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Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying ther e is anything different about them.

“I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an actor who has recently

rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usual ly a brief period when they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hea r what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an ea gle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you

are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing somethi ng they had gained. They often make desperate attempts to r egain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emoti onally. The only real winners are those who are happy to b e back on the ground with the rest of us.


1.remarkably adv.引人注目地,明显地,非常地


n.火箭; 火箭发射器; 火箭发动机; 芝麻菜;

vi.飞快地移动; 急速上升;

vt.用火箭运送; 用火箭攻击



vt.崇拜,尊崇; 爱慕;

vi.做礼拜; 热爱; 爱慕; 崇拜(尤指达到看不到缺点的地步);

n.(对治安官或市长的尊称)阁下; 尊敬; 崇拜; 礼拜;



n.抗议; 反对; 申明;


vi.抗议; 断言;

vt.抗议; 声明反对; 断言;


[英][sɔ:(r)][美][sɔr, sor]

vi.高飞; 飞腾; 猛增,剧增; 高耸,屹立;

n.高飞; 高涨; 高飞围; 上升高度;

vt.高飞越过; 飞升到;



n.鹰; 鹰状标志; [高]比标准杆少两杆的分数;


第三人称单数:eagles过去分词:eagled复数:eagles现在进行时:eagling 过去式:eagled



n.残忍; 残忍的行为; 残酷行为; 虐待;




v.飞( fly的过去分词 ); 飞行; (旗)飘荡; 过得快;



vi.流; 垂; 流出; (谈话、文体等)流畅;

n.流动; 滔滔不绝; 涨潮; 连贯;

vt.使泛滥; 淹没; 排出;




adj.绝望的; 由绝望而引起的; 铤而走险的,孤注一掷的; 急切的,极度渴望的;

Have you ever heard of Jon Stewart ? he is currently o ne of the most popular comics on television. His pessimis tic view of the politics and government induces laughter ,thought and even anger . he has a clever wit that often runs into collision with some government policies. His whole show is devoted to making fun of the nonsense that occur s in politics. But ,what makes his show so successful is h is ability to tell his jokes with intelligence.

“It’s not just comedy , ”said one media expert . ”h is comments have a lot of influence over a very large au dience in American. He has a lot of political power.”

Recently Stewart was a guest on a news show about polit ics. The host journalist sparked a heated debate when he inquired about Stewart responsibility to the American public. Stewart argued that while the content of the scr ipt for his show may be political in nature, his primary obligation is to entertain. The host journalist, however ,emp hasized the political influence of his performance. The arg ument ended up rousing anger from both parties. The inci dent underlined how sensitive some people can be to what others find funny. It also showed how important comedian s have become to politics.

你听说过Jon stewart ?目前,他是电视荧幕上最受欢迎的喜剧演员之一,他对政治和政府的消极观点会引起观众大笑,进行思考,甚至愤怒。他是一个聪明机智的人,他的观点经常与一些政府政策碰撞。他整场秀致力于取笑发生在政治上发生的胡言乱语。但是,使他的秀走向成功是他智慧性的讲笑话的能力。一个媒体专家说:这不是一个喜剧,在美国,他的评价对一大批观众有很大的影响,他有很大的政治力量。

最近,Stewart成为一个关于政治新闻节目的宾客,当新闻主持人询问Stewart对美国公众的责任时,引发了一场激烈的争辩。Stewart 争辩道他的秀的剧本的容在本质上可能是政治,但是他主要的责任义务是娱乐。然而,新闻主持人强调他的表演有政治影响。
