剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section4答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section3答案+解析谈话场景:讲座场景人物关系:教授谈话话題:噪音和城市环境的关系交际与语言表达I “But there's quite a lot going on that these maps don't show, because they can't capture the complex way that sound varies over time.(但是还有很多东西是这些噪音地图没展示出来的,因为它们没法体现声音随着时间变化而产生的复杂情况。
)”其中that sound varies over time为定语从句,修饰前面的the complex way。
2. “As well as that, these records of sound levels take no account of the fact that people vary in their perceptions of noise-so someone like me with years of working in acoustics might be very different from you in that regard.(除此之外,这些记录忽略了不同人对于噪音的感受不同这个事实,比如说,像我这种在声音研究领域工作了很多年的人和你们对于噪音的感受可能就很不—样。
)”其中take account of意为“考虑”,这里的take no account of就可以理解为“忽略”;in that regard意为“在那一方面”。
3.“Some types of sounds that most people would probably think of as nice and relaxing might score quite highly in decibel levels —think of the sound made by a fountain in a town square,for example.(—些大部分人觉得美妙且使人放松的声音很有可能分贝数很高,比如说一个小镇广场上喷泉发出的声音。
第一篇Australia’s cane toad problems,澳大利亚害虫问题。
可参考剑八第四套第二篇Biological Control of pests和剑十第四套第三篇When evolution runs backwards。
第二篇New filters promise water to millions,滤水器的发明。
可参考剑八第一套第一篇A chronicle of timekeeping和剑十第一套第一篇Stepwells。
第三篇Who should look after babies in Britain,男性和女性照顾孩子的异同。
可参考剑六第四套第二篇Do literate women make better mothers和剑五第三套第一篇Early Childhood Education。
第一篇Australia’s cane toad problems,澳大利亚害虫问题
第二篇New filters promise water to millions,滤水器的发明
第三篇 Who should look after babies in Britain,男性和女性照顾孩子的异同
12月8日雅思笔试回忆答案(大陆卷亚太卷部分)Section 1 打电话报名烧菜,泰国菜法国菜意大利菜Section 3 Observations of whales 出海看鲸鱼,俩学生设计一个表格填有观察到的鲸鱼的内容21-25)Completion(最佳观察条件的介绍)21-watch time(原文the time of watch should be carefully chosen)22-the state of sea: calm or choppy 波浪起伏的23-and state of weather24-visibility:100 meters(原文女孩说填最远能看到50米,男孩认为应写100)25 the talked details: the presence of fishing boats26-27)multiple choices: 选择2/7Appearance and 26 behavior 27 group size28-30)Matching 是四种鲸鱼的描述与图对照(有1个example 给出)Example Blue whale(蓝鲸)-D- the largest one in the ocean;体型最大28 Northern Right Whale(北露脊鲸)C without fins; 没鱼鳍without a fin29 Sperm whale(抹香鲸) B and with wavy fins on the back 波浪背脊30 mink whale(小胡须鲸) A with hump back fins which are wavy; Size is only a quarter of that of blue whaleSection 4 商品盐的历史讲座 History ofcommodityof Salt31-40) Sentence Completion31 Salt is essential for human’s health32 origin for English word salary 薪水derived from the Latin word used to described the payment make to roman soldiers....Sweden 瑞典33 animals are fed in the local=surrounding forests during the summerWinters 进行屠宰 slaughtered34 the fresh meat is available in October only35 Record(1573) has been used widely; we can tell from the diet of king of Sweden (King eat 10 pound pork and beef a year, but over 107 pounds are salted 腌制肉)36 beer consumption is large because the food was so salty 因为经过腌制的食品很咸所以beer consumption 很高37 Sweden needs to protect its shipping to import Commodity Salt sources;38 from basins in desert locations, Sahara warm climate39 salt from spring water is more concentrated (浓度)and purer(纯度)compared to sea water40 Salt trade cities formed due to a nature mean of transportPassage1: 青蛙治害虫Passage2: 滤水器Passage3: 男人照顾孩子小作文:饼图+表格混合大作文:Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities while others believe that it is better to have students with differentabilities study together. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Section 1 To rent a house 一个女的打电话要租房Section 3 蜜蜂和大象:大象对于农作物的危害和当地人用bee来防止大象31-34)Multiple choices(5选择2)31-32)what result for elephants’ attack to farmer, 大象侵扰农民的农作物 crops.A establishing a lawB farmers move away from the affected areasC fewer people would support protection elephant, less supportD more frequent attacksE more arguments among different Communities33-34)蜜蜂的stings对大象造成的后果,描述正确的是:(5选择2)A 蜜蜂NOT sting little elephantsB bee stings will be lethal to young elephant calves will be killedC是蜜蜂会sting大象眼睛周围,会使大象失明blind;文章没有说会不会失明D bee stings will be painful sting inside of ears and trunk刺在大象的眼睛周围敏感地区,耳朵后面,甚至长鼻子会同样痛苦。
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思阅读passage3参考译文剑桥雅思12Test8雅思阅读passage 3参考译文——英国公司需要更加高效的董事会推荐:剑桥雅思12T est8雅思阅读passage 3真题+解析A 在经历了一系列严重的管理失误(也就是公司的最高层如何管理)后,英国以及世界其他地方的公司应该思考对其董事的角色进行根本的变革。
B 这场审视的连锁效应就是要使普遍的公司管理问题变成大众热烈讨论的议题,同时也极大地增加了管理者的压力和责任。
C 以前董事会的事务要交给委员会以处理大额的工作量,这么做也许确实更有效率,但是也意味着董事会作为一个整体,在充分解决一些最重要的事情上缺乏参与度。
D 有一个根本的方案也许对一些十分大型的、业务范围很广泛复杂的公司有效,那就是组建一个专业的董事会,其成员可以每周最多工作三四天,由其专属员工和顾问辅助支持。
2018年12月8日雅思阅读考情回顾一、考试时间:2018年12月8日(周六)二、考试概述:第一篇Australia’s cane toad problems,澳大利亚害虫问题。
可参考剑八第四套第二篇Biological Control of pests和剑十第四套第三篇When evolution runs backwards。
第二篇New filters promise water to millions,滤水器的发明。
可参考剑八第一套第一篇 A chronicle of timekeeping和剑十第一套第一篇Stepwells。
第三篇Who should look after babies in Britain,男性和女性照顾孩子的异同。
可参考剑六第四套第二篇Do literate women make better mothers和剑五第三套第一篇Early Childhood Education。
三、文章简介第一篇Australia’s cane toad problems,澳大利亚害虫问题第二篇New filters promise water to millions,滤水器的发明第三篇 Who should look after babies in Britain,男性和女性照顾孩子的异同四、篇章分析:Passage 1文章内容澳大利亚的某种害虫的幼虫啃食澳大利亚植物的根,为了解决的这种问题,澳大利亚从北美引入cane toad, 但事实证明cane toad的引入却是一种失败,并没有能够解决问题反而霸占了越来越多的其他动物群fanua的栖息地。
填空题7,判断题 6题型分布与答案参考答案回忆待补充相关拓展The rapid spread of Australia's cane toad pestsThey are toxic invaders that have conquered swathes of northernAustralia as they continue their seemingly irrepressible march westtowards the Indian Ocean.Packed with poison and supremely adaptable, the dreaded cane toad, orBufo marinus, has few friends in Australia, where a massive scientific andcommunity effort has failed to stop their advance."They probably have moved about halfway through that tropical regionof Western Australia," explained Rick Shine, a professor in biology at the University of Sydney. "They are in very inaccessible country now in the Kimberley. It is very hard to get detailed information on exactly where the front is but it seems to be moving at 50 to 60km (31 to 37 miles) per annum."The warty amphibians move only during the wet season. Although tracking studies have shown many hop less than 10 metres a day, those atthe front line have grown bigger and faster."The guys at the invasion front up in the tropics are moving often kilometres in a single night and they have evolved this very distinctive behaviour," Prof Shine told the BBC."They've actually evolved differences in shape and physiology as well. Essentially they have turned into these dispersal machines and they moveas far as they can, as fast as they can." Experts are reluctant to speculateon how many of these unwelcome pests have been unleashed across Australia's north. They are prolific breeders - some estimates put the figure at around 1.5 billion - but it is impossible to know for sure.Australia has a long and depressing history of inadvertently introducingwrecking ball species as pets and livestock, or for sport. Examples include foxes, pigs and rabbits, goats, camels and cats. Invasive plants and fish have also had a dramatic effect on native flora and fauna, but it is the cane toad that is widely reviled above all else.How did they arrive?For Australia, the grim story began in the sugar cane plantations of Puerto Rico, which had imported giant toads from South America to eatthe grubs that were devouring the crop.Word spread of the successes of these bug-catching amphibians and by the 1930s, the cane toads were being sent around the world. In 1935, 101toads arrived in Far North Queensland in areas including Cairns and Innisfail, before being bred in captivity. Their progeny was released on missions to hunt and kill cane-destroying beetles on Australia's north-eastcoast.have snared countless numbers over the Community toad “musters”years. In 2005 David Tollner, a former federal MP, famously urged Northern Territory residents to help squash the problem with their golfclubs and cricket bats - effectively turning eradication into sport.Then there was the so-called "bottom-line" defence supported by the RSPCA in Darwin, which recommended killing captured amphibians bysmearing them with haemorrhoid cream, which acted as an anaesthetic.In 2009, toads crossed the Western Australian border with the Northern Territory, more than 2,000km from the site of their original release 74 years earlier.It was a dark day that conservationists had both dreaded and seen coming. The invasion penetrated the Kimberley region, an area three times the size of England and regarded as a wilderness frontier. "Sadly,the Kimberley has lost the battle to the cane toad. They have invaded close to 70% of the Kimberley, so the toads are well and truly on their way to the northern coastal areas," said Lee Scott-Virtue, the president of Kimberley Toadbusters, a group she set up in 2004."It has been a really disturbing lesson. The problem is they are adaptingto dry, desert conditions. They are adjusting to very cold climates and they are actually starting to breed in saline water."Most recent discoveryOn Wednesday, wildlife rangers revealed a cane toad was found beside aroad near Mount Kosciuszko in southern New South Wales. Authoritiessuspect it was carried in by a tourist, and have not found other evidenceof the species there. Nonetheless, they are concerned. "There are certainlyenvironment and times of the year when such an animal could persist(survive)," Dave Woods, a state wildlife officer, told the AustralianBroadcasting Corp. He said toads could provide a fresh threat toendangered species in the area, a national park.The toads are devourers of insects and other small prey, but they are attheir most destructive when they are eaten by larger predators, such assnakes, goannas and freshwater crocodiles. A large gland on the toad'sshoulder is loaded with deadly cardiac toxins.In an unusual move, researchers are trying to train predators to avoidlarger cane toads by feeding them smaller specimens, which make themill but should not kill them. These so-called taste-aversion strategiesinclude feeding sausages made of minced amphibian to northern quolls, acarnivorous marsupial. They eat the meat, which causes vomiting, in thehope it will put them off eating toads again. A large-scale trial is due tostart in Western Australia soon. Corrin Everitt, from the state'sDepartment of Parks and Wildlife, told the BBC that while the projectcould ensure fewer large predators were lost, it would not halt theinvasion. "At the moment we're predicting the toads to take at least fiveyears to reach the Broome area," she said. "They are an amazing animalwhen you take away all the ugliness about them. You just wish that ournative species could be as adaptable and successful in colonising areas asthey are."Passage 2:文章内容讲述Mr. Flynn偶然间发明的一种water filter,不仅便宜好用,而且还讲述了water filter的制作过程。
2024雅思发布考试日期2024雅思发布考试日期一月:1月6日、1月13日、1月27日二月:2月3日、2月24日三月:3月2日、3月9日、3月16日、3月23日四月:4月6日、4月13日、4月20日、4月27日五月:5月11日、5月18日、5月25日六月:6月1日、6月8日、6月22日七月:7月6日、7月20日、7月27日八月:8月3日、8月10月、8月17日、8月24日、8月31日九月:9月7日、9月14日、9月28日十月:10月12日、10月19日、10月26日十一月:11月2日、11月16日、11月23日、11月30日十二月:12月7日、12月14日、12月21日、12月28日雅思考试介绍雅思考试(IELTS),外文名International English Language Testing System,通过剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英文化协会及IDP教育集团一起管理,主要是针英语能力,给想要到英语的家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考试。
填空,第一心跳的频率是(220),第二是不超过(75%),第三是心跳随(age)的变化而变化,第四每天锻炼不超过10 minutes第一周。下面是讲coffee的缺点,第一是not enough sleep第二是smoke too much第三是unhealthy diet。
part 1描述两个图,一个是飞机准时率,另一个是同期的乘客行李丢失率,一定看清,是千分数,
下一个问题是女人的义务,应为clean the bathroom, and vacuum the stairs.故选AD.
答案是yes, question mark, yes, cross,,还有问他们去那里招地图,
part 2问一个你喜欢的节日,为什么,怎么度过,
第一个是去resources room,
第二题可能是tourist press.
Part 1:考频 151Work or studies2Accommodation3Cities4Hometown5Holiday6Shoes7Weather8Foreign food9Cooking10Music11Plants12Rainy days13Paintings14Morning routines 15SportsPart 2:考频 15 1美丽的城市2想学的外语3最近读的书4有趣的动物5有趣的地方6好法律7开心经历8有趣的工作9青少年10上网搜信息11最喜欢的歌12常用网站13特定场合穿的衣服14特别能说的人15建筑二、具体题目分析Describe a friend you had as a child/ teenager.When and how you first met this friendWhat you liked to do togetherWhat you had in commonand explain why this friendship was important to youSpeaking of a childhood friend, I would like to talk about Paul. He was a really good friend of mine. I met Paul when I was 6 or 7 years old,he was tall and slim. I first met him in school because he was my desk mate, and we found out we lived in the same area. Since then we had spent almost 6 years together until he was transferred to another school.We did lots of things together when we were neighbours, classmates and good friends. We used to go to school and study together, we also played at our home, read and sometimes went to picnic together.We had many common interests, for example, both of us liked playing video games, reading stories, running in the field, watching cartoons, animated movies. In addition, I think we had similar taste in food, we both liked sweets. At that time, we went to candy shop with our parents almost every weekend.I believe that this friendship was particularly important for me at that moment because it is good to have companionship and fun when you are growing up. More importantly, these happy memories are related to my childhood, which had become an unrepeatable part of my life.12月1日雅思写作真题回忆:TASK 1类型:柱状图题目:The charts below show the percentage of males and females who were overweight in Australia between 1980 and 2010. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.TASK 2类型:教育类题目:Some people think that money spent on developing technology on space exploration is not justified, they think there are more beneficial ways to cost. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?12月1日雅思听力真题回忆:Section 1场景:游玩住宿项目预定题型:填空参考答案:1.three adults and two children2.accommodation3.2 weeks4.menu5.massage6.hotel7.15 October8.caravan9.golf10.fishing (tent)Section 2场景:某城镇运动题型:地图+匹配参考答案:(待补充)Section 3场景:关于达芬奇一副古画鉴定的研究题型:单选+匹配参考答案:21-24)Multiple Choice21.why did John think Jackson Pollock’s painting is fake? A are too easy to make fake copyB his work is complexC look simple and childish22.why initially John think 5 pounds 的画作 is fake?A it is too cheapB background featured wrong colored 颜色搭配不好C back of documentation23.why international foundation reject 5 pounds 的画作? A the material appliedB what’s on the backC featured in coloring mismatched24.John and Emily both agree on what?A new method will replace the traditional method to identify paintingB scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting 25-30)Matching-Flow ChatSection 4场景:连锁店改革题型:填空参考答案:31.The government should open more branches of petrol station to increase its market share in England. (政府应该增设加油站来增加在英国的市场份额。
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思阅读passage 3真题+解析
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思阅读passage 3真题+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12Test8雅思阅读passage 1真题+解析、剑桥雅思12Test8雅思阅读passage 2真题+解析文章结构体裁:说明文主要内容:商业管理者角色的变革结构: A段金融危机暴露出公司董事会管理的问题B段董事对公司管理发生了变化C段以前董事会委托委员会对公司进行管理D段现在由专业的董事会对公司进行管理E段董事会缺乏长足远见F段首席执行官们的薪酬引起的争议G段公司每个领域都需要彻底改变考题解析Questions 27-33題目归类:List of Headings此类题型属于结构题,考查考生对于文章整体结构的把握。
题目解析:Questions 34-37題目归类:YES/NO/NOT GIVEN此类题型M于细节题,是雅思阅读中难度较小的题目。
在解题时,根据题目的定位词回原文找到相关的语言重现,如果原文与题目表述的信息一致,答案为YES;如果原文与题目表述的信息矛盾,答案为 NO;如果从原文的信息不能确定题目中所表述的信息,答案为NOT GIVEN。
题目解析:Questions 38-40題目类型:Sentence Completion此类题型属于细节题,重点考查定位、提取、归纳信息的能力。
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section1答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section1答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12T est7雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test7雅思听力Section2答案+解析、剑桥雅思12T est7雅思听力Section3答案+解析、剑桥雅思12T est7雅思听力Section4答案+解析·谈话场景:活动场景·人物关系:售票处工作人员和游客·谈话话题:Kenton镇欢乐节的电话咨询交际与语言表达1.“Most years we have a children's choir, but this year the local army cadets ofrered to perform,and the're very good.(多年来我们都会囱一个儿童合唱团来人演、但今年当地的警校学生主动提出给我们表演,事实实证明他们很棒)。
其中offer to do sth,意为“主动做某事”。
2.“It's in the market in the toen centre一the outdoor one, not the covered market.(是在镇中心的市场,户外的那个,而不是室内的那个市场。
)”其中the outdoor one 中的one指代的是前面出现过的market、英语中用指代词可以使语言变得更加简洁;covered此处意为“有顶的”。
3.“Yes, you can book online, or you can buy them when you arrive in Kenton, either at the festi-val box office, or from any shops displaying our logo in the windows.( 是的,你可以在网上预订,你也可以到了Kenton现场再买,你既可以在本活动的售票处购买,或者在任何一家窗口贴有我们商标的商店购买。
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思⼝语Part2话题+范⽂剑桥雅思12Test8雅思⼝语Part2话题+范⽂推荐:剑桥雅思12Test8雅思⼝语Part1话题+范⽂Describe a time when you visited a friend or family member at their workplace.You should say:who you visitedwhere this person workedwhy you visited this person's workplaceand explain how you felt about visiting this person's workplace.参考答案⼀A few weeks ago, I visited my friend Miss Wen’s small caft, which was not really far away from my working place.I walked about 20 minutes when I finished my work, and found a beautiful small cafe decorated well by colourful flowers. My friend Miss Wen was waiting me in the front door. This was my first time to go to her working place, since she opened her cafe shop nearly 2 months. She used to be an accountant in an investment corporation, and felt really bored and disinterested after five years of staying there. Then she decided to work for herself by running a smaU shop, and this is how this cafe comes from.That was about 4 p.m. in the afternoon, so only a few consumers had their coffee here. My friend went to the bar and made two cups of cappuccinos. When I saw her making the coffee, I could felt her happiness. You know, a big smile was hanging on her face,and she was humming a song. Later, she served me the coffee, and we sat together to chat with each other about her cafe, her new working place.Miss Wen's cafe offered me a canteen-like experience with well-seasoned food, and her target consumers are people who want a quick lunch with a reasonable price, as well as flavourful choice,‘I know people are tired and exhausted after long hours of work, and I want to provide them a great place to sooth their mind', she said. However, from her words, and from her facial expressions, I knew she was much happier than before. Instead of staying in the office and sitting for extended periods during the day,she could walk around to clean tables, water flowers in the small garden in the front side, or make a fresh coffee for customers, or chat with people who had lunch here.. .this new working place brought her much more happiness and satisfaction.参考答案⼆Yesterday, I was invited to my cousin’s workplace —a fitness centre located inthe city centre.My cousin is working there as a gymnasium coach. I went there because I wanted to join some fitness courses like yoga and Pilates to lose my weight, so I called my cousin the day before yesterday and we decided to meet him in his workplace.He then showed me around the centre. It was really a well-equipped fitness centre opening out to a series of south-facing terraces, which provided both afternoon sunshine and visceral connection to the city garden. According to his introduction, this was also the city's most complete gym, which consisted of a swimming pool, a badminton hall, sauna rooms and massaging bath areas. ‘Working here was awesome, ’I said to my cousin. To be honest, this working environment was wonderful. Then, I quickly decided to join my fitness courses here; after signing contracts, we decided to have a dinner together, but I still needed to wait him about one hour because he had to finish his coach work.I ordered a cup of coffee in the bar, and saw him teaching a young chubby girl to do body building exercises. He was so patient, correcting every single mistake, and when he wears the tight singlet, you can easily see his strong muscle and body lines! That was really a different man for me, so he was not that ‘little shy boy’ when he entered the workforce years ago!剑桥雅思12pdf+听⼒mp3下载!。
IELTS 12 Test 8 阅读讲解介绍在雅思考试的阅读部分,考生需要通过阅读一些长篇文章来回答一系列问题。
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section3答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section1答案+解析、剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析谈话场景:学习场景人物关系:男女学生谈话话題:讨论莎士比亚細改编觀的作业展示交际与语言表达1.“…in one of his books he came up with a straightforward classification of film adaptations based on how faithful they are to the original plays and novels.(在他的一本书中,他提出了一种关于电影改编简单易懂的分类,那就是看这个改编忠于原著的程度。
)”其中come up with sth.意为“提出…观点”;base on意为“基于”,在此可以理解为“以…为标准”2.“Next I want to say something about how plays may be chosen for adaptation because theyve concerned with issues of the time when the film is made.(接着我想说一下当一个剧本和电影拍摄所处时期议题相关时,这些剧本会在什么情况下被改编成电影。
)”其中concern with意为“与……相关”。
3.“It was a very loose adaptation, using the same situation and story, but moving it to 16th century Japan instead of the 16th century Britain. (这不是一个严谨的改编,因为它虽然用到相同的故事情节,但是却把故事的背景从16世纪的英国换成了16世纪的日本。
剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析剑桥雅思12Test8雅思听力Section2答案+解析推荐:剑桥雅思12T est8雅思听力Section1答案+解析谈话场景:介绍场景人物关系:主持人谈话话題:一个作为旅游景点的老城区的相关介绍交际与语言表达1.“...but now it's been redeveloped into a buzzing, vibrant area of the city, which is also home to one of the city's fastest growing communities.(但是现在这里已经重新发展成为一个人气旺且有活力的区域,同时这里也是人口增长最快的群体聚集地。
)”其中which 引导的定语从句用来修饰前面的area; be home to sth.意为“是…的故乡”。
2.“...but now graduates embarking on careers in th e worlds of fashion and design are buying up the new apartments recently built here to replace the small houses where the market workers used to live.(但是现在,那些从事时尚和设计专业的毕业生买了很多新建在这里的住房,取代了之前市场工人们住的小房子。
)”想要弄懂这句话,关键是要学会划分句子成分,找出主干信息“graduates are buying up ne w apartments to replace small houses”。
3.“This year they've been asked to design an outfit based on ideas from the music and technology that's part of their everyday life,using both natural and man-made fibers.(今年参赛选手需要同时用天然纤维和人造纤维设计一件服装,设计灵感需来自于日常生活中的元素,比如音乐和科技。
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S2 虽为新题,但场景词汇难度不高,也在高频词范围内。
二、具体题目分析Section 1场景:一位男士咨询烹饪课程,咨询询问了一些个人信息题型:填空+匹配参考答案:1-5)matchingA. Thai Cookery 泰国菜B. Italian cookery 意大利菜C. French cookery 法国菜D. All three 全部1. Full registration for –B2. Available in the evening –D13. For beginners - A4. Have a discount –C5. Tutor from the same country –C(The man would choose the teacher from Britain who has the same nationality with him. French cuisine teacher is from France while Italian and Thai cuisine teachers seems to be from Britain)6-10)completion6. His name: Furness7. Date: 16 October 19878. Address: River Avenue9. How to contact: leave a message10. Pay by cash(not credit card, just ask if there is any discount by credit card)口语一、考试概述:以下为9-12月高频题,请考生扎实准备。
Part 1:考频TOP 151.Work or studies2.Accommodation3.Cities4.Hometown25.Holiday6.Shoes7.Weather8.Music9.Cooking10.Plants11.Sports12.Rainy days13.Park/garden14.Foreign food15.MoviesPart 2:考频TOP 151.想学的外语2.有趣的地方3.好法律4.最近读的书5.美丽的城市6.有趣的动物7.安静的地方8.开心经历9.有趣的地方310.常用网站11.特定场合穿的衣服12.最喜欢的歌13.建筑14.乘坐公交工具旅行15.上网搜信息二、具体题目分析Describe a trip that you plan to go on soon/in the near futureYou should say:Where do you want to goWho would you like to go withWhat would you do thereAnd explain why you would like to go thereWell, I would like to describe a place that I want to go in the future, that will be the Bumbum island in Malaysia. This place, I think you may not very familiar with, it’s not like world famous, But you know what, it is a must-goattraction in Malaysia.One amazing thing about the Bumbum island is that some people who went there before said the view there is just out of this world. So, hm...if possible, I would like to go there with my family maybe next year,by taking the plane of course, because it’s not that pricey for the4ticket to go there.I,m thinking maybe during one of the holidays like the National Day Holiday, because everyone in China gets 7 days off. So I could take the advantage of that period of timeTalking about what I would do there, you know, there’s one thing Iwould definitely do, which is taking the helicopter, and going on a panoramatour of the island. I know this because one of my friends who has been therebefore and posted like tons of photos on social media. When I saw those photos,the awesomeness really took my breath away. You know even saw those photos I got goose bumps all over me. The water, the sky, the bush and the cottage,everything is just spectacularly beautiful, and indescribably amazing.So, I would like to go there in the near future and I believe I would have an amazing time. Thank you, that’s all I wanna talk about today.写作TASK 1作文主题:四个地区游客去澳大利亚旅游的情况介绍写作要点:本次考试是一个混合图形,静态类型,难点在文字表格部分的描述。
TASK 2Some people think that schools should select their pupils according to their academic ability. Others believe that young people with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.题目分析:题目类型:教育类提问方式:双边讨论类Nowadays, how parents can provide better education for their children has need discussed widely, and with the development of educational form, more alternatives could be selected. Taking the difference between children in to consideration, some experts also believe that children with special talents should be taught separately, which I think can be a combination with the traditional mixed education.No one would doubt the effectiveness of teaching students together,by which the youth can learn from others' strong points to offset one's6weakness, especially when cultivating some social skills; besides, the demand of cooperation can be met in this kind of class, where students have the opportunity to conduct team work, and the ability gained from these activities can be useful in their future career. Not only students can benefit, but also the education system. Though the mixed education model, the compulsory courses can be applied around the country to guarantee the equity and quality of education for kids from different areas.However, the unique academic level of the individual cannot be ignored. Because of the various factors, including the influence of background, the mental development and so forth, we can find it obvious why students perform differently in studying, and realize the fact that the differences require the education system can identify and categorize students into specific level to provide personal training, which can be a helpful way to stimulate students' development in their interests and strengths.In conclusion, both ways are efficient and carry the good experience from parents and the society for the younger generation. In my opinion, it is worth considering to find a balance between putting them into practice under certain circumstances.78。