



英语语言学毕业论文目录英语语言学毕业论文目录引言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的1.3 研究方法第一章:语言学概述2.1 语言学的定义和发展2.2 语言学的分支领域2.3 语言学的研究方法第二章:语言的结构3.1 语音学3.1.1 音素与音位3.1.2 音素的分类3.2 语法学3.2.1 词类和句法关系3.2.2 句子结构3.3 语义学3.3.1 词义和句义3.3.2 语义关系第三章:语言的习得4.1 语言习得与语言学习的区别4.2 第一语言习得4.2.1 儿童语言习得的理论模型4.2.2 儿童语言习得的发展阶段4.3 第二语言习得4.3.1 成人语言习得的特点4.3.2 第二语言习得的影响因素第四章:语言的变体5.1 方言学5.1.1 方言的定义和分类5.1.2 方言的地理分布5.2 社会语言学5.2.1 社会变体的定义和分类5.2.2 社会变体的社会意义5.3 语言变迁与语言变异5.3.1 语言变迁的原因5.3.2 语言变异的类型第五章:语言与文化6.1 语言与文化的关系6.1.1 语言反映文化6.1.2 语言塑造文化6.2 跨文化交际6.2.1 文化差异对语言交际的影响6.2.2 跨文化交际中的语言策略结论7.1 对研究目的的回顾7.2 研究结果的总结7.3 研究的局限性和未来展望参考文献致谢以上是一份英语语言学毕业论文的目录,通过对语言学的概述、语言的结构、语言的习得、语言的变体以及语言与文化的关系的探讨,可以对语言学这一学科有一个全面的了解。























英文系本科毕业论文格式一、格式论文依次包括封面、目录、英文摘要(abstract)与关键词(key words)、中文摘要与关键词、引言(introduction)、正文、结语(conclusion)和文献目录(works cited)等部分。



如果有副标题,用冒号把英文主、副标题隔开,例如:the human nature motif in william golding’s lord of the flies invisible colour versus visible wall: hanif kureishi’s “strangers when we meet”中文副标题须在主标题后另起一行,前面加破折号, 例如:论威廉•戈尔丁《蝇王》中的人性母题看不见的颜色与看得见的墙——评哈尼夫•库雷西的“相逢不相识”四、英文摘要与关键词abstract左顶格,字体为times new roman 小四号,黑正体,与摘要内容部分以冒号隔开。

摘要内容部分长度为150词以内,字体为times new roman 小四号正体,从第二行开始到结束均为左顶格。

关键词部分另起一行,以key words为标题,关键词标题左顶格,字体为times new roman 小四号,黑正体,与所列关键词以冒号隔开,关键词以3至5个为宜,字体为times new roman 小四号正体,除少数专有名词外一律小写,关键词之间以分号隔开。






Contents Abstract............................................................1 Key words........................................................1 Introduction......................................................1一、History of evolution of Confucianism’s people-oriented thoughts .........2(一)Embryonic stage...............................................21、Social background.................................................22、Character's view...................................................3(二)Formation stage................................................31、Social background.................................................32、Character's view...................................................3(三)Development and improving stage.................................41、Social background.................................................42、Character's view...................................................4(四)Maturity and transformation......................................51、Social background.................................................52、Character's view...................................................5二、The content and essence of Confucianism’s people-oriented thoughts.....5(一)Main content of Confucianism’s people-oriented thoughts..............51、Supporting and enriching people.....................................62、Respecting people.................................................63、Educating people..................................................74、Trusting people...................................................7 (二)Essence of the Confucian ism’s people-oriented thoughts...............8 1、Respecting the monarch and esteeming the people and emphasis on the idea that people are the foundation of a country.....................................8 2、The strategy to Maintain autocratic monarchy ..........................83、The moral identity to Strengthening autocratic monarchy ................94、The parochialism a nd bestowal of Confu cianism’s people-oriented thoughts.........................................................9 三、Influences and enlightenment of Confucianism’s people-oriented thoughts.10(一)P ositive influences and negative influences of Confucianism’s people-oriented thoughts............................................................101、Positive influences................................................102、Negative influences .............................................11 (二)The enlightenment of Confucianism’s people-oriented thoughts in modern society.............................................................13 1、Keeping economic development as the central task and improving people’s living standard...........................................................13 2、Esteeming people and ensuring that people are the real masters of their own country.............................................................133、Maintaining the close tie of party and people and solving the problems concerning people’s interest...........................................144、Conforming to public opinion, caring for the masses and adhering to people-oriented thought ..............................................145、Coordinating the interests of all parties and promoting justice and harmony............................................................15 Conclusion.........................................................15 Bibliography.......................................................16 Acknowledgements..................................................18 Author Introduction.................................................18 Statement..........................................................19。



毕业论文组成部分第一部分:论文封面页(Cover Page)第二部分:论文题目与摘要页(Title Page)第三部分:论文致页(Acknowledgements)第四部分:论文目录页(Contents Page)第五部分:论文正文(Body)第六部分:论文尾注(Endnotes)第七部分:论文参考文献(Bibliography)外语学院外语专业毕业论文本本科毕业论文中文题目:从功能对等看英语广告的翻译外文题目: On Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in Light of Functional Equivalence系别×××专业×××年级2004级学生×××指导教师×××结稿日期2008年5月10日外语学院教务处制2008年 5月10 日填On Advertisement Translation from English to Chinese in Light of(空一行)Thetheories which proposed by Eugeneand foreign translators for a long time, especially the theory of functional equivalence. Functional equivalence refers to the equivalence on the functions but not on the forms and structures.In our daily life, we live with different advertisements, some of which are translated works. These advertisements are aimed at giving the potential customers a lasting impression and persuading them to buy their product. Therefore, in order to express the ideas of the original works and realize the goal for sale, the translators should take account of the cultural elements and social elements in order to achieve functional equivalence.This paper consists of three parts. The first part deals with the concept of functional equivalence and its aims and principles. The main aim of functional equivalence is to represent the information of the original work in the target language and achieve the equivalence of functions of languages. In order to make this concept clear, the author gives a brief introduction of different functions. Although different languages have different characteristics, their functions are nearly the same. That is to name the reality and to communicate with the people. The second part deals with the target, principles, requirements and cultural elements of advertisement translation. The third part, the most important part, points out the three main aspects of functional equivalence, semantic equivalence, social-cultural equivalence and stylistic equivalence. At the meantime, the equivalence on different levels and how to achieve functional equivalence in advertisement translation are also systematically illustrated.(空一行)Acknowledgements(空一行)First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor, Professor X, both for his intellectual guidance and for his warm and constant encouragement during the process of writing this thesis. With patience and prudence, he labored through drafts of this thesis and pointed out defects in my theorizing. Therefore, I owe all the merits in this thesis, if any, to him, though I am fully aware that the thesis might still contain some mistakes, for which I bear the whole responsibility.My cordial and sincere thanks go to all the teachers in Applied Foreign Language Department, whose interesting and informative courses have benefited me a lot during my college years. The profit that I gained from their profound knowledge, remarkable expertise and intellectual ingenuity will be of everlasting significance to my future life and career.I am also very grateful to my classmates, who have given me a lot of help and courage during my stay in the University and throughout the process of writing this thesis.Last but not the least; big thanks go to my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this thesis.C. Cultural Elements in Advertisement Translation (11)A. T he Differences Between Two Languages (15)B. Functional Equivalence in English Advertisement Translation (17)Conclusion (19)Notes (20)Bibliography (22)(空一行)has become more and more importantfor it isalways used as the way to promote the sales of goods. The excellent advertisement is not only understandable for everyone, but also has an elegant style. It can easily encourage people to buy the goods. Therefore, a good translation of an advertisement is also important to promote the sales of the goods in the country of the target language.Most which is1 That is to say, the adequacy of translations is judged on the basis of the correspondence in lexicon and grammar between the source and target languages.Functional equivalence is a powerful weapon for information exchange. The translation work which follows the principles of functional equivalence is much easier to understand.However, functional equivalence is very abstract to most people. In order to make it clear, this paper chooses advertisement translation to analyze its every aspect. Due to the differences between English and Chinese, the advertisement translation from English to Chinese should be undertaken in different translation techniques with the guidance of functional equivalence.The similarityof the thoughts of human aremore than the differences between English and Chinese. The equivalence of languages makes it possible to convert the source language into the target language. However, the convert is not just a process to translate the words from one language to another language. Translation should be a task to recur the information of the original work in a most natural way. That is to say, translation should rebuild the surficial forms of the original information, convert the views of expression and replace the meaning of the original work with the meaning of the translated work. Therefore, equivalence is the most important basis for translation. The translated work can be of higher quality if it achieves more equivalence with the original work.Functional equivalence is originally termed as dynamic equivalence, which is to be defined by the degree where the receptor of the source language message should respond in substantially the same way as the target language receptor to the translated version. It is very important to all kinds of translation. The reason is that English and Chinese have many differences in their forms, grammars, sentence structures and so on. Therefore, in the process of translation, to convey the information of the original work is the focus and the most difficult part. After all, the receptors of the translated work expect to know the content of the original work.Functional equivalence also emphasizes the cultural elements. If a translated work does not reflect the cultural elements of the original work, it must be a failure. Therefore, the translator should be bilingual and bicultural.Nida always holds a view that syntax and lexeme are the biggest barriers for the translators.2 The translators devoted to English-Chinese translation may agree with him. Most of them have learned English through the is oftenFirst, the word classes replace the semantic(空一行)(空一行) did.”4 A minimal, realistic “The 6In the 1950s, for example, while Ellington was still alive, Raymond Horricks compared Ellington ’s earliest attempt to move beyond the three-minute limit received …Figures in literature are either flat characters (one dimensional figures, figures withafter myfather, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known asthe Great War. 7(空一行)However, F. Scott Fitzgerald succeeds in changing these flat figures into round ones through his master-hand writing skills and in-depth characterization.B. Different FunctionsThe theory of functional equivalence involves nine functions: expressive, cognitive, interpersonal, informative……(空一行)With the rapid development of the international trade, advertisement has become an indispensable part in our life. To some extent, it has become our guide in the aspect of consuming. No doubt, we are now living in the age of advertisement. Therefore, to translate a good and effective advertisement is increasingly important for attracting the potential customers and promoting the sale of the products in the international market.Since Chinese and English are two quite different languages, the translation from English to Chinese is not an easy task. The translator should learn well the cultural and social background of the original work, the differences of their sentence structures and also their habits of expression. Although there are so many differences between the two languages, the functions of all the languages are the same. That is to name the reality and to communicative with the people. It is just the basis for the translation from English to Chinese.…, …Through a relative thorough analysis of functional equivalence and advertisement translation, the readers of the essay may have a clear understanding of the details and aspects of advertisement translation. The readers may appreciate the advantages of functional equivalence in the process of advertisement translation. Functional equivalence helps the translators overcome the barrier of translation. That is the forms and structures of the language of the original work. Advertisement translation has its special aims. It is not only for information exchange, but also for encouraging the customers to buy the products. This is the ultimate aim of advertisement translation. Therefore, the translators should not only express the accurate meaning of the original work, but also pay attention to the diction of words and the cultural elements. The translation work will fail to realize its aims if it neglects the cultural elements such as the tradition, customs and habits of the target country. The analysis of these aspects in this essay may give the readers a little enlightenment.1Culture ForeignLanguage Education Press, 1993), 116.Cultures(Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000), 60.13转引自靳涵身编著,《诗型广告翻译研究》,:大学,2004年, 第228页。



Contents (三号Times New Roman 字体,居中,粗体;不加页眉、页码) (空一行, 小四号, 单倍行距; 正文英文均用Times New Roman,中文用宋体) Abstract (小三号, Times New Roman, 加粗)………………………………………………………….....................................................1.............1 1. Introduction (小三号, Times New Roman, 加粗).................................................................................................................................................1..............1 2. The symbolic meanings of colors (2)2.1 White — the symbol of Tess ’ purity, innocence and vulnerability (四号)………….2.22.2 Black — the symbol of death, evil and threatening force(破折号以“—”为规范)...3 2.3 Red — the vigor and life in Tess and outside force crushing her ………………………….4 .4 3. The symbolic meanings of objects (6)3.1 Rose and Strawberry foreshadowing Tess ’ early ruin......................................................................................................6 3.2 Lords and Ladies indicating Tess ’ future predicament .........................................................................7 (7)3.3 The horse — the incarnation of Tess…………………………......………………………………......………………......………………............7 ............7 3.4 The bird — the reflection of Tess mental states and physical condition......8 4. The symbolic meanings of places ……………………………………………………………………………….........……....……………….9.94.1 The V ale of Blakemore showing sadness of Tess’ fate ………….........………………………............………………………..9 ..9 4.2 The V ale of Froom — the place where the beautiful tale is broken….…......10 4.3 Flintcomb-Ash — Tess reaching her lowest point of life…………….........10 4.4 Sandbourne — Alec ’s physical death and Tess ’ spiritual death …………………………..................11 ...11 4.5 Stonehenge — the place of sacrifice ........................................................................................................12.. (12)5. Conclusion ………………………………..…… ………………………………………………………………………….........………………………………………………………..12..12Acknowledgements (小三号, Times New Roman, 加粗)……………………………………..…………………………..........15..........15 简析《德伯家的苔丝》中意象的象征中文摘要、关键词………………………………..……………….........……………………………………………….16.16 (题目小四号宋体中文摘要、关键词五号,不空格;“……”及页面小四号Times New Roman,不加粗。



英语作文目录模板Table of Contents。

1. Introduction。

2. Importance of a Table of Contents。

3. Elements of a Table of Contents。

4. How to Create a Table of Contents。

5. Tips for Creating an Effective Table of Contents。

6. Conclusion。


A table of contents is a crucial component of any document, whether it is a book, report, or research paper. It provides a roadmap for the reader, allowing them to quickly locate specific sections and navigate through the document with ease. In this article, we will explore the importance of a table of contents, the key elements it should include, and how to create an effective one.Importance of a Table of Contents。

A table of contents serves several important purposes. First and foremost, it helps the reader to quickly find the information they are looking for within a document. This is especially useful in lengthy documents, where locating specific sections can be time-consuming without a table of contents.Additionally, a table of contents provides a high-level overview of the document's structure and organization. This can be particularly helpful for readers who want to understand the scope of the document before diving into the details.Furthermore, a well-structured table of contents can enhance the overall professionalism and readability of a document. It shows that the author has taken the time to organize their work in a clear and logical manner, which can make a positive impression on the reader.Elements of a Table of Contents。



Abstract:This thesis explores the dynamics of [Your Focus Area] in [Target Language Literature], aiming to analyze the representation, themes, and stylistic elements that contribute to the understanding of this area. By examining a range of texts from [Time Period], this study seeks to provide insights into the evolution and significance of [Your Focus Area] within the context of [Target Language Literature]. The methodology employed involves a close textual analysis, drawing on critical theories and interdisciplinary approaches to offer a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.Table of Contents:1. Introduction2. Literature Review1.1 Historical Context of [Target Language Literature]1.2 Theoretical Frameworks1.2.1 Semiotics1.2.2 Feminist Theory1.2.3 Postcolonial Theory1.3 Existing Research on [Your Focus Area]3. Methodology3.1 Selection of Texts3.2 Analytical Approach3.2.1 Close Reading3.2.2 Genre Analysis3.2.3 Stylistic Analysis4. Analysis4.1 Text 1: [Title]4.1.1 Representation of [Your Focus Area]4.1.2 Themes and Motifs4.1.3 Stylistic Elements4.2 Text 2: [Title]4.2.1 Representation of [Your Focus Area]4.2.2 Themes and Motifs4.2.3 Stylistic Elements4.3 Text 3: [Title]4.3.1 Representation of [Your Focus Area]4.3.2 Themes and Motifs4.3.3 Stylistic Elements5. Discussion5.1 Comparison of Texts5.2 Evolution of [Your Focus Area] in [Target Language Literature]5.3 Contribution of Critical Theories to the Analysis6. Conclusion7. References1. IntroductionThe introduction sets the stage for the study by presenting the research question, the significance of the topic, and the objectives of the thesis. It also provides a brief overview of the structure of the thesis.2. Literature ReviewThis section reviews the existing literature on [Target Language Literature] and [Your Focus Area]. It discusses the historical context, theoretical frameworks, and previous research that have contributed to the understanding of the subject matter.3. MethodologyThis section outlines the research design, including the selection of texts, the analytical approach, and the methodologies used for data collection and analysis.3.1 Selection of TextsHere, you detail the criteria for selecting the texts under analysis, including authors, time period, genre, and thematic relevance.3.2 Analytical ApproachThis subsection explains the methods employed for analyzing the texts, such as close reading, genre analysis, and stylistic analysis.4. AnalysisThis is the core of the thesis, where you present a detailed analysis of each selected text. For each text, you should:- Discuss the representation of [Your Focus Area] within the text.- Identify and analyze themes and motifs that emerge from the text.- Examine the stylistic elements that contribute to the text's effectiveness in conveying the subject matter.4.1 Text 1: [Title]- Representation of [Your Focus Area]- Themes and Motifs- Stylistic ElementsRepeat this structure for each of the selected texts.5. DiscussionIn this section, you compare the findings from the analysis of the texts. You discuss the evolution of [Your Focus Area] in [Target Language Literature] and the contribution of critical theories to your analysis.6. ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the main findings of the thesis, reiteratesthe significance of the research, and suggests potential areas forfurther study.7. ReferencesThis section lists all the sources cited in the thesis, formatted according to the appropriate citation style.---Please note that this is a template and should be customized to fit the specific requirements of your thesis topic, academic institution, and chosen texts. The word count of 2000 words is a minimum and can vary depending on the depth of analysis and the number of texts under consideration.。



Abstract:This thesis explores the evolving landscape of English language teaching and learning in the context of the 21st century. It examines the impact of technological advancements, globalization, and cultural diversity on the field, and proposes innovative strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of English language education. The paper is structuredinto five chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of English language teaching and learning.Table of Contents:1. Introduction2. Literature Review3. Theoretical Framework4. Methodology5. Results and Discussion6. Conclusion7. Recommendations for Practice8. ReferencesChapter 1: Introduction1.1 Background of the Study- Brief history of English language teaching- Current trends and challenges in the field1.2 Rationale for the Study- Importance of effective English language education- The need for innovation in teaching methods1.3 Objectives of the Study- To investigate the impact of technology on English language teaching and learning- To analyze the role of globalization in shaping English language education- To explore the challenges of cultural diversity in the classroom1.4 Scope of the Study- Focus on English language teaching and learning in the 21st century- Emphasis on the global perspective1.5 Research Questions- How has technology influenced English language teaching and learning?- What is the role of globalization in shaping English language education?- What challenges do teachers face in managing cultural diversity in the classroom?Chapter 2: Literature Review2.1 Historical Perspective- Evolution of English language teaching methodologies- Key theories and approaches in English language pedagogy2.2 Technological Integration- The role of technology in language learning- Case studies of technology-assisted language learning (TALL)2.3 Globalization and English Language Education- The spread of English as a global lingua franca- Impact of globalization on language teaching and learning2.4 Cultural Diversity in the Classroom- The challenge of cultural differences in language learning- Strategies for promoting cultural sensitivity and inclusivity2.5 Current Trends and Challenges- Emerging issues in English language education- The future of English language teaching and learningChapter 3: Theoretical Framework3.1 Theoretical Foundations- Language acquisition theories- Sociocultural theories of learning3.2 Pedagogical Approaches- Communicative language teaching (CLT)- Task-based language teaching (TBLT)3.3 Technological Tools- Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in language learning- Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in language education3.4 Cultural Competence- Definition and importance of cultural competence- Strategies for developing cultural competence in language learnersChapter 4: Methodology4.1 Research Design- Qualitative and quantitative research methods- Mixed-methods approach4.2 Data Collection- Surveys and questionnaires- Interviews- Classroom observations4.3 Data Analysis- Content analysis- Statistical analysis4.4 Ethical Considerations- Informed consent- Confidentiality and privacyChapter 5: Results and Discussion5.1 Analysis of Survey Data- Teachers’ perceptions of technology in language teaching- Students’ experiences with technology-assisted language learning 5.2 Interviews with Teachers- Challenges faced by teachers in integrating technology- Strategies for managing cultural diversity5.3 Classroom Observations- Examples of effective technology integration in language classes - Strategies for promoting cultural sensitivity5.4 Discussion- Interpreting the results in the context of existing literature- Identifying patterns and trends in the dataChapter 6: Conclusion6.1 Summary of Findings- Key insights from the study- Relevance to the field of English language teaching and learning 6.2 Limitations of the Study- Methodological limitations- Scope limitations6.3 Implications for Future Research- Suggestions for further investigation- Areas for future explorationChapter 7: Recommendations for Practice7.1 Recommendations for Teachers- Strategies for integrating technology into language teaching- Approaches for managing cultural diversity in the classroom7.2 Recommendations for Policy Makers- The need for infrastructure development- Importance of professional development for teachers7.3 Recommendations for Language Learners- Tips for effective language learning- The importance of cultural awarenessChapter 8: References[Include a comprehensive list of all the sources cited in the thesis, formatted according to the chosen citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).]Appendices[Optional appendices containing additional materials such as survey instruments, interview transcripts, and detailed data analysis.]Note: This template provides a general structure for an English professional graduate thesis. The actual content and depth of each section will vary based on the specific research questions, methodology, and theoretical framework chosen by the researcher.。



英语毕业论文目录英语毕业论文目录一、引言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的1.3 研究方法二、文献综述2.1 英语教育的历史发展2.1.1 英语教育的起源2.1.2 英语教育的发展阶段2.2 外语教学方法的演变2.2.1 语法-翻译法2.2.2 词汇-语法法2.2.3 听说读写综合法2.2.4 交际法2.2.5 情境教学法2.3 英语母语化教学的理论基础2.3.1 母语化教学的概念与特点2.3.2 母语化教学的理论依据三、英语母语化教学的实施3.1 母语化教学的教学策略3.1.1 创设真实情境3.1.2 培养学生的英语思维 3.1.3 引导学生进行英语交流 3.2 母语化教学的教学资源3.2.1 多媒体教学资源3.2.2 在线学习平台3.2.3 语言实践活动3.3 母语化教学的评价方法3.3.1 任务型评价3.3.2 综合评价3.3.3 口语评价四、英语母语化教学的效果评估4.1 学生英语能力的提升4.1.1 听力能力的提高4.1.2 口语表达能力的提升 4.1.3 阅读理解能力的提升 4.1.4 写作能力的提高4.2 学生学习动机的改变4.2.1 学习兴趣的增加4.2.2 学习积极性的提高4.3 学生学习策略的转变4.3.1 学习目标的明确化4.3.2 学习方法的灵活运用五、英语母语化教学的问题与挑战5.1 学生学习负担的增加5.2 教师专业素养的要求5.3 教学资源的不足5.4 学生英语学习环境的限制六、结论6.1 英语母语化教学的优势6.2 英语母语化教学的局限性6.3 对未来英语教育的启示七、参考文献八、致谢以上是一份关于英语毕业论文目录的示例。






Abstract:This paper explores the profound impact of [Your Chosen Topic] on [Your Chosen Field] in the context of the digital age. Through a comprehensive literature review and empirical analysis, it aims to understand the evolving dynamics and challenges that arise from the integration of [Your Chosen Topic] with digital technologies. The study concludes with recommendations for future research and practical implications for the field.Table of Contents:1. Introduction2. Literature Review1.1 Historical Context1.2 Theoretical Framework1.3 Previous Research Findings3. Methodology3.1 Research Design3.2 Data Collection3.3 Data Analysis4. Results4.1 Descriptive Analysis4.2 Correlational Analysis4.3 Comparative Analysis5. Discussion5.1 Interpretation of Results5.2 Implications for [Your Chosen Field]5.3 Limitations of the Study6. Conclusion7. Recommendations for Future Research8. References1. IntroductionThe rapid advancements in technology have revolutionized various aspects of human life, including [Your Chosen Field]. This paper focuses on the impact of [Your Chosen Topic] on [Your Chosen Field], examining how the integration of digital technologies has transformed traditional practices, methodologies, and outcomes. The introduction provides abrief overview of the research question, the significance of the study, and the structure of the paper.2. Literature Review2.1 Historical ContextThis section discusses the historical development of [Your Chosen Topic] and its relevance to [Your Chosen Field]. It highlights key milestones, major figures, and significant events that have shaped the field.2.2 Theoretical FrameworkThe theoretical framework establishes the conceptual basis for the study. It includes relevant theories, models, and concepts that are used to analyze the impact of [Your Chosen Topic] on [Your Chosen Field].2.3 Previous Research FindingsThis section reviews the existing literature on the topic, summarizing the findings of previous studies and identifying any gaps in theresearch that this study aims to address.3. Methodology3.1 Research DesignThe research design outlines the approach used to investigate the impact of [Your Chosen Topic] on [Your Chosen Field]. It includes the research question, hypotheses, and the overall strategy for data collection and analysis.3.2 Data CollectionThis section describes the methods used to collect data for the study. It includes both quantitative and qualitative approaches, such as surveys, interviews, and content analysis.3.3 Data AnalysisThe data analysis section explains the techniques employed to analyze the collected data. It includes statistical methods for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data.4. Results4.1 Descriptive AnalysisThis section presents the descriptive statistics of the collected data, providing an overview of the sample characteristics and the distribution of variables.4.2 Correlational AnalysisThe correlational analysis examines the relationships between the variables in the study, identifying any patterns or trends that may exist.4.3 Comparative AnalysisThis section compares the findings of the current study with those of previous research, highlighting similarities and differences.5. Discussion5.1 Interpretation of ResultsThis section interprets the findings of the study, providing insights into the impact of [Your Chosen Topic] on [Your Chosen Field]. It also discusses the implications of the findings for theory and practice.5.2 Implications for [Your Chosen Field]This part of the discussion focuses on the practical implications of the study for professionals working in [Your Chosen Field]. It offers recommendations for improving practices, policies, and strategies.5.3 Limitations of the StudyThis section acknowledges the limitations of the study, including sample size, data collection methods, and potential biases.6. ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes the key findings of the study, reiterating the significance of the research and its contributions to the field. It also highlights the limitations and suggests areas for future research.7. Recommendations for Future ResearchThis section offers suggestions for future research, emphasizing the need for further investigation into specific aspects of the impact of [Your Chosen Topic] on [Your Chosen Field].8. ReferencesThe references list includes all the sources cited in the paper, formatted according to the chosen citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).---This template provides a structured outline for a typical English undergraduate thesis or dissertation. It is essential to adapt the content to your specific research topic and field. Remember to include relevant data, analysis, and discussions that are directly related to your research question. Good luck with your study!。



毕业论文英文目录Graduation Thesis: English Table of ContentsIntroduction- Background and significance of the research topic- Research objectives and research questions- Methodology and research designChapter 1: Literature Review- Overview of the existing literature on the research topic- Key theories and concepts related to the research- Gaps and limitations in the current literatureChapter 2: Research Methodology- Research approach and research design- Data collection methods and sources- Sampling techniques and sample size determination- Data analysis techniques and toolsChapter 3: Data Analysis and Findings- Presentation and analysis of collected data- Interpretation of findings based on research objectives- Comparison and discussion of findings with existing literature Chapter 4: Discussion and Interpretation- Synthesis and integration of findings from previous chapters - Discussion of implications and significance of research findings- Identification of limitations and suggestions for future researchChapter 5: Conclusion- Summary of research objectives and key findings- Contribution of the research to the field- Recommendations for practitioners and policymakersReferences- List of all sources cited in the thesis, following a specific citation style Appendices- Supplementary materials such as interview transcripts, survey questionnaires, etc.Acknowledgments- Expression of gratitude towards individuals or organizations that have provided support and assistance during the research processAbstract- Brief summary of the research topic, objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions, usually around 200-300 wordsNote: The above table of contents is just a general guideline and can be customized according to the specific requirements of the graduation thesis. It is important to consult with the thesis advisor or department guidelines for any specific formatting or content requirements.。



英语毕业论文目录模板英语毕业论文目录模板引言背景介绍研究问题目的与意义方法论结构概述第一章:文献综述1.1 相关概念的定义1.2 国内外研究现状1.3 研究的空白与不足1.4 研究的创新点第二章:研究框架与理论基础2.1 研究框架的构建2.2 相关理论的介绍与分析2.3 研究假设的提出与解释第三章:研究方法与数据收集3.1 研究方法的选择与理由3.2 数据来源与收集方式3.3 数据处理与分析方法第四章:研究结果与分析4.1 数据描述与整理4.2 研究结果的呈现与解读4.3 结果的可靠性与有效性分析第五章:讨论与启示5.1 结果的解释与讨论5.2 结果与理论的关联性5.3 研究启示与应用前景第六章:结论与展望6.1 研究结论的总结6.2 研究限制与改进方向6.3 后续研究的建议与展望参考文献附录引言:在引言部分,首先介绍研究的背景,包括相关领域的现状和问题。



















英语作文本目录制作模板英文回答:Table of Contents。

1. Introduction。

2. Chapter 1: The Importance of a Thesis Statement。

3. Chapter 2: Developing a Thesis Statement。

4. Chapter 3: The Structure of a Thesis Statement。

5. Chapter 4: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Thesis Statement。

6. Chapter 5: Practice Writing Thesis Statements。

7. Conclusion。

Chapter 1: The Importance of a Thesis Statement。

A thesis statement is the central claim or argument of an essay. It is the main point that the writer wants to prove or support. A strong thesis statement is essential for a successful essay because it provides a clear and concise roadmap for the reader. It tells the reader what the essay is about and what the writer's main argument is.Chapter 2: Developing a Thesis Statement。

The first step in writing a thesis statement is to identify the topic of your essay. Once you know what you are writing about, you can start to develop a thesis statement. A good thesis statement is specific, arguable, and supported by evidence.Chapter 3: The Structure of a Thesis Statement。



英语毕业论文的目录应该怎么写?一、引言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的与意义1.3 研究方法与内容二、文献综述2.1 国内外研究现状2.2 相关理论探讨2.3 研究范围与限制三、实证分析3.1 数据来源与样本选择3.2 数据分析方法3.3 实证结果与数据讨论四、结论与启示4.1 研究结论4.2 实践应用与发展趋势4.3 研究不足与展望五、参考文献六、附录6.1 研究工具6.2 实证数据6.3 图表详解七、致谢以上是一个典型的英语毕业论文的目录格式。











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Contents(times new roman 三号)Abstract in Chinese (I)
A b s t r a c t i n English (II)
Introduction…………………………………………………………….……. 1 C h a p e r1.F u n c t i o n a l
g r a m m a r (4)
1.1E x p e r i e n t i a l m e t a f u n c t i o n (5)
1.2I n t e r p e r s o n a l m e t a f u n c t i o n (5)
1.3 Textual metafuncton (6)
Chapter2. The experiential metafunction of company o v e r v i e w (7)
2.1 Analyze company overview from the perspective of t r a n s i t i v i t y (7)
2.1.1 Transitivity (7)
2.1.2 A statistic analysis of the processes used in the company
2.1. 3 S u m m a r y (13)
2.2 Analyze company overview from the perspective of v o i c e….……1 6
2.2.1 Voice (16)
2.2.2 A statistic analysis of voice used in the company o v e r v i e w s…1 6
2.2.3 Summary (19)
Chaper3. The interpersonal metafunction of compa ny o v e r v i e w (20)
3.1 Analyze company overview from the perspective of m o o d (20)
3.1. 1 M o o d (20)
3.1.2 A statistic analysis of voice used in the company o v e r v i e w s (20)
3.1. 3 S u m m a r y (24)
3. 2 Modality (26)
C h a p e r4.T h e t e x t u a l m e t a f u n c t i o n o f c o m p a n y o v e r v i e w (27)
4.1 Analyze company overview from the perspective of t h e m e (27)
4.1. 1 Th e me (27)
4.1.2 A statistic analysis of theme-rheme patterns used in the
4.1. 3 Summary (34)
4.2 Analyze company overview from the perspective of
c o h e s i o n………3 4
4.2. 1 Cohesion (35)
4.2.2 A statistic analysis of cohesive devices used in the
4.2.3 Summary………………………………………..………………
38 Conclusion……………………………………………….….………………
39 References (42)
Ap pe n di x (43)
4 5
(times new roman 小四)

