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冲突管理 英文版

冲突管理  英文版
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Unitary and pluralistic frames of reference Unitary
One set of values, beliefs, commitments Shared understanding & commitment to objectives One source of leadership Team members - All pulling in the same direction Potential for harmony is assumed provided leader communicates well Disagreements è the result of misunderstanding Dissidents – the "rabble" hypothesis
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Stoking the fires
Doing things "by the book" Poor or dysfunctional communication Picking flights Sabotage & spoiling tactics Disregarding alienation & isolation Public (ritual) humiliation Highlighting faults & failures of others
Anne Mayden Nicoreta et al 1995

Conflict Management_Managers Materials_冲突管理工作坊May 2018_TK

Conflict Management_Managers Materials_冲突管理工作坊May 2018_TK
Conflict Management Workshop for Managers 冲突管理工作坊
Training Workshop Outline 培训大纲
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Exercise 1 – List down 5 types of conflicts in workplace练习1列出工作场所5种类型 的冲突 Workshop objectives 工作坊目标 Conflict Management – Introduction 冲突管理-介绍 Definition of conflicts 冲突的定义 What are conflicts? 什么是冲突 Sources of conflicts 冲突源 Levels and types of conflicts 冲突的级别和类型 Exercise 2 – Differences in perceptions of conflict 练习2-对冲突认识的差异 Differences in Perception of conflicts 冲突感知的差异 Functional and Dysfunctional conflicts功能性和功能失调性冲突 Conflict management styles冲突管理方式 How to handle conflicts?如何处理冲突 Exercise 3 – Conflict resolution 练习3-解决冲突 Exercise 4 – True or False练习4 - 对或错 Exercise 5 – Causes and Sources of conflicts练习5 - 冲突的起因和来源
“Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors” 平静的大海造就不了娴熟的水手。



【管理英文】谈谈问题、冲突与决策三者间的关联今天分享的主题是管理英文,主题是:谈谈问题、冲突与决策三者间的关联,作者是Lynda Bourne,中文为本公号创建人浦亮元翻译,正文2262字,欢迎阅读与分享!While frequently treated as separate topics, conflict management, problem solving and decision making are interrelated and all are focused on achieving the best possible outcome.冲突管理、问题解决与决策,这三者相互关联,并重点关注达成最佳的结果,而我们却时常会把这三者当作单独的话题。

In an ideal world there would always be sufficient information and rational maturity to treat everything as a problem and apply the following steps to reach the optimum solution:在理想的情况下,总会有足够的信息和理性的成熟度,让我们把每一件事都当作问题来处理,并使用以下的步骤,来达到最佳的问题解决方案:1.Investigate the problem;调查问题2.Define the problem (the way it is defined will influence the solution);定义问题(定义问题的方法,将会对问题的解决方案有影响)3.Identify the root cause;确认根本原因4.Define the solution space;定义解决方案空间5.Generate options. This can include:产生选项,可能会包括:—Group creative processes such as brainstorming;小组创新性流程,例如:头脑风暴—Negotiation between parties;不同方面的之间的磋商—Facilitated processes;推进流程;—Reflection and other individual processes。


Personal conflict profile
8 8
Conflict Management
2. Getting behind the conflict
2.了解冲突背后的原因 You should become active when:
Personal conflict profile
Conflict Management
10 1 0
3. Handle conflicts
Try to understand in objective terms: 试着客观地看待问题: - Validate the differences in perception and point of view
Wrong structure of the interaction of people, responsibilities and hierarchy
Wrong structure and wrong method of work flow.
- Listen actively
- Agree there is a problem
- Brainstorm possible solutions
Personal conflict profile



冲突管理(ConflictManagement)冲突管理(Conflict Management)冲突的概念冲突是指人们由于某种抵触或对立状况而感知到的不一致的差异。










一些冲突支持群体的目标;并能提高群体的工作绩效,它们是具有建设性的功能正常的冲突(functional conflict)。

但也有一些冲突阻碍了群体的工作绩效,它们是具有破坏性的功能失调的冲突(dysfunctional conflict)。







处理冲突Conflict Management--Chinese

处理冲突Conflict Management--Chinese

3 Stages of Conflict 衝突的三種層次

Stage Two 第二層次 —Significant Difficulties 重大的衝突: Win-lose attitude 抱著輸贏的態度 More personal investment 更多個人的投入 Self interest & saving face is important 個人利益和面子問題 Victories/mistakes are remembered 記著哪一方是勝利和失誤 Alliances & cliques are formed 形成黨派
Conflict Management 處理衝突
Chek-Yat Phoon, PhD, FCollT 潘赤日博士 NSD Education Department 北亞太分會教育部 Venue: HKMC 地點: 港澳區會 Sept 20, 2009 2009年9月20日
It may good to sit on the problem.
Demonstrate methods to effectively resolve conflict situations.
What do you know about conflict? 你對衝突了解多尐?
Write ―True‖ or ―False‖ next to each statement below…
Conflict is resolved once the goal switches from solving concrete problems to proving you are right and another person is wrong.



衝突管理一、衝突的定義A. The process that results when one person (or a group of people) perceive that another person or group is frustrating, or about to frustrate, an important concern.B. 雙方不相容的歧見,導致干預或對立。

C. 衝突與競爭( competition )D. 衝突觀念的變遷傳統觀點VS. 現代觀點績效衝突層次二、衝突的來源A. 溝通的因素B. 結構的因素1.規模( Size )2.幕僚的異質性( Staff Heterogeneity )3.參與管理( Participation )4.業務單位與幕僚單位的區分( Line-staff Distinctions )5.酬勞制度( Reward Systems )6.資源相互依存( Resource Interdependence )7.權力( Power )8.個人的行為因素(Personal Behavioral Factors)三、衝突的層次A. 個人內在衝突( Interpersonal Conflict )1.雙趨衝突(Approach-Approach Conflict)2.雙避衝突(Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict)3.趨避衝突(Approach-Avoidance Conflict)B. 人際衝突( Interpersonal Conflict )囚者的困局( Prisoners' Dilemma )囚犯乙堅不吐實坦白招認堅├────---┼────---┤不│ 3 天│ 1 天│吐│││囚實│3 天│90 天│犯├────---┼────---┤甲坦│90 天│60 天│白│││招│1 天│60 天│認├-────--┼────---┤C. 團體間的衝突( Inter group Conflict )1.法規及秩序( Rules and Procedures )2.訴諸高層權威( Appeal to Higher Authority )3.界限防守位置( Boundary-spanning Positions )4.團隊( Teams )5.整合部門( Integrating Departments )四、減少衝突的策略A.上層目標( Superordinate Goals )B.結構途徑( Structural Approaches )C.衝突管理型態1. 強力貫徹( Forcing )適用時機:a. 非採取迅速果斷行動不可時,如緊急危難。



冲突管理中的主要观点Conflict Management: Key Perspectives.Conflict management is a crucial aspect of interpersonal and organizational dynamics. It involves identifying, understanding, and resolving conflicts in a constructive and effective manner. Throughout history, various perspectives have emerged to guide conflict management approaches, each offering unique insights and strategies. Here are some of the key viewpoints in conflict management:1. Traditional Conflict Management:The traditional view of conflict sees it as a negative force that should be avoided or suppressed. This perspective emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony and preventing conflict escalation. Traditional conflict management techniques include:Avoidance: Ignoring or evading conflicts to minimize disruptions.Accommodation: Submitting to the demands of others to preserve relationships.Competition: Asserting one's own interests at the expense of others.2. Human Relations Perspective:The human relations perspective recognizes thatconflict is an inevitable part of human interaction. This view focuses on building relationships and fostering a positive work environment to prevent and resolve conflicts. Human relations conflict management techniques include:Collaboration: Working together to find mutually beneficial solutions.Compromise: Finding a middle ground that satisfies both parties.Consensus Building: Striving for unanimous agreement through open dialogue and brainstorming.3. Conflict as a Functional Perspective:The conflict as functional perspective views conflicts as potentially beneficial for individuals and organizations. This view argues that conflicts can:Challenge existing practices and stimulate innovation.Improve communication and foster understanding.Strengthen relationships through constructive resolution.4. Integrative Conflict Management:Integrative conflict management aims to find solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved. This perspective emphasizes understanding the underlyinginterests, emotions, and perspectives of those in conflict. Integrative conflict management techniques include:Mediation: Facilitating a structured dialogue between conflicting parties.Negotiation: Engaging in a process of give-and-take to reach an agreement.Problem-Solving: Collaboratively identifying and addressing the root causes of conflict.5. Transformative Conflict Management:The transformative conflict management perspective goes beyond resolving specific conflicts. It aims to transform the underlying relationships and dynamics that contribute to conflicts. This view focuses on:Building trust and fostering empathy.Facilitating dialogue and understanding.Empowering individuals to handle conflicts constructively.中文回答:冲突管理的主要观点:1. 传统冲突管理:传统观点将冲突视为一种消极力量,应避免或压制。

第六章 冲突管理

第六章 冲突管理
一、冲突的概念 冲突必须是双方感知到的,是否存在冲突,
是一个知觉问题。 冲突(conflict)是一种过程,这种过程始于
一方感觉到另一方对自己关心的事情产生消极影 响或将要产生消极影响。
冲突在任何组织中都存在,据说“是仅次于上帝和 爱之外的充斥于人们之间的主题”。
3ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
当处于紧急情况下, 需要迅速果断地做 出决策并要及时采 取行动时
你想要实施一 项不受团队成 员欢迎的重大 措施时
在你知道自己是正 确的情况下,并且 问题的解决有益于 团队,需要对付那 些从非竞争性行为 中受益的人
不合作 态度
合作 态度
1、正面冲突,直接发生争论、争吵或其他形式的对抗; 2、冲突的双方都高度武断、高度不合作; 3、竞争的双方都试图以牺牲他人的目标为代价而达到自 己的目标,试图向别人证实自己的几轮是正确的,而他 人是错误的; 4、只顾胜负、曲直,不顾冲突带来的后果。
1、传统观点: 1930s - 1940s
冲突是不好的,对组织有害的。因此,应竭力避免冲突。 理解冲突产生的原因并且消除这些因素:减少冲突

Conflict Management

Conflict Management
9 8
Accommodating (1, 9)
Disagreements are smoothed over. A state of peaceful coexistence is the ultimate goal.
Problem solving (9, 9)
takes place with varying viewpoints objectively evaluated; emotions and doubts are examined and worked through.
Through C., the goal actually isn’t mutually exclusive.
3. 4.
Conflict involves parties with different values or perceptions. Conflict ends when each side feels it has won or lost.
Conflict is suppressed through authority-obedience approach. Winlose power struggles are fought out, but often forced by the boss.
Concern for production
Comparison of Strategies
Production People



Describe characteristics of conflict.
Conflict 冲突…
Occurs when cares/concerns appear to be incompatible 当别人不接受自己意见时,就会起冲 突
Internal Conflict 内心的冲突:
解释 TKI (Thomas-Kilmann Instrument)里五个 处理冲突的模式
5. Review various corces.
6. Demonstrate methods to effectively resolve conflict situations.
a disturbance that rages within a single individual 一个人心中的不安/焦虑
Interpersonal Conflict 人际间的冲突: a disturbance that exists between 2 or more individuals/groups 是两个或以上的人心中产生不安
To be consistent 前后一致
When needs are violated, individuals respond 当双方意见不合 时,一般的反应是..
Retaliate 报复
Momentary 随时发生 Always a mistake 总是一时的错失
Intimidate 威吓/恐吓
Day-to-day irritations 被人激怒
Discomfort & anger are quickly passed off 不安和愤怒的情绪很快就消失



Raines, Susan S.. Conflict Management for Managers : Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes. : Wiley, . p 404 /id/10641846?ppg=404 Copyright © Wiley. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
Raines, Susan S.. Conflict Management for Managers : Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes. : Wiley, . p 412 /id/10641846?ppg=412 Copyright © Wiley. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.
Raines, Susan S.. Conflict Management for Managers : Resolving Workplace, Client, and Policy Disputes. : Wiley, . p 402 /id/10641846?ppg=402 Copyright © Wiley. . All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.



如何有效地管理和解决冲突Effective Conflict Management and ResolutionIntroductionConflict is an inevitable occurrence in personal relationships, work environments, and society at large. Conflicts arise when people have different opinions, ideas, values, beliefs, or interests that clash with one another. The consequences of conflict can be damaging to relationships, trust, productivity, and mental health. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how to manage and resolve conflicts effectively to achieve positive outcomes and avoid negative consequences.Understanding ConflictConflict can be classified into three types: task, process, and interpersonal conflicts. Task conflicts are related to substantive issues such as goals, resources, and strategies. Process conflicts concern the procedures and methods used for completing tasks or making decisions. Interpersonal conflicts arise from personal differences in personality, communication styles, or values. It is essential to recognize the type of conflict to determine the appropriate conflict resolution strategy.Managing ConflictConflict management refers to the process of identifying and addressing conflicts before they escalate into destructive behaviors or outcomes. Effective conflict management involves several essential steps:Step 1: Recognize the ConflictThe first step in managing conflict is to acknowledge that it exists. Avoiding or denying conflicts can intensify tension and make it harder to resolve them. It is best to confront the issue head-on and communicate openly and honestly with the other party.Step 2: Identify the Source of ConflictThe next step is to understand the reason for the conflict. This includes recognizing individual differences, preferences, and interests that contribute to the conflict. Identifying the source of conflict can help determine the underlying issues and facilitate a resolution.Step 3: Develop a Plan for Managing the ConflictOnce the source of the conflict is identified, it is essential to develop a plan for addressing it. The plan should be flexible, allowing for changes as situations evolve. The plan should include specific actions, resources, and timelines necessary to resolve the conflict.Furthermore, it should consider the different methods available for conflict resolution.Step 4: Implement the PlanAfter developing a plan, it's essential to implement it promptly. Communication is a critical part of implementing the plan, and continually checking in with the other party can help to avoid misunderstandings or unanticipated problems.Step 5: Evaluate the OutcomeLastly, evaluating the outcome of the conflict resolution process is crucial. It provides an opportunity for reflection on the effectiveness of the plan, encourages continued dialogue, and helps to develop skills that may be useful for resolving future conflicts.Resolving ConflictsConflict resolution refers to the process of resolving differences between parties or individuals, restoring relationships, and generating solutions that benefit all parties involved. There are five primary strategies for resolving conflicts:1. CollaboratingCollaboration involves working together to find a mutually acceptable solution. This requires both parties to participate in the decision-making process and share their ideas, suggestions, and concerns. Collaboration is useful when the parties involved have equal power and are willing to invest the time and effort necessary to work together.2. CompromisingCompromise involves each party giving up something to reach a mutually acceptable solution. This strategy is useful when both parties have some power, and the issue is moderately important to each party.3. CompetingCompeting involves a power struggle to win the conflict. This strategy is useful when a quick resolution is necessary, and one party has more power than the other. However, it may not promote a positive long-term relationship between the parties involved.4. AccommodatingAccommodating involves one party's willingness to surrender to the other party's interests. This strategy is useful when the issue is lessimportant to one party, and the other party has a more significant investment in the outcome.5. AvoidingAvoiding involves ignoring the conflict or postponing its resolution. This strategy may work when the conflict is minor, and there is no immediate need to resolve it. However, it may worsen the situation when the conflict escalates and becomes more severe.ConclusionThe ability to manage and resolve conflicts effectively is a valuable skill in personal relationships, work environments, and society at large. It requires an understanding of conflict types, developing a plan for managing conflict, implementing that plan, and applying the most appropriate strategy for conflict resolution. By embracing these strategies, individuals and organizations can achieve productive outcomes and foster positive long-term relationships.。

“Conflict Management Strategies for Resolving the

“Conflict Management Strategies for Resolving the

▪ Member # 1:It takes a good five years just to learn how things work in this Chapter. Why, I’ve been to more national conventions than she has been to Chapter meetings.
“Conflict Management: Strategies for Resolving
the Inevitable”
Link Kathryn Towe Littleton
Human Resources Chair, Central Area
Oakland County (MI) Chapter
▪ Differences ignored or not managed result in conflict.
What is Conflict?
▪ Any difference between people or groups of people which actually or seemingly offends the sensibilities or threatens the well-being of either party.
▪ Conflict always occurs within the boundaries of a relationship. Therefore, approval/self-worth, control, justice, and/or acceptance/love are most often the core issues.

Conflict Management

Conflict Management

Assertive or cooperative
L-L:逃避Avoiding (Turtle) /lose & lose L-H :順從Accommodating (Teddy bear)/ lose or
win H-L:競爭Competing (Shark)/ lose or win M-M:妥協Compromising (Fox) / lose & win H-H: 合作Collaborating (Wise owl)/ win & win
Process of conflict
Thomas, 1967 1.Frustration: goal blocked, a cue to stop and clarify difference. 2.Conceptualization: individual interpretation, develop an idea or picture. 3.Actions: intervention, plans, strategies. 4.Outcome: unproductive or productive.
達到雙贏win-win結果,3P prepare準備: 確知雙方的立場、雙方的期待、 底限、可行方案…. probe探索,刺探: 試探雙方真正的興趣、目 的。假設語氣、反問、詳細記錄 propose提議: 讓對方先亮出底牌,不要太匆 促接受對方一開始提出的建議
Strategies for management of inter-personal conflict

冲突管理 (2)

冲突管理 (2)


















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lift gently. • How does the ice cube relate to how we feel sometimes? • What does the string represent? • If at first this seemed unsolvable, how did you
• Activity: Blow Hard
• pg. 52, Still More Activities That Teach, Tom Jackson, IBSN#09664633-5-8
Resolving Anger
by Maces
An acronym (AREA) to help couples remember a better way of solving anger.
• Hurt remarks to have the last word (sarcasm, name calling)?
• The Silent treatment • Withdraw to a safe distance because you do not like
to argue? • Store up grudges and use later (revenge)? • My way or no way attitude? • Get angry, criticize, or some other aggressive
Next look at your interviews were there any other causes
of conflict?
Do Not Trifle Over Trivia
The following items are typical behaviors that create stress between people.
Play Garth Brooks Song
“We bury the hatchet, but not the handle”.
Myths or Misconceptions About Conflict:
1. Harmony is normal and conflict is abnormal.
A -- is for admitting your anger to your spouse.
R -- is the desire to restrain your anger and not let it get out of hand by blaming or belittling.
Ice Cube Activity
• Remove the ice cube from the water using the string without lifting the glass.
• Volunteer • Coil string on ice cube, put a little salt on, wait and then
4. Fight in private. Do not involve others.
5. Fighting in front of children once in awhile is okay if it is constructive and if you do not make them take sides. It gives them a pattern of constructive problem solving to follow in their own conflicts. They need to see you make-up also.
• Have groups write their answers on the board.
• Class combined all groups to make one great list of rules of fighting fair.
Solving Conflicts: Fair Fighting Rules
9. No mind reading. You cannot assume what the other person is thinking or expect them to know what you are thinking.
10. Come to conclusion, then let it end; compromise, if you can. Give in occasionally, agree to disagree.
Conflict Management
Arguing -Is usually a battlefield
for a bigger issue.
Fear -- losing their spouse. -- losing their home. -- losing self respect.
Objectives / Standards:
6. Fight it out at the time, if you can. Do not let if build and fester. However, if a time out is needed, use it constructively and agree on a time to resolve the problem at hand.
feel when you figured out how to retrieve the ice cube?
Perspective –What is yours?
All people are different. We have different likes, dislikes, beliefs, and values. These differences make up our individual perspective.
Failing to resolve a conflict situation causes:
• Married couples to withdraw and create emotional distance between them.
• Pile up of differences • Irritations and resentments.
solving strategies to resolve common scenarios of marital conflicts.
Do you ever use…
• Extreme or irrational tactic to gain your point (slamming doors, stomping around)?
7. No refusing to quarrel or withdrawing before it is finished.
8. Talk one at a time and listen when the other is talking. You are responsible for understanding the other person’s point.
• Activity: Here's what I Saw
• pg 117, Still More Activities That Teach, Tom Jackson, IBSN#09664633-5-8
Same groups make a list of Rules of Fighting Fair.
• Whether the toothpaste should be used from the bottom up or from the top down.
• Whether or not you tear off the pillow tags that says DO NOT REMOVE!
behavior? • Give in; “I guess you are right”, submisቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱive
behavior to avoid conflict. • Deny or pretend that “everything is okay
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above you are not “fighting fair” and you are creating an interaction pattern of “I win, you lose”.
Why Do Conflict Occur?
• Lack of Communication • Value conflicts • Lack of effective leadership or
decision-making • Discrepancies in role performances • Low productivity • Unresolved prior conflicts
• Which way the toilet paper rolls.
• Turning down page corners instead of using a bookmark.
• Eating or not eating in bed.
• Leaving damp washcloths scrunched in a lump, or wringing them out and spreading them to dry.
• Putting the VCR tapes away or leaving them on top of the VCR.
• Whether or not you read the instructions before you use something or put something together.