abb接触器参数说明摘要:I.接触器简介A.接触器的作用B.接触器的种类II.ABB 接触器参数说明A.额定电压B.额定电流C.额定功率D.工作制种类E.使用类别III.ABB 接触器型号及含义A.微型接触器B.空气断路器C.塑壳断路器D.框架断路器IV.接触器应用领域A.建筑业B.工业领域C.电力行业正文:ABB 接触器是一种用于控制电路的开关装置,具有很高的性能和稳定性。
作为全球领先的工业自动化和电力技术供应商,ABB 接触器被广泛应用于各种领域。
接下来,我们将详细介绍ABB 接触器的参数说明以及应用领域。
二、ABB 接触器参数说明1.额定电压:额定电压是指接触器能正常工作的电压值。
三、ABB 接触器型号及含义ABB 接触器型号繁多,根据负载类型和应用领域的不同,可以分为微型接触器、空气断路器、塑壳断路器和框架断路器等。
上的维护程序。 (4) 该电流值由熔断器和接触器的时间—
电流脱扣曲线的交点决定。 (5) 应加装避雷器等防止过电压设备。 (6) 如有特殊要求,请与厦门ABB 开关有
2 接触器选择和订货
1. MAC 永磁操动机构用储能电容( 1b )。 2. 辅助触点:
20...30 35...45 49
371 350 215
636 531 657
3.6/5 1,500 2,000 1,500
250 8 2.5
VSC 12 400 A - VSC/P 12 400A
12 42 75 50-60 400 6,000 15 1 -
20...30 35...45 20 49
371 350 215
636 531 657
400 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 C 6,000 15,000 -
20...30 35...45 20 49
371 350 215
636 531 657
VSC 7 - 400A 2.2/2.5 1,000 1,100 1,000
ABB 凭借在中压真空断路器中使用“ MABS ”型永磁操 动机构取得的成功经验,开发出了性能更优异的中压接 触器用双稳态“ MAC ”型永磁操动机构。
永磁操动机构由宽电源稳压模块供电。不同的电源模块 可根据功能模块及辅助电源电压的要求选择。
供电模块类型 1 (24 ... 60 DC)
4、安装地点的污染等级为3级5、接触器允许垂直或水平安装,当垂直安装时,安装而与垂直的倾斜度不大于正负30%ABB交流接触器A9-30-01 线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A9-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A12-30-01 线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A12-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A16-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A16-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A26-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A26-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A30-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A30-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A40-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A40-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A50-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A63-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A75-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A95-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A110-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A145-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A185-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A210-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A260-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A300-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A320-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380。
ABB接触器的规格包括4 和 5.5KW 的微型接触器、高达400kW 的接触器组(AC3),建筑用接触器(家用和工业用),拍合式接触器,热过载继电器和电子继电器,以及完整的附件,确保选择灵活性和满足客户需求,公司制造工厂位于海西经济区的核心----美丽的鹭岛厦门。
ABB由两个历史100多年的国际性企业瑞典的阿西亚公司(ASEA)和瑞士的布朗勃法瑞公司(BBC Brown Boveri) 在1988年合并而成。
ABB 集团业务遍布全球100多个国家,拥有11.7万名员工,2009年销售额高达320亿美元。
1、建筑用接触器建筑用接触器符合国际标准(IEC)、欧洲标准(EN)和法国标准(NF CUTE, DIN-VDE, BS)。
2种类型的建筑用接触器用于不同的应用场合:" 正常 " 和 "日 - 夜"建筑用接触器。
它们被使用在自动化建筑设备、工业和办公室中,接线控制< 40 kW AC-1(白炽灯、荧光灯、暖房加热器、电池、调节系统、烤炉、烘干系统),小电机控制 < 15 kW AC-3(通风机、空调、抽水机、洒水机、自动化系统)和在能源管理的不稳定流电阻系统(可能是 enslavement from clocks, 不平流电阻继电器, telebreakers, 自动调温器).安装安装在配电柜中的35 mmDIN导轨上(EN 50022) 安装深度 : 58 mm 宽度包括1 - 3个模块 (1 模块= 17.5 mm) 磁线路设计确保完全安静的操作,线圈采用交流供电(ESB 20 型)或一个集成的二极管整流器供电(ESB 24, ESB 40, ESB 63型) 接线端子在打开位置防止意外接触根据额定范围扩展2、3或4极,无需内置辅助触头附件 ESB 24, ESB 40, ESB63型的 2极辅助触头 (附加一个2极模块化型号EH 04 ..). 密封2、拍合式接触器拍合式接触器主要应用在钢铁工业,如:牵引机、电解和起重设备,电流从63A 至 5000A。
品牌:ABB 型号:A16-30-10产品认证:CCC 辅助触头:1AA系列接触器特点:1、接线简单快速;◆接线螺丝位于接触器的正面。
符合标准:GB 14048.4、IEC 60947-4-1——0577-********ABB交流接触器A9-30-10 ABB交流接触器A9-30-01 ABB交流接触器A12-30-10 ABB交流接触器A12-30-01 ABB交流接触器A16-30-10ABB交流接触器A16-30-01 ABB交流接触器A26-30-10 ABB交流接触器A26-30-01 ABB交流接触器A30-30-10 ABB交流接触器A30-30-01 ABB交流接触器A40-30-10 ABB交流接触器A40-30-01 ABB交流接触器A50-30-11 ABB交流接触器A63-30-11 ABB交流接触器A75-30-11 ABB交流接触器A95-30-11 ABB交流接触器A110-30-11 ABB交流接触器A145-30-11 ABB交流接触器A185-30-11 ABB交流接触器A210-30-11 ABB交流接触器A260-30-11 ABB交流接触器A300-30-11 ABB交流接触器A320-30-11 ABB交流接触器A9-40-10 ABB交流接触器A12-40-10 ABB交流接触器A16-40-10 ABB交流接触器A26-40-10 ABB交流接触器A40-40-10 ABB交流接触器A40-40-10 ABB交流接触器A50-40-11 ABB交流接触器A63-40-11 ABB交流接触器A75-40-11。
ABB A26-30-10直流接触器性能描述:ABB A系列接触器是基于系统一体化的概念向市场推出的产品,它具有紧凑的结构、稳定的工作性能、安装更方便、维护更容易、使用更安全等特点。
ABB A26-30-10直流接触器型号的含义交流接触器的型号含义交流接触器使用中注意的事项1、励磁线圈电压应为85%~105%Un。
ABB A26-30-10直流接触器工作原理:当接触器线圈通电后,线圈电流产生磁场,使静铁心产生电磁吸力吸引动铁心,并带动交流接触器触点动作:常闭触点断开,常开触点闭合,两者是联动的。
当线圈断电时,电磁吸力消失,衔铁在释放弹簧的作用下释放,使触点复原:常开触点断开,常闭触点闭合ABB A26-30-10直流接触器的选用方式:1.选择直流接触器的类型直流接触器的类型应根据负载电流的类型和负载的轻重来选择,即是交流负载还是直流负载,是轻负载、一般负载还是重负载.2.直流接触器主触头的额定电流直流接触器主触头的额定电流可根据经验公式计算 IN主触头≥PN电机/(1~1.4)UN电机如果直流接触器控制的电动机启动、制动或反转频繁,一般将接触器主触头的额定电流降一级使用.3.主触头的额定电压接触器铭牌上所标电压系指主触头能承受的额定电压,并非吸引线圈的电压,使用时接触器主触头的额定电压应不小于负载的额定电压.4.操作频率的选择操作频率就是指接触器每小时通断的次数.当通断电流较大及通断频率过高时,会引起触头严重过热,甚至熔焊.操作频率若超过规定数值,应选用额定电流大一级的直流接触器.5.线圈额定电压的选择线圈额定电压不一定等于主触头的额定电压,当线路简单,使用电器少时,可直接选用380V或220V的电压,如线路复杂,使用电器超过5h,可用24V、48V或110V电压(1964年国际规定为36V、110V、或127V)的线圈.。
ABB A145-30-11接触器
4、安装地点的污染等级为3级5、接触器允许垂直或水平安装,当垂直安装时,安装而与垂直的倾斜度不大于正负30%ABB交流接触器A9-30-01 线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A9-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A12-30-01 线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A12-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A16-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A16-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A26-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A26-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A30-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380ABB交流接触器A30-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A40-30-10线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A40-30-01线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A50-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A63-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A75-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A95-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A110-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A145-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A185-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A210-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A260-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A300-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380 ABB交流接触器A320-30-11线圈电压(V):24/110/220/380。
ABB 4-镀锡电接接触器说明说明书
1S B C 101987S 0201 - R e v . BMain dimensions mm, inches0 0 0AF40, AF52 0 0 0AF8070 to 125 A AC-1AC / DC operatedDescriptionAF40 ... AF80 4-pole contactors are mainly used for controlling non-inductive or slightly inductive loads (i.e. resistance furnaces...) and generally for controlling power circuits up to 690 V AC and 440 V DC. These contactors are of the block type design with 4 main poles.–control circuit: AC or DC operated with electronic coil interface accepting a wide control voltagerange (e.g. 100...250 V AC and DC), only 4 control voltages ranges covering 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC-can manage large control voltage variations -reduced panel energy consumption -very distinct closing and opening. –built-in surge suppression–add-on auxiliary contact blocks for front or side mounting and a wide range of accessories.Ordering detailsIECUL/CSA Rated control circuit voltageUc min. … Uc max.Auxiliary contacts fittedType (1)Order code Weight Pkg (1 pce)Rated operational General use rating current θ ≤ 40 °C 600 V AC AC-1AAV 50/60 Hz V DC kg(1) AF..-..-..-11 not suitable for direct control by PLC-output.(2) In progress.AF40-40-001S B C 101045V 0014AF80-40-001S B C 101048V 00145Contactor and main accessories (other accessories available)Main accessory fitting detailsMany configurations of accessories are possible depending on whether these are front-mounted or side-mounted.Contactor typesMain polesBuilt-in auxiliary contactsFront-mounted accessories Side-mounted accessories Auxiliary contact blocks Electronic timerElectrical andAuxiliary contact blocks mechanical interlock set1-pole CA4(between 2 contactors)Left side Right side1-pole CC42-pole CAT4-114-pole CA4TEF4VEM42-pole CAL4-11Max. add-on N.C. auxiliary contacts: 4 N.C. max. on positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3 N.C. max. on positions 1 ±30°, 5BX4-CA1S B C 101392S 0201 - R e v . B51S B C 101108F 00141S B C 101112F 00141S B C 101120F 00141S B C 101114F 00141S B C 101130F 00141S B C 101128F 00141S B C 101129F 0014Ordering details (1)For contactorsAuxiliary contacts Type Order codePkg qty Weight (1 pce)kgNote: CAT4 not suitable for AF..Z contactors with DC control voltage 12...20 V DC.Note: VM4 includes 2 fixing clips (BB4) to maintain together both contactors.Note: – VEM4 includes a VM4 mechanical interlock unit with 2 fixing clips (BB4), a VE4 electrical interlock block. VE4 block must be used with A2-A2 connection to respect the electrical connection diagram.– VEM4 not suitable for AF..Z contactors with DC control voltage 12...20 V DC.For contactorsTime delayrangeselected by switchDelay type Auxiliary contacts Type Order code Pkg qty Weight (1 pce)kgNote: Rated control circuit voltage Uc 24...240 V 50/60 Hz or DC.(1) For more information, refer to main catalog "Accessories" section.CA4-10CA4-22EVEM4CAT4-11ECAL4-111S B C 101392F 0014TEF4-ON1S B C 101393S 0201 - R e v . B51S F C 101197C 0201 - R e v . AAC / DC operatedDescriptionAF116 ... AF140 4-pole contactors are mainly used for controlling non-inductive or slightly inductive loads (i.e. resistance furnaces...) and generally for controlling power circuits up to 690 V AC. These contactors are of the block type design with 4 main poles.–control circuit: AC or DC operated with electronic coil interface accepting a wide control voltage range (e.g. 100...250 V AC and DC), only 4 coils to cover control voltages between 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC-can manage large control voltage variations -reduced panel energy consumption -very distinct closing and opening-can withstand short voltage dips and voltage sags (SEMI F47 conditions of use on request). –built-in surge suppression–add-on auxiliary contact blocks for side mounting and a wide range of accessories.Ordering detailsIECUL / CSA Rated control circuit voltageUc min. ... Uc max.Auxiliary contacts fittedType (1)Order codeWeight Pkg (1 pce)Rated operational current θ ≤ 40 °C AC-1General use rating 600 V AC AAV 50/60 Hz V DCkg4 N.O. main poles(1) For other auxiliary contacts arrangements, please contact your ABB local organization.Main dimensions mm, inchesA-A0 A-A 0AF116, AF140-40-00AF116, AF140-40-00BAF140-40-00AF140-40-00B1S F C 101158V 00011S F C 101193V 000151S F C 101198C 0201 - R e v . AAC / DC operatedDescriptionAF190 ... AF370 4-pole contactors are mainly used for controlling non-inductive or slightly inductive loads (i.e. resistance furnaces...) and generally for controlling power circuits up to 1000 V AC. These contactors are of the block type design with 4 main poles.–control circuit: AC or DC operated with electronic coil interface accepting a wide control voltage range (e.g. 100...250 V AC and DC), only 4 coils to cover control voltages between 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC-can manage large control voltage variations -reduced panel energy consumption -very distinct closing and opening-can withstand short voltage dips and voltage sags (SEMI F47 conditions of use on request). –built-in surge suppression–add-on auxiliary contact blocks for side mounting and a wide range of accessories.Ordering detailsIECUL / CSA Rated control circuit voltageUc min. ... Uc max.Auxiliary contacts fittedType (1)Order code Weight Pkg (1 pce)Rated operational current θ ≤ 40 °C AC-1General use rating 600 V AC AAV 50/60 Hz V DCkg(1) For other auxiliary contacts arrangements, please contact your ABB local organization.Main dimensions mm, inchesAF190, AF205AF265, AF305, AF370AF205-40-00AF370-40-001S F C 101160V 00011S F C 101197V 00015(1) Total number of auxiliary contact blocks for the two contactors. (2) Interlock type, according to the contactor ratings (see "Accessories").Main accessories (other accessories available)1S F C 101203C 02015Ordering details (1)For contactorsAuxiliary contactsType Order codePkg qty Weight(1 pce)kgFor contactors Dimensions Type Order codePkg qty Weight (1 pce)hole Ø mmbar mmkg(1) For more information, refer to "Accessories" section.1S F C 101035V 0001VM191S F C 101071V 0001CAL19-111S F C 101204C 020151S F C 101200C 0201 - R e v . A275 to 525 A AC-1AC / DC operated with 1 N.O. + 1 N.C. auxiliary contactsDescriptionAF190 ... AF370 4-pole contactors are mainly used for controlling non-inductive or slightly inductive loads (i.e. resistance furnaces...) and generally for controlling power circuits up to 1000 V AC. These contactors are of the block type design with 4 main poles.–control circuit: AC or DC operated with electronic coil interface accepting a wide control voltage range (e.g. 100...250 V AC and DC), only 4 coils to cover control voltages between 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC-can manage large control voltage variations -reduced panel energy consumption -very distinct closing and opening-can withstand short voltage dips and voltage sags (SEMI F47 conditions of use on request). –built-in surge suppression–add-on auxiliary contact blocks for side mounting and a wide range of accessories.Ordering detailsIECUL / CSA Rated control circuit voltageUc min. ... Uc max.Auxiliary contacts fittedType (1)Order code Weight Pkg (1 pce)Rated operational current θ ≤ 40 °C AC-1General use rating 600 V AC AAV 50/60 Hz V DCkg(1) For other auxiliary contacts arrangements, please contact your ABB local organization.Main dimensions mm, inchesAF190, AF205AF265, AF305, AF370AF205-40-11AF370-40-111S F C 101155V 00011S F C 101195V 00015Main accessories(1) Total number of auxiliary contact blocks for the two contactors. (2) Interlock type, according to the contactor ratings (see "Accessories").Main accessories (other accessories available)1S F C 101205C 02015Main accessoriesOrdering details (1)For contactorsAuxiliary contactsType Order codePkg qty Weight(1 pce)kgFor contactors Dimensions Type Order codePkg qty Weight (1 pce)hole Ø mmbar mmkg(1) For more information, refer to "Accessories" section.1S F C 101035V 0001VM191S F C 101071V 0001CAL19-111S F C 101206C 020151S F C 101201C 0201 - R e v . A5/198 | ABB160 to 200 A AC-1AC / DC operated with 2 N.O. + 2 N.C. auxiliary contactsDescriptionAF116 ... AF140 4-pole contactors are mainly used for controlling non-inductive or slightly inductive loads (i.e. resistance furnaces...) and generally for controlling power circuits up to 690 V AC. These contactors are of the block type design with 4 main poles.–control circuit: AC or DC operated with electronic coil interface accepting a wide control voltage range (e.g. 100...250 V AC and DC), only 4 coils to cover control voltages between 24...500 V 50/60 Hz and 20...500 V DC-can manage large control voltage variations -reduced panel energy consumption -very distinct closing and opening-can withstand short voltage dips and voltage sags (SEMI F47 conditions of use on request). –built-in surge suppression–add-on auxiliary contact blocks for side mounting and a wide range of accessories.Ordering detailsIECUL / CSA Rated control circuit voltageUc min. ... Uc max.Auxiliary contacts fittedType (1)Order codeWeight Pkg (1 pce)Rated operational current θ ≤ 40 °C AC-1General use rating 600 V AC AAV 50/60 Hz V DCkg4 N.O. main poles(1) For other auxiliary contacts arrangements, please contact your ABB local organization.AF140-40-22AF140-40-22B1S FC101159V 00011S F C 101194V 0001Main dimensions mm, inchesA-AA-A 0AF116, AF140-40-11AF116, AF140-40-11B5Main accessoriesMain accessories (other accessories available)5/200 | ABB1S F C 101207C 02015Main accessoriesOrdering details (1)For contactorsAuxiliary contactsType Order codePkg qty Weight(1 pce)kgFor contactorsDimensions TypeOrder codePkg qtyWeight (1 pce)hole Ø mmbar mmkg(1) For more information, refer to "Accessories" section.1S F C 101071V 0001CAL19-11ABB | 5/2011S F C 101208C 020151S B C 101989S 0201 - R e v . A5/208 | ABBAF09 ... AF80 4-pole contactors Technical data(1) For the corresponding kW/A values of 1500 r.p.m, 50 Hz or 1800 r.p.m, 60 Hz, 3-phase motors, see "Motor Rated Operational Powers and Currents"(2) For the protection of motor starters against short circuits, see "Coordination with Short-circuit Protection Devices".(3) 400 V 3-phase motors only.Main pole - Utilization characteristics according to UL / CSAContactor types AC / DC operatedAF09AF16AF26AF38AF40AF52AF80StandardsUL 508, CSA C22.2 N°14UL 60947-4-1, CSA-C22.2 No. 60947-4-1Max. operational voltage 600 V UL / CSA general use rating600 V AC25 A 30 A 45 A 55 A 60 A 80 A 105 A With conductor cross-sectional area AWG 10AWG 10AWG 8AWG 6AWG 6AWG 4AWG 2Max. electrical switching frequencyFor general use600 cycles/hNote: 4-pole contactors fitted with 2 N.O. + 2 N.C. main poles, see "General technical data".51S F C 101209C 0201 - R e v . BABB | 5/209AF116 ... AF370 4-pole contactors Technical data(1) For the corresponding kW/A or hp/A values of 1500 r.p.m, 50 Hz or 1800 r.p.m, 60 Hz, 3-phase motors, see "Motor rated operational powers and currents".(2) θ ≤ 55 °C for EK550, EK1000(3) For currents above 275 A use terminal enlargements or terminal extensions.(4) For currents above 450 A use terminal enlargements or terminal extensions.Main pole - Utilization characteristics according to UL / CSAContactor types AC / DC operatedAF116AF140AF190AF205AF265AF305AF370EK550EK1000StandardsUL 60947-4-1UL 508, CSA C22.2 N°14Max. operational voltage 600 VUL / CSA general use rating600 V AC160 A 175 A 230 A 250 A 300 A 350 A 420 A 540 A -With conductor cross-sectional area AWG 2/0AWG 3/0MCM 250MCM 250MCM 400MCM 5002//MCM 300--Max. electrical switching frequencyFor general use300 cycles/h51S B C 100066S 0201136 | ABB5Main pole - Utilization characteristics according to UL/NEMA/CSAContactor types AC / DC operatedAF09AF16AF26AF38AF40AF52AF80StandardsUL 508, CSA C22.2 N°14UL 60947-4-1, CSA-C22.2 No. 60947-4-1Max. operational voltage 600 V UL / CSA general use rating600 V AC 25 A 30 A 45 A 55 A 60 A 80 A 105 A With conductor cross-sectional area AWG 10AWG 10AWG 8AWG 6AWG 6AWG 4AWG 21 pole80 V DC 25 A (1)30 A (1)45 A 55 A 60 A 80 A 105 A 2 poles in serie 160 V DC 25 A (1)30 A (1)45 A 55 A 60 A 80 A 105 A 3 poles in serie 240 V DC 25 A 30 A 45 A 55 A 60 A 80 A 105 A 4 poles in serie320 V DC25 A 30 A 45 A 55 A 60 A 80 A 105 A With conductor cross-sectional area AWG 10AWG 10AWG 8AWG 8AWG 6AWG 4AWG 2Max. electrical switching frequencyFor general use600 cycles/hNote: 4-pole contactors fitted with 2 N.O. + 2 N.C. main poles, see "General technical data".(1) 20 A for AF09..-22-00 and AF16..-22-00.AF09 ... AF80 4-pole contactors Technical dataMain pole utilization characteristics - 4 N.O. non-reversing contactorsContactor typesAC / DC operated AF09AF16AF26AF38AF40AF52AF80Lighting application - UL / CSA - breaking all linesElectrical discharge lamps (ballast)1-phase per pole347 V AC 20 A30 A 45 A 50 A ---3-phase break all lines600 V AC 20 A 30 A 45 A 50 A ---Elevator control, load switching, 500 000 electrical operating cycles acc. to CSA B44.1 / ASME 17.5 paragraph 19.2.11-phaseHorse power rating110-120 V AC -1/2 hp -----220-240 V AC -1-1/2 hp -----3-phaseHorse power rating200-208 V AC - 3 hp -----220-240 V AC - 3 hp -----440-480 V AC -7-1/2 hp -----550-600 V AC-10 hp-----Note: 4-pole contactors fitted with 2 N.O. + 2 N.C. main poles, see "General technical data".1S B C 100067S 0201ABB | 5/209AF116 ... AF370 4-pole contactors Technical dataMain pole - Utilization characteristics according to UL/NEMA/CSAContactor typesAC / DC operated AF116AF140AF146AF190AF205AF265AF305AF370EK550EK1000StandardsUL 60947-4-1UL 508, CSA C22.2 N°14Max. operational voltage 600 V UL / CSA general use rating600 V AC160 A 175 A -230 A 250 A 300 A 350 A 420 A540 A -With conductor cross-sectional areaAWG 2/0AWG 3/0-MCM 250MCM 250MCM 400MCM 5002//MCM 300--1 pole90 V DC 200 A 200 A --------100 V DC --250 A 350 A ------110 V DC ----400 A 500 A 520 A ---2 poles in serie 175 V DC 200 A 200 A --------200 V DC --250 A 350 A ------225 V DC ----400 A 500 A 520 A ---3 poles in serie 260 V DC 200 A 200 A --------300 V DC --250 A 350 A ------340 V DC ----400 A 500 A 520 A ---4 poles in series350 V DC 200 A 200 A --------400 V DC --250 A 350 A ------450 V DC----400 A 500 A 520 A ---With conductor cross-sectional area AWG 2/0AWG 3/0-MCM 250MCM 250MCM 400MCM 5002//MCM 300--Max. electrical switching frequencyFor general use300 cycles/hMain pole utilization characteristics - 4 N.O. non-reversing contactorsContactor typesAC / DC operated AF116AF140AF146AF190AF205AF265AF305AF370EK550EK1000Lighting application - UL/CSA - breaking all linesElectrical discharge lamps (ballast)1-phase per pole347 V AC 160 A 200 A200 A 250 A 300 A 400 A 450 A 520 A --3-phase break all lines600 V AC 160 A 200 A200 A250 A300 A400 A450 A520 A--51S B C 101990S 02015/210 | ABBAF09 ... AF80 4-pole contactors Technical data(1) On requestRemark for 4-pole contactors fitted with 2 N.O. + 2 N.C. main polesThese contactors are suitable for controlling 2 separate circuits, i.e. 2 loads with 2 separate supplies, or 1 circuit comprising 2 separate loads with a single supply (see diagrams below). When the contactor operates there is no mechanical overlapping between the N.O. poles and the N.C. poles: BREAK before MAKE.These contactors are not suitable for a reversing starter or for controlling a single load from 2 separate supplies.Block diagrams – Single supply and 2 separate loads– 2 separate supplies and 2 separate loads12R5R6R3R47851S F C 101212C 0201ABB | 5/211AF116 ... EK1000 4-pole contactors Technical data51S B C 101991S 02015/212 | ABBAF09 ... AF80 4-pole contactors Technical dataMagnet system characteristicsContactor types AC / DC operatedAF09AF16AF26AF38AF40AF52AF80Coil operating limits acc. to IEC 60947-4-1AC supply At θ ≤ 60 °C 0.85 x Uc min...1.1 x Uc max.At θ ≤ 70 °C 0.85 x Uc min...Uc θ ≤ 70 °C 0.85 x Uc min ... 1.1 x Uc max DC supplyAt θ ≤ 60 °C 0.85 x Uc min...1.1 x Uc max.At θ ≤ 70 °C (AF) 0.85 x Uc min...Uc max. - (AF..Z) 0.85 x Uc min...1.1 x Uc θ ≤ 70 °C 0.85 x Uc min ... 1.1 x Uc maxAC control voltage 50/60 HzRated control circuit voltage Uc 24...500 V ACCoil consumption Average pull-in value (AF) 50 VA - (AF..Z) 16 VA40 VAAverage holding value (AF) 2.2 VA / 2 W - (AF..Z) 1.7 VA / 1.5 W4 VA / 2 W DC control voltageRated control circuit voltage Uc 12...500 V DC20...500 V DC Coil consumptionAverage pull-in value (AF) 50 W - (AF..Z) 12...16 W 40 W Average holding value (AF) 2 W - (AF..Z) 1.7 W2 W PLC-output control (AF..Z) ≥ 500 mA 24 V DC -Drop-out voltage ≤ 60 % of Uc min.≤ 60 % of Uc min.Voltage sag immunity acc. to SEMI F47-0706(AF..Z) conditions of use on requestconditions of use on request Dips withstand-20 °C ≤ θ ≤ +60 °C(AF..Z) 22 ms average for Uc ≥ 24 V 50/60 Hz or Uc ≥ 20 V DC24 ms averageOperating timeBetween coil energization and:N.O. contact closing 40...95 ms (1)N.C. contact opening 38...90 ms (1)Between coil de-energization and:N.O. contact opening 11...95 ms (1)N.C. contact closing13...98 ms (1)(1) On request.51S F C 101210C 0201ABB | 5/213AF116 ... AF370 4-pole contactors Technical dataMagnet system characteristicsContactor types AC / DC operatedAF116AF140AF190AF205AF265AF305AF370Coil operating limits AC supply At θ ≤ 70 °C 0.85 x Uc min ... 1.1 x Uc max acc. to IEC 60947-4-1DC supplyAt θ ≤ 70 °C 0.80 x Uc min ... 1.1 x Uc max Rated control circuit voltage Uc24...500 V AC, 20...500 V DCCoil consumptionAC control voltage 50/60 Hz 24...60 V ACAverage pull-in value 225 VA 165 VA 475 VA Average holding value 5.5 VA 6 VA 8.5 VA 48...130 V AC Average pull-in value 170 VA 175 VA 340 VA Average holding value 4 VA 4 VA 17 VA 100...250 V AC Average pull-in value 130 VA 220 VA 385 VA Average holding value 6 VA 7 VA 17.5 VA 250...500 V AC Average pull-in value 205 VA 185 VA 420 VA Average holding value 16 VA 16 VA 21 VA DC control voltage 20...60 V DC Average pull-in value 210 W 205 W 400 W Average holding value 2.5 W 2.5 W 3.5 W 48...130 V DC Average pull-in value 130 W 130 W 360 W Average holding value 2.5 W 2.5 W 2.5 W 100...250 V DC Average pull-in value 135 W 190 W 410 W Average holding value 3 W 2.5 W 4.5 W 250...500 V DCAverage pull-in value 205 W 190 W 600 W Average holding value4 W4 W4.7 WDrop-out voltage 55 % of Uc min Operating timeCoil supply between A1 - A2Between coil energization and:N.O. contact closing 20...55 ms 25...60 ms 30...60 ms Between coil de-energization and:N.O. contact opening 40..70 ms45...80 ms 45...80 ms51S B C 101988S 0201 - R e v . AABB | 5/215AF09 ... AF80 4-pole contactors Technical data5(1) LD... not included for AF116 ... AF146-30-..B. (2) Available in North America only.AF116 ... AF370 4-pole contactors Technical data1S F C 101213C 02015/216 | ABB5。
1. 额定电流:ABB接触器的额定电流是指在正常使用条件下,接触器的最大
2. 额定电压:接触器的额定电压是指接触器在正常使用条件下能够承受的最大
3. 脱扣容量:脱扣容量是指在短时间内,接触器能够正常断开电路的能力。
4. 接点材料:接触器的接点材料直接影响其使用寿命和可靠性。
5. 接线容量:接线容量是指接触器能够承受的最大电缆横截面积,也就是最大
6. 防护等级:防护等级是指接触器外壳的防护能力。
附件 辅助触点 订货资料 技术数据 电气寿命 端子标识和位置
联锁和连接件 订货资料 技术数据
其它附件 订货资料
2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/8 2/9 2/14 2/15
3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/7 3/8 3/10 3/11
- 功能随机振动试验:5...150 Hz 1 ms-2(有效轴)/ 20 分钟 - 加速随机振动试验:5...150 Hz 5.70 ms-2(有效轴)/ 5 小
时 - 冲击试验:5 g 30 ms OX, OY, OZ(全轴) / 每秒 3 次冲击
防火和防烟雾性能达到最高等级,符合多个国家标准和欧洲 标准,无安装限制条件 法国标准:NF F 16-101 / NF F 16-102,类别 A11) – 重量部分 > 100 g: 严重等级 3 – 靠近电弧附近: 严重等级 4 意大利标准:UNI CEI 11170, LR4 严重等级1) – 防火和阻燃性(根据 EN ISO 11925-2): 30 s – 防烟雾等级(根据 NF F 16-101): F2 max 德国标准:DIN5510-2 欧洲标准:CEN/TS 45545,危险等级 HL2
此类接触器采用模块式设计,带 3 个主极。 – 根据 IEC 60077 标准和 EN 50155 标准中相关部分的要求而设计 – 抗冲击和振动性能符合 IEC 61373 (类别 1,等级 B) – 阻燃和防火性符合 NF F 16-101 / 16-102 (类别 A1, 严重等级 3 & 4)、UNI CEI 11170 ( LR4 严重等级)、 DIN
通电延时:CT- ERE 失电延时:CT- AHE
热过载继电器 TA25DU型, 电流范围: 0.1~32
TA42DU型, 电流范围: 18~42 TA75DU型, 电流范围: 18~80 TA110DU型, 电流范围: 65~110 TA200DU型, 电流范围: 65~200 TA450DU型, 电流范围: 130~310
T900DU型, 电流范围: 265~850
ABB 低压电器元件选用手册
EK210-40-11 侧面式安装:CAL16-11(1NO+1NC)
说 明:
1. 当接触器需装机械联锁或线圈采用直流电压时,侧面式安装的辅助触点数量将减少,请向ABB各地办事处咨询。 2. 主要参数型号中的辅助触点为标准配置,若有其它要求请注明。 3. 表中所配热继电器均为电机轻载起动时使用,详细配合请参见本章“电动机保护”部分。 4. 资料来源:接触器 CNABB/1SFC 280007-en 08-2000, 1SBC 009400R1001. Modified in 2002/07。
A9-30-10(01) 4KW
A12-30-10(01) 5.5KW
A16-30-10(01) 7.5KWA26-30-10(01) 11KW
A30-30-10(01) 15KW
A40-30-10(01) 18.5KW
A50-30-11 22KWA63-30-11 30KWA75-30-11 37KWA95-30-11 45KW
1. 开关电路:ABB接触器可以用来打开或关闭电路,从而控制电器设备的启动和停止。
2. 隔离电路:ABB接触器可用于隔离电路,以便对电器设备进行维护或修理。
3. 控制电流:ABB接触器可以控制电流的大小,以确保电器设备正常工作并避免过载。
4. 保护电路:ABB接触器可以通过断开电路来保护电器设备免受过流、短路或其他故障的影响。
5. 自动化控制:ABB接触器可以与其他自动化设备(如传感器、计时器、PLC等)配合使用,实现自动化控制和远程操作。
ABB 通用型接触器
9A 12 A 18 A 9A 12 A 18 A 9.5 A 12.5 A 15 A 7A 9A 10.5 A 2.2 kW 3 kW 4 kW 4 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 4 kW 5.5 kW 9 kW 4 kW 5.5 kW 9 kW 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 9 kW 10 x Ie AC-3(IEC 60947-4-1) 8 x Ie AC-3 (IEC 60947-4-1) 12 A 5.5 kW 16 A 7.5 kW 22 A 11 kW
主极 使用特性 标准
额定工作电压 额定频率范围 约定(自由空气)发热电流
导体截面 额定工作电流 接触器环境温度
导ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ截面
使用类别 接触器环境温度
转 转
额定接通能力 额定分断能力 短路保护对不带热
过载继电器的接触器, 不含电机保护
额定短时耐受电流 环境温度 自由空气从冷态
32 A
1.2 W 0.35 W
50 A 700 A 350 A 225 A 150 A 50 A 500 A 200 A 1.8 W 0.6 W
63 A
63 A
2.4 W 0.9 W
2.4 W 1.3 W
150 次/小时
额定工作电压 Ue max. 约定(自由空气)发热电流 Ith - θ ≤ 40 ° C 额定频率范围 额定工作电流 Ie / AC-15 IEC 60947-5-1 690 V 16 A 25 ... 400 Hz 6A 4A 3A 2A 10 x Ie AC-15(IEC 60947-5-1) 10 x Ie AC-15 (IEC 60947-5-1) 6 A / 144 W 2.8 A / 134 W 0.55 A / 60 W 0.27 A / 60 W 0.15 A / 60 W 0.1 A / 60 W 10 A 100 A 140 A 12 V / 3 mA ≥ 2 ms 0.1 W 1200 次/小时 900 次/小时
ABB接触器的规格包括4 和 5.5KW 的微型接触器、高达400kW 的接触器组(AC3),建筑用接触器(家用和工业用),拍合式接触器,热过载继电器和电子继电器,以及完整的附件,确保选择灵活性和满足客户需求,公司制造工厂位于海西经济区的核心----美丽的鹭岛厦门。
通用型接触器-交流操作接触器-直流操作接触器适用范围A9 ... A300 接触器主要用于控制三相电动机以及额定工作电压达690 VAC / 1000 V AC 或220 V DC / 600 V DC 的电力线路。
AF09 ... AF38 接触器用于控制电压至 690 V AC 和 220 V DC 的电源回路。
AF09 ... AF38 接触器带有 1 个电子线圈接口,可接受很宽的控制电压范围 Uc min ... Uc max。
三种线圈涵盖 24...250 V 50/60 Hz 或20 ... 250 V DC 之间的控制电压• AF 接触器具有很强的抗控制电压波动能力。
一种线圈(如 100 ...250 V 50/60 Hz - DC)可适用于全球范围内各种控制电压,无需更换线圈• AF .. Z 接触器配有 1 个 Z 型线圈,可直接由 24 V DC 500 mA 的PLC 输出控制,它同时具有很低的保持功耗。
可耐受短时压降和电压中断(符合 SEMI F47-0706)AF50 ... AF2050 接触器主要用于三相电动机以及额定工作电压达 690VAC / 1000 V AC 或220 V DC / 600 V DC。
AF 系列接触器带交直流通用、宽电压、电子式控制线圈,无论控制电 源为交流50/60Hz 或直流,均可直接接至控制线圈,无需考虑不同国家的电力网络及控制电源种类不同等问题。
品牌:ABB 型号:A30-30-10主触头:3A 辅助触头:1AABB接触器的规格包括4 和5.5KW 的微型辅助触头:1B接触器、高达400kW 的接触器组(AC3),建筑用接触器(家用和工业用),拍合式接触器,热过载继电器和电子继电器,以及完整的附件,确保选择灵活性和满足客户需求。
ABB系列交流接触器用于交流50Hz 或60Hz,额定绝缘电压为690-1000V,在AC-3 使用类别下额定工作电压为380V 时的额定工作电流为9A-400A。
AF400-30-11 200kW线圈电压:48-130/110-250/250-500。
主要结构及工作原理接触器为正装直动式双断点结构,罩盖与躯壳采用耐弧塑料制成,A 9-A16采用自动灭弧,而A26-A110有U型的灭弧片置于躯壳中,形成封闭灭弧室灭弧好,飞弧距离为零。
2、周围空气温度不超过+40度,且其25H内的平均温度值不超过= 35度,周围空气温度下限值为-5度。
ABB AF电接触器产品说明书
Clean contactContactor technology for power switching and motor control gUnnAR JOHAnSSOn – Electric contactors are nearly as old as electro-technology itself – a fact ABB can attest to, having produced low-volt-age equipment for over 100 years. now, however, innovation and new technology are breathing new life into contactors and are eliminating many of the problems that traditionally dogged this workhorse of the electrical switching world. ABB’s new-generation AF contactors arepaving the way.29Clean contacttact bridge with springs that provide contact force in the closed position. The movement is accomplished by an elec-tromagnet that is enclosed by a coil ➔1. Simple product concept Large contactors from A BB differ sig-nificantly from competitors’ by having the main circuit located at the rear. Launched about 10 years ago, this ap-proach has now been proven in the field. This configuration facilitates com-bination with other switching devices, primarily circuit breakers, and prevents the main circuit cables, which are thick and rather stiff, from blocking ac-cess ➔2. The cost of the electronics has been brought down to a level that makes these electronically controlled contac-tors comparable in price to conventional ones. A ssembly costs are low as the electronic module easily snaps into the contactor. Less raw material When contactors make or break large currents, arcs are generated. TheseA contactor is an electrically controlled switching device that works much like a relay, but for higher currents. Unlike the circuit breaker, which is another type of switching device, the contactor cannot break short-circuit currents, though it can perform many more oper-ations. Traditionally, contactors are for starting and stopping electrical machin-ery. The most common contactor type is the three-pole contactor, used to make, conduct and break the current in a three-phase system.Contactors are built around a contact system that connects to the main cir-cuit. A djacent to this contact system is a breaking cham-ber containing various devices that improve breaking performance. The moving contacts are operated by a con-ABB’s new contactors utilize software and an electronic circuit in combination with a specially designed magnet to quickly build up a high contact force.A rear-mounted circuit facili-tates combination with other switching devices and pre-vents the main circuit cables blocking access.30ABB review 2|13 1 Contactor schematic Title picture Ever since electrotechnology was first introduced into the world of industry, contactors have played a vital role. New ideas have now overcome traditional drawbacks, allowing a new generation of contac-tors to be launched.31separation forces to cause contact lift. Therefore, contacts must be held tightly closed so as to resist any possible sep-aration forces. To do this, A BB’s new contactors utilize software and an elec-tronic circuit in combination with a spe-cially designed magnet to quickly build up a high contact force. The circuit also provides a measured and controlled movement that minimizes vibrations. Contact lift is rare and erosion on mak-ing is thus minimized.Opening contacts When breaking high currents (over 100 A ), the arc has to be moved away quickly from the silver contact material in order to limit erosion. The erosion also has to be distributed as evenly as possible between the different phases.In order to move the arc away from the contacts, conventional technology is used. A steel plate encloses the contact and draws the arc away. Designs are now carefully calculated and optimized by using simulation tools. Some old truths have been questioned and dis-proved while others have been exploited to their full potential.The control circuit, together with the coil and magnet, can, unfortunately, cause the contactor phases to be loaded un-evenly as the voltage at the control cir-cuit is often related to the main circuit and a certain amount of synchronization can occur between the moment of switching and the voltage phase. The load will then not be evenly distributed between the contactor’s phases and the erode the contact material and this ero-sion determines the contactor life. Ahigh-grade silver alloy is usually the prin-cipal contact constituent. As silver is ex-pensive, increasing the contact bulk toincrease contact life is impractical, soABB has devoted much research to find-ing other ways to extend contact life.Several approaches have emerged:− Improving contactor movements byusing an electronic control circuit− Using software solutions that reducecontact wear− Designing new magnets that allowhigher contact forces− Introducing new breaking chambersthat better remove and quench arcs− Tuning the contact material manufac-ture and composition to give highdurabilityClosing contactsWhen switches close, small, shortbounces sometimes occur before thecontacts settle in the closed position.This so-called contact bounce causesminor, erosive arcs to form. As the cur-rent at this point is low, contact bounceis not so important. Far more importantis contact lift.Contact lift happens a little later, whenthe current is high ➔3. The contacts arethen usually in the correct position butthere are factors, for example, the highswitching current, that can separatethem, causing arcs. As high currents areflowing, erosion is severe ➔4. A lso, vi-brations, which arise from the closing contactor magnet, can interact with the The cost of these electronically controlled con-tactors is compa-rable to that of conventionaldevices.2 Placement of circuit at the rear eases access 2a Older contactor with main circuit in the front2b new contactor with main circuit in the rear Clean contact32ABB review 2|13the fact that they weld together and rapidly erode. A silver and tin oxide mix-ture, with dopants, however, provides a good contactor material. A s this mate-rial is so critical, ABB uses a very care-fully determined mixture and the most advanced manufacturing processes to produce it.Reliability is key Reliability is the contactor quality most valued by customers. ABB has devoted much meticulous design work and ex-tensive testing to realizing contactor products that meet the highest reliability requirements. The quality of the control circuit is critical.phase most used will wear soonest and, in so doing, determine the lifetime of the entire device. It is better to distribute the load evenly between the phases and equalize contact erosion. The ABB soft-ware and electronics do exactly this by eliminating synchronization. Significant improvements in longevity have result-ed. The method has a patent pending. Contact material The actual contact material used and its production method have a great influ-ence on erosion. In the past, alloys of silver and cadmium provided very good performance, but cadmium has long since been prohibited. Pure silver con-tacts would be excellent were it not for3 Contact bounce and contact lift 3a Contact bounce typically occurs at low current values and is not problematic.3b Contact lift occurs at high currents and can cause severe contact erosion.A silver and tin o xide mixture, with dopants, provides a good contactor material.33The method, however, does have short-comings:− Sensitivity to voltage variations. Variations in the supply voltage cause changes in the coil current. These have a quadratic effect on the magnetic force. In unfortunate cases, contacts can suddenly open and close, causing failure of the device.− Most users will want to use an AC control voltage, for instance 230 Vat 50 Hz. Themagnet must thenbe both big andcomplicated tokeep up the force at the controlvoltage zerocrossings.−The powerconsumption ofthe circuit is high,especially whenit is supplied with an alternating voltage.− The tolerance requirements of the surface at the magnet’s poles are extremely high. During heavy use, the dimensions can change, causing a deterioration in the magnetic force. The control circuit A contactor’s control circuit is built around a split electromagnet that works with a spring system. The magnet is a ctivated by a current flowing through a coil that causes the two magnet halves to attract each other. This attraction closes the magnet and, via the spring system, it also closes the contacts and provides contact force. When the mag-net is deactivated, it opens – along with the contacts, interrupting the main cur-rent ➔5. This basic principle has been used for over 100 years and no one has yet presented a more competitive alter-native. A BB and its main competitors use this simple, proven and reliable so-lution to make, conduct and break largecurrents.4 Contact lift at making – snapshot from a movie. The arc consumes contactor material. 5 Conventional and well-proven control circuitABB’s AF contactors use a patented microprocessor-con-trolled circuit that ensures the coil current is correct, regard-less of voltage fluctuations.The circuit pro-vides a measured and controlled movement that minimizes vibra-tions.Clean contact34ABB review 2|13Contactor design, though over 100 years old, has become a new and en-gaging field of product development – thanks to new technology and innova-tive thinking. Further enhancements to simplify the design, increase the reliabil-ity, improve logistics and optimize the service of this stalwart of electrical switching are in full flow.Modern technology and innovative d esign, however, now deal with these in control circuits A BB’s new A F contactors use a micro-processor-controlled circuit with patent-ed algorithms that ensure the coil cur-rent is always correct, regardless of voltage fluctuations. Thus, both the magnetic flux and the contact forces are optimized. The circuit also converts A C to DC voltage. This reduces power requirements, provides smoother mag-netic force and dispenses with zero crossings. It also enables a smaller, sim-pler and more reliable magnet to be used. Mechanical and electrical wear are minimized.Because zero crossings are eliminated and the coil current is controlled, old and well-proven magnet designs that otherwise would have severe limitations can be resurrected and fully exploited.In the smallest AF contactors, a cylindri-cal magnet with a movable piston is used together with pole surfaces that are conical ➔6. This is a very compact and low-power arrangement. It is so ef-fective and requires so little power that the contactors can be operated with a weak power supply such as a transistor output. The larger A F contactors use a magnet whose moving and fixed parts are T-shaped and U-shaped, respec-tively ➔7. This is also a compact and low-power solution. Both types of mag-net take advantage of the fact that only DC exists in the coil.gunnar Johansson ABB Low Voltage Products Västerås, Sweden *************************.com The ABB software and electronics distribute the load evenly between the phases and equalizes contact erosion. 6 Section of cylindrical magnet 7 Magnet with T-shaped moving part。
这类继电器可提供以下热磁保护: 这类继电器可提供以下热磁保护:
电磁式 : 在接触器最大分断能力,高电流峰值或限制的短路 条件下立即脱扣 热敏式 : 按过载值和持续时间的反延时脱扣 热过载继电器结合接触器 A, AF, AE, TAE, BC 和 TBC来保护 电机(额定工作电压高达690 V a.c. 和 800 V d.c) 。 热过载继电器是三极继电器 电机电流流过它们的双金属片(每相一个)和它们被间接加热。 双金属片的弯曲度受热量的影响和将导致继电器脱扣,辅助触头 能改变它们的分合位置。热继电器具有电流设置等级,符合国际 和国内标准,设置电流是额定电机电流,不是脱扣电流(在设置 电流1.05 x I 时不脱扣,在设置电流1.2 x I 时脱扣)。 自由脱扣机构 : 发生故障时,即使按压复位按钮也不能阻止 脱扣
ABB 常用接触器分类
A(F)系列Leabharlann 用型接触器电流范围: A: 9~300A
AF: 50~1650A
ESB系列建筑用接触器 B系列微型接触器
电流范围: 20,24,40,63A 电流范围: 9A,12A
电流范围: 63A ~ 5000A
电流范围: 26A ~ 110A
A9-A40 A30、A40 A50-A75 A(F)95、A(F)110 A(F)145、A(F)185
另外TA400 和T900 的热继为带电流互感器的独立安装形式 ,无 法和接触器直接插接使用。
ABB 工控产品知识学习
5. TA25200的热继电器要独立安装需要加什么附件 的热继电器要独立安装需要加什么附件? TA25-TA 200的热继电器要独立安装需要加什么附件? 需要加独立安装的附件,见下表
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[ms] [ms] [kg] [kg] -
(H) [mm] (W) [mm] (D) [mm] -
(H) [mm] (W) [mm] (D) [mm] -
[kV] [kW] [kVA] [kVAr] -
[A] [kA] [kHz] -
VSC 7 400A - VSC/P 7 400A
ABB 凭借在中压真空断路器中使用“ MABS ”型永磁操 动机构取得的成功经验,开发出了性能更优异的中压接 触器用双稳态“ MAC ”型永磁操动机构。
永磁操动机构由宽电源稳压模块供电。不同的电源模块 可根据功能模块及辅助电源电压的要求选择。
VSC 真空接触器
配双稳态永磁操动机构 3.6 ...12kV, ...400A
概述 接触器选择和订货 产品性能 外形尺寸 电气原理图
1 概述
VSC 中压真空接触器是适用于交流配电系统的电气开关 设备,尤其是适合于频繁操作场合的理想电器。VSC 真 空接触器配置的永磁操动机构,已在 ABB 中压真空断路 器上得到了广泛的应用。这些积累的成熟经验,将使 VSC 真空接触器有着更广阔的发展前景。
IEC 60470 GB/T 14808
Ur [kV] Ud (1 min) [kV]
Up [kVp] fr [Hz] Ie [A] Ik [A]
Ip [kA peak] tk [s]
Isc [kA] Ima [kA]
4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.101 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.107 4.107
50Hz 工频耐受电压
1s 短时耐受电流
SCO 接触器
DCO 接触器
额定最大允许 1/2 周期过电流(峰值)
(AC4 类型) 100次 关合操作
(AC4 类型) 25次 分闸操作 开关设备和辅助电路的额定电压
20...30 35...45 20 49
425 350 215
636 531 657
400 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 C 4,000 8,000 -
20...30 35...45 20 49
425 350 215
636 531 657
100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000
20...30 35...45 20 49
371 350 215
636 531 657
400 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 C 6,000 15,000 -
20...30 35...45 20 49
371 350 215
636 531 657
VSC 7 - 400A 2.2/2.5 1,000 1,100 1,000
质量体系 符合 ISO 9001 标准,经由第三方独立授权的机构认证。 环境控制系统 符合 ISO 14001 标准,经由第三方独立授权的机构认证。 健康和安全管理标准 符合 OHSAS 18001 标准,经由第三方独立授权的机构认证。
2 接触器选择和订货
20...30 35...45 49
425 350 215
636 531 657
VSC 12 - 400A
6.2/7.2 3,000 4,000 3,000
12 5,000 5,000 4,800 (5)
(1) 取决于所配备的熔断器的容量。 (2) 该值与熔断器的开断能力有关。请查
为机构操作提供的能量并不直接来自辅助电源,而是通 过储能的电容器来提供。这样就能保证每次操作时的速 度和时间保持恒定不变,而不会受到电源电压波动的影 响。辅助电源的唯一目的只是为给电容器充电,从而使 得运行中消耗的功率最小。维持电容器充电电压消耗的 功率小于 5W。在一次操作后,使电容器中的能量恢复到 额定值需要几十毫秒,消耗 15W 的起动功率。因此,无
4. 插接式接线端子盒。 5. 紧急分闸操作位置。 6. 分合闸指示器。 7. 分闸延迟可选 0; 0.5; 1; 2; 3; 4 和 5 秒。
8. 辅助电源断电延时自动分闸功能:对 DCO 操作的接触 器,当辅助电源断电后约 20 秒,接触器可自动分闸(用 户如需增加此功能,须在订货时注明)。
图A 合闸位置的磁场分布
图B 分闸线圈带电时的磁场分布
图C 分闸位置的磁场分布
作为标准配置,电子控制模块与接线端子固定在同一电路 板上,通过接线端子与辅助回路连接。
1 概述
若需对 VSC 真空接触器的技术及应用有更多了解,可查询ABB
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
- UniGear ZS1 开关柜
询熔断器的选型手册。 (3) 为保证电气寿命,必须遵照安装手册
上的维护程序。 (4) 该电流值由熔断器和接触器的时间—
电流脱扣曲线的交点决定。 (5) 应加装避雷器等防止过电压设备。 (6) 如有特殊要求,请与厦门ABB 开关有
2 接触器选择和订货
1. MAC 永磁操动机构用储能电容( 1b )。 2. 辅助触点:
两个线圈可单独励磁,可分别驱动移动电 枢完成分、合闸操作。
实心的驱动轴与可移动电枢相连,被保持 在由两个永磁铁形成的区域中(图 A)。
与永磁体铁心在合闸位置(图 A)产生的磁场 相反的线圈励磁,产生磁场(图 B),吸引并 将电枢移动到相反位置(图 C)
每一次分合闸操作线圈都会产生一个磁场与永磁铁产生 的磁场相对应,这样有利于在工作状态时始终保持足够 的磁场强度,与操作的次数无关。
接触器 VSC 7 400A VSC 12 400A VSC/P 7 400A VSC/P 12 400A
可选 1 1 1 1
常开 5 5 4(DCO) 4(DCO)
常闭 5 5 5 5
3. 宽电源电压模块。可配置的电源电压规格如下: a. 电源规格 1: 24-60V DC b. 电源规格 2: 110-130 V DC/AC c. 电源规格 3: 220-250 V DC/AC
论操作方式选择 DCO 或 SCO 都只需要保持功率 5W (在每次动作后几毫秒内功率值可达到 15W )的辅助电源 回路来为电容器充电。
精心选择的电子元器件,独具匠心的控制模块回路设计, 使得综合电源输出有着极高的稳定性和可靠性,不受周 围环境和临近的元件产生的电磁干扰影响。
由于具备以上特点,使得 VSC 真空接触器顺利通过电磁 兼容性测试( EMC )并获得 CE 标志。
7.2 32 60 50-60 400 6,000 15 1 -
7.2 32 60 50-60 400 6,000 15 1 -
4,000 4,000
4,000 4,000
400 100,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 C 6,000 15,000 -
次/小时 次/小时
4.102 4.102 -
[A] 4.103,4.104 [A] 4.103,4.104
Ith [A]
[A] [peak A]
4.4.101 4.106 4.106 4.106 4.107.3 4.107,6.104 4.107,6.104 4.107.3
主触头的动作在真 空灭弧室中进行 (真空度高达 1.3× 10-4Pa)。
开断时每相接触器 灭弧室内的动、静触头快速分离。
在触头分离过程中高温产生的金属蒸汽,使电弧在 电流第一次过零时熄灭。
电流过零后,冷却的金属蒸汽将在断口产生高的介 电强度以耐受不断升高的恢复电压。
对电动机开合,截流值小于 0.5A 并且有效限制产生 的过电压。
● DCO (双命令操作):接触器接收以脉冲方式发出的合 闸命令时合闸;同样,接触器接收以脉冲方式发出的分 闸命令时分闸。
VSC 真空接触器作为电气控制开关设备,可广泛应用于 发电厂、工业、服务、海运等行业中。
真空灭弧室优异的开断性能,使得 VSC 接触器能在特别 恶劣的条件下运行。
接触器适合控制和保护电动机、变压器、电容器组、开 关系统等。配合适当的熔断器,能在短路容量高达 1000MVA 的网络中使用。
合闸时间 重量
热带气候标准(IEC 721-2-1)
基本性能:(在该电压下) - 电动机 - 变压器 - 电容器 背靠背电容器组的基本性能: - 额定电流 - 电容器最大瞬时电流 - 电容器最大合闸涌流频率
9. 熔断器支架(只适用于可抽出式接触器)。根据客户需要 可在可抽出式接触器上配置不同的熔断器支架以适应 DIN 或 BS 型熔断器。
供电模块类型 1 (24 ... 60 DC)
供电模块类型 2 (110 ... 130 AC-DC)