
林娜脐橙原名纳佛林娜(Navelina),系华盛顿脐橙的早 熟芽变,为西班牙的脐橙主栽品种。1979年引入我国,目 前,四川、重庆、湖北、福建、湖南、江西和浙江等省 (直辖市)已有一定的栽培。林娜脐橙树冠扁圆形,长势 较华盛顿脐橙弱,较罗伯逊脐橙旺,枝条短而壮,密生, 抽枝能力较强,叶色浓绿。果实椭圆形可长倒卵形,较大, 单果重200~230克,果顶部圆钝,基部较窄,常有小沟纹, 果色橙红或深橙色,较光滑,果皮较薄。肉质脆嫩化渣, 风味浓甜,可食率78%~80%,果汁率51%,可溶性固形 物11%~13%;每100毫升糖含量8~9克,酸含量0.6~0.7 克,维生素C含量48毫克。林娜脐橙,不带裂皮病,优质 丰产,是目前我国推广的脐橙品种之一。
华盛顿脐橙又名美国橙、抱子橘、花旗蜜橘,有 的地方也叫无核橙、无核广柑,简称华脐。华盛 顿脐橙树冠圆头形或半圆形,树势强,开张,大 枝粗长、披垂。果实椭圆形,基部较窄,先端膨 大,有脐、较小,张开或闭合,果大,单果重 200克以上;果色深橙色或橙红色,果面光滑, 油胞平生或微凸,果皮厚薄不均,果顶部薄,近 果蒂部厚,较易剥皮分瓣,囊瓣肾形,10~12瓣, 肉质脆嫩、多汁、化渣,甜酸适口,富芳香味。 可食率80%左右,果汁率47%~49%,可溶性固形 物10.5%~14%;每100毫升糖含量8.5~11克,酸含 量0.9~1.0克,维生素C53~65毫克。无核,品质上 乘,极宜鲜食。
弹性:优质脐橙用手指轻压果皮,有弹性的感觉, 果肉饱满。
窝底:优质脐橙底部内凹,成熟好,水分多;劣 质脐橙水分少质量差。

赣南脐橙产量从2000年以来保持增长,从2000年的5万吨到2009年的 112万吨,但增长率处于下降趋势,见图2。
赣南脐橙产业主要分布在寻乌、安远及信丰三个县,据赣州市果业局统 计,2009年寻乌种植面积为281878亩,安远脐橙种植面积达到216008亩 ,信丰种植面积为259470亩,占全省将近50%,这三个地区在赣州南边 ,气候土壤因素加上当地政府大力扶持使其基本形成产业化规模。
较稳定,价格波动不大,从2008年开始价 格出现了下降,这部分是雪灾原因从而影
落,这表明未来脐橙产业发展更多关注品 质而不是一味重数量。
2004年以来,江西脐橙出口占全国的比例总体是呈 上升趋势,2009年江西出口占1万吨左右,比 2003年增长了450%;江西脐橙出口数量较 低,2003~2007年出口数量维持在4万吨以 下,占整个脐橙产量的5%左右,这表明赣 南地区脐橙总体品质不高,出口检疫达不 到标准。
• 从2003~2009年出口价格走势总体来看比
价格波动不大,从2008年开始价格出现了下降,这 部分是雪灾原因从而影响了运输,同时近几年的脐
定回落,这表明未来脐橙产业发展更多关注品质而 不是一味重数量。
• 1. 全国与江西出口量变化 • 全国脐橙从2003年以来出口保持高速增长
• 1.国际、国内橙汁加工及消费
• 橙汁加工是当前及今后脐橙产业发展的主要趋势。橙汁主
要有浓缩汁(FCOJ)和鲜橙汁(NFC)两种,目前发达国 家的消费者流行喝的是鲜橙汁。2006年,全球柑桔产量达 到11000万吨,其中45%即有近5000万吨用于加工。世界柑 桔生产第一大国巴西产量达到1800多万吨,其中85%用于 加工橙汁,第三大生产国美国产量为1400多万吨,其中 70%用于橙汁加工。而第二大柑桔生产国中国产量已达到 1790万吨,其中80%用于鲜食,橙汁加工仅占8%,其余加 工成罐头。中国橙汁消费潜力巨大,目前人均年消费量仅 为0.3公斤,而世界人均年消费橙汁为3公斤。据预测,我 国橙汁消费每年将以8%的速度递增,到2010年达到150万 吨,2020年将达到400万吨。按照目前生产与消费的状况 来看,在2015年以前,我国橙汁消费的60%将依赖进口, 国内橙汁生产将长期处于供不应求的局面,是极具发展潜

Gannan Navel OrangesGanzhou has an exceptionally favorable environment for growing navel oranges. 173,000 hectares of orchards annually harvest 1.2 million tons of navel oranges. It is the world’s largest navel orange planting area with the third largest annual output. The navel oranges of Ganzhou are world-renowned for their unique flavor, thin and bright peel, fresh juice, inviting color, tender texture, fragrant smell, and are packed full of vitamin C. They are extremely popular among customers at home and abroad as a health and organic food.Gannan Navel Oranges contain several key nutrients that are essential to thehuman body. Tests show 100 milliliters of fresh navel orange juice contain the following nutrients: 11-15% of soluble solids, 11.0-13.0 grams of sugar, 0.80-0.95 grams of citric acid, 207 Joule of energy, 0.9 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 203.9 milligrams of amino acids, 0.127 mg, 0.08mg, 0.03 mg, and 55-75 mg of vitamins A, B1,B2, and C. It is rich in elements such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium. It also contains anti-cancer substances, including vitamin P, carotene, carotenoid, R—lemon oil, coumarin, flavonoid compound, limonoids, glyceroglycolipid, acridone and pectin.Gannan Navel Orange is an excellent healthy green food full of many favorable medicinal qualities. Chinese traditional medicine theory holds that navel orange can promote saliva production to quench thirst, soothe liver –Qi stagnation, promote lactation, digestion and appetite. Frequent consumption can reduce cholesterol level and prevent the accumulation of non-ferrous metals and radioactive elements. They also have cosmetic benefits, anti-cancer and longevity effects as well.The peel and pulp of Gannan navel orange contain high contents of higher alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, terpenes and other organic acids and volatile. Theinviting fragrance makes it popular among old and young.重译:张建平校改:张建平、Jamie。

赣南脐橙的英语作业一、词汇练习1. Navel Orange - 脐橙2. Ganzhou - 赣南3. Jiangxi Province - 江西省4. Vitamin C - 维生素C5. Juicy - 多汁的6. Fruit - 水果7. Harvest - 收获8. Flavor - 味道9. Health Benefits - 健康益处10. Agricultural Product - 农产品二、填空题1. The Ganzhou navel orange is a famous agricultural product of Jiangxi Province.2. Navel oranges are rich in Vitamin C and are known for their juicy and sweet flavor.3. The harvest season for navel oranges typically starts in late autumn.4. Eating navel oranges can provide many health benefits, such as boosting the immune system.三、阅读理解Read the following passage and answer the questions:Ganzhou Navel Oranges: A Sweet Delicacy from JiangxiNavel oranges from Ganzhou are a special type of fruit thatare grown in the southern part of Jiangxi Province in China. These oranges are known for their sweet and juicy flesh,which makes them a favorite among fruit lovers. The region's unique climate and fertile soil provide the perfectconditions for growing these delicious oranges.Ganzhou navel oranges are not only tasty but also packed with nutrients, especially Vitamin C. They are harvested in thefall and can be enjoyed fresh or used in a variety of dishes and beverages.Questions:1. Where are Ganzhou navel oranges grown?2. What makes these oranges a favorite among fruit lovers?3. What nutrient is Ganzhou navel oranges particularly rich in?4. When are these oranges typically harvested?四、写作练习Write a short essay (about 100 words) on why you think Ganzhou navel oranges are special and how they can be enjoyed.这份作业可以帮助学生学习与赣南脐橙相关的英语词汇,并通过填空题、阅读理解和写作练习来提高他们的英语应用能力。

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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Introduction
Actually there are many kinds of Gannan navel orange
I will let the main three varieties of Gannan navel orange show themselves through the form of readme this time.
My name is Lina navel orange, I formerly was Navelina, I am Spain's main varieties of navel orange.
Lina navel orange
In 1979 I was first introduced in
1. Due to its unique soil conditions in southern Jiangxi province, the production of this large Navel orange with orange fresh, bright and clean appearance is very high.Because of the high quality, the full-bodied flavor, aroma, popularity, intangibly consumers of navel orange production in southern Jiangxi Province called it Gannan navel orange.
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lowing cholesterol
Preventing diseases
Color: Orange smooth with the color of fresh and clean
Large size
Flexible, full
Now, let’s listen to them
Hello! Everyone, my name is Newhall navel orange, I am from United States, California, Duarte of the Washington Navel orange bud. I was first introduced in 1978 in China, I have completely adapted to local climatic conditions and geographical location, my tree grows to be strong, short,and the topmost leaf color is dark green.My flesh is delicate and brittle, it tastes sweet,and it has brought considerable economic benefits.
Actually there are many kinds of Gannan navel orange
I will let the main three varieties of Gannan navel orange show themselves through the form of readme this time.

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介绍赣南脐橙的英文作文英文回答:Gan Nan Navel Orange。
The Gan Nan navel orange is a type of orange that is native to the Gan Nan region of China. It is a large, seedless orange with a sweet and juicy flavor. The fruit is typically harvested in the late fall and early winter.The Gan Nan navel orange is a popular fruit in China and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine. Thefruit is said to be beneficial for the lungs and stomach. It is also a good source of vitamin C and other nutrients.The Gan Nan navel orange is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is enjoyed by people all over China.中文回答:赣南脐橙。
它也是维生素 C 和其他营养物质的良好来源。

I was first introduced in 1978 in China, I have completely adapted to local climatic conditions and geographical location, my tree grows to be strong, short,and the topmost leaf color is dark green.My flesh is delicate and brittle, it tastes sweet,and it has brought considerable economic benefits.
Have you ever heard of Gannan navel orange?
First of all,let’s take a look at the origin of the name of Gannan navel orange:

赣南脐橙的英文介绍作文Gannan navel oranges are a type of citrus fruit that is known for its sweet and juicy flavor. The oranges are grown in the Gannan region of China, where the climate and soil conditions are perfect for producing high-quality fruit.These oranges are popular for their distinctive navel, which is a small second fruit that grows at the blossom end of the orange. This navel gives the fruit its name and also makes it easy to peel and eat.When you bite into a Gannan navel orange, you'll experience a burst of citrus flavor that is both refreshing and satisfying. The juicy flesh of the orange is full of vitamin C, making it a healthy snack choice.In addition to being delicious, Gannan navel orangesare also versatile. You can use them in a variety of dishes, from salads to desserts, or simply enjoy them on their own as a tasty and nutritious treat.Overall, Gannan navel oranges are a delicious and healthy fruit that is loved by many people around the world. So next time you're looking for a snack, consider reaching for a Gannan navel orange to satisfy your cravings.。

江西赣南脐橙介绍英语作文Gan Nan navel oranges, a delicacy from Jiangxi, are renowned for their sweet and juicy flesh. Grown in thefertile soils of the southern region, these oranges boast a vibrant orange hue and a distinctive sweet aroma.These oranges are not just a treat for the palate; they are also packed with vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious choice for health-conscious consumers. The local farmers take pride in nurturing these fruits, ensuring they are free from pesticides and chemical residues.The harvest season for Gan Nan navel oranges typically starts in late autumn, when the cool weather enhances the sweetness of the fruit. It is a time of celebration in the region, with festivals held to honor the bountiful crop.The peel of the navel orange is also versatile, often used in traditional Chinese medicine for its aromatic properties and to aid digestion. It is a common sight inlocal markets to see the peels being dried and sold alongside the fruit.In addition to being enjoyed fresh, Gan Nan navel oranges are also processed into various products such as juice, marmalade, and dried slices, extending their delicious flavor beyond the season.The region's commitment to sustainable farming practices has earned Gan Nan navel oranges a reputation for quality and purity, making them a sought-after export in the global market.For those who have the opportunity to visit Jiangxi, a trip to the orchards is a must. The sight of rows upon rows of orange trees laden with fruit is a feast for the eyes, and the taste of a freshly picked navel orange is an experience not to be missed.。

赣南脐橙作文## Gan Nan Navel Orange ##。
English Answer:The Gan Nan navel orange is a famous citrus fruit grown in the Gan Nan region of Jiangxi Province, China. It is known for its large size, sweet taste, and high nutritional value. The Gan Nan navel orange is a variety of the navel orange, which is characterized by its seedless, easy-to-peel nature. The Gan Nan navel orange is typically harvested from October to February.The Gan Nan navel orange is a popular fruit in China and is often used in desserts, salads, and juices. It is also a good source of vitamin C and fiber. The Gan Nan navel orange is an important economic crop for the Gan Nan region.中文回答:赣南脐橙是产自中国江西省赣南地区的一种著名的柑橘。

介绍江津脐橙的作文英语Title: Introduction to Jiangjin Navel Orange。
Introduction:Jiangjin Navel Orange is a renowned citrus fruit cultivated in the Jiangjin District of Chongqing Municipality, China. Renowned for its exceptional taste, vibrant color, and numerous health benefits, Jiangjin Navel Orange holds a special place not only in Chinese culture but also in the hearts of fruit enthusiasts worldwide.Origin and Cultivation:The story of Jiangjin Navel Orange traces back to centuries ago when it was first discovered in the fertile lands of Jiangjin District. With its unique climate and fertile soil, Jiangjin provides an ideal environment for the cultivation of citrus fruits. The orange groves stretch across vast hectares, meticulously tended by local farmerswho have inherited the art of citrus cultivation from their ancestors. The careful nurturing and attention to detail result in the production of premium-quality Jiangjin Navel Oranges, cherished for their unparalleled flavor and nutritional value.Characteristics:Jiangjin Navel Oranges are easily recognizable by their distinct features. Their smooth, thick peel encases juicy segments bursting with flavor. Unlike other oranges,Jiangjin Navel Oranges boast a distinctive navel-like formation at the blossom end, hence the name "navel orange." This feature not only adds to their visual appeal but also makes them easier to peel, making them aconvenient snack for all ages.Taste and Flavor:One bite into a Jiangjin Navel Orange reveals a symphony of flavors – a perfect balance of sweetness witha hint of tanginess. The succulent flesh melts in the mouth,releasing refreshing citrus notes that tantalize the taste buds. Whether enjoyed fresh or squeezed into juice, the exquisite taste of Jiangjin Navel Orange never fails to delight the senses.Nutritional Value:Beyond their delicious taste, Jiangjin Navel Oranges are packed with essential nutrients beneficial for health. They are rich in vitamin C, known for its immune-boosting properties, as well as antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body. Additionally, they contain fiber, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals vital foroverall well-being. Incorporating Jiangjin Navel Oranges into one's diet can contribute to a healthier lifestyle and enhanced vitality.Cultural Significance:In Chinese culture, Jiangjin Navel Oranges hold symbolic significance, often associated with prosperity, good fortune, and abundance. During festive occasions suchas the Chinese New Year, these oranges are exchanged as gifts, symbolizing well wishes for the recipient's prosperity and happiness. Moreover, they are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, valued for their therapeutic properties in alleviating common ailments.Global Appeal:The popularity of Jiangjin Navel Oranges extends far beyond the borders of China. With increasing global awareness of healthy eating habits, these oranges have garnered attention for their exceptional taste and nutritional benefits. They are exported to various countries, where they are embraced by consumers seeking premium-quality citrus fruits.Conclusion:In conclusion, Jiangjin Navel Orange stands as a testament to the rich agricultural heritage of the Jiangjin District and the dedication of its farmers. With its exquisite taste, nutritional value, and culturalsignificance, it continues to captivate fruit enthusiasts worldwide. Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into culinary delights, Jiangjin Navel Orange is more than just a fruit – it's a symbol of quality, tradition, and zest for life.。
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1. Due to its unique soil conditions in southern Jiangxi province, the production of this large Navel orange with orange fresh, bright and clean appearance is very high.Because of the high quality, the full-bodied flavor, aroma, popularity, intangibly consumers of navel orange production in southern Jiangxi Province called it Gannan navel orange.
Actually there are many kinds of Gannan navel orange
I will let the main three varieties of Gannan navel orange show themselves through the form of readme this time.
Introducard of Gannan navel orange?
First of all,let’s take a look at the origin of the name of Gannan navel orange:
2.Because of the vast number of farmers have got a better economic efficiency by growing navel orange , they found a good way to shake off poverty and became well-off. In addition, foreign investors bullish on navel orange, they boost the industry. In order to promote the sale, people made orange into large markets and participate in international competition and the domestic market, so spontaneously all of them named local navel orange “Gannan navel orange”.
Now, let’s listen to them
Hello! Everyone, my name is Newhall navel orange, I am from United States, California, Duarte of the Washington Navel orange bud.
My name is Lina navel orange, I formerly was Navelina, I am Spain's main varieties of navel orange.
In 1979 I was first introduced in China, my crown is oblate, branches are short and strong, leaf is dark green color. My fruit is oval or long obovate, orangered or dark fruit. My meat is crisp and tender. I didn't bring exocortis and I am currently one of China's promotion of the., navel Orange variety.
I grow tightly, my leaves are slightly variegated , my small shoots appear reddish. My fruit is slightly small, nearly round. My most prominent feature is that although the flesh is uniform red, it is very suitable for using as a fruit salad or platter shedding juice orange.
Lina navel orange
My name is Red-fleshed navel orange, I formerly was caracara. I'm from Peru selected a specific Chinese umbilical cord of bud.
I was first introduced in 1978 in China, I have completely adapted to local climatic conditions and geographical location, my tree grows to be strong, short,and the topmost leaf color is dark green.My flesh is delicate and brittle, it tastes sweet,and it has brought considerable economic benefits.
Gannan Navel Orange
Reporter: Liufengjiao Major: Chemistry
Student ID:2013207030005
1.The introduction of Gannan navel orange 2.The efficacy of Gannan navel orange 3. Methods of identifying the Gannan navel Orange