第二章 道德与公司社会责任
![第二章 道德与公司社会责任](
第一节 道德概述
一、道德的定义 二、四种道德观 三、崇尚道德的管理的特征 四、影响管理者道德素质的因素 五、提高员工道德素质的途径
第二章 道德与公司社会责任
道德是决定价值观的优先顺序的规则系统,或 是指导组织及其成员行为的准则和标准。 1、道德的本质是规则或原则 2、道德旨在帮助人们判断某种行为是正确的或是 错误的,或是这种行为是否为组织所接受 3、不同组织的道德标准可能不一样 道德的目标是阐明指导人们行为的准则及值得追求 的“优秀品质”。 所有对道德的判断,是由人的价值观所决定的,价 值观是行为的原则。
Ethics and Social Responsibility
第二章 道德与公司社会责任
第二章 道德与公司社会责任
第二章 道德与公司社会责任
在最新推出的一则康师傅矿物质水电视广 告中,第一句广告词“选取了优质水源” 引来众多消费者的质疑:多个生产厂都建 在城市附近,康师傅哪来的“优质水源”? 为了一探究竟,有网友潜入康师傅位 于杭州经济技术开发区四号大街27号的生 产基地,考察后发现该基地附近根本没有 所谓的“优质水源”,唯一的自然水源就 是污染严重的钱塘江。该网友判断,“康 师傅要么用自来水加工,要么用脏兮兮的 钱塘江水,绝对没有它所说的‘优质水 源’!”
2014-7-16 第二章 道德与公司社会责任 16
萨姆和鲍勃同时橡胶公司新产品开发实验 室的科学家,两个人的工作积极性都很高。 萨姆是这个实验室中最有才能的科学家, 在过去10年主持过几个专利项目的开发, 为公司创造了5000万元的经济效益。萨姆 为人温和,表情严肃,不善交际。与萨姆 相反,鲍勃是个性格开朗,情感外露的人, 虽然缺乏像萨姆那样的业绩,想象力也不 十分丰富,但工作扎实。公司里传闻鲍实 验室主任实验室主任一职。勃在今后几年 内将晋升。
Business Ethics & Social Responsiblity
![Business Ethics & Social Responsiblity](
2. Government regulations
好又多(沃尔玛) 超市
/2014091 8/n404415848.shtml
Do some research on the above companies or any others and reading on your textbook, 1. Describe their recent conduct of unethical behaviors to employees (p37-39) 2. How should the companies or others ensure responsiblity toward employees (p39-42)
Responsibility to Employees
Products and services
Can government or others do anything?
Can companies do anything?
Responsibility to Employees
Test: Who is a Murderer?
Dimensions of Diversity
Secondary Dimensions Primary Dimensions Marital Status Age Gender Physical Ability Race Ethnicity Sexual Orientation Religious Beliefs
From 2001-2010, Managers of Enron(安然), Lehman Brothers(雷曼兄弟) and Pfizer(辉瑞)were announced to steal a huge of amount of profits from their investors in order to serve their best interest. Do you know the result of the above situation? - Stockholders (investers) have sufferred great loss and some of them had to go bankruptcy in order to pay it off. And can you imagine if they were state-owned companies, what would be the result?
企业社会责任:可持续发展的商业道德和实践引言企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)是一种商业道德和实践,涵盖了企业在经济、环境和社会方面对于可持续发展的责任。
企业社会责任包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 经济责任企业的经济责任是其最基本的职责之一。
2. 环境责任企业的环境责任是指对自然资源的保护和环境影响的最小化。
3. 社会责任企业的社会责任是指其对社会的贡献和回馈。
4. 利益相关者管理企业的社会责任还包括与其利益相关者之间的良好互动和沟通。
以下是企业社会责任的几个重要性:1. 企业声誉与品牌建设企业通过积极履行社会责任,能够树立良好的企业形象和声誉。
商业伦理与企业社会责任:经营道德与社会贡献引言在当今的商业环境中,商业伦理和企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)是备受关注的话题。
企业社会责任的实践企业社会责任可以通过以下几个方面的实践来体现:1. 维护员工权益企业应该保护员工的权益,提供公平的工作环境和合理的薪酬待遇。
2. 关注环境保护企业应该对环境保护负起责任,采取可持续发展的经营方式。
3. 提供优质产品和服务企业应该秉持诚信原则,提供优质的产品和服务,满足消费者的需求并保护消费者权益。
4. 捐赠和慈善活动企业应该积极参与社会慈善事业,通过捐赠和公益活动回馈社会,帮助解决社会问题。
(摘自《南洋商报》,笔者有改动)4.1 管理道德一个推销员贿赂一位采购代理人以诱使其作出购买决策是道德的吗?如果这笔贿赂款是出推销员自己的销售佣金又怎么样呢?这二者之间有什么不同吗?如果某个人为了在萧条时期找到一份工作,有意低报他的真实学历,因为这份工作不需要高学历的人来作,这是道德的吗?有人将公司的汽油作为私用是道德的吗?用公司的电话打个人长途又怎么样呢?请公司的秘书打个人信件是道德的吗?在这一节中,我们将考察管理决策的道德方面。
在市场经济条件下,政府和企业的关系不是单纯的管理和控制,更多的是监 督、协调和服务。 (I)企业应当遵守法律法规,依法诚信纳税。企业如果想做大做强,长久地 经营下去,遵守国家的法律法规是一个基本的前提条件。
(2)企业应当支持政府的社会公益活动、福利事业和慈善事业,以此服务于 社会。政府是代表国家对社会进行组织、协调、监督和管理的组织,它所代表 的是社会公众利益。
第五讲 企业道德责任与社会责任
5.1 有关企业社会责任
美国经济学家米 尔顿·弗里德曼
最重要倡导者 在自由企业制度中,企业管理者必须要对股东负责
当管理者将企业的资源用于社会产品时,可能会破坏市 场机制的基础。企业承担了社会责任,生产社会产品, 实际上是一种资源的再分配,有人必须要为这种分配付 出代价。
(2)企业要对股东的资金安全和收益负主要责任。投资人希望通过对企业的投资而获得 丰厚的回报,企业应当满足股东这个基本期望。
(3)企业有责任向股东提供真实的经营和投资方面的信息。企业必须保证向投资者公布 的信息是真实可靠的,任何瞒报和谎报企业信息、欺骗股东的行为都是不道德的,企业 对此要负道德和法律的双重责任。
在市场经济中,企业与企业之间的竞争是一种相互依存的关系,双方都在为 获得或维持自己的利益而相互较量,任何一种旨在削弱或剥夺竞争对手利益的行 为都将遭到对方的强烈抵制,要么两败俱伤,要么虽然一方获胜,但却可能无法 赢得消费者。一个富有社会责任感的企业应当遵循公平竞争的原则。公平竞争是 指竞争者之间所进行的公开、平等、公正的竞争,它对市场经济的持续健康发展 具有重要作用。它可以使社会资源得到合理的配置,并最终为整个社会带来巨大 的福利。因此,在市场竞争中,企业应当采用合理合法的竞争手段,杜绝腐败和 贿赂行为的发生。
■ Kyoto Protocal expires i n 2012 ■ Results of March 2009 Copenhagen Meeting
■ Concerns what r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s the firm has t o i t s employees, consumers, environmentalists, minorities, communities, shareholders, and other groups
■ Largest developer of sustainability standards in the world
■ Compliance i s voluntary
ISO 14000/14001 C e r t i f i c a t i o n
■ ISO 14000 - a s e r i e s of voluntary standards in the environmental field
investors ■ Liability s u iNot Reactive
■ Proactive – do more than the bare minimum
■ Reactive – changing only when forced t o by the law or consumer pressure
E l e c t r i c Car Networks
■ Government funding f o r manufacturing ■ Recharging s t a t i o n s being i n s t a l l e d i n many
Although previously investigated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, due to exceptional returns, no irregularities were uncovered.
Costs considerations overtaking ethical decisionmaking
Vauxhall Zafira: Heater Fire
Crisis averted?
Sales of the Vauxhall unaffected “improper repair of heating element” “Scapegoated” (avoided blame) but recalled vehicles anyway
Its chairman Dick Olver admitted it made "commission payments to a marketing adviser and failed to accurately record such payments in its accounting records".
CORP3502 Contemporary Business Issues
Corporate and Social Responsibility and Business Ethics David Cantliff
社会责任与企业道德英语作文范文The concept of social responsibility has become increasingly important in today's business world. Companies are not only expected to focus on making profits but also to act in a way that benefits society as a whole. This is known as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In addition, businesses are also expected to adhere to a set of ethical principles that govern their conduct. This essay will explore the relationship between social responsibility and business ethics, and how they contribute to the overall success of a company.Corporate social responsibility refers to the idea that companies should take into account the impact of their actions on society and act in a way that balances their economic interests with the well-being of their stakeholders. This includes not only shareholders but also employees,customers, suppliers, and the communities in which they operate. By considering the social and environmental consequences of their decisions, businesses can make a positive contribution to society and gain the trust and support of their stakeholders.There are several ways in which companies can demonstrate their commitment to corporate social responsibility. Firstly, they can adopt sustainable business practices that minimize their impact on the environment. This can involve reducing waste, conserving energy, and using renewable resources. By doing so, companies can contribute to the fight against climate change and promote a more sustainable future. Secondly, businesses can support charitable causes and engage in philanthropic activities. This can involve donating a portion of their profits to nonprofit organizations or giving back to the communities in which they operate. By doing so, companies can address social issues such as poverty,education, and healthcare, and improve the lives of those in need.Business ethics, on the other hand, refers to the moral principles that guide the behavior and decision-making of businesses. Ethics are the foundation of a company's reputation and define its relationship with its stakeholders. Ethical behavior includes honesty, integrity, fairness, and respect for the rights and dignity of individuals. By adhering to ethical principles, companies can build trust, maintain good relationships with their stakeholders, and ensure long-term success.Ethical issues can arise in various areas of business, such as marketing, finance, and human resources. For example, in marketing, companies need to ensure that their advertising and promotional activities are truthful and not misleading. In finance, companies should be transparent in theirfinancial reporting and avoid fraudulent practices. In humanresources, companies should treat their employees fairly and provide a safe and inclusive workplace.To promote social responsibility and ethical behavior, companies can develop and implement a code of conduct or ethics policy. This document outlines the values and principles that the company expects its employees to follow and provides guidance on ethical decision-making. It also serves as a tool for training and education, ensuring that employees are aware of their responsibilities and the ethical standards expected of them.In conclusion, social responsibility and business ethics play a crucial role in the success of a company. By considering the impact of their actions on society and adhering to ethical principles, companies can not only contribute to the well-being of their stakeholders but also enhance their reputation and long-term sustainability. It is essential for businesses to embrace social responsibility andethics as integral parts of their corporate culture and strive to make a positive difference in the world.。
商业道德和社会责任 Business ethics and Social ResponsibilityPART ONEQuestions 1—8· Look at the statements below and the five extracts about business ethics from an article.· Which extract (A, B, C, D orE. does each statement (1—8) refer to?· For each statement (1—8), make one letter (A, B, C, D orE. on your Answer Sheet.· You will need to use some of these letters more than once.A. Each firm has a social responsibility, which is the firm's recognition of how its business decision can affect society. The term social responsibility is sometimes used to describe the firm's responsibility to its community and to the environment. However, it may also be used more broadly to include the firm's responsibility to its customers, employees, stockholders, and creditor. Although the business decisions a firm makes are intended to increase its value, the decisions must not violate its ethics and social responsibilities.B. Business ethics is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics tha t examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It has both normative and descriptive dimensions. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. Governments use laws and regulations to point business behavior in what they perceive to be beneficial directions.C. The term 'business ethics' came into common use in the United States in the early 1970s. By the mid-1980s at least 500 courses in business ethics reached 40,000 students, using some twenty textbooks and at least ten casebooks along supported by professional societies, centers and journals of business ethics. The Society for Business Ethics was started in 1980. Europe an business schools adopted business ethics after 1987 commencing with the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN).D. Organizations can manage ethics in their workplaces by establishing an ethics management program. Corporate research and watchdog groups such as the Ethics Resource Center and the Council on Economic Priorities point out that the number of corporations that engage in ethics training and initiate socially responsive programs has increased dramatically over the course of the past two decades.E. If a business owner treats employees, customers, and competitors in a fair and honest manner—and suitably penalizes those who do not perform in a similar fashion—he or she is far more likely to have an ethical work force of which he or she can be proud. "It is perfectly possible to make a decent living without compromising the integrity of the company or the individual, " wrote business executive William R. Holland.1、 Business ethical norms reflect the norms of each historical period. As time passes norms evolve, causing accepted behaviors to become objectionable.2、 The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the interaction of profit-maximizing behavior with non-economic concerns.3、 In recent years, the issue of business ethics has garnered increased attention.4、 Ethics implicitly regulates areas and details of behavior that lie beyond governmental control.5、 Business ethics applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.6、 A firm's employees should practice business ethics, which involves followinga set of principles when conducting business.7、 Quite apart from the issue of rightness and wrongness, the fact is that ethical behavior in business serves the individual and the enterprise much better in the long run.8、 As part of more comprehensive compliance and ethics programs, many companies have formulated internal policies pertaining to the ethical conduct of employees.PART TWOQuestions 9—14· Read the text about the ethical dilemmas that U. S. firms faced in global business.· Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps.· For each gap (9—14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.· Do not use any letter more than once.Global Business, Global EthicsU. S. firms typically have a code of ethics that provides guidelines for their employees. 9 Consider a U. S. firm that sells suppliers to foreign manufacturers. Both its code of ethics and the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prevent the firm from offering payoffs ("kick- backs") to any employees of the manufacturing companies that order its suppliers. Competitors based in other countries, however, may offer payoffs to employees of the manufacturing companies. 10Thus, the U. S. supplier is at a disadvantage because its employees are required to follow a stricter code of ethics. This is a common ethical dilemma that U. S. firms face in a global environment. 11Another ethical dilemma that U. S. firms may face involves their relationship with certain foreign governments. 12 Officials of some foreign governments commonly accept bribes from firms that need approval for various business activities. For example, a firm may need to have its products approved for safety purposes, or its local manufacturing plant may need to be approved for environmental purposes. 13Those firms that pay off government officials may receive prompt attention from the local governments. Employees of Lockheed Martin were charged with bribing Egyptian government officials to win a contract to build new aircraft. Executives of IBM's Argentina subsidiary were charged with bribing Argentina subsidiary were charged with bribing Argentine government officials to generate business from the government.Many U. S. firms attempt to follow a worldwide code of ethics that is consistent across countries. 14Although a worldwide code of ethics may place a U. S. firm at a disadvantage in some countries, it may also enhance the firm's credibility.A. Firms that conduct business in foreign countries are subject to numerous rules imposed by the global governmentB. American business ethics are based around the idea that it is possible to maximize wealth and profit while also being committed to upholding values and lawsC. However, these guidelines may be much more restrictive than those generally used in some foreign countriesD. The process of approving even minor activities could take months and prevent the firm from conducting businessE. The employees of U. S. firms must either ignore their ethical guidelines or be at a disadvantage in certain foreign countriesF. In some countries, this type of behavior is acceptableG. This varies from place to place, based on countries' specific cultural or societal beliefsH. This type of policy reduces the confusion that could result from using different ethical standards in different countriesPART THREEQuestions 15—20· Read the following article on the reasons why so many companies do not adhere to business ethics.· For each question (15—20) mark one letter ( A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheetfor the answer you choose.· Business ethics are the behaviors that a business adheres to in its daily dealingswith the world. They apply not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with a single customer.Business ethics are also the principles of conduct by which a company operates. This includes how the company owners want to manage the business and how the owners expect the employees to conduct themselves. Actions that result in civil lawsuits, criminal liability, or that simply damage the reputation of a business can all be considered examples of bad business ethics.Dishonesty is a common example of bad business ethics. For example, if a company makes false claims in its advertising, the company is being dishonest to its customers. Making false advertising claims and failing to replace damaged or defective products or to refund their purchase price are examples of bad business ethics that can give a company a poor reputation and that can lead to civil lawsuits.Many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business. To some people, businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line. It could be called capital ism in its purest form. Making money is not wrong in itself. It is the manner in which some businesses conduct themselves that brings up the question of ethical behavior.Many global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use, can be seen not to think too highly of good business ethics. Many major brands have been fined millions for breaking ethical business laws. Money is the major deciding factor.Many companies have broken anti-trust, ethical and environmental laws and received fines worth millions. The problem is that the amount of money these companies are making outweighs the fines applied. Billion dollar profits blind the companies to their lack of business ethics, and the dollar sign wins.A business may be a multi-million seller, but does it use good business ethics and do people care? Business ethics should eliminate exploitation, from the sweat shop children who are making sneakers to the coffee serving staff who are being ripped off in wages. Business ethics can be applied to everything from the trees cut down to make the paper that a business sells to the ramifications of importing coffee from certain countries.In the end, it may be up to the public to make sure that a company adheres to correct business ethics. If the company is making large amounts of money, they may not wish to pay too close attention to their ethical behavior. There are many companies that pride themselves in their correct business ethics, but in this competitive world, they are becoming very few and far between.15、 Which of the following is not true about the business ethics?A. It is the behavior that a business adheres to in its daily dealings with the world.B. It includes the moral principles or codes a company implements to ensure that all individuals working in the company act with acceptable behavior.C. It is the principles of conduct by which a company operates.D. It has nothing to do with advertising and a reasonable cost for the quality of the product.16、 Why does the author say "many businesses have gained a bad reputation just by being in business" in the 4th paragraph?A. Because the business ethics is considered to be an oxymoron.B. Because making money is not wrong in itself.C. Because a company can not make money and simultaneously adhere to the business ethics.D. Because many companies did not mean to violate the business ethics.17、 Which is main reason why so many companies do not adhere to business ethics?A. Billion dollar profits blind the companies to their lack of business ethicsB. Making money and profits should ignore the business ethics.C. The amount of the fines is not even worth mentioning when compared with profits.D. Many companies lack the consciousness of the business ethics.18、 What is considered to be a dishonesty?A. Companies received fines because it makes false claims in its advertising.B. Companies recall the defective products or to refund their purchase price.C. Companies conceal the deficiency of products.D. Companies become the link in the chain of unethical businesses.19、 What does the author suggest to deal with the ethics violation?A. Business ethics should eliminate exploitationB. The authority is urged to give stricter levels of punishment.C. Companies should pride themselves in their correct business ethics.D. Public should put pressure on those bad business ethics.20、 Which is not one of the phenomena in the present business world?A. Many popular companies have been fined time and time again.B. It is considered that businesses are interested in making money.C. The issue of business ethics has garnered increased attention.D. Those which adhere to business ethics are becoming very few and far between.PART FOURQuestions 21—30· Read the article below about the ethical standards of behavior in small business.· Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D.· For each question (21—30), mark one letter (A, B, C orD. on your Answer Sheet.Establishing Ethical Standards of Behavior in a Small BusinessEntrepreneurs and small business owners 21great influence in determining the ethical philosophies of their business enterprises. Employees often follow the lead of the owner in 22their duties and 23to their responsibilities, so it is incumbent on the owner to establish a work environment that embraces moral standards of behavior. Business experts and ethicists alike point to a number of actions that owners and managers can take to help 24their company down the path of ethical business behavior. Establishing a statement of organizational values, for example, can provide employees—and the company as a whole—with a specific framework of expected 25 Such statements offer employees, business associates, and the larger community 26 a consistent portrait of the company's operating principles—why it 27 what it believes, and how it intends to act to make sure that its activities 28with its professed beliefs. Active reviews of strategic plans and objectives can also be undertaken to make certain that they are not in conflict with the company's basic ethical standards. In addition, business owners and managers should 29 standard operating procedures and performance measurements within the company to ensure that they are not structured in a way that encourages unethical behavior. As Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield stat ed, "a values-led business seeks to maximize its impact by 30socially beneficialactions in to as many of its day-to-day activities as possible. In order to do that, values must lead and be right up there in a company's mission statement, strategy and operating plan. "21、 A. employ B. implement C. wield D. execute22、 A. executing B. performing C. fulfilling D. exerting23、 A. presiding B. attending C. devoting D. participating24、 A. navigate B. steer C. drive D. lead25、 A. standard B. scene C. action D. behavior26、 A. together B. similarly C. alike D. equally27、 A. appears B. exists C. occurs D. arises28、 A. tally B. coherent C. dovetail D. match29、 A. read B. guarantee C. test D. review30、 A. integrating B. completing C. gathering D. putting PART FIVEQuestions 31—40· Read the article below about pressures on ethical principles.· For each question 31—40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.Competitive Pressures on Ethical PrinciplesAmerican society places a great emphasis on success, 31in and of itself is not a bad thing. It is perfectly justifiable to want to make full 32 of one's talents and provide for oneself and one's family. People involved in the world of business, 33often face situations in which advancement—whether in position, influence, or financial stature—can be gained, but only by hurting other individuals or groups. Small business owners are confronted 34 these choices even more often than other people of the business world because of the greater degree of autonomy in decision-making that they often enjoy. Moreover, the ethical decisions of small business owners are likely to impact far greater numbers of people 35 are the ethical decisions of that business owner's employees. Very often, an employee's ethical choices (to claim credit for the work done by another, to falsify number of hours worked, etc.) have 36 impact on a relatively small number of people, usually co-workers or his or her employer. The ethical choices of business owners, however—whether to use inferior materials 37 preparing goods for customers, whether to place employees in a poor HMO, whether to lay off a dozen workers 38 of careless personal financial expenditures, etc. often have far more wide-ranging repercussions. Indeed, the pressure to make morally compromised choices on behalf of the company you lead can be quite powerful, 39 the enterprise is a lone clothing store or a regional chain of record stores, especially when you feel the health and vitality of your enterprise may be at 40PART SIXQuestions 41—52· Read the text below from a report about ethical dilemmas.· In most lines (41—52), there is one extra word. It either is grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.· If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.· If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.Ethical Dilemmas41、 Most of people involved in business—whether functioning as a small business owner, employee,42、 or chief executive officer of a multinational company—eventually face ethical or moral dilemmas43、 in the workplace. Such dilemmas are usually complex, for they force the person making the wrong44、 decision to weigh out the benefits that various business decisions impart on individuals him or45、 herself and groups with the negative repercussions that those same decisions they usually have on other individuals or groups. LaRue Hosmer, a business ethics expert who teaches at the46、 University of Michigan, observed that reaching at a "right" or "just" conclusion when faced with moral problems can be a bewildering and vexing proposition. But he contended that business47、 people are likely to reach and act on morally appropriate decisions if only they do not lose sight of48、 the fundamental issue of fairness. Those who get sidetracked by issues of profitability and legality49、 in gauging the morality of a business decision making, on the other hand, often reach ethically50、 skewed choices. As has been proven time and again in the business world, the legality of a course51、 of action may be utterly irrelevant to its "rightness. " In addition, any such discussion of business52、 ethics is a subjective one, for everyone brings in different concepts of ethical behavior to the table.答案:PART ONE1、C2、A3、D4、B5、A6、A7、E8、D PART TWO9、 10、11、 12、 13、14、PART THREE15、C 16、A 17、C 18、C 19、D 20、BPART FOUR21、C 22、B 23、B 24、B 25、D 26、C 27、B 28、C 29、D 30、APART FIVE31、WHICH 32、USE 33、HOWEVER 34、WITH 35、THAN 36、AN 37、IN 38、BECAUSE 39、WHETHER 40、STAKEPART SIX41、OF 42、CORRECT 43、WRONG 44、OUT 45、THEY 46、AT 47、ONLY 48、CORRECT 49、MAKING 50、CORRECT 51、SUCH 52、IN。
企业道德与社会责任 ppt课件
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第四章 企业道德与社会责任
第四章 企业道德责任与社会责任
本章学习目标 通过本章的学习,明确企业社会责任的内涵与外延;
理解企业社会责任的理论基础,掌握企业社会责任所包括 的基本内容;了解企业社会回应和企业社会表现的内容; 明确企业社会责任评价体系的重要性,把握企业社会责任 评价报告和评价标准。
资本收益最大化,企业不再是只对股东负责的独立实体, 它必须对建立和维持企业的社会负责。 企业在创造财富,追求利润最大化的同时,还要承担起 对政府、员工、消费者、社区和环境的社会责任。 基本观点:企业应当自觉地承担社会责任
1.西方学者对企业社会责任定义的主要观点 谢尔顿(1924)的观点 迈克·伽尔(1963)的观点 塞思(1975)的观点 卡罗尔(1979)的观点 霍德·盖茨(1985)的观点 维尔翰(1998)的观点
不合适的,并论证了为什么企业社会责任应该包含道德责 任。 伦理学的产生和发展为企业社会责任理论奠定了基础。
1.企业对员工的责任 ①为员工提供安全、健康的工作环境是企业的首要责任 ②在招聘、报酬、培训、升迁等方面为员工提供平等的机会 ③为员工提供民主参与企业管理的渠道,为实现自我管理企
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你
是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我
笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” • “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
3.企业对所在社区的责任 企业在推进社区发展的过程中,要扮演好“居民”的
Gain the continued support of customers who may buy products in the future
Key Terms:
Affirmative action: 平权法案,(支持、鼓励聘用女性、 少数族裔等受歧视者的)积极行动或措施,反歧视行动 Institutional investors: 金融机构投资者,有组织的集 体投资者 Shareholder activism: 股东积极主义,长毛股东 Monopoly: 垄断,专卖 Consumerism:消费主义(认为高消费对个人和社会有利的 看法);保护消费者利益主义 Sexual harassment: 性骚扰
to :
Stockholders (creditors/investors)
Be honest about products sold;
Establishing program to receive and resolve complaints; Conducting surveys to assess customer satisfaction; IMPACT
Gain the trust of yees;
Increased effort by employees.
Disclosing financial information periodically;
Create incentives for managers to ensure that their decisions are intended to maximize the stock price; Manage the business well so that creditors can be paid on time. IMPACT
第三章 Ethics and Social Responsibility 商业伦理和社会责任 国际企业与跨文化管理课件
![第三章 Ethics and Social Responsibility 商业伦理和社会责任 国际企业与跨文化管理课件](
Rise of Civil Society and NGOs 公民社会与非政府组织责任的增加
• Major criticisms
主要的批评 – Exploitation of low-wage workers 使用低工资的工人 – Environmental abuses 滥用环境 – Intolerable workplace standards 工作场所标准恶劣 • Response to social obligations 回应社会义务: – Agreements and codes of conduct – 协议与行为规范 – Maintenance of standards in domestic and global operations – 维持一些国内和全球业务的标准 – Cooperation with NGOs regarding certain social issues – 非政府组织正视现存的社会问题 Corporations receiving heavy criticism 接受强烈批评的公司 – Nike 耐克 – Levi’s 李维斯 – Chiquita 彻姬塔
– Difficult to establish a universal foundation of employment practices
– Difficult dilemmas in deciding working conditions, expected consecutive work hours, and labor regulations.
Ethics and Social Responsibility
– Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)公司社 会责任:
第四章 企业社会责任《企业伦理与社会责任》PPT课件
![第四章 企业社会责任《企业伦理与社会责任》PPT课件](
进入21世纪,社会责任理论进一步发展与完善,尤其在实践 层面助益于企业转变传统理念,将社会责任从为了应付社会 需求的负担转变为企业内生发展动力 。 其中,有三个概念是正在被普遍接受,即企业公民、社会责 任战略与共享价值。
企业社会表现反映了企业社会责任准则、企业社会回应过程 和用于解决社会问题的政策之间的相互根本作用”, “通过 对社会责任、社会回应和社会问题的综合,企业社会表现为 全面分析企业与社会提供了一个极具价值的框架。
随着企业社会回应的争论,学术 界不得不另外再创造一个含义更 为广泛、内容更加广泛、定义更
慈善责任 成为一个好的企业公民, 给社区捐献资源,改善生活
加精确的概念——企业社会表现, 来概括总结企业社会责任与社会 回应这两大概念。
质量 伦理责任 行事合乎伦理,有责任做正确、正义 公平的事情,避免损害利益相关者的事情
狭义的社会责任观(20世纪30——70年代) 企业社会回应(20世纪70年代) 企业社会表现(20世纪80年代) 利益相关者理论(20世纪90年代) 企业公民、社会责任战略与共享价值(21世纪以来)
弗雷德里克将企业社会责任简称为CSR1,将企业社会回应简 称为CSR2,并认为企业社会回应作为一种完满的理论构造和 一种研究企业在社会中作用的方法,比企业社会责任更切实可 行、更显智慧、理论上更能站得住以及理念上更充分。
第二節 社會責任
社會責任觀點 1.利潤倫理觀點:就是企業應追求最大利潤,而不宜直接 履行社會責任。理由有二:
(1)影響企業資源的有效配置 (2)不擅長履行社會責任
2.社會倫理觀點指出企業是社會組成的一份子,不宜將社會 關切的問題置之於事外,必須履行社會責任。理由有四:
主要考慮 關注點 主要考慮 積極性 關注點 法律要求 社會義務 社會義務 企業本身 法律要求 被動 企業本身
社會偏好 社會回應 社會回應 企業與社會 社會偏好 消極 企業與社會 中短期 消極
道德真理 社會責任 企業與社會 道德真理 積極 企業與社會 長期 積極
為求自己利益極大化,應否對供應商儘量 延緩付款?
第一節 企業倫理
(1)產品安全與品質 (2)作業場所的健康與安全 (3)環境保護 (4)消費者保護 (5)智慧財產權保護 (6)誠信與信譽 (7)公平交易 (8)真實財務報表 (9)合理價格 (10)公正薪資制度
社會義務(social obligation)
社會回應(social responsiveness)
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What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
• Business ethics is about "doing things ethically". How an organisation approaches the social and environmental impacts of its business operations and its voluntary contribution to the wellbeing of the global and local communities in which it operates, is often known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); it is often about "doing ethical things".
pay most attention to. iii. To what extent the influence and expectations of
different stakeholders vary.
• Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with what is considered to be right or wrong.
Stakeholders of a Large Organisation
Stakeholder Expectations
• Decisions taken by managers are influenced by stakeholders (CIM 2010).
• business’ ‘society’ within which it operates, defines the number of stakeholders to which the organisation has a ‘responsibility,’ may be broad or narrow depending on the industry in which the firm operates and its perspective.
What is CSR?
• The entirety of CSR can be discerned from the three words contained within its title phrase: ‘corporate,’ ‘social,’ and ‘responsibility.’
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned with the ways in which an organisation exceeds its minimum obligations to stakeholders specified through regulation (Johnson et al 2011).
• CSR covers the responsibilities corporations (or other forprofit organisations) have to the societies within which they are based and operate.
• More specifically, CSR involves a business identifying its stakeholder groups and incorporating their needs and values within the strategic and day-to-day decision-making process.
• Business ethics addresses what can be regarded as morally right and wrong in the way businesses make decisions and conduct their activities (Crane and Matten 2007).
• This poses a challenge as there are many different stakeholders with different, perhaps conflicting, expectations.
• Managers will need to take a view on: i. Which stakeholders have the greatest influence. ii. What stakeholder expectations do managers need to
How Does Business Ethics Relate to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
• An organisation's core ethical values and standards should underpin everything that it does and the way its employees conduct their everyday business.
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Vic Saunders
What are Stakeholders?
Stakeholders are those individuals or groups who depend on an organisation to fulfil their own goals and on whom, in turn, the organisation depends (Johnson et al 2011).