
客观题部分:一、选择题(每题1分,共20题)Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.1.It is not “terrible” at all. It is ____C____ “terrible”.A. something butB. nothing butC. anything butD. everything but2.Mr. Wilson is ____D____ friend.A. my uncle’s and my aunt’sB. my uncle’s and auntie’sC. my uncle’s and auntieD. my uncle and auntie’s3.___C____ did you say we should ask to build the new museum?A. WhoB. WhoeverC. WhomD. What4.Who could have advised you to do ____A____?A. such a foolish thingB. a so foolish thingC. so a foolish thingD. a such foolish thing5.I certainly appreciate ____C____ about the delay in delivering the materialsbecause we had planned to begin work tomorrow.A. him tellB. he tellsC. his tellingD. him to tell6.I was not aware ____C____ she had gone.A. where thatB. of the place whichC. of whereD. the place7. Could you give me rough ____D_____of what the job might cost?A. valueB. correctionC. accountD. estimate8. Many a man ____A_____life is meaningless without a purpose.A. thinksB. thinkC. has thoughtD. have thought9. Y ou must walk through the underground____C_____ to get across that busy streetA. wayB. roadC. passageD. route10. A secretary has to know shorthand and typing, ____D_____?A. mustn't ;sheB. won' t sheC. shouldn't sheD. doesn't she11. Tell the children to____B_____ their toys and go to bed.A. put upB. put awayC. put onD. put off12. This job is very difficult. It's ____A_____ a piece of cake.A. anything butB. something butC. nothing butD. something like13. Business ____B_____ down at this time of year.A. dropsB. slowsC. decreasesD. falls14. They say ____B_____broadens the mind.A. journeyB. travelC. tripD. voyage15. The doctor told her that her temperature was____C_____A. averageB. commonC. normalD. ordinary16. Being a pupil with a low IQ, Henry could ____B_____ little of what the teacherwas saying in class.A. take onB. take inC. take upD. take for17. It took me a long time to ____A_____ my cold.A. get overB. do away withC. give upD. put off18. When he was a student, his mother gave him a monthly ____C_____ towards hisexpenses.A. salaryB. moneyC. allowanceD. wage19. At the moment my car is at the garage being made ready for a ____D_____ acrossEurope.A. routeB. travelC. voyageD. journey20. I should be very ____C_____ if you would post this letter for me.A. pleasantB. thankingC. gratefulD. pleasing主观题部分:一、翻译题(每题1分,共10题)1. 他的生活经历在他的学术生涯中一直扮演着一个重要角色。

第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1.How would you like to mail it?答案:By air mail, please2.____________.You too!答案:Merry Christmas!3.Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days?答案:Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey4.I've just heard that the tickets for Swan Lake have been sold out!Oh, no! ________.答案:I was looking forward to it5.It's very thoughtful of you to give me a ride.-____________.答案:My pleasure第二部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)Passage 1Gail and Howard liked to travel. Every holiday they went to a different place. They were always careful when they left the house. They locked the doors and windows. Then Gail took the extra keys and left them with her mother.Gail and Howard spent two weeks camping in the mountains. They had a great time, but when they came home, all they wanted to do was to sleep. They both looked for the keys everywhere,but no luck. The keys were not anywhere. They went to their mother's house, but she wasn't at home.Howard had to climb up to open a window, but he forget that the window was locked, too. He climbed back down, broke the window with a stick and climbed into the house. He went to open the front door for Gail, only to find the police.A frightened neighbor heard the noise and thought there was robbery; so she called the police. Howard was almost caught by the police but luckily their neighbors proved that he lived in that house. Finally, Gail and Howard brought their luggage in, climbed into bed, and fell asleep right away.6.After Gail and Howard returned from the trip, they were very_____.答案:Tired7.They could not go into the house because _____ .答案:they failed to find the keys8.They managed to get into the house, but _____ .答案:they were taken to the police station9.They got into trouble because _____.答案:they were too careless with their keys10._____helped Gail and Howard a great deal.答案:The neighborsPassage 2Do you forget to turn off the lights and heaters when you go out of a room? In 2040 it will not matter. They will turn themselves off and on again when you return. A sensor will detect the presence of a human and turn the systems on, and when the humans leave it will turn them off again.The sensors will work through the central home computer, and they will do much more thanjust turn the fires and lights on and off for you. They will detect faulty electrical appliances, isolate them so that they cannot harm anyone, and then warn you that they need repair. They will detect fire and if you are out of the house, the computer will call the firemen. It will also call the police should the sensors detect an intruder. You will open the door using your personal card---the one you use for shopping---maybe using a number known only to you.11.The author intends to tell the readers that in year 2040 _____ .答案:lights and heaters will switch on and off automatically12.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? _____ .答案:People will save much trouble with the help of advanced technology.13.According to the author, in2040, new technology ___________ .答案:will make the locks out of date14.Thanks to computers, in 2040 people ___________ .答案:will have more fun at home15.What is the best title for the passage? ___________ .答案:Life in the Year 2040.第三部分:词汇与结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)16.This is the______photo I have ever taken.答案:Best17.As they can't afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary ___.答案:Steps18.The girl sometimes has difficulty______what the teacher say in class.答案:Understanding19.You ___ yesterday if you were really serious about the job.答案:ought to have comek bottles need cleaning thoroughly before they are used again, ___ they?答案:needn't第四部分:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A person who believes that he is incapable will not make a real effort, because he feels that it would be useless. He won't go at a job with the confidence 21for success. He is therefore 22 to fail, and the failure will strengthen his belief in his incompetence.Alfred Adler, a famous doctor, had an experience 23illustrate this. When he was a small boy he was poor at arithmetic. His teacher got the idea that he had no ability in arithmetic, and told his parents what she thought in order that they would not expect 24 much of him. 25 this way, they too developed the idea, "Isn't it too bad that Alfred can't do arithmetic?" He accepted their mistaken estimate of his ability, felt that it was 26to try, and was very poor at arithmetic, just as they expected.One day Adler succeeded in solving a problem which 27 of the other students had been able to solve. This gave him confidence. He 28 the idea that he couldn't do arithmetic and was determined to show them that he could. His new 29 confidence stimulated him to go at arithmetic problems with a new spirit. He now worked with interest, 30 , and purpose, and he soon became extraordinarily good at arithmetic.答案:21.Necessary22.Likely23.Which24.Too25.Ineless27.None28.Rejected29.founded30.determination第五部分:英译汉(共3小题;每题5分,满分15分)1.We should encourage him to have confidence in himself.答案:我们应该鼓励他对自己要有信心。

⼤学英语精读2第⼆次阶段作业⼀、阅读理解(共1道⼩题,共25.0分)1. My aunt Edith was a widow(寡妇)of 50, working as a secretary, when doctors discoveredwhat was then thought to be a very serious heart disease.Aunt Edith doesn’t accept defeat easily. She began studying medical reports in the library and found an article in a magazine about a well-known heart surgeon, Dr. Michael DeBakey, of Houston, Texas. He had saved the life of someone with the same disease. The article said his fees were very high; Aunt Edith couldn’t possibly pay them. B ut could he tell her of someonewhose fees she could pay?So Aunt Edith wrote to him. She simply listed her reasons for wanting live: her three children, who would be on their own in three or four more years, her little-girl dream of traveling andseei ng the world. There wasn’t a word of self-pity----only warmth and humor and the joy of living.She mailed the letter, not really expecting an answer.A few days later, my doorbell rang. Aunt Edith didn’t wait to come in; she stood in the hall andread aloud:Your beautiful letter moved me very deeply. If you can come to Houston, there will be no charge for either the hospital or the operation.Signed: Michael DeBakey.1. Aunt Edith_____when she knew she had a very serious heart disease.A. stopped working as a secretaryB. didn’t lose hopeC. stayed in the hospitalD. asked many doctors for help2. From the story we can see _____.A. Dr. Michael DeBakey was not famous at allB. Aunt Edith could afford Dr. Micha el DeBakey’s feesC. Dr. Michael DeBakey was experienced in dealing with Aunt Edith’s diseaseD. Aunt Edith accepted defeat easily3. In Aunt Edith’s letter to the doctor, ______.A. she showed she was warm, humorous and enjoying livingB. she avoided talking about her childrenC. she showed she was very sadD. she said she had a little girl who dreamed of traveling and seeing the world4. When Aunt Edith mailed her letter, _____.A. she was determined to move the doctorB. she expected some wonder would happenC. she knew it would never reach the doctorD. she didn’t expect the doctor would give her a reply5. Michael DeBakey mainly told Aunt Edith in the letter that_____.A. he was going to operate on her for freeB. he thought he was unable to offer helpC. her letter was well-writtenD. her disease was so serious that he couldn’t cure her试题分值:25.0得分:[5, 5, 5, 5, 5]提⽰:[1]B.细节题。

华东理工大学继续教育学院成人教育《基础英语》(二级)模拟试卷一✋✞☐♍♋♌◆●♋❒⍓ ♋⏹♎ ♦♦❒◆♍♦◆❒♏ ☎✆✌♐♦♏❒ ♦◆♍♒ ♋ ●☐⏹♑ ♎♓♦♍◆♦♦♓☐⏹ ♦♒♋♦ ♍☐⏹♍●◆♦♓☐⏹ ♎♓♎ ⍓☐◆ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✍✌✆ ♍☐❍♏ ♦☐ ✆ ♦♋♏✆ ♌❒♓⏹♑ ✆ ♒♋❖♏❆♒♏ ❒♏♐❒♓♑♏❒♋♦☐❒ ♓♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♏ ❍◆♦♦ ♌◆⍓ ♦☐❍♏ ♐☐☐♎✌✆ ♌♋❒♏ ✆ ♌●♋⏹✆ ♒☐●●☐♦ ✆ ♏❍☐♦⍓✡☐◆ ♦☐◆●♎ ⏹☐♦ ♒♋❖♏ ❍♋♎♏ ♦◆♍♒ ♋ ❍♓♦♦♋♏ ♓♐ ⍓☐◆ ♒♋♎ ♋♍♦♏♎ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♒♓♦ ♋♎❖♓♍♏✌✆ ♋♦ ✆ ◆☐ ✆ ♐☐❒ ✆ ☐⏹✡☐◆ ♍☐◆●♎ ♒♋❖♏ ♋❖☐♓♎♏♎ ♦♒♓♦ ☐◆⏹♓♦♒❍♏⏹♦ ♓♐ ⍓☐◆ ♒♋♎ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ❍⍓ ♋♎❖♓♍♏✌✆ ♋♍♍♏☐♦♏♎ ✆ ☐♌♦♋♓⏹♏♎✆ ❒♏♍♏♓❖♏♎ ✆ ♑☐♦❆♒♏ ♍☐❍☐♋⏹⍓ ☐♐♐♏❒♏♎ ♋ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ♐♓⏹♎♏❒ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ●☐♦♦ ♎☐♍◆❍♏⏹♦✌✆ ♋♦♋❒♎ ✆ ❒♏♦♋❒♎✆ ♌☐⏹◆♦ ✆ ♦♋●♋❒⍓❆♒♏ ♍☐●☐❒ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♐❒☐❍ ⍓♏●●☐♦ ♦♒❒☐◆♑♒ ♑❒♏♏⏹ ♦☐ ♌●♋♍✌✆ ♍☐⏹♦♦♓♦◆♦♏♦ ✆ ❒♋⏹♑♏♦✆ ♍☐⏹♦♓♦♦♦ ✆ ♍☐❍☐☐♦♏♦☠☐♦ ☐⏹♏ ♓⏹ ☐⏹♏ ♒◆⏹♎❒♏♎ ♍♒♓●♎❒♏⏹ ♏⌧☐☐♦♏♎ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♎♓♦♏♋♦♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ●♓♏●⍓ ♦☐ ♎♏❖♏●☐☐ ♓♦✌✆ ♦♒☐◆●♎ ♌♏ ✆ ❍◆♦♦ ♌♏✆ ♓♦ ✆ ♋❒♏ ♏♍☐❍♓⏹♑ ♎♓♦♋♌●♏♎ ♌⍓ ♋⏹ ♋♍♍♓♎♏⏹♦ ♓♦ ☐⏹♏ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ❍☐♦♦ ♦♏❒♓☐◆♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♋♦ ♋●● ♎❒♓❖♏❒♦ ♐♋♍♏✌✆ ♦♒☐❒♦♍☐❍♓⏹♑♦ ✆ ♐♋◆●♦♦✆ ♒♋♋❒♎♦ ✆ ❍♓♦♦♋♏♦❆♒♏ ♓♎ ♦♋♦ ♦☐☐ ♐❒♓♑♒♦♏⏹♏♎ ♦☐ ♦☐♏♋ ♒♏ ♍☐◆●♎ ⏹☐♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♏ ♍❒♓❍♓⏹♋● ♓⏹ ♎♏♦♋♓●✌✆ ♍☐❍❍♏⏹♦ ✆ ☐❒♏♦♍❒♓♌♏✆ ♎♏♦♍❒♓♌♏ ✆ ❍◆❍♌●♏❆♒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♏♓♑♒♦ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♌☐⌧ ☐♐ ♍♒☐♍☐●♋♦♏♦ ♓♦ ❍☐❒♏ ♦♒♋⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦♏♓♑♒♦ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♍♒☐♍☐●♋♦♏♦ ♋●☐⏹♏✌✆ ♦♒☐●♏ ✆ ♏⏹♦♓❒♏✆ ♦☐♦♋● ✆ ♑❒☐♦♦❆♒♏⍓ ♒♋❖♏ ♎♏❖♏●☐☐♏♎ ♦♏♍♒⏹♓❑◆♏♦ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♋❒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦☐ ♦♒☐♦♏ ◆♦♏♎ ♓⏹ ❍☐♦♦ ♐♋♍♦☐❒♓♏♦✌✆ ❍☐❒♏ ♦♋●♏⏹♦♏♎ ✆ ♌♏♦♦♏❒✆ ♑❒♏♋♦♏❒ ✆ ♦◆☐♏❒♓☐❒✞⏹♐☐❒♦◆⏹♋♦♏●⍓ ❖♏❒⍓ ♐♏♦ ♦♒♏♏☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♏ ♦♏❖♏❒♏ ♦♓⏹♦♏❒ ●♋♦♦ ⍓♏♋❒✌✆ ♦◆❒❖♓❖♏♎ ✆ ♏⏹♎◆❒♏♎ ✆ ♦☐♏⏹♦ ✆ ❒♏❍♋♓⏹♏♎ ♋●♓❖♏✋ ♦◆♎♎♏⏹●⍓ ❒♏♋●♓♏♎ ♦♒♋♦ ♒♏ ♦♋♦ ♦❒⍓♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ❑◆♋❒❒♏●●♓⏹♑ ♦♓♦♒ ❍♏✌✆ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒ ✆ ♏⏹☐⍓ ✆ ♋❖☐♓♎ ✆ ☐❒♏❖♏⏹♦❆♒☐◆♦♋⏹♎♦ ☐♐ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦☐ ♦♏♏ ♦♒♏ ☐♋❒♋♎♏ ☎游行✆✌✆ ♦◆❒⏹♏♎ ☐♐♐ ✆ ♦◆❒⏹♏♎ ☐◆♦✆ ♦◆❒⏹♏♎ ◆☐ ✆ ♦◆❒⏹♏♎ ☐❖♏❒❆♒♏ ❒♏♋● ♦❒☐◆♌●♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♏♓❒ ●♋♍ ☐♐ ♍☐⏹♐♓♎♏⏹♍♏ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏♓❒ ♋♌♓●♓♦♓♏♦✌✆ ●♓♏♦ ♓⏹ ✆ ●♓♏♦ ☐⏹✆ ❒♏♦◆●♦♦ ♓⏹ ✆ ●♏♋♎♦ ♦☐☟♏❒♏ ♋❒♏ ♦☐❍♏ ♦☐⍓♦ ✡☐◆ ♍♋⏹ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☐⏹♏ ☐❒ ♦♦☐ ♐☐❒ ⍓☐◆❒ ●♓♦♦●♏ ♦☐⏹ ♋♦ ♌♓❒♦♒♎♋⍓ ♑♓♐♦ ♐❒☐❍ ❍♏✌✆ ♦♓⏹♑●♏ ☐◆♦ ✆ ☐♓♍ ☐◆♦✆ ♦♋♏ ☐◆♦ ✆ ♦☐❒ ☐◆♦ ◆♦♋⏹ ♦♋⏹♦♦ ♦☐ ⏹☐♦ ♦♒♏♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♏ ❍♏♋♦◆❒♏♦ ♒♋❖♏ ♌♏♏⏹ ♋♑❒♏♏♎ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ♦☐ ✆ ♦♓♦♒ ✆ ☐❖♏❒✆ ◆☐☐⏹☜⌧♍◆♦♏ ❍♏ ♌◆♦ ♓♦ ♓♦ ♦♓❍♏ ♦☐ ♒♋❖♏ ⍓☐◆❒ ♦♏❍☐♏❒♋♦◆❒♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ♦♋♏⏹ ✆ ♦☐ ♦♋♏ ✆ ♦♋♏ ✆ ♦♋♓⏹♑♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♓♦ ♓♦ ⍓☐◆❖♏ ♐☐◆⏹♎ ⍓☐◆ ❍◆♦♦ ♑♓❖♏ ♓♦ ♌♋♍ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ☐♏❒♦☐⏹ ♓♦ ♌♏●☐⏹♑♦ ♦☐✌✆ ❆♒♋♦ ✆ ♒♋♦ ✆ ♒♋♦♏❖♏❒ ✆ ☟☐♦♏❖♏❒ ♒♏⏹ ♒♏ ♦♋♦ ❖♏❒⍓ ⍓☐◆⏹♑ ☺☐♏ ☐♐♦♏⏹ ♦☐⏹♎♏❒♏♎ ♦♒⍓ ♒♓♦ ❍☐♦♒♏❒ ♦☐◆●♎⏹❼♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋ ☐♏⏹⏹⍓ ☐⏹ ♒♏❒♦♏●♐✌✆ ♦☐♏⏹♎ ✆ ♦♋♏ ✆ ♍☐♦♦✆ ☐♋⍓ ☐⏹❼♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋ ♍♋❒ ♦♒♓♏♐ ♌⍓ ●♏♋❖♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ♏⍓♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♍♋❒✌✆ ♋❒☐◆♦♏ ✆ ♦♏❍☐♦ ✆ ♓⏹♦♏⏹♎ ✆ ♓⏹❖♓♦♏✡☐◆❼●● ♍◆♦ ⍓☐◆❒♦♏●♐ ♓♐ ⍓☐◆ ♦♋● ♋❒☐◆⏹♎ ♓⏹ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♐♏♏♦✌✆ ♏❍☐♦⍓ ✆ ♒☐●●☐♦ ✆ ♌♋❒♏✆ ♌●♋⏹♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ❒♏♦☐♏♍♦♏♎ ♒♏ ♓♦ ⏹☐♦ ●♓♏♎ ✌✆ ♒♏♦♒♏❒ ✆ ♓⏹♍♏ ✆ ♒☐❍ ✆ ♒♓●♏✌ ❍♋⏹ ☐♐ ♒◆❍♌●♏ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ☹♓⏹♍☐●⏹ ♏❖♏⏹♦◆♋●●⍓ ♌♏♍♋❍♏ ❒♏♦♓♎♏⏹♦ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ✞⏹♓♦♏♎ ♦♋♦♏♦ ♦♒❒☐◆♑♒ ♒♓♦ ☐♦⏹ ♏♐♐☐❒♦♦✌✆ ♦☐◆❒♍♏ ✆ ☐❒♓♑♓⏹ ✆ ❒♏♦☐◆❒♍♏ ✆ ❒☐☐♦✋♐ ⍓☐◆ ⏹♏♏♎ ♋⏹⍓♦♒♓⏹♑ ☐●♏♋♦♏ ♎☐⏹❼♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦☐ ♍♋●● ❍♏✌✆ ❒♏♐◆♦♏ ✆ ❒♏♏♍♦ ✆ ♌☐♦♒♏❒✆ ♒♏♦♓♦♋♦♏✋♦ ♦♋♦ ♋ ●☐⏹♑ ♎❒♓❖♏ ♦☐ ♑♏♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♌♏♋♍♒ ♋⏹♎ ♦♏ ♦♒❒♏♏ ♦☐☐ ♦♒♏ ♦♒♏♏● ☎驾驶✆ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ♌⍓ ❒♏♦◆❒⏹ ✆ ☐⏹ ♦◆❒⏹✆ ♓⏹ ❒♏♦◆❒⏹ ✆ ♓⏹ ♦◆❒⏹✡☐◆ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♏♏⏹ ☺♋♍ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ❍♏♏♦♓⏹♑ ⍓♏♦♦♏❒♎♋⍓ ❍☐❒⏹♓⏹♑ ☟♏ ♒♋♦ ♌♏♏⏹ ♓⏹ ♒☐♦☐♓♦♋● ♐☐❒ ♦♒❒♏♏ ♦♏♏♦✌✆ ♍♋⏹❼♦ ♒♋❖♏ ✆ ♍☐◆●♎ ♒♋❖♏✆ ⏹♏♏♎⏹❼♦ ♒♋❖♏ ✆ ❍♓♑♒♦ ⏹☐♦ ♒♋❖♏ ♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♦♒☐♦♏♎ ♑❒♏♋♦ ♏⏹♦♒◆♦♓♋♦❍ ♓⏹ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♦♒♏ ⏹♏♦ ●♏♋❒⏹♓⏹♑✌✆ ♍♒♋♦♓⏹♑ ✆ ♦♏♋❒♍♒♓⏹♑✆ ☐◆❒♦◆♓⏹♑ ✆ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ♏ ♦♒☐◆●♎ ❍♋♏ ☐◆❒ ❒♏♦♏❒❖♋♦♓☐⏹♦ ☎预订✆ ♋♦ ♐♋❒ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋♦ ☐☐♦♦♓♌●♏ ♦☐ ♑♏♦ ♦♒♏ ♐●♓♑♒♦ ♦♏ ♦♋⏹♦✌✆ ♓⏹ ☐♋❒♦♓♍◆●♋❒ ✆ ♓⏹ ♋♎❖♋⏹♍♏✆ ♓⏹ ☐❒♋♍♦♓♍♏ ✆ ♓⏹ ♏⌧♓♦♦♏⏹♍♏ ❆♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♦❒⍓♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉ ♋ ♦♓❍☐●♏♦♦⍓●♏ ☐♐ ●♓❖♓⏹♑✌✆ ♌❒♓⏹♑ ♌♋♍ ✆ ♌❒♓⏹♑ ◆☐✆ ♌❒♓⏹♑ ♎☐♦⏹ ✆ ♌❒♓⏹♑ ♐☐❒♦♒✋✋ ♏♋♎♓⏹♑ ♍☐❍☐❒♏♒♏⏹♦♓☐⏹ ☎✆✈◆♏♦♦♓☐⏹♦ ♦☐ ♋❒♏ ♌♋♦♏♎ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏☞☐❒ ❍♋⏹⍓ ⍓♏♋❒♦ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♦♏❒♏ ♦♓❍☐●♏ ♦♒☐❒♦ ♦●♏♏❖♏♎ ◆⏹♎♏❒♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♐☐❒ ❍♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ♌☐⍓♦ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ◆♦♏♎ ♦☐ ♌♏ ☐♐ ☐⏹♏ ♍☐●☐❒ ♦♒♓♦♏ ✌⏹♎ ♦♓⏹♍♏ ♦♒♏⍓ ♦♏❒♏ ♦☐❒⏹ ◆⏹♎♏❒ ♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♦♏❒♏ ♑♏⏹♏❒♋●●⍓ ⏹☐♦ ♦♏♏⏹❆☐♎♋⍓ ♦♒♏ ❆♦♒♓❒♦ ♒♋♦ ♌♏♍☐❍♏ ♐♋♦♒♓☐⏹♋♌●♏ ✋♦ ♍♋⏹ ♌♏ ♦♏♏⏹ ♏❖♏❒⍓♦♒♏❒♏ ♋⏹♎ ☐⏹ ♏❖♏❒⍓☐⏹♏ ☐❍♏⏹ ♋⏹♎ ●♓♦♦●♏ ♍♒♓●♎❒♏⏹ ♦♏♋❒ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋♦ ♎☐ ♦♏♏⏹♋♑♏❒♦ ◆⏹♓❖♏❒♦♓♦⍓ ♦♦◆♎♏⏹♦♦ ♋⏹♎ ❍♏⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ♋●● ♦♋●♦ ☐♐ ●♓♐♏ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♦☐❒⏹ ☐⏹ ☐●♋⍓♑❒☐◆⏹♎ ♋♦ ♦♒♏ ♌♏♋♍♒ ☐❒ ♓⏹ ♦☐♦⏹ ❆♒♏⍓ ♍♋⏹ ♋●♦☐ ♌♏ ♦☐❒⏹ ♐☐❒ ♦☐❒ ✡♏♦ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ❒♏❍♋♓⏹ ❒♏●♋♦♓❖♏●⍓ ♓⏹♏⌧☐♏⏹♦♓❖♏ ♋⏹♎ ●☐⏹♑ ♦♏♋❒♓⏹♑ ♋♦ ♦♏●● ♋♦ ♏♋♦⍓ ♦☐ ♍♋❒♏ ♐☐❒ ❍♋❒♦ ♌◆♦ ♍☐❍♐☐❒♦♋♌●♏ ♋⏹♎ ♍☐⏹❖♏⏹♓♏⏹♦ ♦☐ ♦♏♋❒ ♦♒♏⍓ ♒♋❖♏ ♌♏♍☐❍♏ ☐⏹♏ ☐♐ ✌❍♏❒♓♍♋⏹❼♦ ⏹♏♦♏♦♦ ♓♎♏♋♦ ☐⏹ ♐♋♦♒♓☐⏹✌●♦♒☐◆♑♒ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ⏹☐♦ ♋❖♋♓●♋♌●♏ ♓⏹ ♋ ♦♓♎♏ ❖♋❒♓♏♦⍓ ☐♐ ♌❒♓♑♒♦ ❍♋♦♏❒♓♋●♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦♦⍓●♏♦ ♦♒♏ ❍☐♦♦ ☐☐☐◆●♋❒ ♓⏹♎ ♓♦ ♦♒♏ ♦❒♋♎♓♦♓☐⏹♋● ♍☐♦♦☐⏹ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♦♓♦♒ ♋ ♦●☐♑♋⏹ ☐❒ ☐♓♍♦◆❒♏ ☐❒♓⏹♦♏♎ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ♐❒☐⏹♦ ✌ ❆♦♒♓❒♦ ❍♋⍓ ♌♏♋❒ ♋ ☐♓♍♦◆❒♏ ♋ ♦♓⏹♑●♏ ♦☐❒♎ ♋ ☐☐☐◆●♋❒ ☐♒❒♋♦♏ ☐❒ ♋⏹ ♋♎❖♏❒♦♓♦♏❍♏⏹♦ ✌♦ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♌♏♍☐❍♓⏹♑ ❍☐❒♏ ♋⏹♎ ❍☐❒♏ ☐☐☐◆●♋❒ ⏹♏♦ ♎♏♦♓♑⏹♦ ♋❒♏ ♍☐❍♓⏹♑ ◆☐ ♋●● ♦♒♏ ♦♓❍♏ ♒♓♍♒ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ♦♦♋♦♏❍♏⏹♦♦ ♓♦ ♦❒◆♏ ♋♌☐◆♦ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦✍✌✆❆♒♏❒♏ ♦♏❒♏ ●☐♦♦ ☐♐ ❍◆●♦♓♍☐●☐❒♏♎ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦✆❆♒♏❒♏ ♦♏❒♏ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♓⏹♎♦ ☐♐ ❆♦♒♓❒♦♦✆❆♒♏⍓ ♦♏❒♏ ♦☐❒⏹ ♌⍓ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♐❒☐❍ ♋●● ♦♋●♦ ☐♐ ●♓♐♏✆❆♒♏⍓ ♦♏❒♏ ◆♦◆♋●●⍓ ♦☐❒⏹ ♓⏹♦♓♎♏ ♏ ♍♋⏹ ●♏♋❒⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♒♏ ♦♏♍☐⏹♎ ☐♋❒♋♑❒♋☐♒ ♦♒♋♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♦☐❒⏹ ♌⍓ ●♓♦♦●♏ ♍♒♓●♎❒♏⏹ ❒♋♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♋⏹ ♌⍓ ♦♏♏⏹♋♑♏❒♦✆❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒♏♎ ❒♏●♋♦♓❖♏●⍓ ♏⌧☐♏⏹♦♓❖♏ ⏹☐♦✆❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♍☐⏹♦♓♎♏❒♏♎ ♐♋♦♒♓☐⏹♋♌●♏ ♓⏹ ✌❍♏❒♓♍♋✆❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♦☐❒⏹ ☐⏹ ☐●♋⍓♑❒☐◆⏹♎ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♍☐❍♐☐❒♦♋♌●♏ ♒♓♍♒ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♐☐●●☐♦♓⏹♑ ♦♦♋♦♏❍♏⏹♦♦ ♓♦ ♦❒◆♏ ♋♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏✍✌✆❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ♍♒♏♋☐ ♌◆♦ ◆⏹♍☐❍♐☐❒♦♋♌●♏ ✆❆♦♒♓❒♦♦ ♋❒♏ ☐☐☐◆●♋❒ ♌◆♦ ♎♓♐♐♓♍◆●♦ 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♌♏♍♋❍♏ ♦☐☐ ♑❒♏♋♦ ♋⏹♎ ♒♏ ♦☐◆●♎ ❑◆♓♏♦●⍓ ♑☐ ☐♐♐ ♦☐ ♋ ♐♋❒❍ ♌♏♒♓⏹♎ ♒♓♦ ♒☐◆♦♏ ♋⏹♎ ☐●♋⍓ ♒♓♦ ♑◆♓♦♋❒ ♋⏹♎ ❍♋♏ ◆☐ ♦☐⏹♑♦❽✋ ❍♋♎♏ ♓♦ ♦☐ ♦♋⏹♦☐⏹ ☐●●♏♑♏❾ ♒♏ ●♋◆♑♒♏♎ ❽♌◆♦ ✋ ❍♋☐❒♏♎ ♓⏹ ♋♍♍☐◆⏹♦♓⏹♑ ♓⏹♦♦♏♋♎ ☐♐ ♦♏♋♍♒♓⏹♑ ✌⏹♎ ♦☐ ☐♋⍓ ❍⍓ ☐♦⏹ ♦♋⍓ ✋ ☐●♋⍓♏♎ ♦♒♏ ♑◆♓♦♋❒ ♋⏹♎ ♦♋⏹♑ ♋♦ ♋ ●☐♍♋● ⏹♓♑♒♦♍●◆♌❾♒♓●♏ ☞♓♏●♎♦ ♦♋♦ ♦♦♓●● ♓⏹ ♒♓♦ ♦♏⏹♓☐❒ ⍓♏♋❒ ♋⏹ ♏⌧♏♍◆♦♓❖♏ ☐♐ ♋ ❒♏♍☐❒♎ ♍☐❍☐♋⏹⍓ ♍♋❍♏ ♓⏹♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♍●◆♌ ♋♦ ♒♏ ♦♋♦ ♦♓⏹♑♓⏹♑ ☐⏹♏ ☐♐ ♒♓♦ ☐♦⏹ ♦☐⏹♑♦ ❆♒♏ ♏⌧♏♍◆♦♓❖♏ ●♓♏♎ ♦♒♋♦ ♒♏ ♒♏♋❒♎ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓♑⏹♏♎ ♦♒♏ ⍓☐◆⏹♑ ❍♋⏹ ♦☐ ♋ ♍☐⏹♦❒♋♍♦♓⏹♍♏ ♑❒♋♎◆♋♦♓⏹♑ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♋⏹♦☐⏹ ☐●●♏♑♏ ♓⏹ ☞♓♏●♎♦ ♒♋♦ ♎♏❖☐♦♏♎ ♒♓♦ ♐◆●● ♦♓❍♏ ♦☐ ♍☐❍☐☐♦♓⏹♑ ♋⏹♎ ♦♓⏹♑♓⏹♑ ✂⍓ ☟♏♋❒♦♋♍♒♏✂ ♋ ♦☐⏹♑ ♒♏ ♦❒☐♦♏ ♦♒♓●♏ ♓⏹ ♍☐●●♏♑♏ ❒♏♋♍♒♏♎ ⏹◆❍♌♏❒ ♦♏❖♏⏹♦♏♏⏹ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♦☐☐ ♦♦♏⏹♦⍓ ♦☐⏹♑ ♒♓♦♦ ☐♐ ♋⏹♎ ♓⏹ ♒♓♦ ♦☐⏹♑ ❽♋❍♌●♓⏹♑❾ ♦♋♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♒♏❍♏ ♦☐⏹♑ ♐☐❒ ♦♒♏ ❍☐❖♓♏ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♦♋❍♏ ⏹♋❍♏✋♐ ♦♋⏹●♏⍓ ☞♓♏●♎♦ ♒♋♎ ♦♋♏⏹ ♒♓♦ ♐♋♦♒♏❒♦ ♓⏹♦♦❒◆♍♦♓☐⏹♦ ♒♏ ❍♓♑♒♦ ♒♋❖♏ ♌♏♏⏹ ♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ♋⏹ ♋♍♍☐◆⏹♦♋⏹♦✆ ♋ ♦♏♋♍♒♏❒✆ ♋ ❍◆♦♓♍♓♋⏹✆ ♋⏹ ♏⌧♏♍◆♦♓❖♏✋⏹ ☐❒♎♏❒ ♦☐ ☐●♏♋♦♏ ♒♓♦ ♐♋♦♒♏❒ ☞♓♏●♎♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ♦☐❒♏♎ ❖♏❒⍓ ♒♋❒♎ ♋♦ ♒♓♦ ♦♍♒☐☐● ●♏♦♦☐⏹♦✆ ☐◆♦ ♎☐♦⏹ ♒♓♦ ♑◆♓♦♋❒ ♋⏹♎ ♎♓♎ ♒♓♦ ♒☐❍♏♦☐❒✆ 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♐♋❍♓●⍓ ♑☐♏♦ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ❒♓❖♏❒ ♦☐ ♦♋♦♍♒ ♦♒♏ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏♦ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♦♋♏ ☐●♋♍♏ ☐⏹ ♦♒♓♦ ♐♏♦♦♓❖♋● ❆♒♏ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ♦⍓❍♌☐●♓♏♦ ♦♒♏ ♦♦☐❒⍓ ☐♐ ♒⍓◆ ✡◆♋⏹ ✌●● ♦♒♏ ♦♋♦♍♒♏❒♦ ♍♒♏♏❒ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒☐◆♦ ♒♋☐☐♓●⍓ ✌♐♦♏❒ ♦♒♏ ♏⌧♍♓♦♓⏹♑ ❒♋♍♏ ♌☐♦♒ ♦♒♏ ♍☐❍☐♏♦♓♦♓☐⏹♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒♏ ♦♋♦♍♒♏❒♦ ◆♦◆♋●●⍓ ♏♋♦ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♍♒◆⏹♑♦♏❆♒♏ ❒♋♑☐⏹ ☐♋♦ ☞♏♦♦♓❖♋● ♦⍓❍♌☐●♓♏♦ ♦♒♏ ◆⏹♓❑◆♏ ❍♏♋⏹♓⏹♑♦ ☐♐ ♒♓⏹♏♦♏ ♒♓♦♦☐❒⍓ ♋⏹♎ ♐◆❒♦♒♏❒❍☐❒♏ ♦♒♏ ☐❒☐♍♏♦♦ ☐♐ ❍♋♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ❒♓♍♏ ♎◆❍☐●♓⏹♑♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦♒♏ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏♦ ♋❒♏ ♋ ♦♋⍓ ☐♐ ♎❒♋♦♓⏹♑ ♋●● ❍♏❍♌♏❒♦ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ♐♋❍♓●⍓ ♦☐♑♏♦♒♏❒ ♋♑♋♓⏹ ♏❒♒♋☐♦ ☐⏹♏ ♎♋⍓ ♦♏ ♦♓●● ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ❖♏❒⍓ ♎♓♐♐♏❒♏⏹♦ ♍♏●♏♌❒♋♦♓☐⏹ ♌◆♦ ♦☐ ♐♋❒ ♦♏ ♦♦♓●● ●♓♏ ♦♒♓♦ ♒☐●♓♎♋⍓ ♌♏♓⏹♑ ♍♏●♏♌❒♋♦♏♎ ♓⏹ ♋ ♦❒♋♎♓♦♓☐⏹♋● ♦♋⍓❆♒♏ ☐◆❒☐☐♦♏ ☐♐ ♍♏●♏♌❒♋♦♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ❒♋♑☐⏹ ☐♋♦ ☞♏♦♦♓❖♋● ♓♦ ♦☐ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ❍♋♏ ♍♒◆⏹♑♦♏✆ ♒☐●♎ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏♦✆ ♒♋❖♏ ♋●● ♦♒♏ ♐♋❍♓●⍓ ❍♏❍♌♏❒♦ ♑♏♦ ♦☐♑♏♦♒♏❒✆ ❍♏❍☐❒♓♏ ♋ ♐♋❍☐◆♦ ♋⏹♍♓♏⏹♦ ♒♓⏹♏♦♏ ☐☐♏♦ ❆♒♏ ♒♓♦♦☐❒⍓ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ❒♋♑☐⏹ ☐♋♦ ☞♏♦♦♓❖♋● ♓♦ ♋♌☐◆♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆ ⍓♏♋❒♦ ✆ ⍓♏♋❒♦✆ ⍓♏♋❒♦ ✆ ⍓♏♋❒♦✌☐♋❒♦ ♐❒☐❍ ♦♒♏ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏ ♦♒♋♦ ♓♦ ♦♒♏ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♋♍♦♓❖♓♦⍓ ☐♐ ♦♒♓♦ ♐♏♦♦♓❖♋●✍✌✆☝☐♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ❒♓❖♏❒✆✞♓♦♓♦♓⏹♑ ♐♋❍♓●⍓ ❍♏❍♌♏❒♦✆ ♋♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ❒♓♍♏ ♎◆❍☐●♓⏹♑♦✆ ♏♋♎♓⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ☐☐♏❍♦ ♦❒♓♦♦♏⏹ ♌⍓ ♒⍓◆ ✡◆♋⏹❆♒♏ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏ ♓♦ ♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉♉✌✆☐⏹●⍓ ♐☐❒ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♦☐ ☐♓⏹ ♓⏹✆♋ ♓⏹♎ ☐♐ ♦♏♋❍ ♍☐❍☐♏♦♓♦♓☐⏹✆♒♏●♎ ♋♐♦♏❒ ♍♒◆⏹♑♦♏ ♒♋♦ ♌♏♏⏹ ♏♋♦♏⏹✆♒♏●♎ ☐⏹●⍓ ♋❍☐⏹♑ ♦♒♏ ♐♋❍♓●⍓ ❍♏❍♌♏❒♦ ♒♋♦❼♦ ♦♒♏ ❍♋♓⏹ ♓♎♏♋ ☐♐ ♦♒♏ ☐♋♦♦♋♑♏✍✌✆❆♒♏ ❒♋♑☐⏹ ☐♋♦ ☞♏♦♦♓❖♋● ♒♋♦ ♦☐♏♍♓♋● ❍♏♋⏹♓⏹♑ ♐☐❒ ♒♓⏹♏♦♏ ☐♏☐☐●♏✆❆♒♏ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏ ♓♦ ♋ ♦♓♑⏹♓♐♓♍♋⏹♦ ♦☐☐❒♦♦ ♍☐❍☐♏♦♓♦♓☐⏹✆ ♏☐☐●♏ ❍◆♦♦ ♏♋♦ ♍♒◆⏹♑♦♏ ☐⏹ ♦♒♏ ❒♋♑☐⏹ ☐♋♦ ☞♏♦♦♓❖♋●✆ ♏☐☐●♏ ●♓♏ ♦☐ ♦♋♦♍♒ ♦♒♏ ♎❒♋♑☐⏹ ♌☐♋♦ ❒♋♍♏✋✋✋ ●☐♏ ☎✆✋ ♑♏♦ ♋ ●☐♦ ☐♐ ●♏♦♦♏❒♦ ♋♦ ♦♒♓♦ ♦♓❍♏ ☐♐ ⍓♏♋❒ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♍☐❍☐●♋♓⏹♓⏹♑ ♦♒♋♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♒♋❖♏ ♋ ♍☐●♎ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♦☐⏹❼♦ ♑☐ ❆♒♏❒♏ ♋❒♏ ♦☐ ❍♋⏹⍓ ♎♓♐♐♏❒♏⏹♦ ♦♦☐❒♓♏♦ ♋♌☐◆♦ ♒☐♦ ♦☐ ☐❒ ♍◆❒♏ ♋ ♍☐●♎ ✋♦❼♦ ☐♐♦♏⏹ ♎♓♐♐♓♍◆●♦ ♦☐ ⏹☐♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♦☐ ♎☐ ♍☐●♎♦ ♋❒♏ ❒♋❒♏●⍓ ♎♋⏹♑♏❒☐◆♦ ☐♏☐☐●♏ ♦♒☐ ♋❒♏ ♋●❒♏♋♎⍓ ♦♏♋ ♦♒♏ ♏●♎♏❒●⍓ ☐❒ ⍓☐◆⏹♑ ♌♋♌♓♏♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♋●♦♋⍓♦ ♋⏹♎ ◆♦◆♋●●⍓ ❍☐♦♦ ◆⏹☐●♏♋♦♋⏹♦ ♐ ♍☐◆❒♦♏ ⍓☐◆ ♍♋⏹ ♌◆⍓ ●☐♦♦ ☐♐ ❍♏♎♓♍♓⏹♏♦ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♦♓●● ♦☐ ❍♋♏ ⍓☐◆❒ ♍☐●♎ ●♏♦♦ ♌◆♦ ⍓☐◆ ❍◆♦♦ ❒♏❍♏❍♌♏❒ ♦♒♋♦ ⏹☐♦♒♓⏹♑ ♍♋⏹ ♋♍♦◆♋●●⍓ ♍◆❒♏ ♋ ♍☐●♎ ❍♋♏ ♓♦ ♑☐ ♋♦♋⍓ ♐♋♦♦♏❒ ✌⏹☐♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♓⏹♑ ♓♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♋⏹⍓ ❍♏♎♓♍♓⏹♏ ♦♒♓♍♒ ♓♦ ♦♦❒☐⏹♑ ♦☐ ❍♋♏ ⍓☐◆ ♐♏♏● ♌♏♦♦♏❒ ♍☐◆●♎ ♌♏ ♎♋⏹♑♏❒☐◆♦ ⍓☐◆ ♋❒♏ ♋●❒♏♋♎⍓ ♦♋♓⏹♑ ♎❒◆♑♦ ♐☐❒ ♦☐❍♏ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♓●●⏹♏♦♦ ♋●♦♋⍓♦ ♍♒♏♍ ♦♓♦♒ ⍓☐◆❒ ♎☐♍♦☐❒ ♦☐ ♦♏♏ ♦♒♏⍓ ♋❒♏ ♋●● ❒♓♑♒♦ ♐☐❒ ⍓☐◆ ✌⏹♎ ❒♏❍♏❍♌♏❒ ♦♒♏⍓ ❍♓♑♒♦ ⍓☐◆ ♦●♏♏☐⍓ ☹♋♦♦●⍓ ♋❖☐♓♎♓⏹♑ ♍☐●♎♦ ♓♦ ♍☐⏹♍♏❒⏹♏♎ ⍓☐◆ ❍♋⍓ ♌♏ ♦☐●♎ ♋♌☐◆♦ ❍♋♑♓♍ ♐☐☐♎♦ ☐❒ ♎❒♓⏹♦ ♦♒♏ ♌♏♦♦ ♋⏹♦♦♏❒ ♓♦ ♦☐ ♦♦❒☐⏹♑ ♋⏹♎ ♒♏♋●♦♒⍓ ✡☐◆❼●● ♒♋❖♏ ●♏♦♦ ♍♒♋⏹♍♏ ☐♐ ♋ ♍☐●♎ ♋⏹♎ ♓♐ ⍓☐◆ ♎☐ ♓♦ ♦♒☐◆●♎⏹❼♦ ♌♏ ♌♋♎ ✌✆ ♓⏹ ✆ ♐❒☐❍ ✆ ☐⏹✆ ♐☐❒ ✌✆ ♋♦♋⍓ ✆ ♌♋♍ ✆ ☐◆♦✆ ☐❖♏❒ ✌✆ ♦♦☐☐ ✆ ♍♋♦♍♒ ✆ ☐❒♏❖♏⏹♦✆ ❒♏♍☐♑⏹♓♏ ✌✆ ♏♍♋◆♦♏ ✆ ♒♏⏹ ✆ ✞⏹●♏♦♦✆ ✌●♦♒☐◆♑♒ ✌✆ ♏⌧♍♏☐♦ ♐☐❒ ✆ ❒♋♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♋⏹✆ ♋♍♍☐❒♎♓⏹♑ ♦☐ ✆ ♓⏹♍●◆♎♓⏹♑ ✌✆ ♦◆♍♒ ♋♦ ✆ ♌♏♦♓♎♏♦✆ ♐♋❒ ♐❒☐❍ ✆ ♦♓♦♒ ✌✆ ☐❒♓❍♓♦♓❖♏ ✆ ◆⏹♍☐❍♐☐❒♦♋♌●♏✆ ♒♏♋●♦♒⍓ ✆ ❖♋●◆♏●♏♦♦ ✌✆ ♋♐♐☐❒♎ ✆ ❒♏♎◆♍♏ ✆ ♒♏●☐ ✆ ♍☐❍☐♏♦♏ ✌✆ ◆⏹☐●♏♋♦♋⏹♦ ✆ ♍☐❍♐☐❒♦♋♌●♏✆ ☐☐♦♏❒♐◆● ✆ ♒♋❒❍●♏♦♦ ✌✆ ♋●♦☐ ✆ ♏❖♏⏹ ✆ ♦♦♓●●✆ ☐❒ ✌✆ ♏⏹☐◆♑♒ ✆ ❍☐❒♏ ✆ ☐❖♏❒✆ ❍◆♍♒ ✌✆ ⍓♏♦ ✆ ♋●♦♒☐◆♑♒ ✆ ♋♦✆ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ✌✆ ☜❖♏⏹ ✆ ☐ ✆ ◆♦✆ ☟☐♦♏❖♏❒ ✌✆ ♦♒⍓ ✆ ♦♒♏⏹ ✆ ♦♒♋♦✆ ♦♒♏♦♒♏❒ ✌✆ ♑♓❖♏ ✆ ❒♏♦◆●♦ ✆ ❍♋♏✆ ♦♋♏ ✌✆ ♋♦ ♋ ❒♏♦◆●♦ ✆ ♋♦ ♐♋❒ ♋♦✆ ♋♦ ♋⏹⍓ ❒♋♦♏ ✆ ♌⍓ ♋●● ❍♏♋⏹♦ ✌✆ ♦♒♋♦♏❖♏❒ ✆ ♦♒♏♦♒♏❒ ✆ ♦♒♏❒♏♋♦ ✆ ♦♒♏⏹ ✌✆ ♐♏♏● ✆ ♌♏♍☐❍♏ ✆ ❍♋♏✆ ♏♏☐ ✌✆ ♍♋♦♍♒♓⏹♑ ✆ ♐♓⏹♎♓⏹♑ ✆ ♍♋◆♦♓⏹♑ ✆ ❒♋♓♦♓⏹♑ ✌✆ ♦☐ ✆ ♦♒♏❒♏♐☐❒♏ ✆ ♦♒◆♦✆ ❑◆♓♦♏✋✞❆❒♋⏹♦●♋♦♓☐⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ☜⏹♑●♓♦♒ ♓⏹♦☐ ♒♓⏹♏♦♏ ☎ ✆ ☞☐❒ ☐⏹♏ ♦♒♓⏹♑ ☜♋❒♦♒❼♦ ♦◆❒♐♋♍♏ ♓⏹ ♦♒♏ ♋❒♏♋ ☐♐ ♋⏹♒♋♦♦♋⏹ ♓♦ ♍☐❍☐☐♦♏♎ ☐♐ ♦☐●♓♎ ♍☐⏹♍❒♏♦♏ ♋⏹♎ ⏹☐♦♒♓⏹♑ ♍♋⏹ ♑❒☐♦ ♦♒♏❒♏ ☞☐❒ ♋⏹☐♦♒♏❒ ♦♒♏ ♋♦❍☐♦☐♒♏❒♏ ♓♦ ♐♓●●♏♎ ♦♓♦♒ ♍♋❒♌☐⏹ ❍☐⏹☐⌧♓♎♏ ♋⏹♎ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♎♏♋♎●⍓ ♑♋♦♏♦ ♋⏹♎ ⏹☐♌☐♎⍓ ♍☐◆●♎ ☐☐♦♦♓♌●⍓ ♌❒♏♋♦♒♏ ♦♒♓♦ ♋❒♏♋ ♋⏹♎ ♦◆❒❖♓❖♏ ⍓ ♌♓❒♦♒ ♋⏹♎ ♌⍓ ♏♎◆♍♋♦♓☐⏹ ☺♏♐♐♏❒♦☐⏹ ♌♏●☐⏹♑♏♎ ♦☐ ♦♒♏ ♒♓♑♒♏♦♦ ♦☐♍♓♋● ♍●♋♦♦ ✡♏♦ ♓⏹ ♋ ♎♋⍓ ♦♒♏⏹ ♐♏♦ ⏹☐♌●♏ ☐♏❒♦☐⏹♦ ♏❖♏❒ ♦☐☐♏ ♦☐ ♦♒☐♦♏ ☐♐ ♒◆❍♌●♏ ☐❒♓♑♓⏹♦ ♏⌧♍♏☐♦ ♦☐ ♑♓❖♏ ♋⏹ ☐❒♎♏❒ ☺♏♐♐♏❒♦☐⏹ ♦♏⏹♦ ☐◆♦ ☐♐ ♒♓♦ ♦♋⍓ ♦☐ ♦♋● ♦♓♦♒ ♑♋❒♎♏⏹♏❒♦ ♦♏❒❖♋⏹♦♦ ♋⏹♎ ♦♋♓♦♏❒♦ ✋ ♦♦♓●● ♎❒♏♋♎ ♏❒❒☐❒♦♦☐◆●♎ ♎☐ ❍⍓ ♌♏♦♦ ♦☐ ♋❖☐♓♎ ♦♒♏❍♌◆♦ ✋ ⏹♏♦ ♦♒♏⍓ ♦♏❒♏ ☐♋❒♦ ☐♐ ♋ ♦◆❒♑♏☐⏹❼♦ ●♓♐♏ ✋ ♍☐◆●♎ ♋♍♍♏☐♦ ♦♒♓♦ ♐♋♍♦ ♦♓♦♒ ♍♋●❍⏹♏♦♦ ♌♏♍♋◆♦♏ ✋ ⏹♏♦ ♦♒♋♦ ♓♐ ✋ ♦♋♦⏹❼♦ ♋♌●♏ ♦☐ ♋❖☐♓♎ ♋ ❍♓♦♦♋♏ ♍♒♋⏹♍♏♦ ♦♏❒♏ ♦♒♋♦ ⏹☐ ☐♦♒♏❒ ♦◆❒♑♏☐⏹ ♍☐◆●♎ ♒♋❖♏ ♏♓♦♒♏❒✞❆❒♋⏹♦●♋♦♓☐⏹ ♐❒☐❍ ♒♓⏹♏♦♏ ♓⏹♦☐ ☜⏹♑●♓♦♒ ☎ ✆ 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士☎❒ ♓●♦☐⏹✆本人。

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little ener gy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
秋《大学英语精读(2)》 客观题作业教学文案

我的成绩100分,考试时间:2018年12月01日 15:14:47 - 15:31:43,已做1次。
[查看考试记录]单选题1、This year's Asian oil demand ___________ will amount to 582,000 more bar rels of oil a day.(4 分)2、 He sometimes employs students to ___________ samples of their products.(4 分)3、 He hides behind door or creeps under a table to ________ from his enemi es.(4 分)4、The __________ workers' attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors.(4 分)5、 A college-level course of study intended to provide students with gener al academic knowledge _______________ occupational training.(4 分)6、In general most workers were in favor of a(n) _____________ scheme offer ing financial rewards.(4 分)7、Some of them did not get a chance to see the Olympic flame because of the ___________ changes, but we, indeed, feel their passion for China and th e Olympics.(4 分)8、The construction of the bridge ___________ due to the snowstorm.(4 分)9、If the corporation wants to increase its __________,it must reduce opera ting expense.(4 分)10、The city's road system is ________ handling the current volume of traff ic.(4 分)11、___________ is unknown to me.(2 分)12、No one was aware ____________Jane had gone.(2 分)13、I wonder how many years ago____________.(2 分)14、The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.(2 分)15、Never hesitate to ask about ____________.(2 分)16、I was sure __________ I would overcome all these difficulties.(2 分)17、It happened __________ Lisa wasn't there at that time.(2 分)18、__________ we need more practice is quite clear.(2 分)19、__________ you don't like him is none of my business.(2 分)20、______ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.(2 分)21、I have no idea_________ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.(2 分)22、It makes no difference to me _________ he will come or not.(2 分)23、He told me the news ___________ our team had won the game.(2 分)24、_________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden.(2 分)25、Word has come __________ some guests from Canada will visit our school.(2 分)26、Can you find out ____________her pen?(2 分)27、You can't imagine____________ when they received these gifts.(2 分)28、I will give this book to____________ wants to have it.(2 分)29、I doubt____________he will lend you the book.(2 分)30、The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.(2分)31、Do you know ____________?(2 分)32、The reason we're so late is ____________.(2 分)33、Do ____________you are told; otherwise you will be punished.(2 分)34、Students in his class cannot understand ____________.(2 分)35、We don't doubt ____________ he can make a good job of it.(2 分)36、Do you know ____________?(2 分)37、Do ___________ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.(2 分)38、This is __________ I want to tell you.(2 分)39、Students in his class cannot understand what ____________.(2 分)40、We don't doubt __________ he can make a good job of it.(2 分)。

一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分)1. (错误)According to a Xinhua News Agency report, residents of China’s five largest cities spent about 643Yuan (US $80.37) each on sport in 2005, with Beijing topping the survey at about 880 Yuan (US $ 110) per person (The five cities were Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan and Chengdu).Chinese are more willing to part with hard-earned cash in pursuit(追求) of fitness than they were 10 years ago. In addition to participating in a variety of fitness(健康)classes, many are now even seekingprivate training. Almost every new fitness or entertainment(娱乐)product or idea finds a willing audience among the public, whether riding bikes or engaging in “hot” yoga.A young organizer of a Beijing folding-bike club said, “We take exercise not only for our own fitness, butconsidering our social responsibilities. For example, every day we ride folding bikes to and from our workplaces. This is our way of helping reduc e pollution in Beijing.”The city’s elderly actively participate in many of the city’s sports teams. In the early mornings in the park, it is easy to meet groups of the elderly using the national fitness facilities or practicing Taiji and kendo.One participant said, “We do not want to bring any burden to our children, so we care more about our health than ever before.”1. Which of the following cities is not among the 5 largest cities of China?A. ShanghaiB. TianjinC. BeijingD. Wuhai2. The citizens of which city spent the most money each on sport in 2005?A. shanghaiB. ChengduC. BeijingD. Wuhai3. What are the basic means for people to pursue fitness?A. fitness classes aloneB. sports teams aloneC. fitness classes and private trainingD. fitness classes, private training and sports teams4. People take exercise not only for their own fitness, but also for___.A. entertainmentB. environmental pollutionC. social responsibilitiesD. hard-earned cash5. The elderly care more about their health because____.A. they want to reduce pollution in the cityB. they like sports very muchC. they like to be with other peopleD. they don’t want to bring any burden to their children试题分值:25.0得分:[0, 0, 5, 0, 5]提示:[1]B.细节题。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------˵Ã÷£º×÷Òµ¹²ÓÐ20µÀÑ¡ÔñÌ⣬ÿÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö20·Ö¡£µ¥Ñ¡Ìâ1.()I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.A.whyB.howC.whoD.while2.¡ª I¡¯m very sorry for the mistake I¡¯ve made.¡ª It¡¯s OK. ().A.That can happen to the rest of us.B.What¡¯s the matter with you?C.Why are you so careless?D.You should be responsible for it.3.Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A.meetB.meetingC.have metD.to meet4.Little () about his own health though he was very ill.A.he caredB.does he careC.did he careD.he cares5.¡ª Thank you for your invitation.A.It doesn¡¯t matter.B.It¡¯s a pleasure.C.I¡¯ll appreciate it.D.It¡¯s a small thing.6.It is his first visit to Europe as the ().A.presideB.residentC.presidencyD.president7.You'll never guess the answer. Do you ()?A.give upB.get offC.give awayD.get down8.Most offices require secretaries ().A.have specified trainingB.having specified trainingC.to have specified trainingD.to have been specified training------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.How do you pay?()A.By credit cardB.moneyC.creditD.card10.This national fund pays for () benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.A.fareB.fairC.welfareD.satire11.Not only () to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.A.He was forcingB.was he forcingC.he was forcedD.was he forced12.¡ª May I help you?¡ª ().A.Yes, you canB.SorryC.Yes, pleaseD.No, you can't13.I don't enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical14.¡ª Is this raincoat yours?A.is hangingB.hangsC.has hungD.hung15.When () remains undecided.A.to start the programB.to be starting the programC.starting the programD.have started the program16.A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and () which they need.A.exclusionB.reflectionC.propertyD.permanence17.No sooner () asleep than she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallen------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.She had fellC.had she fallenD.had she fell18.¡ª (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.¡ª Oh, that¡¯s all right.A.I am fine.B.I am sorry.C.It¡¯s nice of you.D.I am OK.19.So difficult () it to live in a foreign country that I decided t leave.A.I have feltB.I did feelC.have I feltD.Did I feel20.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring˵Ã÷£º×÷Òµ¹²ÓÐ20µÀÑ¡ÔñÌ⣬ÿÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö20·Ö¡£µ¥Ñ¡Ìâ1.()I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually quite like the man.A.whyB.howC.whoD.while2.¡ª I¡¯m very sorry for the mistake I¡¯ve made.¡ª It¡¯s OK. ().A.That can happen to the rest of us.B.What¡¯s the matter with you?C.Why are you so careless?D.You should be responsible for it.3.Had I got there five minutes earlier, I could () her.A.meetB.meetingC.have metD.to meet4.Little () about his own health though he was very ill.A.he caredB.does he careC.did he careD.he cares5.¡ª Thank you for your invitation.A.It doesn¡¯t matter.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.It¡¯s a pleasure.C.I¡¯ll appreciate it.D.It¡¯s a small thing.6.It is his first visit to Europe as the ().A.presideB.residentC.presidencyD.president7.You'll never guess the answer. Do you ()?A.give upB.get offC.give awayD.get down8.Most offices require secretaries ().A.have specified trainingB.having specified trainingC.to have specified trainingD.to have been specified training9.How do you pay?()A.By credit cardB.moneyC.creditD.card10.This national fund pays for () benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.A.fareB.fairC.welfareD.satire11.Not only () to stay at home, but he was also forbidden to see his friends.A.He was forcingB.was he forcingC.he was forcedD.was he forced12.¡ª May I help you?¡ª ().A.Yes, you canB.SorryC.Yes, pleaseD.No, you can't13.I don't enjoy () activities.A.feasibleB.physicalC.sensitiveD.critical------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14.¡ª Is this raincoat yours?A.is hangingB.hangsC.has hungD.hung15.When () remains undecided.A.to start the programB.to be starting the programC.starting the programD.have started the program16.A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and () which they need.A.exclusionB.reflectionC.propertyD.permanence17.No sooner () asleep than she heard a knock at the door.A.she had fallenB.She had fellC.had she fallenD.had she fell18.¡ª (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.¡ª Oh, that¡¯s all right.A.I am fine.B.I am sorry.C.It¡¯s nice of you.D.I am OK.19.So difficult () it to live in a foreign country that I decided t leave.A.I have feltB.I did feelC.have I feltD.Did I feel20.If you have a () diet, you are getting all the vitamins you need.A.balancedB.bankruptC.biasedD.boring。

现代大学英语精读2Unit 1 Another school year------what for?又是一个新学年——为什么上大学?约翰查尔迪首先,给大家讲讲我教书生涯刚开始的时候经历过的一次失败吧。

【免费下载】⼤学英语精读2册习题练习⼀1.Mother ______ my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.A. remarkedB. motioned 要求C. shruggedD. impressed2.My uncle lived in a comfortable home ______ from farm buildings some 15 miles to the northwest of the city.我叔叔住在⼀所由农场改造的舒适房屋⾥,位于城市西北⽅向约15公⾥处A. constitutedB. converted 被改建的改造的C. stretchedD. acquired3.. The millionaire’s daughter left her parents’ home because she didn’t want to lead a(n)______ and meaningless life.A. bareB. vacantC. emptyD. blank4. Though he was generally acknowledged (公认为) to be very competent, his coworkers______ his rapid promotion in the company.A. likedB. appreciatedC. enjoyedD. resented5.The machine will not ______ properly if it is not kept well-oiled.A. perfectionB. injectionC. functionD. action6. Though you will face many difficulties, your ______ success is certain if you persistin working hard.A. humble B. colonial C. ultimate D. slim 7.If you shop around, you can probably buy the same product elsewhere for a _______ of those prices.A. connection B. radiation C. fraction D. application 8.Many people have dramatically reduced the amount of red meat they _______ .A. assume B. perform C. consume D. confirm 9.The exact cause of this disease is a ______ to which we have yet to find an answer.A. bewilder B. action C. puzzle D. solution 10.Workers are ______ against high unemployment and inflation (通货膨胀).A. protecting B. protesting C. prompted D. promoted 11. He did well in both schoolwork and sport and won a number of medals in the_____.A. lateB. laterC. latestD. latter12. That company’s products ______ from small televisions to ones with huge screens.A. driftB. establishC. occupyD. range13. The theory advanced by Einstein has produced ______ influence on modern science.A. transparentB. confidentC. profound 影响深远D. tough14. The company has been ______ my letter for weeks without dealing with my complaint.A. competing withB. sitting on 拖延C. working outD. talking back 、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,⽽且可保障各类管路习题到位。
最新《大学英语精读(2)》 客观题作业

《大学英语精读(2)》客观题作业单选题1、This year's Asian oil demand ___________ will amount to 582,000 more barrels of oil a day.(4 分)2、 He sometimes employs students to ___________ samples of their products.(4 分)3、 He hides behind door or creeps under a table to ________ from his enemies.(4 分)4、The __________ workers' attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors.(4 分)5、 A college-level course of study intended to provide students with general academic knowledge _______________ occupational training.(4 分)6、In general most workers were in favor of a(n) _____________ scheme offering financial rewards.(4 分)7、Some of them did not get a chance to see the Olympic flame because of the ___________ changes, but we, indeed, feel their passion for China and the Olympics.(4 分)8、The construction of the bridge ___________ due to the snowstorm.(4 分)9、If the corporation wants to increase its __________,it must reduce operating expense.(4 分)10、The city's road system is ________ handling the current volume of traffic.(4 分)11、___________ is unknown to me.(2 分)12、No one was aware ____________Jane had gone.(2 分)13、I wonder how many years ago____________.(2 分)14、The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.(2 分)15、Never hesitate to ask about ____________.(2 分)16、I was sure __________ I would overcome all these difficulties.(2 分)17、It happened __________ Lisa wasn't there at that time.(2 分)18、__________ we need more practice is quite clear.(2 分)19、__________ you don't like him is none of my business.(2 分)20、______ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.(2 分)21、I have no idea_________ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.(2 分)22、It makes no difference to me _________ he will come or not.(2 分)23、He told me the news ___________ our team had won the game.(2 分)24、_________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden.(2 分)25、Word has come __________ some guests from Canada will visit our school.(2 分)26、Can you find out ____________her pen?(2 分)27、You can't imagine____________ when they received these gifts.(2 分)28、I will give this book to____________ wants to have it.(2 分)29、I doubt____________he will lend you the book.(2 分)30、The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.(2 分)31、Do you know ____________?(2 分)32、The reason we're so late is ____________.(2 分)33、Do ____________you are told; otherwise you will be punished.(2 分)34、Students in his class cannot understand ____________.(2 分)35、We don't doubt ____________ he can make a good job of it.(2 分)36、Do you know ____________?(2 分)37、Do ___________ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.(2 分)38、This is __________ I want to tell you.(2 分)39、Students in his class cannot understand what ____________.(2 分)40、We don't doubt __________ he can make a good job of it.(2 分)。

大学英语精读2册习题练习一1.Mother ______ my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.A. remarkedB. motioned 要求C. shruggedD. impressed2.My uncle lived in a comfortable home ______ from farm buildings some 15 miles to thenorthwest of the city.我叔叔住在一所由农场改造的舒适房屋里,位于城市西北方向约15公里处A. constitutedB. converted被改建的改造的C. stretchedD. acquired3.. The millionaire’s daughter left her parents’home because she didn’t want to lead a(n)______ and meaningless life.A. bareB. vacantC. emptyD. blank4. Though he was generally acknowledged (公认为) to be very competent, his coworkers______ his rapid promotion in the company.A. likedB. appreciatedC. enjoyedD. resented5.The machine will not ______ properly if it is not kept well-oiled.A. perfectionB. injectionC. functionD. action6. Though you will face many difficulties, your ______ success is certain if you persistin working hard.A. humbleB. colonialC. ultimateD. slim7.If you shop around, you can probably buy the same product elsewhere for a _______ ofthose prices.A. connectionB. radiationC. fractionD. application8.Many people have dramatically reduced the amount of red meat they _______ .A. assumeB. performC. consumeD. confirm9.The exact cause of this disease is a ______ to which we have yet to find an answer.A. bewilderB. actionC. puzzleD. solution10.Workers are ______ against high unemployment and inflation (通货膨胀).A. protectingB. protestingC. promptedD. promoted11. He did well in both schoolwork and sport and won a number of medals in the_____.A. lateB. laterC. latestD. latter12. That company’s products ______ from small televisions to ones with huge screens.A. driftB. establishC. occupyD. range13. The theory advanced by Einstein has produced ______ influence on modern science.A. transparentB. confidentC. profound 影响深远D. tough14. The company has been ______ my letter for weeks without dealing with my complaint.A. competing withB. sitting on拖延C. working outD. talking back15. Mr. Jones was once a millionaire and he can’t ______ being poor.A. come on toB. come so far asC. come to terms with 忍受D. come up with16. I was worn out, ____ I thought I would never recover.A. so much thatB. as much as thatC. too much so thatD. so much so that以致17. He is Japanese ______ but he was born in China.A. in birthB. from birthC. by birth 血统D. of birth18. You’ve lost all your money; now you must learn to _____ the situation.A. live inB. live onC. live byD. live with忍受19. He picked up his umbrella and ______ the door.A. made ofB. made for 走向C. made outD. made up20. Today’s students need to learn language skills, computer know-how and so on, but ______they need to learn how to be an honest and responsible citizen诚信有责任心的公民.A. after allB. in allC. above all 首先D. all in all21. Don’t ______ to let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.A. hesitateB. rejectC. puzzleD. thrill22.The rise in unemployment ______ the government’s plan s for economic recovery.A. pursuedB. frustrated 挫败打击C. collapsedD. dismayed23. She never goes to any party, because she is too shy to feel ____ there.A. at the easeB. at ease安逸C. on her easeD. for ease of her24. People who won’t work should be ma de _______ .不肯工作的人要让他们工作。

一、阅读理解(共1道小题,共25.0分)1. (错误)Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng, China. Even when she was a baby, sheloved to draw lines everywhere. Seeing this, her father decided to help her. He gave her paint, brushes and paper. She practiced hard and improved very quickly. Soon her lines becameflowers, trees and animals. Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition in Shanghai at the age of 4.By age six, Yani had made over 4,000 paintings. She loved to draw animals, especially monkeys and cats. Although her father was good at drawing, he didn’t give her any art lessons.He even stopped painting his own pictures. Instead, he often took the little girl to parks and zoos to get ideas for her work. In this way, Yani developed her own style of painting with bright colors.All her pictures were different from others.At the age of 8, one of her monkey paintings was made into a Chinese stamp. Later, she started to draw pictures of country scenery and people. And when she was just 14, she became the youngest person to have personal shows in Washington D. C. and many other cities around the world.1. Wang Yani’s pictures were first shown____.A. in GongchengB. in ShanghaiC. in WashingtonD. in New York2. She was especially good at drawing ____ before she was eight.A. monkeys and catsB. mountains and riversC. horses and elephantsD. flowers and birds3. Why did her father take her to zoos and parks?A. Because he was not good at drawing.B. Because the girl wanted to stop painting.C. Because the girl didn’t like to draw at home.D. Because he wanted the girl to get ideas for her work.4. When did Yani have her personal show in Washington D. C.?A. At the age of 6.B. At the age of 8.C. At the age of 10.D. At the age of 14.5. Which of the following is true?A. She had a style of painting with bright colors.B. She began to learn to draw animals at 14.C. She had made 2,000 paintings at 6.D. Her father often gave her art lesson.试题分值:25.0得分:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]提示:[1]B.细节题。

2017秋《大学英语精读(2)》作业1.第1题He _______ many beautiful post cards to us.A.takesB.showsC.obtainD.has您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题___________ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.A.WhatB.ThisC.ThatD.It您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.03.第3题Never hesitate to ask about ____________.A.that you don' t understandB.what you don' t understandC.which you don' t understandD.what don' t you understand您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.04.第4题__________ we need more practice is quite clear.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhichD.When您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.05.第5题I wonder how many years ago____________.A.did your father retireB.your father retiredC.has your father retiredD.your father has retired您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.06.第6题have not found my book yet. In fact, I'm not sure ____________ I could have done with it.A.ifB.whetherC.howD.what您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.07.第7题He told me the news ___________ our team had won the game.A.aboutB.ofC.asD.that您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.08.第8题You can't imagine how ___________ when they received these gifts.A.they were excitedB.excited they wereC.excited they haveD.they were how excited题目分数:3.0此题得分:0.09.第9题The reason we're so late is ____________.A.for the car breaks downB.due to the car breaking downC.that the car broke downD.because the car broke down您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.010.第10题__________ you don't like him is none of my business.A.WhatB.WhoC.ThatD.Whether您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.011.第11题___________ is unknown to me.A.Where he isB.Where is heC.He is whereD.Is he where您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.012.第12题There is a ________ of two hours in the 7:40 train.A.delayteterD.decay您的答案:A此题得分:1.013.第13题The big tree _______ a lot of apples.A.bearsB.wearsC.growsD.takes您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.014.第14题We will soon ______ the airport.A.arrive inB.arrive atC.reach toD.arrive您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015.第15题After he ______ that unforgettable love, he became afraid of it.A.feelB.feltC.experienceD.experienced您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.016.第16题I will give this book to ___________ wants to have it.A.whomeverB.whoeverC.whateverD.wherever您的答案:B此题得分:3.017.第17题It happened __________ Lisa wasn't there at that time.A.whetherB.ifC.thatD.why您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.018.第18题Word has come __________ some guests from Canada will visit our school.A.whatB.thatC.whetherD.when您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.019.第19题I have _______ a taxi for you.A.arrangeB.planC.arrangedD.planned您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.020.第20题Hans has a new car. I wonder when __________ it.A.he boughtB.did he buyC.buysD.he is buying您的答案:A此题得分:3.021.第21题Can you find out where __________ her pen?A.Alice had putB.had Alice putC.Alice has putD.has Alice put您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.022.第22题I have no idea_________ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.A.whatB.howC.thatD.when您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.023.第23题It makes no difference to me _________ he will come or not.A.howB.whyC.whenD.whether您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.024.第24题Do you know ____________?A.when does the party startB.whether the party startsC.what time the party startsD.if the party starts您的答案:C此题得分:3.025.第25题I doubt __________ he will lend you the book.A.whetherB.whenC.thatD.which您的答案:A题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.026.第26题We don't doubt __________ he can make a good job of it.A.ifB.thatC.whatD.why您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.027.第27题Do ___________ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.A.thatB.whatC.whichD.which您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.028.第28题The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.A.what we would goB.how we would goC.that we would goD.where we would go您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.029.第29题Students in his class cannot understand what____________.A.does the sentence meanB.means this sentenceC.this sentence meansD.is the meaning of the sentence您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.030.第30题__________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden.A.That ... whatB.What ... whereC.What ... thatD.That ... where您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.031.第31题The reason I plan to go is ____________if I don't.A.because she will be unhappyB.that she will be unhappyC.what she will be unhappyD.for she will be unhappy您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.032.第32题I was sure __________ I would overcome all these difficulties.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.whether您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.033.第33题They ______ good friends and often visited each other.A.are used toB.are used to beed to beinged to be您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.034.第34题John is busy ______ his girlfriend ______ her paper.A.help…withB.to help…withC.helping…withD.to help…您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.035.第35题You should fill in the application _______ very carefully.A.fileB.letterC.visaD.form您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.036.第36题Andy will ______ at the train station on Sunday.A.see him offB.see himC.see off himD.see him away您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.037.第37题The music was so loud. That's __________ he left the party so early.A.howB.whyC.whatD.when您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.038.第38题No one was aware ____________Jane had gone.A.where thatB.of the placeC.of whereD.the place您的答案:C题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.039.第39题This is __________ I want to tell you.A.itB.thatC.whichD.what您的答案:D题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.040.第40题We must do well __________ the boss assigns us to do.A.thatB.whateverC.whicheverD.those您的答案:B题目分数:3.0此题得分:3.0作业总得分:97.0作业总批注:1、This year's Asian oil demand ___________ will amount to 582,000 more barrels of oil a day.(4 分)A.incentiveB.rather thanC.in capable ofD.in total我的答案:D得分:4分2、He sometimes employs students to ___________ samples of their products.(4 分)A.distributingB.distributeC.have been distributedD.to distribute我的答案:B得分:4分3、He hides behind door or creeps under a table to ________ from his enemies.(4 分)A.escapeB.escapingC.escapedD.Have escaped我的答案:A得分:4分4、The __________ workers' attention is now turning towards the recovery of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors.(4 分)A.routeB.in totalC.rather thanD.rescue我的答案:D得分:4分5、A college-level course of study intended to provide students with general academic knowledge _______________ occupational training.(4 分)A.ratherB.rather thanC.in totalD.incentive我的答案:B得分:4分6、In general most workers were in favor of a(n) _____________ scheme offering financial rewards.(4 分)A.incentiveB.incapable ofC.in totalD.escape我的答案:A得分:4分7、Some of them did not get a chance to see the Olympic flame because of the ___________ changes, but we, indeed, feel their passion for China and the Olympics.(4 分)A.profitB.suspendC.escapeD.route我的答案:D得分:4分8、The construction of the bridge ___________ due to the snowstorm.(4 分)A.suspendB.suspendingC.has been suspendedD.suspended我的答案:C得分:4分9、If the corporation wants to increase its __________,it must reduce operating expense.(4 分)A.profitableB.profitC.rescueD.Route我的答案:B得分:4分10、The city's road system is ________ handling the current volume of traffic.(4 分)A.incapable ofB.routeC.distributeD.able of我的答案:A得分:4分11、___________ is unknown to me.(2 分)A.Where he isB.Where is heC.He is whereD.Is he where我的答案:A得分:2分12、No one was aware ____________Jane had gone.(2 分)A.where thatB.of the placeC.of whereD.the place我的答案:C得分:2分13、I wonder how many years ago____________.(2 分)A.did your father retireB.your father retiredC.has your father retiredD.your father has retired我的答案:B得分:2分14、The news____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy.(2 分)A.what we would goB.how we would goC.that we would goD.where we would go我的答案:C得分:2分15、Never hesitate to ask about ____________.(2 分)A.that you don' t understandB.what you don' t understandC.which you don' t understandD.what don' t you understand我的答案:B得分:2分16、I was sure __________ I would overcome all these difficulties.(2 分)A.whatB.thatC.whichD.whether我的答案:B得分:2分17、It happened __________ Lisa wasn't there at that time.(2 分)A.whetherB.ifC.thatD.why我的答案:C得分:2分18、__________ we need more practice is quite clear.(2 分)A.WhatB.ThatC.WhichD.When我的答案:B得分:2分19、__________ you don't like him is none of my business.(2 分)A.WhatB.WhoC.ThatD.Whether我的答案:C得分:2分20、______ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.(2 分)A.WhatB.ThisC.ThatD.It我的答案:D得分:2分21、I have no idea_________ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year.(2 分)A.whatB.howC.thatD.when我的答案:C得分:2分22、It makes no difference to me _________ he will come or not.(2 分)A.howB.whyC.whenD.whether我的答案:D得分:2分23、He told me the news ___________ our team had won the game.(2 分)A.aboutB.ofC.asD.that我的答案:D得分:2分24、_________ the old man's sons wanted to know was __________ the gold had been hidden.(2 分)A.That ... whatB.What ... whereC.What ... thatD.That ... where我的答案:B得分:2分25、Word has come __________ some guests from Canada will visit our school.(2 分)A.whatB.thatC.whetherD.when我的答案:B得分:2分26、Can you find out ____________her pen?(2 分)A.where Alice had putB.where had Alice putC.where Alice has putD.where has Alice put我的答案:C得分:2分27、You can't imagine____________ when they received these gifts.(2 分)A.how they were excitedB.how excited they wereC.how excited they haveD.they were how excited我的答案:B得分:2分28、I will give this book to____________ wants to have it.(2 分)A.whomeverB.whoeverC.whateverD.wherever我的答案:B得分:2分29、I doubt____________he will lend you the book.(2 分)A.whetherB.whenC.thatD.which我的答案:A得分:2分30、The music was so loud. That's ____________he left the party so early.(2 分)A.howB.whyC.whatD.when我的答案:B得分:2分31、Do you know ____________?(2 分)A.when does the party startB.whether the party startsC.what time the party startsD.if the party starts我的答案:C得分:2分32、The reason we're so late is ____________.(2 分)A.for the car breaks downB.due to the car breaking downC.that the car broke downD.because the car broke down我的答案:C得分:2分33、Do ____________you are told; otherwise you will be punished.(2 分)A.thatB.whatC.whichD.whom我的答案:B得分:2分34、Students in his class cannot understand ____________.(2 分)A.what does the sentence meanB.what means this sentenceC.what this sentence meansD.what is the meaning of the sentence我的答案:C得分:2分35、We don't doubt ____________ he can make a good job of it.(2 分)A.ifB.thatC.whatD.why我的答案:B得分:2分36、Do you know ____________?(2 分)A.when does the meeting startB.why the party startsC.what time the party startsD.if the party endts我的答案:C得分:2分37、Do ___________ you are told; otherwise you will be punished.(2 分)A.thatB.whatC.whichD.which我的答案:B得分:2分38、This is __________ I want to tell you.(2 分)A.itB.thatC.whichD.what我的答案:D得分:2分39、Students in his class cannot understand what ____________.(2 分)A.does the sentence meanB.means this sentenceC.this sentence meansD.is the meaning of the sentence我的答案:C得分:2分40、We don't doubt __________ he can make a good job of it.(2 分)A.ifB.thatC.what D.why我的答案:B 得分:2分。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1、This year's Asia n oil dema nd _______ will amount to 582,000 more bar
rels of oil a day. (4 分)
A. incentive
B. rather than
C. in capable of
D. in total
2、He sometimes employs stude nts to __________ samples of their products.
A. distributing
B. distribute
C. have been distributed
D. to distribute
3、He hides behind door or creeps under a table to ____ from his enemi es. (4 分)
A. escape
B. escaping
C. escaped
mJ D. Have escaped
- - ■
|T*=. > -ifc-G- f dba.'J*■■■ 得分:4分
4、The ___________ workers' attention is now turning towards the recovery of
bodies from the rubble and providi ng food, shelter and drinking water for
the survivors. (4 分)
5、A college-level course of study intended to provide students with gener
6、In general most workers were in favor of a (n ) _______ scheme offer I A. route
B. in total
C. rather than
D. rescue
我的答案:D al academic kno wledge ______________ o ccupati onal trai ning. (4 分)
ing financial rewards. (4 分)
A. incentive
B. in capable of
C. in total
D. escape
7、Some of them did not get a chanee to see the Olympic flame because of th
e ____________ cha nges, but we, in deed, feel their passi on for China and th
e Olympics. (4 分)
A. profit
B. suspend
C. escape
D. route
8、The construction of the bridge ________ due to the snowstorm. (4 分)
A. suspend
B. suspending
C. has been suspended
D. suspended
9、If the corporati on wants to in crease its __ ,it must reduce opera
ting expense. (4 分)
D. Route
10、The city's road system is ______ h andling the current volume of traff
ic. (4 分)
A. in capable of
B. route
C. distribute
D. able of
11、 _____________ is unknown to me. (2 分)
A. Where he is
B. Where is he
C. He is where
D. Is he where
12、No one was aware ______________ Jane had gone. (2 分)
A. where that
B. of the place
C. of where
D. the place
13、I wonder how many years ago ____________ . (2 分)
A. did your father retire
B. your father retired
C. has your father retired
D. your father has retired
14、The news _____________ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy. (2 分)
A. what we would go
B. how we would go
C. that we would go
D. where we would go
15、Never hesitate to ask about ___________. (2 分)。