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• olive sauce To chop garlic with anchovy fish (anchovy), respectively, to wash acid beans (capers), thyme, mint, savory and lemon juice, spotted with food the machine well, then pour the olive oil, and season with pepper. Do the olive paste daub is on slightly toasted bread is the most authentic appetizer, and olive sauce made French bread is a specialty of provence, if you like, still can take olive sauce to cook! 橄榄酱 将大蒜与鳀鱼(anchovy)分别切碎,加入洗净的酸豆(capers)、 百里香、香薄荷(savory)和柠檬汁,以食物处里机打匀,徐徐 倒入橄榄油,并以胡椒调味。做好的橄榄酱涂抹在稍微烘烤的 面包上就是最道地的开胃菜,而以橄榄酱作成的法国面包更是 普罗旺斯的特产,如果喜欢,还能拿橄榄酱来作菜呢!
• garlic mayonnaise Garlic mayonnaise provence, commonly known as cream, its popularity, as a direct translation of names, is mixed with garlic mayonnaise, simple, but the collocation of food but magnificently, boiled egg, steamed fish, into various lobster material can match well. 大蒜美乃滋 大蒜美乃滋常被人称为普罗旺斯的奶油, 可见其受欢迎的程度,如同名字的直接翻译, 就是美乃滋与大蒜的混合,简单的不得了,但 是搭配的食物可是洋洋洒洒,从水煮蛋、蒸鱼、 到各色龙虾料里都能搭配得宜
• A trip is never complete without tasting some of the local food. In Provence, you will find dishes made with garlic, sweet tomatoes, and olive oil. Provence is also famous all over France for its delicious wine. • 旅行时若不尝尝当地的 食物,那么行程就不算完整 了。在普罗旺斯你会找到用 大蒜、甜西红柿和橄榄油调 制而成的佳肴,这儿的美酒 在法国也很有名。
薰衣草之都Lavender Sault
• Lavender--薰衣草,这种花语为"等待爱情"的紫色小花,不 知迷倒了多少人。Self Voyages Provence(普罗旺斯自助游旅 行社)的Pascal先生开着他的丰田带着我们穿山过野,翻过白 色石灰岩即使是夏天看起来也像是白雪皑皑的冯杜山(Mont Ventoux),穿过大片大片金色的向日葵园,终于停在了一片 紫霞蒸腾的土地。 薰衣草之都Lavender Sault 赛尔真是太美了。看到如此 茂盛的薰衣草田,如此纯粹的紫色在高高低低的田园里绽开, 在夏日的风中打开浪漫的符号,像那种最沉静的思念,最甜 蜜的惆怅,仿佛藏身于深爱者的心中却永远无法执子之手的 那种温暖而忧伤的感觉。 收割好的干草垛卷成橡木酒桶样子,三个五个地晾晒在 田野上,黄得很单纯。黄与紫就这样干净地舒展着,空气里、 我们的头发上,肌肤上满满的沾染了薰衣草的味道。
Marseille fish soup Actually the whole France has their own fish soup, just slightly different content, crown again different name, such as Brittany (Brittany) cotriade, cuny pauchouse root ground ('). Also don't know how one thing, it is a provence, especially famous marseille fish soup here, anyone who visit to marseille, mouth must not be empty. Dashi history has more than 2500 years and is rumored to be greeks into French, but if not the Greek guide, be in marseille, the Mediterranean, sooner or later will also create a fish soup. Marseille fish soup focus on the various wonderful species, mention fish species, the long story. What should or should not put the fish in the fish soup, you will always get consistent answers. Comparison to be sure, the traditional marseille fish soup is not shellfish, especially mussels is absolutely can't appear, but they are not prohibited crab and lobster. This standard is not to put all fields, you might as well take a closer look at why the content of the bowl.
• If you are going to Europe, you might consider taking some time to visit Provence. Whether you are interested in beautiful places, ancient history, good food and wine, or music and theater, Provence has something to offer even the pickiest traveler. • 如果你要去欧洲旅行,或许可以考虑 花点时间去游览普罗旺斯。不管你喜 欢的是美丽的风景、悠久的历史,还 是佳肴美酒、音乐或戏剧,即使是最 挑剔的游客,普罗旺斯都能呈献给你 最好的东西。
• 马赛鱼汤 其实整个法国都有属于自己的 鱼汤,只是内容稍微有异,再冠上 不同的名称而已,如布列塔尼 (Brittany)的cotriade、勃根地 (Burgundy)的pauchouse。也不知 怎么一回事,就是普罗旺斯,尤其 是马赛这儿的鱼汤特别有名,凡是 造访马赛者绝不能空嘴而归。 鱼汤的历史已超过2,500年, 据传是希腊人带进法国的,不过就 算没有希腊人的引导,位处于地中 海的马赛迟早也会创造出鱼汤来。 马赛鱼汤的重点就在各色各样精采 的鱼种,提起鱼种,故事又长了。 到底鱼汤中应该或不应该放入那些 鱼,你永远得不到一致的答案。比 较可以确定的是,传统的马赛鱼汤 是没有贝类的,尤其是淡菜绝对不 能出现,但是螃蟹和龙虾并不禁止。 此标准并非放诸四海,你不妨仔细 瞧瞧自己碗里的内容为何。
• 波城古堡是指位于亚耳附近地区的波城· 普 罗旺斯(Les Baux de Provence)的古城 塞遗迹。波城这里曾经是被诗人米斯特拉 称为“鹫族”的英勇的波城一族驻守的城 塞,后来经历了无数次战争硝烟的洗礼, 波城古堡于路易13世在位期间毁于战火, 现在保留的是当年的古堡废墟可供游人参 观。 波城古堡的入口处是波城历史博物馆 (Musée d'Histoire des Baux),展示城堡 当年鼎盛时期的历史资料与文物,站在城 堡顶端,环顾四方,亚耳古城等周边风光 尽收眼底,据说北方的地狱谷(Va d'Enfer)

Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
交 通:由亚耳巴士 总站乘前往马赛方向 的大巴,在Les Baux 下车即可,每天有4班 车。 门 票:波城历史博 物馆门票6.5欧元 开放时间:旺季(7、 8月)9:00~20:30; 其他时间9:00~19: 30。
• Now, every year has several million people wells up into south methodproletariat prosperous Si and the deep blue seacoast, leisurely andcarefree which with difficulty arrives personally which in the picturealbum to describe in the view and the novel cannot be believed, if thetravel is for get rid of the life the shackles, proletariat prosperousSi Huirang you forget all. • The French proletariat prosperous Si's sky blue insightful is bright,the air likes freshly ices the lemonade to seep into in the lung, themoral nature most deep place like has the clear current of a spring,straight thought the song eats delicacies. The all over the mountainsand plains aspic lets the person wild with joy not already, in thebicycle, the ox head, young girl's skirt hem inserts Man Shenzi thelight blue bouquet of flowers, the entire mountain valley filled theair the thoroughly ripe thick thick grass to be fragrant. In the fielda cage cage scatters in all directions the aspic and the tall andstraight sunflower platoon become the neat ranks continuously toextend to the distant place, an edge of a paddy field slanting appletree, not distant place several Huang Qianglan wooden window smallbrick house
• Provence is in the south of France. It is picture-perfect3 with its green hills, olive trees, and old towns with pretty houses. Here, visitors can find forests, colorful flowers, horses, and warm people with ready smiles. • 普罗旺斯位于法国南部。这儿的绿色山丘、橄 榄树以及老镇的美丽房舍都完美无瑕。在这里, 游客可以看到森林、色彩缤纷的花朵、马匹和 脸上总是挂着温暖笑容的居民。