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Based on the structural analysis and the design requirements of n.medium bus braking system, a braking system design is performed in this thesis, according to the natio nal and professional standards.Automotive vehicle braking system is one of the most important system, it is directly related to car driving safety. In order to ensure the safety of automobile travel, automobile brake performance is good or bad to become a top priority in construction. At the same time, good braking system can improve the car's directional stability and braking performance.

The braking system design starts from determination of the structure scheme. Calculating and determining the main dimension and structural type of the front disc、drum brake,brake master cylinder,and therefore draw the engineering drawings of the front and rear brakes, Brake valve, the diagram of the brake pipelines.

The results show the design of braking system is reasonable, consistent with the standards and satisfies the requests such as simple structure and low cost.

Key words:Medium-sized passenger car; braking system design; disc brake; drum brake; pneumatic system;


摘要............................................................... I Abstract........................................................... I I 第1章绪论.. (1)

1.1 制动器设计的意义及目的 (1)

1.2 汽车制动系统设计的要求 (1)

1.3 汽车制动系统的组成 (1)

1.4 制动系工作原理 (2)

1.5 制动器研究现状 (2)

第2章汽车制动方案论证分析与选择 (4)

2.1 制动器形式方案分析 (4)

2.1.1 鼓式制动器结构形式 (4)

2.1.2盘式制动器结构形式 (6)

2.2 制动驱动机构的结构型式与选择 (8)

2.2.1 简单制动系 (8)

2.2.2动力制动系 (9)

2.2.3伺服制动系 (9)

2.3 液压分路系统的形式与选择 (10)

第3章制动系统主要参数的确定 (12)

3.1 中型客车主要技术参数 (12)

的确定 (12)

3.2 同步附着系数的

3.3 前、后轮制动力分配系数的确定。 (13)

3.4 盘式制动器主要参数的确定 (13)

3.5 制动器最大制动力的确定 (14)

3.6 盘式制动器制动因数计算 (14)

3.7 鼓式制动器的设计计算 (15)

3.8 鼓式制动效能因素计算 (15)

3.9 制动器的温升计算 (16)

3.10 盘式制动器主要零部件的结构设计 (17)

3.11 鼓式制动器主要零部件的结构设计 (18)

第4章气压制动系统结构设计与分析 (20)

4.1 气压制动系统结构 (20)

4.1.1 气压制动回路 (20)

4.1.2 供能装置 (20)

4.1.3 控制装置 (21)

4.1.4 制动气室 (23)

4.2 气压驱动机构的设计与计算 (24)

4.2.1 制动气室设计 (24)

4.2.2 贮气筒 (25)

4.2.3 空气压缩机的选择 (25)

第5章制动性能评价分析 (26)

5.1 制动性能评价指标 (26)

5.2 制动效能 (26)

5.3 制动效能的恒定性 (27)

5.4 制动时汽车的方向稳定性 (27)

5.5 前、后制动器制动力分配 (28)

5.5.1地面对前、后车轮的法向反作用力 (28)

5.5.2理想的前、后制动器制动力分配曲线 (29)

5.5.3实际的前、后制动器制动力分配曲线 (29)

第6章总论 (30)

参考文献 (31)

致谢 (32)

附录1 (33)

附录2 (38)
