从目的论的角度对《使女的故事》英译本的分析 (2)




208孝红波:虚构的真实——《使女的故事》的女性生存解读虚构的真实——《使女的故事》的女性生存解读孝红波(辽宁师范大学 外国语学院,辽宁 大连 116029)作者简介:孝红波(1976-),女,辽宁铁岭人,辽宁师范大学讲师,研究方向:英美文学。

【摘 要】玛格丽特·阿特伍德被誉为当代加拿大文学巨匠。



【关键词】阿特伍德;《使女的故事》;女性;生存中图分类号:I106 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2019)29-0208-02玛格丽特·阿特伍德被誉为当代加拿大文学巨匠。

《使女的故事》( The Handmaid's Tale)这部经典未来小说是阿特伍德的代表作之一。









从生态女性主义的角度解读《使女的故事》- 参考文献

从生态女性主义的角度解读《使女的故事》- 参考文献

分类号:I106 学校单位代码:10446硕士学位论文论文题目:An Ecofeminist Study of The Handmaid’s Tale从生态女性主义的角度解读《使女的故事》研究生姓名:姚倩倩学科、专业:英语语言文学研究方向:英美文学导师姓名、职称:寻阳副教授论文完成时间:2012年4月An EcofeministStudy of The Handmaid’s TaleA ThesisSubmitted to College of Foreign LanguagesQufu Normal UniversityIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of Master of ArtsBy Yao QianqianUnder the Supervision of Associate Professor Xun YangApril 2012曲阜师范大学研究生学位论文原创性说明(根据学位论文类型相应地在“□”划“√”)本人郑重声明:此处所提交的博士□/硕士□论文《从生态女性主义角度解读〈使女的故事〉》,是本人在导师指导下,在曲阜师范大学攻读博士□/硕士□学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。

















四、《凤还巢》英译本隐喻翻译分析1. 隐喻翻译策略在目的论的指导下,隐喻的翻译可以采取直译、意译或释义等方法。



2. 隐喻翻译特点在《凤还巢》英译本中,隐喻的翻译具有以下特点:首先,译者充分考虑到中西文化的差异和读者的接受度,采用了恰当的翻译策略;其次,译者在保持原文意境的同时,尽量使译文符合英语的表达习惯和语言风格;最后,译者在翻译过程中注重对原文的理解和再创造,使译文更加贴近原文的意境和情感。









































Title: A Cognitive Construal Approach to the Narration in The Handmaid’s Tale Abstract: The oppression and resistance of women is a major theme embedded in The Handmaid’s Tale. Instead of lecturing on her readers, Margaret Atwood encourages readers to have their own interpretation of the character and the theme of the novel by deploying different narrative strategies. This study delineates the grammatical evidence of the dual narrative in The Handmaid’s Tale by analyzing the grammar of the fiction through the lens of cognitive construal. It is found that the construal of sequential scanning and high specificity highlight the distinctive mental self of Offred which facilitates an optimistic expectation of women’s resistance. On the other hand, the construal of summary scanning and low specificity form an ideological point of view from which the individuality and agency of Offred are undermined; this narrative foreshadows a dystopian pessimism in the interpretation of the theme.Key words: cognitive grammar; construal; narrative analysis; The Handmaid’s Tale Author: Yan Tianxin is postgraduate student in Applied Linguistics at University College London (London WC1H 0AL, UK). Her research interest centres on discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and stylistics. E-mail:*********************.uk《使女的故事》(The Handmaid’s Tale, 1986)是加拿大著名作家玛格丽特•阿特伍50Foreign Language and Literature Research 1(2021)外国语文研究2021年第1期德(Margaret Atwood, 1939-)的代表作,小说一经发表立刻引起文坛轰动,并获得加拿大总督奖、英国布克奖等多项荣誉。






二、目的论概述目的论(Skopos Theory)认为翻译是一项有目的的活动,其目标导向是决定翻译过程和方法的主要因素。





四、《凤还巢》英译本隐喻翻译的实践在《凤还巢》英译本中,隐喻翻译的实践主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 文化背景的传达:在翻译过程中,译者需要充分了解中国传统文化和《凤还巢》的故事背景,以便准确传达原文中的文化内涵。


2. 语义转换的技巧:针对不同的隐喻表达,译者需要运用不同的翻译技巧和方法。


3. 语境的把握:在翻译过程中,译者需要充分把握语境,理解原文中的隐含意义。



























1. 引言1.1 介绍玛格丽特?阿特伍德《使女的故事》《使女的故事》是加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德的一部经典作品,被誉为20世纪最伟大的反乌托邦小说之一。









从目的论的角度对《使女的故事》英译本的分析 (3)

从目的论的角度对《使女的故事》英译本的分析 (3)

1.Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Significance1.3 Structure of the Paper2. Literature Review2.1 An Overview of English version2.2 Studies on English version2.3 Studies on The Handmaid’s Tale Season3. Theoretical Background: Skopos Theory3.1 The Development of Skopos Theory3.2 Three Key Rules of Skopos Theory3.3 Feasibility of Skopos Theory to English version4. An Exemplification of English version from the Perspective of Skopos Theory: A Case Study of The Handmaid’s Tale Season4.1 A Brief Introduction to The Handmaid’s Tale Season4.2 Common Strategies for English version in The Handmaid’s Tale Season4.3 Suggested English version in Terms of Skopos Theory4.4 Major Methods in the English version5. Conclusion参考文献:1)Atwood,Margaret.“The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake‘In Context.’”PMLA,vol.119,no.3,2004,pp.513–517.2)Burack,Cynthia.“Bringing Women's Studies to Political Science:The Handmaid in the Classroom.”NWSA Journal,vol.1,no.2,1988,pp.274–2833)Bergmann,Harriet F.“‘Teaching Them to Read’:A Fishing Expedition in the Handmaid's Tale.”College English,vol.51,no.8,1989,pp.847–8544)Coral Ann Howells.The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood[M] Cambridge University Press,20065)Dominick M.Grace.“‘The Handmaid's Tale’:‘Historical Notes’and Documentary Subversion.”Science Fiction Studies,vol.25,no.3,1998,pp.481–494.6)蔡云琴.有没有第三条出路——论《使女的故事》的悖论策略[J].大连海事大学学报(社会科学版),2013,(2):92-957)陈小慰.一部反映现实的未来小说——玛格丽特·阿特伍德《使女的故事》评析[J].当代外国文学,2003,(1):162-1678)丁林棚.《使女的故事》中的话语政治[J].外国文学研究,20159)丁林棚.阿特伍德《使女的故事》中的身体政治[J].外国文学,2017。









三、《凤还巢》英译本隐喻翻译的特点1. 忠实传达原作内涵在《凤还巢》英译本中,译者对于隐喻的翻译力求忠实传达原作的内涵。


2. 充分考虑文化背景由于中英文的文化背景存在差异,一些在中文中具有特殊寓意的隐喻,在英文中可能无法找到完全对应的表达。


3. 灵活运用翻译技巧在《凤还巢》英译本中,译者灵活运用了多种翻译技巧,如直译、意译、增译等,以更好地传达原作的意境和情感。


四、《凤还巢》英译本隐喻翻译的策略1. 直译与意译相结合在《凤还巢》英译本中,对于一些具有特定文化内涵的隐喻,译者采用了直译与意译相结合的策略。


2. 增译法补充背景信息为了使译文更加完整地呈现原作的文化内涵和背景信息,译者采用了增译法。




















使女的故事 epub 英文

使女的故事 epub 英文

使女的故事epub 英文一、作品背景及作者介绍《使女的故事》(The Handmaid"s Tale)是加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)创作的一部反乌托邦小说,首次出版于1985年。
























•分析其他重要人物如领导层人物Serena Joy和Commander Fred,在政治、宗教和社会结构下的复杂角色。










ContentsChinese Abstract (1)English Abstract (2)1.Introduction (3)1.1 The Research Reviewed (3)1.2 The Literature Review (4)1.3 The Definition of Feminism (5)2.Oppression (6)2.1 The Oppression of Basic Human Rights (6)2.2 The Oppression of Reproductive Rights (8)2.3 The Oppression of Gender Freedom (9)3. Resistance and Struggle (10)3.1The Struggle Between the Characters (10)3.2 The Manifestation of Conflict (11)3.3 The Feminist Resistance and Struggle (13)Conclusion (14)References (16)从女权主义角度解读《使女的故事》中女性的反抗与斗争摘要玛格丽特·阿特伍德在其作品《使女的故事》中描述了一个环境污染严重,人口出生率降到临界点,宗教势力因此抬头,建立一个以男性为中心的基列国,实施使女制度,强迫能生育的女性生孩子的虚构世界。





关键词:女权主义;斗争;反抗Women’s Resistance and Struggle in the Handmaid’s Tale as Seen from thePerspective of FeminismAbstractMargaret Atwood in her work the Handmaid’s Tale describes a serious environmental contamination, the birth rate declines to the critical point, neonatal survival rate is extremely low. The rise of religious power leads to the establishment of a male-centered Gilead, a system of female servitude, and a fictional world in which fertile women are forced to have children.Taking Margaret Atwood’s masterpiece the Handmaid’s Tale as the research object, the author interprets the female resistance and struggle in the Handmaid’s Tale from the perspective of feminism. Through the oppression of human rights, the oppression of reproductive rights, the oppression of sexual freedom to study three aspects of female resistance and struggle. Through the analysis of the plot and environment of the protagonist, the feminist spirit embodied in the novel is found. Thus, it inspires the current feminism that women should choose the right and effective way to seek their own equality while pursuing freedom and equality.Key words: feminism; resistance; struggle1.Introduction1.1 The Research ReviewedWith the popularity of the Internet, domestic feminism began to appear in the public’s vision and developed rapidly. There are mounting number of books about feminism. Nevertheless, once the issue of women’s rights arises in hot social events, one side of the debate is often labeled as the Chinese pastoral feminism by the other side, as if the hat is the symbol of original sin, as long as it is labeled as the Chinese pastoral feminism, it is bound to be guilty and deserve to be defeated (张冠男,2018:4). In addition, for the reason that the remake of the us TV series about the Handmaid Tale, this book has become more famous. Through in-depth research on this book, we can understand what feminism is.The Handmaid’s Tale is a fantasy novel written by Margaret Atwood, a Canadian female writer. The work was written in 1985. The book tells the story of a fundamentalist Christian regime that launched a military coup in the Republic of Gilead, transforming the United States into a theocratic state, through a tape recording of a woman who had the unfortunate experience of being a handmaid in Gilead. The insignificant number of men who built the regime held all the power over the women. In the Gilead regime, women as symbols of men’s social status were divided into different social classes, even the clothes they wore. Women no longer have the right to read, nor the right to contact the society. Fertile women had to endure state-enforced legal rape to breed for the regime. By inventing a dystopian society, the author reflects on the possible situations in the future society. Although it is fictional, it is not impossible that such events will not happen based on a certain future node and the author pays attention to finding relevant deeds in history when creating her works. In other words, although it is fictional, it reflects everything that might happen in reality.Margaret Atwood, born on November 18, 1939, in Ottawa, Canada, is an important representative of the international feminist movement in the field of literature. Having studied Puritans for many years at Harvard University, it can be seen from the close relationship between the theme of the novel and western religious and cultural traditions. Through delicate brushwork and unique perspective, it reveals the unequal and unfair treatment of women in the patriarchal society. She is good atunderstanding the psychology of women, reflects their life, growth process and fate. The repeated mention of women’s gender politics in the work reflects her own discussion on the status of women, and also implies the political status of Canada itself. The pun is more able to show her concern about the status of women and hope that women can stand up against social injustice and fight for their rights.This paper will appraise the perspective of feminism and struggle in the Handmaid’s Tale from the feminist perspective of the long novel. In the novel, the body is presented as the object of writing, as well as the function of power, ideology, religion and other factors. The writing of the body is embodied in the symbolic semantic of the uniform, and the visual domestic of the body is strongly implemented by visualizing the classification and limitation of the social hierarchy through the clothing. Step by step, through the analysis of the protagonist of body control as well as to the people around you reacts to society of the whole system further concluded that feminism for basic human rights, political rights, reproductive rights and sexual freedom, is never depend on the time change, the patriarchal mercy, or active support, largely through their struggle under, and they made an important contribution for social equality and civilization.The author herself was influenced by Mary Webster, an ancestor of her mother’s family who lived in the 17th century, and by family education (邴婷婷, 2014: 5).1.2 The Literature ReviewThere are main researches on dystopia and ecologism in foreign countries. Foreign countries began to study the relevant content from 1990 at the earliest, through the study of Canadian literature process began to notice the work of Margaret Atwood. In 1990, Ken Norris at the University of Denay Nunavit: the Historical Notes in Margaret Atwood’s the Handmaid’s Tale discussed the significance of the fictional work by giving a lecture on the authentication of the Handmaid’s Tale in a hypothetical future world. The exploration of dialectical thinking in virtual literature is the beginning of this research. In 1995, Hilde Staels, in Margaret Atwood’s the Handmaid’s Tale: Resistance through narrating, explained the definition of feminism for the first time by analyzing the female Resistance in the novel, thus promoting the relevant research of feminism. Through the relevant research on ecologism literature, further promote the further research of feminism.Chen Xiaowei is the first domestic 2003 little comfort in the reality of the futurenovel, Margaret Atwood her story in the future of the novel, through to the fictional nations produces social, religious, cultural and ecological environment as well as the essence of the nations to conduct a comprehensive review and analysis, to explore the diversity in the book.(陈小慰, 2003:1). In 2004, in a comparative analysis of the stories of Atwood and Harold Pinter’s handmaid, Yang Chunyan and Li Xue explored the consequences of absolutism in the distribution of gender power adapted by Harold Pinter into the 1990 film of the same name, and explored the serious consequences of sexism reflected in this work from the perspective of male chauvinism (杨春艳, 李雪, 2004: 7).In 2005, Wang Ping, Zhang Jianying in the story of her power and resistance of the combination of Foucault power microscopic physics theory, explores the maid in the story of the power strategies of the nations, to reveal the relationship between power and body, and the resulting resistance, such as restraint and the pursuit of the subject of women and women’s writing and language subversion themes (王苹, 张建颖, 2005: 1). Later studies began to explore the special relationship between the degradation of women and the degradation of nature in the society from the perspective of ecofeminism, oppose the patriarchal world view and the dual mode of thinking, and try to advocate a new relationship of harmonious coexistence between people and nature. The study of the dual resistance of nature and women begins to focus on the revenge of the overwhelmed nature on human beings. Meanwhile, as the alliance of nature, women’s resistance consciousness is awakening day by day. The novel describes all kinds of boundaries : class boundaries, gender boundaries, geographical boundaries, physical boundaries, psychological boundaries, emotional boundaries, etc. These boundaries appear repeatedly in different parts of the novel. With a keen insight into the politics of boundaries, the author successfully portrays the dystopian nation and its victims, showing her deep concern and anxiety about the reality and future of human society. Finally, it is concluded that women’s discourse resistance is an effective way to control their oppression.1.3 The Definition of FeminismThe initial feminist movement is primarily bore upon enlightenment thoughts, and the majority of its demands are for equal political rights, such as the right to education and the right to vote. In the course of this period, feminist theory pursues basic the human race rights (王蔚,2019: 8).However, feminism still lacks a lot of experience in the early stage, so that the feminist radicals later go astray in the struggle between women’s reproductive rights and work rights, and fight against each other in private ownership and reproductive rights. In the later period, feminism believes that oppression is the unilateral exploitation of women by men, and that all the sufferings suffer from women are endowed by men to women, including mental and physical. In my opinion, this view is too one-sided and metaphysical. Women are oppressed not only by men’s oppression of women’s gender status, but also by the privatization of the whole society. With the development of the third scientific and technological revolution, the difference between men and women in labor force is becoming smaller and smaller, but it is the exploitation of creativity and mental work. The core of feminism lies in equal rights, instead of party an overwhelming party b and one exploiting the other. Because of biological evolution, the male body has changed a lot and become stronger. The transition from a matriarchal to a patrilineal society result in more responsibilities and responsibilities for men and more responsibilities for women.In modern society, the rise of feminism has inspired women to break through the oppression of women in the whole society and fight for their own rights if they want to get equal rights.2.Oppression2.1 The Oppression of Basic Human RightsThe Handmaid's Tale constructs a future in which the conservative countervailing movement gains power, not only by destroying the gains women have made in equal rights, but by making them an entirely subservient presence to men. Based on their use as male status symbols, Gilead defines the social hierarchy of women under his regime and even assigns the colors of their clothes. Women lose the right to read and the freedom to act in public. Fertile women are raped under the government’s arrangements to raise children for the government.In the Handmaid’s Tale, we can see the oppression of human rights. At first, the protagonist has a stable job, a happy family composes of a loving husband and a lovely daughter, and she also has excellent friends, has received advanced education and is free of speech.I earn my living from my job and live a normal middle-classAmerican life. They can also go to the beach with friends tosunbathe, wear a Bikini to wear the most popular dress at themoment, but also can makeup for self-modification. At the same time,they can also enjoy the convenience brought by science andtechnology. More importantly, women can read books to increasetheir knowledge and knowledge. In the old days, men and womencould try each other out for marriage (Atwood Margaret, 1992: 23).But when the regime is established, things started to change when Offred run one morning and find her credit card frozen. Then she learns that not only she, but all the women, have their bank accounts frozen and their personal assets transfer to their husbands or their closest male relatives, everything becomes remote and Offred loses her personal identity and is separated from her family. First she is forced to take her salary and then tell that the job is gone, then she loses touch with her dear mother, and is forced not to contact her friends. Finally, her daughter is taken, her husband also has to be separated from her, he finally comes to save the Gilead’s weakening population and the existence of the two legs of the womb. Speech, behavior and thought should be controlled, even their own clothes should be monitored. Forced to become a handmaid because of her fertility, she has to endure rape by unknown men in the name of having children for the state because of the rapid decline in the fertility rate due to environmental pollution. Due to the disasters caused by environmental changes, many people become infertile, leading to the rapid decline of human fertility. Throughout the course of human history, whenever face with such natural and man-made disasters, religions would take advantage of such disasters, and then through a bloody revolution, they finally gain the dominant position. Patriarchal society dominated everything, women are strictly controlled with no human rights, and women again become men’s accessories and property, and are arbitrarily distributed according to the surplus value. The technology we know is history. Due to the extreme deterioration of the environment, most people become infertile due to radiation from environmental pollution. But in Gilead, infertility is the fault of both sides, but it can only be said that female infertility caused all this, because infertility in that place is taboo to say. As if all is the fault of women, with men have nothing to do, women are the culprit, is the source of the worst. If you say that word, you will not only be punished but you will lose your life.Under that regime, women are subjected to all kinds of restrictions. Regardless of springs, summers, autumns and winters, regardless of wind and rain, must wear that one suit represents the new life red handmaid clothing. Unless they can take it off in the shower they must wear it all the time. Even bathing is strictly monitored. Women no longer have the right to make friends, nor can they contact their friends. Handmaids are apparently mothers giving birth to new lives, but in fact they are just tools. They are monitored everywhere, and handmaids may report each other. Despite the birth of new life, the mother claimed to be the archbishop’s wife, not them. Women also can’t get new knowledge, they lose the right to read (梁颖, 2012: 5).Handmaids are not the lowest level of the nightmare either. Women are divided into several classes, like cattle, and women in red are collectively known as handmaids, responsible for reproducing the rulers. The women in blue were the wives of the rulers. They were the most senior women, with privileges that women generally did not enjoy. And the green clothes are ordinary servants, engaged in ordinary household chores. A woman in gray is a moral compass, providing a beacon and a spur to the handmaids. Below are the wives of men from the lower classes and their infertile servant-girls, the non-women --infertile, socially unacceptable lesbians ---who are sent to the colonies to clean up radioactive waste and let the pollutants peel off their skin and leave them to die.On the ideological side, women are controlled and domesticated, and there are dedicated mammys to educate them, brainwashing them with the bible, telling them what to do and what not to do. All in order to give birth to the country, for the pleasure of the archbishop, to be able to survive, but also to require them to monitor each other and report on each other. In case of insubordination, mammys would use disciplinary measures to punish the person until her obey. As if the handmaid is not a woman, but a dog and a cat keep in captivity just to have a baby. In their eyes, women are merely tools for reproduction.2.2 The Oppression of Reproductive RightsIn the past, individual’s reproductive rights are free, and people could have as few as they want, even if they want to have no children. There are also many people who do not marry and give birth. The right to childbearing is a free and unrestricted right. People don't force themselves to have children because of fertility. In order to pursue the happiness of life is the goal of all, people free life, the past people arehappy.And in Gilead, everyone is oppressed. People return to the simple primitive life and everyone is a Puritan. Because fertility is low, all measures to improve it become the most important thing for the rulers. And the fertile women are forced to become handmaids, centralized distribution, force to serve as the ruling class of reproductive tools and sex slaves, they have no name, can not talk with people, not to allow private feelings and lust. Having children is a matter of state as well as of family. Having children is their only purpose in life, but they have no right to participate in the growth of their children. Once the child is born, the mother and child are separated, and the maidservant is reassigned to the other bishop’s household, where she continued to be the daily tool of production. In Gilead there is no writing, only signs. Books, reading, music, art...Anything to do with creation is banned because it is a demagogic drug. A handmaid is forced to have one child after another, and having children is the only way to survive. During pregnancy, the baby is given to the archbishop’s wife as if it were the baby of the archbishop. Even during the birth, the maidservant lies in bed and begin to give birth, and the archbishop’s wife sit on top of the maidservant, pretending that she is giving birth. All are elated at the arrival of the new life. Only the handmaid alone is abandoned and send to the next archbishop for the reproduction of a new life. If the baby miscarries during pregnancy, the woman is punished and tells to get pregnant again and give birth to a healthy baby as soon as possible.Women’s reproductive rights are oppressed, and reproductive rights are no longer women’s exclusive rights, but restricted by various aspects. The only way a handmaid can survive is to keep having children. If she can ensure that she has two children, and that the child will not miscarry for other reasons during the pregnancy, then the handmaid is a meritorious and commendable person.2.3 The Oppression of Gender FreedomIn the past, sex was free.At that time, the protagonist’s husband, also can’t be called a husband, should be called a boyfriend. He’s still hiding from his wife, the protagonist, and just a vision in his head. That was before they were married, before she became his real wife. She always gets there first and opens the room. Two people are free to have sex without being monitored or restricted. People are free, enthusiastic, cheerful, full of life and vitality. No one can’t live without sex. Lack oflove kills. There are no one she can love, all the people she can love are dead, are in a different place.In this country, however, all civilization has been restored to its most primitive state by biblical allusions, and even rape has been glorified as a monthly sacred rite. The three absurd men and women in the book, a solemn look, chanting sutra, clothes neatly repeat the monthly fertilization ceremony. The bizarre gesture is also inspired by a biblical allusion, in which a maidservant lies between the legs of the archbishop’s wife, while the archbishop performs the act of fertilisation with the maidservant under the gaze of his wife. All three are silent, no groans during sex, no expressions of ecstasy, no reaction from the archbishop at the last. It's like three bodies still breathing, moving a mechanical piston.My red dress was rolled up to the waist.The archbishop below was inmotion.He did my lower half.I don't say sex because that's not whathe's doing.Nor is it appropriate to say that sex, which means twopeople are involved, is now just one person's business.Even rapecannot be excused: everything that goes on here is something I havevoluntarily signed up to do.Not many choices, but not all choices,and this is my choice (Atwood Margaret , 1992: 120).In the eyes of the protagonist, all these ACTS can only be a kind of coitus, just for the sake of making love, not with emotional color of the sex, just a kind of sex to satisfies the physiological behavior. What is called lovemaking is not lovemaking, it is only a sexual act, satisfying the sex of the archbishop. In the eyes of the protagonist, it is only to complete a task, in the boring life of the river through the barren life. Everyone is just trying to survive.To live is to have hope.Love is only real love when you make love to someone you love.3. Resistance and Struggle3.1The Struggle Between the CharactersWith the story of the past, to create fear about the future, history itself is proof of history’s repeatability, since all this happened, it may happen again in the future, who can firmly guarantee the history?One of the book’s most frightening details is how such a highly civilised society came to be known as a Gilead. The book also takes the heroine Offred, flashback way, let us see what each snowflake before the avalanche did. Things started to change when Offred ran one morning and found her credit card frozen. Then she learned that not only she, but all the women, had their bank accounts frozen and their personal assets transferred to their husbands or their closest male relatives. The government then announced that all women would be fired, and Offred was stripped of her right to work. Then they had to become silent snowflakes. Until finally, when the snowflakes see danger coming and want to escape, only to find that there is no place to hide, Offred and her child, Hannah, is also captured by the army. After she was captured, Offred kept thinking back to what her mother, a staunch feminist, had said to her. Yeah, when the bayonet doesn’t go in our chest, we always fool ourselves that things might not be so bad after all. And when the tragedy really happened, it was too late to regret.One of the great ironies of the book was that it was the archbishop’s wife, a woman, who made the Gilead patriarchal society possible. Once a celebrated feminist, she is now a twisted bishop’s wife, trapped in a prison of her own making.And regret is more than these women, the wife was captured to do sex slaves, children were abducted whereabouts unknown, separated husband and wife, separation of the flesh and blood, for the bottom of the male is also a kind of torture.Therefore, the patriarchal society not only represses women, but also represses men. It also represses all human beings. This is not the oppression of one gender by another, but the self-castration of human beings. The appearance of handmaids, in the public is for the selfless dedication of collectivism, is for the continuation of human reproduction, so the emergence of a few people’s evil.Is it not evil, then, to do evil to a few? Any kind of infringement of the rights of others, is evil, acquiescence is an accomplice! What's worse, one day you'll suddenly find yourself in a minority and you won’t be able to stop the executioners.3.2 The Manifestation of ConflictWomen have free will, suddenly enveloped by The Times becomes a totalitarian society reproductive tool, all the original social relations were disrupted, side no one can believe, live without meaning, but there is another reason to can’t die, so in this twisted world, being careful and even staying silent is the way to survive, under thecondition of the monitored by the world observation and reflection on the world at the same time, deadpan but have been kept thinking about reading aloud as if still in the candy store yesterday, could burst into cry at any time-a story about resistance, and who wouldn’t like?The original novel has two characteristics. One is the realistic depiction of the future, because a lot of details in the novel happened in history (such as the middle ages), which makes you feel the same. The second is to spend a lot of time on the description of the psychological activities of the heroine, this form is very easy to reach the hearts of the audience.The Handmaid’s Tale is not a myth. It may happened overnight in Iran. All the women were kicked out of school, they couldn’t work, they couldn’t dress casually, they had to wear black robes and they had to stay at home. Not only Iranian women, but also many women around the world live in a patriarchal society and are oppressed both physically and mentally.It is better to die than to be a slave. The dictator praised God and did what was forbidden. These people do evil things in the name of God, and God is angry with them.The conflict in the book is not the kind of fierce and progressive conflict, is unknown into the scamming conflict. The protagonist drives out of the country with her husband in the first act of rebellion, but unfortunately is discovered by soldiers at the border, and the escape ends in failure. After she become the archbishop’s handmaid. During the meal, she secretly tears off a corner of a tissue, wraps it in butter, takes it to the side of the closet, and stuffs it into the tip of the right toe of the other shoe, as she has done before. She crumples up the rest of the paper towels and uses the butter in the dead of night. At the same time, she tries to leave her own mark in the room where she is staying temporarily, including in the battle of wits with the archbishop’s wife, showing her patience and intelligence. When they get news from their partners, they ask for relevant information carefully. When she goes to the slut club with the archbishop, she meets my dear and when she is shocked that she has become a prostitute, she does not forget to hide it so as not to expose both sides to the disadvantage of both sides. Resistance is the surest way to have a conversation with a good friend and use bathroom breaks to communicate. Although there is not a word about conflict and struggle in the whole text, but all the text shows this kind of strong and silent struggle and resistance.3.3 The Feminist Resistance and StruggleFrench famous feminist activist Beauvoir pointed out that women are the second sex, is absolutely another (姜媛,2017:9). This means that, for women, in terms of status and identity, men are the first, the first; the second represents the subordination of women to the first, which in itself reveals the differences and inequalities between the sexes. What then are the others? To understand the meaning of the other, we must first distinguish the other from the other: the former from the other, the latter from the self.According to the female images described by Beauvoir herself, men and women are always in an unequal position: men are the subject, while women are subordinate and the other (波伏瓦,2010). As the other, women are naturally at a disadvantage: men shape women according to their own will, making women always in a passive position. For women themselves, the opposition between the ego and the other is very sharp, because they live in a narrow social circle and have no way to realize themselves. They can only rely on men, so that women close themselves off and eventually break away from the outside world and become the other.There are many reasons for this. First, because in the face of resistance and oppression, women can do nothing but obey them. Resignation is their only way out.Second, women themselves do not have a completely independent sense of self.They construct their own love, live in the ideal, blindly give themselves to men, let others control their own destiny, even take the initiative to ally with men, actively make themselves other. The inner character of this novel is called the other .Carnality refers to a state of being. For women, their state of existence is confined to a narrow space with stagnant thoughts and nothing to do but passively accept their situation. According to Beauvoir, all existence is transcendent and internal at the same time. Immanence opposes transcendence and is therefore fixed. Like men, as a being, as a person, the transcendence of women has almost completely disappeared, leading to carnality as their main characteristic. As other women, their freedom is lost and their rights are limited : they are unable to plan for themselves, to explore new fields of activity, to generate new meanings and values, and can only mechanically repeat the immanence of nothingness. These are the destinies of patriarchy for women. Laws and customs give great power to the husband; his own situation suggests that a husband is different from his wife. Because he is a producer, he transcends the。




















《使女的故事》(The Handmaid's Tale)是加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德于1985年出版的一部反乌托邦小说。




















使女的故事 epub 英文

使女的故事 epub 英文

使女的故事epub 英文【使女的故事Epub 英文简介】《使女的故事》(The Handmaid"s Tale)是加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)于1985年创作的一部反乌托邦小说。

























除了主人公Offred外,还有她的朋友Moira和她的主人夫人Serena Joy等等。


Moira作为一个反抗者,她选择了逃跑,但最终也无法逃脱被捕的命运;而Serena Joy则是一个原先是女权主义者,却最终成为了压迫其他女性的帮凶。




















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从目的论的角度对《使女的故事》英译汉的分析Analysis of the Translation of The Handmaid 's Tale Season From the Perspective of Skopos Theory摘要:加拿大知名女作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德是个典型的后现代知识分子作家,她的作品不仅生发于自己的经历和感性认识,更是来源于后现代理论、书本知识以及大量的案头调研。



关键词:《使女的故事》;目的论;英译本;格丽特·阿特伍德Abstract:Canadian famous female writer Margaret Atwood is a typical post-modern intellectual writer, her works not only originated in her own experience and perceptual knowledge, but also from the post-modern theory, books, and a large number of desk research. His masterpiece "The Handmaid’s Tale Season" is such a rich post-modern element, Jiyu the author's deep political view of the anti-utopian theme works, power means bright. This article focuses on the analysis of the English version of the story of the servant girl through the perspective of teleology to understand its translation methods and attitudes.Key words:"The Handmaid’s Tale Season"; a translation; Greet Atte wood .目录1.Introduction (4)1.1 Research Background (4)1.2 Research Significance (4)1.3 Structure of the Paper (5)2. Literature Review (5)2.1 An Overview of Translation (5)2.2 Studies on Translation (6)2.3 Studies on The Handmaid’s Tale Season (6)3. Theoretical Background: Skopos Theory (7)3.1 The Development of Skopos Theory (7)3.2 Three Key Rules of Skopos Theory (8)3.2.1 Purpose principle (8)3.2.2 Coherence principle and fidelity principle (8)3.2.3 Principle of loyalty (9)3.3 Feasibility of Skopos Theory to Translation (9)4. An Exemplification of Translations from the Perspective of Skopos Theory: A Case Study of The Handmaid’s Tale Season (10)4.1 A Brief Introduction to The Handmaid’s Tale Season (10)4.2 Common Strategies for Translation in The Handmaid’s Tale Season (10)4.3 Suggested Translation in Terms of Skopos Theory (11)4.4 Major Methods in the Translation (11)5. Conclusion (12)Reference (13)Thanks (13)1.Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundMargaret Atwood's excellent writing skills and strong national awareness, political awareness, environmental protection ( ecology ) consciousness is embodied in his masterpiece, The Handmaid’s Tale Season. "The Handmaid’s Tale Season" in 1985 into print without, won the Canadian literary Governor of the Year and the Los Angeles Times Best Novel Award, and was shortlisted for the English World Nobel Prize in the Booker Prize final,1987 year again to get Arthur C • Clark sci-Fi literature award 4 It is also a Canadian winner of the Commonwealth Literature Prize[1]."The Handmaid’s Tale Season" in the language widely use puns and other rhetorical devices, narrative structure, the text is rich in potential meaning, and contains a large number of religious and cultural vocabulary and sporogenous words, the text itself and power discourse has a deep intertwined relationship, in translation has a great difficulty. This article mainly studies its English translation, through the angle of teleology to the "Maid of the Story" of the translation method analysis, so that readers better feel the theme and deep connotation.1.2 Research SignificanceThe Handmaid’s Tale Season is set in Massachusetts, where democratic government is replaced by the theocratic base, where women's social status has fallen sharply, women who have fertility are transformed into national resources, and are assigned to high-ranking senior officials to breed, to become fertility tools, The women who had lost their fertility were either served by the ruling class, were sisters and Horses ( Maids ),or had been classified as non-women, and had been rushed to the quarantine camp, where nuclear waste was contaminated, Even the archbishop's wives were not able to participate in social and cultural life unless they had the power to manage housework. The author's imagination is bold and frightening, but even more frightening is that the future of the authors ' predictions is now based on reality, so the story of the servant girl has a high social warning value. This paper analyses the English translation of the Servant girl's story from the perspective of teleology, which has a certaintheoretical and practical significance in understanding its translation methods and translation versions and feeling the warning value of the works[2].1.3 Structure of the PaperOn the basis of clarifying the research background, significance and research status of this topic, this paper focuses on the main contents of the English translation of the Servant Girl's story and the common methods of translation from the angle of teleology, thus making a little effort for the better translation of the works. English translation embodies the core idea of Functionalist Skopos Theory - "translation purpose determines translation strategy". It follows the principle of faithfulness and subordinates to the principle of coherence. The degree of coherence and faithfulness is ultimately determined by "purpose". From the perspective of faithfulness and betrayal, this paper explores the purpose and role of translators in selecting suitable translation strategies.2. Literature Review2.1 An Overview of English versionMargaret Atwood is an evergreen figure in the study of foreign literature, the first edition of The Handmaid’s Tale Season of the New York Times bestseller list. at a month, . Amazon as the world's best-selling book, it can be seen in the English world popularity. Margaret Atwood's work is also a must for many foreign college English Literature class contents, even a professor combined with years of students studying Margaret Atwood Wood works of the situation assembled a book, as a reader's guide into print without published. I refer to 3 studies of Margaret Atwood's English research monographs, the accompanying research paper is hundreds, the study covers its poetry, prose, fiction, literary theory, interviews and other literary forms. The research direction includes the national character, the biography research, the Power consciousness, the feminism, the Ecology doctrine, the historical text, the language characteristic, "The Blind" and "the existence" and so on the specific topic and so on, but generally is the feminist research as the mainstream, contains other criticism direction[3].2.2 Studies on English versionGina Wisker (in) in the title Margaret Atwood ' s The Handmaid's Tale:reader ' s Guide The research monographs in five chapters guide the reader to understand The Handmaid’s Tale Season, the first chapter introduces the background of the book of the maid's story . ; The second chapter introduces the reader to the four common themes of the study of the maid's story, namely, female and feminism, the form and style of language, anti-utopia and similar novel, power control and religious fundamentalism. ; Chapter Three leads the reader to read the story of the Servant Girl by chapter, summarizes the main idea and analyzes its role in promoting the development of the whole story plot . ; The fourth chapter, on the basis of the first three chapters, gives the reader a general introduction to the study of The Handmaid’s Tale Seasonservant, covering the first book review to the latest criticism . ; The fifth chapter lists the references of each chapter and selects a series of criticism and commentary articles for readers with further reading needs[4].2.3 Studies on The Handmaid’s Tale SeasonCongqingli (2011) It is pointed out that "The Handmaid’s Tale Season" "uses unique narrative strategy to show readers the unique theme of the novel", such as "time-space overlapping" narrative method is full of critical, through the criticism of history to arouse the reader's reflection ; repeated narrative techniques remind the reader that the tragedy is constantly on the way, and must reflect on.Feminism and female ecology have always been the main direction of the study of the story of the Handmaid, Zhangdongmei, Hirotoshi (2013) , Shengli (2014) , Lian (2014) all coincide with the situation that women and nature are oppressed in the patriarchal society, pointing out the natural closeness of women and nature, as well as natural retaliation and women's resistance.Huang (2016) from Foucault's body theory, the female's body is divided into the natural body ( Basic physiological needs are limited ) , economic body ( deprivation of economic rights such as the right to work and property ) , social body ( deprivation of basic social rights such as personal freedom, freedom of expression and communicationwith the outside world ) The analysis, in-depth interpretation of the tragic situation in which the women's bodies were subjected to strict discipline as state-owned resources, and pointed out that the writer, Atwood, wanted to alert the woman and provide inspiration for the struggle of the female compatriots to find their own identity[5]. 3. Theoretical Background: Skopos Theory3.1 The Development of Skopos TheorySkopos theory was first put forward by Katerina Rice in the late 1970s and early 80s. In 1971, she published the book "possibilities and limitations of translation criticism" and published relevant proposals. Although Rice is still based on the theory of equivalence, she is also aware that it is sometimes impossible to achieve equivalence between the source text and the target text in the real context, and sometimes even does not want to establish equivalence, because some translations are intended to achieve a purpose or function different from the original text. In this case, translation should first consider the function of the translated text rather than equivalence, which forms the origin of Skopos theory[6].Later, Rice's student, Hans Vermeer, broke through the limitations of equivalence theory and developed Skopostheorie on the basis of behavioral theory. He first proposed the basic principles of Skopostheorie in his 1978 essay The Framework of General Translation Theory. In 1984, he collaborated with Rice on the Theoretic Basis of General Translation, in which Vermeer regarded translation (including interpretation) as an act of translation based on the original text, and any act was purposeful, so translation was purposeful and could have an impact on the culture of the target language. In addition, two other German translators, Jasta Hertz Mantali and Christian Nord, further developed the theory. Mantari defines translation as "a complex act intended to achieve a specific purpose" on the basis of behavioral theory. In particular, she emphasizes the behavioral aspects of the translation process, focusing on the roles of the participants in the translation activities (the initiator, the translator, the user of the text, the recipient of the information) and the contextual conditions in which the participants occur. As a new generation of German school, Nord put forward the"loyalty principle" and applied Skopos Theory to interpreter training, interpretation, literary translation and other fields. Therefore, if Rice provides a specific basis for the emergence of Skopostheorie, Vermeer becomes the founder of Skopostheorie because he puts forward the main principles of Skopostheorie. Mantali's contribution lies in her emphasis on the behavior of the translation process, the role of the participants and the environment in which the translation takes place, while Nord perfects the theory and expands its application[7].3.2 Three Key Rules of Skopos Theory3.2.1Purpose principleSkopostheorie holds that the primary principle followed by all translation activities is the Skopos Principle, which means that translation should be able to function in the context and culture of the target language in the manner expected by the target language recipient. The purpose of translation behavior determines the whole process of translation, that is, the result determines the method. However, translation activities can be further divided into three categories: (1) the basic purpose of the translator (e.g. making a living); (2) the communicative purpose of the translation (e.g. enlightening the reader); (3) the purpose of using a particular means of translation (e.g. adopting structural straightness in order to illustrate the peculiarities of the grammatical structure of a language). The way of translation. Usually, however, the term "purpose" refers to the communicative purpose of the translated text, i.e. the communicative function of the translated text in the socio-cultural context of the target language. (Venuti: 2001) Therefore, the translator should specify his specific purpose in a given translation context and decide which translation method to adopt - literal translation, free translation or in between[8].3.2.2Coherence principle and fidelity principleCoherence refers to the fact that a translation must conform to the criteria of intralingual coherence, that is, the readability and acceptability of the translation, which enables the recipient to understand and make sense in the translator's culture and in the communicative context in which the translation is used. The principle of faithfulnessmeans that there should be coherence between the original and the target text. This is equivalent to what other translation theories call faithfulness to the original, but the degree and form of faithfulness to the original depends on the purpose of the translation and the translator's understanding of the original[9].3.2.3Principle of loyaltyThe principle of loyalty was put forward by Nord. She finds two flaws in Skopostheorie: first, people in different cultural backgrounds have different views on good translation because of different cultural patterns; and if the communicative purpose of the translation required by the Skopostheorie is just the opposite of the original author's intention, then we will abide by the Skopostheorie and violate the principle of fidelity. . Therefore, Nord puts forward the principle of loyalty to solve the cultural differences and the relationship between the participants in translation. Nord holds that the translator has a moral obligation to the recipient of the translation and must explain to them what he has done and why he has done so. This is part of the principle of loyalty. On the other hand, the principle requires the translator to be faithful to the original author. The translator should respect the original author and coordinate the target language and the author's intention. (Nord: 2001) Therefore, the principle of loyalty focuses on the relationship between the translator and the original author, the client, the recipient and other participants in the translation process. Nord suggested that the translator should follow the guiding principle of "function plus loyalty", thus improving the theory[10].3.3 Feasibility of Skopos Theory to English versionThe target criterion is naturally the primary criterion for evaluating different translations of the same text. This criterion requires translation behavior to be determined by the purpose of the translation. The purpose of several English versions of The Servant's Story is to tell the readers what the Servant's Story is and what it mainly discusses. In other words, the purpose of several selected translations is to convey the original information to the target cultural readers accurately and comprehensively. In this sense, informativeness should be the core criterion for evaluating severaltranslations. In view of the close relationship between the purpose of the translation and the type of the original text, it is reasonable to analyze the translation from the angle of text type[11].4. An Exemplification of English version from the Perspective of Skopos Theory: A Case Study of The Handmaid’s Tale Season4.1 A Brief Introduction to The Handmaid’s Tale SeasonThe Handmaid’s Tale Season is a futuristic novel. Future fiction is also called speculative "suspense fiction" in Western critics. It describes the future, but not the usual sense of science fiction. Although future fiction contains science fiction elements, it has strong cultural content. It tells the historical future and makes it possible. With the discovery of several historians, The Handmaid’s Tale Season, which was written more than 200 years ago, allows a woman who unfortunately degenerated into a maid in Gillette and escaped by chance to tell the reader the story that happened before that time through the voice recorded on tape, that is, the protagonist will be in the next 21 generations. In the beginning of his life, there were a lot of characters' memories and Reflections on their life in 1980s[12].4.2 Common Strategies for English version in The Handmaid’s Tale SeasonIn order to reproduce accurately and completely the information presented in the text of the target language, the translator adopts the method of free translation and annotation in the text. In many examples, the comments in parentheses provide a proper explanation of the textual information, which can help Western readers to better understand the whole theory. Based on the content of the translator, the reader can understand the relationship between the entire time frame of the maid's story and the main events, which is beneficial to their entire reading process. Considering the type of text and the type of translation itself, the information of the passage is well balanced by the translator's adoption of appropriate translation methods and techniques[13].4.3 Suggested English version in Terms of Skopos TheoryIn response to The Handmaid’s Tale Season of the same source, the two translations adopted different translation methods and more specific translation techniques to achieve the ultimate goal of information transmission. In Wu's translation, free translation runs through all the Times. It is obvious that translators use interpretive and interpretive translation in order to make the information they want to convey clear. Subject to the differences between the translator's own culture and the target language culture, the translator must make the necessary adjustments in order to achieve the consistency of the original text and the translation in the content. In addition, this feature, which is presented in the form of a Chinese-English version, can be regarded as a supplement to the implicit information for the reader's consideration. Given the absolute distance between The Handmaid’s Tale Season and the western Reader in time and space, the free translation they have taken is highly justified[14].4.4 Major Methods in the English versionBecause teleology is to determine the success of the translation with the intended purpose, the intended purpose reflects the requirements of the target readers, and the requirements of the readers are different, so "teleology" advocates the diversification of translation standards. Equivalence is only a form suitable for the purpose of translation and is the principle adopted in a particular case. Equivalence should be subject to the relevance of the translation ( adequacy),Therefore, the standard for translating teleology to evaluate the quality of the translation is appropriate (adequacy)ratherthan equivalent translation (equivalence), suitability refers to whether the translation conforms to the requirements stipulated in the requirements of the translator, that is to say, the translated text should fulfill its communicative function in the context and culture of the target language. This is also evident in the different versions of the English version of The Handmaid’s Tale Season. Teleology believes that "text is a source of information that provides information, and the reader chooses the information that is of interest or importance." Thus, the original text is no longer the first or foremost criterion of translator's translation, it is only one of many factorsin the translator's choice of information. "and the important basis of information choice is that" the coherence of the language is subordinate to the coherence of the language, and they all belong to the principle of purpose. "5. ConclusionIn a word, Skopostheorie provides a new perspective for translation studies, which is conducive to the comprehensive study of various translation variants and the development of translation theories. However, exaggerating the guiding role of Skopostheorie ignores the diversity of translation studies and is not conducive to the development of translation studies. Therefore, translation circles should still advocate the coexistence of various translation studies and seek further development from their strengths and weaknesses. This paper, taking The Handmaid’s Tale Season as an example, explores the translation strategies of her English versions and compares the translation status of different English versions from the perspective of Skopostheorie, hoping to enrich the Skopos Theory and the relevant studies of The Maid's Story[15].Reference1.Atwood,Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale and Oryx and Crake‘In Context.’PMLA, 2004. 513–517.2.Burack,Cynthia. Bringing Women's Studies to Political Science: TheHandmaid in the Classroom. NWSA Journal, 1988. 274–283.3.Bergmann,Harriet F. Teaching Them to Read:A Fishing Expedition in theHandmaid's Tale. College English, 1989. 847–854.4.Coral Ann Howells. The Cambridge Companion to Margaret Atwood.Cambridge University Press, 2006.5.Dominick M.Grace. The Handmaid's Tale ':Historical Notes's andDocumentary Subversion. Science Fiction Studies, 1998. 481–494.6.蔡云琴. 有没有第三条出路——论《使女的故事》的悖论策略. 大连海事大学学报(社会科学版), 2013. 92-95.7.陈小慰. 一部反映现实的未来小说——玛格丽特·阿特伍德《使女的故事》评析. 当代外国文学, 2003. 162-167.8.丁林棚.《使女的故事》中的话语政治. 外国文学研究,2015.9.丁林棚. 阿特伍德《使女的故事》中的身体政治. 外国文学,2017.10.高宣扬. 当代法国哲学导论. 同济大学出版社, 2004.11.刘辉. 基列国使女的主体建构——《使女的故事》精神—政治解读. 外语研究, 2017. 104-107.12.玛格丽特·艾特伍德著.秦明利译. 生存——加拿大文学主题指南. 中国文联出版公司, 1991.13.米歇尔·福柯著,佘碧平译. 性经验史. 上海人民出版社, 2005.14.米歇尔·福柯著,刘北成,杨远婴译. 规训与惩罚:监狱的诞生, 2003.15.欧翔英. 厨房里的革命及反革命——读阿特伍德的恶托邦小说《使女的故事》[J].当代文坛, 2008. 163-165.ThanksThis paper is completed under the instruction and guidance of XXX teacher. The topic, conception and finalization of the paper are permeated with the mentor's effort and sweat. Professor's profound knowledge and rigorous style of study have benefited me for a lifetime, and I express my deep respect and gratitude.I would also like to thank my parents for their kindness in bringing me up, who have worked hard, let me complain, hope for a successful child, and do not want to repay me. They have given me love and support to complete my studies smoothly.Finally, because of my limited level, there are unavoidable shortcomings in the text, and I urge your teachers to criticize and correct them.。
