东风日产 奇骏上市发布会指引手册




新天籁价 格定版
主持麦;领 导麦准备
礼仪递麦 给领导
祝慧:视频、音频 黎罗;灯光 刘雅晴、叶颖:礼仪 天籁经典模特站 张扬:主持人 位 张天恒:新一代天籁模特 李梦璇:天籁经典模特 何琰:拍照 高龙:摄像 祝慧:视频、音频 黎罗;灯光 刘雅晴、叶颖:礼仪 天籁经典模特站 张扬:主持人 位 李梦璇:天籁经典模特 张天恒: 新一代天籁模特 何琰:拍照 高龙:摄像 祝慧:视频、音频 黎罗;灯光 叶颖:礼仪 天籁经典模特配 刘雅晴:提醒6位领导上台致辞 张扬:主持人 合揭车衣 李梦璇、罗哲逸:天籁经典模特 (提醒并配合车模揭车衣) 张天恒:新一代天籁模特 何琰:拍照 祝慧:视频、音频 黎罗;灯光 刘雅晴:礼仪 天籁经典模特展 张扬:主持人 示 张天恒:新一代天籁模特 李梦璇:经典天籁模特 何琰:拍照 高龙:摄像 祝慧:视频、音频 黎罗;灯光 刘雅晴:礼仪 张扬:主持人 张天恒:新天籁模特 李梦璇:天籁经典模特 何琰:拍照 高龙:摄像
11 20:27-20:28 新天籁试驾宣告 新一代天籁试驾宣告词
新天籁价 格定版
1名礼仪台 上台测2人 领导台上 嘉宾区3人
12 20:27-20:28
感谢 XX 领导为我们宣读新一代天籁试驾宣告。大家刚刚看到了 绚丽多彩的新一代天籁,一定非常心动,接下来我们要揭晓另 一款天籁车型,相信大家同样非常期待,那么让我们掌声有请 天籁经典款揭车 领导上台 三环华劲通专营店总经理 XX 、三环华通专营店总经理 XX 、三环 衣 音乐 博通专营店总经理 XX 、三环轩通专营店总经理 XX 、武汉开泰专 营店总经理 XX 、武汉裕信专营店总经理 XX 上台,为我们共同鉴 证这激动人心的一刻。来大家一起倒数5、4、3、2、1…


1. 区域上市会 2. 区域媒体试驾会
传播原则 传播执行 执行要求
硬广图片以主视觉做延展,以产品核心信息作为文案 向媒体提供庞大双龙新爱腾相关资料,让媒体撰写新闻时能更准确地说明新爱腾的特点 加入媒体的试驾体验,让报道更加真实可信。 对媒体即将发布的广告、新闻及软文进行审核校对,确保新爱腾传播信息的统一。
3 、 上市推广信息-产品、品牌及竞争定位
定位方向: 以核心技术,展现驾控越野的运动特性, 以越野感塑造酷跃时尚的用户形象, 产品定位:运动时尚型SUV
技术领先 框架车身:打造独特跑车化SUV 四驱动力:动力总成+分时电子四 驱
目前在售车型,新爱腾变化明显,不仅外观更加时尚动感,发动机功率显 著提升;同时配置也进一步丰富,带来更加愉悦、畅快的驾乘感受。
① 推新品
完成新爱腾上市,完善双龙产品线, 增强产品集群竞争能力
尺寸 (mm) 级别/价 格(w)
进口双龙4S店 市场部 2014年03月
I. 背景及策略
- 项目背景 - 品牌任务 - 产品信息 - 推广行程
II. 区域上市传播
- 传播原则 - 执行规划 - 执行要求
III. 区域推广活动
- 活动概述 - 活动执行
Ⅳ. 费用预算
项目背景 品牌任务 产品信息 推广行程
不羁于心 至真至纯
技术领先 框架车身: 打造独特跑车化SUV 四驱动力: 动力总成+分时电子四驱



接待 关键技能
¾ 客户随便看看时应对话术 z 您可以随意的看,有任何问题您随时可以招呼我,我就在旁边等着您。 z 嗯嗯,好的,请随便看看。有需要随时叫我们…… z 好的,那您先随便看看,买不买没关系,有需要随时叫我们…… ¾ 这车卖多少钱?——范围报价法(从高往低报价) z 先生您的眼光真不错,您看到的这款车排量有× ×L和× ×L,价格从 × × ×万到× × ×万共有× 款车型。配置不一样,价格也不一样, 要不我们到洽谈区坐一下,我们这里有免费的饮料,同时我可以给您 做一个详细的介绍,您看好吗?
接待 关键技能
¾ 展厅接待技巧——开口五句话 z 先生/女士,您好,欢迎光临,里边请 z (来,认识一下)我是这里的销售顾问××,这是我的名片,您叫我 小×就可以了。 z 请问先生您怎么称呼? z XX先生/女士,很高兴认识您。 z 请问有什么可以帮您的吗?(您今天是来看车还是保养啊?)
- 49 -
客户开发 关键考核点(1-10)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 有多种渠道寻找客户名单 根据客户信息来确定名单的优先等级 准备好记有客户资讯的DMS系统 与潜在客户进行联系 作自我介绍并介绍专营店 说明来意并确认客户有足够的交谈时间 挖掘该潜在客户对汽车的需求,以便建立良好的客户关系 根据客户提供的信息给客户提供一些有价值的建议或活动信息,邀约客 户来专营店 9. 客户同意来店后,请客户定下具体的日期及时间 10.将有关该潜在客户的重要信息和谈话内容记入电话记录或者DMS系统
- 52 第二单元 以客户为导向的流程关键点
接待 关键技能
¾ 洽谈桌五部曲 z 请:为了您便于看到您感兴趣的车,您是否可以坐到这边来?(面向展 车) z 拉:帮客户拉椅子 z 问:我们这里可以提供免费的两种热饮,两种冷饮(热饮是咖啡和红 茶;冷饮是可乐和果汁),来点什么? z 递:这是您感兴趣的车型资料。(双手递资料) z 坐:为了给您做更好的介绍,我是否可以坐在您旁边呢?(坐右手边) z 先生,您是从事什么行业的?啊!这么巧,我好几个客户也是做您这行 的,住XX小区的范XX先生您认识吗?车牌是粤AF168K,黑色天籁公 爵2.5,还有XX公司的陈XX总经理,蓝色逍客,车牌粤A1383A,您认 识吗?他们生意做的都挺大的,能否请教您一张名片呢?(寒暄、赞美)



1.1 项目介绍
根据专营店的实际需求,增加了500方的独立外展,主要用于市中心广场,商超外展活动,周围人流量 大,CA可现场进行留资及销售
客户体验:场地面积500平方 (50m*10m),车手表演+客户试乘, 现场摆放展示车辆
客户体验 大型试驾体验营
1.1 项目介绍
专营店视实际情况,在本月销售活动及车展较为高意向客户消化得差不多的情况下,以开放式体验试驾会 为开展形式,提高客户意向,吸引集客留资
—— 项目筹备
3.1 项目筹备
日期 项目 前期沟通会议 N-15天~20天 勘察场地 车辆安排 广宣投放 N-10天 N-7天 销售顾问邀约培训 客户邀约 场地确认/规划 项目启动会议 N-3至N-2天 备品准备 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 供应商 ● ● 专营店 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 备注 各方分工、项目介绍、配置清单 配合专营店人员对活动场地进行勘察 专营店按实际需求准备试驾、展示车辆 软广、硬广投放 培训 邀约意向客户 场地确认,展具、帐篷定位 主担专营店及协办专营店市场经理必须出席 专营店准备运营备品,如饮水机、纯净水、茶包、客户午餐等 搭建展具 帐篷及帐篷内物料搭建 车手、工作人员、主持人、专营店彩排 全体现场执行
•试乘频次:4次/天/车,每次试乘只限副驾驶位1人(先表演、后试乘,4次试乘不含表演); •试乘名额建议:每天限8名以内 抽奖获奖者;

高意向客户; 现场问答;
注: 1、路面湿滑及下雨天气暂停表演及试乘; 2、禁止其他车辆攀爬奇骏山道具; 3、主道具禁止试驾。
2.2 奇骏山表演及试乘



让驾驶者可以在斜坡 上从容起步
超市停车场缴费时,没有该功能 的新手,发生溜车撞了后车。拥 有此功能从容起步。
感受+工 具
可利用在试 乘试驾场的 坡地等方式
感受+工 具
可利用在试 乘试驾场的 坡地等方式
喜欢参与户外越野的您, 经常面对不平整的路面, 长时间驾驶,让人很不舒 适
化,抵消车辆驶过颠簸路 面造成的车身起伏,并配
一群好朋友开车出去自驾游,长 时间行走在颠簸的路面上,到达 目的地时,其他的车主已经筋疲 驾驶与乘坐更加舒适 力尽,甚至头晕呕吐,全无游玩 之兴致,而您由于良好的减震 性,感觉就像开平路一样,依然 神采奕奕。
保障您在行驶中尤其 是野外行驶中的视线 清晰
车在抛锚时灯光可以 点亮更久争取更多的 救援机会
当我们郊游时行驶在野外没有照 明的夜晚,LED大灯给我们提供了 宽阔的视野,无需再神经紧绷, 可以和家人惬意的听听音乐聊聊 天,那是多么令人感到舒适啊。
视觉+数 据
实车演示, 展示销售宝 中“对比一 般氙气前大 灯照明效果 ”的表格。
数据+感 受
坐感受。展 示型录中的 相关参数,



D E SA FÍA LO E STA B L E C I D OContiene No contiene*Accesorio Original Nissan con 3 años de garantía.Las características y especi caciones del(los) vehículo(s) están sujetas a cambios. Se recomienda consultar la versión actualizada de la Ficha T écnica en www.nissan.pe. Las imágenes mostradas son referenciales. Para mayor información no dude en comunicarse con su concesionario autorizado Nissan más cercano. Ficha técnica VERSA NPER202304EQUIPO EXTERIOR Aros de aleación15"16"Neumático temporal de repuesto Espejos exteriores abatibles manuales Espejos exteriores ajuste eléctricoEspejos exteriores del color de la carrocería 17"Espejos exteriores con direccional Faros delanterosFaros delanteros automáticos Halógenos LEDApertura y cierre a distancia de puertas Apertura a distancia de maletera velocidad variableLimpiaparabrisas intermitentes con Alarma con inmobilizadorParachoques color de la carrocería Antena de radio en el techo Tipo Normal Tipo AletaTercera luz de freno Spoiler TraseroNEW VERSA MY24SENSE CVT SENSE MT ADVANCEMT ADVANCE CVT EXCLUSIVECVTFaros neblinerosTorque máximo (kg m / rpm)Tipo de dirección Transmisión Cilindrada (l)Disposición de cilindros Potencia (hp / rpm)Alimentación Motor15.2 / 4,0001.6L 4 Cilindros en línea, 16 Válvulas 118 / 6,300Inyección Secuencial MultipuntoHR16DEEléctricamente AsistidaAutomático CVTMT 5 velocidades MT 5 velocidadesAutomático CVTPeso bruto vehicular (kg)1,6441,5321,5321,644Peso neto (kg)1,1151,1051,0921,131Frenos traserosTamboresFrenos delanteros Discos ventiladosSuspensión delantera Mc Pherson Con Barra EstabilizadoraSuspensión trasera Eje de torsión rígidoCombustible (tipo)Gasolina4,495/ 1,7401,4651,475205 / 55 R16195 / 65 R15Largo / Ancho (mm)Alto (mm)Medida de neumáticos Capacidad de la maletera (l)Capacidad del tanque 466Distancia entre ejes (batalla) (mm)2,62010.8 gal / 41LAutomático CVTTracciónDelantera 205 / 50 R171,6441,148Carga útil (kg)529427440513496466482DIMENSIONESCARACTERÍSTICAS TÉCNICAS Asistento de ascenso en pendientes (HSA)6 Airbags (Frontales, Laterales y de Cortina )Sensores de retrocesoCinturones de seguridad de 3 puntos (x5)Alarma antirobo con inmobilizador Anclaje para silla de niños ISOFIX Triángulo de seguridadControl dinámico de estabilidad (VDC)Sistema de frenosSistema de frenos ABS, EBDSEGURIDADFrenado inteligente de emergencia (FEB)Alerta de colisión frontal (FCW)detector de objetos en movimiento (MOD)Monitor de visión periférica 360° (AVM) +Alerta de tra co cruzado (CTA)Alerta de punto ciego (BSW)NISSAN INTELLIGENT MOBILITY (ASISTENCIAS AVANZADAS A LA CONDUCCIÓN)Llave inteligente iKeyBotón de encendido (engine start type)EQUIPO INTERIORAire acondicionadoAsientos delanteros tipo butaca Asiento piloto regulable en altura Apoya brazos para el piloto Consola CentralBolsillo trasero en asiento copiloto Segunda la abatible 60:40Volante con ajuste de altura y profundidad Tapizado de asientos Maletera con iluminaciónEspejo interior antideslumbrante manual Elavalunas eléctricos (piloto One touch)Sistema de audio con pantalla táctil a color de 7" y funciones AM/FM/MP3/AUX/USB Sistema de audio A-IVI con pantalla táctil a Apoyacabezas delanteros / traseros Sistema de audio A-IVI con pantalla táctil a color de 8" y funciones AM/FM/MP3/AUX/USB Conectividad Apple Carplay & Android Auto USB x3Parlantes Luz de salóncolor de 7" y funciones AM/FM/MP3/AUX/USB Limitador de velocidad Control de velocidad crucero /velocidad cruceroVolante con controles de audio y Manual AutomáticoTela Cuero46Pantalla con Computadora de manejo a bordo 3,5"7"Tapa de combustible con apertura remota Vicera con espejo de vanidad Contacto de 12VCargador InalámbricoNEW VERSA MY24SENSE CVT SENSE MT ADVANCEMT ADVANCE CVT EXCLUSIVECVTAlerta inteligente de fatiga (DAA)。



2008款东风日产奇骏发动机(MR20DE)机械维修手册(可编辑)2008款东风日产奇骏发动机(MR20DE)机械维修手册NVH 故障排除表1.确认噪音产生的区域。





发动机的运行状况噪音位置噪音类型暖机暖机起动怠速空转行驶噪音源检查项目参考页前后时时时时滴答声或咔检查和调C A ― A B ― 挺杆噪音气门间隙发动机前端哒声整摇臂盖凸轮轴轴颈油层间缸盖喀喀声C A ― A B C 凸轮轴轴承噪音隙凸轮轴凸轮轴凸轮轴跳动量活塞到活塞销的油劈啪声或爆缸体― A ― B B ― 活塞销噪音层间隙震声缸体连杆衬套油层间隙活塞到缸套的油层缸体曲轴皮带轮劈啪声或叩间隙缸体缸体发动机击声 A ― ― B B A 活塞敲缸噪音活塞环侧间隙缸体侧活塞环开口间隙缸体油底壳连杆弯曲和扭曲连杆衬套油层间隙缸体爆震 A B C B B B 连杆轴承噪音连杆轴承油层间隙连杆轴承主轴承油层间隙主轴承爆震A B ― A B C 主轴承噪音曲轴跳动量缸体正时链条裂纹和磨检查发动机前端敲击声或滴正时链条和链条张紧损A A ―B B B拆卸和安前盖答声器噪音正时链条张紧器操装作吱吱声或嘶A B ― B ― C 驱动皮带粘住或打驱动皮带挠度嘶声滑分解图发动机前面嘎嘎声 A B A B A B 驱动皮带打滑惰轮轴承操作刺耳声A B ― B A B 水泵噪音水泵操作检查嘎嘎声A :密切相关 B:相关 C:有时相关―:无关在无前围上盖板盖的情况下操作的注意事项在卸下前围上盖板盖的情况下进行操作时,要用聚氨脂等盖住挡风玻璃的下端。

断开蓄电池后转动方向盘的注意事项注:此步骤仅用于有智能钥匙系统和 NATS 日产防盗系统的车型。


每次工作完成后都要使用 CONSULT-III 进行自诊断,使其成为各个功能检测的例行程序。



INTRODUCTIONThis service manual has been prepared to provide necessary information concerning the maintenance and repair procedures for the NISSAN FORKLIFT Q02series.Any changes effected in the series after publication of this service manual will be announced in a technical bulletin.It is,therefore,recommended that each relevant technical bulletin be inserted in front of each section and be used together with the service manual as a reference.If a new model requires different service method or has undergone a major change,revised sec-tions will be issued to replace the applicable sections.Each revised section will include the descrip-tion of how to service the parts for the former specifications.The publication of a revised section will be announced in the technical bulletin.This service manual consists of fourteen sections as shown in the following table,which gives the updated symbols.When a revised service manual is issued,this''INTRODUCTION"sheet should be replaced with a revised one.Section Symbol GENERAL INFORMA nON(GI) MAINTENANCE(MA) CONTROL SYSTEM(CS) BATTERY&CHARGER(BC) ELECTRICAL SYSTEM(EL)MOTOR MECHANISM(MM) DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER(DF)FRONT AXLE(FA)REAR AXLE(RA)BRAKE SYSTEM(BR) STEERING SYSTEM(ST) HYDRAULIC SYSTEM(HD) LOADING MECHANISM(LM)BODY&FRAME(BF)Printed in The Netherlands Edition:July1997Printing:August1997(01) Publication No.SM7E-Q020GOFOREWORDThis manual contains maintenance and repair procedures.In order to assure your safety and the efficient functioning of the lift truck, this manual should be read thoroughly. It is especially important that the PRECAUTIONS in the GI section be completely understood before starting any repair task.All information in this manual is based on the latest product information at the time of publication.The right is reserved to make changes in specifications and methods at any time without notice.IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICEThe proper performance of service is essential for both the safety of the technician and the efficient functioning of the lift truck.The service methods in this Service Manual are described in such a manner that the service may be performed safely and accurately.Service varies with the procedures used, the skills of the technician and the tools and parts available.Accordingly, anyone using service procedures, tools or parts which are not specifically recommended by NISSAN must first be completely satisfied that neither personal safety nor the lift truck's safety will be jeopardized by the service method selected.No modifications or alterations to a powered industrial truck, which may affect, for example, capacity, stability or safety requirements of the truck shall be made without the prior written approval of NISSAN, its authorized representative, or a successor thereof. Contact an authorized NISSAN FORKLIFT dealer before making any modification or alteration to your industrial truck that may affect, for example braking, steering, visibility and the addition of removable attachments. After getting approval of NISSAN, its authorized representative, or a successor thereof, capacity plate, decals tags and operation and maintenance handbooks shall also be changed to the appropriate one.Only in the event that NISSAN is no longer in business and there is no successor in the interest to the business, the user may arrange for a modification or alteration to a powered industrial truck, provided, however, that the user shall:A.Arrange for the modification or alteration to be designed, tested and implemented by an engineer(s)expert in industrial trucks and their safety;B.Maintain a permanent record of the design, test(s) and implementation of the modification oralteration;C.Approve and make appropriate changes to the capacity plate(s), decals, tags and InstructionHandbook;D.Affix a permanent and readily visible label to the truck stating the manner in which the truck hasbeen modified or altered together with the date of the modification or alteration, and the name and address of the organization that accomplished the tasks.© 2010 NFE B.V. Printed in The NetherlandsRevised November 2008GENERAL INFORMATIONSECTION GI CONTENTSHOW TO USE THIS MANUAL2 Outline of This Manual2 Technical Term Definitions3 Manual Illustrations5 HOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMS6 Description8 IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION10 Vehicle Model Classification Number10 Vehicle Identification Number11 Identification Plate11GENERAL PRECAUTIONS12 JACKING,TOWING AND LIFTING15 Jacking15 Towing(Freeing a stuck vehicle)16 Lifting16 TIGHTENING TORQUE OF STANDARDBOLTS 18Outline of This ManualSectionSection title TopicssymbolHow to use this manual,identification information,generalGI General information precautions,jacking,lifting,towing and tightening torque of stan-dard bolts.MA Maintenance Inspection,adjustment,part replacement and lubricant replenish-mentPrecautions,controller unit inspection and adjustment,meterCS Control system panel,LCD letter display mode description,trouble diagnostic procedures,trouble diagnoses for controller and battery charging systems.BC Battery and battery charger Precautions,battery and battery charger.Precautions,electrical component parts,location of electricalEL Electrical system units,harness layout,fuses,lighting system,meter panel,miscel-laneous electrical parts and location of optional parts.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andMM Motor mechanism corrections,precautions and preparation,traction motor,hydrau-lic pump motor,power steering motor and motor inspection.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andOF Differential carrier corrections,precautions and preparation,construction,removal,disassembly,inspection,assembly and installation.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andFA Front axle corrections,precautions and preparation,construction,compo-nent parts,hub and axle housing.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andRA Rear axle corrections,precautions and preparation,construction,compo-nent parts,removal,inspection,installation and adjustment.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andBR Brake system corrections,precautions and preparation,construction,brake assembly,brake pedal,master cylinder,brake piping and parking brake.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andST Steering system corrections,precautions and preparation,steering wheel,steering column assembly,steering gear box,power cylinder and steering linkage.Service data and specifications,trouble diagnoses andHD Hydraulic system corrections,precautions and preparation,hydraulic piping system,hydraulic pump(gear pump),control valve,control lever, tilt cylinder,lift(mast)cylinder and oil tank.Service data,trouble diagnoses and corrections,precautions andLM Loading mechanism preparation,construction,backrest,lift chain,carriage assemblyand mast assembly.BF Forklift body and frameService data,precautions,construction,removal,installation,body parts and accessories.This Manual contains the essential information required to perform effective forklift maintenance procedures.All forklift units are rmational configuration in the CS(control system)sec-tion differs from that of other sections.The CS section introduces how to utilize information in the section.Outline of This Manual(Cont'd)MAIN TEXT ENTRIESMain text entries describe unit removal,unit disassembly,inspection, unit reassembly,unit installation and adjustment procedures.Step-by-step descriptions are provided for all of these procedures. Together with the step-by-step descriptions,other important informa-tion is provided.This information includes service points and tips, basic units and values,required specified tightening torques and required special service rmation pertaining to common tools generally found in all maintenance facilities is generally omitted.This information is included in the exploded part views and other drawings as required.OTHER ENTRIESThe following information is included at the beginning of all sections as a supplement to the main text.Service data and specificationsAdjustment values,part selection information and specified tighten-ing torque values are shown for all procedures described in the main text.Trouble diagnoses and correctionsIndividual symptoms,probable causes and remedial measures indi-cated by these symptoms are described.Precautions and preparation•Precautionary and reference information related to the entire sec-tion is provided.•Special service tools are required for some maintenance proce-dures.Special service tool name,tool number and tool applica-tion information as well as illustrations depicting tool shapes are included.Technical Term DefinitionsSPECIFIC TERMSWARNING:Warns you of instructions that must be followed to prevent severe personal injury and/or fatal accident.CAUTION:Warns you of instructions that must be followed to prevent per-sonal injury and/or damage to some parts of the vehicle. NOTE:Provides helpful information to perform a smooth and effective ser-vice procedure.Standard value or specifications:The allowable range for a given measured value during inspection and adjustment.Limit value:The maximum or minImum acceptable measured value during inspection and adjustment.Technical Term Definitions (Cont'd)MEASURING UNITS AND VALUESSpecified torque,pressure,force and other values used in this Manual are primarily expressed as the SI unit (International System of Unit).The values following the SI unit and enclosed in parenthe-ses ()are expressed in the metric system and in the yard/pound system.Example:Tightening torque:9-12Nom(0.9-1.2kgf-m,6.5-8.7ft-Ib)II ISI unitMetric system Foot/pound systemMain unit conversionsMetric Foot/pound Conversion 81unitfactor to 81system systemunitTorque and kgf-m-9.807moment Nom-ft-lb1.356kgf-9.807ForceN-Ib4.448kg/cm 2-98.07kPa-psi6.895Pressurekg/cm 2-0.0981MPa-psi0.0069NOTE:Converting the unit in metric system or foot/pound system to SI unit is shown below.Unit in metric system or yard/pound system x conversion factor =SI unitManual IllustrationsEXPLODED VIEWSThese contain part names,tightening torques,lubrication points and other information necessary to performremoval,disassembly,repair,reassembly and installation procedures.(See example below.)~:Always replace after every disassembly(O.J :Nom (kgf-m,ft-Ib)~:Nissan GenuineLiquid Gasket or equivalentm :Nissanrubber grease +-:Brakegreasepoint(O.J7.8-11.8(0.8-1.2,5.8-8.7)\~:~~BackplatePrimary shoeBRT0005Symbols used in exploded viewsSymbolMeaningSymbolMeaningSpecified tightening torque is required for part(O.Jinstallation.When a torque range is given,use the ~Always replace after every disassembly.average figure as the standard.mShould be lubricated with specified grease.*Select parts of proper thickness.~Should be lubricated with oil.{:rAdjustmentis required.~Sealing pointHOW TO READ WIRING DIAGRAMSBR ~ToGI-EXAMPLE-04~•--L/G ~Next pageBRrF!ilSIGNAL•B SWITCH@)••G/RLG~~POWER POSITIONAr------------------,GI-EXAMPL-02;r--_....R "'""o op';o,,'"Ii"./2QJml!~L@G/R4!~L9__I~~G/R~G/R-.----._------G/RToEL-EXAMPL\L-4t---@(]I)@1IP2ILCMD G/R•9I~~l-~2_-I~I I ,.=-'CD '-T'.LG/RII10P2!0--O~O------<VI~@I!r-,L:@)I @1G/R:@i12:0IiRELAY(li)I~io~.-.J@-u~2:0MOTORCONTROLLER00@T T.91••_L-B +ToEL-EXAMPL15P1:P01models@:P02modelsPreceding pager--------------,I ~I I 100~~I 120WI II..._------------_..1~@)~Bo290291@295945BGIM0002BUY NOW Then Instant Download the Complete Manual Thank you very much!。



長城风俊7皮卡底盘的说明书操作钥匙----- 20钥匙信息----- 20按钮介绍----- 20电池更换----- 21门锁----- 22钥匙按钮锁止和解锁----- 22中控按钮锁止和解锁----- 22内扣手解锁----- 22机械钥匙锁止和解锁----- 22紧急情况下锁止----- 23自动回防----- 23行车自动锁止----- 23 碰撞自动解锁----- 23 防误锁----- 23货箱----- 24货箱门开闭----- 24 关于装载货物----- 24 车窗----- 25车窗开关----- 25防夹功能----- 26初始化----- 26机舱盖----- 27打开----- 27关闭----- 27燃油加注----- 28加注方法----- 28燃油信息----- 28尿素加注----- 30加注方法----- 30尿素信息----- 31座椅----- 32前排座椅----- 32后排座椅----- 35后视镜----- 36内后视镜----- 3610外后视镜----- 36方向盘----- 38调节方法----- 38喇叭----- 38灯光控制----- 39车灯位置----- 39灯光控制组合开关----- 39 昼间行车灯----- 40雾灯----- 40危险警告灯----- 41前雾灯辅助照明----- 41 紧急制动报警----- 41仪表亮度调节----- 41灯光高度调节----- 42车内灯----- 42雨刮控制----- 43电动前雨刮----- 43自动前雨刮----- 43雨量光线传感器----- 44 空调系统----- 45手动空调----- 45自动空调----- 47出风口----- 49车内装备----- 50遮阳板----- 50梳妆镜----- 50储物装置----- 50点烟器----- 52电源插座----- 52驾驶行车规范----- 56行车前----- 56行车中----- 56乘车注意事项----- 58停放车辆----- 58经济驾驶----- 59恶劣环境驾驶建议----- 60 11雨天驾驶----- 60涉水驾驶----- 60炎热季节驾驶----- 61寒冷季节驾驶----- 61磨合期驾驶建议----- 64轮胎----- 64制动摩擦片----- 64发动机----- 64点火开关----- 65锁芯式----- 65发动机启动与关闭----- 66 发动机启动----- 66发动机关闭----- 66驻车制动----- 67手动驻车制动----- 67手动变速器----- 68挡位介绍----- 68换挡方法----- 68起步----- 69坡道起步----- 69停车----- 69电控四驱----- 70差速锁----- 72功能简介----- 72锁止与解锁----- 72泊车辅助系统----- 73安全提示----- 73倒车雷达----- 73倒车影像----- 74胎压监测系统----- 75系统简介----- 75监测功能----- 75报警功能----- 75巡航控制系统----- 76系统简介----- 76使用方法----- 7612行车辅助系统----- 78安全提示----- 78防抱死制动系统----- 78电子制动力分配系统----- 78 制动力辅助系统----- 78牵引力控制系统----- 78电子稳定控制系统----- 79上坡辅助系统----- 79排放控制系统----- 80安全提示----- 80氧传感器----- 80催化转化器----- 80废气再循环装置----- 80增压器----- 80燃油蒸发控制装置----- 80曲轴箱排放控制装置----- 81 高压共轨系统----- 81车载诊断系统----- 81尿素喷射控制系统----- 81柴油颗粒捕集器----- 81汽油颗粒捕集器----- 84普通仪表----- 86综述----- 86方向盘按钮----- 86行车电脑界面----- 87菜单设置界面----- 87报警提示信息----- 88换挡提示----- 88指示灯----- 89仪表指示灯----- 89警告提示音----- 92警告提示音----- 92视听系统安全提示----- 94关于安全----- 94关于收音机----- 94关于USB 存储设备----- 94 13收音机----- 95方向盘按钮----- 95外接设备----- 95面板介绍----- 96系统设置----- 97MP5 播放机(类型一)----- 98 方向盘按钮----- 98外接设备----- 98控制面板----- 99主菜单界面----- 100收音机----- 100多媒体播放----- 101蓝牙----- 103手机互联----- 105设置----- 105MP5 播放机(类型二)----- 108 方向盘按钮----- 108外接设备----- 108控制面板----- 109主菜单界面----- 109语音识别----- 110蓝牙电话----- 112媒体----- 113电台----- 114新闻----- 114视频----- 115违章查询----- 115个人中心----- 115设置----- 115导航----- 120导航系统局限性----- 120界面介绍----- 121目的地搜索----- 122设置导航路线----- 123导航菜单----- 126安全性安全带----- 13214安全提示----- 132正确佩戴安全带----- 132前排预紧式安全带----- 133安全带高度调节----- 134安全带的使用方法----- 134安全气囊----- 137安全提示----- 137正面安全气囊----- 137侧面安全气囊----- 140帘式安全气囊----- 141儿童约束系统----- 142儿童座椅的类型----- 142儿童座椅的固定点----- 142儿童座椅的适用性信息----- 143 儿童座椅的安装方法----- 144 儿童座椅安装注意事项----- 146 发动机防盗系统----- 148保密信封----- 148整车防盗系统----- 149系统简介----- 149系统开启----- 149系统关闭----- 149报警触发条件----- 149报警解除方法----- 149碰撞断油系统----- 150碰撞断油系统----- 150安全标贴----- 151安全提示----- 151机舱警示标贴----- 151散热器盖危险警示标贴----- 151 蓄电池警示标识----- 152正面安全气囊警示标贴----- 152 侧面安全气囊警示标贴----- 152 紧急情况随车工具----- 154放置位置----- 15415备胎----- 155取出与放回方法----- 155更换备胎----- 157轮胎故障表现----- 157更换备胎前的准备----- 157更换备胎方法----- 157车辆发生事故时----- 161车辆发生交通事故时----- 161 车辆发生陷车事故时----- 161 跨接启动----- 162车辆亏电表现----- 162跨接启动方法----- 162发动机过热----- 164发动机过热时----- 164牵引----- 165使用专业车牵引----- 165使用拖车钩牵引----- 166牵引故障车----- 167维护保养车辆保养的必要性----- 170 机舱----- 171安全提示----- 171发动机机油----- 172 制动液----- 173发动机冷却液----- 173 动力转向液----- 174 风窗洗涤液----- 174 散热器----- 174蓄电池----- 174零部件更换----- 175 保险丝----- 175雨刮片----- 176灯泡----- 177车辆养护----- 179轮胎保养----- 179车外保养----- 180 16车内保养----- 181防腐蚀措施----- 182 车辆长期存放----- 183 技术数据车辆识别----- 186车辆识别号----- 186发动机编号----- 186 整车参数----- 188基本参数----- 188 动力参数----- 188 轮胎规格----- 188 车轮参数----- 189 悬架参数----- 189 制动器参数----- 189 座椅参数----- 190 油液参数----- 190 索引字母索引----- 194指示灯索引----- 197 17。

2014日产奇骏全车电路图维修手册35 加热器和空调系统

2014日产奇骏全车电路图维修手册35 加热器和空调系统
加热器和空调系统 C
注意事项 .............................................................. 3
润滑剂 ................................................................22
说明 ........................................................................ 22
检查 ......................................................................... 22 F 执行制冷剂回收操作 ................................................ 22 压缩机之外部件更换的润滑剂调整步骤 ................... 22 压缩机更换的润滑剂调整步骤 .................................. 23 G
准备作业 ...................................................... 10
准备作业 .............................................................10
专用维修工具 .......................................................... 10 通用维修工具 .......................................................... 11 密封剂或 / 和润滑剂 ................................................ 13





如东风日产决定不采用关键点公司的顾问和建议,亦应保证关键点公司的知识产权不会受到任何形式的泄露和损害•策略前瞻•活动规划•相关推荐•项目管理•媒介传播•团队架构目录新骐达上市发布会东风日产Mar 9.2011What kind of car do I need ?过去,我们需要更快的车更快的节奏更高的速度奏响了生活的主旋律一万年太久只争朝夕1931年,日产汽车公司生产的第一辆轿车DATSUN“达特快节奏的生活让我们得到很多但似乎让我们失去更多无法去欣赏路边的风景无欲去仰望头顶的天空无暇去关注父母的白发快速穿行在都市的钢铁森林我们步履匆匆压力沉重无梦无趣无痛古往今来的人都在仰望星空感叹:皓渺之无穷,生命之有限。







与中国国家地理的合作贯穿了整个上市发布会前后,持续性强,投入受益相对比较大,并且在宣传 上露出较大
上市发布会地点介绍 • 活动地点:从化白水寨
白水寨风景名胜区位于增城市北部山区的派潭镇,现为省级风景名胜区,面积约170平 方公里,北回归线穿越其中,被誉为北回归线上的瑰丽翡翠,属山岳型风景名胜区。
嘉宾及媒体记者在集结地集合登车 车队出发前往从化白水寨 抵达从化白水寨 茶歇 / 现场拍照/ 专访 上市发布会 午餐 资深探险人士与客户、领导分享会 专业车手奇骏车技表演 驾驶车技培训 试乘活动、自由拍照、观看广告 活动结束,返回广州
上市发布会方案二: 与狼群汽车越野俱乐部合作
特殊的揭幕仪式,专门布置的奇骏新车揭幕专区(地面摆放沙漠元素), 由厂家领导与专营店领导共同揭开幕布,同时空中飘下万屡彩 带(彩虹机作用下),寓示奇骏经过长期跋 涉,终于来到广州。
示意一:ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ接将现场布置 示意二:采用特殊设备将奇骏 成为沙漠的情境,将奇骏 架起,摆设成不同的造型 摆设其上
悦历 无界
上市发布会方案一: 与《中国国家地理》杂志合作

2014 Nissan LEAF服务和维护指南说明书

2014 Nissan LEAF服务和维护指南说明书

®OWNER’S LITERATURE INFORMATION (2)INTRODUCTIONNissan Maintenance (3)Why Nissan Service? (4)NISSAN MAINTENANCE&REPAIR SUPPORTExtended Service Plans (5)Genuine Nissan Collision Parts (7)Complimentary Multi-Point Inspection (12)Genuine Nissan Parts You Can Rely On.................................14,15Nissan Services Designed With You in Mind...............................18,20SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE GUIDEDetermining the Proper Maintenance Interval (8)Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Items (9)Maintenance Schedule (11)Maintenance Log (37)1INDEX OF TOPICS WHERE TO FIND INFORMATIONRecommended Lubricants,Fluids.........Owner’s Manual:chapter9Radio/CD Operation/Heater/AC Operation...Navigation Manual:chapter4Charging Your Vehicle.................Owner’s Manual:chapter CHStarting and Driving Your Vehicle..........Owner’s Manual:chapter5Security System Operation..............Owner’s Manual:chapter2If You Have a Flat Tire..................Owner’s Manual:chapter6New Vehicle Limited Warranty............Warranty Information Booklet:“2014New Vehicle LimitedWarranty”Tire Pressure/Rotation.................Owner’s Manual:chapter8Tire Warranties/Safety Information.........Warranty Information Booklet:Individual tire manufacturerwarranty sectionsConsumer Affairs Assistance.............Warranty Information Booklet:“Nissan’s Customer Care Program”Customer Care/Lemon Law Information Booklet* Do It Yourself Information...............Owner’s Manual:chapter8General Maintenance..................Owner’s Manual:chapter8*Not applicable outside the United States2Maintain Your InvestmentPreventative scheduled maintenance is an important investment tooptimize the performance,reliability,durability,safety and resale value ofyour Nissan.Scheduling your electric vehicle’s maintenance at therecommended intervals will ensure your electric vehicle functions at itsbest.We want you to enjoy your Nissan electric vehicle.This Service andMaintenance Guide is designed to help you make sure your electricvehicle receives proper and timely maintenance that is necessary.Keyservices are explained in detail,along with an outline of scheduledmaintenance to help you maintain your electric vehicle.Your localNissan LEAF certified dealer can assist you in determining the bestschedule based on your driving habits and local conditions.Failure to perform scheduled maintenance may result in excludingportions of your electric vehicle from warranty coverage and may reducethe performance,safety,reliability,durability and/or resale value of yourelectric vehicle.See your Warranty Information Booklet and Owner’sManual for details.3To preserve the quality,reliability and safety of your elec-tric vehicle,an authorized Nissan LEAF certified dealer is recommended for maintenance or repair.Only an autho-rized Nissan LEAF certified dealer offers you these advan-tages:●Nissan trained and ASE certified technicians●Immediate access to warranty service history andNissan technical information●Latest diagnostic,special tools and service techniques ●Genuine Nissan Parts that meet Nissan’s demandingstandards●12month/12,000mile parts and labor limited warrantywhen Genuine Nissan Parts are installed by your dealer ●Lifetime limited warranty on select replacement parts ●Complimentary Multi-Point Inspections(at participat-ing dealers)●Clear,up-front estimates●Time guaranteed Express Services(at participatingdealers)●Shuttle service/Courtesy van(at participating dealers)Your Nissan LEAF certified dealer is a full-service mainte-nance and repair center.We recommend using authorized Nissan Service and genuine Nissan Parts that we have designed for their reliability,safety and suitability for your Nissan electric vehicle.We are committed to providing you with quick,efficient,and competitively priced service and parts.**May differ or not apply outside the United States,please inquire of your Nissan LEAF certified dealer.GENUINE SERVICE4EXTENDED PROTECTION PLANSIf someone told you,you could drive your new Nissan for the next8years or100,000miles,almost worry-free of unexpected repair costs,would you be interested? Nissan’s Security+Plus family of extended service con-tracts delivers the peace of mind that does just that. Security+Plus Extended Protection Plans can cover ev-erything from over600up to900vehicle components to roadside assistance to rental vehicle costs,and provide: Nationwide Coverage;utilizing:Genuine Nissan Parts(new or in some cases remanufactured);installed by:Factory-Trained Technicians(trained by us to work on your vehicle).And you’ll be protected against future inflation(rising cost of parts and labor).Security+Plus Extended Protection Plans can be pur-chased any time within your vehicle’s original 3-year/36,000-mile basic limited warranty period.Just contact your selling Nissan LEAF certified dealer and tell them you’d like to take advantage of one of the best mechanical breakdown plans available for your Nissantoday.5PREPAID MAINTENANCE PLANSDo you currently have someone that maintains your yard?Cleans your house?Maintains your vehicle?WithSecurity+Plus Prepaid Maintenance Plans you’ll be hir-ing Nissan to maintain your vehicle to factory specifica-tions by factory-trained technicians.Like our ExtendedProtection Plans,you’ll benefit from Nationwide Cover-age,Genuine Nissan Parts,Factory-Trained Techni-cians,and you’ll be protected against future inflation(rising costs of parts and labor).What could be easier?Security+Plus Prepaid Maintenance offers two servicelevels,one service interval and five time and mileageperiods.So it’s easy to find a plan that’s right for you.Didn’t purchase Prepaid Maintenance Plan at the timeof vehicle delivery?Don’t sweat the small stuff,‘New’Security+Plus prepaid maintenance contracts can bepurchased any time within the first6months/7,500milesof original vehicle sale date.Just contact your sellingNissan LEAF certified dealer and tell them you’d like totake advantage of one of the best maintenance plansavailable for your Nissan today.*These products not available outside the United States.See your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer for details.6If you have an accident,insist on Genuine Nissan Collision Parts.If you want your electric vehicle to be restored using parts made to Nissan’s original exacting specifications–if you want it to last,help to protect your personal safety and to help hold its resale value,the solution is simple.Tell your insurance agent and your repair shop to use only Genuine Nissan Collision Parts.Many non-genuine parts are copies made from impres-sions of Nissan parts and may not match the specifica-tions and performance standards of Genuine Nissan Parts.As a result,non-genuine parts may not look or fit right,and may be less safe.The hood on your electric vehicle is a good example. Nissan designed it with hood buckling creases to help prevent the hood from penetrating the interior of your electric vehicle in an accident.Non-genuine parts may not provide such built-in safeguards.In some states,the law says you must be advised if non-genuine parts are used to repair your electric vehicle. Why should you take a chance?Replacement Panel Limited LifetimeCorrosion Warranty*If you have your collision damage repaired using GenuineNissan Outer Sheet Metal Panels you don’t have to worryabout corrosion.That’s because these panels are war-ranted against inside out rust-through perforation for aslong as you own your Nissan.Another reason to insist on Genuine Nissan Collision Repair Parts.Vehicle Lease agreements,such as those offered by Nissan Motor Ac-ceptance Corporation,may require that ONLY Genuine Nissan replace-ment parts be utilized for collision repairs to the vehicle.7As a condition of your electric vehicle’s warranty,you are responsible for properly maintaining your electric vehicle.In maintaining your electric vehicle,you should follow either Schedule1or Schedule2as listed e these guidelines to determine which maintenance schedule to use.SCHEDULE1(more severe operating conditions)Use Schedule1if you primarily operate your electric vehicle under any of these conditions:●Repeated short trips of less than5miles in normal temperatures or less than10miles in freezing temperatures●Stop-and-go traffic in hot weather or low speed driving for long dis-tances●Driving in dusty conditions or on rough,muddy,or salt-spread roads ●Using a car-top carrier SCHEDULE2(less severe operating conditions)Schedule2features7,500-mile service intervals;with Schedule2 fewer maintenance items are regularly checked or replaced than with Schedule1.Generally,Schedule2applies only to highway driving in temperate e Schedule2only if you primarily operate your electric vehicle under conditions other than those listed in Schedule1.*This warranty does not apply to vehicles or parts not distributed by Nissan North America and/or sold outside the United States. 8The following descriptions are pro-vided to give you a better understand-ing of the scheduled maintenance items that should be regularly checked or replaced.The mainte-nance log indicates at which mileage/time intervals each item re-quires service.In addition to scheduled mainte-nance,your Nissan requires that some items be checked during nor-mal day-to-day operation.You can find these items listed under“General Maintenance”in Chapter8of your Owner’s Manual.Items marked with“*”are recom-mended by Nissan for reliable electric vehicle operation.You are not re-quired to perform maintenance on these items in order to maintain the warranties which come with your Nissan.Other maintenance items and intervals are required.When applicable,additional informa-tion can be found in the“Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section in Chapter8of your Owner’s Manual.NOTE:Nissan North America doesnot advocate the use of non-OEMapproved aftermarket flushing sys-tems and strongly advises againstperforming these services on aNissan product.Many of the aftermar-ket flushing systems use non-OEMapproved chemicals or solvents,theuse of which has not been validatedby Nissan North America.For recommended lubricants,fluids,grease,and refrigerant,refer toChapter9in your Owner’s Manual.EV SystemCharging Port*Check the charging port for any signsof contamination,dust,sand,etc.Charging Port Sealing Cap*Use only compressed air with propereye protection to clean any contami-nation from the sealing cap.EV Battery Usage ReportTo maximize the life of your Li-ion bat-tery,have the EV Battery Usage Re-port generated and reviewed withyou.Review of the EV Battery UsageReport is required as a condition ofEV battery warranty.Refer to your2014LEAF warranty informationbooklet for details.Both the12monthand24month inspections will be per-formed by your Nissan LEAF certifieddealer at no cost to the vehicle owner.CoolantReplace coolant at the interval speci-fied below.When adding or replacingcoolant,be sure to use only GenuineNissan Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant(Blue)or equivalent with the propermixture.(Refer to the Owner’s Manualto determine the proper mixture foryour area.)The recommended ser-vice interval of the factory-fill coolantis125,000miles(200,000km)or15years,whichever comes first.Sub-sequent replacement of Genuine9Nissan Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (Blue)should occur every 75,000miles(120,000km)or 5years whichever comes first. NOTE:Mixing any other type of cool-ant or the use of non-distilled water will reduce the recommended service interval of the coolant.Chassis and Body Maintenance:Brake Lines and CablesVisually inspect for proper installa-tion.Check for chafing,cracks,dete-rioration,and signs of leaking.Re-place any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately.Brake Pads&RotorsCheck for wear,deterioration and fluid leaks.Replace any deteriorated or damaged parts immediately.In-Cabin MicrofilterReplace at specified intervals.Whendriving for prolonged periods in dustyconditions,replace the filter more fre-quently.Steering Gear and Linkage,Axleand Suspension Parts,DriveShaft BootsCheck for damage,looseness,andleakage of oil or grease.Under severedriving conditions,inspect more fre-quently.Tire RotationTires should be rotated every7,500miles according to the instruc-tions in the Owner’s Manual.Whenrotating tires,check for damage anduneven wear.Replace if necessary.Reduction Gear OilVisually inspect for signs of leakage atspecified intervals.Off-Road MaintenanceCheck the following items frequentlywhenever you drive off-road throughdeep sand,mud or water:●Brake pads and rotors●Brake lines and hoses●Reduction gear oil●Steering linkage10The following Maintenance Schedule has been compiled by Nissan toassist you in performing the recommended maintenance services andkeeping appropriate records of services performed.Along with therelated repair invoices,receipts,and other such records,a properlydocumented maintenance history could enhance the value of yourelectric vehicle should you ever wish to sell it.The services listedrepresent the minimal Nissan recommended requirements for eachtime/mileage interval,up to120,000miles/96months.Beginning onpage37you will find a log that should be used to track when andwhere services were performed.Ask your Service Advisor to updateyour log each time your electric vehicle is serviced.11❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.13MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEIn-Cabin MicrofilterThe In-Cabin Microfilter filters the air you breathe in your electric vehicle.This system filters both outside and re-circulated air used by the air conditioning system in your electric vehicle.Replacing the Microfilter every year or 15,000miles is the best way to help prevent road dust,pollen and other air pollutants from entering the interior of your electric vehicle and the air you breathe.If your electric vehicle is not equipped with an In-Cabin Micro-filter system –see your Nissan LEAF certified dealer about getting one installed –you’ll breatheeasier.15MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.17MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE<This check must be performed based solely on the number of service months,not mileage>❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.1Review of the EV Battery Usage Report is required as a condition of EV battery warranty.Refer to your 2014LEAF warranty information booklet for details.Both the 12month and 24month inspections will be performed by your Nissan LEAF certified dealer at no cost to the vehicle owner.19MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.21MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.23MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit yourLEAF warranty information booklet for details.❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.25MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.27MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit yourLEAF warranty information booklet for details.❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.29MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE❑For the ultimate in preventative maintenance,ask your Service Advisor for a complimentary Multi-Point Inspection every time you visit your participating Nissan LEAF certified dealer.See page 12for more information on Multi-Point Inspections.31MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEnot mileage>Inspection every time you visit yourLEAF warranty information booklet for details.When replacing the Li-ion battery assembly or module,be sure to record the ID in the space provided.Please confirm the service manual for modulelocation.333435367,500Miles or6Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:15,000Miles or12MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:22,500Miles or18MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:30,000Miles or24Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:37,500Miles or30MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:45,000Miles or36MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:52,500Miles or42Months Dealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:60,000Miles or48MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:67,500Miles or54MonthsDealer Name:Date:Mileage:DealerStamp:37。



异议 客户担心根本原因
现在四驱车太多,根本 体现不出优势
2.0车型具有2WD/AUTO/LOCK(4WD)三种模式可供切换,在不同行驶路况,合理 分配前后轮扭矩。2、2.5车型还具备偏航瞬间控制、电子制动差数锁、上坡起步辅 助和陡坡缓降控制等高智能控制系统,可以帮您轻松应付各种复杂路况,在关键时
分时四驱是需要手动切换成四驱,但是具有中间差速器的四驱模式,该种四驱结构大笨重, 但是越野能力强,油耗很高,牧马人等车采用这种结构
适时四驱(实时)是指根据需要电脑自动切换是否需要四驱,当高速行驶时,自动却换成前 驱,而当打滑或泥泞路面时自动切换成四驱的一种结构。
N:人性化; F:全系标配超大天窗、多功能行李箱、冷暖功能杯架;A:同级别绝无 全系标配超大 仅有 ;B 用车像家一样舒服; 天窗、多功能 I:您的爱车其实可以说是您的一个家,在家里,每个人都希望最放松、最舒服!您在 行李箱、冷暖 奇骏车上,可以通过超大全景天窗,呼吸室外新鲜空气、感受阳光,您也可以将您的
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东风日产奇骏上市发布会 指引手册
当岁月沉淀的速度渐渐慢下来 当灵感不再蜂拥却凝转成底气和胸襟 当梦想的山峰渐行渐远,却在越来越多的夜晚成为思维苍穹的背景 ……
不必问古,但必须看懂自己 —— 审时度势常常被认为是老谋深算,若不明白就是江湖的激流在裹夹着你走; 你尽可挥洒衣袖,谋划你的钩你的国,但要谨记 ——要磊落,要大气,要站得高看得 远, 因为历史洪流终会冲刷掉所有的沙子,渣子,只留下那些硬梆梆的玉。
嘉宾入场,播放暖场视频 沙画表演 Opening Video 主持人开场白,介绍到场嘉宾 一虎谈奇骏之访任总、大谷总 播放《过界》片段 一虎谈奇骏之访主创人员(郭涛、李小冉)
创意环节 Creative
10:40-10:45 10:45-10:50 10:50-10:55 10:55-11:10
现场电视、网络媒体专访(任总、大谷总) 娱乐媒体专访(电影主创)
创意环节 Creative
10min 移动,稍作休息
40min 任总、大谷总专访
创意环节 Creative
创意环节 Creative
09:30-10 :00 10:00-10:04 10:04-10:05 10:05-10:07 10:07-10:22 10:22-10:30 10:30-10:40
30min 4min 1min 2min 15min 8min 10min
崎岖的路上 出现一匹快马奔跑 ? 场景二 马转换成奇骏车外形
顿时云开见日 ,太阳发出耀眼的光芒 ? 场景三 风沙不见 变成开满鲜花的地方 树木林立 小鸟飞翔
?从第一款 SUV走出城市边缘之后,我们以 为自己已经完成了心灵上的越野
这个世界有多 奇妙
但是,总有那么一些人 能够在已知的世界中发现未知的精彩 在熟悉的事物中,找到陌生的新知
而他们所做的事,也总是让人生倍感新奇,他们执著于生活的 追求但不拘泥,他们突破极限,敢于挑战,发现常态人生中的
开篇的“凡战者,以正合,以 奇胜”意思是说:只要说到战争,
?“故善出 奇者,无穷如天地,不竭如江河”是说:所以善于
用兵的人,必然是善于采用新奇战法的人,把握战争规律、运 用科学的方法就像天地般的持久、就像江河般流淌不息。
? 从哥伦布发现新大陆迄今为止,我们以为 自己已经足够了解这个地球
答案就是: 奇骏
新驾驭体验, 新奇感受
活动背景 Background
外观 ?车身线条硬朗,外形更具活力
性能 ?全模式智能四驱技术,陡坡缓降与起步控制系统 配合更具
越野性; ?超大灵活的设计,提供充裕储备空间,更适合户外出行。
配置 ?人性化内部设,贴合与众不同的户外生活。
宽阔的视野 更多储存空间
城市特点 越野功能
选择什么样的场地 营造什么样的氛围
选择什么样的主题 传达什么样的信息
如何凸现奇骏上市 对东风日产的意义
突出产品特点 —— 更本色更全能的 SUV
铺垫:传播手 段
驾驭奇骏,“奇”乐无穷 ……

奇事 奇人 奇景
? 古语云:不奇则庸
40min 娱乐媒体专访
60min 媒体试车
60min 领导午宴、媒体午宴
创意环节 Creative
? 整场以电影元素贯穿 整场活动以电影元素为线索:演职人员表( Video )→演员上场(任总、大谷
总访谈)→影片放映(公布价格) 电影名字:心无界 ·行无疆 总导演:大谷俊明、任勇 制片方:东风日产乘用车公司
背景 Background
? 活动名称: 心无界 行无疆 ——东风日产奇骏上市发布会
? 活动时间:2019年11月3日 ? 活动地点:长城脚下的公社 ? 活动规模:250人左右 ? 人员构成:日产高层、媒体、《过界》主创
No Image
心无界:体验新鲜事物,渴望无限自由的心情永不止步 行无疆:不满足于城市中的生活状态,更渴望感知城市边缘的新奇体验。
屏幕中的场景在现场被延续,在虚实间转换。大片的主角 ——奇骏,从屏幕 中开出,出现在发布会现场。 ? 神秘的价格公布
模拟奥斯卡颁奖的方式,开启信封(大谷总) ——揭晓悬念(任总),逐 一公布每款车的价格。
创意环节 Creative
创意环节 —沙画表演
脚本创意: ? 场景一 黄沙漫天 乌云遮日
更具感染力的硬朗外形 SUV的本色气质
?稳重、大气、崇尚自然的审美观; ?自信、质朴、奔放、执着的性格特点; ?体验新鲜事物和热爱自由生活的人生态度; ?年龄,阅历阶段的需求
?能够面对城市复杂的路况; ?能够体会到驾驶的乐趣; ?能满足户外旅游和探索城市周边等要求。
力求在发布会过程中给与会者带来欣赏《心无界 ·行无疆》这部奇骏大片的体验
创意环节 Creative
? Opening Video 承接沙画环节,以特殊的衔接方式及表现形式,公布《心无界 ·行无疆》这
部奇骏大片的 “演职人员”表 ,为下一个环节做铺垫。 ? 现场版一虎一席谈 ——一虎谈奇骏
将胡一虎在凤凰台演播厅中的节目 COPY到发布会现场,以相对轻松的方式传 达相关信息。 ?《过界》首映式 ——虚拟与现实的完美结合