罗马假日 Roman Holiday (1953)
导演: 威廉· 惠勒 编剧: Ian McLellan Hunter / John Dighton 主演: 奥黛丽· 赫本 / 格利高里· 派克 / 埃迪· 艾伯 特 / Hartley Power / Harcourt Williams 类型: 喜剧 / 剧情 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 / 意大利语 片长: 118 分钟 / Portugal: 117 分钟(cut version) 上映日期: 1953-08-27
• 作者:(美)奥黛 丽〃尼芬格(Audrey Niffenegger)
奥黛丽〃尼芬格(Audrey Niffenegger)是一名视觉艺术 家,也是芝加哥哥伦比亚学院 书籍与纸艺中心的教授,她负 责教导写作、凸版印刷以及精 美版书籍的制作。曾在芝加哥 印花社画廊展出个人艺术作品。 《时间旅行者的妻子》是她的 第一本小说。目前她居住在芝 加哥。
时间旅行者的妻子 The Time Traveler's Wife (2009)
导演: Robert Schwentke 编剧: 布鲁斯· 乔伊· 罗宾 / 奥黛丽· 尼芬格 主演: 瑞秋· 麦克亚当斯 / 艾瑞克· 巴纳 / 阿莱克 斯· 费瑞斯 / 艾利斯· 霍华德 类型: 剧情 / 奇幻 / 悬疑 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 片长: 107 分钟 上映日期: 2009-08-14 官方网站: /dvd/ 又名: 时空旅人之妻 / 时光旅的恋人
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剧情简介 ······ 一场车祸,母亲丧生,而孩子却奇迹般幸存,他赤 裸着身体获救,然而救人者竟然是来自未来的自己。原 来,这个名叫亨利(艾瑞克•巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)的图 书管理员,患上慢性时间错位症,以至于每次发病都将 穿越时空。而且,他每次穿越都赤身裸体,经常闹出笑 话。久而久之,亨利习以为常。一个偶然的机会,他爱 上了一个名叫克莱尔(瑞秋•麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)的女孩。为了追求克莱尔,他穿越时空 对6岁的克莱尔表白,并许诺未来将娶她为妻。因此, 当亨利在现实中出现时,两人迅速热恋、结婚,而且还 生了一个女孩。但是,亨利的老毛病依旧无法改变,所 以克莱尔必须适应这个穿越时空的老公,两人也因此历 经磨难……
与霍金一起探索(宇宙时间旅行time travel) S01E02)中英文对照汇总
INTO THE UNIVERSE WITH STEPHEN HAWKING----TIME TRA VELHello! My name is Stephen Hawking 大家好我是史提芬·霍金Physicist, cosmologist, and something of a dreamer. 物理学家宇宙学家有时是个梦想家Although I cannot move and I have to speak through a computer. 虽然我行动不便说话需要电脑的帮助In my mind, I am free. 但我的思想是自由的Free to explore the universe 自由地探索宇宙And ask the big questions. 探究宇宙问题Such as is time travel possible? 例如:时间旅行是否可行Can we open a portal to the past? 如何开启通往过去之门Or find a shortcut to the future? 或找到前往未来的捷径Can we ultimately use the laws of nature. 最终我们是否可以To become masters of time itself ? 利用大自然的法则操控时间呢Check it out.来解开这个谜与霍金一起了解宇宙Time travel was once considered scientific heresy. 时间旅行曾经被认为是科学的异端邪说I used to avoid talking about it 我一向都回避这个话题For fear of being labeled a crank. 避免被贴上狂想家的标签But these days, I'm not so cautious. 但这段日子我不再犹豫In fact, I'm more like the people who built Stonehenge. 事实上我更中情于建造巨石柱的人(英国Salisbury 平原上)I'm obsessed by time. 我被时间记录了If I had a time machine.. 如果我有台时间机器I'd visit Marilyn Monroe in her prime. 我可以拜访玛莉莲·梦露在她当红的时期Or drop in on Galileo, as he turned his telescope to the heavens. 拜访伽利略当他把望远镜指向宇宙Perhaps I'd even travel to the end of the universe 可能我还会到宇宙的尽头To find out how our whole cosmic story ends. 揭开我们宇宙的全貌To see how this might be possible 要验证我们的想法是否可行We need to look at time as physicists do 我们就要以物理学家的眼光去研究时间As the fourth dimension.也就是四维时空It's not as hard as it sounds.四维时空并不难理解All physical objects, even me and my chair,所有的物体甚至是我和我的椅子Exist in three dimensions.都是三维的Everything has a width and a height and a length.任何物体都有宽·高·长But there is another kind of length 但还存在另一种维度A length in time. 即时间维度While a human may survive for 80 years,一个正常人可以活80岁These stones will last much longer...这堆石头可以存在更长时间For thousands of years. 可能是数千年And the solar system will last for billions of years.而太阳系则是数十亿年Everything has a length in time, as well as space.所有东西都在时间上有长度空间也一样Traveling in time 在时间中旅行Means traveling through this fourth dimension.意味着要穿梭四维的时空To see what that means, let's do a bit of normal every day traveling just to get a feel for it.为更好地理解我们以日常旅行为例来直观体会一下思维空间的含义A fast car makes it a bit more fun.高速的车带来更多的乐趣Drive in a straight line, and you're traveling in one dimension.直走意味着穿过其中一维的空间Turn right or left, and you add the second dimension.左转或右转就增加了第二维空间Drive up or down a twisty mountain road, And that adds height.在弯曲的山路中爬上爬下带来高度的变化So that's traveling in all three dimensions.那样就在三维中穿梭了But how on Earth do we travel in time? 但我们怎样穿梭时间呢How do we find a path through the fourth dimension? 怎样才能找到第四维呢Let's indulge in a little science fiction for a moment.先让我们换一个话题来看一个科幻的假想Time-travel movies often feature a vast energy-hungry machine.关于时间旅行的电影通常有体积巨大超耗能的机器The machine creates a path through the fourth dimension机器创造出一条通往第四维的通道A tunnel through time.一条时间的隧道A time traveler, a brave一个时间的旅行者是勇敢者Perhaps foolhardy individual也许也算是准备踏入Prepared for who knows what, 未知空间的愚勇之士Steps into the time tunnel . 义无反顾迈入时间隧道And emerges who knows when.在未知的时间再现The concept may be far-fetched,构想上可能大不相同And the reality may be very different than this,真实情况可能与此大相径庭But the idea itself is not so crazy.但这种想法本身并不疯狂Physicists have been thinking about tunnels in time, too,物理学家也一直为时间隧道绞尽脑汁But we covered it from a different angle.不过我们要从另一个角度来揭示这个问题We wonder if portals to the past or the future 我们不知道在自然法则允许的范围内Could ever be possible within the laws of nature.是否可能出现通往过去或者未来的大门As it turns out..事实上We think they are. 我们认为有可能What's more we' even given them a name... 甚至给他们命名Wormholes. “虫洞”The truth is the wormholes are all around us...事实上虫洞布满在我们身边Only they're too small to see. 只是它们细小得看不到Wormholes are very tiny. 虫洞非常微型They occur in nooks and crannies in space and time.虫洞存在于时空的每个角落(nooks and crannies)You might find it a tough concept, but stay with me. 你可能难以理解但请继续看下去Nothing is flat or solid.没有东西是平坦的或者实心的If you look closely enough at anything, 如果靠得足够近看任何东西You'll find holes and wrinkles in it. 你会发现小洞和裂痕无处不在It's a basic physical principle, 这是基本的物理法则And it even applies to time. 同样适用于时间Take this pool table. 像这个桌球台The surface looks flat and smooth, but up close, 表面看起来又平坦又光滑但靠近来看it's actually anything but. 事实并非如此It's full of gaps and holes.满是缝和孔Even something as smooth as a pool ball. 就算是光滑得像台球Has tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids. 也有细小的裂痕皱褶瑕疵Now, it's easy to show that this is true in the first three dimensions,在三维世界就容易说明这一点But, trust me, it's also true of the fourth dimension, as well.相信我在第四维同样是正确的There are tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids. In time. 时间中存在细小的裂痕皱褶瑕疵Down at the smallest of scale,在非常小的尺度Smaller even than molecules, 甚至比分子原子还微小smaller than atoms, we get to a place 我们所得到的called the quantum foam.我们把那一区域叫做量子泡沫(Quantum Foam)This is where wormholes exist.虫洞就存在于此Tiny tunnels, or shortcuts, through space and time穿越时空的微小隧道和捷径Constantly form, disappear, and reform Within this quantum world.在这个量子的世界里面不断地形成——消失——再形成And they actually link Two separate places and two different times.连接两个独立地点和不同的时间Unfortunately, these real-life time tunnels are just a billion trillion trillionths of a centimeter across...很不幸这种时空的隧道只有10的-33次方厘米的大小(普朗克长度)Way too small for a human to pass through.不足以令人类可以通行But here's where the notion of wormhole time machines . Is leading.不过引出了虫洞型的时间机器的概念Some scientists think it may be possible to capture one and enlarge it many trillions of times有些科学家认为有可能抓住其中一个将之扩大数亿亿亿倍To make it big enough for a human or even a spaceship to enter.使其足以通过一个人甚至一艘太空船Given enough power and advanced technology, 假设有足够的动力和超前的科技Perhaps a giant wormhole could even be constructed in space.或许可以在宇宙中制造出大虫洞I'm not saying it can be done, but if it could be, 我不保证可行但如果真的面世It would be a truly remarkable device. 它将是一个非常卓越的机器One end could be here near the Earth,一端在地球附近And the other far, far away, near some distant planet.另一端则在遥远的宇宙的深处Theoretically, a wormhole could do even more.理论上虫洞可以有更多的用途If both ends were in the same place .And separated by time instead of distance,如果虫洞的两个开口在相同的地点不同的时间A ship could fly in and come out still near the Earth,飞船可以穿越到地球形成之前的世界But in the distant past.一个遥远的过去Maybe dinosaurs would witness The ship coming in for a landing.或许恐龙们可以目睹飞船的降落Now , I realize that thinking in four dimensions is not easy现在我觉得四维时空的概念很难理解And that wormholes are a tricky concept to wrap your head around.虫洞的概念更加令人摸不着头脑But hang in there.不过再坚持一下I've thought up a simple experiment that could reveal if human time travel through a wormhole is possible now...我曾构想出一种简单的实验验证人类是否可以通过虫洞穿越时间Or even in the future.甚至在遥远的未来I like simple experiments and champagne.我喜欢简单的实验和香槟So I've combined two of my favorite things To see if time travel from the future to the past is possible所以我结合两样我喜欢的东西来验证从未来穿越到过去是否可行I'm throwing a party... 我搞了一个派对A welcome reception for future time travelers. 未来的时间旅行者的欢迎酒会But there's a twist. 不过有点小插曲I am not letting anyone know about it until after the party has happened.在派对结束前我不打算让任何人知道这事Here is the invitation, giving the exact coordinates in time and space.这就是那张请柬告知确切的时间和地点I am hoping a piece of it, in one form or another, 我希望其中的一张无论以何种形态will survive for many thousands of years. 能留存至数千年以后Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information可能在未来的某一天有人可以看到这份请柬And use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party,用虫洞型的时间机器来参加我的派对Proving that time travel will one day be possible.证明时间旅行在未来可以实现My time-traveler guests could be arriving any moment now.我的穿越客人可能随时都会到Five Four Three Two One 5...4...3...2 (1)What a shame很遗憾I was hoping a future miss universe was going to step through the door.我本希望有位未来的“环球小姐”前来光顾So, why didn't the experiment work? 那么为何这个实验不起效呢I think one of the reasons might be because of a well-known problem with time travel to the past...我想其中一个原因是众所周知穿越过去的问题The problem of paradoxes.即谬论的问题Paradoxes are fun to think about.谬论十分有趣祖父谬论:回到过去,在(外)祖父生你父母之前把他杀了\n因此你不能出生,更不能回到过去杀你的祖父。
Astronomer'sWife天文学家的妻子天文学家的妻子 by Kay Boyle(1903-1992)当万籁俱寂,生命尚未复苏时,醒来那一刻是令人不悦的。
Desperate Housewives Mary Alice语录第四季 中英对照版
<Desperate Housewives> Mary Alice语录第四季中英对照版4-01There is a certain time of night,after children have been put to bed and husbands have begun snoring,that women lie awake and think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends.It might be an impromptu wedding,or a recently diagnosed tumor,or a make-believe pregnancy.Regardless,it's all they will think of,until something comes along to remind them that other people have secrets,too.晚上,总有些时候,在孩子们上床睡觉之后,老公鼾声雷动之时,女人们仍然无法入睡,她们在想着不为人知的秘密。
There is a certain time of morning.I t occurs after kids have left for school and husbands have headed off for work.It's a time when women think of the secrets they've been keeping from their friends.And how shocked they would be if the truth was discovered.And how they'll do everything in their power to keep that from happening.But what of those lucky women who have no secrets left to keep?What do they think about every morning?These women spend their mornings t hinking of their neighbors and the secrets they may be keeping.每天早上总有段时间,就在孩子们去上学,丈夫们去上班之后,有些女人会想起那些秘密,她们瞒着朋友们的秘密,假如真相大白,其他人会多么吃惊,而她们会尽一切努力,不让这种事发生。
[00:39.18]- Okay. I'll go first. Um- - Okay. 好,我先说[00:42.49]Let me say, uh, we don't really need to be here. 其实,我们根本不用来[00:46.22]See, we've been married five years. - 我们结婚已经5年了- 6年[00:48.23]- Six. - Five, six years.[00:51.13]And this is like a checkup for us. 5、6年了这就好像给汽车做个年检[00:54.70]Um, a chance to poke around the engine... 有机会可以检查一下引擎换换机油[00:59.00]maybe change the oil, replace a seal or two.[01:02.21]Yeah. - 替换一两个密封条- 没错[01:05.74][Man] Very well then. Let's pop the hood. 很好那我们开始吧[01:10.01]On a scale of one to 10, how happy are you as a couple? 从1分到10分你们会给彼此之间的感情打几分?[01:12.55]- Eight. - Wait. - 8分- 等一下[01:14.95]Ten being perfectly happy and one being totally miserable? 10分代表非常愉快1分代表非常痛苦,还是……?[01:18.39]- [Sighs] - Or- - Just respond instinctively. - 凭直觉说- 好[01:21.63]Okay.[01:23.36]- Ready? - Ready. 准备好了么?[01:24.93]- Eight. - Eight. 8分[01:29.50]How often do you have sex? 你们多长时间做次爱?[01:32.37]I don't understand the question. 这道题我不懂[01:35.34]Yeah, I'm lost. Is this a one-to-10 thing? 我也糊涂了,也要打1到10分吗?[01:38.44]Like, is one very little, or is one nothing? 那1分是表示做得很少,还是根本不做了?[01:41.55]Because, you know, tech-technically speaking... 严格来讲,0分才是根本不做了[01:44.32]the zero would be nothing.[01:47.29]That's right. And if we don't know what one is-What's 10? 是的,我们不知道什么是1分,什么是10分[01:50.36]- Yeah, 'cause 10- Oh, God. - [Laughs] 嗯,因为10分,天啊[01:54.49]- Constant. Uh- - Unrelenting. - 永恒的- 不屈不挠的[01:58.13]- N-Not stopping for, like- I mean, just- - Nothing to eat. - 不停下来,我是说,就像…- 没什么可吃的[02:01.43][Breathes Deeply, Chuckles][02:04.50]Like Sting. 就像抢劫[02:06.57]Well, look at Sting's day job. Who else has 60 hours a week to put in the sack? 抢劫也就是一天的活谁一周有60小时做这个呢?[02:10.71]It's not a one-to-10 scenario. It's a basic question. How often do you have sex? 这不是1到10的游戏,这是基本问题你们一周做爱几次?[02:22.99]How about this week? 那就说说这个星期吧[02:28.93]- Including the weekend? - Sure. - 周末也算吗?- 当然[02:33.81]片名:《史密斯夫妇》[02:37.54]Describe how you first met. 说说你们是怎么认识的?[02:39.90]Uh, it was- It was in Colombia. - 那是在哥伦比亚- 博格拓[02:42.34]Bogota.[02:44.34]- Five years ago. - Six. 5年前[02:46.36]是6年[02:48.11]Right. Five or six years ago. 好吧,5、6年前[02:52.41](博格拓, 哥伦比亚)[02:56.25](5、6年前)[02:59.06]- [People Chattering] - [Sirens Wailing In Distance] [03:03.83][Gunfire][03:05.83][Shouting In Spanish][03:08.83]Hey. Que pasa? - 嗨,怎么回事儿?- 有人炸了兵营[03:10.84][Speaking Spanish] 警察正在检查所有独身的旅行者[03:22.78][Spanish] 你一个人吗,先生?[03:24.78]Hmm?[03:27.74]小姐,请出示你的护照……[03:34.24]你的证件[03:38.16]- 你一个人吗?- 不[03:40.63]No.[03:42.43][Safety Releases][03:44.77]No, no, no, no. Esta bien. 不,不是[03:47.21]She's with me. Esta bien. 我们俩是一起的[03:49.97][Soldiers Pounding On Doors, Shouting][03:56.41][Shouting, Pounding Continue][03:59.15]I'm Jane. 我叫珍妮[04:02.15]John. - 我叫约翰- 很高兴认识你[04:03.96]- Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet ya. 我也一样[04:10.76]- To dodging bullets. - To dodging bullets. - 为了虎口脱险- 干杯[04:13.63]~~[Latin, Slow][04:16.43][Chattering, Laughing][04:18.84]So, it speaks. 话说完了[04:21.91]- But does it dance? - [Exhales] 跳个舞怎么样?[04:24.31]~~[Continues][05:07.39][Thunder Rumbling][06:01.07]~~[Fades][06:05.71][Bell Tolling In Distance][06:35.61][Door Opens][06:42.28]- [Door Closes] - Hiya, stranger. 嗨,陌生人[06:45.38]Hiya back. 我回来了[06:50.15]I think room service fled. I did what I could. 没有客房服务[06:52.08]我尽力了[06:55.03]Thank you. 谢谢[06:58.70]Mm! Oh, that's good. 味道真不错[07:01.83]- I hope so. I had to milk a goat to get it. - [Laughs] 希望如此, 我可是找了只羊挤的[07:30.29]- [Cup Shatters] - [Siren Wailing In Distance][07:34.53]~~[Singing In Spanish][07:42.81]Hey.! Step right up.! 女士们,先生们过来瞧瞧啊,碰碰运气吧[07:44.94]Ladies and gentlemen, try your lu-[07:46.94]How about you, little lady? Wanna try your luck? 嗨,这位女士,想试试么?有奖品哦[07:49.21]Win a prize.[07:51.22]Hmm. Yeah. All right. 好啊[07:56.42]- Two. - We got two over here. - 两位- 欢迎两位[08:00.66]- Do you know how to hold it? - Step right up! Five shots. Five dollars. - 你知道怎么握枪么?- 来,走过路过,不要错过……[08:03.83]- Yeah. - Yeah? - 对- 这样?[08:04.73]对[08:06.56][Clears Throat][08:08.57]- You gotta aim. - [Laughing] I am. - 您必须先瞄准- 我在瞄准[08:11.70]Don't laugh. I'll kill you. 别笑,我会打到你的[08:13.91]- [Laughing] - You didn't blink.[08:16.08]要用一只眼瞄准[08:17.74]Would you like to win a stuffed animal for your little girl?[08:21.25]- Come on. - [John] Ooh.[08:22.98]Everybody's a winner.[08:25.38]Do we still get somethin'? 有奖品么?[08:27.39]Beginner's luck. 瞎蒙的[08:31.06]- I wanna go again. - We're goin' again. - 我想要再打一次- 那就再打一次[08:35.33][Targets Clattering][08:42.17]Everybody's a winner. Win a prize. Win a prize.[08:45.84]Where'd you learn to shoot like that? 你在哪儿学的射击?[08:49.01]Beginner's luck. 瞎蒙的[08:53.48]Stop. Stop. You've only known the girl for six weeks. 行了,行了你才刚认识她6个星期![08:56.68]I'm in love. She's smart, sexy. 我爱上她了她聪明、性感[08:59.52]She's uninhibited, spontaneous, complicated. 不羁、自然、有内涵是我见过的最美妙的女子[09:03.35]She's the sweetest thing I've ever seen.![09:05.96]I knew Gladys for two and a half years before I asked her to marry me. 我认识格拉蒂丝两年半以后才向她求婚的[09:08.99]You have to have a foundation of friendship, brother. The other stuff fades. 婚姻需要以相互了解为基础不然的话, 很容易破裂的[09:14.27]Hi. 嗨[09:22.67]So, you don't think this is all happening a little fast? 你不认为这太快了吗?[09:26.28]You know me. I never do anything without thinking it through. 你知道我做事从来都是经过深思熟虑的[09:29.25]What does he do? - 他是干什么的?- 他是搞建筑的,有名的承包商[09:31.25]He's in construction. He's a big-time contractor.[09:34.79]A server goes down on Wall Street... 只要华尔街上哪台服务器坏了无论何时何地,她总是会及时出现[09:36.99]she's there anytime, day or night.[09:39.26][John Grunting][09:43.39]She's like Batman for computers. 就像蝙蝠侠[09:45.56]He's gone as much as I am, so... it's perfect. 他的性格和我也很像简直是天生一对[09:50.90]I give the whole thing six months tops. 依我看你们俩最多也就坚持六个月[09:53.47]Eddie, I asked her to marry me. 埃迪[09:55.34]我已经向她求婚了[09:57.91]- What? - [Gloves Pounding] 什么?[09:59.98]- I'm getting married. - What? I can't hear ya. - 我要结婚了!- 我听不清[10:03.51]- I'm getting married. - I can't hear him. - 结婚!- 我听不清[10:05.78]Can you stop hittin' him? I think he said somethin' crazy. - 别打他了,他刚才说什么?- 我要结婚了[10:07.92]I'm getting married! [Echoing][10:09.25]I'm getting married! [Echoing][10:17.20](5、6年后)[10:33.68]- [Teakettle Whistling] - [Chattering On TV][10:40.95][Toothbrush Whirring][10:51.03]- Gotta get these filters changed. - Mm-hmm. - 这水龙头该换了- 你看维克斯勒大夫怎么样[10:53.03]What did you think of Dr. Wexler? 他的问题有些不知所谓[10:55.50]- His questions were a bit wishy-washy. - Yeah. Sorry. 是啊,小心手臂不是很有见地[10:59.10]- Not the most insightful. - No.[11:02.14]His office is clear across town. 他的办公室在城市另一边[11:04.48]You know that 4:00 means we hit rush hour. I'm not crazy about that. 你知道4点钟是交通高峰期我可不是很想去[11:09.95]- So, that's settled then, yeah? - Okay. - 就这么定了? - 好[11:13.92]- [Woman Chattering On TV] - Okay.[11:16.63]好[11:33.37]- Dinner's at 7:00. - Yep. I'll be there- here. 晚饭7点钟[11:35.28]我会赶回来的[12:07.41][Beeping][12:15.11][Woman Chattering On TV][13:14.11]- Hi, babe. - Perfect timing. - 亲爱的- 时间正好[13:16.41]- It's pissin' rain out there. - [Keys Clatter] 外面下好大的雨[13:22.48]Here's your butter. I bring you butter.[13:29.19]- How was work? - Eh, so-so. - 工作怎么样?- 老样子[13:31.19]- Yeah? - Yeah.[13:33.52]Oh, I stopped off for a drink with Eddie. 我路上和艾迪喝了一杯[13:39.13]- This is salted. - What? - 这是加了盐的- 什么?[13:41.93]It's salted. 这是加了盐的[13:45.24]Is there any other kind? 还有别的样子的吗?[13:47.44]Unsalted. 不加盐的[13:49.77][Quietly] Like I asked for. 就像我要的那种[13:52.14][Sighs] It's fine. I'll make it work. 没什么,我凑合用吧[13:55.58]- Okay. - Oh, I got new curtains. 我买了新窗帘[14:00.35]Well? What do you think? 你看怎么样?[14:03.75]- Huh. - There was a struggle over the material.[14:07.26]This little tea sandwich of a man- 还有一个怪癖的男人也想买这个窗帘我们争了好半天[14:09.33]- He got his hands on them first, but I won. - Of course you did. 是他先看到的[14:11.50]- 但最后还是我赢了- 当然[14:13.63]They're a bit green. I think we're gonna have to reupholster the sofas... 新窗帘偏绿,沙发和地毯都需要换一下才相衬我想换条波斯地毯,你看呢?[14:16.40]and definitely get a new rug, maybe a Persian.[14:18.37]Or we can keep the old ones. Then we don't have to change a thing. 要不就还用原来的这样就什么都不用换了[14:23.37]We talked about this. You remember? 我们不是已经谈过这件事儿了吗?[14:30.05]I remember. I remember 'cause we said we'd wait. 我记得我们说要先等一等的[14:32.85][Sighs] If you don't like 'em, we can take 'em back.[14:34.81]如果你不喜欢,我就去退掉[14:37.86]Okay. I don't like 'em. 好吧,我不喜欢[14:41.09]You'll get used to 'em. 你会慢慢习惯的[14:46.30]- I like 'em. - Yeah. 我喜欢[14:50.03][Thunder Rumbling][15:06.22][Basketball Bouncing][15:23.40]Huh. Zero percent A.P.R. Till March. (信用卡)免年息促销到3月份为止[15:29.04][Wexler] So, part two. Here we are. 现在我们开始第二阶段[15:31.64]Only this time, you came back alone. Why did you come back? 只不过这次你是一个人来的这是为什么呢?[15:34.91]I'm not sure really. 我也不清楚[15:38.25]Let me clarify. I love my wife. 我先声明,我爱我的妻子[15:40.62]Um, I want her to be happy. 我希望她幸福[15:43.22]Uh, I want good things for her. 我希望她一切顺利[15:47.99]But there are times... 但有时候,我……[15:53.03][John Sighs][16:09.68]- Honey, would you just- - Five more minutes. - 亲爱的,你能不能……- 再看5分钟[16:11.82][Wexler] So what's the problem?[16:13.88]There's this huge space between us... 我们之间存在着巨大的距离[16:17.32]and it just keeps filling up with everything that we don't say to each other. 因为有很多事情,我们都不告诉对方[16:23.09]- What is that called? - Marriage. - 这叫什么来着? - 婚姻[16:27.26]What don't you say to each other? 你们不告诉对方的是些什么事情呢?[16:32.57][Exhales] Uh- Hmm.[16:35.51]The GMC Yukon got three stars.[16:38.98]This looks nice. Did you do something new? 看上去不错嘛新菜式?[16:42.95]- Mm-hmm. - Yeah? 是吗?[16:45.82]I added peas. - 我加了豌豆- 对,豌豆[16:47.82]Yeah, peas.[16:51.86]Yeah, it's the green. 对,绿色的[16:55.93]Sweetheart, will you pass the salt? 亲爱的,把盐递过来一下好吗?[16:58.83]It's in the middle of the table. 不是在桌子中间么[17:01.63]Oh, is that the middle of the table? - 在桌子中间?- 对,就在你我中间[17:03.87]Yeah. It's between you and me.[17:08.87]Okay.[17:53.85]- How honest are you with him? - Pretty honest. - 你对他有多诚实?- 相当诚实[17:56.92]I mean, it's not like I lie to him... or anything. 我是说……[17:58.42]我从不对他说谎只不过……[18:00.49]We just, uh, [Clicks Tongue] Have little secrets.[18:03.93]Everybody has secrets, you know. 有些小秘密每个人都有小秘密啊[18:31.92]Shit. Sorry, hon. 对不起,亲爱的,我在找……[18:34.32]- I'll get it. - No, I got it. I got it. Don't move.[18:36.33]- [Phone Ringing] - Oh, that's me.[18:41.83][Ringing][18:44.67][Sports Announcer Chattering On TV][18:49.91][No Audible Dialogue][18:52.68][Laughs][19:03.35]- [Loud Clatter] - [Jane] Jesus! - 天啊!亲爱的,你吓着我了- 对不起,亲爱的,我在找…[19:06.96]- Honey, you scared me. - I'm sorry, hon.[19:09.79]I was lookin' for the, uh- You goin' out?[19:12.04]你要出去吗?[19:14.26]Yeah. Some clown crashed a server in a law firm downtown... 对,城里有个律师事务所的服务器坏了我必须去一趟[19:16.70]and ended the world as they know it, so, yes.[19:19.37]Mmm.[19:22.71]We promised the Colemans. 我们答应要去科尔曼家的[19:25.04]- I know. - Okay. - 我知道- 好[19:27.04]I'll be there. In and out. 我会去的很快就能搞定[19:29.38]Just a quickie.[19:33.15]It probably feels like you're the only people going through this. 你也许会觉得只有你有这些问题[19:35.25]But I'll tell you something. There are millions of couples... 但我告诉你成千上万的家庭都存在这些问题[19:38.76]that are experiencing the same problems.[19:42.59]Uh-huh.[20:02.75]- [Chattering] - [Horn Honks][20:24.64]- We got a plane in an hour. - All right. - 一小时后,我们要坐飞机走- 好的[20:28.07][TV Contestant] Quotes. 800.[20:30.07][Trebek] Prodded about possible insider trading...[20:32.14]she remarked on national television...[20:34.41]"I want to focus on my salad."[20:36.55]- Brian. - Martha Stewart.[20:38.55][TVContinues, Indistinct][20:54.06]- ~~[Folk] - [Chattering][21:09.31]- Forty. - [Announcer Chattering On TV] - 40 - 好,我跟……[21:12.48]I'll match your- What the hell? What's this shite? 靠,你是干什么的?[21:16.39]Sorry. Where's the can around here? 对不起,厕所在哪里?[21:18.99]- For Chrissakes. - Take a-[21:22.53]- Hey, you guys playin' poker? - Private game. Piss off. 你们在玩扑克吗?[21:23.59]- 我们自己玩的,你给我滚- 我可以一起来吗?[21:26.23]Hey, could I sit in? You think I can sit in? 你难道听不明白“你给我滚”?[21:28.27]What part of"piss off" do you not understand?[21:30.37]Guys. Hey, whoa, whoa. Be a little friendly. 哥们儿,别这么凶嘛我有钱……[21:33.50]- I got the cash. I got the ca- - [Muttering] 别激动,老兄[21:35.61]Dude, I'm just showing you my bankroll, man. 哇,好酷啊,你真酷[21:39.28]I got the money. [Farts] 听到我说的了么?[21:41.85]You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? 听到我说的了么?有人感兴趣么?[21:45.12]Poker- Don't even know her. 没有,因为我会把你们赢光的我知道,好吧[21:47.62]So if you want me to sit in, I'll sit in.[21:49.69]And I'll play some cards with youse. If you don't, I won't. 听着,我想……哥们儿,你的鞋不错嘛[21:52.19]I just- Fine with me, I'll go.[21:54.22]- [Laughing] - [Murmuring][21:57.69]- Jesus. - Here's an empty chair. I could sit right here. 上帝![22:00.96]That is Lucky's chair. - 这张椅子空着,我可以坐下来……- 这是罗奇的位子[22:03.37]Wh-Where's Lucky? I don't see Lucky. 罗奇在哪?我怎么看不到罗奇[22:05.87]- Lucky's not back yet. - Then I'll sit here. - 罗奇还没回来呢- 那我就先坐这里[22:09.17]Unless... I'm too hot for ya. 除非……[22:13.48][Person Gargling] 你们怕输给我[22:17.15][Spits][22:52.92]- Solid silver. - Ooh. Raise the socks. - 纯银的- 哦,不错啊[22:56.15]- Ooh. - "To dodging bullets. Love, Jane."[22:58.35]“虎口脱险,爱你的珍妮”[22:59.92]- In the pot. Put it in the pot. - [Laughing] 放在桌子上,放上去[23:02.23]- Ohh! Ohh! - Oh, he's pulled something.[23:05.26]- He's pulled something. - You're in trouble now. 喔,他赢了[23:07.63]- Sixty dollars, eh? - In! 你们有麻烦啦[23:08.82]- 60块,对吧?- 赚了![23:11.74]- [All Laughing] - [Loud Chattering][23:13.70]来啊![23:17.07][Laughing] Let's play some poker.! 接着来玩牌吧![23:19.14]- Drat! - [Exclaims][23:21.65]You've got 14 different tells. - 5点- 他连输了14把[23:24.01]- You are bleeding William Tell. - [Laughing] 你的运气真是背到家了[23:26.12]~~ [Humming William Tell Overture][23:28.72]- ~~[Humming Continues] - What the hell is this?[23:32.76]- Sorry, Lucky. - Looks like you're done, pal. - 这他妈的是谁?- 对不起,罗奇[23:35.53]- Thanks for the memories. - Oh, you Lucky? 你该走了,朋友和你玩牌很开心[23:37.53]- Yeah. - No kiddin'. 你是罗奇吗?别开玩笑了[23:39.33]What is it, kid? You lookin' for a job or somethin'? 你是什么人?找活儿干的吗?[23:42.07]- You are the job. - [Silenced Gunshots] 你就是我的活儿[23:45.94]- [Gasps] - [Gunshots Continue][23:47.97][Bodies Thudding][23:59.65]Pair of threes. 一对3[24:07.02]- Have you been a bad boy? - Yes. - 你是个坏男孩吗- 是的[24:09.26]- Mm-hmm? - [Whip Snaps] - [Moans][24:14.26]You know what happens to bad boys? 你知道我会怎么对待坏男孩吗?[24:16.30]- [Whip Snaps] - [Moans][24:19.00]- They get punished. - Oh, yeah. Punish me. - 我会惩罚他们- 哦,惩罚我吧[24:20.84][Moans][24:24.17][Moans][24:26.71]Have you been selling big guns to bad people? 你是不是把军火卖给坏蛋了?[24:29.78]Huh? [Groans][24:31.58]- [Body Thuds] - [Objects Clatter][24:35.85]- [Knocking] - [Man] Mr. Racin.[24:39.89]Mr. Racin. You okay? 瑞西先生?[24:41.45]瑞西先生?你没事吧?[24:44.49]Oh, Colemans. 哦,要去科尔曼家[24:51.84]He's down.! 他出事了![24:58.48]On the sofa![25:11.12]- Hey! - Taxi. 计程车[25:18.33]- Everything okay at work? - Yeah. Here. - 工作顺利吗?- 是的,这边[25:20.30]- Yeah? - And you? How was the game? - 是吗?- 你呢?比赛怎么样?[25:23.43]- The game was good. - Good. - 很精彩- 不错[25:25.74]Nets in overtime. 网队加时赛赢了[25:29.24]- You been drinking? - That's right, miss. - 你喝酒了?- 你说对了,小姐[25:32.21]- ~~[Christian Pop] - [Man, Woman] Welcome, neighbors.! 欢迎,邻居们![25:34.88]- Hey. Hi, Susan. - Good to see you, John. - 嗨,苏珊- 你好,约翰[25:37.98]- Hi. - There you go. - 这是给你们的- 哦,太棒了[25:39.98]- Oh, this is wonderful. - Thank you. 谢谢[25:42.19]- ~~[Continues] - Oh, I love that. - 这衣服真好看- 谢谢,你的也是[25:44.32]- What a lovely dress. - Thank you very much. So is yours.[25:48.93]Come on. Let's go see the girls. - 来,我来给你介绍几个姐妹- 别玩太疯了[25:50.93]Don't stray too far, guys. 你想来支古巴雪茄吗?(古巴雪茄是世界上最好的,但在美国禁售)[25:52.93][Clears Throat] You want a Cuban? 不,我不抽烟[25:54.93]- Oh, no, no, no. I don't smoke. - Oh.[25:57.57]- Clean body, clean soul. That's what Suzy says. - Ain't that the truth? - 干净的身体,清洁的灵魂,苏珊总这么说- 没错[26:00.60]- You guys have any vices? - Well, you know. - 你什么恶习都没有么?- 多多少少有点[26:03.04]- Can I get you a drink? - Uh, yes. Chardonnay, please. - 你要喝点什么吗?- 夏敦埃(白葡萄酒),谢谢[26:08.38]- Girls? [Chuckles] - [Woman] Chardonnay. - 你们呢?- 一样[26:10.15]- Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! - I'll be up here at the filling station. - 爸爸- 我去喝一杯[26:13.35]Duxbury's never gonna close that high. I hear their stock's getting butchered. - ……股票也不好做- 服务生,给我来杯苏格兰酒[26:16.02]- Hey, boys. Scotch. - Hey, John. - 好的,先生- 日子不好过啊[26:18.02]- Yes, sir. - It's a bloodbath over there. 上个季度你赚了多少?有没有受到影响?[26:20.06]Johnno. How'd you make out last quarter? You take a beating?[26:22.53]- Actually, I got all my dough buried under the toolshed. - [Laughing] 实际上我把所有的钱都埋在杂物间下面了[26:26.73]- So, Chuck got the promotion. - My God.! That is so great.! - 我老公刚升职了- 哦,太好了[26:29.70]- [Women Exclaiming] - Fantastic.! 太激动了我们终于可以把厨房重新装修一下了[26:31.70]- I'm so excited. We can finally put the addition on the kitchen. - [Baby Crying] [26:34.54]Oh, shoot. Not again. 喔,又来了(孩子吐了)[26:37.37]I should wear a raincoat. 我应该穿件雨衣[26:39.94]You know what? Would- Can you hold her for a second? 你能帮我抱一下吗?[26:43.55]- What? No. I'd rather not. - It's all over the applique. - 什么?不……- 它弄得到处都是[26:46.18]- Oh, no, I'm- - Please, just- - 不,我……- 请帮帮忙[26:48.16]好吧[26:51.76]Oh. Seltzer. 我得去洗洗[26:57.13]- [Coos] - Oh, she likes you. 啊,她喜欢你[27:13.51]I liked your dress tonight. 我喜欢你今晚穿的衣服[27:16.78]It was nice. 很漂亮[27:19.08]Thank you. 谢谢[27:24.69][Toothbrush Vibrates] 字幕制作:LRC中国[27:31.63]- Be there in the morning. Okay. - Of course. - 早上到那边,好- 当然[27:34.90][Phones Beep][27:39.50]- Everything all right? - Uh, yeah. It was- It was Dad. - 有什么事吗?- 没,没事,是爸爸打来的[27:43.04]He's a- He thinks he has pneumonia. 他以为得了肺炎[27:45.24]I'm sure it's just a cold, and you know how he is. He'll be fine. 我估计是着凉了,你知道他就那样,会没事的[27:48.55]Yeah. Probably. 应该会吧[27:51.21]Maybe you should go see him. I think he'd like that. 也许你得去看看他,他会高兴的[27:55.39]Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, maybe I will. 也许吧[28:05.86]- [Cell Phone Clatters] - Good night then. 晚安[28:11.50]- Who was that? - Huh? - 你那是谁打来的?- 嗯?[28:13.57]- Who was on the phone? - Oh, the Atlanta office. - 谁刚才打电话来?- 哦,亚特兰大那边的办公室[28:16.87]There's a problem with the specs for the dam again. 大坝又出了点问题[28:19.91]I'll fly in the morning. I'll be gone a couple of days. 我明早飞过去,在那待两天[28:24.88]- That damn dam, huh? - Yup, that damn dam. - 该死的大坝- 嗯,真该死[28:30.55]- All right, good night, John. - Good night. - 好吧,晚安,约翰- 晚安[29:13.20]Okay.[29:18.80][Chattering On TV][29:24.57][Beeping][29:57.94]- There's trouble in Atlanta again. - That's what I hear. 早上好,史密斯先生亚特兰大又有麻烦了[30:00.64]- What you got? - I've got your boarding pass and taxi receipts. - 我听说了,有什么要给我的?- 登机牌,计程车收据……[30:04.41]- Get rid of that gun-gum. - You got a tissue?[30:06.03]把口香糖吐出来[30:07.88]- And your hotel bill. Now don't lose those. - Thanks. - 你有纸巾么?- 还有你的旅馆帐单,别丢了[30:11.12]- The door's unlocked. - [Toilet Flushing] 门没锁[30:13.22]Mornin', pal. 早上好,伙计[30:14.62]- How you doin'? - Same old same old. People need killin'. - 你怎么样?- 还那样[30:18.86]Oh, Johnny. I might have a little get-together this weekend... at my house. 这周末在我家有个聚会[30:23.63]Barbecue. No ladies. Dudes only. It's gonna be awesome. 烤肉,没有女人,只有大老爷们,很爽的[30:27.44]- Yeah. I'll talk to the missus. - You wanna use my cell phone? - 嗯,我回头和我老婆说一声- 你要用我手机吗?[30:31.54]Maybe you wanna give her a call in case you wanna decide to scratch your ass... 也许你要擦屁股时也得给她打电话[30:34.34]or use the head later, make sure she thinks it's okay. 或者回头报告,确保她同样[30:37.35]You live with your mother. 你和你妈住一块[30:39.98]Why would you bring her into this? She happens to be a first-class lady. 你总向她报告干什么?她像是第一夫人[30:43.02]I don't have to check in with her every time I wanna do somethin; 我不是什么事都向她报告[30:45.32]She cooks, cleans, makes me snacks. 她做饭,打扫,给我弄吃的[30:48.93]I'm the dumb guy? 我是聋子?[31:05.51][Typing][31:07.58]John Smith. 约翰·史密斯[31:13.38]- [Woman's V oice, Filtered] Hello, John. - Good morning, Atlanta. - 你好,约翰- 早,亚特兰大[31:16.69]Quite the body count this week. 这星期有很多目标其中有一个最重要,我们需要你来完成[31:18.72]We have a priority one, so I need your expertise.[31:22.03]The target's name is Benjamin Danz, A.K.A. "the Tank." 目标的名字叫本杰明·丹兹绰号坦克[31:26.90][Woman Continues] He's a direct threat to the firm. 他对公司有很大威胁受到DIA的严密保护[31:29.57]D.I.A. Custody.[31:31.60]They're making a ground-to-air handoff to heli... 国防情报局准备在墨西哥边界以北15公里处用直升机进行地空转运[31:34.70]10 miles north of the Mexican border.[31:37.11]I need you to make sure the target does not change hands. 一定不能让他们顺利交接[31:40.98]The Tank? “坦克”?[32:05.50]- L-Temp Technology Staffing. - [Computer V oice] Jane Smith confirmed. - 埃坦科技……- 确认是珍妮·史密斯[32:08.47]Stand by for contact. 准备放行[32:10.47][Man's V oice, Filtered] Sorry to interrupt, but we have a situation. 对不起,打扰了有重要情况[32:13.24]You know the competition would love to see us burn... 对手总想消灭我们这次需要你亲自出马[32:16.11]so I need you to handle this personally.[32:18.28]- Target? - Benjamin Danz. - 目标?- 本杰明·丹兹[32:20.48]I'm rolling the specs now. 资料马上传给你这次一定要干净利索[32:22.49]- We need this quick, clean and contained. - Yes, sir.[32:24.84]好的,先生[32:34.60]- Good morning, ladies. - Good morning. - Hello, Jane. - 早上好,女士们- 早上好[32:36.35]- 早上好- 你好,珍妮[32:40.57]Yesterday's op resulted in one kill and one agent in protective custody. 昨天的行动死了一个,还有一个被拘留[32:43.11]Not good. We'll get him out tomorrow. - 明天再保他出来- 两箱G-40送来了[32:45.11]Another two cases of the G40's. The grenade launchers are here. - 还有枪榴弹发射器- 再要一些[32:47.81]Order 10 more. All right. Go, Jas. 好,开始吧杰丝[32:50.21]The target's name is Benjamin Danz, A.K.A. "the Tank." 目标的名字叫本杰明·丹兹绰号“坦克”[32:53.98]- Are you serious? - Yeah. - 你肯定吗?- 是的[32:55.99]The target's being moved across the border to a federal facility. 目标将穿过边界被护送到某个联邦机构[32:59.06]The only point of vulnerability is just south of the border. 唯一可以动手的地方在边界南面[33:03.06]I want G.P.S. And S.A.C. Of the canyon... 我要当地的GPS和SAC数据还有最近三天的天气报告[33:05.53]and the weather report for the last three days.[33:09.13]Target will rendezvous with the helicopter here at a deserted airstrip. 目标会在一个废弃的跑道上转乘直升机那里是我们唯一的机会[33:12.14]We will have one chance to strike.[33:17.31]怎么还是沙漠![33:42.93]~~ [Humming][33:55.91]- [Jasmine] Are we green? - Perimeter is armed. We are up and running. - 准备好了么?- 一切就绪,四周炸药埋设完毕[34:07.89][Computer Beeping][34:13.40][Man] Red team.! Red team.! This is BroadwayJoe. 红色,红队,这是蓝队我们正在进入指定区域[34:15.93]- Halftime is approaching. - [Man #2] Copy that, BroadwayJoe. 收到,蓝队[34:22.07][Sighs][34:26.21]~~[Rock][34:47.13][Loud Crash][34:49.17]- ~~[Continues, Muffled] - [Motor Roaring In Distance][34:55.64]Oh, come on. 喔,天啊[35:06.18]- You getting this? - [Jasmine] Affirmative. Is it a threat? - 你看见了么?- 看到,对我们有威胁吗?[35:12.26]Countdown's initiated. Convoy is not in the zone yet. 倒记时开始了卡车还没有进入引爆区域[35:16.43]There's an idiot in the field. He's gonna blow the charges. 有个傻瓜闯了进来会引爆炸弹的[35:19.00]~~[Continues][35:34.01]~~[Ends][35:37.81]- [Neck Cracks] - Ah.[35:42.55]Okay. 好吧[35:48.32][Sighs, Urinating][35:52.20]You gotta be kidding. 怎么这么巧![35:57.37][Sighs] Civilians. 平民[36:12.55]Let's see if we can't get a tune out of this trombone. 让我们看看这玩意儿的威力[36:19.32][Jasmine] We're picking up a weapon signature. 发现武器[36:21.32]Shit! Not a civilian. 糟糕,不是平民[36:24.76][Weapon Snaps][36:26.56]Oh, man. 嘿,真是的[36:29.23]Asshole. 混蛋[36:32.07][Groans][36:40.51]Convoy is in the zone! Countdown is initiated. 倒计数开始[36:42.68][Grunting][36:58.06][Gasps][37:04.03]Whoa![37:06.44]You should so not be allowed to buy these things. 这东西没买错[37:16.98][Guard] Abort.! Abort.! 放弃![37:20.45][Helicopter Departing][37:59.69]I think I got I.D.'d on that hit. 我想我可能被认出来了你有没有被认出来过?[38:02.69]- You ever been I.D.'d on a hit? - Not that I'm aware of, no. - 没有- 看来我有麻烦了[38:05.19]- Right. I think I'm in trouble. - You get a look at 'im? - 你看到他了么?- 个子比较矮[38:08.46]Little thing. Buck 10, buck 15 tops.[38:11.23]- Maybe he's Filipino. - Maybe. 也许是菲律宾人[38:14.27]I'm not even sure it was a him. 不一定是个男的[38:18.14]Are you sayin' that you got your ass kicked by some girl? 你是说你被一个女的打中了?[38:20.78]- That's right. - Really? 我想是的,而且是个职业的[38:22.51]- A pro. - This should be easy. 那应该不难查到一共有几个女杀手呢[38:24.51]I mean, how many hitters do you know that are chicks? Right?[38:26.58]I'm sorry, man.[38:28.15]- You guys want any dessert? - What do you have, honey? - 你们还要来点甜点吗?- 有什么?[38:30.85]- Ice cream. - Ice cream? - 冰淇凌- 听起来不错,什么味儿的?[38:32.69]- That sounds delicious. What flavors do you have? - Chocolate and vanilla.[38:35.26]I don't like either of those... separately. - 巧克力的和香草的- 两种我都不喜欢[38:37.26]But maybe mixed together, that could be... a nice little dish. 不过放在一起的话可能不错你懂我的意思?[38:40.20]You know what I mean? And not just a little pink spoon. 而且别光是一小杯我要个大的圣代[38:42.23]I'd like the whole sundae.[38:44.70]- That could be arranged. - Perfect. - 可以办到- 太好了[38:46.77]Could be arranged. Did you hear that? I'd like to have her kick my ass. “可以办到”,你听听那口气看来她对我有意思[38:49.37]- You know what I mean? - Right.[38:51.67]Did you get any other details on her besides her weight class? - 除了体重之外还有其它的线索么?- 笔记本电脑[38:53.74]- Laptop. - I'm sorry? You're in a whole zone right now.[38:56.18]I'm havin' a hard time talkin' to you. 你说什么?[38:58.01]- Laptop. - Okay, laptop. - 笔记本电脑- 笔记本电脑,好[38:59.65]I wanna know who that bitch is! 我要知道那个混蛋是谁把录像带给我[39:02.08]- Get me that tape. Get me that tape. - Jane. - 珍妮- 把录像带给我[39:05.72]- What? - It's Father. - 怎么了?- 老板的电话[39:14.96]The F.B.I. Secured the package. The window's closed, sir. FIB放弃了交接行动失败了[39:18.33]I told you we couldn't afford any mistakes on this one. - 我告诉过你不允许有任何闪失- 还有另外一个杀手[39:20.54]- There was another player. - We do not leave witnesses.[39:22.05]我们不能留下任何活口如果那个杀手认出你,你是知道规矩的[39:24.17]If this player I.D. 'd you- You know the rules.[39:28.74]You have 48 hours to clean the scene, Jane. 我给你48小时,珍妮[39:31.81]Lookin' forward to it, sir. 我会办妥的,先生[39:37.05]All right. We have a new target. Let's find out who he is. 好,新的目标我们来查查他是谁[39:43.59]Jesus. [Scoffs] What did you do to it? 天啊,怎么搞成这样?[39:46.63]Put a campfire out with it? 在火里烤过?[39:49.83]Buy a new one. 买个新的吧[39:52.13]This one has sentimental value for its owner. 它的主人对它很有感情[39:54.64]Who's that? - 是谁的?- 我正是希望你能告诉我,格温[39:56.74]Well, Gwen, I'm just hoping you'd tell me.[40:01.71]So, uh, why you gotta know so bad anyway? 你为什么这么急着想知道?[40:06.22]You know me. Just tryin'to return some lost property. 我只想物归原主[40:08.75]- Hey, Phil. - Hey, John. - 嗨,费尔- 嗨,约翰[40:12.96]- Are you a vegan? - No. - 你吃素?- 不[40:15.56]My girlfriend is. 我女朋友吃素[40:19.50]Here we go. 让我们看看[40:21.83]Upgraded RAM module. 升级的内存模组[40:24.90][Man On P.A.] Line three. Pick up.[40:28.10]Chip's Chinese. Imported by Dynamix. 芯片是中国产的。
电影史上最浪漫的36句英文台词,表白必备1. “As You Wish.”— The Princess Pride《公主新娘》如你所愿这是一句魔咒,会勾去人心哦2. “You make me want to be a better man.”—As Good As It Gets《尽善尽美》你让我想成为一个更好的人女人能让男人,妻子能让丈夫达到的最高境界3. “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return.”—Moulin Rouge《红磨坊》最伟大的事情,莫过于去爱,同时也被爱单相思不算?4. "Soon, I'll catch you"—The English Patient《英国病人》很快,你会被我套牢一听就是高手5. “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” —The Notebook《恋恋笔记本》如果你是一只鸟,我也将是一只鸟用中文表达,是不是感觉怪怪的?6. “I will return. I will find you. Love you. Marry you. And live without shame.”—Atonement《赎罪》我要回去,找到你,爱你,和你结婚,毫无羞耻地去生活美国西部片里的英雄常说:去你X的,我将自由地生活;每次听到都觉得荡气回肠!7. "I Love you" "I know"—Star Wars《星球大战》“我爱你!” “我知道”是不是感觉其中一人在守株待兔?8. “But the heart’s not like a box that gets filled up. It expands in size the more you love.”—Her《她》人的心啊,不是一个可以填满的盒子。
【①斐尔特自然史博物馆(Field Museum of Natural History),在博物馆学这一范畴,堪称世界第一。
看电影学英语The Holiday 《恋爱假期》-Iris: I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true.我发现人们对于爱情的各种阐释都是真理。
Shakespeare said journeys end in lovers meeting.journeys: 旅途end in: 以?为结束莎士比亚曾说:“漂泊止于爱人相会”。
Oh, what an extraordinary thought!extraordinary: 非凡的,特别的thought: 想法,思想真是神来之笔!Personally, I have not experienced anything remotely close to that, personally: 个人地experience: 经历remotely: 遥远地虽然我自己不曾有过这样的经历,but I’m more th an willing to believe Shakespeare had.more than: 很,非常willing: 愿意的但我想莎翁必定是有感而发。
I suppose I think about love more than anyone really should.suppose: 认为我想我求索爱情的时间比别人都长。
I’m constantly amazed by its sheer power to alter and define our lives. constantly: 一直amaze: 使吃惊sheer: 完全的power: 力量alter: 改变define: 定义,解释我常惊叹爱情改变我们生活的神奇。
It was Shakespeare who also said, Love is blind.blind: 盲目的莎士比亚还说过:“爱是盲目的”。
剧本由V信公众号v i c t o r r i i d2018施工整理~排版多样~希望对您有所帮助[美、英剧、电影、纪录片] [中英纯英]台词剧本定制也可以发邮箱*****************(自动回复)———————————该信息下载后删除页眉即可,谢谢理解与支持——————————Nah. Now, seriously,现在不是吧there's no fucking way that Penny Pann潘妮潘绝不可能can compete with these tits!赢过这波涛汹涌- Do you love it? - Do I love what?- 你爱它吗 - 我爱什么Comedy.喜剧Stand-up. Do you love it?单口喜剧你爱它吗Seriously?说真的吗Well, I've been doing it a while.我已经做这个有一阵了Okay, let's put it like this.这么跟你说吧If there was anything else in the entire world只要这世界上还有其他任何that I could possibly do to earn a living, I would.能让我养家糊口的事我都会去做Anything. I'm talking dry cleaners to the Klan,任何事哪怕是去三K党做干洗工crippled-kid portrait painter, slaughterhouse attendant.残疾儿童肖像画师屠宰场打下手If someone said to me, "Leonard, you can either eat a guy's head"如果有人对我说“莱纳德要么你去吃个人头or do two weeks at the Copa,"要么去科帕讲两周单口”I'd say, "Pass the fucking salt."我会回答 “他妈的给我盐”It's a terrible, terrible job.这是份糟糕至极的工作It should not exist.就不应该存在Like cancer and God.就像癌症和上帝Sorry.对不起I went to the Varick station instead.我去了瓦里克警局- Why the hell would you do that? - 'Cause you like Varick better. - 你为什么会走错 - 因为你更喜欢瓦里克Jesus, Honey, you don't get to pick.老天宝贝被抓了是没得选的But do you love it?但你爱单口吗Yeah. He loves it.他喜欢Excuse me. Do I need a receipt for the bail money, or...打扰下可以给我开保释金的收据或And next up in a night full of triumphs,下一位赢得满堂喝彩的女士Honey forgot to tell the cabdriver to turn the meter off.我妻子忘记让出租车司机停里程表He's up to 20 bucks and refuses to get paid in weed,他要价20美元还不接受大麻付款so I was wondering if maybe you... Of course. Here.- 所以我想你能不能 - 当然给你- Put it on my tab? - Sure.- 记我账上 - 好的And, hey, if you need any help finding a lawyer,对了如果你需要找律师I've got a drawer full of cards.我有一抽屉名片Just don't tell anyone you know where I am. -Lawyer?- 只是别告诉别人我在哪儿 - 律师- Receipt. - What?- 收据 - 什么Wha... What did you mean "lawyer"?你说律师是什么意思Wait, wh-what about a lawyer?为什么要提律师- Hold on. - You said- 等等 - 你说if I need help finding a lawyer.如果我要找律师Why do I need help finding a lawyer?为什么我需要律师You got arrested, arrested means court, court means lawyer.你被捕了就得上庭上庭就需要律师But why do I need a lawyer? I got bailed out. -So?- 但我为什么要找律师我被保释了 - 所以呢- On the night I was arrested. - So?- 就在被捕当晚 - 所以- I didn't sleep there. - Where is this going? - 我都没在警局过夜 - 你想说什么I got bailed out on the night I got arrested.我被捕当晚就被保释了It's almost like it didn't even happen.就像什么都没发生过一样- But it did happen. - But very quickly.- 但确实发生了 - 很快啊My advice: be your own lawyer.我的建议是给自己辩护吧- It's ticking. - I should...- 还在走表 - 我该- Wait. - Yes?- 等等 - 怎么What?怎么了I...我You...?你I-I don't know what to do.我我不知道该做什么Well, it's morning.那么现在是早上Go have breakfast.吃个早餐吧Lenny, for Christ's sake, I'm dying here.莱尼等死我了Yes, sitting in the cab must be harrowing.知道了干坐在出租车里确实不好受Stop throwing it out the window and put it in the trash.别再从窗外扔下来了扔进垃圾桶啊See, even the dog is upset about it.看吧狗都受不了你- No. - You tackled her.- 没有 - 你撞倒她了A nudge. A gentle nudge.推就轻轻推了下You took her down like she had the ball at the ten-yard line.你就是撞倒她了就像她跑到十码线了一样I simply felt it went to the wrong person.我只是觉得不该给那人She'd waste it. And this is a very nice bouquet.她完全不值而且这花这么漂亮- Her ears are still ringing. - It has gardenias in it.- 她的耳朵还在震呢 - 里面还有栀子花呢Brutal. My wife is brutal.残忍我的妻子真残忍啊It was perfect, wasn't it?很完美是不是Yeah. Perfect.是啊完美Perfect wedding,完美的婚礼perfect breakfast, perfect life.完美的早餐完美的人生So...所以- Last chance. - For what?- 最后的机会 - 干嘛We could still get that apartment around the corner.我们还可以买下街角那个公寓- Joel... - We could eat here every day.- 乔尔 - 我们可以每天来这吃早餐- I know. - We could be downtown people.- 我知道 - 我们可以成为城里人Close to the clubs, the park.周围就是各种俱乐部公园- You love the park. - Riverside's a park, too.- 你喜欢公园的 - 也爱滨江公园I thought you wanted to be a cool chick.我还以为你想做个时尚少妇I can be a cool chick with a doorman即使我和一个门卫and a Kelvinator Foodarama refrigerator, can't I?守着台老旧冰箱我也能做个时尚少妇不是吗Yes, you can.当然你可以的I really love that apartment.我真的很喜欢那套公寓I grew up in that building.我从小在那长大My parents are so close.离我父母还那么近- Very close. - When we have kids,- 确实近 - 当我们有了孩子we can just go upstairs, drop them off,我们可以上楼把孩子扔给他们go downtown, and be cool cats by night.去市中心通宵做对夜猫子We can have it all.我们可以拥有这一切I'm not gonna say no to you.我都没办法拒绝你Not after I saw what you're capable of.尤其是在我看到你能力之后- You love me, Joel? - Rochester probably loved - 你爱我吗乔尔 - 罗切斯特大概爱过that first wife of his, and then she went nuts 他的第一任妻子她后来疯了and burned the house down.然后把房子烧了Do you?你爱吗I do.我爱Meet me in the bathroom.到卫生间来找我- What? - Two-minute head start.- 什么 - 两分钟后A-Are you kidding me? You're in a wedding dress.你开玩笑吗你还穿着结婚礼服啊Excuse me. Where's the ladies'?请问女士洗手间在哪儿Thanks. Clock starts now.谢谢计时开始Who are you?你到底是谁啊I thought I married a nice girl.我还以为我娶了个乖女孩You did not.你才没有♪背景音乐 Dance Only With Me♪起舞吧起舞吧♪♪ Dance, dance ♪♪只与我一人♪♪ Only with me... ♪You alone?一个人吗Yes.是的♪爱情爱情♪♪ Love, love ♪\h\h\h\h\h\h洗手间故障♪只爱我一人♪♪ Love only me ♪♪直到我们甜蜜的♪♪ Till all our sweet ♪♪乐曲♪♪ Music ♪♪慢慢消散♪♪ Is gone. ♪城市之勺餐厅 24小时营业\h\h\h二Joel left you.乔尔抛弃你了I know. I was there. How do you know?我知道当时我在你怎么知道的He's at my house right now.他现在就在我家What?什么- Imo... - Shh.- 伊莫 - 嘘- My arm. - Shh. Shh.- 我的胳膊 - 嘘嘘Joel showed up at our house with this tiny girl suitcase,乔尔拎着个小巧的女士手提箱出现在我家and he and Archie went into Archie's office之后和阿奇去了书房and shut the door, and all I could hear was关上了门我只听到了"bowling" and "pandas"... did you fight about bowling?“保龄球”和“熊猫” 你们因为保龄球吵架了吗- No. - Was there a panda?- 没啊 - 那熊猫呢- No. -Well, maybe it wasn't pandas, but it had a "P."- 没有 - 那就不是熊猫了但我记得有PJoel left me for his secretary.乔尔是为了他的秘书离开我的What?什么- Penny Pann. - Pann like panda.- 潘妮潘 - 潘妮和熊猫的发音相似- Pann like panda. - My God.- 听着是像熊猫 - 天啊Ladies, take your place.女士们各就各位- His secretary? - His idiot secretary.- 他的秘书吗 - 他的智障秘书Wouldn't be better if she was smart. Actually it would. - 就算不是智障也好不到哪里 - 还是会好一点Everyone, arms to the sky.各位手臂举过头Rag doll down.滚到底Shake it out.抖起来His secretary. How unoriginal.秘书也太没创意了Unoriginality is kind of his thing lately.他最近做的事都没什么创意Rag doll up.摆上来Grab your Lythe-lines.捡起你们的弹力绳It's always those girls.总是那些女孩子- What girls? - Those shorthand girls.- 哪些女孩 - 那些文秘Girls who go to secretarial school and learn shorthand,那些上秘书专科学校学速记的女孩子and that gives them entre to our husbands.然后通过这个去接近我们的丈夫And once they have entre to our husbands,一旦她们接近了我们的丈夫our husbands entre right into them.他们的魂就被勾走了Shorthand girls.文秘女孩I could have been a shorthand girl.我本来也有可能成为文秘的I could have gone out into the workforce with my shorthand,我也可能去做些秘书之类的工作but I didn't... I got married.但我没有我结婚了I did it the right way.我选对了路- Longhand. - That's right.- 有远见 - 那当然The worst part is, I didn't suspect a thing.最糟的是我一点都没察觉到I just thought we were a great couple.我还以为我们是模范夫妻I did, too.我也这么认为I told Archie constantly, "Midge and Joel,我一直跟阿奇说 “米琪和乔尔they are a great couple."他们是模范夫妻”Grab your bottles.捡起你的瓶子Hey, stop working so hard.喂别那么用力Why? -You're starting to look like them.- 为什么 - 你会变得和她们一样了- The divorcees? - Do not forget,- 那些离过婚的 - 别忘了we do this so we can eat cheesecake.我们来健身是为了吃芝士蛋糕They do this because they need to find new men,她们来健身是为了找到新男人or at least look trim for the coroner after they die alone.或者是为了死了验尸时没那么难看Is that Martha Kilgallin?那是玛莎柯盖林吗- When did she join "the corner"? - Last week.- 她什么时候跑角落去了 - 上周Richard went straight to a lawyer's office理查德带着手提箱和一堆酒with his suitcase and his portable bar,径直去了律师事务所and just like that, three became four.就这样三个变成了四个Now five.现在是五个了Who knows besides me?除了我还有谁知道My parents. Joel, Archie.我父母乔尔阿奇Well, we won't tell.我们不会说出去的People will find out, eventually.大家迟早会发现I should just come out with it and tell everyone我就应该直接告诉大家and get it over with.然后这事就过去了All right, let's think this through.好吧我们理下思路If you do tell people, then at least如果你告诉了人们那至少you could control the narrative.你掌握了发言权You know what I mean...懂我的意思吧frame yourself in the best light.让自己占据有利处境Done right, maybe you just get pushed back a row or two,处理得当的话也许你只会后退几排not all the way into "the corner."不会一直被扔在角落Maybe.也许吧Unless you think Joel is coming back.或者你觉得乔尔还会回心转意'Cause if you think he's coming back, then it's better 因为如果你觉得乔尔还会的话就好办多了you don't tell anybody, because then he'll be back,那你就不用告诉大家因为等他回心转意and no one will have known he left.就没人知道他还抛弃过你But if you tell them he left, and then he comes back,但你如果你告诉了大家然后又和好了you'll still be the person that he left, only now he's back.你不过是个与出轨丈夫和好的弃妇But they'll know that you were left,但大家一直会记得你被抛弃过even though you aren't left now.即使之后你没有被抛弃And I don't know what corner of the room我都不知道这个屋里还有哪个角落you stand in to be that person.能容下这样的你了All right, ladies, crab walk.好的女士们螃蟹步背景音乐 T'Aint What You Do♪不是你做的吗♪♪ Ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的方式♪♪ It's the way that you do it ♪♪不是你做的吗♪♪ Ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的方式♪♪ It's the way that you do it ♪♪不是你做的吗♪♪ Ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的方式♪♪ It's the way that you do it... ♪- Hey, Joel. - Hey, morning, Tony. - 嘿乔尔 - 早安托尼♪不是你做的吗♪♪ Ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的时机♪♪ It's the time that you do it ♪♪不是你做的吗♪♪ Ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的时机♪♪ It's the time that you do it ♪♪不是你做的吗♪♪ Ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的时机♪♪ It's the time that you do it ♪♪这就是结果♪♪ That's what gets results ♪♪你可以更努力♪♪ You can try hard ♪♪别太当真了♪♪ Don't mean a thing ♪♪别太当真了♪♪ Don't mean a thing ♪♪轻松一点儿♪♪ Take it easy ♪♪和我一起说♪♪ Please say it ♪♪接着一起摇摆♪♪ Then your jive will swing ♪♪不是你做的吗♪♪ It ain't what you do ♪♪像是你做事的地点♪♪ It's the place that you do it ♪♪这就是结果♪♪ That's what gets results ♪Moishe.莫伊舍That's a handprint, Jimmy.这有个手印吉米- Mr. Maisel... -Right there, right on the jacket.- 麦瑟尔先生 - 这里就在夹克这里- A handprint. Not my handprint. - I know.- 一个手印不是我的 - 我知道But it is my jacket, which is now ruined但我夹克现在成这样了because right there, left hand,因为这里左手边- clear as day. - I'll find out...- 很明显 - 我会查出I want you to find out whose goddamn handprint that is,我要你找出这个该死的手印是谁弄的and you bring him to me. Yes? Good? Great.然后带过来见我明白了吗好吗好的Good work, ladies.干的好女士们- Keep 'em hum, hum, humming along. - Pop?- 保持下去 - 爸Love to hear the sound of the machines.我就爱听这机器运转的声音- You don't look sick. - Pop?- 你看起来没病啊 - 爸Miraculous recovery?康复了Modern science score another knockout?现代科学的又一大奇迹吗- I'm not sick. - That's not what I heard.- 我没病 - 是吗I heard you were sick. Pin.可我听说你病了钉住Quiet.安静Mother-in-law called an hour ago,亲家母一小时前打电话给我said everyone in the family is sick. Everyone.说家里每个人都病了每个人What the hell are you doing?你他妈在干嘛I said halter. That's a sweetheart.我说的是系脖你这是吊带- Halter! Halter! Halter! - Sorry, Mr. Maisel.- 系脖懂吗 - 对不起麦瑟尔先生Your mother-in-law called and said the whole family is so ill 你岳母说所有家人都病了that break fast is canceled.连开斋日都取消了So ill, the holiest of holy days cannot happen.病到连这么神圣的日子都取消了If it's so holy, why do you keep the factory open?要是真这么神圣那工厂怎么还开工啊- You want a smack in the face? - I'm just saying. - 你是想要一巴掌吧 - 我就说说Those people get paid by the piece.这些人以此为生You want to take a day's work away from them?你想他们一天不能工作吗God wants them to go hungry上帝会想看他们饿肚子吗- because I shut my doors? - Fine.- 就因为我不开张 - 好了Half of those people out there are gentiles.这有一半的人是异教徒You go explain Yom Kippur to a gentile.你去和他们解释什么是赎罪日吧"We're happy, but we're starving.我们很开心虽然我们饿着肚子It's New Year's, but we're guilty."这是新的一年但我们身负罪恶Sounding like a nonbeliever, Pop.听着像是无信仰者说的话爸No, I'm not a nonbeliever. I am a believer.不我可不是无信仰者我是个信徒I believe that everything I have is because of Him.我坚信我所拥有的一切都是因为“他”And these, which he gave me.是他赐予我这一切- It's Abe, right? - What?- 是亚伯对吧 - 什么- Abe canceled dinner? - No.- 是亚伯取消了晚餐 - 不是- Abe's a nonbeliever? - Abe did not cancel dinner. - 亚伯是个无信仰者吗 - 亚伯没有取消晚餐That schmuck cancels the dinner.那个笨蛋取消了晚餐- A holy dinner, he cancels. - It's not Abe.- 多神圣的晚餐啊他取消了 - 不是亚伯Your mother's very upset. Does Abe know that?你母亲很难过亚伯知道吗- It's not Abe. - Yom Kippur- 不是亚伯 - 救赎日is a very big deal for your mother.对你母亲而言非常重要There's kugel, she sees the kids.有面食她看着那些孩子Yeah, I know. -You think that happens every day?- 是的我知道 - 你觉得这种日子天天有的吗You think every day there's kugel and kids?你觉得每天都能看到孩子们吃面吗- If you'd just... - Ooh, there was crying.- 你能不能 - 有人在哭So much crying.哭得那么伤心A good 40 to 50 minutes of crying.哭了有四五十分钟And finally, I said, "Shirley, if Abe doesn't最后我说 “雪莉如果亚伯不想want us at his house, what are we gonna do?!"我们出现在他的家里我们要怎么办”Pop! Please, just stop talking.爸求你别说了I'm not talking.我不说了You're not talking, either.你也不说了Quiet's nice sometimes.有时候安静更让人舒适I have to tell you something.我有话和你说Okay.说吧Midge and I are splitting up.米琪和我分手了That's why dinner was canceled.这就是为什么晚餐取消了We split up... last night.我们昨晚分手了What's her name?她叫什么- Who? - The girl.- 谁 - 那个女孩- No, no, no, no. - Trixie, Dixie... - 不是 - 戴克西迪克西- It's not like that. - No?- 不是那么回事 - 不是吗No! No. It didn't work.不是是我们不爱了It's nobody's fault.不是谁的错Sometimes these things happen, okay?自然而然地发生了好吗People with the best of intentions just grow apart.出于好意人们随着成长就彼此分开了That's all. Just wanted you to know.仅此而已就想让你知道这点That you and Midge split up?知道你和米琪分手了吗- Yes. - Okay. Sorry to hear it.- 是的 - 好的我很遗憾I always liked Midge.我一直很喜欢米琪Just not the one?不是对的人是吗That's gonna be a hell of a phone call to your mother.打电话告诉你母亲这件事太残忍了I'll do it when I get home.等我回家我会打给她的Home? Okay. You'll call your mother when you get home回家好的你回家后打电话给你母亲and let her know your marriage is over.让她知道你的婚姻完蛋了That'll be terrific. Hey!那太棒了嘿Don't bother calling your mother. I'll tell her.别打给你妈妈了我会告诉她的That roll of pink tulle you're dragging across the ground...你拖在地上的那卷粉色薄纱it's French.Do you know what else is French? The guillotine!你知道还有什么是法国的吗断头台Turn your back for one minute,一分钟不看着everybody is the village idiot.就都变成乡下白痴Well, at least Abe's gonna be happy.好吧至少亚伯会很开心- What are you talking about? - He never thought much of you. - 你在说什么 - 他从来都没看上你- That's not true. - No?-不可能 - 不可能吗Okay. My mistake.好吧我错了Put it down!放下Put it... Let me see your hand.放让我看看你的手Up in the air... left hand right now!举起左手马上Morning, Professor.早上好教授Good morning, Professor Weissman.早上好维斯曼教授数学系There it is.就是这样Study it.Now, this matrix is composed of two row vectors...现在这个矩阵是由两个行向量组成v-one and v-two, but the rank is only one.V1和V2 但只有一个秩Can anyone tell me why?有人能告诉我为什么吗No. No.不不No. No. Truman?不不杜鲁门Because once it's reduced to echelon form,因为一旦转换成梯阵式there's only one independent vector.就只有一个独立的向量Correct. Now, can anyone tell me the nullity of this matrix?答对了现在有人能告诉我这个矩阵的零向量吗No. No. No. No.不不不不- Truman? - Unbelievable.- 杜鲁门 - 又是他I'm sorry. Do you have something to say?抱歉你有什么要说的吗You never call on me. You never call on anyone.你从来不叫我也不叫别人You only ever call on Truman.你只会抽杜鲁门Truman knows the answers.杜鲁门知道答案Truman always knows the answers.杜鲁门总是知道答案Yes, but we could know the answers.是的但是我们也能知道答案Really? Did you?真的吗你知道吗No.不知道- Did you know the answer? - No.- 你知道答案吗 - 不知道No? Did you know the answer?不知道你知道答案吗- No. - No.- 不知道 - 不知道So none of you knew the answer.所以你们没人知道答案- No. - But Truman.- 没有 - 除了杜鲁门But we could have known the answer. That's the point.但是我们本可以知道答案这才是重点Could have?本可以Could have. Charlie...本可以查理- Lance. - Could have doesn't count.- 兰斯 - 本可以没意义Maybe doesn't count.也许没意义"I took a shot" doesn't count.我猜的也没意义Because this room is a sanctuary因为这个房间是一个from the variables in the outside world.远离外面世界变数的圣所In this room, we deal with absolutes.在这里我们和绝对打交道Period.在我的课上In this room...在这个房间里this is what counts.这才是重要的These two vectors are collinear.这两个向量是共线的They go... together.它们在一条线上And they will always go together.并且它们永远都会在一条线上This is the solemn vow made by mathematics.这是神圣的数学誓言In this room, v-two is never going to break that vow在这里 V2永远不会打破这个誓言and decide that it doesn't need the other vector anymore,并且决定它不再需要其它的向量that it's gonna run off and become linearly independent.决定了它会逃跑并变成线性独立V-two is never going to come home from work one dayV2永远不会某天下班回到家and tell v-one, "You know what?"告诉V1 你知道吗"I think I need my own vector space.我觉得我需要自己的向量空间See ya."再见And then v-one's dad has to come in and tell her, "No",然后V1的爸爸不得不走进来告诉她不"you can't let v-two do that.你不能让V2那么做You-you got to go get v-two back,"你你要让V2回来an impermanent solution,一个暂时的解决方案because v-one's dad is not gonna be around forever因为V1的父亲不会永远在她身边to solve all of v-one's problems.去解决V1所有的问题Write that down.记下来背景音乐♫ American Beauty Rose♪雏菊很迷人鸢尾很甜美♪♪ Daisy is darling, Iris is sweet ♪♪百合很可爱花对所有的♪♪ Lily is lovely, Blossom's a treat ♪♪甜心都是一种享受♪♪ Of all the sweethearts ♪♪每个男人都会遇到所爱♪♪ A guy could meet ♪♪我最终选了漂亮的美国玫瑰♪♪ Well, I finally chose an American beauty rose ♪♪月桂会拥抱你♪♪ Laurel will hug you ♪♪兰花是神圣的♪♪ Orchid's divine ♪♪我还是选了一朵漂亮的美国玫瑰♪♪ Still I finally chose an American beauty rose. ♪And just like that, Joel left, in the middle of the night,就这样乔尔在半夜离开了- like a cat burglar. - God, that's terrible.- 像一个飞贼 - 天呐太糟糕了I'm so surprised. He seemed我很惊讶他看起来so crazy about Midge. You want sugar today?很爱米琪今天要加糖吗No. Maybe a lump.不用要不加一块- Two lumps. - I put in three.- 两块 - 我放了三块It's a stressful time.现在你压力挺大的Drink.喝吧How is poor Miriam?可怜的米里亚姆怎么样了Who can tell with her?谁能和她谈谈心呢You know, maybe I sensed something.你知道吗我可能察觉到了不对劲But just last week, I told her to get pregnant again.但上周我还叫她再要个孩子Too hot.太烫了I told her, "Three before 30." That was my mistake.我跟她说 30岁之前要3个孩子是我的错I waited too long between Miriam and Noah.生米里亚姆和诺亚之间我隔太久了- I could only fit in two. - You need to drink the tea, honey. - 我只能要两个了 - 亲爱的先喝茶吧But Miriam is Miriam.但是米里亚姆就是米里亚姆She wanted to play and run around她想到处游玩dressed in black like a FellinI film.像费里尼电影里一样穿黑衣服意大利电影导演非理性主义和狂欢复调诗学的代表It's fine now.现在不烫了There's beer in her refrigerator.她冰箱里有啤酒- Dear. - Joel thinks she's frivolous.- 天呐 - 乔尔觉得她轻浮- That's why he left. - She's always been her own girl.- 所以他抛弃了她 - 她一直在做她自己Do you remember when你还记得she wanted to learn to drive?她想学开车那会儿吗Because she found pink driving gloves.因为她发现了粉色的驾驶手套Everything with Midge starts with an accessory.米琪的所有想法都是由配饰激发的How's Abe taking all this?亚伯怎么说的Abe got up this morning and went to work.亚伯今天早上起床就去上班了The world could be ending, and he'd get up and go to work.就算世界要毁灭他还是会起床去上班And if Columbia University fell into the ocean,如果哥伦比亚大学沉入了海里he'd work from home.他就会在家里工作- Here. - Does the rabbi know?- 给你 - 拉比知道吗- What? No. God, no. - Good.- 什么不天啊不知道 - 很好- Can you imagine? - I don't want to.- 你能想象吗 - 我不想Very, very sick. You did not see me today.非常非常严重你今天没见过我Who am I talking to? No one. I'm alone here.我能跟谁说啊没人这儿就我一个Okay, let's take a look at this.好的我们来看看这个I failed her. I failed her somehow.我对不起她在某种程度上My whole family, everyone's married.我家族的每个人都结婚了Abe's family, everyone's married.亚伯家族的每个人也都结婚了I should've sent her to Paris. My mother sent me to Paris.我应该送她去巴黎的我妈妈就送我去了巴黎Paris is wonderful, but it's good Midge didn't go.巴黎很棒但是米琪没去是好事There was danger for her there.那对她来说很危险- Too much bread. - Yes.- 太多诱惑了 - 是的Okay, let's see.好的来看看I just need to know whether or not我只需要知道是不是this separation is actually going to happen.真的要分开- I see a hammer. - Is a hammer good?- 我看见了一个铁锤 - 铁锤是好事吗It is if you want to hang a picture.你要是想挂一幅画它是不错Please, Drina...拜托迪娜A hammer means triumph. You will triumph.铁锤象征胜利你会胜利的And the leaves say this journey will end in peace and happiness.这些茶叶说整件事将以和平和幸福告终Triumph? Peace and happiness? You're sure?胜利和平和幸福你确定吗- You're doubting the leaves? - No. Never.- 你怀疑茶叶吗 - 不从不Okay, you're still nervous. Drina knows this.好吧你还是很担心迪娜看出来了I'll tell you what.我告诉你怎么做I'll throw in a charm. Put this我给你一个符咒把这个under Miriam's pillow for a week.在米里亚姆的枕头底下放一周It'll help the luck stick.它会带来好运My God, what is that smell?我的天这是什么味道Tannis root. Just tell Miriam是单宁根就告诉米里亚姆a rat died in the wall or something.墙里有老鼠死了什么的- Thank you, Drina. - Don't worry.- 谢谢你迪娜 - 别担心Miriam will land on her feet.米里亚姆会振作起来的Take it from me.相信我Are you paying by check today?你今天用支票付款吗Hey, Mrs. Maisel! Hold on a sec!麦瑟尔夫人稍等- What's wrong? - Some guy showed up here looking for you. - 怎么了 - 有人来这找你I asked him to wait down here, but he pushed right past.我叫他在这等但是他强行冲了进去- Almost bit me. - No.- 差点咬到我 - 不- Hey, I'm calling the cops right now. - Don't call the cops. - 我现在就报警 - 别报警Everything's fine!没什么大事- Good morning, Mrs. Maisel. - Good morning.- 早上好麦瑟尔夫人 - 早上好I'm sorry.对不起- Are you fucking kidding me? - I know.- 你在跟我开玩笑吗 - 我知道- I know. - 9:30.- 我知道 - 九点半I got up at 9:30. In the morning.我早上九点半起床You know the last time I was up at 9:30 in the morning?你知道我上一次九点半起床是什么时候吗It was the last time I stayed out all night是我整夜没睡and got home at 9:30 in the morning.然后早上九点半到家That is the last time I was up at 9:30 in the morning.那是我上一次早上九点半起床I'm sorry. It was a rough night.抱歉昨晚太难熬了Hey, you came to me, okay?是你先找上我的好吗You know, I-I didn't ask you to bang on my door.你知道我我没让你去敲我的门I didn't even tell you where my door was.我连我住哪儿都没告诉你You figured out where it was你找到了我的地址and then you came there and then you banged on it然后你跑去我家然后你自己主动- of your own free will. - I forgot.- 敲的门 - 我忘了Much better.感觉好多了It is so much better that you just forgot.你忘了真是太好了You know, my fear was that you remembered你知道吗我就怕你还记得and chose not to meet me.然后选择不见我But now that I know I literally didn't even enter into y...但是现在我知道我甚至没有进入Wh-Where the hell are we? What is this, fucking Versailles?我们在哪儿这是什么地方凡尔赛宫吗It's my apartment.这是我的公寓Your table is set for 30.你的餐桌可以坐下30个人Who has cutlery for 30?谁会准备30套餐具Jesus Christ, what is this, a landing strip?天呐这是什么飞机跑道吗Where is your airplane, in the bathroom?你的飞机在哪儿在浴室吗I had no idea you were such an important person.我不知道你来头这么大If I had realized that the queen of England had stood me up,我要是知道英国女王放了我鸽子I would have understood. But I just thought我就理解了但是我以为you were some drunk housewife who needed my help.你只是某个需要我帮助的醉酒家庭主妇I had no idea you were related to fucking Charlemagne.我不知道你和查理曼大帝是亲戚'Cause if Catherine the Great had shown up and said,因为如果凯瑟琳大帝出现在我面前说"Hey, let's meet at 10:00," I probably wouldn't have expected 我们十点见吧我也许就不会期待her to show up either. But you have to tell people who you are.她的出现但是你要告诉别人你是谁'Cause if all they have to go on is the fact因为他们会认为that you make appointments and then forget about them,是你预约见面又忘记了这回事they're just gonna think you're a stuck-up twat.他们会觉得你是一个目中无人的混蛋It's an easy mistake to make.这是一个很容易犯的错误I almost made that same mistake.我差点也犯了同样的错。
the time traveler‘s wife 时间旅行者的妻子
In the book,the day when Clare was 80, miracle happened. She saw Henry smiling with tears in his eyes, at the doorway. Forty-five year’s waiting was just for this moment that they could be together again. They were holding in the sunlight with happiness.
Life was hard for them ,because Herny always disappeared.
one day Henry traveled to the future,and met thHerny that he will be dead soon.
The Time Traverler's Wife
adapt from the best selling novel
This is a toughing love story.Henry De Tamble is a Chicago librarian with "Chrono Displacement" disorder(时空转换上出现 错乱); at random times, he suddenly disappears without warning and finds himself in the past or future, usually at a time or place of importance in his life.
I have crossing the oceans of time,to find you……
英语爱情小短剧剧本第一篇:英语爱情小短剧剧本This afternoon, Rita received a text message from Tim,which said that Tim had something important to tell her tonight.She was glad that Tim would like to propose to her.At 19:00,wearing beautiful clothes, Rita arrived at the restaurant they often go to,seeing Tim was already there waiting for her.R:Have you been waiting long? T:No, just a moment.R:What do you want to say? T:I think we should break up!R:Are you kidding? I thought you were to propose to me!T:I am very serious, I loved another girl, I think we do not fit or break up!I am sorry!R:I do not want to hear this, you said you would always love me.T:I'm really sorry.Rita has been immersed in the pain of lost love, her best friend comfort her.W:My dear, you should pay attention to your own body.Do not get stuck in the past.R:I really love him, how could he do this to me?W:He left you alone, he does not know how to cherish.You should know how to love yourself, there will be a better person than he waiting for you.R:I really do not know how to do.W:Do not like this, things will always go by.You have to take good care of yourself, eat on time, pay attention to rest.These days do not go to work, have a good adjustment at home.R:No, I still have to go to work, so that I will not be cranky.第二篇:英语爱情小短剧剧本This afternoon, Rita received a text message from Tim,which said that Timhad something important to tell her tonight.She was glad that Tim would like to propose to her.At 19:00,wearing beautifulclothes, Rita arrived at the restaurant they often go to,seeing Tim was already there waiting for her.R:Have you been waiting long?T:No, just a moment.R:What do you want to say?T:I think we should break up!R:Are you kidding? I thought you were to propose to me!T:I am very serious, I loved another girl, I think we do not fit or break up!I amsorry!R:I do not want to hear this, you said you would always love me.T:I'm really sorry.Rita has been immersed in the pain of lost love, her best friend comfort her.W:My dear, you should pay attention to your own body.Do not get stuck in the past.R:I really love him, how could he do this to me?W:He left you alone, he does not know how to cherish.You should know how to love yourself, there will be a better person than he waiting for you.R:I really do not know how to do.W:Do not like this, things will always go by.You have to take good care of yourself, eat on time, pay attention to rest.These days do not go to work, have a good adjustment at home.R:No, I still have to go to work, so that I will not be cranky.第三篇:剧本-英语短剧灰姑娘的百万英镑Betty-灰姑娘Sally-富翁姐T om-富翁弟Penny-衣店老板Jimmy-衣店小二Jason-白马王子Jessica-后妈Susan-后姐William-后哥Bobby-歌星 James-主持人Robin-酒店服务员Julia-服务员 Angel-服务员 Vicky-有钱人第一幕(Betty在认真扫地,Susan比划衣服,William高兴地吃东西)Susan:Bobby will hold a concert the day after tomorrow, I’m so excited.William: Oh,he is a real superstar,I want to go there.Betty: I want to go too.Susan:You?Look at yourself,so dirtyand so ugly.Jessica:Clean the room and cook for us,you have many things to do.so if you want to go,finish your work.第二幕(Tom and Sally正在享受按摩)Sally: life is so boring.T om:I agree with you,Life is so boring.Sally:Let’s have a bet.Tom:Bet on?Sally:Ok, we will give a poor person a million pound and I think everyone will like him because of his money,he will live a happy life.Tom: Sally,I don’t think so.Money is not everything, we can live a happy lives without money,we have love.Sally: Sure,Let’s go and find the person,Er..who will be the luck dog.第三幕(Betty做完工作,正试着衣服)William:Susan, look at Betty,her dress is so beautiful.Susan:Mom,mom.I like her dress(抢衣服)Betty:No,that’s my dress.It’s my father bought for me.Jessica: It’s doesn’t matter,Susan.(转脸对Betty),you are our servant.Get out!and clean the garden,pick up all the leaves.第四幕(Betty委屈的拣树叶,看着William等离开,T om和Sally在花园外看到Betty)Sally:oh,Young lady.would you please come here a moment?Betty:Who? me?Tom:Yes, you.Betty: What can I do for you?Tom: I wonder, young lady.if you’d mind us asking a few questions?Bet ty: Certainly.Sally: What’s your name? why don’t you join the concert?Betty: My name is Betty.I can’t go, because I must do housework at home, and I have no money to buy the ticket.Sally: Tom, give her the letter.Betty: For me?Tom: For you.Oh no, you mus tn’t open it now.you may open it 30 minutes later.Betty: Why?Sally: There’s money in it.Betty: Thank you!But I can’t receive it.Tom: We appreciate your honesty, young lady.That’s why We give you the letter.Sally: Betty ,30 minutes later, promise?Betty: Promise!Sally: Let’s go, Tom.(30 minutes Betty打开信封)Betty:Oh my god!第五幕(衣店,Betty进店,Jimmy 上)Jimmy:What can I do for you?Betty: Can you show me some dresses?Penny 上下打量Betty,指示Jimmy带到地下室Jimmy:This way!Betty: Thank youJimmy: These dresses are fashionable.They are new style in this summer.Penny: Jimmy, serve her quickly and get her out of the side door.Jimmy:Yes, madam。
书的最大读点是作者audrey niffenegger 的文笔,她笔下那些草地、阳光、雪,就像小溪水一样清澈温柔地哗啦啦流淌,实在精致极了,小资得一塌糊涂。
观影达⼈推荐:你不可错过的50部电影清单!⽂ / Angie_我所理解的⽣活⼀部好的电影,是⼀种淋漓尽致的⼈⽣体验。
NO 1-10:1.《房间》/《Room》爱的房间类型:剧情⽚⾖瓣评分:7.8分看点:⼀开始拒绝看,⼥主被骗被QJ后⽣出了⼩孩,以为会很虐,但是导演处理得很好;这是⼀个关于母爱与⼉⼦治愈母亲的故事,起先是⼉⼦被妈妈保护的很好,对⼩⼩的被困住的世界充满好奇,后来是来到真正的世界,妈妈却⽆法⾛出来,⽽⼉⼦成为了妈妈的救赎。
The Time Machine《时间机器(2002)》完整中英文对照剧本
But Professor No. The answers are all there in the test.可是教授不答案在考试中Aren't you forgetting something?你没忘什么吗?I know. It's something to do with the third differential coefficient.我知道三次微分系数嘛Not that. Tonight. What?不是那个今晚什么?Emma?艾玛?What time is it? Almost 5:00.现在几点? 差不多5点了Oh, God.天哪My proposal for utilizing solarpower, rejected.我的太阳能计划被驳回My concepts for harnessing micro-energy waves, rejected.电磁波计划也没有被批准The dean suggests that I focus on something that might actually help mankind.系主任要我把心思放在对人类有帮助的计划Like his study on the benefits of tobacco consumption.就像他们的研究;烟草生产利益Alex, the problem is your ideas are a bit too... radical.问题是你的研究主题太先进了The problem is with the faculty. They're dinosaurs.问题是系上教授就像恐龙They're already extinct,they just don't know it.绝种了还不自知They'll be discovered by some future archaeologist, and he won't know what to make of them.日后被考古学家挖出来没人知道他们靠什么生存Their dim little eyes, devoid of any curiosity目光如豆毫无生气Alex, it's your first year as associate professor.亚力你才当副教授You might want to play things a little more conservatively.最好别那样冲动You sound just like myfather.你口气跟我老爸一样Look at them, Philby. All alike. All in identical bowler hats.看看他们一模一样的高脚帽Do you want your students to turn out like that?难道你希望你的学生全都变得跟他们一样吗?I want my students prepared for the realities of the world they're about to greet.我要他们面对现实的世界Well, I don't. I want themto run along this street and knock off every bowler they see. 我可不我希望他们冲到路上去把所有人的高脚帽都拍掉Mrs. Watchit!瓦琪太太!Oh, huzzah, the master's home.主人回来了Did you get it?Hello, Mr. Philby.准备好了吗? 你好费比先生Hello, Mrs. Watchit. You're looking in the pink.你好瓦琪太太你气色很佳Must be all the exercise I get scampering up and down these stairs like a wee lad.因为我每天跑上跑下打扫屋子Don't torture me. Did you get it? I got it.别损我准备好了吗? 好了Good. Let me see. But don't you think for one moment...太好了让我看看你不认为你应该I'm going to let you go out in that filthy jacket.不过你要是穿着这件脏外套我可不准你出门Now, go in there and change.快进去换衣服And you've got another letter from that annoying little man.那个怪人又来了封信Well, go ahead. Switch it on.没关系试试看呀It'll help people keep their teeth well into their 40s.这东西让你四十几岁时还能有口好牙You might think about having that cleaned. Oh, who has the time?你的衣服应该洗洗了吧谁有那时间How did you know with Molly? Know what?你和茉莉怎么认识的想知道什么?You were meant to be together. She made the best shepherd's pie I ever tasted.你们天生注定就是一对她做的肉馅没人比得上Don't you have a single romantic bone in your body?难道你没用一点浪漫的情怀吗?No. I'm all bowler hat.没有我一直都是那么硬板Why do you waste your time on that crack pot?干吗浪费时间和那个怪人通信?Because he has some very interesting ideas.他有些有趣的想法A professor at Columbia should not be corresponding with a crazy German bookkeeper. 堂堂哥伦比亚大学的教授不应该和个德国记帐员瞎搞He's a patent clerk, not a bookkeeper.他是专利承办员不是记帐员I think Mr. Einstein deserves all the support I can give him.这位爱因斯坦先生不简单我会尽力帮助他I wonder if we'll ever go too far?我担心我们会不会太过头了With what? With this.什么太过头? 这个With all of this.还有这一切No such thing.没这样的事All right. How do I look?好了我看起来如何?Practically decent. Really, Alex. Good luck tonight.帅到不行了祝今晚好运She's a fine girl. She's done wonderful things for you.她是个好女孩你们在一起会很幸福Don'tworry. You still have that alluring smell of chalk.别担心你身上还有粉笔味道可以迷死她了Oh, gotta hurry.我得快点Now, that's more like it. You looka proper gentleman for once.现在好多了看起来总算像个样子了Well, you better hope so. If Emma turns me down, you'll be next.希望如此要是艾玛拒绝我你就是下一个对象Oh, I'm already swooning.我等不及了All right. Wish me luck.好吧祝我好运Thank you.谢谢Fresh flowers. Fresh flowers.鲜花鲜花Have some flowers, sir. Not tonight, thanks.买♥♥束花吧先生不用谢谢No. I promised her flowers.不行我答应要买♥♥花送她Spectacular.很拉风Spectacular waste of money. Damn thing's always breaking down.简直花大钱找罪受这东西老是出毛病Do you need a lift? Yes, yes.要搭车吗? 要要How do you keep the water temperature stable? There's a cant ilevered gasket... 这东西水温如何保持稳定? 有个悬杆式的塞子on the fuel regulator在油门调节器上Oh, God. Uh天Much obliged. I'm always forgetting the damn brake.谢了我老是忘了拉起刹车Hop in. I'll give you a perambulation before it breaks down again.上来吧在下次故障前我还可以送你一程Oh, uh, I'm afraid I have a prior engagement.我有个重要约会Well, another time then. We perambulate here most every night.那就下次吧反正我每晚都在这Certainly.没问题Get a horse!去骑匹马吧Yes.好啦Alexander?亚力山大?Oh! Whoa.哦!哇You're late, Professor. I got here as soon as I could.你迟到了教授我已经尽快Well, they say it's all the rage in Paris. But I just picked it up--这是巴黎最流行的我在梅西百货花5块钱买♥♥的Five dollars at Macy's. Silly, isn't it? Very silly. I like it.有点土是吧土毙了不过我喜欢Well, where are they?嗯东西在哪里?What? The flowers.什么? 鲜花呀You promised me flowers tonight. Don't you even remember?你说今晚要买♥♥花送我你忘了吗?Oh, I'm sorry. I...Well, I was distracted.抱歉我不太专心Well, there's something new.这倒是新鲜事Uh, Emma, I need to talk toyou.艾玛我有事情要跟你说Oh, uh, shall we walk through the park? Yes.我们到公园走走好呀Professor, you're shivering. I hope you're not coming down with something. 教授你在发抖你该不会生病了Well, I'm afraid I am.呃可能是哦I'm not sleeping very well, and even when I'm awake, I'm not much use.我这阵子一直睡不好即使是清醒时也浑浑噩噩I can't eat or think or do much of anything anymore.茶饭不思昏昏沉沉And the worst part is, I don't know that I'll ever be well.最惨的是不知会不会好起来I think there's only one remedy, and that's for you to marry me...我想只有一个办法可以治好就是请你嫁给我and spend the rest of your life with me.一辈子跟我在一起Oh, Emma, I know it's right. I know we're meant to be together.艾玛我们结婚是对的我们命中注定要在一起It's the only thing in my entire life I've never had to think about.这件事我从不曾怀疑Oh, Alex.亚力Uh-Uh, wait. I have something for you.等等我有东西送你You know, the moment is rather dying here.你知道这一刻比死还难过I...I know. Hold on. Oh.我知道等等I know it's not a diamond. A moonstone.不是钻石是月长石Well, it's your birthstone. I thought...这是你的生辰石我想You thought right.我很喜欢I just might cry.我太感动了I couldn't help but over hear.我忍♥不住听到你们的悄悄话Two fine young people starting out on the road of life.两个年轻男女携手共渡人生旅程I wish you the very best.祝你们幸福快乐Well, thank you. And as much as I hate to do this...谢谢其实我不想这么做moved as I am byy our...protestations of love...可我被你们的真情告白所感动I'll be needing your money now.不过还是请你把钱交出来Sir? And yourjewelry too.先生? 还有你的首饰珠宝I guess we could call this your first little bump on the road to marital bliss. 这可算是你们婚姻旅程中遇上的第一个难关I don't understand... Don't make a scene. There's no cause for that.我不明白别大声嚷嚷不必挣扎just give me your wallet, will you? Hmm?快把钱包给我Did you hear me, lad?听到了吗,小伙子?Uh, all right, all right. Here. That's everything.好吧好吧拿去都给你And your watch.还有手表And the gloves.手套And the ring. No.还有戒指不I'm afraid so, darling.恐怕由不得你亲爱的And maybe he'll buy you a diamond now. Please, please. Not that.搞不好他会买♥♥钻戒补偿你求求你别这样Don't!不!Why did you do that? It's only a ring.干吗这样? 不过是个戒指Emma?艾玛?Emma?艾玛?Oh!哦!What?什么事?Oh. Oh, sir, Mr. Philby's here.主人费比先生来了Here? Yes, sir. He insisted on coming来了? 是的主人他坚持要过来的Tell him to go away. I'm busy. I won't go away, Alex.叫他回去我在忙我不回去亚力My God. What's happened to you?天啊你在干什么?I've been...I've been working.我在工作You remember that? You used to care about your work.你还记得吗你以前也很在乎工作的I care more about my life. And yours.我在乎的是我的生活还有你的I came by the house every day after the funeral...丧礼之后我每天过来这里and everyweek and every other month.之后一周来一次两个月来一次Then I stopped coming. Did you even notice?然后再也没有过来了你可曾注意到?It hurt me, Alex... very much. Then why are you here now?艾玛的死我也非常难过那你还来干吗?There are some things I have to say you may not like hearing I know. I know.有件事我必须告诉你可能不是很中听我知道我知道You're concerned. I know. I hear it from Mrs. Watchit every day.你很关心我,我知道. 我从瓦琪太太那儿知道.But really...I need you to go.不过...请你走吧I won't leave. Not with you hiding down here. I'm not hiding.我不走你在逃避我没有逃避You know that's what it is. Mrs. Watchit says you're in here all hours...day and night. 瓦琪太太说你每天足不出户Alex, will you please stand still and look at me!亚力请你站好看着我!It wasn't your fault.艾玛的死不是你的错No. It wasn't my fault.当然不是不是我的错Maybe we should blame Mrs. Watchit for picking up the ring from thejeweler.或许该怪瓦琪太太是她到珠宝店去挑的戒指Or the jeweler for making it.或许该怪那些做珠宝的人Or the poor bastard who tore the stone from the earth.或者那些把宝石从地里挖出来的贫穷的混♥蛋♥Maybe I should blame you for introducing me to Emma in the first place. Yes.或许我该怪你你不该介绍艾玛认识我Alexander, nothing will ever change what happened.亚力山大已发生的事无法改变No, you're wrong, because I will change it.不你错了我会改变的David, I appreciate your concern. I do.大卫谢谢你的关心真的But I ask you to have faith in me.你要对我有信心Well, I...I want to have faith in you, Alex, but...我想对你有信心但是...Wha...What are... What are you doing here?你到底在干吗?I'll tell you what. Why don't you come by for dinner in a week, and I'll show you? 这样吧下礼拜找个时间过来吃饭我会让你知道的Why don't you come home with me now? Molly... Did you not hear me, David? 现在跟我回家茉莉... 你没听到我说的吗?I can't leave when I'm so close.我现在走不开实验快成功了All right. We'll continue this conversation in a week.好吧下礼拜找时间再谈In a week, we'll never even have had this conversation.下礼拜我们甚至可能没有这次谈论了.Ah. Thank you, my good man.谢了老兄You're early. That's a first.你早到了这倒是头一回I wanted to see you.我想早点见到你Well, where are they?东西在哪?What? The flowers.什么? 花啊You promised me flowers tonight. Don't you even remember?你说今晚要买♥♥花送我你忘了吗?You never cease to surprise me.你老是给我惊喜Emma, I need to talk toyou.艾玛我有事情要跟你说Shall we walk through the park? No!我们到公园走走不No.不No. Let's go into the city.不行我们到市区逛逛Alex, what is it? Nothing. Let's just hurry.亚力怎么啦? 没事快点Running along is all very well for you. You're not wearing a corset.你们男人跑起来很方便你又不用穿束腹Bleecker Street, and be quick about it.布力克街快点Now you're all gallant.现在你又恢复工作了Professor, you're shivering. I hope you're not coming down with something.教授你在发抖你该不会生病了No, no. I'm fine.不不我好得很I'm wonderful. I'm walking down the street with you again.又能和你在街上散步But we took a walk three days ago.可是我们三天前才在一起散步Well, not like this. Never like this.不这不一样完全不一样Heavens, look at that car. Oh, I've seen it.天你看那车我看过了Now I know you're ill. You're passing up the chance to explore some new gadget. 我觉得你真的生病了你居然对新东西没兴趣研究It's only a machine. Alexander, tell me what's going on.不过是机器罢了亚力山大你到底怎么啦?Is something wrong? No.怎么回事? 没事No. Emma, listen to me.不艾玛听着I need to leave you now, but I want you to go straight home and stay there.我先要离开我要你马上回家待着不要出门I promise you I'll come by sometime later tonight, and I won't make any sense. 我晚点会过去找你而且我会变得有点奇怪I'll be all upset that you didn't meet me in the park, but you must trust me.我会因为你在公园失约而生气不过你一定要相信我Everything will be all right.我保证一切都会没事的Just know how much I love you, how much I'll always love you.只要你相信我爱你我永远会这么爱你All right.好吧But first, where are my flowers?可是我的花呢?Flowers it is.那里就有花Wait right there. Don't move.你在这儿等着不要乱跑Oh, can I help you, sir? Yes, a dozen roses. White.需要什么? 先生一打白玫瑰No, no. Red. Look out!不不红的小心Easy. Easy.当心点I'm looking for Professor Hartdegen.我找亚力教授Alex, I'm...I'm so sorry.亚力...我很遗憾This was not supposed to happen. Of course not.不应该发生这种事当然不应该I know there's nothing I can say. We were out of the park, Philby.我知道说什么都无法安慰你我们都离开公园了We were safe.我们都到了安全地方了Why can't I change it?为什么我还是改变不了过去?I could come back a thousand times.我可以回到过去一千次See her die a thousand ways.看着她一千种死法I don't...I don't understand.我不知道你在说什么I can't find the answer here.在这儿我找不到答案Not here.不是这里Not now.不是现在The future is now.未来就是现在Certain restrictions apply. Blackout periods on availability subject to change.申请是有限制的有利用价值的时期是有所改变的For full details, contact .详细资料和当地联♥系♥Hi, friends. The latest update from Lunar Leisure Living.各位以下是月球度假生活最新资讯Our engineers are currently preparing for the first 20-megaton detonation...我们的工程师藉以引爆两千万顿炸♥药♥to create the subterranean living chambers for Lunar Leisure Living.创造月球休闲度假村开♥发♥计划所需要的地下生活空间Imagine fishing in our fully-stocked Sea of Tranquility,想象你可以在宁静海中钓鱼golfing on our championship course, home ofthe Neil Armstrong Open.在阿曼斯特丹公开赛的球场上享受挥杆之乐Fifteen-hundred-yard drives? Whoa-ho, no problem!开球达1500码没问题At one-sixth Earth's gravity, you're guaranteed to get back on the dance floor.只有地球引力六分之一的重力让你再度活蹦乱跳So contact Lunar Leisure Living today to reserve your own little piece of heaven, 现在就马上和月球度假村联络为您预约一处自己的天堂because the future is now.因为未来就是现在Certain restrictions apply. Blackout periods on availability subject to change.申请是有限制的有利用价值的时期是有所改变的For full details, contact .名额有限详细内容请洽...Hey. Hel lo.嘿哈罗Nice suit.衣服很好看Very retro.很复古Thank you.谢谢Bet that makes a hell of a cappuccino.冲出来的卡布奇诺应该很好喝That thing.那个咖啡机I'll see you.再见Hi, friends. The latest update from Lunar Leisure Living.各位以下是月球度假生活最新资讯Our engineers are currently preparing for the first 20-megaton detonation...我们的工程师藉以引爆两千万顿炸♥药♥to create the subterranean living chambers for Lunar Leisure Living.创造月球休闲度假村开♥发♥计划所需要的地下生活空间All right. Attention, everyone.各位同学大家集♥合♥好Class 23, could we gather, please? Our next stop is Antiquities.23班你们集♥合♥好了吗下一站是古董区Please make sure that your microscans are charged for download.请记得把资料下载下来Two by two. Let's look lively. Two by two. Stop! Quit!两两成行大家打起精神Tommy, if you do that again, I will resequence your D.N.A.,so help me! Now, march. 汤姆你再不好好听话我就重组你的DNA 快跟上March, march. Two bytwo, please. Look lively.两两成行大家打起精神Welcome to Vox System. How may I help you?欢迎使用凡克斯资讯系统有何效劳I didn't see you there.哦我没注意到你I always seem to have that effect. How may I help you, sir?我总是会不小心吓到人请问有何效劳?What is that thing? That is my photonic memory core,那是什么那是我的记忆存储中心or PM.C., as we say in the trade.简称PMC 正如我们在生意场上所说的Over here, sir.我在这里先生What are you?那你又是什么I'm the Fifth Avenue Public Library information unit, Vox registration NY-1 1 4.在下纽约市立图书馆资讯处凡克斯系统编号♥NY1♥1♥4♥ How may l help you?请问有何效劳?A stereopticon of some sort. Stereopticon? Oh, no, sir.你应该是立体放映机之类的立体放映机? 不先生I am a third-generation, fusion-powered photonic,我是第三代核能资料库with verbal and visual link capabilities connected to every database...具有音像及语言连接功能on th eplanet.可连接地球上所有资料库Photonic?资料库?A compendium of all human knowledge.所有人类知识的摘要Oh. Area of inquiry?请问要询问哪一科目?Do you know anything about physics? Ah, accessing physics.物理学? 搜寻物理学Mechanical engineering.机械工程Dimensional optics. Chronography.向量光学测量学Temporal causality, temporal paradox.时间因果论矛盾律Time travel? Yes.时光旅行? 对Accessing science fiction.搜寻科幻小说No, no. Practical application. My question is why can't one change the past?不是实际应用我的问题是为什么不能改变过去?Because one can not travel into the past.因为人不可能回到过去Wh...What if one could? One cannot.若是有人做得到呢那是不可能到Excuse me, this is something you should trust me on.关于这一点我比较内行Accessing the writings of lsaac Asimov, H.G. Wells,搜寻相关论文艾西莫夫威尔士Harlan Ellison, Alexander Hartdegen...哈兰艾利森亚力山大哈特金Tell me about him. Alexander Hartdegen, 1869 to 1903.告诉我关于这个人亚力山大哈特金 1869年生死于1903年American scientist given to eccentric postulation.美国科学家以非主流科学理论闻名Found writings include treatise on the creation of a time machine.论文包括时光机器的制♥作♥Tell me about the time machine. Time Machine was written by H.G. Wells in 1 894. 告诉我有关时光机器 "时光机器"作者威尔士写于1♥8♥9♥4年It was a motion picture by George Pal and a stage musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber... 先后被改编为电影和歌♥舞剧在百老汇上演That's not what I mean. Would you like to hear selections from the score?我找的不是这个要不要听主题曲?No. # There's a place called tomorrow #不用有个地方叫“明天”# A place of joy not of sorrow #那里充满音乐没有悲伤# Can't you see it's a place for you and... #你听见了吗?Thank you. That's quite enough.谢了够了Will there be anything else?还需要别的帮助吗?Uh, no. No, I think I'll have better luck in a few hundred years.不用了看来要找到答案还得再往后好几百年Live long and prosper.祝你顺利Sir, where is your designated evacuation center?先生,你的避难中心在哪里?Sir, you are subject to arrest under martial law...你被捕了Please put your hands out, palms together.手举起来手掌合并You will be held in detention until your evacuation center clears you for transport.你将被留置直到你所属单位接你出去Wait, wait! just take it easy.等一下别激动Hey, we got to get out of here! Wait. How did this happen?我们要快点离开到底怎么了?The moon. Come on. Move it.月球快点!That's impossible. What happened? You been living under a rock?不可能发生什么事了你是真不懂还是装傻?Yes, I've been living under a rock. Now, tell me.我真的不知道快告诉我The demolitions for the lunar colonies screwed up the orbit, okay?月球殖民计划恶搞把月球炸离轨道The moon's breaking up. All right? Come on.月球正在解体中了解吗?Hey! Forget him! Come on!不管他快走!Emma?艾玛?Hello?哈罗?Hello.哈罗?Oh, wait. Don't... Don't go.等等别别走Wait. I just want to talk to you.等等我有话对你说Oh, I'm sorry. I don't understand you.抱歉我听不懂Do you know my words? Yes.你能听懂我吗? 能The lex. The stone language.石碑上的语言The stone language? But do you understand me? Do you understand me?石碑语言?你听得懂我在说什么吗?We all learn it when we're young.我们小的时候学过They tor'jen. Forget. They forget it.忘记他们都忘记你But I teach.不过我教他们What is he saying? They're trying to decide if we should throw you in the river. 他说什么? 在讨论要不要把你丢到河里去Tell me quickly, and tell me the truth. Where do you come from?快点告诉我说实话你从哪儿来?Well, actually, I'm from here. Uh,just not from now.老实说我就从这儿来只是不是现在You see, I built a machine that allows me to travel through time.我做了一部机器让我能够穿梭过去于未来I'm from the past.我是从过去来的Oh.哦I told them you hit your head...我告诉他们你不小心撞到头...and you are a wandering idiot.所以你现在是无家可归都白♥痴♥What are you doing? Getting ready for the mor.你要干吗? 准备睡觉The night. Oh. I'll come with you.过夜? 我跟你们走Eloi? What are your people named?依洛伊族? 你们是哪一族的?Well, I...I guess you'd call us New Yorkers.你可以叫我们纽约客NewYorkers. Are they friendly?纽约客他们很友善吗?Until you talk to them.不说话时还算友善Tell me about your village. It's a very busy place.说说你们村落情况那是个忙碌的地方Everyone seems to be in a hurry. And they all wear identical bowler hats. 每个人好像都在赶时间他们都戴一模一样的高脚帽Little black round things on their heads.就是头上戴一个黑色的东西What do you do there? Well, I was a teacher like Mara.你做什么工作我是老师跟玛拉一样And I make things. Me also.同时我也发明机器我也是I made a sess'quin'tan with my father. We still use it.我和我爸爸一起制♥作♥萨斯昆塔我们都还在用A sess'quin'tan?萨斯昆塔?Mara, der'enjen'wen len?玛拉替我翻译一下Sess'quin'tan. Steps of rope.萨斯昆塔就是绳梯Oh, a rope ladder.用绳子做的梯子We can make one. I will teach you.我们可以做一个,我会教你Will you tell me more lon'el on the next day?你明天再告诉我多一点Tomorrow? Yes, I will.明天? 好我会的Why don't you take care of this for me tonight?今晚替我保管一下这个好吗?Thank you.谢谢Good night. Good night.晚安晚安Kalen will tire you if you let him. He's always been questioning. 凯勒会把你烦死他永远有问不完的问题Our parents were firm, but it is his way.我爸妈很严格不过他就是这么好奇Where are your parents? They've gone from this place.你父母呢? 他们不在了Oh, I'm sorry.抱歉You were right, Philby. I did go too far.你说对了这下真的太过头了Sit with me.坐下来Mara, why do you pull the boats up at night?玛拉为什么晚上的时候要把船拉上来?Afraid they'll be stolen?你们怕船被偷吗?Stolen? I do not know that word.偷?我没学过这个字Well, are you afraid that someone will take them?害怕被别人拿走吗It is just more safe this way. Oh.害怕被别人拿走吗哦You must do things to be safe where you come from? Of course. 你们那儿做事一定要考虑安全措施吗当然Or when you come from.或者我应该说你们那时候Ah, so I'm not just a wandering idiot.所以我不只是一个无家可归的白♥痴♥CoI'mar.这是“科玛”Maybe we could find some tomorrow.明天我们再多摘一些Flowers?花?Alexander. Alexander.亚力山大亚力山大Ah! Morlock!啊!莫拉克!Is he all right? He had a dream.他没事吧? 他做恶梦了Oh. So did I.我也是I was moving through a jungle...我正穿过森林...And you saw a shape ahead ofyou.你看到前方有个东西Well, a face that...called my name.一张脸. . . 叫着我的名字We all have that dream.我们都做一样的梦All of you? Yes. Now go back asleep.你们? 是的继续睡吧You're still not well.你脸色不太好What does that mean, "Morlock"?“莫拉克”是什么意思?A child's dream. No more.小孩子的梦没别的意思Go back asleep.继续睡吧We keep thesestones in many places.我们把这些石碑放到许多地方This is the room where my parents taught me for the first time. 我父母第一次在这里教我Why do you learn this language if you don't use it?这语言既然不使用为什么还要学习呢It's a tradition we hand down.这是我们传统It meant something once. Must be here for a reason.它曾是很有意义的事它的存在一定有理由"One generation passeth away, and another cometh.物换星移代代相传...But the earth abideth forever."地球永远存在Why have you come here?你为什么来这里?Why have you traveled through time?你为什么要做时光旅行?To have a question answered.我要寻找一个问题的答案Qestion?什么问题?Yes. Why can't I change the past?为什么我们不能改变过去?Why would you want to?你为什么要改变过去?You've lost someone.你失去了重要的人Someone you loved very much.是一个你深爱的人Mara, why are there no older people here? What do you mean? 玛拉为什么这里看不到老人什么意思?Older people, your parents' age or grandparents' age.老人家你的父母长辈那一代They've gone from this place.他们都不在了You mean, they're dead?你是说他们都去世了?Yes.是的All of them? How is that possible?全部都死了? 怎么可能There are things better left not said.有些事情还是不说的比较好We don't dwell on the past, Alexander.我们不会沉缅过去We do something else. What?我们有别的方式什么?We remember them...我们会记住他们with these.用这些Alexander!亚力山大Alexander.亚力山大Are you coming to work now? Come with me... No.你要帮忙吗,跟我来... 不行Alexander's not well enough. We're going to see his machine. 他还不熟练我们要去看看他的机器Now? Stay with Toren.现在吗? 你跟多伦在一起Go the next day, tomorrow. I need to see that it's all right.我明天也要去我先去看看机器管不管用This way.这边Will you tell me more about N-NewYork tonight?你今晚会再说纽约的事给我听吗?I will.我会的Oh, good. It seems fine.太好了这机器没问题We had quite a ride together.我和这机器的冒险很刺♥激♥It's ready? Appears so.它还管用吗应该没问题Will you use it now? Go back to your own time?你现在就要走了吗回到你的时代?Well, I...I guess I could.我想应该可以it seems so long ago.只是年代有点久远No. You should go.不你应该走了And I need to ask, will you take Kalen with you?我要问你...可不可以带凯勒一起走Why? Alexander, take him away, back to your time. Will you? 为什么求你带他走回去你的时代Mara, why? Please. You don't know.玛拉为什么? 求你了,你不会知道的Take him away from here.请你带他离开这儿Kalen!凯勒Mara, what's going on?玛拉怎么回事?They're early! We must get Kalen!他们来早了快去快凯勒!Kalen!凯勒Kalen! Kalen!凯勒凯勒Mara!玛拉!Kalen! No, stay here.凯勒不呆在这Stay in the group!跟大家一起Run!快跑!Mara!玛拉Mara!玛拉Where did they take them?他们带他们去哪?We have to follow them. We have to find them. We do not. Col'quin tor. 我们必须跟着他们去找他们不行Why not? This is nem Eloi'tas, our life here.为什么不行我们的生命就在这里How can you just do nothing? How can tor'tas aI'mor.你怎能袖手旁观呢?It is the day and the night. The day and the night.这是日和夜日和夜This is the world.这个世界就是这个样子Why don't you fight back?你为何不还手Fight back. Why not?还手为什么不还手?。
In Time《时间规划局(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本
I don't have time.我没有时间I don't have time to worry about how it happened. 我没有时间考虑现实是怎么回事It is what it is.现实就是现实We're genetically engineered to stop aging at 25. 人类的衰老极限被设定为25岁The trouble is, we live only one more year问题是此后我们只能再活一年unless we can get more time.除非我们能得到更多时间Time is now the currency.时间就是现在的流通货币We earn it and spend it.我们挣时间花时间The rich can live forever.有钱人能永远活着And the rest of us?至于其他人I just want to wake up with more time on my hand 我只希望每天早上睁开眼睛than hours in the day.我手中的时间比24小时更多Hey, Mom.早安妈妈You got in late last night.你昨晚回家好晚I put in some overtime.我花了点加班费Where'd it go?花在哪了On you.给你买♥♥了这个They drink it in New Greenwich.新格林威治的人都喝这个Happy 50th!50岁生日快乐Fifty?我都50了That's right.真快Twenty-five for the 25th time.第25个25岁Oh, I was sure I'd have a grandchild by now.我本来以为现在肯定能抱孙子了Here we go.又来了Bela's daughter is always asking about you.贝拉的女儿总是问起你Who has time for a girlfriend? Besides, what's the hurry? 哪来的时间交女朋友再说着什么急What do you got?你还有多少时间Three days. Not even.三天都不到We owe half that in rent.一半得拿去付房♥租Eight for the electric and we're still late on that loan.八小时付电费而且我们还没还贷款I can make extra on the side, you know.我能做兼♥职♥赚点外快I could... What, start fighting?我可以怎样斗时间吗Nobody wins.没人是赢家Yeah.对Remember, I'm not here tonight.记住我今晚不在家I got two days' work in the garment district.我得在服装厂上两天工I know. Meet me at the bus stop tomorrow.我知道明天去公交车站接我After I pay off the loan, I won't have long.还完贷款我的时间就不多了I'll be there.我会准时到那Will...威尔I just wouldn't know what to do if I lost you.要是失去你我该怎么办I'm late.我要迟到了Let me give you 30 minutes so you can have a decent lunch. 让我给你半小时好好吃顿午饭I love you.我爱你Happy birthday, Mom.生日快乐妈妈When you get back, we're going to celebrate.等你回家我们庆祝庆祝Will!威尔Will!威尔You got a minute?你有时间吗What are you talking about, Mya? You have a whole year.开什么玩笑米娅你有一整年呢Not a year I can use yet.一年可不够用Come on, Will. I've got bills to pay.别这样威尔我还得付账单Here, take five minutes.好吧给你五分钟Get out of here.走吧Four minutes for a cup of coffee?一杯咖啡要四分钟Yesterday, it was three.昨天还只要三分钟呢You want coffee or you want to reminisce?你是要咖啡还是要在这忆甜思苦Two coffees.两杯咖啡How many shifts you got today, Borel? Just the two.你今天轮几次班波莱尔就两次Really excited about it.真开心啊If you had any of your father in you, we could make a fortune. 你要是遗传点你♥爸♥的天赋咱就能发财I don't fight.我不会斗时间There's another one. Broad daylight.又一个曝尸街头光天化日之下Whoa, what is this? Where's the rest?等等怎么回事怎么就这么点Never met the quota.配额就这么多My units are up from last week.我上星期加班了So's the quota. Next.配额也涨价了下一个That's a joke, right?你开玩笑吧Next. Move it. You're taking forever.下一个快走你还有完没完了You in, Will?来一把吗威尔I don't have time to gamble any more.我没时间赌了Oh, thank God.谢天谢地Because ever since you stopped playing, I started winning. 自从你不玩我就开始赢了You still owe me an hour.你还欠我一个小时You seen Borel?看见波莱尔了吗Will! Hey, man.威尔哥们Your wife's looking for you.你媳妇找你呢You're not gonna believe it.我说你肯定不信This madman's been buying drinks all night.这个疯子一晚上不停买♥♥饮料He's got a century!他手里有一百年Come on, let me get you home.来吧我送你回家Soon as I finish this drink.喝完这杯就走Hey! You!酒保You!酒保More everything!再来Do you want to come home with me?你想带我回家吗You can take us both home.把我们两个都带回家吧Excuse me.打扰一下You need to get out of here.你得离开这里Somebody's gonna clean that clock.有人要把你的时间抢光Yes!对I mean, they aren't going to rob you. They are going to kill you. 我说有人要抢劫你要杀你They can't take that much time他们肯定不会抢了那么多时间and let you live to tell about it.还留着你到处宣传Yes.对I don't think you understand. You should not be here!我觉得你没听明白你不该来这Will. Will!威尔Minutemen!时间劫匪Minutemen! Walk away, Will.是时间劫匪我们快走威尔Those gangsters aren't playing around.这帮黑社会可不是闹着玩Wait, wait.等等等等He's asking for it. Let's go. He's not one of us.他自找的我们走他又不是你朋友You think he'd help us?你觉得他会帮我们吗Don't worry. I won't do anything stupid.不用担心我不会干蠢事Go.你走吧The name's Fortis.我叫福蒂斯And that, sir, is a very nice watch.先生您的表很漂亮Do you mind if I try it on? I think it would suit me. 您介意借我戴戴吗我觉得我戴也不错I'll tell you what.这样吧I'll fight you for it.我跟你斗斗时间Come on.来吧I'm an old man. Turned 75 last week.我可是个老头上礼拜就七十五了I need a moment.稍等片刻You ready to go?准备好了吗Ready to go.准备好了Let's get you out of here.我带你出去Get him!去抓他Stop. What are you doing? I can take care of myself. 停下你干什么我能自己照顾自己Yeah, it looked like it.是啊看起来是这样I know what I'm doing.我清楚我在干什么Run. Run!跑快跑Come on!快Here!爬上去Hurry!快点Move!快跑Where the hell are you going? Get in here!你♥他♥妈♥要上哪去赶紧进来I know who took him.我知道是谁把他带走了I know who he is.我知道他是谁Who he was.曾经是谁Damn it, damn it.靠靠靠What the hell are you doing here?你♥他♥妈♥上这来干什么Flashing all that?显摆你那块表吗You out of your mind?你疯了吧你Henry Hamilton.我是亨利·汉米尔顿Will Salas.我是威尔·萨拉斯God.真冲Drink more, it gets better.多来点能好受点Not much better.没觉得好受You'll be safe till morning.明早之前你都是安全的I'll get you out of here.我会把你带出去You're from New Greenwich.你是新格林威治来的吧Does it show?这么明显吗Nah.当然Looks like you could use some help yourself.看来你自己也需要点帮助No, thanks.谢谢不用How old are you?你多大岁数In real time?真实年龄Twenty-eight.28岁I'm 105.我105岁了Good for you.够长啊You won't see 106, you have too many more nights like tonight. 再过几个这种惊魂夜你就到不了106岁了You are right.没错But the day comes when you've had enough.但是总有一天你会活够的Your mind can be spent, even if your body's not.你的心智会衰老尽管身体不会We want to die.我们想死We need to.我们得死That's your problem? You've been alive too long?你有病吗活得太久了吗You ever known anyone who's died?你认识的人有死了的吗For a few to be immortal, many must die.为了少数人的永生却要大多数人去死What the hell is that supposed to mean?这他妈是什么意思You really don't know, do you?你什么都不明白吧Everyone can't live forever. Where would we put them?要是所有人都能永生岂不是乱套了Why do you think there are Time Zones?你认为时区是为什么而存在Why do you think taxes and prices go up你认为贫民区的税收和物价the same day in the ghetto?为什么每天都在上升The cost of living keeps rising to make sure people keep dying. 物价不断上涨是为了保证有人不断死亡How else could there be men with a million years不然的话怎么会有少数人能活百万年while most live day to day?而他人都是活了今天没明天But the truth is事实是there's more than enough.百万年太久了No one has to die before their time.不该有人在大限未到的时候死去If you had as much time as I have on that clock,如果你和我有一样多的时间what would you do with it?你会怎么做I'd stop watching it.我就不用老是看表了I can tell you one thing.我告诉你If I had all that time,如果我有那么多时间I sure as hell wouldn't waste it.我发誓我不会浪费一分一秒Get some rest.睡一会吧Don't worry. I won't take it in the night.不用担心我不会在晚上偷你的时间And I won't take yours.我也不会偷你的It does get better.的确好受多了Oh, hey, Will. Hey, Greta.你好威尔你好格雷塔Is Borel in?波莱尔在吗Yeah. Borel?在波莱尔Look at that.看看A shame we gotta wait 25 years.太郁闷了还得等25年We could use that year right now.我们现在太缺时间了Borel?波莱尔I'm here.在You'd better get her inside, Greta.你带她进去吧格雷塔Look at this.看这个Where did you get that?你从哪弄来那么多时间The guy at the bar.就是酒吧里那个家伙They were going to kill him.他们要杀的那个He gave it to me.他给我的He timed himself out before I could stop him. 他把时间都给我了我都来不及阻止他No one gives anybody 100 years.不会有人给别人一百年He didn't just give me this.他不光给了我这个He gave me the truth about it.他还告诉了我真♥相♥You can't let anyone see that.你绝不能让别人看到这个Hey.听着You know that time will get you killed.你知道这么多时间会害死你How long have we been friends?我们当哥们多少年了What, 10 years?差不多十年Here.给A decade.十年You've been like a brother.你就像我亲兄弟Where are you going?你要去哪Where this won't look out of place.去一个让我的表不那么格格不入的地方I finally got the time to take my mom to New Greenwich. 我终于有足够时间带我妈妈去新格林威治了Greta, I'm going out!格雷塔我要出门了Loan payment received, two days. Thank you.贷款已偿还支付两天谢谢Dayton.到戴顿Two hours.两小时It's always been an hour.一直都是一小时Now it's two. Price went up.现在两小时涨价了Since when?从什么时候开始的Since today.从今天开始My son is meeting me. He'll pay the difference.我儿子在等我能不能让他付剩下的I can't do that, policy.不行这是政策Please?求你了It's a two-hour walk.走路要两个小时I have an hour and a half.我只有一个半小时Then you'd better run.那你最好用跑的Stop! Please stop!停下请停一停Wait! Please! Please, no!等等等等请别关门Wait! No! Please!等等求你Mom?妈妈Will!威尔Will!威尔Will! Mom!威尔妈妈No, no, no, no!不不不No!不Mom, Mom, Mom!妈妈妈妈Thirteen zeros.十三个零Unlucky for all.太不幸了The last time anyone saw him alive,别人最后一次看见活着的他there was over a century on that clock.这块表上还有一百多年Around here, they'd kill you for a week.这里的人会为了一个星期杀人What was he doing in this Time Zone?他在这个时区干什么What I was thinking在我看来was he might have brought this on himself.他十有八♥九♥是自找的Interesting.有意思How long you been keeping time, Jaeger?你干时间监察这一行多久了耶格Five years.五年Let me know what you think when you have been doing it for 50. 等你干到五十年再告诉我你的想法吧It doesn't matter why he came here.他来这里干什么不重要What matters are the hundred years that came with him. 重要的是这一百多年哪去了Gotta be a witness.肯定有目击者Trust me, no one saw anything.相信我不会有人看见What would you like us to do, sir?那您认为我们该怎么办长官What we always do. Follow the time.跟往常一样跟踪时间Hey, Ray.你好雷I'll give you 10 minutes for an hour.给我一小时我就让你爽十分钟When are you gonna get out of the game, Leila?你什么时候能不干这个莱拉You gotta be pushing 60.你都快到六十了吧Thanks for letting everyone know.谢谢你帮我昭告天下Am I in the right place?我到对地方了吗We don't normally make pickups in this Zone.我们通常不到这个区接客人I was lost.我迷路了Please deposit one month.请支付一个月Please deposit two months.请支付两个月There are more of these than I remember.这些边界比我记忆中的多啊That was a year.花了整整一年Welcome to New Greenwich.欢迎来到新格林威治What are you really doing here?你到底是在这干什么的I'm going to take them for everything they've got.我要夺走他们的一切I'm going to make them pay.我要让他们付出代价Please, miss. You can't be too careful.请上车小姐再小心也不为过Are you sure?你确定吗What's a night here cost?住一晚要花多长时间Two months for a standard room.标准间两个月Give me a suite.我要一间套房♥Do you need help with your bags?您需要人帮您搬行李吗No.不用He's fast. He's going to have to be.他动作很快啊他必须得快The camera doesn't show us how the body got into the river. 摄像机没拍到尸体怎样掉到河里What do we really know?我们到底掌握了哪些情况What do we know?我们掌握的We know that most thefts in Dayton amount to hours or days. 是戴顿区的抢劫案大多只有几天或几小时This was a century.这一笔有一百年I don't see any more in circulation.我却没看到任何交易流通He could have capsuled the time.他可能把时间藏起来了You can't hide a hundred years in the ghetto.在贫民窟可藏不住一百年They can sense when a man has a month more than he should. 这帮人连一个人多得一个月都能感觉出来The time left town.他一定把这笔时间带出城了That'll be eight and a half weeks.一共是八周半Take a week for yourself.你自己拿一周吧Thanks.谢谢You're not from around here, are you?你不是本地人吧You do everything a little too fast.你做事有点太快了Not everything.不是所有事都很快What's that place across the street?街对面是什么地方The casino.赌场Can anybody go?所有人都能去吗Not dressed like that.只要别穿成这样Good luck.祝好运Sir,长官you were right.你是对的If you turn back the clocks the day of Hamilton's death, 如果把时钟调回汉米尔顿死亡的那天and look at the time checks,再看时间检查点someone spent years crossing有人花费数年从戴顿跨越four different Time Zones from Dayton...四个不同的时区To New Greenwich.到达新格林威治The cameras picked up on his suspicious behavior.摄像机拍到了他的可疑行为He's conscious of the surveillance,他意识到了这一点he doesn't have a bodyguard, and he runs.他没有保镖所以就跑了But if he has time, he doesn't need to run.但如果他有时间就不用跑It's a hard habit to break.旧习难改You're looking for a match?找到符合描述的人了吗His name is Will Salas.他的名字是威尔·萨拉斯You know him?你认识他吗No.不认识I remember his father.我记得他的父亲Good evening.晚上好I assume my time is as good as anyone's.我的时间跟大家一样好用Indeed it is. However,的确如此但是there is a voluntary donation for non-members.非会员需要自愿捐赠Most give a year.最多的给了一年What's your game?您玩什么Poker.扑克Right this way.这边请What's the limit?上限是多少There is none.无上限I don't believe we've had the pleasure of your company before, 相信我们从未有过跟您同场的荣幸Mr...怎么称呼Salas.萨拉斯Will Salas.威尔·萨拉斯Philippe Weis.菲利普·韦斯You must come from time.您一定是跨越时区而来You could say I'm gambling my inheritance.不妨告诉你我的赌注是我继承的遗产You don't have a guard, Mr. Salas?您没有保镖吗萨拉斯先生I assumed I was amongst friends.我想这里的应该都是朋友Bet you 50 years.赌你五十年You must be young.您一定很年轻When you've been 25 for 85 years,如果你过了85个25岁like I have,像我一样knowing only a random act of violence can take your life,就知道只要随机的暴♥力♥行为就能要了你的命you learn to appreciate what you have.你就会学会珍惜你拥有的一切And you seem to have a lot to appreciate.你看来拥有许多值得珍惜的东西I call.我跟Of course, some think what we have is unfair.当然有人觉得这样很不公平The time difference between Zones.不同时区之间的时差I've heard that.我听说过But...但是isn't this just the next logical step in our evolution?这不就是我们进化的下一个逻辑阶段吗And hasn't evolution always been unfair?所有进化不都是不公平的吗It's always been survival of the fittest.一直都是适者生存Raise you another two centuries.再加两个世纪This is merely Darwinian capitalism.这只不过是达尔文资本主义Natural selection.自然选择Absolutely.绝对是The strong survive.强者生存And I think your hand is weak.我猜你手气挺弱I call.我跟It appears you're all in, Mr. Salas.看来您全押上了萨拉斯先生Thirteen figures.顺子Well played.玩得好That was some risk.很冒险啊It wasn't a risk.不是冒险No offense.无意冒犯I knew I was going to win.我知道我会赢Confusing times.困惑的时代Is she my mother, my sister or my daughter? 她是我母亲我妹妹还是我女儿You're hoping she's not my wife.您一定希望她不是我妻子Things used to be simpler once.从前事情都很简单So I'm told.听别人说的Very beautiful.非常美Daughter.女儿Though she does look a lot like my wife.但她看起来还是很像我妻子Sylvia?西尔维娅Will Salas.威尔·萨拉斯Congratulations, Mr. Salas.恭喜你萨拉斯先生You've taken years off my father's life.你夺去了我父亲很多年的人生Which is normally what you do.这是你经常做的事Isn't that right, my darling?难道不是吗我亲爱的We're having a party tomorrow night.明晚我们有个晚会Perhaps you'll give him a chance to win back some of those years. 也许你会给他个机会赢回来几年I'd love to.我很乐意Carl will tell you where I am.卡尔会告诉你我住在哪Good night, Mr. Salas.晚安萨拉斯先生Sylvia, stay with your guards.西尔维娅别离开你的保镖Fifty-nine years.五十九年Plus tax.含税The price includes delivery.包邮Delivery?需要邮寄吗To wherever you're going to display it.寄到你要展览的地方Display it?展览吗Hell, I'm going to drive it.靠车就是用来开的Will Salas.威尔·萨拉斯Allow me to introduce my mother-in-law, Clara,这位是我的岳母克拉拉my wife, Michele,我的妻子蜜雪儿and my daughter, Sylvia.还有我的女儿西尔维娅I believe you two have already met.我相信你们两个已经见过了Nice to meet you all.很高兴见到各位I'll come find you later我晚点再找你for our game.继续我们的赌局I look forward to it.我很期待Having fun, Mr. Salas?开心吗萨拉斯先生Please, call me Will.请叫我威尔It's okay, Constantin.没事了康斯坦丁Do you always have a hired hand standing right next to you? 总是有一个保镖在你旁边吗No. I usually have two.不我通常有两个That doesn't make it very easy to get to know you.那让人不那么容易了解你了I think that's the idea.我觉得就是这个意思Your idea?是你的意思吗My father's.我父亲的I understand.我理解You all have a lot to lose.你们都有很多可失去的东西So do you.你也一样What do you do, Will?你是做什么的威尔I haven't quite figured that out yet.到现在为止我也还没想明白Yes, why bother?是啊何必在意What's the hurry?又何必着急呢Right.没错Why do today what you can do in a century?我们有一个世纪何必今天急着做I know one thing we can do.有件事我们可以马上做Dance with me.跟我跳舞Do you really come from time?你真的是穿越时区来的吗Why would you doubt that?为什么问这个I saw you run.我看见你跑了Reminds me of people who come from the ghetto.让我想起贫民窟的人Sometimes I envy them.有时候我很嫉妒他们You don't know anything.你什么都不知道Oh, no?我不知道吗The clock is good for no one.计时器对谁来说都不好The poor die and the rich don't lives.穷♥人♥会死富人也算不上活着We can all live forever as long as we don't do anything foolish. 只要我们不做傻事我们都能永生Doesn't that scare you?这不可怕吗That maybe you'll never do anything foolish?也许你永远都不会做傻事Or courageous or anything worth a damn?不会有胆量也没有任何值得做的事Come with me.跟我来This was tonight.这是今晚的录像He's only an hour ahead of us.他距离我们只有一小时路程Look at that.看啊I've never seen anything like it.我从没见过这样的风景What are you doing?你在干什么We don't go in.我们不下水You're insane.你疯了You have this...在你家后院in your backyard. You never go in.有这样的海滩你却从没下过水And I'm insane?到底是谁疯了What are you waiting for?你还在等什么Sylvia, come on!西尔维娅来吧What happened to doing something foolish? 你不是要做傻事吗I don't know you.我不了解你We could change that.我们可以改变这种状态I get it.我明白了You're out here, all alone,你在外面单独地with a stranger.跟陌生人在一起You can't be too careful.再小心也不为过Maybe you can.也许的确过分小心了Sylvia!西尔维娅Sylvia!西尔维娅I have to go back.我得回去了To what?回到哪里You should go back.你该回去了Have you seen my daughter?你看见我女儿了吗I have.看见了She's with her guards.她和她的保镖在一起Right behind you.就在你后面Thank God.感谢上帝Now,现在how about that game?继续赌局怎么样It's all right, everyone.各位不用紧张What's this about?有何贵干I'm sorry to have to break up the party, Mr. Weis. 抱歉我不得不打断这场晚会韦斯先生I just need a word with your friend.我只是要跟您的朋友说几句My friend?我的朋友吗Very well.好吧I'm Timekeeper Raymond Leon.我是时间监察雷蒙·里昂I'm Will Salas.我是威尔·萨拉斯I know.我知道What are you doing in this Zone?你在这个时区里干什么It's not illegal, is it?这并不违法吧To change Time Zones?跨越时区No, it's not illegal.对并不违法It's just rare.只是很罕见Where did you get that?你从哪里得到这么多时间I won it.我赢来的Gambling.赌博All of it?所有的都是吗No.不是A man named Henry Hamilton gave me over a century. 一个叫亨利·汉米尔顿的人给了我一个多世纪He said he didn't need it any more.他说他再也不需要了He timed himself out.他耗尽了自己的时间Henry Hamilton was worth thousands of years.亨利·汉米尔顿身价数千年He could practically live forever.实际上他可以永生You expect me to believe that he was immortal...你觉得我会相信一个本可以永生的人and he wanted to die?现在却想死掉吗I don't expect you to believe it.我不指望你会信But it's the truth.但这是事实It was a gift.这是一件礼物I'm not a thief.我不是贼But, hey, if you guys are looking for stolen time,但如果你们想找回被偷走的时间maybe you should arrest everyone here.也许你应该逮捕这里所有的人Oh, I see.我明白了You're talking about justice.你在讲正义Well, I am a Timekeeper.我是一名时间监察I don't concern myself with "Justice."我不在乎正义I only concern myself with what I can measure.我只在乎可以测量的东西Seconds, minutes, hours.秒钟分钟小时I keep time.我监管时间And that time is in the wrong hands.有人拿了不该拿的时间That time will be held,这些时间将被扣留along with you.你也一样We'll leave you two hours for booking and processing. 我们留给你两小时逮捕和收押你Why are you investigating a suicide?你们为什么要调查一桩自杀案件There's mass murder in the ghetto every day.贫民窟每天都有大量谋杀案That is fascinating.不可思议I heard another man talk like that.我从前听过另一个人也这么说It was over 20 years ago.那是二十多年前You're probably too young to remember your father.你可能太小了还记不得你父亲We'll arrange safe transport.我们会安排好安全交通线路This is New Greenwich, after all.这里毕竟是新格林威治Sylvia?西尔维娅Do as I say and go with the guards.照我说的做跟着保镖Oh, for God's sake, Father.看在上帝的份上父亲There's an army in this house.我们屋里都有一支军队了If we can't stop one man from killing us,如果这还不能阻止一个人杀掉我们we should kill ourselves.我们干脆自杀得了Stop him!拦住他Move!走开Get out of the way!让开Put it down or I'll blow her head off.放下枪否则让她脑袋开花Thanks.多谢You're going to kill us! Please just let me out! 你会害死我们求你让我出去What are you doing?你在干什么Do you even know how to drive?你知道怎么开车吗What's there to know?需要知道什么Oh, shit.该死Give me some time.给我些时间I guess you really are from the ghetto, after all. 原来你真是从贫民窟来的What the hell do you know about where I'm from?你♥他♥妈♥又知道个什么Give me some time.给我些时间Or you're gonna kill me, like you killed Henry Hamilton?不然你就杀了我就像你杀了亨利·汉米尔顿那样吗Lend me an hour.借我一小时I'm not giving you a second.我一秒钟也不会给你I should have listened to my father.我应该听我父亲的话Please, take me home. Please.求你了带我回家求你了I can't do that. Why?办不到为什么You're keeping me alive.那样我就死定了Keep that covered.藏好那个Anybody sees it, you're definitely dead.要是被人看到你就死定了Now that worked too well.那玩意儿太过火了You guys wasted a gorgeous car.你们这帮货报废了一部好车Look who it is.看这是谁Who it was.应该说生前是谁He's done in minutes.几分钟之内他就完了He'll wake up dead. That'll be a shock.一醒过来就死一定很震惊Too bad. I would have preferred to kill him more beautifully. 太糟了我想用更漂亮的方式杀掉他The girl's still breathing.这个妞儿还有呼吸She's got a decade.她有十年时间Holy shit.卧♥槽♥尼玛The man he stole from me had more than a century.他偷的那个男人身上有一个多世纪What? We'll divide it later.怎么我们以后再平分It's like an angel fell from the sky.就像个坠落人间的天使Fortis!福蒂斯Leave it!放手吧Fortis!福蒂斯Look at me.看着我You okay?你还好吗No.不好Why are you laughing?你笑什么We're not dead.我们还没死Yeah, we're not alive for long, either.对但我们也没多久好活了Where did my time go? I have a half hour!我的时间哪儿去了我只有半小时了You're lucky.你很幸运Minutemen. Does everyone in the ghetto steal?时间劫匪贫民窟的人都偷东西吗That's rich, coming from you.那都是拜你们所赐Please help me, Will. Let me guess,求你帮帮我威尔让我猜猜now you like the idea of sharing.现在你懂得分享了Come here.过来Hey, don't worry. It's not the first time I've been this broke. 别担心我不是第一次这么狼狈了Well, it's a first for me.我可是第一次What are we going to do?我们怎么办Whatever we have to.该怎么办就怎么办Come on, we got to go.来吧我们得走了Dispatch, wire me my per diem.调度员把今天的定额传送给我Time transfer.时间传送Cutting it close again, sir.又一次卡点赶到长官Well, I'm still walking around.我还好端端地活着Judging by the lack of dead bodies,而这边既然没有尸体I have to assume they are also.我想他们也还活着They got jacked.他们被抢劫了They couldn't have left here with more than minutes. 肯定只剩下几分钟时间He's back in his old neighborhood.他回到他的老地盘了So, where do you want us to start looking?你想让我们从哪里找起We don't.我们不找He'll come to us.他会来找我们Borel?波莱尔Borel, open up. It's Will.波莱尔开门我是威尔Greta.格雷塔Where's Borel?波莱尔呢He's dead.他死了Dead?死了吗What?怎么会You gave him a decade.你给了他十年He drank himself to death with nine years on his clock. 他花了九年时间买♥♥酒酗酒而死Jesus Christ.我的天Greta, I'm so sorry.格雷塔我很抱歉Goodbye, Will.再见威尔Will, we have minutes.威尔我们只剩几分钟了Try not to act like it.不要只想着时间What is that supposed to mean? Shut up!你什么意思闭嘴We're going to die, Will! Do you want to die?威尔我们马上要死了你想死吗Shut up!闭嘴I hope those are real. Run.希望这个是真的快跑Stop! Wait!等一下Please, wait!请开门Come back in an hour.一个小时后再来That won't be possible.不可能Here!给I'll give you two days for them.这个能换两天They're diamonds.这可是钻石啊。
Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care wa s taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death.It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints th at revealed in half concealing. Her husband's friend Richards was there, too, ne ar her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of t he railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of "killed." He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a par alyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild a bandonment, in her sister's arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her.There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into thi s she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul.She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that we re all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds t hat had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window. She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite moti onless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and e ven a certain strength. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought. There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. Wh at was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she fe lt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scen ts, the color that filled the air.Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize t his thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have be en.When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly part ed lips. She said it over and over under her breath: "free, free, free!" The vaca nt stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They s tayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed an d relaxed every inch of her body.She did not stop to ask if it were or were not a monstrous joy that held her.A clear and exalted perception enabled her to dismiss the suggestion as trivial. She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands f olded in death; the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spr ead her arms out to them in welcome.There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persiste nce with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow-creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act s eem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination. And yet she had loved him--sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matte r! What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession o f self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her b eing!"Free! Body and soul free!" she kept whispering.Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole, i mploring for admission. "Louise, open the door! I beg, open the door--you will make yourself ill. What are you doing Louise? For heaven's sake open the door. ""Go away. I am not making myself ill." No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window.Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her. Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long.She arose at length and opened the door to her sister's importunities. There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a go ddess of Victory. She clasped her sister's waist, and together they descended th e stairs. Richards stood waiting for them at the bottom.Some one was opening the front door with a latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbr ella. He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine's piercing cry; at Richards' quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.But Richards was too late.When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-- of joy that kills.参考译文1大家都知道马兰德夫人的心脏有毛病,所以在把她丈夫的死讯告诉她时都是小心翼翼的,尽可能地温和委婉。
The Time Traveler's Wife
古往今来的爱情故事,往往以凄美动人者更加能触动人心而时代流传,有缘无份,能相聚不能相守,那是一种无奈的决绝,而《The Time Traveler’s Wife》则是一个笑中带泪,苦中作乐的故事。
我们这里不讨论Henry “不能控制自己穿越时间和地点”和“他为什么总能找到Clare”这两点之间自相矛盾的地方,因为一深究这个,那么本片就没法看了,类似的地方还有多处,本片不能当科幻电影看,它只是一个爱情故事。
内容简介在线阅读本书A dazzling novel in the most untraditional fashion, this is the remarkable story of Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who travels involuntarily through time, and Clare Abshire, an artist whose life takes a natural sequential course. Henry and Clare's passionate love affair endures across a sea of time and captures the two lovers in an impossibly romantic trap, and it is Audrey Niffenegger's cinematic storytelling that makes the novel's unconventional chronology so vibrantly triumphant.An enchanting debut and a spellbinding tale of fate and belief in the bonds of love, The Time Traveler's Wife is destined to captivate readers for years to come. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者简介AUDREY NIFFENEGGER is a professor in the M.F.A. program at the Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts.This is her first novel, which in hardcover was a selection of Today’s Book Club. She lives in Chicago.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------媒体推荐From BooklistOn the surface, Henry and Clare Detamble are a normal couple living in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. Henry works at the Newberry Library and Clare creates abstract paper art, but the cruel reality is that Henry is a prisoner of time. It sweeps him back and forth at its leisure, from the present to the past, with no regard for where he is or what he is doing. It drops him naked and vulnerable into another decade, wearing an age-appropriate face. In fact, it's not unusual for Henry to run into the other Henry and help him out of a jam. Sound unusual? Imagine Clare Detamble's astonishment at seeing Henry dropped stark naked into her parents' meadow when she was only six. Though, of course, until she came of age, Henry was always the perfect gentleman and gave young Clare nothing but his friendship as he dropped in and out of her life. It's no wonder that the film rights to this hip and urban love story have been acquired. Elsa GaztambideCopyright ? American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.Chicago Tribune"[A] time-travel love story par excellence. . . . [A] soaring celebration of thhe victory of love over time."People"A powerfully original love story."The New YorkerSpirited . . . Niffenegger plays ingeniously in her temporal hall of mirrors."The Washington Post Book World"Tremendous grace and imagination . . . A love story without softness or flinchiing."ReviewHighly original first novel?Niffenegger has written a soaring love story illuminated by dozens of finely observed details and scenes?It is a fair tribute to [Niffenegger’s] skill and sensibility to say that the book leaves a reader with the impression of life’s riches and strangeness rather than of easy thrills.? Publishers Weekly, starred reviewAn enchanting novel beautifully crafted and as dazzlingly imaginative as it is dizzyingly romantic.?Scott TurowA powerfully original love story.PeopleNiffenegger creates real characters with flawed, human, loving characteristics and with real and extraordinary problems?.Niffeneger succeeds in telling a tender tale of love and allows the reader to rediscover an old fascination with the idea of time travel.Winnipeg Free PressBeguiling, original debut A delight.The Bookseller, star choiceThis is an ambitious book,it can in its best moments enthrall and engage. It’s an unabashed, well-written love story.?The Globe and MailNiffenegger keeps her readers’attention with a faultless ear for dialogue and with the freshness of her premise.National Post[An] oddly compelling and original formulation. This is Niffenegger?s first novel, yet it is remarkably free of many of the common pitfalls of a freshman effort. ? Niffenegger keeps her readers’attention with a faultless ear for dialogue and with the freshness of her premise. ? Her touch for comedy is assured, and acts to leaven more sober aspects of the novel.The National PostNiffenegger’s storytelling is bold, confident and entrancing. Her prose is warm and inviting. And her characters are created with heartfelt sincerity. There’s alot to love in this book.The Time Traveller?s Wife is an engrossing read that keeps both emotions and intellect entertained.The Gazette[Niffenegger] is a hypnotic weaver; her dimensional characters are blended in a tightly woven design that make this first novel a work of art. It leaves one in awe, and appreciative.Do yourself a favour: read the book and suspend your notions of time. Independently reviewedThis is a seamless, soaring love story.As the last pages of this 500-page novel loomed closer, I felt all of the wonderful emotions of having read an unabashed, brilliantly written love story.The Time Traveler’s Wife is not a Chr istmas story, but it is the perfect read for the holiday. Like the emotions of the season it will leave you laughing, crying, and babbling incoherently to your family and friends who will, do doubt, attempt to steal the book away when you aren’t looking. B e warned. Buy that special someone their own copy now.The Sun Times (Owen Sound)[H]ighly original novel . . . The Time Traveller’s Wife has it all: an innovative plot, intriguing characters and compelling writing.?ChatelaineNiffenegger’s storytelling is bold and entrancing. Her prose is warm and inviting. And her characters are created with heartfelt sincerity. There’s a lot to love in this book.The Time Traveler’s Wife is an engrossing read that keeps both emotions and intellect entertained.Times-Colonist (Victoria)'So here's the next The Lovely Bones... a rare book.'David Sexton, Evening Standard'The Time Traveler's Wife is a very old love story: wonky, sexy, incredible... but charmingly, inventively retold.'The Times (London)Niffenegger got me to love this book. What am I saying? She got me to adore this book? Pick up Niffenegger’s book and you’ll experience the visceral thrill that only a few novels provide.?Charlie Lee-Potter, Independent on SundayA forceful romance with a fascinating science-fiction wrinkle.?The Sunday Times (UK)This is alarmingly close to perfection.Scotland on Sunday'It might seem a little early in the year to be claiming we've found 2004's must-read novel, but that's just how highly we rate The Time Traveler's Wife, which challenges conceptions of time and space... A love affair that will totally capture your heart.'Glamour (UK)'The Time Traveler's Wife is a beautifully written, compulsive look at a couple trying to live an ordinary life in extraordinary circumstances.'Image --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------编辑推荐From Publishers WeeklyThis clever and inventive tale works on three levels: as an intriguing science fiction concept, a realistic character study and a touching love story. Henry De Tamble is a Chicago librarian with "Chrono Displacement" disorder; at random times, he suddenly disappears without warning and finds himself in the past or future, usually at a time or place of importance in his life. This leads to some wonderful paradoxes. From his point of view, he first met his wife, Clare, when he was 28 and she was 20. She ran up to him exclaiming that she'd known him all her life. He, however, had never seen her before. But when he reaches his 40s, already married to Clare, he suddenly finds himself time travelling to Clare's childhood and meeting her as a 6-year-old. The book alternates between Henry and Clare's points of view, and so does the narration. Reed ably expresses the longing of the one always left behind, the frustrations of their unusual lifestyle, and above all, her overriding love for Henry. Likewise, Burns evokes the fear of a man who never knows where or when he'll turn up, and his gratitude at having Clare, whose love is his anchor. The expressive, evocative performances of both actors convey the protagonists' intense relationship, their personal quirks and their reminiscences, making this a fascinating audio.Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.From AudioFileAlthough the title suggests that this is science fiction, Niffenegger's charming, emotionally charged novel is much more a love story. Told alternately from the viewpoints of time traveler Henry and his wife, Clare, it's highly enjoyable on audio. Readers Christopher Burns and Maggi-Meg Reed blend their respective chapters seamlessly. Each reader characterizes all roles within a chapter, and the depictions mesh beautifully. Both narrators characterize Korean friend Kimmy in a charmingly amusing voice and lend a light mood to the couple's daughter, Alba. Burns portrays the emotional chaos of Henry's life so genuinely as to cast the listener directly into his pain and joy. The abridged recording leaves onelonging for more. J.J.B. 2004 Audie Award Finalist ,AudioFile 2004, Portland, Maine-- Copyright ,AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.From BooklistOn the surface, Henry and Clare Detamble are a normal couple living in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. Henry works at the Newberry Library and Clare creates abstract paper art, but the cruel reality is that Henry is a prisoner of time. It sweeps him back and forth at its leisure, from the present to the past, with no regard for where he is or what he is doing. It drops him naked and vulnerable into another decade, wearing an age-appropriate face. In fact, it's not unusual for Henry to run into the other Henry and help him out of a jam. Sound unusual? Imagine Clare Detamble's astonishment at seeing Henry dropped stark naked into her parents' meadow when she was only six. Though, of course, until she came of age, Henry was always the perfect gentleman and gave young Clare nothing but his friendship as he dropped in and out of her life. It's no wonder that the film rights to this hip and urban love story have been acquired. Elsa Gaztambide--------------------------------------------------------------------------------专业书评From Publishers WeeklyThis clever and inventive tale works on three levels: as an intriguing science fiction concept, a realistic character study and a touching love story. Henry De Tamble is a Chicago librarian with "Chrono Displacement" disorder; at random times, he suddenly disappears without warning and finds himself in the past or future, usually at a time or place of importance in his life. This leads to some wonderful paradoxes. From his point of view, he first met his wife, Clare, when he was 28 and she was 20. She ran up to him exclaiming that she'd known him all her life. He, however, had never seen her before. But when he reaches his 40s, already married to Clare, he suddenly finds himself time travelling to Clare's childhood and meeting her as a 6-year-old. The book alternates between Henry and Clare's points of view, and so does the narration. Reed ably expresses the longing of the one always left behind, the frustrations of their unusual lifestyle, and above all, her overriding love for Henry. Likewise, Burns evokes the fear of a man who never knows where or when he'll turn up, and his gratitude at having Clare, whose love is his anchor. The expressive, evocative performances of both actors convey the protagonists' intense relationship, their personal quirks and their reminiscences, making this a fascinating audio.Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.From AudioFileAlthough the title suggests that this is science fiction, Niffenegger's charming,emotionally charged novel is much more a love story. Told alternately from the viewpoints of time traveler Henry and his wife, Clare, it's highly enjoyable on audio. Readers Christopher Burns and Maggi-Meg Reed blend their respective chapters seamlessly. Each reader characterizes all roles within a chapter, and the depictions mesh beautifully. Both narrators characterize Korean friend Kimmy in a charmingly amusing voice and lend a light mood to the couple's daughter, Alba. Burns portrays the emotional chaos of Henry's life so genuinely as to cast the listener directly into his pain and joy. The abridged recording leaves one longing for more. J.J.B. 2004 Audie Award Finalist AudioFile 2004, Portland, Maine-- Copyright AudioFile, Portland, Maine --This text refers to the Audio CD edition.。
看电影学英语 The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》-Henry1: I can't sing.我唱不好。
-Henry’s mother: That was fine, Henry.挺好听的,Henry。
-Henry1: I can't sing like you.我唱起歌来不像你。
-Henry’s mother: Of course not. You're supposed to sing like you.be supposed to: 应该 suppose: 假设当然了。
-Henry1: Dad says I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow.carry a tune: 不走掉,唱得准 tune: 和谐,曲调 wheelbarrow: 独轮车,小推车爸爸说我五音不全。
-Henry’s mother: Dad was joking.爸爸是在开玩笑。
I love your voice. We both love your voice.我喜欢你的声音,我们都喜欢你的声音。
How about "Jingle Bells"? That you can sing.《铃儿响叮当》怎么样?这个你唱得好。
-Henry1: Mommy!妈妈-Henry’s mother: Henry.Henry!for the third time and said:‘第三次说:'What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?'spin: 旋转,纺纱 straw: 习惯,稻草如果我这次再帮你把麦秆纺成金子,你要给我啥?'I have nothing left that I could give,' answered the girl.answer: 回答‘我已经没有东西可以给你了。
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看电影学英语 The Time Traveler’s Wife 《时间旅行者的妻子》-Henry1: I can't sing.我唱不好。
-Henry’s mother: That was fine, Henry.挺好听的,Henry。
-Henry1: I can't sing like you.我唱起歌来不像你。
-Henry’s mother: Of course not. You're supposed to sing like you.be supposed to: 应该 suppose: 假设当然了。
-Henry1: Dad says I can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow.carry a tune: 不走掉,唱得准 tune: 和谐,曲调 wheelbarrow: 独轮车,小推车爸爸说我五音不全。
-Henry’s mother: Dad was joking.爸爸是在开玩笑。
I love your voice. We both love your voice.我喜欢你的声音,我们都喜欢你的声音。
How about "Jingle Bells"? That you can sing.《铃儿响叮当》怎么样?这个你唱得好。
-Henry1: Mommy!妈妈-Henry’s mother: Henry.Henry!for the third time and said:‘第三次说:'What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?'spin: 旋转,纺纱 straw: 习惯,稻草如果我这次再帮你把麦秆纺成金子,你要给我啥?'I have nothing left that I could give,' answered the girl.answer: 回答‘我已经没有东西可以给你了。
'Then promise me, if you should become queen,promise: 保证,答应 queen: 皇后‘那就答应我如果你能当皇后,'your first child.'‘就给我你第一个孩子。
’'Who knows whether that will ever happen?' thought the miller's daughter." whether: 是否 happen: 发生,出现 miller: 磨坊主‘谁知道我会不会当皇后呢?’磨坊主的女儿想道。
-Henry1: No! Mommy!不,妈妈!-Henry: Henry. Henry.Henry, Henry!There's nothing you can do. No. Shh.你也无能为力。
不,嘘……-Henry1: Let me go! Mommy!放开我,妈妈!-Henry: There's nothing you can do. Listen. Listen to me.listen: 听,听从你也无能为力。
I don't have much time.我没有多少时间了,You were in the car. It was spinning. And all of a sudden.all of a sudden: 突然地,出乎意料的 sudden: 突然发生的事,突然你当时坐在车里,车在打转,而忽然之间,You were home and it was two weeks ago.你回到了家里。
And you were watching yourself. Watching your mom and dad read to you. watch: 观看,注视你看到了你自己,看到你爸爸妈妈读故事给你听。
You time-traveled, okay?time-travel: 时间旅行,穿越时空 travel: 旅行你穿越了时空,知道吗?Just like I did to come to see you.正如我穿越了时空来见你一样。
I'm you, Henry. Understand? When you're grown up.grow up: 长大,成长我就是你,Henry,明白吗?长大后的你,We're the same person.我们是同一个人。
I know that's hard to understand, but you will someday.understand: 理解,明白我知道这难以理解,但有天你会明白的。
-Passerby: Oh, my God.我的天哪!-Henry: I have to go now.我现在要走了。
But you don't need to be afraid, Henry. You're gonna be okay, I promise. afraid: 害怕的 gonna: =going to,将要但你不必害怕,Henry,你会好起来的,我保证。
-Passerby: Help that little boy!帮帮那个小男孩!-Librarian: That took you long enough.take: 花费 enough: 足够的,充足的你去了挺长时间的。
-Henry: You have no idea.你想象不到。
-Librarian: Okay.好的。
So Christmas Eve. Got any plans?Christmas Eve: 圣诞前夕,平安夜 eve: 前夕 plan: 计划平安夜到了,有什么计划没?-Henry: Yeah, yeah. Big plans.是的,重要计划。
-Waitress: Anything else?还要别的吗?-Henry: No, thank you.不用了,谢谢。
-pedestrian: Merry Christmas.圣诞快乐。
-Santa Claus: Thank you very much.非常感谢。
-Moderator: Good morning, Chicago. ChiTown radio time is 8 a.m.ChiTown: Chicago town的缩写,即芝加哥城 radio: 收音机早安,芝加哥。
News and sports are coming up next.come up: 出现,即临下面是体育新闻。
Shaping up to be a very warm first day of spring here in the Windy City.shape up: 形成 shape: 形状,成形 spring: 春天 windy: 多风的多风的城市终于迎来了新春温暖的第一天。
-Clare: Excuse me. I'm looking for something on papermaking at Kelmscott.look for: 寻找 papermaking: 造纸业不好意思,我在找Kelmscott的造纸业的资料。
-Library receptionist: Our special-collections librarian can help you with that. special: 特别的,专用的 collection: 收藏 librarian: 图书馆员我们特别藏书区的图书员可以帮你。
-Henry: Can I help you?我能帮你吗?-Clare: Henry?Henry?-Henry: Yes?怎么了?-Clare: Henry. It's you.Henry,是你。
You told me this would happen.happen: 偶然遇到你说过我们会相遇的。
I'm supposed to act normal, but I'm not really acting very normal. normal: 正常的我应该表现的冷静一点,但我现在不怎么冷静。
-Henry: I'm sorry. I really have no idea who you are.have no idea: 不知道,不清楚对不起。
-Clare: I'm Clare. Clare Abshire.我是Clare。
Clare Abshire。
Now, I know…I know you don't know me.我知道,我知道你不认识我。
Look, I know how odd this must be for you. It's odd for me.odd: 古怪的我知道你一定觉得不可思议,我也觉得很奇怪。
But, um...但是,呃……Would you like to have dinner with me, and I'll explain?explain: 解释愿意跟我一起吃晚饭吗?到时我再向你解释。
Henry, we've been planning this dinner for a long time.Henry,我们计划这顿晚饭已经很久了。
-Henry: We have?是吗?-Clare: Go to the Beau Thai. It's your favorite.favorite: 最喜欢的去Beau Thai餐馆,那是你最喜欢的餐厅。
-Henry: It is.是的。
-Clare: Mm-hm.嗯哼。
You look like you've been having a hard time.have a hard time: 步履艰难,过得艰苦你看起来过得很不好。
You know, everything's gonna be okay.要知道,一切都会好起来的。
So, um, is it "yes," then, to dinner?那么,晚餐的事你同意了?-Henry: Okay.好的。
-Clare: Okay. Okay.好的。
-Henry: Yeah.好。
-Clare: Yeah. Um....好的,呃……So Beau Thai, 7.7点,Beau Thai餐馆见。