在GPS相对导航信息解算中,可能需要考虑的数据包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. GPS测量数据:包括接收机接收到的卫星信号以及信号传输时间。
0 弓I
式 中 x() 为状 态矩 阵
组 合 导航通 常 采用传 统 的卡尔 曼 ( l n 滤 Kama )
波方法 将 各种传 感 器 的信息融 合在 一起 , 使得 构成 组 合 系统 的各项 性 能 指标 均优 于 2个 子 系 统 单独 工 作 时的性 能 。但 是 在 对 参数 不确 定 系 统 和 有 色 噪声情 况 下 , l n滤波器 效果 难 以令人 满意口 , Kama ] 而近 年来 提 出的 H 滤波方 法对 不 确定 和 有色 噪声
I / S组合 导航 , 何 确 定 y值 以更 好 地 提 高 NS GP 如 精度 是下 一 步研究 的重 点 。
原 理 [ . 安 : 北 工 业 大 学 出 版社 ,0 7 M] 西 西 20.
作者简 介
参 考 文献
波算 法 与 H。滤波 算 法 , 过 VS 0 8编 程 实 现算 。 通 20
法 。对 于滤波 初值 的选 取 , 样 频率 为 1 oHz下 采 0 , 列参 数 由经验 确定 : 状态 X 的初 值 全部 取 零 , 陀螺
2 卡尔 曼 滤 波 与 H。 波 方 程 。 滤
将 上 述 I / S组 合 导 航 模 型 离 散 化 后 分 NS GP 别 建立标 准 卡尔 曼滤 波算 法与 H 滤 波算 法
具 有 较 强 的 鲁 棒 性 能 , 满 足 人 们 对 性 能 的 要 能
x()一 [
8 v
8 8 1 w f] ×  ̄
F £为连 续系 统 的状 态 转移矩 阵 ()
o o 0 o
F = =
求[ 。研究 了 I / S线 性 系 统 的 滤波 问题 , 2 ] NS GP 分 别用 卡尔 曼滤 波和 H 滤 波解 的实 例仿 真 说 明 了所 提 出方法 的可行性 和正 确性 。
关于GPS 导航计算的卡尔曼滤波问题*帅 平 陈定昌 江 涌(中国航天机电集团公司二院二部 北京 100854) 863计划863-GI2.3资助项目 收稿日期:2001-04-24 收修改稿日期:2001-08-16文 摘 探讨卡尔曼滤波在实际应用中存中的建模误差、滤波初值的选取、系统噪声方差和量测噪声方差的确定、以及滤波发散等问题及其解决方法,得到适用于G PS 导航计算的卡尔曼滤波器。
主题词 +G PS 导航 +卡尔曼滤波 +噪声方差引 言卡尔曼(R.E .Kalman)1960年提出的卡尔曼滤波算法是一种线性最小方差估计方法。
因此,近十年来,卡尔曼滤波理论在GPS 动态数据处理[1~6]以及INS /GPS 组合系统导航计算[7~10]等领域得到了深入研究和广泛应用。
在众多的文献中,主要从抑制卡尔曼滤波器的发散,改进滤波过程中的误差协方差阵的计算,或是根据GPS 系统方程的结构特点改善滤波计算速度等方面进行了大量的研究工作。
Vol. 41 No. 2
舰 船 电 子 工 程
船 电 子Engineering
工 程
2021 年第 2 期
低 成 本 MIMU 车 载 组 合 导 航 联 邦 滤 波 算 法
针对基于 MIMU 的组合导航方案存在的复杂环境下姿态估计精度较差以及系统容错性较差等问题,设计了基
Key Words
Class Number
micro inertial measurement unit,combination navigation,federal filtering,fault detection
结构进行信息融合,将 MIMU 作为主参考系统,组
成 MIMU/GNSS 和 MIMU/MAG 两 个 子 系 统 。 该 组
合导航系统如图 1 所示。
提高以 MIMU 为核心的组合导航系统综合性能。
MIMU/GNSS/MAG 组 合 导 航 方
弯等运动状态。仿真时间设置为 600s ,初始位置
为 纬 度 34° ,经 度 108° ,高 度 0m ;初 始 位 置 误 差
方案估计误差结果如图 2~4 所示。
潘倩兮,等:INS/GPS 组合导航中带有置信度的抗差 Kalman 滤波算法
各个观测量之间可信度的大小,抗差估计的实质在于 等价权矩阵的构造。等价权包含了联合抗差的概念, 对正常观测量采用保权处理,对于非正常但又可利用 的观测量采用降权处理,对于粗差使其权为 0,予以 淘汰。等价权的构造方法有多种,如丹麦法权函数、 Huber 权函数和 IGG Ⅲ方案权函数[7]。但无论是抗差 最小二乘估计还是抗差 M 估计,均要求观测的法方程 式满秩且有多余观测量。从抗差解的表达式 X = ( AT PA)-1 AT PL (其中 A 是观测阵, P 是等价权 矩阵,L 是观测向量)可以看出,当 A 满秩才能通过正 常逆求得参数解向量[8]。而在一般的 INS/GPS 组合系 统中,GPS 只能提供 3 位置和 3 速度,共 6 维的观测 量。而惯导/GPS 组合导航系统的状态量要多于 6 个量, 因此导致 AT PA 秩亏,无法进行参数的抗差估计。对 于秩亏模型的抗差估计目前的研究还不多见,杨元 喜[9]通过分解观测矩阵和增加约束方程得到伪逆抗差 解,该方法要求观测相关,但 GPS 的位置和速度等信 息是独立观测量,因此该方法并不适用。杨元喜[8]已 证明了等价权模型和方差膨胀模型之间的等价性,方 差膨胀模型可以看作等价权模型的逆。因此,本文作 者借鉴等价权函数的思想,利用观测向量协方差阵作 为观测精度的评定指标,建立一个统计假设检验来检 验滤波是否有异常。在给定置信度 α 下,利用假设检 验如果未发现滤波异常,则观测协方差阵保持不变; 反之,发现滤波异常,则构造方差膨胀函数,从而抑 制观测误差对导航参数解的影响,更多地利用动力学 模型的信息,提高了滤波精度,保证系统的可靠性。
Federated Hybrid Extended Kalman Filter Design for Multiple Satellites Formation Flying inLEOMuhammad Ilyas1, Jang Gyu Lee2, Chan Gook Park3 1School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Korea.(Tel : +82-2-872-8190; E-mail: milyasmeo@)2School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, Korea.(Tel : +82-2-880-7308; E-mail: of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul 151-744, Korea.(Tel : +82-2-880-1675; E-mail: First of all linear as well as non-linear relative dynamic model for satellites in formation flying in low earth orbit (LEO) is derived and next state estimation based on Kalman filter is emphasized. In this paper, we have proposed a more accurate and robust state estimation technique named Federated Extended Kalman Filter (FEKF) for relative navigation information of two small satellites in formation flying scenario. Principally, state estimation in formation flying is a multi-sensor data fusion problem, so main topic of this paper is to design an optimal/suboptimal fault tolerant state estimator for this relative dynamic model which represents formation flying of two satellites in LEO.A comparison of the Centralized Kalma Filter (CKF) and the Federated Kalman Filter has been made to show that FKF exhibits fault tolerance ability. Also, FKF if used in optimal mode is equivalent to the Centralized Kalman Filter. Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) techniques are also briefly discussed and applied to the Federated Filtering schemes.Keywords: Relative dynamic model, formation flying, Centralized EKF, Federated EKF, Information Filter, Fault Detection and Isolation(FDI).1. INTRODUCTIONThe formation flying of micro-satellites is the next generation space-born platform which will replace many monolithic larger satellites. It is important that the vehicles in formation must keep some relative position, relative velocity and relative attitude with respect to some reference satellite or frame. The objective is that the on-board antenna/ electro-imaging systems have some preplanned pointing and radio/image signal locking with each other as well as with ground stations or targets. So relative navigation information and fault tolerance requirements for Navigation system are very important rather than absolute navigation information in multiple satellites formation flying. That is why relative state estimation has been focused in this paper. Instead of discretizing non-linear relative dynamics equation of two satellites, we have used continuous time system model directly and discrete time position measurement model to get more accurate relative position and velocity estimates. Kalman Filter designed based on this continues time system and discrete time measurement model is called Hybrid Filter. To show the better performance and fault tolerance of this scheme, we have designed FKF both in Reset and No-Reset mode and compared with Centralized EKF through simulations in this work.Organization of this paper is as follows: In Section 2 we present relative dynamic model for our problem. Both linear as well as non-linear equations are shown, but only non-linear equation is used in filtering process. Details about decentralized filter is given in Section 3.We have used alternate form of KF in this work, called Information Filter (iKF), discussed in this section. Also, optimal form of FKF and CKF are shown algebraically equivalent. Fault tolerant Filter mode and some FDI techniques are topic of Section 4. Also simulations for compraring results of CEKF and FEKF are given to ascertain our theoretical work. Finally in Section 5 we draw conclusions based on work in this paper.2. RELATIVE DYNAMIC EQUATIONSDerivation of relative dynamic equations starts from considering the motion of a single satellite in orbit. This can be described by Newton’s famous laws of motion and gravitation. Considering geometry shown in Fig.1, acceleration of a single satellite in inertial frame can be described by[1]:23(1)i i iEi iii iGMm r GMmF rrr r=−=−GK GFig.1Geometry of 2-bodies in Inertial frame XYZ.i i ix y z is displaced from XYZ but not rotates and accelerates w.r.t XYZ.Further the relative dynamic equation of two satellites,i and j, can be derived from above geometry in Fig.1 and using equation (1), given as[1]irEr Mim1srjr ijr∆2srMyjmXYZSICE Annual Conference 2008August 20-22, 2008, The University Electro-Communications, Japan33223/2()(2.)i i ij ij i i i ij ij i r r r r r r r r r r µªº+∆«»∆=−+∆+∆«»¬¼K K K K K K (2) Equation(2) describes relative acceleration of two satellites in inertial frame. We can express this equation in local frame called Local V ertical Local Horizontal (LVLH) frame by considering rotation of this frame and some other forces incurred [1]:3...3223/2()2(2.)i i ij ij i ij ij w i i ij ij i r r r r r r r f r r r r r µωωωªº+∆«»∆=−−×∆−××∆++∆+∆«»¬¼K K G G G G G G KK K where w f represents the effect of external disturbances like solar radiation pressure,3rd body attraction, Earth oblateness and atmospheric drag, etc.w f is modeled here as zero-mean additive white Gaussian noise Random process.Further in local Cartesian coordinates, this equation can be written as :2()2x w r x xy y x f µµωωω+−−−=−++++ 22y w yy x x y f µωωω++−=−++++z w zz f µ=−++++where ,,x y z are components of relative vector ij r ∆Gbetween leader and follower satellites. Linearized expressions for relative state dynamic equations expressed in the LVLH frame can also be considered. These equations follow from the assumption that the spacecrafts are in close proximity and are in near-circular orbits. The linearized relative orbital dynamics for circular orbits expressed in the LVLH frame, also called Hill’s or Clohessy-Wiltshire equations are [1]: 22232x y zw w w x yx f y x f z z f ωωωω−−=+=+=Now if we choose relative position (,,x y z ) and relativevelocity (,,)xy z as state of out interest, then we can convert above non-linear second order differential equations in first order state equation to be used in KF design as [2]:(),,t t X f X t w w =+ ~ (0,)c N Q where t w is aero-mean white noise with covariace c Q i.e.,()T i j ij c E w w Q δ=and ()0T t E xw =.Also the initial state (0)X isa Guasian random vector,00(0)~(,)X N X P To use in Extended Kalman Filter, we need Jacobean matrix defined as [2,10]:(,);[]T f X t F where X x y z x y z X∂==∂ is state vector. 11122122FF F F F ªº =«»¬¼,where [][]113312330;F F I ××== 4444441234565555552122123456666666123456;f f f f f f f f f f f f F F x x x x x x f f f f f f x x x x x x ªºªº∂∂∂∂∂∂«»«»∂∂∂∂∂∂«»«»«»«»∂∂∂∂∂∂==«»«»∂∂∂∂∂∂«»«»«»«»∂∂∂∂∂∂«»«»∂∂∂∂∂∂«»«»¬¼¬¼3. FEDERATED EKF DESIGN3.1 Centralized and information Kalman FiltersIn multisensor system scenario there are various schemes to incorporate the sensor data in estimators [3,4]. One of them and most commonly used is Centralized Kalamn filter(CKF). In this scheme of state estimation, we feed data from all sensors to one processing block, Kalman Filter in this case, and get the optimal estimate of state at the output. Therefore CKF processes all of the measurements in one filter in parallel. Of course, It has relatively a simple structure and its implementation is not complicated. But On the other hand, if number of sensors increases or equivalently if measurement vector associated with a centralized Kalman filter gets bigger , the calculation burden on the system increases as well and sometimes causes numerical problem. Furthermore, CKF certainly lacks robustness against faulty sensor data, as all of the system information is affected by this faulty data inside one filter and hard to isolate faulty data once mixed up.Fig. 2 Centralized Kalman FilterOne possible solution to this problem is to use cascaded filtering scheme [3]. One of many cascaded forms of KF is decentralized filtering.In Decentralized Kalman filter (DKF) we divide measurements into smaller sub-groups. Each measurement group is processed in individual local filters. Each filter has the advantage of being able to detect (and isolate further) any fault in a local sensor at any time during the processing. Therefore, the whole filtering process is not affected by the local sensor/filter fault.Before going further, let us discuss one alternate form of Kalman Filter used in decentralized filtering, called Information Kalman Filter(iKF)[5].For conventional KF updated state estimate and associated error covariance are written as:Measurement Vector11ˆ()(())(3)()k k k k k k T T k k k k k k k k k k T T k k k k k k k xm k z H m P M M H H M H R H M k M H H M H R −−=+−½°=−+¾°=+¿where ˆk k m x−= is a priori state estimate and k k M P −=is a priori error covariance.Updates of iKF ,which is just alternate form of KF,are written as:11111ˆ()(4)T k k k k k k k T k k k k k x P M m H R z P M H R H −−−−−½=+°¾=+°¿Time-update equations are same for both filters as: 1111ˆˆk k k k k k k k k k x m xP M P Q −++−++½==Φ°¾==ΦΦ+°¿Note that here 1k P −is called information matrix, so in terms of information, equation (4) says that update information is equal to prior information plus the additional information obtained from new measurement at time k t .iKF equations in (4) are commonly used in decentralized KFs because by comparing equation set (4) with (3), estimation process in iKF form has following advantages over conventional KF [5] :• iKF is computationally simpler thanconventional KF. This can be exploited in partitioning iKF equations for decentralizing multi-sensor estimation.• There are no gain or innovation covariancematrices, i.e,1()[]T S k HMH R −=+involved in iKF and maximum dimension of a matrix to be inverted is the state dimension. In multisensor systems, the state dimension is generally smaller than the observation dimension, hence it is preferable to employ the iKF and invert smaller information matrices than use the conventional KF and invert larger innovation covariance matrices.• Initializing iKF is much easier thanconventional KF. This is because information estimates (state and matrix) are easily initialized to zero information.These characteristics are very useful in the development of decentralized data fusion systems.3.2 Decentralized and Federated Kalman FiltersFrom equation (4), it is clear that if matrix k R is block diagonal, then the total added information can be divided into separate components, each representing the contribution from respective measurement block (sensor) [2,6]. This is what we call decentralizing sensor data.Fig. 3 Decentralized KF(DKF) architecture.That is, 1[]T k k k H R H − can be broken down into small terms like:1111111222[]T T T T N N N H R H H R H H R H H R H −−−−=+++" (5) Here we have omitted time-subscript k for simplicity,N is number of sensors in the system measuring states of the common system. Each term in (5) is representing data from one sensor system.Let for simplicity, we start with simple case of two sensor data in our decentralized system [2,6]. The measurements presented to the local filter (LF) #1 and local filter # 2 at time k t are 1z and 2z as given below:111z H x v =+ ; 1111~(0,())Tv N E v v R =222z H x v =+ ; 2222~(0,())T v N E v v R =The state x and noises 1v and 2v are assumed to be mutually uncorrelated as usual. If we assume that LF#1 and LF#2 have no access to each other’s measurements, then LFs will form their respective error covariance and state estimates according to equation (4) as follows:LF#1: 11111111*********ˆ()(6)T T x P M m H R z P M H R H −−−−−½=+°¾=+°¿LF#2: 11222222211122222ˆ()(7)T T x P M m H R z P M H R H −−−−−½=+°¾=+°¿Local filters are optimal conditioned on their respective measurement streams 1z and 2z , but not on combined measurement z .Now consider the Master Filter (MF) in Fig.3. We are looking for some optimal global estimates conditioned on combined measurements streams. The global estimate and associated error covariance are given by:111111212211112220[](8)0ˆ()(9)T Tm T T T Tm m R H P H H M H R x P M m H R z H R z −−−−−ªºªº=+«»«»«»¬¼¬¼=++ But MF does not have direct access to 1z and 2z , so we will write (8) and (9) in terms of LFs estimates. The result is , in general for N sensors :1111ˆˆ()N m m i i i i i xP P x M m M m −−−=ªº=−+«»¬¼¦ (10) 11111()Nm i i i P P M M −−−−==−+¦, (11)Subject to the condition that:12M M M ≠≠ and12m m m ≠≠where M and m are MF projected quantities and,i i M and m are LFs projections. This iscompletely autonomous architecture as LFs do not get anything from MF output. This is the No-Reset(NR) case of decentralized filtering scheme. This system is optimal both in LFs and MF’s outputs. But it’s not fullycascaded architecture as quantities 11ˆ[]i i i i P xM m −−−are actually incorporating local measurements tooas 111ˆ[]T i i i i i i i P xM m H R z −−−−=. To get fully cascaded two stage decentralized filtering architecture, we have to use some information sharing strategy in LFs. This kind of decentralized architecture is called DKF with Reset (RS) mode and shown in Figure.4.Fig. 4 DKF with Reset (RS) mode(Federated KF)In DKF architecture with RS mode, we purposelyfeedback information from MF output to the LFs [7]. By feeding back the a prior M and m to the LFs, we are allowing indirect measurement sharing between local filters. This feedback enables the LFs to reset their respective prior estimates more accurately with each step (optimal mode) than they would be able to do otherwise. Let we simply reset LF’s a prior estimates with MF’s as:1212,m m m M M M ====with these modifications, equations (6),(7),(10),(11) become:LF#1(with feedback):11111111111111ˆ()(12)T T x P M m H R z P M H R H −−−−−½=+°¾=+°¿ LF#2(with feedback):11222221112222ˆ()(13)T T x P M m H R z P M H R H −−−−−½=+°¾=+°¿MF: 111ˆˆ()N m m i i i i xP P x M m −−=ªº=−«»¬¼¦ (14) 1111()N m i i P P M −−−==−¦ (15)The MF maintains full global optimality if global information is fed back after each iteration to the LFs. But this architecture lacks fault tolerance feature in general. To get fully fault tolerant filtering architecture, the global information is fed back only at the initialization step, after that LFs and MF run independently of each other.If feedback information is shared among LFs by some information sharing strategy, then this architecture of DKF is called Federated Kalman Filter (FKF). We use the term information to denote the Master filter solution,i.e., the MF state vector and covariance matrix.(or equivalently its inverse, commonly called the information matrix). The basic concept of the information-sharing approach implemented in FEKF is this:(1) divide the total system information among several component(local) Filters; (2) perform local time propagation and measurement processing, adding local sensor information; and (3) recombine the updated local information into a new total sum in MF.Various information-sharing schemes may be possible, but the simplest one, we have used in this work, is to distribute global information equally among LFs. Dividing the total information leads to some degree of sub optimality in the LFs, but penalty is quite modest. By using this information sharing strategy, the MF feeds the following prior information to the LFs: i m m =(same optimal m is feedback to each LF)111()i M M N−−=(optimal prior information 1M −is divided in N equal portions, each fed back to each LF). If we use this information sharing scheme, then equations (6),(7),(10),(11)become:LF#1: 11111111111111ˆ()(14)T T M x P m H R z NM P H R H −−−−−½=+°°¾°=+°¿LF#2:11222221112222ˆ()(15)T T M x P m H R z NM P H R H N −−−−−½=+°°¾°=+°¿MF: 11ˆˆ()N m m i i i xP P x −=ªº=«»¬¼¦ (16) 111()Nm i i P P −−==¦ (17) These are the update equations of FKF.3.3 Optimal FKF vs Centralized KFIn optimal mode of operation of FKF, the switch shown in Fig.4 is closed and global information is shared among LFs. Here we will prove, mathematically, that federated KF while operating in optimal mode is equivalent to centralized Kalman Filter [8]. Local filter update equation in optimal mode is:11ˆ()T i i i i i M x P m H R z N −−=+111T i i i i M P H R H N−−−=+ (18)while Master Filter update equations is given by (17). Substituting (18)in to (17),we get:11111()NT m i i i i P M H R H N −−−==+¦ (19)Using the information sharing constraint,111Ni N ==¦,i.e.,according to the conservation of information principle, in order to maintain constant total information across the total sum, the share-fraction must sum to unity , equation (19) becomes:1111NT m i i i i P M H R H −−−==+¦ (20)This is expression for global information matrix in caseof N-local sensors. If we compare equation(20) withequation(4),which is expression for local informationmatrix, we see that equation(20) is same form as if alllocal measurements had been processed by a single KFwith error covariance m P . Hence FKF in optimal modeis analytically equivalent to Centralized KF.Quantitative equivalence will be shown by simulationsin next Section. Below is given the quantitativecomparison of RMS errors b e t w e e n t r u e a n d e s t i m a t e ds t a t e s f o r C e n t r a l i z e d E K F a n d F e d e r a t e d E K F .T a b l e 1 R M S e r r o r c o m p a r i s o n o f C E K F a n d F E K F State RMS Error:CEKF RMS Error:FEKFx 0.668803638224837 0.623272597344252y 0.958960947517562 0.9597183340388z 1.27602055164127 1.294024440633644x0.226874842097276 0.2115848380653202y 0.204744118985446 0.218144651134227z 0.398601284308153 0.3551451792511857 4. FEDERATED FAULT TOLERANTFILTERING AND SIMULATIONSFederated filter with feedback at initialing step only can be employed in fault tolerant configuration with some fault detection & isolation (FDI) criteria [9].Most commonly there are two FDI schemes used in thiscommunity . One of them is monitoring the measurementresidual ˆ[]k k y Hx −− . Residual monitoring relies on the fact that measurement residuals are white sequences.The expected variance of the measurement residual maybe calculated as :ˆˆ()[()()]T T risidual k k k k k k P E V V E yHx y Hx −−==−− T Tk k k k H P H R =ΦΦ+ Now compare the calculated standard deviations of this residual error covariance with the residua itself. 99.74% of the residual should be statistically bounded by 3σas calculated from risidual P ,i.e, about 1 out of 400measurements is expected to exceed this bound basedon statistics. In the event of sensor failure, a highernumber of measurements exceed this 3σbound, hencefaulty sensor is caught.Other FDI technique is using sensitivity factorcalculated as:1ˆˆˆˆ()()()T i m i m i m S x x P P x x −=−+− ; if S >(threshold values), then sensor ,i s output isdiscarded from global estimates ˆm xand m P .The value of threshold is established based on Chi-square distribution and optimized by experiment for the particular application [9]. By using any of these techniques in FEKFas in Fig.4, we can see that final output of FEKF is not affected by any erroneous sensor/filter data. This is the feature which makes Federated EKF a better choice for critical systems like formation flying. But in CEKF, an undetected failure in one sensor gets distributed into all of the navigation state estimates, so that they all tend toward agreement with faulty data. Hence if CEKF does incorporate faulty data from any sensor, its full solution becomes corrupted and filter must be reinitialized. Simulation results will confirm this fact. In order to carry out simulations in this work, we used following simulated data: Continuous time relative system dynamic model is: (),,t t X f X t w w =+ ~ (0,)c N Q where t w is aero-mean white Gaussian noise with covariace c Q and 00(0)~(,)X N X P .Discrete time sensor models and other parameters are asgiven below: 111z H x v =+ ; 1111~(0,())Tv N E v v R =222z H x v =+ ; 2222~(0,())Tv N E v v R =T 0[353 -707 612 -0.373 -0.746 -0.646]X =0[200300225120.5]P diag =22212222[5105][102010]R diag R diag == 0.1sec T ∆= (measurement update time)0.01sec dt =(integration time) 100sec T =(total simulation time) 1000r ∆= m (relative distance between two s/c) r =7100000 m (distance of ref s/c from center of Earth)= 0.0010553126015429 rad/sec ω(angular vel of ref s/c).In Fig.5-1, which is plot of true, estimated and measured states for Centralized EKF, we can see that estimated value of true state tries to follow faulty measurements introduced between time span 50~80 Sec. Whereas, in Fig.5-2, it is clearly shown that estimated values are not affected by faulty measurements at all and they follow the true states throughout the simulation time. Hence FEKF architecture of filtering is faulttolerant. Fig.6-1 and 6-2 are plots of estimation error between true state and estimated state by centralized EKF and Federated EKF in Reset mode respectively . The two graphs look similar as expected, moreover, they have been compared quantitatively in Table 1.Fig.5-1 Plot of true, measured & estimated values in CEKF Fig.5-2 Plot of true, measured & estimated values in FEKF Fig.6-1 Est. Error plots of CEKFFig.6-2 Est. Error plots of FEKF5. CONCLUSIONSWe derived the relative dynamics model for formation flying of two satellites from basic definitions of physics .We showed that in multisensor case, using decentralized filtering is conceptually more appealing in terms of efficiency and fault tolerance. Master filter outputs are not affected by faulty measurements introduced between some time instants in FEKF. Moreover, FEKF in optimal mode is equivalent to CEKF as proved analytically, by table 1 and by simulations in Fig. 6.Acknowledgement:This work is partially supported by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) grant funded by the Korean government (MOST)(No.01-2006-000-10189-0), Korean Research Foundation(KRF) and by Higher Education Commission (HEC) , Pakistan.REFERENCES[1] David A. V allado,Wayne D.McClain,Wiley rson “Fundamentalsof Astrodynamics and Applications ”,The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.1997.[2] Brown R. “Introduction to Random Signal Analysis and Kalman Filtering”, John Wiley & Sons., 1992. [3] Carlson N. 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x_{k} = Ax_{k-1} + Bu_{k-1} + w_{k-1} ]其中,( x_k ) 是系统在时刻 ( k ) 的状态向量,( A ) 是状态转移矩阵,( B ) 是控制输入矩阵,( u_{k-1} ) 是控制输入向量,( w_{k-1} ) 是过程噪声向量。
如果把局部滤波器i的状态估计矢量、系统协方差阵、状态矢量协方差阵分别记为召、Q i、R,i 1,2, ,n,主滤波器的状态估计矢量、系统协方差阵、状态矢量协方差阵分别记为)?m、Q m、P m,假定按以下规则将整体信息分配至各局部滤波器,即P1)? p1 1)?1 p21)?2叮冷PrJX m 斤刃(8.1)Q 1Q11Q21Q n1Q m1Q i1i Q 1(8.2)P 1P11P21P n1P m1P i 1i P 1(8.3)其中,i是信息分配系数,必须满足下列条件:0 i 1, i 1,2, ,n,m (8.4 )在设计联邦卡尔曼滤波器时,信息分配系数的确定至关重要,不同的值会有不同的滤波器结构和特性(容错性、最优性、计算量等)。
令i 1/ i(i 1,2……N,m),则它的的几种主要结构可简要地表达如下:(1)第一类结构(m i=1/ (N + D,有重置),如图8.1所示图8.1 联邦滤波器第一类结构这类结构的特点是:信息在主滤波器和各子滤波器之间平均分配。
推荐-卡尔曼滤波在INSGPS组合导航中的应用研究 文献综述报告 精品
GPS卡尔曼滤波算法1. 引言GPS(全球定位系统)是一种用于确定地球上特定位置的导航系统。
2. GPS卡尔曼滤波算法原理GPS卡尔曼滤波算法的原理基于以下假设和模型:•系统模型:系统的状态变量可以用状态方程描述,例如在GPS定位中,可以使用位置、速度和加速度等状态变量来描述系统状态的变化。
预测步骤的数学表达式如下:x_hat = F * x + B * uP_hat = F * P * F^T + Q其中,x_hat是预测的状态向量,F是状态转移矩阵,x是当前的状态向量,B是控制输入矩阵,u是控制输入,P_hat是预测的协方差矩阵,Q是过程噪声的协方差矩阵。
一种多模型自适应联邦滤波器及其在INS/CNS/GPS组合导航系统中的应用3李艳华 房建成北京航空航天大学,北京100083摘 要 本文介绍一种基于多模自适应估计的联邦滤波器的原理和特点。
设计了I NS/C NS/G PS组合导航系统的联邦滤波算法,并首次将多模自适应估计方法运用到联邦卡尔曼滤波器中。
主题词 组合导航系统 卡尔曼滤波 联邦滤波器 多模自适应估计A Multi2model Adaptive Federated Filterand It’s Application in INS/CNS/GPSI ntegrated N avigation SystemLi Y anhua Fang JianchengBeijing University of Aeronautics&Astronautics,Beijing100083Abstract This paper introduces the theory and characteristics o f federated filter based on multi2model adaptive estimation.A federated filter o f I NS/C NS/G PS integrated navigation system is designed and multi2model adaptive estimation method is used in federated Kalman filter for the fir st time.Furthermore,an adaptive adjustment o f the coefficients o f informa2 tion2sharing is adopted in federated filter.The results o f simulation show that as compared with single2model algorithm,multi2model adaptive estimation combined with the federated fil2 ter can improve accuracy and reliability o f integrated navigation system greatly.Subject terms Integrated navigation system Kalman filtering Federated filter Multi -model adaptive estimation收稿日期 2003年3月24日3 国防预研基金(项目代号:00J91211HK01)及国防“十五”预研项目资助1 引 言多模型自适应控制不仅在理论和方法上取得了很多成果,在实际中也有一些成功的应用。
INSGPS组合算法及其误差分析INSGPS(Integrated Navigation System based on Global Positioning System)组合算法是一种基于全球定位系统的综合导航系统算法,通过将不同的导航传感器(如GPS、陀螺仪、加速度计等)的测量结果进行融合,提高了导航系统的性能和精度。
发射系下SINS/GPS/CNS组合导航系统联邦粒子滤波算法摘要:传统的扩展卡尔曼滤波(Extended Kalman filter,EKF)算法应用于未来高超、空天飞行器的组合导航系统时,因其模型线性化展开会导致模型不准确,从而引起导航精度下降;采用蒙特卡洛方法来实现递推贝叶斯估计问题的粒子滤波(Particle filter,PF)算法能有效避免引入线性化误差,具有一定的优势。
算法仿真结果表明,相较于发射系下SINS/GPS/CNS 组合导航系统联邦EKF滤波算法,PF滤波算法有效提高了组合导航系统滤波精度。
关键词:扩展卡尔曼滤波;粒子滤波;联邦滤波;SINS/GPS/CNS;组合导航中图分类号:V448.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-2615(2015)03-0319-05SINS/GPS/CNS Integrated Navigation System Federal PF Algorithm in Launch Inertial Coordinate SystemXiong Zhi,Pan Jialiang,Lin Aijun,Du Huajun,Yu FengAbstract:When the traditional extended Kalman filter (EKF)algorithm is used in integrated navigation system of future aircraft, it may lead to the inaccuracy of the model because of linearization and the decreasing of navigation precision. Particle filter (PF) solves Bayes estimation problem by using Monte Carlo method and can effectively avoid bringing in linearization error. Consequently, aimed at the requirement of high accuracy for the navigation system state parameters in launch inertial coordinate system, it is particularly important to improve the accuracy of filter algorithm for missile-borne integrated navigation system. The PF algorithm can directly achieve an error estimation without linearization of nonlinear system. This paper brings PF algorithm into the SINS/GPS/CNS integrated navigation system. PF algorithm is designed based on federal filter and the navigation system state parameters are estimated directly. The algorithm simulation results indicate PF algorithm effectively improves filtering precision compared with EKF algorithm and is very suitable for integrated navigation system.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx,xxxx)资助项目;江苏省六人人才高峰(2013-JY-013)资助项目;江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目;中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目;南京航空航天大学大学研究生创新基地(实验室)开放基金(kfjjxxxx)资助项目。
靳 标,李建行,朱德宽,郭 交,苏宝峰. 基于自适应有限冲激响应-卡尔曼滤波算法的 GPS/INS 导航[J]. 农业工程
学报,2019,35(3):75-81. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.010 Jin Biao, Li Jianxing, Zhu Dekuan, Guo Jiao, Su Baofeng. GPS/INS navigation based on adaptive finite impulse response-Kalman filter algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(3): 75 -81. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.03.010
0 引 言
全球定位系统(global positioning system, GPS)和惯 性导航系统(inertial navigation system, INS)在目标定位、 车辆导航和精准农业等领域得到了广泛的应用。然而由 于卫星信号遮挡、多路径效应和观测误差等因素的影响, 滤波结果通常会出现较大误差[1-2]。
收稿日期:2018-09-11 修订日期:2019-01-10 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61701416);中央高校基本科研业务费专项 资 金 ( 2452017127 ); 农 业 农 村 部 农 业 物 联 网 重 点 实 验 室 开 放 基 金 课 题 (2017AIOT-06) 作者简介:靳 标,讲师,博士,研究方向为 GPS 信号处理和精准农业。 Email:biaojin@ ※通信作者:郭 交,副教授,博士,研究方向为 GPS 信号处理和精准农 业。Email:jiao.g@
【关键词】组合导航卡尔曼滤波直接式间接式混合式IN S/GPS组合是目前常用的组合导航模式,它充分吸收了GPS和INS各自的优点,即GPS精度高、INS自主性好不易受到外界环境的影响;又克服它们各自的缺点,即GPS信号易受到干扰和遮挡而不稳定、INS的误差随时间增加而累计导致精度下降。
卡尔曼滤波目标跟踪算法1. 引言1.1 背景介绍在目标跟踪领域,卡尔曼滤波算法是一种广泛应用的估计方法,它通过处理传感器测量数据和系统动态模型,实现对目标状态的预测和更新。
卡尔曼滤波算法最初由R.E. Kalman和R.S. Bucy在20世纪60年代提出,被广泛应用于航空航天领域。
1.2 研究意义卡尔曼滤波目标跟踪算法在目标跟踪领域具有重要的研究意义。
2.2 Allan方差和动态Allan方差
Allan方差是一种时域分析技术[4],假定一个随机 过程的功率谱密度(PSD)是 S ( f ) ,它的Allan方差是 2 ( ) ,那么 S ( f ) 和 2 ( ) 的关系如下: sin 4 ( f ) (2) 2 ( ) 4 S ( f ) df 0 ( f )2 零偏不稳定性的功率谱密度为:
动态阿伦方差辅助的卡尔曼滤波算法在GPS/INS组合 导航中的应用
北京环球信息应用开发中心,100094,北京市海淀区5128信箱 邮箱:wells0592029@
【摘要】对GPS/INS组合导航系统,当采用低成本的惯性测量单元(IMU)时,经典卡尔曼滤波无法 得到期望的结果,原因在于过程噪声种类繁多,这些噪声对经典卡尔曼滤波的性能产生很大影响。在 本文中,首先用小波滤波将陀螺仪和加速度计输出结果中的随机噪声分离出来,然后用动态阿伦方差 实时跟踪分离出的噪声,最后将用该方法分析得到的结果更新过程噪声协方差矩阵。通过仿真实验, 得出了新算法比经典卡尔曼滤波算法具有更优的处理性能。 【关键词】动态阿伦方差;小波去噪;卡尔曼滤波;组合导航
Dynamic Allan Variance aided Kalman Filter in GPS/INS Integrated Navigation
Wei Guanyu,Xu Bojian,Ding Yang
Application and Development of Beijing Global Information Center,100094,5128# Haidian Beijing Postbox: wells0592029@
还假设状态的初始值x(0)与v1(n) 、 v2 (n),n 0均不相关,并且噪声向量 v1(n)与v2(n)也不相关,既有:
H E { v ( n ) v ( k )} 0 , n , k ......( 5 ) 1 2
2、新息过程Leabharlann 考虑一步预测问题,给定观测值y(1), ...,y(n-1),求观测向量y(n) 的最小二乘估计,记作
x ( n 1 ) F ( n 1 , n ) x ( n ) G ( n ) ( n )...... ..... 25 )
式(25)在kalman滤波算法中起着关键的作用,因为它表明, n+1时刻的 F (n 1 ,n )x (n ) 状态向量的一步预测分为非自适应(即确定)部分 和 自适应(即校正)部分G(n)a(n)。从这个意义上讲,G(n)称为kalman增 益(矩阵)是合适的。
H H E { x ( n 1 ) ( n ) F ( n 1 ,n ) E { x ( n ) ( n )} H F ( n 1 ,n ) E { x ( n )[ C ( n ) e ( n ,n 1 ) v ( n )] } 2
H H F ( n 1 ,n ) E { x ( n ) e ( n ,n 1 )} C ( n )........ 26 )
以上性质表明:n时刻的新息a(n)是一个与n上课之前的观测数 据y(1), ...,y(n-1)不相关,并具有白噪声性质的随机过程,但它却能够
H R ( n ) E { ( n ) ( n )}........ .( 10 )