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Ethnics of Scientific publication 科学文章发表的伦理 问题
Animals –IACUC 动物研究对象-实验动物管理与使用委员会 Humans-IRB 人类研究对象-伦理审查委员会 Others 其他
Publishing a paper (cont.)论文发表(续)
Obligations of an Investigator
To carry out technically competent, ethical, thorough research 进行技术先进、符合伦理道德标准和深入的 研究 To employ objective scientific judgment, including seeking appropriate advice 做出客观科学的判断,包 括征询适当的建议 To publish honest reports of the work 诚实地报告研 究结果 To publish results in a timely fashion 及时地发表研究 结果
Passive voice 被动时态
Active voice is stronger and shorter than passive voice主动时态较被动语态 更短而且表达意思更强烈
Materials and methods 材料和方法
Describe study design and analysis 描述研究设计和分析方法 Journal specific 不同的杂志有不同的要求 Decide how much detail to provide 决定需要提供多少详细内 容
Components of a manuscript (cont.) 文稿的组成部分(续)
Results 结果
Text should not repeat data shown in figures and tables (stand alone) 正文中不用重复表格和图中的数据 Test should provide rationale and logic of each experiment 正文中 应提供理论依据和每个实验的逻辑性 Point out salient features of results 指出结果中的一些突出的特征
Be Succinct 简洁 Be concise 精炼
Components of a manuscript
Introduction (keep it short and crisp) 前言(短而精)
general field and importance of work 该领域的整体情况和 研究的重要性 Historical context-outlines what concepts will be challenged or developed 历史上的背景—描述哪些概念需要接受挑战或获 得发展 Novel elements and conclusions 新颖的要素和结论
Choosing the correct journal (instructions for authors) 选择正确的杂志投稿(杂志的“作 者指南”) Relate conclusions to the existing body of knowledge 将结论与现有的知识联系 Logic 逻辑性
The benefits of writing 写作的好处
To fulfill responsibility to report and share information with the community 履行向社区和同行报 告并分享信息的责任 To think more clearly 使思考更清晰 Personal gain 个人的收获
Questions to ask yourself for your research
Do you have a clear hypothesis 你有一个清晰的研究假设吗? Did your experiments test that hypothesis? 你的实验验证了你的 假设了吗? Is your experimental design defendable? 你的实验设计是否经得 起推敲的? Did you have appropriate controls? 你是否有适当的对照组? Did you do a literature research? 是否进行了文献研究?
Process of research and publication
Completion of research 完成研究 Preparation of manuscript 论文写作 Submission of manuscript 论文投稿 Assignment and review 同行审阅 Decision 审稿结果 Rejection 拒绝 Revision 修改 Resubmission 再投稿 Re-review 再审稿 Acceptance 接受 Publication 发表 Rejection 拒绝
Getting a paper published
Competition for space in journals is intense 对杂志版 面的竞争是激烈的 Cost of publication is high 发表费用是昂贵的(每页几 百美金) Rejection rates vary among journals and over time 拒 绝率取决于不同的杂志、并随时间改变
Common writing errors 常见的撰写错误
Spelling 拼写错误 Misplaced modifiers 不合适的修饰语 Subject-Verb Agreement (data is/are) 主语和动词的一致性 Complete sentences 完整的句子的使用 Avoid wordiness and unfamiliar words 避免冗长和陌生的单词 Precision in choice of words 选词的准确性 Passive vs. active voice 被动与主动时态问题
Establish yourself as an expert 把自己培养成专家 Grants 有利于研究项目的申请 Promotions 有利于学术上的晋升
To yield the final product of a successfully research project 一个成功的研究项目的最终成果
How to write and publish a scientific article
The overall process 研究和发表论文的流程 Elements of a journal article 论文的要素 Common problems in scientific writing 科研写作的常见问题 Choice of a journal 杂志的选择 The review process 论文审阅过程 Authorship 作者 Ethnics of scientific publishing 科研论文发表的伦理问题
Do not repeat results 不要重复结果 Indicate wider significance of results 说明结果更广泛的意义 Link hypothesis posited in introduction to conclusions 结论要联系前 言中的假设 Identify symptoms of megalomania 防止自我夸大 Avoid “personal communications” 避免使用“私人的交流”的信息
Tuberculosis 结核病杂志=44%
NEJM, Science, Nature 新英格兰医学杂志、科学,自然 =90% Online Journals Have Low Rejection Rates 网络杂志的拒绝 率较低
A Manuscript is Worthless If the authors Have nothing worth reporting 如果作者没有什么值得报告的, 那么该文 稿是没有价值的
Publishing in International Journals 国际期刊投稿
Han-Zhu Qian 钱汉竹 Assistant Professor Vanderbilt University Institute for Global Health 美国范德堡大学 全球健康研究所助理教授 Beijing. China 中国 北京 中国.北京 April 2009
Publishing a paper 发表论文
Readiness 准备 What is the question (hypothesis) 研究的问题(假设)是什 么 Did the experiments test it 你的实验是否验证了它 Were there secondary hypotheses 有次要假设吗 Experimental design strengths & weaknesses 实验设计的优 缺点 Controls-appropriate and sufficient对照是否正确、样本量是 否足够 Tables and Figures finalized 最终的图表 Clarify and solidify conclusions 阐明并支持结论
What journal (quality and prestige)? 什么样的杂志(质量和声誉)?
How do your findings related to the existing body of knowledge? 如何将你的发现与现有的知识联系起来? Conform to “Instructions for Authors.” 与杂志的“作者指南”的 要求相符
Publishing a paper (cont.)发表论文(续)
Authorship issues (contributorship) 作者问题(贡献)
• Design of investigation 参与了调查设计 • Conduct of experiments 参与了实验实施 • Interpreting results and developing conclusions 解释结果并形 成结论 • Writing, reviewing, and revising the paper 撰写、评审和修改 论文 • Providing intellectual environment 提供知识环境
Essential elements of a journal article 期刊文
What is the rationale of a project? 研究项目的理论依据是什么? What is the historical context of the work? 这个工作的历史背景 是什么? What audience are you targeting? 你的目标读者群是哪些?
Common problems in writing
Use of punctuation 标点的使用
“Please state name, age, sex and hosing requirements.”
Wordiness 冗长
“the experiments were begun in the month of July.”