研究血清肿瘤标志物对早期肺癌诊断的临床意义发表时间:2018-11-27T09:56:09.237Z 来源:《中国医学人文》(学术版)2018年6月下第12期作者:张丽红[导读] 还可将肿瘤标志物诊断法与其他检测方法相结合,并根据检测结果对患者做出相关的处理措施,提高患者的生活质量,延长期生存时间。
黑龙江省密山市人民医院黑龙江密山 158300【摘要】目的:探讨血清肿瘤标志物对肺癌早期诊断的临床意义。
在此次调查中,主要涉及血清中癌胚抗原(CEA)、可溶性细胞角蛋白-19片段(CYFRA 21-1)、神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)、鳞状细胞癌相关抗原(SCC)四项。
血清学生物标志物-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:血清学生物标志物是指可以在血清中检测到的具有特定生物学功能和临床意义的分子指标。
章1.2 文章结构部分的内容1.3 目的本文旨在系统性地介绍血清学生物标志物在医学领域中的重要性和应用。
2.正文2.1 血清学生物标志物的定义和作用血清学生物标志物是指在血清中能够反映机体生理和病理状态的分子,如蛋白质、核酸、糖类等。
血清学生物标志物具有以下几个主要作用:1. 诊断疾病:血清中的某些特定标志物在某些疾病中会有显著性的变化,通过检测这些标志物可以帮助医生进行疾病的早期诊断和分析。
2. 预后评估:有些血清学生物标志物与疾病的预后密切相关,可以帮助医生判断疾病的发展趋势和患者的预后情况。
二、实验室检查1. 血液学检查:心功能不全患者一般会出现贫血、白细胞计数升高、血红蛋白浓度降低等情况。
2. 生化检查:心功能不全患者一般会伴随有肝功能异常和肾功能异常。
三、影像学检查1. 胸部X线检查:胸部X线片是诊断心功能不全的常用检查方法,可以帮助医生评估心脏的大小、形态、轮廓以及肺部情况。
2. 超声心动图检查:超声心动图是诊断心功能不全的关键检查方法,可以直观地观察心脏结构和功能,评估心脏收缩和舒张功能,检测心脏瓣膜功能。
结果:三种血清肿瘤标志物CEA、CYFRA21-1、NSE 的检测结果均明显高于健康组和良性病变组;三种血清肿瘤标志物联合检测对各种类型肺癌均有较高的阳性检测率,在肺癌分期诊断的研究结果中可见,IIIa期至IV期的三种血清肿瘤标志物水平明显高于I期和II期。
Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Biomedicine and BiotechnologyVolume2010,Article ID927917,8pagesdoi:10.1155/2010/927917Methodology ReportA Proteomic Approach for Plasma Biomarker Discovery with iTRAQ Labelling and OFFGEL FractionationEmilie Ernoult,Anthony Bourreau,Erick Gamelin,and Catherine GuetteCentre INSERM R´e gional de Recherche sur le Cancer U892,Centre R´e gional de Lutte Contre le Cancer Paul Papin,2rue Moll,49933Angers Cedex9,FranceCorrespondence should be addressed to Catherine Guette,c.guette@unimedia.frReceived4June2009;Revised17July2009;Accepted3August2009Academic Editor:Pieter C.DorresteinCopyright©2010Emilie Ernoult et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.Human blood plasma contains a plethora of proteins,encompassing not only proteins that have plasma-based functionalities,but also possibly every other form of low concentrated human proteins.As it circulates through the tissues,the plasma picks up proteins that are released from their origin due to physiological events such as tissue remodeling and cell death.Specific disease processes or tumors are often characterized by plasma“signatures,”which may become obvious via changes in the plasma proteome profile, for example,through over expression of proteins.However,the wide dynamic range of proteins present in plasma makes their analysis very challenging,because high-abundance proteins tend to mask those of lower abundance.In the present study,we used a strategy combining iTRAQ as a reagent which improved the peptide ionization and peptide OFFGEL fractionation that has already been shown,in our previous research,to improve the proteome coverage of cellular extracts.Two prefractioning methods were compared:immunodepletion and a bead-based library of combinatorial hexapeptide technology.Our data suggested that both methods were complementary,with regard to the number of identified proteins.iTRAQ labelling,in association with OFFGEL fractionation,allowed more than300different proteins to be characterized from400μg of plasma proteins.1.IntroductionBlood circulates throughout every part of the body,and no other biofluid has the same degree of intimacy with the body. Therefore,it is not surprising that it possesses such a wealth of information concerning the overall pathophysiology of a patient.As an example,alterations in protein abundance can serve to indicate pathological abnormalities:diseases,toxic effects of clinical treatments and so forth.The choice between plasma and serum has been abun-dantly documented in the literature[1,2].When blood is collected,many changes occur in the proteins it contains,due to the presence of proteolytic enzymes(proteases)and other enzymes,which remain active in the blood sample during handling and processing.The HUPO Committee and its research collaborators concluded with the recommendation that plasma is the preferred specimen taken from the blood. The reasons for this are(i)less ex vivo degradation,and (ii)much less variability than in the case of the protease-rich process of clotting.Misek et al.[3]showed with Cy5-, Cy3-,Cy2-labeled serum and plasma on DIGE-2D-PAGE, after extensive fractionation of intact proteins before tryptic digestion,that isoforms of abundant proteins were more often shifted to lower-than-expected MW in serum than in plasma.Tammen et al.[4]reported that40%of the low-MW peptides detected were serum specific.Biomarker discovery in plasma is often limited by the availability of sufficient volumes.It is also complicated by the wide dynamic range of the human plasma proteome, which comprises proteins spanning concentrations of more than11orders of magnitude,with the top10most abundant plasma proteins accounting for approximatively90%of the total plasma proteins.Potential disease biomarkers are often present in low concentrations,and the dynamic range of the plasma proteins poses a significant analytical challenge to proteomic approaches.A prefractionation method isnecessary in the biomarker process.The most common technique is immunodepletion,which has been extensively used for the specific removal of high abundance proteins, based on the action of specific antibodies[5,6].More recently,saturation protein binding to a random pep-tide library has been proposed as an alternative method [7,8].One of the methods used to discover biomarkers is the identification and quantification of proteins,based on an iTRAQ quantitative proteomic approach.iTRAQ is ideally suited for biomarker applications,as it provides both quantification and multiplexing in a single reagent,and has been applied to the analysis of clinical samples such as human cerebrospinalfluid,and disease tissues,and has been used for the in vitro profiling of cells to identify differentially expressed proteins.To the best of our knowledge,there are currently only two published papers where iTRAQ has been used to study human serum and plasma.Hergenroeder et al.[9]employed iTRAQ and electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry(ESI-MS/MS)to serum depleted of12high abundance proteins,leading to the identification of160proteins.Song et al.[10]used iTRAQ protocol and MALDI-MS/MS to identify105proteins in human plasma.We recently demonstrated that iTRAQ labelling and peptide OFFGEL fractionation in afirst dimension improved the identification of weakly concentrated proteins from a cellular extract[11].The aim of the present study wasfirstly, to use iTRAQ as reagent to improve the MALDI ionization of peptides and secondly to evaluate the performance of our previous strategy for the study of the human plasma proteome,in terms of the number of identified proteins,the presence of high abundance proteins,and the identification of medium and weakly concentrated proteins.2.Materials and Methods2.1.Human Blood Plasma Samples.A citrated plasma pool, composed of a collection of10methylene blue virus-inactivated plasma samples,obtained from healthy donors using apheresis,was provided by the French National Public Blood Institution(Etablissement Franc¸ais du Sang Bourgogne Franche Comt´e,CHU Le Bocage,Dijon,France). The plasma pool(Internal Quality Control)was loaded into 0.5ml bar-coded straws,stored at4◦C for2hours,and then transferred into liquid nitrogen.The plasma straws were packed in a dry ice container during transportation to our laboratory and were immediately stored in a−80◦C freezer until they were needed.2.2.Immunoaffinity Depletion of High-Abundance Proteins. In a four independent experiments,the14most highly abundant proteins were removed from the plasma,using antibody-based depletion with a Human14Multiple Affinity Removal System,MARS-Hu14(Agilent Technologies,Santa Clara,CA,USA).Two different spin cartridges were used to deplete10times10μL of0.22μm-filtered plasma.This process required2buffers,A and B(Agilent Technologies).The pH7.4phosphate salt-containing buffer A was used for the equilibration,loading and washing steps.Flow-through fractions containing low-abundance proteins were collected and stored at−80◦C until they were ready for analysis.A pH 2.5urea buffer B was used for elution of the bound,highly abundant proteins from the cartridge.The experiment was conducted at room temperature according to the protocol supplied by the manufacturer.2.3.Hexapeptide Ligand Library Treatment.Plasma proteins were“equalized”using the ProteoMiner Protein Enrichment Kit(Bio-rad laboratories,Hercules,CA,USA).Four different spin columns were run in parallel,according to the manufac-turer’s instructions.Each was loaded with900μL of0.22μm-filtered plasma,for2hours at room temperature,and with 100μL of1M sodium citrate,and20mM of HEPES,at pH7.4.No bead agglomeration was observed.The proteins were desorbed using a two-step elution.Thefirst beads were incubated twice with100μL of the kit elution reagent(4M urea,1%(w/v)CHAPS,5%(v/v)acetic acid)for15minutes. Then,100μL of6M guanidine-HCl,at pH6.0,were added twice for15minutes.For each column,the four elution fractions were pooled and stored at−80◦C,until they were needed for analysis.2.4.Buffer Exchange and Protein Content ing 2000MWCO Hydrosart Vivaspin2spin concentrators (Sartorius Stedim Biotech,G¨o ttingen,Germany),the pre-fractionated plasma samples were concentrated and buffer-exchanged,by subjecting them to repeated(four times) centrifugation,to an appropriate0.5M triethylammonium bicarbonate(TEAB)pH8.5buffer(Sigma-Aldrich Corpora-tion,Saint Louis,MO,USA),for downstream analysis.The protein concentrations of whole and prefractionated plasma samples were determined using a FluoroProfile Protein Quantification Kit(Sigma-Aldrich Corporation),with BSA as the standard.2.5.1-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis(1DGE).Equal amounts of proteins from crude and prefractionated plasma, obtained by immunoaffinity depletion or hexapeptide ligand library treatment,were diluted in an SDS loading buffer at 2mg/mL,and heated to100◦C for10minutes.The elution beads from one ProteoMiner column were then washed and directly boiled at100◦C for10minutes in a100μL SDS loading buffer.The proteins were then separated onto a home-made12.5%SDS-PAGE gel(16cm long and1.5mm thick),using a standard Laemmli buffer system in an SE 600Ruby electrophoresis unit(GE Healthcare,Chalfont Saint Giles,UK).Precision Plus Protein Standards(Bio-rad laboratories)were loaded in the molecular weight marker lane.The gel image was acquired on an Ettan DIGE Imager (GE Healthcare),after total proteinfluorescent poststaining with Deep Purple(excitation,532nm;emission610nm), according to the standard protocol(GE Healthcare).2.6.Protein Digestion and Peptide iTRAQ Labelling.100μg of protein solutions,at5mg/mL in0.5M TEAB,at pH8.5,were4human blood plasma aliquotsFigure1:Illustration of the workflow.reduced for1hour at60◦C with5mM tris-(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine(TCEP)and were cysteine-blocked with10mM methyl methanethiosulfonate(MMTS)at room temperature for10minutes.The proteins were then digested for40 hours at37◦C,by10μg of TPCK-treated trypsin,with CaCl2 (Applied Biosystems,Foster City,CA,USA).Each peptide solution was labelled for3hours at room temperature, using an iTRAQ reagent previously reconstituted in70μL of ethanol,according to the iTRAQ Reagents Multiplex Kit protocol(Applied Biosystems).The reaction was stopped by adding milliQ water,and the samples labelled,respectively, with114,115,116,and117mass-tagged iTRAQ reagents were combined according to the experimental protocol shown in Figure1.2.7.Peptide OFFGEL-IEF Fractionation.For pI-based pep-tide separation,the3100OFFGEL Fractionator(Agilent Technologies)was used with a24-well setup.Prior to electrofocusing,the peptide samples were desalted onto a Sep-Pak C18cartridge(Waters Corporation,Milford,MA, USA)and were resolubilized in3.6mL of5%(v/v)glycerol and1%(v/v)IPG buffer,at pH3–10(GE Healthcare).The 24cm-long IPG gel strips(GE Healthcare),with a3–10linear pH range,were rehydrated for15minutes according to the manufacturer’s manual.Then,150μL of sample was loaded in each of the24wells.Electrofocusing of the peptides was performed at20◦C until a level of50kVh was reached.After focusing,the24 peptide fractions were withdrawn and the wells were rinsed with200μL of a solution of milliQ water/methanol/formic acid(49/50/1).After15minutes,each of the rinsing solutions was pooled with its corresponding peptide fraction.Allof the fractions were evaporated by centrifugation undervacuum and were maintained at−20◦C.Just prior to nano-LC separation,the fractions were resuspended in20μL ofmilliQ water with0.1%(v/v)TFA.2.8.Nano-LC Separation.The peptide fractions were sep-arated on an Ultimate3000nano-LC system(DionexCorporation,Sunnyvalle,CA,USA),using a C18column(PepMap100,3μm,100A,75μm id×15cm,Dionex Corpo-ration)at aflow rate of300nL/minute.Buffer A comprised2%ACN in milliQ water,with0.05%TFA,and buffer Bcomprised80%ACN in milliQ water,with0.04%TFA.The peptide solutions werefirst desalted for3minutesusing buffer A only on the precolumn,and the separationoccurred over a period of70minutes,with the followinggradient:0to20%B in10minutes,20%to55%B in55minutes,and55%to100%B in5minutes.Chromatogramswere recorded at a wavelength of214nm.Following a12-minute run,the peptide fractions were collected for10seconds using a Probot microfraction collector(DionexCorporation),and spotted directly onto a MALDI sampleplate(1664spots per plate,Applied Biosystems).The CHCAmatrix(LaserBioLabs,Sophia-Antipolis,France),with aconcentration of2mg/mL in70%ACN,in milliQ water with0.1%TFA,was continuously added to the column effluent viaa micro“T”mixing piece at aflow rate of1.2μL/min.2.9.MALDI-MS/MS.MS and MS/MS analyses of offlinespotted peptide samples were performed using the4800MALDI-TOF/TOF Analyser(Applied Biosystems).Afterscreening of all LC-MALDI sample positions in MS-positivereflector mode,using1500laser shots,the fragmentationof automatically selected precursors was performed at acollision energy of1kV using air as the collision gas(pressure ∼2×10−6Torr).MS spectra were acquired between m/z 800and4000.The parent ion of the Glu-1fibrinopeptideat m/z1570.677,diluted in the matrix(3femtomoles perspot),was used for internal calibration.Up to12of themost intense ion signals per spot position,characterised byan S/N>12,were selected as precursors for MS/MS acqui-sition.Peptide and protein identifications were performedusing ProteinPilot Software v2.0(Applied Biosystems)andthe Paragon algorithm[12].Each MS/MS spectrum wassearched against the Uniprot/Swissprot database(release96,September2008)for Homo Sapiens species,with thefixed modification of methyl methanethiosulfonate-labelledcysteine parameter enabled.Other parameters such as thetryptic cleavage specificity,the precursor ion mass accuracyand the fragment ion mass accuracy,are MALDI4800built-in functions of the ProteinPilot software.The ProteinPilotsoftware calculated a confidence percentage(the unusedscore),which reflects the probability of a hit being a“falsepositive,”meaning that at the95%confidence level,thereis a false positive identification probability of about5%.While this software automatically accepts all peptides withan identification confidence level>1%,only proteins havingat least one peptide above the95%confidence level wereinitially recorded.Low confidence peptides cannot give a positive protein identification by themselves but may support the presence of a protein identified using other peptides with higher confidence.Searches against a concatenated database containing both forward and reversed sequences enabled the false discovery rate to be kept below1%.2.10.Data Analysis.In order to analyse the quality of pI fractionation after OFFGEL-IEF and MALDI-MS/MS identi-fication,the experimental pI was calculated for each peptide, using the pI/MW tool of the ExPASy Proteomic Server[13] checking all the deamidation modifications which could influence its value.Then,the average experimental pI of peptides(afterfiltering for false positive responses)was compared,for each of the24fractions,with the theoretical pH values provided by Agilent Technologies for24cm-long IPG gel strips with a3–10linear pH range.To study the relative abundance of proteins in the plasma, the MS/MS spectra,which enabled protein identification with at least2peptides,were counted for each protein [14].3.Results and DiscussionOur strategy for the study of the human plasma proteome was based on three-step fractionation.In thefirst step,the plasma samples were prefractionated using either an immun-odepletion method,or a peptide ligand library strategy.The proteins were then digested by trypsin,resulted peptides were iTRAQ-labelled and OFFGEL-fractionated in24fractions. Each fraction was then analysed by nano-LC on a C18 column(Figure1).3.1.Identification of Proteins.The experimental design for the iTRAQ labeling of proteins from the immunodepleted and bead-treated plasma was the same.The prefractionated plasma samples were concentrated and dissolved in the appropriate iTRAQ buffer using spin concentrators before the steps of reduction,MMTS blocking,digestion and iTRAQ labelling(Figure1).After OFFGEL separation of 400μg of iTRAQ-labelled peptides in24fractions,Protein Pilot software leads to the identification of332proteins in immunodepleted plasma and320proteins from the hexapeptide ligand library treated plasma(Figure2).The average experimental pH value of each OFFGEL fraction is indicated by a bar in Figure3.The theoretical pH values provided by the manufacturer are also shown by a dashed line.The pI value for each identified peptide was calculated using Bjellqvist’s algorithm[15],without taking the iTRAQ groups in the N-term position,and/or the lateral lysine chain,into ing these data,average pI values with standard deviations were calculated for all of the peptides identified in each fraction(Figure3).The average experimental pI value deviated from the theoretical pI value by an average error of±0.90,for both prefractionation strategies.From the immunodepleted plasma,243proteins were characterized by at least2peptides,and from the plasma treated by the hexapeptide bead library,228wereassociated Figure2:Venn diagram presenting the number of total plasma proteins identified with two or more peptides(in brackets,with one peptide)after immunoaffinity depletion of high-abundant proteins(IM),hexapeptide ligand library treatment(PM)or both prefractionationmethods.34567891011IsoelectricpointFraction numberIMPMFigure3:Analysis of the quality of the OFFGEL fractionation of iTRAQ-labelled peptides from immunoaffinity depleted(IM) or hexapeptide ligand library treated(PM)plasma.The average experimental pI of all peptides in each of the24OFFGEL fractions afterfiltering for false positive is presented as bars.Error bars indicate the SD of each fraction’s experimental pI.The broken line is based on the theoretical pI values for an IPG strip of24cm,pH 3–10provided by Agilent Technologies.with at least2peptides,suggesting that both prefractioning methods produced virtually the same number of identified proteins.Among these,158were common to both methods (Figure2).Nevertheless,in addition to these mutual pro-teins,85proteins(with at least2peptides)were identified by immunodepletion technology only,and70proteins(with at least2peptides)were identified by the equalizer strategy only,suggesting that these strategies are complementary.The merging of both sets of data allowed a total of313proteins with at least2peptides to be identified.Table1:Protein recovery after plasma prefractionation using immunoaffinity depletion of high-abundant proteins or hexapeptide ligand library treatment.Protein content was estimated using FluoroProfile Protein Quantification Kit.MARS-Hu14Proteo Miner Plasma volume loaded(μL)10×10depletion cycles900Protein quantity loaded(mg)(whole plasma:63mg/mL proteins)6,356,7Protein quantity recovered after prefractionation(μg)3404014152991420115811951572 Average protein quantity recovered after prefractionation(μg)364(or36.4μg per depletion cycle)1336%of total protein mass removal by prefractionation94.297.6A previous study conducted by us with400μg ofimmunodepleted plasma and treated in the same con-ditions,except iTRAQ labelling,showed115identi-fied proteins(Supplementary Material available online at doi:10.1155/2010/927917)in agreement with Song et al. results[10].This result demonstrated the efficiency of iTRAQ labelling for the peptide ionization and the protein identification according our previous study[11].3.2.Evaluation of the First Prefractioning Step.The human plasma was prefractionated using two different methods:an immunodepletion strategy on a human MARS-14,which depleted the14most abundant plasma proteins,and a peptide ligand library technology with a ProteoMiner column,which should“equalize”the plasma proteins. The reproducibility of these approaches was evaluated by four independent experiments(Figure1).The total protein content was used to investigate reproducibility and pro-tein recovery(Table1).The total protein concentration of untreated plasma was63mg/mL.The mean recovery rate of the eluted bead-treated plasma was2.4%(in agreement with previous results[8]),compared with5.8%following the depletion process using the MARS-14column.Both methodologies showed a reproducibility of around15%,in the determination of total protein content.For each approach,reproducibility of biological experi-ment and iTRAQ labelling were evaluated with the coefficient variation calculation from ProteinPilot results.An average of±18%variation across the4experiments with the human MARS-14strategy and an average of±11%with the ProteoMiner approach were exhibited.Separation of native plasma,immunodepleted,and bead-treated plasma samples by SDS-PAGE revealed a significant reduction in the dynamic range of protein concentration in the treated fractions,when compared with native plasma(Figure4)but did not identify one prefractionation method as being superior to the other. Comparison of the20most abundant proteins evaluated by the MS/MS spectra counting technique indicated that both prefractioning methods were equivalent,in terms of the estimated protein concentrations(Figure5).With ProteoMiner treatment,fibrinogen alpha and beta chains were the most commonly found proteins,thus suggesting that this technique could be more suitable for serum samples.3.3.Gene Ontology Annotations.Gene ontology analysis for cellular localization revealed that a largeproportion152025375075100150250MW(kDa)1234MW(kDa)Figure4:1DGE analysis of human blood plasma before and after prefractionation using immunoaffinity depletion of high-abundant proteins or hexapeptide ligand library treatment.An equal amount of proteins from whole plasma(lane1),plasma fraction from MARS-Hu14(lane2),plasma fraction from ProteoMiner(lane 3),and potentially remaining proteins from boiled in SDS loading buffer ProteoMiner beads after elution(lane4)were separated on 12.5%SDS-PAGE gel and were stained with Deep Purple.of proteins,with predicted extracellular locations(33%) (Figure6(b))was present in our plasma proteome map. Functional classification also revealed that most of the proteins are involved in“binding”and enzyme activities (Figure6(a)).Among these proteins,we identified medium con-centrated proteins with concentrations ranging around 30ng/mL,such as P-selectin,cadherin5[16,17](Table2). We successfully detected the low-concentrated proteins Hep-atocyte growth factor activator,insulin like growth factor binding-protein2and Sex hormone-binding globulin in the both experiments with ProteinPilot unused score>2 (proteins identified with at least2peptides;95%confidence). The literature data showed that the concentration of these proteins was in the range of8–18ng/mL[16,18,19]. Compared with the concentration of the most abundantF i b r i n o g e n b e t a F i b r i n o g e n a l p h a B e t a -1B -g l y c o p r o t e i n F i b r o n e c t i n F e r r o x i d a s e A p o l i p o p r o t e i n A -I A p o l i p o p r o t e i n B -100 C o m p l e m e n t C 4-B p r e c u r s o r P r o t h r o m b i n A p o l i p o p r o t e i n A -I p r e c u r s o r F i b r o n e c t i n p r e c u r s o r V i t r o n e c t i n F i b r o c y s t i n -L C o m p l e m e n t C 3 S e r o t r a n s f e r r i n p r e c u r s o r V i t a m i n D -b i n d i n g p r o t e i n p r e c u r s o r A p o l i p o p r o t e i n A -I V A l p h a -1B -g l y c o p r o t e i n P r o t h r o m b i n p r e c u r s o r C o m p l e m e n t f a c t o r H p r e c u r s o r C l u s t e r i n A l p h a -2-H S -g l y c o p r o t e i n p r e c u r s o r A n t i t h r o m b i n -I I I p r e c u r s o r (A T I I I )C o m p l e m e n t f a c t o r B p r e c u r s o r P l a s m i n o g e n p r e c u r s o r C 4b -b i n d i n g p r o t e i n a l p h a c h a i n A p o l i p o p r o t e i n A -I V p r e c u r s o r I n t e r -a l p h a -t r y p s i n i n h i b i t o r h e a v y c h a i n A p o l i p o p r o t e i n B -100 K i n i n o g e n -1 p r e c u r s o r C o m p l e m e n t f a c t o r H P l a s m i n o g e n S e r u m a l b u m i n H i s t i d i n e -r i c h g l y c o p r o t e i n p r e c u r s o r A l p h a -1-a n t i c h y m o t r y p s i n p r e c u r s o r A l p h a -2-H S -g l y c o p r o t e i n A p o l i p o p r o t e i n E H i s t i d i n e -r i c h g l y c o p r o t e i n C e r u l o p l a s m i n I g k a p p a c h a i n V -I r e g i o n A50010001500200025003000M S /M S s p e c t r a l c o u n t sIM PMFigure 5:Relative abundance of the twenty most abundant proteins determined by counting the number of MS/MS spectra for each protein identified after immunoa ffinity depletion (IM)or Hexapeptide ligand library treatment (PM)ofplasma.Structural moleculeTransferase Molecular activity 5%Hydrolase Enzyme regulator activity 7%Signal transducer activity 5%Binding 45%(a)Membrane 12%33%24%19%(b)Figure 6:Pie charts showing the gene ontology classification of identified plasma proteins according to cellular function (a)and to cellular component category (b).plasma protein (HSA)which is around 50mg ·mL,we can conclude that the dynamic range to detect low-abundant plasma proteins could be extended to 106-107.4.ConclusionsThe number of proteins which could be identified in 400μg of plasma proteins was markedly increased in this study,when compared to similar samples studied without iTRAQ labelling,or with iTRAQ labelling,but without OFFGEL fractionation [10],suggesting that our strategy improved the proteome coverage of human plasma.The limited number of individual proteins identified in this study,despite prefractionation,highlights the challenge of plasma-based biomarker discovery.From our experience,similar iTRAQ analyses of cellular extracts are able to identifyTable2:Some of the weakly abundant plasma proteins identified with two or more peptides after immunoaffinity depletion of high-abundant proteins(IM)or hexapeptide ligand library treatment(PM).Associated concentrations were found in the literature in the mid-range from5to50000ng/mL serum or plasma.Protein name Prefractionation Concentration Bibliographic referencePlasma retinol-binding protein PM44.4μg/mL(plasma)[20] IMKallistatin IM22.1μg/mL(plasma)[21] Ficolin-3IM21.6μg/mL(plasma)[22] Tetranectin IM13.75μg/mL(serum)[23] Selenoprotein P IM 5.3μg/mL(plasma)[24]Von Willebrand factor PM1.3μg/mL(plasma)[16] IMIntelectin-1PM0.1to1.0μg/mL(serum)[25]Extracellular SOD PM150ng/mL(plasma)[26] IMMannose-binding lectin(Protein C)IM97ng/mL(plasma)[16]Insulin-like growth factor binding protein3PM59ng/mL(plasma)[16] IMP-selectin IM30ng/mL(plasma)[17]Cadherin5PM30ng/mL(plasma)[16] IMMacrophage colony-stimulating factor1receptor(M-CSF R)IM26ng/mL(plasma)[16]Hepatocyte growth factor activator PM17.6ng/mL(serum)[18] IMInsulin-like growth factor binding protein2PM15ng/mL(plasma)[16] IMSex hormone-binding globulin PMto8.1ng/mL(plasma)[19] IMmore than1000different proteins[11].Clearly,the presence of many highly abundant proteins in human plasma and therefore,after trypsin digestion,the presence of many highly concentrated peptides prevent a good MALDI ionization of weak-concentrated peptides and therefore limit the depth of analysis.Theses results argue in favour of the search for new strategies for the removal of abundant plasma proteins[27], or for the enrichment of less abundant proteins,in order to facilitate the efficient discovery of biomarkers. AcknowledgmentThis research was supported by a grant from“La Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer”(Equipe labellis´e e). 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1,2,12 1,4,5,12 1,4,12 1,4,5,12
a:b:1,2 f,g:i:1,2
6,7,(Vi) c:1,5
9,12,Vi 3,10 11
1.生理盐水端应不出现凝集颗粒。 2.沙门菌Vi抗原存在时可阻止O抗原与相应抗体
群别 A
甲型副伤寒沙门菌 乙型副伤寒沙门菌 德比沙门菌 鼠伤寒沙门菌 猪霍乱(或丙型副伤寒) 沙门菌
伤寒沙门氏菌 鸭沙门氏菌
抗 o 1,2,12 1,4,5,12 1,4,12 1,4,5,12
1.菌种 待检细菌 2.试剂 多价沙门菌O(A-F)诊断血清 3.其他 载玻片
A-F群多价 A-F群多价
❖ O抗原:是一种沙门氏菌细胞壁表面的 耐热多糖抗原 ,100 ℃,2.5 h不被破 坏,它的特异性依赖于细胞壁脂多糖 侧链多糖的组成。
9,12,Vi 3,10 11
原 H
a:b:1,2 f,g:i:1,2
❖ 将一个双相沙门氏菌的菌株在琼脂平板上划线分离,所得的 菌落中,有的有第1相H抗原,有的则有第2相H抗原。若任 意挑取一个菌落在培养基上多次传代,其后代又可出现部分 是第1相而另一部分是第2相的菌落。这种两个相的H抗原可 以交相产生的现象称为位相变异。
1、Wash buffer:20倍的wash buffer concentrate 用蒸馏水稀释成1倍的,溶质:溶剂=1:19轻柔混匀,避免产生泡沫。
2、Assay buffer:20倍的assay buffer concentrate 用蒸馏水稀释成1倍的,溶质:溶剂=1:19轻柔混匀,避免产生泡沫。
储存在2~8℃,有效期30天3、Biotin-conjugate:(注意Biotin-conjugate应该在稀释后的30分钟内使用完)用已经配好的1倍的assay buffer 把Biotin-conjugate 稀释100倍,溶质:溶剂=1:99Biotin-conjugate.颜色标记为绿色:1ml assay buffer(1×)加10μl Green-Dye4、Streptavidin-HRP:(注意Streptavidin-HRP应该在稀释后的30分钟内使用完)用已经配好的1倍的assay buffer 把Streptavidin-HRP 稀释200倍,溶质:溶剂=1:199Streptavidin-HRP.颜色标记为红色:1ml assay buffer(1×)加4μl Red-Dye5、Mouse IL-10 standard标准品的稀释可以直接在微孔板上进行,共7个孔标记为S1—S7,S1---S7放标准品,最后一孔做空白对照,具体操作见后面步骤4。
Mouse IL-10 standard.颜色标记为蓝色:1ml Sample Diluent 加4μl Blue-Dye二、实验操作过程1、计算使用微孔的数量,包括要检测的样品、标准品、对照所用的微孔,每一个样品、标准品、空白对照应该做两个孔,一式两份。
脑出血患者血清生物标志物的检测及应用作者:郭宗培马大程任胜辉郑玲娟王娜杜威来源:《中国现代医生》2019年第02期[摘要] 血清生物標志物(serum biological markers)是存在于血清中的生物物质,作为一种标识反映正常的生物学机能、病理过程及治疗干预后的效果,具有可以被客观测量和评估的特性。
[关键词] 脑出血;血清生物标志物;检测;应用[中图分类号] R743.34; ; ; ; ; [文献标识码] A; ; ; ; ; [文章编号] 1673-9701(2019)02-0164-05脑出血作为一种高致残率、高致死率的疾病,已然成为中国居民健康的一大杀手,及时准确的诊断并积极开展后续抢救治疗至关重要,但因该疾病发展迅速,不确定性因素众多,许多患者仍遗留神经功能障碍及意识障碍[1],生活质量严重下降。
采用酶联免疫技术(ELISA),加样孔包被抗体,样品 初次孵育捕获抗原,然后与偶合有辣根过氧化物酶的 第二种抗体再次孵育,通过检测显色深度,得出该标 记物的浓度。
操作简单、可作定 量、较难质控
化学发 光法
将灵敏的化学发光或生物发光体系与特异的抗原抗体免 疫测定结合在一起,由于化学反应产生的电子能级处 于激发态,通过跃迁释放能量产生光子,导致发光现 象,直接通过发光反应测定标记物。
周血,测定血清学指标,并计算出风险,解释筛查报告; 5、对高风险人群进展遗传咨询,对同意介入性产前诊断者行羊膜腔穿刺、细胞培养与染色体核
型分析; 6、随访妊娠结局; 7、产前筛查诊断工作流程图〔见以下图〕
知情 孕妇对所患疾病的发病率理解 孕妇对所患疾病的诊疗方法理解 孕妇对所患疾病的预防措施理解
根据中国优生科学协会推算,平均20分钟就 有1例“唐氏综合征〞患儿出生,每年约有 26600个唐氏患儿出生。目前我国大约有60 万以上的唐氏综合征患者。
目前唯一有效可行的措施是进展DS的 产前筛查(简称唐氏筛查)
产前诊断又称宫内诊断,是基于近代生物化 学、分子生物学、细胞遗传学和临床医学理 论开展而新兴起来的一门学科。采用B超声波 诊断、绒毛细胞培养、羊水细胞培养、胎血 细胞培养、生化分析、基因分析等技术,对 子宫内的胎儿状况作出诊断,以便对异常胎 儿进展选择性流产,防止畸形儿的出生。
我国是出生缺陷高发国家之一,每年出生缺 陷新生儿约占出生人口总数的4-6%,一年 新增的残疾儿童总数高达80-120万。
唐氏产前筛查开展史 唐氏产前筛查血清筛查检测方法
【关键词】关键词:血清肿瘤标志物、恶性肿瘤、联合检测、临床应用、诊断、发病率、死亡率、优势、实例、局限性、挑战、前景、研究方向1. 引言1.1 背景介绍恶性肿瘤是一种严重威胁人类健康的疾病,其发病率与死亡率不断上升成为全球性的公共卫生问题。
1.2 研究目的血清肿瘤标志物联合检测在恶性肿瘤诊断中的临床应用,是为了提高恶性肿瘤的早期诊断率和准确性,在治疗和监测疗效过程中发挥重要作用。
生物标志物开发流程2023生物标志物的开发流程通常包括以下几个阶段:1. 研究设计阶段,在这个阶段,研究人员会根据疾病或健康状况的需求,确定研究的目标和假设。
2. 样本采集和处理阶段,在这个阶段,研究人员会收集样本,例如血液、尿液、组织等,以获取生物标志物。
3. 生物标志物筛选和验证阶段,在这个阶段,研究人员会使用各种技术和方法对样本中的生物标志物进行筛选和验证。
4. 生物标志物开发和验证阶段,在这个阶段,研究人员会使用更大规模的样本集合来验证和评估生物标志物的准确性和可靠性。
5. 临床应用和验证阶段,在这个阶段,研究人员会将开发出的生物标志物应用于临床实践中,并进行临床验证。
6. 上市和监管阶段,如果生物标志物被证明在临床实践中具有一定的应用价值,研究人员可以将其提交给监管机构,如药品监管机构或医疗器械监管机构,进行上市申请或注册。
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疾病标志物的挖掘与鉴定方法可以分为以下几种:1. 基于代谢组学的疾病标志物挖掘代谢组学是指研究生物体代谢物质组成及其在生理和病理状态下的变化规律的学科。
2. 基于蛋白组学的疾病标志物挖掘蛋白组学是指对生物体内的所有蛋白质进行全面和系统性的研究。
3. 基于基因组学的疾病标志物挖掘基因组学是指研究生物体基因组组成及其在生理和病理状态下的变化规律的学科。
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HuProt TM人类蛋白质组芯片包含~20,000个人源重组蛋白质,是目前世界上通量最高的蛋白质芯片。
使用涵盖~20,000个人类重组蛋白的HuProt TM Proteome Microarray(组芯片)进行初步筛选,以发现具有一定差异的潜在的自身抗原。
因样本量较少,因此以较低的标准对潜在标志物进行选择:P值<0.05; 或阳性率在疾病组一致性或显著高于健康对照组。
基于第一部分的数据,依照潜在标志物列表,定制芯片(focused Array)。
健康组:>100 例;
对上述大量样本的响应值进行分析,依据P value和阳性率评价潜在标志物的区分能力,并绘制boxplot,Heatmap图等统计可视化分析;另外,构建区分函数,选定一组(或一个)联合诊断标志物组,通过ROC曲线评价其特异性和灵敏度。