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Reversal of Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Taneli Raivio,M.D.,Ph.D. 等美国马萨诸塞州总医院哈佛生殖内分泌科学中心



BACKGROUND Idiopathic hy-pogonadotropic hypogonadism,which maybe associated with anosmia(the Kallmannsyndrome)or with a normal sense ofsmell,is a treatable form of male inferti -lity caused by a congenital defect in thesecretion or action of gonadotropinrelea-sing hormone (GnRH). Patients have ab-sent or incomplete sexual maturation bythe age of 18. Idiopathic hypogo-nadotropic hypogonadism was previouslythought to require lifelong therapy. Wedescribe 15 men in whom reversal of id-iopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadismwas sustained after discontinuation ofhormonal therapy.


METHODS We defined the sus-tained reversal of idiopathic hypogo-nadotropic hypogonadism as the presenceof normal adult testosterone levels afterhormonal therapy was discontinued.

结果回顾性研究发现10例病人达到持续逆转。前瞻性研究发现,在50例特发性低促性腺激素性性功能减退症的男性病人中,平均(±SD)中断治疗(6±3)周后,5例病人维持逆转状态。在这15例病情持续逆转的男性患者中,4例有嗅觉丧失。在最初评估时,6例病人没有青春期特征,9例病人有部分青春期特征,所有病人存在GnRH诱导的黄体生成素分泌异常。15例病人以前都曾接受过激素治疗来诱导男性第二性征和(或)生育力。在性腺功能减退被逆转的病人中,平均血清内源性塞酮水平从(55±29)ng/dl(1.9±1.0 nmol/L)升至(386±91)ng/dl [(13.4±3.2)nmol/L,P<0.001),黄体生成素的水平从(2.7±2.0)IU/L升至(8.5±4.6) IU/L (P<0.001),促卵泡激素的水平从(2.5±1.7)IU/L升至(9.5±12.2)IU/L(P<0.01),睾丸体积从(8±5)ml增至(16±7)ml(P<0.001)。有脉冲式黄体生成素分泌和精子生成的证据。

RESULTS Ten sustained reversalswere identified retrospectively. Five sus-tained reversals were identified prospec-tively among 50 men with idiopathic hy-pogonadotropic hypogonadism after amean(±SD)duration of treatment inter-ruption of 6±3 weeks. Of the. 15 men whohad a sustained reversal,4 had anosmia.At initial evaluation,6 men had absentpuberty,9 had partial puberty, and allhad abnormal secretion of GnRH-in-duced luteinizing hormone. All 15 menhad received previous hormonal therapyto induce virilization, fertility, or both.Among those whose hypogonadism wasreversed, the mean serum level of en-dogenous testosterone increased from 55±29 ng per deciliter(1.9±1.0 nmol perliter) to 386±91 ng per deciliter(13.4±3.2 nmol per liter,P<0.001),the luteiniz-ing hormone level increased from 2.7±2.0to 8.5±4.6 IU per liter(P<0.001), thelevel of follicle-stimulating hormone in-creased from 2.5±1.7 to 9.5±12.2 IU perliter(P<0.01),and
