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外国语学院 英语应用文写作
Translate the following letters of thanks into Chinese.
Dear Mr.Sung, My Colleagues and l would like to thank you very much indeed for the most enjoyable and interesting evening we spent with you last Wednesday. Your friendly reception was much appreciated by all of us and should you ever be able to find time to visit us in Scotland,we would welcome the opportunity of reciprocating your kind hospitality. Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr.Wang, It was very nice of you indeed to ask me,and the other members of our Association,to your party last Tuesday,which everyone enjoyed very much. I do think that such parties are of assistance in enhancing the friendship between us and in giving to people in this country some knowledge of the New China which they cannot easily get in other ways. Again With many thanks,
外国语学院 英语应用文写作
• 1) 亲爱的凯特: • 非常感谢你昨天送给我的英汉词典。你总是那么体贴入微、 考虑周全地爱护我、关心我。你知道,很长一段时间以来, 我一直需要也想要这样一本词典。今年假期我要参加一个高 级英语补习班,我在尽一切可能攒钱买这本昂贵的新版词典。 亲爱的凯特,你的礼物来得正是时候,每当我用到这本字典 时,我都将怀着挚爱与感激想到你。 • 真诚的朋友 • 莉莉 • 2) 布莱克先生: • 上星期一晚能有机会同您共进晚餐,我实在感到高兴。晚 餐非常丰盛,但更使我高兴的是能与你们在一起度过了这个 夜晚。 • 感谢您给予我的款待。
Thank-you Cards
“The most thoughtful people are thought about the most.”
With warmest thanks.
Thank-you Cards
You were very kind and thoughtful, And this card can only start To express the very warmest thanks Coming from my heart.
外国语学院 英语应用文写作
Dear Mr.Black, I did so much enjoy the opportunity of dining with you last Monday evening.It was an excellent dinner but above all I appreciated being able to spend the evening in your company. Thank you for the pleasure you gave me. Yours sincerely,
Translate the following thank-you notes into English.
Dear Kite, Thank you very much for the English-Chinese dictionary you sent me yesterday. It’s always so considerate and thoughtful of you to show me such love and concern. As you know, I’ve been needing, and wanting a dictionary like that for a long time. I’ll take an advanced English course during the vacation, and I’ve been saving everything I earn for this expensive new edition. Dear Kite, your gift comes on time and in time. I will think of you with affection and gratitude every time I use it. Yours Sincerely,
Thank you very much. Your thoughtfulness mean a lot. David Kelly
Key to practice
Practice 2 :
非常感谢 你赠送的美丽鲜花 你用最美的礼物 带给我欢乐 李红
Thanks a lot for Your beautiful flowers. You have the nicest way of brightening up the day. Li Hong
Practice 1 : 深深地感谢你 你的关怀无法言表 大卫.凯利
Practice 2 :
非常感谢 你赠送的美丽鲜花 你用最美的礼物 带给我欢乐 李红
外国语学院 英语应用文写作
Key to practice
Practice 1 : 深深地感谢你 你的关怀无法言表 大卫.凯利
Unit 4 Social Letters
Thank-you & Cards
Cultural note:
15周年 20周年 25周年 30周年 35周年 40周年 45周Fra Baidu bibliotek 50周年 75周年 水晶婚 瓷婚 银婚 珍珠婚 珊瑚婚 红宝石婚 蓝宝石婚 金婚 钻石婚 Crystal wedding China wedding Silver wedding Pearls wedding Coral wedding Ruby wedding Sapphire wedding Golden wedding Diamond wedding