医疗器械生物学评价第 5 局部:体外细胞毒性试验1范围GB/T 16886 的本局部阐述了评价医疗器械体外细胞毒性的试验方法。
2标准性引用文件以下文件中的条款通过GB/T 16886 的本局部的引用而成为本局部的条款。
GB/T 16886. 1 医疗器械生物学评价第1 局部:评价与试验〔GB/T 16886.1-2023,idt ISO 10993- 1:1997〕CB/ T 16886. 12-2023 医疗器械生物学评价第12 局部:样品制备和参照材料〔idt ISO 10993-12 :1996〕3术语与定义GB/ T 16886. 1/ ISO 1993-1 中确立的以及以下术语和定义适用于本局部。
3.13.2 阴性比照材料negative control material依据本局部试验时不产生细胞毒性反响的材料。
阳性比照材料 pos itive control material依据本局部试验时可重现细胞毒性反响的材料。
2)已用作固体材料和浸提液1)高密度聚乙烯可从美国药典委员会〔Rockvillie, Maryland, USA〕和Hatano 争论所食品和药品安全中心〔Ochiai 729-5 ,Hanagawa.257-Japan〕获得。
细胞毒性实验总结一、抗HBV药物细胞毒性实验背景知识 (1)二、细胞毒性实验方案的确立 (3)三、细胞毒性实验方法稳定后的部分数据 (4)四、细胞毒性实验质量评价指标 (5)五、细胞毒性实验SOP (6)(一)目的 (6)(二)适用范围 (6)(三)责任人 (6)(四)规程 (6)1. 试验准备 (7)2. 试验操作 (8)3.数据处理和分析 (8)六、总结 (9)一、抗HBV药物细胞毒性实验背景知识细胞毒性是化学物质(药物)作用于细胞基本结构和/或生理过程,如细胞膜或细胞骨架结构,细胞的新陈代谢过程,细胞组分或产物的合成、降解或释放,离子调控及细胞分裂等过程,导致细胞存活、增殖和/或功能的紊乱,所引发的不良反应。
Mei—bian,LI Xiao-xue。YAN Song-xue,CHEN
结果所有剂量2种膨润土的溶血率均明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(尸℃O.05)。CCK.8试验结 果表明,酸性土和有机土剂量分别≥30、20斗s/mi时,细胞活性明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<
0.01);NRU试验和LDH试验出现类似结果,并均呈剂量—效应关系。180脚r/mJ酸性土组与120、180¨固伽 有机土组的早期细胞凋亡率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P如.05)。5个体外试验的结果均表
industrial treatment and
characteristics of two kinds of bentonite particles.
【Key words】
Minerals;Bentonite;Cytotoxicity,immunologic;In vitro
(IARC)列为对人致癌131。但是,至今膨润土细胞毒性 研究报道不多。最近Geh等141发现,膨润土可诱发细 胞凋亡及坏死,且具有潜在诱发细胞膜破裂的能 力。此外,不同膨润土对细胞的损伤作用可能不同阳。
主要产地。已知膨润土不但可诱发尘肺【l-21,而且膨 润土成分之一晶体硅已被国际癌症研究中心
87 BIOLOGICAL REACTIVITY TESTS, IN VITROThe following tests are designed to determine the biological reactivity of mammalia n cell cultures followi ng con tact with the elastomeric plastics and other polymeric materials with direct or in direct patie nt con tact or of specific extracts prepared from the materials under test. It is essential that the tests be performed on the specified surface area. When the surface area of the specime n cannot be determ in ed, use 0.1 g of elastomer or 0.2 g of plastic or other material for every mL of extraction fluid. Exercise care in the preparation of the materials to preve nt con tam in ati on with microorga nisms and other foreign matter. Three tests are described (i.e., the Agar Diffusi on Test , the Direct Con tact Test and the Elution Test ).1 The decision as to which type of test or the number of tests to be performed to assess the potential biological response of a specific sample or extract depends upon the material, the final product, and its inten ded use. Other factors that may also affect the suitability of sample for a specific use are the polymeric composition; processing and cleaning procedures; con tact ing media; in ks; adhesives; absorptio n, adsorptio n, and permeability of preservatives; and con diti ons of storage. Evaluatio n of such factors should be made by appropriate additi onal specific tests before determining that a product made from a specific material is suitable for its in ten ded use. Materials that fail the in vitro tests are can didates for the in vivotests described in Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88 .USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 11 —USP High-Density Polyethylene RS.USP Positive Bioreaction RS.Cell Culture Preparation —Prepare multiple cultures of L-929 (ATCC cell lineCCL 1, NCTC clone 929; alternative cell lines obtained from a standard repository may be used with suitable validation) mammalian fibroblast cells inserum-suppleme nted minimum esse ntial medium hav ing a seedi ng den sity of about 10 5 cells per mL. Incubate the cultures at 37 1 一in a h±midifiedin cubator for NLT 24 h in a 5 1% c±b on dioxide atmosphere un til amono layer, with greater tha n 80% con flue nee, is obta in ed. Exam ine the prepared cultures un der a microscope to en sure uniform, n ear-c on flue ntmono layers. [NOTE ——The reproducibility of the In Vitro Biological Reactivity Tests depends upon obtaininguniform cell culture density. ]Extractio n Solvents —Sodium Chloride Injectio n (see mono graph —useSodium Chloride Injection containing 0.9% of NaCl). Alternatively, serum-free mammalia n cell culture media or serum-suppleme nted mammalia n cell culture media may be used. Serum suppleme ntati on is used whe n extracti on is done at 37 - for 24 h.Apparatus —Autoclave —Employ an autoclave capable of maintaining a temperature of 121±2 -, equipped with a thermometer, a pressure gauge, a vent cock, a rack adequate to accommodate the test containers above the water level, and a water cooling system that will allow for cooling of the test containers to about20 -, but not below 20 -, immediately following the heating cycle.Oven —Use an ove n, preferably a mecha ni cal con vect ion model, that will maintain operating temperatures in the range of 50 -刁0 within ±.In cubator —Use an in cubator capable of maintaining a temperature of 37 1土and a humidified atmosphere of 5 1% carbon dioxide in air.Extracti on Containers —Use only contain ers, such as ampuls or screw-cap culture test tubes, or their equivale nt, of Type I glass. If used, culture test tubes, or their equivale nt, are closed with a screw cap hav ing a suitable elastomeric liner. The exposed surface of the elastomeric liner is completely protected with an inert solid disk 50 —5 m in thickness. A suitable disk can be fabricated from polytef.Preparati on of Apparatus ——Clea nse all glassware thoroughly with chromic acid clea nsing mixture an d, if n ecessary, with hot n itric acid followed by proIon ged rinsing with Sterile Water for Injectio n. Sterilize and dry by a suitable process for containers and devices used for extracti on, tran sfer, or adm ini strati on of test material. If ethyle ne oxide is used as the steriliz ing age nt, allow NLT 48 h for complete degass ing.Procedure —Preparati on of Sample for Extracts —Prepare as directed in the Procedure under Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88 .Preparati on of Extracts ——Prepare as directed for Preparati on of Extracts inBiological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88 using either Sodium Chloride Injection (0.9% NaCl) or serum-free mammalia n cell culture media asExtraction Solvents. [NOTE —If extraction is done at 37 U for 24 h in an incubator, use cell culture media supplemented by serum. The extraction conditions should not in any instance cause physical changes, such as fusion or melting of the material pieces, other than a slight adherence. ]Agar Diffusi on TestThis test is desig ned for elastomeric closures in a variety of shapes. The agar layer acts as a cushion to protect the cells from mechanical damage while allow ing the diffusi on of leachable chemicals from the polymeric specime ns. Extracts of materials that are to be tested are applied to a piece of filter paper. Sample Preparati on —Use extracts prepared as directed, or use porti ons of the test specime ns hav ing flat surfaces NLT 100 mm in surface area. Positive Control Preparation —Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation . Negative Con trol Preparatio n ——Proceed as directed for Sample Preparati on Procedure —Using 7 mL of cell suspe nsion prepared as directed un der CellCulture Preparati on , prepare the mono layers in plates hav ing a 60-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the mono layers, and replace it withserum-suppleme nted culture medium con tai ning NMT 2% of agar. [NOTE—The quality of the agar must be adequate to support cell growth.The agar layer must be thin enough to permit diffusion of leached chemicals. ] Place the flat surfaces ofSample Preparati on, Negative Con trol Preparati on , and Positive Con trolPreparation or their extracts in an appropriate extracting medium, in duplicate cultures in con tact with the solidified agar surface. Use no more tha n threespecimens per prepared plate. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 1- ,±preferably in a humidified in cubator containing 5 1% of carbb n dioxide.Examine each culture around each Sample, Negative Control , and PositiveControl, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.In terpretati on of Results ——The biological reactivity (cellular dege nerati on and malformati on) is described and rated on a scale of 0 — (see Table 1). Measurethe responses of the cell cultures to the Sample Preparation , the NegativeControl Preparation , and the Positive Control Preparation . The cell culture test system is suitable if the observed resp on ses to the Negative Con trolPreparation is grade 0 (no reactivity) and to the Positive Control Preparation isat least grade 3 (moderate). The Sample meets the requireme nts of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not con firmed.Table 1. Reactivity Grades for Agar Diffusio n Test and Direct Con tact TestGrade Reactivity Descripti on of Reactivity Zone0 None No detectable zone around or un der specime nSome malformed or dege nerated cells un der1 Slight specime nZone limited to area un der specime n and lesstha n2 Mild 0.45 cm bey ond specime n3 Moderate Zone exte nds 0.45 to 1.0 cm bey ond specime n4 Severe Zone exte nds greater tha n 1.0 cm bey ondspecime nDirect Con tact TestThis test is desig ned for materials in a variety of shapes. The procedure allows for simulta neous extract ion and testi ng of leachable chemicals from the specime n with a serum-suppleme nted medium. The procedure is not appropriate for very low- or high-de nsity materials that could cause mecha ni cal damage to the cells.Sample Preparati on —Use porti ons of the test specime n hav ing flat surfaces2NLT 100 mm in surface area.Positive Control Preparation —Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation . Negative Con trol Preparatio n ——Proceed as directed for Sample Preparati on Procedure —Using 2 mL of cell suspe nsion prepared as directed un der Cell Culture Preparati on , prepare the mono layers in plates hav ing a 35-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the cultures, and replace it with 0.8 mL of fresh culture medium. Place a single Sample Preparation , a Negative Control Preparation , and a Positive Control Preparation in each of duplicate cultures. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ±1〕in a humidified in cubator containing 5 1% of carb on dioxide.Examine each culture around each Sample, Negative Control , and Positive Control Preparation , under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.In terpretati on of Results —Proceed as directed for In terpretati on of Results under Agar Diffusion Test . The Sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not con firmed.Eluti on TestThis test is designed for the evaluation of extracts of polymeric materials. The procedure allows for extract ion of the specime ns at physiological or。
一、体外细胞毒性测试技术1. 细胞毒性传感技术细胞毒性传感技术是通过利用细胞感应器来评估药物对细胞的毒性。
2. 三维细胞培养技术传统的细胞毒性测试通常使用二维细胞培养模型,但这种模型无法完全还原人体内细胞的生理环境。
二、体外器官模型技术1. 人工微型器官技术人工微型器官技术包括体外器官芯片和组织工程等技术,能够模拟人体重要器官的功能,如肝脏、心脏、肾脏等。
2. 人体器官模型技术人体器官模型技术使用体外培养的真实人体器官组织来评估药物的毒性。
USP 87 细胞毒性 体外试验
![USP 87 细胞毒性 体外试验](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b71eb28312b3169a551a41a.png)
87BIOLOGICAL REACTIVITY TESTS, IN VITROThe following tests are designed to determine the biological reactivity of mammalian cell cultures following contact with the elastomeric plastics and other polymeric materials with direct or indirect patient contact or of specific extracts prepared from the materials under test. It is essential that the tests be performed on the specified surface area. When the surface area of the specimen cannot be determined, use 0.1 g of elastomer or 0.2 g of plastic or other material for every mL of extraction fluid. Exercise care in the preparation of the materials to prevent contamination with microorganisms and other foreign matter.Three tests are described (i.e., the Agar Diffusion Test, the Direct Contact Test, and the Elution Test).1 The decision as to which type of test or the number of tests to be performed to assess the potential biological response of a specific sample or extract depends upon the material, the final product, and its intended use. Other factors that may also affect the suitability of sample for a specific use are the polymeric composition; processing and cleaning procedures; contacting media; inks; adhesives; absorption, adsorption, and permeability of preservatives; and conditions of storage. Evaluation of such factors should be made by appropriate additional specific tests before determining that a product made from a specific material is suitable for its intended use. Materials that fail the in vitro tests are candidates for the in vivotests described in Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88.USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 11— USP High-Density Polyethylene RS. USP Positive Bioreaction RS.Cell Culture Preparation— Prepare multiple cultures of L-929 (ATCC cell line CCL 1, NCTC clone 929; alternative cell lines obtained from a standard repository may be used with suitable validation) mammalian fibroblast cells inserum-supplemented minimum essential medium having a seeding density of about 105 cells per mL. Incubate the cultures at 37 ± 1in a humidified incubator for NLT 24 h in a 5 ± 1% carbon dioxide atmosphere until a monolayer, with greater than 80% confluence, is obtained. Examine the prepared cultures under a microscope to ensure uniform, near-confluent monolayers. [NOTE—The reproducibility of the In Vitro Biological Reactivity Tests depends upon obtaining uniform cell culture density. ]Extraction Solvents—Sodium Chloride Injection (see monograph—use Sodium Chloride Injection containing 0.9% of NaCl). Alternatively, serum-free mammalian cell culture media or serum-supplemented mammalian cell culture media may be used. Serum supplementation is used when extraction is done at 37for 24 h.Apparatus—Autoclave— Employ an autoclave capable of maintaining a temperature of 121 ± 2, equipped with a thermometer, a pressure gauge, a vent cock, a rack adequate to accommodate the test containers above the water level, and a water cooling system that will allow for cooling of the test containers to about 20, but not below 20, immediately following the heating cycle.Oven— Use an oven, preferably a mechanical convection model, that will maintain operating temperatures in the range of 50–70within ± 2. Incubator— Use an incubator capable of maintaining a temperature of 37 ± 1 and a humidified atmosphere of 5 ± 1% carbon dioxide in air.Extraction Containers— Use only containers, such as ampuls or screw-cap culture test tubes, or their equivalent, of Type I glass. If used, culture test tubes, or their equivalent, are closed with a screw cap having a suitable elastomeric liner. The exposed surface of the elastomeric liner is completely protected withan inert solid disk 50–75 µm in thickness. A suitable disk can be fabricated from polytef.Preparation of Apparatus— Cleanse all glassware thoroughly with chromic acid cleansing mixture and, if necessary, with hot nitric acid followed by prolonged rinsing with Sterile Water for Injection. Sterilize and dry by a suitable process for containers and devices used for extraction, transfer, or administration of test material. If ethylene oxide is used as the sterilizing agent, allow NLT 48 h for complete degassing.Procedure—Preparation of Sample for Extracts— Prepare as directed in the Procedureunder Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88.Preparation of Extracts— Prepare as directed for Preparation of Extracts inBiological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88using either Sodium Chloride Injection (0.9% NaCl) or serum-free mammalian cell culture media as Extraction Solvents. [NOTE—If extraction is done at 37for 24 h in an incubator, use cell culture media supplemented by serum. The extraction conditions should not in any instance cause physical changes, such as fusion or melting of the material pieces, other than a slight adherence. ]Agar Diffusion TestThis test is designed for elastomeric closures in a variety of shapes. The agar layer acts as a cushion to protect the cells from mechanical damage while allowing the diffusion of leachable chemicals from the polymeric specimens. Extracts of materials that are to be tested are applied to a piece of filter paper. Sample Preparation— Use extracts prepared as directed, or use portions of the test specimens having flat surfaces NLT 100 mm2 in surface area. Positive Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Negative Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation.Procedure— Using 7 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed under Cell Culture Preparation, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 60-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the monolayers, and replace it with serum-supplemented culture medium containing NMT 2% of agar. [NOTE—The quality of the agar must be adequate to support cell growth. The agar layer must be thin enough to permit diffusion of leached chemicals. ] Place the flat surfaces ofSample Preparation, Negative Control Preparation, and Positive Control Preparation or their extracts in an appropriate extracting medium, in duplicate cultures in contact with the solidified agar surface. Use no more than three specimens per prepared plate. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ± 1, preferably in a humidified incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture around each Sample, Negative Control, and Positive Control, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.Interpretation of Results— The biological reactivity (cellular degeneration and malformation) is described and rated on a scale of 0–4 (see Table 1). Measure the responses of the cell cultures to the Sample Preparation, the Negative Control Preparation, and the Positive Control Preparation. The cell culture test system is suitable if the observed responses to the Negative Control Preparation is grade 0 (no reactivity) and to the Positive Control Preparation is at least grade 3 (moderate). The Sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed. Table 1. Reactivity Grades for Agar Diffusion Test and Direct Contact TestGrade Reactivity Description of Reactivity Zone0 None No detectable zone around or under specimen1 Slight Some malformed or degenerated cells under specimen2 Mild Zone limited to area under specimen and less than 0.45 cm beyond specimen3 Moderate Zone extends 0.45 to 1.0 cm beyond specimen4 Severe Zone extends greater than 1.0 cm beyondGrade Reactivity Description of Reactivity ZonespecimenDirect Contact TestThis test is designed for materials in a variety of shapes. The procedure allows for simultaneous extraction and testing of leachable chemicals from the specimen with a serum-supplemented medium. The procedure is not appropriate for very low- or high-density materials that could cause mechanical damage to the cells.Sample Preparation— Use portions of the test specimen having flat surfaces NLT 100 mm2 in surface area.Positive Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Negative Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Procedure— Using 2 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed under Cell Culture Preparation, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 35-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the cultures, and replace it with 0.8 mL of fresh culture medium. Place a single Sample Preparation, a Negative Control Preparation, and a Positive Control Preparation in each of duplicate cultures. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ± 1in a humidified incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture around each Sample, Negative Control, and Positive Control Preparation, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired. Interpretation of Results— Proceed as directed for Interpretation of Results under Agar Diffusion Test. The Sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed.Elution TestThis test is designed for the evaluation of extracts of polymeric materials. The procedure allows for extraction of the specimens at physiological ornonphysiological temperatures for varying time intervals. It is appropriate for high-density materials and for dose-response evaluations.Sample Preparation— Prepare as directed in Preparation of Extracts, using either Sodium Chloride Injection (0.9% NaCl) or serum-free mammalian cell culture media as Extraction Solvents. If the size of the Sample cannot be readily measured, a mass of NLT 0.1 g of elastomeric material or 0.2 g of plastic or polymeric material per mL of extraction medium may be used. Alternatively, use serum-supplemented mammalian cell culture media as the extracting medium to simulate more closely physiological conditions. Prepare the extracts by heating for 24 h in an incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Maintain the extraction temperature at 37 ± 1, because higher temperatures may cause denaturation of serum proteins.Positive Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Negative Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Procedure— Using 2 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed under Cell Culture Preparation, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 35-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the monolayers, and replace it with extracts of the Sample Preparation, Negative Control Preparation, or Positive Control Preparation. The serum-supplemented and serum-free cell culture media extracts are tested in duplicate without dilution (100%). The Sodium Chloride Injection extract is diluted withserum-supplemented cell culture medium and tested in duplicate at 25% extract concentration. Incubate all cultures for 48 h at 37 ± 1in a humidified incubator preferably containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture at 48 h, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired. Interpretation of Results— Proceed as directed for Interpretation of Results under Agar Diffusion Test but use Table 2. The Sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability ofthe system is not confirmed. For dose-response evaluations, repeat the procedure, using quantitative dilutions of the sample extract.Table 2. Reactivity Grades for Elution TestGrade Reactivity Conditions of All Cultures0 None Discrete intracytoplasmic granules; no cell lysis1 Slight Less than or equal to 20% of the cells are round, loosely attached, and without intracytoplasmic granules; occasional lysed cells are present2 Mild Greater than 20% to less than or equal to 50% of the cells are round and devoid of intracytoplasmic granules; no extensive cell lysis and empty areas between cells3 Moderate Greater than 50% to less than 70% of the cell layers contain rounded cells or are lysed4 Severe Nearly complete destruction of the cell layers1Further details are given in the following publications of the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103: “Standard Test Method for Agar Diffusion Cell Culture Screening for Cytotoxicity,” ASTM Designat ion F 895-84; “Standard Practice for Direct Contact Cell Culture Evaluation of Materials for Medical Devices,” ASTM Designation F 813-83.Auxiliary Information—Please check for your question in the FAQs before contacting USP.Topic/Question Contact Expert CommitteeGeneral Chapter Desmond G. Hunt,Ph.D.Senior ScientificLiaison(301) 816-8341 (GCPS2010) General Chapters - Packaging Storage and DistributionReference Standards RS Technical Services1-301-816-8129 rstech@USP38–NF33 Page 156 Pharmacopeial Forum: Volume No. 38(2)(专业文档是经验性极强的领域,无法思考和涵盖全面,素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
二、实验材料与仪器1. 材料:- 人胚胎肾细胞(HEK293细胞)- DMEM培养基- 胎牛血清(FBS)- 0.25%胰蛋白酶- 10%胎牛血清- 无菌培养皿- 移液器- 吸管- 显微镜- 紫外可见分光光度计2. 仪器:- 培养箱- 恒温培养箱- CO2培养箱三、实验方法1. 细胞培养:- 将HEK293细胞接种于无菌培养皿中,置于37℃、5%CO2的培养箱中培养。
- 每2-3天更换一次培养基。
2. 细胞传代:- 当细胞生长至80%-90%时,用0.25%胰蛋白酶消化细胞,收集细胞。
- 将收集到的细胞用DMEM培养基稀释至所需浓度,接种于新的培养皿中。
3. 细胞形态观察:- 使用显微镜观察细胞在不同培养时间下的形态变化。
- 拍照记录细胞形态。
4. 细胞活力检测:- 使用MTT法检测细胞活力。
- 将细胞接种于96孔板中,培养24小时后,加入MTT溶液,继续培养4小时。
- 使用酶标仪检测吸光度值。
5. 细胞增殖实验:- 将细胞接种于培养皿中,培养不同时间后,收集细胞,进行细胞计数。
- 计算细胞增殖率。
四、实验结果1. 细胞形态观察:- 初始接种的细胞呈梭形,细胞间连接紧密。
- 随着培养时间的延长,细胞逐渐增多,细胞间连接变稀疏,部分细胞出现变圆、萎缩等现象。
2. 细胞活力检测:- 细胞活力随培养时间的延长而降低。
3. 细胞增殖实验:- 细胞增殖率随培养时间的延长而降低。
六、实验结论1. 体外细胞培养技术可以成功培养HEK293细胞。
2. 细胞在不同培养条件下表现出不同的生物学特性。
体外细胞毒性试验依据的相关标准o ISO 10993-5:2009 Biological Evaluation of MedicalDevices -- Part 5: Tests for in vitro Cytotoxicityo GB/T16886.5-2007医疗器械生物学评价第5部分:体外细胞毒性试验,GB/T16886是由ISO 10993转化过来的标准o GB/T 16175-2008 医用有机硅材料生物学评价试验方法o GB/T 14233.2-2005 医用输液、输血、注射器具检验方法第2部分:生物试验方法o YY/T0127.9-2009口腔医疗器械生物学评价第2单元试验方法细胞毒性试验:琼脂扩散法及滤膜扩散法细胞系和培养基的选择优先采用已建立的细胞系并从认可的贮源获取。
结果:各组A490 nm 值均与阴性对照无显著性差异(P>0.05),材料毒性级别除培养48 h后金属烤瓷粉浸提液组的细胞毒性为1级外,其他各浸提液组均为0级。
[Abstract] Objective: To preliminarily evaluate the biocompatibility of four dental ceramics materials. Methods: According to ISO standards, in vitro cytotoxicity-test(MTT method) on L929 cells were carried on. Results: The A-value of each test group were similar to the negative control and the cytotoxicity of low-temperature ceramic group after 48 hours culture was in grade 1 and those of the other groups were all in grade 0. Conclusion: It is preliminarily estimated that four dental ceramics are safe for dental clinical application.[Key words] Dental ceramics materials; Biocompatibility; In vitro cytotoxicity-test (MTT method)目前临床普遍应用的金瓷修复体存在色彩及生物相容性等方面的不足,随着修复技术及材料学的发展,非贵金属烤瓷冠的不足之处亦表现出来[1],全瓷冠具有与牙釉质相似的折光性、颜色与邻牙协调等优点,临床效果良好[2]。
辅具中颈托的体外细胞毒性试验研究栾会芹;谷慧茹;闫和平;张莹莹;樊瑜波【摘要】Objective To study the cytotoxicity of cervical collar in rehabilitation technical aids and to investigate the cytotoxicity of domestic marketed products. Methods According to the experimental principle of GB/T 16886.5-2003 and GB/T 16175-2008,microscopic observa-tion and Thiazole Blue Colorimetric methods were used to observe the toxicity of extract from four different cer-vical collars on the cells(L929). Results When the concentration of the extract was 0.1 g/ml,the cytotoxicity was grade three and grade two in the cervi-cal collars D and A,respectively;and it was grade one both in cervical collars B and C.When the concentration of the extract was 0.2 g/ml,the cytotoxicity was grade four in cervical collars A and D,and was grade two in cer-vical collars B and C. Conclusion The cervical collars varied in the cytotoxicity,especially in cervical collars A and D.%目的研究辅具中颈托的体外细胞毒性,调查中国市售颈托的细胞毒性现状.方法参照GB/T 16886.5-2003和GB/T 16175-2008体外细胞毒性的实验原则,采用显微镜观察与噻唑蓝比色法,在小鼠成纤维细胞(L929株)上对4种不同品牌颈托进行细胞毒性检测.结果颈托浸提浓度为0.1 g/ml时,颈托D的细胞毒性反应为3级,颈托A为2级,颈托B与颈托C的细胞毒性反应均为1级.颈托浸提液浓度为0.2g/ml时,颈托A与颈托D的细胞毒性反应均为4级,而颈托B与颈托C的细胞毒性反应均为2级.结论受试颈托均有不同程度的细胞毒性反应.颈托A与颈托D细胞毒性反应级别较高.【期刊名称】《中国康复理论与实践》【年(卷),期】2018(024)002【总页数】4页(P229-232)【关键词】辅具;颈托;细胞毒性;噻唑蓝比色法【作者】栾会芹;谷慧茹;闫和平;张莹莹;樊瑜波【作者单位】国家康复辅具研究中心,北京市100176;北京市老年功能障碍康复辅助技术重点实验室,北京市100176;民政部康复辅具分析评定重点实验室,北京市100176;康复辅具评价重点实验室,北京市100176;国家康复辅具研究中心,北京市100176;北京市老年功能障碍康复辅助技术重点实验室,北京市100176;民政部康复辅具分析评定重点实验室,北京市100176;康复辅具评价重点实验室,北京市100176;国家康复辅具研究中心,北京市100176;北京市老年功能障碍康复辅助技术重点实验室,北京市100176;民政部康复辅具分析评定重点实验室,北京市100176;国家康复辅具研究中心,北京市100176;北京市老年功能障碍康复辅助技术重点实验室,北京市100176;民政部康复辅具分析评定重点实验室,北京市100176;国家康复辅具研究中心,北京市100176;北京市老年功能障碍康复辅助技术重点实验室,北京市100176;民政部康复辅具分析评定重点实验室,北京市100176【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R496颈托属于辅具产品,是颈椎病辅助治疗器具,可应用于各种颈椎问题的辅助治疗中。
USP 87 细胞毒性 体外试验
![USP 87 细胞毒性 体外试验](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9b71eb28312b3169a551a41a.png)
87BIOLOGICAL REACTIVITY TESTS, IN VITROThe following tests are designed to determine the biological reactivity of mammalian cell cultures following contact with the elastomeric plastics and other polymeric materials with direct or indirect patient contact or of specific extracts prepared from the materials under test. It is essential that the tests be performed on the specified surface area. When the surface area of the specimen cannot be determined, use 0.1 g of elastomer or 0.2 g of plastic or other material for every mL of extraction fluid. Exercise care in the preparation of the materials to prevent contamination with microorganisms and other foreign matter.Three tests are described (i.e., the Agar Diffusion Test, the Direct Contact Test, and the Elution Test).1 The decision as to which type of test or the number of tests to be performed to assess the potential biological response of a specific sample or extract depends upon the material, the final product, and its intended use. Other factors that may also affect the suitability of sample for a specific use are the polymeric composition; processing and cleaning procedures; contacting media; inks; adhesives; absorption, adsorption, and permeability of preservatives; and conditions of storage. Evaluation of such factors should be made by appropriate additional specific tests before determining that a product made from a specific material is suitable for its intended use. Materials that fail the in vitro tests are candidates for the in vivotests described in Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88.USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 11— USP High-Density Polyethylene RS. USP Positive Bioreaction RS.Cell Culture Preparation— Prepare multiple cultures of L-929 (ATCC cell line CCL 1, NCTC clone 929; alternative cell lines obtained from a standard repository may be used with suitable validation) mammalian fibroblast cells inserum-supplemented minimum essential medium having a seeding density of about 105 cells per mL. Incubate the cultures at 37 ± 1in a humidified incubator for NLT 24 h in a 5 ± 1% carbon dioxide atmosphere until a monolayer, with greater than 80% confluence, is obtained. Examine the prepared cultures under a microscope to ensure uniform, near-confluent monolayers. [NOTE—The reproducibility of the In Vitro Biological Reactivity Tests depends upon obtaining uniform cell culture density. ]Extraction Solvents—Sodium Chloride Injection (see monograph—use Sodium Chloride Injection containing 0.9% of NaCl). Alternatively, serum-free mammalian cell culture media or serum-supplemented mammalian cell culture media may be used. Serum supplementation is used when extraction is done at 37for 24 h.Apparatus—Autoclave— Employ an autoclave capable of maintaining a temperature of 121 ± 2, equipped with a thermometer, a pressure gauge, a vent cock, a rack adequate to accommodate the test containers above the water level, and a water cooling system that will allow for cooling of the test containers to about 20, but not below 20, immediately following the heating cycle.Oven— Use an oven, preferably a mechanical convection model, that will maintain operating temperatures in the range of 50–70within ± 2. Incubator— Use an incubator capable of maintaining a temperature of 37 ± 1 and a humidified atmosphere of 5 ± 1% carbon dioxide in air.Extraction Containers— Use only containers, such as ampuls or screw-cap culture test tubes, or their equivalent, of Type I glass. If used, culture test tubes, or their equivalent, are closed with a screw cap having a suitable elastomeric liner. The exposed surface of the elastomeric liner is completely protected withan inert solid disk 50–75 µm in thickness. A suitable disk can be fabricated from polytef.Preparation of Apparatus— Cleanse all glassware thoroughly with chromic acid cleansing mixture and, if necessary, with hot nitric acid followed by prolonged rinsing with Sterile Water for Injection. Sterilize and dry by a suitable process for containers and devices used for extraction, transfer, or administration of test material. If ethylene oxide is used as the sterilizing agent, allow NLT 48 h for complete degassing.Procedure—Preparation of Sample for Extracts— Prepare as directed in the Procedureunder Biological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88.Preparation of Extracts— Prepare as directed for Preparation of Extracts inBiological Reactivity Tests, In Vivo 88using either Sodium Chloride Injection (0.9% NaCl) or serum-free mammalian cell culture media as Extraction Solvents. [NOTE—If extraction is done at 37for 24 h in an incubator, use cell culture media supplemented by serum. The extraction conditions should not in any instance cause physical changes, such as fusion or melting of the material pieces, other than a slight adherence. ]Agar Diffusion TestThis test is designed for elastomeric closures in a variety of shapes. The agar layer acts as a cushion to protect the cells from mechanical damage while allowing the diffusion of leachable chemicals from the polymeric specimens. Extracts of materials that are to be tested are applied to a piece of filter paper. Sample Preparation— Use extracts prepared as directed, or use portions of the test specimens having flat surfaces NLT 100 mm2 in surface area. Positive Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Negative Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation.Procedure— Using 7 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed under Cell Culture Preparation, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 60-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the monolayers, and replace it with serum-supplemented culture medium containing NMT 2% of agar. [NOTE—The quality of the agar must be adequate to support cell growth. The agar layer must be thin enough to permit diffusion of leached chemicals. ] Place the flat surfaces ofSample Preparation, Negative Control Preparation, and Positive Control Preparation or their extracts in an appropriate extracting medium, in duplicate cultures in contact with the solidified agar surface. Use no more than three specimens per prepared plate. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ± 1, preferably in a humidified incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture around each Sample, Negative Control, and Positive Control, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired.Interpretation of Results— The biological reactivity (cellular degeneration and malformation) is described and rated on a scale of 0–4 (see Table 1). Measure the responses of the cell cultures to the Sample Preparation, the Negative Control Preparation, and the Positive Control Preparation. The cell culture test system is suitable if the observed responses to the Negative Control Preparation is grade 0 (no reactivity) and to the Positive Control Preparation is at least grade 3 (moderate). The Sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed. Table 1. Reactivity Grades for Agar Diffusion Test and Direct Contact TestGrade Reactivity Description of Reactivity Zone0 None No detectable zone around or under specimen1 Slight Some malformed or degenerated cells under specimen2 Mild Zone limited to area under specimen and less than 0.45 cm beyond specimen3 Moderate Zone extends 0.45 to 1.0 cm beyond specimen4 Severe Zone extends greater than 1.0 cm beyondGrade Reactivity Description of Reactivity ZonespecimenDirect Contact TestThis test is designed for materials in a variety of shapes. The procedure allows for simultaneous extraction and testing of leachable chemicals from the specimen with a serum-supplemented medium. The procedure is not appropriate for very low- or high-density materials that could cause mechanical damage to the cells.Sample Preparation— Use portions of the test specimen having flat surfaces NLT 100 mm2 in surface area.Positive Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Negative Control Preparation— Proceed as directed for Sample Preparation. Procedure— Using 2 mL of cell suspension prepared as directed under Cell Culture Preparation, prepare the monolayers in plates having a 35-mm diameter. Following incubation, aspirate the culture medium from the cultures, and replace it with 0.8 mL of fresh culture medium. Place a single Sample Preparation, a Negative Control Preparation, and a Positive Control Preparation in each of duplicate cultures. Incubate all cultures for NLT 24 h at 37 ± 1in a humidified incubator containing 5 ± 1% of carbon dioxide. Examine each culture around each Sample, Negative Control, and Positive Control Preparation, under a microscope, using a suitable stain, if desired. Interpretation of Results— Proceed as directed for Interpretation of Results under Agar Diffusion Test. The Sample meets the requirements of the test if the response to the Sample Preparation is not greater than grade 2 (mildly reactive). Repeat the procedure if the suitability of the system is not confirmed.Elution TestThis test is designed for the evaluation of extracts of polymeric materials. The procedure allows for extraction of the specimens at physiological or。
煤矿尘体内外细胞毒性和致纤维化作用的相关研究曾昭玉1 杨赛丽1 沈汉明2 张琪凤1 谢隆化1研究粉尘对机体的危害作用,主要采用慢性动物实验,辅以体外细胞培养或支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)方法。
一、材料与方法1.实验用粉尘:样尘取自浙江省3个煤矿的井下巷壁沉积尘,经研磨使90%以上尘粒<5 μm。
2.体外细胞毒性试验:按Myrvik法经BAL收集大鼠肺巨噬细胞(AM),制成1×106/ml浓度的细胞悬液,常规培养,细胞贴壁后换液加尘,粉尘的实验终浓度为150 μg/ml。
3.体内肺细胞毒性试验:体重200 g左右的雄性Wistar大鼠,随机分为矿尘A、B、C 3组和石英与生理盐水对照组,经气管内1次注入50 mg粉尘悬液1 ml或生理盐水1 ml,染尘后2周解剖动物,以生理盐水行BAL,将灌洗回收液离心,用丙酮酸法测定上清液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性,沉淀物做细胞计数。
表1 煤矿尘对大鼠肺巨噬细胞的影响(每组6例,±s)组别巨噬细胞存活率(%) 酸性磷酸酶相对含量(AU/μm2)矿尘A89.2±0.66*△ 1.42±0.059*△矿尘B89.0±0.89*△ 1.66±0.058*△矿尘C76.6±0.68*△ 2.18±0.051*△石英64.2±1.242.46±0.062对照96.6±0.60 0.53±0.032方差分析,与对照组比较*P<0.01,与石英组比较△P<0.01,下同2.体内肺细胞毒性:染尘后早期,大鼠肺灌洗回收液(BALF)中细胞总数和LDH活性的变化,提示肺组织炎性反应和肺细胞损伤情况,反映矿尘的肺细胞毒性,结果见表2。
医疗器械生物学评价第5部分:体外细胞毒性试验1 范围GB/T 16886 的本部分阐述了评价医疗器械体外细胞毒性的试验方法。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过GB/T 16886 的本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。
GB/T 16886. 1 医疗器械生物学评价第1部分:评价与试验(GB/T 16886.1-2001,idt ISO 10993- 1:1997)CB/ T 16886. 12-2000 医疗器械生物学评价第12部分:样品制备和参照材料(idt ISO 10993-12 :1996)3 术语与定义GB/ T 16886. 1/ ISO 1993-1中确立的以及下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
3.1阴性对照材料negative control material按照本部分试验时不产生细胞毒性反应的材料。
3.2阳性对照材料 pos itive control material按照本部分试验时可重现细胞毒性反应的材料。
_____________________________________1)高密度聚乙烯可从美国药典委员会(Rockvillie, Maryland, USA)和Hatano研究所食品和药品安全中心(Ochiai729-5 ,Hanagawa.257-Japan)获得。
涂层导尿管的体外细胞毒性试验研究周小婷;徐玉茵;田林奇;周静;韩颖【摘要】目的分析国内市场上常用的新型涂层导尿管的细胞毒性,给临床导尿管的选择提供指导.方法参考GB/T 16886.5-2017/ISO10993.5:2009的试验方法,将涂层导尿管浸提液与小鼠成纤维细胞L929培养接触,采用MTT细胞毒性试验计算细胞毒性,计算细胞存活率.结果不同材质和不同涂层的导尿管对L929细胞显示出不同的细胞毒性.结论聚氯乙烯(PVC)基材的涂层导管的体外细胞毒性小,生物相容性高;乳胶基材的涂层导尿管,细胞毒性结果有差异.【期刊名称】《中国医疗设备》【年(卷),期】2019(034)003【总页数】3页(P45-47)【关键词】涂层导尿管;细胞毒性;乳胶;聚氯乙烯【作者】周小婷;徐玉茵;田林奇;周静;韩颖【作者单位】河南省医疗器械检验所河南省医疗器械检验检测工程技术研究中心生物检测室,河南郑州 450000;河南省医疗器械检验所河南省医疗器械检验检测工程技术研究中心生物检测室,河南郑州 450000;河南省医疗器械检验所河南省医疗器械检验检测工程技术研究中心生物检测室,河南郑州 450000;河南省医疗器械检验所河南省医疗器械检验检测工程技术研究中心生物检测室,河南郑州 450000;河南省医疗器械检验所河南省医疗器械检验检测工程技术研究中心生物检测室,河南郑州 450000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R608引言导尿管是指通过尿路插入膀胱腔以排尿和冲洗膀胱为目的的管状器械。
实验方法:1. 体外细胞毒性测试:- 使用人类肝癌细胞株HepG2和非洲绿猴肾细胞株Vero进行体外细胞毒性测试。
- 将细胞分为不同浓度的化合物X处理组和对照组。
- 通过MTT法测定细胞存活率,评估化合物X的半数致死浓度(LC50)。
2. 体内急性毒性测试:- 选择SPF级小鼠进行实验,分为高、中、低剂量组和对照组。
- 通过灌胃给药,观察7天内的动物生存率、体重变化和行为反应。
- 在实验结束后,对小鼠进行解剖,观察主要器官的宏观病理变化。
3. 遗传毒性测试:- 采用Ames试验评估化合物X对沙门氏菌的致突变性。
- 进行染色体畸变试验和骨髓微核试验,评估其对哺乳动物细胞染色体的影响。
实验结果:1. 体外细胞毒性测试显示,化合物X对HepG2细胞的LC50大于1000μg/mL,对Vero细胞的LC50大于800μg/mL,表明其在测试浓度范围内对这两种细胞株的毒性较低。
2. 体内急性毒性测试中,小鼠在给药后7天内未观察到明显毒性反应,生存率100%。
3. 遗传毒性测试中,Ames试验结果为阴性,表明化合物X不具备致突变性。
医疗器械生物学评价 第五部分 体外细胞毒性试验.doc
![医疗器械生物学评价 第五部分 体外细胞毒性试验.doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f1cd631f7e21af45b207a804.png)
医疗器械生物学评价第5部分:体外细胞毒性试验1 范围GB/T 16886 的本部分阐述了评价医疗器械体外细胞毒性的试验方法。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过GB/T 16886 的本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。
GB/T 16886. 1 医疗器械生物学评价第1部分:评价与试验(GB/T 16886.1-2001,idt ISO 10993- 1:1997)CB/ T 16886. 12-2000 医疗器械生物学评价第12部分:样品制备和参照材料(idt ISO 10993-12 :1996)3 术语与定义GB/ T 16886. 1/ ISO 1993-1中确立的以及下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
3.1阴性对照材料negative control material按照本部分试验时不产生细胞毒性反应的材料。
3.2阳性对照材料 pos itive control material按照本部分试验时可重现细胞毒性反应的材料。
_____________________________________1)高密度聚乙烯可从美国药典委员会(Rockvillie, Maryland, USA)和Hatano研究所食品和药品安全中心(Ochiai 729-5 ,Hanagawa.257-Japan)获得。
供试品厚度(mm) ≤0.5
>0.5~1.0 >1.0
表面积或重量与浸提液体积的比例 6cm2/ml 3cm2/ml
表 2 浸提条件
37±1 37±1 50±2 70±2
24±2 72±2 72±2 24±2
检查法 第一法 相对增殖度法 阴性对照液 为不加供试品的细胞培养液。 阳性对照液 6.3%苯酚的细胞培养液 测定 取 33 个培养瓶,分别加入细胞悬液 1ml,细胞培养液 4ml,置 37℃±2℃,5%二氧 化碳的条件下培养 24 小时。培养 24 小时后弃去原培养液。 阴性对照组:取 13 个培养瓶加入 5ml 阴性对照液;阳性对照组:取 10 个培养瓶加入 5ml 阳性对照液;试验组:取 10 个培养瓶加入 5ml 含 50%供试液的细胞培养液,置 37℃±2℃,5% 二氧化碳的条件下继续培养 7 天。
结果评价 生物毒性(细胞退化和畸变)按 0~4 级(见表 5)评价和分级。记录样品、阴
性、阳性细胞培养基的现象。如阴性对照为 0 级(无毒)、阳性对照不小于 3 级(中等毒),则
细胞培养基试验系统有效。若试验系统不成立,重复试验。样品不大于 2 级(轻微毒),则样品
分级 0 1 2 3 4
切成 0.5cm×2cm 条状,用湿热灭菌或紫外线照射消毒后,置玻璃容器内。除另有规定外,按表
1 加入氯化钠注射液或无血清培养基作为浸提液,使浸提液浸没供试品,按表 2 选择浸提条件(若
采用含血清培养基,应用 37℃±1℃、24 小时±2 小时的条件),浸提,即得。
表 1 供试品表面积或重量与浸提液的比例
试验时采用传代48~72h生长旺盛的细1 相对增殖度法阴性对照液制备为不加供试品的细胞培养液。
阴性对照组:取13个培养瓶加入5ml阴性对照液;阳性对照组取10个培养瓶加入5ml根据各组细胞浓度按下式计算细胞相对增殖度(RGR):100⨯=均值阴性对照组细胞浓度平组)细胞浓度平均值供试品组(或阳性对照RGR 结果评价 试验组相对增殖度(以第7天的细胞浓度计算)为0级或1级判为合格。
2 琼脂扩散法供试品制备 将样品用纯化水冲洗干净(根据实际情况需要),用滤纸吸干。
若用供试品液进行试验,将制备的供试品液附着到生物惰性吸收性的基质﹙例如超细硼硅玻璃纤维滤纸﹚上,制成面积不少于100mm 2的圆形供试品。
阴性对照制备 取无生物毒性阴性参比物质,例如高密度聚乙烯。
阳性对照制备 取生物毒性阳性参比物质,例如含二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸锌的聚氨酯(ZDEC )。
检查法取细胞悬浮液(1×105个/ml )7ml ,均匀分散至直径60mm 的培养皿中。
置于含(5±1)%CO 2气体的细胞培养箱中培养24h 至近汇合单层细胞,弃去培养皿中培养基,将溶化琼脂冷却至48℃左右与含20%血清的2倍新鲜哺乳动物细胞培养基混合,使琼脂最终质量浓度不大于2%,在每只培养皿内加入新制备的含琼脂培养基(要足够薄以利于可沥滤物的扩散)。
纳米材料体外细胞毒性研究现状与展望汪保林;邱慧【摘要】Nanoscience emerged in the last 1980 s and is developed as one of the most promising new science and technology in the 21st century.With the increasing widespread application of nanomaterials,their health risk has been greatly increased and researches on its biological safety are imperatively needed.In this paper,the toxic influential factors,the cytotoxicity mechanism of nanomaterials and the evaluation methods on cytotoxicity of nanomaterials in vitro were elucidated indetail.Simultaneously,the latest developments on the toxicity of nanomaterials and the security assessment of nano technologies were also systematically discussed.%纳米科学是上个世纪80年代末发展起来的新兴学科,是21世纪最有前途的新科学技术之一.随着纳米材料应用的日益广泛,其所带来的健康风险也越来越大,对其生物安全性的研究也刻不容缓.文章就纳米材料的毒性影响因素,对细胞造成的毒性效应机制及其体外细胞毒性的评价方法进行详细阐述,并综述了近几年来关于纳米材料毒性研究的最新进展及对纳米技术安全性评估进行了系统的讨论.【期刊名称】《世界中医药》【年(卷),期】2017(012)002【总页数】6页(P446-451)【关键词】纳米材料;细胞毒性;影响因素;评价方法【作者】汪保林;邱慧【作者单位】南昌市食品药品检验所,南昌,330038;南昌市洪都中医院制剂中心,南昌,330000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R-331;R319从“纳米牙膏”到“纳米防晒霜”,全球目前已有300多种运用纳米技术上市的产品。
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创新助手报告 ——主题分析报告
报告核心要素......................................................................................................... I 一、主题简介........................................................................................................ 1 二、主题相关科研产出总体分析........................................................................ 1