.

(5)What does the writer try to express in the last paragraph?

A. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular nowadays.

B. People should spend more time at home with family members.

C. People can choose to get rid of salesmen's promotion strategies.

D. Smells and sounds are important for consumers' shopping experience.






【解析】【分析】本文为说明文。这篇文章主要介绍了影响消费者购物决定的两个因素。(1)主旨大意题。根据第一段中的Sounds and smells can also influence consumers' purchasing decisions.(声音和气味也会影响消费者的购买决定)及下文对这两个因素的介绍可知,本文主要介绍了影响消费者购物决定的两个因素。故答案选D。

(2)推理判断题。根据第二段中的It found that the smell increased the number of consumers' purchasing items and the amount of their purchases.(研究发现,这种气味增加了消费者购买物品的数量和购买量)可推知,气味实际上可以帮助商人获得更多的利润。故答案选C。

(3)细节理解题。根据第三段中的One study found that when subjected to loud music, consumers will spend less time in a s tore…Another interesting finding from a recent study was that customers actually shop longer when exposed to unfamiliar music.(研究发现,当音乐音量过大时,消费者在商店里的时间会减少……最近一项研究的另一个有趣发现是,当顾客接触到不熟悉的音乐时,他们的购物时间实际上更长)可知,音乐会影响消费者在商店里停留的时间。故答案选B。

(4)词义猜测题。A. Satisfied满意的;B. Depressed沮丧的;C. Surprised吃惊的;D. Excited兴奋的。根据第三段中的Or calmed by a piece of light music?(还是听着轻音乐平静下来?)可知,划线词所在句意为“有没有因为商店里快节奏的音乐而感到疯狂?”,由此推知,划线词意为“疯狂的”,疯狂是一种兴奋的状态。故答案选D。

(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Online retailers (零售商) use a variety of other strategies to get your business, but you can always neglect those and enjoy the familiar scents of home.(网上零售商使用各种各样的策略来获得你的生意,但你可以忽略这些,享受熟悉的家的味道)可知,作者想要告诉人们,我们可以选择摆脱销售员的促销策略。故答案选C。



If conditions get bad enough, almost any kind of weather can become a storm.

Stormy weather can cause people to cancel their plans. It can cause major events to be postponed. And severe stormy weather can be dangerous to people, fortune and anima1.

If you weather the storm, or ride out the storm, you survive and move on without harm or injury. For example, 1et's talk about Tornado Alley, the name for part of the central United States. During springtime, this area often has a large number of powerful tornadoes. People who live there are taught to shelter in the safest place they can find and wait for the storm to pass. People who live in Tornado Alley are used to weathering many storms!

You can also weather a storm, but it doesn't involve actual weather. “To weather the storm” can also mean to make it through a difficult experience or trying times. So, if the stock market(股市)crashes, you might have to weather a financial storm.

Often before a big storm, conditions are calm. The calm before the storm can happen anytime. It is the time before something bad happens. For example, at the beginning of a family reunion, the adults were all talking happily. But the older children knew it was just the calm before the storm. They've seen it happen before. The adults talk happily for about an hour. Then they start arguing about events from the past—things that should really stay buried!

But after the storm begins and you find yourself in the middle of it, you are in the eye of the storm. In the world of weather, the eye of the storm is the calmest part, in the center of a hurricane, for example. However, in the English language, if you are in the eye of the storm, you are in the most intense part of a conflict. For example, she had no idea that walking into the meeting would put her in the eye of the storm.

However, a brainstorm does not exist in the world of weather. To brainstorm means to try to solve a problem by talking with other people. And don't worry. If we have trouble thinking of an idea for the next program, we can always brainstorm with you!

(1)What's mainly discussed in the 3rd and 4th paragraphs?

A. What the meanings of weathering the storm are.

B. How we can weather the storm.

C. Weathering a storm doesn't involve actual weather.

D. People in Tornado Alley can survive the storm.

(2)Why does the author mention a family reunion in the fifth paragraph?

A. To stress the importance of weather forecast.

B. To develop the awareness of family.

C. To explain the meaning of an expression.

D. To praise the older children for being clever.

(3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. A problem can't be solved if you worry too much.

B. A brainstorm often appears in the world of weather.

C. Difficulties can be dealt with by teamwork.

D. To brainstorm can cause troubles in the program.

(4)What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A. To tell us stormy weather can cause destruction.

B. To tell us some expressions about storm.

C. To tell us a storm can cause conflicts.

D. To tell us we should be ready for a storm.





【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了几个英语中与“风暴”有关的表达。(1)段落大意题。第三段第一句“If you weather the storm,or ride out the storm,you survive and move on without harm or injury. ”可知本段讲述weather the storm或者ride out the storm指安全度过;和第四段最后一句“To weather the storm can also mean to make it

through a difficult experience or trying times. 可知第四段讲述To weather the storm指度过难关。故可知第三四段主要讲述weather the storm的意义是什么。故选A。

(2)推理判断题。根据第五段第二句“The calm before the storm can happen anytime. It is the time before something bad happens. ”可知暴风雨前的宁静任何事都可能发生,这是一段某些不好的事情将要发生的时间。接着作者用家庭聚会作为例子来解释这一种说法的含义,故选C。

(3)推理判断题。最后一段第二句“To brainstorm means to try to solve a probl em by talking with other people. ”可知头脑风暴的意思是尝试通过与他人交流来解决一个问题,即困难可以通过团队合作来解决,故选C。

(4)主旨大意题。根据文章内容,如第五段提到暴风雨前的宁静,第六段讲“in the eye of the storm”处于风口浪尖上,最后一段说明“brainstorm”头脑风暴,可知文章主要介绍与“风暴”有关的表达,故选B。



Alison Malmon was ending her freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania. US, when she got the news: Her older brother Brian, a student at Columbia University; was suffering from mental illness.

Inspired by this, Malmon formed a group at her university to organize students to talk openly about mental health. It soon blossomed into a national organization that today has more than 450 campus chapters. Leaders with the organization spend their time talking with college students about the pressure that today's young people face.

"What you hear often is just a need to be perfect," said Malmon, "and a need to present oneself as perfect." A new study in the UK proved that this need for perfectionism is simply part of today's society. In the study, two researchers studied more than 40,000 students from the US, Canada, and the UK. They found that what they called "socially-prescribed (社会定向型的) perfectionism" increased by a third between 1989 and 2016.

Lead researcher Thomas Curran said that while so many of today's young people try to present a perfect appearance online, social media isn't the only reason behind this trend. Instead, he said, it may be driven by competition in modem society, meaning young people can't avoid being sorted and ranked in both education and employment. That comes from new normal situation like greater numbers of college students, national examination and parenting that increasingly emphasizes success in education.

For example, in 1976, half of high school seniors expected to get a college degree of some kind. By 2008, more than 80 percent expected the same. The researchers also said changes in parenting styles over the last two decades might have had an impact. As parents feel increased pressure to raise successful children, they in turn pass their "achievement anxieties" onto their

kids through "too much participation in their child's activities or emotions

Those in the mental health community like Malmon say they're concerned about the impact the culture of perfectionism has on mental health on campuses. "Mental health has truly become this generation's social justice (公正)issue," she said. "It's our job to equip them with the tools and to let people know that it's not their fault."

(1)What inspired Alison Malmon to start a group related to mental health?

A.Her brother's mental illness.

B.Her project during the freshman year.

C.The pressure she had experienced.

D.Her strong interest in mental health.

(2)What may be pushing today's young people to struggle to be perfect, according to the article?

a. The impact of social media.

b. Parents' high expectations of their children.

c. The decreasing number of college students.

d. The fierce competition in society.

e. Their desire to draw their parents' attention.

A.a, b, c

B.a, d, e

C.a, b, d

D.b, c, e

(3)What does Malmon think is a way to help young people manage the pressure of perfectionism?

A.Enabling them to know what is to blame for their pressure.

B.Lowering their expectations of themselves.

C.Reducing parents' involvement in their children's life.

D.Making them aware of what true social responsibility is.

(4)What is the article mainly about?

A.A new study on college students.

B.Research into the trend of perfectionism.

C.A group devoted to helping people stay mentally healthy.

D.Various pressures that today's young people are facing.






(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"Her older brother Brian, a student at Columbia University; was suffering from mental illness. “;以及第二段中的”Inspired by this, Malmon formed a group at her university to organize students to talk openly about mental health."可知正


(2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"social media isn't the only reason behind this trend. Instead, he said, it may be driven by competition in modem society…That comes from new normal situation like greater numbers of college students, national examination and parenting that increasingly emphasizes success in education."可知社交媒体不是年轻人所面临压力的唯一原因,当代社会的激烈竞争以及父母对孩子教育成功的期待都是重要原因。故选C。(3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的 "It's our job to equip them with the tools and to let people know that it's not their fault."可知Malmon认为年轻人应该让人们知道精神健康方面的问题不是他们的错误,而是社会以及父母给他们带来的。故选A。

(4)考查主旨大意。本文是一篇说明文,前两段导入话题:完美主义给年轻人带来了巨大的精神压力,人们组建了研究团队对此进行研究。第三段第一句点明主题"What you hear often is just a need to be perfect," said Malmon, "and a need to present oneself as perfect."下文分析了完美主义产生的具体原因,并提出了年轻人的应对方法。所以本文主要讲述的是对完美主义的研究。故选B。



The new social robots, including Jibo, Cozmo, Kuri and Meccano M.A.X., bear some resemblance to assistants like Apple's Siri, but these robots come with something more. They are designed to win us over not with their smarts but with their personality. They are sold as companions that do more than talk to us. Time magazine hailed (称赞) the robots that "could fundamentally reshape how we interact with machines." But is reshaping how we interact with machines a good thing, especially for children?

Some researchers in favor of the robots don't see a problem with this. People have relationships with many kinds of things. Some say robots are just another thing with which we can have relationships. To support their argument, roboticists sometimes point to how children deal with toy dolls. Children animate (赋予…生命) dolls and turn them into imaginary friends. Jibo, in a sense, will be one more imaginary friend, and arguably a more intelligent and fun one.

Getting attached to dolls and sociable machines is different, though. Today's robots tell children that they have emotions, friendships, even dreams to share. In reality, the whole goal of the robots is emotional trickery. For instance, Cozmo the robot needs to be fed, repaired and played with. Boris Sofman, the chief executive of Anki, the company behind Cozmo, says that the idea is to create "a deeper and deeper emotional connection ... And if you neglect him, you feel the pain of that." What is the point of this, exactly? What does it mean to feel the pain of neglecting something that feels no pain at being neglected, or to feel anger at being neglected by something that doesn't even know it is neglecting you?

This should not be our only concern. It is troubling that these robots try to empathize with

children. Empathy allows us to put ourselves in the place of others, to know what they are feeling. Robots, however, have no emotions to share, and they cannot put themselves in our place. No matter what robotic creatures "say" or squeak, they don't understand our emotional lives. They present themselves as empathy machines, but they are missing the essential equipment. They have not been born, they don't know pain, or death, or fear. Robot thinking may be thinking, but robot feeling is never feeling, and robot love is never love.

What is also troubling is that children take robots' behavior to indicate feelings. When the robots interact with them, children take this as evidence that the robots like them, and when robots don't work when needed, children also take it personally. Their relationships with the robots affect their self-esteem (自尊). In one study, an 8-year-old boy concluded that the robot stopped talking to him because the robot liked his brothers better.

For so long, we dreamed of artificial intelligence offering us not only simple help but conversation and care. Now that our dream is becoming real, it is time to deal with the emotional downside of living with robots that "feel."

(1)How are the new social robots different from Siri?

A. They are intended to teach children how to talk.

B. They are designed to attract people with their smarts.

C. Their main function is to evaluate children's personality.

D. They have a new way to communicate with human beings.

(2)In Paragraph 3 Cozmo is used as an example to show that the social robots ______.

A. are deeply connected with human beings

B. are unable to build a real relationship with children

C. are so advanced that they can feel the pain of human beings

D. are not good enough to carry out the instructions of children

(3)The underlined phrase "essential equipment" in Paragraph 4 refers to ______.

A. emotion

B. pain

C. fear

D. thinking

(4)Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage?

I: Introduction P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion

A. B.

C. D.






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“ The new social robots, including Jibo, Cozmo, Kuri and Meccano M.A.X., bear some resemblance to assistants like Apple's Siri, but these robots come with something more. ”可知,新的社交机器人与像苹果的Siri这样的助理有相同之处,但比它们有更多功能;再根据第一段中的“Time magazine hailed (称赞) the robots that “could fundamentally reshape how we in teract with machines.”可知,社交机器人彻底改变了我们与机器互动的方式,可以推知以一种新的方式与人们交流互动。故选D。

(2)考查推理判断。Cozmo是第三段的举例,举例肯定是用来证明本段或者其前边的观点的。本段的中心是“Getting attached to dolls and sociable machines is different, though.”与洋娃娃相处与与社交机器相处是不同的;再根据第三段中的“What does it mean to feel the pain of neglecting something that feels no pain at being neglected, or to feel anger at being neglected by something that doesn't even know it is neglecting you?”你觉得忽略了机器人而难受,但是机器人并不会感觉被忽略,或者你感觉机器人冷落了你而难受但是机器人根本不知道它冷落了你,这些意味着什么呢?可知,社交机器人并不能真的跟小朋友建立感情。故选B。(3)考查词义猜测。根据第四段中的“They have not been born, they don't know pain, or death, or fear. Robot thinking may be thinking, but robot feeling is never feeling, and robot love is never love.”可知,社交机器人不知道疼,死亡或害怕。社交机器人的思维可能是在想,但是他们的感觉从来不是感觉,他们的爱也从来不是爱。这句话是证明划线单词所在句子的论点的,他们是会同情的机器,但是他们缺少感情,导致他们所谓的感情是假的。所以划线单词词意为情感。故选A。




"What kind of rubbish are you?" This question might normally cause anger, but in Shanghai it was brought about weary complaints over the past few months. On July 1st, the city introduced strict rubbish-sorting regulations that are expected to be used as a model for our country. Citizens must divide their waste into four separate categories and put it into specific public bins. They must do so at scheduled times, when monitors are present to ensure that rules are obeyed

and to examine the nature of one's rubbish.

Violators could be hit with fines of up to 200 yuan ($29). For repeat violators, the city can add black marks to their credit records, making it harder for them to obtain hank loans or even buy train tickets.

Shanghai authorities are responding to obvious environmental problem. It produces 9 million tons of garbage a year. But like other cities in china, it lacks a recycling system. Instead, it has relied on rubbish pickers to pick out whatever can be reused. This has limits. As people get wealthier, fewer of them want to do such dirty work. The waste, meanwhile, just keeps piling up. China produces 80 billion pairs of one-off chopsticks a year.

Many citizens appear to support the idea of recycling in general but are frustrated by the details. Rubbish must be divided according to whether it is food, recyclable, dry or hazardous(有害的), the distinctions among which can be confusing, though there are apps to help work it out. Some have complained about the rules surrounding food waste. They must put it straight in the required public bin, forcing them to tear open plastic bags and toss(投掷)it by hand, Most annoying are the short periods for throwing trash, typically a couple of hours, morning and evening. Along with the monitors at the bins, this means that people go at around the same time and can keep an eye on what is being thrown out; no one wants to look bad.

(1)What's the purpose of Paragraph 1?

A. To complain about rubbish dividing.

B. To explain the four categories of the waste.

C. To introduce the rules on waste sorting.

D. To show the goal of rubbish, sorting regulations.

(2)What does the underlined word "Violators" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. People who don't pay for train tickets.

B. People who argue with the monitors.

C. People who obtain bank loans.

D. People who are against the regulations.

(3)What makes the citizens upset most about the rules?

A. Complex distinction among the four categories of rubbish.

B. Short scheduled time for tossing rubbish.

C. Being observed by monitors when throwing the garbage.

D. Being fined when blamed due to improper behavior.

(4)What can be the best title for the text?

A. A Restart of Waste-sorting

B. A New Age of Garbage Classification

C. Learning to Classify Rubbish

D. Rubbish-sorting Benefits the World






(1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Citizens must divide their waste into four separate

categories and put it into specific public bins. They must do so at scheduled times, when monitors are present to ensure that rules are obeyed and to examine the nature of one's rubbish.”市民必须将垃圾分为四类,并将其放入特定的公共垃圾箱。他们必须在规定的时间这样做,当监督员在场时,以确保规则得到遵守,并检查垃圾的性质。可知主要是在说明垃圾分类的相关规定,故第一段的目的是介绍垃圾分类的规则。故选C。

(2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“They could be hit with fines of up to 200yuan ($29).”他们将面临最高200元(29美元)的罚款。可推测他们此处指违反垃圾分类规定的人们,故划线单词意思为“违反规定的人”,故选D。

(3)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Most upset are the short windows for throwing trash, typically a couple of hours, morning and evening.”最让人心烦的是扔垃圾的短暂开放期,通常是早上和晚上的几个小时,可知,扔垃圾的时间很短让居民对这些规定最不满。故选B。

(4)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“On July 1st, the city introduced strict trash-sorting regulations that are expected to be used as a model for our country. Residents must divide their waste into four separate kinds and put it into specific public bins. They must do so at scheduled times, when monitors are present to ensure compliance and to inquire into the nature of one's rubbish.”7月1日,该市出台了严格的垃圾分类规定,有望成为我国的一个典范。居民必须将他们的垃圾分成四类,并将其放入特定的公共垃圾箱。他们必须在规定的时间这样做,当监督员在场时,以确保遵守和调查一个人的垃圾的性质)以及文章主要内容围绕着上海垃圾分类规定标志着一个垃圾分类的新时代的开始而展开,故选B。



Empathy (同理心)is one of those strange qualities—something almost everyone wants, but few know how to truly give or receive it. In a world where self-satisfaction is emphasized, it is in short supply but high demand. This is all the more reason to teach the next generation what it means to have empathy for those around them.

What Is Empathy?— Many people confuse sympathy and empathy, but they are two distinct values. Empathy is not just the ability to understand someone's feelings; criminals often take advantage of people by appearing to understand their feelings and subsequently gaining their trust. Empathy is more than that. Not only is it the ability to recognize how someone feels, but it also values and respects the feelings of another person. It means treating others with kindness, dignity, and understanding.

Kids Need To See Adults Show Empathy—While some children are gifted with naturally kind hearts, in most cases kids need to see empathy modeled by the adults around them. It begins with the way parents relate to their children. Parents who show an interest in the things that matter to their kids and respond to emotions in a positive and caring way are teaching the skill of empathy.


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Gemini Man Gemini Man is a big-budget Hollywood sci-fi-action movie based on an original concept, rather than on a superhero comic or an old TV series, even though this particular original concept is more 20 years old. In it a government assassin (杀手)is being hunted down by his own clone The original script was sold by Darren Lemke to a studio in 1997, and since then almost every male A-listener has been attached as a potential star. Now, at long last, Ang Lee has directed Gemini Man, and Will Smith plays both the veteran assassin and his much younger doppelganger (分身). Jojo Rabbit During World War Two, a 10-year-old German boy (Roman Griffin David) is desperate to be a dutiful Nazi, only to discover that his mother (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding, a Jewish girl (Thomasin McKenzie) in their house. It may not sound like the stuff of a big-hearted comedy but Taika Waititi can make anything warm and funny. As well as writing and directing Jojo Rabbit, Waititi co-stars as the boy's imaginary friend,a nitwitted Adolf Hitler. Doctor Sleep Mike Flanag's new film is adapted from Stephen King, novel, Doctor Sleep, which was a sequel (续集) to The Shining. You can expect to see blood flowing out of lifts in a rapid stream, ghostly twin girls and headache-including carpet patterns. Ewan McGregor stars as Danny Torrance, the boy with psychic powers m 1980 film. Now, he is a middle-aged hospital counsellor. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Here's another chance to see Angelina Jolie. In 2014 she starred in Maleficent, Disney's live-action remake of the Sleeping Beauty cartoon from 1959. The twist was that the eponymous wicked fairy wasn't so wicked, after all, and that the real villain was the father of Princess Aurora (Elle Fanning). The sequel's subtitle promises that Maleficent will actually be evil this time around, her change of heart prompted by Aurora's engagement to handsome prince (Harris Dickinson).(1)What can we learn from this passage? A. Ewan McGregor plays a role in Doctor Sleep. B. Taika Waititi is the main character in Jojo Rabbit. C. Gemini Man is adapted from a 20-yem--old TV series. D. The real wicked character in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil is Aurora. (2)If your friend wants to see a horror movie, which one will you recommend? A. Gemini Man B. Jojo Babbit C. Doctor Sleep D. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil 【答案】(1)A (2)C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了四部电影。 (1)考查细节理解。根据Doctor Sleep部分中的“Ewan McGregor stars as Danny Torrance, the boy w ith psychic powers in 1980 film.”可知Ewan McGregor在电影Doctor Sleep扮演Danny Torrance的角色。故选A。


课题 :动词的时态语态 2011年高考真题 1. Planning so far ahead _____ no sense— so many things will have changed by next year. (全国 I. A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made 2. I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ______ polite. (全国卷 I A. was just being B. will just be C. had just been D. would just be 3. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she _____ there. (全国卷 I A. had been lying B. has been lying C. was lying D. has lain 4. Experiments of this kind _____in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War. A. have conducted B. have been conducted C. had conducted D. had been conducted 5. Tom __________ in the library every night over the last three months. (北京卷 A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had been working 6. - Bob has gone to California. - Oh, can you tell me when he _________?(北京卷 A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leaving 7. ----That must have been a long trip. ---Yeah, it __________ us a whole week to get there. A. takes B. has taken C. took D. was taking 8. After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team _____ four days later. (上海卷 A. rescued B. was rescued C. has rescued D. had been rescued 9. Did you predict that many students ______ up for the dance competition? (上海卷


专题一冠词、名词和主谓一致 1.【2015·湖北】21.When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his ___ and had a bad fall. A.balance B .chance C .memory D .place 【答案】A 【考点定位】名词词义辨析 【名师点睛】本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析名词词义的能力。四个选项都可以跟前面的动词lose 搭配。考生应抓住题干中关键信息“had a bad fall(重重地摔了一跤)”,不禁会产生疑问:怎么会摔了一跤呢?然后根据搭配l ose one’s balance“失去平衡”锁定正确答案。 2.【2015·湖北】22.He gave himself a new name to hide his ____ when he went to carry out the secret task. A.emotion B.talent C.identity D.treasure 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:他执行一项秘密任务时,给自己起了一个新的名字来掩盖身份。A项“情绪”;B项“才能”;C项“身份”;D项“财富”。故选C项。 【考点定位】名词词义辨析 【名师点睛】考生解答本题的关键是抓住题干中的关键词“secret task(秘密任务)”和“gave himself a new name(给自己取了个新名字)”,然后推知肯定是为了“hide his identity(掩藏身份)”,从而锁定正确答案。 3.【2015·安徽】30.There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some ______ and then let me know. A. thought B. support C. protection D. authority 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:现在没必要告诉我答案,你再思考一下,之后告诉我。A思考;B支持;C保护;D 权威,当局。这里指让对方再好好想想,故选A。 【考点定位】考查名词辨析 【名师点睛】本题考查名词辨析。该种题型要求学生积累一定的词汇量,四个词的意思分别是“思考”;“支持”;“保护”和“权威”;其次,做题时需要结合句意进行综合考虑。根据第一句和“and then let me know”可知,现在不急着告诉“我”答案,由此可知是让对方再想想。 4.【2015·江苏】3 5.—Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave. —I’d like to, but I’m afraid she won’t be happy with my ______ . A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:—Dave,去跟你的妈妈道歉。—我想这样做,但是我担心她对我的道歉不满意。A项“请求”;B项“借口”;C项“道歉”;D项“遗憾,后悔”。故选C项。 【考点定位】名词词义辨析 【名师点睛】本题侧重考查在情景交际中辨析名词词义的能力。语境较为简单,考生只要抓住上文中的关键词“say sorry to”就可以锁定正确答案。因此,考生可以试着将词汇放在日常的情景交际中进行操练,加强对词汇的语境理解,可以达到事半功倍的效果。 5.【2015·江苏】32.Some schools will have to make ______ in agreement with the national soccer reform. A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:为了与国家的足球改革相适应,一些学校必须做出调整。A项“判断,决断”;B项“调整”;C项“评价,评论”;D项“成就”。故选B项。 【考点定位】名词词义辨析 【名师点睛】本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析名词词义的能力。四个选项都可以跟前面的动词make 搭配。因此,考生除了要充分利用特定语境理解词义,还应注意多积累可以跟同一动词搭配的名词。另外还可以利用固定搭配排除C项make本题侧重考查在特定的语境中辨析名词词义的能力。comments on“对……做出评价/评论”,缩小正确答案的范围。


高考英语阅读理解专项训练100篇 (名师传授解题技巧+实战练习,值得下载) 一、阅读理解解题技巧 阅读理解题是考查学生对活的语言材料的理解能力,即通过阅读材料获得信息的能力。具体说来,阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是:(1)掌握所读材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节;(2)既理解具体事实,也理解抽象的概念;(3)既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等;(4)既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并能根据文章进行推理和判断;(5)既能根据材料所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。根据这几项能力测试的要求,试题中常采用如下几种题型:事实询问题、推理判断题、数据推算题、识图解意题和主旨大意题。根据这一测试要求和题型设计,答题时可以采取如下解题技巧和对策。 1.首先解题时要充满自信。由于平时有些同学对做阅读理解时存在一种畏惧心理,因此考试做题时心理就难免会产生紧张感,特别是阅读时再遇到几个生词就头脑发胀,从而使自己的思路更加模糊不清。其实这是完全没有必要的,因为阅读中遇到几个生词或几个难以理解的句子是常有的事,也是正常现象。因为按大纲要求,试卷中允许有不超过3%的生词,只要认真分析,仔细阅读,这些生词和句子很可能并不影响你的解题。所以答题之前首先要有必胜的信心。 2.扫读全文,理解全文主旨大意。拿到一篇文章,首先要快速扫读全文,虽为扫读,但不可漫不经心,阅读时也应聚精会神,力求可能多地获取材料信息,只是这次遇到生词和难句先不必去处理,不要因纠缠文中的个别生词和难句而影响了对全文的主旨大意的了解。

3.对症下药,各个击破。了解全文的大概意思之后,再把短文的问题简单看一遍,弄懂题意,然后带着问题再去寻读全文。这次阅读过程中要善于抓文章中的关键词句。寻读也就是迅速的查找需要了解的信息,是为某些特定的问题而阅读,因此阅读时要有较强的针对性,对与问题有关的数据,词句等仔细阅读,认真理解,同时结合不同考查内容的题型,采取如下解题对策: (1)事实询问题:这类试题通常是以疑问词what,who,when,where,why,how 等引起的特殊问句,就文章中某一词语、某一句子、某一段落或某一具体细节和事实进行提问。解答此类试题首先要弄清题目和每一个选项的含义,然后按题目要求寻找与之相关的细节,正确估计答案来源,同时注意题目和文章中的暗示作用。特别注意辨别各种信息,确认各种信息。 (2)推理判断题:此题要求我们通过表面文字信息去推测文章隐含的意思,对文章的发展情节及作者的态度、意图等做出合乎逻辑的的推理判断。这种题要求我们在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节、从分析文章的结构入手,根据上下文的内在联系,充分挖掘文章的深层含义。对暗含在文章中事件的因果关系,人物的动机,以及作者未言明的倾向、态度、意图、观点进行合乎逻辑的推理、分析和判断。同时善于抓住文中实质性的东西,不要被带假象的表面信息或似是而非的东西所迷惑。并且注意推断作者态度时要力求从作者的态度、观点去思考,切勿想当然,凭个人的观点习惯看法来回答的问题。 (3)数据推算题:此题要求我们就文章提供的数据,以及数据与文章中其他信息的关系做出计算和推断,然后做出选择。这就要求我们解题时,要在理解好题意的前提下去对与数据有关的信息认真分析,若数据信息较多,还要注意弄清数据之间的关系,同时分清有用与无用信息,最终作出正确判断。 (4)主旨大意题:此题用以考查我们对文章主题或中心思想的领会和理解能力。在解答此类试题时要注意每段的中心句,抓住每一段的主题句。一般主题句都用来表达一段主旨大意,因此,只要找准每段的主题句,文章的中心思想和文章的最佳标题也就不难确定了。


高考英语阅读理解真题汇编(含答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Mexico sites on an island plateau (高原) surrounded by volcanic peaks, which makes air quality a constant concern for people who live there. In April, the country took a decisive step toward improving air quality by enacting a temporary ban on private and Federal vehicles in the city. The rule forbids people from driving in the city one day each week and one Saturday each month. Electric vehicles, government service vehicles, public transport options and school buses are not included in the ban. Mexico City isn't the first urban center to be involved in car-free living. But the ban is more than an awareness-raiser. It was enacted with the direct aim of solving air pollution. In March, the city sank into a deep brown haze of smog when the pollution levels passed the 200 mark. The city ordered some 1.1m of the area's 4.7m cars off the streets and also offered free bus and subway rides. Mexico City's temporary vehicle ban raises questions about the best ways to improve urban air quality. India, whose citizens breathe some of the world's dirtiest air, has tried a variety of solutions. Earlier this year, the Indian government started a 4% sales tax on new-car purchases. Beijing also has experience with cleaning the air. The city introduced alternate-day rules in advance of the 2008 Olympic Games, which produced good results. And then there is the London congestion (拥挤) charge, introduced in 2003. The charge has had a measurable effect on air quality. For now, Mexico City — named by the United Nations as the most polluted city on the planet in 1992 — can look forward to the start of the region's rainy season, when daily showers will help lo clean the air. (1)How did Mexico ban vehicles in the city? A. By banning private and Federal vehicles one day a week. B. By forbidding private and public vehicles every Saturday. C. By limiting the number of new cars. D. By prohibiting the vehicles except public ones.(2)What did the government of Mexico do when carrying out the ban on vehicles? A. Raised the number of public vehicles. B. Offered free bus and subway rides. C. Introduced more travel options. D. Encouraged citizens to leave the city. (3)What may contribute to improving the air quality in Mexico? A. Alternate-day rules. B. Tax rises. C. Congestion charge. D. The rainy season.(4)What's the best title for the passage? A. Mexico —an Island Plateau B. A Variety of Bans on Vehicles in Mexico C. Should Cities Be Car-free Zones D. How to Improve Air Quality 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)D (4)C


最新历年全国高考英语名词试题汇总及答案 一、单项选择名词 1._________is Virginia Woolf’s most autobiographical novel, which develops a series of thoughts rather than a plot, centering on themes like women’s role in society, death and change. A.The Garden Party B.The Green Room C.To the Lighthouse D.Daisy Miller 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词辨析。句意:《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫最具自传体色彩的小说,它围绕女性在社会中的角色、死亡和变化等主题展开了一系列的思考而非情节的描写。A. The Garden Party《花园聚会》;B. The Green Room《候场室》;C. To the Lighthouse 《到灯塔去》;D. Daisy Miller《黛西·米勒》。由“Virginia Woolf”可知,Virginia Woolf是To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》的作者。故选C项。 2.事故现场 Scenery:指某地总的自然景色或风景全貌。 Sight:既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。 View:1.常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。 2.视野=sight 3.观点跟opinion同义。 根据本句句意可知,D选项正确。 3.The broken window was the that the house had been broken into. A.evidence B.expression C.scenery D.function 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查名词。A. evidence证据; B. expression表达; C. scenery风景; D. function功能。句意:弄坏的窗户是这所房子被破门而入的证据。故选A。 4.It has been proved that there is a(n) ______ between smoking and certain diseases. A.connection B.description. C.expression D.concentration 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】


精编高考英语阅读理解真题汇编180篇 (2014-2017) 1 (2017年北京卷) It was a cold March day in High Point, North Carolina. The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice, stamping their feet to stay warm, Eighth-grader Taylor Bisbee shivered(发抖) a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play. The two didn‘t kn each other well — Taylor had just moved to town a month or so before. Suddenly, Paris fell to the ground,―Paris‘s eye rolled back,‖ Taylor says. ―She st was an emergency.‖ It certainly was, Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure. Without immediate medical care, Paris would die. At first no one moved. The girls were in shock. Then the softball coach shouted out, ―Does anyone know CPR?‖ CPR is a life-saving technique. To do CPR, you press on the sick person‘s chest so that blood mov through the body and takes oxygen to organs. Without oxygen the brain is damaging quickly. Amazingly, Taylor had just taken a CPR course the day before. Still, she hesitated. She didn she knew it well enough. But when no one else came forward, Taylor ran to Paris and began doing CPR, scary. I knew it was the difference between life and death,‖ says Taylor. 1. Two more ran to get the Taylor‘s swift action helped her teammates calm down. One girl called 91 school nurse, who brought a defibrillator, an electronic devices(器械) that can shock the heart back into work. Luck stayed with them: Paris‘ heartbeat returned. ―I know I was really lucky,‖ Paris says now. ―Most people don‘t survive this. My team s Experts say Paris is right: For a sudden heart failure, the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly.


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


2017高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(70) 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 “Experience may possibly be the best teacher,but it is not a particularly good teacher.” You might think that Winston Churchill or perhaps Mark Twain spoke those words,but they actually come from James March,a professor at Stanford University and a pioneer in the field of organizational decision making. For years March(possibly the wisest philosopher of management)has studied how humans think and act,and he continues to do so in his new bookThe Ambiguities of Experience. He begins by reminding us of just how firmly we have been sticking to the idea of experiential learning:“Experience is respected;experience is sought;experience is explained.” The problem is that learning from experience involves(涉及)serious complications(复杂化),ones that are part of the nature of experience itself and which March discusses in the body of this book. In one interesting part of the book,for example,he turns a doubtful eye toward the use of stories as the most effective way of experiential learning. In our efforts to make stories interesting,he argues,we lose part of the complicated truth of things. He says “The more accurately(精确地)reality is presented,the less understandable the story,and the more understandable the stor y,the less realistic it is.” Besides being a broadly knowledgeable researcher,March is also a poet,and his gift shines through in the depth of views he offers and the simple language he uses. Though the book is short,it is demanding:Don’t pick it up lookin g for quick,easy lessons. Rather,be ready to think deeply about learning from experience in work and life. 1. According to the text,James March is. A. a poet who uses experience in his writing B. a teacher who teaches story writing in university C. a researcher who studies the way humans think and act D. a professor who helps organizations make important decisions 2. According to James March,experience. A. is overvalued B. is easy to explain C. should be actively sought D. should be highly respected


【英语】历年全国高考英语代词试题汇总及答案 一、单项选择代词 1.— How much salt did you put in the soup? 一 Oh, sorry! . I forgot. A.Little B.Nothing C.None D.Few 【答案】C 【解析】 考查不定代词。A. Little少许;B. Nothing无事,无物;C. None没有任何东西;D. Few很少。上句:你在汤里放了多少盐?下句:我忘了放盐。也就是一点也没有,故选C。 2.— You seem busy these days. —Yes. I’m writing a story. You know, it’s really not easy to write ______ with attractive plots. A.this B.it C.one D.that 【答案】C 【解析】 句意:你近些天看起来很忙。是的,我在写故事,你知道,写一个有吸引力的情节的故事不容易。.it/one /that三者均可用作代词,指代前面提到的名词.一般说来,it指代同名同物; one与that则指代同名异物.one与that虽可用来指代同名异物,但one为泛指,相当于a/an +名词; that为特指,相当于the +名词.所以one所指代的名词的修饰语一般为 a/an /some /any; that所指代的名词的修饰语往往是the /this /that。前面提到是a story,故选择C。 考点:考查it,one,that用法区别 3.Jack Ma, the founder and chairman of China’s Alibaba Group, has a $28.6 billio n fortune, ______making him the richest person in China. A.it B.one C.that D.which 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 试题分析:考查代词。句意:中国阿里巴巴集团创始人兼董事长马云拥有286亿美元的财富,这使他成为中国首富。分析句子结构可知,此处用one代替前面的a $28.6 billion fortune,实际上是它的同位语,后面的making him the richest person in China.是现在分词作后置定语修饰one,注意此处不是非限定性定语从句,如果是非限定定语从句的话应该用makes而不是making,所以不能选which,故选B。 考点:考查代词 4.I’d appreciate ______ if you would pick me up at seven this evening. A.hat B.this C.it D.you
