牛津高中英语 模块六 Unit3 Project

2. Display your fruit and let students
sign up.
3. Give awards to the winners.
(Evaluation from both teachers and
“介词+which + to do”
句意是: 没有事实, 我们不能形成 一个有价值的观点, 因为我们需要 实际的知识去建立我们的思想。
3. They brought with them a culture rich in song, dance and art. rich in song, dance and art 是介词短语, 在句中作定语。介词短语作定语须放在被 修饰词的后面。 He lives in a house with big trees all around it. The man in black is Mr. Brown, our physic teacher.
Place they live
Way of life and belief
eat fish and sweet potato cooked in leaves steamed over hot stones; Maoris Rotura, cook food in underground stoves; go fishing at night; live in New wooden houses; believe in many Zealand gods that are remembered through their song and dance; have a culture rich in song, dance and art; have a traditional meeting house to welcome visitors

牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计—教案单元:Unit 3 Understanding each other板块:Project作者:丁荷花Thoughts on the design:本节课主要目的是引导学生进行探究性学习。
Project 共有两个部分,第一部分是提供有关的阅读材料,通过阅读一篇与本单元话题有关的阅读材料和展示大量而生动的图片来体验不同的民族风情以及所产生的文化差异。
为完成本课任务Making a reference book提供范例,扩充学生文化信息,拓宽学生视野,让学生从中受到启发,引起用英语开展某一活动的兴趣,并且为学生的顺利表达作铺垫。
Teaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to:1. read a travel brochure about minority cultures around the world;2. make a reference book with the result of research a unique culture;3. develop the ability to finish a project by working together;4. master some useful vocabulary and sentences.Teaching procedures:Step 1: lead in (PPT4-12)Every country has some or many ethnic groups.(1) How many ethnic groups do we have in China?(2) Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups?(3) What about the ethnic groups in other countries in the world?[Explanation]这一环节的三个问题和大量的图片主要是为了导入A部分的阅读,可以让他们了解一下中国少数民族的情况,体验一下民族风情也激发了他们已有的知识和思维能力。
牛津版高中英语选修6 Unit 3 Understanding each other- Project课件(共22张PPT)

Specific events
Maoris New Zealand
dance with the
fish and sweet
wooden Maoris, houses cook in
ovens and go
night fishing
Ethnic group
In which What country to eat
Where Specific to live events
American Indians
the buffaloes tents USA roasted
over and open fire
Sun Dance , hold a bow and arrow competition
1. If you get a piece of jewellery from the Inuit, what might it
C. Because they wear clothes made from animal skins.
D. Because they believe in animal spirits.
4. What is the musical instrument boomerang used for ? C
The Inuit in Canada
The Aborigines in Australia
The Maoris in New Zealand The Indians in America
Careful reading
Where Ethnic In which
What to eat to group country

1.Where is this passage most probably taken from? 2.What minority groups does this passage talk about? 3.In which countries do these minority groups live?
2.What are the main topics in Tour 2? A.Belief, living and hunting. B.Belief, customs and food. C.Customs, festivals and belief. D.Food, art, hunting and tools.
•Choose the topics and improve
the reference
•Collect task
•Choose a minority group
•Add pictures
Mysterious Gaoshan
• Would you like to explore a minority culture? You will have the chance to meet the Gaoshan people in Taiwan!
have Aboriginal 6._c_e_r_e_m__o_n_ie_s, Play the musical instruments and use boomerangs

[判断题]培训课程决定培训项目的开发方向。A.正确B.错误 [问答题,案例分析题]女性,30岁。主诉:发热伴咽痛2天急诊就诊。请针对该案例,说明问诊内容与技巧。 [填空题]绿色蔬菜加工时为保持蔬菜绿色人们常用()、()、()、()等进行护色。 [问答题]预算单位新增加工作人员时,在公务卡管理上该做哪些工作? [单选]IDN扩展为ISDN().A.较易B.很难C.很容易 [问答题,简答题]中国电信转型新阶段的战略目标是什么? [单选]平面投影又称方位投影,其中透视点在球心的心射投影在航海上常被用来绘制()。A.大圆海图B.大比例尺港湾图C.极区海图D.以上都是 [单选]变压器的额定电压是指变压器一次加额定电压,二次()的电压。A.开路B.短路C.带额定负荷 [单选]孕妇,29岁,孕1产0,妊娠40周。宫口开全2小时,胎方位为持续性枕后位,双顶径在坐骨棘下2cm,已破水4小时,胎122次/分,恰当的分娩方式为()A.等待自然分娩B.转正胎头,产钳助产C.胎头吸引器助产D.缩宫素静脉滴注E.剖宫产术 [单选]水仙、百合的茎属于()。A、根状茎B、块茎C、球茎D、鳞茎 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]手术患者在输血过程中出现溶血反应时,最具特征的临床表现是()。A.黄疸B.血红蛋白尿C.手术野渗血,血压下降D.喉头水肿、呼吸困难E.大量血性泡沫痰 [单选]论文中公式的位置设定是:()A、应另起一行B、可以与文字在同一行中C、应另起两行 [单选]通过()可以将短时记忆的信息转入长时记忆A.思维B.想象C.注意D.复述 [填空题]湿法粉碎时,麦芽在预浸槽中用温水(20~60℃)浸泡10~20min,使麦芽含水量达到()%左右,然后对麦芽带水进行粉碎。 [多选]关于仲裁协议的效力,下列哪些选项是错误的?()A.当事人对仲裁协议效力有争议的,既可以向法院申请认定,也可以向仲裁委员会申请认定B.作为合同内容的仲裁条款,在合同无效时,其效力不受影响C.仲裁裁决被法院撤销后,当事人可以依原仲裁协议重新申请仲裁D.仲裁裁决被法院 [单选]确定胎龄及估计胎儿发育最简便可靠的方法是().A.测宫高、腹围B超C.羊水测定胎儿成熟度D.羊水泡沫功能监测E.胎儿胎盘功能监测 [单选,A1型题]关于纯母乳喂养的定义是()A.除母乳外,还给婴儿吃维生素、果汁,但每日不超过1~2口B.除母乳外,不给婴儿吃其他任何液体或固体食物C.指母乳占全部婴儿食物的80%及以上的喂养D.除母乳外,只给婴儿喝点水E.指母乳占全部婴儿食物的90%及以上的喂养 [单选]女性,29岁。关节疼痛1年,皮肤散在瘀点2个月伴月经过多就诊。化验:血沉。100mm/h,抗"0"正常:Hb86g/L,血小板51×10/L,ANA呈颗粒型阳性,尿检蛋白尿(+++),确诊为SLE,在估计预后时,下列哪项说法不正确()A.反复发作关节炎常引起关节畸形和关节周围肌肉萎缩B.反 [单选]光盘的读取速度一般利用倍速来表示,CD的1倍速一般是指(1),DVD的1倍速是指(2)。空白(1)处应选择()A.150KB/sB.450KB/sC.750KB/sD.1350KB/s [问答题,简答题]我国GMP第一次以法规颁布的时间是? [单选]甲大型商场与乙航空公司订立合同:由乙航空公司将500辆汽车一次运到甲商场所在地。由于乙航空公司的飞机临时有其他任务,无法一次运完,遂和甲商场协商,分两次运输,多余的费用由甲商场和乙航空公司分别承担,遭到甲商场的拒绝。后来经过乙公司调查,甲商场在汽车运到之后 [问答题,简答题]偶氮二异丁腈泄漏如何处理? [判断题]互感器应有明显的接地符号标志,接地端子应与设备底座可靠连接。A.正确B.错误 [单选]港口与航道工程施工总承包特级资质企业的企业净资产为()以上。A.1亿元B.1.5亿元C.3亿元D.3.6亿元 [单选,A1型题]慢性支气管炎急性发作期最重要的治疗措施是()A.应用糖皮质激素B.应用支气管扩张剂C.应用祛痰止咳药D.增强免疫功能E.抗感染治疗 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]精神抑郁,表情淡漠,神识痴呆,举止失常,舌苔白腻者,最宜诊断为()A.痰迷心窍证B.风痰上扰证C.肝气郁结证D.痰火扰神证E.热扰心神证 [问答题,案例分析题]病例摘要:孙某,男,48岁,业务员,已婚,于2011年12月18日就诊。骤发剧烈上腹痛,伴腹胀、恶心、呕吐一天。患者于发病当天因暴食后突然发作剧烈腹痛,初起时觉剑突下偏右呈发作性胀痛,腹痛迅速波及全腹部转成持续性、刀割样剧烈疼痛,并向后背放射,伴恶心 [单选]下列各项中,符合施工现场操作电工管理规定的是()。A.施工现场操作电工必须经过国家现行标准考核合格后,持证上岗工作B.施工现场非电工可以进行临时用电的操作C.施工现场操作电工须配备绝缘鞋,才可进行操作D.临时用电工程必须经编制和批准部门共同验收,合格后方可投入使用 [单选]多媒体技术的应用非常广泛,其中VOD是指()。A.视频会议B.虚拟现实C.视频点播D.信息检索 [单选]再造想象和创造想象在性质上存在的差异主要表现在()上。A.表象储备B.实践要求C.知识经验D.新颖程度 [单选,A1型题]下列关于具有抗心律失常作用的药物,错误的是()A.黄连B.酸枣仁C.苦参D.附子E.大青叶 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]“不索取和非法收受患者财物;不收受医疗器械、药品、试剂等生产、经营企业或人员以各种名义、形式给予的回扣、提成;不违规参与医疗广告宣传和药品医疗器械促销”体现了哪项基本行为规范()。A.廉洁自律,恪守医德B.遵纪守法,依法执业C.严谨求实,精益 [单选]葡萄糖注射液的旋光度测定中,将测得的旋光度与2.0852相乘,即得供试品中含1分子水的葡萄糖的重量。说明2.0852的由来()A.100/[α]tD×(无水葡萄糖分子量/含水葡萄糖分子量)B.100/([α]tD·L)×(无水葡萄糖分子量/含水葡萄糖分子量)C.([&a [单选]关于一物一权,下列说法错误的是()。A.一个特定的标的物上只有一个所有权B.同一物上不得设有两个以上相互冲突和矛盾的物权C.同一物上可以并存数个不相矛盾的物权D.在同一物之上不能设定数个不相矛盾的担保权 [判断题]金属氧化物避雷器的试验应在每年雷雨季节前进行。A.正确B.错误 [单选]既能润肠通便,又能利水消肿的药物是()A.知母B.杏仁C.决明子D.郁李仁E.火麻仁 [单选]低温对肌松药的影响,不正确的是()A.体温降至30℃的过程中,去极化肌松药的作用增强,时效延长B.体温降至30℃对非去极化肌松药作用强度很少受影响C.26℃以下低温,各种肌松药的作用均增强D.低温对去极化和非去极化肌松药的影响程度不一E.低温时泮库溴铵的肝肾排泄率减低 [多选]下列关于行政事业单位会计的说法正确的是()。A.行政事业单位固定资产不计提折旧B.行政事业单位核算其行政事业活动时采用的是收付实现制C.行政事业单位需要编制收入支出表D.行政事业单位不需要编制资产负债表E.行政事业单位核算其行政事业活动时采用的是权责发生制 [单选]()不是物料清单的最终项目。A.产成品B.进入产品最后装配阶段的零部件C.售后服务所需的备件D.原材料品种 [单选]《传染病防治法》规定,在传染病暴发、流行时,当地政府可报上级政府决定采取必要的紧急措施。下列措施中该法律中没有规定的是()A.限制或停止集市、集会、影剧院演出或者其他人群聚集的活动B.停工、停业、停课C.单位控制不出差、个人少外出D.封闭可能造成传染病扩散的场所
牛津版高中英语模块6 Unit3课件

Do you think laughter is good for us? Laughter can help us forget about worries Keep us in a good mood. Have positive attitudes towards our lives Enjoy life better and live longer.
5. How many times has Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards? Eight times.
Laughter is good for your health
6. What does your brain do when you laugh?
7. What is the English idiom about laughter mentioned in the text?
6. What does your brain do when you laugh? When we laugh, our brains send chemicals around our body that are good for us.
what kind of things can make you laugh?
What’s this poster about?
Can you tell something about the Chinese crosstalk?
rself, she falls down.
A famous comedian
Unit+3+Project 高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选修第一册

fun details
Making a leaflet about a futuristic means of transport
Discuss future means of transport in science fiction novels or films and share your idea of whether they can become a reality.
personal vehicle that provides transport by both land and air Basic information
a few models have already completed test flights
Reducing road traffic jams Travelling across greater distances much faster than ordinary vehicles Freeing up space on the ground for parks and other public srth
Air Taxi
Discuss the futuristic means of transport in the textbook. You can use your imagination and creativity to think of other means of transport.
One futuristic means of transport
Detailed information
Basic information
牛津译林版高中英语模块6 Unit 3《Period Six Project》课件1

Read tour 1 carefully and finish the following.
Ethnic Group
What to eat
Where to live Specific events精Leabharlann 教育课件7精选教育课件
Read tour 1 carefully and finish the following.
Ethnic Group What to eat
Where to live Specific events
Read tour 1 carefully and finish the following.
Scan and skim the four tours and find out in which countries these ethnic groups live.
Aborigines (Australia)
(New Zealand)
American Indians (The USA)
round her. 精选教育课件
❖ 火车离站时, 速度逐渐加快。
❖ 火车离站时, 速度逐渐加快。 The train gathered speed as it left the station.
Unit 3 Project 课件 -2021-2022学年高中英语牛津译林版必修第三册

friend during a long walk.
1. He needed money to feed his a_d_d_i_c_ti_o_n_ to computer games.
2. The report provides a brief u_p_d_a_te____ on the progress of the project.
3.I _to_o_k__a_d_v_a_n_ta_g_e__o_f__the fine weather today to play tennis. 4.The government failed to__s_at_i_sf_y__th_e__n_e_e_d_s____ of the people, so they were
translation. 7. The commission has been given _w__id_e_-_ra_n_g_i_n_g_ (广泛的) powers. 8. He _q_u_i_t/_q_u_i_tt_e_d__ (离任) his job after an argument with a colleague.
what if try out take advantage of satisfy one's needs cut... off make arrangements sit back get in touch with take off turn to
高二英语 模块六 Unit 3 Project

高二英语模块六Unit 3 Project【学习目标、及重难点】1. Experience the unique cultures of Inuit, Aborigines, Maoris and Americans Indians.2. Master the usage of some important words and phrases.【知识链接】1) Do you know the meaning of these words and read them out?Inuit ________ Aborigine_________ Maori ________ Nunavut________ kayak __________ the arctic Circle ________ Kakado _________ didgeridoo ________ boomerang _________ Polynesian__________ haka ___________ Rotura _____________ Kumara ___________ 2. 单词拼写:(1). I'll _____________(交换)you three of mine for one of yours.(2). The policeman gave an ___________(描述) of the traffic accident.(3). The statue was c________________ out of marble.(4). He r_______________ a chicken for dinner.(5). The need for money g_________________ his behavior.【学习过程】Step 1 Fast-reading:1. What kind of tours could we experience in this passage ? What are they?_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which countries do these ethnic groups live in?______________________________________________________________________________ Step 2 Careful reading:I. Choose the topics each tour refers to.(1)What topics does each tour mention?_______________________________________________________________________________ (2)What can you say about each topic according to each tour?_______________________________________________________________________________According to the table, please say something about each minority.【短语】1. 为某人提供某物2. 亲自;为自己3. 生活方式4. 有机会做某事5. 乘坐狗拉雪橇6. 相互讲故事7. 参加击鼓和跳舞8. 传统的英勇的故事9. 信任;信仰10. 建立在11. 打猎12. 乐器13. 是…的家园/所在地14. 在…方面丰富/富产…15. 遇见/碰见;会晤16. 属于……17. 被称为…18. 支配/控制19. 抽和平烟斗20. 在篝火上烧烤【星级词汇】account原句:_______________________________________________________________________________ n. 1). 记述, 描述; 报导关于他的计划,约翰给我们作了详尽的说明。
牛津高中英语 模块六 Unit3 Project课件(共32张PPT)

1. meet with the Maoris and join with them in dance
2. eat local food 3. go night fishing
Great Spirits created all the people, animals and plants on Earth. They put people, plants and birds in different places and made rules and laws to govern them.
(seal-skin boat)
made from ? animal claws and wolf bones
Tour 2 --Aborigine Adventure
Location: Kakado in Australia God/Spirit: Great Spirits
power over all things
Food: meat roasted over an open fire Live: in an Indian tent Wear: clothes made from animal skin Specific events: 1. take part in the Sun Dance 2. see natives smoking a peace pipe
Tour 4 --Native American Indian Adventure
American Indians
牛津英语模块六Unit3 Project

2) 语言知识分析:offer sb. sth.是动词offer的 一个重要句型,也可以为offer sth. to sb., 意为“(主动提出)给某人提供某物”; offer 的另一个重要句型为offer to do sth.,意为 “主动要求做某事,主动提出做某事”。 for yourself意为“亲自”,在这里为介词短语 作
2. … listen to traditional accounts of bravery, and play games. ……聆听他们的传统英雄故事,还可以参 与游戏。 account n. 说明,描述 e.g. He gave me a full account of his plan. 他给了我一个他充分考虑的计划。
【分析】 1) 句子结构分析:此句的主干是We offer you the chance,后面是由and连接的两 个不定式 to visit... and experience...作定 语,修饰chance。意为“我们给你提供 机 会,让您接触各种少数民族文化,亲身 体验他们的传统、风俗和生活方式”。
5. Have it approved by the teacher. 6. Write down the name. 7. Take on responsibility for tasks. (take turns)
Preparing (Day 3)
1. Find one or two books about ethnic tours. 2. Discuss information about minority culture. 3. Decide what can be learned from it. 4. Form your own idea about your reference book.
牛津高中英语模块6 Unit 3 Project Language points

The Indians in America
Phrases offer sb. a chance to do a dog sled a seal-skin boat hunt for food the Arctic Circle believe in animal spirits large assemblies account of sth be carved from native jewellery based on ancient beliefs go on for hours collect food put sth in different places musical instrument be home to Pacific island be cooked in leaves steam over hot stones underground stove go night fishing different tribes be known as have power over arrow competition meat roasted over an open fire
large summer assemblies for feasts and celebrations. [分析] 此句中,live in small family groups but
have large summer assemblies是由连词but连接的两
个动宾结构;for feasts and celebrations是介宾短语
Language points 3. You will learn to make some of their native jewellery, which is made from animal claws and wolf bones. jewellery= jewelry n (U) She has some lovely piece of jewellery. pieces I am sorry make a complaint about the people practising square dancing in our community, that has made most of us students terribly upset. which to I told the fireman it was my careless cooking which caused the heavy smoke. that The film, that I saw yesterday, is very wonderful. which This is the very book which I am looking for it. which
牛津高二英语Module 6 Unit 3课件牛津英语选修6

A jack-o'-lantern is a pumpkin whose top and stem have been cut out and interior removed, leaving a hollow shell that is then decoratively carved. Jack-o'-lanterns are associated with the holiday Halloween.
neighborhood, being as destructive as possible in order to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess.
a jack-o'-lantern illuminated from within by a
3 Do Chinese people prefer to dress up like ghosts?
cultural difference:
In many aspects of our life, we often divide the world into two parts: the eastern one and the western one. We divide like this not only because of the geographical location differences, but also due to the cultural differences to a large extent. In the following parts, you’ll see more examples of such differences.
牛津高中英语 模块六 Unit3 Project

the Inuit (因纽特)
Australia the Aborigines(土著人)
New Zealand the Maoris(毛利人) the USA Native American Indians
Tour 1 --- Inuit Experience
(seal-skin boat)
made from ? animal claws and wolf bones
Tour 2 --Aborigine Adventure
Location: Kakado in Australia God/Spirit: Great Spirits
the Maoris
the Maoris ’ singing and dancing
The Maoris cook Kumara by wrapping them in leaves and steaming them over the hot stones.
the underground ovens
power over all things
Food: meat roasted over an open fire Live: in an Indian tent Wear: clothes made from animal skin Specific events: 1. take part in the Sun Dance 2. see natives smoking a peace pipe
Great Spirits created all the people, animals and plants on Earth. They put people, plants and birds in different places and made rules and laws to govern them.
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dogs and sleds Nhomakorabea Jewellery
made from ?
animal claws and wolf bones
Tour 2 --Aborigine
Location: Kakado in Australia God/Spirit: Great Spirits
food from the bush, What to eat? large snakes
Specific events: 1.see Aboriginal ceremonies 2.try some very strange food 3.learn musical instruments and the boomerang
some young Aborigines
daily life of Aborigines
Boomerang --a curiously shaped piece of wood for hunting which can be thrown and which will return to the thrower if it does not strike anything.
God/ Spirit animal spirits
(Canada) Where to live tents
What to eat Seal, deer, whale meat and fish
Specific events
1. ride on a dog sled and trasvel in a seal-skin boat
The American Indians’ traditional clothes
They like feather headdresses.
the Sun Dance
the peace pipe
Indian sports
the bow and arrow competitions
a teepee
Food: meat roasted over an open fire Live: in an Indian tent
Wear: clothes made from animal skin
Specific events: 1. take part in the Sun Dance 2. see natives smoking a peace pipe
2. have large summer assemblies
take part in the dancing, listen to traditional accounts of bravery, and play games
Inuit women
Inuit people
Great Spirits created all the people, animals and plants on Earth. They put people, plants and birds in different places and made rules and laws to govern them.
Cultural experience tours
the Inuit (因纽特)
the Aborigines(土著人)
New Zealand the Maoris(毛利人) the USA Native American Indians (美洲印第安人)
Tour 1 --- Inuit
Tour 3 --Mysterious
Home: New Zealand Came from: the Pacific islands of Polynesia
Gods: many gods such as the God of the Forest and the God of the Sea
the Maoris
the Maoris ’ singing and dancing
The Maoris cook Kumara by wrapping them in leaves and steaming them over the hot stones. the underground ovens
Tour 4 --Native American Indian Adventure
American Indians
Location: in the centure of North America Known as: the Plains Indians Gods: the Great Spirit who has power over all things
Food: fish and sweet potatoes Where to live: wooden houses Specific events:
1. meet with the Maoris and join with them in dance 2. eat local food 3. go night fishing