



Health and fitn ess 健康和健身How can you make yourself healthier?What do you do whe n you have a cold or a headache?Do you buy health in sura nee?Do you have any stress sometimes? / Do you fell stressed sometimes? What may cause you stress?Yes, I do. I have much homework and teacher always punish me cruel. But I am accustomed to it. That ok.6. Do you keep a balaneed diet?If you want to lead a healthy life the n hav ing a healthy balanced diet (均衡的饮食)is the most important step which you need to take ___________________ (吃).Diet basicallymeals a plan for eat ing or the amount of food which a person con sumes ( 消耗)either in a day or in a week. You will find that if your diet is very bala need and nutritious you will lead a very healthy and long life.A balaneed diet basically means that you have to have the correct amount of food. You can ' have a sin gle food and think that it will be able to pro vide you with all the nu trie nts.There are various adva ntages of hav ing a healthy bala need diet like this.7. Do you think mental health is as important as physical health?I thi nk a healthy people should have both p hysical and men tal health in ess. because the work stress and competition, modern people not only have physical problems, but also mental problems. Most of the teenagers go to commit a crime ofte n start with smok ing. We also should con trol our temper. People who is hot temper easily tends to suffer from heart attack.8.How do you keep fit 保持健康? An swerl :In order to kee p our fit, First, We should do exercise everyday to build up our muscles. Second, We should drink morewater and eat lots of vegetables. They contain many vitam ins which are n ecessary for the health of people, and they have little fat. The last but not the least, We must get rid of the bad habits, such as stay ing up late, readi ng books on the bed and bad eati ng habit and so on.An swer2 :When I was born, I was much bigger than other babies. But I didn ' t grow up asa fat boy. I don ' t like to eat too much sweet foodmd I do exercises. I go to swimming class twice a week. I jump rope and play basketball when I have free time9. Should we diet in order to keep fit?I think we have to kee p a bala need diet and maintain regular eat ing habits.3. Do you believe that ” Happiness lies in health” ? why or why not?1. 2. 4. 5.Proper nutrition is important for good-health. We can't eat too much. Eat less wester n food, because most of the famous dishes of the wester n food are fried, so they contain lots of fat, Which is bad for peop le's health, and it will make people easily grow fat.10.Do you have any good or bad liv ing habits? How do they in flue nee yourhealth?I thi nk I have some good lifestyles habits and bad lifestyles habits. For example, I always get up in the seven o ' clock. And I have the meal three timesevery day. I think I kee p a bala need diet. I brush my teeth and wash my face every day. I ofte n do exercise. But I also have some bad lifestyles habits, such as like to eat meet. So I have a little fat. But I believe in my future I can cut my bad habits.11.Which do you p refer, i ndoors or outdoors exercises?I ' d prefer to do exercises outdoors. it ' s fun to exercise outdoor with fresh air. Ilike to jump rope, play basketball and ride the bicycle. Sometimes I go skii ng in win ter. I climb mountains in Spring and Autum n. But, sometime we will not be imp acted by the en vir onment if we are doing exercises in doors. If it is raining, snowing, too hot or too cold outside, we can ' t do any exercises outdoors. Butdoing exercises in doors, we can do it any time and don' tworry about the weather p roblems.12.Do your parents work out in the fit ness cen ter?13.Are there many hos pitals where you live?Yes, there are many hos pitals in Beiji ng. Many hos pitals are very famousso people from all over the country come here to get treatment. Somehos pitals are sp ecialized, for exa mple in traditi onal Chin ese medicatio n, or for dental problems. I usually go to the Children ' s hospital when I ' m sick.14.Do you thi nk smok ing should be p rohibited in p ubic?Yes, I do. I think that is imperative[im'per ?tiv](势在必行).Because smoking in p ublic p lace will bring trouble(麻烦)to other people and it will p ollute the air.P rohibit it is a good n ews for kin ds!15.Have you gained or lost weight rece ntly? What are you going to do about it?Firstly, pay serious atten ti on to (注意)your daily total en ergy in take. Secondbala nee the relati on shi p betwee n food and sp orts 16. Does smok ing n eed sp ecial atte nti on?17. Do you thi nk sp itti ng n eeds sp ecial atte nti on?话题:Health & Fitness1. How can we kee p our fit?平衡膳食)and weIf we want to kee p our fit, we should have a bala need diet( must not eattoo much junk food.2. How can you keep fit (舒服)according(依照)to your own exp erie nee (个人经验)?I ' m very thin, because I have some good habits. I never eat too much food and eat quickly. I eat junk food in few times.I don ' t have a胃口apptetiie 3. What kind of exercise do you think are the best for your health?I thi nk p lay is the best exercise for my health. Because whe n we p lay, we are consuming our en ergy to sport and we also can have fun.4. What liv ing habits do you have? Which is the best liv ing habit?I have lots of won derful habit. Like I do not smok ing or take drugs. I alwayswash ing before eati ng; wear a seatbelt in a car or on the plan e. I get bed early and so on. I think “washing before eating ” is the best living habit, because I eatfood every day and that can help me do not sick.5. If you are gett ing ill, will you go to the hos pital or take some medici ne at home.If the ill isn't seriously ill (严重的病情),I will take some medic ine at home. But if it ' s seriously ill, Iwill go to the hospital and doctor will help me.6. For moder n people, men tal health in as imp orta nt as p hysical health.Yeah, I thi nk so. Because if our men tal is healthy, we'll have a comp lete (完整的)thought and happy. In that way (那样),even if (即使)we are not physical health, we also have hope like a can dle. But if we only have p hysical health, that will be bad. We might to break laws.7.Do you thi nk you have a healthy diet(饮食)?Yes, I do. I think in many times, I have a healthy diet. I n ever eat too much foodand eat quickly. I eat junk food in few times. I don ' t have a big appetite too!8.What will happen if you don 't stay healthy?No, thing will happen. My parents don'twant to spoil me. I will take some medicine at home by myself. Sometimes they will help me to see doctor cold.9. What do you do when you fell stressed?When I ' m fell stre s ed. I will listen some light music and go to sleep. Sleeping can dis pel (消除)misgi vings (顾虑).10.Is health important?Yes, I think health is very important, because without health, there is nothingwe can do; we must stay in the hospital. When we are healthy, we can do anything we want to do.11. How do people stay healthy? How do people keep fit?To be healthy, people eat right food, take regular exercise and avoid stress. They also try their best to quit any bad habits which will do harm to their health, such as smoking, staying up too late every day.12. To be healthy, how do we choose the food and drinks?To keep ourselves healthy, we should eat more vegetables and fruits, less meat. We should eat less fried and fatty(油腻的) food. We should drink more clean water, less cola. We should keep in mind that it 'sthe green food not thejunk food that could keep us healthy and strong.。



fashi on1. What' s fashion?An swerlIn my opinion, the fashi on is someth ing that makes you spe nd money to get moder n thi ngs in the rece nt life. For me, I will not follow this kind of fashi on because I don ' t want to spend a lot of money to get more and more expensive things. The main point is that we must choose the things we really need.Answer2 :I think fashi on is the n ewest thi ngs. Such as new cell phone, new cloth or new game. Fashi on can cha nge our life style; it can push us to go to the future.2. Do you chase the fashion?3. What do you think of fashion?An swer1I think fashi on can push us to go to future. But it also can cost our much money and time. When we are fashi on able, people thi nk we are cool and rich. If we don' t fashi on able, that ' s ok, no one thi nk we are poor.Answer2 :If it ' s fashion to play certain computer games or toys, I care. Toys are similar to fashi on, because we always n eed to buy new on es. But the main point is that we must choose the thongs we really need. We should follow the good fashion with our own judgme nt and opinion.4. Do you like your school uniform?I don't like my school uniform at all. It is quite bad-looking, because it only has black and white colours. I think young persons should wear some colorful clothes. But, I have to wear it every day. And my summer uniform is very thick, if I wear it, I will feel very hot. My win ter uniform is so thi n. If I wear it, I will feel very cold. I asked for replaceme nt, but was rejected by the teacher. To this I feel disappo in ted. But mother like my uniform very much, because it saves a lot of time and money. In the past, she spent much time and money on my clothes. But now, I seldom( 很少)ask her to buy clothes for me.5. How do you choose your clothes?6. What kind of clothes do you like?( What clothes do you like to wear?)I like to wear casual clothes, because I thi nk casual clothes is very comfortable and convenient to wear, for example, whe n we wear casual clothes, we can do all kinds of sports, besides, casual clothes is not very expe nsive, so I like them.7. What do you think of people with tattoos?In my opinion, tattoos are a way of express ing on eself without actually hav ing to say anything. Tattoos are a form of art and every one that I know that has tattoos are not afraid of express ing themselves to the people around them. But I don ' t like.8. What' s your opinion on students chasing fashion? / What do you think of students ' chiagfashion?An swer1 :If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play a model plane alone. However, it ' s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. My point is, we can go after fashion, but don ' t spend too muc money on it.Answer2 :I think it ' s very bad. If we chase fashion we will spend much time and money on it. But now we are only students, we can ' t yet earn money. And in generalfashi on able clothes are very expe nsive that I can ' t afford. I dcuitie nts ' t thi nk st should chase fashion. We had better pay more attention to our study. Of course, if my mother buys beautiful clothes for me during Spring Festival, I will be glade to accept them.9. What color do you think is good on you?I like all kinds of colors, like green, pink, blue, red, purple and many other colors. Among them, I like red best, because red symbolizes happ in ess. Also it is usually used during Spring Festival, Wedding Days, and other festival days in China. Also my skin is very white, if I am in red, I will look more warm and friendly. So if I buy clothes with my mother in the supermarket, I will first choose the red.10. Do you thi nk fashi on is always cha nging?I agree with it. For example. A long time ago, fur was con sidered fashi on able and jea ns were only favoured by cowboys. Today, furs are a little outdated while jea ns have become popular with many young people.11. Do you want to be a model?12. Which is most importa nt to you in decid ing what to buy, brand n ame, quality or price?13. Do you spe nd much money on fashi on?No,I don ' t spe nd much money on fashi on .Because I don ' t have money14. Why do many young people today go after famous brands in everything they buy?Most of young people buy brands to try to catch fashi on. They want to draw people ' s attention. Some people buy the things with brands because of their good quality. I often buy clothes with brands because they are very comfortable such as Nike.15. What kind of clothes is fashi on able among your stude nts? What do you think of boys and girlsfashi on of today?16. How do you think boys dress up the colorful and bright cloth ing and girls dress up like boys? With the developme nt of the moder ni zati on, the society is flooded with fashi on. Many boys are trying to express out their own feeli ngs and passi ons. They also love to pursue the colourful and bright cloth ing. in additi on ,Some of the girls are a male sin ger fans ,as zhoujiel un. Therefore they dress up like boys.17. Do you find it importa nt to follow the latest fashio n? Why?It is important for me to follow some latest fashion because if I don ' t careabout fashi on I can ' t com muni cate and make friends with my classmates. If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play Barbie doll alone. The latest fashi on makes us have the com mon topic.18. Can we judge a pers on by his appeara nce/look?There ' s no doubt that a fairly appearanee can leave us a good first impression.But it can never be the main factor when we judge them. Throughout the history, we can con clude that a pers on who is beautiful or han dsome may be a dan gerous one (for example) .On the con trary ,the ugly ones can also be kind and warmhearted (for example). I think, we can ' t judge a person byappeara nee.games in stead of study or clothes. Because it is always bori ng to talk about study .In my opinion, Chin ese stude nts spe nt too much time study ing, such as school study and after-school classes. We n eed fun to get relaxed.20. Do you believe in the saying ” clothes make the man ” ? why o你why not?相信人靠衣装”这句话吗?为什么?Yes, I do. There is some truth in the saying. Clothes can create an image for the person who wears them. They send a message about a person ' taste, values, pers on ality, status, and so on. On a more practical level, clothes may also help make a person look better and feel better.---No, I don ' t.eThunction of clothes is to cover the human body and keep the body warm, nothing more. I find those people sno bbish or stupid who judge others only by the clothes they wear.话题:Fashion1. Who is the most fashi on pers on in your family?I thi nk in my family no one is fashi on able. Because we thi nk follow fashi on is a little waste. We are too busy with our study and work. And if we don' t fashion, no one thi nk we are stupid.2. Should we go after fashi on or not?An swer1In my opi nio n, fashi on is a new thing. We can follow it, but if we follow fashi ontoo much, it ' s not a good thing, it is a waste. We shouldn ' t spend much moneyand time on it.An swer2It ' s hard to not go after fashion. If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play Barbie doll alone. However, it ' s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. My point is, we can go after fashion, but don ' t spend too much money on it.3. Do you think fashi on n eeds a lot of mon ey?An swer1 :Yes, I do. I think fashi on always n eed us much mon ey. Because sellers know people who like fashi on, and fashi on able clothes are always expe nsive. Such as iPh one, Nike or Omega.An swer2Yes, I think so. It ' s expensive to go after fashion, because you alwaeed tobuy new thin gs. What' smore, it is very expe nsive to buy some fashi on able thi ngs.4. If some one isn ' fashi on able, people don' tlike to make frie nds withher/him. What do you think of this fact?I think that is ok. If some people think that I ' m not fashi on able and don ' t like make friends with me, I will not be sad. Because they are fashion follower, butI ' m not. We have different, that ok, no problem.5. Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everyth ing they buy?Maybe they thi nk famous n ame brands thi ngs is the beat no blest or fashi on.Some people use famous name brand things because other people use it. They want to follow the frie nds.6. Do you want to set the fashion?Yes I do. I believe it is a good thing to set the fashion. So I want to be a fashion designer in the future.I can design a number of fashionable things, like some little decorations, some beautiful clothes and some pretty hats. I think if I study hard now, I will design many unique products with up-to-date (现代的)styling in the future. And I can lead the fashion trend. By then, I will be a famous designer in the world.7. Are you a fashionable person?Yes I am. I think I am a fashionable person. I have many fashionable things, such as my notebook, my skateboard, my necklace etc. Among them I think my double skateboard is the most fashionable. This summer holiday my father taught me how to play skateboard. And a week later most of my friends began to play skateboard too. After that, more and more children can play skateboard in ourcommunity. Every evening we play skateboard on the playground, it is very interesting.8. Do you think fashion is important in people ' life?Yes, I think fashion is very important in our life, because the world is changing fast nowadays. We can ' t live in a world without fashion. If people wear all kinds of fashionable clothes, the world will be very colorful. If people have different hair styles, the world will be very beautiful. You know most people used to wear black and grey clothes. But now you can see people wear clothes in different colors, such as red, purple, pink and many other colors. So our life is as sweet as honey, and I think fashion is very important in our life.9. Who sets fashion?I think Lady gaga can set the fashion. Because her hair is very colorful, her clothes are very different, her make-up is very fashionable, and her songs are very attractive. So many people like to follow her. And more and more people love her songs. I also like to listen to her songs, such as Telephone, bad romance etc..10. Is wearing perfume fashionableYes, I think wearing perfume is very fashionable. Children can wear a little perfume when they take part in parties. Also they can wear perfume on the Children 'Dsay. But they can'wt ear perfume at school. I think adults should wear perfume every day, and then they will be attractive. In recent years, more and more men like to wear perfume too. But I think they had better wear weak perfume.11. What do you think of boy ‘ s fashion today?I think boy ‘ s fashion is some hair styles or clothes or watch look cool. And the fashionable boy who always wear brown hair or the newest suit.12. Do you think tattoos are fashionable?Yes, I think tattoos are very fashionable. But I only like small tattoos, because small tattoos look very cute. Once in a swimming pool, I met a man who had a snake tattooed on his body, I felt very scared. So I dislike him. When I have grown up, I will have a little rose tattooed on my arm. It will be very beautiful and fashionable. And I will like it very much, but I don' tknow whether my parents like it or not.13. What do clothes mean to us?Clothes means a lot to us, for example, it could keep us warm when the weather is cold, it could protect our skin from the sunshine. It could also make our life beautiful, and we wear different clothes every day, when we are happy, we wear pink, when we are not happy, we wear dark colors such as grey. Just imagine, if we wear the same clothes all day long, life will be boring.14. What kinds of clothes do you know?I know some kinds of clothes, for example formal clothes, casual clothes, evening wear, sports ware or uniforms. At different times, we will wear different clothes, for example, we wear formal clothes when we go to meetings, we wear casual clothes when we are at home, we wear evening wear when we go to parties, we wear uniforms to go to work or go to school, as for sports ware, we wear themwhen we do exercise.15. What would you love to buy but you can ' t afford?I would love to buy a lot of gold to make more money, but I can ' at fford it. Because I ' m so young. Maybe when I grow up I can spend money to buy gold and get much money.16. Do you send much money of fashion ?No, I don ' t. Because I am a student school don 't like me that. And I don ' t like follow fashion too; I will save the money and time to do some useful things.17. I am going to the playground; can you give me some suggestions for what I should wear?I am glad to help you. I think you should wear school uniforms. If your school doesn't have school uniform, you can wear sport shirt. That will not make joke.18. Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What is your opinion on it?I think that wrong. Because almost every phone can do many things, like play games, surf on internet or take photo that is not good for study.。

三一口语6级Module 2 Health and fitness

三一口语6级Module 2  Health and fitness

Module 2 Health and fitness一.重点单词、词汇:Fit、junk、improve、fitness、diet、habit、frequently、liter、seldom、tired、suggestion、vitamin、mineral、caffeine、wine、energy、treatment、registration、surgery、department、medicine、pharmacy、register、fee、injure、accompany、fill、gender、sign、service、clinic、provide、stress、quarrel、anxious、final、appetite、personal、relationship、situation、anxiety、cause、advice、recently、bad-tempered、concentrate、contain、yoga、relax、considerate、symptom二.健康、保健相关知识No Smoking in All Public PlacesSome businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned (禁止)smoking in all public places. This is a good idea though it takes away some of our freedom. As we know, smoking is harmful not only to our health but also to the environment. Smoking can lead to many diseases, such as lung cancer. Smoking affects non-smokers more than it does smokers. Ratio(比率)of passive smokers getting ill is higher than that of smokers. So, many nonsmokers are against smoking. In public places, the harm of smoking is greater. This is connected with another effect of smoking. That is, smoking pollutes environment by giving much poisonous (有毒的)vapour(气)off into the air. Therefore, that the government ban smoking is very necessary and important to us. It is a measure to protect our health and environment. Some people say that it takes away some of our freedom. I think it is a one-sided view. If one wants to smoke, he may smoke in private, not in the public places. In fact, smokers still have the freedom of smoking. But, I think, smokers had better give up smoking, not only in private places, but also in the public places, everywhere. It will be beneficial(有益的)to all of us.How to keep fitHealth is far more important than wealth and wisdom. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our life. On the contrary(相反), poor health tends to deprive (剥夺)us of our interest in everything around us. How to stay healthy concerns everyone, though we have advanced (先进的)medicine.Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins and they help in the process of digestion(消化).Secondly, we have to keep a balanced diet and maintain(维持)regular eating habits. Proper nutrition is important for good health. Avoid food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein(蛋白质).Thirdly, we had better do morning exercise every day, do sports frequently to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure.Getting too tired all the time may weaken our defense(防御)system, making us get sick easily. Finally, we have to get rid of (摆脱、去除)those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking.Students Need Mentally Healthy MindSome college students have hidden mental problems. Without parents' immediate help or teachers' adequate (适当的)guidance, a lot of physical and emotional disorders touch them. They suffer from depression(沮丧、抑郁症), sleep disorders or poor academic performance(学习成绩). Anxious hearts, hopeless minds and even nervous breakdowns(神经衰弱)chase them. Mental health is part of the most valuable wealth students can ever possess.Parents, teachers and classmates could encourage them to have a balanced view of life. Students must develop a positive mental attitude and be more optimistic (乐观) about the world. We believe those who have mental health can do great things in the future.The importance of physical exerciseIt is reported that the health of young people in China, college students in particular, is not as good as is supposed to be. There are many reasons for this fact, but the main reason is that many people ignore the importance of physical exercises. Why, then, are physical exercises so important to our health?First, physical exercises can improve blood circulation(循环)Secondly, physical exercises can promote a healthy metabolism(新陈代谢).Thirdly, physical exercise can help consume(消耗)excessive(过分)fat in the body, preventing people from putting on too much weight, thus keeping them in good shape. Finally, after physical exercises we usually need a good rest and a sound sleep(酣睡)at night, refreshing us for the next day's study.In conclusion, physical exercises not only keep us fit and strong, but also help us to be successful in our lives.How to stay healthyPeople are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good health is the most valuable possession(财产) a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthyIn my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good.First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat.Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable(急躁的). All of us at least eight hours of sleep each day.Have a nap at noon if time permits.If everyone is to do so, there will enjoy a better life.My HabbitsI have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad. I like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put today's work till tomorrow. They are all my good habbits. They help me a lot in my daily life.However, I also have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I play computer games too long without having a rest. They are all harmful to my health.From now on I'll try to keep my good habbits, and give up the bad ones. Then I'll live better.How to protect your eyesight?It is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. But do you know how to protect your eyesight?First, don't keep your eyes working for a long time. You'd better have a rest by looking in the long distance after you have studied an hour or so.Second, pay attention to the following: Don't read in the sun or in a poor light; don't read in bed or in a moving bus. And when you read you should keep the book away from your eyes for about a foot. Andthird, do eye-exercises every day. It will also help you keep good eyesight.If you obey the rules above, I think, you may prevent your eyesight from becoming short-sighted.三.可能出现的问题Health2) Do you do anything to stay healthy?3) Do you worry about the health of those around you?4) Do you ever worry about your own mental health?5) Have you ever stopped doing something for your health?7) What health problems do you worry about most?10) What can you do to improve your health?11) Do you worry about your health?12) what do you do to stay healthy ?13) Do you read magazines or newspaper articles about health?14) What things do you do that might damage your health?15) How often do you have a health check?16) Have you ever been in poor or ill health?17) Where do you go to get information on health?18) At school ,what exercise do you have to do .19)Introduce some good habits and a healthy diet20)Why we should keep healthy ?21)where can you get health treatment ?22)when did you last go to the hospital ?What was matter ?23)what do you need to do when you go to a clinic to see a doctor ?24)Do you feel stressed sometimes ?25)what may cause your stress ? What do you do when you feel stressed ?26)How to treat stress ?Exercise1) Why is exercise so important?3) Do you wish you could exercise more?4) Why do many people not exercise?5) Do you think it’s easy or difficult to find time to exercise during the day?6) Do you think people who exercise are happier than those who don’t?7) Do you think there should be a law that requires everyone to exercise?8) Is it more fun to exercise alone or with other people?9) Do you need advice about how to exercise?10) Do you like exercise?11) What are the bad things about exercise?12) Which exercise would you prefer: jogging, swimming or cycling?13) Do you think exercising makes your brain work better?14) If exercise makes you live a lot longer, why do so many people not bother to do it? Eating1) How much do you enjoy eating?2) What time of the day do you most enjoy eating?3) Do you have a midnight snack?4) Where in your house is your favourite place to eat?5) Who do you like eating with most?6) Do you like watching TV while you eat?7) Are there any rules in your house when you eat?8) Are you a slow or fast eater?9) Are you a fussy / picky(挑剔的)eater?10) When was the last time you were so hungry that you felt you could eat a horse?11) Do you ever get bored of eating?13) What do you think of people who eat food on trains or buses?14) Are there any rules in your country about eating in public?15)What eating manners do you have in your country that you like and dislike?16) Have you ever suffered from eating disorders?17) Have you ever had an eating competition with your family or friends? 10) Have you ever eat too much?Food1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘food’?4) Can you go without food for a whole day?6) What is your favourite breakfast, lunch and dinner?7) Do you think your country’s food is the best?8) Are you fussy or particular about the food you eat?9) Have your favourite kinds of food changed over the years?10) Do you like fast food and slow food?11) What do you think about food additives(食品添加剂)?12) Do you care where the food you eat comes from?13) Do you think the world’s food will ever run out?10) Is your food bill big?Meals1) Do you always have three meals a day?2) What’s your favourite meal of the day?3) Do you prefer meals alone, with one other person or lots of people?5) Have you ever skip meals?6) Do you think it’s OK to eat between meals?8) Do you think McDonald’s meals are Happy or Unhappy?9) Do you always wash your hands before meals?10) What do you think of airplane meals?11) What’s your favourite meal?12) Do you always eat healthy, balanced meals?13) Are home-cooked meals the best?14) Would you like to have a three-course meal every day?5) Is the evening meal the most important meal of the day?6) What’s the most delicious meal you can remember eating?7) What do you think of frozen meals, microwave meals and other pre-packed meals?8) What’s the best thing to do after a lovely meal?10) What’s the worst possible meal you could imagine?Breakfast1) What did you have for breakfast this morning?2) Has what you eat for breakfast changed over the years?3) What do you do while having breakfast?4) Do you prefer to eat breakfast alone of with other people?5) Do you ever eat breakfast in a restaurant or at home?6) What do you think of breakfasts in other countries?7) Is the breakfast you usually eat very healthy?8) How often do you skip breakfast or have it on the go?10) What do you think of breakfasts at hotels?11) Do you always have time to eat what you want for breakfast?12) How important is having breakfast?14) Do you make your own breakfast?15) What is a traditional breakfast in your country?6) Must breakfast be eaten in the morning?7) Do you ever eat breakfast at fast food restaurants?8) Do you like having breakfast in bed?Junk Food1) What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘junk food’?2) How often do you eat junk food?5) Why is junk food so delicious?6) Are parents who feed junk food to their children irresponsible?7) Do you think there’ll be more or less junk food in the future?8) What junk food do you really, really like?10) How can you change your lifestyle to eat less junk food?11) Do lots of people eat junk food in your country?12) Does your government educate people about the dangers of junk food?13) Why does junk food cost so much?14) Is chocolate the most addictive (上瘾的)junk food?Smoking1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘smoking’?3) Is smoking a problem in your country?4) Why do people start smoking?5) Why do you think it is so difficult for people to give up and quit smoking?6) Do you get angry about passive smoking –breathing in second-hand smoke?7) Do you think smokers should pay higher health costs?10) Which is worse for your health, smoking every day or drinking every day?11) Do you think smoking is cool?12) Where are the no-smoking areas in your city?13) What can we do to stop children smoking?14) What does smoking do to your health?15) Do you think smoking will ever disappear?作业:1. How can we keep our fit?2. Can you tell me how to keep optimistic all the time?3. How can you keep fit according to your own experience?4. What kinds of exercise do you think are the best for your health?5. Would you like to exercise outdoor?6. What living habits do you have? Which is the best living habit?7. If you are getting ill, will you go to the hospital or take some medicine at home?8. For modern people, mental health is as important as physical health.9. What are you going to do to maintain your mental health?10. Do you think you have a healthy diet?11. How are you feeling today?12. What do you think of the plain food?13. What do you think of diet?14. Are there many hospitals where you live?15. Do you think smoking should be prohibited in public?16. What are the symptoms when people get stressed?18. Does smoking need special attention?19. Do you buy health insurance? Give your reasons.20. At school, what exercise do you have to do?21. Do you do exercise every day?22. What will happen if you don't stay healthy?23. Where can you get health treatment?24. Do you feel satisfied with the treatment you get?25. What do you need to do when you go to a clinic to see a doctor?26. What do you need to do when you go to a pharmacy to buy medicine?27. Do you feel stressed sometimes? What may cause you stress?28. What do you do when you feel stressed?。




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大纲介绍第一部分:自选话题(5分钟)正确理解考官的提问,回答切题能持续针对思维图解表中所列的讲述点提供信息、阐述观点清晰描述事情发生的前后顺序与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论,讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供信息、事实和细节向考官提出至少1个与自选话题相关的问题尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能第二部分:对话(5分钟)正确理解考官的提问,回答切题提供相关信息,并表达自己的观点主动与考官开展对话向考官提出至少2个与对话话题相关的问题考官从以下6个话题中任意选择2个,与考生进行双向对话⏹旅游⏹与金钱相关的话题⏹时尚(如:服饰、行为等)⏹规章制度⏹健康与健身⏹学习一门外语描述过去一段时间内的活动表达个人的观点和印象,询问他人观点和印象表达意向和目的表达义务和必要性表述确定性与不确定性If和when引导的条件句过去进行时与本级语言功能相关的情态词,如:must, need to, might, don’t have to 不定式用于表示目的常用动词短语与自选话题相关的词汇与对话话题相关的词汇表达将来时的词语,如:the day after tomorrow, in a year’s time避免出现背诵式的演讲语调(最重要)正确使用与自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音正确使用句子重音明确语义掌握语句层面的语调和语流特点掌握较为复杂的疑问句句型的语调大纲解析1.自选话题绝对不能从第二部分的6个话题中选取;尽量选择与自己生活、经历相关的话题;并预先考虑考官围绕该话题可能提出的所有问题。








GESE-6考试介绍交际能力第一部分:自选话题●正确理解考官的提问,回答切题●能持续针对思维图解表中所列的讲述点提供信息、阐述观点●清晰描述事情发生的前后顺序●与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论,讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供信息、事实和细节●向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题●尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能第二部分:对话●正确理解考官的提问,回答切题●提供相关信息, 并表达自己的观点●主动与考官开展对话●向考官提出至少两个与对话话题相关的问题新增对话题目●旅游Travel●有关金钱的相关话题Money●时尚(如:服饰、行为等)Fashion●规章制度Rules and regulations●健康与健身Health and fitness●学习一门外语Learning a foreign language语言功能●表达个人的观点和印象,询问他人观点和印象●表达意向和目的●表达义务和必要性●表述确定性与不确定性●描述过去一段时间内的活动新增语法项目●真实条件句,如:if,when●现在进行时表示将来●过去进行时●与本级语言功能相关的情态动词,如:must, need to, might, don’t have to●不定式用于表示目的词汇●常用动词短语●与自选话题相关的词汇●与对话话题相关的词汇●表达将来时的词语,如:the day after tomorrow, in a year’s time,in… years’ time语音●正确使用与自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音●正确使用句子重音明确语义●掌握语句层面的语调和语流特点●掌握较为复杂的疑问句句型的语调●避免出现背诵式的演讲语调特别提示:除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求1. If 引导的条件句---第一条件句形式:If I am better tomorrow, I will get up.If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin.If she finishes early, she will go home.用法:第一类条件句从句中的动词用一般现在时,主句中的动词用will/shall 动词原形。



6级考题题库1.traveling:Will we move to another planet"Why is the environment getting worse and worse"How do you know the people in Britain are very kind and friendly" Why some people don't like travelling"Did you go abroad"Besides Beijing, what other places have you been to"If your family drives your private car to travel, where will you go first"If you go to very far place to travel, which one do you prefer, joining a package tour or traveling by yourself"What is the first thing you should do if you want to go abroad" Now what is the most popular place for travelling"Where did you go last time"When you go traveling, do you usually take a camera"Have you take your brother to the places you have been to" If I go to the place you visited, what can I do"How many foreign countries do you know"Where is your hometown" If you go back to the hometown, what do you usually do"Stay in Beijing and go traveling, which one do you likemore"2.money:Have you spent your own money" / What have you bought with your pocket money recently"Have you made money"/ Have you ever earned money by yourself" When you do house work, can you get some pocket money" /If your parents don’t give you money, will you do the housework" If it is very e*pensive to study aboard, will you still want to go"If you want to play a game on the internet which you have to spend money, will you play" / When you play some games which need you to pay money, how will you spend the money"Is pocket money important for kids"How much money do you spend on English and math each year" Do you want a lot of money"Do you think parents should give children money if they do housework"How do you manage your lucky money" / Do you think it is good or bad to manage your own pocket money" / Do you think is saving money a good habit"Many people always spend a lot of money not saving money. What do you think"If in your class, some classmates buy some unnecessary things, what will you do"If your tuition of the university is very e*pensive, do you want your parents to pay for it or make it by yourself"What’s the right attitude to use money"Some people give their children something they like, but don’t give them pocket money. What do you think"Who makes money in your family"Do you think give kids too much money is a good thing or bad thing" Will too much pocket money spoil kids"Do you spend a lot of money on the dance" Does the book price rise at the present"—yes.—if the price kept rising, what would happen"Some parents always buy their children e*pensive things, is it good or bad"When you buy things, who pays for you"If you have 1000 RMB, what will you do?If you have enough time and money, what will you do" How much money do you think your parents should give you" Do you think working for parents to earn pocket money isa good way"3.health and fitnessDo you drink milk everyday"If you want to be healthier, what kind of vitamin should you eat" / If you want to bee strong, what kind of vitamins do you need to eat"If you want to make your eyesight better, what vegetables should you eat" / If you want to improve your eyesight, what vegetables should you eat" / If you don’t want to wear glasses, what should you do"How do you think fitness club"What do you think mental health"(屡次被问到)How to keep healthy"How do you think of fitness club"Do you think you are a little fat" /Do you know any good ways to lost weight" / Do you have any suggestions for the people who want to lose weight" / Do you think are you fat" What’s your plan to lose weight" / If one person is too fat, what will happen"Which is bad for our health in our city"What nutrition can you get from food"Food and sports, which one is more important"How often do you do e*ercise"Do you think you are very healthy"Why do so many people like fast food" / Some people go to America and they eat too much KFC, what is harmful to their health" Do western food and Chinese food have the same quality" What illness did you have in your childhood" How did you cure it"Do you think young people are healthy or not"If we were unhealthy, what would happen?Eating outside often is right or not"If you had some unhappy things, what would you do"pare the way of your parents keeping healthy with the way you keeping healthy.It is said that you drink little water at school, yes or no" If you want to be an engineer, is strong body important"Is wearing high-heels and earrings healthy(good for your body)" What is a balance diet"How long of your sleeping is enough"4.rules and requlations:What are the rules for surfing on the internet" / What are the rules for going on the internet"Do you know any rules for keeping pets"If there’s no rule in the world, what will the world be" / If there were no rules in school and family, What would happen"IS it necessary to obey rules"Are your school rules strict"Are there any unnecessary rules"Are there any rules about smoking in public places" / How can we prevent people from smoking in public places" / Do you know some new rules about smoking and some old rules about smoking" What are the rules for the library"What traffic rules do you have to obey"Do you know the rules of playing football"When you have a child, what rules will you make for him" What’s the difference between rules in Hangzhou and rules in Beijing"What is the rule of drinking coffee"Who makes the rules in your family" What is the rule that every fsamily member must obey"What kind of danger can you meet if you don’t fasten your serat bealt"What are the rules when you see peking opera"If the headmaster let you make a rule for the teachers, what kind of rule will you make" / If you are the headmaster, which rule will you change"How to help one of your classmates have a good looking"Do your make some rules of your turtle"(他的自选话题关于乌龟)5.fashion:Will fashion change all the time"/ Do you think fashion is changing"Is low carbon life a kind of fashion"/ Do you think low-carbon life has bee a kind of fashion" /Do your classmates have low carbon life" /Do your classmates pay attention to low-carbon" Why do you think Paris is a fashionable city" / Do you think Paris is a city of fashion"What do you think of students chasing fashion"pare girl's fashion and boy's fashion (屡次被问到) What kind of fashion do boys like to chase" / Why do girls wear high-heeled shoes"What do you think about fashion today"Do your classmates follow the fashion"Do you like fashionable teachers"Many people wear fashionable clothes, what do you think of them" How do boys chase fashion"What clothes is very popular this year" What clothes were fashionable last year" What clothes are fashionable" /do you think your clothes are fashionable"What color is fashionable"Will you chase fashion when you go to university" / Would you like to wear fashionable clothes when you grow up"Are fashionable things practical"If you are not fashionable, do you think you will lose friends because of this"If you like chasing stars, what would you parents think" Where do you get these fashionable things"Do you think tattoo is fashionable" /Some people think the person with tattoos looks like a bad man, what do you think"I want to be fashionable; can you give me some advice" What’s fashion" Do you think it’s important"Do you/your parents/your classmates/teachers chase/follow fashion" / Do you have a fashionable friend/ family member" do you think your hairpin is fashionable" What do you thiunk of girls wearing hairpin"What do people usually wear to show they are fashionable" Do you think your favorite singer is fashionable or not" Who leads the fashion"6.learning a foreign language:What do you think of your English level" / What do you think of your English"How is your grammar" / When you have difficulty in learning grammar, who can help you" / how long b have you learnt grammar"What other language do you know" / how many foreign languages have you learnt"Which is the most difficult part in learning English" How does your teacher let you practice this part" /Which aspect is most difficult in English learning"What are you going to do if you are good at English"What do you think of English" / Why do you learn English, not other foreign language"Do you think all people should learn English" /A lot of people now learn English, what do you think"Which one do you like best, speaking, listening, reading or writing"Most of boys dislike English, why do you like it"How do you improve your English" / How to bee a good English learner" / If there is a student doesn’t study English well, do you have any good opinions"Do you learning English just because it is interesting?Some people think the children should learn English before kindergarten, do you agree" / Is it necessary for kids tostudy English from an early age" If yes, why" /Is it necessary to learn English very early"Do you think learning a foreign language is necessary/important"Is there any benefit in learning a foreign language" Do you change a lot after learning English"Can your parents speak english" What do you usually say to your mother in english"I f you have a chance to choose one of the foreign languages, which one do you like to choose"If let you teach a boy who is in the grade one , how would you teach him"通过询问发现,考官更愿意结合学生的自选话题来问对话局部。



fashion1.What’s fashion?Answer1In my opinion, the fashion is something that makes you spend money to get modern things in the recent life. For me, I will not follow this kind of fashion because I don’t want to spend a lot of money to get more and more expensive things. The main point is that we must choose the things we really need. Answer2:I think fashion is the newest things. Such as new cell phone, new cloth or new game. Fashion can change our life style; it can push us to go to the future.2.Do you chase the fashion?3.What do you think of fashion?Answer1I think fashion can push us to go to future. But it also can cost our much money and time. When we are fashionable, people think we are cool and rich. If we don’t fashionable, that’s ok, no one think we are poor.Answer2:If it’s fashion to play certain computer games or toys, I care. Toys are similar to fashion, because we always need to buy new ones. But the main point is that we must choose the thongs we really need. We should follow the good fashion with our own judgment and opinion.4.Do you like your school uniform?I don't like my school uniform at all. It is quite bad-looking, because it only has black and white colours. I think young persons should wear some colorful clothes. But, I have to wear it every day. And my summer uniform is very thick, if I wear it, I will feel very hot. My winter uniform is so thin. If I wear it, I will feel very cold. I asked for replacement, but was rejected by the teacher. To this I feel disappointed. But mother like my uniform very much, because it saves a lot of time and money. In the past, she spent much time and money on my clothes. But now, I seldom(很少) ask her to buy clothes for me.5.How do you choose your clothes?6.What kind of clothes do you like?( What clothes do you like to wear?)I like to wear casual clothes, because I think casual clothes is very comfortable and convenient to wear, for example, when we wear casual clothes, we can do all kinds of sports, besides, casual clothes is not very expensive, so I like them.7.What do you think of people with tattoos?In my opinion, tattoos are a way of expressing oneself without actually having to say anything. Tattoos are a form of art and everyone that I know that has tattoos are not afraid of expressing themselves to the people around them. But I don’t like.8.What’s your opinion on students chasing fashion? / What do you think ofstudents’ chasing fashion?Answer1:If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play a model plane alone. However, it’s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. My point is, we can go after fashion, but don’t spend too much money on it.Answer2:I think it’s very bad. If we chase fashion we will spend much time and money on it. But now we are only students, we can’t yet earn money. And in general fashionable clothes are very expensive that I can’t afford. I don’t think students should chase fashion. We had better pay more attention to our study. Of course, if my mother buys beautiful clothes for me during Spring Festival, I will be glade to accept them.9.What color do you think is good on you?I like all kinds of colors, like green, pink, blue, red, purple and many other colors. Among them, I like red best, because red symbolizes happiness. Also it is usually used during Spring Festival, Wedding Days, and other festival days in China. Also my skin is very white, if I am in red, I will look more warm and friendly. So if I buy clothes with my mother in the supermarket, I will first choose the red.10.Do you think fashion is always changing?I agree with it. For example. A long time ago, fur was considered fashionable and jeans were only favoured by cowboys. Today, furs are a little outdated while jeans have become popular with many young people.11.Do you want to be a model?12.Which is most important to you in deciding what to buy, brand name,quality or price?13.Do you spend much money on fashion?No,I don’t spend much money on fashion. Because I don’t have money14.Why do many young people today go after famous brands in everythingthey buy?Most of young people buy brands to try to catch fashion. They want to draw people’s attention. Some people buy the things with brands because of their good quality. I often buy clothes with brands because they are very comfortable such as Nike.15.What kind of clothes is fashionable among your students? What do youthink of boys and girls fashion of today?16.How do you think boys dress up the colorful and bright clothing and girlsdress up like boys?With the development of the modernization, the society is flooded with fashion. Many boys are trying to express out their own feelings and passions. They also love to pursue the colourful and bright clothing. in addition ,Some of the girls are a male singer fans ,as zhoujielun. Therefore they dress up like boys.17.Do you find it important to follow the latest fashion? Why?It is important for me to follow some latest fashion because if I don’t care about fashion I can’t communicate and make friends with my classmates. If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play Barbie doll alone. The latest fashion makes us have the common topic.18.Can we judge a person by his appearance/look?There’s no doubt that a fairly appearance can leave us a good first impression. But it can never be the main factor when we judge them. Throughout the history, we can conclude that a person who is beautiful or handsome may be a dangerous one (for example) .On the contrary ,the ugly ones can also be kind and warmhearted (for example). I think, we can’t judge a person by appearance.19.In your class, do you prefer talking about clothes or study? Why?We prefer talking about new computer games and new toys. Most of my classmates are crazy about games instead of study or clothes. Because it is always boring to talk about study. In my opinion, Chinese students spent too much time studying, such as school study and after-school classes. We need fun to get relaxed.20.Do you believe in the saying ”clothes make the man ”? why or why not?你相信“人靠衣装”这句话吗?为什么?Yes, I do. There is some truth in the saying. Clothes can create an image for the person who wears them. They send a message about a person’s taste, values, personality, status, and so on. On a more practical level, clothes mayalso help make a person look better and feel better.--- No, I don’t. The function of clothes is to cover the human body and keep the body warm, nothing more. I find those people snobbish or stupid who judge others only by the clothes they wear.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------话题:Fashion1. Who is the most fashion person in your family?I think in my family no one is fashionable. Because we think follow fashion is a little waste. We are too busy with our study and work. And if we don’t fashion, no one think we are stupid.2. Should we go after fashion or not?Answer1In my opinion, fashion is a new thing. We can follow it, but if we follow fashion too much, it’s not a good thing, it is a waste. We shouldn’t spend much money and time on it.Answer2:It’s hard to not go after fashion. If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play Barbie doll alone. However, it’s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. My point is, we can go after fashion, but don’t spend too much money on it.3. Do you think fashion needs a lot of money?Answer1:Yes, I do. I think fashion always need us much money. Because sellers know people who like fashion, and fashionable clothes are always expensive. Such as iPhone, Nike or Omega.Answer2:Yes, I think so. It’s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. What’s more, it is very expensive to buy some fashionable things.4. If someone isn’t fashionable, people don’t like to make friends with her/him. What do you think of this fact?I think that is ok. If some people think that I’m not fashionable and don’t like to make friends with me, I will not be sad. Because they are fashion follower, but I’m not. We have different, that ok, no problem.5. Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy?Maybe they think famous name brands things is the beat noblest or fashion. Some people use famous name brand things because other people use it.They want to follow the friends.6. Do you want to set the fashion?Yes I do. I believe it is a good thing to set the fashion. So I want to be a fashion designer in the future. I can design a number of fashionable things, like some little decorations, some beautiful clothes and some pretty hats. I think if I study hard now, I will design many unique products with up-to-date(现代的)styling in the future. And I can lead the fashion trend. By then,I will be a famous designer in the world.7. Are you a fashionable person?Yes I am. I think I am a fashionable person. I have many fashionable things, such as my notebook, my skateboard, my necklace etc. Among them I think my double skateboard is the most fashionable. This summer holiday my father taught me how to play skateboard. And a week later most of my friends began to play skateboard too. After that, more and more children can play skateboard in our community. Every evening we play skateboard on the playground, it is very interesting.8. Do you think fashion is important in people’ life?Yes, I think fashion is very important in our life, because the world is changing fast nowadays. We can’t live in a world without fashion. If people wear all kinds of fashionable clothes, the world will be very colorful. If people have different hair styles, the world will be very beautiful. You know most people used to wear black and grey clothes. But now you can see people wear clothes in different colors, such as red, purple, pink and many other colors. So our life is as sweet as honey, and I think fashion is very important in our life.9. Who sets fashion?I think Lady gaga can set the fashion. Because her hair is very colorful, her clothes are very different, her make-up is very fashionable, and her songs are very attractive. So many people like to follow her. And more and more people love her songs. I also like to listen to her songs, such as Telephone, bad romance etc..10. Is wearing perfume fashionableYes, I think wearing perfume is very fashionable. Children can wear a little perfume when they take part in parties. Also they can wear perfume on the Children’s Day. But they can’t wear perfume at school. I think adults should wear perfume every day, and then they will be attractive. In recent years, more and more men like to wear perfume too. But I think they had better wear weak perfume.11. What do you think of boy‘s fashion today?I think boy‘s fashion is some hair styles or clothes or watch look cool. And thefashionable boy who always wear brown hair or the newest suit.12. Do you think tattoos are fashionable?Yes, I think tattoos are very fashionable. But I only like small tattoos, because small tattoos look very cute. Once in a swimming pool, I met a man who had a snake tattooed on his body, I felt very scared. So I dislike him. When I have grown up, I will have a little rose tattooed on my arm. It will be very beautiful and fashionable. And I will like it very much, but I don’t know whether my parents like it or not.13. What do clothes mean to us?Clothes means a lot to us, for example, it could keep us warm when the weather is cold, it could protect our skin from the sunshine. It could also make our life beautiful, and we wear different clothes every day, when we are happy, we wear pink, when we are not happy, we wear dark colors such as grey. Just imagine, if we wear the same clothes all day long, life will be boring.14. What kinds of clothes do you know?I know some kinds of clothes, for example formal clothes, casual clothes, evening wear, sports ware or uniforms. At different times, we will wear different clothes, for example, we wear formal clothes when we go to meetings, we wear casual clothes when we are at home, we wear evening wear when we go to parties, we wear uniforms to go to work or go to school, as for sports ware, we wear them when we do exercise.15. What would you love to buy but you can’t afford?I would love to buy a lot of gold to make more money, but I can’t afford it. Because I’m so young. Maybe when I grow up I can spend money to buy gold and get much money.16. Do you send much money of fashion?No, I don’t. Because I am a student school don’t like me that. And I don’t like to follow fashion too; I will save the money and time to do some useful things.17. I am going to the playground; can you give me some suggestions for what I should wear?I am glad to help you. I think you should wear school uniforms. If your school doesn’t have school uniform, you can wear sport shirt. That will not make joke.18. Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What is your opinion on it?I think that wrong. Because almost every phone can do many things, like play games, surf on internet or take photo that is not good for study.。



fashion1. What’s fashion?Answer1In my opinion, the fashion is something that makes you spend money to get modern things in the recent life. For me, I will not follow this kind of fashion because I don’t want to spend a lot of money to get more and more expensive things. The main point is that we must choose the things we really need. Answer2:I think fashion is the newest things. Such as new cell phone, new cloth or new game. Fashion can change our life style; it can push us to go to the future.2. Do you chase the fashion?3. What do you think of fashion?Answer1I think fashion can push us to go to future. But it also can cost our much money and time. When we are fashionable, people think we are cool and rich. If we don’t fashionable, that’s ok, no one think we are poor.Answer2:If it’s fashion to play certain computer games or toys, I care. Toys are similar to fashion, because we always need to buy new ones. But the main point is that we must choose the thongs we really need. We should follow the good fashion with our own judgment and opinion.4. Do you like your school uniform?I don't like my school uniform at all. It is quite bad-looking, because it only has black and white colours. I think young persons should wear some colorful clothes. But, I have to wear it every day. And my summer uniform is very thick, if I wear it, I will feel very hot. My winter uniform is so thin. If I wear it, I will feel very cold. I asked for replacement, but was rejected by the teacher. To this I feel disappointed. But mother like my uniform very much, because it saves a lot of time and money. In the past, she spent much time and money on my clothes. But now, I seldom(很少) ask her to buy clothes for me.5. How do you choose your clothes?6. What kind of clothes do you like?( What clothes do you like to wear?)I like to wear casual clothes, because I think casual clothes is very comfortable and convenient to wear, for example, when we wear casual clothes, we can do all kinds of sports, besides, casual clothes is not very expensive, so I like them.7. What do you think of people with tattoos?In my opinion, tattoos are a way of expressing oneself without actually having to say anything. Tattoos are a form of art and everyone that I know that has tattoos are not afraid of expressing themselves to the people around them. ButI don’t like.8. What’s your opinion on students chasing fashion? / What do you think ofstudents’ chas ing fashion?Answer1:If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play a model plane alone. However, it’s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. My point is, we can go after fashion, but don’t spend too muc h money on it.Answer2:I think it’s very bad. If we chase fashion we will spend much time and money on it. But now we are only students, we can’t yet earn money. And in general fashionable clothes are very expensive that I can’t afford. I don’t think st udents should chase fashion. We had better pay more attention to our study. Of course, if my mother buys beautiful clothes for me during Spring Festival, I will be glade to accept them.9. What color do you think is good on you?I like all kinds of colors, like green, pink, blue, red, purple and many other colors. Among them, I like red best, because red symbolizes happiness. Also it is usually used during Spring Festival, Wedding Days, and other festival days in China. Also my skin is very white, if I am in red, I will look more warm and friendly. So if I buy clothes with my mother in the supermarket, I will first choose the red.10. Do you think fashion is always changing?I agree with it. For example. A long time ago, fur was considered fashionable and jeans were only favoured by cowboys. Today, furs are a little outdated while jeans have become popular with many young people.11. Do you want to be a model?12. Which is most important to you in deciding what to buy, brand name, qualityor price?13. Do you spend much money on fashion?No,I don’t spend much money on fashion.Because I don’t have money14. Why do many young people today go after famous brands in everythingthey buy?Most of young people buy brands to try to catch fashion. They want to draw people’s attention. Some people buy the things with brands because of their good quality. I often buy clothes with brands because they are very comfortable such as Nike.15. What kind of clothes is fashionable among your students? What do youthink of boys and girls fashion of today?16. How do you think boys dress up the colorful and bright clothing and girlsdress up like boys?With the development of the modernization, the society is flooded with fashion. Many boys are trying to express out their own feelings and passions. They also love to pursue the colourful and bright clothing. in addition ,Some of the girls are a male singer fans ,as zhoujielun. Therefore they dress up like boys.17. Do you find it important to follow the latest fashion? Why?It is important for me to follow some latest fashion because if I don’t care about fashion I can’t communicate and make friends with my classmates. If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play Barbie doll alone. The latest fashion makes us have the common topic.18. Can we judge a person by his appearance/look?There’s no doubt that a fairly appearance can leave us a good first impression. But it can never be the main factor when we judge them. Throughout the history, we can conclude that a person who is beautiful or handsome may be a dangerous one (for example) .On the contrary ,the ugly ones can also be kind and warmhearted (for example). I think, we can’t judge a person by appearance.19. In your class, do you prefer talking about clothes or study? Why?We prefer talking about new computer games and new toys. Most of my classmates are crazy about games instead of study or clothes. Because it is always boring to talk about study. In my opinion, Chinese students spent too much time studying, such as school study and after-school classes. We need fun to get relaxed.20. Do you believe in the saying ”clothes make the man ”? why or why not?你相信“人靠衣装”这句话吗?为什么?Yes, I do. There is some truth in the saying. Clothes can create an image for the person who wears them. They send a message about a person’s taste, values, personality, status, and so on. On a more practical level, clothes may also help make a person look better and feel better.--- No, I don’t. Th e function of clothes is to cover the human body and keep the body warm, nothing more. I find those people snobbish or stupid who judge others only by the clothes they wear.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------话题:Fashion1. Who is the most fashion person in your family?I think in my family no one is fashionable. Because we think follow fashion is a little waste. We are too busy with our study and work. And if we don’t fashion, no one think we are stupid.2. Should we go after fashion or not?Answer1In my opinion, fashion is a new thing. We can follow it, but if we follow fashion too much, it’s not a good thing, it is a waste. We shouldn’t spend much money and time on it.Answer2:It’s hard to not go after fashion. If all other kids play new computer games, how can I still play Barbie doll alone. However, it’s expensive to go after fashion, because you always need to buy new things. My point is, we can go after fashion, but don’t spend too much money on it.3. Do you think fashion needs a lot of money?Answer1:Yes, I do. I think fashion always need us much money. Because sellers know people who like fashion, and fashionable clothes are always expensive. Such as iPhone, Nike or Omega.Answer2:Yes, I think so. It’s expensive to go after fashion, because you alwa ys need to buy new things. What’s more, it is very expensive to buy some fashionable things.4. If someone isn’t fashionable, people don’t like to make friends with her/him. What do you think of this fact?I think that is ok. If some people think that I’m not fashionable and don’t like to make friends with me, I will not be sad. Because they are fashion follower, but I’m not. We have different, that ok, no problem.5. Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy?Maybe they think famous name brands things is the beat noblest or fashion. Some people use famous name brand things because other people use it. They want to follow the friends.6. Do you want to set the fashion?Yes I do. I believe it is a good thing to set the fashion. So I want to be a fashion designer in the future. I can design a number of fashionable things, like some little decorations, some beautiful clothes and some pretty hats. I think if I study hard now, I will design many unique products with up-to-date(现代的)styling in the future. And I can lead the fashion trend. By then, I will be a famous designer in the world.7. Are you a fashionable person?Yes I am. I think I am a fashionable person. I have many fashionable things, such as my notebook, my skateboard, my necklace etc. Among them I think my double skateboard is the most fashionable. This summer holiday my father taught me how to play skateboard. And a week later most of my friends began to play skateboard too. After that, more and more children can play skateboard in our community. Every evening we play skateboard on the playground, it is very interesting.8. Do you think fashion is important in people’ life?Yes, I think fashion is very important in our life, because the world is changing fast nowadays. We can’t live in a world without fashion. If people wear all kinds of fashionable clothes, the world will be very colorful. If people have different hair styles, the world will be very beautiful. You know most people used to wear black and grey clothes. But now you can see people wear clothes in different colors, such as red, purple, pink and many other colors. So our life is as sweet as honey, and I think fashion is very important in our life.9. Who sets fashion?I think Lady gaga can set the fashion. Because her hair is very colorful, her clothes are very different, her make-up is very fashionable, and her songs are very attractive. So many people like to follow her. And more and more people love her songs. I also like to listen to her songs, such as Telephone, bad romance etc..10. Is wearing perfume fashionableYes, I think wearing perfume is very fashionable. Children can wear a little perfume when they take part in parties. Also they can wear perfume on the Children’s Day. But they can’t wear perfume at school. I think adults should wear perfume every day, and then they will be attractive. In recent years, more and more men like to wear perfume too. But I think they had better wear weak perfume.11. What do you think of boy‘s fashion today?I think boy‘s fashion is some hair styles or clothes or watch look cool. And the fashionable boy who always wear brown hair or the newest suit.12. Do you think tattoos are fashionable?Yes, I think tattoos are very fashionable. But I only like small tattoos, because small tattoos look very cute. Once in a swimming pool, I met a man who had a snake tattooed on his body, I felt very scared. So I dislike him. When I have grown up, I will have a little rose tattooed on my arm. It will be very beautiful and fashionable. And I will like it very much, but I don’t know whether my parents like it or not.13. What do clothes mean to us?Clothes means a lot to us, for example, it could keep us warm when the weather is cold, it could protect our skin from the sunshine. It could also make our life beautiful, and we wear different clothes every day, when we are happy, we wear pink, when we are not happy, we wear dark colors such as grey. Just imagine, if we wear the same clothes all day long, life will be boring.14. What kinds of clothes do you know?I know some kinds of clothes, for example formal clothes, casual clothes, evening wear, sports ware or uniforms. At different times, we will wear different clothes, for example, we wear formal clothes when we go to meetings, we wear casual clothes when we are at home, we wear evening wear when we go to parties, we wear uniforms to go to work or go to school, as for sports ware, we wear them when we do exercise.15. What would you love to buy but you can’t afford?I would love to buy a lot of gold to mak e more money, but I can’t afford it. Because I’m so young. Maybe when I grow up I can spend money to buy gold and get much money.16. Do you send much money of fashion?No, I don’t. Because I am a student school don’t like me that. And I don’t like to follow fashion too; I will save the money and time to do some useful things. 17. I am going to the playground; can you give me some suggestions for what I should wear?I am glad to help you. I think you should wear school uniforms. If your school doesn’t have school uniform, you can wear sport shirt. That will not make joke.18. Some primary school students hold mobile phone at school. What is your opinion on it?I think that wrong. Because almost every phone can do many things, like play games, surf on internet or take photo that is not good for study.。



三一口语六级Section6languageLearning a foreign language1. Why do you want to learn a foreign language?I learn English . First of all, English has become an international language. It’s more and more important . second, I can get more knowledge and information if I learn English well. At last, I can make friends with foreigners.2. What should you do when you learn a foreign language?First, we should become interested in the foreign language because interest is the best teacher. Then we also should spend lots of time on it . we should read and listen as much as possible, such as reading newspapers and magazines, watching foreign films. We should speak English with our teachers ,our classmates and even with foreigners..3. What methods do you use to learn a foreign language?I make sentence in order to remember new words and i read them many times. I often watch American cartoons and listen to some English songs.This can improve my listening .I speak English with my teacher and friends.4 Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people?yes , I think it’s easier for younger people to learn a foreign language, because younger people have better memory than older people. So they can remember English words more easily. Younger people can adopt proper pronunciation better.5. Going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language. What do you think about it?Yes, I think going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language, because language environment is very important forus to learn a foreign language. When we go abroad, we have to use the foreign language . besides, we can learn about the culture and custom of the foreign country.6 Do you learn a foreign language through watching movies/ reading books?Yes. I do . And I think watching movies/ reading books is a good way for us to learn a foreign language. By watching movies, we can improve our listening/ reading ability , at the same time, we can learn the foreign culture.7Do you think vocabulary/ grammar is important for learning a foreign language?yes, vocabulary is very important. V ocabulary is the basic of a language. If we can’t remember lots of words, we won’t use the language .Yes, grammar is important. Because grammar can help us understand complicated sentences . Grammar is good for the writing .8. What is the best way do you think to learn a foreign language?I think if we want to learn a foreign language well, we should become interested in it , because interest is the best teacher.11. If you learn a foreign language, what would you get?I can learn about the culture and custom of the country. I can make friends with foreigners.12. What are the advantages if you learn a foreign language?First, I am interested in learning a foreign language.Second , My aunt lives in a foreign country and she can speak english well soI can often talk with her to improve my speaking.13. Do you think taking a language course is a good way tolearn a foreign language?Of course, if I take a language course, I can practice a lot. My teacher can teach me some good methods. I can learn from and take with my classmates.14. Can you learn a foreign language in a few months?No, I can’t . If I want to learn a language we ll, I m ust spend a lot of time on it , because to learn a foreign language is just to learn a different culture. We all know that to learn a different culture is not easy thing.15. Why do you want to learn a foreign language?A foreign language is just a new window. Through it ,we can watch a new world. By learning a foreign language, we can learn advanced technology, make new friends, and enjoy a different culture. All these will enrich my life.16. Do you think it is a good way to learn a foreign language at an early age?Yes, it is a good way to learn a foreign language at an early age. Because at an early age, we have better memory. It is easy for us to remember a new word or sentence ofa foreign language.17. How long will you take to learn a foreign language?I have learned English for about five years. And everyday I will spend about two to three hours in learning English.18. Do you think a student should learn more than one kind of foreign language? Yes, I do. Because I think learning a foreign language is just like opening a new window. Through it, you can watch a new world. If we have time, I suggest that we try to learn more than one kind of foreign language.19. Have you learned other foreign languages except English?No, I am not, because I am very busy now. But if I have moretime in my ordinary life, I will try to learn other foreign languages, such as Japanese, French or German. To learn other foreign languages, I can learn more cultures, knowledge and technology.20. Can your parents speak a foreign language?Yes, my mother can speak English but not good at it . and she often practices speaking English now.21. What do you parents think of you learning a foreign language?My parents think that learning a foreign language is very important. They encourage me to learn a foreign language. When I make progress in learning a foreign language, they always praise me and are always very happy.22. Do you have to spend lots of money learning a foreign language?Yes, I do. Because to learn a foreign language well, I need to buy many foreign language books , cartoons or DVDs. And sometimes I even need to find a foreign teacher to teach me. All these cost me a lot of money.。



(完整版)三⼀⼝语六级Rulesandregulation规则(总结)Rules and regulation规则1.Are there any rules at your home?/ Do you have some rules at home? Yes, there any rules in your home. For example, in my family, I must do my homework first. If I finish my homework, I can watch TV and play computer games. Second I must get up at six o’clock, because I have an English class on the morning. Third, everyone knows, no pain no gain. If I want get some pocket money, I must do something to exchange. Such as sweep the floor and wash the dishes, I think it is good for my health.2.Which rule do you have to obey first at home?3.What do you think of the rules in your home? / Tell me something aboutyour family rules.There are some rules in my family, such as Respect the elders; wash hands before each meal; take shower before bed; Take off shoes before entering the bedrooms.4.Are you allowed to watch TV for a long time every day?5.If you don’t listen to your parents, what will happen?If I don’t listen to my mum, most of time she will persuade me to accept her suggestion. But sometimes she may be angry at me. I don’t think that will work. Parents can suggest children to do something but not order them. I have heard of that American parents never order their children in order to help them to be independent.6.Are there any rules in your school?/ Do you know any school rules? Yes. We should go to school on time. We must wear the school suit on Monday and Thursday. It’s not allowed to run in the hall. No fighting. Be polite to teachers and students. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.7.How can traffic accidents be prevented?I think the most important thing is we should obey the traffic rules, all of them are necessary. For example, when we cross the road, we should wait for the traffic light, but I see many people could hardly wait to rush into road. That’s very dangerous. Some people drive after drinking alcohol. It’s also very dangerous for both driver and the people on the road.8.Which rules are unfair in your school?Answer1:The rule ‘we can’t run in the hallways anytime’ is unfair. I always follow this rule. But I can see many children, even some teachers always run in the hallway. No one criticizes them. If it’s an unreasonable rule, it should be revoked. But before this, in order to be serious to the school rules, all the people who break rules should be punished.Answer2:We must stay at classroom in break, but some low grade student can play on the playground, I think that is the most unfair rules in my school. We can’t play basket ball, can’t play foot ball, can’t play hide and seek. We just can talking about friend and play some small games. If you are in my class and you will know it is very boring. We ask the teacher but the teacher told us that is good for our study and safety. So I think that is the most unfair rules in my school. 9.What kind of rules do we need to obey in our life?/ How much do you knowabout rules?Answer1:There are many rules we should obey. For example, in school we shouldn’t be late for class, don’t eat snacks in the class, don’t leave classroom freely if we are in class time…and so on. In public, don’t smoke in public area, don’t spit everywhere, don’t break public property … and so on. I think if we all obey these rules strictly, the world will become better and better. Answer2:Rules are something people should obey so as to make the world a better place to live in. For example, the school rules aremade to guarantee student’s health physically and mentally.10.What public rules do you have to obey?你必须遵守哪些公共规则?11.If you see someone smoking in public, what would you do?I’ll smile at him and say: Hi Sir, may I possibly ask you not to smoke? The government has banned smoking in all public places. You know, when you smoke, the people around you will have the passive smoking. Furthermore, smoking really does harm to yourself.12.Have you ever broken any public rules?Yes. Sometimes I eat food will have some noise; it will broken the public rule.I think it is not very polite. If I have some noise, people will feel very terrible. And then they won’t want to eat food. They will think I am an impolite boy. They will not want eat meal with me. I think we must obey the public rule. Otherwise you will be very disgusting.Yes, I know some rules in public place and I can tell them to you. First, we can’t smoke in public place. I believe everyone knows it. Because I think smoking is bad for our health. If some people smoke in public place, we will smoke the second-hand smoking, it’s also very bad for our body. Second, we can’t play fire in the filling station. If play fire in the filling station, the filling station will explosion, it’s very dangers. Third we can’t spit in public place, it’s not very sanitary. So I think we must obey the rules.14.Can teachers smoke in school?15.Will teachers be punished if they smoke?16.If you drive the car, when should you stop, when should you go?You can go at a green traffic light and stop at a red light.17.Do you think it’s important for people to obey laws? / How important arerules and regulations for you? Why?Yes, I do. I think that’s important. Because when we obey rules, we will in safe. Policeman and other people can help me. if we don't obey rules, word will in chaos(混乱)and we will in dangers.18.Why do people setup the rules or regulations?/ What do you think aboutrules?It’s very important to have rules. In Chinese idiom, No square and circle without rules. Rules give the boundary to control you and also protect you. For example, you should go to school on time. If you don’t, you will miss some class and disturb your classmates. These rules also protect you from being disturbed by others.19.Does your father smoke? If so, what rules stop him from smoking?20.What will happen to you if you are late or absent for school?Teacher will punish(惩罚) me cruel(残酷的). Such as: you must go out the classroom for 1 hour or you won’t have the examination paper.the best in the word. I think it will be better and better in future.22.How to obey the traffic rules?Traffic rules are the general practices and procedures that road usersfollow, especially motorists and cyclists. Such as stopping for pedestrains to cross at the zebra-crossing. Traffic rules can also be obey easily if the driver pay more attention to the road signs beside the roads. The signs tell the driver everything thatneeds to be take note, example the speed limit, highway code(交通法规) and priority(优先). If the driver take note of all these signs and keep in mind, then obeying the traffic rules is not aproblem.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------话题:Rules & Regulations1. Can you tell me some rules on a plane?I am glad to make you answer. I know some rules on a plane. Such as you can’t use your mobile phone during the flight and you must wear a seatbelt at takeoff or landing. These rules can protect us.2. Can you tell me some rules in a library?I can tell you some rules in a library. Such as “you can make noisy in library” or “you can’t break books in the library” if we obey these rules other people can study well, so rules in library are very important.3. Do you know any rules for keeping pets?Yes, I know something about it, such as: we shouldn’t bring pets to the shops, restaurant, or other public area. The pets have to go to hospital every year to keep them healthy. We should streat pets as our friends, love them, and take care of them.4. What do you think about the rules in your class? Do you have any class rules?There are lots of rules in my class. You have to go to school on time. You have to follow what the teacher says in the class and shouldn’t talk before you get the permission to talk. I think it’s very good to have rules to keep the discipline.But I think some rules in our class are redundant. Such as “no smoke!” are redundant. Because no student smoke.5. Do you know some traffic rules? How to obey these rules?Yes. You can go at a green traffic light and stop at a red light and don’t park your car in the wrong place. If you need to walk across the street, you need to follow the zebra crossing. I know some traffic signs from class, like no parking, speed limit, etc. You have to obey these rules. These rules protect you.6. Want rules do you need to obey when you’re in a car?When you get into the car, you need to wear the safety belt. You should not stick your head and hands out of the window. Do not distract the driver. Keep the door closed. We must wear a seat belt in a car; we can’t drive the car when we make a phone call.7. What do you think about the safety belt?My mother always asks me to wear the safety belt when I’m in the car. I think it’s because if some accident happens, the safety belt can save your life. It’s a very good habit to wear the safety belt whenever you are in the car.8. What rules do you think are important in life why?I think school rules are important in life. Because it can teach us “be kind to other” or “share with other”. These can help us to make friends and study well.9. Do you think it is necessary for student to wear uniforms at school?I think this rule is very excellent. Beautiful if student wear uniforms at school, teacher can differentiate them easily, it’s easier for the theater to take care of them.10. If you can change one rule today, what rule will you change?If I can change a rule today, I will change a rule that: under the age of 12, children can’t ride bike on road. I will cut off it because it isn’t convenient.11. Do you know it is necessary to have lots of family rules for children? Why?I think that’s wrong. Because if mom makes a lot of rules, children won’t have any free time, we will unhappy. I think they can make a bit rules.12. Many people think that occasional(偶尔的), minor(较⼩的)breaches (破坏)of the law are ok, what do you think?In sometimes that’s ok. If something is very emergency, we can be a minor breach. It can help we leave the emergency.13. If there’s no rule what will the world be?It’ll be very bad. I even can’t imagine it. For example, if there is no traffic rule, all the people will be unsafe when they go out. If there is no rule for the country, we would see crime everywhere. The people would suffer hell on earth.14. What if you break your family rules?I will get punishment and cover some house work. If I break the rules, I will pay much money. Such as if I go bed after 10 o’clock, I must pay 50yuan. ButI can get more money by some rules too! If I wash the dish, I will get 1yuan.15. If there are no rules what should we do?If there are no rules, I’m quite sure that we will make some rules. When we play some game with classmates or friends, we usually need to get agreement on certain rules first. If we don’t do that early, we will have trouble later. We may argue or make somebody very unhappy. If we want to continue, we have to figure out some rules that all of us agree and follow..16. If you could adopt one new rule in your school, which rule will you use/adopt?Answer1:I will use such a new rule ‘s tudent must do exercises for one hour everyday’. You know we are at the age of physical growth, but we also have very heavy burden in study. More and more major subjectsoccupy(占据)the break and PE class. In order to(为了…)be good for(利于)our health and study, we should do exercises at least one hour every day. I’ll be very happy if my school can adopt this rule. Answer2:We must stay at classroom in break, but some low grade student can play on the playground, if I can adopt one new rule in my school, I will adopt that we can play on the playground in break. But now, we can’t play basket ball, can’t play foot ball, can’t play hide and seek on the playground. We just can talking about friend and play some small games in the classroom. If you are in my class and you will know it is very boring. We ask the teacher but the teacher told us that is good for our study and safety. So if I can adopt one new rule in my school, I will adopt that we can play on the playground in break.17. Some primary school students have a mobile phone at school.What's your opinion on it?A mobile phone is the modern communication tool for everybody. I’m not surprised to see that some students hold a mobile phone. I have a mobile phone, but I only use it when I need it. When I go to a camp, I can talk with my parents although I don’t like it they always ask me what I have done.18. Are school rules important, why?Yes, I think school rules are very important, because they are designed to make school a better place for us to stay. I know something about school rules such as Be kind to others, respect school property, learn to share and take turns. ride bikes; don’t park your car in the wrong place.19. What if you break the traffic rules?If I break the traffic rules, I will get a ticket, and I need to pay money for that.。



三一口语六级Money(总结)Money1. Do you have pocket money from your parents? How do you spend it?2. Do you agree that offering too much allowance to children may spoil them?3. How can you make pocket money? (Where do you get your pocketmoney?)I usually get my pocket money from my parents. My father will give me some pocket money for my good school record, my mother will give me some pocket money after I help her to do some housework.4. Are you good at saving money?5. What would you do if you were a millionaire (百万富翁)?6. Do your parents use credit cards?7. Is money everything?I don?t think so .Because some things we can use money to buy it ,but some things we can?t ,like health, friends ,love ,and so many things .So ,I don?t think money is everything.8. How do you think of the recent price?just so so! Some things are very expensive now; our pool people can?t buy it! And some things are very cheap now, we can buy it. But now, I think it isn?t very stabilize.9. Are you happy to buy anything for your parents or friends with your ownmoney?Yes ! I …m very happy to use my own money to buy anything, I think we need to buy some things to develop (发展)ourfriendship, and we need to buy some things to show filial(子女的)obedience(respect)to our parents. We buy things to our friends or parents, we must use our own money to buy it, and we mustn?t use other people?s money to buy it, because we use our own money that?s our things!10. Do you sometimes give money to charities?Yes! I sometimes give charities some change, I think they really it(正好是所需的)to maintain their life. I think I do a good deed(行为)!11. How much money do you parents spend on you every year?About hundred thousands of! My mother always said that it is very expensive to bring up a child!12. Which one do you think is more important, wealth or health?I think health is more important for us. Because if we have a good body, we can find a job and get the money with the job, but if we have a very weak body, even if you have more and more money you get health again!13. How do we use money reasonably? 我们如何合理的利用资金14. Do you think it?s necessary for student to learn how to manage money?15. What can?t be bought with money?16. What?s your opinion about money? / What does money mean to us? Money means a lot to us, because with money, we could do a lot of important things, for example, with money we could go to school to study, with money we could buy food and clothes, with money we could help the poor children to go back to school. But if we do n?t have money, then we would have noclothes to wear, no food to drink, life will be very poor. So I think money is important to our life.17. What role does money play in your life?18. With enough money, what do you want to do must?19. Do you think having a lot of money makes people happy?I think that money is essential(必要的) to life and we cannot do without money. But even though money is necessary to life, it can?t buy happiness. Happiness is not something that can be measured(衡量) by money. It is a state of mind(心情). One can have plenty of money, with which he can buy whatever he wants, and at the same time he is not happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems. Therefore, although money is necessary for a happy life, it can?t buy happiness.20. Do you think having a lot of money means success?Having a lot of money do not equal to(不等于) being successful. We can?t just judge how successful a person is just by how much money he has. Many people are rich, but they earn money by bad things. A thief managed to steal a large amount of money, is him successful?In my opinion, everyone can be successful. A student work his way to become the No.1 in his class, he is successful. A mother raised(抚养) an outstanding (优秀的)son, she is successful. When I managed to get though a difficulty, I?m successful. Only people who can earn a lot of money are successful? Absolutely not!话题:MONEY1. What do you think of money?I think money is both good and bad. Because money is very important, it can help us do a lot of things, such as buy food, do exercise, travel and so on. But sometimes money can come badthings. Such as someone when they have lots of money, they game or tak e drugs. That?s horrible.2. If you have a lot of money, what would you do?If I have a lot of money, I can do many things. But I save the money to the bank or buy some stock. Because I can get more money from it. And I won't lose i.e. am a student, I don't need to spend money on my life. If I spend money, I can get noting. That?s not smart.3. Do you like saving money?Yes I do. That is fantastic, because if I save my money, my mom can't shark my money. Actually she often does that to me.4. Some parents always give much money to their children what's your opinion on the subject?That's a interesting subject. I think that's wrong. parents can give children little money, that is very convenient. But if parent give much money to their children, children will waste. They won't know to save money and spend it to play and buy snacks.5. Do you have red-envelope money in spring festival? How to spend your red-envelope?Yes, I do. I get 3000yuan this spring festival. I'm very happy. I will save it to the bank. Then I can use it on important things in the future.6. Do you get lucky money during the Spring Festival?Yes, during the spring festival, I will always get some lucky money from my family, usually I will spend 100 Yuan to buy some books, stationery and snacks, the rest of the money I will give my mother, she will keep it for me.7. What do you like spending money on? What don't you like spending on?I usually spend my money on books, stationery, andsometime, at school, when I feel hungry, I will use my money to buy some food and drinks.I like to put money in the bank. Because I can get some interest. I don't like to spend money on shopping or computer games, because that's a waste.8. Have you ever given money to a homeless (无家可归)people?No I haven't. Because I am so young and many people are crook(骗子).My mom told me not to do. And I usually donate money to the orphanage(孤儿院), that?s safe.9. If you had no money, do you think you could be happy?If I had no money, I didn't happy. I will work hard. Maybe, I will make lots of money.10. Some people say that “money make the world go around!”Do you agree? Why or w hy not?No, I don't agree. Because I don?t have much money, but I?m happy. Some people have a lot of money. Maybe they gamble or take drugs, and they aren?t happy. I think happy is the most important thing, so I don?t agree.11. What is your opinion of discount store廉价商店?I think that isn?t honest. Because some sellers say: I?m deficit (亏损)! Let buy!” Actually, they don?t deficit, and they can get more money from it. Because customer are more than before.12. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?I bought a mini light. Because I want to study in bed. The mini light is very convenient. It can give me light anywhere.13. Is it necessary to learn to manage your money as a student?Yes, it is. Because if I manage my money. I can get more money. Like deposit or buy fund.基金That is an interesting thing!14. Do you like bargaining讨价还价when you are shopping?No, I don?t. Because I am a children, and I think that is hard and troublesome 麻烦的.15. Do you have to do any work at home?Yes, I do. I have a lot of house work. Because if I finish my homework. My mom will tell me :“ Do house work now!”I can't get any rest! I will be very tired.16. What is more important to you to be happy or to have money?I think to be happy is more important, because when I?m happy, I can make money. But if I don?t happy, I won?t want to make money. And if I don?t have much money, I can happy too. Because I am a child, my mum will use my money.。



City Hong Kong1. Where I like visiting and its locationLast summer vacation, my parents decided to go to Hong Kong for sightseeing, and she asked me if I wanted to go with her to visit the Star Avenue and Disneyland, and of course, my answer is “yes”, and I had been dreaming to go to Hong Kong for a long time. As far as I know, Disneyland is the hometown for Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. I know these two cartoon figures who gave me a lot of fun, and they will be my friends forever. Then me and my parents started our trip to Hong Kong For this trip, there were also many other children, and we had a good time together. I had an unforgettable memory for this.2. How I went thereOn a very early summer morning, my parents and I drove to Beijing Capital Airport, and when we arrived at the airport, we saw a lot of people there all wanted to travel to Hong Kong. After checking in, we boarded the plane which was very large, and my seat was near the window so I could see the beautiful sceneries outside the window on the plane. It took us 3 hours to fly to Hong Kong, and it was really a long trip that made me very tired and exhausted, but my later experience there had proved that it was all worth it.3. What my general impression of this city isFirst, the weather in Hong Kong is generally hot and humid, sometimes it’s rainy, and sometimes it’s cloudy. You have to drink a lot of water or eat some ice creams to make you feel cool. Second, the transportation in Hong Kong is very convenient, the subway and buses can take you everywhere. So living in Hong Kong is easy and convenient. Third, I like the varieties of food there such as the snacks mini-dumplings steak and hamburgers, which taste yum and delicious, but some of the local food are so sweet, I don’t like cookies very much.4. What I’ve seen there when I visited itFirst I’d like to talk about the city Hong Kong. You know, it is a beautiful city which is famous for its Victoria Harbor, and the city was surrounded by the sea, and the weather there is very fine with clear sky, white cloud and fresh air. A lot of travelers rushed into the modern and international city, so many hotels and restaurants were built to host the visitors, the hotels are very luxury with spacious lobby and splendid decorations, many oil paintings are hanging on the hotel wall, and I couldn’t describe how I love them. I passed the city, but I was not allowed to go into many bars and dancing clubs, since I am a child. It was a quite interesting experience.5. Why I’m willing to move thereI’m so in love with this city that I even wanted to move there because of the lovely place Disneyland. I went to the famous Disneyland with my mother. When we got off the subway, the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck who are very friendly had already waited there and welcomed us at the gate. We visited the future world by boat; it stands for the world culture and our thinking for future world. We also watched a famous 3D Movie, it is about the adventure of Mickey Mouse, and it is amazing. What has impressed me most was the fireworks show in the night, well; the green, red, yellow and purple colorful fireworks lit the sky of the Disneyland, which had turned Disneyland into a fairy world. I was so crazy about that.6. What I have learned from this tripI think my travel experience in Hong Kong is always unforgettable which has made me think it different and unique. First of all, it provided me a new insight that I have to do things by myself, and my mother intended to teach me to face difficulty squarely, she said that it was in another place, so you have to do things and solve problems by yourself. It’s no use crying over the spilt milk. In our country, I thought I was a girl, so I can depend on my parents and other relatives to help me. But what if adults are not near you? Who can help me? So I think I should be brave and strong minded. And I have learned to ask for help and advice from other people when I was in trouble.。



TOPIC2:Money一.语法学习:现在完成时现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的影响还存在;或持续到现在的动作其构成:have (has)+过去分词。

比较一般过去时与现在完成时一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情常与具体的时间状语连用:yesterday, lastweek,…ago, in1980, inOctober, just now等常用非持续性动词有come, go, leave, start,die, finish, become,get married等。


通常与模糊的时间状语连用: for, since, so far, ever,never, just, yet, till/until,up to now, in past years,always等,皆不确定的时间状语可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的: live,teach, learn, work,study, know用于现在完成时的句型It is the firs t / second time.... that…结构中的从句部分,用现在完成时。

例如:It is the first time that I have visited the city. 这是我第一次访问这城市。

This is the first time (that)I've heard him sing. 这是我第一次听他唱歌。

注意:It was the third time that the boy had been late.This is +形容词最高级+that…结构,that 从句要用现在完成时。

例如:This is the best film that I've (ever)seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。



Trinity College Examination-Graded 6Part one一.TravellingQuestions:1.How often do you travel around?I often take a trip every summer vacation2.Why do you like travelling?Traveling is so popular and prevalent in the modern society. Traveling is considered as a style of fashion. Traveling can widen my knowledge and broaden my visions. Through traveling we can acquire the knowledge of geography, customs, local distinctive.3.Where did you go last summer/winter?4.Who did you travel with?5.How long did you stay there?6.Why did you choose that place?7.Tell us your experiences about that place (food, accommodations,sceneries, public transport, local customs & residents)8.What is the special about that place9.Where are you going to travel next vacation?10.H ave you ever been abroad before?11.H ow is that place comparing with Beijing?12.i f you have been to, tell me about what is the big differencebetween China and that country?二.Demo Essay (范文)I love to travel! I usually travel around when I have a school break to take a trip with my parents. I took a trip to Hainan with my parent last winter vacation. We got there by air. Yep, we just came back from HaiNan. My family spent the whole week enjoying the beach and sunlight. Anyway, there are many interesting experiences about Hainan that I have to get down. Travelling is so popular and prevalent in the modern society. Travelling is considered as a style of fashion. Travelling can widen my knowledge and broaden my visions. Through traveling we can acquire the knowledge of geography, customs, local distinctive cultures.The sun was shinning. So we walked on the beach to cool off and swam in the sea. The food was very delicious and I was very crazy about seafood like lobster, shrimp and crab. I was very interested in going sightseeing there. Local people are very kind and nice to us. They taught us how to dance their own unique dancing. We didn’t have to stay in the hotel because one of my father’s friends lives there and he invited us to stay with his family. If I have another chance to take a trip in the winter vacation, definitely I will prefer to go to Hainan.三.Grammatical points(语法要点)1.the usage of past continuous tense-regular & irregular verbs’variations (过去进行时态的用法-规则和不规则动词变化)Buy-bought. Like-liked. Am/is/are-was/were...2.现在进行时表示将来决定和打算3.if & when 从句用法4.must/have to/need to/might用法5.表示目的的不定式6.表达时间词语: The day after tomorrow, i n a year’s time 四.Topic-related sentence patterns (与话题相关的句型)1.Like/enjoy/love doing something2.Would like to do something3.Prefer to do something? Prefer something4.There is/are......5.What kind of....do you like6.How much....do you spend on doing something?7.Be interested in doing something8.Show somebody how to do something9.It is the best place for doing something10.Somebody intends to do something11.The reason why +句子+is that +句子12.That is the reason why +句子13.Since +主语+过去式,主语+现在完成。



Money1 Are you saving money to buy something?No, I’m not.But I have saved money to buy a beautiful dress. My mother think it is unnecessary to buy the dress for me, because I have too many dresses .But I like it very much, so I decided to earn money and buy the dress by myself. Y ou know, I have 20 yuan pocket money every month. When I get a high score in the examination, I can get 10 yuan. I also help my mother do some housework to earn extra money. I have saved about one month.2 About how much did you spend on presents last year?Well, I’m not sure. I have never counted it. Let me see…About 100 hundred yuan.On my mother’s birthday, I sent her a warm scarf. I sent my father a pair of sports shoes on his birthday. I came to my best friend’s birthday party and I sent her a set of books about Harry Potter. When my mother, my father and my best friend received the present from me, they were all very happy and liked the presents very much.3 About how much do you usually spend each day?Well, from Monday to Thursday, I don’t spend any money.Because I have no time and I don’t need to buy anything. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I often go shopping with my parents. We usually buy some clothes, food and stationary. But I don’t know how much we spend, because my parents always pay for them.4 Are you good at saving money?No, I am not. If I want to buy something, my parents don’t want me to buy. Then, I will save money to buy the thing I want. Y ou know, I have 20 yuan pocket money every month. When I get a high score in the examination, I can get 10 yuan. I can also help my mother do some housework to earn extra money. But I don’t like to save money; I think it is too boring.5 Do your parents give you pocket money?Y es. I have 20 yuan pocket money every month. And I think it is good for children to receive some pocket money from their parents. It can practice their ability of arranging money. But a limited a mount is preferred. Y ou know, students are too young to control too much money by themselves. Maybe they will use the money to buy some magazines or comic books. If they read them on class, it will influence study. So I think it is not good for the parents to give their children too much money.6 Have you ever found any money? If so, what did you do with it?Y es, I have. When I found the money, I picked the money up and give the money to the police.7 Have you ever given money to a beggar?Y es, I have. I always give money to beggars. Because I think they must have some difficult problems, they are very poor, I sympathize them very much. So, I think we should help them. But now, most of them are story-tellers. They pretended to be poor and disabled. So I only help the person who is old and disabled. I think the young beggar can earn money by themselves. They have strength to find a job.8 How important is money to you?I think money is important to me. If we have no money, we can’t live in this world. We can use money to buy food, clothes, stationary, daily necessities; Money can help us live a better life. We also can use money to help poor people, for example, donate money to the charity. But, there are still something that money can’t buy. For example, money can’t buy the precious time, true love, real friendship. And money can’t give us a healthy body, happy and happiness family. And I think these are the most important in our life. In a word, money is important, but it is not the most important. We should be the master of money; we use money to live a happy life, not live for money.9 How much do you have to spend to eat a good meal at a restaurant in your country?It depends on the restaurant. I usually go to the restaurant with my parents, we spend about 100yuan. We usually eat fast food. Because when I have extra classes, I must eat out. Sometimes if you want to treat others and you must choose a good restaurant that can be cost more.10 If someone gives you a lot of money, what will you do with it?It depends on how much money I have. If I have a lot of money, first, I will travel around the world to enrich my knowledge. Second, I will buy many beautiful clothes. Then, I will buy a big house and a fancy car for my family. I will help poor people, too. I will deposit the rest of the money into bank and I will continue to study. I must study hard and get enough knowledge. That is the most important task for me.11 Some people say that "money makes the world go around." Do you agree? Why or why not?No, I don’t agree.I think money is important to me. If we have no money, we can’t live in this world. We can use money to buy food, clothes, stationary, daily necessities; Money can help us live a better life. We also can use money to help poor people, for example, donate money to the charity. But, there is still something that money can’t buy. For example, money can’t buy the precious time, true love, real friendship. And money can’t give us a healthy body, happy and happiness family. And I think these are the most important in our life. In a word, money is important, but it is not the most important. We should be the master of money, we use money to live a happy life, not live for money.12 What is something that you have bought recently that cost a lot of money?The thing that I have bought recently that cost a lot of money is my mobile phone. It cost …My parents think I am not a child now; I should have my mobile phone, so they bought me it. My mobile phone is very beautiful and cute. Its color is pink and white. I like it very much.13 What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?The most expensive thing I’ve ever bought is my mobile phone.It cost …My parents think I am not a child now; I should have my mobile phone, so they bought me it. My mobile phone is very beautiful and cute. Its color is pink and white. I like it very much.14 How do you think money helps make us happy?The most important for me is to be happy. Most of people think that money can bring them happiness, but I don’t think so. We should have some close friends. And we should do a little sport or have a hobby; we have to contract with other people. We must enjoy the life.15 Can money buy everything?No, money can’t buy everything. If we have no money, we can’t live in this world. We can use money to buy food, clothes, stationary, daily necessities; Money can help us live a better life. We also can use money to help poor people, for example, donate money to the charity. But, there are still something that money can’t buy. For example, money can’t buy the precious time, true love, real friendship. And money can’t give us a healthy body, happy and happiness family. And I think these are the most important in our life. In a word, money is important, but it is not the most important. We should be the master of money; we use money to live a happy life, not live for money.16 Do you ever give money to charity?Y es, I do. There was a big earthquake in Sichuan, my family donated hundreds of money to the charity, and we also gave some clothes to the charity. I often donate some money to the charity if there are some disasters in China, I want to help the person who has the difficulty, and in the future, maybe they will help me too, I want every people who lives in China can be happy all day!17 Some parents always give much money to their children. What’s your opinion?I think it is good for children to receive some pocket money from their parents. It can practice their ability of arranging money. But a limited a mount is preferred. Y ou know, students are too young to control too much money by themselves. Maybe they will use the money to buy some magazines or comic books. If they read them on class, it will influence study. So I think it is not good for the parents to give their children too much money.18 How can you make pocket money?Y ou know, I have 20 yuan pocket money every month. When I get a high score in the examination, I can get extra 10 yuan. If I do better, my grandparents will give me some extra money. For example, in this term, I got number one in my grade; I got 100 yuan from my grandparents. I can also help my mother do some housework to earn extra pocket money.19 How do you think of the recent price?I’m not very familiar with it, because I’m a child. But I often heard about it form my mother and grandmother. They often complain about recent price. It becomes higher and higher. For example, I know the price of oil, meat and vegetables become expensive. We can use 1 or 2 yuan to buy some notebooks. But now, it’s not enough or we only can buy one. I think it’s not good. A lot of people can’t earn a lot of money. If the price is still too high, we can’t live better.20 Which is more important to you: a more comfortable life or a more meaningful life?I prefer to have a meaningful life. Because I can have something different with other people, I don’t want my life the same as others. If I have a meaningful life, I can tell my life to my family numbers, my life can be different from others, I can have something special , and my parents also can be very proud of my life. So if I have chance, I prefer to have a meaningful life.21 What do you think of the price is going up / inflation of prices?I’m not very familiar with it, because I’m a child. But I often heard about it form my mother and grandmother. They often complain about recent price. It becomes higher and higher. For examp le, I know the price of oil, meat and vegetables become expensive. We can use 1 or 2 yuan to buy some notebooks. But now, it’s not enough or we only can buy one. I think it’s not good. A lot of people can’t earn a lot of money. If the price is still too hi gh, we can’t live better.。

三一口语6级 Money

三一口语6级 Money

Module4 Money涉及到的话题和语法点:谈论零花钱和怎么样得到更多的钱、如何挣钱重点词汇:Euro、dollar、dong、Vietnam、Europe、urgently、extra、in order to 、mow、lawn、waitress、salary、change、save、agree、score、baby sitter、earn、never、own范文:Money is considered as the most powerful and important possessions in life. In many people’s opinions, everything in the world such as fancy cars, magnificent mansions can be bought with money but there are certain things that can’t be bought with money. A millionaire who suffered from AIDS was willing to buy his health at the expense of his entire property. Such as devoted friendship and real honour can’t be bought with money. Money has two sides—positive & negative. Those who make money through their own effort lead to a happy life. However, it is also the major cause of crime and violence in the world—robbery, theft, and even murder are the most commonly committed for the sake of money.In the past, many things served as money--shells, dog’s teeth, cattle, and even slaves. Nowadays, the paper bills and metal coins used in our country. Money served several functions. First, as a means of exchange-- money is used to trade for goods and services. Second, as a store of value—people use money to save their wealth for the future.We can buy many materials in daily life. Such as best medicine, fancy cars, nice houses, and delicious foods. When I was a little girl, I thought money was a wonderful thing. It meant candy, toys, and beautiful clothes. Now I know the values of money better. It is money that gives what we want. If I have lots of money, I would donate to the Hope Project in order to help those needy kids.I think money is as important as health. Without money we can’t afford to see the doctor when we suffer from illness. We impossibly go to the school and gain good education. How do we make a living and support our daily life without money. However, health is the foundation of one’s future success. If you become sick, it is nearly impossible to pursue your career effectively. I will deposit my pocket money into the bank in case of emergency.可能出现的问题:Q: What do you think about pocket money?We should learn how to use money and how to manage money. I like to have pocket money. I use pocket money to buy toys I like. I also save my pocket money for some big plans. Now, I want to buy a camera. I lost one when I went on vacation last year. My Mom told me if I save 500 yuan, she would like to pay the rest for me to buy a camera for less than 1500 yuan.Q: Does your father often give you some pocket money?Yes, my parents give me pocket money each week. I usually get about Y5 per week but my parents often give me extra money as a reward for studying hard or doing well in a test, so they amount of pocket money changes each week.Q: Do you have red-envelope money in Spring Festival?Yes, I get red-envelope money from my father, my mother, my grandparents, my aunt and other relatives. I got 4200 yuan this Spring Festival. My Mom helped deposit the money into my bank account. It will be used to pay for my education.Q: Do you like saving money?I need to save money if I want to buy something expensive. I spend my pocket money on toys. I seldom spend my money on food or ice-cream. If I don’t want to buy a toy, I’ll save my pocket money. Now, I’m saving money to buy some books. I like reading very much. Because reading can make me relax.Q: Some parents always give much money to their children. What's your opinion on the subject?It’s good if these parents have much money to give. I know my Mon spends lots of money on me. I don’t need much money myself. My Mom asked me to pay for the toy I like. I also want to learn how to manage my money, so I would like to have pocket money.Q: What do you think of children depositing their money into the bank?In China, children are given red-envelop money in Spring Festival. Sometime, it’s a big amount of money for a child. So they can deposit their money into the bank. I think it’s a very good idea, because I need lots of money for my future education. I have a bank account. My parents help me to deposit the red-envelop money into the bank account. They also help me to deposit into an education fund every month.Q: How do you spend your money while travelling?My parents usually give me some pocket money while travelling. I would like to buy some souvenirs. The problem is that I always find something special and quickly run out of money. I should rethink if I really like it best before I buy it.Q:In your opinion, should parents give children pocket money?In my opinion, parents should give children pocket money. Firstly, I think children should have the freedom to buy things for themselves, to buy things that they like, not just things their parents think they will like.Secondly, parents can use pocket money as a tool to encourage children to be well-behaved and to study. If they are badly behaved or lazy, parents can punish children by not giving them pocket money and if they are well-behaved or do well in a test, parents can reward children by giving them extra pocket money.Q:Do you think children should do anything to earn their pocket money?Yes, I think pocket money should be earned. For example, pocket money could be given as a reward for good work at school or for helping with household chores. This way, children can learn the value of money. If parents give money to their children for no reason, the children might get spoilt.Q:How much pocket money should children get? Is it bad to give children a lot of pocket money?I there should be a limit to how much pocket money children get, but it depends on the situation of the family and the age of the child. The amount of pocket money should be slowly increased as the child gets older so that he or she can understand the value of money and learn how to manage it. My parents give me about Y5 a week, and I think that is an appropriate amount for my age, but I hope they give me more when I get older! And yes, I think it is a bad idea for parents to give their children a lot of pocket money. If they give them too much money, they will get spoilt and forget the value of money.Q:Should children have part-time jobs?I think it’s a bad idea for children to have part-time jobs. A child’s life should be about learning and having fun, not about making money. Also, part-time jobs take up a lot of time and they might distract a child from his or her studies. Instead of doing part-time jobs to earn money, I think children should do chores around the house in return for pocket money. That way they can learn the value of money without wasting their time on a part-time job.Q: Which is more important: money or happiness?Of course happiness is more important than money: without happiness, life would not be worth living. However, I think it would be impossible to be happy without money. I don’t mean that you need a lot of money to be happy, but you need enough money to support yourself. You need money to eat, to buy a house, to have a family and to enjoy your life. Without money, life would be hard, and definitely not happy.How do you manage your money?Managing money is simple. Just remember one rule: spend less than you earn. That way you will never run out of money and you might even save some.What was the last thing that you bought?How much did it cost?The last thing I bought was … It cost…How did you afford it?I bought it with my pocket money.What are you going to buy next? Are you saving up for anything?I want to buy an iPad next. I am saving up for an iPad.练习:1.What do you want to do if you get extra pocket money ?2.How do you get money ?3.If you want extra money for something special,what do you have to do ?4.Is money important to you ?5.What can you do with money ?6.How often do you get pocket money ?and hou much you get ?7.What do you usually do with you pocket money ?8.What are you going to buy next month ?9.What you can't do with money ?10.Have you ever had a part-time job ?11.How important is money for you ?12.Do you think saving money is important ?why?13.How do you manage your money ?14.If you get extra money ,do you have to save it ?15.What precent money do you save ?what precent money do you spend ?16.What do you usually save money for ?17.Do you have to do any work at home ?18.What is your opinion about making money by doing some housework ?19.What kinds of things do you usually spend your money on ?20.Do you and your parents have the same idea about spending money ?21.What do you think about your parents' ideas about spending money ?22.How were things different when your parents were young ?23.Some young people take a part-time job to make money . What's your opinionAbout this ?24.Do you think one day you might have a part-time job ?25.If you get a part-time job,what kind of job might it be ?26.What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?27.What is more important to you-to be happy or to have money ?28.Why young people should take a part-time job ?。



这篇关于三⼀⼝语6级真题:旅游、⾦钱、时尚等综合,是特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助!Section 6 Learning a foreign language 1. Why do you want to learn a foreign language? 2. What do you need to learn a foreign language? 3. What should you do when you learn a foreign language? 4. What methods do you use to learn a foreign language? 5. Is it easier for younger people to learn a foreign language than older people? 6. Going abroad is a good way to learn a foreign language. What do you think about it? 7. Do you learn a foreign language through watching movies/ reading books? 8. Do you think vocabulary/ grammar is important for learning a foreign language? 9. What is the best way do you think to learn a foreign language? 10. Do you think we should learn a foreign language at an early age? 11. If you learn a foreign language, what would you get? 12. What are the advantages if you learn a foreign language? 13. Do you think taking a language course is a good way to learn a foreign language? 14. Can you learn a foreign language in a few months? 15. Why do you want to learn a foreign language? 16. The importance of learning a foreign language 17. Do you think it is a good way to learn a foreign language at an early age? 18. How long will you take to learn a foreign language? 19. Is it necessary for primary school students to learn a foreign language? 20. Do you think a student should learn more than one kind of foreign language? 21. Have you learned other foreign languages except English? 22. Can your parents speak a foreign language? 23. What do you parents think of you learning a foreign language? 24. Do you have to spend lots of money learning a foreign language?。

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特别提示: 除上述要求外,本级考试中还包括前面各级别的所有要求
1. If 引导的条件句---第一条件句 形式: If I am better tomorrow, I will get up. If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin. If she finishes early, she will go home. 用法: 第一类条件句从句中的动词用一般现在时,主句中的动词用 will/shall 动词原形。用来表 示询问或谈论十分可能的事情。如果我们认为将来的事件可能会发生,就可以用第一条件句去描 述将会发生什么事或不会发生什么事。 ● if 和 when 引导的条件句 If 引导的条件句:if 意为"如果" If it rains tomorrow, I'll go to school by bus. If it rains tomorrow, they won't go outside to play. when 引导的条件句,在此级别中意为"要是,在…之后" My mother will come back when she finishes her work. I will work in the garden when it stops raining. 用现在进行时表示将来 当句子涉及确切的计划、明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动时,现在进行时可用于表示将来。 1) come, go, stay, arrive, leave 等词的 现在进行时经常用于表示将来确切的计划。 2) 表示交通方式、行程安排的动词,例如 fly,walk, ride, drive, take(a bus, a taxi)等的现在进 行时也经常用于表示将来。 练一练! 1. Betty __________(leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3 this afternoon. Her brother Bob _________(see) her off. It’s half past one now. They____________ (wait) for a taxi outside the school gate. 2. The Browns __________ (go) to the North China by train next week. They _________ (stay) in Beijing for a week. They ________(go) to Xi’an. They ____________(get) there by air. 3. Some friends___________ (come) to Anne’s birthday party this evening. Anne’s mother ___ (be) busy ______ (get) ready for the birthday dinner. Anne _________(help) her mother now. is leaving, is seeing, are waiting, are going, are staying, are going, are getting, are coming, is… getting, is helping
词汇 ● 常用动词短语 ● 与自选话题相关的词汇 ● 与对话话题相关的词汇 ● 表达将来时的词语,如:the day after tomorrow, in a year’s time,in … years’ time 语音 ● 正确使用与自选话题和对话话题相关词汇的发音 ● 正确使用句子重音明确语义 ● 掌握语句层面的语调和语流特点 ● 掌握较为复杂的疑问句句型的语调 ● 避免出现背诵式的演讲语调
2. 过去进行时 形式: 过去进行时由 was/were -ing 分词构成。 I was writing. We were writing. 用法: ①表示过去某时正在进行的动作。 What were you doing last night at seven o'clock? Workers were building a dam last summer.
新增对话题目 ● 旅游 Travel ● 有关金钱的相关话题 Money ● 时尚(如:服饰、行为等)Fashion ● 规章制度 Rules and regulations ● 健康与健身 Health and fitness ● 学习一门外语 Learning a foreign language
● 尽可能运用本级所要求的语言功能
43m1m“-”J520Gm01m24“492k-Z(1)g2L3-”3060@k%3-g“/1”7mD2%BJ/Tg0d1-ZP318¬-A_2"o70)Xc0?y258z6n”217 NE)
第二部分:对话 ● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题 ● 提供相关信息, 并表达自己的观点 ● 主动与考官开展对话 ● 向考官提出至少两个与对话话题相关的问题
考试介绍 交际能力 第一部分:自选话题
● 正确理解考官的提问,回答切题
● 能持续针对思维图解表中所列的讲述点提供信息、阐述观点
● 清晰描述事情发生的前后顺序
● 与考官就准备的话题进行轻松随意的讨论,讨论中考官可能要求考生进一步提供信息、事 实和细节
● 向考官提出至少一个与自选话题相关的问题
● 表达个人的观点和印象,询问他人观点和印象 ● 表达意向和目的 ● 表达义务和必要性 பைடு நூலகம் 表述确定性与不确定性 ● 描述过去一段时间内的活动
新增语法项目 ● 真实条件句,如:if ,when ● 现在进行时表示将来 ● 过去进行时 ● 与本级语言功能相关的情态动词,如:must, need to, might, don’t have to ● 不定式用于表示目的