





2.1 确认手持转速表电池电量充足,如电量不足需及时更换;
2.2 清洁转速表探头以确保测量准确性;
2.3 根据需要选择合适的测量模式。

3.1 打开转速表电源开关,并等待数秒以使仪器初始化;
3.2 选择合适的测量模式,如:线性速度测量模式或转速测量
3.3 将探头与测量目标物接触,确保与目标物表面紧密贴合;
3.4 观察仪器显示屏上的转速数值,并记录下来作为测量结果;
3.5 如需要继续测量其他目标物,请重复步骤3.3至3.4:
4.1 不要在测量过程中用力敲击转速表或探头,以免影响测量
4.2 防止探头与物体表面间出现杂质或污垢,以免影响测量准
4.3 在高温环境下进行测量时,要注意保护仪器和自身安全,
4.4 请勿将手持转速表置于潮湿或有腐蚀性气体的环境中使用;
4.5 在使用完毕后,请及时关闭电源开关以避免电池耗尽。


6.1 转速:物体的单位时间内绕轴旋转的圈数,通常以每分钟
6.2 探头:用于感应目标物体转速的仪器部件。





plt200-4型可燃气体报警控制器具有以下主要特点和功能:1. 高精度测量:该控制器采用先进的传感器技术,能够实时准确地测量环境中的可燃气体浓度。


2. 多种报警方式:当检测到可燃气体浓度超过设定阈值时,该控制器会通过声音、光线或振动等多种方式发出警报,提醒人们及时采取措施。


3. 多功能控制:plt200-4型可燃气体报警控制器不仅可以检测可燃气体浓度,还可以进行多种控制操作。


4. 数据记录与分析:该控制器具有数据记录和分析的功能,可以实时监测和记录环境中的可燃气体浓度变化。



5. 易于安装和维护:plt200-4型可燃气体报警控制器具有结构紧凑、安装方便的特点。



6. 可靠性和稳定性:该控制器采用先进的电子元件和工艺,具有较高的可靠性和稳定性。




X-Rite RM200QC 移动spectrocolorimeter测量说明书

X-Rite RM200QC 移动spectrocolorimeter测量说明书

RM200QCSpettrofotometro portatileNELL’IMMAGINE : Grazie a RM200QC di X-Rite, Poppin è sicura di dare al cliente il colore promesso.PanoramicaLo spettrocolorimetro RM200QC per imaging di X-Rite è uno strumento portatile che semplifica la misurazione del colore sia dei materiali in arrivo che dei prodotti da consegnare. È progettato per garantire un confronto stabile dei colori sui materiali e i prodotti, ogni volta che è necessario il controllo del colore. È uno strumento portatile elegante, pratico da portare in mano o in tasca in ogni situazione, nel laboratorio per il controllo qualità o nello stabilimento di produzione, così come durante le ispezioni nella sede dei fornitori.Principali vantaggiQuando i requisiti cromatici sono rigorosi, può essere complicato affidarsi esclusivamente alla valutazione visiva e al confronto con campioni di colore che, col passare del tempo, possono danneggiarsi o deteriorarsi. Inoltre, ogni persona vede il colore in un modo diverso e sullapercezione del colore incidono l’illuminazione e altre condizioni; di conseguenza, l’utilizzo di uno strumento di misurazione del colore affidabile come RM200QC elimina l’incertezza e aumenta la qualità del colore. RM200QC è stato progettato appositamente per gli addetti al controllo qualità e i responsabili della produzione.•Occorre semplicemente caricare gli standard Pantone, Munsell o altro, impostare le tolleranze e controllare rapidamente gli indicatori pass/fail una volta effettuate le misurazioni; si eliminerà così la soggettività dalla valutazione del colore e si otterrà più rapidamente l’approvazione del cliente.•È possibile creare e archiviare fino a 30 standard con la funzionalità di media, che assicura la massima accuratezza. Un plot colore di facile comprensione mostra la differenza tra lo standard e il campione misurato.• Eliminazione dei problemi dovuti al livello di esperienza del personale; tutti utilizzano lo stesso dispositivo, con un’agevole indicazione pass/fail basata su standard approvati.•RM200QC permette di controllare le variazioni fra le formulazioni di laboratorio, la produzione e i prodotti finali, comprese le variazioni da lotto a lotto durante il processodi produzione, riducendo così gli sprechi e le rilavorazioni.invariabile che permette di prendere rapidamente le decisioni per salvaguardare la soddisfazione dei clienti e introdurre con la massima fiducia altri colori nella linea di prodotti”Per maggiori informazioni su questo prodotto, visitare /rm200qcSpecificheRaccomandatiPANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORSLe guide PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS sono utili come standard fisici per trarre ispirazione e specificare il colore in tutta la filiera di produzione. Con 210 nuove tonalità, le palette di colori sono fresche, moderne e rilevanti. Possibilità di scelta dai riferimenti dedicati a materie plastiche, prodotti tessili e altro ancora. L’integrazione del software PANTONE COLOR MANAGER, una robusta applicazione desktop, offre la garanzia di avere sempre a portata di mano il set di colori PANTONE più aggiornato.Ci6x di X-RiteLa serie di spettrofotometri a sfera Ci6x di X-Rite, unitamente ai software NetProfiler, Color iMatch e Color iQC, riduce gli scarti e migliora laredditività e i tempi di immissione sul mercato. Grazie all’ampia possibilità di configurazione e alla gamma di prezzi, la serie Ci6x di spettrofotometri a sfera propone soluzioni per ogni genere di organizzazione.Servizio assistenza e garanzia1 I l plot colore mostra la differenzafra lo standard e il campione.Grazie alla vasta esperienza nel colore, X-Rite offre servizi di altissimo livello, sul campo, online o al telefono, per sostenere e sviluppare le vostre attività. Per una protezione supplementare alla garanzia di un anno, non bisogna lasciarsi sfuggire il nostro programma di garanzia estesa. I nostri contratti di assistenza completa e mondiale assicurano la migliore manutenzione dei dispositivi, tramite il controllo X-Rite Annual Five Point Checkup (controllo annuale in cinque punti), appositamente studiato per consentire ai dispositivi di funzionare sempre secondo le specifiche originali. Con 12 centri di assistenza in tutto il mondo, raggiungerci è facilissimo. Per maggiori informazioni sulle opzioni per l’estensione dell’assistenza, visitare /extended-warranties-services1322 P ossibilità di memorizzare fino a 350 misurazioni sul dispositivo.3 L a pratica valigetta proteggelo strumento durante il trasporto.Elenco completo delle specifiche disponibile all’indirizzo /rm200qcRM200QCnX-Rite è un marchio registrato o marchio commerciale di X-Rite, Incorporated negli Stati Uniti e in altri paesi. PANTONE ®, PantoneLIVE e altri marchi commerciali Pantone sono proprietà di Pantone LLC. Tutti gli altri marchi commerciali e marchi registrati appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari. © X-Rite, Inc. 2017. Tutti i diritti riservati.L10-469-IT (03/17)AMERICHE:800-248-9748EUROPA/AFRICA/MEDIO ORIENTE:+ 800-700-300-01ASIA:+ 86-21-6448-1155。



Computerised LensmeterCL-200The Topcon CL-200 LensmeterInnovative technology with unsurpassed ease of useProgressive lens measurementSophisticated software makes progressive lens measurement easier andfaster than ever before.1The CL-200 recognisesprogressive lenses and shiftsthe display to an hourglassgraphicier and faster thanever before.Simple, fast andaccurate2Align the lens so that the(+) target is centered.3As soon as the target isaligned, the lower section ofthe hourglass indicates thereading for distance Rx andautomatically memorises it.4Move the lens table to alignhe glasses along the near-pointsection. The (+) target quicklyfollows your movement and theright and left arrows indicate ifthe lens needs to be centred.When reaching the maximumADD, the (+) target will change.5The CL-200 recognisesprogressive lenses and shiftsthe display to an hourglassgraphicier and faster thanever before.Fast, easy to load printerJust drop the roll of paper in the printer receptacle and the quick and quiet printer is ready to work! Awkward threading or sliding of the printing paper is avoided.Green light reading beamThe CL-200 incorporates a newly developed green light reading beam. ABBE compensation is no longer required with this new ISO 7944 compliant feature. The Topcon CL-200 is the first computerised lensmeter to offer this ISO compliant feature to enhance measurement precision.Smart design, consistent resultsIngenuity in the CL-200 design presents a slim, modern look while providing consistent and reliable results.Comfortable operationThe LCD screen view covers a 75 degree angle of observa-tion allowing clear, comfortable readings from virtually any position regardless of the operator’s height. A conveniently located knob permits the brightness of the screen to be adjusted to best suit the working environment.New colour LCD screenThe wider, newly designed colour LCD simplifies interpreta-tion of the readings, even with progressive lenses. The dynamic colour measuring graphics show the ADD values as they are being measured, providing better control and ease of use.New lens tableThe magnetically operated lens table slides smoothly for easy and comfortable lens reading. Even when measuring small progresive lenses with a nearpoint close to the edge, its smart and minimal design makes measurement of all types of lenses fast and easy.Contact lens measurementContact lenses can easily and comfortably be measured using the CL-200 lens plate and ring accessories that come as standard with the instrument.ModelsThe CL-200 comes in a variety of models to accomodate the needs of all practitioners: CL-200 without printer (CL200), CL-200 with printer (CL-200P), and CL-200 with printer and PD measurement (CL-200PD).Small and convenient accessory boxA conveniently located compartment in the back of the instrument provides space to store accessories, ink car-tridges and paper.IMPORTANTI t e m c o d e : 5212911 / p r i n t e d i n E u r o p e*Subject to change in design and/or specifications without advanced notice. In order to obtain the best results with this instrument, please be sure to review all user instructions prior to operation.Topcon Europe Medical B.V .Essebaan 11; 2908 LJ Capelle a/d IJssel; P .O. Box 145; 2900 AC Capelle a/d IJssel; The NetherlandsPhone: (+31) 10 4585077; Fax: (+31) 10 4585045E-mail:*****************;www.topcon.euTopcon Deutschland GmbHGiesserallee 31; D-47877 Willich, GermanyPhone: (+49) 2154 885 0; Fax: (+49) 2154 885 177E-mail:**************;www.topcon.deTopcon Scandinavia A.B.Topcon DanmarkPraestemarksvej 25; 4000 Roskilde, Danmark Phone: (+45) 46 327500; Fax: (+45) 46 327555E-mail:*********************www.topcondanmark.dkTopcon España S.A.HEAD OFFICE; Frederic Mompou, 5; 08960 Sant Just Desvern; Barcelona, SpainPhone: (+34) 93 4734057; Fax: (+34) 93 4191532E-mail:****************;www.topcon.esTopcon S.A.R.L.HEAD OFFICE; 89, rue de Paris; 92585 Clichy, France Phone: (+33) 1 41069494; Fax: (+33) 1 47390251E-mail:****************;www.topcon.frTopcon ItalyViale dell’ Industria 60; 20037 PADERNO DUGNANO; (MI) ITALYPhone: (+39) 02 9186671; Fax: (+39) 02 91081091E-mail:**********************;www.topcon.itTopcon (Great Britain) Ltd.Topcon House; Kennet Side; Bone Lane; Newbury Berkshire RG14 5PX; United KingdomPhone: (+44) 1635 551120; Fax: (+44) 1635 551170E-mail:**************.uk;Topcon IrelandUnit 69, Western Parkway; Business Centre Lower Ballymount Road; Dublin 12Phone: (+353) 1460 0021; Fax: (+353) 1460 0129E-mail:****************SpecificationsMeasurement range Sphere 0 to ± 25 D (0,10/0,12/0,25D steps) Cylinder 0 to ± 10 D (0,10/0,12/0,25D steps) Axis1˚ to 180˚ (1˚ step)Addition 0 to + 10 D (0,10/0,12/0,25D steps) Prism0 to ± 10∆ (0,01/0,12/0,25∆ steps) Cylinder mode Mix / - / +Prism mode X-Y (Orthogonal coordinates), P-B (Polar coordinates), No display Lens detection Single / Progressive / AutoLight SourceGreenWavelength criterion e-lined / d-line with ABBE compensation Lens diameter Ø 5 to 100 mmScreen 5,7 inch / 320 x 240 dots colour Data displayS, C, A, P , Add, R/LBar-meter, distance Rx, add power PD-Messurement range (on PD model only) 50-90 mmExternal Interface RS232C x 2, USB(2.0) x 1Power supply 100-240V / 50VA (Auto shut-off in 10 minutes)Dimensions 200(W) x 220(D) x 410(H) mm WeightApprox. 4kg Drop-in fast printerThermal printer。

西诺泰克 DT-2000数显转速表使用说明书

西诺泰克 DT-2000数显转速表使用说明书

DIGITAL TACHOMETEROPERATION MANUALⅠFEATURES1.It is used the microcomputer (CPU) technique and junction laser technique for one instrument combine PHOTO TACH. (RPM)&CONTACT TACH (RPM, m/min).2.Wide measuring range and high resolution.3.Yellow green backlight makes sure that tachometer can work normally in any light circumstance.4.The last displayed value/max. Value/min. Value maybe automatically stored in memory and 96s of measured value continuously.So this makes customers collected and recorded data. (The tachometer starts to store the data measured after which is renovation for three times).5.The tachometer can be connected 6V direct current stable voltage power in favor of using for long time.6.Low battery voltage indication.7.Contact part and photo part can be switched value at any time.8.New surface speed sensor with flute vials to measure speed and length of wire, cable and rope conveniently.9.The instrument is delicate and rugged. It uses the durable, long-lasting components and a strong, light weight ABC plastic housing.The comfortably in either hand.ⅡSPECIFICATION1、Display: 5digital, 18mm (0.7” yellow green backlight LCD)Accuracy: ±(0.05%+1digital)Sampling Time: 0.8second (over 60RPM)Range Select: Auto-rangeTime Base: Quartz crystalDetecting Distance: 50mm-500mm (photo)Dimension: 210×74×37mmPower: 4×1.5V AA size battery or 6V direct current stable voltage power.Power consumption: approx. 65mA2、Memory call button operation A readout(the max value, min value, last value) obtained immediately before turning off theMEA TURING BUTTON is automatically memorized. For example, please ret. following figure 1. That memorized value can be displayed on the indicator by turn once depressing the memory button. The symbol “UP” represents the MAX. Value and “DN” the MIN. Value, “LA” the Last Value.3、Data stored button operation3.1Display last value and for the fourth time press memory button, the tachometer will indicate whether to switch to another display mode.During display value changing from 20 to 1, it is switched if you release memory button that have not change to max value/min value/last value will be displayed in turn by pressing memory button anytime.3.2If the value changes form 20 to 1 (please ret. Following figure 2) and displaying “An **” (An is ab. of anamnesis). The display isswitched successfully. So the memory button is pressed, stored data will be displayed in turn. Display format is as follow: the first is serial number of stored data and then display the concrete value. After all stored data is displayed(96s), the tachometer will automatically switch to display max value/ min, value / last value. (more difference of data value, less data stored)Eg.: the displaying is “An 64” when 64s of measuring data is stored in one measuring(see fig.3). The tachometer will display the stored data in turn by pressing the memory button. The first value is 350.3RPM and the second 317.1RPM, analogically the 64th value is 337.0RPM (see fig.4).Reminds: The contact line button do not stores max value /min value and measuring data but last value. All data will be canceled and the tachometer will start to measure and store data again if measuring button is pressed when looking over measured data.4、Battery replacement4.1When it is necessary to replace the battery(battery voltage less tan approx.4.5V), will appear on the display.4.2Slide the battery cover away from the instrument and remove the battery.4.3Install the batteries into the case permanent damage to the circuit may result form incorrect installation.5、Reminds5.1 Reflective mark: cut and peel adhesive tape provided into approx. 12mm (0.5”) squares and apply one square to each rotation shaft. Thenon-reflective area must always be greater than the reflective area. If the shaft is normally reflective, it must be covered with black tape or black paint before attaching reflective tape. Shaft surface must be clean and smooth before applying reflective tape.5.2 Very low RPM measurement: as if is easy to get high resolution. If measuring the very low RPM values, suggest user to attach more“reflective marks” averagely. Then divide the reading shown by the number of “reflective marks” to get the real RPM.5.3 Contact tachometer parts include large taper, small taper and pillar, large taper and pillar rubberpart is suitable to low speed and but thesmall high speed.5.4 If the instrument is not to be used for any extended period, remove batteries.ⅢPHOTO TACHOMETERMeasuring Range: 2.5 to 99999RMPResolution: 0.1RPM (2.5 to 999.9RMP)1RPM (over 1000RPM)Total Test Range: 1 to 99999Panel description:A: Reflective markB: Signal light beamC: Measure buttonD: Function switchE: Memory call buttonF: Display windowG: Battery coverMeasuring procedure1.PHOTO RPM MEASUREMENTa.Apply a reflective mark to the object being measured. Slide the function switch to “ RPM” position.b.Depress the MEASURE BUTTON and align the visible light beam with the applied target. Verify that the MONITOR INDICA TIONlights when the target aligns with the beam.2.TOTAL MEASUREMENTa.Apply a reflective mark to the object being measured. Slide the function switch to “TOT” position.b.Install the batteries and press measuring button, then you see light beam line with the target, start measuring. The value will add 1 as theobject rotate a circle or passed one reflective mark, herein, the total value will stored in the meter until loosen the button.c.It will display total value as you press “MEM” button.Accessories:Carrying case 1pcReflecting tape marks length 600mmOperation manual 1pcDamproof accessories 1pcBolt bag 1pcⅣCONTACT TACHOMETERMeasuring Range: CONTACT THCH 0.5 to 19999RPMSurface Speed (m/min): 0.05 to 1999.9m/minSurface long (m): 0.05 to 99999mResolution:CONTACT THCH: 0.1RPM (0.5 to 999.9RPM)1RPM (over 1000RPM)Surface Speed: 0.01m/min (0.05 to 99.99m/min)0.1m/min (over 100m/min)Surface long: 0.02m (0.05 to 99999m)Panel description:A: surface speed wheel B: RPM adapterC: shaft D: measure buttonE: function switch F: memory call buttonG: display window H: battery coverMeasuring procedure1.CONTACT TACH MEASUREMENTa.Slide the FUNCTION SWITCH to “rpm” position. Install the proper RPM ADAPTER on the SHAFT.b.Depress the MEASUING BUTTON and lightly pressing the RPM ADAPTER against the center hole of rotating shaft. Be certainto keep alignment straight. Release the MEASURING BUTTON when the display reading stabilizes.2.SURFACE SPEED MEASURENENTa.Slide the FUNCTION SWITCH to “m/min”, in stall the SURFACE SPEED WHEEL on the SHAFT instead of the RPMADAPTER.b.Depress the MEASURING BUTTON and simply attaching the SURFACE SPEED WHEEL to the detector. Release theMEASURING BUTTON when the display reading stabilizes.3.SURFACE LONG MEASUREMENTa.Slide the FUNCTION SWITCH to “m” and use the corresponding part. The other same as (2).Note: Because of the difference between the girth of outer surface and inner flute of line speed sensor. For contact line speed or length measurement. The displaying result is correct when outer surface of the sensor contacts with the measured object contact and but when inner flute of the sensor and the measured object, that the reading multiply 0.9is the real result (eg.: measure wire, cable and rope etc.) Accessories:Carrying case 1pcOperation manual 1pcDamproof accessories 1pcBolt bag 1pcContact speed measurement fitting 1pcContact rotational speed measurement fitting 3pcsⅤPHOTO TACH/CONTACT TACHMeasuring Range: PHOTO TACH2.5to 99999RPMCONTACT TACH0.5 to 19999RPMSURFACE SPEED (m/min)0.05 to 1999.9m/minResolution:PHOTO TACH:0.1RPM (2.5 to 999.9RPM)1RPM (over 1000RPM)CONTACT TCAH0.1RPM (0.5to 999.9RPM)1RPM ( over 1000RPM)WURFACE SPEED0.01m/min (0.05 to 99.99m/min)0.1m/min (over 100m/min)Panel description:A: Surface speed wheel B: Contact test deviceC: Contact measuring device D: Measure buttonE: Function switch F: Memory call buttonG: Display window H: Battery coverMeasuring procedure1. PHOTO MEASURMNENTa. Apply a reflective mark to the object being measured. Slide the function switch to “rpm photo” position.b. Depress the MEASURE BUTTON and align the visible light beam with the applied target. Verify that the MONITOR INDICA TOR lights when the target aligns with the beam.2. CONTACT TACH MEASUREMENTa. Slide the FUNCTION SWITCH to “rpm contact” position. Install the proper RPM ADAPTER on the SHAFT.b. Depress the MEASURING BUTTON and lightly pressing the RPM ADAPTER against the center hole of rotating shaft. Be certain to keep alignment straight. Release the MEASURING BUTTON when the display reading stabilizes.3. SURFACE SPEED MEASUREMENTa. Slide the FUNCTION SWITCH to “m/min contact” position. Install the SURFACE SPEED WHEEL on the SHAFT instead of the RPM ADAPTER.b. Depress the MEASURING BUTTON and simply attaching the SURFACE SPEED WHEEL to the detector. Release the MEASURINGBUTTON when the display reading stabilizes.Note: Because of the difference between the girth of outer surface and inner flute of line speed sensor. For contact line speed or length measurement, the displaying result is correct when outer surface of the sensor contacts with the measured object contact and but when inner flute of the sensor and the measured object, that the reading multiply 0.9 is the real result (eg.: measure wire, cable and rope etc.) Accessories:Carrying case 1pcReflecting tape marks length 600mmOperation manual 1pcDamproof accessories 1pcBolt bag 1pcContact speed measurement fitting 1pcContact rotational speed measurement fitting 3pcs。

Instrument Systems TOP 200 150 光线测量探头说明书

Instrument Systems TOP 200 150 光线测量探头说明书

TOP 200/150 Telescopic Optical Probes for radiance and luminance measurements2 //Instrument Systems ❝ TOP 200Key features at a glancey P erfectly round and sharp measuring spotwith optimized Pritchard style optical system y C onvenient focusing by internal view-findercamera y L arge number of lenses for wide range ofmeasuring-spot sizes and distances to test samples y T he software allows up to differentmeasuring-spot sizes to be selected y F lexible fiber connection withpatented mode01 \\ T OP 200 – Telescopic optical probefor radiance and luminanceIn combination with a spectrometer, the TOP 200 Telescopic Optical Probe permits precise spot measurements of radiance and luminance, as well as thechromaticity of displays, panel graphics and other light sources. A multimode fiber is used to guide the light radiation from the TOP 200 to the spectrometer.The patented mode mixer fromInstrument Systems delivers uniform light transmission into the fiber and hence reproducible measurements even if the position of the fiber is changed.The TOP 200 can be operated with all spectroradiometers in the CAS 140D Series as well as the DTS 500 Display Test System from Instrument Systems with SpecWin Pro software. Remote control for the TOP 200 is provided via a USB port.❞Analysis of an LED with SpecWin Pro software3 //Instrument Systems ❝ TOP 20002 \\ Mode of functioningOptimized Pritchard style optical systemAn innovative optical concept was implemented in the TOP 200. The aperture mirror is inclined at an angle of 15° to the plane of the image and this creates a sharply defined measuring spot.The standard inclination angle of 45° used in competing products leads to unfocused edges because parts of the measuring spot aresignificantly displaced from the plane of the image. The holes drilled in the aperture mirror of the TOP 200 are also designed to be slightly elliptical in order to compensate for the 15° angle and guarantee a perfectlyround measuring spot.❞Mode of functioning of telescope optic with Pritchard style optical systemView-finder cameraThe TOP 200 used an internal view-finder camera with 2560 x 1920 pixel resolution. It permitsexceptionally convenient control and focusing of the desired measuring spot. The entire field of view of the view-finder camera is some 20 times bigger than the measuring spot in aperture position 2. The image generated by the view-finder camera is automatically stored in the measurement file and printed out in the reports. The position and size of the measuring spot is thereby explicitly documented.When the aperture is closed, the measuring location of the sample is visible, and software superimposes a reticle to mark the position of the measuring spot. As soon as theaperture port has been selected, the physical measuring spot, i.e. the aperture port is visible as a black circle.❞View-finder image with closed aperture and visiblemeasuring location❞Perfectly sharp and round measuring spot with the TOP 200A large number of lensesA large number of lenses can be flange-mounted securely and quickly on the TOP 200 using the F-mount bayonet connector from Nikon. This system covers a large range of different measuring-spot diameters and object distances.Most lenses are suitable for the visible and near infrared spectral range. A special high resolution lens (TOP100-322) with a focal length of 105 mm and close-up lenses with2-fold or 4-fold distance reduction can be supplied for measurements in the UV/VIS range. A collision guard for operation with the DTS 500 positioning system system is available.Choice of measuring-spot sizesThe size of the measuring spot depends on the lens used, the aperture port selected, and the distance to the sample.If the HRL 90 high-resolution lens is used, measuring-spot sizes as low as 0.075 mm are achieved allowing even very small features of panel graphics in the passenger cell ofa car or an aircraft cockpit to be analyzed with sufficient resolution.Patented mode mixerThe light radiation is launched intothe spectrometer via an opticalfiber that uncouples the aperturesize from the entrance slit andhence the spectral resolution of thespectrometer. Spectroradiometerswithout optical fiber coupling aresignificantly flawed because thespectral resolution changes with thediameter of the measuring spot.The patented mode mixercompensates for changes in positionand hence changes in transmissionproperties of the multimode fiber.The measuring error with mode mixeris less than 1 % compared with up to20 % without mode mixer. The modemixer also offers another significantadvantage because mixing the lightresults in polarization scramblingwhich reduces the polarizationerror to approximately 0.4 %. LCDdisplays can therefore be measuredvery accurately.* Distance between test sample and TOP 200 front panelLED spot lightLocating the desired measuringpoint and focusing on it is oftenvery difficult with unilluminated testsamples in a dark room. This is whyan LED spot light is supplied asstandard with each TOP 200. TheLED spot light can be connectedto the TOP 200 as necessary andthe flexible swan-neck attachmentguarantees convenient and reliableillumination of the test sample atdistances up to half a meter.❝Test equipment with TOP 200 & CAS 140D for NVIS display measurement03 \\F eatures4 //Instrument Systems ❝TOP 2005 //Instrument Systems ❝ TOP 20005 \\ T OP 200 – NVIS measurement ofdisplays and panel graphics(NVIS A/B/C): Optical radiation in the spectral range from approx. 650 to 930 nm is amplified by five orders of magnitude and converted to visible light. Thus, the radiance of the display in that spectral region must be extremely low compared to the visible spectrum in order to avoid blinding/shutter. 2) The NVIS radiance readings have to be scaled to the luminance of the same sample. The CAS 140D meets allrequirements for radiance and color accuracy that acquire the radiation spectrum from 380 to 930 nm. Luminance and NVIS radiance are calculated from the spectroradiometric data, enabling proper weighting and scaling. Different integration functions can easily be implemented by the user in the software (e.g. future goggle response curves or other standards). The article reviews the features of the NVIS display test system and discusses its measurementperformance in specific applications.The NVIS display test system DTS 140D NVIS combines the advantages of the high-end array spectroradiometer CAS 140D(with further stray light suppression and automatic adjustment of measurement sensitivity) and the telescopic optical probe TOP 200 with built-in viewer camera. The TOP 200 guarantees a perfectly round and sharp measuring spot with an optimized Pritchard style optical system (with spot diameter from 75 micron up to inches).The use of this test system solves the complexity of NVIS radiance measurements: 1) The spectral response functions rendered by the image intensifier, which is used in night vision goggles, has the following characteristicsFor NVIS measurements, it is critical that the extremely high-intensity differences between the visible and near infrared spectral ranges are measured correctly (typically 380 to 930 nm). This applies to largedisplays, small switches, and symbol measurement according to e.g. MIL-STD-3009, MIL-L-85762A, MIL-DTL-7788G (former MIL-P-7788F), JSSG-2010-5, ARP 5825, RAE WP 6, and others.04 \\ T OP 150 – Model with singleaperture for production applicationsThe TOP 150 features only one single aperture (instead of 4) and is used large-scale in production testing, e.g. of flat panel displays. It is specialized for radiance and luminance with excellent long-term stability.❝TOP 150 with mode mixer06 \\O ur test laboratories –accredited qualityInstrument Systems offers systems for measurements of spectral radiance and spectral irradiance, for which our in-house, ISO 17025 accredited test laboratory confirms the metrological traceability by provided test report. These systems are therefore ideally suited for measurements in the accreditedscope of ISO 17025 and otherinternational standards that requireproof of metrological traceabilityThis enables our customersto demonstrate the quality ofmeasurements to any third party.All standards used are directlytraceable to the reference standardof the national laboratories PTB(Germany) or NIST (USA).The test certificates included withour measuring instruments depictdetails of the traceability chain.07 \\S ervice and support We at Instrument Systems are settinga benchmark not only with ourproducts. Our services secure thelong-term value of your investmentand guarantee optimum productivityover the entire period of use.6 //Instrument Systems TOP 20008 \\Technical specificationsrdering informationFor all other purposes, our Terms and Conditions of Business shall be applicable.7 //Instrument Systems TOP 200Instrument Systems GmbH Kastenbauerstr. 281677 Munich, Germany ph: +49 (0)89 45 49 43-58 fax: +49 (0)89 45 49 43-11 ************************** b _ T O P 2 0 0 _ e n _ V 4 . 2We bring quality to light.。

傲拓科技NA200系列可编程序控制器硬件手册 (2)

傲拓科技NA200系列可编程序控制器硬件手册 (2)


















⚫电话:(+86)************⚫传真:(+86)************⚫网址: https:///目录第一章 NA200 PLC 概述 (1)1.1 NA200 PLC的硬件组成 (1)1.2 工作方式介绍 (5)1.3 编程软件介绍 (6)1.4 快速应用指南 (7)第二章安装、拆卸与接线原则 (9)2.1 指导原则 (9)2.2 电气安全 (10)2.3 NA200小型一体化PLC及扩展模块的安装和拆卸 (11)2.4 NA200小型一体化PLC及扩展模块的尺寸结构 (14)第三章 CPU 模块 (16)3.1 外观说明 (16)3.2 CPU模块功能简述 (16)3.3 使用说明 (17)3.4 通讯功能 (18)3.5 特殊I/O接线定义 (19)3.6 高速计数输入 (21)3.7 14点CPU模块性能参数 (24)3.8 20点CPU模块性能参数 (29)3.9 24点CPU模块性能参数 (34)3.10 40点CPU模块性能参数 (39)第四章 I/O 扩展模块 (44)4.1 数字量扩展模块 (46)4.2 模拟量扩展模块 (54)4.3 通讯扩展模块 (63)A 附录订货参数 (76)B 附录扩展模块功率 (78)第一章 NA200 PLC 概述作为小型一体化PLC 产品,NA200PLC无论是独立运行,还是相互连接构成网络,均可以实现强大而复杂的控制功能。










二、技术性能测量输入信号:一路标准脉冲信号,测量转速;一路PT信号,测量发电机输出频率测量频率范围:PT为0.3~150Hz/0.2~250V,标准脉冲信号0 ~ 8KHz测量精度:0.1 %士1 字显示内容:机组转速/频率、转速百分比/转速最大值输出信号:八路报警继电器,每点可在0~200%的范围内自由设定;一路发动机组蠕动故障报警;一路断线报警输出触点容量:A1~A8为5A/250V AC、5A/30VDC;故障和断线为3A/250V AC、3A/30VDC 模拟量输出:4 ~ 20mA 、0 ~ 10mA 、0 ~ 20mA通讯输出:Modbus-RTU模式,RS485接口,波特率最大为19200 bit/s最大值记忆:能记忆显示转速大值,可由用户清除工作环境:温度0~50 ℃湿度:< 85 %工作电源:开关电源100~260V AC/DC外形尺寸:160×80×125mm 开孔尺寸:152×76mm功耗:5W三、仪表操作说明报警指示灯AL1~AL8、故障报警指示灯ERR与断线报警指示灯CVT,每个指示灯都有对应的输出继电器。

维瑞迪 EP200Mmd 手动扫描光谱仪 使用手册说明书

维瑞迪 EP200Mmd 手动扫描光谱仪 使用手册说明书

In North America, call 1-972-446-999041–EP200Mmd – EP200MsdEnables measurement in low light applicationsthrough high-gain photomultiplier tubeAdjusts for varying light conditions throughautomatic gain control feature when used withVerity’s system controllersAvoids overlapping spectra through excellentresolutionManual and scanning versions to meet theneeds of different applicationsRepeatable wavelength measurement throughhardened lead screw assemblyDescriptionThe EP200 Series monochromators are designed to measure a single wavelength of light in the range of 185–925nm. When used with Verity’s system controllers and the proper optical input path, the EP200 Series provides robust endpoint detection for production or research applications.The EP200 Series is used extensively in semiconductor and related thin film applications for endpoint detection in etch, CVD etchback, photoresist stripping and related applications. The EP200Mmd is designed for manual adjustment of wavelengths. The EP200Msd permits computer-controlled spectral scanning through the use of a stepper motor, hardened lead screw assembly and position encoders. These elements allow the scanning monochromator to reposition itself for differentwavelengths when a process recipe changes or a new product calls for monitoring a new endpoint emission. Performance of the EP200 Series monochromators is enhanced by its wide spectral range, superiorwavelength resolution (up to 0.2nm) and extraordinary dynamic range of the photomultiplier tube (PMT).8-32 THD. (FOR MTG.)TEST POINTSACCESS TO MICROMETER (MANUAL VERSIONMOTOR INTERFACECONNECTOR STEPPER MOTOR(SCANNING VERSION ONLY)4-40 THD. FOR MTG.EP200SCR FIBER OPTIC COUPLER (OPTIONAL)OPTIONAL UNIVERSAL MOUNTINGBASE1.19 [30.2]3.16 [80.3]THREE ¼-20 UNC X 0.3 DP. THREADED HOLES FOR USER OPTIONAL MOUNTINGRIGHT SIDEBOTTOM 0.5 [12.7]REMOVE SCREWLOW PASS FILTER SWITCH CONNECTOR9 PIN D-SUB CONNECTORTRIMMER & PUSH BUTTONS3.5 [88.9]1.75 3X [44.5] 1.06 3X [27.0]11.74 [298.2]1.03 [26.2]0.38 [9.7]5.5[139.7]THREE #8-32 UNC SCREWS MOUNTSUNIVERSAL MOUNTING PLATE TO MONOCHROMATOR2.75 2X [69.9]1.5 2X [38.1]1.5 2X [38.1]42In North America, call 1-972-446-9990Entrance slit holder. The bandwidth can be varied through the selection of slits with different Feedback gives long-term stability to PMT puter-controlled or local adjustment option.Blazed holographic grating givesEP200SCR FIBER OPTIC COUPLER (OPTIONAL)8-32 THD. (FOR MTG.) TRIMMER & PUSH BUTTONSTEST POINTS(MANUAL VERSION ONLY)STEPPER MOTOR(SCANNING VERSION ONLY)MOTOR INTERFACE CONNECTOR4-40 THD. FOR MTG.[77.2]11.74 [298.2]3.16 [80.3]FRONT VIEWLEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDEBOTTOM VIEW5.5[139.7]1.19 [30.2]8-32 THD. (FOR MTG.)1.0 [25.4]2.75 [70.0]2.75 [70.0]0.25 [6.4] REMOVE SCREW TO ENTRANCE SLIT9 PIN D-SUB CONNECTOR7.16 [181.9]In North America, call 1-972-446-9990 43Depicted below is a typical system schematic. Wide ranges of configurations are possible to meet the needs of different applications.(Required unless direct viewing application)Bifurcated Fiber Optic Cablemonitoring the same chamber)Bifurcated RS232CommunicationsFiber Optic Cable Instrument Coupler(or use Direct Viewing Quartz Lens Coupler)System ControllerThe system controller provides for: • Endpoint detection using proprietary Neural Network or threshold software • A graphical user interface• External communications through digital I/O, RS232, and Ethernet • Power to detector•Automatic gain control of photomultiplier tubeSystem controller platforms include: • VM3400 provides asynchronous control using Windows NT-based ScanView IV software • VM3000 provides synchronous control using DOS-based ScanView III software•SDC2001 provides an OEM synchronous embedded control of manual monochromators or detectorsOptical Connection•Viewing can be direct using a quartz lens coupler, or indirect using fiber optic cables and a chamber connector as depicted above•Bifurcated fiber optic cables are available forapplications using two monochromators to monitor the same system. Verity offers a selection ofchamber connectors for use with its fiber optic cableInstrument Interface Cards Instrument Cables•Operation of each scanning monochromator requires an interface card (DAS-200) in theVM3000/3400, a detector I/O cable, and motor I/O cable•Operation of two manual monochromators requires a dual interface card (DAS-225) in the VM3000/3400 and a bifurcated detector I/O cable •Operation of a single manual monochromator requires a single detector I/O cable for eachmonochromator and a dedicated dual interface card (DAS-205) in the VM3000/340044In North America, call 1-972-446-9990Model Number EP200Mmd EP200MsdType Manual Monochromator Scanning MonochromatorPerformance/OpticsRange 185–920nm 185–920nm Resolution (maximum) 0.2nmBandpass/Slit WidthSlit Width (microns) Bandpass (nm)50.............................0.2100.............................0.4250.............................1.0500.............................2.01000.............................4.0GratingConcave holographic, 1200 grooves/mm optimized in visible or UV; F/3.5 aperture (See page 6, Relative Efficiency vs. Wavelength graph for UV Enhanced/Standard gratings.)Focal Length 200mmPhotomultiplier TubeStandard, Selected Standard, or UV Enhanced(See page 6, Quantum Efficiency vs. Wavelength, for the UV Enhanced and Standard PMT.)Scan Speed Not designed for scanning Variable to 4000nm/min ElectronicsPower1+15VDC @ 50mA–15VDC @ 225mA+15VDC @ 50mA–15VDC @ 225mAPower to drive stepper motor assemblyInput Signal for PMT Gain12–10VDC Output Signal10–10VDC PMT High VoltageOutput Range–300 to –1000VDCAmplifier A two-stage amplifier provides low noise and independent zero and gain control. It is laser trimmed for very low offset and drift.MechanicalSlits Straight, 5mm height, removableDimensions (excluding mounting base) [inches (mm)] 7.51 (190.8) x 2.63 (66.8) x 7.16 (181.9)[See Outline Drawings for details]10.54 (267.7) x 3.16 (80.3) x 7.16 (181.9)[See Outline Drawings for details]SafetyCompliance CE and Semi S2-93 compliant, Year 2000 (Y2K) not applicable1Power, input signals, and output signals are controlled by a DAS-205/225 (manual monochromators) and a DAS-200 (scanning monochromator) instrument interface cards, which are installed in the VM3000/3400. Alternatively, the SDC2001 provides this functionality for manual monochromators.DB9M D-Subminiature ConnectorPin Description1 Remote High Voltage Programming (Optional)2, 2-10VDC2 Power input line, –15 VDC (225mA), polarity protected3 Power input line, +15 VDC (50mA), polarity protected4 Remote High Voltage Monitor (10mV/V)5 Signal output, 0-10VDC6 DC Offset (Zero Voltage)7 Circuit Ground Return8 NotUsed9 Circuit Ground Return2Note: High voltage programming control is either local or remote. When ordered with the remote control option, pin 1 is enabled to support PMT high voltage programming. This enables automatic gain control when used with any of Verity’s system controllers.Normally, a DAS-205 or DAS-225 card in the VM3000/3400 is used to control manual monochromators. At left, the connector pin-out table is included to enable customer control of manual monochromators without the use of Verity’s DAS-205/225 cards. The pin-out of the EP200Msd scanning monochromators is not included, since stepper motor control requires the use of a Verity DAS-200 card. Verity encourages the use of its system controllers, since these controllers provide data acquisition, endpoint algorithms, instrument control, automatic gain control, user interface and tool interface.In North America, call 1-972-446-9990 45Direct viewing with the EP200 Series is facilitated through a quartz lens coupler. Unlike indirect viewing, a fiber optic cable and chamber connection are not required. Quartz lens couplers can be ordered as part of the EP Series monochromator model number. To order replacement or additional couplers, use the part numbers shown below. A=Location of Optional 2ndOrder Filter, Model No. GG375DescriptionModel Number ADJUSTABLE FOCUSEP200LCUse with EP200 Series OnlyA=Location of Optional 2ndOrder Filter, Model No. GG375 DescriptionModel Number ADJUSTABLE FOCUS – EP200FLCUse with EP200 Series OnlyDEFINES VOLUME SEEN BY ENTRANCE SLIT1.0 [25.4] DIA QUARTZ LENSMTG. HOLES FOR #8 SCREWS1.5 [38.1]1.5[38.1]ADEFINES VOLUME SEEN BY ENTRANCE SLIT 1.0 [25.4] DIAQUARTZ LENSMTG. HOLES FOR #8 SCREWSAMTG. HOLES FOR #8 SCREWS1.0 [25.4] DIA QUARTZ LENS FOCUSING VERSION EXTENDED1.86 [47.2]ROTATABLE360°FIRST SURFACEMIRROR1.25 [31.8]VOLUME SEEN BY ENTRANCE SLIT1.5 [38.1]1.5 [38.1]12.0 [304.8]1.85 [47.0]1.5 [38.1]6.0 [152.4]2.75 [69.9]2.0 [50.8]VARIES 6.0 [152.4] TO 12.0 [304.8]1.5 [38.1]46In North America, call 1-972-446-9990Indirect viewing systems include an instrument coupler, fiber optic cable and chamber connection. The instrument couplers listed below allow connection of either spot or slit-terminated fiber optic cables to the EP Seriesmonochromator. These couplers can be ordered as part of the EP Series monochromator model number. To order replacement or additional couplers, use the part numbers below. See page 77-85 for a list of the fiber optic cable and chamber connection information.DescriptionModel Number Part Number OPTIC COUPLER FOR SPOT TERMINATED CABLES EP200FOC1001858Use with EP200 Series OnlyThis device bolts to the inlet of themonochromator and provides a way to anchor various types of fiber optic cables while efficiently configuring the rays entering the detector in a proper geometry to illuminate the detector. It transmits UV, VIS, and NIR. Specify “spot”-type fiber optic cable end configuration when ordering. Using a spot-to-spot cable with a monochromator results in some signal loss, as compared to the spot-to-slit cables. The effect depends, in part, on the monochromator slit width selected. Fiber optic spot-terminated cables are sometimesemployed in applications with ample illumination, as they are less expensive than slit-terminated cables.Use with EP200 Series onlyMTG. HOLES FOR #8 SCREWS1.5 [38.1]1.5 [38.1]1.2 [30.5]In North America, call 1-972-446-9990 47Part NumberEP200M aa -b c d e-ffff g h ICouplerModel No. Part No. For Fiber Optic CableA .....Spot-terminated cable EP200FOC 1001858 Part numbers and model numbers areB .....Slit-terminated cableEP200SCR1000295provided in the event replacement or additional couplers are required.For Quartz Lens H .....Fixed FocusEP200FFL 1000120 I ......Adjustable FocusEP200LC 1002441 J ......Right Angle, Adj. Focus EP200FLC 1000505N .....No couplerZero ControlL .....Local (on instrument When using Verity’s system controller, selecting the remote optionby potentiometer) allows the VM3x00 to rezero the PMT output, when needed.R .....Remote (0–10VDC)Only select the local option in the case of customer-designed instrument controllers that do not take advantage of the EP200’s Zero Control capability.PMT Voltage Control L .....Local (on instrument When using Verity’s system controller, selecting the remote option by potentiometer) provides for automatic gain control of the PMT. Only select the local R .....Remote (0–10VDC) option in the case of customer-designed instrument controllers that donot take advantage of the PMT’s automatic gain control capability. Slit Size0050.......50 microns Monochromator slits are available in widths shown. The smallest slit 0100.......100 microns width gives the best spectral resolution, while the widest slit width 0250.......250 microns gives the best sensitivity in low light applications. The most commonly 0500.......500 microns used slit is 500 microns, which gives 2nm resolution.1000.......1000 microns Mounting BaseB .....With Mount Base See the Outline Drawings for details with or without the mounting base.N .....Without Mount BasePhotomultiplier Tube Range U .....UV Enhanced UV Enhanced detectors are recommended in applications where the (185–650nm) primary wavelength of interest is below 350nm. The Selected Standard S .....Standard offers improved sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio over the standard (200–920nm) PMT. See page 6, Detector Spectral Response, for additional C .....Selected Standard details. (200–920nm)GratingS .....Standard A UV-enhanced grating can replace the standard diffraction grating to U .....UV increase UV sensitivity in the monochromator (185–350nm).This also reduces the sensitivity to light above 500nm, so it should only be used if UV is the primary application. See page 6, Relative Efficiencyvs. Wavelength graph, for these grating types.2ndOrder Filter F .....Included When the monochromator is set to wavelengths above about 400nm, N .....Not Included the monochromator will respond both to light at the selected wavelength and to light at one-half that wavelength. Therefore, strong UV lines can interfere with the measurement of faint lines above 400nm. To avoidthis problem, Verity offers as an optional 2ndorder filter. It is manually switched into place when monitoring lines above 400nm and eliminates signal contamination by strong UV light. This filter must be switched outto measure light below 400nm. Alternatively, an external 2ndorder filtercan be used. See page 48, Ancillary Equipment, for additional details.Manual/Scanning md ..Manual The wavelength can be set manually by adjusting the micrometer sd ....Scanning setting or automatically using the VM3000/3400 through the DAS-200instrument I/O card.。










1.0.1 PM100-2C-B-1600便携式双色红外测温仪有以下主要特征:• 采用双色叠层硅红外探测器。

• 双色模式的测温范围为700~1600℃(1292~2912℉),单色模式的测温范围为700~1400℃(1292~2552℉)。

• 高的光学分辨率,D:S=90:1 。

• ℃/℉可却换,双色/单色模式却换。

• 内置温度补偿,适用于0~50℃(32~122℉)。

• 可调节上限报警、下限报警。

• 4种采样模式可供选择,可选择(实时值、最大值、最小值、平均值)方式测温。

• 采用可见红色激光瞄准目标。

• 采用48*84LCD液晶显示屏。

• 内置时钟显示,适用于2002~2099年。


• 使用4节AA(1.5V)电池,建议使用容量为1500mAh以上的非充电电池。

• 可以使用AC/DC电源适配器供电,DC输入电压范围为9~36V。

• 有数据存储功能,最多可存储1000个数据。

• RS232串口通讯,方便上位机处理数据。

1.0.2 PM100-2C-B-1600便携式双色红外测温仪清单:• PM100-2C-B-1600便携式双色红外测温仪1台• AC/DC电源适配器1台输入AC100~240V,50/60Hz输出DC9V—2A,带短路保护,极性为• 红外测温仪与RS232串口的连接电缆1根• 串口加长电缆,标准9芯1根2.0原理 2.0.1测温原理依据被测目标表面红外波段部分的热辐射进行非接触温度测量。






安全操作规程1. 熟悉操作步骤在使用小野手持式转速表前,应先熟悉其操作步骤和功能。



2. 正确安装电池小野手持式转速表需要使用电池供电。



3. 调试前检查在开始使用小野手持式转速表前,应确保仪器已经按照说明书正确调试,并确认仪器与被测对象的连接正确,并悬挂安全牵引设备。


4. 严禁在带电状态下打开盖板在任何情况下,都不允许在小野手持式转速表带电状态下打开仪器上的盖板。



5. 防潮、防震、防尘小野手持式转速表应保持在干燥、清洁的环境中,并避免暴露在强烈的电磁场或磁场中。


6. 维修从业人员操作仪器的维修和保养必须由专业人士进行。


保养规程1. 定期清洁小野手持式转速表需要定期清洁,以确保它的正常工作。





2. 保持仪器干燥和防尘小野手持式转速表应保持在干燥和防尘的环境中。




_____________________________________________________宁波北仑区科诚仪器有限公司联系人:张海华电话传真:手机邮箱:3瑞德手持式激光测径仪(使用说明书)宁波北仑区科诚仪器有限公司Ningbo Beilun District GODEX Instrument Co.,Ltd 联系人:张海华电话:传真:手机:邮箱:网址:网址:地址:宁波市北仑区长江国际商务大厦B 座1105室_____________________________________________________宁波北仑区科诚仪器有限公司联系人:张海华电话**************传真:*************手机:138****5802邮箱:****************4目录一、概述 (5)二、性能指标及功能特点 (5)三、机器结构介绍1)外观结构介绍................................................62)键盘功能介绍 (7)3)显示和指示说明 (8)四、操作说明1)开机测量状态 (8)2)单位设置 (9)3)时间设置...................................................104)机器校准 (11)5)记录删除 (13)6)数据参数设置 (13)五、测量原理示意图 (15)六、产品技术原理说明 (15)七、安全警示 (16)_____________________________________________________宁波北仑区科诚仪器有限公司联系人:张海华电话**************传真:*************手机:138****5802邮箱:****************5一、概述LDM-01HA 、LDM-01HB 、LDM-02HA 、LDM-02HB 手持式激光测径仪可广泛用于线缆、漆包线、光纤、微拉丝、机加工等行业;采用激光扫描方式,精度高,体积小,是一款真正适合于便携、移动的直径测量仪器。



目录一、概述 (2)二、工作原理 (2)三、外型尺寸和技术指标 (2)四、仪表主机箱、测量头 (3)五、开机调试过程 (4)六、充电 ................... .. (4)七、维护及故障处理 (4)八、校正 (5)九、维修服务 (6)一、概述TLMG-H01手持式激光测径仪主要用于测量各种较细材料的直径。







三、外型尺寸和技术指标测量头:长*宽*高: 194*57*48mm主机箱:长*宽*高: 155*114*60mm其它:显示器: 128×64点阵液晶显示屏,直径数据5位激光器:半导体激光器功率: 10W电源: AC220V/50H Z使用条件:(1)、环境温度: 0-40℃(2)、相对湿度: 80%以下(3)、供电电源:交流220V±10% 50H Z(4)、空气中不含腐蚀性气体、油、蒸汽及严重尘埃。







得力 P2000系列激光打印机 P2000D、P2000DW 说明书

得力 P2000系列激光打印机 P2000D、P2000DW 说明书

©2020 宁波得力集团有限公司感谢您选购得力产。



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* 根据ISO/IEC 19752标准打印A4纸张。









目录介绍 ................................................................................................................................................................. 注意事项及安全..................................................................................................................................... 关于本用户手册..................................................................................................................................... 一般安全信息......................................................................................................................................... 设备安放的位置 ..................................................................................................................................... 电气安全 ................................................................................................................................................. 保修 ......................................................................................................................................................... 碳粉盒 ..................................................................................................................................................... 维修保养................................................................................................................................................. 激光的安全性 ......................................................................................................................................... 无线电干扰 ............................................................................................................................................. 警告 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 概述 ................................................................................................................................... 打印机前视图 ......................................................................................................................................... 打印机后视图 ......................................................................................................................................... 控制面板 ................................................................................................................................................. LED指示灯状态......................................................................................................................................... 按键 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... LED工作状态和错误指示灯的含义 ................................................................................... 首次使用 ....................................................................................................................................................... 1. 拆开打印机的包装....................................................................................................................... 2. 安装碳粉盒 .. (01)0101010202030303040404050505050606070808083. 将纸张装入纸盒 ................................................................................................................................104.打开电源 ...........................................................................................................................................11首次设置 . (12)安装打印机驱动程序 .......................................................................................................................... 12连接设备 .. (12)USB连接 ....................................................................................................................................... 12网络连接 (13)下载移动应用程序(使用“得力e+”App ) .............................................................................................. 14打印机助手使用 . (15)1. 设备管理 ...........................................................................................................................................152.设置 ...................................................................................................................................................163.打印列表 ...........................................................................................................................................164.维护 ...................................................................................................................................................175.购买 ...................................................................................................................................................176.支持 ...................................................................................................................................................177.扫描 ...................................................................................................................................................178.无线连接 . (18)将纸张装入纸盒 ................................................................................................................................... 打印设置 . (19)布局 ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... 19纸张 /质量 .. (20)扩展功能............................................................................................................................................... 20高级设置............................................................................................................................................... 21Web 界面 (22)确认IP 地址......................................................................................................................................... 22调用Web 界面 . (22)一、设备状态 (23)二、设备配置..................................................................................................................................... 23三、网络 ............................................................................................................................................. 24四、订购耗材 (26)五、固件更新 (26)六、登录密码....................................................................................................................................... 26维护 .. (26)更换碳粉盒 ........................................................................................................................................... 26故障排除 ............................................................................................................................................... 29卡纸处理 .................................................................................................................................................................. 35改善打印质量 (37)附录 (43)材料安全数据表(MSDS) (43)产品规格............................................................................................................................................... 43....................................................................................................................... 31LCD信息以及LED工作状态清除设备内的卡纸 .............................................................................................................................. 35清除设备后部(定影单元)的卡纸 ...................................................................................................36................................................................................................................35清除纸盒内的卡纸..............................打印介质 ......................................................................................................................... 打印介质的规格 .................. (181818)操作设备前,请仔细阅读以下说明,并根据需要进行参考,确保设备的持续安全运行。


































































Zebra 热感应印表机 ZD200 系列使用者指南说明书

Zebra 热感应印表机 ZD200 系列使用者指南说明书

ZD200 系列熱感應印表機使用者指南ZEBRA 及其風格化的斑馬頭是 Zebra Technologies Corporation 在全球許多管轄區註冊的商標。


©2019 Zebra Technologies Corporation 和/或其子公司。





如需法律和所有權聲明的進一步資訊,請移至:版權:/copyright保固:/warranty使用者授權合約:/eula軟體:/linkoslegal使用條款所有權聲明本手冊包含 Zebra Technologies Corporation 及其子公司 (以下稱「Zebra Technologies」) 的所有權資訊。


未經 Zebra Technologies 明確的書面許可,不得為了任何其他目的而使用、複製或者向任何人披露這些專有資訊。

產品的改進持續改進產品是 Zebra Technologies 的政策。


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Zebra Technologies保留更正任何這類錯誤的權利,並且聲明不對因此而造成的後果負責。

責任限制包括但不限於商業利潤損失、業務中斷、遺失商業資訊等衍生性損害,Zebra Technologies 或任何參與隨附產品 (包括硬體和軟體) 之創造、生產或傳送的其他人概不負責,即使 Zebra Technologies 已被告知存在這類損害的可能性。


出版日期2019 年 5 月本指南適用於使用 Zebra ZD200 系列桌上型印表機的整合人員與操作員。

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型 号 PLT200
范 围
10cm接触轮 12英寸接触轮
线 速 度 1.969-78,740 6.000-144,000 Cm/min 5.000-200,000 15.240-365,760 M/min 0.050-2,000.0 0.153-3,657.6 计 数 器 1-200.000
精 度 非接触:0.01%读数 接触:±0.05%读数 分 辨 率 0.001RPM
尺 寸 176×61×41mm
重 量 210g
环境温度 5-40℃
电 源 2节1.5V电池
测量距离 0.05-7.8m
测量倾角 ±70°。
