
重度混合动力系统采用了大功率电动机和大容量电池组,使得车辆能够在纯电动模式下行驶 较长的距离。该系统节油效果显著,但成本也最高。
通过电动机的辅助驱动和能量回收, 混合动力汽车能够显著提高燃油经 济性,减少燃油消耗。
提升电机、电池、电控等核心零部件的制造技术 水平,降低成本、提高性能。
优化整车组装工艺流程,提高生产效率和产品质 量。
引入智能制造技术,实现生产过程的自动化、信 息化和智能化。
介绍电池管理系统的功能、架构和 关键技术,包括电池的荷电状态估 计、健康状态监测、热管理等。
介绍适用于电动汽车的各类电机,如 永磁同步电机、异步电机、开关磁阻 电机等,并分析各类电机的特点和应 用场景。
分析电机驱动系统的选型依据,如电 机的功率、转速范围、效率等,以及 驱动器的类型、控制策略等。

感 谢 您 的 观 看!
New Energy Technology
地热能的利用方式有多种形式。 常见的利用方式包括地热发电 和地热供暖。地热发电利用地 下的高温热水或蒸汽来驱动涡 轮发电机产生电能。地热供暖 则是利用地下的热能能源相比,地热能具有许多优点。首先,地 热能是一种清洁能源,不会产生二氧化碳等温室气 体和污染物。其次,地热能是一种稳定可靠的能源, 不受天气条件和季节影响。此外,地热能的利用寿 命长,可以持续供应能源。 地热能的缺点: 缺点在于地热能的开发利用存在一些挑战。地热资 源不是分布均匀的,只有地热资源较为丰富的地区 才能进行有效开发利用。此外,地热开发的成本较 高,需要进行勘探、钻探和设备安装等工作。
3. 海洋吸收
海洋吸收太阳能,转化为 海洋的内能。提供了波浪、 海流和温差。
4. 人类直接利用
人类直接利用太阳能包括 光热转换和光电转换,比 如太阳能热水器和太阳能 电池。
能量来源充足,取之不尽用之不竭; 清洁无污染;能量获取方便;应时间 长久;分布广阔、获取方便;安全、 清洁、无污染。
核能的优点在于能量密度高;不 释放有毒气体;铀储量丰富;成 本低等。
缺点在于核电厂容易产生放射性 物质,对设备要求高;目前能量 利用率较低。
在地球内部很深处存在着放射性元素, 它们不断进行着热核反应,具有非常高 的温度,估计地球中心温度游6000℃, 这样巨大的热能,通过大地的热传导、 火山喷发、地震、深层水循环、温泉等 途径不断地向地表散发,这样就产生了 地热能。 人类可在医疗、发电、供暖、制冷、烘 干、养殖和、农业温室等上利用它。

能源 介绍
新能源技术发展趋势与展望 新能源政策与法规
PART 01.
新能源是指除化石能源之外的可持续能源形式。 等。
具有环保、可再生、节能等优点。 逐渐成为全球能源结构的重要组成部分。
各地政府也纷纷 出台相关政策,促进新能源 产业在本地区的发展。
国家制定了一系 列法规,规范新能源产业的 发展,保障其健康有序进行。
中国积极参与 国际新能源合作,推动全 球新能源产业的发展。
国家政策:支持新能源发展,提高可再生能源比重。 法规制定:完善新能源法律法规,规范市场秩序。 补贴政策:对新能源项目给予财政补贴,降低成本。 配额制度:要求电力公司必须生产一定比例的新能源电力。
全球风电装机容 量持续增长,中 国成为全球最大 的风电市场。
风能技术不断创 新,大型化、智 能化、海上风电 成为发展趋势。
政策支持力度加 大,风电并网和 消纳问题得到一 定程度的解决。
风能产业链不断 完善,成本持续 下降,竞争力不 断提升。
全球水电装机容量持续增长,截至2020年底,全球水电装机容量达到1000GW以上。 中国水能资源丰富,技术可开发装机容量约6.7亿千瓦,年发电量约3万亿千瓦时。 抽水蓄能电站建设加速,截至2020年底,全球抽水蓄能装机容量达到150GW以上。 潮汐能、波浪能等海洋能技术逐步成熟,但商业化应用仍需进一步探索。

9091亿吨 《BP世界能源统计2006》
病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
我国的形势更为严峻:人均能源拥有量仅为世界平 均值的一半,化石燃料的储采比低于世界平均值; 但 工业能耗又高于工业发达国家, 主要能源消耗已经名 列世界前茅(煤炭第一,石油第二)。
✓需要注意的是所谓新能源是相对而言的,现在的 常规能源过去也曾经是新能源,今天的新能源将 来也会成为常规能源
病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
➢绿色能源也称清洁能源,是从能源的生产对环境的 影响角度来说的,它可分为狭义和广义两种概念
病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
病原体侵 入机体 ,消弱 机体防 御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
新能源汽车概论 任务2 认识混合动力汽车 教学PPT课件

任务二 认识混合动力汽车
任务二 认识混合动力汽车
3. 转矩平滑 内燃机的曲轴并不是在内燃机的所有转速上都可以平滑地转动。燃烧过程的脉 冲会导致曲轴速度每秒变化多次。这些振动在内燃机转速高的时候通常被掩盖住了, 因此,非混合动力汽车的变速器换档速度以及变矩器离合器操作对应的内燃机转速 被校准得较高。 此外,汽车的动力传动系统在以一定速度和负载转动时也会传递振动,转矩平 滑指的是去除这些内燃机和传动系统造成的振动的过程。
任务二 认识混合动力汽车
二、 混合动力汽车的基本组成
混合动力汽车的主要组成包括内燃机、电机及其管理系统、动力分配装置和动 力蓄电池及管理系统。
任务二 认识混合动力汽车
二、 混合动力汽车的基本组成
(一) 内燃机(图2-14)
HEV可以广泛地采用四冲程内燃机(包括汽油机 和柴油机)、二冲程内燃机(包括汽油机和柴油机)、 转子内燃机、燃气轮机和斯特林内燃机等。一般转子 内燃机和燃气轮机的燃烧效率比较高,排放也比较洁 净。采用不同的内燃机就可以组成不同的HEV。
任务二 认识混合动力汽车
4. 动力内燃机关闭 混合动力汽车的内燃 机在汽车空挡滑行或停止 状态下是不需要怠速运转 的,这是因为混合动力系 统的强大电机可以快速地 自动起动内燃机。
任务二 认识混合动力汽车
混合动力控制系统通常仅在汽 车初始起动或内燃机低于正常工作 温度时允许内燃机怠速,当内燃机 处于正常工作温度时,只要加速踏 板没有被踩下,内燃机都可以被关 闭,取决于具体行驶情况,内燃机 可以完全停止转动或继续转动,但 是所有燃料喷射口都关闭。
四、 混合动力汽车车内配置认知
(1) 在红色危险警告灯开关上方有EV、 ECO、PWR三个按钮。分别表示:

常用的低沸点工质有氯乙烷、正丁烷、异丁烷、氟利 昂—11、利昂—12等.
<2>太阳能.太阳能的转换和利用方式有光一热转换、 光一电转换和光一化学转换等.
<3>风能.风能是指太阳辐射造成地球各部分受热不均 匀,引起各地温差和气压不同,导致空气运动而产生的 能量.利用风力机可将风能转换成电能、机械能和热 能等.
• 类型:可以分为: • 1)单级闪蒸地热发电系统<又包括湿蒸汽型
• 2)两级闪蒸地热发电系统; • 3)全流法地热发电系统;
〔2)双循环地热发电系统:利用地下热水来加热某种 低沸点工质,使其产生蒸汽进入汽轮机工作.
双循环地热发电也叫做低沸点工质地热发电或中间介 质法地热发电,又叫做热交换法地热发电.
<4>小水电.所谓小水电,通常是指小水电站及与其相 配套的小电网的统称.所谓小水电是指容量为 1.0~0.5MW的小水电站;容量小于0.5MW的水电 站又称为农村小水电
<5>地热能.地热资源是指在当前技术经济和地质环 境条件下,地壳内能够科学、合理地开发出来的岩 石中的热能量和地热流体中的热能量及其伴生的 有用组分.
<6>海洋能.海洋能是指蕴藏在海洋中的可再生能源, 它包括潮汐能、波浪能、海流能、潮流能、海水 温差能和海水盐差能等不同的能源形态.

Below you will find the assessment items as presented on the exam as well as the scoring rules associated with the item.Cisco Networking Academy content is copyrighted and the unauthorized posting, distribution or sharing of this exam content is prohibited.Close WindowAssessment SystemExam Viewer - ERouting Practice Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: 路由协议和概念 (Version 4.0)1What are two functions of a router? (Choose two.) gf e d c It connects multiple IP networks. gf e d c It controls the flow of data via the use of Layer 2 addresses.g fe d c It determines the best path to send packets. g fe d c It manages the VLAN database. g fe d c It increases the size of the broadcast domain.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.22When a router boots, what is the default order to locate the Cisco IOS if there is no boot system command? nm l k j ROM, TFTP server, flash n ml k j flash, TFTP server, ROM n ml k j flash, NVRAM, TFTP server nm l k j NVRAM, TFTP server, flashObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option23Which router component is used to store the routing table? nm l k j Flash n m l k j NVRAM n ml k j ROM n ml k j SDRAMObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option24Refer to the exhibit. How many routes are child routes? nm l k j 1 n m l k j 3 n ml k j 4 n ml k j 6ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option25Refer to the exhibit. Which statement is true concerning the routing configuration?nm l k j Using dynamic routing instead of static routing would have required fewer configuration steps. n ml k j The and routes have adjacent boundaries and should be summarized. n ml k j Packets routed to the R2 Fast Ethernet interface require two routing table lookups. nm l k j The static route will not work correctly.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option26Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator issues the command no ip classless on Router1. What forward on a packet that is received by Router1 and is destined for host nm l k j The packet will be dropped. n ml k j The packet will be forwarded to the gateway of last resort. n ml k j The packet will match the network and be forwarded out Serial 0/0. n ml k j The packet will most closely match the subnet and be forwarded out Serial 0/1.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option27Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R3 use different routing protocols with default administrative distance valu properly configured and the destination network is advertised by both protocols.Which path will be used to transmit the data packets between PC1 and PC2? nm l k j The packets will travel via R2-R1. n ml k j The packets will travel via R2-R3. nm l k j The traffic will be load-balanced between two paths — via R2-R1 and via R2-R3. n ml k j The packets will travel via R2-R3, and the other path via R2-R1 will be retained as the backup path.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option28Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is configured as shown in the exhibit. PC1 on network can reach R1. The rest of the routers are configured with the correct IP addresses on the interfaces. Routers R2 and R3 d dynamic routing enabled. How far will PC1 be able to successfully ping? nml k j router R1 Fa0/0 interface n ml k j router R1 S0/0/0 interface n ml k j router R2 S0/0/0 interface n ml k j router R2 Fa0/0 and S0/0/1 interfaces n ml k j router R3 Fa0/0 and S0/0/0 interfacesObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option29Refer to the exhibit. All routers are properly configured to use the EIGRP routing protocol with default settings, converged. Which statement correctly describes the path that the traffic will use from the network to network?nm l k j It will use the A-D path only. n ml k j It will use the path A-D, and the paths A-C-D and A-B-D will be retained as the backup paths. It will use all the paths equally in a round-robin fashion.ml j The traffic will be load-balanced between A-B-D and A-C-D.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option210Which two statements are true regarding link-state routing protocols? (Choose two.)f e c They are aware of the complete network topology. fe c They offer rapid convergence times in large networks. fe c They do not include subnet masks in their routing updates. fe c They rely on decreasing hop counts to determine the best path. fe c They do not work well in networks that require special hierarchical designs. fe c They pass their entire routing tables to their directly connected neighbors only.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 2 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.211Refer to the exhibit. R1 knows two routes, Path A and Path B, to the Ethernet network attached to R3. R1 learn from a static route and Path B to network from EIGRP. Which route will R1 install in its nm l k j Both routes are installed and load balancing occurs across both paths. nm l k j The route via Path B is installed because the EIGRP route has the best metric to network n ml k j The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the best metric to network n ml k j The route via Path B is installed because the EIGRP route has the lowest administrative distance to networ n ml k j The route via Path A is installed because the static route has the lowest administrative distance to networkObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 50 points for any other option212What two routing protocols use a hierarchal network topology? (Choose two.)gf e d c IS-ISg f e d c EIGRP g f e d c OSPF g fe d c RIPv1 g fe d c RIPv2ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 3 are correct. 1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.213Refer to the exhibit. Based on the output from the show running-config and debug ip rip commands, what a are added to the routing table of R1? (Choose two.)gf e d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/1g fe d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0 g fe d c S [1/0] via FastEthernet0/0 gf e d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0g fe d c R [120/1] via, 00:00:24, Serial0/0/0ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 2 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.214Refer to the exhibit. The network has three connected routers: R1, R2 and R3. The routes of all three routers a be verified from the output?m l j ml j The IP address of the S0/0/0 interface of R1 is ml j The IP address of the S0/0/1 interface of R2 is m l j R2 is connected to the S0/0/1 interface of R3.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option215Refer to the exhibit. All router interfaces are configured with an IP address and are operational. If no routing pro configured, what information will be included in the show ip route command output for router A? nm l k j All of the 192.168.x.0 networks will be in the routing table. n ml k j Routes to networks,, and will be in the routing table. n ml k j The routing table will be empty because routes and dynamic routes have not been configured. n ml k j A default route is automatically installed in the routing table to allow connectivity between the networks.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option216Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is accessing router R1 from the console port. Once the administra router, which password should the administrator enter at the R1> prompt to access the privileged EXEC mode?nm l k j Cisco001 n ml k j Cisco123 n ml k j Cisco789 n ml k j Cisco901ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option217Which of the following could describe the devices labeled "?" in the graphic? (Choose three.) gf ed c DCE g fe d c CSU/DSU gf e d c LAN switchg fe d c modem g fe d c hubObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1, Option 2, and Option 4 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.318Refer to the exhibit. Which router is advertising subnet nm l k j Router1 n m l k j Router2 n ml k j Router3 n ml k j Router4ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option219Refer to the exhibit. The show cdp neighbors command was run at R1. Which two facts about the newly dete determined from the output? (Choose two.) gf e d c ABCD is a router that is connected to R1.f e c The device is connected at the Serial0/0/1 interface of R1.f e c R1 is connected at the S0/0/1 interface of device ABCD.f e c ABCD does not support switching capability.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 1 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.220 A static route has been configured on a router. However, the destination network no longer exists. What shouldremove the static route from the routing table?m l j Change the routing metric for that route.m l j Nothing. The static route will go away on its own.m l j Change the administrative distance for that route.m l j Remove the route using the no ip route command.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 40 points for any other option221Refer to the exhibit. A ping between host A and host B is successful, but pings from host A to operational hosts is the reason for this problem?n m l k j The FastEthernet interface of R1 is disabled.n m l k j One of the default routes is configured incorrectly.n m l k j A routing protocol is not configured on both routers.n m l k j The default gateway has not been configured on host A.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 20 points for any other option222Refer to the exhibit. The network has three connected routers: R1, R2, and R3. The routes of all three routers a are operational and pings are not blocked on this network.Which ping will fail?n m l k j from R1 to m l k j from R1 to m l k j from R2 to m l k j from R2 to Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 20 points for any other option223Refer to the exhibit. What action will R2 take for a packet that is destined for m l k j It will drop the packet.n m l k j It will forward the packet via the S0/0/0 interface.n m l k j It will forward the packet via the Fa0/0 interface.n m l k j It will forward the packet to R1.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option224Refer to the exhibit. The users on the local network complain that they are unable to connect to t should be taken to remedy the problem?nm l k j A new static route must be configured on R1 with the R3 serial interface as the next hop. n ml k j A new default route must be configured on R1 with the R3 serial interface as the next hop. nm l k j The default route on R2 should be configured with the R3 serial interface as the next hop. n ml k j The default route on R2 must be replaced with a new static route and the next hop should be the R1 FastEObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option225Refer to the exhibit. What summary address can Router2 advertise to Router1 to reach the three networks on R without advertising any public address space or overlapping the networks on Router1? nm l k j nm l k j n ml k j n ml k j Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option226Refer to the exhibit. Host A is unable to access the Internet, and troubleshooting has revealed that this is due t What is incorrectly configured in this network? nm l k j the IP address of the Fa0/0 interface of R1 n ml k j the subnet mask of the S0/0/0 interface of R1 n ml k j the IP address of the S0/0/0 interface of R1 nm l k j the subnet mask of the S0/0/0 interface of R2ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option227Refer to the exhibit. A new PC was deployed in the Sales network. It was given the host address of 192.168.10gateway of The PC is not communicating with the network properly. What is the cause? nm l k j The default gateway is incorrect. n ml k j The address is in the wrong subnet. nm l k j The host address and default gateway are swapped. n ml k j is the broadcast address for this subnet.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option228Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator is planning IP addressing of a new network. What part of this ad be changed to allow communication between host A and the server?n m l k j the IP address of the servern m l k j the default gateway of host An m l k j the IP address of host An m l k j the default gateway of the serverObservable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 10 points for any other option229Which network design feature requires the deployment of a classless routing protocol?n m l k j private IP addressingn m l k j advertising default routesn m l k j variable length subnet masksn m l k j summarization on major network boundariesObservable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 30 points for any other option230 A network administrator needs to assign the very last usable IP address in the network range toserves this LAN. Which IP address should the administrator configure on the interface?n m l k j172.16.128.154/18n m l k j172.16.255.254/18n m l k j172.24.64.254/18n m l k j172.24.127.254/18Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 40 points for any other option231Refer to the exhibit. All routers are running RIPv1. The two networks and are unable t What can be the cause of this problem?nm l k j Because RIPv1 is a classless protocol, it does not support this access. n ml k j RIPv1 does not support discontiguous networks. nm l k j RIPv1 does not support load balancing. n ml k j RIPv1 does not support automatic summarization.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option232Refer to the exhibit. What information can be determined from the highlighted output? nm l k j R1 is originating the route n ml k j Automatic summarization is disabled. nm l k j The network is one hop away from R1. n ml k j A classful routing protocol is being used.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option233What does RIP use to reduce convergence time in a larger network?ml j It reduces the update timer to 15 seconds if there are more than 10 routes. ml j It uses triggered updates to announce network changes if they happen in between the periodic updates. ml j It uses random pings to detect if a pathway is down and therefore is preemptive on finding networks that arObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option234A network administrator has enabled RIP on routersB andC in the network diagram. Which of the following co updates from being sent to Router A? nm l k j A(config)# router rip A(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0nm l k j B(config)# router rip B(config-router)# network B(config-router)# network nm l k j A(config)# router rip A(config-router)# no network l k j B(config)# router rip B(config-router)# passive-interface S0/0nm l k j A(config)# no router ripObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option235Refer to the exhibit. Both routers are using the RIP protocol. Devices on the network can ping the cannot ping devices on the network. What is a possible cause of this problem?n m l k j The routers are configured with different versions of RIP.n m l k j R2 is not forwarding the routing updates.n m l k j The R1 configuration should include the no auto-summary command.n m l k j The maximum path number has been exceeded.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 10 points for any other option236Which two statements are correct about the split horizon with poison reverse method of routing loop preventiong f e d c It is enabled by default on all Cisco IOS implementations.g f e d c It assigns a value that represents an infinite metric to the poisoned route.g f e d c It sends back the poisoned route update to the same interface from where it was received.g f e d c It instructs routers to hold all changes that might affect routes, for a specified period of time.g f e d c It limits the number of hops a packet can traverse through the network before it is discarded.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 2 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.237Refer to exhibit. Given the topology shown in the exhibit, what three commands are needed to configure EIGR (Choose three.)g f e d c Paris(config)# router eigrp 100g f e d c Paris(config)# router eigrpg f e d c Paris(config-router)# network f e d c Paris(config-router)# network f e d c Paris(config-router)# network f e d c Paris(config-router)# network Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 1, Option 4, and Option 5 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.338 A router has EIGRP configured as the only routing protocol. In what way might EIGRP respond if there is no fea destination network and the successor route fails?n m l k j It broadcasts hello packets to all routers in the network to re-establish neighbor adjacencies.n m l k j It sends queries to adjacent neighbors until a new successor route is found.n m l k j It immediately sends its entire routing table to its neighbors.n m l k j It will set the metric for the failed route to infinity.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 20 points for any other option239Refer to the exhibit. Hosts on the BOS Fa0/0 LAN are able to ping the Fa0/1 interface on the JAX router and a and ORL routers. Why would hosts from the network not be able to ping hosts on the Fa0/0 LAN of n m l k j The JAX router has the wrong process ID.n m l k j The JAX router needs the network area 0 command.n m l k j The JAX router needs the network area 0 command.n m l k j The BOS router needs the network area 0 command.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response 2 points for Option 30 points for any other option240Which three statements describe the operation of routing with EIGRP? (Choose three.)g f e d c As new neighbors are discovered, entries are placed in a neighbor table.g f e d c If the feasible successor has a higher advertised cost than the current successor route, then it becomes theg f e d c If hello packets are not received within the hold time, DUAL must recalculate the topology.g f e d c The reported distance is the distance to a destination as advertised by a neighbor.g f e d c EIGRP maintains full knowledge of the network topology in the topology table and exchanges full routing inneighboring routers in every update.g f e d c EIGRP builds one routing table that contains routes for all configured routed protocols.Observable Description Max Value1correctness of response Option 1, Option 3, and Option 4 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.341Refer to the exhibit. What happens to a packet that has as the best match in the routing table tha nml k j The packet is discarded. nm l k j The packet is flooded out all interfaces. n ml k j The packet is forwarded via Serial0/0/0. n ml k j The packet is forwarded via FastEthernet0/0.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option242 A network is configured with the IP, IPX, and AppleTalk protocols. Which routing protocol is recommended fornm l k j RIPv1 n m l k j RIPv2 nm l k j EIGRP n ml k j OSPFObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option243Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true based on the exhibited output? (Choose two.) gf e d c Automatic summarization is disabled.g fe d c The EIGRP routing protocol is being used. g fe d c There is one feasible successor in the routing table. gf e d c The serial interface S0/0/0 is administratively down.g fe d c The router is originating the route to via the S0/0/0 interface.Observable DescriptionMax Value1correctness of responseOption 1 and Option 2 are correct. 1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required.244Refer to the exhibit. Two routers are unable to establish an adjacency. What is the possible cause for this? nm l k j The two routers are connected on a multiaccess network. n ml k j The hello and dead intervals are different on the two routers. n ml k j They have different OSPF router IDs. nm l k j They have different process IDs.ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 20 points for any other option245What command would the network administrator apply to a router that is running OSPF to advertise the entireincluded in in area 0?nm l k j R1(config-router)# network area 0 nm l k j R1(config-router)# network area 0 n ml k j R1(config-router)# network area 0 n ml k j R1(config-router)# network area 0ObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option246What should be considered when troubleshooting a problem with the establishment of neighbor relationships b(Choose two.)gf e d c OSPF interval timers mismatchg fe d c administrative distance mismatch g fe d c interface network type mismatch g fe d c no loopback interface configured gf e d c gateway of last resort not redistributedObservableDescriptionMax Value1correctness of response1 point for each correct option. 0 points if more options are selected than required. 247Which two components are used to determine the router ID in the configuration of the OSPF routing process?gf e d c the IP address of the first FastEthernet interfaceg fe d c the highest IP address of any logical interface gf e d c the highest IP address of any physical interfaceg fe d c the default gateway IP address gf e d cthe priority value of 1 on any physical interfaceObservable DescriptionMax Value 1correctness of responseOption 2 and Option 3 are correct.1 point for each correct option.0 points if more options are selected than required. 248What is the function of the OSPF LSR packet?nm l k j It is used to confirm the receipt of LSUs. n ml k j It is used to establish and maintain adjacency with other OSPF routers. n ml k j It is used by the receiving routers to request more information about any entry in the DBD. n m l k j It is used to check the database synchronization between routers.Observable DescriptionMax Value 1correctness of response2 points for Option 30 points for any other option 249Refer to the exhibit. All interfaces are configured with the correct IP addresses and subnet masks. OSPF has brouting protocol. During troubleshooting, it is determined that hosts on network B can ping the Lo0 interface on reach hosts on network A. What is the cause of the problem?nm l k j Routers R1 and R2 have incorrect router IDs configured. nm l k j Router R1 is unable to form a neighbor relationship with router R2. n ml k j Routers R1 and R2 have been configured in different OSPF areas. n ml k j The configuration of router R1 fails to include network A in the OSPF routing process.Observable Description Max Value 1correctness of response2 points for Option 40 points for any other option 250Refer to the exhibit. The interface addresses and OSPF priorities are configured as shown. Because of the boo router A is currently the DR and router B is the BDR. If router A fails and is replaced the next day by a new rou protocol action or actions will happen when router D is connected to the network?nm l k j Router B will remain the DR, and router C will remain the BDR. n ml k j Router D will be elected DR, and router B will remain the BDR. nm l k j Router C will become the DR, and router B will become the BDR. n m l k j Router B will remain the BDR, and OSPF will function on the segment via the use of only the BDR.Observable DescriptionMax Value 1correctness of response2 points for Option 10 points for any other option 2Reset ViewShowing 1 of 1Prev Page:1NextClose WindowAll contents copyright ©2001-2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Statement and Trademarks.。

盐差能的利用主要是盐差发电。其方式有直接 耦合式、外混式、内混式等几种。
海水在海中沿水平方向或垂直方向上大规模流 动称为海流。海流没有明显的边界,但总是沿一定 路线稳定运动,或成线,或成圈,还有的绕流,可 以在接近海面,也可以海中某深度发生。海流的能 量由热能和动能组成,可利用的首先是动能,动能 的功率与流速的立方成正比。据估计,全世界海流 能拥有量约50亿千瓦。
可编辑课件澳大利亚风力发电 33
❖ 美国:风能首当其冲 ❖ 日本:太阳能铺就新能源路 ❖ 英国:风能核能并举 ❖ 丹麦:靠风“驱动”的国家 ❖ 芬兰:生物能源独辟蹊径 ❖ 冰岛:利用地热不再依赖石油 ❖ 挪威:借风发展“氢经济”
对太阳能的利用,有间接利用与直接利用两种。间接利 用是利用由太阳能转化的其他能量,如生物质能、化石能、 风能、水能、海洋能等。人类对太阳能的开发时直接利用太 阳能,主要有:光热转换、光电转换和光化学转换。

目 录
01 什么是新能源 What is new energy
02 不同的新能源 Different new energy sources
03 其他的新能源 Other new energy sources
04 课堂小结 Class Summary
包括了太阳能、风能、生物质能、地热能、核聚 变能、水能和海洋能以及由可再生能源衍生出来 的生物燃料和氢所产生的能量
新能源因其可持续性、清洁、环保,是未来全球 能源的发展方向
生物柴油进入正规 加油站
一种以动植物油脂为原料加工 制成的生物柴油
太阳能热水器 太阳能发电装置
• 风能是指空气的动能。
• 地球表面接受太阳辐射能的不同,使各地大气温度不同,造成大气密度和气压的差 别从而形成风。所以风能是由太阳辐射能转化过来的。
• 风力发电:建风力发电站 • 风帆助航:风帆的使用 • 风力致热:风力机的使用 • 风力提水:风车的使用
电解法 1
3 光电化学法
热化学法 2
4 重整法
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Main Contents
2.1 Wind Energy History 2.2 Wind Energy Basics 2.3 Wind Power Technology 2.4 Wind Energy Benefits and Challenges
2.1 Wind Energy History
Wind Turbines: Power for a House or City
Savonius Wind Turbine
Dutch Windmill
American Multiblade Windmill
Darrieus Wind Turbine
Three-Blade HAWT (Horizontal-axis wind turbines)
The maximum power extractable from the wind is limited to 59% of the theoretical power (Betz Theorem).
The actual power obtained from a wind machine is a product of the actual efficiency times the Betz limit (0.59) times the theoretical power. P actual = Eff actual x 0.59 x P theoretical Where Eff actual is a product of the rotor efficiency times the gearing efficiency times the generator efficiency.
Power, kW
2 000 1 750 1 500 1 250 1 000
750 500 250
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wind speed, m/s
Since power (and energy) vary as the cube of the velocity, doubling the wind speed will give 8x the power and energy. Finding a good site and maximizing the wind speed is a critical part of making wind power economical.
KE 1 mv2 2
Pow(Pe) r KE1.m2v t 2t
m A.l. A.v.
P(wa)t ts1A.v3
Theoretical formula: P = 1/2 π R2 v3
Where: P: theoretical wind power in Watts : air density in kg/m3 (e.g. 1.225 at sea level) R : blade length in meters v : inflow wind speed in m/s
Early Days
Small wind electric turbines (1890s – Denmark, U.S., etc.) Experiments with turbines of ~100 kW in U.K., Italy, Germany (1920s and 1930s)
Smith-Putnam Turbine 175 foot rotor, 1.25MW capacity Operated from late 1941 to spring of 1945 Economic failure – technological triumph Foundation footings still in place
1985 1995 2000 2003
Wind Turbine specifications: Electrical Power: 1.5-5.0 MW Turbine Weight: 150-500 tons Tower Height: 65-100 meters Blade Length: 34-60 meters Blade Weight: 6-23 tons ~$1.40/Watt $0.03-0.06/kWh (Cost of Energy)
Early Wind Farm Era
First Wind Farm – Crotched Mountain, New Hampshire , December 1980 (equipment failures, wind speed overestimated) California Wind Farms – December 1981
Cretan (克里特岛) windmill (1464, mechanical water pumping)
Dutch windmill (1500, mechanical water pumping, grain milling)
U.S. farm windmill (1854 , mechanical water pumping)
1978 – Second oil shock leads to: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
(PURPA) in USA Requires utilities to buy electricity from renewable and cogeneration facilities Energy Tax Act of 1978 Creates 15% Energy Investment Tax Credit (EITC) Added to existing 10% ITC Limited Partnership Structure -&y Basics
Cd : Drag Coefficient
Cl: Lift Coefficient
ρ: Air Density
A : Sheet Area
v : Air Velocity
i B
• Power Law