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Table 1 Effect of disperser property on forming of microsphere
分散介质 成球情况 HLB Span-20 不成球 8.6 Span-80 不成球 4.3 Span-60 成球 4.7 硬脂酸钙 不成球 - Span-60 / 硬脂酸钙 不成球 - 以Span-60为分散剂,固定其它条件,考察了改变Span-60的用量对NVP/HEMA/MBA微球粒径的影响,图4给出了微球平均粒径随Span-60的用量(占分散介质的质量百分数)的变化曲线。从图中看出,增加分散剂用量,平均粒径逐渐减小。随着Span-60用量增加,不但能进一步减小油水两相之间的界面张力,使水相以更微小的液滴形式分散在油相中(在搅拌作用下),而且会使吸附在两相界面处的保护膜变厚,充分保护分散相的液滴不发生聚并,故有利于聚合物交物微球粒径的减小。根据图4的数据,本研究为制得粒径在180μm左右的NVP/HEMA/MBA微球,分散剂用量宜选用6.58%。
A(放大200倍) B(放大700倍)
关键词 甲基丙烯酸β-羟乙酯, N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮, 反相悬浮聚合, 微球
中图分类号: 0631
Due to their excellent photo-catalytic activities making TiO2 nanoparticles applicable as self-cleaning and anti-bacterial agents, as well as for UV protection and environmental purification, a great potential for multi-functionalization of fabrics by TiO2 nanoparticles is considered. In order to improve the durability of nanoparticles at a fabric surface, the surface of commercial TiO2 nanoparticles was modified by 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) and 3-Isocyanatopropyltrimethoxysilane (IPTMS) by an aqueous process in this study. The grafting efficiency of agents to TiO2 nanoparticles at different reaction conditions was estimated by thermal gravimetric analysis. FTIR spectra confirmed that organic functional groups were successfully grafted onto the TiO2 nanoparticles surface both for APTMS-grafted TiO2 nanoparticles (A-TiO2) and IPTMS-grafted TiO2 nanoparticles (I-TiO2) through Ti O Si chemical bonds. After the surface modification of TiO2 nanoparticles, isoelectric point (IEP) of nanoparticles was shifted approximately from pH 6.4 to pH 9.4 and the zeta potential plateaus increased significantly which was explained by the protonation of NH2 groups in the acidic region. The significant reduction of particle hydrodynamic diameters and polydispersity index (PDI) indicated the particle dispersion stability was positively affected by an increase in particle zeta potential. With increasing the organosilane ratio from 0 wt.% to 200 wt.%, a slight decline of the rate constant of A-TiO2 photocatalytic activity and a rapid decrease for I-TiO2 were revealed, which was significantly dependent on the grafting efficiency.
NFPA 13R《低层住宅建筑自动喷水灭火系统安装标准》2016年版发布
用 PFOS情况[J].消防科学与技术,2010,29(6):513-515. [4]肖 进 新,高 展,王 明 皓.水 成 膜 泡 沫 灭 火 剂 性 能 的 实 验 室 测 定 方 法
(3)在标准油盘火强施放灭火 测 试 中 ,当 改 性 蛭 石 含 量为1%时,相比 6% 型 水 成 膜 泡 沫 液 ,在 灭 火 时 间 合 格 的 条 件 下 ,改 性 水 成 膜 泡 沫 液 的 抗 烧 时 间 提 高 了53.8% 。
[1]GB 15308-2006,泡 沫 灭 火 J.Foam spread over a liquid pool[J].
(a)抗 烧 实 验
櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒櫒毃 ·科技信息·
NFPA 13R《低 层 住 宅 建 筑 自 动 喷 水 灭 火 系 统 安 装 标 准 》2016 年 版 发 布
NFPA 13R 由美国 住 宅 自 动 喷 水 灭 火 系 统 技 术 委员会起草。标准作为住宅建筑自动喷水灭火系统 设计标准,其重点关注低层住宅建筑 ,并以降低多 户 合住类住 宅 因 火 灾 造 成 的 伤 亡 损 失 为 目 标 。NFPA 13R与 NFPA 13的最大区别 在 于,NFPA 13R 规 定 存 在可燃物的隐蔽空 间 ,如 住 宅 阁 楼 等 区 域 可 以 不 安 装喷淋系统进行保护。这一规定是因为这些区域的 火灾和伤亡人数都非常少。
Colloids and Surfaces A_ Physicochemical and
Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 471(2015)45–53Contents lists available at ScienceDirectColloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical andEngineeringAspectsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c o l s u r faWater-soluble complexes of hydrophobically modified polymer and surface active imidazolium-based ionic liquids for enhancing oil recoveryShaohua Gou a ,b ,∗,Ting Yin b ,Liwei Yan b ,Qipeng Guo c ,∗∗aState Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,PR ChinabOil &Gas Field Applied Chemistry Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,PR China cPolymers Research Group,Institute for Frontier Materials,Deakin University,Locked Bag 2000,Geelong,Victoria 3220,Australiah i g h l i g h t s•A series of copolymer/ionic liquidscomplexes (PAAD/ILs)were used for EOR.•PAAD/C 8mimBr complex can effec-tively reduce the IFT of water/crude oil.•PAAD/C 8mimBr complex with NaCl can further reduce IFT of water/crude oil.•PAAD/C 8mimBr complex exhibits excellent temperature resistance.•PAAD/C 8mimBr complex can enhance oil recovery as high as 21.65%.g r a p h i c a la b s t r a cta r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 20October 2014Received in revised form 27January 2015Accepted 2February 2015Available online 16February 2015Keywords:Ionic liquidsHydrophobically associating copolymer Interfacial tensionEnhancing oil recoverya b s t r a c tThe current study introduces the water-soluble complexes containing hydrophobically associating copolymer and a series of surface activity imidazolium-based ionic liquids (C n mimBr,n =6,8,10,12,14and 16).The polymer,denoted as PAAD,was prepared with acrylamide (AM),acrylic acid (AA)and N ,N -diallyl-2-dodecylbenzenesulfonamide (DBDAP).And the hydrophobic associative behavior of PAAD was studied by a combination of the pyrene fluorescence probe and viscosimetry.Incorporation of C n mimBr (n =10,12,14and 16)in PAAD leaded to the white thick gel,while the pellucid solutions were obtained in complexes of PAAD and C n mimBr (n =6and 8);addition of C 6mimBr around critical micelle concen-tration resulted in a large decrease in viscosity of solution.Therefore,we particularly investigated the performance of PAAD/C 8mimBr complex.The interfacial tension of PAAD/C 8mimBr complex solution and crude oil under different conditions was examined.Moreover,PAAD/C 8mimBr complex exhibited∗Corresponding author at:School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,South West Petroleum University,Xindu Avenue 8#,Xindu,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan,PR China.Tel.:+8602883037301;fax:+8602883037333.∗∗Corresponding author at:Polymers Research Group,Institute for Frontier Materials,Deakin University,Locked Bag 2000,Geelong,Victoria 3220,Australia.E-mail addresses:shaohuagou@ (S.Gou), (Q.Guo)./10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.02.0220927-7757/©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.46S.Gou et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects471(2015)45–53superior temperature resistance and shear reversible performance for enhancing oil recovery(EOR)byrheological test.The promising EOR of21.65%can be obtained by PAAD/C8mimBr complex showing highpotential to utilize this kind of new complex in EOR processes.©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn fact,with the recovery of the reservoirs all over the world, most crude oil is trapped in the reservoirs after using the conven-tional oil production methods.High world energy demands make the efficient enhancing oil recovery(EOR)techniques have never become as urgent as today[1].Generally,chemical enhancing oil recovery methods are of specific concern in oil recovery,like poly-merflooding,surfactantflooding and polymer–surfactantflooding [2–4].One of the most promising chemical EOR techniques is the polymer–surfactantflooding.The main mechanism of this method is based on the large mobility ratio and the low interfacial tension between the displacementfluid and crude oil.Generally,a lager capillary number(Nc)and/or a lower mobility ratio(M)result in a higher oil recovery,and the most effective way of increasing the Nc is reducing interfacial tension between the displacementfluid and crude oil[1].Hydrophobically associating polymer is a special kind of water-soluble polymer which contains a small amount of hydrophobic monomer[5].This kind of polymer has received increasing atten-tions on account of its unique rheological performance[6].Due to the hydrophobic groups it can generate the intramolecular and intermolecular hydrophobic microarea leading to a considerable increase of viscosity,consequently improving the mobility ratio (M).It has been demonstrated that the performance can be notably changed by combinations of this polymer solution with a certain amount of surfactant[7–9].Although the hydrophobically asso-ciating polymer–surfactantflooding technique is promising,its application to date has been limited due to the rheology perfor-mance of system and the failure in function of surfactant under the reservoir conditions such as poor salt tolerance of anionic surfactant[10].For these reasons,there is growing interest infind-ing a new hydrophobically associating polymer–surfactant system whose properties bestfit the EOR requirements.Ionic liquids(ILs)are liquids at ambient that have unique fea-ture such as high thermal stability,negligible vapor pressure,and favorable chemical stability[11,12].Recently,the incorporation of ionic liquid into polymers has attracted much interest,such as poly-mer/ionic liquid gel membranes with high ionic conductivity and mechanical stability[13],and the thermodynamic phase behav-ior of polymer solution in the presence of different kinds of ILs [14,15].The surface active ILs,imparts them unique physicochemical properties:analogous to common surfactants,they have surface activity.It seems to be a few investigations on the interfacial ten-sion(IFT)of ILs solution/oil system were reported[10,16–21].Those authors recognized its desired behavior at high salinity and tem-perature.Imidazolium based surface active ILs are readily available in technical quantities and these kinds of ILs are one of the com-mon ILs among the ILs families[22,23].Hezave et al.[18]examined the IFT of1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride with crude oil under different conditions and performed the coreflooding experiments.They found promising results of both enhanced oil recovery efficiency and adsorption on the rock surfaces.Above investigations show high potential to utilize imidazolium based ILs to replace the traditional surfactants in EOR processes to reduce the IFT.However,few studies are available on incorporation of these surface active ILs into hydrophobically associating polymer for EOR.Based on thesefindings,we report a study on the complexes of the long-chain imidazolium based surface active ILs C n mimBr (n=6,8,10,12,14,and16)and hydrophobically modified polymer denoted as PAAD which was prepared by acrylamide(AM),acrylic acid(AA)and N,N-diallyl-2-dodecylbenzenesulfonamide(DBDAP). According to our previous work[24],the introduction of sulfo-namide structure and aromatic ring can improve the rigidity of the polymer chains exhibiting high-temperature resistance,and based on this,DBDAP containing above structures and long chain structure was designed to prepare the hydrophobically associating polymer to further improve the performance of the polymer.ILs can interact with this polymer by electrostatic force and they can also form micelle-like clusters associated with the polymer hydropho-bic plementary hydrophobic associative behavior data of PAAD obtained by pyrene probefluorescence and viscosimetry were also presented.The IFT of PAAD/C8mimBr complex solution and crude oil under different conditions was measured,and the rheological behavior of the complex was also investigated.TG-DSC was also carried out to study the thermal decomposition of the complex.Moreover,the coreflooding test was conducted.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsAcrylamide(AM),acrylic acid(AA),dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid(DB),thionyl chloride(SOCl2),diallylamine(DAP),nonaphenol polyethyleneoxy(10)ether(OP-10),N-methylimidazole(mim),1-bromobutane,1-bromohexane,1-bromooctane,1-bromodecane, 1-bromododecane,1-bromotetradecane,1-bromohexadecane, cetyltriethylammonium bromide(CTAB),triethylamine(Et3N), dichloromethane(CH2Cl2),trichloromethane(CHCl3),ethyl acetate,diethyl ether,ammonium persulfate((NH4)2S2O8), sodium bisulfite(NaHSO3),NaCl,and NaOH etc.are all provided by Chengdu Kelong Chemical Reagent Factory,Sichuan.These chemicals are chemically pure or above.CHCl3,ethyl acetate, Et3N and diethyl ether were dried using anhydrous sodium sulfate before used,and other chemicals were used as commercial without further purification.2.2.Synthesis of DBDAPN,N-Diallyl-2-dodecylbenzenesulfonamide(DBDAP)was pre-pared referring to the traditional methods[25].Briefly,dode-cylbenzenesulfonyl chloride was prepared by DB with excess SOCl2under reflux at50◦C for5h.And the reaction of dode-cylbenzenesulfonyl chloride and DAP using Et3N as acid binding agent in CH2Cl2was performed at0–5◦C for6h.The product was washed three times with1wt%diluted hydrochloric acid, 1wt%sodium hydroxide and saturated salt water,respectively, and then the solvent was removed under a vacuum.Obtained DBDAP was brown liquid with a yield of92%.DBDAP:1H NMR (400MHz,CDCl3):ı=7.76(d,2H,J=7.2Hz,Ar H),7.07(d,2H, J=8.0Hz,Ar H),5.77–5.81(m,2H,CH2C H CH2), 5.13–5.32 (m,4H,C H2CH CH2),3.15–3.19(m,4H,SO2N(C H2)2),2.46 (t,2H,J=8.0Hz,Ar C H2),1.47–1.57(m,2H,Ar CH2C H2), 1.20–1.24(m,18H,Ar CH2CH2(C H2)9CH3),and0.87(t,3H, J=4.0Hz,C H3CH2),ppm.S.Gou et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects471(2015)45–5347Scheme1.The synthetic process of PAAD.2.3.Synthesis of PAADPreparation of PAAD was conducted via free radical copolymer-ization of AM,AA and DBDAP in aqueous solution with emulsifier OP-10.DBDAP(0.02g),AM(6g),AA(4g)and OP-10(0.1g)were dissolved in40mL deionized water with a magnetic stir bar,and the pH was adjusted around7using1.0mol/L NaOH solution. Then,(NH4)2S2O8(0.0368g)and NaHSO3(0.0132g)were added in at40◦C for8h under N2atmosphere.The resulting product was obtained by repeatedly washed with ethanol and dried at40◦C,and then kept in a desiccator.The synthetic process of PAAD is shown in Scheme1.2.4.Synthesis of PAAD/ILs complexSurface active ILs,C n mimBr,n=6,8,10,12,14and16,were prepared and purified as reported in literature[23,26].The water content of ILs is controlled by drying them at100◦C under vacuum conditions.A desired amount of PAAD was dissolved in distilled water under mechanical stirring until a clear homogeneous solu-tion was obtained.Then,the above ILs with definite concentration were added to the prepared polymer solution at50◦C for4h. Finally,the complex solutions of polymer and different ILs were obtained.2.5.CharacterizationFTIR spectra were determined with the KBr pellets method using WQF-520Fourier transform infrared spectrometer in the optical range400–4000cm−1by the averaging of32scans(Bei-jing Rayleigh Analytical Instrument Corporation,China).1H NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker AV III-400NMR spectrometer (Bruker,Switzerland)in D2O or CDCl3.The intrinsic viscosity of copolymer was measured with a Ubbe-lohde viscometer using1mol/L NaCl aqueous solution as the solvent with the dilution extrapolation method at30.0±0.1◦C, and the initial concentration of copolymer was0.001g/mL (C0=0.001g/mL).The viscosity-average molecular weight of copolymer can be calculated from the intrinsic viscosity value by employing Mark–Houwink equation.However,it should be pointed out that this measurement is an approximate and relative method on the determination of the viscosity-average molecular weight of hydrophobically associating polymers due to the effect of intra-molecular hydrophobic interaction.2.6.Apparent viscosity measurementThe apparent viscosity of different solutions was obtained on a Brookfield D-III+Pro viscometer(Brookfield,USA)with different viscometer rotors0#(6.0rpm)62#(18.8rpm)and63#(27.3rpm).2.7.Pyrenefluorescence probeThefluorescence intensities of copolymer were measured with a Shimadzu RF-5301PC Fluorescence spectrophotometer with excitation at335nm,with a slit width of5nm and in a spectral range350–550nm.The different concentrations of copolymer solu-tions with pyrene were prepared with redistilled water,and the concentration of pyrene was about1.25×10−6mol/L.The ratios (I1/I3)of the strength of thefirst peak to that of the third peak in fluorescence spectra were calculated.2.8.Thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetryThe water of PAAD/C8mimBr complex solution with a cer-tain mass ratio was removed through rotary evaporation to test with thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry(TG-DSC)using a STA449F3synchronous thermal analyser(Netzsch, Germany)in the temperature range40–700◦C at a heating rate of 10◦C/min under air atmosphere.2.9.Rheological experimentsThe effect of temperature on the viscosity of samples was mea-sured by HAAKE RS600Rotational Rheometer(HAAKE,Germany) at shear rate of170s−1to simulate injection rate at the heating rate of3◦C/min from30to120◦C.The shear thinning behavior of samples was performed in the range of2–500s−1shear rates at 30◦C.2.10.Interfacial tension testSurface tension measurements were performed with TX500C SpinningDrop Interface tensiometer(CNG USA Co.)using the drop volume method at30◦C.The oil used in interfacial tension test is prepared by crude oil and kerosene with a mass ratio of2:1,and the density is0.8982g/cm3.The crude oil sample is obtained from Bohai Suizhong Oilfield(SZ36-1CEPK).Then,the interfacial tension was measured applying a rotating velocity of5000rpm.The density of each system was measured.2.11.Coreflooding testCoreflooding test was using stainless steel packed with sand (30cm in length and2.55cm in diameter,approximately),and the size distribution of sand was80–100items.The apparent viscos-ity of simulated crude oil was30.6mPa s at70◦C.NaCl solution was injected in core until a steady pressure to obtain the porosities of core by gravimetry,and permeability was obtained by injecting NaCl solution at a constant rate of9.99mL/min using Darcy’s law [27].The sand with crude oil has been saturated at0.1mL/min at 70◦C for96h,and oil saturation was calculated[4].Firstly,the waterflooding was conducted with the NaCl solution until water cut reached at95%,and then it wasflooded with0.2PV cumulative injection volume of chemicals.Finally,the extrapolated waterflooding was conducted with the NaCl solution to obtain water cut95%once more.The injection rate was0.3mL/min in flooding process.The oil recovery was determined as the following equation:EOR=E−E W(1)48S.Gou et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 471(2015)45–53Table 1The characteristics of PAAD.SampleaFeed ratio (wt%)Intrinsic viscosityViscosity-average molecular weightAMAADBDAPPAAD59.939.90.2772.12mL/g3.26×106aThe intrinsic viscosity and viscosity-average molecular weight were determined according to Refs.[28,29].where E is the total oil recovery ratio,E W is the oil recovery of water flooding.3.Results and discussion3.1.Characteristics of PAADThe effect of synthesis conditions on copolymerization of AM,AA and DBDAP were investigated,and the intrinsic viscosity and the viscosity-average molecular weight were measured.The results are summarized in Table 1(see Tables S1and S2and Fig.S1for the details in Supporting information).3.2.FTIR and 1H NMR spectra analysisFTIR and 1H NMR spectra of copolymer PAAD are shown in Fig.1,respectively.From the FTIR curve of PAAD,the strong absorp-tion peaks at 3434cm −1and 1651cm −1respectively assign tothe stretching vibration of N H and C O bond in the CONH 2group.A relatively less intense peaks at 1560and 1401cm −1are due to the COO −group [30].The peaks at 1325and 1119cm −1correspond to the stretching vibrations of SO 2.From the 1H NMR spectra of PAAD,the characteristic peaks around 1.54and 2.15ppm assign to the protons of polymer alkyl chains.The chem-ical shifts at 7.68and 6.87ppm are due to the protons of aromatic ring of DBDAP.It can be inferred that the typical structures of monomers have been successfully incorporated into polymer chain.3.3.Critical association concentration of PAADThe ratio of the intensities between the first and the third band intensity in the fluorescence spectrum of pyrene (I 1/I 3)is used to characterize the size of their environment polar-ity.The weaker polarity of the microenvironment around the pyrene molecule leads to the smaller value of I 1/I 3.Fig.2(a)depicts the relationship curve between the values of I 1/I 3and PAAD concentrations.On the curve of I 1/I 3,the value of I 1/I 3abruptly decreases at a concentration of PAAD about 1.5g/L suggesting the transformation of association type from intra-molecular association into intermolecular association.This is also evident from the curve of the viscosity versus concentration shown in Fig.2(b),and this value is defined as the criti-cal association concentration (CAC)at which the intramolecular association begins to transfer into intermolecular association [31].Fig.1.FTIR and 1H NMR spectra of PAAD.I 1 / I 3Concen tration (mg/L )(a)Concentration (mg/L)A p p a r e n t V i s c o s i t y (m P a ·s )(b)Fig.2.(a)Effect of PAAD concentration on I 1/I 3value;(b)effect of PAAD concentration on viscosity.S.Gou et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects471(2015)45–5349Fig. 3.Characteristics of different complex solutions(a)PAAD/C6mimBr;(b) PAAD/C8mimBr;(c)PAAD/C10mimBr;(d)PAAD/C12mimBr;(e)PAAD/C14mimBr;(f) PAAD/C16mimBr and(g)PAAD/CTAB.3.4.Characteristics of PAAD/ILs complex solutionsThe complex solutions of polymer PAAD and different ILs were obtained,and the complex of PAAD and CTAB was also pre-pared for comparing.CTAB is one of the most common used cationic surfactants for EOR.The concentration of PAAD wasfixed at3g/L.The photographs in Fig.3(a–g)show the different com-plex solutions,viz.,(a):PAAD/C6mimBr,(b):PAAD/C8mimBr,(c): PAAD/C10mimBr,(d):PAAD/C12mimBr,(e):PAAD/C14mimBr,(f): PAAD/C16mimBr and(g):PAAD/CTAB.However,when the concen-tration of C n mimBr,n=10,12,14and16,and CTAB is as low as 0.3g/L,a gel phase is observed in our experiment.This unexpected result can be owing to the strong binding of ion-pair interaction between cationic head groups and anion polymer corresponding to structural alkyl chain length of ILs.When the concentration of C n mimBr,n=6and8,is above40g/L,the solutions have remained transparent.The air/water critical micelle concentration(cmc)values of C6mimBr and C8mimBr were measured and compared with the values reported in the literatures at303.15K.The obtained cmc values of465mM for C6mimBr and118mM for C8mimBr are in agreement with the reported values470and121mM,respectively [32,33].Therefore the ILs concentrations werefixed at their cmcs in pure water to investigate the effect of ILs on complexes viscosity in the concentration of copolymer from1to5g/L.From Fig.3it is observed that with the concentration of C6mimBr around470mM, the viscosity of PAAD/C6mimBr complex decreases notably,e.g.the viscosity of3g/L PAAD decreases from660.5to8.7mPa s due to the large concentration of C6mimBr similarly to C8mimBr as discussed below.Because of the limitations of low viscosity of PAAD/C6mimBr complex and the high concentration of C6mimBr,studies of the interaction of IL and PAAD are focused on PAAD/C8mimBr complex.3.5.Effect of C8mimBr concentration on viscosityEffect of C8mimBr concentration on viscosity of2g/L and3g/L PAAD solutions is displayed in Fig.4.The concentration spanning a range from below to above the cmc of C8mimBr is actually higher than the39.9wt%anionic acrylic linked in PAAD chains at this mass ratio causing C8mimBr to partly incorporate with the PAAD and partly remain in the solutions which is also indicated in the TG-DSC results discussed below in this paper.Addition of C8mimBr causes an obvious decrease in the viscosity of complex solution due to the ionic C8mimBr reduces the electrostatic repulsion of polymerConcentration of IL (g/L)ApparentViscosity(mPa·s)Fig.4.Effect of C8mimBr concentration on complex viscosity: PAAD:3g/L,᭹PAAD:2g/L.chains,and cationic hydrophobic head groups adsorb on the anionic PAAD by opposite ion charge interaction leading to the polymer coils much more compact.The hydrophobic effect is apparently too strong in this system for the polymer coils to expand[8].3.6.Interfacial tension test3.6.1.Effect of C8mimBr concentration on interfacial tensionThe IFT changes versus PAAD/C8mimBr complex and C8mimBr at different concentrations of C8mimBr are depicted in Fig.5(a).The concentration of PAAD wasfixed at3g/L.The amphiphilic C8mimBr tends to migrate the interface leading to the adsorption,and con-sequently dropping the IFT.The lower values of IFT of C8mimBr are relevant in the presence of hydrophobically associating copolymer PAAD.For instance,the IFT decreases from2.1mN/m corresponding to30g/L C8mimBr to a minimum value of0.77mN/m correspond-ing to30g/L C8mimBr combined with3g/L PAAD.Accordingly,we carried out the study and discuss below on PAAD/C8mimBr with the30g/L C8mimBr.This can be explained by the surface activity of the copolymer and the Na+originated from PAAD copolymer solution.In details,adsorption of copolymer at the surface would necessarily compress the area available for ILs adsorption leading to the increase of surface excess ILs concentration and causing a lowering of the interface tension[8].In addition,Na+has higher surface charge density.The stronger hydration will be,the smaller number of water molecules available to hydrate[C8mim]+as a result of salting out effect[34].To further increase the concentra-tion of C8mimBr in PAAD solution,the higher surface tension of PAAD/C8mimBr complex demonstrates binding of ILs to the copoly-mer and concomitant depletion of ILs from the interface.3.6.2.Effect of polymer concentration on interfacial tensionAs presented in Fig.5(b),the effect of PAAD concentration from 1to5g/L on IFT of PAAD/C8mimBr complex and crude oil is inves-tigated.The results demonstrate a higher concentration above the CAC of PAAD did not modify the IFT significantly.The changes of concentration of polymer have no obvious effect on IFT of system due to C8mimBr forms mixed micelle with hydrophobic groups attached to the polymer.The concentration of PAAD/C8mimBr com-plex in the following research is3g/L PAAD with30g/L C8mimBr unless noted.3.6.3.Effect of temperature on interfacial tensionIn this stage,the effect of temperature(303K,308K,313K, 323K,333K and338K)on the IFT of PAAD/C8mimBr solution and50S.Gou et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 471(2015)45–53I n t e r f a c i a l T e n s i o n (m N /m )Concentration of C 8mimBr (g/L)(a)I n t e r f a c i a l T e n s i o n(m N /m )Concentration of PAAD (g/L)(b)I n t e r f a c i a l T e n s i o n (m N /m )Temperure (oC)(c)I n t e r f a c i a l T e n s i o n (m N /m )Concentration of NaCl (g/L)(d)Fig.5.(a)Effect of C 8mimBr concentration on IFT;(b)effect of PAAD concentration on IFT;(c)effect of temperature on interfacial tension;(d)effect of NaCl concentration on interfacial tension: C 8mimBr:3wt%,᭹C 8mimBr:1wt%, C 8mimBr:0.5wt%, C 8mimBr:0.2wt%.crude oil was studied,and the effect of temperature on the IFT of C 8mimBr and crude oil was also investigated.The obtained results are given in Fig.5(c).The increasing temperature leads to the increase of IFT between C 8mimBr solutions and crude oil.This is because of the presence of nitrogen atoms with sp2hybridization in and the positive charge is in resonance,thus the diffusion of ILs into the oil phase increases as temperature increases leading to emulsion inversion from oil-in-water to water-in-oil resulting in the increase of IFT [20].However,the results reveal that with the temperature increase the IFT of PAAD/C 8mimBr solution and crude oil slightly decreases,which may be due to the hydrophobic asso-ciation of PAAD enhances as the temperature increases within a certain scope leading to lower IFT values.3.6.4.Effect of NaCl concentration on interfacial tensionThe effect of NaCl concentration on the IFT of PAAD/C 8mimBr solution and crude oil with different concentrations of C 8mimBr was examined.The results given in Fig.5(d)revealed that the IFT reduced at higher NaCl concentrations due to the enhancement of hydrophobic association of complex and the salting out effect discussed earlier in this paper.For instance,the complex of 3g/L PAAD and 5g/L C 8mimBr with 20g/L NaCl can reduce the IFT to 0.85mM/m.In a word,with electrolytes,the interaction param-eter tends to higher positive values indicating reduction in the repulsive interactions between cationic head group of IL molecules [34].This observed trend makes the PAAD/C 8mimBr complex aseffective alternative for EOR processes dealing with harsh salinity conditions.3.7.Effect of temperature and shear rate on viscosityThe effect of temperature on the apparent viscosity of PAAD (2g/L)and PAAD/C 8mimBr complex solutions at a shear rate of 170s −1is shown in Fig.6(a).The viscosity of PAAD decreases then increases followed by a decrease,and it attains a maximum value at 90◦C.This may be due to that the high temperature can enhance hydrophobic association of PAAD.However,to further increase the temperature,the hydrophobic groups are disrupted,so that the viscosity decreased.The viscosity of PAAD/C 8mimBr complex maintains slight decrease from 22.2to 17.4mPa s with temperature raising from 30to 90◦C showing excellent temperature resistance.This decrease may be due to the more enhancing hydrophobic effect with the increasing temperature in this system limiting the poly-mer coils to expand.The shear thinning behavior of PAAD (2g/L)and PAAD/C 8mimBr complex solutions was measured,and the results are shown in Fig.6(b).The shear thinning behavior and reversible are important for polymer injection.At high shear rate,the apparent viscosity of PAAD and PAAD/C 8mimBr complex solutions exhibits a significant decrease.To research the recoverability to alteration in the shear rate,the sample solutions maintained shearing at 170s −1for 5min,next kept shearing at 500s −1for 5min,then went on shearing atS.Gou et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 471(2015)45–535110100A p p a r e n t V i s c o s i t y (m P a ·s )Temperature (oC)(a)Shear Rate (s-1)A p p a r e n t V i s c o s i t y (m P a ·s )(b)Shear Rate (s -1)A p p a r e n t V i s c o s i t y (m P a ·s )Time (s)(c)100200300400500Shear Rate (s -1)A p p a r e n t V i s c o s i t y (m P a ·s )Time (s)(d)100200300400500Fig.6.(a)Effect of temperature on viscosity;(b)effect of shear rate on viscosity;(c)recovering ability of PAAD for shear rate;(d)recovering ability of PAAD/C 8mimBr for shear rate.170s −1for 5min.The results are shown in Fig.6(c,d).When shear rate suddenly changes from 170to 500s −1,the viscosity of PAAD and PAAD/C 8mimBr drops sharply,and when shear rate decreases from 500to 170s −1,the viscosity of PAAD and PAAD/C 8mimBr com-plex recovers immediately.About 87.6%viscosity retention rate compared with the original viscosity is obtained by PAAD,and for PAAD/C 8mimBr complex,the viscosity is equal to the original vis-cosity.It has been shown that the interaction between PAAD and C 8mimBr has excellent recovering ability for shear rate.3.8.TG and DSCTG and DSC were used to analyze the thermal decomposition of PAAD and PAAD/C 8mimBr complex.The results are presented in Fig.7(a,b).As shown in TG diagram of PAAD,the thermogravi-metric stage occurs with the mass loss of 77.96wt%which could be attributed to the decompositions and carbonization of copoly-mer.The TG diagram of PAAD/C 8mimBr displays two stages for the weight loss.The first step occurs in the range of 40–450◦CW e i g h (%)Temperture (oC)(a)D S C (m W /m g )Temperture (oC)(b)Fig.7.(a)TG diagram of PAAD and PAAD/C 8mimBr;(b)DSC diagram of PAAD and PAAD/C 8mimBr.。
减反结构 综述
• Colloidal self-assembly enables selfcleaning broadband anti-reflection (AR) coatings.
• Bioinspired moth-eye AR coatings show much better AR performance than quarter-wavelength AR coatings.
1.1. Quarter-wavelength AR coatings
The antireflection performance of traditional quarterwavelength AR coatings depends on both the coating thickness and the refractive index of the material. Carefully controlling both
1.1.1. Vacuum deposition of AR coatings Some of the most popular vacuum-based technologies for
generating AR coatings include plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) [13–19], electron-beam (E-beam) evaporation [20–22], and sputtering [23,24]. For crystalline silicon substrates, which have been widely used in fabricating solar cells, the typical AR coatings are quarter-wavelength titanium dioxide (TiO2) and silicon nitride (SiNx) films [25]. Silicon has a high refractive index of ∼3.5 [26], therefore when light travels from air to a silicon substrate, the amount of light reflected will be about 30% from each air/silicon interface. This could significantly impact the conversion efficiencies of crystalline silicon solar cells as an ideal solar cell should adsorb all useful photons. Therefore it is essential to utilize AR coatings to maximize the amount of light adsorbed by a solar cell [27].
孟庆豪 , 房宽峻 , 付少海
w ww .s p m .c om .c n第28卷 第6期2007年6月纺 织 学 报Journal of T extile Research V ol.28 N o.6Jun. 2007文章编号:025329721(2007)0620092204聚苯乙烯丙烯酸丁酯表面改性的超细颜料性质孟庆豪,房宽峻,付少海(江南大学生态纺织教育部重点实验室,江苏无锡 214122)摘 要 为提高涂料印花中织物摩擦牢度,减少黏合剂等助剂的使用,以苯乙烯、丙烯酸丁酯为单体用微乳液聚合法对颜料蓝15∶1进行表面包覆改性,探讨了表面活性剂用量、单体用量等对所制备的超细颜料平均粒径、粒径分布和分散稳定性的影响,用扫描探针显微镜观察了改性颜料的形貌。
关键词 聚苯乙烯丙烯酸丁酯;微乳液聚合;超细颜料;性质中图分类号:TS194.21 文献标识码:A Properties of nanoscale pigment surface 2modified bypolystyrene 2butyl acrylateME NG Qinghao ,FANG K uanjun ,FU Shaohai(K ey Laboratory o f Science and Technology o f Eco 2Textile ,Ministry o f Education ,Southern Yangtze Univer sity ,Wuxi ,Jiangsu 214122,China )Abstract C.I.Pigment Blue 15∶1was encapsuled by miniemulsion polymerization with styrene and butyl acrylate for the purpose of im proving the rubbing fastness and reducing the use of auxiliaries such as binders.The effects of the am ount of surfactants and m onomers on the average particle sizes ,PDI ,stability of the system were investigated.The m orphologies of the ultrafine particles were observed by the scanning probe microscope.The results indicated that the average particle size of the pigment first increases and then decreases as the am ount of the m onomers increases ;the am ount of surfactant affects the average particle sizes and the stability of the system ;the rubbing fastnesses of the m odified pigment for pure cotton fabric is rather g ood with absence of binders.K ey w ords polystyrene 2butyl acrylate ;miniemulsion polymerization ;ultrafine pigment ;property收稿日期:2006-09-17 修回日期:2006-12-26作者简介:孟庆豪(1983—),男,硕士生。
Colloids and Surfaces A
Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 361 (2010) 180–186Contents lists available at ScienceDirectColloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical andEngineeringAspectsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c o l s u r faSynthesis and characterization of a functionalized graft copolymer of densified cellulose for the extraction of uranium(VI)from aqueous solutionsT.S.Anirudhan ∗,S.S.SreekumariDepartment of Chemistry,University of Kerala,Kariavattom,Trivandrum 695581,Kerala,Indiaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 29September 2009Received in revised form 21February 2010Accepted 21March 2010Available online 27 March 2010Keywords:Graft copolymers Densified cellulose Uranium(VI)Adsorption isotherm Desorptiona b s t r a c tA novel carboxylate functionalized graft copolymer (PGTDC-COOH)based on TiO 2-densified cel-lulose (TDC)was prepared by grafting poly(methacrylic acid)onto TDC in the presence of N,N -methylenebisacrylamide (MBA)as a cross-linking agent and Mn(IV)–citric acid as an initiator sys-tem.Adsorbent was characterized using FTIR,SEM,XRD,TG-DTG,BET-N 2adsorption measurements,Boehm and potentiometric titrations.The adsorption efficiency of PGTDC-COOH for uranium(VI)from aqueous solutions was examined by batch experiments.The optimum pH was found to be 6.0.Kinetic studies show that the uptake was rapid and equilibrium was established in 1h.The sorption process fol-lows the pseudo-second-order kinetic ngmuir analysis showed that the surface of the adsorbent is uniform and homogeneous in respect to sorption and energy.The adsorption equilibrium constant and maximum adsorption capacity were evaluated to be 0.074L/mg and 99.4mg/g,respectively.Utility of the adsorbent was tested by removing U(VI)from simulated nuclear industry wastewater.The possibility of metal recovery from spent adsorbent was investigated using HCl solutions with different concentrations and greater than 96.0%recovery was achieved with 0.1M HCl.© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAdsorption of metal ions from a solution to an adsorbent is con-trolled by the surface functional groups of the adsorbent.Cellulosic fibers generally have very few functional groups that are capable of adsorbing metals.Sorption properties can be improved by grafting new functional groups onto the cellulose backbone.Many differ-ent kinds of functionalities have been studied for their potential to remove metal ions from aqueous solutions such as iminoacetic acid [1],Schiff bases [2],amidoxime [3],amine [4],thiosemicar-bazide [5],carboxylic acid [6],phosphoric acid [7]and sulphonic acid [8]groups.In particular,carboxylic acid functional group is important because of the high potential of the carboxylate function-ality for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions [9].Cellulose has two distinct regions,the crystalline zone and the amorphous zone [10].Chemical reactions generally do not take place on the crystalline region of cellulose.On the other hand,embedding TiO 2on cellulose should affect the crystalline struc-ture making it more suitable for activation reaction [11].Earlier workers have demonstrated that by using the TiO 2-densified cellu-lose for the preparation of the adsorbent,it is possible to take the advantage of high porosity,hydrophilicity,chemical modifiability,regular spherical shape,particle size,high density and mechani-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+914712418782.E-mail address:tsani@ (T.S.Anirudhan).cal strength [11].The sorption of metal ions can be enhanced by grafting functional groups onto cellulose-based matrix.The recovery of uranium(VI)from resources such as sea water,industrial wastewater,industrial phosphoric acid and other waste sources is of great concern,due to the increasing needs of this metal for the production of electricity as well as the expected shortage of this metal in the near future.The limited world reserves and their location in developing countries have led to the development of new techniques for the removal and recov-ery of U(VI),particularly from waste streams of nuclear industries.Adsorption is one of the methods commonly used to remove U(VI)ions from aqueous medium with relatively low metal ion concentrations.This work aims at preparing a new carboxylate functionalized graft copolymer through graft polymerization reac-tion of poly(methacrylic acid)onto TiO 2-densified cellulose in the presence of N,N -methylenebisacrylamide (MBA)as a cross-linker and Mn(IV)/citric acid as an initiator system for the effective removal of U(VI)from aqueous solutions.The adsorption of U(VI)was studied in batch system with respect to the initial pH,contact time,initial concentration,ionic strength,and adsorbent dose.2.Experiment 2.1.MaterialsHigh purity cellulose used for the preparation of cellulose xanthate was purchased from Fluka,Switzerland.All chemicals0927-7757/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2010.03.031T.S.Anirudhan,S.S.Sreekumari/Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects361 (2010) 180–186181Scheme1.Preparation of PGTDC-COOH.were analytical grade.U(VI)stock solution was prepared by using UO2(NO3)2·6H2O(Fluka).Methacrylic acid(MA)and MBA from Fluka,Switzerland,were used for graft copolymerization.Titanium dioxide(rutile)obtained from Travancore Titanium Products Ltd. India,was used for densification of cellulose.The chemicals such as KMnO4,CS2,and citric acid were of analytical grade supplied by E. Merck,India Ltd.2.2.Preparation of adsorbentCellulose xanthate viscose wasfirst prepared by reacting20g of alkali treated cellulose with10mL CS2and then dissolving in 6%NaOH solution.Titanium dioxide densified cellulose(TDC)was prepared by the method described by Lei et al.[11].For this,rutile and viscose(containing8.0%cellulose)in the weight ratio1.5:10 were dispersed in a solution of200mL chlorobenzene and100mL pump oil in1Lflask.The suspension was agitated with a speed of 300rpm at90◦C for1h.The resulting particles werefiltered and washed successively with benzene and methanol.The decomposi-tion of cellulose xanthate was completed by immersing particles in a solution of acetic acid and ethanol in the ratio1:2.The TDC thus obtained was washed with water,dried at60◦C and then sieved to −80+230mesh size of particles correspond to an average diameter of0.096mm.Scheme1represents the general procedure adopted for the preparation of poly(methacrylic acid)grafted TDC(PGTDC-COOH) bearing–COOH functional group.Graft polymerization of MA onto TDC was carried out in water using MnO2/citric acid redox system[12].About10g of TDC was immersed in500mL of0.1N aqueous KMnO4solution (solid–liquid ratio1:50)and shaken for30min at room temper-ature to ensure uniform deposition of MnO2all over the sample surface.After impregnation,the sample was washed repeatedly with distilled water and squeezed betweenfilter papers.For graft polymerization,the sample-to-liquid ratio1:50was used.The permanganate-treated sample was immersed in a solution contain-ing citric acid(0.4mequiv./L g of TDC).Methacrylic acid(0.5mL/1g of TDC)and MBA(0.1g)were then added with constant stirring under the controlled supply of N2.The contents were heated at 60◦C for1h.The product PGTDC-COOH was washed with methanol and dried at60◦C and then stored in a desiccator until use.The graft yield was calculated by the following equation:Graft yield(%)=w−w0×100(1)where w is the weight of grafted TDC sample and w0is the weight of TDC.Grafting yield was found to be51.57%.2.3.Equipments and methods of characterizationCharacterization of the graft copolymer was compared with the native cellulose.FTIR spectra of the PGTDC-COOH and cellu-lose were recorded on a KBr disk using a Perkin Elmer IR180 spectrophotometer.X-ray diffraction(XRD)analyses were car-ried out with a Rigakku diffractometer using Cu K␣radiation. In order to study the morphological changes during modifica-tion,the samples before and after modification were observed under a Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)model S-2400Hitachi. Thermal stability of the adsorbents was studied with a Metler Toledo Star thermogravimetric analyzer.The surface area was measured by the BET method using a model Q7/S surface area analyzer(Quantasorb,USA).A potentiometric method[13]was used to determine the pH of point of zero charge(pH pzc).The carboxyl content of PGTDC-COOH was determined by neutral-ization of carboxyl groups of the adsorbent with0.1M NaHCO3 solution using a titration method described by Boehm[14].The cation exchange capacity(CEC)of the adsorbent was determined by NaNO3saturation method using a column operation.The pH and density measurements were made using a pH meter(model -362,Systronics,India)and a specific gravity bottle,respec-tively.A temperature controlled water bath shaker(Labline,India) with temperature variation of±1◦C was used for the equilibrium studies.The concentration of U(VI)in solution was determined using GBC Avanta A5450atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS).2.4.Adsorption experimentsThe adsorption of U(VI)from aqueous solutions onto PGTDC-COOH was investigated through batch experiments.A weighed amount of adsorbent(0.1g)was placed in a100mL Erlenmeyer flask containing50mL U(VI)solution.The initial pH of the solution was adjusted to the desired value by adding0.1M HNO3or NaOH. The contents were shaken at200rpm at desired temperature for a predetermined period of time using water bath shaker and then were centrifuged.The concentration of U(VI)in the supernatant was measured using AAS.The adsorption capacity was calculated using the following mass balance equation:q e=(C0−C e)VW(2) where q e is the equilibrium adsorption capacity(mg/g),C0and C e are the initial and equilibrium concentrations of U(VI)in solution (mg/L),respectively.V is the liquid phase volume(L)and W is the amount of the adsorbent(g).Kinetic studies were conducted using four different initial con-centrations(25,50,75and100mg/L)of U(VI)at30◦C.Samples were withdrawn at regular intervals to plot the amount adsorbed versus time.The effects of contact time(0–120min),solution pH (2–8)and adsorbent dose(0.5–5.0g/L)on U(VI)adsorption were studied.The isotherm experiments were performed at30◦C using different concentrations of U(VI)in the range25–500mg/L at pH studiesDesorption studies were carried out with varying concen-trations of HCl solutions.The sorbent recovered following the adsorption of10mg/L of U(VI)solution was agitated with50mL HCl solution.The sorbent was then removed by centrifugation. The desorbed uranium in the aqueous solution was estimated as previously.182T.S.Anirudhan,S.S.Sreekumari/Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects361 (2010) 180–186Fig.1.FTIR spectra of cellulose,PGTDC-COOH and U(V1)adsorbed PGTDC-COOH.3.Results and discussionThe PGTDC-COOH adsorbent was obtained through the grafting of MA onto TDC using MBA as cross-linker and Mn(IV)/citric acid as initiator.TiO2is embedded in the cellulose skeleton to form a composite matrix.The particles not only increased the density of the composite matrix but also act as a loosefiller to facilitate the activation.The initiator system abstracts hydrogen from the methyl hydroxyl groups of the cellulose to form active sites on the TDC backbone.These active sites interact with monomer to form graft copolymer.Since a cross-linking agent(MBA)present in the system, a polymer network is formed with free–COOH groups at the chain end.The adsorbent was found to be stable in mineral acids and alkalies.3.1.Adsorbent characterizationThe FTIR spectra of cellulose,PGTDC-COOH and the U(VI) adsorbed PGTDC-COOH are shown in Fig.1.Cellulose exhibits a broad absorption band at3344cm−1characteristic of–OH group and a sharp peak at2900cm−1characteristic of C–H stretching from–CH2group.Appearance of an absorption band at1160cm−1 is attributed to the1–4glycosidic linkage of cellulose[15].The IR spectrum of PGTDC-COOH exhibits a broad signal around 3417cm−1representing the overlap of O–H,C–H,N–H and C–O stretching vibrations[16].The peaks at1638and1510cm−1show the presence of amide carbonyl group and aliphatic amide group, respectively,due to cross-linking.These observations indicate the presence of a polymeric chain in PGTDC-COOH.The sharp bands at1690cm−1( C O)and1450cm−1( C–O)show the presence of–COOH group[17].The presence of these adsorption bands in the IR spectrum of the PGTDC-COOH confirms that MA has been successfully grafted on the cellulose backbone.The C–O stretch-ing vibration of–C–OH group in cellulose at1059cm−1shifts to 1021cm−1in PGTDC-COOH due to grafting.In PGTDC-COOH the peak at721cm−1can be attributed to symmetric O–Ti–O stretch-ing and the peak around632cm−1is indicative of the stretching vibration of Ti–O[18].The adsorption of U(VI)onto PGTDC-COOH caused the shifting of certain peaks in PGTDC-COOH and appear-ance of certain characteristic peaks.The bands at3417,1690, 1450and1021cm−1in PGTDC-COOH were shifted to3430,1705,Fig.2.TG and DTG curves of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH.1468and1034cm−1,respectively in the spectrum of U(VI)loaded PGTDC-COOH.The appearance of a peak at930cm−1U(VI)loaded PGTDC-COOH is characteristic of O U O stretching vibration[19]. Literature suggests that in the modification of synthetic and natu-ral polymers by grafting,the grafted polymer chains are covalently linked and inter positioned on the cellulosic backbone polymer [20].The increase in weight of the graft polymer,compared to the original weight of TDC,showed that grafting had occurred.The car-boxylic acid group content in the adsorbent and CEC are also in conformity with the grafting of MA onto cellulose backbone.The thermal degradation of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH has been monitored from ambient to800◦C.The comparative thermal decomposition processes occurring in cellulose and the adsorbent were carried out by TG and DTG analyses and are shown in Fig.2. The thermal decomposition of cellulose occurred in two degrada-tion steps:(1)240–360◦C and(2)360–540◦C.In thefirst stage of decomposition(T1=344◦C)almost49.5%is lost due to pyrolysis, and in the second stage(T2=514◦C)92.6%of the initial dry weight is due to carbonization.The TG and DTG curves of the adsorbent indi-cate two stage decomposition between280and400◦C(T1=306◦C) where51.1%loss was observed due to the pyrolytic depolymeriza-tion process.The second stage decomposition between400and 560◦C(T2=540◦C)where71.6%of initial dry weight loss was observed leaving behind TiO2residue and char.The initial decom-position temperature(280◦C)and the temperature at50%weight loss(380◦C)of the grafted polymer were higher than those of the ungrafted cellulose(240and360◦C,respectively).The results indi-cate that grafting poly(methacrylic acid)onto cellulose results in an increase in thermal stability.SEM photographs of the cellulose and PGTDC-COOH are shown in Fig.3.The cellulosefibers exhibit distinctflake and are lump-ish because of the strong intra-molecular hydrogen bonds[21]. The PGTDC-COOH possesses a porous structure due to the incor-poration of polymer chains which hampered the formation of intra-molecular hydrogen bonds.Such a porous structure should significantly increase the available surface area of the adsorbent and therefore,increase the adsorption capacity.The grafted side chain through covalent bonding of methacrylic acid seems to form a heterogeneous surface in the graft copolymer showing proof of grafting.The XRD patterns of the cellulose,PGTDC-COOH and U(VI)-adsorbed PGTDC-COOH are shown in Fig.4.Curve(a)reports peaks at16.5◦,22.6◦and33.9◦which constitute the partial crystallineT.S.Anirudhan,S.S.Sreekumari/Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects361 (2010) 180–186183Fig.3.Scanning electron micrographs of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH. nature of cellulose like all natural polymers[22].This indicates that cellulose molecules are arranged in ordered lattice in which –OH groups are bonded by strong secondary forces.The diffraction peaks of PGTDC-COOH suggested it to be more crystalline related to the presence of TiO2as denser material for modification.The major peak appeared at2Â=27.5◦corresponds to the presence of rutile [23].It can be seen from the curves(b)and(c)that U(VI)loaded PGTDC-COOH retains the XRD patterns of PGTDC-COOH even after loading,with increasing intensity of the peaks at2Â=36.1◦,44.6◦and54.4◦[24].The surface charge density( 0)of the cellulose and PGTDC-COOH was determined by batch potentiometer titration procedure.For titration experiments0.1g of adsorbent was added to50mLFig.4.XRD patterns of cellulose,PGTDC-COOH and U(V1)adsorbedPGTDC-COOH.Fig.5.Surface charge density of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH as a function of pH inaqueous solution of NaNO3.of0.1M NaNO3.The pH of the solutions were carefully adjustedbetween2and8with0.1M HNO3and NaOH solutions,and thensuspensions were shaken in a water bathflask shaker at200rpmfor6h.Find out the volumes of alkali and acid required to changethe pH.The values of 0can be calculated using the equation:0=F(C A−C B)+([OH−]−[H+])A(3) where F is the Faraday constant(96485C/g equiv.),C A and C B are theconcentrations of strong acid and base after each addition duringtitration(equiv./L),and[H+]and[OH−]are the equilibrium concen-trations of H+and OH−ions,respectively,bound to the suspensionsurface(equiv./cm2).A plot of 0versus pH is given in Fig.5.Thepoint of intersection of 0with the pH curves gives the pH pzc of5.0and5.6for cellulose and the adsorbent,respectively.The cationexchange capacity(CEC)of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH was foundto be0.69and1.50mequiv./g,respectively.The carboxylic acidgroup content in PGTDC-COOH was found to be1.88mequiv./g.Thespecific surface area of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH measured by theN2adsorption was29.8and55.1m2/g,respectively.The density ofcellulose and PGTDC-COOH was found to be0.82and1.85g/mL,respectively.3.2.Adsorbent dose on U(VI)adsorptionThe adsorption of U(VI)by cellulose and PGTDC-COOH from U(VI)solution at different adsorbent doses(0.5–5.0g/L)was inves-tigated.The results are shown in Fig.6.Increase in the adsorbentdosage increased the percent removal of U(VI),which is due to theincrease in the surface area of the adsorbent.The complete removalof U(VI)ions from solution containing10mg/L U(VI)was achievedby4and2g/L of cellulose and PGTDC-COOH,respectively.The dataclearly indicate that PGTDC-COOH is two times more effectivethanFig.6.Effect of adsorbent dose on the adsorption of U(VI)onto cellulose and PGTDC-COOH.184T.S.Anirudhan,S.S.Sreekumari/Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects361 (2010) 180–186Fig.7.Effect of pH on the adsorption of U(VI)onto PGTDC-COOH. cellulose for the removal of U(VI)from aqueous solution.The high adsorption capacity was probably due to the presence of–COOH groups formed after modification.3.3.Effect of pH on U(VI)removalThe pH of the aqueous solution affects the surface charge of the adsorbents as well as the degree of ionization and speciation of the solute.The adsorption of U(VI)on PGTDC-COOH was studied varying the solution pH from2to8.The percentage of adsorption increases with increasing pH value,reaches a maximum at pH6.0 and then remains almost constant(Fig.7).For an initial concen-tration of10and25mg/L,the amount adsorbed was found to be 4.99mg/g(99.9%)and12.12mg/g(97.0%),respectively,at pH6.0. Experimental results show that thefinal pH of the solution after adsorption was about4.7when the initial concentration of U(VI) was25mg/L and the original pH was6.0.This also indicates that H+ions are released by exchange mechanism with the removal of U(VI).At low pH,the H+competition with uranium binding sites limits the uptake efficiency.At lower pH values the predomi-nant species is UO22+.As the solution pH increases,the uranium speciation in the solution changes and the hydrolysis products such as UO2(OH)+,UO2(OH)22+and(UO2)3(OH)5+are formed[25]. In weakly acidic solution,i.e.,in the range5.0–6.0the dominant species are UO2(OH)+ions which are formed by the hydrolysis of UO22+ions[26].Hence in the pH range,ion exchange followed by complexation is the major mechanism.mPGTDC-COOH+M n+→(PGTDC-COO)m M+n H+(4) where M n+=UO22+and UO2(OH)+.The complex formation was con-firmed by the peak at930cm−1in the IR spectrum of U(VI)adsorbed PGTDC-COOH which is characteristic of O U O stretching vibra-tion.The pH pzc for PGTDC-COOH was found to be5.6and hence at pH6.0the surface of PGTDC-COOH is slightly negatively charged and the positively charged U(VI)ions are adsorbed on the surface by electrostatic attraction.The variation of surface charge density of PGTDC-COOH with pH and the formation of the hydroxo species reveal that U(VI)ions are adsorbed on PGTDC-COOH by both ion exchange and complexation mechanism.3.4.Effect of contact time and initial concentrationFig.8shows the effect of contact time on the adsorption of U(VI) onto PGTDC-COOH at different initial concentrations.The removal rate of U(VI)was rapid during thefirst10min,then increased slowly with the time extension and leveled off at1h.The initial con-centration did not have a significant effect on the time to reach equilibrium.The rapid kinetics has significant practicalimportance,Fig.8.Effect of contact time and initial concentration on the adsorption of U(VI)onto PGTDC-COOH and comparison of observed data with pseudo-second-order kinetic it facilitates smaller reactor volumes,ensuring high efficiency and economy[27].The time profile of U(VI)uptake is a single, smooth and continuous curve leading to saturation suggesting the monolayer coverage of U(VI)on the surface of the adsorbent.The equilibrium adsorption capacity(q e)was12.12,23.17,32.10and 41.20mg/g,respectively,at an initial concentration of25,50,75 and100mg/L,respectively at30◦C.It is evident that the amount of metal ion adsorbed increases with increasing U(VI)concentra-tion.This is due to the increase in the mass driving force which accelerates the diffusion of U(VI)molecules from bulk solution to the adsorbent surface.Thus the initial U(VI)concentration plays an important role in determining the maximum uptake capacity of the PGTDC-COOH for U(VI).3.5.Effect of ionic strengthThe effect of ionic strength on the removal of U(VI)ions from solution was investigated with varying concentrations of NaNO3. The adsorption capacity with NaNO3concentration of0.001,0.005, 0.01,0.05,0.1and0.5M was found to be90.3,87.6,83.3,78.1, 75.6and60.3%,respectively,at an initial U(VI)concentration of 50mg/L.The adsorption decreases with the increase in solution ionic strength.The adverse effect of ionic strength suggests the pos-sibility of ion exchange mechanism in the adsorption of U(VI)ions onto PGTDC-COOH.Adsorption is sensitive to change in the concen-tration of the supporting electrolyte if the electrostatic interaction is very significant[28].The reduction in the metal removal percent-age may be due to the presence of Na+ions which can compete with U(VI)ions for the same cation exchange sites of PGTDC-COOH. 3.6.Adsorption kineticsKinetics of adsorption is one of the most attractive character-istics to be responsible for the efficiency of adsorption.Since the major mechanism involved in the removal of U(VI)by PGTDC-COOH may be ion exchange followed by complexation,the kinetic data were modeled using pseudo-second-order kinetic model[29].The pseudo-second order rate expression is given bytq t=1k2q e2+tq e(5) where q e and q t are the amount of solute adsorbed per unit adsorbent at equilibrium and time t,respectively.k2is the rate constant for the pseudo-second-order kinetics.The kinetic param-eters estimated are listed in Table1.The value of k2decreases from 4.68×10−2to1.67×10−2g/mg min with an increase in the initialT.S.Anirudhan,S.S.Sreekumari /Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 361 (2010) 180–186185Table 1Kinetic parameters for the adsorption of U(VI)onto PGTDC-COOH.Concentration (mg/L)k 2(g/mg min)q e ,exp (mg/g)q e ,cal (mg/g)R 225 4.68×10−212.1212.320.99950 2.89×10−223.1723.500.99975 1.83×10−232.1332.570.9991001.18×10−241.2041.890.999concentration from 25to 100mg/L.The decrease in the k 2val-ues with increasing concentration might be due to a progressive decrease in covalent interactions,relative to electrostatic interac-tions,of the sites with lower affinity for U(VI)that occurs with increasing initial U(VI)concentration.The correlation coefficient,R 2values (>0.99)for different initial concentrations indicate that the adsorption system belongs to the pseudo-second-order model.Fig.8shows that the theoretical q t values are very close to the experimental values.It is also found that the calculated adsorp-tion amount at equilibrium (q e ,cal )agrees reasonably well with the experimental data in the pseudo-second-order model.Therefore the pseudo-second-order model is suitable to describe the kinetic data.The mechanism involved in the adsorption of U(VI)onto PGTDC-COOH is confirmed as ion exchange followed by complex-ation.For the pseudo-second-order reaction the rate limiting step may be chemisorption,which may involve valency forces through sharing or exchange of electrons between adsorbate and adsorbent.3.7.Adsorption isothermThe analysis of the isotherm data is important to develop an equation which accurately represents the results and could be used for designing purposes.The equilibrium sorption was measured in batch experiments at 30◦C using different initial concentrations varying from 25to 500mg/L at pH 6.0.The sorption isotherm is shown in Fig.9.The shape of isotherm curves corresponded to a L-type curve,according to Giles classification [30].In this classifica-tion,type-L assumes a monolayer coverage on the active sites of the surface of the adsorbent and all the adsorption sites are supposed to be equivalent.Hence the adsorption data have been subjected to the Langmuirmodel given by the equation:a e =Q 0bC e1+bC e(6)whereQ 0and b are the Langmuir constants related to maximum adsorption capacity and equilibrium constant or energy of adsorp-tion,respectively.q e is the observed adsorption capacity (mg/g)and C e the equilibrium concentration (mg/L).parison of model fit of the Langmuir model to the experimental data for the adsorption of U(VI)onto PGTDC-COOH.The values of Q 0and b were calculated using non-linear regres-sion analysis and were found to be 99.84mg/g and 0.074L/mg,respectively.Since the correlation coefficient (R 2)value for U(VI)in the present study was 0.987,the experimental data may be regarded to reasonably fit the Langmuir model.The theoretical q e values as calculated from the Langmuir model agree perfectly with the experimental q e values (Fig.9).The applicability of the Langmuir isotherm suggests that the surface of the adsorbent is uniform and homogeneous in respect to sorption and energy,and the adsorption process results in the formation of a monolayer coverage of U(VI).Formation of a monolayer on the adsorbent surface further indi-cates the chemical nature of the adsorption,i.e.,chemisorption.The Q 0values for the adsorption of U(VI)on diatomite [31],natural sepi-olite [32],bacteriogenic iron oxides [33],o-phenylene dioxyacetic acid impregnated amberlite XAD resin [34]and amberlite XAD-4functionalized with succinic acid [35]were reported to be 41.17,34.61,9.25,28.79and 12.30mg/g,respectively.The comparison of Q 0value of PGTDC-COOH used in the present study (99.84mg/g)with those obtained in the literature shows that PGTDC-COOH is more effective for the adsorption process.3.8.Test with simulated nuclear industry wastewaterThe suitability of the adsorbent for the removal of U(VI)from nuclear industry wastewater was tested by treating it with simu-lated wastewater containing U(VI)ions [36].The sample contained metal ions based on cations such as U(VI)(10mg/L),Ca 2+(10mg/L),Mg 2+(10mg/L)as well as anions such as Cl −(20mg/L),SO 42−(80mg/L),NO 3−(40mg/L),PO 43−(20mg/L),oxalate (60mg/L)and detergents (20mg/L).The effect of adsorbent dose on U(VI)removal from wastewater was investigated (Fig.10).The removal of U(VI)increases with increase in the adsorbent dosage due to the avail-ability of more adsorption sites.Almost complete (≈100%)removal from 1L sample was possible with 2.5g/L of PGTDC-COOH.The amount of adsorbent used in this study (2.5g/L)was slightly higher than that obtained in the earlier (Section 3.3)batch experiments (2.0g/L)may be due to the presence of other cations (Ca 2+andMg 2+)in wastewater which can compete with U(VI)ions for the same binding sites of the adsorbent.3.9.Desorption studiesAs illustrated in Fig.7low adsorption was found in the low pH range,which implies that the U(VI)adsorbed can be desorbed from spent adsorbent by an acid medium.Hence desorption study wasFig.10.Effect of adsorbent dose on the adsorption of U(VI)from a simulated nuclear industry wastewater sample by PGTDC-COOH.。
Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 370 (2010) 28–34Contents lists available at ScienceDirectColloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical andEngineeringAspectsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c o l s u r faPreparation of monodispersed polyelectrolyte microcapsules with high encapsulation efficiency by an electrospray techniqueYu Fukui,Tatsuo Maruyama ∗,Yuko Iwamatsu,Akihiro Fujii,Tsutomu Tanaka,Yoshikage Ohmukai,Hideto Matsuyama ∗∗Department of Chemical Science and Engineering,Kobe University,1-1Rokkodai,Nada-ku,Kobe 657-8501,Japana r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 29May 2010Received in revised form 11August 2010Accepted 14August 2010Available online 21 August 2010Keywords:Electrospray Microcapsule PolyelectrolyteHigh encapsulation efficiencya b s t r a c tThe preparation of polyelectrolyte microcapsules by electrospray was investigated.When a polyanionic or polycationic aqueous solution was electrosprayed into an aqueous solution containing a polyelectrolyte with the opposite charge,a spherical interface consisting of a polyelectrolyte complex was formed by electrostatic interaction to produce a microcapsule.Alginate/chitosan microcapsules (∼100m)were successfully produced with a narrow diameter distribution (coefficient of variation 4.4%).The diameters of microcapsules were controlled in the range of 80–230m by varying the operating conditions,such as feed rate,working voltage,the distance from needle-to-collector,needle diameter and polyelectrolyte concentrations.We also succeeded in the encapsulation of protein,dextran and a polymeric microsphere within the polyelectrolyte microcapsules with high encapsulation efficiencies (more than 99%).The study of yeast encapsulation reveals that the electrospray technique can encapsulate a physiologically active substrate in the polyelectrolyte microcapsule and maintain its activity.© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMicroencapsulation has been widely used in the agricultural,food,cosmetics,pharmaceutical and medical industries [1–3].Along with the emerging demand for new functional microcap-sules,the development of a new microencapsulation technique has been a significant target in the research field to achieve effi-cient encapsulation,a biocompatible microcapsule,a functional microcapsule or a controlled-release strategy [4–6].Emulsifica-tion,spray-drying and coacervation techniques are mostly used for encapsulating food ingredients,proteins,drugs,flavors and liv-ing cells.In the last decade,studies in microfluidics technology have provided a novel strategy for the preparation of microcapsules with narrow size-distributions [7–9].The electrospray technique,which is conventionally used as an ionization technique in mass spectroscopy,has a great potential for microcapsule preparation because of the simplicity of the apparatus,its high productivity and its easy setup.Although the electrospray technique can con-tinuously produce tiny droplets or nanofibers with ease,there has been uncertainty around the production of microcapsules.Bugarski et al.first reported microcapsule preparation using the electro-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+81788036070;fax:+81788036070.∗∗Corresponding author.E-mail (T.Maruyama), (H.Matsuyama).spray technique and demonstrated the effective preparation of size-controlled microcapsules [10].They and other research groups subsequently reported encapsulation of viable living cells using calcium alginate and the electrospray technique [11–14].These reports employed only calcium alginate as a capsule material,prob-ably due to its safety with living cells.In 1980s,relatively large capsules (∼mm)composed of poly-electrolytes were studied to encapsulate cells and enzymes [15,16].These capsules of millimeter size were prepared simply by adding a charged-polyelectrolyte solution dropwise to another oppositely charged-polyelectrolyte solution.In the last decade,the layer-by-layer method using polyelectrolytes have attracted wide attention as a thin film material because they form a stable and insolu-ble complex with an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte [17].In particular,this method can employ synthetic and natural poly-electrolytes and provide a novel class of functional ultrathin films.The functional properties of polyelectrolyte films (e.g.,controlled release of encapsulated compounds,self-rupturing,biocompatibil-ity and stimuli-responsiveness,etc.)are generally derived from the design and combination of polyelectrolytes [18–21].In some cases,the solubility of the complex formed depends on the pH and the ionic strength of the solution,which was also used for the controlled release of encapsulated compounds or for the stimuli-responsiveness of the thin film.The layer-by-layer method has been also extended to prepare microcapsules using a sacrifice template [22,23].However,the use of a sacrifice template makes it difficult to effectively encapsulate core substrates within a microcapsule.0927-7757/$–see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2010.08.039Y.Fukui et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects370 (2010) 28–3429The strong electrostatic interaction and fast complex-formation between positively and negatively charged polyelectrolytes require the manipulation of each aqueous solution with another immisci-ble phase(e.g.,a water-immiscible organic solvent or a gas phase) when preparing microcapsules composed of polyelectrolytes.The electrospray technique ejects a droplet to a gas phase at high speed and the droplet falls onto a collector vessel.We expected that the electrospray technique would enable the preparation of monodispersed microcapsules based on cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes with high encapsulation efficiency. The present study reports the preparation of microcapsules using several kinds of polyelectrolytes by the electrospray technique. Most of the experiments were performed using chitosan and alginate as polyelectrolytes because this polyelectrolyte combi-nation was widely applied for capsule production,as can be seen in the following references[24–26].We investigated key parameters of the electrospray technique to control the size of microcapsules and found that the electrospray technique could produce monodispersed microcapsules(around100m in diam-eter)and also encapsulate various materials(biomacromolecules, microparticles and living cells)within the microcapsules with high encapsulation efficiency.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsSodium alginate,chitosan,acetic acid and sodium hydrox-ide were purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Industries(Osaka, Japan).Poly(sodium4-styrenesulfonate)(PSS,Mw=∼70,000),poly (allylamine hydrochloride)(PAH,Mw=∼56,000),albumin–fluore-scein isothiocyanate conjugate(albumin–FITC),and tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate–dextran(TRITC–dextran)with average molecular weights of4400,65,000–76,000and155,000were pur-chased from Sigma(St.Louis,MO).Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)solution(PDDA,Mw=40,000,28wt%in H2O)was pur-chased from Polysciences Inc.(Warrington,PA).Greenfluorescent polystyrene microspheres were purchased as a suspension from Duke Scientific(Palo Alto,CA).The microspheres had a diame-ter of1.9m.Yeast extract and peptone were purchased from Becton,Dickinson and Company(Sparks,MD).d-(+)-Glucose was purchased from Nacalaitesque,Inc(Kyoto,Japan).2.2.ElectrosprayThe electrospray(NF-102,MECC Co.,Ogori,Japan)experimen-tal equipment consisted of a syringe pump,a stainless steel needle and a high voltage generator(Fig.1).An anionic or cationic poly-electrolyte aqueous solution was sprayed from a stainless steel needle(cathode)into an aqueous solution containing a polyelec-trolyte with an opposite charge(anode)in a foil-wrapped dish to form polyelectrolyte complex microcapsules.The polyelectrolyte aqueous solution in a dish was stirred continuously and gently (∼100rpm)by a magnetic stirrer bar during electrospraying.Typically,a sodium alginate(1.5wt%)aqueous solution(pH7.5) was sprayed into a chitosan aqueous(0.5wt%)solution(pH3.6) containing200mM acetic acid.The feed rate of the sodium alginate solution was set at0.20mL/h and the working voltage was22.5kV. The distance from the needle to the collector was5.0cm and the inner/outer diameters of a stainless steel needle were130/310m. Microcapsules were prepared under different conditions to control the diameters of microcapsules.After electrospraying,microcap-sules were separated from the chitosan solution by centrifugation at100×g for2min.An invertedfluorescence microscope(Olym-pus,IX71)was employed to observe microcapsules.Based on the microscope images,the diameters of more than100microcapsules Fig.1.Illustration of the experimental setup and photograph of a Taylor cone jet (inset).The Taylor cone was observed when a sodium alginate(1.5wt%)aque-ous solution was sprayed at0.20mL/h into a chitosan(0.5wt%)aqueous solution containing200mM acetic acid at a working voltage of22.5kV and a needle-to-collector distance of5cm.The inner/outer diameters of the stainless steel needle were130/310m.were measured by an image analysis software,WinROOF(Mitani Corp.,Fukui,Japan).PSS/PAH(PSS sprayed into PAH),PAH/PSS,chitosan/PSS and PDDA/PSS were also used for the preparation of microcapsules.The concentrations of PSS,PAH and PDDA were10wt%.The concentra-tion of chitosan solutions was9wt%.Only the chitosan solution contained50mM acetic acid.The pH of PSS,PAH,PDDA and chi-tosan solutions were4.8,1.6,2.6and6.5,respectively.The feed rate was0.20mL/h in each case,the voltage was24.0kV and the needle-to-collector distance was5.0cm.The inner/outer diameters of a stainless steel needle were330/630m.A Taylor cone,formed on the tip of a needle,was observed by a microscope(SKM-2000-PC,Saito Kougaku,Yokohama,Japan).2.3.Encapsulation of polymeric microspheres,protein anddextran and the dextran retention propertiesTo evaluate the encapsulation efficiency,fluorescent micro-spheres,albumin–FITC and TRITC–dextran were used as a core substrate.A sodium alginate(1.5wt%)aqueous solution contain-ing10L/mLfluorescent microspheres,10g/mL albumin–FITC or10g/mL TRITC–dextran was sprayed into0.5wt%chitosan aqueous solution containing200mM acetic acid under typical con-ditions.After spraying,a microcapsule suspension wasfiltered through a nylon-netfilter with a41m mesh(Millipore,NY). For the albumin–FITC encapsulation,thefiltrate was adjusted to pH6.0using sodium hydroxide.Non-encapsulatedfluorescence substrates in thefiltrate were quantified using afluorescence spectrometer(LS-50B,PerkinElmer).Fluorescence microspheres, albumin–FITC and TRITC–dextran were excited at468,495and 555nm,respectively.Fluorescence emissions were detected at 508,521and580nm,respectively.Thefluorescent microsphere-,albumin–FITC-and TRITC–dextran-encapsulated microcapsules were observed using a confocal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM) (FV1000-D,Olympus Co.,Tokyo,Japan).30Y.Fukui et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects370 (2010) 28–34To determine the dextran retention properties of the microcap-sules,TRITC–dextran-encapsulated microcapsules were collected by centrifugation at100×g for2min and dispersed in3M acetate buffer(pH5.2).Samples were periodically taken from the micro-capsule suspension and centrifuged at100×g.Thefluorescently labeled substrate in the supernatant solution was quantified using afluorescence spectrometer.2.4.Yeast-encapsulated microcapsulesThe yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kyokai No.7was grown in a YPD medium(10g/L yeast extract,20g/L glucose,and20g/L peptone)at30◦C overnight.A sodium alginate(1.5wt%)aqueous solution containing yeast(OD∼0.35)was electrosprayed into a chi-tosan(0.5wt%)aqueous solution containing200mM acetic acid solution under typical conditions.The microcapsules were col-lected by centrifugation at100×g and then immersed in a fresh YPD medium,followed by microscope observation of the yeast growth in microcapsules at25◦C.3.Results and discussionWhen a polyelectrolyte solution is forced through a needle with an electric voltage,the surface tension of the solution becomes equal to the Coulomb repulsion.At this point,the solution at the tip of a needle forms a cone shape,called the“Taylor cone”[27]. If the electricfield intensity is larger than a balance point,small droplets are sprayed spontaneously from the tip of the Taylor cone into a counter electrode.As discussed widely in the literature,the formation of a Taylor cone is essential in electrospray and electro-spinning for the production of droplets andfibers.The formation of a Taylor cone generally requires certain operational conditions, such as particular feed rate,surface tension,conductivity,voltage, and so on[28–30].In the present study,a sodium alginate aque-ous solution was electrosprayed from a needle with a high voltage and the formation of a Taylor cone was also confirmed(inset of Fig.1),similar to previous reports[7,31,32].The charged droplets of the sodium alginate solution contacted the chitosan solution on the counter electrode and each immediately formed a polyelec-trolyte complex by an electrostatic interaction at the interface of the alginate solution/chitosan solution,resulting in a microcapsule. The alginate/chitosan microcapsules obtained by electrospray are shown in Fig.2a.The diameters of the microcapsules were from115 to145m,with a relatively narrow diameter distribution(Fig.2b), giving a coefficient of variation(CV)of only8.0%.These results indicate that the electrospray technique continuously produced aqueous droplets of a uniform size and that the droplets sprayed into the atmosphere reached the chitosan solution without expe-riencing droplet coalescence in the atmosphere during theirflight, probably due to the repulsion between charged droplets[33].We then investigated the effects of the operational conditions on the diameter of alginate/chitosan microcapsules.When varying one of the parameters,the other parameters were kept the same as those in Fig.2.Fig.3a shows the effect of feed rate on the diameter of the micro-capsules.The diameter of the microcapsules decreased from130 to80m with decreasing feed rate.The standard deviation also decreased with the diameter of microcapsules.Next,the effect of the working voltage on the diameter of microcapsules was stud-ied(Fig.3b).In the absence of a working voltage,the diameter of the microcapsules was around2.0mm,which agreed with previous reports[15,16].The electrostatic repulsions at the liquid level on the Taylor cone became stronger as the voltage increased,so that the droplets became smaller.As a result,the diameter of the result-ing microcapsules decreased with increasing voltage.As shownin Fig.2.(a)Microscope image and(b)size distribution of alginate/chitosan micro-capsules prepared by electrospray.Operating conditions:1.5wt%sodium alginate (0.2mL/h),0.5wt%chitosan,voltage22.5kV,needle-to-collector distance5cm,and inner/outer needle diameters130/310m.The scale bar represents100m.Fig.3c,we examined the effect of the needle-to-collector distance on the diameter of microcapsules.The diameter decreased with decreasing distance.This was probably due to the same reasons as given above for the effect of the working voltage:the shorter distance,the stronger the intensity of the electricfield.Fig.3d shows the effect of the inner diameter of the needle(130, 190,330and900m).The diameter of microcapsules increased linearly as the inner diameter of the needle increased from130to 330m.When a needle with an inner diameter of900m was used,the microcapsules were polydisperse(CV=39.3%).This is because the Taylor cone became unstable when large needle diam-eters were used.Interestingly,the diameters of the microcapsules were nearly the same as or smaller than the inner diameters of needles,even though there was negligible evaporation of water.In other meth-ods(e.g.,membrane emulsification,coacervation and microfluidic techniques),it was not possible to produce microcapsules smaller than the nozzle or pore diameter.This feature of the electrospray technique suggests the production of microcapsules and micro-spheres smaller than the limitations of microfabrication techniques is possible and this would be a great advantage in controlling the diameter of microcapsules and microspheres.The effect of the sodium alginate concentration(1.0,1.5,2.0wt%) was studied(Fig.3e).The pH of each sodium alginate solution was around7.5.At a sodium alginate concentration of1.0wt%, the mean diameter of microcapsules was95m with a CV of18%,Y.Fukui et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects370 (2010) 28–3431Fig.3.Effects of electrospray operating conditions on the diameter of microcapsules.(a)Feed rate,(b)working voltage,(c)needle-to-collector distance,(d)inner diameter of needle,(e)concentration of sodium alginate,(f)concentration of chitosan.Typical operating conditions were1.5wt%sodium alginate(0.2mL/h),0.5wt%chitosan,working voltage22.5kV and needle-to-collector distance5cm.Needle inner/outer diameters were130/310m.while the CV at1.5and2.0wt%were only9.9and9.3%,respec-tively.At0.5wt%,no spherical microcapsules were observed.When the concentration of sodium alginate is low,an alginate/chitosan complex would be formed but such a complex might be soluble in the chitosan solution because of the excess amount of polyca-tions present.The concentration of the chitosan solution,which received the droplets of alginate solution,also affected the diam-eters of microcapsules(Fig.3f).When the chitosan concentration was set at1.0,1.5and2.0wt%(pH3.9,4.1and4.3),the diame-ters of microcapsules were relatively small and there were many non-spherical microcapsules(inset of Fig.3f).The spherical micro-capsules were formed at0.5wt%chitosan solution(pH3.6).It can be presumed that the shape of microcapsules depends on the forma-tion rate and mechanical strength of the polyelectrolyte complex [34,35].There is room for further investigation on the mechanism of the microcapsule formation considering the formation rate and the mechanical strength of the polyelectrolyte complex.Not only the combination of alginate/chitosan but various other combinations of polyelectrolytes were also employed to pre-pare polyelectrolyte microcapsules.The combination of PSS/PAH (PSS sprayed into PAH),PAH/PSS,chitosan/PSS and PDDA/PSS were investigated(Fig.4).Although the combination of PSS/PAH (Fig.4d)also produced observable microcapsules,they had insuf-ficient mechanical strength for manipulation by pipetting.While a polyanion solution was sprayed into a polycation solution in the above investigations,we also sprayed a polycationic aque-32Y.Fukui et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects370 (2010) 28–34Fig.4.Microscope images of microcapsules produced from (a)PAH/PSS,(b)PDDA/PSS,(c)chitosan/PSS,(d)PSS/PAH.The concentrations of PAH,PSS and PDDA solutions were 10wt%and the concentration of chitosan solution was 9wt%,the feed rate was 0.20mL/h,the working voltage was 24.0kV and the needle-to-collector distance was 5.0cm.The inner/outer diameters of the needle were 330/630m.The scale bars represent 100m.ous solution into a polyanionic aqueous solution.As shown in Fig.4a,PAH/PSS microcapsules were successfully prepared.The mean diameter of the resultant microcapsules was 210m and the CV was 22%.Chitosan/PSS microcapsules (Fig.4c)were also prepared but were polydispersed.One of the reasons for the poly-dispersed chitosan/PSS microcapsules may have been that the lack of a balance of forces leading to an unstable Taylor cone,caused by high viscosity of the chitosan solution.The combination of PDDA/PSS (Fig.4b)produced microcapsules but their mechani-cal strength was as low as that of the PSS/PAH microcapsules (Fig.4d).Finally,we investigated the encapsulation of protein,dextran and cells in the polyelectrolyte microcapsules by electrospray.When protein,dextran and cells are encapsulated,the encapsula-tion efficiency and the residual activity are of considerable practical importance.In this electrospray technique,no organic solvent,heat or vacuum for drying are required.Therefore,it is expected that this method would be suitable for encapsulation of physi-ologically active substances and cells.In this study,fluorescent microspheres,albumin–FITC,TRITC–dextran and yeast cells were used as core substrates and a sodium alginate solution containing each core substrate was electrosprayed into a chitosan solution.Taking into account the capsule morphology,the productivity and stability of Taylor cone,the following production parameters were chosen to prepare alginate/chitosan microcapsules encapsulating the substrates;the concentrations of sodium alginate and chi-tosan were 1.5,0.5wt%,respectively,the feed rate of the sodium alginate solution was set at 0.20mL/h,the working voltage was 22.5kV,the distance from the needle to the collector was 5.0cm and the inner/outer diameters of a stainless steel needle were 130/310m.To approximate the encapsulation efficiency of yeast cells,we measured that of fluorescent microspheres because the size of fluorescent microspheres and yeast cells are nearly equal (a couple of micrometers).The CLSM images of the microcap-sules revealed that these fluorescent substances (the fluorescent microspheres and albumin–FITC)were uniformly spread over the whole microcapsules composed of alginate/chitosan,meaning that these substances were successfully encapsulated in the monodis-persed microcapsules (Fig.5).The encapsulation efficiency of microspheres and albumin was >99%.It should be noted that the diameters of the microcapsules and the size distribution were not affected by the presence of core substrates.These results demon-strate that the electrospray technique can encapsulate micro-and nano-sized materials in polyelectrolyte microcapsules with a high encapsulation efficiency.The retention of TRITC–dextran with different molecular weights in microcapsules was investigated.The retention ratios of all types of TRITC–dextran (Mw =4400,65,000–76,000and 155,000)in sodium alginate/chitosan microcapsules were >99%at 24h after dispersing microcapsules in an acetate buffer.Pre-vious studies reported that the ultrathin films of polyelectrolytes prepared by the layer-by-layer method displayed similarly high rejection properties to nanofiltration membranes [36–38].The high retention properties of the microcapsules in the present study were therefore reasonable.Fig.6shows phase-contrast microscope images of microcap-sules encapsulating yeast in a YPD medium at different periods after microcapsule preparation.As is evident from these images,yeast cells were also successfully encapsulated in the alginate/chitosan microcapsules and they grew inside the microcapsules over time.The image at 0h and the results from fluorescent microspheres allow us to speculate that most of cells sprayed were encapsulated within the microcapsules.The growth of yeast in a microcap-sule indicates sufficient penetration of low-molecular materials (glucose,peptone,etc.)from the culture medium through the microcapsule shell consisting of the alginate/chitosan complex.Even after 48h,microcapsules containing yeast cells did not tear,which indicates considerable mechanical strength of the algi-nate/chitosan microcapsules.These results demonstrate that the electrospray technique achieves the encapsulation of a physiolog-ically active substrate into polyelectrolyte microcapsules without any critical damage to the substrate.In summary,we prepared microcapsules based on cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes by the electrospray technique.The electrospray technique produced monodispersed alginate/chitosan microcapsules,whose size was controlled by varying the operatingY.Fukui et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 370 (2010) 28–3433Fig.5.CLSM microscope images of alginate/chitosan microcapsules containing (a)and (b)fluorescent microspheres,(c)albumin–FITC,(d)TRITC–dextran (Mw =155,000).Operating conditions were the same as those in Fig.2.The scale bars represent 100m.conditions.This technique can utilize various types of natural and synthetic polyelectrolytes,and also encapsulate various substrates (biomacromolecules,microspheres and living cells)in the micro-capsules with high encapsulation efficiency and without critical damage to the substrates.Due to the simplicity of the electro-spray setup and the attractive properties discussed above,the electrospray technique is expected to be a practical method for the industrial production ofmicrocapsules.Fig.6.Phase-contrast images of yeast-encapsulated microcapsules in YPD media at different periods after the preparation of microcapsules.(a)0h,(b)8h,(c)16h,(d)24h.Operating conditions were the same as those in Fig.2.The scale bars represent 100m.34Y.Fukui et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects370 (2010) 28–34AcknowledgmentsWe thank Professor M.Kotaki at Kyoto Institute of Technology for the technical support.This work was supportedfinancially by Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technol-ogy,Creation of Innovation Centers for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Areas(Innovative Bioproduction Kobe),MEXT,Japan.This work was partially supported by the Kao Foundation for Arts and Sciences.The present work was also partially supported by Grants for Research and Technology Development on Waste Management (K2119)from the Ministry of Environment,Japan.References[1]N.J.Zuidam,V.Nedovic,Encapsulation Technologies for Active Food Ingredientsand Food Processing,first ed.,Springer,2009.[2]M.Rosen,Delivery System Handbook for Personal Care and Cosmetic Products:Technology,Applications and Formulations,William Andrew,2006.[3]F.Lim,A.M.Sun,Microencapsulated islets as bioartificial endocrine pancreas,Science210(1980)908–910.[4]R.M.Shah,A.P.D’mello,Strategies to maximize the encapsulation efficiencyof phenylalanine ammonia lyase in microcapsules,Int.J.Pharm.356(2008) 61–68.[5]N.Gaponik,I.L.Radtchenko,M.R.Gerstenberger,Y.A.Fedutik,G.B.Sukho-rukov,A.L.Rogach,Labeling of biocompatible polymer microcapsules with near-infrared emitting nanocrystals,Nano 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Nano-emulsion formation by emulsion phase inversion
Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects251(2004)53–58Nano-emulsion formation by emulsion phase inversionPatrick Fernandez a,Val´e rie Andr´e b,Jens Rieger a,Angelika K¨u hnle a,∗a BASF Aktiengesellschaft,Polymer Physics,GKP/O-G201,67056Ludwigshafen,Germanyb BASF Aktiengesellschaft,Strategic Marketing Cosmetic Ingredients,67056Ludwigshafen,GermanyReceived17March2004;accepted8September2004AbstractThe droplet size distribution of an emulsion governs emulsion properties such as long-term stability,texture and optical appearance. Consequently,means to control the droplet size during emulsification are of interest when well-defined emulsion properties are needed.In this work,we study emulsions consisting of water,paraffin oil and a mixture of non-ionic surfactants and fatty alcohols by means of laser light scattering.We investigate the influence of the route of preparation as well as the surfactant concentration on the droplet size distribution. Above a critical surfactant-to-oil ratio and following the standard way of emulsion phase inversion,a significant amount of oil droplets with diameters less than1m were obtained.When changing the way of emulsification and thereby avoiding a phase inversion to occur,suchfine droplets are absent and the droplet size distribution is solely governed by the input of mechanical energy.We demonstrate that emulsification by the phase inversion method makes use of two effects for the achievement offinely dispersed oil-in-water emulsions.The lamellar or bicontinuous structure formed by the surfactant at the inversion point determines the size of the resulting droplets while the corresponding minimal interfacial tension facilitates the droplet formation,explaining why the droplet size distribution only depends on the weight ratio between surfactant and oil rather than on the water concentration.©2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Emulsion;Catastrophic phase inversion;Emulsification;Phase inversion temperature(PIT);Emulsion inversion point(EIP)1.IntroductionMacroemulsions are dispersions of at least two non-miscible liquids.They are thermodynamically unstable systems that are stabilized kinetically.Consequently,the stability of an emulsion depends both on its composition and the size of the emulsion droplets.Typically,the droplet size of conventional emulsions is larger than1m,making these droplets susceptible to gravity forces.Depending on the preparation method,different droplet size distributions might be achieved,explaining why the route of preparation can have an influence on the emulsion stability.Emulsions with droplet sizes between those of conventional emulsions and microemulsions,i.e.with a typical size range of20–500nm are termed mini-emulsions[1],ultrafine emulsions[2],∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+4962199176;fax:+4962192281.E-mail¨u hnle).submicron emulsions[3],translucent emulsions[4]and nano-emulsions[5,6].Due to their small droplet size, nano-emulsions may appear transparent,and Brownian motion prevents sedimentation or creaming,hence offering increased stability.In contrast to microemulsions,nano-emulsions are metastable and can be diluted with water without changing the droplet size distribution[6].The preparation of emulsions with droplet sizes in the submicrometer-range may be performed mechanically, which involves high-energy input that is generally achieved by high-shear stirring,high-pressure homogenizers,or ultra-sound generators.The high-energy input leads to deforming forces that are able to break the droplets into smaller ones, provided the Laplace pressure is overcome.Additionally,an increase of the surfactant content at the interface reduces the Laplace pressure[5].Therefore,the smaller the droplet size,the more energy and/or surfactant is required,making this preparation route unfavorable for industrial applications,0927-7757/$–see front matter©2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2004.09.02954P.Fernandez et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects251(2004)53–58Fig.1.Schematic illustration of both catastrophic and transitional phase in-version for the preparation offinely dispersed O/W emulsions.The solid black line marks the inversion locus,the dotted lines the hysteresis zone. Within the optimum formulation zone and at the inversion locus,the inter-facial tension is minimal.During low-energy emulsification,this ultralow interfacial tension is employed for the formation offinely dispersed droplets, while thefinal emulsion should be far away from these regions to enhance emulsion stability.when very small droplets are desired.However,submicron emulsions can also be obtained by employing the physic-ochemical properties of the system generally referred to as low-energy emulsification methods.These methods make use of changing the spontaneous curvature of the surfactant.For non-ionic surfactants,this can be achieved by changing the temperature of the system,forcing a transition from an oil-in-water(O/W)emulsion at low temperatures to a water-in-oil (W/O)emulsion at higher temperatures(transitional phase in-version).During cooling,the system crosses a point of zero spontaneous curvature and minimal surface tension,promot-ing the formation offinely dispersed oil droplets(see vertical arrow in Fig.1).This method is referred to as phase inversion temperature(PIT)method[6–9].Instead of the temperature, other parameters such as salt concentration or pH value may be considered as well,generalized by considering the sur-factant affinity difference(SAD)instead of the temperature alone[10].Additionally,a transition in the spontaneous radius of curvature can be obtained by changing the water volume fraction(emulsion inversion point(EIP)method).By successively adding water into oil,initially water droplets are formed in a continuous oil phase.Increasing the water volume fraction changes the spontaneous curvature of the surfactant from initially stabilizing a W/O emulsion to an O/W emulsion at the inversion locus.This process is well known for short-chain surfactants which formflexible monolayers at the oil–water interface,resulting in a bicon-tinuous microemulsion at the inversion point.Also during this transition-referred to as catastrophic phase inversion-minimal interfacial tension are achieved and reported to facilitate the formation offine droplets(horizontal arrow in Fig.1)[10–13].In addition to the low interfacial tension,the formation of a bicontinuous or lamellar structure with a characteristic, surfactant-dependent repeat distance at the point of phase inversion has been mentioned to play a role for the formation of submicrometer-sized droplets[14].In the present work,the preparation of O/W emulsions stabilized by a mixture of two non-ionic surfactants com-mercially used for the formulation of creams and lotions was studied in the light of the low-energy emulsification methods discussed above.We demonstrate that also for these long-chain surfactants phase inversion and nano-emulsion formation occur.The influence of the preparation route was investigated by analyzing the droplet size distribution of oil-in-water emulsions obtained by pouring the water phase into the oil and vice versa.We observed that a critical amount of surfactant is needed for the preparation of submicrometer-sized droplets by the emulsion inversion point method. Furthermore,we studied three surfactant-to-oil weight ratios and successively added water,thereby mapping parts of the surfactant/oil/water phase diagram.Thefinal droplet size does not depend on the amount of water added to the system,demonstrating that the droplet size is determined by the surfactant-to-oil weight ratio rather than by the water content.This suggests that the droplet size depends on the distance given by the lamellar structure at the inversion point.2.Material and methods2.1.ChemicalsEmulsions were prepared with Cremophor®A6and Cremophor®A25(both BASF products),distilled water and paraffin oil(mineral oil,Riedel de Ha¨e n,Germany). Cremophor®A6is a non-ionic surfactant consisting of a polyethylene glycol alkyl ether(ceteareth-6;C i E j with i=16–18and j=6)and stearyl alcohol at a weight ratio3:1. Cremophor®A25is also known as ceteareth-25(C i E j with i=16–18and j=25).The weight ratio Cremophor®A6/A25 wasfixed at7:3.Each sample(with compositions as indicated in Table1)was prepared with a total mass of300g,and the water-to-oil weight ratio was kept constant at3.5.Previous to emulsification,the surfactants were mixed into the oil phase at80◦C.The water(also at80◦C)and oil phases were mixed with a Heidolph IKA stirrer at150rpm and subsequently ho-mogenized with a T25Ultra-Turrax at13,000rpm for1min. The samples were cooled at room temperature under moder-ate stirring at150rpm.Table1Water/Cremophor®A6/A25/paraffin oil emulsions compositionsW water W Cremophor W paraffin oil W Cremophor/W paraffin oil 75.82.521.70.1273.9521.10.2471.97.520.60.3670.010200.5W water,W Cremophor and W paraffin oil are the weight fractions(in wt.%)of water, Cremophor®mixture and paraffin oil,respectively.W Cremophor/W paraffin oil indicates the surfactant-to-oil weight ratio.P.Fernandez et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects251(2004)53–5855For all compositions indicated in Table1,the water phase was poured into the oil phase(described as W into O or method A).Furthermore,an additional sample containing 10%Cremophor®mixture was prepared by pouring the oil phase into the water phase(O into W or method B).For the mapping of the phase diagram,increasing amounts of water were added to mixtures of surfactant and oil at80◦C. The total sample mass was25g.The surfactant-to-oil weight ratios correspond to those listed in Table1.After weighing, each sample was shaken by hand,and the samples were stored in a thermostatized chamber at80◦C for several days in order to equilibrate the samples.2.2.MethodsThe oil droplet size distribution was measured by means of laser light scattering(HORIBA La-900).A few drops of emulsion were injected into a bath of distilled water kept at25◦C(sample dilution).The bath is continuously under agitation in order to disperse the oil droplets within the mix-ture.A few minutes after pouring,the laser light scattering measurement was performed.3.ResultsThe resulting droplet size distributions for the emulsions listed in Table1are given in Fig.2.Depending on the sur-factant concentration,the droplet sizes vary when prepared by method A.For 2.5wt.%surfactant(surfactant-to-oil weight ratio of∼0.12),one large peak centered around 10m with a small additional peak around0.6m is obtained.When increasing the surfactant content to5wt.% (surfactant-to-oil weight ratio of∼0.24),a truly bimodal distribution is observed with one peak around8–10m and a second centered at∼0.6m.Further increasing the surfactant concentration to7.5wt.%results in one peak at0.4m,while for the10wt.%Cremophor®mixture one peak at around0.3m is obtained(surfactant-to-oil weight ratios of∼0.36and0.5,respectively).Interestingly, when prepared by method B,the emulsion with10wt.% surfactant mixture shows large droplets similar to the situation observed with 2.5wt.%surfactant prepared by method A.As shown in Fig.2e,a bimodal distribution is obtained with a large peak around10m and a small one at 0.6m.As shown in Fig.3,parts of the phase diagram were mapped by diluting samples withfixed surfactant-to-oil ra-tios(0.50,0.36and0.12marked by1–3,respectively)with water and moderately shaking by hand.Upon dilution with water,the emulsion inversion point is reached and an oil-in-water emulsion is formed.As indicated in the phase diagram, the emulsion inversion point was crossed at a water content between20wt.%(for a surfactant-to-oil weight ratio of0.12) and25wt.%(for a surfactant-to-oil weight ratio of0.50).The resulting emulsion was examined between crossed polarizing filters,revealing birefringence for the obtained emulsions.For the dilution lines marked by1and2,correspond-ing to a surfactant-to-oil weight ratio of0.50and0.36,all droplets observed were in the submicrometer-size range.As given in Table2,the measured droplet size does not signifi-cantly change upon dilution with ser light scattering revealed similar droplet size distributions,in location(cen-tered around0.5–0.3m),as well as in shape(monomodal with similar degree of polydispersity)to those obtained with thefinal emulsions.4.DiscussionFor the emulsions prepared by method A,it appears that the higher the surfactant concentration,the smaller the droplets that can be obtained.A gap exists between droplets with sizes centered at∼8–10and0.3–0.6m rather than a continuous change in droplet size.This suggests two in-dependent mechanisms of emulsification.The small-sized droplets do not originate from the mechanical energy in-put,since the smallest droplet size obtained by means of Ultra-Turrax homogenization is known to be around1m [3,5].On the other hand,the droplet size centered around 8–10m seems to agree with the mechanical disruption of the oil droplets(and possible partial coalescence of those oil droplets)and is therefore attributed to the homogenization process.For high surfactant concentrations,however,the mechan-ical emulsification becomes insignificant for emulsions pre-pared by method A,since only oil droplets with sizes around 0.4m(7.5wt.%Cremophor®mixtures)are observed.This size is further reduced to0.3m for10wt.%surfactant, indicating that high surfactant contents promote the non-mechanical emulsification process.In contrast to the above observations,the sample contain-ing10wt.%surfactant prepared by method B shows a distri-bution of droplets mainly centered at8–10m,that can be attributed to the mechanical process alone.This indicates that the order of adding the phases(water poured into the oil phase or vice versa)plays a key role in the formation of small-sized oil droplets.Note that the case of emulsification by the PIT method is excluded,since this effect is independent of the order of adding the phases.Additionally,in the present ex-periments,all phases were subjected to the same heating and cooling procedure.Furthermore,the PIT of the Cremophor®A6/A25surfactant mixture is above100◦C.1Therefore,the change in the water volume fraction is assumed to be re-sponsible for the non-mechanical emulsification,leading to 1The PIT can be obtained by measuring the change in conductivity of an O/W emulsion upon heating.At the inversion point,a non-conductive W/O emulsion is formed,resulting in a sharp decrease in conductivity.For the surfactant mixture investigated here,no such drop could be observed up to a temperature of about90◦C.56P .Fernandez et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 251(2004)53–58Fig.2.Droplet size distributions depending on the surfactant concentration ((a)2.5wt.%;(b)5wt.%;(c)7.5wt.%;(d)10wt.%;(e)10wt.%)and the preparation method ((a)–(d)according to method A;(e)according to method B).submicrometer-sized oil droplets obtained by means of emul-sion phase inversion.A comparison of Fig.2and Table 2demonstrates that no difference exists between the droplet size distributions of emulsions obtained by means of Ultra-Turrax and by manual shaking for surfactant-to-oil weight ratios of 0.36and 0.50.This further emphasizes the fact that the non-mechanical emulsification is a spontaneous process and al-ready gentle mixing is sufficient to allow for the formation of submicrometer-sized droplets.As can be seen in Fig.2,a critical surfactant-to-oil weight ratio (larger than 0.24)is needed to exclusively obtain submicrometer-sized droplets.On the other hand,upon ad-dition of water,the droplet size distribution does not changeP .Fernandez et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 251(2004)53–5857Fig.3.Presentation of the different emulsification procedures in the phase diagram of water/Cremophor ®mixture/paraffin oil at 80◦C (in weight frac-tions).The two different emulsification methods,water phase poured into the oil phase (A)and vice versa (B)are given by the arrows.The dashed line marks the emulsion inversion point (EIP).Dotted lines indicate dilution,leading to final emulsions (closed circles)with 10,7.5,and 2.5wt.%sur-factant mixture,respectively (see Table 1).Open squares show samples for which oil-in-water emulsions were observed,while closed squares indicate compositions for which the phase separation has no occurred yet.significantly once the EIP is crossed (Fig.3and Table 2),suggesting that for spontaneous emulsification by phase in-version the surfactant-to-oil weight ratio is of importance rather than the amount of water.Our results suggest that the droplet size distribution is mainly controlled by the structure of the bicontinuous or lamellar phase formed during the phase inversion,the charac-teristic distance of which is dependent on the surfactant-to-oil ratio.This is in agreement with literature data [6]showing that for emulsions produced by the PIT method,thedropletFig.4.Scheme of the emulsification procedure (W:water phase;O:oil phase).Method A:first water-in-oil droplets are produced;those inverted structures merge together to give elongated and bicontinuous or lamellar structures that finally decompose into submicrometer-sized oil droplets.Method B:small oil droplets are immediately produced and grow in size upon oil and surfactant addition.Their size is a result of the mechanical process only.Table 2Droplet sizes of emulsions with surfactant-to-oil ratios of 0.36and 0.50,respectively,upon dilution with water W paraffin oil W Cremophor W water W Cremophor /W paraffin oil Droplet size (m)51.318.7300.3640.54416400.3640.3336.713.3500.3640.3529.310.7600.3640.35228700.3640.364020400.50.3633.3316.67500.50.3826.6713.33600.50.332010700.50.38W water ,W Cremophor and W paraffin oil are the weight fractions (in wt.%)of water,Cremophor ®mixture and paraffin oil,respectively.W Cremophor /W paraffin oil indicates the surfactant-to-oil weight ratio.All particle size distributions are monomodal and centered at the given droplet size.size is governed by the structure of the bicontinuous phase,rather than the water content.The high surfactant-to-oil ratio used in this work results in a lamellar phase with a repeat dis-tance of some few tens of nanometer.The observed droplets are,however,in the range of 300–500nm.This discrepancy suggests that the droplets grow after formation by Ostwald ripening similar to what has been reported upon before [14].Furthermore,this consideration suggests that the low inter-facial tension associated with the inversion point,which is usually assumed to assist the droplet formation,might be of secondary importance.In order to illustrate the mechanisms involved in this low-energy emulsification process,the steps of submicron-droplet formation by phase inversion are given in the following.As the water phase is poured into the oil phase,the system starts as a W/O microemulsion [15].Upon increasing the volume58P.Fernandez et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects251(2004)53–58 fraction of water,water droplets merge together and bicon-tinuous or lamellar[15]structures are formed,which,af-ter the EIP is passed,decompose into smaller oil dropletsupon further increasing the water content.Further dilutionwith water does not change the droplet size at this stage ofdroplet formation.The decomposition into veryfinely dis-persed droplets is facilitated by the fact that the interfacialtension is minimal at the EIP.A high surfactant concentrationallows for a complete solubilization of the oil near the EIP[6],leading to monomodal emulsions with submicrometer-sizeddroplets.For low or medium surfactant concentrations,theoil solubilization is not complete,resulting in larger dropletsthat arise from mechanical emulsification.A critical surfac-tant concentration is therefore required to guarantee bicon-tinuous or lamellar structures,which in turn decompose intosubmicrometer-sized oil droplets after phase inversion.Con-sidering the theoretical amount of surfactant required for sta-bilization of thefinal droplets,an estimated value of about10%for the surfactant-to-oil ratio is obtained.2This sug-gests that the surfactant used in our study is in excess towhat is needed to stabilize the droplets.The fact that thefinalemulsions are birefringent indicates the existence of a liquidcrystalline structure in the emulsions.We therefore suggestthat a large amount of the surfactant is consumed in the ex-ternal phase forming this crystalline structure.Small angleX-ray scattering(SAXS)experiments performed on this sam-ple also affirm the existence of a crystalline structure[16].This excess surfactant might,however,still contribute to theemulsion stability by increasing the viscosity of the externalphase.If the oil phase is added to the water phase(method B),nosuch transition through bicontinuous or lamellar structures(those structures remain to be better defined)occurs since acritical volume fraction of the oil phase cannot be reached.The two procedures are exemplified in Fig.4.5.ConclusionThe present results demonstrate the importance of theway of emulsification on the droplet size distribution.Whenemulsifying via emulsion phase inversion,finely dispersedoil droplets can be achieved,much smaller than by mechan-2With a surfactant layer thickness of about L=5nm and a droplet sizeof300nm,one obtains a surfactant-to-oil volume ratio of4πR2L4 3πR3=3LR=3×5nm150nm =0.1.ical emulsification solely.We demonstrate that a criticalsurfactant concentration is necessary for emulsification viathe EIP method.While low interfacial tension might facilitatethe droplet formation,the resulting droplet size distributionmainly depends on the surfactant-to-oil ratio,suggestingthat the size of the droplets is governed by the lamellar orbicontinuous structure formed at the inversion point.AcknowledgementThe authors thank H.Debus for her support when usingthe laser light scattering apparatus.References[1]M.El-Aasser,ck,J.Vanderhoff,F.Fowkes,Colloid Surf.29(1988)103.[2]H.Nakajima,Industrial Applications of Microemulsions,MarcelDekker,New York,1997.[3]S.Benita,M.Y.Levy,J.Pharm.Sci.82(1993)1069.[4]A.J.F.Sing,A.Gracia,chaise,P.Brochette,J.L.Salager,ColloidSurf.A152(1999)31.[5]C.Solans,J.Esquena,A.M.Forgiarini,N.Ulson,D.Morales,P.Izquierdo,N.Azemar,M.J.Garcia-Celma,Absorption and Aggrega-tion of Surfactants in Solution,vol.109,Marcel Dekker,New York,2003.[6]D.Morales,J.M.Guti´e 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第25卷第7期高分子材料科学与工程Vol.25,No.7 2009年7月POL YM ER MA TERIAL S SCIENCE AND EN GIN EERIN GJ ul.2009聚(苯乙烯2丙烯酸)磁性高分子微球的制备及性能杨瑞成1,2,郧 栋1,穆元春1(1.兰州理工大学甘肃省有色金属新材料省部共建国家重点实验室;2.兰州理工大学有色金属合金省部共建教育部重点实验室,甘肃兰州730050)摘要:以苯乙烯为单体、丙烯酸为功能基单体、N ,N ′2亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,加入自制的纳米Fe 3O 4磁流体,采用分散聚合的方法制备出聚(苯乙烯2丙烯酸)磁性高分子微球。
采用XRD 、FT 2IR 、SEM 、752N 型分光光度计和化学滴定法,对所制得的磁性高分子微球进行了表征及性能分析,研究了交联剂N ,N ′2亚甲基双丙烯酰胺的加入对其性能的影响。
结果表明,所制磁性微球粒径在017μm ~2m 之间,单分散性好;交联剂对微球性能有着明显的影响,随着交联剂的增加,微球粒径变小、粒径分布变宽、表面羧基含量增加、耐酸碱性增强,最佳含量应为单体用量的4%。
关键词:Fe 3O 4纳米微粒;磁性高分子微球;分散聚合;交联剂中图分类号:TB383 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100027555(2009)0720114204收稿日期:2008206204基金项目:甘肃省有色金属新材料省部共建国家重点实验室基金(SK L05011)通讯联系人:杨瑞成,主要从事材料微观结构与性能研究, E 2mail :yangruic @ 磁性高分子微球是指通过用适当的方法将纳米无机磁性粒子与高分子结合起来形成的具有一定磁性和特殊结构的复合材料[1,2]。
由于其既具有磁性又具有不同的功能性基团(-OH 、-COH 、-COOH 、-N H 2、-OH 等),因此在生物工程、有机与生化合成、分析化学、标准计量等方面都有着广泛的应用前景[3,4]。
浅谈对城市更新的认识方遥,葛幼松*(南京大学城市与区域规划系,江苏南京210093)摘要 城市更新是城市飞速发展的中间过程,是城市新陈代谢的有机功能。
关键词 城市更新;调节机制;研究进展中图分类号 F 293 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2008)27-11973-01Preliminary D iscussion on the Cog nition of Urban Renew alFA N G Yao et al (D epart ment of Urban and Reg io nal Plannin g,NanjingUniv ersity,Nanjin g,Jiang su 210093)Abstract Urban rene w al is the intermediate process o f urban rapid d evelop ment and i t is an o rg anic fu nctio n o f u rban metab olism .C o mbini ng wi th the dev elo p ment of the u rban renew al in the w o rld,the backg ro un d o f the u rban renew al i n Chin a w as i ntro duced.A nd the appearin g proble ms i n the pro cess were th ou gh t o v er.Key w ords U rban renew al;Reg ulati on mechanism;Research pro gres s作者简介 方遥(1976-),男,江苏丹阳人,在读硕士,讲师,从事城市规划与设计研究。
Colloids and Surfaces
Colloids and SurfacesA:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects206(2002)445–454Practical observation of deviation from Lucas–Washburnscaling in porous mediaJoachim Schoelkopf a,b,*,Patrick A.C.Gane a,Cathy J.Ridgway a,G.Peter Matthews ba Omya AG,CH4665Oftringen,Switzerlandb En6ironmental and Fluid Modelling Group,Uni6ersity of Plymouth,Plymouth PL48AA,UKAbstractThis work analyses the applicability of the Lucas–Washburn equation to experimental observations of imbibition into real network structures.The experimental pore structures used in this study are constructed from tablets of two finely ground calcium carbonates,with defined differences in particle size distribution.These are compressed under a range of different applied pressures to achieve a controlled series of porosities while maintaining the surface chemical, particulate and morphological pore characteristics constant.The porosities are determined by mercury intrusion porosimetry applying corrections for mercury compression and penetrometer expansion together with a correction for sample skeletal compression(Gane et al.,J.Am.Chem.Soc.,35(1996)).Imbibition studies are made by bringing each porous sample into contact with a supersource of liquid and the dynamic imbibition is recorded gravimetrically. Results follow a long timescale macroscopic absorption rate depending on the square root of time but show a failure to scale according to pore size in the Lucas–Washburn equation even though the constants of surface energy,contact angle andfluid viscosity have been maintained.Furthermore,values of average measured pore radius are shown to befiner than the Lucas–Washburn predicted equivalent hydraulic capillary radius.The predominance of a relevant pore size within a given pore size distribution forming a selective pathwayfilling based on inertial retardation of larger pores and short-term linear time wetting infiner pores is argued to account for the departure from simple pore size scaling.©2002Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Porous media;Imbibition;Hydraulic radius;Lucas–Washburn;Capillarity;Inertial wetting/locate/colsurfa1.IntroductionThe imbibition of a wetting liquid into a porous structure is a frequently occurring phenomenon in both natural and industrial systems.The stimuli for the work presented here come from the paper and printing industries where imbibition processes are crucially responsible forfinal product quality. More precisely,the imbibition dynamics of an offset ink vehicle,consisting mainly of low viscos-ity mineral oils,into a paper coating structure is the focus of interest.The coating layer is mainly formed byfine mineral pigment particles,today frequently consisting of calcium carbonate.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+41-62-789-2229.E-mail address:joachim.schoelkopf@(J.Schoelkopf).0927-7757/02/$-see front matter©2002Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved. PII:S0927-7757(02)00066-3J.Schoelkopf et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects206(2002)445–454 446Despite many studies in otherfields of surface chemistry having identified some limitations of the well known Lucas–Washburn equation when applied to the imbibition of liquid into porous substrates[1–5]it is still frequently used,espe-cially in thefield of paper science.In this paper we present new results,using an experimental technique,described earlier[6],which is used to sample directly the mass uptake offluid into a macroscopic consolidated structure offinely ground calcium carbonate.This technique is used to investigate the imbibition of a mineral oil( C16-fraction)into structures over a range of differ-ent porosities,each determined independently by mercury porosimetry adopting the required spe-cially developed compression correction al-gorithms[7].The important aspect of this work is that we maintain the surface chemical and overall geometrical similarity of the samples.Often,these features are either overlooked or,conversely,as-sumed to be changing when correlating the ab-sorption dynamic between different porosity samples in an attempt to support the continued validity of Lucas–Washburn.2.Theoretical backgroundAn early approach to analyse imbibition is reported by Bell and Cameron[16]whofind a root dependency of t for imbibition which was apparently found independently also by Ostwald in1908[11].Lucas experimented with glass tubes andfilter-papers to verify the equation he ob-tained combining the Laplace relation with Poiseuille’s equation of laminarflow[11].His focus was mainly to fortify the square root depen-dency of t.Washburn[12],not being aware of Lucas’work,performing vertical and horizontal capillary experiments,derived the same equation as Lucas and discussed slip behaviour and the limits of Poiseuilleflow at both ends of the liquid column and the equation’s applicability to porous substrates.The main drawback of the combined Lucas–Washburn approach is the lack of inertial terms,relating to the mass offluid under motion, as was recognised by Rideal[17].Bosanquet com-plemented Rideal’s solution in1923[10],adding the inertial impulse drag effect associated with an acceleratingflter,several researchers,for example Szekely et al.[18],being only partially aware of the mentioned classical work,found solutions similar to Bosanquet’s equation adding other(minor)correction terms.In previous studies we investigated the mecha-nism of absorption of polar liquids into coating pigment structures[8,9].We identified the poten-tial relevance of inertialflow as physically pre-dicted by Bosanquet[10],who expanded the well-known Lucas–Washburn[11,12]equation to contain the inertial effect of the liquid mass which has to be accelerated by the wetting force.Ac-cording to the solution of Bosanquet,there exists a time-dependent optimum forflow rate as a function of capillary radius,liquid density and viscosity.The consequence is that pores up to a given diameter in a porous network,this diameter in turn increasing as a function of time,fill very fast while larger features remain by-passed and tend to remain unfilled under conditions of lim-ited supply volumes offluid,as is the case with thinly applied inkfilms or droplets.This promotes a preferential pathwayflow.Both phenomena, inertialflow and unfilled pores,have been ob-served and analysed.Inertialflow in a glass capil-lary,following initially a linear relation with time, was observed directly by Que´re´using a high speed camera[13].The existence of unfilled or by-passed pores is known from soil science and studies made using micro models[14].The experimental method we use provides no direct knowledge about the initial regime of uptake due to the equilibration of the contact forces and experimen-tal resolution over this timescale.Hence it is not possible to determine the expected linear time relation for purely inertial wetting at the time of initial contact.To illustrate these combined issues in relation to a network structure,we previously applied a modified Bosanquet equation to a sequential wet-ting algorithm for Newtonianfluids in a unit cell-based pore space simulator,Pore–Cor1[8].It 1Pore Cor is a software program developed by the Environ-mental and Fluid Modelling Group,University of Plymouth PL48AA,UKJ.Schoelkopf et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects206(2002)445–454447could be seen that in each single feature of a porous network,where the liquid becomes accel-erated,inertia acts over a timescale similar to the porefilling time for thefiner pores encountered in paper coatings and leads to a differential in wet-ting front velocity and position during absorption between thefiner and the larger pores.At the present stage,the size of the network simulator unit cell and the computer processing time still limit direct comparison with longer term experi-mentation.In our earlier approach[8],a scaling function was used to extrapolate the initial regime of simulated imbibition of the unit cell where the slope of the uptake curve matches experimental data.Interestingly,on a macroscopic scale a pro-portionality with respect to the square root of time is once again observed due to mass balance criteria.This systematically supports the reason-ing why the long-assumed experimental verifica-tion of Poiseuilleflow,and hence Lucas–Washburn dynamics,has been accepted, with,however,the remaining need for a defined effective capillary radius or surface energy rela-tionship to describe the discrepancy between ab-sorption rates forfine and coarse structures.This issue is discussed further and modelled in some detail in a recent publication by Ridgway and Gane[15].The relevance of considering inertial wetting as a sequential process at the intersection nodes of a network structure containing a range of pore sizes is well-illustrated by this modelling method.In practical applications many recent re-searchers considered the impact of inertia on im-bibition to be negligible due to its relevance only during short time(initial)imbibition.This may be true for imbibition into a long single capillary and for some liquids.Only a few workers in thefield recognised the potential summing effect of inertia in the interconnected void network of a real porous substrate.Sorbie et al.[19]showed the selective mechanism of inertia-retardedflow using a pore-doublet model and by applying Szekely’s equation.High liquid viscosities shift the time of inertialflow into even shorter timescales and low densities decrease the effect of inertial retardation. Even if inertia is manifest,macroscopically a t behaviour may still be observed from a network structure.Thus,concluding that a t behaviour means that inertia plays no role is wrong.In this respect the picture of a single capillary represent-ing a porous substrate is misleading.While in a capillary the inertial regime is relevant only in the initial extremely short time frame of absorption, in a porous network there is an inertial contribu-tion each time the liquid is accelerated.These acceleration events,sometimes observed in the most extreme cases as Haines-jumps,are well-known and observable microscopically.The con-tribution of inertia,therefore,is in terms of a ‘decision-making process’governing which pores fill and which stay only partiallyfilled.The t behaviour shows only that viscosity controls the absorption over the remaining timescale once the decision of which pore willfill is made.Einset[20]compared imbibition rates of differ-ent liquids into particulate structures of carbon and silicon carbide which were characterised by mercury porosimetry.The Lucas–Washburn equation is used to describe the parabolic distance in time,but a discrepancy(1–2orders of magni-tude)was found comparing the obtained pore radii with those of mercury porosimetry.This was explained by an apparent network effect and as-sumed variation of contact angles induced by contaminations.Li et al.[21]used a variety of alkanes for wicking experiments into ceramic structures.They assumed a contact angle of zero, and found an effective radius which was smaller than that afforded by mercury porosimetry by a factor of about2.They questioned the mercury porosimetry result.Our opinion is that mercury porosimetry has shown its reliability with many structures of high bulk moduli and its reliability was confirmed also in our previous work using saturation wetting liquid imbibition methods[6].3.MaterialsWe chose two commercially available dry pow-der products,both derived from natural calcium carbonate,ground under similar chemical condi-tions from the same Orgon,France,limestone source.The grinding is made in a wet state at consistent solids content using a polyacrylate dis-J.Schoelkopf et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects206(2002)445–454448Fig.1.Particle size distributions of the coarse andfine CaCO3powders used for consolidation of porous tablets expressed as cumulative ma.%less than an equivalent Stokesian diameter.persing agent applied in proportion to the specific surface area of thefinal pigment size distribution and subsequently dried.To avoid the interference of dispersant molecular weight and size in relation to the pigment size,the two size distributions of the respective products were chosen to be only slightly different in respect to the quantity of particles less than the2m m Stokesian equivalent hydraulic diameter,being90%w/w B2m m and 95%w/w B2m m,defined as‘coarse CaCO3’and ‘fine CaCO3’,respectively.The cumulative particle size distribution curves of the two materials,as measured by sedimentation,2are shown in Fig.1. The bulk samples used in this work are cuboid blocks of each ground pigment,compacted over a range of pressures to form a series of well-defined porosities.The detailed method of powder com-paction,applying pressures up to 260MPa in a steel die on an hydraulic press and subsequent sample grinding,is described elsewhere[6].It proved to give a reproducible and relatively ho-mogeneous porous structure.Such homogeneity is a prequisite so that specimens from the same sample can be used independently for thefluid imbibition and mercury porosimetry experiments. The porosity range achievable with the coarse powder was found to be much broader( 20–40%)than the range achievable with thefine pigment( 26–33%),indicating differences in packing characteristics.The samples,being con-solidated and maintaining their integrity,did not require a sample vessel for thefluid imbibition experiments,thus eliminating uncertainties of fluid interactions between the sample and such a vessel.To reduce artefacts caused by the wetting of their outer surfaces,the samples were coated with a thin barrier line of a silicone polymer3around the base of the vertical edges arising from the basal plane.The remainder of the outer planes were not coated to allow for the free movement of displaced air during liquid imbibition,and to minimise any interaction between the silicone and the absorbed liquid.The liquid used was a mineral oil4(aromatic free quality),as employed typically in the formu-lation of offset printing inks.The contact angle of oil/calcium carbonate,q,was assumed to be zero following the data of Chibowski et al.[22],who have shown that aliphatic alkanes completely wet a number of mineral surfaces including calcium carbonate—this being the basis upon which these authors used alkanes to determine an effective pore radius.Additionally,this wetting behaviour was also confirmed by observing the complete spreading of an oil droplet on a dispersant pre-ad-sorbed macro-crystal surface of calcium carbon-3Dow Corning P4-3117conformal coating.4Haltermann PKWF6/9af.2Measurements made on a Sedigraph5100.J .Schoelkopf et al ./Colloids and Surfaces A :Physicochem .Eng .Aspects 206(2002)445–454449ate.An oil viscosity of 4.3mPa was determined with a StressTech rheometer performing a small ramp of shear rates showing Newtonian be-haviour.The surface tension was measured to be 27.4m Nm −1by the means of a Kru ¨ss Digital Tensiometer K10T.The density of 0.805g cm −3was given by the manufacturer.These values indi-cate that it can be assumed to be an alkane isomeric blend of around C 16.4.Mercury porosimetryEach structure used for the experimentation was analysed independently with mercury porosimetry.A Micromeritics Autopore III mer-cury porosimeter was used to measure the intru-sion characteristics of the samples.The maximum applied pressure of mercury was 414MPa (60000psia),equivalent to a Laplace throat diameter of 0.004m m.Small samples were used,each of around 1.5g in weight.The equilibration time at each of the increasing applied pressures of mer-cury was set to 60s.The mercury intrusion mea-surements were corrected for the compression of mercury,expansion of the glass sample chamber or ‘penetrometer ’and compressibility of the solid phase of the sample by use of the following equation from Gane et al.[7],as incorporated in the software Pore –Comp.5V int =V obs −l V blank+0.175(V I bulk )log 101+P 1820n−VIbulk(1−F I)1−exp(P I −P )M ssn(1)where V int is the volume of intrusion into the sample,V obs the intruded mercury volume read-ing,l V blank the change in the blank run volume reading,V I bulk the sample bulk volume at atmo-spheric pressure,P the applied pressure,F I the porosity at atmospheric pressure,P I the atmo-spheric pressure and M ss the bulk modulus of thesolid sample.The volume of mercury intruded at the maximum pressure,once corrected for sample compression effects,can be used to calculate the porosity of the sample.For convenience,a repre-sentative pore radius is de fined as r 50=d 50/2,where d 50is the pore diameter,at which 50%of the corrected mercury intrusion volume occurs,(Fig.2).The derivation and validation of the d 50diameter is described in many previous publica-tions and represents a well-accepted number based on the observed distribution function of our pore features.These show in the speci fic cases here that intrusion volume as a function of pore-size is a linear function of applied intrusion pres-sure with similar gradients between samples (Fig.2).Since these functions are of the same form we can ignore parameters of the breadth of pore size distribution and use only a single parameter,d 50,to describe them.If a volume other than the 50%filling would have been chosen,the resulting d y %value would be only slightly shifted in either direction and not change the interdependent find-ings reported later.5.Liquid imbibition methodologyThe recording of the position of the liquid front within the sample by eye or camera is imprecise due to the fuzzy appearance of the wetting front.This is assumed to be due to the previously dis-cussed suspected preferred pathway flow at theFig.2.Typical Hg-intrusion curve as a function of the Laplace pressure related pore diameter,with the determined d 50pore value.5Pore-Comp is a software program of the Environmental and Fluid Modelling Group,University of Plymouth PL48AA,UK.J .Schoelkopf et al ./Colloids and Surfaces A :Physicochem .Eng .Aspects 206(2002)445–454450Fig.3.Gravimetric wetting apparatus.Preliminary trials showed that the silicone ring around the basal edge is ef ficient in preventing fluid from creeping up the outside of the sample,so that,to a good approximation,F side =0.F contact ,(see Eq.(3)),caused by the force of attrac-tion around the perimeter of the meniscus pulling the liquid up towards the fixed solid,is constant for t \t 1,which,in the case of the viscous ink,can be signi ficant.F base is caused by the formation of the meniscus and the subsequent movement of fluid through the meniscus;the first effect is com-pleted also in time t 1,and the second is assumed negligible because the meniscus is thin and the curvature slight compared with the total cross-sec-tional area of uptake.There is also inertia in the system which causes a lag and then an overshoot in the recorded weight.This effect is assumed to be completed in a time t 2,which is greater than t 1.Thus,to a good approximation in our experimentation,F total (t \t 2)=F wetting (t \t 2)=F wi (t \t 2)+F base (t \t 2)+F contact (t \t 2)+F side (t \t 2)=F wi (t \t 2)+c(3)The constant term c can be found by fitting the function F total (t \t 2)with a linear regression as a function of the square root of time,and extrapo-lating back to t =0,at which point F wi =0.Then the constant term can be subtracted from F total ,and F wi ,the wicking force or internal wetting force,can be calculated at all times.In practice,the forces are measured as apparent changes in liquid weight.Experiments with five similar sam-ples were shown to have a repeatability within 90.96%in imbibition mass at 1000s [8].6.Analysis of absorption ratesUniquely,we investigate structures over a range of different porosities using two closely related skeletal size distributions forming a range of mean pore radii whilst maintaining the chemical and overall geometrical similarity of the samples.The task is to analyse whether Lucas –Washburn re-liquid front.Therefore,the rate of liquid mass uptake was measured instead using an automated microbalance,namely a PC-linked Mettler Toledo AT460balance with a precision of 0.1mg,capa-ble of 2.7measurements s −1.A software program was developed [8]and improved further in the present work,interfacing with the balance for data sampling.6To provide a suf ficiently slow and precise approach of the sample down to the liquid surface,a special sample holder was constructed (Fig.3)—details of which are given elsewhere [8].All experimentation in this study was maintained under constant temperature conditions of 23.091.5°C.As previously de fined [8],the total force F total acting on the solid –liquid interface during the imbibition of oil into the calcium carbonate net-work structure is the sum of the wetting,gravity and buoyancy forces,all of which are functions of time,t :F total (t )=F wetting (t )+F gravity (t )+F bouyancy (t )(2)6Software available from the authors.J.Schoelkopf et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects206(2002)445–454451ally applies for porous network structures with surface properties held constant.All parameters in the Lucas–Washburn equation are known in this experimentation as they have been deter-mined using independent methods.This gives us the opportunity to analyse the network contribu-tion to the apparent pore-radius as if it would satisfy the Lucas–Washburn equation and then to see if this correlates with observation.We begin by defining an equivalent hydraulic radius,r ehc,for an equivalent hydraulic capillary (ehc)which behaves in the same absorptive way as the structures,independently of any precon-ceived absorption theory,related to volume up-take rates.It is also possible to define an ehc based on apparent Darcy imbibition distances or observed liquid front position into the structures as a function of time.The two definitions are not in themselves totally compatible if for any reason the complete porosity of the sample is not beingfilled at a given time,t,behind the wetting front.In a previous paper[23],we used the definition based on Darcy length where a difference of a factor greater than4was found between the measured r50and the derived r ehc for similar compressed tablets to those used in this work.To understand the subtle differences a net-work makes when comparing between the Darcy definition and that defined by volume,let the porous structure that is actuallyfilling be de-scribedfirst as a simple bundle of capillaries. This is only for convenience to visualise the rela-tion between structure capillaries and the ehc and assumes nothing of the mechanism of a net-work structure.The real distance of the wetting front,x,absorbing into this bundle of capillaries is a function of surface energy comparison be-tween thefluid and the skeletal surface;defined by k LV cos q,where k LV is thefluid surface ten-sion between the meniscus and the vapour phase (air)and q describes the contact angle between the advancing meniscus and the solid phase. Defining p as thefluid viscosity and r c as the individual capillary radius in the bundle,and t is the time,thenx=f(k LV cos q,p,r c,t)(4)is an expression for the distance travelled in that capillary at time,t.The volume,V(t),offluid absorbed per unit cross-sectional area,A,of the sample at a given time,t,is therefore equated between the capil-lary bundle and the ehc,V(t)/A=%Ni=1x i(t)y r ci2=x(t)y r ehc2(5) where N is the number of capillaries per unit area accessing the surface of the sample.The Darcy length,x Darcy,is defined asx Darcy=V(t)A(6) where is the measured porosity of the sample. Now,suppose all the capillaries have the same radius,the actual wetting front distance x in the bundle will be the same as in just one capillary. The value of x Darcy,however,is dependent on the sum of the volumes having entered into each capillary,i.e.the number of capillaries and the porosity these represent.Clearly,the porosity of a single capillary per unit area is far less than that of a bundle of N capillaries per unit area, hence the correction using the measured porosity takes care of this in a case where all the porous structure is simultaneously beingfilled behind the wetting front.When we have a distribution of capillary radii,the Darcy length now repre-sents the distance of the wetting front based on the geometric mean of the capillary radii. Consider a complicated system of tortuous paths intertwined,but not interconnected,still giving the same measured porosity.Now again, Darcy length will not relate to the observed wet-ting front, far the liquid has imbibed into a complex sample,but x Darcy/x observed repre-sents a tortuosity.Therefore,the concept of Darcy length should not be confused with the progress observed in imbibition into real net-work structures,as it represents the length that would be present if the sample were modelled by a bundled distribution of straight capillaries given by the function of the geometric mean of their radii.If we were to derive an ehc based on Darcy length,as defined by Lucas–Washburn,it would followJ .Schoelkopf et al ./Colloids and Surfaces A :Physicochem .Eng .Aspects 206(2002)445–454452r ehc Darcy =V (t )A22pk LV cos q t= d(V (t )/A ) d22p k LV cos q(7)Themost important drawback using anr ehc Darcy ,(which includes an assumed porosity term),is,therefore,that it pre-supposes the com-plete filling of the available structure from the super source up to the liquid front.We now,therefore,return to de fining an ehc based on experimental volume uptake.As we described above,the measurement from experi-ment is that of liquid mass uptake as a function of time into the porous compressed pigment tablets of de fined porosities.The pigments we know have constant k LV cos q ,and the fluid properties are the same in all experiments.The experimental parameters are therefore:m (t )=V (t )z(8)where m (t )is the mass uptake at time t ,as de fined by a volume V (t )of fluid of density z .We normalise to the cross-sectional area of the sam-ple,A ,such that our data become V (t )/A ,the volume absorbed per unit cross-sectional area of the sample.It is shown experimentally that the rate of volume uptake,as mentioned before,does indeed approximate to a t relationship,(Fig.4).There-fore,as our interest is primarily in rates of uptake,Fig.5.Both structure series,differing in pore size distribution only show similar volume rate imbibition as a function of porosity.we can express each curve as a linear relationship between V (t )/A and t ,the gradient of which we can write as d(V (t )/A )d t=d((m (t )/A )/z )d t(9)and which can be obtained directly from the plotted data by a linear regression analysis.Experimentally,we see that the gradient of uptake volume as a function of t follows a linear relationship with porosity and this describes typically the absorption dynamic of our samples,both coarse and fine,(Fig.5).Assuming firstly the universality of the Lucas –Washburn equation,the volume uptake per unit cross-sectional area of the sample should be ex-pressed in terms of the basic interactional parame-ters between fluid and the solid surface making up the boundaries of the pores as V LW (t )/A =1A y r ehc2'r ehc k LV cos q t2p(10)formed by balancing the Laplace pressure across a curved meniscus with the Poiseuille resistive lami-nar flow in the circular capillary,and letting the volume uptake per unit area equal the volume filled into our equivalent capillary which repre-sents that unit area.This de finition no longer relates directly to the porosity of the sample and the incompatibility with a Darcy ehc ,discussed previously,becomes a natural consequence.We derive from Eq.(10)the r ehc for each struc-ture by comparing the experimental uptake gradi-ents with the assumed parameters of theFig.4.Imbibition curves for increasing porosities (from bot-tom to top,same order as in legend)normalised to [V (t =0)/A ]=0to remove wetting jump.Data shown are for the coarse CaCO 3series.。
铝溶胶胶体颗粒比表面积的测定方法文建军【摘要】铝溶胶是催化裂化催化剂制备中最重要的粘结剂之一.由于铝溶胶在干燥过程中颗粒从纳米级可以长大到微米级,目前尚没有铝溶胶比表面积测定的报道.采用将一定量的铝溶胶预先高度分散到大孔硅胶孔道内,从而避免铝溶胶颗粒在干燥过程中的长大,将其干燥后测定其比表面积,外推到铝溶胶含量,采用BET法测得铝溶胶比表面积为310 m2/g.%Alumina sol is one of the most important binders for the fluid catalytic cracking catalysts.Up to now there is no report on the determination of the specific surface area of alumina sol due to the sintering of nano-alumina particles during the drying process.Alumina sol is dispersed to pores of silica gel and is dried without sintering,the determined specific surface area of alumina sol is 310 m2/g.【期刊名称】《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(036)003【总页数】4页(P56-59)【关键词】铝溶胶;比表面积;粘结剂;催化裂化【作者】文建军【作者单位】中国石化催化剂有限公司,中国北京100029【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ426.6催化裂化催化剂最主要的活性组元通常为分子筛,为了保障催化剂的强度通常需要加入粘结剂(原位晶化技术除外).目前常用的粘结剂包括铝溶胶、拟薄水铝石、硅溶胶、磷酸铝胶、硅铝胶.Magee等人[1]给出了几种粘结剂的比表面积:拟薄水铝石比表面积大约为300 m2/g,铝溶胶约在60~80 m2·g-1之间,硅溶胶约为20 m2·g-1.由于铝溶胶优异的粘结性能,自上个世纪八十年代开始,催化裂化催化剂中开始大量使用铝溶胶作为粘结剂[2].由于拟薄水铝石比表面积大但粘结性能稍差,而铝溶胶粘结性能好但比表面积偏小,因此,目前国内催化裂化催化剂普遍采用双铝粘结剂[3-5].目前催化裂化催化剂中所用铝溶胶通常采用金属铝与盐酸反应制备[6-7].通常认为铝溶胶中主要粒子为[Al13O4(OH)12]7+,其直径接近1 nm[1,8-12].由于铝溶胶在干燥过程中颗粒极易长大,使得铝溶胶比表面积的测定非常困难,目前还没有测定铝溶胶比表面积的文献报道.而铝溶胶的粘结性能及催化性能都与其比表面积有关[10-14],因此建立铝溶胶比表面积的测定方法是非常有意义的.1 实验部分1.1 试验原料铝溶胶(氧化铝质量分数20.0%)、硅胶(比表面积325.7 m2·g-1)和去离子水,均取自中石化催化剂长岭分公司.1.2 铝溶胶-硅胶混合材料制备硅胶使用前先120 ℃干燥24 h.按表1中所给的比例把硅胶和铝溶胶混合10 min(其中铝溶胶以氧化铝计),然后120 ℃干燥24 h,研磨粉碎制备成氧化铝质量分数低于25.0%的SA-716(SA-7162-7166)系列样品,及氧化铝质量分数高于25.0%的SA-905(SA-9051-9056)系列样品,其中铝溶胶-硅胶混合物各组分质量分数见表1.表1 各组分质量比例表Tab.1 Chemical compositions of samplesSamplesSA-7161SA-7162SA-7163SA-7164SA-7165SA-7166wSilicasol(S)∕%∕% sol(S)∕%∕% 比表面积和孔体积测定采用低温静态氮吸附容量法测定比表面积和孔体积.实验仪器为美国Micromeritics公司ASAP 2405N V1.01自动吸附仪;样品在1.33×10-2 Pa及300 ℃下抽真空脱气4 h后,以N2为吸附质,在77.4 K下等温吸附、脱附,测定等温线.按BET公式计算比表面积(SBET);测定相对压力p/p0=0.98时样品吸附N2的体积,将其换算为液氮体积,即样品的孔体积(Vpore).2 结果与讨论用低温静态氮吸附容量法测得的铝溶胶-硅胶混合物SA-716系列和SA-905系列共12个样品的比表面积SASA和孔体积数据结果见表2.当铝溶胶的含量为0时即为硅胶比表面积SAS.设铝溶胶中粒子为球形,在硅胶表面单粒子吸附时不影响硅胶比表面积,则铝溶胶-硅胶混合物比表面积为硅胶和铝溶胶各自比表面积与其质量百分含量的加权之和,即:铝溶胶-硅胶混合物比表面积SASA=硅胶比表面积SAS×硅胶含量+铝溶胶比表面积SAA×铝溶胶含量.因此,经过干燥后混合物中铝溶胶比表面积SAA为:铝溶胶比表面积SAA=(铝溶胶-硅胶混合物比表面积SASA -硅胶比表面积SAS×硅胶含量)/铝溶胶含量.两个系列样品的SASA、Vpore测定数据和SAA及ΔVpore/Vpore的测算结果见表2.表2 铝溶胶-硅胶混合物的比表面积和孔体积数据Tab.2 Surface areas and pore volumes of samplesSampleswAlumina sol/%Surface areas/(m2·g-1)Pore volumes/(mL·g-1)SASASAAVporeΔVpore/VporeSilicasol(S)0325.70.9320SA-71621.9325.43100.898-1.7%SA-71634.4320.22160.854-3.8%SA-71648.4317.42270.765-8.7%SA-716515.4316.32650.635-14.0%SA-716621.4315.62790.486-20.8%SA-905125.0288.01750.466-18.7%SA-905230.0277.21640.383-20.2%SA-905340.0266.91790.254-19.7%SA-905450.0220.91160.169-15.9%SA-905565.0137.5360.105-8.3%Alumina sol(A)1001.61.60.0按照BJH分析方法分析了SA-7162-7166、SA-9051-9055中孔分布见图1.图1 样品SA-7162-7166、SA-9051-9055中孔分布图Fig.1 Pore size distribution of sample SA-7162-7166 and SA-9051-9055从表2可见,纯的铝溶胶干燥后铝溶胶比表面积SAA仅为1.6 m2·g-1,表明干燥过程中存在严重的烧结问题.随着铝溶胶-硅胶中铝溶胶含量的不断降低,铝溶胶比表面积SAA逐渐增大,在铝溶胶含量为1.9%时SAA为310 m2·g-1,与拟薄水铝石比表面积相当.TEM显示铝溶胶粒径3~6 nm,与拟薄水铝石一次粒子直径相当,因此如果干燥过程中铝溶胶颗粒不长大,其干燥后比表面积应该与拟薄水铝石相当.在铝溶胶含量为1.9%的情况下,铝溶胶全部被分散到硅胶孔道内被硅胶孔道分割开来,干燥过程中无法再长大.表1和图2显示,在铝溶胶质量分数为0~20%范围内,硅胶-铝溶胶干燥后混合物的孔体积变化值ΔVpore/Vpore几乎等于铝溶胶的质量分数A(ΔVpore/Vpore=0.030-0.961 22 A,线性相关系数为-0.998).说明铝溶胶完全进入硅胶的孔道内,填充孔道.图1也清楚显示,硅胶10 nm的中孔体积随铝溶胶加入量的增加而减少.图2 样品SA-7162-7166孔体积随着铝溶胶含量增加变化值 Fig.2 Pore volume pattern of sample SA-7162-7166 with the increasing of Alumina sol percentage图3 孔体积随着铝溶胶含量增加变化值Fig.3 Pore volume pattern of sample with the increasing of Alumina sol percentage硅胶BET孔体积0.93 mL·g-1,水滴法孔体积应该要大一些,假定为1.0 mL·g-1,铝溶胶密度为1.33 g/mL,1.00 g硅胶饱和吸附铝溶胶的量(以氧化铝计)为1.33×0.20=0.27 g,相当于硅胶-铝溶胶混合物中铝溶胶质量分数为21%.因此,当硅胶-铝溶胶混合物中铝溶胶质量分数大于20%以后,就会有部分铝溶胶游离于硅胶之外,这部分铝溶胶也就不会填充硅胶的中孔,如图3所示,在铝溶胶质量分数大于20%以后,ΔVpore/Vpore不再随铝溶胶含量的增加而减少,而是随铝溶胶含量增加而增加.这是由于游离于硅胶之外的铝溶胶干燥过程中也会形成中孔导致中孔体积增加.如果把铝溶胶质量分数为20%的硅胶-铝溶胶混合物干燥后再浸渍铝溶胶,铝溶胶应该会继续填充在中孔孔道内导致中孔体积进一步减少.这种情况下,中孔材料可以称为“粘结剂的捕集器”,由于粘结剂填充到中孔材料的孔道内必将导致催化剂强度不合格.3 结论采用将一定量的铝溶胶预先高度分散到大孔硅胶孔道内,从而避免铝溶胶颗粒在干燥过程中的长大,将其干燥后测定其比表面积,外推到铝溶胶含量,采用BET法测得铝溶胶比表面积为310 m2/g.中孔材料与铝溶胶混合后铝溶胶会吸附在中孔材料的中孔孔道内,一方面造成中孔材料的中孔孔体积减少,另一方面由于粘结剂填充到中孔材料的孔道内导致催化剂强度变差.参考文献:[1] MAGEE J S, MITCHELL M M. 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Available online at Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects317 (2008) 551–556An environmental scanning electron microscopy examination of thefilm formation mechanism of novel acrylic latexKalin I.Dragnevski∗,Athene M.DonaldSector of Biological&Soft Systems,Department of Physics,Cavendish Laboratory,University of Cambridge,J J Thomson Avenue,Cambridge CB30HE,UK Received27July2007;received in revised form20November2007;accepted23November2007Available online 4 December 2007AbstractWe have employed environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM)to study thefilm formation mechanisms of two acrylic latex compo-sitions,here defined as standard(carboxymethyl cellulose stabilised)and novel(stabilised with a novel polysaccharide derived from agricultural waste).The ESEM analysis revealed that the microstructure of the standard system consists of individual particles and upon evaporation a contin-uousfilm is formed,which is consistent with the current models.However,in the case of the novel system the microstructure consists of individual particles and clusters and during evaporation a discontinuousfilm is formed with voids present within its structure.Based on the experimental evidence we propose a modification to thefilm formation mechanism for the novel latex system.© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords:Polymer latex;Film formation;ESEM1.IntroductionPolymer lattices,with their wide range of applications,have been the subject of many theoretical and experimental stud-ies.When used for its traditional applications, paint or adhesive,the latex is applied in its wet state to a surface and allowed to dry andfilm form under ambient conditions.There-fore,conventional electron microscopy,with its extreme drying and sample preparation requirements,will not be suitable for the examination of lattices in their natural wet state.On the other hand,environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM)[1], which offers the possibility to image‘wet’and insulating spec-imens,has been successfully used in the study of a number of systems and dynamic processes including lattices andfilm formation[2–7].ESEM is based on the use of a multiple aperture graduated vacuum system,which allows specimens to be imaged under water vapour or other auxiliary gases,such as nitrogen or nitrous oxide[4].In this way,the chamber can be held at pressures usu-ally in the range of1–10Torr[8],while the gun and column remain at pressures of∼7.5×10−7Torr.Moreover,by using a ∗Corresponding author.E-mail address:kd281@(K.I.Dragnevski).correct pumpdown procedure[9]and by controlling the temper-ature of the specimen,which in the ESEM is usually done by using a Peltier stage,dehydration can be inhibited and hence samples can be imaged in their‘natural state’.Furthermore,by taking into consideration the saturated vapour pressure(SVP) curve for water as a function of temperature[9]and by increas-ing the temperature of the specimen or reducing the chamber pressure,it is possible to produce evaporation conditions within the specimen chamber,which allows examination of the process offilm formation.As mentioned above,polymer lattices are important indus-trial products and the subject of many research tex, which is an example of a wet insulating material,can be defined as a colloidal suspension of spherical polymer particles with varying diameters.When water is allowed to evaporate from the system,the aqueous suspension undergoes a series of trans-formations,which result in the formation of a continuous dry polymerfilm.This process,known asfilm formation,contains four main stages that can be described as follows[10–18]—stage I:dispersed suspension of polymer particles;stage II:con-centrated suspension of particles in contact with each other, surrounded by solvent-filled interstices;stage III:ordered array of deformed particles;stage IV:a molecularly continuous and homogeneousfilm formed as a result of polymer interdiffu-sion.0927-7757/$–see front matter© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2007.11.042552K.I.Dragnevski,A.M.Donald/Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects317 (2008) 551–556Fig.1.Schematic representation of an idealizedfilm formation process.Adapted from Keddie et include the intermediate stage II*.Keddie et al.[5]used environmental scanning elec-tron microscopy and multiple-angle-of-incidence ellipsometry (MAIE)in the study of latexfilm formation.They concluded that an intermediate stage,between II and III,has been omitted in the conventional descriptions[10–18].The stage,defined as II*,is characterized by a randomly packed array of deformed particles which still contain water-filled interstices.A schematic representation of the process is shown in Fig.1.More recently,Keddie and co-workers[19,20]investigated the possibility of creating heterogeneousfilms,by mixing car-bon nanotubes(CNTs)with waterborne polymer particles.It was found that the mechanical properties of the nanocomposite coatings can be greatly improved,while maintaining their opti-cal clarity.However,it is important to note that all of the above studies were carried out using continuous polymerfilms.In recent years,environmental considerations have provided another strong motivation for developing coatings from renew-able resources and eliminating coalescing aids[21].These volatile organic components(VOCs)temporarily lower the glass transition temperature(T g)of the latex,which provides mobility to the polymer chains,thus allowing easier particle deformation and interdiffusion.Possible ways of eliminating VOCs,and pro-ducing lattices with lower T g,include blending hard and soft particles[22–24]so that the soft particles deform around the harder ones.However,in this case it is important to avoid seg-regation within the dispersion,ensuring an even distribution of particles throughout thefilm.Alternatively,core–shell particles, with a soft deforming shell surrounding a hard core,can be used for avoiding the issues with phase separation[25,26].In this paper we present the results from an ESEM investi-gation into thefilm formation mechanisms of a novel acrylic latex that has been stabilised by using a new polysaccharide, derived from agricultural waste and a standard polymer sys-tem,where the conventional carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC) has been used as a stabiliser.The novel polysaccharide con-sists of a number of monosaccharides(including arabinose and xylose)formed fromfive-and six-membered rings and has a low molecular weight,only a few thousand a.m.u.s rather than the hundreds of thousands found in cellulose for example.The polysaccharide also contains a significant amount of interfacially active protein∼15%.It is suggested that the initial latex particle stabilization comes from the protein component and ultimately the polysaccharide component stabilises the latex particles by adsorbing on their surface,rather than by chemically grafting on the growing polymer particles,which is the case for the con-ventionally used CMC.Initial examinations[27]have indicated that the novel latex canfilm form without the addition of coa-lescing solvents,which as suggested above,on one hand would provide an alternative method for the production of VOC-free architectural coatings and on the other would comply with the stringent EU and DEFRA regulations[28].2.Materials and methodsTwo aqueous latex compositions,supplied by ICI Plc,based on copolymers of methyl methacrylate(MMA)and2-ethylhexyl acrylate(2-EHA)were studied.In this paper the latex stabilised with the conventionally used by ICI Plc carboxymethyl cellulose will be referred to as‘standard’and the other stabilised with the new polysaccharide as‘novel’.The two lattices were initially about55wt.%polymer.The glass transition temperatures of the two lattices were determined by differential scanning calorime-try(DSC),carried out on dry specimens,using a PerkinElmer Pyris1instrument.The measured temperatures were279.8K for the standard and280.1K for the novel latex.The minimum film formation temperatures(MFFT)of the two lattices were measured by using a MFFT-Bar and were found to be278K and 279K,respectively.The microstructural analysis was carried out on an FEI XL-30environmental scanning electron microscope equipped with a Peltier stage.Wet samples from the above formulations were placed onto the cooling stage in the microscope chamber at a temperature of ca.274K.An evaporation-inhibiting pumpdown sequence was then performed,with the ambient air progres-sively replaced by water vapour.Once the purging cycle was completed,water vapour pressures and working distances of 3.5–4.5Torr and9.5–11.5mm were set,which provided suitable imaging environments.Imaging of the specimens was carried out at an accelerating voltage of10kV.Previous studies[2–5,29] have shown that the use of moderate beam voltages in combina-tion with fairly high pressures results in minimal beam damage, which proved to be the case in this study.Increasing the temper-ature of the specimens by1◦or2◦above the starting temperature of274K,as explained above,resulted in further dehydration of the lattices,which allowed examination of the process offilm formation.3.Results and discussionThe results of the microstructural observations are presented here.Firstly,thefilm formation mechanism of the standard latex will be considered.This will be followed by a presentation of the results for the novel polymer system.However,prior to considering the above,it is important to note that when we refer to lattices as being‘wet’,some water has in actual fact been removed from the surface of the specimens in order to obtain better quality images.Keddie et al.[2,5]used a simi-lar approach in the study of latexfilm formation by means of ESEM.It was found that despite the fact that some of the sur-K.I.Dragnevski,A.M.Donald /Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 317 (2008) 551–556553Fig.2.ESEM micrograph showing the surface of a standard latex specimen in stage II/II*.Imaging conditions:T =274K;p =3.9Torr.face water had been removed,the bulk of the samples remained ‘wet’.3.1.Standard latexFrom the ESEM image of the standard latex (Fig.2),it can be seen that under ‘wet’conditions the microstructure of the speci-men consists mainly of randomly distributed individual particles with an average size of ca.300nm.This was also confirmed by particle size measurements (Fig.3)carried out on a Coulter LS230Light Scattering Apparatus.Due to the fact that some of the water has already been removed,as explained above,some of the polymer particles are in contact.Despite that,they are still physically distinct, significant deformation has occurred,and therefore it can be concluded that the latex is in stage II/II*.Fig.4reveals the surface microstructure of a standard latex specimen at a temperature of 276K.It is clearly seen that,at this slightly increased temperature,water evaporation has taken place,which results in the formation of a continuous polymer film.However,due to the fact that not all particles have lost their identity and some boundaries are still clearly visible,itcanFig.3.Particle size distribution of the standard latex,confirming the fact that the microstructure of the specimens in the ‘wet’state consists predominantly of individual polymer particles with sizes in the range of 300nm.Fig.4.ESEM micrograph of a standard latex specimen in stage III/IV .Imaging conditions:T =276K;p concluded that under these conditions the latex is in stage III/IV .Due to the fact that imaging of the latex specimens was carried out below their T g of 279.8K,it is somewhat surpris-ing to observe the latter stages of film formation.However,it is suggested that as the microstructural analysis was carried out at temperatures very close to the minimum film formation tem-perature,partial particle deformation and coalescence,would naturally be expected to take place.It was also found that further increases in temperature did not lead to the observation of other surface morphologies.Based on the above results,which are comparable to those obtained in previous studies [1–5],it can be said that the film formation mechanism of the standard acrylic latex is in a good agreement with the conventional descriptions.3.2.Novel latexFig.5depicts the surface morphology of a novel latex spec-imen under ‘wet’conditions.The microstructure appears to be similar to one observed for the standard latex.The individual polymer particles,although in contact,are physicallydistinctFig.5.ESEM micrograph of a novel latex specimen in stage II/II*.Imaging conditions:T =274K;p =3.9Torr.554K.I.Dragnevski,A.M.Donald /Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 317 (2008) 551–556and therefore it can be concluded that the latex is in stage II/II*of the film formation process.However,another interesting feature that can be seen at slightly higher magnifications within the microstructure of the novel latex specimens (Fig.5inset )is the presence of a large number of clusters with sizes in the range 2–5m.The presence of these clusters was also confirmed by AFM [27]and particle size measurements (Fig.6a and b)carried out by ICI Plc using a Coulter LS230Light Scattering Apparatus.From the above ESEM images it is also evident that the clus-ters seen within the structure of the novel latex appear to have been formed by aggregation,followed by partial coalescence of individual particles,rather than complete coalescence.Here,partial coalescence is defined as the process of formation of agglomerates of spherical particles that are physically distinct,whereas complete coalescence is termed to be the formation of a featureless polymer structure.The factors leading to the formation of these clusters are currently being investigatedandFig.6.Particle size distribution (a)and AFM image (b)of the novel latex system,confirming the presence of a large number of clusters with sizes in the range of 2–5m.are believed to be related to the low molecular weight of the polysaccharide and its branched molecular structure [27].Further dehydration of the specimens resulted in the for-mation of a discontinuous film,with voids present within its structure (Fig.7).Similar to the standard latex,under these conditions not all particles and/or clusters appear to have com-pletely lost their identity and therefore it can be concluded that the latex is in stage III/IV of the film formation process.At this point,it is important to note that just as with the standard latex,the examination was carried out at temperatures close enough to the minimum film formation temperature of the latex to allow observation of the latter stages of the film formation process.The discontinuity of the film can be explained by taking into consideration the shape and size of the clusters.As seen from the ESEM results,the aggregates of spherical particles have differ-ent sizes and shapes.Therefore,it can be expected that during water evaporation,i.e.when clusters and individual particles come in contact,voids within the polymer film would easily form.It is believed that the presence of the clusters,which are formed during the latex synthesis,reduces the need for coalesc-ing solvent as part of the film formation has been achieved before film lay down and evaporation of the water.Thus,the creation of this partially coalesced polymer network during evaporation results in the formation of a film,which is in the middle of the two extremes,i.e.full coalescence and no coalescence.In summary,it can be said that despite the fact that the mechanism of cluster formation in the novel acrylic latex is yet to be fully revealed,the film formation process that the system undergoes as a result is clearly seen to be different from the standard one.Although,the overall process appears to be similar,some modifications of the individual stages of the conventional model need to be made,in the case of the novel latex,due to the presence of clusters in the starting material.The stages that the system undergoes during water evaporation can be described as follows—stage I:dispersed suspension of polymer particles and clusters,formed by aggre-gation of individual particles;stage II:concentratedsuspensionFig.7.ESEM image of a novel latex specimen in stage III/IV .Imaging condi-tions:T =276K;p =3.9Torr.K.I.Dragnevski,A.M.Donald/Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 317 (2008) 551–556555Fig.8.Schematic representation of thefilm formation mechanism for the novel latex system.of particles and clusters in contact with each other,surrounded by solvent-filled interstices;stage II*:randomly packed array of deformed particles and clusters that still contain water-filled interstices;stage III:ordered array of deformed particles and clusters with voids present in the structure;stage VI:a dis continuousfilm formed as a result of polymer interdiffusion.A schematic diagram of the process described above is shown in Fig.8.4.ConclusionsEnvironmental scanning electron microscopy has proven to be a successful method for studying the process of evolution of an aqueous polymer dispersion into a polymerfilm.The ESEM results,which are consistent with AFM data obtained by ICI[27],revealed that there are differences in both the microstructures and the drying behaviour of the studied latex systems.In the case of the standard latex,the microstruc-ture mainly consists of individual particles,whereas in the case of the novel latex,the microstructure appears to consist of individual particles and clusters with sizes in the range of 2–5m.Furthermore,during water evaporation,in the case of the standard system a continuousfilm is formed,which is con-sistent with the classical descriptions,whereas in the novel one thefilm formed,is discontinuous,with voids present within its structure.Based on the experimental results obtained in this study we have proposed a modification to the currently accepted mechanism for the formation of polymerfilms during drying.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge ICI Plc for funding this work and providing the latex specimens.We also thank Drs Simon Davies,Phil Taylor,Liz Bone,Martin Murray and Mervin Shannon for useful discussions and advice.References[1]G.Danilatos,Review&outline of environmental SEM at present,J.Microsc.162(1991)391–402.[2]J.L.Keddie,P.Meredith,R.A.L.Jones, A.M.Donald,Film for-mation of acrylic lattices with varying concentrations of non-film forming latex particles,Langmuir12(16)(1996)3793–3801.[3]C.He,A.M.Donald,Morphology of core–shell polymer lattices duringdrying,Langmuir12(26)(1996)6250–6256.[4]P.Meredith,A.M.Donald,Study of wet polymer systems in an environ-mental SEM:some imaging considerations,J.Microsc.181(1)(1996) 23–35.[5]J.L.Keddie,P.Meredith,R.A.L.Jones,A.M.Donald,Kinetics offilmformation in acrylic lattices studied with multiple-angle-of-incidence ellipsometry and environmental 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