
一、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Y系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点YT-1180N/P 0 -30m0.5ms以下 DC10-30V(±10%)20mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP 67对射式M18螺纹和方形支架两种安装方式,便于安装长距离距离限定式检测,不受背影干扰YR-140N/P 0.05-3.5m30mA以下镜反射式YD-15N/P 0-400mm 漫反射式YD-L2N/P 0-43mm 距离限定式YD-L1N/P 0-16mm 距离限定式YR-Q39N/P 0.15-1m 透明体检测型BGS-Y8N/P 0-200mm 背景抑制型●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Y系列型号:YT-1180N YT-1180PYR-140N YR-140P YD-15N YD-15P YD-L2NP YD-L2P YD-L1N YD-L1P YR-Q39N YR-Q39P BGS-Y8N BGS-Y8P二、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器E系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点ET-500N/P 0-500mm0.5ms以下 DC12-24V(±10%)16mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP 67对射式超薄设计,厚度仅为3.5mm超薄对射型长距离检测独有的2m电缆自带M8接头重约20gET-S500N/P 0-500mmED-100N/P 0-100mm20mA以下漫反射式ED-S30N/P 0-30mmEL-30N/P 5-30mm距离限定式EL-15N/P 2-15mm●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器E系列型号:ET-500N ET-500PET-S500N ET-S500P ED-100N ED-100P ED-S30N ED-S30P EL-30N EL-30P EL-15N EL-15P三、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器C系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点CTD-1500N/P 0-15m1.5ms以下 DC10-30V(±10%)40mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP 66对射式金属外壳可检测透明体M18mm安装螺纹重约40gCRD-300N/P 0.05-3mm30mA以下镜反射式CDD-11N/P 0-110mm漫反射式CDD-40N/P 0-400mm●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器C系列型号:CTD-1500NCTD-1500P CRD-300N CRD-300P CDD-11N CDD-11P CDD-40N CDD-40P四、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX光电传感器J系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点JT-S/H1000N/P 0-10m0.5 ms以下DC10-30V(±10%) 20mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP 67对射式内部树脂填充构造,超强的耐水、防油保护超小物体稳定检测(Φ2mm@100mm)超强的抗干扰性JR-S/H300N/P 0-3m 镜反射式JD-S/HR80N/P 0-800mm漫反射式JD-S/HW80N/P 0-80mmJD-S/HL03N/P 20-50mm 距离限定式JR-S/HQ50N/PW 20-500mm 2.5ms/0.5ms 40mA以下透明体检测型●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器J系列型号:JT-S1000N JT-S1000P JT- H1000NJT-H1000P JR-S300N JR-S300P JR-H300N JR-H300P JD-SR80N JD-SR80P JD-HR80NJD-HR80P JD-SW80N JD-SW80P JD-HW80N JD-HW80P JD-SL03N JD-SL03P JD-HL03N JD-HL03P JR-SQ50NWJR-SQ50PW JR-HQ50NW JR-HQ50PW五、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器J2系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点J2D-S/H10N/P 5-100mm0.5 ms以下 DC10-30V(±10%) 40mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP 67漫反射式内部树脂填充构造,超强的耐水、防油保护超小物体稳定检测(Φ2mm@100mm)J2D-S/H100N/P 0-1mJ2D-S/H70N/P 0-700mmBGS-S/H15N/P 50-150mm 2.5ms以下45mA以下背景抑制型●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器J2系列型号:J2D-S10N J2D-S10P J2D-H10NJ2D-H10P J2D-S100N J2D-S100P J2D-H100N J2D-H100P J2D-S70N J2D-S70P J2D-H70N J2D-H70P BGS-S15NBGS-S15P BGS-H15N BGS-H15P六、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器J3系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点J3M-GS/H01N/P 8-12mm0.2 ms以下DC10-30V(±10%)40mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP 67漫反射式内部树脂填充构造,超强的耐水、防油保护超强的抗干扰性J3R-S/H100N/P 0.03-1m 镜反射式BGS-3JS/H05N/P 15-50mm 0.7 ms以下背景抑制型●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器J3系列型号:J3M-GS01NJ3M-GS01P J3M-GH01N J3M-GH01P J3R-S100N J3R-S100P J3R-H100N J3R-H100PBGS-3JS05N BGS-3JS05P BGS-3JH05N BGS-3JH05P七、奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器K 系列 型号检测距离响应时间 电源电压电流消耗 控制输出 防护等级 检测方式显著特点KT-700N/P 0-7m 1 ms 以下DC10-30V (±10%)35mA 以下NPN 或PNP 输出型号选择IP 67 对射式金属外壳超强防震、抗静电、抗磁场干扰 采用高亮度LED ,超强抗光性 约重25gKR-250N/P 0-2.5m 0.7 ms 以下30mA 以下镜反射式KD-40N/P 0-400mm 漫反射式 KD-L09N/P 10-90mm 距离限定式 KR-Q300N/PW 0-2.5m 透明体检测型 KR-Q150N/PW 0-1.5m 透明体检测型 KR-Q50N/P (W ) 10-500mm透明体检测型●奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器K 系列型号:KT-700N KT-700PKR-250N KR-250P KD-40N KD-40P KD-L09N KD-L09P KR-Q300NW KR-Q300PW KR-Q150NW KR-Q150PW KR-Q50N KR-Q50NW KR-Q50P KR-Q50W八、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX 普通光电传感器BGS-Z 系列 型号 检测距离 响应时间 电源电压电流消耗 控制输出 防护等级检测方式显著特点BGS-Z10N/P 5-100mm 0.5 ms 以下 DC10-30V (±10%)30mA以下NPN 或PNPIP 67 背景抑制型 达到0.25msBGS-Z30N/P 10-300mm●奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器BGS-Z 系列型号:BGS-Z10N BGS-Z10P BGS-Z30N BGS-Z30P九、奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器D 系列 型号 检测距离 响应时间 电源电压 电流消耗 控制输出防护等级 检测方式 显著特点DT-4000N/P 0-40m 0.5 ms 以下DC10-30V(±10%)30mA以下NPN 或PNP 输出型号选择IP 67对射式同轴激光光源,安装更方便,定位更精确数位显示,操作更方便具有自动感度调整 约20gDR-500N/P 0-4.5m 镜反射式 DR-Q150TN/P 0-1.5m 0.7 ms 以下 透明体检测型DR-Q400TN/P 0-4m BGS-DL10TN/P 40-100mm 1.5 ms 以下 35mA 以下背景抑制型 BGS-DL25TN/P 100-250mm●奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器D 系列型号:DT-4000N DT-4000PDR-500N DR-500P DR-Q150TN DR-Q150TP DR-Q400TN DR-Q400TP BGS-DL10TN BGS-DL10TP BGS-DL25TN BGS-DL25TP十、奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器V 系列 型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出 防护等级 检测方式显著特点VT-4000(T ) 0-40m 20 ms 以下 DC12-240V 或AC24-240V (±10%)5VA继电器输出IP 67对射式 红色LED 实现,长距离检出 自由选择供给电源 继电器输出或晶体管输出自由选择VR-1000(T ) 0-10m 镜反射式 VD-130(T ) 0-1.3m 漫反射式 VD-300(T ) 0-3m VT-3000N/P 0-30m 1.5 ms 以下DC10-30V (±10%)35mA 以下NPN 或PNP 输出型号选择对射式 VR-800N/P 0-8m 镜反射式 VD-100N/P 0-1m 漫反射式VD-250N/P 0-2.5m●奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器V 系列型号:VT-4000 VT-4000TVR-1000 VR-1000T VD-130 VD-130T VD-300 VD-300T VT-3000N VT-3000P VR-800N VR-800P VD-100N VD-100P VD-250N VD-250P十一、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX 普通光电传感器V2系列 型号检测距离响应时间 电源电压电流消耗控制 输出防护等级 检测方式 显著特点V2T-2000-3A 0-20m 15 ms 以下 DC12-240V 或AC24-240V (±10%)5VA继电器输出IP 67对射式 红色LED 实现,长距离检出 自由选择供给电源继电器输出或晶体管输出自由选择V2R-800-3A 0-8m 镜反射式BGS-V80 250-800mm 背景抑制型BGS-V50 150-500mm BGS-V30 100-300mm V2T-2000N/P 0-20m 1 ms 以下 DC10-30V (±10%)35mA 以下 NPN 或PNP 输出型号选择对射式V2R-800N/P 0-8m 0.7 ms 以下镜反射式 BGS-V80N/P 250-800mm 3 ms 以下 背景抑制型 BGS-V50N/P 150-500mm 2 ms 以下 BGS-V30N/P 100-300mm BGS-30N/P 100-300mm BGS-10N/P 40-100mm奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器V2系列型号:V2T-2000-3AV2R-800-3A BGS-V80 BGS-V50 BGS-V30 V2T-2000N V2T-2000P V2R-800N V2R-800P BGS-V80N BGS-V80P BGS-V50N BGS-V50P BGS-V30N BGS-V30P BGS-30N BGS-30P BGS-10N BGS-10P十二、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器V3/V4系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点V3T-4000 0-40m20ms以下DC12-240V或AC24-240V(±10%)对射式9.5VA;其他5VA继电器输出IP66对射式V3系列电缆式V3R-1000 0-10m 镜反射式V3D-130 0-1.3m 漫反射式V4T-4000 0-40m 对射式V4系列端子式V4R-1000 0-10m 镜反射式V4D-130 0-1.3m 漫反射式●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器V3/V4系列型号:V3T-4000V3R-1000 V3D-130V4T-4000 V4R-1000 V4D-130十三、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Z系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点ZT-1200N/P 0-12m0.5ms以下DC10-30V(±10%)20mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP67对射式0.5ms以下高速应答最新推出同轴镜面反射型,适应各方面的安装场合适应各种环境抗干扰能力强ZR-350N/P 0-3.5m 镜反射式ZD-70N/P 0-700mm 漫反射式ZD-W20N/P 1-200mm 宽角度漫反射式ZD-L09N/P 10-90mm 距离限定式ZR-Q2000N/P 0.01-2m 透明体检测型ZR-QX200N/P 0-2m 同轴透明体检测型ZR-X250N/P 0-2.5m 0.25ms以下同轴镜反射式●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Z系列型号:ZT-1200N ZT-1200PZR-350N ZR-350P ZD-70N ZD-70P ZD-W20N ZD-W20P ZD-L09N ZD-L09P ZR-Q2000N ZR-Q2000P ZR-QX200N ZR-QX200P ZR-X250N ZR-X250P十四、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX普通光电传感器ZL系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点ZT-L3000N/P 0-30m0.25ms以下DC10-30V(±10%)30mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP67对射式激光光源,光斑小体积小响应时间快,可达到0.25msZR-L1000N/P 0.08-10m 镜反射式ZD-L40N/P 0-400mm 漫反射式BGS-ZL30N/P 100-300mm背景抑制型BGS-ZL10N/P 5-100mm奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器ZL系列型号:ZT-L3000NZT-L3000P ZR-L1000N ZR-L1000P ZD-L40N ZD-L40P BGS-ZL30N BGS-ZL30P BGS-ZL10NBGS-ZL10P十五、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Z2系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点Z2T-2000N/P 0-25m0.5ms以下DC10-30V(±10%)15mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP67对射式0.5ms以下高速应答最新推出同轴镜面反射型Z2R-400N/P 0.01-4.4m 镜反射式Z2D-80N/P 0-1m 漫反射式奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Z2系列型号:Z2T-2000N Z2T-2000P Z2R-400NZ2R-400P Z2D-80N Z2D-80P十六、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Z-M系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点ZT-M3000N/P 0-30m0.5ms以下DC10-30V(±10%)15mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP69K对射式耐高温高水压适合生肉生鲜食品IP系数69KZR-M550N/P 0.01-5.5m18mA以下镜反射式ZD-M80N/P 0-800mm 漫反射式BGS-ZM10N/P 20-100mm28mA以下背景抑制型BGS-ZM30N/P 20-300mm●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器Z-M系列型号:ZT-M3000NZT-M3000P ZR-M550N ZR-M550P ZD-M80N ZD-M80P BGS-ZM10N BGS-ZM10P BGS-ZM30N BGS-ZM30P十七、奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器S 系列 型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级 检测方式 显著特点ST-400N/P 0-4m 0.5ms 以下DC10-30V (±10%)30mA 以下NPN 或PNP 输出型号选择IP67对射式 达到CE 标准的最小体积 0.5ms 以下高速应答重约5g SR-150N/P0-1.5m20mA 以下镜反射式SD-20N/P0-200mm漫反射式BGS-S08N/P 10-80mm背景抑制型 SR-Q50N/PW 10-500mm透明体检测型●奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器S 系列型号:ST-400N ST-400PSR-150N SR-150P SD-20N SD-20P BGS-S08N BGS-S08P SR-Q50N SR-Q50PW十八、奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器C2系列 型号 检测距离 响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出 防护等级检测方式 显著特点 C2TP-2000N/P 0-20m 0.5ms 以下DC10-30V (±10%)20mA 以下 NPN 或PNP输出型号选择IP67对射式 塑料外壳 可检测透明体M18mm 安装螺纹重约40g C2RP-F400N/P 0.01-4m 镜反射式C2RP-350N/P 0.01-3.5m C2DP-11N/P 0-110mm 漫反射式 C2DP-40N/P 0-400mm C2DP-80N/P 0-800mm C2TM-2000N/P 0-20m 对射式 金属外壳 可检测透明体M18mm 安装螺纹重约40gC2RM-F400N/P 0.01-4m 镜反射式C2RM-350N/P 0.01-3.5m C2DM-11N/P 0-110m 漫反射式 C2DM-40N/P 0-400mm C2DM-80N/P 0-800mm奥普士OPTEX 普通光电传感器C2系列型号:C2TP-2000N C2TP-2000PC2RP-F400N C2RP-F400P C2RP-350N C2RP-350P C2DP-11N C2DP-11P C2DP-40N C2DP-40P C2DP-80N C2DP-80P C2TM-2000N C2TM-2000P C2RM-F400N C2RM-F400P C2RM-350N C2RM-350P C2DM-11N C2DM-11P C2DM-40N C2DM-40P C2DM-80N C2DM-80P十九、奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器S2系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点S2T-1200N/P 0-12m1.5ms以下DC10-30V(±10%)20mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP67对射式实现小体积长距离检出0.5ms以下高速应答防水构造重约5gS2R-350N/P 0.01-3.5m 镜反射式S2D-80N/P 0-800mm 漫反射式BGS-2S15N/P 25-150mm30mA以下背景抑制型BGS-2S30N/P 25-300mm●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器S2系列型号:S2T-1200N S2T-1200P S2R-350NS2R-350P S2D-80N S2D-80P BGS-2S15N BGS-2S15P BGS-2S30N BGS-2S30P二十、奥普士OPTEX光电传感器V2new系列型号检测距离响应时间电源电压电流消耗控制输出防护等级检测方式显著特点V2T-7000DN/P 0-70m 1ms以下晶体管DC10-30V(±10%)35mA以下NPN或PNP输出型号选择IP67对射式红色LED实现长距离检出自由选择供给电源继电器输出或晶体管输出自由选择V2R-1500DN/P 0-15m 0.7ms以下镜反射式BGS-2V30N/P 10-30mm2ms以下背景抑制型BGS-2V50N/P 15-50mmBGS-2V100N/P 30-100mmV2T-7000(H)0-70m 1ms以下DC12-240V或AC24-240V (±10%)对射式9.5VA;其他5VA继电器输出对射式V2R-1500(H)0-15m 0.7ms以下镜反射式BGS-2V30(H)10-30mm2ms以下背景抑制型BGS-2V50(H)15-50mmBGS-2V100(H)30-100mm●奥普士OPTEX普通光电传感器V2new系列型号:V2T-7000DN V2T-7000DPV2R-1500DN V2R-1500DP BGS-2V30N BGS-2V30P BGS-2V50N BGS-2V50P BGS-2V100N BGS-2V100P V2T-7000 V2T-7000H V2R-1500 V2R-1500H BGS-2V30 BGS-2V30H BGS-2V50 BGS-2V50H BGS-2V100 BGS-2V100H二十一、奥普士OPTEX 位移传感器CD5系列 型号 检测距离测量范围电源电压电流消耗光源防护等级检测方式 显著特点CD5-L25 25mm ±1mmDC12-240V (±10%)或来自控制器红色激光二极管IP 67镜面反射高灵敏度的线性图像传感器 低象差镜头 高速处理单元 宽光点型 预防串扰 3个传感器的多重运算 CD5-LW25 CD5-30 30mm±5mm漫反射 CD5-W30 CD5-85 85mm ±20mm CD5-W85 CD5-W350 350mm ±100mm CD5-W500 500mm ±200mm CD5-W2000 2000mm ±500mm CD5A-N350mA/24VIP 20CD5A-P奥普士OPTEX 位移传感器CD5系列型号:CD5-L25 CD5-LW25 CD5-30 CD5-W30 CD5-85 CD5-W85 CD5-W350 CD5-W500 CD5-W2000 CD5A-N CD5A-P二十二、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX 位移传感器CD4/CD1/CD3/CD33系列 型号 测量范围 线性精度电源电压分辨率 最小光斑 显著特点CD4-L25(J) 25±1mm ±0.1%F.S.专用处理器供电0.1μm 约25×35μm不同反射程度的材质表面的稳定检测可见小光点激光光束 具备1个放大器2个传感器头稳定的红、黄、绿功能输出指示灯4个模拟量5个开关量输出 通过RS232与PC 连接可实时观测测量数据 CD4-L30(J) 30±5mm1μm约30×100μmCD4-L30(J)-3R CD4-L85(J) 85±20mm3μm约70×290μmCD4-L85(J)-3R CD4-L350(J) 350±100mm 40μm 约300×700μm CD4-L350(J)-3R CD4A-N DC12-24V (±10%)CD4A-P CD4A-LN CD4A-LP CD1-30N 30±4mm ±2%F.S. 3μm Φ0.5mm 采用PSD 感光元件,操作简单CD1-100N 100±35mm ±2%F.S. 50μm 1×1.5mm CD1-250N 250±150mm ±5%F.S. 500μm 1.5×3mm CD3-30N 30±4mm ±1%F.S. 4μm Φ0.5mm CCD 感光元件,可稳定检测黑色物体,带数字显面板 CD3-100N 100±40mm ±12%F.S.30μm 1×1.5mm CD3-250N 250±150mm±1.5%F.S.150μm1.5×3mm奥普士OPTEX 位移传传感器CD4系列型号:CD4-L25(J) CD4-L30(J) CD4-L30(J)-3R CD4-L85(J) CD4-L85(J)-3R CD4-L350(J)CD4-L350(J)-3R CD4A-N CD4A-P CD4A-LN CD4A-LP CD1-30N CD1-100N CD1-250N CD3-30N CD3-100N CD3-250N二十三、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX 位移传感器CD33系列 型号检测距离 测量范围 分辨率 线性度 检测方式检测项目 显著特点CD33-L30N-422 26.3±2mm 1μm 正反射型数字子像素处理 电压和电流输出易选型测量范围的2通道输出可独立设置 高分辨率电子快门 简易操作 CD33-L50N-422 47.3±5mm2.5μmCD33-L85N-42282.9±10mm 5μmCD33-30NV(PV) 30mm30±4mm4μm±0.1%F.S距离型PC 版的翘曲/下垂检测 CD33-30NA(PA) CD33-50NV(PV)50mm50±10mm8μm电路板上零件高度检测 CD33-50NA(PA)CD33-85NV(PV) 85mm85±20mm15μm橡胶板的联合处检测 CD33-85NA(PA) CD33-120NV(PV) 120mm120±60mm45μm橡胶板的松散检测CD33-120NA(PA)奥普士OPTEX 位移传感器CD33系列型号:CD33-L30N-422 CD33-L50N-422CD33-L85N-422 CD33-30NV CD33-30PV CD33-30NA CD33-30PA CD33-50NV CD33-50PV CD33-50NA CD33-50PA CD33-85NV CD33-85PV D33-85NA CD33-85PA CD33-120NV CD33-120PV D33-120NA CD33-120PA二十五、施克/奥普士SICK/OPTEX 色标传感器系列 型号 检测范围 检测方式 显著特点DM-18T 18+/-2mm 采用RGB 三色光源,颜色分辨更细致,而且三色光源可切换 J3M-GH01N 10+/-2mm 采用业界最小的高亮度绿色LED ,投光4阶段调整,安定检出 树脂充填设计,高防护等级,耐水抗油性强J3M-GS01N RT-1500 1.5m 对射型请根据检测要求,选择任意一种检测头与RSA 放大器搭配使用RT-F300 300mm RD-150 150mm 漫反射型RD-F50 50mm RS-20R 20+/-2mm RS-16G 16+/-1mm RM-16R 16+/-2mm RM-16G 16+/-1mm奥普士OPTEX 色标传感器系列型号:DM-18T J3M-GH01NJ3M-GS01N RT-1500 RT-F300 RD-150 RD-F50 RS20R RS-16G RM-16R RM-16G二十四、奥普士OPTEX 放大器分离型激光传感器系列 型号检测距离 光斑电源电压 指示灯防护等级 显著特点DSR-800Long 模式:0-8mStandard 模式:0-5mFast 模式:0-2m Φ2mm/距离2m激光发射指示灯:绿色LED 输出指示灯:橙色LEDIP67高精度8位数显同轴激光放大器分离型光电传感器可进行点、线、面的检测(光束可自行选择) 70M 超远距离检测 Φ1mm 的最小光点双信道独立输出,独立模拟量输出(4-20mA )放大器可扩展50PCS ,可省配线,还可与D2RF 、B2RF 连接以省配线 自带计数功能60μs 高速响应,延时可设定1ms-9sDSR-5000Long 模式:0.5-50mStandard 模式:0.3-35m Fast 模式:0.1-20m Φ2mm/距离2mDSD-100Long 模式:1m Standard 模式:0.7m Fast 模式:0.25mΦ1mm/距离1mDSTC-200 2mΦ2mm/距离2mIP50DSTC-200- M8 DSTA-200 2m 30*2.5mm/距离2m DSTA-200-M8D2SA-MNS DC12-24V (10%)激光发射指示灯:绿色 输出指示灯:橙色D2SA-MN D2SA-SN D2SA-MN3S D2SA-MNS-M8 D2SA-MN3S D2SA-MN3S-M8 D2SA-SN1 D2SA-SN-M8奥普士OPTEX 放大器分离型激光传感器系列型号:DSR-800DSR-5000 DSD-100 DSTC-200- M8 DSTA-200 DSTA-200-M8 D2SA-MNS D2SA-MN D2SA-SN D2SA-MN3S D2SA-MNS-M8 D2SA-MN3S D2SA-MN3S-M8 D2SA-SN1 D2SA-SN-M8二十六、奥普士OPTEX 放大器分离式光纤传感器系列 型号 控制输出电源电压光源消耗电流种类防护等级显著特点D2RF-TN 2CH 输出:CH1:NPN 或PNP 输出CH2:报警输出或外部输入DC12-24V (±10%)红色LED24V 时,45mA 以下单独型IP50双数显两种状态,八位数字对比显示 独立的两信道输出功能60μS 快速响应速度 功能强大的ASC/APC 自动调节功能,不受苛刻恶劣环境影响 多种检测模式适用于各种检测物D2RF-TCN4 D2RF-TMN 连接型主机D2RF-TMCN4 D2RF-TSN 连接型子机D2RF-TSCN4 D2GF-TN 绿色LED单独型D2GF-TCN4 D2GF-TMN 连接型主机D2GF-TMCN4 D2GF-TSN 连接型子机 D2GF-TSCN4 D2RF-TAN NPN 输出或PNP 输出 红色LED 单独型模拟量输出型 NF-DB01 最宽的显示屏 更简单的操作 更直观的辨认显示数值超远感应距离NF-DR01 NF-DH01 NF-TB01 NF-TR01 NF-TH01D3RF-TN NPN 输出DC12-24V (±10%)红色LED正常模式:DC24V 时,1信道输出36mA ,2信道输出39mA 省电模式: DC24V 时,1信道输出25mA ,2信道输出28mA个体式IP50 D3RF-TDN D3RF-TMN 分体式-主机 D3RF-TDMN D3RF-TSN 分体式-副机D3RF-TDSNVRF-N(P) NPN 或PNP 输出 DC10-30V (±10%)红色LED单独型:12V 时,25mA 以下 连接型: 12V 时, 35mA 以下标准型IP6610圈灵敏度调整,灵敏度更线性化 独特的光纤插入到位指引,设计更人性化 BIF 独特的水分检测功能VRF-CN(P) VRF-HN(P) 高速应答型 VRF-HCN(P) JRF-N(P) 防水型JRF-CN(P) BRF-N(P) 标准型 B2RF-N(P) BRF-CN(P)B2RF-CN(P) BRF-HN(P) 高速应答型B2RF-HN(P) BRF-CHN(P) B2RF-CHN(P) BGF-N(P) 绿色LED色标检测型 B2GF-N(P) BGF-CN(P) B2GF-CN(P) BIF-N(P) 红色LED水分检测型B2IF-N(P) BIF-CN(P) B2IF-CN(P) NF-DR06 NF-TS12 NF-DT01 NF-TS14 NF-DV01 NF-TY01 NF-TS24 NF-TH05S NF-TS22M NF-DC02奥普士OPTEX 放大器分离式光纤传感器系列型号:D2RF-TN D2RF-TCN4 D2RF-TMN D2RF-TMCN4 D2RF-TSN D2RF-TSCN4 D2GF-TN D2GF-TCN4 D2GF-TMN D2GF-TMCN4 D2GF-TSN D2GF-TSCN4 D2RF-TAN NF-DB01 NF-DR01 NF-DH01 NF-TB01 NF-TR01 NF-TH01 D3RF-TN D3RF-TDN D3RF-TMN D3RF-TDMN D3RF-TSN D3RF-TDSN VRF-N VRF-P VRF-CN VRF-CP VRF-HN VRF-HP VRF-HCN VRF-HCP JRF-N JRF-P JRF-CN JRF-CP BRF-N BRF-P B2RF-N B2RF-P BRF-CN BRF-CP B2RF-CN B2RF-CP BRF-HN BRF-HP B2RF-HN B2RF-HP BRF-CHN BRF-CHP B2RF-CHN B2RF-CHP BGF-N BGF-P B2GF-N B2GF-P BGF-CN BGF-CP B2GF-CN B2GF-CP BIF-N BIF-P B2IF-N B2IF-P BIF-CN BIF-CP B2IF-CN B2IF-CP NF-DR06 NF-TS12 NF-DT01 NF-TS14 NF-DV01 NF-TY01 NF-TS24 NF-TH05S NF-TS22M NF-DC02二十七、奥普士OPTEX图像传感器系列型号摄影角度焦点距离摄影面积消耗电流电源电压防护等级检测方式显著特点CVS1-N10-R 10度210-270mm 40×50-55×65mm最大120mA/24VDC DC12-24V(±10%)IP67长距离检测型体积小安装方便对色面积能广泛检测CVS1-N20-R 20度90-150mm 40×50-65×75mm 标准检测型CVS1-N40-R 40度50-100mm 50×65-100×115mm 近距离宽角度检测型CVS2-N10-R 10度210-270mm 40×50-55×65mm 长距离检测型CVS2-N20-R 20度90-150mm 40×50-65×75mm 标准检测型CVS2-N40-R 40度50-100mm 50×65-100×115mm 近距离宽角度检测型CVS3-N20-R20度90-150mm 40×50-65×75mm标准检测型CVS3-N21-R 35+/-4mm 17×20mm 狭视界检测型CVS4-N20-R20度90-150mm 53×25-79×38mmCVS4-N21-R 35+/-4mm 21×10mmCVS4-N23-R50+/-6mm 30×15mmCVS4-N23R-RMVS-PM 最大10mA/24VDC DC6±10%IP50 MVS-DN最大80 mA/24VDC DC24±10%IP20 MVS-DP奥普士OPTEX图像传感器系列型号:CVS1-N10-R CVS1-N20-R CVS1-N40-R CVS2-N10-R CVS2-N20-R CVS2-N40-R CVS3-N20-R CVS3-N21-R CVS4-N20-R CVS4-N21-R CVS4-N23-R CVS4-N23R-R MVS-PM MVS-DN MVS-DP二十八、奥普士OPTEX形状识别传感器系列型号检测范围受光范围电源电压电流消耗光源防护等级显著特点SHP-100CN 100±25mm 宽17mm/距离75mm宽27mm/距离125mmDC12-24V(±10%)120mA 0.3mm×32mm IP50长距离、宽范围、超高速取样、高精度测量同时具备3个开关量和1个模拟量输出奥普士OPTEX形状识别传感器系列型号:SHP-100CN 二十九、奥普士OPTEX视觉传感器系列型号CPU SDRAM FLASH ROM 输出图像绝缘型I/O电源显著特点TA-3000系列TI DSP TMS320DM642:720MHz 128MB 133MHz 4MB NTSC or VGA每个16点DC+24V软件包:TA硬件:高速图像处理系统TA-3100系列VGA DC+12V (AC/DC 电源转接器)TA-4610系列TI DSP TMS320DM642:720MHzDSP组件盘:最多可以搭配8个128MB(每个DSP组件盘)8MB VGA每个8点(MAX:32点)AC100-240(有关闭开关)。

O M R O N欧姆龙光电开关型大全The latest revision on November 22, 2020OMRON欧姆龙光电开关(1号整经机)E3JK-DS30M1扩散反射型检测距离30CMOMRON欧姆龙光电开关1.E3JK-R2M1回归反射型检测距离2M2.E3JK-R4M1回归反射型检测距离4M3.E3JK-R4M2回归反射型检测距离4M4. E3JK-5M1对射型检测距离5M5.E3JK-5M2对射型检测距离5M6.E3JK-DS30M1扩散反射型检测距离30CM7. E3JM-10M4T定时型对射检测距离10M8.E3JM-10M4对射检测距离10M9.E3JM-10M4-G对射,检测距10M10. E3JM-DS70M4扩散反射型检测距离70CM11.E3JM-DS70M4-G扩散反射型检测70CM12. E3JM-R4M4T-G定时型回归反射检测距离4M13.E3JM-R4M4-G回归反射检测距离4M14.OMRON欧姆龙光电开关E3F3-D11φ18扩散反射型检测距离10CM/DC10-30V15.E3F3-D12φ18扩散反射型检测距离30CM/DC10-30V16. E3F3-R61φ18回归反射检测距2M/DC10-30V17.E3F3-T61φ18对射型检测距离10M/DC10-30V18. E3S-2E4对射型检测距离2M/DC10-30V19.E3S-2E4对射型检测距离5M/DC10-30V20.E3S-AD11扩散反射型检测距离20CM/DC10-30V21.E3S-AD61扩散反射型/DC10-30V22. E3S-AR61回归反射DC10-30V23.E3S-AR11回归反射检测距离2M/DC10-30V24. E3S-AT11对射型检测距离7M/DC10-30V25.E3S-AT61对射型/DC10-30V26. E3S-CL22M E3S-DS10E4扩散反射型检测距10CM/DC10-30V27.E3S-DS10E41扩散反射型检测距离10CM/DC10-30V28.E3S-GS1E4槽型检测距离10MM/DC10-30V29.E3S-GS3E4槽型检测距离30M/DC10-30V E3S-GS3B4槽型检测距离30M/DC10-30V30.E3R-5E4对射型检测距离5M/DC10-30V31. E3R-DS30E4扩散反射型检测距离30CM/DC10-30V32.E3R-R2E4回归反射型检测距离2M/DC10-30V33.OMRON欧姆龙光电开关E3Z-D61扩散反射型检测距离100M/DC10-30V34.E3Z-D62扩散反射型检测距离100M/DC10-30V35.E3Z-D81扩散反射型检测距离100M/DC10-30V36.E3Z-D82扩散反射型检测距离100M/DC10-30V37.E3Z-R61回归反射型检测距离4M/DC10-30V38.E3Z-R82回归反射型检测距离4M/DC10-30V39. E3Z-T61对射型检测距离15M/DC10-30V40.OMRON欧姆龙光纤放大器E3X-A11通用型NPN输出DC10-30V41.E3X-NA11通用型NPN输出DC10-30V42. E3X-NA41通用型PNP输出DC10-30V43.E3X-NM11通用型NPN输出DC10-30V,4路输出。

光幕应用(续) 木材外形截面积检测
光幕可检 测出带材在 卷曲过程中 的偏移,经 控制器和执 行机构使带 材向正确的 方向运动 (纠偏)。
光幕用于 自动收费系统的
超限超载车辆经过固定式称重台时, 计算机管理系统自动生成车牌号,轮轴 数.车货总重,车长,车速,车辆通过后 红外线收尾系统自动提示检测完毕.
直射型光电开关的发射器和接收器相对安放,轴线严格对准。 相应地,接收光电元件的输出信号经40kHz选频交流放大器及专用的解调芯片处理,可以有效地防止太阳光、日光灯的干扰,又可减
断续器 小发射LED的功耗。
反射镜使用偏光三角棱镜,能将发射器发出的光转变成偏振光反射回去,光接收器表面覆盖一层偏光透镜,只能接受反射镜反射回来 的偏振光。 被测物漫反射型光电开关原理 请写出转速与频率的关系式 光电断续器是较便宜、简单、可靠的光电器件。 它广泛应用于自动控制系统、生产流水线、机电一体化设备、办公设备和家用电器中。 漫反射型光电开关的应用 直射型光电开关的发射器和接收器相对安放,轴线严格对准。 当被检测物体位于发射器和接受器之间时,光线被阻断,接受器接受不到红外线而产生开关信号。 反射型光电开关分为两种情况: 被测物漫反射型(简称散射型)。 反射镜使用偏光三角棱镜,能将发射器发出的光转变成偏振光反射回去,光接收器表面覆盖一层偏光透镜,只能接受反射镜反射回来
两个柱形结构相对而立,每隔数十毫米安装一对发光二极管和光敏接收管,形成光幕,当有物体遮挡住光线时,传感器发出报警信号。 超限超载车辆经过固定式称重台时,计算机管理系统自动生成车牌号,轮轴数. 超限超载车辆经过固定式称重台时,计算机管理系统自动生成车牌号,轮轴数. 遮断式光电开关(计数) 光电开关在流 水线上的应用 一、光电开关的结构和分类 反射镜反射型光电开关集光发射器和光接受器于一体,与反射镜相对安装配合使用。 漫反射型光电开关的应用 光幕可检测出带材在卷曲过程中的偏移,经控制器和执行机构使带材向正确的方向运动(纠偏)。 被测物漫反射型(简称散射型)。 车货总重,车长,车速,车辆通过后红外线收尾系统自动提示检测完毕. 定区域式光电开关有一个非常确定的检测区域,不经过该区域的被测物体不会引起光电开关产生开关信号。 反射镜使用偏光三角棱镜,能将发射器发出的光转变成偏振光反射回去,光接收器表面覆盖一层偏光透镜,只能接受反射镜反射回来 的偏振光。 但在实际制作中,上下两路总存在干扰,很难提高测量精度。 对于漫反射式光电开关发出的光线需要被检测物表面将足够的光线反射回接收器,所以检测距离和被检测物体的表面反射率及粗糙程 度将决定接收器接收到光线强度,被检测物体的表面还应尽量垂直于光电开关的发射光线。 光电断续器可分为直射式(槽式)和反射型两种。 直射式光电开关由相互分离且相对安装的光发射器和光接受器组成。 红外LED的正向压降约为1. 超限超载车辆经过固定式称重台时,计算机管理系统自动生成车牌号,轮轴数. 光电断续器是较便宜、简单、可靠的光电器件。
No.D-※S-OMK0010-H 实体状自动开关说明书

No.D-※S-OMK0010-HSolid State Auto SwitchD-M9#A#Safety Instructions 2 Model Indication and How to Order 8 Summary of Product parts 10 Definition and terminology 10 Mounting and Installation 11 Installation 11 Circuit diagram 12 Troubleshooting 13 Specification 17 Specifications 17 Dimensions 18Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of "Caution", "Warning" or "Danger". They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC)*1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety.etc.Warning1. The compatibility of the product is the responsibility of the person who designs theequipment or decides its specifications.Since the product specified here is used under various operating conditions, its compatibility withspecific equipment must be decided by the person who designs the equipment or decides itsspecifications based on necessary analysis and test results.The expected performance and safety assurance of the equipment will be the responsibility of the person who has determined its compatibility with the product.This person should also continuously review all specifications of the product referring to its latest catalog information, with a view to giving due consideration to any possibility of equipment failure whenconfiguring the equipment.2. Only personnel with appropriate training should operate machinery and equipment.The product specified here may become unsafe if handled incorrectly.The assembly, operation and maintenance of machines or equipment including our products must be performed by an operator who is appropriately trained and experienced.3. Do not service or attempt to remove product and machinery/equipment until safety isconfirmed.1. The inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after measures toprevent falling or runaway of the driven objects have been confirmed.2. When the product is to be removed, confirm that the safety measures as mentioned above areimplemented and the power from any appropriate source is cut, and read and understand the specific product precautions of all relevant products carefully.3. Before machinery/equipment is restarted, take measures to prevent unexpected operation and malfunction.4. Contact SMC beforehand and take special consideration of safety measures if theproduct is to be used in any of the following conditions.1. Conditions and environments outside of the given specifications, or use outdoors or in a placeexposed to direct sunlight.2. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railways, air navigation, space, shipping,vehicles, military, medical treatment, combustion and recreation, or equipment in contact with food and beverages, emergency stop circuits, clutch and brake circuits in press applications, safety equipment or other applications unsuitable for the standard specifications described in the product catalog.3. An application which could have negative effects on people, property, or animals requiring specialsafety analysis.4. Use in an interlock circuit, which requires the provision of double interlock for possible failure by usinga mechanical protective function, and periodical checks to confirm proper operation.Safety InstructionsCaution1.The product is provided for use in manufacturing industries.The product herein described is basically provided for peaceful use in manufacturing industries.If considering using the product in other industries, consult SMC beforehand and exchangespecifications or a contract if necessary.If anything is unclear, contact your nearest sales branch.Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements The product used is subject to the following "Limited warranty and Disclaimer" and "Compliance Requirements".Read and accept them before using the product.Limited warranty and Disclaimer1. The warranty period of the product is 1 year in service or 1.5 years after the product isdelivered, whichever is first.∗2)Also, the product may have specified durability, running distance or replacement parts.Please consult your nearest sales branch.2. For any failure or damage reported within the warranty period which is clearly ourresponsibility, a replacement product or necessary parts will be provided.This limited warranty applies only to our product independently, and not to any otherdamage incurred due to the failure of the product.3. Prior to using SMC products, please read and understand the warranty terms anddisclaimers noted in the specified catalog for the particular products.∗2) Vacuum pads are excluded from this 1 year warranty.A vacuum pad is a consumable part, so it is warranted for a year after it is delivered.Also, even within the warranty period, the wear of a product due to the use of thevacuum pad or failure due to the deterioration of rubber material are not covered by the limited warranty.Compliance Requirements1. The use of SMC products with production equipment for the manufacture of weapons ofmass destruction (WMD) or any other weapon is strictly prohibited.2. The exports of SMC products or technology from one country to another are governed bythe relevant security laws and regulation of the countries involved in the transaction. Prior to the shipment of a SMC product to another country, assure that all local rules governingthat export are known and followed.■NOTE○Follow the instructions given below when designing, selecting and handling your Auto switch.•The instructions on design and selection (installation, wiring, environment of use, adjustment, operation, maintenance and etc.) described below must also be followed.•Do not place two or more actuators close together.When using more than two Auto switches mounted parallel with each other, keep 40 mm or more between actuator tubes to prevent influence (malfunction) due to magnetic interference. (Keep the allowable displacement for each Auto switch if specified)•Detection of a piston by Auto switch mounted in the middle part of a cylinder stroke depends on the speed of the piston. Satisfy the conditional equation below.Where the maximum detectable piston speed = V (mm/s)V (mm/s) =Travel of auto switch (mm)X1000 Change over time of load (ms)•Reserve a space for maintenance.Remember to leave space for maintenance when installing the product.•Product handling∗Installation•Follow the specified tightening torque. (0.05 to 0.10 N•m)Excessive tightening torque can break the mounting screws, mounting bracket or Auto switch.Insufficient tightening torque can displace the Auto switch from the original position.(Refer to the installation manual)•Connect frame-ground terminal (FG terminal) to the ground when using a switching power supply. •Do not drop, hit or apply excessive shock (larger than 1000 m/s2) to the Auto switch.Otherwise it can result in damage to the Auto switch causing failure or malfunction.∗Wiring•Do not pull the lead wires.Especially never lift actuator equipped with Auto switch by holding the lead wires.It can result in damage to inside of Auto switch causing malfunction.•Do not bend or apply tensile stress to lead wires repeatedly.Wiring with repetitive bending stress or tensile stress can cause peel of a sheath.If the lead wire can move, fix it near the body of the Auto switch.A bend radius of about 40 to 80 mm is recommended. Contact us for the details.•Connect wires and cables correctly.Miswiring can break the Auto switch depending on the miswired circuit.•Do not connect wires while the power is on.Otherwise it can break the circuit inside the Auto switch causing malfunction.•Do not lay wires or cables with power cable or high-voltage cable in the same wiring route.Lay the wires to the Auto switch to a wire duct or in a protective tube other than those for power cables orhigh-voltage cables to prevent contamination with noise or induced surge voltage from power lines or high-voltage lines.•Verify the insulation of wiring.Poor insulation (interference with other circuit, poor insulation between terminals and etc.) can introduce excess voltage or current to the Auto switch causing damage.•Keep wiring as short as possible to prevent contamination from noise and induced surge voltage.Do not use a cable longer than 100 m.∗Environment•Never use the product for a corrosive gas or liquid.It can cause failure or malfunction.•Do not use the product in a place where strong magnetic field exists.It can cause a malfunction of the Auto switch, or demagnetization of a magnet inside actuator.•Do not use the Auto switch in an environment where the Auto switch is always splashed with water drips.It can cause poor insulation or malfunction due to swelling of a resin filled inside the Auto switch.•Do not use the product in an atmosphere containing oils or chemicals.Use of the Auto switch in an atmosphere containing various oils or chemicals such as coolant or detergent can result in giving bad influence (poor insulation, malfunction die to swelling of a resin filled inside the Auto switch, or hardening of lead wires) even if in a short operating period.•Do not use the product in an atmosphere where steel dusts accumulate or magnetic bodies are gathered closely.When an amount of steel chips or steel dusts such as sputters of welding accumulate around an actuator equipped with Auto switch, or magnetic bodies (those attracted by magnet) are gathered closely to the actuator, they can weaken a magnet inside the actuator causing inoperativeness of the Auto switch.•Do not use the product in an environment where heat cycle exists.Heat cycles other than ordinary change of the temperature can affect the inside of Auto switch.•Do not use the Auto switch nearby a place where electric surges are generated.Internal circuit elements of Auto switch can deteriorate or break when equipment generating a large surge (electromagnetic lifter, high frequency induction furnace, motor, etc.) is located near the Auto switch. Provide surge preventives, and avoid interference.•Do not use a load generating surge voltage.Use Auto switch equipped with surge absorber when a surge-generating load such as a relay or solenoid valve is driven directly.•Do not use in environments subject to radiation stress.It is not designed to withstand radiation, which may cause damage to the internal circuit elements of the auto switch.∗Adjustment and Operation•Adjust an Auto switch in the middle of operating area and then fix it.Adjust the position of Auto switch in a way that a piston stops at about the middle of operating area (where switch is in ON status).Mounting the Auto switch close to the end of operating area can cause instability of operation.Air grippers and rotary actuators have their own setting method. Follow their instructions.•Turn the power on after connecting a load.Otherwise it can cause excess current causing instantaneous breakage of the Auto switch.∗Maintenance•Perform maintenance and check regularly.Otherwise safety is not assured due to an unexpected malfunction or incorrect operation.•Do not touch terminals or printed circuit board inside the switch while the power is on.Otherwise it can cause in malfunction or damage to AUTO switch.∗Others•Contact SMC for water-proof capability, endurance of wire bending or use at welding shop. •Contact SMC when there is a problem of switch’s ON/OFF positions (hysteresis).D-Output typeSymbol SpecificationN 3-wire, NPNP 3-wire, PNPB 2-wireElectric entrySymbol SpecificationNIL In lineV Perpendicular•D-M9BA/M9NA/M9PA•D-M9BAV/M9NAV/M9PAV■InstallationWhen mounting the Auto switch to actuator it should be done with clamp for actuator.“How to mount” depends on actuator type and tube I.D. Please refer the actuator catalogue.When the Auto switch is mounted newly, please prepare the clamp for actuator after confirms that the actuator built in magnet.•Proper tightening torqueUse a watchmaker driver whose grip diameter is 5 to 6 mm when tightening the mounting screw.M2.5 mount screw tightening torque range shall be 0.05 to 0.10 N•m (0.5 to 1.0 kgf•cm)•Setting the detecting positionSet the actuator at the stroke end. Set the switch in the area to where the auto switch red lamp light.(Detecting actuator end)Based on A and B dimensions in the actuator catalogue, set the switch.For actual installation works, perform adjustment with checking the operating conditions of the Auto switch.Air grippers and rotary actuators have their own setting method. Follow their instructions.■C ircuit diagram•D-M9NA(V) •D-M9PA(V)•D-M9BA(V) (Sink input mode) •D-M9BA(V) (Source input mode)∗: The number marked on each lead wire color shows the pin number of pre-wired connector.When the auto switch falls in operation failure, identify the trouble with the following flow chart.A failure of the auto switch might depend on operating environment (application etc.) and needs to be given a measure by contacting to us separately.ReferenceNo.Problem Possible cause Investigation method Countermeasure5 Output staysOFFDisplay staysOFFAbnormal powersourceCheck the source voltage.(Zero or very low)Set the source voltage to specified voltage.(Refer to "Specifications (power voltageand load voltage)" on page 17.) Wiring failureVoltage applied to switch(load voltage).Correct wiring.(Refer to "Circuit diagram" on page 12.) Incorrect setting(mounting)positionCheck if detection is made close to theoperation range limit.Correct the position.(Center of operation range) Set positiondisplacementLoose set bracket or set screw.Fix at the right position with right torque.Tightening torque: 0.05 to 0.10 N•m Stop positiondisplacement ofthe pistonCheck if the stroke stop position isInconsistent.Stabilize stop position.(Correction of displacement/cushion)Decrease ofDetectedmagnetic field(demagnetization)Presence of magnetic field generatingsource around the cylinder.(Electric welding machine conductor/Strong magnet)Use the shield between magnetic fieldgenerating source and cylinder.Influence of magnetic field of adjacentcylinder (20 mm or less).Keeps cylinder away (40 mm or more).Use magnetic shielding.Presence of magnetic material (chip) piledup on the cylinder.Remove piled up magnetic material.Lead wiredisconnectedPresence of repeated bending stress toone point of the lead wire.(Bend radius/Tensile force to lead wire)Correct wiring.(Correct tensile force/increase bendradius)6 Output staysOFFDisplay isnormalNot match withload specification(2-wire type)Check if load specification satisfy theformula below.Load ON voltage< Load voltage –(Switch internal voltage drop x n)n: Number of switch connected in serialChange to 3-wire type or reed Autoswitch.Reduce the number of switch connectedin serial.Wiring failure(Output line)(3-wire type)Connect condition(connector contact pin / crimp terminal).Correct wiring.(Re-wiring the connecting part)Disconnection oflead wire (black)(3-wire type)Presence of repeated bending stress toone point of the lead wire.(Bend radius / Tensile force to lead wire)Correct wiring.(Correct tensile force/increase bendradius)ReferenceNo.Problem Possible cause Investigation method Countermeasure7 Unstableoperation(Chattering)Incorrect setting(mounting)positionCheck if detection is made around the limitof operation range.Correct the position.(center of the operation range.) Set positiondisplacementLoose set bracket or set screw.Fix at the right position with right torque.Tightening torque: 0.05 to 0.10 N•m Wiring failureCondition of connecting part(connector contact pin/crimp terminal).Correct wiring.(Re-wiring of connecting part) Lead wiredisconnectionPresence of repeated bending stress toone point of the lead wire.(Bend radius/Tensile force to lead wire)Correct wiring.(Correct tensile force/increase bendradius)Malfunction due toturbulencemagnetic fieldPresence of magnetic field generatingsource around the cylinder.(Cylinder, electric welding machineconductor, motor, magnet etc.)Use the shield between magnetic fieldgenerating source and cylinder.Keep the cylinder away from magneticfield generating source.Multiple pointoperationMalfunction due toturbulencemagnetic fieldInfluence of the magnetic field of adjacentcylinder.Use magnetic shield between Cylinders.Load does notoperateDetect theintermediateposition of thestrokeCheck if piston speed satisfy the formulabelow.Load operation time [s]< Switch operation time [mm]/piston speed [mm/s]Reduce the piston speed until the formulais satisfied■SpecificationsSwitch part no. D-M9NA D-M9NAV D-M9PA D-M9PAV D-M9BA D-M9BAV Lead wire orientation In linePerpendicularIn linePerpendicularIn linePerpendicular Wiring 3-wire2-wire Output NPNPNP-Applicable load IC circuit/Relay/PLC 24 VDC Relay/PLCPower supply voltage 5/12/24 VDC (4.5 to 28 VDC)- Current consumption 10 mA or less-Load voltage 28 VDC or less-24 VDC (10 to 28 VDC)Load current 40 mA or less2.5 to 40 mA Internal voltage drop 0.8 V or less at load current of 10 mA (2 V or less at load current of 40 mA)4 V or less Current leakage 100 µA or less at 24 VDC 0.8 mA or lessIndication light Operating position: The red LED lights up.Optimum operating position: The green LED lights up.StandardCE/UKCA marked•Oilproof heavy-duty lead wire specificationsSwitch part no. D-M9NA#D-M9NAV#D-M9PA#D-M9PAV#D-M9BA#D-M9BAV#S h e a t hOutside diameter (mm) 2.6I n s u l a t o r Wires3-wire (Brown, Blue, Black)2-wire (Brown, Blue)Outside diameter (mm) 0.88 C o n d u c t o rCross section (mm 2) 0.13 Wire diameter (mm)0.05Minimum bending radius (mm)(Reference value)17■Dimensions•D-M9BA/M9NA/M9PA•D-M9BAV/M9NAV/M9PAVA: Modify the contents.B: Limited warranty and Disclaimer are added.C: Contents revised in several places.[August 2016]D: Contents revised in several places.[August 2018]E: Contents revised in several places. [June 2019]F: Contents revised in several places. [April 2020]G: Modified errors in text. [October 2020]H: Contents are added. [July 2022]4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL https://。

漫射式光电开关是利用光照射到被测物体上后反射回来的光线而工作的,由于物体反射的光线为 漫射光,故称为漫射式光电接近开关。它的光发射器与光接收器处于同一侧位置,且为一体化结构。 在工作时,光发射器始终发射检测光,若接近开关前方一定距离内没有物体,则没有光被反射到接收 器,接近开关处于常态而不动作;反之若接近开关的前方一定距离内出现物体,只要反射回来的光强 度足够,则接收器接收到足够的漫射光就会使接近开关动作而改变输出的状态。
电感式传感器原理框图 供料单元上的电感式传感器
➢ 电感式接近开关 电感式接近开关的选用和安装中,必须认真考虑检测距离、设定距离,保证生产线上的传感器
➢ 光电式接近开关(光电开关)
① E3Z-LS63外观
漫射式接近开关 用来检测物料台上有无物料的光电开关是一个圆柱形漫射式光电接近开关,工作时向上发出光线,
从而透过小孔检测是否有工件存在,该光电开关选用德国SICK 公司产品MHT15-N2317 型。

HM-9264-2AC Standard Motors Conduit Box TypeInduction MotorThank you for purchasing an Oriental Motor product.This Operating Manual describes product handling procedures and safety precautions.• Please read it thoroughly to ensure safe operation. • Always keep the manual where it is readily available.Before useOnly qualified personnel should work with the product.Use the product correctly after thoroughly reading the section “Safety precautions”.Should you require the inspection or repair of internal parts, contact the Oriental Motor office where you purchased the product. The product described in this manual has been designed andmanufactured for use as an internal component for general industrial equipment, and must not be used for any other purpose. Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any damage caused through failure to observe this warning.Standard and CE MarkingMotors are recognized by UL. Recognized name are motor model name. Voluntary display of the CE mark conforming to the Low Voltage Directives. StandardsUL 1004, UL 2111, CSA C22.2 No.100, CSA C22.2 No.77 Standards File No. UL File No.E64197 Applications for standardEN 60034-1, EN 60034-5, EN 60664-1A Running Heating Test and a Locked-Rotor Test has beenconducted with a aluminum radiation plate of size indicated below. For the motor with a gearhead, tests has been conducted with a gearhead instead of the radiation plate.First number in motor nameSize [mm (in.)] Thickness [mm (in.)]Material4 135 × 135 (5.31 × 5.31) 5 (40 W) 165 × 165 (6.50 × 6.50) 5 (60 W, 90 W)200 × 200 (7.87 × 7.87)5 (0.20)AluminiumInstallation conditionsOvervoltage category II, Pollution degree 3 (except for the motor mounting surfase and conduit opening), Class I equipment (For EN/IEC standards)When the machinery to which the motor is mounted requiresovervoltage category III specifications, connect to power supply via an isolation transformer.Hazardous substancesRoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC 27Jan.2003) compliant∗ 5IK60GU-FCH , 5IK60GU-ECH , 5IK60GU-SH , 5IK90GU-FCH , 5IK90GU-ECH and 5IK90GU-SH do not comply with the hazardous substances.The precautions described below are intended to prevent danger or injury to the user and other personnel through safe, correct use of the product. Use the product only after carefully reading and fully understanding these instructions.WarningHandling the product without observing theinstructions that accompany a “Warning” symbol may result in serious injury or death.CautionHandling the product without observing theinstructions that accompany a “Caution” symbol may result in injury or property damage.NoteThe items under this heading contain importanthandling instructions that the user should observe to ensure safe use of the product.Warning• Do not use the product in explosive or corrosive environments, in the presence of flammable gases, locations subjected to splashing water, or near combustibles. Doing so may result in fire, electric shock or injury.• Assign qualified personnel the task of installing, wiring,operating/controlling, inspecting and troubleshooting the product. Failure to do so may result in fire, electric shock or injury. • Do not transport, install the product, perform connections or inspections when the power is on. Always turn the power offbefore carrying out these operations. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.• Turn off the power in the event the overheat protection device (thermal protector) is triggered. Failure to do so may result in injury or damage to equipment, since the motor will start abruptly when the overheat protection device (thermal protector) is automatically reset.• To prevent the risk of electric shock, use the motor for class I equipment only.Motore zur Verwendung in Geräten der Schutzklasse I.• Install the motor in an enclosure in order to prevent electric shock or injury.• Install the motor so as to avoid contact with hands, or ground it to prevent the risk of electric shock.Die Gehäuse der Motore sind mit einer Schraube undZahnscheibe sicher mit dem geerdeten Gehäuse des Gerätes zu verbinden.• Keep the input power voltage within the specification to avoid fire and electric shock.• Connect the cables securely according to the wiring diagram in order to prevent fire and electric shock.• Do not forcibly bend, pull or pinch the lead wires. Doing so may result in fire and electric shock.• Turn off the power in the event of a power failure, or the motor will suddenly start when the power is restored and may cause injury or damage to equipment.• Do not touch the connection terminal of the capacitor immediately after the power is turned off (for a period of 30 seconds). Theresidual voltage may cause electric shock.• Do not disassemble or modify the motor. This may cause electric shock or injury.Caution• Do not use the motor beyond its specifications, or electric shock, injury or damage to equipment may result.• Do not touch the motor during operation or immediately after stopping. The surface is hot and may cause a burn.• Do not hold the motor output shaft or motor lead wires. This may cause injury.• Keep the area around the motor free of combustible materials in order to prevent fire or a burn.• To prevent the risk of damage to equipment, leave nothing around the motor that would obstruct ventilation.• To prevent bodily injury, do not touch the rotating parts (output shaft, cooling fan) of the motor during operation.• When an abnormality is noted, turn off the power immediately, or fire, electric shock or injury may occur.• The motor’s surface temperature may exceed70 °C, even under normal operating conditions. Ifa motor is accessible during operation, post thewarning label shown in the figure in aconspicuous position to prevent the risk of skinburn(s).Warning label• To dispose of the motor, disassemble it into parts and components as much as possible and dispose of individual parts/components as industrial waste.Checking the productVerify that the items listed below are included. Report any missing or damaged items to the branch or sales office from which you purchased the product.• Motor...............................................1 unit• OPERATING MANUAL................1 copyChecking the model nameCheck the model number against the number indicated on the product.Model Model Model4IK25GN-FCH 4IK25GN-ECH 4IK25GN-SH4IK25AA-FCH 4IK25AA-ECH 4IK25AA-SH5IK40GN-FCH 5IK40GN-ECH 5IK40GN-SH5IK40AA-FCH 5IK40AA-ECH 5IK40AA-SH5IK60GE-FCH 5IK60GE-ECH 5IK60GE-SH5IK60A-FCH 5IK60A-ECH 5IK60A-SH5IK60GU-FCH 5IK60GU-ECH 5IK60GU-SH5IK90GE-FCH 5IK90GE-ECH 5IK90GE-SH5IK90A-FCH 5IK90A-ECH 5IK90A-SH5IK90GU-FCH 5IK90GU-ECH 5IK90GU-SH Location for installationThe motor is designed and manufactured for installation in equipment.Install it in a well-ventilated location that provides easy access for inspection. The location must also satisfy the following conditions: • Inside an enclosure that is installed indoors (provide vent holes) • Operating ambient temperature−10 to +40 °C (+14 to +104 °F) (non-freezing)−10 to +50 °C (+14 to +122 °F) for three-phase 200 V• Operating ambient humidity 85%, maximum (non-condensing) • Area that is free from an explosive atmosphere or toxic gas (such as sulfuric gas) or liquid• Area not exposed to direct sun• Area free of excessive amount dust, iron particles or the like• Area not subject to splashing water (storms, water droplets), oil (oil droplets) or other liquids• Area free of excessive salt• Area not subject to continuous vibration or excessive shocks• Area free of excessive electromagnetic noise (from welders,power machinery, etc.)• Area free of radioactive materials, magnetic fields or vacuum• 1000 m (3300 ft.) or less above sea levelHow to install the motor• Round shaft typeDrill holes on the mounting plate and fix the motor on the plateusing screws, nuts, and washers (not supplied). Be careful there is nogap between the motor installation surface and the bracket.First number inmotor modelScrew size Tightening torque [N·m (lb-in)]4 M5 2.5(22)5 M6 3.0(26)Do not insert the motor into the mounting hole at anangle or force it in, as this may scratch the flange pilotsection and damage the motor.• Pinion shaft typeDrill holes on the mounting plate and fix the motor and gearhead on the plate using screws supplied with the gearhead. Be careful there is no gap between the motor flange and the gearhead.For details of installation, see the operating manual provided with the gearhead, which is sold separately.Use the gearhead with pinion shaft which is identicalwith one of motor.• Motor with cooling fanWhen installing a motor with cooling fan onto a device, leave10 mm (0.39 in.) or more behind the fan cover or open a ventilation hole so that the cooling inlet on the back of the motor cover is not blocked.Insulate all the wire connections, such as the connection between the motor and the capacitor connection.When the single-phase motor is run in only one direction, unused lead wires should be insulated.Ground the motor using a Protective Earth lead wire (green/yellow). The direction of motor rotation is as viewed from the side of the motor’s output shaft. The motor rotates in a clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) direction.• Insulation class of this motor is B. Make sure that themotor case temperature does not exceed 90 °C(194 °F) during operation of the motor. Operationexceeding case temperature 90 °C (194 °F) maysignificantly deteriorate the coils and ball bearings ofthe motor and shorten the motor’s life span. Motorcase temperature can be measured by fixing athermometer on the motor surface. It can also bemeasured using thermo tape or a thermocouple.• To change rotation direction of the single-phasemotor, wait until the motor completely stops.Otherwise its direction may not change or may takemuch time to change.Rotating direction of the gearhead output shaftThe rotating direction of the gearhead output shaft may be opposite that of the motor shaft, depending on the gear ratio. For the rotating direction of the output shaft of a specific gearhead used, refer to the operating manual for the gearhead. Connection method to a terminal box• Open the terminal box and connect wires.• Use applicable cable ground and conduit for conduit opening. • After connecting, close the terminal box with the terminal cover. • Terminal cover screws tightening torqueSingle-phase 25 W, 40 W/Three-phase: 0.3 N·m (2.6 lb-in) Single-phase 60 W, 90 W: 1 N·m (8.8 lb-in)• Single-phase 25 W, 40 W/Three-phase••Connect the motor according to the figure.The connection method will vary, depending on the directionClockwiseLNCounterclockwiseLN∗ NC: Not connect. Three-phase motorsConnect the motor according to the figure.When connected according to the connection diagram, the motor will operate in the clockwise direction (CW) as viewed from the motor’s output shaft. To change the direction of rotation, change any two connections between U, V and W.ClockwiseL2 (S)L1 (R)L3 (T)Motors have a continuous rating.This motor is equipped with the feature listed below to prevent the motor from burning out as a result of abnormal heating which maybe caused by misapplication.• Thermal protection“TP” is stamped on the motor nameplate. The motor has an “auto reset” type thermal protector built into its motor coil. When themotor reaches a predetermined temperature, the internal thermal protector is activated and the motor is stopped.Always turn the power off before performing inspections.Thermal protector activation rangePower is turned off at 130±5 °C (266±9 °F)Power is turned back on at 82±15 °C (180±27 °F)When the motor cannot be operated correctly, refer to the contents provided in this section and take appropriate action. If the problem persists, contact your nearest office.Phenomena CheckitemsMotor does not rotate or rotates slowly. • Check the power supply voltage.• Connect the power supply and the motor correctly.• If terminal blocks or crimp terminals are used, check them for poor connection. • Keep the load at or below the allowable value.Motor sometimes rotates and stops. • Connect the power supply and the motor correctly.• If terminal blocks or crimp terminals are used, check them for poor connection.The motor rotates in the direction opposite to the specified direction. • Connect correctly by referring to “Wiring diagram.”• The rotating direction of the motor output shaft may be different from that of the gearhead output shaft depending on the gear ratio of the gearhead. See the operating manual for the gearhead.• The rotating direction is indicated as viewed from the motor output shaft. Check the reference direction.Motor temperature abnormally high [Motor case temperature exceeds 90 °C (194 °F)] • Check the power supply voltage. • Review the ventilation condition.Noisy operation • Assemble the motor and gearheadcorrectly by referring to the operatingmanual for the gearhead.• Assemble a gearhead of the same piniontype as the motor.• Unauthorized reproduction or copying of all or part of thismanual is prohibited.• Oriental Motor shall not be liable whatsoever for any problems relating to industrial property rights arising from use of anyinformation, circuit, equipment or device provided orreferenced in this manual.• Characteristics, specifications and dimensions are subject tochange without notice.• While we make every effort to offer accurate information in the manual, we welcome your input. Should you find uncleardescriptions, errors or omissions, please contact the nearestoffice.• is a registered trademark or trademark ofOriental Motor Co., Ltd., in Japan and other countries.© Copyright ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD. 2008Printed on Recycled Paper • Please contact your nearest Oriental Motor office for further information.Headquarters Tokyo, JapanTel:(03)3835-0684 Fax:(03)3835-1890Tel:01 47 86 97 50 Fax:01 47 82 45 16Tel:(02)8228-0707 Fax:(02)8228-0708 Technical Support Tel:(800)468-39828:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., P.S.T. (M-F)7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., C.S.T. (M-F)E-mail:*****************************Headquarters and Düsseldorf Office Tel:0211-52067-00 Fax:0211-52067-099 Munich Office Tel:089-3181225-00 Fax:089-3181225-25 Hamburg Office Tel:040-76910443 Fax:040-76910445Tel:01256-347090 Fax:01256-347099Tel:02-93906346 Fax:02-93906348Tel:(6745)7344 Fax:(6745)9405KOREATel:(032)822-2042~3 Fax:(032)819-8745Tel:(03)22875778 Fax:(03)22875528Tel:66-2-254-6113 Fax:66-2-254-6114。

Winding resistance
1 change over contact
(SPDT {1-form C})
16 A
Coil Characteristics DC (20°C)
Coil ref. no.
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Rated Voltage VDC
F: Flux-free, suitable for auto- ring and/or partial immer-
matic soldering and partial
sion or spray washing.
immersion or spray
For General data, notes and special versions see page 48
A = 40 °C, B = 70 °C
The electrical life of standard version
16 A is reduced to 60˙000 cycles when
operated at 20 A.
德力西 CDBA(Z)-63B特殊应用物联网断路器 使用说明书

CDBA(Z)-63B 物联网断路器使用说明书目录1主要用途及适用范围 (1)2产品特点、型号及含义 (1)2.1产品特点 (1)2.2产品型号及含义 (1)2.3面板介绍 (2)3正常工作条件和安装条件 (3)4正常贮存和运输条件 (3)5安装及接线 (4)5.1安装示意图 (4)5.2接线示意图 (5)6技术特性 (6)6.1分类 (6)6.2主要技术参数 (6)6.3主要功能描述 (6)6.4主要技术性能 (6)7外形及安装尺寸 (7)8安装和使用(维护) (7)10注意事项 (8)11开箱检查 (9)12订货须知 (9)13公司承诺 (10)1主要用途及适用范围CDBA(Z)物联网断路器(以下简称CDBA(Z))是一种集保护功能、报警功能、控制功能、计量功能、事件记录和通讯功能为一体的物联网断路器,其适用于交流50/60Hz和直流,CDBA-63B额定电压为AC 230/240V,CDBAZ-63B额定电压为DC 48/60/80V,额定电流至63A及以下的电路中。
2产品特点、型号及含义2.1产品特点a) 保护功能:过载保护、短路保护、过压保护、欠压保护、过欠压自恢复,缺相保护;b) 报警功能:过载、过压、欠压、过功率、过电量,控制器过温保护;c) 控制功能:远程控制分合闸,可定时控制分合闸,远程自动送电,功率限定;d) 计量功能:电参数计量电参数计量(电流、电压、功率(无功,有功,视在)、频率、功率因数、操作次数、电量、控制器温度);e) 事件记录:分合闸操作记录,过载故障记录,过欠压故障记录;f) 通讯功能:支持向上RS485通讯。
2.2产品型号及含义行业专用壳架等级Z表示直流,无代号表示交流设计代号断路器德力西电气2.3面板介绍图1 面板介绍说明:1公司商标2产品LOGO 3额定电流 4 产品型号5触头指示6负载端7 N极8 状态指示9手自和维修转换指示10 出线端11 额定电压12 使用类别及脱扣类型13 分断能力14 参考标准15 RS485通信端口16 接线原理图17 3C标志注:正常分合闸手柄时,如指示窗不同步运动,请停止使用。

Installation Instructions for R-Frame Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesContentsDescription Page1. Introduction (2)2. Installation (5)3. Manual Operation (6)4. Inspection and Field Testing (7)2Instruction Leaflet IL29C107NE ective January 2012Installation Instructions for R-FrameCircuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATIONWARNINGWARNING DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL ORPERFORM MAINTENANCE ON EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS ENERGIZED. DEATH, SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY, OR SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY DAMAGE CAN RESULT FROMCONTACT WITH ENERGIZEDEQUIPMENT. ALWAYS VERIFY THAT NO VOLTAGE IS PRESENT BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE TASK AND ALWAYS FOLLOW GENERALLY ACCEPTED SAFETY PROCEDURES.MISAPPLICATION OR MISINSTALLATION OF ITS PRODUCTS.The user is cautioned to observe all recommendations, warnings, and cautions relating to the safety of personnel and equipment as well as all general and local health and safety laws, codes, and procedures.The recommendations a nd information contained herein are based on Eaton experience and judgment, but should not be considered to be all -inclusive or coveringevery application or circumstance which may arise. Ifany questions arise, contact Eaton for further information or instructions.EATON IS NOT LIABLE FOR THEF 11TFig. 1-1 R -Frame Circuit BreakerFrame with Digitrip RMS Trip Unit Installed 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 General InformationThe R -Frame circuit breakers (Fig. 1-1) have interchangeable electronic trip units rated 2500A maximum. Refer to Table 2-2 for allThis instruction leaflet (IL) gives procedures for installation and field testing of R-Frame circuit breakers. For this publication, the term circuitavailable trip unit rating plug ratings. R-Frame breakers and molded case switches are listedin accordance with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.S tandard U L489 and s atisfy t he r equirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission Recommendations No. IEC 60947-2. For more information, see Selection Data 29-120R.breaker shall also include the molded case switch.3Instruction Leaflet IL29C107NE ective January 2012Installation Instructions for R-Frame Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATION Fig.2-1Terminal InstallationStep 1.Install OneRear Connector Step 2.Install One Set of Heat SinksStep 3.Repeat Steps One and Two to Adjacent PolesFig.2-22500A RearConnector Instructions4Instruction Leaflet IL29C107NE ective January 2012Installation Instructions for R-FrameCircuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATIONRequired and shipped with 100% rated frames Available Trip Unit Rating Plug Adjustable Long Delay up(Standard)Setting Range Using0.1 to 0.5 2 to 24 X The current pick -up setting is a multiple of the fixed rating plug value or setting of the adjustable rating plug. Adjustable Rating Plugs are not available for Digitrip RMS 510, 610, 810, 910, 750 and 1050 Trip Units.The adjustable long time pick -up adjustcment permits a pick-- .e u l a v g u l p g n i t a r e h t f o o t %001 05 f o e g n a r p u This defines the I, rating which is both the long delay and short delay protection. A 1600A c ircuit breaker can provide 400A circuit protection when e quipped with a Digitrip RMS 510,610, 810,910,750 or 1050 Trip Unit with theadjustable long time pick -up adjustment set to .5 with an 800A rating plug. A 2000A c ircuit breaker can likewise provide 500A circuit protection.In m ultiples of the I , rating.Rating plugsfor the Digitrip RMS 510, 610.810.910. 750 or 1050 Trip Unit are marked 50 Hz/60 Hz.Torque Valves Lb-in (N.m)Catalog NumberMaximumBreaker Amps Terminal Body Material HardwareAWG/MCM Wire Range/No. Conductors Metric Wire Range mm² Wire Type Wire Lug Mtg.HardwareTA1600RD 1600 Aluminum English 500-1000(4) 300-500 Cu/Al 550 (62) 300 (34 T1600RD 1600 Copper English 1-600 (4) 50-300 Cu 375 (42) 300 (34) TA1600RDM 1600 Aluminum Metric 500-1000(4) 300-500 Cu/Al 550 (62) 300 (34) Wire TerminalsT1600RDM 1600 Copper Metr ic 1-600 (4)50-300 Cu 375 (42) 300 (34)B2016RD 2000 Copper English 180 (20) Rear Connectors B2016RDM 2000 Copper Metric 180 (20) B2016RDL2000 Copper English180 (20)Rear Connectors B2016RDLM2000 Copper Metric 180- (20) B2500RD 2500 Copper English 180 (20) Rear ConnectorsB2500RDM2500CopperMetric180 (20)Required and shipped with 2500 Amp frames.Table 2-1. Terminal TypesInstruction Leaflet IL29C107NInstallation Instructions for R-FrameCircuit Breakers and Molded Case Switches5EATON CORPORATION The current pick-up setting is a multiple of the I r setting.6Instruction Leaflet IL29C107NInstallation Instructions for R-Frame Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATION 1.2100Percent Rated R -Frame Circuit Breakers CRD and CRDC circuit breakers are suitable for continu -ous operation at 100percent of the frame rating if used with the supplied rear connectors B2016EDL and in an enclosurewhich measures at least 21.5in.high x 18 in. wide x 13 in. deep.Ventilation is not required in an enclo -sure having these minimum dimensions. If cable connec -tions are made to these rear connectors, use only 90°Cwire with based on 75°C conductors and copper onlyor terminals.1.32500Amp R -Frame Circuit BreakersWhen placed in an enclosure with minimum size of 26in.x 18 in. x 10 in., the enclosure cover must be insulated with a barrier on the line end having minimum dimensions of 18 in. x 8 in. x 1/32 in..438 (11.13)Dia (4Use 375Dia.BoltsMounting Circuit Breaker7Breaker HandleI4-Pole 19.000(482.60)3-Pole 14.500(368.30)Dimensions Inches (Millimeters)Fig.2-3CircuitBreaker Mounting Bolt Drilling PlansCircuit Circuit Breaker Breaker HandleHandle. . . . . . . .. 5.094(129.39))Circuit Breaker Handle17.406(327.81)(442.11)2.INSTALLATIONThe installation procedure consists of inspecting thecircuit breaker and, as applicable, installingthe trip unit and rating plug,accessories,and terminals; mounting the circuit breaker; connecting the line and load conductors; and torquing terminals. Circuit breakers, rating plugs, accessories, mounting hardware, and unmounted termi -nals may be supplied in separate packages. T o install the circuit breaker, perform the following steps.Note:If required, internal accessory installation in any type of circuit breaker should be done before the circuit breaker is mounted and connected.Refer to individual accessory instruction leaflets.2-1.Make sure that the circuit breaker is suitable for theintended installation by comparing nameplate data with existing equipment ratings and system require -ments. Inspect the circuit breaker for completeness,and check for damage before mounting.2-2.Remove cover screws and cover.Note:The breaker is equipped with a Cover Interlock feature,so that when the cover is removed,thebreaker will trip and cannot be reset or operated until the cover is replaced and screwed down securely.Note:Instructions for installing the trip unit rating plug and accessories in the R -Frame circuit breaker are supplied with each item.2-3.If not already installed, mount trip unit rating plug andaccessories (if required)in circuit breaker frame.2-4. Re -install cover and secure with pan -head screwsprovided. Torque cover screws to 24 in-lbs. If not already installed,mount terminals as shown inFig. 2-1or 2-2.If warning label is supplied with the terminal,place on upper portion of circuit breakercover.WARNINGVOLTAGES IN ENERGIZED EQUIPMENT CAN CAUSE DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY.BEFORE MOUNTING THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IN ANELECTRICALSYSTEM,MAKE SURETHERE IS NO VOLTAGE PRESENTWHEREWORK IS TO BE PERFORMED.SPECIAL ATTENTION SHOULD BE PAID TO REVERSE FEED APPLICATIONS ENSURE NOVOLTAGE IS PRESENT.3 and 4-Pole Circuit BreakersWhen installing the R-Frame 2500 amp breaker at80% of the full rating and inside an enclosure, it is necessary to use coated or painted buswork.Radius(If Required)Dimensions in Inches (Millimeters)Fig. 2-4 Circuit Breaker Escutcheon Dimensions for2-5.7Instruction Leaflet IL29C107NInstallation Instructions for R-FrameCircuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATION 2-6. To mount the circuit breaker,perform the followingsteps:a.For individual surface mounting, drill mounting panel using the drilling plan shown in Fig. 2-3.For dead -front cover applications,cut out cover to correct escutcheon dimensions, see Fig. 2-4.If circuit breaker includes factory or field installed internal accessories, make sure accessory wiring is accessible when the circuit breaker is mounted.b.Note:Labels with accessory connection schematic diagrams are provided on the side of the circuitbreaker.A note should be made of the diagrams if the labels cannot be seen when the circuit breaker is mounted.c. Position c ircuit breaker on mounting surface.Install circuit breaker (mounting hardware notsupplied).CAUTIONOVERHEATING CAN CAUSE NUISANCE TRIPPING AND DAMAGETOTHECIRCUIT BREAKER.WHEN ALUMINUMCONDUCTORS ARE USED, THE APPLICATION OF A SUITABLE JOINT C OMPOUND IS RECOMMENDED TO REDUCE THE POSSIBILITY O F TERMINALOVERHEATING .2-7. Connect line and load conductors and accessoryNote:The circuit breaker is suitable for reverse feed application.Observe warning label on cover before attempting to removecover.the circuit breaker is installed, check all mount -ing hardware and terminal connecting hardware for correct torque loading. T orque values for line/load terminals are given in Table 2-1and on the circuit breaker nameplates.leads.3.MANUALOPERATIONNote:The trip unit and rating plug must be installed before attempting to close the circuit breaker.Manual operation of the circuit breaker is controlled by the circuit breaker handle and the PUSH -TO -TRIP button. The circuit breaker handle has three positions, two of which are shown on the cover with raised lettering to indicate ON and OFF.On the handle,ON,OFF,and tripColor: Red -ON-1I I IInternational Trip Unit SymbolsI -ON Rating PlugFig.3-1CircuitBreaker Manual Controlsare also shown by a color -coded strip for each circuitbreaker handle position: red for ON,white for tripped, and green for OFF.(See Fig. 3-13.1Circuit Breaker ResetAfter an automatic or accessory initiated trip,or a manual PUSH -TO -TRIP operation, the circuit breaker is reset by moving the circuit breaker handle to the extreme OFF position.Note:No circuit breaker should be reclosed until the cause of trip is known and the situation rectified.PUSH -TO -TRIP ButtonThe PUSH -TO -TRIP button checks the circuit breaker tripping function and may be used to periodically exercise the operating mechanism. T he button is designed to be operated by finger pressure. Interchangeable Trip UnitsInformationfor the Digitrip RMS trip units is shown in Table 2-2.For additional information on interchangeable t rip units,refer to the following instruction leaflets: Digitrip RMS 310...........................................I.L.Digitrip RMS 51 0.............................................I.L.29-885Digitrip RMS 610.............................................I.L.29-886Digitrip RMS 810.............................................I.L.29-888Digitrip RMS 910.............................................I.L.29-889Digitrip OPTIM 750or 1050...........................I.L. 29C891d.3.33.2White TRIPControlsI - OFFSeries G RMS 310+ ......................................... IL01210003E29C8838Instruction Leaflet IL29C107NInstallation Instructions for R-Frame Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATION 4.INSPECTION AND FIELD TESTINGR-Frame molded case circuit breakers are designed toprovide years of almost maintenance -free operation.T he following procedure describes how to inspect and test a circuit breaker in service.InspectionCircuit breakers should be inspected periodically.This inspection can best be done during normal equipment maintenance periods when no voltage to the equipment is available.The inspection should include the following checks 4-1 through 4-9.AWARNINGVOLTAGES IN ENERGIZED EQUIPMENT CAN CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.BEFOREINSPECTING T HE CIRCUIT BREAKER IN ANELECTRICAL SYSTEM, MAKE SURE THE CIRCUITBREAKER IS SWITCHED TO THE OFF POSITION ANDTHATTHERE IS NOVOLTAGE PRESENTWHEREWORK IS BEING PERFORMED.SPECIAL ATTENTION SHOULD BE PAID TO REVERSE FEED APPLICATIONS TO ENSURE NO VOLTAGE ISPRESENT.CAUTIONSOME COMMERCIAL CLEANING AGENTS WILL DAMAGETHE NAMEPLATES OR MOLDED PARTS.MAKE SURE THAT CLEANING AGENTS ORSOLVENTS USEDTO CLEAN THE CIRCUIT BREAKER ARE SUITABLE FOR THE JOB.4-1.Remove dust, dirt, soot, grease,or moisture from thesurface of the circuit breaker using a lint -free dry cloth, brush, or vacuum cleaner. Do not blow debris into circuit breaker.If contamination is found, look for the source and eliminate the problem. be sure that the mechanical linkages are free and do not bind.If mechanical linkages are not free, replace circuit breaker.4-3.W ith the circuit breaker in the ON position, press the PUSH -TO -TRIP button to mechanically trip the circuit breaker.Trip,reset, and switch circuit breaker ON several times. If mechanism does not reset each time the circuit breaker is tripped, replace the circuit breaker.4-2. Switch circuit breaker to ON and OFF several times to4-4. Check base, cover, and operating handle for cracks,chipping, and discoloration. C ircuit breakers should be replaced if cracks or severe discoloration is found.Check terminals and connectors for looseness orsigns of overheating. O verheating will show as discoloration, melting, or blistering of conductor insulation,or as pitting or melting of conductor surfaces due to arcing.If there is no evidence ofoverheating or looseness,do not disturb or tighten the connections.If there is evidence of overheating,terminations should be cleaned or replaced.Before re -energizing the circuit breaker,all terminations and cable should be refurbished to the condition when originally installed. 4-6. Check circuit breaker mounting hardware,and tightenif necessary.4-7. Check area where circuit breaker is installed for any safety hazards, including personal safety and fire hazards.Exposure to certain types of chemicals can cause deterioration of electrical connections. operation of circuit breakers with Digitrip RMS 310trip units can be field tested using the Seltronic test kit,Catalog Number SKT2. (See Selection Data29-120R).operation of circuit breakers with Digitrip RMS510,610,810,and 910trip units can be field tested on a bench using the Auxiliary Power Module,Cata -log Number PRTAAPM.The D igitripm OPTIM 750, and 1050 trip units also require a Digitrip OPTIMIZER for bench testing.Field T estingAny field testing should be done in accordance with NEMA Standards Publication A B4-1990.4-5.4-8.The 4-9.The 4-10. The operation of circuit breakers with Series G RMS 310+ trip units can be field tested using the G Series test kit general assembly number: 70C1056G54.Instruction Leaflet IL29C107N Installation Instructions for R-FrameCircuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesNOTES:9 EATON CORPORATION Eaton Corporation Electrical Group1000 Cher rington Parkway Moon Township, PA 15108 United St ates877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2012 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in US APublication No. IL29C107N / TBG000683 Part No. 6645C84H14January 2012 Eaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Instruction Leaflet IL29C107N Installation Instructions for R-FrameCircuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesThe instructions for installation, testing, maintenance, or repairherein are provided for the use of the product in general commercialapplications and may not be appropriate for use in nuclear applica-to replace, amend, or supplement these instructions to qualify themfor use with the product in saf ety-related applications in a nuclearfacility.This Instr uction Booklet is published solely for information purposesand should not be considered all-inclusive. If further information isrequired, you should consult an authorized Eaton sales represent a-tive.The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to theterms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policiesor other contractual agreement between the parties. This literatureis not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract.The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaserof this equipment is the contract between the purchaser and Eaton.NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORMERCHANTABILITY, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSEOF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDINGTHE INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESCRIPTIONSCONTAINED HEREIN.In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user incontract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or other wisefor any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or losswhatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use ofequipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power,additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claimsagainst the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from theuse of the information, recommendations and description containedherein.。

电子知识摘要电子知识摘要(一)光电开关的基础知识(二)光电开关基础知识KG3022T微电脑交直流全自动KG3022T微电脑全自动打铃仪该作者的其他文章博主推荐相关日志随机阅读首页推荐[微博]一分钟教你变魔术1000美元一碗的中国拉面香港'城管'为什么不打人芙蓉:娱乐圈里我最干净鲤鱼抢食犹如'饿鬼投胎'韩国女孩为何看起来漂亮更多>>对“推广广告”提建议(二)光电开关基础知识电子知识摘要(一)光电开关的基础知识2010-08-20 22:27:50| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅(一)光是开关的分类压力传感器光电开关可分为镜面反射型、漫反射型、对射型。

放大器内置型光电开关 (小型)E3Z实现小型、长距离、节省电力和节省能源的光电传感器的标准型■检测距离/对射型15m 、回归反射型4m 、扩散反射型1m 。
■IP67保护构造,防止相互干扰功能, EN 规格标准。
防油型 为IP67f 。
■光轴与机械轴的偏差控制在±2.5°\u20197X 内,光轴对合更容 易。
种类相关信息 技术指南 (技术篇) (1290)技术指南 (操作篇) (1400)E3Z 注. 防油型号的回归反射型与标准的回归反射型检测距离不同。
*1. 不附带反射板,根据不同用途,有7种反射板可供选择购买。
*2. 检测距离是使用E39-R1S 时距离。
另外传感器与反射板间的距离请设定在 []内的数值以上的范围。
*3. 上表中标有*3的产品表示有导线0.5m 也是标准品,请在型号末尾标明导线长度。
(例:E3Z-T61 0.5M ) *4. 上表中标有*4的产品表示有接插件中继型 (M12)型号末尾带有-M1J 。
(例:E3Z-T61-M1J ) *5. 上表中标有*5的产品表示e-CON 接插件中继型。
(导线长度0.3m/0.5m/2m )。
型号末尾带有-ECON 。
例如E3Z-□6□-ECON 。
连接接插件有单面e-CON 接插件 E39-ECON □ (导线长度2m/5m )和两端e-CON 接插件 E39 -ECONW □ (导线长度0.5~2m 0.1m 单位) 2种。
e-CON 是FA 设备、连接器制作商的标准化规格。
*6. 备有夹紧式e-CON 接插件中继型 (导线长度2m ) 。
型号末尾带有-ECON-C (例:E3Z-T61-ECON-C 2M ) 。
接插件有单侧e-CON 接插件型 E39-ECON □M (导线长度2m/5m ) 和两端e-CON 接插件型 E39-ECONW □ (导线长度0.5~2m 0.1m 为单位)。

IEC60079-0和IEC60079-1进行分类的,一般有Exd II BT4、Exd II CT4等等。
2. 检测距离:防爆光电开关的检测距离是指其能够检测到物体
3. 接触类型:防爆光电开关可以分为接近式和反射式两种类型。
4. 输出类型:防爆光电开关的输出类型通常有NPN和PNP两种。
5. 工作电压:防爆光电开关的工作电压根据具体型号和要求来
6. 环境温度:防爆光电开关的工作温度通常在-25℃~+70℃之间,也有一些特殊型号可以在更极端的工作环境下使用。
7. 材料:防爆光电开关的外壳和接口材料通常采用不锈钢、铝
- 1 -。

安全操作规程1. 安装前处理在进行安装前,应对巴鲁夫光电开关所使用的设备进行清洁和检查。
2. 安装朝向巴鲁夫光电开关具有发射器和接收器两个部分。
3. 安装点设置巴鲁夫光电开关的安装位置必须保证在设备的工作范围内,并且可以避免光线源干扰。
4. 线路设置巴鲁夫光电开关的电线接线应保证正确。
5. 保护在进行巴鲁夫光电开关的安装时,必须为设备采取适当的保护措施,防止出现机械破坏、玻璃损坏、水紫外线干扰、温差干扰等不利影响以及光盘破碎、发射器不灵敏会影响到输出信号和信号传输以及防尘、防振、保温等。
6. 调试操作巴鲁夫光电开关在使用时,需要先进行调试操作,做到鉴定和类比线路是否正确,各种参数值是否在合理范围内。
7. 使用和保养大多数巴鲁夫光电开关使用环境相对比较恶劣,温差、湿度、灰尘、振动等都会影响它的使用寿命。
光电开关 缩写 国标

光电开关的缩写为“PS”,这个缩写来源于英文“Photocell Sensor”的缩写。
根据《光电传感器》国家标准(GB/T 1885-2009),光电开关的相关技术要求、试验方法、检验规则等均有详细规定。
V 12-2型号迪菲电子光电开关系列产品介绍说明书

V 12-2Detecting objectson conveyor belts using VS/VE 12-2through-beam photo-electric switches.▼VL 12-2 photoelectric reflex switches canalso be used for the reliable detection of reflective surfaces, for example film-wrapped cardboard boxes.VT 12-2 photo-electric proximity switches used to ensure that waste is rolled up correctly when paper and film strips are cut.Is an objectpresent or not? The VT 12-2 photo-electric proximity switch provides the answer.▼▲▲VT 12T-2, Scanning distance 115 mm/340 mm115 mm Scanning distance340 mm Scanning distance 0 (mm)204060801001207025501152100210 (mm)501001502002503003502180200034023002112Scanning distance on white, 90 % remission Scanning distance on grey, 18 % remissionOperating distance Scanning distance, max. typical(mm)50100150200250300100101O p e r a t i n g r e s e r v eScanning distance max. typical Operating distanceVT 12(T)-2300 mm12(mm)10060802040100110O p e r a t i n g r e s e r v eOperating distance 21Scanning distance max. typical VT 12(T)-2100 mmScanning distance, max. typical 1)0... 115 mm 0 ... 340 mm Operating distance 1)2... 100 mm 2 ... 300 mmSensitivity setting Manual, per Teach-in buttonElectronic, per control input C (0 V)2)Light source 3), light type LED, infrared lightLight spot diameterApprox. 20 mm at 100 mm Approx. 28 mm at 300 mm Angle of dispersion of senderApprox. 11.4°(SD = max.), Approx. 22.6°(SD = 1/2 max.)Approx. 5.3°(SD = max.),Approx. 11.2°(SD = 1/2 max.)Supply voltage V S 10 ... 30 V DC 4)Ripple 5)≤10%Current consumption 6)≤20 mA Switching outputs Q: PNP Q: NPN Output current l A max.≤100 mASwitching mode Light-/Dark-switching selectable 2)Response time 7)≤1.25 ms Switching frequency max.8)400/sConnection typesCable 9)PVC, 2 m, 4 x 0.14 mm 2, Ø 3.75 mm PlugM12, 4-pinVDE protection class 10)VCircuit protection 11)A, B, C, D Enclosure ratingIP 67Ambient temperature T A Operation –25 °C ... +70 °C Storage –25 °C ... +70 °C WeightWith cable Approx. 54 g With plug Approx. 18 gHousing materialHousing:Nickel-coated brass/PA Optics:PC1)Object to be detected with 90%remission (relating to standard white in acc. with DIN 5033); 100 x 100 mm2)Controll input C – L.ON/D.ON and – external Teach-inC = open: light-switching L.ON C = + V S : dark-switching D.ONC = 0 V: Sensitivity setting per “externalTeach-in” active3)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25°C 4)Limit values5)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances 6)Without load7)Signal transit time with resistive load8)With light/dark ratio 1:19)Do not bend below 0°C 10)Reference voltage 50 V DC11)A =V Sconnections reverse-polarityprotectedB =Inputs and output reverse-polarityprotectedC =Interference pulse suppressionD =Outputs overload and short-circuitprotectedTechnical dataVT 12T-2P 112P 410N 112N 410P 132P 430N 132N 430TypeOrder no.VT 12T -2P 112 6 026 211VT 12T -2P 410 6 026 212VT 12T -2N 112 6 026 209VT 12T -2N 410 6 026 210VT 12T -2P 132 6 026 215VT 12T -2P 430 6 026 216VT 12T -2N 132 6 026 213VT 12T -2N 4306 026 214Order information0 (m)0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0Operating range Scanning range, max. typical0 2.50.03 2.00 2.30.03 2.80.03 2.323410.1 ... 0.7 mReflective tape Diamond GradePL 50 A/PL 40 A/P 25040.03 ... 1.8 m 3 C 1100.03 ... 2.0 m 2PL 80 A 0.03 ... 2.3 m1Reflector type Operating range VL 12-210001001011. p e r a t i n g r a n g eOperating rangeReflectorC 110Scanning range, max. typical V L 12-22Scanning range, max.typ./reflector 0.03... 2.8 m/PL 80 A Operating range 0.03... 2.3 m/PL 80 A Sensitivity settingNot availableLight source 1), light type LED, red light, with polarization filter Light spot diameterApprox. 80 mm at 2 m Angle of dispersion of sender Approx. 2.3°(SR = max.), Approx. 6.3°(SR = 1/2 max.)Supply voltage V S 10 … 30 V DC 2)Ripple 3)≤10%Current consumption 4)≤20 mASwitching outputsQ: PNP Q: NPN Output current l A max.≤100 mASwitching mode Light-/Dark-switching selectable 5)Response time 6)≤1.25 ms Switching frequency max.7)400/sConnection types Cable 8)PVC, 2 m, 4 x 0.14 mm 2, Ø 3.75 mm PlugM12, 4-pinVDE protection class 9)VCircuit protection 10)A, B, C, D Enclosure ratingIP 67Ambient temperature T A Operation –25 °C ... +70 °C Storage –25 °C ... +70 °CWeightWith cable Approx. 54 g With plug Approx. 18 gHousing materialHousing: Nickel-coated brass/PA Optics: PC1)Average service life 100,000 h at T A = +25°C 2)Limit values3)May not exceed or fall short of V S tolerances 4)Without load5)L/D switching type control line L/D =open (not assigned)dark-switching D.ONL/D =+ V S : light-switching L.ON L/D =0 V: dark-switching D.ON6)Signal transit time with resistive load 7)With light/dark ratio 1:18)Do not bend below 0°C 9)Reference voltage 50 V DC10)A =V S connections reverse-polarityprotectedB =Inputs and output reverse-polarityprotectedC =Interference pulse suppressionD =Outputs overload and short-circuitprotectedTechnical dataVL 12-2P 132P 430N 132N 430Scanning range and operating reserveType Order no.VL 12-2P 132 6 026 219VL 12-2P 430 6 026 220VL 12-2N 132 6 026 217VL 12-2N 4306 026 218Order informationVS/VE 12-2100010010123451(m)O p e r a t i n g r e s e r v eOperating rangeScanning range, max. typical V S/V E 12-20 (m) 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0Operating range Scanning range, max. typical5.04.0Scanning range, m a x .t yp .0... 5.0 m O p e r at in g r a n ge 0... 4.0 m Se n s i t ivi t y sett in gN ot a v a il a bl e Light source 1), light type L ED, infr a r e d li g h tLi g h t s p ot di a m ete rAppr o x . 100 mm at 4 m An g l e o f di s p e r s i o n o f se nd e r Appr o x . 1.4°(S R = m a x .), An g l e o f di s p e r s i o n o f r ece iv e r Appr o x . 4.5°(S R = 1/2 m a x .)Supply voltage V S 10 … 30 V DC 2)Rippl e 3)≤10%C urr e n t co n s ump t i o n 4)≤20 mASwitching outputs Q : PNP Q : NPN O u t pu t c urr e n t l A m a x .≤100 mAS wi tc hin g m o d e Li g h t-/Da rk -s wi tc hin g se l ecta bl e 5)R es p o n se t im e 6)≤2.0 m s S wi tc hin g fr e qu e n c y m a x .7)250/sConnection typesCa bl e 8) se nd e r V S 12-2 PV C, 2 m , 2 x 0.14 mm 2, Ø 3.75 mm Ca bl e 8) r ece iv e r V E 12-2 PV C, 2 m , 4 x 0.14 mm 2, Ø 3.75 mm Plu gM12, 4-pinVDE protection class 9)VCircuit protection 10)A , B, C, D Enclosure ratingIP 67Ambient temperature T A O p e r at i o n –25 °C ... +70 °C Sto r age –25 °C ... +70 °C WeightWi t h ca bl e V S a nd V E eac h a ppr o x . 54 g Wi t h plu g V S a nd V E eac h a ppr o x . 18 g Housing materialH o u s in g : Ni c k e l -coate d br ass /PA O p t i cs :P C1)Av e r age se rvi ce lif e 100,000 h at T A = +25°C 2)Limi t v a lu es3)M a y n ot e x cee d o r f a ll s h o r t o f V S to l e r a n ces 4)Wi t h o u t l oa d5)L/D s wi tc hin g t yp e co n t r o l lin e L/D =o p e n (n ot ass i g n e d)d a rk -s wi tc hin g D.O NL/D =+ V S : li g h t-s wi tc hin g L .O N L/D =0 V: d a rk -s wi tc hin g D.O N6)S i g n a l t r a n s i t t im e wi t h r es i st iv e l oa d 7)Wi t h li g h t /d a rk r at i o 1:18)Do n ot b e nd b e l o w 0°C 9)R e f e r e n ce v o l tage 50 V DC10)A =V S co nn ect i o n s r e v e r se-p o l a ri t ypr otecte dB =Inpu ts a nd o u t pu t r e v e r se-p o l a ri t ypr otecte dC =In te rf e r e n ce pul se s uppr ess i o nD =O u t pu ts o v e rl oa d a nd s h o r t-c ir c ui tpr otecte d11)Th e o rd e r n o. co n ta in s t r a n s mi tte r a nd r ece iv e r (= p a ir).Technical dataV S /V E 12-2P 132P 430N 132N 430Scanning range and operating reserveType 11)Order no.11)V S /V E 12-2P 132 6 026 223V S /V E 12-2P 430 6 026 224V S /V E 12-2N 132 6 026 221V S /V E 12-2N 4306 026 222Order information。


简介光电开关(光电传感器:photoelectric switch )是光电接近开关的简称,它是利用被检测物对光束的遮挡或反射,由同步回路选通电路,从而检测物体有无的。
但是, 新型光电开关则克服了它们的上述缺点,而且体积小、功能多、寿命长、精度高、响应速度快、检测距离远以及抗光、电、磁干扰能力强。
天津康德科 G2 220V电磁阀 说明书

目录一、安全注意事项 (4)1.1 应用范围 (4)1.2 使用前 (4)1.2.1 拆箱检查 (4)1.2.2 环境确认 (4)1.2.3 安装确认 (4)二、ED200系列产品简介 (4)2.1 产品简介 (4)2.2 产品命名 (5)2.3 产品铭牌 (5)2.4 技术规范 (5)2.4.1 电气规格 (5)2.4.2 环境条件 (5)2.4.3 功能规格 (6)2.5 各部分介绍 (7)2.6 按键功能 (7)2.7 接口定义及下载连接 (8)2.7.1 接口引脚定义 (8)2.7.2 下载连接 (8)三.产品体系结构 (9)3.1 外形尺寸及安装方法 (9)3.2 安装 (9)3.3 PLC连接使用方法 (9)3.3.1 连接单元 (10)3.3. 2 通讯参数设置 (10)3. 3.3 电缆连接 (11)四. EuraDesign上位机软件介绍 (11)4.1 画面编辑和工程下载方法 (12)4.1.1 建立新工程 (12)4.1.2 制作画面 (15)4.1.3 保存工程 (16)4.1.4 下载工程 (17)4.1.5 画面数据溢出 (18)4.2 控件使用说明 (18)4.2.1 静态文本及静态矢量文本 (18)4.2.2 动态文本及动态矢量文本 (19)4.2.3 指示灯 (19)4.2.4 功能键 (20)4.2.5 寄存器 (25)4.2.6 柱状图 (28)4.2.7 趋势图 (28)4.2.8 图片 (29)4.2.9 告警控件 (30)4.2.10 报警列表 (30)五.常见问题 (31)5.1 程序无法下载 (31)5.2 文本屏和PLC 等设备通讯问题 (31)5.3 程序保密性 (32)敬告用户 (33)一、安全注意事项本章对与本产品相关的安全注意事项进行说明。