高中ving ved专项练习

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V-ing and V-ed(现在分词与过去分词)



1. Attribute 定语即:修饰限定

1._____(develop) countries (发展中国家)

2. boiling water _________________

______(develop)countries(发达国家)boiled water _______________

3. __________leaves 正在飘落的叶子

4. rising sun _______________

__________ leaves 落叶(落到地面的) risen sun _______________

5. the girl _________(dance ) at the party

the man ________ ( kill ) in the traffic accident

the guy _________(addict) to drugs

the student ________( lose ) in thought

the girl ______(dress) in red

the beggar _____(seat) on the grass

6. the frightening teacher ( 令外界…. 的, 主动含义)

the frightened teacher (自身感到….的, 被动含义)

7. the disturbing student (= the student who is disturbing others)

the disturbed student (= the student who is disturbed by others)

8. the meeting _________ (hold ) yesterday

the meeting __________(hold) now

the meeting __________(hold) tomorrow

9. ________ English (口语)

English-_______ countries (讲英语国家)

2. Predictive 表语即:系动词之后

V-ing往往修饰“物”( 令外界…的),V-ed往往修饰“人”(自身感到…的) For example: The news is surprising.

The audience were surprised at the surprising news.


surprised/surprising puzzled/puzzling bored/boring amused/amusing

scared/scaring frightened/frightening interested/interesting satisfied/satisfying disappointed/disappointing worried/worrying shocked/shocking excited/exciting encouraged/encouraging amazed/amazing



1. Seeing the _____(frighten) teacher , all the student kept silent, _____(frighten).

2. I was ______(bore) of the ______(bore) lecture.

3. The _____(puzzle) look on the boy’s face suggested that he had great difficulty in working out the problem.

4. The timid rabbit was _______(disturb) by the ______( disturb) hawk.

3. Adverbial (状语)


1. ______(see) from the top of the hill, we find the city amazing.

______( see) from the top of the hill, the city looks amazing.

2.______(heat) to a certain temperature, water turns into steam.

3. He sat at the desk , ______(read) an English book.

4. The teacher came in _______( follow) a group of students.

The teacher came in _______(follow) by a group of students.

5. Don’t break in unless ______(speak) to.(注意点:祈使句的逻辑主语you省略) 4. Object complement (宾补) 即:对宾语补充说明其动作状态

see/watch / hear/find /notice/observe/feel/catch+O+ doing

看到/听到 /发现/注意到/观察到/感觉到/抓住……正在……

see/hear/find/watch/notice/observe/feel/catch +O+ done

看到/听到 /发现/注意到/观察到/感觉到……被……

have + O(宾)+ doing 或have +O+ done使/让……做/被……

leave +O+doing 或leave+O+done让……做/被……

with +O+ doing 或with+ O+ done有……

e.g.The teacher entered the classroom with a book ______(hold) in his hand.

The teacher entered the classroom with his hand ______(hold) a book.


1.Don’t have the water ______(run) all the time, please go and get the tap _____


2.On cold winter days , it is usually difficult to get a car ____(start) . When you

come across such a problem, try getting the engine _____(warm) with hot water .

3.With all the things that he wanted_____(buy), he left the supermarket, with his
