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Video Games




Video games have become very popular in recent years. Wherever you go you can always see youngsters and even adults indulged in the games. When they play the games in clubs, stores, or at homes, they concentrate all their attention on them, with their hands moving busily. Obviously video games give them great pleasure and excitement.

Video games are a wonderful kind of entertainment. They bring great pleasures to young people, train them to respond quickly and stimulate their imagination and interest in electronics and computer science. In short, video games play a beneficial role in the development of youngsters’ intelligence.

Just as a coin has two sides, video games also have some disadvantages. Some young people, especially school children, spend too much time playing them, which harms to their health and eyes and affects their school achievements. Only if one has enough self-control can he benefit from video games.

How to achieve Success




Some people say the key to success is the luck, while others claim it is hard work. As far as I am concerned, there are many factors contributing to success and the three fundamental ones are diligence, devotion and perseverance.

Diligence is the first key factor to success. Diligence helps us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. It makes a fool wise, and a poor man rich. Devotion is another factor to success. Whatever we do, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we set our minds on the job, can we do it well. Furthermore, perseverance, or a strong will, is the last key to success. Without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we meet some difficulties, let alone perform wonderful deeds.

To conclude, all great men achieve success through diligence, devotion and perseverance. Just as the famous saying goes, "No pains, no gains", "Where there is a will, there is a way."

Styles of living(自己住还是和父母住)

1、有些年轻人愿意和父母住;2有些年轻人更愿意自己独立居住3、我的看法Nowaday, there's a tendency that people perfer to live alone by himself or herself instead of living with parents .Which has generated a heated debate among people with regarding to this phenomenon.

On one hand,some people say that it is a good way to live with parents because whenever they are upset they have their parents to talk to .Moreover, they parents can do everything they don't like to do for them which suit them the most. However, on the other hand, some argue that it is bad to live with parents . As you living with you parents, you'll never want to strick yourself out and learn to be indenpent. What's more, living by themselves, they can do whatever they like without being criticized by their parents.

From my perspective, I tend to perfer living alone. Because it is vitally important for us to learn to be indenpent as to adapt the fierce competion in our society .

Private schools




More and more private schools are being set up in China these days,ending the state monopoly of the country's educational system. Although private schools are still on the experimental stage and are much more expensive as compared with public schools,there is no lack of application for enrollment.

People welcome private schools for good reasons. First of all,those schools are relieving our government of part of the burdens of financing so many schools. Secondly,parents are willing to send their only child to better schools even if they costs more. And having more money than the government-funded public schools,those private schools can attract better teachers. They can also offer better environments including superior living facilities and more advanced teaching equipment.

However,adequate money doesn't guarantee good education. If not well guided and properly disciplined,the privileged young children might turn out to be new aristocrats,and therefore unfit for our highly competitive modern society.
