A review of heat transfer between concentric rotating cylinders with or without axial flow
高三英语学术文章单选题50题1. In the scientific research paper, the term "hypothesis" is closest in meaning to _.A. theoryB. experimentC. conclusionD. assumption答案:D。
2. The historical article mentioned "feudal system", which refers to _.A. democratic systemB. hierarchical social systemC. capitalist systemD. modern political system答案:B。
解析:“feudal system”是封建制度,它是一种等级森严的社会制度。
“democratic system”是民主制度;“capitalist system”是资本主义制度;“modern political system”是现代政治制度,与封建制度完全不同概念,所以选B。
3. In a literary review, "metaphor" is a figure of speech that _.A. gives human qualities to non - human thingsB. compares two different things without using "like" or "as"C. uses exaggeration to emphasize a pointD. repeats the same sound at the beginning of words答案:B。
Engineering abbreviationA AirA/C Air ConditionerA/D Analog/DigitalA/G Above GroundABPR Animal ByproductsABS Acylonitrile Butadiene Styrene ABS American Bureau of Shipping ABWR Advanced Boiling Water Reactor AC Alternating CurrentAC Asphalt ConcreteACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program ACCU Air Cooled Condensing UnitACI American Concrete InstituteACS American Construction SocietyACT Automatic Custody TransferAD Acid DrainAD Anaerobic DigestionADC Average Daily ConsumptionADIP Amino Di IsopropanolADM Arrow Diagram MethodADR Aluminium Dome RoofAEDC Award Engineering/Design ContractAFBMA Anti Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association AFC Automatic Frequency ControlAFFF Aqueous Film Forming FoamAFNOR Association Francaise de NormalisationAFR Average Flow RateAGA American Gas AssociationAGC Associated General ContractorsAGC Automatic Generation ControlAGMA American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAH Acid HydrocarbonAH Arabian HeavyAHU Air Handling UnitAI Artificial IntelligenceAIHA American Industial Hygiene Association AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel InstituteAL AluminiumAL Arabian LightALARA As Low As Reasonably AchievableALARP As Low as Reasonably PracticableALE Abnormal Level EarthquakeALP Articulated Loading PlatformALS Accidental Limit StateAM Amplitude ModulationAM Arabian MediumAMH Actual ManhourAMRS Advanced Mobile Radio SystemANP Acid Neutralisation PitANSI American National Standards Institute AOF Absolute Open FlowAOV Air Operated ValveAPCS Approved Protective Coating SystemAPD Automated Piping DesignAPI American Petroleum InstituteAPS Applications SoftwareAS Acid SewerASB Asymmetrical BeamASCE American Society of Civil EngineersASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASD Allowable Stress DesignASHRAE American Society of Heating, Ventilation and Air C ASME American Society of Mechanical EngineersASP Aluminium Steel PolyethyleneASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATB All Trunks BusyATF Alternative Transport FuelsATM AtmosphericATM AtmosphereAUP Average Unit PriceAUT Automated Ultrasonic TestingAVB Atmospheric Vacuum BreakerAVG AverageAW Acid WasteAWEA American Wind Energy AssociationAWG American Wire GaugeAWO Additional Work OrderAWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWS American Welding SocietyAWWA American Water Works AssociationB&S Bell and SpigotBolt Circle DiameterBB Bolted BonnetBBD Boiler Blow DownBBE Bevel Both EndsBC Bolted CoverBC Bolt CircleBCSA British Constructional Steelwork Association BD Bolt DownBDR Blast Design RequirementBDT Bulk Data TransferBE Beveled EndBEAST Building Evaluation and Screening Tool BEDD Basic Engineering Design DataBEE Bundesverband Erneuerbare EnergieBEP Break Even ProductionBEV Break Even ValueBF Blind FlangeBFD Block Flow DiagramBFP Backflow PreventionBFW Boiler Feed WaterBH BoreholeBICSI Building Industry Consulting Services Internationa BIOX Biological OxidationBL Battery LimitBLD BlindBLDG BuildingBLE Bevel Large EndBLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion BM Bending MomentBMS Burner Management SystemBO Build, OperateBOB Bottom of BarrelBOD Barrels per Operating DayBOD Biochemical Oxygen DemandBOE Bevel One EndBOF Bottom of FoundationBOM Bill of MaterialBOO Build, Own, OperateBOOT Build, Own, Operate, Transfer BOP Bottom of PipeBOP Balance of PlantBOPD Barrels of Oil Per DayBOS Balance of SystemBOT Build, Operate, Transfer BPCD Barrels per Calender DayBPD Barrels Per DayBPS Bytes per SecondBR BronzeBRA Building Risk AssessmentBS British StandardsBS British SteelBS Bio SludgeBSD Building Standards Division BSE Bevel Small EndBSI British Standards Institution BST Baker-Strehlow-TangBTM BottomBTM Buoyant Turret MooringBTU British Thermal UnitBU Business UnitBW Butt WeldBWEA British Wind Energy Association BWPD Barrels of Water per DayC Centigrade; CelsiusC ChemicalC&I Controls and InstrumentationC/R Construction/RepairC/R Change RequestCA CausticCA Congested AreaCA Corrosion AllowanceCAD Computer Aided DesignCADD Computer Aided Drafting and DesignCAE Computer Aided EngineeringCALC CalculatedCALM Caternary Anchor Leg MooringCAM Congested Area ModellingCAMA Centralised Automatic Message Accounting CAN/CSA Canadian StandardsCAO Certified Acceptance by Operations CAPEX Capital ExpenditureCARE Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers CAS Caustic SewerCAT CatalystCB Control BuildingCBC Coupled Bonding ConductorCBNG Coal Bed Natural GasCBR California Bearing RatioCBS Controllable Bent SubC-C Centre to CentreCCC Comodity Classification CodeCCEI Common Class Expansion IndicesCCIR International Radio Consulative Committee CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signalling CCN Catalog Classification NumberCCO Current Cost OutlookCCPS Centre for Chemical Process SafetyCCS Computer and Communication ServicesCCS Compressor Control SystemCCTV Closed Circuit TelevisionCD Chemical DrainCD Closed DrainCDC Central Dispatch CenterCDR Critical Design ReviewCDS Central Dispatch SystemCEMA Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association CFP Capital Facilities PlanCFPE Chief Fire Prevention EngineerCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCGA Compressed Gas AssociationCGT Combustion Gas TurbineCGTG Combined Gas Turbine GeneratorCGTG Combustion Gas Turbine GeneratorCHS Circular Hollow SectionCI Cast IronCIF Cost, Insurance, FreightCIF Community and Industrial FacilityCIRIA Construction Industry Research and Information Ass CIS Contract Information SystemCISHEC Chemical Industry Safety, Health and Environmental CJ Construction JointCJ Contraction JointCL Centre LineCM CentimeterCM Construction ManagerCMT Construction Management TeamCMU Concrete Masonry UnitsCMAA Crane Manufacturers Association of America CNC Computer Numerically ControlledCNPP Country Nuclear Power ProfilesCO Change OrderCO Clean OutCOC Continuously Oily/Chemical ContaminatedCOGEN Combined GenerationCOL ColumnCOLA Cost of Living AllowanceCOMAH Control Of Major Accident HazardsCOMFAR Computer Model for Feasibility Analysis and Report CONC ConcentricCONN ConnectionCOT Character Orientated TerminalCOTS Commercial Off The ShelfCPF Central Processing FacilityCPLG CouplingCPT Cone Penetration TestCPU Central Processing UnitCPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl ChlorideCR Computed RadiographyCR ChromiumCRS CentresCRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CRT Cathode Ray TubeCS Chemical SewerCS Construction StartCS Carbon SteelCSA Canadian Standards AssociationCSIR Centre of Scientific and Industrial Research CSO Car Sealed OpenCSP Concentrated Solar PowerCSUD Construction Start Up DateCSW Clean Surface WaterCSW Clean Storm WaterCT Coiled TubingCTI Cooling Tower InstituteCTOP Cracked Tip Opening Displacement CTS Construction Technical Support CU CopperCW Chilled WaterCW Coated and WrappedCWO Chain Wheel OperatorCWP Cold Working PressureCWP Contractors Work PlanCWR Continuous Welded RailCWR Cooling Water ReturnCWS Cooling Water SupplyD&B Design and BuildD/C Direct ChargeD/P Differential PressureD-A Digital to AnalogDAF Dissolved Air FlotationDASD Direct Access Storage DeviceDAV Data Above VoicedB DecibelDB Design, BuildDB Duct BankdBA Decibels using the A-weighted scaleDBM Design Basis MemorandomDBO Design, Build, OperateDBOT Design, Build, Operate, Transfer DBSP Design Base Scoping PaperDC Direct CurrentDCC Disaster Control CentreDCLM Direct Charge List of Materials DCS Distributed Control SystemDDC Direct Digital ControllerDDD Direct Distance DialDEA Di Ethanol AmineDEG DegreeDEL Direct Exchange LineDEMA Diesel Engineers Manufacturers Association DFT Dry Film ThicknessDFW Deaerator Feed WaterDGA Di Glycol AmineDI Ductile IronDIA DiameterDID Direct Inward DiallingDIF Dynamic Increase FactorDIM DimensionDIN Deutche Industrie Normen (German Standard) DM De-MineralisationDMS Dynamic Pile MonitoringDMW Demineralised WaterDN Diameter Nominal (Metric)DOBIS Dortmunder BibliothekssystemDOD Direct Onward DiallingDOE Department of EnergyDOT Department of TransportationDOX Direct Overhead ExpenseDP Data ProcessingDP Design PressureDP Dynamic PositionedDP Dial PulseDPC Destination Point CodeDPDT Double Pole Double ThrowDPSR Data Processing Service Request DRN DrainDRP Distribution Requirement Planning DS DownspoutDS Discipline SuperintendentDS Data StoreDS Drilling SitesDSC Dye Solar CellsDSI Digital Speech Interpretation DSW Distilled WaterDT Design TemperatureDT Duct TrimsDTDR Dial Tone Delay RecorderDTE Drill Through EquipmentDUV Data Under VoiceDVD Dedicated Voice DispatchDW Drinking WaterDWF Dry Weather FlowDWG DrawingDWT Dead Weight TonnesDWV Drain, Waste, VentE Exhaust SteamE&I Electrical and InstrumentationE&P Exploration and ProductionEA EachEAGE European Association of Geoscientists and Engineer EB Extended BonnetEC EurocodeEC Eddy Current Testing (Examination)ECC EccentricECD Energy Conversion DeviceECL Established Column LineEDH Electrical Duct HeaterEDM Engineering Department ManualEDMS Electronic Document Management SystemEDP Electronic Data ProcessingEEMUA Engineering Equipment and Material Users Associati EF Entrance FacilityEF Evaluation FactorEFD Engineering Flow DiagramsEFRT External Floating Roof TankEFW Electric Fusion WeldedEHF Extra High FrequencyEI End ItemEIA Emergency Instrument AirEIA Electronic Industries Association EIA Environmental Impact AnalysisEIS Equipment Inspection ScheduleEIV Emergency Isolation ValveEJ Expansion JointEL ElevationELE Extreme Level EarthquakeELFEXT Equal Level Far End Cross TalkELL ElbowELLIP EllipticalELSBM Exposed Location Single Buoy Mooring EMC Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMD Electric Motor DriveEMI Electromagnetic InterferenceEMT Electrical Metallic TubingEOL ElboletEOR Enhanced Oil RecoveryEOT Electric Overhead TravellingEPDM Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Terpolymer / EP RubberEQ EqualER Expenditure RequestER Equipment RoomERC Expenditure Request CompletionERL Echo Return LossERM Environmental Resource Management ERPG Emergency Response Planning Guidelines ERW Electric Resistance WeldedESD Emergency ShutdownESDU Engineering Sciences Data UnitESL Established Site LevelESO Engineering Service OrganisationESO Engineering Service OrderESP Ethane Separation PlantETA Estimated Time of ArrivalETBE Ethyl Tertiary Butyl EtherETLP Extended Tention Leg PlatformETPR Extended Thermal Plastic RubberETS Emissions Trading SchemeEW Eye WashEWA Extra Work AuthorisationEWH Electric Water HeaterEWO Engineering Work OrderF FahrenheitFAB FabricateFAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United NaFAT Factory Acceptance TestFBE Fusion Bonded EpoxyFBE Flange Both EndsFBHP Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure FCAW Flux Cored Arc WeldingFCC Field Control CoordinatorFCC Fluid Cat CrackerFCO Floor Clean OutFD Floor DrainFD Dynamic ForceFDM Frequency Division MultiplexingFDN FoundationFDS Fire Detection SystemFE Finite ElementsFEA Finite Element AnalysisFED STD Federal StandardFEM Finite Elements ModellingFEP Perfluoro (Ethylene-Propylene) Copolymer FES Flywheel Energy StorageFF First FlushFF Foundation FieldbusFF Finished FloorFF Flat FaceF-F Face to FaceFFL Finished Floor Level FFP First Flush PondFFS Fitness For Service FFW Field Fillet WeldFG Fuel GasFGH High Pressure Fuel Gas FGL Finished Ground Level FGL Low Pressure Fuel GasFGRS Flare Gas Recovery SystemFI Indicating Flow MeterFIG FigureFIN FinishFLE Flexible Large EndFLEX FlexibleFLG FlangeFLNG Floating Liquified Natural Gas FLO Flushing OilFLP Floating Loading PlatformFM Factory MutualFM Frequency ModulationFMR Field Material RequisitionFMU Fitting Make UpFNPT Female National (Taper) Pipe Threads FO Fuel OilFOB Flat on BottomFOE Flange One EndFOF Face of FlangeFOT Fiber Optic TransmissionFOT Flat on TopFP Full PortFPE Fair Price EstimateFPS Floating Production SystemFR&P Form, Rebar and PourFRED Fire Release Explosion Dispersion FRL Finished Road LevelFRP Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic FRP Fibre Reinforced PlasticFS Finished SurfaceFS Feasibility StudyFS Forged SteelFS Flow SwitchFS Factor of SafetyFSE Flange Small EndFSO Floating Storage and Offloading FT Foot, FeetFTG FittingFTSPM Fixed Tower Single Point Mooring FV Full VacuumFW Fillet WeldFW Fire WaterFWHP Flowing Well Head PressureFWHT Flowing Well Head TemperatureFAA Federal Aviation AdministrationG GramGA General ArrangementGA GaugeGALV GalvanisedGASMO Gulf Arab Standards and Measurement Organization GBE Groove Both EndsGC Gas CromatographGE Groove EndGEA Geothermal Energy AssociationGESC General Engineering Services Contract GFRP Glass Fibre Reinforced PlasticGG Gart GasGHG Green House GasGI General InstructionGIM Global Interface MeetingGIP Gas Injection PlantGJ Ground JointGLE Groove Large EndGMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding GMP Guaranteed Maximum Price GO Gear OperatorGOE Groove One EndGOM Gulf of MexicoGOR Gas Oil RatioGOS Grade of ServiceGOSP Gas Oil Seperation Plant GPF General Planning Forecast gpm Gallons per MinuteGPS Global Positioning SystemGR GradeGRND Ground(ed)GRP Glass Reinforced PlasticGS Gravity SewerGSE Groove Small EndGSI Geological Strength IndexGSKT GasketGSPD General Service Plant Depreciation GSPR General Service Potential Rise GSS Gravity Sewer SystemGSV Gross Standard VolumeGTAW Gas Tungsten Arc WeldingGTE General Telephone and Electronics GT-MHR Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor GWR Guided Wave RadarH HorizontalH HydrogenH2S Hydrogen SulphideHAZ Heat Affected ZoneHAZID Hazard IdentificationHAZOP Hazard and Operability StudyHB Hose BibbHB Hardness Brinell Scale HCL Hydrochloric AcidHD HeadHD Heavy DensityHD Holding DownHDB Hydrostatic Design Basis HDPE High Density Polyethylene HDR HeaderHE Heat ExchangerHEX Hexagonal。
Heat Transfer Review
If a cool cup of water is floated inside of a pot of water that is already boiling, will the water in the cup ever boil?
NO! Heat will transfer from the boiling water to the cool water until the two are the same temperature. At that point, there will be no more net heat transfer. In order for the water in the cup to boil, it needs more heat after it reaches 100 degrees Celsius.
No, the thermometer will not heat up because it is the same temperature as the coat. There has to be a difference in temperature in order for heat transfer to take place No, cold does not flow. Heat flows from your hand to the nail to the ice. Since your hand is losing heat, it feels cold. HEAT is the only thing that flows.
No, because as it cools, the rate of heat transfer slows down until it is just as slow as the lukewarm cup of tea. The only way to make it cool faster is by introducing convection. (mpemba effect)
学术英语写作P73--76练习答案[Original Source] (A totalitarian) society…can never permit either the truthful recording of facts, or the emotional sincerity, that literary creation demands….Totalitarianism demands… the continuous alteration of the past, and in t he long run…a disbelief in the very existence of objective truth. (written by George Orwell)[Version C] Orwell believed that totalitarian societies must suppress literature and free expression because they cannot survive the truth, and thus they claim it does not exist.(1) Deep waters that were once off limits to oil explores are suddenly accessible, partly because of advances in floating rigs.Deep water exploring oil had once been impossible before, but now it becomes practicable in part because the floating rigs have developed much.(2) A liver cell has a different job from a blood cell and proteins to match.肝细胞与血液细胞分工不同,而且与之匹配的蛋白质也不同。
3-4 Convection heat transfer through the wall is expressed as ()s .Q hA T T ∞=−. In steady heat transfer,heat transfer rate to the wall and from the wall are equal. Therefore at the outer surface which has convection heat transfer coefficient three times that of the inner surface will experience three times smaller temperature drop compared to the inner surface. Therefore, at the outer surface, the temperature will be closer to the surrounding air temperature.3-16 The wall of a refrigerator is constructed of fiberglass insulation sandwiched between two layers of sheet metal. The minimum thickness of insulation that needs to be used in the wall in order to avoid condensation on the outer surfaces is to be determined.Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the refrigerator walls issteady since the temperatures of the food compartment and the kitchen air remain constant at the specified values. 2 Heat transferin one-dimensional. 3 Thermal conductivities are constant. 4 Heat transfer coefficients account for the radiation effects.Properties The thermal conductivities are given to beC 1.51W/m °⋅=k for sheet metal and C 0.035W/m °⋅ for fiberglass insulation.Analysis The minimum thickness of insulation can be determined by assuming the outer surface temperature of the refrigerator to be 10℃. In steady operation, the rate of heat transfer through the refrigerator wall is constant, and thus heat transfer between the room and the refrigerated space is equal to the heat transfer between the room and the outer surface of the refrigerator. Considering a unit surface area, 45W C 20))(25C)(1m (9W/m )(22,0.=°−°⋅=−=out s room T T A h QUsing the thermal resistance network, heat transfer between the room and the refrigerated space can be expressed as totalrefrigroom R T T Q −=. iinsulation metal refrigroom h k L k L h T T A Q 1)(2(21/0.+++−=Substituting Cm W C m W L C m W m C m W Cm W °⋅+°⋅+°⋅×+°⋅°−=22222/41/035.0/1.15001.02/91)325(/45Solving for L the minimum thickness of insulation is determined to be cm m L 45.00045.0==°C 23-17 A thin copper plate is sandwiched between two epoxy boards. The error involved in the total thermal resistance of the plate if the thermal contact conductances are ignored is to be determined.Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 Heat transfer isone-dimensional since the plate is large. 3 Thermal conductivities areconstant.Properties The thermal conductivities are given to be C 386W/m °⋅=k for copper plate and C 0.26W/m °⋅=kfor epoxy board. The contact conductance at the interface of copper-epoxy layers is given to be C 6000W/m 2°⋅=c h .Analysis (a) The thermal resistances of different layers for unit surface area of 21m areC/W 1067.1)C)(1m (6000W/m 11422contact °×=°⋅==−c c A h R C/W 102.6)C)(1m (386W/m 0.001m 62plate °×=°⋅==−kA L R C/W 0.01923)C)(1m (0.26W/m 0.005m 2epoxy °=°⋅==kA L R The total thermal resistance isC/W 0.0387970.019232102.61067.122264epoxy plate contact total °=×+×+××=++=−−R R R Rthen the percent error involved in the total thermal resistance of the plate if the thermal contact resistances are ignored is determined to be%86.010*******.01067.121002Error %4total contact =×××=×=−R R Which is negligible.Heat flow3-19 A steam pipe covered with 3-cm thick glass wool insulation is subjected to convection on its surfaces. The rate of heat transfer per unit length and the temperature drops across the pipe and the insulation are to be determined.Assumptions 1 a Heat transfer is steady since there is no indication of any change with time. 2 Heat transfer is one-dimensional since there is thermal symmetry about the center line and no variation in the axial direction. 3 Thermal conductivities are constant. 4 The thermal contact resistance at the interface is negligible.Properties The thermal conductivities are given to be C 15W/m °⋅=k for steel and C 0.038W/m °⋅=k for glass wool insulation.Analysis (a) The inner and the outer surface areas of the insulated pipe per unit length are 2110.157m m)π(0.05m)(1===L D A π 200361.0)1)(06.0055.0(m m m L D A =+==ππ The individual thermal resistances are C/W 0.08)C)(0.157m (80W/m 112211.°=°⋅==A h R conv=0.00101=3.089C/W 0.1847)C)(0.361m (15W/m 112200.°=°⋅==A h R conv C/W 3.3550.18473.0890.001010.080.211.°=+++=+++=conv conv total R R R R RThen the steady rate of heat loss from the steam per m. pipe length becomes93.9W C/W3.355C5)(32021.=°°−=−=∞∞total R T T Q The temperature drops across the pipe and the insulation areC 0.095C/W)00101(93.9W)(0..°=°==Δpipe pipe R Q T C 290C/W)089(93.9W)(3..°=°==Δinsulation insulation R Q T3-22 A spherical ball is covered with 1-mm thick plastic insulation. It is to be determined if the plastic insulation on the ball will increase or decrease heat transfer from it. Assumptions 1 Heat transfer from the ball is steady since there is no indication of anychange with time. 2 Heat transfer is one-dimensional since there is thermal symmetryabout the midpoint. 3 Thermal properties are constant. 4 The thermal contact resistance at the interface is negligible.Properties The thermal conductivity of plastic cover is given to be C m W k °⋅=/13.0.Analysis The critical radius of plastic insulation for the spherical ball isSince the outer temperature of the ball with insulation is smaller than critical radius of insulation, plasticinsulation will increase heat transfer from the wire.3-25 Two cast iron steam pipes are connected to each other through two 1-cm thick flanges exposed to cold ambient air. The average outer surface temperature of the pipe, the fin efficiency, the rate of heat transfer from the flanges, and the equivalent pipe length of the flange for heat transfer are to be determined.Assumptions 1 steady operating conditions exist. 2 the temperature along the flanges (fins) varies in one directiononly (normal to the pipe). 3 the heat transfer coefficient is constant and uniform over the entire fin surface. 4 the thermal properties of the fins are constant. 5 the heattransfer coefficient accounts for the effect of radiation from the fins.Properties the thermal conductivity of the cast iron is given to be C 50W/m °⋅=k .Analysis (a) we treat the flanges as fins, the individual thermal resistances are21.73m 6m)π(0.092m)(===L D A i i π 200 1.88m )π(0.1m)(6m ===L D A π C/W 0.0032)C)(1.73m (180W/m 1122conv.i °=°⋅==i i A h R°CPlastic21cond ln()ln(5/4.6)0.00004C/W 22(50W/m C)(6πm)r r R kL π−===°⋅°C/W 0.0213)C)(1.88m (25W/m 112200cond.0°=°⋅==A h R C/W 0.02450.02130.000040.0032conv.0cond conv.i total °=++=++=R R R RThe rate of heat transfer and average outer surface temperature of the pipe areW 6737C0.0245C)21(200total 21.=°°−==∞−∞R T T Q C 175.4C/W)0213(7673W)(0.C 21conv.o .22conv.o22.°=°+°=+=⎯→⎯−=∞∞R Q T T R T T Q(b) The fin efficiency can be determined from Fig 3-31 to be :0.29C)(0.02m)(52W/m C25W/m m)00.02(0.05m 2(2=°⋅°⋅+=+=kt h t L ξ22221220.0597m 0.02m)2ππ(0.1m)(](0.05m)2ππ[(0.1m 2)(2=+−=+−=rt r r A fin ππThe heat transfer rate from the flanges is214.6WC )21)(175.4C)(0.0597m 0.88(25W/m )(22b fin fin fin.max .fin inned .=°−°⋅=−==∞T T hA Q Q f ηη(c) A 6-m long section of the steam pipe is losing heat at a rate of 7673 W or 7673/6 =1278.8 W per m length. Then for heat transfer purposes the flanges section is equivalent toEquivalent length=(214.6w)/(1278.8w/m)=0.1678m=16.78cmTherefore, the flanges acts like a fin and increases the heat transfer by 16.78/2=8.39time.88.0fin =η。
2024年高二英语气候经济学视角单选题20题1.Climate change has a significant impact on the global economy. The word “impact” in this sentence can be replaced by_____.A.effectB.resultC.consequenceD.outcome答案:A。
2.In climate economics, “carbon footprint” refers to_____.A.the amount of carbon dioxide released by an individual or organizationB.the total area of forests needed to absorb carbon dioxideC.the number of cars that emit carbon dioxideD.the cost of reducing carbon dioxide emissions答案:A。
“carbon footprint”指的是一个人或组织释放的二氧化碳量。
选项B 是指吸收二氧化碳所需的森林总面积;选项C 是指排放二氧化碳的汽车数量;选项D 是指减少二氧化碳排放的成本。
本题考查气候经济学中的专业名词“carbon footprint”的定义。
3.The government is taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The verb “reduce” can be replaced by_____.A.lowerB.decreaseC.diminishD.minimize答案:B。
Table of Contents
Title Page Authorization Page Signature Page Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Abstract Chapter1 Introduction 1.1 Structure of Carbon Nanotubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Electronic properties of Carbon Nanotubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter2 Superconductivity in 0.4nm Carbon Nanotubes array 2.1 The band structure of 0.4nm Carbon Nanotubes . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Meissner effect in 0.4nm Carbon Nanotubes array . . . . . . . . . 2.3 The model of coupled one-dimensional superconducting wires . . . 2.4 Motivation and scope of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ii iii iv v vii xi xii 1 3 4 8 9 9 12 13
July 2008, Hong Kong
HKUST Library Reproduction is prohibited without the author’s prior written consent
1.The company has the right to end his employment at any time.A.provideB.stopC.offerD.continue2.In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.A.reducesB.dropsC.leavesD.changes3. She gave up her job and started writing poetry.A.abandonedB.lostC.tookD.created4. We are happy to report that business is booming this year.A.riskyB.successfulC.failingD.open5. We have been through some rough times together.A.longB.happyC.difficultD.short6.The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.A.foundB.killedC.jailedD.caught7. What are my chances of promotion if I stay here?A.retirementB.advertisementC.replacementD.advancement8. I propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.A.suggestB.demandC.orderD.request9. Rodman met with Tony to try and settle the dispute over his contract.A.solveB.avoidC.markD.involve10.Can you give a concrete example to support your idea?A.specificB.realC.specialD.good11.It was a fascinating pairing, with clever use of color and light.A.largeB.wonderfulC.newD.familiar12.We have seen a marked shift in our approach to the social issues.A.quickB.regularC.clearD.great13.1 was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.A.excitedB.angryC.lostD.surprised14.The police took fingerprints and identified the body.A.recognizedB.missedC.discoveredD.touched15.If we lcave now, we should miss the traffic.A.mixB.stopC.avoidD.direct第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是准确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。
食品工程原理 chapter4 Heat transfer
ki obtained from Choi and Okos (1987):
Pure water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, and ash kw 0.57109 0.0017625T 6.7306106 T2 kic 2.2196 0.0062489T 1.0154104 T2 kp 0.1788 0.0011958T 2.7178106 T2 kf 0.1807 0.0027604T 1.7749107 T2 kc 0.2014 0.0013874T 4.3312106 T2 kfi 0.18331 0.0012497T 3.1683106 T2 ka 0.3296 0.001401T 2.9069106 T2
T t
k Cp
2T y2
The ratio k/(Cp) is h, the thermal diffusivity
Heat transfer by conduction
Heat transfer though a slab
T x
Example 7.3. Thermocouples embedded at two points within a steel bar, 1 and 2 mm from the surface, indicate temperatures of 100C and 98C, respectively. Assuming no heat transfer occurring from the sides, calculate the surface temperature.
New flow boilling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating
New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubesLixin Chenga,b,Gherhardt Ribatski a ,Leszek Wojtan a ,John R.Thomea,*aLaboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer (LTCM),Faculty of Engineering Science (STI),E´cole Polytechnique Fe ´de ´rale de Lausanne (EPFL),CH-1015Lausanne,SwitzerlandbInstitute of Process Engineering,University of Hannover,Callinstraße 36,30167Hannover,GermanyReceived 8June 2005;received in revised form 24March 2006Available online 5June 2006AbstractA new flow boiling heat transfer model and a new flow pattern map based on the flow boiling heat transfer mechanisms for horizontal tubes have been developed specifically for CO 2.Firstly,a nucleate boiling heat transfer correlation incorporating the effects of reduced pressure and heat flux at low vapor qualities has been proposed for CO 2.Secondly,a nucleate boiling heat transfer suppression factor correlation incorporating liquid film thickness and tube diameters has been proposed based on the flow boiling heat transfer mechanisms so as to capture the trends in the flow boiling heat transfer data.In addition,a dryout inception correlation has been developed.Accord-ingly,the heat transfer correlation in the dryout region has been modified.In the new flow pattern map,an intermittent flow to annular flow transition criterion and an annular flow to dryout region transition criterion have been proposed based on the changes in the flow boiling heat transfer trends.The flow boiling heat transfer model predicts 75.5%of all the CO 2database within ±30%.The flow boiling heat transfer model and the flow pattern map are applicable to a wide range of conditions:tube diameters (equivalent diameters for non-circular channels)from 0.8to 10mm,mass velocities from 170to 570kg/m 2s,heat fluxes from 5to 32kW/m 2and saturation temper-atures from À28to 25°C (reduced pressures from 0.21to 0.87).Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Model;Flow boiling;Heat transfer;Flow map;Flow patterns;Flow regimes;CO 21.IntroductionCarbon dioxide (CO 2or R744)has been receiving renewed interest as an efficient and environmentally safe refrigerant in a number of applications,including mobile air conditioning,heat pump systems and hot water heat pumps in recent years [1–4].Due to its low critical temper-ature (T crit =31.1°C)and high critical pressure (p crit =73.8bar),CO 2is utilized at much higher operating pres-sures compared to other conventional refrigerants.The higher operating pressures result in high vapor densities,very low surface tensions,high vapor viscosities and lowliquid viscosities and thus yield flow boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow characteristics that are quite different from those of conventional refrigerants.High pressures and low surface tensions have major effects on nucleate boiling heat transfer characteristics and previous experi-mental studies have suggested a clear dominance of nucle-ate boiling heat transfer even at very high mass velocity.Therefore,CO 2has higher heat transfer coefficients than those of conventional refrigerants at the same saturation temperature and the available heat transfer correlations generally underpredict the experimental data of CO 2.In addition,previous experimental studies have demonstrated that dryout may occur at moderate vapor quality in CO 2flow boiling,particularly at high mass velocity and high temperature conditions.Significant deviations for the flow patterns of CO 2compared with the flow pattern maps that0017-9310/$-see front matter Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.04.003*Corresponding author.Tel.:+41216935981;fax:+41216935960.E-mail addresses:lixincheng@ (L.Cheng),john.thome @epfl.ch (J.R.Thome)./locate/ijhmtInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49(2006)4082–4094were developed for otherfluids at lower pressures have been observed as well.In order to design evaporators for these thermal systems effectively,it is very important to understand and predict theflow boiling heat transfer and two-phaseflow charac-teristics of CO2inside horizontal tubes.A lot of studies onflow boiling and two-phaseflow of CO2have been car-ried out in recent years to explore the fundamental aspects with respect to the characteristics of heat transfer and two-phaseflow of CO2.Thome and Ribatski[5]have recently given a review offlow boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow of CO2in the literature.The review addresses the extensive experimental studies on heat transfer and two-phaseflow in macro-channels[6–15]and micro-channels [12,16–25],macro-and micro-scale heat transfer prediction methods for CO2[12–14,26]and comparisons of these methods to the experimental database.In addition,the study of CO2two-phaseflow patterns[13,14,22,23,25]are summarized and compared to some of the leadingflow pat-tern maps in their review.Taking into account the lack of a well-established criterion to identify macro-and micro-scale channels,Thome and Ribatski[5]arbitrary adopted a hydraulic diameter of3mm to segregate the databases and heat transfer models.They found that the prediction methods by[12–14]failed to predict most of macro-scale experimental data while the method proposed by Thome and El Hajal[26]for CO2predicted reasonably well the macro-scale database of CO2at low vapor qualities.They also found that small diameter data were poorly predicted by either micro-scale or macro-scale predictive methods. Based on the results for macro-scale diameters,Thome and Ribatski suggested that the method of Thome and El Hajal should be further updated to include CO2effects on the annular to mistflow in order to more accurately pre-dict heat transfer coefficients at moderate/high vapor qual-ities.Based on this recent and comprehensive review that is recommended as a reference study,a section describing the previous studies was judged as unnecessary in this paper and the literature concerning CO2studies is presented in this text just when required to the development of the heat transfer model.In the present study,the objectives are to develop a new general heat transfer prediction method and a newflow pattern map especially for CO2,which covers channelNomenclatureCo Confinement number[r/g(q LÀq V)D2]1/2c p specific heat at constant pressure,J/kg KD internal tube diameter,mD eq equivalent diameter,mD h hydraulic diameter,mD th threshold diameter,mFr Froude number[G2/(q2gD)]G total vapor and liquid two-phase mass velocity,kg/m2sg gravitational acceleration,9.81m/s2h heat transfer coefficient,W/m2Kk thermal conductivity,W/m KM molecular weight,kg/kmolPr Prandtl number[c p l/k]p pressure,Pap r reduced pressure[p/p crit]q heatflux,W/m2Re H homogeneous Reynolds number[(GD/l V) [x+(1Àx)(q V/q L)]]Re V vapor phase Reynolds number[GxD/(l V e)]S nucleate boiling suppression factorT temperature,°CWe Weber number[G2D/(qr)]x vapor qualityY correction factorGreek symbolsd liquidfilm thickness,me cross-sectional vapor void fraction e average deviation,%j e j mean deviation,%l dynamic viscosity,N s/m2h angle of tube perimeter,radq density,kg/m3r surface tension,N/m;standard deviation,% Subscriptscb convection boilingcrit criticalde dryout completiondi dryout inceptiondry drydryout dryout regionexp experimentalIA intermittentflow to annularflowL liquidmist mistflownb nucleate boilingpred predictedsat saturationstrat stratifiedflowtp two-phaseflowV vaporwavy wavyflowwet on the wet perimeterL.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40944083diameters found in most of CO2flow boiling applications. Experimental conditions of studies onflow boiling of car-bon dioxide covered by this study are summarized in Table 1.It includes experimental results obtained for mass veloc-ities from80to570kg/m2s,heatfluxes from5to32.06kW/ m2,saturation temperatures fromÀ28to25°C(the corre-sponding reduced pressures are from0.21to0.87)and tube diameters from0.8to10.06mm.All those experiments were conducted in horizontal tubes.Therefore,at this point,one very important issue must be clarified about the distinction between macro-and micro-channelsfirst.Although a uni-versal agreement to distinguish between macro-and micro-channels is not as yet clearly established,the present study covers both macro-and micro-(mini)-channels according to various criteria[27,28].Based on engineering practice and application areas,Kandlikar[27]proposed using the following threshold diameters:conventional chan-nels,D h>3mm;minichannels,D h between200l m and 3mm;and micro-channels,D h between10l m and 200l m.Based on the confinement of bubble departure sizes in channels,Kew and Cornwell[28]proposed an approxi-mate physical criterion for macro-to micro-channel thresh-old diameter as follows:D th¼4rgðqLÀq VÞ1=2ð1ÞWhen hydraulic diameters are larger than the threshold diameter,the channels are defined as macro-scale channels. When hydraulic diameters are smaller than the threshold diameter,the channels are defined as micro-scale channels. The test conditions of the present selected database(see Table1)are compared to these two criteria in Fig.1. Unlike thefixed values for the threshold diameters defined by Kandlikar,the threshold diameters based on Confine-ment number decrease with increasing reduced pressure and they vary from2.3mm at low reduced pressures toTable1The database offlow boiling heat transfer of CO2Data source Channel configurationand material D h(mm)T sat(°C)p r G(kg/m2s)q(kW/m2)Data points HeatingmethodKnudsen and Jensen[7]Single circular tube,stainless steel 10.06À280.21808,1316Heated bycondensingR22vaporYun et al.[9]Single circular tube,stainless steel 650.54170,240,34010,15,2053Electricalheating 100.61Yoon et al.[14]Single circular tube,stainless steel 7.3500.4731812.5,16.4,18.6127Electricalheating50.54100.61150.69200.78Koyama et al.[16]Single circular tube,stainless steel,26032.0636Electricalheating 100.6110.90.62Pettersen[20]Multi-channel with25circular channels,aluminium 0.800.47190,280,380,5705,10,15,2046Heated bywater 100.61200.78250.87Yun et al.[21]a Multi-channels withrectangle channels 1.14(2.7)50.54200,300,40010,15,2056Electricalheating 1.53(3.08)1.54(3.21)a Material is not mentioned in the paper and the values in the parentheses are equivalent diameters.4084L.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40940.7mm at high reduced pressures.According to Kandli-kar’s criteria,the test conditions include both conventional and mini-channels but not micro-channels.According to the criteria based on Confinement number,Co,the test conditions mostly include macro-channels with a few micro-channels.Here,it is important to highlight the fact that the macro-to-micro transition should be identified by distinction in the heat transfer,pressure drop andflow pat-terns behaviors instead offixed tube diameter ranges defined according to the applications.Therefore,the fact that,according to the available transition criteria,the proposed model covers both macro-and micro-(mini)-channels is perfectly reasonable since a threshold diameter based on the analysis of the heat transfer behavior of the present database was not identified.In the present study,a new general heat transfer model and a newflow pattern map physically related to the heat transfer mechanisms based on a selected database from the literature were developed specially for CO2.As the starting point,the model developed by Wojtan et al. [29,30]which is an updated version of the Kattan–Thome–Favratflow pattern map andflow boiling heat transfer model[31–33]was used.The new proposed predic-tion method includes new correlations for the nucleate boil-ing heat transfer and the suppression factor based on CO2 experimental data.In addition,a dryout inception vapor quality correlation was proposed for CO2and accordingly the heat transfer correlation in the dryout region was obtained.Based on the heat transfer mechanisms,a new flow patterns map was proposed and thus can physically explain the heat transfer phenomena according to theflow regimes defined by the newflow map.2.CO2flow boiling heat transfer database and comparisons 2.1.Selection of CO2flow boiling heat transfer dataSix independent experimental studies from different lab-oratories have been carefully selected to form the present database forflow boiling heat transfer of CO2.They are the experimental data of Knudsen and Jensen[7],Yun et al.[9],Yoon et al.[14],Koyama et al.[16],Pettersen [20]and Yun et al.[21].The detailed test conditions of the database are summarized in Table1.The test channels include single circular channels and multi-channels with circular and rectangle channels at a wide range of test con-ditions,by electrical heating orfluid heating.The data were taken from tables where available or by digitizing the heat transfer graphs in these publications to extract the plotted heat transfer coefficients.All together,334heat transfer data points including heat transfer data in the dryout region were obtained.In order to develop a generalflow boiling heat transfer prediction model,extensive comparisons of the data avail-able in the literature have been made.However,some of the data available have not been selected due to various reasons.For example,the data of Bredesen et al.[6]for a 7mm inside diameter tube have been excluded because they differ significantly from comparable data for6mm and10.06mm inside diameter tubes in two other studies and also because there is a large scatter among their data. Hwang et al.[34]also noted an anomaly in the[6]data at a mass velocity of300kg/m2s when correlating them.Yet, since their tests were run with the same rigor as the other tests,it is not clear where these problems come from. Also,the data of Huai et al.[17]have been excluded because the available correlations overpredict their data as indicated in their study,which contradicts the general conclusion that the available correlations underpredict experimental CO2data.It is unclear why they obtained the opposite trend.In the present study,the physical properties of CO2have been obtained from REFPROP of NIST[35].For non-cir-cular channels,equivalent diameters rather than hydraulic diameters were ing equivalent diameter gives the same mass velocity as in the non-circular channel and thus correctly reflects the mean liquid and vapor velocities, something using hydraulic diameter does not.2.2.Analysis of theflow boiling heat transfer data in the databaseAlthough some anomalous data have already been excluded as pointed out earlier,the heat transfer data in the database show still some different behaviors at similar test conditions.Fig.2(a)shows two opposite heat transfer characteristics with saturation temperature in the studies of Pettersen[20]and Yoon et al.[14].The heat transfer coef-ficients increase with the increasing saturation tempera-tures in the study of Pettersen while they decrease in the study of Yoon et al.The only big difference between the two studies is the diameters of the test channels as indicated in Fig.2(a).Fig.2(b)shows the comparison of the heat transfer coefficients of Pettersen[20]to those of Koyama et al.[16].The biggest difference between them is that in Koyama et al.the heatflux is32.06kW/m2while in Petter-sen is10kW/m2.The heat transfer coefficients fall offat the vapor quality of about0.7in the study of Pettersen while the heat transfer coefficients increase even at qualities lar-ger than0.7in the study of Koyama et al.It is difficult to explain why the heat transfer coefficients fall offat the lower heatflux in one study while they still increase at the higher heatflux in the other study.This could be an effect of the heating methods or multi-channel vs.single-channel data.However,these heat transfer data of Koyama et al.at higher vapor qualities seem to be unrea-sonable since they should correspond to the dryout region and their trend contradicts in general with the other results. Another example of anomaly was found in the experimen-tal data of Yun et al.[21].According to their results,a heat transfer coefficients up to80%higher was obtained with a very little change of hydraulic diameters from1.53mm to 1.54mm at equal test conditions.Those authors have not explained why there is such a big difference even at nearlyL.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40944085the same test conditions.In all,the experimental data from different studies show somehow different heat transfer behaviors and thus will affect the accuracy of the new heat transfer model and the newflow pattern map to be devel-oped for CO2in the present study since no conclusive rea-sons for the contradicting trends could be found and it is not possible to say which study is right either.3.New CO2flow pattern mapThe newflow pattern map for CO2is developed accord-ing to the corresponding heat transfer mechanisms in var-iousflow regimes.Based on the heat transfer data in the database,the intermittentflow to annularflow(I–A)and the annularflow to dryout region(A–D)transition criteria in theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.[29]have been modified tofit the experimental data of CO2.The newflow pattern map is intrinsically related to the corresponding heat transfer mechanisms of CO2.To reflect the real mass flow velocities,equivalent diameters are used for non-circu-lar channels.Other transition criteria are the same as that of Wotjan et al.Thus,based on the fact that the original publications can be easily found,the otherflow patterns transition criteria by[29]will not be described here.3.1.Modifications to theflow pattern map for CO2Flow patterns at diabatic conditions are intrinsically related to the correspondingflow boiling heat transfer characteristics.Theflow patterns can be used to explain physically the heat transfer mechanisms and characteris-tics.Vice versa,the heat transfer mechanisms and charac-teristics can be used to backout the correspondingflow patterns.CO2reveals strong nucleate boiling heat transfer characteristics in intermittentflow at low vapor quality due to its physical properties.The distinction between intermit-tentflow and annularflow was indicated by the sharp fall-offof heat transfer coefficients between the twoflow regimes.The onset of dryout inception was also observed by a sharp drop in heat transfer.Therefore,the distinction between annularflow and dryout region can be bining with the heat transfer model for CO2 (in Section4),the I–A and A–D transition boundaries pro-posed by Wotjan et al.[29]were further modified so as to fit the heat transfer characteristics.Based on the experi-mental data,the following I–A and A–D transition criteria are proposed for CO2as1.The I–A transition boundary is calculated with the newcriterion as follows:x IA¼½1:81=0:875ðq V=q LÞÀ1=1:75ðl L=l VÞÀ1=7þ1 À1ð2Þ2.The A–D transition boundary is calculated with the newcriterion as follows:G dryout¼10:67ln0:58xþ0:52!Dq V rÀ0:17(Â1gD q Vðq LÀq VÞ!À0:348qVq LÀ0:25qqcritÀ0:7)0:965ð3Þ4086L.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–4094which is extracted from Eq.(15)(in Section4)for the dry-out inception of CO2.In this equation,q crit is calculated according to Kutateladze[36].For non-circular channels, equivalent diameters are used.parison of the newflow pattern map for CO2to experimental dataFig.3(a)shows the comparison of the newflow pattern map for CO2and theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.to the experimental data of Yun et al.[21]at the indicated test conditions(in theflow pattern map,A stands for annular flow,D stands for dryout region,I stands for intermittent flow,M stands for mistflow,S stands for stratifiedflow and SW stands for stratified-wavyflow.The stratified to stratified-wavyflow transition is designated as S–SW,the stratified-wavy to intermittent/annularflow transition is designated as SW–I/A,the intermittent to annularflow transition is designated as I–A and so on.).Arrow1shows the change of I–A transition boundaries and arrow2shows the change of A–D transition boundaries from theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.to the newflow pattern map for CO2.Arrow3shows the changes of the S–SW/ Slug+SW transition boundaries that are automatically changed due to the change of I–A and A–D transition boundaries.Other transition boundaries are the same. Fig.3(b)shows the corresponding comparison of the pre-dicted heat transfer coefficients with the heat transfer model of Wojtan et al.and the new heat transfer model for CO2(in Section4)to the experimental data at the same conditions as that in Fig.3(a).Obviously,theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.cannot reflect the corresponding CO2heat transfer characteristics correctly and the heat transfer model of Wojtan et al.predicts poorly the experimental heat transfer coefficients of CO2.The new CO2flow pattern map reflects the heat transfer mechanisms well in the corre-spondingflow regimes and the CO2heat transfer model predicts the corresponding CO2experimental heat transfer coefficients well.The heat transfer coefficients start to fall in the A–D transition due to the inception of dryout at the top of the tube and then fall offsharply in the dryout region.The predicted and the experimental heat transfer coefficients are in good agreement in theseflow regimes. It should be mentioned here that there are only two studies offlow visualization of CO2flow boiling[23,24]in the lit-erature.Unfortunately,neither contains the corresponding study of heat transfer characteristics which should be related to the observedflow patterns.In addition,in the study of Yun et al.[23],the maximum mass velocity reaches1500kg/m2s,which is much higher than the max-imum value570kg/m2s in the present database and their heatflux is100kW/m2,which is also much higher than the maximum heatflux32kW/m2in the present database. In the study of Pettersen[24],it is difficult to interpret some of his observations by his definitions of theflow regimes in ourflow pattern map.It is also difficult to judge some of hisflow regimes so as to compare to the newflow pattern map.4.Newflow boiling heat transfer model for CO2It is a formidable task to develop a generalflow boiling heat transfer model for CO2because of the diversities of the heat transfer trends in the database.To develop a gen-eral prediction method,it is important that the method isL.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40944087not only numerically accurate but that it captures correctly the trends in the data.Most importantly,the heat transfer mechanisms should be related to the corresponding flow patterns and be physically explained according to flow pat-tern transitions.Accordingly,a new general heat transfer model is proposed here using the Wojtan et al.[30]model as our starting point.Equivalent diameters are used for non-circular channels.4.1.Brief description of the flow boiling heat transfer model of Wojtan et al.Wojtan et al.[30]extended the Kattan–Thome–Favrat [31–33]heat transfer model to include dryout region and mist flow heat transfer methods and improved the heat transfer prediction in stratified-wavy flows.The Kattan–Thome–Favrat general equation for the local heat transfer coefficients h tp in a horizontal tube ish tp ¼h dry h V þ2p Àh dry ÀÁh wet ÃÂ2pð4Þwhere h dry is the dry angle as shown in Fig.4.The dry angledefines the flow structures and the ratio of the tube perim-eters in contact with liquid and vapor.In stratified flow,h dry equals the stratified angle,h strat ,which is calculated according to Thome and El Hajal [37].In annular and intermittent flows,h dry =0.For stratified-wavy flow,h dry varies from zero up to its maximum value h strat .Wojtan et al.subdivided the stratified-wavy flow into three sub-zones (slug,slug/stratified-wavy and stratified-wavy).Based on the fact that the high frequency slugs maintain a continuous thin liquid layer on the upper tube perimeter,h dry is defined equal to 0in the slug zone.The dry angles in the slug/stratified-wavy and stratified-wavy regions are cal-culated according to equations developed by Wojtan et al.[30]based in exponential interpolations giving smooth transition in the determination of dry angle between respective zones and also a smooth transition in the heat transfer coefficient from zone to zone.The vapor phase heat transfer coefficient on the dry perimeter h V is calculated with the Dittus–Boelter [38]cor-relation assuming tubular flow in the tube:h V ¼0:023Re 0:8V Pr 0:4V ðk V =D Þð5Þand the heat transfer coefficient on the wet perimeter is cal-culated with an asymptotic model that combines the nucle-ate boiling and convective boiling contributions to the heattransfer by the third power:h wet ¼½ðh nb Þ3þh 3cb1=3ð6ÞIn this equation,the correlation proposed by Cooper [39]multiplied by a fixed boiling suppression factor of 0.8is used to calculate the nucleate boiling contribution.The convective contribution is calculated with the following correlation assuming a liquid film flow:h cb ¼0:01334G ð1Àx Þd l L ð1Àe Þ 0:69Pr 0:4Lk Ld ð7Þwhere the term in the bracket is the liquid film Reynoldsnumber.In this equation,the void fraction is determined with the Rouhani and Axelsson [40]drift flux model (as in [29–33])and the liquid film thickness is calculated as suggested by El Hajal et al.[41].The heat transfer coefficient in mist flow is calculated as follows [30]:h mist ¼0:0117Re 0:79H Pr 1:06V YÀ1:83ðk V =D Þð8Þwhere Re H is the homogeneous Reynolds number and Y is the correction factor originally proposed by Groeneveld [42]and given byY ¼1À0:1½ðq L =q V À1Þð1Àx Þ0:4ð9ÞThe heat transfer coefficient in the dryout region is calculated by proration as [30]h dryout ¼h tp ðx di ÞÀx Àx dix de Àx di½h tp ðx di ÞÀh mist ðx de Þð10Þwhere h tp (x di )is the two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient calculated from Eq.(4)at the dryout inception quality x di and h mist (x de )is the mist flow heat transfer coefficient calcu-lated from Eq.(8)at the dryout completion quality x de .If x de is not defined at the considered mass velocity it is assumed that x de =0.999.For more details about the flow boiling heat transfer model and flow patterns map pro-posed by Wotjan et al.[29,30],we suggest to consult the original papers.4.2.Modifications in the new flow boiling heat transfer model for CO 2Like any other flow boiling heat transfer model,both the Kattan–Thome–Favrat model and the modified model of Wojtan et al.drastically underpredicts the heat transfer coefficients for CO 2,particularly at low and intermediate vapor qualities as shown in Fig.3(b).Moreover,CO 2at high saturation pressures gives a trend of a monotonic decrease in heat transfer coefficient versus vapor quality in intermittent and annular flows,which is the exact oppo-site of the trend for other refrigerants such as R-134a at low pressures [8,9].The nucleate boiling contribution is much larger than the convective boiling contribution for CO 2while the opposite is true for R-134a.Hence,Fig.4.Schematic diagram of annular flow with partial dryout.4088L.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49(2006)4082–4094。
PHY review questions
LeeSection 4M00075121Review questionsChapter 151.Through strike people do work using hammer to penny and the work translate toheat.2.The temperature for freezing water on the Celsius is 0 ℃and on the Fahrenheitscales is 320F.The temperature for boilong water on the Celsius is 100 ℃ and on the Fahrenheit scales is 500 F.3.The temperature for freezing water on the Kelvin temperature scales is 273K; thetemperature for boiling water on the Kelvin temperature is 373K.4.Among different temperature substances, heat will move from high temperaturesubstance to low temperature substance. When the temperature change, the kinetic energy of molecules change5.Translational kinetic energy defines temperature.6.Through measuring his own temperature, thermometer measure a placetemperature7.Energy travel from your hand is cold surface.8.Heat changes by energy flow from a substance of higher temperature to asubstance of lower temperature.9. A substance having higher internal energy has more heat.10.Temperature decides the direction of heat flow; heat flow from substance ofhigher temperature is substance of lower temperature.11.The energy value of food determined by heat it could procedure.12.I don’t know13.1 cal= 4.184J14.Silver warms up faster than iron when heat was applied.15.A substance that heats up quickly has a low specific heat capacity.16.A substance that cools off quickly has a low specific heat capacity.17.We can heat water and another material for the same time. Then measure theirtemperatures. Substance of having higher temperature has higher specific heat capacity.18.Europe surrouded by ocean and water have higher specific heat capacity, waterrelease more heat when temperature reduced the same extends.19.Coasts land becomes warm.20.Because the specific heat of water is higher. Temperature changes lower whenthere are more heat is released or absorded.21.When the temperature of a substance is increased, its molecule will move fasterand move faster apart. So it results an expansion of the substance.22.Different metals have different specific heat. When they absord same amount heat,temperatures will change different, which will result different expansions.23.Solids generally expand more for an equal increase in temperature.24.It undergoes a net contraction, when the temperature of ice-cold water increasedslightly.25.Ice has a crystalline structure which results ice has lager volume than water. So,ice is less dense than water.26.“Microscopic slush” results more dense in water27.V olume will expand.28.In 4 ℃water has smallest volume.29.Because water has the smallest volume in 4 ℃.30.Ice has less dense than water, so ice float on the surface of water.Chapter 161.Through electron collisions heat energy can be transfer2.Metal transfer energy through conduction faster than air.3.Because red-hot coal couldn’t transfer lots of energy to feet through conduction ina short time.4.Wood, fur and feather… have attached electrons which in the atoms of thesematerials are firmly attached. So, they are good insulators.5. A good insulator simply slow heat escape.6.When air absord energy from outside, its volume will expand. Its temperature willrise.7.Both situations its rebound speed decreased.8.The speeds of molecules will increased for air gets energy from outside.9.The speeds of molecules decrease for air does work to outside and its temperaturedecrease.10.When the hot air touches her hand, its temperature decrease for hot air convectswith air around.11.In the day time, temperature of land is higher than sea while the temperature ofsea is higher than land’s in the night. So, the convection direction is different.12.Radiant energy travel by means of electromagnetic waves.13.High-frequency waves have short wavelengths.14.The peak frequency f of the radiant energy is directly proportional to the absolutetemperature T of the emitter.15.The radiant emitted by earth to outer space.16.Waves of solar radiation are shorter than earth’s.17.Substances absord energy form others radiant resouces when they emit energy tooutside. So, their temperature will constant.18.If an object emits more energy than absord, it is a net emitter.19.A black pot of cold water normally warm faster.20.An object can’t be a good absorder and a good reflector at the same time.According to conversation of enegy, when objects absord more energy, it will reflect less energy.21.Maybe the reason is that pupil absord more length waves light for their eyes’structure is not mature very well.22.Its temperature will decrease.23.It can’t become appreciably colder than the air. Because if their temperature isdifferent, ti will result convection until temperatures are same.24.Red-hot poker in a cold room will undergo the great rate of cooling.25.Newton’s law of cooling to warm can be applied to cooling.26.Earth will be very cold in the night.27.When ground absord short length wave lights and emit longer length wave lights,glass will prevent longth wave lights transfer to outside. The atmospheres play the same role.28.It’s 1400J/m2.29.Photovoltaic cell can translate solar energy to electric energy.30.A. heat transfering has to through some materials, so it’s impossible that heatthrough vacumm.B. heat transferinghas to through fluid or convect, so it’s imp ossible thatconvection through vacumm.C. silvered can reflect heat waves back into bottle.Chapter 171.Solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma,2.They have a wide variety of speeds.3. A process that the liquid changes to gaseous. When evaporation happens, it willabsorb the heat.4.The molecules in warmer water have a higher speed.5.Means matter change to gaseous from solid.6.Condensation means liquid change to solid, evaporation means from liquid changeto gaseous.7.The steam’s temperature is higher than boiling water.8.In that day, heat in body is not so easy to go outside.9.Humidity means hot humid it is relative humidity means the humidity differenceof a place to another place.10.When the air is chilled, the temperature of the water vapor will decrease, andsome vapor will change to water, so its volume became smaller.11.Warm air rises, as it rises, it expands. As it expands, it chills. As the air chills,water vapor molecules too small to be visible are slowed. Lower-speed molecular collisions result in water molecules sticking together.12.Fog is a cloud that forms near the ground.13.Matters will evaporation after give the boiling water more heat.14.Increase the boiling point.15.The higher temperature of water that cooks food faster in a pressure cooker.16.Pressure in the bottom of the geyser is higher that the surface.17.The pressure will decrease.18.Evidence will get energy from outside, and the energy it gets will cool the nearbythings down.19.When the pressure of water is lower that the common pressure.20.When the pressure is low enough.21.The speed of the molecules will increase, and it will not able to stay solid.22.The speed of the molecules will decrease, and it can’t stay in solid statement.23.It needs to lost more energy to make it freeze.24.It will melt from outside to inside.25.It will afford pressure to the ice and will make the ice melt then will freeze againafter the pressure disappear.26.Absorb energy.27.Release energy.28.By condensation.29.1 calorie 1 calorie 100 calories.30.Absorb energyChapter 181.Thermodynamics means stems from Greek words meaning “movement of heat”.2.People knew nothing about electrons and other microscopic particles, the modelsthey used invoked macroscopic notions.3.All gases are changed by 1/273 of their volume at 0°C for each degree Celsiuschange in temperature, provided the pressure is held constant.4.The pressure of any gas in any container of fixed volume changes by 1/273 of itspressure at 0°C for each degree Celsius change in temperature.5. A gas in a container of fixed volume cooled to 273°C below zero would have nopressure whatsoever.6.The limiting temperature is actually 273.15° below zero on the Celsius scale and459.7° below zero on the Fahrenheit scale.7.Due to interactions with neighboring molecules, they also have potential energy.8.In our study of heat changes and heat flow we well are concerned only with thechanges in the internal energy of a substance.9.Caloric appeared to be conserved. This idea was the forerunner of the law ofconservation of energy. When the law of energy conservation is broadened to include heat, we call it the first law of thermodynamics.10.Adding heat to a system does one or both of two things: (1) it increases theinternal energy of the system, if it remains in the system, or (2) it does work on things external to the system, if it leaves the system.11.We do mechanical work on the system; the first law tells us what we can expect:an increase in internal energy.12.Adiabatic conditions can be achieved by thermally insulating a system from itssurroundings or by performing the process so rapidly that heat has no time to enter or leave.13.If we do work on a system, its internal energy increases. If work is done by thesystem, its internal energy decreases.14.Air temperature rises as heat is added or as pressure is increased.15.Air temperature rises (or falls) as pressure increases (or decreases).16.Cooler and cooler. Warmer and warmer.17.Temperature inversion: a condition in which upward convection of air ceases,often because an upper region of the atmosphere is warmer than the region below it.18.Adiabatic parcels are not restricted to the atmosphere; some deep ocean currentstake thousands of years for circulation.19.Second law of thermodynamics: heat of itself never flows from a cold object to ahot object.20.(1) Gains heat from a reservoir of higher temperature, i ncreasing the engine’sinternal energy. (2) Converts some of this energy into mechanical work. (3) Expels the remaining energy as heat to some lower-temperature reservoir, usually called a sink.21.The heat that is undesirable.22.When work is done by a heat engine operating between two temperatures, Thotand Scold, only some of the input heat at Thot can be converted to work, and the rest is expelled at Scold.23.Without a pressure difference, the turbine would not rotate and deliver energy toan external load.24.It speaks of the quality of energy, as energy disperses and ultimately degeneratesinto waste. Another way to say this is that organized energy (concentrated, and therefore usable, high-quality energy) degrades into disorganized energy (no usable, low-quality energy).25.In natural processes, high-quality energy tends to transform into lower-qualityenergy-order tends toward disorder.26.Processes in which disorder returns to order without any external help don’t occurin nature. Disordered energy can be changed to ordered energy only with organizational effort or work input.27.Entropy is the term for measure of amount of disorder.28.The first law of thermodynamics is a universal law of nature to which noexceptions have been observed. The second law, however, is a probabilistic statement.。
C H A P T E R 13 The Transfer of Heat
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Summer Clothing
Q: People are uncomfortable wearing dark clothes during the summer. Why?
Summer Clothing
Q: People are uncomfortable wearing dark clothes during the summer. Why?
Q: In the living room, the heating unit is placed in the floor but the the refrigerator has a top-mounted cooling coil. Why?
A: Air warmed by the baseboard heating unit is pushed to the top of the room by the cooler and denser air. Air cooled by the cooling coil sinks to the bottom of the refrigerator.
13.2 Conduction
Conduction is the process whereby heat is transferred directly through a material, any bulk motion of the material playing no role in the transfer.
西宁Unit,24年小学6年级上册英语第四单元寒假试卷[含答案]考试时间:100分钟(总分:120)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:My dad likes to _______ (动词) on weekends. 他觉得这个活动很 _______ (形容词).2、What is the opposite of ‘day’?A. NightB. MorningC. NoonD. Evening3、填空题:We have a ______ (丰富的) experience in school.4、听力题:The main purpose of photosynthesis is to produce ______.5、听力题:Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, and _______.6、选择题:What do we call a plant that grows in water?A. Aquatic plantB. Terrestrial plantC. CactusD. Fern7、What is the name of the fairy tale character who wears a red cloak?A. CinderellaB. Little Red Riding HoodC. GoldilocksD. Snow White答案: B8、What is the capital city of Argentina?A. Buenos AiresB. SantiagoC. MontevideoD. Lima9、填空题:A ______ (蝙蝠) sleeps upside down in caves.10、填空题:I have a great relationship with my ____.11、听力题:I like to listen to ______ (classical) music.12、填空题:I like to ______ (参与) in art competitions.13、What color do you get by mixing red and white?A. PinkB. PurpleC. OrangeD. Brown答案:A14、听力题:Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar _____ (properties).15、听力题:A _______ is a tool that helps us measure time.16、填空题:I call my mom’s brother __________. (舅舅)17、What do bees produce?A. MilkB. HoneyC. SugarD. Jam18、选择题:What do we call the place where you go to buy clothes?A. StoreB. BoutiqueC. MallD. All of the aboveThe ________ (城市发展) affects many people.20、What sound does a cow make?A. MeowB. BarkC. MooD. Quack答案:C21、填空题:The first Olympic champion was _______. (科罗比乌斯)22、听力题:The __________ is the second largest continent.23、填空题:I can ______ (听) music while studying.24、填空题:The ant works hard to build its ______ (巢).25、填空题:The _______ (Civil War) in the United States was fought from 1861 to 1865.26、听力题:A mixture that contains two or more components is called a _______ mixture.27、What is the capital of the Republic of Ireland?A. DublinB. BelfastC. CorkD. Galway答案: A. Dublin28、听力题:The park is very ___ (large/small).29、听力题:My mom is a ______. She takes care of our family.30、听力题:The teacher is _____ us about animals. (telling)A _____ (小猫) is playing with a ball of yarn.32、填空题:Many _____ (文化) have traditional uses for plants.33、ts can spread quickly through their ______.(某些植物可以通过其根系迅速扩散。
管道仪表流程图物料代号和缩写词1996-12-15发布 1997-01-01实施中国石化兰州设计院目次1 说明 (1)2 管道仪表流程图上的物料代号 (1)3 管道仪表流程图上的缩写词 (6)附加说明 (30)1 页共 30 页1 说明1.1在本规定中列入的物料代号和缩写字母是最基本的。
1.2 当必须指明物料代号是供给或返回时,可在物料代号后加S(Supply)表示供给,加R(Return)表示返回。
1.3 要指明气相或液相等相特性时,可在物料代号后加G(Gas)表示气相,加L(Liquid)表示液相,例如氨作为冷冻剂,AMG为气氨,AML为液氨。
2 管道仪表流程图上的物料代号2.1分类物料代号用于管道编号,分为工艺物料代号及化学品、辅助物料和公用物料代号两类。
2.2工艺物料代号缩写代号英文中文词义P Process stream工艺物料(通用代号)PG Process gas工艺气体PL Process liquid工艺液体PS Process solid工艺固体2.3 化学品、辅助物料和公用物料代号缩写代号英文中文词义A Air空气AC Acid酸、酸液ACG Acidily gas酸性气体ACL Acidily liqiud酸性液体ACS Acidily sewage酸性污水AD Additive添加剂AM Ammonia氨AMG Gaseous ammonia氨气(作制冷剂)AML Liquid ammonia液氨(作制冷剂)AMW Ammonia water氨水BA Blowing Air鼓风空气BD Blow down排污BR Brine盐卤水BWBoiler feed water锅炉给水C Steamy condensate 水蒸汽凝液 CA Caustic 碱、碱液 CAG Caustic gas 碱性气体 CAL Caustic liquid 碱性液体 CAS Caustic sewage 碱性污水 CAT Catalyst 催化剂CCA Carrier catalyst Air 催化剂载运空气 CDR Chemical Drain 化学污水放净 CHW Chilled water 冷冻冷水(指0℃以上) CL Chlorine 氯 CM Chemicals 化学品 CNS Clean sewage 清净下水 CO Cooling oil 冷油(冷却油) COO Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 CRS Contaminated rain and sewage 污染下水(指污染的雨水、冲洗水、放净水、排水) CSW Chilled salt water 冷冻盐水(指0℃以下) CTM Cooling transfer material冷载体 CW Cooling water 冷却水CWR Cooling water return 冷却水回水 CWSCooling water supply 冷却水供水DAW Dealkalized water 脱碱水(用于除盐水系统) DEW Demineralized water 除盐水(脱盐水) DF Dry Flare 干火炬排放气 DR Drain排水、排液DWDomestic water生活用水、饮用水EA Exhaust air 排出空气 ER Ethane(or ethylene)refrigerant 乙烷(或乙烯)冷冻剂 ESExhaust steam 排出蒸汽FFlare exhaust 火炬排放气 FA Filling Air 填充空气 FG Fuel gas 燃料气 FLG Flue gas烟道气FLW Filtrated water 过滤水FO Fuel oil燃料油FOS Foaming solution泡沫液FR Freon refrigerant氟里昂冷冻剂FT Fused salt熔盐FW Fire water消防水GO Gland oil填料油GW Gased water加气水、溶气水H Hydrogen氢气HA Hydrochloric acid盐酸高压蒸汽凝液HC High pressurecondensateHF Hot Flare热火炬排放气HO Heating oil热油、加热油、热载油HS High pressure steam高压蒸汽高压饱和蒸汽HSS High pressure saturatedsteam高压过热蒸汽HSU High pressure supersteamHTM Heat transfer material热载体HW Hot water 热水HWR Hot water return热水回水(用于采暖、加热、空调等)HWS Hot water supply热水给水(用于采暖、加热、空调等)HYL Hydraulic liquid液压液体HYO Hydraulic oil液压油HYW Hydraulic water液压水IA Instrument air仪表空气ICW Intermadiate cooling冷却水二次用水waterIDW Industrial snd domestic生产和生活用水waterIG Inert gas惰性气体IS Industrial sewage生产污水(泛指工艺过程产生的污水)IW Industrial water生产用水LC Low pressure condensate 低压蒸汽凝液 LD Liquid drain 排液(泛指工艺排液) LO Lubricating oil 润滑油 LS Low pressure steam 低压蒸汽 LSS Low pressure saturated steam 低压饱和蒸汽 LSULow pressure super steam 低压过热蒸汽MC Medium pressure condensate中压蒸汽凝液 MRMethane refrigerant 甲烷冷冻剂 MS Medium pressure steam 中压蒸汽 MSS Medium pressure saturated steam中压饱和蒸汽 MSUMedium pressure super steam中压过热蒸汽N Nitrogen 氮气 NGNatural gas天然气OL Oil油(泛指除原料外的油) OS Oily sewage 含油污水 OX Oxygen 氧气PA Plant air工厂空气 PC Process Condensate 工艺冷凝液PR Propane(orpropylene)refrigerant 丙烷(或丙烯)冷冻剂 PWPolished water精制水QO Quench Oil 急冷油 QWQuench water急冷水R Refrigerant 冷冻剂、冷媒、制冷剂 RAW Raw water 原水 RCS Rain water and clean sewage 雨水及清净下水(指清净的雨水、冲洗水、放净水、排水) RWRaw water 雨水SSteam蒸汽 SA Sulphuric acid硫酸SEW Sea water海水SFW Soft water软水(软化水)SG Stack Gas烟道气SL Sealing liquid密封液SO Sealing oil密封油SS Sanitary sewage生活污水STA Starting Air开车空气SU Sludge,slurry污泥、泥浆SW Sealing water密封水TC Turbine Condensate透平凝液TW Treated waste water处理后的废(污)水TWF Filtration Treated过滤水WaterTWP Purified Treated Water澄清水VE Vacuun exhaust真空排放气VG Vent gas放(排)空气体W Water水WAC Waste acid废酸WCA Waste caustic废碱WF Wet Flare湿火炬排放气WG Waste gas废气WL Waste liquid废液WO Waste oil废油WS Waste solid废渣WW Waste water废水(各种污水统称) WWC Chemical Waste Water化学污水WWP Production Waste Water生产污水WWS Sanitary Waste Water生活污水3 管道仪表流程图上的缩写词3.1按英文字母顺序排列的缩写词缩写词用于图纸上的说明和标注。
2024年高一英语气候科学研究进展单选题40题1.Climate change is mainly caused by the increase in _____.A.greenhouse gasesB.ozone layerC.pollutantsD.water vapor答案:A。
选项B 臭氧层主要起到阻挡紫外线的作用,与气候变化的主要原因关系不大。
选项 C 污染物的范围比较广,不是气候变化的主要原因。
选项 D 水汽也不是气候变化的主要原因。
2.The phenomenon of global warming is closely related to _____.A.carbon dioxide emissionsB.air pollutionC.water pollutionD.soil pollution答案:A。
选项B 空气污染不是全球变暖的直接主要原因。
选项C 水污染与全球变暖关系不大。
选项D 土壤污染也与全球变暖没有直接关系。
3.The term “El Niño” refers to _____.A.a weather patternB.a climate change phenomenonC.an ocean currentD.a type of storm答案:A。
选项B 它不是气候变化现象本身。
选项C 它不是洋流。
选项D 它不是一种风暴。
4.The “greenhouse effect” is caused by _____.A.the absorption of heat by the atmosphereB.the reflection of sunlight by the EarthC.the emission of heat by the SunD.the cooling of the Earth答案:A。
A review on packed bed solar energy storage systems
Sensible heat storage is the most simple and inexpensive way of energy storage system although there are few advantages of phase change energy storage over sensible heat storage, but the technological and economical aspects make sensible heat storage superior. Packed beds represent the most suitable storage units for air-based solar system. A packed bed storage system consists of loosely packed solid material through which the heat transport fluid is circulated. Heated fluid (usually air) flows from solar collectors into a bed of graded particles from top to bottom in which thermal energy is transferred during the charging phase as shown in Fig. 3.
化工原理英文教材-分离-相间扩散和传质原理Principles of Diffusion and Mass Transfer Between Phases
cAM A cBM B const
LVab,,xyab VVbb,,yybb VLb ,b ,yxb b LLbb,,xxbb LVb ,,xyb VV,,yy
VL,,yx VLLa,,,xxya
Ay Dfroirvciyneyg
force x
VLa,,xya La , xa
J A N A cAu0 cA(uA u0 ) (17.4)
J A =Diffusion flux of component A in the mixture
J B NB cBu0 cB (uB u0 ) (17.5) J B =Diffusion flux of component B in the mixture
ITEMNo.设备号或货号NOOFF件数STYLENo.型号DRG.No.图纸序号全称DrawingNumberSHEET:页码号或理解为第几页REVISIONNo:修订号DESIGNED&DRAWN:设计与制图签名处也有表示为DRAWNBY,简写为DWNDATE:日期MAT'L:材料也有简写为MATDESCRIPTION说明(或备注、名称) DIRECTORY\FILENAME:电子文档存放目录\文件名APPROVED批准签字简写为APPDCHECKED审核签字简写为CKDTRACED描图签字简写为TCDHeatTr热处理Donotscaledrawing不按比例绘制View:视图localviews:局部视图inclinedviews:斜视图fullsectionalviews:全剖视图halfsectionalviews:半剖视图localsectionalviews:局部剖视图cut-awayviewscross-sections:断面图revolvedcross-sections:重合断面图removedcross-sections:移出断面图localenlargedviews(details):局部放大图viewsofsymmetricalparts:对称机件的视图principalviews:基本视图referencearrowviews:向视图2.1 孔(HOLE)如:(1)毛坯孔:3"DIA0+1CORE芯子3"0+1;(2)加工孔:1"DIA1";(3)锪孔:锪孔(注C'BORE=COUNTERBORE锪底面孔);(4)铰孔:1"/4DIAREAM铰孔1"/4;(5)螺纹孔的标注一般要表示出螺纹的直径,每英寸牙数(螺矩)、螺纹种类、精度等级、钻深、攻深,方向等。
Heat transfer is a branch of science to study about the temperature distribution of the object and the laws of heat transfer. It mainly contains three basic methods, namely, heat conduction, convection and radiation.Two different objects or two parts with different temperature in a same object can transfer the energy by the motion and impact of the molecules, atoms or electrons. This method is called heat conduction.Heat convection is the heat transfer caused by relative motion of fluid, so this phenomenon can only occur in the fluid medium.When two objects with different temperatures transfer the heat by emission of the internal radiation energy and absorption of the external radiation energy, it is called heat radiation.Heat transfer and thermodynamics are two main courses about the study of heat, but they have essential difference. Thermodynamics is the study about the transform process of heat and other forms of energy, while heat transfer is more focused on the transfer process of heat, in which the amount of heat is a dynamic parameter.。
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ReviewA review of heat transfer between concentric rotating cylinders with or without axial flowM.Fénot *,Y.Bertin,E.Dorignac,lizelInstitut P,Cnrs,ENSMA e Universitéde Poitiers,UPR 3346,Département fluides,thermique,combustion,1Avenue Clément Ader,BP 40109,86961Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex,Francea r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 29July 2010Received in revised form 11February 2011Accepted 12February 2011Available online xxx Keywords:Rotating cylinders Heat transfer Taylor e CouetteTaylor e Couette e Poiseuille Slotted gapa b s t r a c tHeat transfer in flow between concentric rotating cylinders,also known as Taylor e Couette flows,constitutes a long-existing academic and industrial subject (in particular for electric motors cooling).Heat transfer characteristics of those flows are reviewed.Investigations of previous works for different gap thickness,axial and radial ratio,rotational velocity are compared.Con figurations with axial flow and/or with slots on the cylinders are also considered.For each case,different correlations are presented.Finally,unresolved issues are mentioned for further research.Ó2011Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionFlow dynamics between two concentric rotating cylinders constitutes an old academic subject since Couette [1]and Taylor [2],whose names are recalled in the term Taylor e Couette flow,which has become a reference in stability studies due to the gradual destabilizing of a flow lending itself to a rigorous mathematical approach.Moreover,this kind of flow has many industrial appli-cations,particularly in the fields of mechanical or chemical mixing equipment.It has consequently been the subject of several biblio-graphic reviews by Di Prima and Swinney [3],Cognet [4],and Maron and Cohen [5].The heat transfer in this flow and the impact of flow structures on heat transfer were more recently studied (Gazley [6]);there already existed numerous industrial applications of the rotating elements (rotation,outer wall of the rotating heat pipes,cooling of the lower extremities of the turbojet turbine .),especially in electric motors.Indeed,different studies [7,8]on the heat transfer of electric motors have demonstrated the importance of convective heat transfer within the cylindrical gap (area separating the rotor from the stator).In fact,the rotor is the locus for large-scale dissipations of electromagnetic origin,and its cooling is ensured principally by the air flow of the cylindrical gap.Two main families of rotating electric machines maybe distinguished;closed machines (rotor rotation without axial air flow:Taylor e Couette flow),and open machines (axial flow combined with rotor rotation:Taylor e Couette e Poiseuille flow).Moreover,as regards some motor technologies,the existence of grooves on the rotor (where copper threads,for example,may be coiled)is liable to signi ficantly modify the dynamic and the thermal flow behavior.Excepted a short part of the bibliographic review by Maron and Cohen [5],no very detailed analysis of heat transfer in a rotating annular gap has ever been carried out.This bibliographic review is focused on the heat transfer of Taylor e Couette flow patterns.The kind of thermal behavior to be studied is obviously linked to the dynamics of these kinds of flow.We shall present in detail the different forms of flow already encountered,but our survey is not exhaustive.2.The fundamentals of Taylor e Couette flowLet us first look at the different parameters of in fluence.We shall consider a basic system composed of two concentric cylinders (Fig.1).Its geometry is characterized by two radii,the outer radius of the inner cylinder R 1and the inner radius of the outer cylinder R 2,as well as their length L .The flow is then characterized by the following geometric parameters:hydraulic diameter:D h ¼ð4S p =P m Þ¼ð2½p ðR 22ÀR 21Þ =p ðR 2þR 1ÞÞ,annular gap thickness (alsoknown as cylindrical gap):e ¼R 2ÀR 1,radial ratio h ¼R 1/R 2,and axial ratio:G ¼L /R 2ÀR 1.*Corresponding author.E-mail address:fenot@let.ensma.fr (M.Fénot).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectInternational Journal of Thermal Sciencesjou rn al homepage:/locate/ijts1290-0729/$e see front matter Ó2011Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2011.02.013International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx (2011)1e 18The main dynamic parameter characterizing cylindrical gapflow is the rotor rotation speed u (rad/s).One may consequently de fine the tangential Reynolds number Re t ¼u R 1D h /n .The Taylor number is often preferred to the Reynolds number,for it may be interpreted as the ratio between centrifugal force and viscous force [9].It may be expressed in the form Ta ¼ðu 2R 1ðR 2ÀR 1Þ3=n 2Þð1=F g Þwith F g as a geometrical factor that differs from one author tothe next and may take into account the aspect ratio of the smooth annular gap.This ratio approaches 1once the cylindrical gap has become narrow;this is the number used by most authors.Gardiner and Sabersky [10]and Becker and Kaye [11]propose:F g ¼ðp 4ððR 1ÀR 2Þ=ð2R 1ÞÞ=1697ð0:0571ð1À0:652ðe =R 1ÞÞÞþ0:00056ð1À0:652ðe =R 1ÞÞÀ1Þ.Some authors (Ref.[12]for example)prefer the formulation Ta ¼ðu 2R 1ðD h =2Þ3=n 2Þwhich may take into account possible geometrical variations by hydraulic diameter.It should be noted that several authors,particularly in the more ancient studies,de fine the Taylor number as the square root of the classical form.In addition,heat transfer is de fined by the Nusselt number,whose de finition may likewise vary from one author to the next.Today ’s most widely used de finition is:Nu ¼ðhD h =l Þ¼ðÀl grad T j p =T w ÀT ref ÞðD h =l Þ¼ðF =S ðT w ÀT ref ÞÞðD h =l Þ,where the reference temperature is often postulated as equal to the fluid temperature or else,more generally,to the temperature of the second wall.The Nusselt number thereby deduced serves as a translation of the ef fi-ciency of heat transfer from one wall to the other by means of the fluid.As for the heat transfer surface S ,it is often de fined as the surface of the heating wall (S ¼2$p LR 1or S ¼2$p LR 2[13])Sometimes this surface is considered as intermediate with regard to the walls,and its exact de finition differs from one author to the next (generally S ¼2$p L ðe =ln ð1=h ÞÞ[14]).The more narrow the cylindrical gap,the smaller the differences between the de finitions of S .Fig.1.Taylor e Couette flow geometry.M.Fénot et al./International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx (2011)1e 182Some authors do not use the hydraulic diameter as the char-acteristic length,but rather prefer the thickness of the annular gap:e ¼R 2ÀR 1.In the following pages,we will use the most widely accepted de finitions:Ta ¼ðu 2R 1ðD h =2Þ3=n 2Þand Nu ¼ðhD h =l Þ¼ðÀl grad T j p =T w ÀT ref ÞðD h =l Þ.3.Smooth cylindrical gap,Taylor e Couette flowIn this part,we shall focus on flow and convective heat transfer in a smooth annular gap subjected to inner cylinder rotation alone.A description of the flow structure due to rotation alone (Tay-lor e Couette flow)will be given prior to a presentation of the results concerning heat transfer.3.1.Flow structureFlow in a smooth and closed annular gap has been the subject of numerous theoretical and experimental studies.The first experi-ments were conducted by Couette [1]and Mallock [15]in 1887and 1888.Most studies involve a single rotating cylinder (generally the inner one).The rotation of the second cylinder makes more complex the flow as recorded by Andereck et al.[16](Fig.2).It is important to note that in this study a strict procedure has been followed to reduce the problem range (first,the outer cylinder is slowly accelerated,and then the inner cylinder is slowly acceler-ated as well).The following flow description will involve only one rotating cylinder con figurations since no heat transfer studies have been conducted on two rotating cylinders.3.1.1.Couette flowCouette observed that the torque required for rotation of the central cylinder rises linearly to a critical speed,and then the torque rises still more rapidly.In 1923,Taylor [2]highlighted the existence of a critical rotation speed u C .Under this rotational speed,the flow,referred to as Couette flow,is steady and laminar.It is driven by viscous drag force acting on the fluid.The streamlines are annular and centered on the rotation axis.Natural convection induced by gravity can greatly affect this flow.It is generally recognized that for a Rayleigh number Ra ¼ðPr $b $D T $e 3g =n 2Þlower than 104,the effects of natural convection are negligible.For a higher Rayleigh number,flow depends on the ratio between the Grashof number and the tangential Reynolds number Re t ¼u R 1D h /n (Guo and Zhang [17]).So,the effects of natural convection occasioned by gravity are preponderant when rotation speed is particularly low.Along with an increase in rotation speed (and in Re t ),the effects of natural convection seem to disappear and are replaced by classical cylin-drical gap flow.When none of the effects are dominant,structures with two or three cells are obtained [18].These effects are also dependant on the way the cylinder is oriented,that is to say vertically [18,19]or horizontally [20,21].3.1.2.Taylor vortex flowOnce the critical rotation speed u C noted by Taylor is exceeded,the flow presents instabilities structured in a toric (O ring)form and known as “Taylor vortices ”.They are counter-rotative and associ-ated by pairs,as is indicated in Fig.3.From both an experimental and a theoretical standpoint,Taylor [2]determined the critical value of rotor rotation speed for an in fi-nitely long and pronouncedly narrow annular gap Ta c ¼1708z 1700.As soon as they appeared,Taylor vortices are arranged periodically by pairs,which rendered it possible to de fine their axial wavelength as the axial space taken up by a doublet of vortices.TheaxialFig.2.Regimes observed in flow between two rotating cylinders [16].Fig.3.Taylor vortices [6].M.Fénot et al./International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx (2011)1e 183wavelength of a pair of vortices for the critical Taylor number (or critical wavelength)is generally slightly less than the theoretical critical wavelength for an in finitely long and pronouncedly narrow cylindrical gap.Kirchner and Chen [22]showed that Taylor vortices originate,at the level of the inner cylinder,in the form of axially and radially propagated discs,which are transformed into classical vortices.Ghayoub et al.[23]provided a number-based demonstra-tion of the appearance of small and non-stationary Gortler-type vortices in the zone where Taylor vortices leave the stator.In cases where the rotation speed is still rising and the Taylor number exceeds a second critical threshold,(Ta/Ta c ¼1.2),Coles [24](for a narrow cylindrical gap:h ¼0.95)underscored the pres-ence of an azimuth wave regime (wavy mode);the Taylor cell boundaries are no longer perpendicular to the cylindrical axis,but rather present undulations or waves (Fig.4).The flow consequently becomes doubly periodic.As speed was gradually heightened,Cognet [4](once again with regard to a narrow cylindrical gap:h ¼0.908)observed a rise in the number of azimuth waves up to a maximum number that remains constant for 4.5 Ta/Ta c 25,and subsequently decreases until the azimuth waves disappear (Ta/Ta c z 96).The movement then becomes virtually periodic.Moreover,experiments by Coles [24]entailed the observation of up to 26different states (number of vortices .)for the same Taylor number.Each state depends not only on rotation speed,but also on previous flow history,which involves hysteresis effects marked by transitions that differ with regard to increasing and then decreasing rotation speeds.Each of these states corresponds to a given number of pairs of vortices (number of axial waves)and of azimuth waves (number of azimuth wave periods).Cylindrical gap geometry likewise assumes an important role with regard to the transitions.As concerns annular space thickness,Sparow et al.[25]and Roberts [26]have used linear stability theory when showing that the wider the cylindrical gap (small h ),the more frequent the appearance of vortices corresponding to high Taylor numbers.Cognet [4]provided experimental con firmation of these results (Fig.5).In addition,Snyder and Lambert [27]showed that in large annular gaps (small h ),Taylor cells are less rapidly affected by azimuth waves.Another parameter liable to exert in fluence on flow transitions is the axial length of the cylindrical gap.The results gathered by Cole [28]facilitate comprehension of the role assumed by annular gap length.In Fig.6and in accordance with axial cylindrical gap length,we may note:the rotation speed starting at which Taylorvortices appear (curve i),the rotation speed starting at which their waves appear (curve ii),and the corresponding theoretical numbers ( and *).Fig.6shows that regardless of cylinder length,vortices show up at essentially the same rotation speed.On the other hand,cylindrical gap length has a far greater impact on wave appearance.When cylinder length goes up,rotation speed goes down exponentially and is stabilized close to its theoretical number once the cylindrical gap has lengthened (G >40).Lastly,the presence of a temperature gradient can likewise affect flow stability.This is due to variable fluid properties (density and viscosity),to the natural convection occasioned by centrifugal forces,and to the natural convection occasioned by gravity,which is generally considered separately.Becker and Kaye [11]as well as Walowit [29]have shown that while a negative radial gradient stabilizes flow (the critical Taylor number increases),a positive gradient has the opposite effect.According to Walowit [29],the effects of the convection occa-sioned by centrifugal forces are negligible and the variations in fluid properties take on the main role.As regards the effects of natural convection occasioned by gravity,Ali and Weidman [30]have shown that the flow depends on the ratio between the Grashof numbers and the tangential Reynolds numbers Re t and that,as regards the Couette flow,the effects are negligible for a Rayleigh number Ra lower than 104.Gardiner and Sabersky [10]and Aoki et al.[31]have observed,in their strictly thermal studies,an unusually high critical Taylor number (104instead of 1700),which they attribute to the in fluence of natural convection in their experiments.Their conclusionsleadFig.4.Azimuth wave regime (wavymode).Fig.5.In fluence on the transition of annular gap thickness [4].Fig.6.Transitions and cylinder length [28].M.Fénot et al./International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx (2011)1e 184one to believe that natural convection modifies e and stabilizes e cylindrical gapflow.3.1.3.TurbulentflowFinally,as the rotation speeds continue to rise after the disap-pearance of Azimuthal waves,randomfluctuations come to progressively dominate theflow.In the end(above Ta/Ta c z1300),flow becomes turbulent.The transition toward turbulence has beenconfirmed experimentally by Gollub and Swinney[32]and numerically by Alziary de Rocquefort and Grillaud[33].The Taylor numbers nonetheless differ,probably as a result of dissimilar geometries.In fact,Cognet[4]noticed that an infinite sequence of fluctuation appears progressively inserting a newflow frequency for each one of them until theflow becomes turbulent.3.2.Convective heat transferThe initial approaches to convective heat transfer were carried out using an analogy between heat transfer and momentum. Couette[1]and Taylor[2]both measured the resistant torque due to thefluid’s being viscously rubbed between the two cylinders. This type of measurement was likewise employed more recently by Yamada[34].On the basis of these studies,it is possible to deduce friction factors or coefficients that can be linked to heat transfer by means of Reynolds analogy.In1958,Gazley[6]was thefirst author to show a sustained interest in thermal study of Taylor e Couetteflow.Flow dynamics were found to create three different heat transfer situations as speed and consequently the Taylor number goes up.Thefirst corresponds to the laminar regime below the critical threshold,the second to the laminar regime with superimposed Taylor vortices occupying the annular gap,and the third to the turbulent regime with regard to the highest Taylor numbers presenting more or less fully formed structures.One should recall that the Nusselt number is calculated by these authors on the basis of the difference of temperature from one wall to the other.It should also be noted that all of these studies deal only with average Nusselt numbers for the cylindrical gap taken as a whole.3.2.1.Couetteflow heat transferBelow the critical Taylor number,most of the authors have concurrently found a constant value equal to1;this is particularly the case for Tachibana et al.[35].The value may vary in accordance with Nusselt;for instance,Becker and Kaye[11]found a value of2 by using the definition of a Nusselt number:Nu¼hD h/l(Nu¼h2e/ l)as regards a smooth cylindrical gap.This is the definition we have chosen in order to ensure that as thereby postulated,the Nusselt number remains identical,whatever be the configuration(smooth with or without clippingflow,slotted.).In every case,this Nusselt number corresponds to a conductive heat transfer between the two walls:only parallel to these walls does thefluid move,and the heat transfer is consequently carried out perpendicularly to theflow, which may be considered as conductive.Two phenomena may nonetheless arise and modify the above value.First,a radiative heat transfer involving the two cylinders probably explains the high Nusselt numbers observed by Gazley [6],who does not seem to have dealt specifically and at length with this kind of transfer.Second,there is the natural convection of which Gardiner and Sabersky[10],on the other hand,have taken particular note;since their results are in close agreement with those reported by Aoki et al.[31],it would appear that the same phenomenon of natural convection comes into play.Finally,Yoo [19]focused on the air driven into rotation between two horizontal cylinders for Rayleigh numbers ranging from1000to50000and a relatively large cylindrical gap(aspect ratio h¼0.5),and observed that heat transferfirst diminishes along with rotation speed(Fig.7) on account of the disturbance provoked by centrifugal forces with regard to natural convection.The higher the Rayleigh number,the more pronounced and belated the diminution.It may be noted that in Fig.6,the threshold value of the Nusselt number in the case of heightened rotation speed is1,which is tantamount to strictly conductive transfer.3.2.2.Taylorflow and turbulentflow heat transferTaylorflow and turbulentflow heat transfer are studies jointly here as transition from one to the other seems to have no effect at all on the heat transfer rate.None of the authors have noticed heat transfer change with turbulent transition(Ta z106).This is prob-ably due to the progressive appearance offluctuations bringing the flow to turbulent(see paragraph2.1.3Turbulentflow):as transition to turbulence is progressive,heat transfer variation iscontinuous.Fig.7.Evolution of the Nusselt number along with the tangential Reynolds number for different Rayleigh numbers and an aspect ratio h¼0.5with Re¼ðu R2e=nÞ.M.Fénot et al./International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx(2011)1e185So,above the critical Taylor number,Nu rises appreciably in conjunction with the latter.And above this critical threshold,the transportation of matter from one wall to the other of the annular gap favors heat transfer.Becker and Kaye [36]observed a second,less pronounced transition (simple modi fication of slope)for Ta ¼104.The results were con firmed in the respective works of Nijaguna and Mathiprakasam [37]as well as Boua fia et al.[12,14].There would appear to exist another dynamic transition or differing flow behavior altering the evolution of convective heat transfer.It bears mentioning that thermal transition coincides for Peres [38]with the Taylor number corresponding to the shortest axial wave-length.In fact,wavelength diminishes,according to Peres [38]reaching a minimum corresponding to the second transition,and then it increases.Consequently,the transition seems to correspond to a situation in which the vortex number is maximum.Several reasons can explain the lack of this second transition for several authors.First of all,as flow state depends on previous flow history (Coles [24]),so evolution of axial wavelength can be different depending on the experimental protocol (rarely described)and so,there may be no shortest wavelength.Moreover,Refs.[31,39,40]have large Taylor ranges and their measurements are less numerous.So,it is possible that the authors have failed notice the first region (before the transition)which is relatively small.A third possible transition is shown by Tachibana et al.[35]and Tachibana and Fukui [41].Comparison between their two studies seems to show a transition for Ta ¼108.They are the only authors working at such a high Taylor number.The results obtained by Taylor [2]lead to the conclusion that following the appearance of vortices:Nu z Ta 1/4.Most authors have formulated the Nusselt number through experimental correlations of the aspect Nu ¼A Ta n with A and n of the constants depending a priori on the aspect ratio of the cylindrical gap.Several precise correlations have been put forward by different authors,among whom we wish to cite Becker and Kaye [36],Tachibana and Fukui [35]and Boua fia et al.[12,14].These correlations and the conditions of use are reported in Table 1.The curves in Fig.8show sensitivity identical to the Nusselt number of variations in the Taylor number recorded above Ta ¼104by researchers as different as Becker and Kaye [36]and Bjorklund and Kays [39],Aoki et al.[31]and Tachibana et al.[35];the exponents n presented by these authors are all sit-uated within the same range;while the multiplying factor may vary,it nevertheless remains close to 0.2.It should also be noted that the geometric studies are far from identical.As seen in Table 1,h ,e /R 1and G vary from one author to the next.Once the Taylor number exceeds 108,Tachibana and Fukui [41]have recorded an exponent n of 1/3rather than ¼,The deviation from their prior numbers (and from other authors)is explained by the non-overlaping of the measuring ranges utilized in the two studies:the studies of Tachi-bana and Fukui [41]is conducted for greater value of Taylor numbers.It likewise bears mentioning that Tzeng [42]observed much higher heat transfer than the other authors without any marked differences with regard to their respective con figurations.The results reported by Tzeng [42]were associated with Taylor numbers higher than those of the many other authors.But,the more signi ficant difference between Tzeng ’s experiment and other studies resides in the presence of high natural convection which seems to greatly affect heat transfer (see below).Aside from this particular case,the different results concerning to heat transfer are in close correspondence,with scattering occurring once the rotation speed goes up.Several parameters may exert some in fluence on the heat transfer depicted.Natural convection may continue to affect heat transfer e even after the appearance of Taylor vortices.Tzeng [42]has postulated a correlation taking into account the natural convection effects based on the tangential Reynolds number Re t ¼u R 1D h /n for a horizontal con figuration with h ¼0.895,e /R 1¼0.12and G ¼17.This correlation provides the ratio between the Nusselt number with rotation Nu U and the Nusselt number without rotation Nu 0:ðNu U =Nu 0Þ¼0:375ðGr $ðu R 1D h =n Þ$10À11Þ0:328with Gr ¼b $D T $e 3g =n 2.The correlation should not be used unreservedly,for there are differences between the thermal results of Ref.[42]and those of the other authors (Fig.8).The effect of cylindrical gap size on heat transfer has been studied by par Ball et al.[40].They observed that the more pronounced the rise of h ,the more pronounced the rise of the radial Reynolds number,and consequently of the Taylor number.This observation would appear logical,since a wide cylindrical gap tends to stabilize the flow and thereby delay the development of Taylor cells and diminish their effects on heat transfer.Most of the studies presented above involve global heat transfer,and only the numerical studies record local results.Thus,Fig.9presents the axial evolution of the Nusselt number numerically recorded by Ghayoub et al.[23]with a cooled stator and a heated rotor.The reference temperature chosen was the mixing temper-ature,of which the evolution is likewise depicted in Fig.8;the choice renders it possible to distinguish the Nusselt number Nu 2of the stator from that Nu 1of the rotor.The sinusoidal evolution corresponds to the alternation of the pairs of vortices presented in Fig.10.To be precise,when two vortices meet at the level of theTable 1Recapitulation of the different correlations for convective heat transfer in a smooth and open cylindrical gap.Note:The de finition of the Nusselt number has been modi fied so as to have it coincide with the other authors,and it corresponds to the de finition used in the present text.he /R 1GTaTa c C.L.thermal CorrelationsBecker and Kaye [36]0.8070.2381720à3,3Â1051994Cooled stator Heated rotorTa <Ta c :Nu ¼2Ta c <Ta <104:Nu ¼0,128Ta 0,367104<Ta <3.3Â105:Nu ¼0.409Ta 0.241Tachibanaand Fukui [41]0.75/0.9380.07/0.33 2.25/11.25108/5Â1012eCooled stator,Heated rotor or Heated stator,Cooled rotor Nu ¼0.092(TaPr)1/3Tachibana et al.[34]0.522/0.9710.13/0.92220/70000/1081730e 3000Cooled stator Nu ¼0.42(TaPr)0.25Heated rotor Bjorklundand Kays [35]0.8/0.9480.054/0.24632/1478000/4.1061770e 1994Cooled stator Nu ¼0.35(Ta)0.25Heated rotor Aoki et al.[31]eee5000/2Â105e eNu ¼0.44(Ta)0.25(Pr)0.3Ball et al.[40]0.437/0.6560.26/0.6431.4/77.24000/4Â105e Cooled stator Nu ¼0.069$h À2.9084$(R 1u e /n )0.4614l n (3.3361h )Heated rotor Tzeng [42]0.8950.12177962/2Â108eHeated rotorNu ¼8.854(R 1u e /n )0.262(Pr)0.4M.Fénot et al./International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx (2011)1e 186rotor (A ),the hot flow is evacuated in the direction of the stator,thereby provoking maximal Nu 1and increased mixing tempera-ture.Conversely,when two vortices meet at the level of stator (B ),Nu 2reaches a maximum and the mixing temperature a minimum.One may also note that as regards Ta ¼2Â106,the secondary Nu 1maxima present at the bottom (B )might be in correspondence with the presence of the Gortler vortices.Moreover,the Nu peak grows more pronounced as the Taylor number goes up.This finding is most likely explained by a heightening of centrifugal forces and consequently of the speed of the vortices when they meet (in (A )or (B )).The impact of the Gortler vortices on total heat transfer remains relatively insigni ficant.4.Smooth cylindrical gap,Taylor e Couette e Poiseuille flow In the con figuration of the smooth and open cylindrical gap,axial flow is superimposed on the rotation effect provided by the rotor.As in the preceding part of this paper,a brief description of flow structure will be given prior to a section devoted to heat transfer.In the case of Taylor e Couette e Poiseuille flow,a new dynamic parameter is to be used in addition to rotation velocity u :average axial velocity of the fluid V a (m/s).The axial Reynolds number may now be de fined as Re a ¼V a D h /n .The most widely accepted de finition of the Nusselt number remains:Nu ¼ðhD h =l Þ¼ðÀl grad T j p =T w ÀT ref ÞðD h =l Þ¼ðF =S ðT w ÀT ref ÞÞðD h =l Þ,where the reference temperature is usually taken to be equal to a fluid temperature (mean temperature T mean ¼(T e þT 0)/2),even though,as is the case with Taylor e Couette flow,some authors take it as equal to the temperature of the second wall.4.1.Flow structureFlow results from the superimposing of two discrete mecha-nisms,one of them linked to the centrifugal effects of rotational flow,the other one axially driven.Two main transitions may be distinguished:1)a transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow when axial velocity rises;2)the appearance of «Taylor vortex »structures above critical rotation velocity.When these twophenomena are combined,we may discern the four types of flow described by Kaye and Elgar [43](Fig.11):-Laminar flow-Laminar flow with Taylor vortices -Turbulent flow-Turbulent flow with Taylor vorticesNevertheless,most of the authors have focused their studies on the two main transitions (Laminar to turbulent transition and Taylor vortex transition)rather than on the characterization of the flow encountered.So,we will analyze separately the two major transitions.4.1.1.In fluence of axial flow:turbulent flow transitionFew studies have focused on the transition from laminar to turbulent flow,while most of them have concentrated on the in fluence of axial flow on vortex appearance.It is generally consid-ered that,before the appearance of Taylor vortices,these flows are similar to those encountered in duct flow with a radial velocity as well.Some authors have analyzed the in fluence of parameters on turbulence transition.As is the case in Taylor e Couette flow,in flu-ence parameters are both geometrical and thermal.Cylindrical gap geometry assumes a prominent role in transitions.Kaye and Elgar [43]were the first researchers to experimentally determine the transitions with regard to two different numerical degrees of relative cylindrical gap thickness h for a wide range of Ta and Re a (see Fig.12).The transition to turbulence is more rapidly reached with a more narrow cylindrical gap for Re a <1500,Reynolds number above which the effects are likewise reversed.Concerning thermal effects on flow,Becker and Kaye [36]studied the in fluence of existing temperature gradient and heat transfer on flow structure in a wide range of axial flow rates and rotation velocities (see Fig.13).According to these authors:e For Ta ¼0,turbulence appears in both cases at Re a ¼1800e Transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow appears to be independent of the axial Reynolds number when heat transfer11010010001.00E+021.00E+031.00E+041.00E+051.00E+061.00E+071.00E+081.00E+091.00E+10N uTaTachibana et Fukui [41]Tachibana et al. [35]Bjorklund et Kays[39]Aoki et al.[31]BECKER et Kaye [36]Ball et al.[40]Tzeng [42]parison of the different correlations Note:the de finition of the Nusselt number has been modi fied so as to have it coincide with the other authors,and it corresponds to the de finition used in the present text.M.Fénot et al./International Journal of Thermal Sciences xxx (2011)1e 187。