

是麦琪为梦想赌上一切的执着,是教练弗兰基在自己的拳手受到攻击时心痛的咒骂,还是灰色镜头的病床上微笑的解脱----------题记这部《百万宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby)是克林特.伊斯特伍德在2004年制作的电影,克林特·伊斯特伍德、希拉蕊·史旺与摩根.弗里曼等人主演。
它讲述了一个有关拳击的爱的故事,年迈的法兰基(克林特·伊斯特伍德Clint Eastwood 饰)是一个有名的拳击教练,他的徒弟在拳击场上战绩辉煌。
一天,一个对拳击有强烈兴趣的女子麦琪(希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Swank 饰)走进训练馆,请求法兰基受为门徒。
Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之二

Download 影片对白 Priest: Bye.Woman: Goodbye.Frankie Dunn: Hey, Father, that was a great sermon. Made me weep.Priest: What’s confusing you this week?Frankie Dunn: Oh, it’s the same old one God, three God thing.Priest: Frankie, most people figure out by kindergarten it’s about faith.Frankie Dunn: Is it sort of like Snap, Crackle and Pop all rolled up in one big box?Priest: You’re standing outside my church comparing God to Rice Krispies? You only come to Mass every day to wind me up. It’s not going to happen this morning.Frankie Dunn: Well, I’ m confused.Priest: No, you aren’t.Frankie Dunn: Yes, I am.Priest: Then here’s your answer: There’s one God. Anything else? Cos I’ m busy.Frankie Dunn: What about the Holy Ghost?Priest: An expression of God’s love.Frankie Dunn: And

铁娘子The Iron Lady
• 《铁娘子》是一部讲述英 国历史上唯一一位女首相 玛格丽特· 撒切尔的传记电 影,由梅丽尔· 斯特里普领 衔主演。影片以撒切尔的 老年生活为主线,将她对 参政、竞选首相、马岛战 争、下台等重大历史事件 的回忆穿插其间,用撒切 尔的眼睛带领观众重温了 上世纪下半叶的英国。该 片获得第84届奥斯卡金像 奖最佳女主角、最佳化妆 奖。
平民窟的百万富翁Slumdog Millionaire
• 是英国导演丹尼· 博伊尔所执导 的电影,于2008年上映,是根 据印度作家维卡斯· 史瓦卢普 (Vikas Swarup)的作品 《Q&A》所改编的。这部电影 有着好莱坞式的流畅的叙事, 悬念从生,惊心动魄的讲故事 的方法,有美国式故事的浪漫 和光明,童话气质,有史诗片 式的大格局,有欧洲电影的人 文关怀,有丹尼· 保尔式的在影 像和思想方面的锋锐和透彻。 在第66届美国电影金球奖上, 《贫民窟的百万富翁》异军突 起成为当晚最大的赢家,获得 了最佳剧情类影片、最佳导演、 最佳编剧、最佳原创电影音乐 四项大奖。
• 《我的名字叫可汗》印度导演 卡伦· 乔哈尔执导的悲情电影, 影片由在印度妇孺皆知的万人 迷影帝沙鲁克· 罕担纲本片主演。 影片讲述患有自闭症的里兹瓦 恩· 罕与信奉印度教的曼迪娅结 婚。911事件后,社会对于穆斯 林的态度发生变化,曼迪娅无 力承受这样的压力,与里兹瓦 恩分离,为了赢回他的爱人, 他踏上了一场横穿美国的旅程。 本片汇集了相当戏份的现实题 材,从美国的911后遗症到其他 的现实社会背景。该片入围 2010年第60届柏林电影节的非 竞赛单元。
危情谍恋Knight & Day
• 讲述的是一个极具趣味性的动 作冒险传奇,汤姆· 克鲁斯 (Tom Cruise)再一次化身成 一个秘密特工,而卡梅隆· 迪亚 茨(Cameron Diaz)则变成一 个不幸被卷进来的“受害者”, 陪着他们满世界奔跑的是训练 有素的顶级杀手,中间还交织 着各种阴谋诡计和造成了巨大 的混乱的追击以及枪战,他们 很快就意识到,两个人只有信 赖彼此,才有ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้能从这样严密 的围追堵截当中存活并脱身。

百万美元宝贝电影欣赏(英文版)Million Dollar Baby班级:英语三班学号:20088084 姓名:张艺Clint Eastwood always explores the darker side of human nature and the duality of man. His dark hero of Unforgiven, William Munny, tries to repent only to be thrust back into that violent world he knows so well. His regretful Frank Horrigan of In The Line Of Fire and his womanizing Steve Everett of True Crime also want redemption.Eastwood's Frankie Dunn of Million Dollar Baby is the most conflicted, weathered and vulnerable he's ever played. When he weeps in a darkened church it's like watching a house of cards begin to fall. This is a man whose had a regretful past and can't run away from the curve balls life has thrown at him. Frankie Dunn is like most of us where we eventually get punished for our good deeds.The funny thing is that Million Dollar Baby is not a boxing movie despite the way it's being advertised like a female version of Rocky. Yes, Hilary Swank's Maggie trains to be a boxer under the guidance of Clint Eastwood's Frankie Dunn. Yes, Morgan Freeman is Scrap, Frankie's tough friend and ex boxer. Yes, the bulk of it takes place in a boxing gym. Yes, there are numerous boxing matches. Despite all this it's still not a boxing movie.When you see it you'll be surprised by the utter humanity in the piece. This film runs very deep and you will care for the three main characters. Eastwood gives us something we rarely get in films today. He gives us real people.The film is about the triumph of the human spirit, the emotional world we try to hide from that eventually sucks us allin, our compassionate hearts, and the difficult decisions we face when it comes to those we care about. It's about friendship, trust, and the bonds of the heart that are unavoidable. It is a true masterpiece.Hilary Swank is all fire and guts as Maggie. Her intensity and commitment has guided her to another Academy Award. She knows she's poor, she accepts it, and she pushes forward despite her limitations. This is not to say she can't be hurt. We watch her eyes well up a few times and truly feel her pain despite the fact that she is as tough as they come. Morgan Freeman, who finally won a long overdue and well deserved Oscar, plays Scrap with the perfect combination of toughness and compassion. He knows the situation from every angle and his narration of the film rings true.See this film. It deserves it's accolades because it's about real characters and it's directed with honesty, warmth, and true pain. Clint Eastwood gets better with age and his films reflect the days of real movie making. The sets are simple, the characters are complex, and the story moves in a pace closer to real life than any other director could reach. Eastwood has been called the Hemingway of Film making. You don't get more real than that. It was great seeing this natural storyteller take home his second Oscar for Best Director and Picture."Million Dollar Baby" has great characters, but it doesn't glorify them. It has a wonderful story, but it never tries to impress you. The photography, score and direction is superb, but never distracting. What this movie is, if I have to call it something, is passion. Passion for film-making, passion for storytelling, passion for its characters, passion for its actors, and passion for its story and the means at which it will go to tell it. Amazing.Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) owns a messy boxing gym which is populated, mostly, by downbeat losers who he spends some time training. He runs it with his friend and former student Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Morgan Freeman), who now lives contently at a room in the gym. One day a young woman named Maggie (HilarySwank) walks in, looking for a manager and trainer. Frankie shafts her immediately ("girly, tough ain't enough"). Frankie has bigger things on his hands. He's managing a fighter who has a shot at a title bout.But Frankie is old and weathered and not an appealing manager, so the fighter leaves him. Frankie is broken by this; it is another in a long line of rejections and separations. We can tell that, at this time in his life, he only gets really close with those he's training (Scrap is the only exception). We can tell that his loneliness – and a bit of persuasion from Scrap – cause him to agree to teach Maggie. Teach, that is the agreement, not manage. But, by the end of the film he will have devoted his life to her.So the rest of the story follows these two people. There is no real 'plot' that you could describe in a trailer because it is constantly changing…it is not the inspiring underdog story you may think of it as. No, what it's 'about' is these characters, and how they react to the circumstances around them, which change with each scene.Narrating the story is Scrap, speaking like he's looking back to a time long ago when everything has passed. His voice seems flat, deadpan, but there is a working of subtle sorrow in it. Scrap is a sad human being, he sees himself as the result of missed opportunities in the past, and so he spends his time helping the others, offering them his wise advice, with a tone of deadpanhumor and even cockiness. Scrap knows what should be done, and what will happen regardless, and he is sort of okay with everything, in a sort of passive way. But the man also knows what's right and he has a deep, inner strength which is displayed in one scene in particular where you just have to cheer. It is an intriguing character, and personally I think it's Freeman's best performance.And Eastwood's best too. He is an elderly man; some might say too elderly to still be working. After all, most people are retired by his age. But if you had to guess whenyou're watching this film, you would never, ever say the man is seventy-four. You would say something closer to the sixties, because the man has such amazing energy and dedication, and above all, he has talent. It's been forty long years since "A Fist Full of Dollars" and film has come a long way, and so has this man. At seventy-four, passed all those years as an action hero, nearing what's could be the end of his career, Eastwood has made his best movie. I really, really hope he has time to make many more.As for Swank, well, she must have found something big that she shared with her character, because this is not acting, it is existing. Swank is Maggie. That's all there is too it. This could be the movie she will be remembered for.So, "Million Dollar Baby" is a masterpiece. I saw it last night when it opened in my city, and everyone else was seeing "White Noise", and I was shaking my head. Everyone who is even remotely interested in movies should see this one, just so they can know how movies are supposed to be made. I'm trying to think, and there is not a single thing here where Eastwood went wrong. The acting, directing, writing, score, cinematography…they all accomplish precisely what they'resupposed to with sublime perfection. Many of these aspects will certainly receive Oscars and all of them should.You may cry through this film, you may cheer. Whatever the case, you will love it.参考文献:1,《百万宝贝》——好莱坞式的信念与温情作者:闫晗学术期刊校园心理CAMPUS LIFE & MENTAL HEALTH 2006年第4卷第6期2, 从81届奥斯卡获奖影片看好莱坞电影的表现手法和文化精神Hollywood Movies' Expression And Cultural Spirit Of The 81 Annual Academy Awards 作者:3, 英雄梦的继续——关于《百万宝贝》The Continuity Of Hero Dream——On The Movie" Million Dollar Baby" 作者:李秀杰,朱丽娟学术期刊电影评介MOVIE REVIEW 2009年第3期4, 《百万宝贝》中的美国文化透视作者:李圣爱,唐丽霞学术期刊电影文学FILM LITERATURE 2010年第19期5, "百万宝贝"重拳出击学术期刊电视字幕·特技与动画TELEVISION CAPTION EFFECTS ANIMATION2005年第3期。

38外国电影评论Forein Films Review电影《百万美元宝贝》剧照“渴爱”的人——电影《百万美元宝贝》的人本主义心理学解读张 翔《百万美元宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby )是一部以拳击为题材的奥斯卡获奖电影。
可以发现,影片讲述的是两个“渴爱”的人在寻找情感归属,维护自我尊严,【作者简介】张 翔,男,河南周口人,兴义民族师范学院教育科学学院副教授,主要从事社会心理学研究。
39MOVIE REVIEW 电影评介2015年第14期追求梦想的道路上,不断实现自我需要的满足,最终实现自我价值的故事。

经典励志电影推荐《百万宝贝》推荐理由:荣获第77届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳女主角、最佳男配角4项大奖.中文片名:百万宝贝英文片名:million dollar baby导演:克林特伊斯特伍德主演:克林特伊斯特伍德、希拉里斯万克、摩根弗里曼剧情简介:年纪老迈的拳击教练法兰基邓恩(克林特伊斯特伍德饰)几乎将自己的一生都献给了拳击事业. 很多叱咤拳坛的拳手都曾得益于他的点拨. 在他的生命中, 最重要的莫过于永无休止的拳击课程和细致严谨的拳击理论. 而他的这些理论中最重要的一条便是:保护自己永远是第一位的.对事业过分执着令法兰基同女儿的关系形同路人. 同时, 这也成为老人心中挥之不去的阴影. 很久以来, 他都过着极度自闭的生活. 法兰基唯一的朋友斯凯普(摩根弗里曼饰)也曾是一名拳击教练. 在过去的23年里, 他们每天从事的几乎都是相同的工作. 斯凯普除了打理法兰基的拳馆之外还是最了解他的人. 只有他知道, 法兰基坚硬冷酷的外表下那颗火热的心一直都期待着宽恕和救赎.玛吉菲茨杰拉德(希拉里斯旺克)是一个意志坚定的女人, 她了解自己的目标并知道如何去实现它. 向世人证明自己实力的强烈愿望促使她走进了法兰基的拳馆. 玛吉出现的那一刻, 两位主人公的命运也开始悄然逆转. 波折过后, 玛吉与生俱来的才能和不可动摇的信念最终感动了固执的法兰基, 后者决定不惜代价帮助玛吉成为女拳击手……训练中的朝夕相处加之彼此以往遭遇的相互启迪令师徒二人越发默契. 在追寻梦想超越自我的过程中, 他们一起找到了医治往日伤痛的良方. 更令二人感到无比欣慰的是他们在对方的身上找到了久违的如亲人一般的归属感. 在这场伦理与勇气的斗争中不会再有失败和痛苦的记忆.反映拳击手生涯的《百万宝贝》成为77届奥斯卡大赢家后, 这部此前一直默默无闻的影片顿时身价陡涨, 按照惯例, 只要在当年奥斯卡拔得头筹的影片都会成为一段时间的票房冠军. 该片在美国上映第11周后票房突然涨到6500万美元, 这令制片方激动万分, 迅速为其定下了一亿美元的票房目标.本片是克林特伊斯特伍德执导的第28部影片, 他演绎故事和讲述故事的能力无需再向世人证明. 这次他自导自演不说, 连电影音乐也包圆儿了. 伊斯特伍德自称:拳击在影片中扮演了重要角色, 但影片并不是拿拳击说事儿, 它是一个关于爱的故事……人生就好比一场70年的拳击比赛, 充满了躲闪与出拳,如果足够幸运, 只需一次机会、一记重拳而已, 但首要的条件是你必须得顽强地站着, 就像里克尔的那句名言:有何胜利可言, 挺住意味着一切. 在过去的23年里, 弗兰基邓(克林特伊斯特伍德饰)每天的生活都是由机械的两件事构成:训练拳手和去教堂做弥撒, 每周他都会给女儿去一封信, 但结果都是被原路退回. 由于女儿的疏远, 弗兰基长时间在人群中封闭自己, 他唯一的朋友是帮他照看训练馆的绰号为废铁的退休拳手埃迪(摩根弗里曼饰). 多年之前, 弗兰基眼睁睁地看着埃迪在比赛中失去了一只眼睛而不能叫停. 悔恨一直纠葛着弗兰基的内心世界, 因此他不愿看着拳手们血淋淋地走向冠军的头衔, 虽然他一直在培养拳手, 但内心早已退休. 直到有一天, 一个名叫麦琪的女子走进了训练馆……。
[英语作文]百万美元宝贝读后感Title: Million Dollar Baby: A Reflection on Resilience and Determination"Million Dollar Baby" is a film that delves into the world of boxing, but it is so much more than just a sports movie. It is a story of resilience, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of dreams. As I watched the film, I was struck by the powerful themes it explored and the emotional journey it took me on.At the heart of the film is the character of Maggie Fitzgerald, played brilliantly by Hilary Swank. Maggie is a young woman from a small town who dreams of becoming a professional boxer. Despite facing numerous obstacles, including financial struggles and a lack of support from her family, Maggie remains undeterred in her pursuit of her dream. Her unwavering determination is both inspiring and heartbreaking, as she sacrifices everything to achieve her goal.One of the most poignant aspects of the film is the relationship between Maggie and her trainer, Frankie Dunn, played by Clint Eastwood. Frankie is a gruff and emotionally distant man who initially resists training Maggie. However, as the film progresses, he slowly begins to open up and form a deep bond with her. Their relationship is a testament to the power of mentorship and the transformative impact that a supportive figure can have on someone's life.As the film reaches its climax, it takes a dramatic turn that left me deeply moved. Without giving away any spoilers, I can say that the film explores themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the true meaning of success. It challenges the viewer to think about what it really means to achieve one's dreams and the price that must sometimes be paid.In conclusion, "Million Dollar Baby" is a film that stays with you long after the credits roll. It is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the lengths that people will go to in pursuit of their dreams. It is a testament to the enduring power of determination and the profound impact that a mentor can have on someone's life. For anyone who hasever faced adversity or struggled to achieve their goals, this film is a must-see.。

When I met him he was already the best cut man in business. Started training an managing in 60’s,never lost his gift. 我遇见他的时候,他已经是拳击界最好的助手。从60年代起就开始训练和管理,从来没 让人失望过。 Boxing is about respect, getting it for yourself, and taking it away from the other guy. 拳击是关于尊严,赢得你自己的,同时也剥夺别人的。 Some People say the most important thing ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ fighter can have is heart. Frankie would say, show me a fighter who's nothing but heart, and I'll show you a man waiting for a beating. 很多人会说对于一个拳手,最重要的莫过于热情,弗兰基却说,带给我一个只有热情 的选手,我会告诉他什么叫鼻青脸肿。 If the boxing in magic, so it is a kind of fight beyond endurance, beyond rib fracture, beyond kidney perforation, and joint separate magic. This is a kind of you will all the magic for adventure, but others will not see.
1.Seconds out

百万美元宝贝观后感英文After watching the movie "Million Dollar Baby," I couldn't help but feel moved by the compelling story it portrayed. Directed by Clint Eastwood, the film masterfully weaves together themes of determination, resilience, and the complex relationships that emerge in the boxing world.Set in the gritty world of professional boxing, the movie follows the journey of Maggie Fitzgerald, a determined and ambitious young woman who aspires to become a professional boxer despite her disadvantaged background. With the guidance of her tough trainer Frankie Dunn, played by Clint Eastwood himself, Maggie overcomes numerous obstacles to become a formidable boxer.One of the most striking aspects of the film is its exploration of the human spirit and the pursuit of dreams. Maggie's unyielding determination and unwavering belief in herself are truly inspiring. Despite facing disapproval and discouragement from those around her, she remains steadfast in her resolve to make a name for herself in the boxing ring.As Maggie's journey unfolds, the movie delves into the complex relationships between the characters. The bond that develops between Maggie and Frankie serves as the emotional foundation of the film. Initially reluctant to invest in her, Frankie eventually becomes a father figure to Maggie, providing the guidance and support she desperately needs. Their relationship is beautifully portrayed, with both characters evolving and growing alongside one another.In addition to the central characters, the supporting cast also delivers exceptional performances. Morgan Freeman, who portrays Scrap, a former boxer and loyal friend of Frankie's, brings depth and wisdom to his role. His narration throughout the film adds a poignant touch, providing insights into the world of boxing and the motivations of the characters.The film also tackles powerful themes such as sacrifice and the price of pursuing one's dreams. As Maggie's career takes off, she faces numerous challenges and sacrifices, both physical and emotional. The toll this takes on her and those around her is portrayed with raw authenticity, making the viewer truly empathize with her struggles and victories."Million Dollar Baby" is not just a boxing movie; it transcends the genre and delves into the depths of the human experience. It raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of success, the importance of mentorship, and the choices we make in pursuit of our dreams. The film's ending, though heartbreaking, leaves a lasting impact, prompting viewers to reflect on the value of life and the power of human connections.Beyond its storytelling and performances, the film's cinematography deserves special mention. The cinematographer, Tom Stern, captures the grittiness of the boxing world while also infusing beauty into the scenes. The boxing matches are skillfully choreographed, adding to the intense and visceral experience of watching the film.In conclusion, "Million Dollar Baby" is a powerful and emotionally resonant film that explores themes of determination, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships. Clint Eastwood's direction, combined with outstanding performances from the cast, immerses the viewer in agripping story that transcends the boxing genre. The film's exploration of personal sacrifice, ambition, and the pursuit of dreams serves as a powerful reminder of the strength of the human spirit.。

震撼心灵的部英文励志电影集团档案编码:[YTTR-YTPT28-YTNTL98-UYTYNN08]震撼心灵的50部英文励志电影(英汉对照珍藏版)50部电影的详细目录:1、《8 Mile 8英里》,巨星成长之路上的烦恼与困扰2、《127 Hours 127小时》,大自然的狰狞与人类的坚持不懈3、《A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵》,为你,我会终身美丽4、《A Better Life更好的生活》,对人生深入骨髓的感触5、《Big Fish大鱼》,“坏孩子”用超现实的方式触摸真实世界6、《Billy Elliot跳出我天地》,在家庭责任与个人理想之间7、《Braveheart勇敢的心》,不是每个人都曾真正活过8、《Cast Away荒岛余生》,在世界尽头,他开始了旅程9、《Coach Carter卡特教练》,“放牛班的严冬”10、《Dancer in the Dark黑暗中的舞者》,执着信念的赞美诗11、《Eight Below南极大冒险》,不要低估任何动物的求生意志12、《Everybody's Fine天伦之旅》,“大家都好”背后的温情13、《Finding Nemo海底总动员》,一个千里寻子的感人童话14、《Glory Road光荣之路》,有王者气势的梦幻之作15、《Good Will Hunting心灵捕手》,让我们跟着心走16、《Gran Torino老爷车》,为扞卫朋友和尊严而战17、《Gridiron Gang重振球风》,摆脱心灵羁绊重获新生18、《Hotel Rwanda卢旺达饭店》,一个人可以多么无私无畏19、《I Am Sam我是山姆》,爱是一种能力20、《Into the Wild荒野生存》,或许,世界真的在等你21、《Invictus成事在人》,你总能成就自己想做的事22、《Invincible万夫莫敌》,从一无所有到荣誉之巅23、《Juno朱诺》,对与错的评判标准是什么24、《Men of Honor怒海潜将》,没有人能阻止你成为英雄25、《Million Dollar Baby百万美元宝贝》,不躲避疼痛,迎接它26、《Mona Lisa Smile蒙娜丽莎的微笑》,与传统观念抗争的女子27、《Moneyball点球成金》,有时候,你要做的正是打破常规28、《People Like Us我们这样的人》,关于生命和生活的故事29、《Real Steel铁甲钢拳》,饱含亲情与梦想的励志故事30、《Seabiscuit奔腾年代》,那种不服输的天性与斗志31、《Secretariat一代骄马》,千里马与伯乐缔造的奇迹32、《Seven Pounds七磅》,这个世界太需要温情与爱33、《Slumdog Millionaire贫民窟的百万富翁》,史诗格局与童话气质34、《Soul Surfer灵魂冲浪人》,失去臂膀依然能舞动人生35、《Step Up舞出我人生》,每个人都有追逐梦想的机会36、《The Aviator飞行家》,娱乐大亨的云霄之梦37、《The Blind Side弱点》,暖人心房、鼓舞人心的真实故事38、《The Fighter斗士》,超越恶俗肤浅套路的铁汉柔情39、《The Great Debaters伟大辩手》,真实英雄改编世界的神力40、《The Iron Lady铁娘子》,从杂货商女儿到英国首相41、《The King's Speech国王的演讲》,温暖人心的艺术作品42、《The Last Samurai最后的武士》,在战斗中寻求心的宁静43、《The Pianist钢琴家》,这是一部关于希望的电影44、《The Pursuit of Happyness当幸福来敲门》,我们含泪迎接45、《The Social Network社交网络》,脸谱网的前世今生46、《The Terminal幸福终点站》,一种“塞翁失马”的乐观47、《The Wrestler摔角手》,努力汲取一些来自生活的力量48、《Up飞屋环游记》,一个一飞冲天的“天外奇迹”49、《Warrior勇士》,为生命中最在乎的人和事而战50、《Win Win双赢》,在困境中品味苦涩的人生。

玛吉是一个决心追求拳击事业的 女孩,她的毅力体现在日复一日 的艰苦训练中,即使受伤也不轻
玛吉的外表强硬,但实际上内心 深藏着情感创伤。她通过拳击来 发泄和转移自己的情感压抑,使 观众更深刻地感受到她内心的挣
玛吉作为女性拳击手,她的形象 塑造展现了女性的力量和坚韧, 打破了性别刻板印象,成为女性
电影通过主角玛吉的人生 经历,引导观众思考人生 的意义和价值,激发观众 对于人生的思考。
麦琪作为一个渴望成为拳击手的女孩 ,遇到了教练法兰基,开始了艰苦的 训练。
麦琪虽然无法再次参加比赛,但她找 到了新的生活目标,与法兰基共同走 出了阴影。
在法兰基的指导下,麦琪的拳击技术 不断提高,赢得了一场又一场的比赛 ,逐渐崭露头角。
在麦琪即将参加重要比赛时,遭遇了 对手的不公平对待,导致她受伤严重 ,无法继续比赛。
《百万美元宝贝 》电影介绍
汇报人: 2023-11-19
• 电影概述 • 剧情分析 • 角色塑造 • 电影技巧分析 • 电影的价值和意义
影片设定在一个充满竞技激情和人性挣扎的拳击世界,通过拳击这一残酷而又充 满挑战的运动,展现了人性的复杂与真实。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ故事梗概
影片通过玛吉与父亲的关系展现了家 庭对个体成长的影响。父亲的角色塑 造了玛吉坚韧性格的背后成因,为影 片增添了深度。


【摘要】片名:<百万美元宝贝>(Million Dollar Baby) 片长:132分钟年代:2004年出品国:美国导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)
1.“百万美元宝贝”阿瑞安妮·希尔斯特 [J], 小兵
2.从《百万美元宝贝》看体育电影中女性形象的塑造 [J], 孙传奇
3.浅谈女性运动员成长中父亲角色的作用——以《百万美元宝贝》和《摔跤吧!爸爸》为例 [J], 邵鲁阳
4.《百万美元宝贝》中的女性形象 [J], 杨贤健
5.从《百万美元宝贝》看体育电影中女性形象的塑造 [J], 孙传奇;
Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之三

Download 影片对白 Frankie Dunn: Yeah, I know, Hogan. Your guy’s the champ, so we don’t split fifties. But if I don’t see 40%... Look, you call me back when it’s 60-40, or don’t call me back at all. Hey, Willie.Willie: Hey, Frankie.Frankie Dunn: Is something wrong?Willie: I’m sorry to come by your house like this. I-I know you don’t like people dropping in.Frankie Dunn: Oh, you’re not people, Willie. You’re welcome anytime. Come on in.Willie: I want to thank you for getting Gracie’s car back.Frankie Dunn: Oh, well, you don’t have to thank me. Paying an extra thousand dollars for your own car ain’t exactly a favor.Willie: Gracie broke out and cried when she saw it.Frankie Dunn: Really?Willie: I also needed to talk with you about business.Frankie Dunn: Oh, well, I just got off the phone with Hogan. We’re all set for September. Everything but the split.Willie: I gotta leave you, Frankie.Frankie Dunn: What? Willie, the... the title is just two fights away.Willie: It ain’t that. It’s... it’s like you said, I got one shot. If I win, I gotta make as much as I can while I can. I need somebody in the action, who can make things happen. And I gotta make the change before the fight. Only way this guy say he’d take me is if he took me to the title.Frankie Dunn: So, I get you to the title fight, and this guy takes you there?Willie: Only way he’d do it. I’m sorry, Frankie. I know how long you’ve been waiting on a title. I wish it could’ve been with me.Frankie Dunn: Mickey Mack’s a businessman. He can’t teach you nothing.Willie: You already taught me everything I need to know.Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): There’s some things people just don’t want to hear.妙语佳句,活学活用 1. Split 这里的意思是“分享, 分成”的,要说“几几分成”我们可以参考电影中的说法:We don’t split fifties. 我们不是五五 分成。We split 60-40. 我们六四分成。这里的小短线读作 to。2. Come by 这个 come by 和 下 文 的 drop in 都 是 “顺 便 来 访 ”的 意 思 , 例 如 : Please come by whenever you’re in the neighborhood. 什么时候到这一带来就来我家串门吧。We frequently drop by the neighbors’ house for a cup of coffee. 我们时常去邻居家串门,喝杯咖啡。Do drop in (on me) if you happen to be passing! 要是你碰巧经过这里别忘了来我家!3. You’re not people 如果你想表 示 “你 不 是别人”就可以用 到这句话了。Willie 知 道 Frankie 不 喜 欢 别人深夜打扰 ,而 Frankie 则说“You’re not people. 你不是别人”。可见 Frankie 对 Willie 倾注的心血和感 情。4. Break out 这里的 break out 指情感上的“爆发”,例如:He broke out and wept. 他不 禁失声痛哭。5. Get off the phone“挂掉”电话就用 get off,例如:Wanna to find a perfect excuse to get off the phone?6. Wait on 意思还是“等待”,通常指“等待某件事”,例如:We’re waiting on their decision to close the school. 我们在等他们关闭学校的决定。

适合高中观看英语电影英语总结1, "The Shawshank Redemption" likes and Andy put MOZART's "Figaro's Wedding" that part, the holy and high-pitched soprano through the clouds cracked for a long time was firmly imprisoned by people. They may not know what kind of music it is, but the feeling of beauty, the desire for freedom, everyone is the same.2. "Forrest Gump" is a microcosm of modern American history. Needless to say, the classic is also a strong opponent of "The Shawshank Redemption" that year. "Life is like a box of chocolates..." classic line.3. The epic film of "Braveheart", the theme is deep and dignified but not losing briskness, the scene is grand, the visual and musical effects are first-class, beautiful and smooth. Although the final ending is regrettable, it is tragic enough to infect all viewers. "Freedom!" The cry before the execution in the Meljip Forest still rings in the ears to this day.4. The critic of "A Beautiful Mind" said that "the 2000 Oscar for Best Picture gave "Beautiful Mind" instead of "The Lord of the Rings", proving that the Oscars have not yet fallen." "Anyone who has studied economics knowswhat is called a "Nash equilibrium." The play is based on the real story of the economist Nash, a man who won the Nobel Prize in Economics at the age of 80 for his theory at the age of 20. A great scholar, a strong man in life, has been battling his own severe fantasies all his life.5, "Million Dollar Baby" for the whole movie, as director Eastwood said, "this is not a story about boxing, but about hope, dreams and love", after watching this movie, I believe everyone will know that this year's Oscar victory is really deserved.6, "MindCatcher" A good movie can always inadvertently impress you, or that a good movie needs to be slowly appreciated and tasted, "The Sun Is Like Me" does not spend too much time on showing how talented Will is, but mainly focuses on the process of Professor Thorne and Will from the initial slight hostility to slow understanding, until it helps him find his life goal. The film involves a wide range, love, friendship, are mentioned, just like a cup of rich black coffee, only by tasting carefully, you can enjoy the strong aroma!7. "Dancer in the Dark" is a heart-shaking film, with abyss-like penetration, a rare classic in song and dancefilms. Reality and ideals, persistence and belief, the theme is profound and suffocating. Beautiful and rustic great hymns!8. "The King of Comedy" is the favorite of all Stephen Chow's films. The poignant journey of the little people, the true portrayal of Zhou Xingchi himself. "If people live without ideals, then what is the difference between them and salted fish?"9. "A Thousand Guns and a Shot" Although some people commented that the ending of "A Thousand Guns and a Shot" eventually fell into the cliché, th is did not affect it in the slightest to become an excellent mainstream inspirational movie. This movie tells us the truth that you can not know yourself, but you must trust him or her because anything is possible.10, "Leap to the Top" plus Stallone's film seems a little strange, in fact, I have always been very partial to Stallone as an actor, always feel that he is different from the average Hollywood action star, there are always some things in the film that make people strive, like "First Blood", "Rocky" and so on.1、《肖申克的救赎》很喜欢安迪放MOZART的《费加罗的婚礼》那段,圣洁高亢的女高音穿云裂帛久被牢牢禁锢的人们呆住了。

語言補充站 Language Link
9 Since she couldn’t breathe on her own, her respirators were always on. Oxygen was pumped into her 24 hours a day.
Respirator: a piece of equipment that makes it possible for somebody to breathe over a long period when they are unable to do so naturally.
佳句賞析 Nice quotes
1 It’s committing a sin by doing it, by keeping her alive I’m killing her. 2 I found you a fighter, and you made her the best fighter she could be. 3 Maggie walked through that door with nothing but guts. ***guts
語言補充站 Language Link
7 They’re amateurs.
Amateur (n): a person who takes part in a sport or other activity for enjoyment, not as a job. / a person who is not skilled. Amateur = non-professional
語言補充站 Language Link
10 You don’t have to hang around all day.

【总页数】2页(P12-13)【关键词】女子拳击;宝贝;弗兰克;人生;美元;电影;好莱坞;影片;百万;体育中心【作者】薜新苗【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】J905【相关文献】1.《百万美元宝贝》:坚忍中收获美丽 [J], 叶子2.战争阴霾下的美丽人生——电影《美丽人生》中的人生观 [J], 李莎3.王咪宝的"美丽人生"/缤纷的生命/宝贝生活秀 [J],4.时光雕刻终成美丽人生——张宝艳:铺就宝贝回家路 [J], 周立权;5.博出我人生--《百万美元宝贝》的电影语言解读 [J], 何俊威因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Million Dollar Baby班级:英语三班学号:20088084 姓名:张艺Clint Eastwood always explores the darker side of human nature and the duality of man. His dark hero of Unforgiven, William Munny, tries to repent only to be thrust back into that violent world he knows so well. His regretful Frank Horrigan of In The Line Of Fire and his womanizing Steve Everett of True Crime also want redemption.Eastwood's Frankie Dunn of Million Dollar Baby is the most conflicted, weathered and vulnerable he's ever played. When he weeps in a darkened church it's like watching a house of cards begin to fall. This is a man whose had a regretful past and can't run away from the curve balls life has thrown at him. Frankie Dunn is like most of us where we eventually get punished for our good deeds.The funny thing is that Million Dollar Baby is not a boxing movie despite the way it's being advertised like a female version of Rocky. Yes, Hilary Swank's Maggie trains to be a boxer under the guidance of Clint Eastwood's Frankie Dunn. Yes, Morgan Freeman is Scrap, Frankie's tough friend and ex boxer. Yes, the bulk of it takes place in a boxing gym. Yes, there are numerous boxing matches. Despite all this it's still not a boxing movie.When you see it you'll be surprised by the utter humanity in the piece. This film runs very deep and you will care for the three main characters. Eastwood gives us something we rarely get in films today. He gives us real people.The film is about the triumph of the human spirit, the emotional world we try to hide from that eventually sucks us all in, our compassionate hearts, and the difficult decisions we face when it comes to those we care about. It's about friendship, trust,and the bonds of the heart that are unavoidable. It is a true masterpiece.Hilary Swank is all fire and guts as Maggie. Her intensity and commitment has guided her to another Academy Award. She knows she's poor, she accepts it, and she pushes forward despite her limitations. This is not to say she can't be hurt. We watch her eyes well up a few times and truly feel her pain despite the fact that she is as tough as they come. Morgan Freeman, who finally won a long overdue and well deserved Oscar, plays Scrap with the perfect combination of toughness and compassion. He knows the situation from every angle and his narration of the film rings true.See this film. It deserves it's accolades because it's about real characters and it's directed with honesty, warmth, and true pain. Clint Eastwood gets better with age and his films reflect the days of real movie making. The sets are simple, the characters are complex, and the story moves in a pace closer to real life than any other director could reach. Eastwood has been called the Hemingway of Film making. You don't get more real than that. It was great seeing this natural storyteller take home his second Oscar for Best Director and Picture."Million Dollar Baby" has great characters, but it doesn't glorify them. It has a wonderful story, but it never tries to impress you. The photography, score and direction is superb, but never distracting. What this movie is, if I have to call it something, is passion. Passion for film-making, passion for storytelling, passion for its characters, passion for its actors, and passion for its story and the means at which it will go to tell it. Amazing.Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) owns a messy boxing gym which is populated, mostly, by downbeat losers who he spends some time training. He runs it with his friend and former student Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Morgan Freeman), who now lives contently at a room in the gym. One day a young woman named Maggie (HilarySwank) walks in, looking for a manager and trainer. Frankie shafts her immediately ("girly, tough ain't enough"). Frankie has bigger things on his hands. He's managing a fighter who has a shot at a title bout.But Frankie is old and weathered and not an appealing manager, so the fighter leaves him. Frankie is broken by this; it is another in a long line of rejections and separations. We can tell that, at this time in his life, he only gets really close with those he's training (Scrap is the only exception). We can tell that his loneliness – and a bit of persuasion from Scrap – cause him to agree to teach Maggie. Teach, that is the agreement, not manage. But, by the end of the film he will have devoted his life to her.So the rest of the story follows these two people. There is no real 'plot' that you could describe in a trailer because it is constantly changing…it is not the inspiring underdog story you may think of it as. No, what it's 'about' is these characters, and how they react to the circumstances around them, which change with each scene.Narrating the story is Scrap, speaking like he's looking back to a time long ago when everything has passed. His voice seems flat, deadpan, but there is a working of subtle sorrow in it. Scrap is a sad human being, he sees himself as the result of missed opportunities in the past, and so he spends his time helping the others, offering them his wise advice, with a tone of deadpan humor and even cockiness. Scrap knows what should be done, and what will happen regardless, and he is sort of okay with everything, in a sort of passive way. But the man also knows what's right and he has a deep, inner strength which is displayed in one scene in particular where you just have to cheer. It is an intriguing character, and personally I think it's Freeman's best performance.And Eastwood's best too. He is an elderly man; some might say too elderly to still be working. After all, most people are retired by his age. But if you had to guess whenyou're watching this film, you would never, ever say the man is seventy-four. You would say something closer to the sixties, because the man has such amazing energy and dedication, and above all, he has talent. It's been forty long years since "A Fist Full of Dollars" and film has come a long way, and so has this man. At seventy-four, passed all those years as an action hero, nearing what's could be the end of his career, Eastwood has made his best movie. I really, really hope he has time to make many more.As for Swank, well, she must have found something big that she shared with her character, because this is not acting, it is existing. Swank is Maggie. That's all there is too it. This could be the movie she will be remembered for.So, "Million Dollar Baby" is a masterpiece. I saw it last night when it opened in my city, and everyone else was seeing "White Noise", and I was shaking my head. Everyone who is even remotely interested in movies should see this one, just so they can know how movies are supposed to be made. I'm trying to think, and there is not a single thing here where Eastwood went wrong. The acting, directing, writing, score, cinematography…they all accomplish precisely what they're supposed to with sublime perfection. Many of these aspects will certainly receive Oscars and all of them should.You may cry through this film, you may cheer. Whatever the case, you will love it.参考文献:1,《百万宝贝》——好莱坞式的信念与温情作者:闫晗学术期刊校园心理CAMPUS LIFE & MENTAL HEALTH 2006年第4卷第6期2, 从81届奥斯卡获奖影片看好莱坞电影的表现手法和文化精神Hollywood Movies' Expression And Cultural Spirit Of The 81 Annual Academy Awards 作者:3, 英雄梦的继续——关于《百万宝贝》The Continuity Of Hero Dream——On The Movie" Million Dollar Baby" 作者:李秀杰,朱丽娟学术期刊电影评介MOVIE REVIEW 2009年第3期4, 《百万宝贝》中的美国文化透视作者:李圣爱,唐丽霞学术期刊电影文学FILM LITERATURE 2010年第19期5, "百万宝贝"重拳出击学术期刊电视字幕·特技与动画TELEVISION CAPTION EFFECTS ANIMATION2005年第3期。