《机械工程学报》、《Chinese Journal of Mechanical
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《机械工程学报》、《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》(中国机械工程学报) 2014 年度联合征订单
《机械工程学报》创刊于 1953 年,由中国机械工程学会主办。该刊是国内机械工程领域的顶级高学术 水平期刊之一,主要报道机械工程领域及其交叉学科具有创新性和重要意义的前沿基础研究、应用研究的 最新科研成果。 该刊被《美国工程索引》(EI)、《美国化学文摘》(CA)、 《英国科学文摘》(SA) 等国际检索系统收录。该刊连续三届荣获“国家期刊奖”,获得中国期刊方阵“双高期刊”,多年来一直获 得中国科协精品科技期刊、国家自然科学基金委员会的项目支持。
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《机械工程学报》 □ 印刷版 □ 网络版
《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》(中国机械工程学报,原《机械工程学报(英文版)》) 创刊于 1988 年,由中国机械工程学会主办。该刊是机械工程领域高学术水平的英文期刊之一。该刊着眼于 加强国际学术交流,主要报道世界范围内该领域及其交叉学科优秀科研成果,内容与《机械工程学报》不 重复。该刊被《科学引文索引》(SCI)、《美国工程索引》(EI)、《美国化学文摘》(CA)、《英国科 学文摘》(SA)等国际检索系统收录。
)作者1作者21. 作者单位(具体到二级单位),城市名,邮编2.作者单位(具体到二级单位),城市名,邮编(署名是文责自负的承诺。
关键词:关键词1; 关键词2; 关键词3;关键词4关键词是从论文题名、层次标题和正文中甄选出来的能反映论文主题概念的词或词组。
TitleAuthor(姓全大写,名首字母大写)1Author(姓全大写,名首字母大写)21.Department, City, City Zip Code2.Department, City, City Zip CodeAbstract:英文摘要应是中文摘要的转译,应注意中英文不同的表达方法,不要简单地逐字直译,但中英文摘要应逐句严格对应。
机械工程学报英文版审稿流程The review process for the Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition) involves several steps. Firstly, after submission, the editor-in-chief will assign an associate editor who has expertise in the relevant area to handle the manuscript. The associate editor then carefully considers the novelty, technical quality, and relevance of the manuscript, and decides whether to send it for peer-review. If the manuscript is deemed suitable for peer-review, at least two reviewers who are experts in the field will be selected to evaluate the manuscript. The reviewers' comments and suggestions will be used by the associate editor to make a decision on acceptance, rejection, or revision of the manuscript.If revisions are required, the authors are given a set amount of time to make the necessary changes and resubmit their manuscript. The revised manuscript is then sent back to the associate editor, who checks that the revisions were properly addressed. If the associate editor is satisfied with the revisions, the manuscript will undergo one final check before being accepted for publication.The review process is rigorous and fair, and aims to ensure that only the highest quality original research articles and review papers are published in the Journal of Mechanical Engineering (English Edition). The journal adheres to ethical guidelines for peer-review, ensuring that the authors' and reviewers' identities are kept confidential and that there are no conflicts of interest. The average time from submission to first decision is around 6 weeks, and authors are kept informed throughout the review process about the status of their manuscript.。
机械工程学报 英文版 模板
机械工程学报英文版模板Title: Template for Journal of Mechanical Engineering1. Title: The title of the paper should be clear, concise, and representative of the research content.2. Authors: Provide the full names of all authors with their affiliations, including department, university, city, and country.3. Abstract: The abstract should summarize the research objectives, methods, key findings, and conclusions in a concise manner.4. Keywords: Provide a list of keywords that represent the main topics covered in the paper.5. Introduction: Provide a brief background on the research topic, highlight the significance of the study, and present the research objectives.6. Literature Review: Summarize the existing literature and research related to the topic, highlighting the gaps and limitations that the current study aims to address.7. Methodology: Clearly describe the experimental or analytical methods used in the study, providing sufficient detail for replication.8. Results: Present the findings of the study in a logical and organized manner, using appropriate tables, figures, graphs, or charts.9. Discussion: Interpret the results and relate them to the research objectives, discuss their implications, and compare them with previous studies.10. Conclusions: Summarize the main findings and their implications, while highlighting the contributions and limitations of the study. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusions section.11. References: Cite all the relevant sources used in the paper, following the appropriate citation style.12. Acknowledgments: Acknowledge any individuals or organizations that have provided support or assistance during the research.13. Appendix: Include any additional information or data that is necessary for the understanding and replication of the study.Note: This template should be used as a guideline for formatting and structuring papers submitted to the Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Authors should ensure that their papers adhere to the journal's guidelines and requirements.。
《机械工程学报》(Journal of Mechanical Engineering)是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国机械工程学会主办的学术性期刊。
[1] 据2018年5月12日显示,《机械工程学报》被引量为147383次、下载量为1040944次;据2015年中国期刊引证报告(扩刊版)数据显示,《机械工程学报》影响因子为1.36。
机械工程学报英语Mechanical Engineering Journal: A Comprehensive ExplorationMechanical engineering is a vast and dynamic field that encompasses the design, development, and optimization of a wide range of mechanical systems and devices. From the intricate mechanisms that power modern industries to the innovative technologies that shape our daily lives, the field of mechanical engineering has been at the forefront of technological advancements. The Mechanical Engineering Journal serves as a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research, innovative ideas, and practical solutions that drive the progress of this ever-evolving discipline.At the heart of the Mechanical Engineering Journal lies a commitment to excellence in both research and application. The journal's editorial board, comprised of renowned experts from around the world, meticulously curates a diverse range of articles that cover the breadth and depth of the field. From fundamental principles to groundbreaking applications, the journal's content reflects the multifaceted nature of mechanical engineering, catering to the diverse interests and needs of its readership.One of the key strengths of the Mechanical Engineering Journal is its interdisciplinary approach. The journal recognizes that the boundaries between traditional engineering disciplines are becoming increasingly blurred, as advancements in one field often have significant implications for others. As such, the journal actively encourages the submission of articles that explore the intersections between mechanical engineering and related disciplines, such as materials science, computer science, and energy systems. This cross-pollination of ideas not only enriches the journal's content but also fosters a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the mechanical engineering community.The journal's commitment to innovation is evident in the wide range of topics it covers. From the development of advanced manufacturing techniques to the optimization of renewable energy systems, the Mechanical Engineering Journal showcases the latest breakthroughs and emerging trends in the field. Researchers and practitioners alike can find valuable insights and inspiration within the journal's pages, as they strive to push the boundaries of what is possible in mechanical engineering.One particularly noteworthy aspect of the Mechanical Engineering Journal is its dedication to addressing the pressing global challenges of our time. Climate change, resource scarcity, and sustainabledevelopment are just a few of the critical issues that the journal's authors explore through their research and analysis. By highlighting the role of mechanical engineering in addressing these challenges, the journal not only contributes to the advancement of the field but also underscores its vital importance in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future.Moreover, the Mechanical Engineering Journal is committed to fostering a vibrant and collaborative community within the mechanical engineering field. Through its publication of high-quality peer-reviewed articles, the journal provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their work, engage in constructive dialogue, and build professional networks. This collaborative spirit is further reinforced by the journal's active participation in international conferences, workshops, and symposia, where the latest ideas and findings are shared and discussed among the global mechanical engineering community.In conclusion, the Mechanical Engineering Journal stands as a testament to the dynamism and significance of the mechanical engineering discipline. By curating a diverse range of cutting-edge research, innovative ideas, and practical solutions, the journal serves as a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals alike. As the field of mechanical engineering continues to evolve and tackle the challenges of the 21st century, the Mechanical EngineeringJournal will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of this essential discipline.。
《机械工程学报》论文的写作要求1 论文结构和格式论文结构和格式请参考网站“下载中心”的“论文投稿模板论文投稿模板论文投稿模板”,页面设置参数页面设置参数页面设置参数如下:2 摘要论文的中、英文摘要是国内外数据库收录的主要内容,作者应给予高度重视。
作者在写作时应注意:(1) 摘要应具有独立性和自明性,拥有与文章同等量的主要信息,达到即使不阅读全文也能获得主要的信息。
(2) 摘要应包括下列内容:研究的目的目的目的;采用的方法方法方法;试验的结果结果结果;得出的结论结论结论。
(3) 摘要的长度:中文以中文以300~500字为宜字为宜,中英文的意义意义意义要要保持一致保持一致。
(4) 在语言表达方式上注意下列问题:排除在本学科领域已经成为常识的内容,不要简单重复篇名中已经表述过的信息; 如实地反映所做的研究工作,提供尽可能多的定量的信息,不可进行自我评论,不应有如:“…… 属于首创”;“…… 尚未见报道”等;采用第三人称第三人称第三人称的写法,不用“本文“、“”“作者作者作者””和“笔者笔者””等;缩略语和简称首次出现用全称首次出现用全称首次出现用全称,并给出简称。
关键词不用缩略语和简称,已通用的除外;摘要中不要使用图、表和参考文献,一般不分段落; 英文摘要采用被动语态被动语态被动语态、现在时,不要出现“Author”,“this paper ”等 。
3 前言前言简要说明研究的目的、范围、相关领域的前人工作与现状(也称文献综述,尤其近年的发展现尤其近年的发展现状和文献状和文献),理论依据、试验基础和研究方法,作者的意图、预期的结果及其作用和意义。
2.7 正文 正文各层次标题一律用阿拉伯数字连续编码,并左顶格书写,序码之后空一个汉字间距接写标题,
0 前言
1… 1.1 … 1.1.1 … 1.1.2 … …
1… 1.1… 1.1.1… 1.1.2… …
2.8 结论 结论是整篇论文的最终的、总体的总结。语言应该准确、完整、明确、精练,避免出现模棱两可、
2.6 前言
前言简要说明研究的目的和范围,介绍相关领域内前人所做的工作和研究的概况,理论依据、试验 基础和研究方法,作者的意图、预期的结果及其作用和意义。应言简意赅,不要成为摘要的注释。一般 教科书中已有的基本理论、试验方法和基本方程的推导,在前言中不必赘述。如实评述,防止吹嘘自己 和贬低别人,避免宣传性的用语。对出现的比较专业化的术语或缩写词进行定义和说明,后文中出现时 不必再解释,前言中尽量不要出现图表。
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2000,16 (9):643-648. [3] FOURNEY M E. Advances in holographic photoelsticity[C]//American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied
① GB 3100-1993 国际单位制及其应用 ② GB 3101-1993 有关量、单位和符号的一般规则 ③ GB 3102.1~13-1993 量和单位 ④ GB/T 7714-2005 文后参考文献著录规则 ⑤ GB/T 15834-1995 标点符号用法 ⑥ GB/T 15835-1995 出版物上数字用法的规定 参照相关专业技术手册包括:《机械工程手册》和《电机工程手册》等 (3)来稿须提供计算机录入激光打印稿 2 份及稿件的电子版本(可通过网上直接递交,邮寄光盘 或发送 E-mail 等方式提交),英文稿件需提供 1 份准确的中文译稿。请勿一稿多投。 (4)作者应提供详细的通信地址及联系方式(电话、E-mail 等),并与编辑部密切合作,积极配合 编辑部进行论文修改工作,提供与论文发表相关的各类材料。 (5) 论文如有资助项目应在首页脚注处明确标出。获省部(局)级以上基金(如“863”计划、 自然科学基金等)项目资助以及获得奖励者,须提供证明复印件。 必要时作者可向编辑部购买样刊(样刊按定价收取)或来电、来函、发送电子邮件询问有关情况。 我编辑部的稿件处理采用“四审四校”制度,即编辑初审、专家评审、编委复审、主编(主任)审 定以及作者一次校对和编辑三次校对的审校方法,审稿及制版非常严格,稿件处理需要一定的周期,投 稿后作者可通过投稿时注册的用户名和密码登陆我刊网站上的“作者工作区”,在线查询稿件处理进 展。
1 投稿要求和注意事项作者所投稿件应符合以下要求:(1)论文报道的内容符合党和国家的方针、政策和路线, 充分体现科技兴国战略, 促进科技、教育并与经济紧密结合, 为振兴机械工业服务,并达到国际或国内先进水平;同时应具有科学性、创新性,有一定的个人见解和前瞻性,综述性稿件应注意时效性。
目前我刊参照的国家标准主要包括:①GB 3100-1993 国际单位制及其应用②GB 3101-1993 有关量、单位和符号的一般规则③GB 3102.1~13-1993 量和单位④GB/T 7714-2005 文后参考文献著录规则⑤GB/T 15834-1995 标点符号用法⑥GB/T 15835-1995 出版物上数字用法的规定参照相关专业技术手册包括:《机械工程手册》和《电机工程手册》等。
重点检查以下各项的排版是否正确:页面设置,页眉(文字,页码),DOI ,题目,作者(姓名、单位名称),脚注,日期信息,摘要,关键词,各级标题,正文文字及段落,插图,表格,数学式,References(参考文献),Biographical notes(作者简介),Appendix (附录),页面底部。
二、排版基本要求1 页面设置必须符合要求,见排版细则中的“页面设置”,注意栏宽必须为85 mm ,工具栏“格式”中的段落设置,“缩进和间距”的“自动调整右缩进”和“与网格对齐”两项均不要勾选。
2 论文首页页眉的文字是本刊名称、卷期年;单码页面页眉的文字是本刊名称,双码页面页眉的文字是论文第一作者及论文题目。
3 单码页面的页码在右侧,双码页面的页码在左侧。
4 DOI 按照最终排版结果的论文首页面实际期号和页码填写,期号前补“0 ”,页码不足三位数字的前面补“0 ”。
5 作者右上角标的星号位置全刊必须一致,如果还有与其并列的数字上标,则要与该数字上标保持平齐。
6 正文字号10 磅,正文中段落文字首行一律缩进0.35 cm;如果包含上下标符号或较为复杂的数学式时,应调整该段落为多倍行距,“设置值”为 1.1~1.2,使段内文字不出现叠盖现象。
7 插图整体左右居中排。
8 表格整体左右居中排。
9 数学式要居中排,且数学式中的文字字号为10 磅。
机械工程学报英文版格式The format of the English version of the Journal of Mechanical Engineering can vary depending on the specific journal or publisher. However, I can provide you with a general outline of the typical format for an academicjournal article in the field of mechanical engineering. Please note that this is a general guideline and you should refer to the specific journal's author guidelines for detailed formatting instructions.1. Title: The title should be concise, informative, and accurately reflect the content of the article.2. Authors' Information: Provide the names of all authors, their affiliations (department, institution, city, country), and email addresses.3. Abstract: A brief summary of the article, typically around 150-250 words, highlighting the purpose, methodology, key findings, and significance of the research.4. Keywords: Include a list of 3-6 keywords that best describe the content of the article.5. Introduction: Provide background information on the topic, clearly state the research problem or objective, and explain the significance of the study.6. Literature Review: Summarize relevant previous research and highlight the gaps or limitations that the current study aims to address.7. Methodology: Describe in detail the experimental or theoretical methods used in the study. Include sufficient information to allow other researchers to replicate the study.8. Results: Present the findings of the study in aclear and organized manner. Use tables, figures, and graphs to support the data. Provide statistical analysis if applicable.9. Discussion: Interpret the results, compare them with previous studies, and discuss their implications. Address any limitations or challenges encountered during the research.10. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of the study and their significance. Suggest future research directions if applicable.11. Acknowledgments: Acknowledge individuals, organizations, or funding agencies that contributed to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship.12. References: List all the sources cited in the article using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, IEEE). Ensure that all references are accurate and properly formatted.13. Appendices: Include any supplementary materials, such as raw data, calculations, or additional figures, if necessary.14. Author Biography: Some journals may require a brief author biography at the end of the article, including academic background, research interests, and relevant publications.Remember to follow the specific guidelines provided by the Journal of Mechanical Engineering or your targetjournal regarding formatting, citation style, word count limits, and any additional requirements.。
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《机械工程学报》和《中国机械工程学报》投稿须知(2009 年1 月8 日)《机械工程学报》和《中国机械工程学报》(原《机械工程学报(英文版)》)是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国机械工程学会主办的学术期刊。
《机械工程学报》为月刊(创刊于1953 年),《中国机械工程学报》为双月刊(创刊于1988 年),内容不重复。
1 投稿要求和注意事项作者所投稿件应符合以下要求:(1)论文报道的内容符合党和国家的方针、政策和路线, 充分体现科技兴国战略, 促进科技、教育并与经济紧密结合, 为振兴机械工业服务,并达到国际或国内先进水平;同时应具有科学性、创新性,有一定的个人见解和前瞻性,综述性稿件应注意时效性。
目前我刊参照的国家标准主要包括:① GB 3100-1993 国际单位制及其应用② GB 3101-1993 有关量、单位和符号的一般规则③ GB 3102.1~13-1993 量和单位④ GB/T 7714-2005 文后参考文献著录规则⑤ GB/T 15834-1995 标点符号用法⑥ GB/T 15835-1995 出版物上数字用法的规定参照相关专业技术手册包括:《机械工程手册》和《电机工程手册》等。
注意不要一稿多投!(4)作者应提供详细的通信地址及联系方式(电话、E-mail 等),并与编辑部密切合作,积极配合编辑部进行论文修改工作,提供与论文发表相关的各类材料。
2 稿件格式《机械工程学报》稿件的结构组成按次序排列为:题名、作者署名、作者工作单位、摘要、关键词、中图分类号、前言、正文、结论、参考文献、英文题名、作者英文署名、作者工作单位英文名称、英文摘要、英文关键词、作者简介。
2.1 题名题名应概括文章主题、简单明了。
2.2 作者署名及单位《机械工程学报》论文作者署名按照先后次序从左至右列于题名下方。
所有作者单位按照作者顺序在署名下方用一个括号注出,每个单位信息应包括序号(多于1 个单位时标注)、单位全称(写至二级单位,如院、所或系)、所在城市名称、邮编。
每个作者名字后用上标标出所对应的单位序号,多于一个单位时,序号间用逗号隔开,格式如下例所示:滚动轴承润滑脂的噪声特性及低噪声脂的合成XXX1 XXX1 XXX2 XXX1(1. 后勤工程学院军事油料应用与管理工程系重庆400016;2. 总后物资油料部油料军事代表局北京100842)《中国机械工程学报》论文署名按照先后次序从上至下列于题名左侧,先写姓后写名,姓全大写,名的第一个字母大写,其余均小写。
Novel 6-DOF Wearable Exoskeleton Arm with Pneumatic Force-Feedback forBilateral TeleoperationZHANG Jiafan 1, 3,*, FU Hailun2, DONG Yiming1, ZHANG Yu1, YANG Canjun1, and CHEN Ying11 State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027, China2 Zhejiang Province Instituteof Metrology,Hangzhou 310027, China3 National Die & Mold CAD Engineering Research Center,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030, China2.3 摘要摘要是以提供文章内容梗概为目的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。
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2.9 参考文献参考文献的相关内容(引用方法、著录格式等)详见GB/T 7714-2005 《文后参考文献著录规则》。
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文后参考文献列表中,多位作者只列出前三名,后面用“等“或“et al”。
几种常见种类参考文献的著录格式见以下示例:[1] KOESTLER A. The ghost in the machine[M]. London: Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd,1967.[2] ZUO J, CHEN Y P, ZHOU Z D, et al. Building open CNC systems with software IC chips based on software reuse[J]. TheInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2000,16 (9):643-648.[3] FOURNEY M E. Advances in holographic photoelsticity[C]//American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied MechanicsDivision. Symposium on Applications of Holography in Mechanics,University of Southern California,Los Angeles,California,August 23-25,1971. New York:ASME,c1971:17-38.[4] YUFIN S A. Geoecology and computers: proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances of Computer Methods in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,Moscow,Russian, February 1-4,2000[C]. Rotterdam:A. A. Balkema,2000..[5] Son S Y. Design principles and methodologies for reconfigurable machining system[D]. Michigan:University of Michigan,2000.[6] 姜锡洲. 一种温热外敷药制备方案:中国,88105607.3 [P]. 1989-07-26.[7] KOSEKI A,MOMOSE H,KAWAHITO M,et al. Compiler:US,828402[P/OL]. 2002-05-25[2005-05-28]. http://FF&p = 1&u = netahtml/ PTO/search-bool.html&r = 5&f = G&1 = 50&col = AND&d = PG01&s1 = IBM.AS.&0S = AN/IBM&RS =AN/IBM.[8] 萧钰. 出版业信息化迈入快车道[EB/OL].(2001-12-19)[2002-04-15]. http://www. /news/20011219/200112190019. html.文献类型标志如下:文献类型和标志代码类型 代码类型 代码普通图书 M 报告 R会议录 C 标准 S汇编 G 专利 P报纸 N 数据库 DB期刊 J 计算机程序 CP学位论文 D 电子公告 EB电子文献载体类型和标志代码载体类型 标志代码磁带(magnetic tape) MT磁盘(disk) DK光盘(CD-ROM) CD联机网络(online) OL2.10 作者简介将主要作者的简介列于文末,内容包括姓名、性别、出生年、职称/职务、研究方向、科研成果及电话、E-mail等。