E论文英文参考资料 有关提单欺诈的法律问题




第1篇一、引言提单(Bill of Lading,简称B/L)是国际贸易中货物运输的重要单证,它不仅是货物所有权的凭证,也是承运人与托运人之间运输合同的证明。



二、提单的法律性质1. 货物所有权的凭证提单作为货物所有权的凭证,体现了货物所有权的转移。


2. 运输合同的证明提单是承运人与托运人之间运输合同的证明。


3. 货物运输的证明提单是货物运输的证明,反映了货物的数量、重量、包装、标志、运输方式等信息。


三、提单的法律适用1. 国际规则(1)海牙规则(Hague Rules)海牙规则是国际海事组织于1924年制定的一部国际公约,旨在规范海上货物运输。


(2)汉堡规则(Hamburg Rules)汉堡规则是1978年制定的一部国际公约,旨在修正和完善海牙规则。



2. 各国立法(1)美国美国《1936年海上货物运输法》对提单的法律适用做了详细规定,包括提单的性质、效力、责任等内容。






第1篇一、引言货代提单(Freight Forwarder's Bill of Lading,简称FBL)是国际货物运输领域中常用的一种运输单证。

它是由货代(Freight Forwarder)根据托运人的要求,在货物运输过程中签发的,用以证明货物已由货代接收并按照托运人的指示装船,并承诺将货物运至目的地交收货人的单证。




货代提单具有以下特点:1. 具有法律效力,是托运人与货代之间签订的运输合同的法律表现形式。

2. 具有可转让性,托运人可以将货代提单转让给收货人或其他人。

3. 具有证明货物已由货代接收并按照托运人指示装船的法律效力。

4. 具有货物交付收货人的法律效力。

三、货代提单的法律效力1. 运输合同的法律效力货代提单是托运人与货代之间签订的运输合同的法律表现形式。





2. 货物交付的法律效力货代提单具有货物交付的法律效力。




关键词 贸易术语 FOB 欺诈 防范 对策
按照《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》的规定,在FOB贸易 术语下应由买方租船订舱,支付运费,并给予卖方关于船名,装 货地点和要求交货时间的充分通知,负担在装运港越过船舷后的 一切费用和风险,收取按合同规定交付的货物,接受有关单据并 负责按合同规定支付货款。但如果进口人与契约承运人恶意串通, 利用FOB术语的便利条件进行欺诈,就会使我国出口企业蒙受重 大的经济损失。在一次又一次的上当受骗后,高昂的学费不得不 使我们对FOB贸易术语进行全新的认识,从而抓住问题的实质实 现有效的防范。
同无法履行,卖方就相关损失向买方主张违约赔偿,卖方的损失 相对较小。而货物越过船舷前的风险更是卖方自己掌握货物,造 成灭失,虽然就交易中确是损失很大,但这种在自己控制范围内 的损失当事人心理还可以稍感平衡。而船公司的无单放货却可能 使卖方货款两空,这种非卖方控制范围内的损失是很难使当事人 从心理上接受的。更加令人愤慨的是由于是FOB合同项下是由买 方指定的船公司,卖方很难对其资质进行掌握,更没有选择权。 而此时若买方再与船公司相勾结,在不支付货款的情况下,通过 无单放货从船公司手中提取货物,则会使卖方陷入“人为刀俎,我 为鱼肉”任人宰割的被动局面。也许有人认为在FOB合同下,利用 信用证节结算会有效的防止这种欺诈事件的发生,但是在国际货 物买卖的实际操作中,如果国外买方真的与船公司勾结,只要卖 方在做单的过程中稍有疏忽,单据里只要有一点点的不符,亦或 “鸡蛋里挑骨头”式的有意刁难;更有甚者,买方在开据信用证中设 置软条款,从而以种种理由达到拒付货款的目的,然后利用船公 司的关系提取货物,导致国内卖方货款两空。如将上述情况具体 化,国外买方多年来的欺诈手段大体可有以下四种类型。
4.单证不符的陷阱 利用国内卖方对信用证的信赖,在信用证中设置软条款,使 国内卖方因单证不符,遭银行退单。主要表现为,在信用证生效 环节,货物检验环节、货物装船环节和货物验收环节设立软条款。 如信用证规定,必须由开证申请人或其指定人验货并签署质量检 验合格证书或者货物收据;货物质量检验证书必须经开证行或者 通知行核实;有关航运公司、船名、装船日期由买方另行通知收 益人;指定凭某船公司的提单结汇等等。还有的是采用放长线, 钓大鱼的办法,麻痹国内卖方。采用预付款或者后T/T方式先做一 笔金额较小的贸易,并及时付清货款,在取得国内卖方信任以后, 签订一批贸易买卖合同,利用先发货后付款的方式,少付或不付 货款③。 三、思考与对策——FOB 合同欺诈风险的防范对策 虽然我们倡导出口企业尽可能减少FOB贸易术语下合同的签 订,但是面对全球化贸易的大环境,商机稍纵即逝。而且随着我 国对外贸易的进一步扩大,受海上运营能力和运费攀高、国内舱 位爆满的实际情况制约,国内企业不得不选取FOB贸易术语签订 出口合同。在这种情况下,针对FOB合同的欺诈风险,建议国内 出口企业应该从以下几个方面着手,防止欺诈、被骗事件的发生。 1.针对不同的客户进行不同程度的风险控制 人们常说:只有完美的客户,没有完美的交易条件。在具体 操作中,对于那些不知底细的客户,信誉不良的客户要严格遵守 操作规定,高度警惕,严格把关,切不可操之过急,否则会事与 愿违的。但对于信誉较好的老客户,也不可掉以轻心,要随时关 注他的业务的变化,并设立风险控制底线,这是以充分注意FOB 条款的风险为合同订立的基本前提,从而防止任人宰割的尴尬局 面的发生。 2.减少 FOB 合同出口,掌握主动权 国内企业签订出口合同时,应尽量签订CIF或CFR条款,力拒 FOB条款,避免外商指定船公司、境外货代或无船承运人安排运 输,从而由我方掌握安排运输的主动权。总体来讲,在出口业务 中采用CIF或CFR术语成交要比采用FOB有利。因为在CIF条件下, 国际货物买卖中涉及的三个合同(买卖合同、运输合同和保险合 同)都由卖方作为其当事人,他可根据情况统筹安排备货、装运、 投保等事项,保证作业流程上的相互衔接。另外,有利于发展本 国的航运业和保险业,增加服务贸易收人。FOB条款增多,对国 轮、保险业的发展都不利,近几年来随着我国对外贸易的发展, 我国的三大船公司(中远、中海、外运)都有长足的发展,如果 外贸为规避运费上涨风险而去做FOB价,就会使国轮的发展失去 货源基础。国轮壮大不起来,最后受害者是国家和国内的发货人, 因为外轮占据了航运市场的主要份额,我国失去了对外运输的主 动权,将使进出口易受制于人。现在从北美、欧洲向我国出口的 运费是低的,增强了他们出LJ产品的竞争力;反之我国出口运价 水平持续偏高,削弱了我产品出口的竞争力。 3.严格按程序操作慎防外商指定船公司和境外货代 如外商坚持FOB条款并指定船公司、境外货代或无船承运人 安排运输,可接受知名的船公司,尽量避免接受指定的境外货代 或无船承运人。争取采用船公司提单取代货代提单。船公司大多 信誉良好,即便有时凭担保将货放给客户,但一旦出现问题,会 凭借其信誉与实力,妥善地处理纠纷,其信誉度远非货代公司可 比。如外商仍坚持指定的境外货代或无船承运人,为不影响出口, 必须严格按程序操作。对指定的境外货代或无船承运人的信誉要

2008届商务英语毕业论文 :浅析海运提单的种类风险及防范措施.

2008届商务英语毕业论文 :浅析海运提单的种类风险及防范措施.




关键词:提单,欺诈,风险防范AbstractThe bill of lading is carriage of goods by sea is the most important documents, has become the international trade and shipping cornerstone. However, as of international trade and shipping growing prosperity, bills of lading risks have crisis to the whole of the bill of lading normal operation mechanism, obstruct the international trade smoothly. Based on the bill of lading risk as the main line, in order to guard against the risk of problems as the goal of bill of lading, mainly from the Angle of legislation, through the comparative analysis of the steam font two-way conclusion: just because bill of lading risk problem exists, the whole system of the bill of lading shall be rejected, should perfect relevant legal norms, bill of lading and strict master beforehand through bill of lading, strict pour sign of Marine bill of lading signed system, thus ensuring the bill of lading for the further development of the international trade, play an increasingly important role. Keywords: B/L, cheating, risk prevention目录摘要1前言 (3)2 提单风险的类型 (4)2.1倒签和预借提单 (5)2.2.2 倒签提单、预借提单的法律性质及其责任 (5)2.3无提单交货 (5)2.4以保函换取清洁提单 (6)3 提单风险的成因分析 (6)3.1法律原因 (7)3.1.1 提单相关法律规范不完备 (7)3.1.2 提单本身的缺陷 (8)3.1.3 提单相关法律规范不完备 (9)3.2 实践原因 (9)3.2.1国际贸易及航运方面的原因 (9)3.2.2信用证项下的提单风险分析 (10)4 提单风险的防范及救济措施 (11)4.1杜绝或从严掌握预借和倒签提单 (11)4.2 提单制度本身的改革与完善 (12)4.3提单中载入仲裁条款 (12)4.4 选择资信好的交易伙伴 (13)4.5 严格海运提单的签署 (13)4.6选择可靠的船公司(承运人)运载货物 (13)4.7积极运用法律手段,及时要求海事司法保护 (14)总结 (14)参考文献 (14)致谢信 (15)1 前言《汉堡规则》第1条第7款对提单作了如下定义:“提单是证明海上货物运输合同和货物由承运人接管或装载以及承运人保证凭此交付货物的单据。




1993. [8] 於世成,杨召南,汪江淮.海商法[M].法律出版社,1997:117. [9] 邢海宝.海商提单法[M].法律出版社, 1999:539.
收稿日期: 2004-05-12 作者简介: 杨俊敏(1970-),男,国际法学硕士研究生,主要研究
或提单的所有人是因欺诈、事故、错误、威胁、遗弃、盗 窃或侵占而丧失提单占有的事实而受损害,条件是受 让提单或后继受让提单的人基于善意支付了对价,而 且对违背责任、欺诈、事故等情况一无所知。”
香港著名海商法专家杨良谊认为,提单骗案是指 在国际贸易中利用提单方式行骗。主要方式有倒签 提单、保函、无单放货等瞒骗行为。受害人通常是收 货人、船东等。[2] 有学者认为:海运欺诈泛指海运业务 中发生的欺诈行为。这些行为如果构成了犯罪,一方 面引起赔偿的民事责任,另一方面导致刑法处罚。[3] 也有学者认为应把它定义为:提单欺诈是近年来常常 发生的一种违法行为。它是海事欺诈的一种,具体形 式有伪造提单、不实记载货物状况、倒签提单或预借 提单等。[4]
“欺诈”一词来源于英语“FRAUD”。在国外,大 多数国家一般把欺诈归属于民事法律关系。他们只 有欺诈这一概念,即没有触及刑法的欺诈或隶属于民 事法律关系的欺诈。
美国 1916《联邦提单法》第 111 条规定:“提单流
罗马合同法早就规范了受欺诈的适法行为问题, 但还 较 为 间 接 和 模 糊。 罗 马 法 的 欺 诈 概念 , 拉 贝 奥 定
租船欺诈与租船合同纠纷、运输欺诈与运输合同纠 正本提单持有人再次凭单要求承运人提货,从而构成
纷)之间的界限,不能轻易地认定当事人所签订的合 同存在欺诈的成分。



电放提单的法律风险及其防范研究论文引入案例2010 年6 月日,塑胶有限公司( 以下称原告) 与会社( 以下称被告) 订立了一份塑料家具销售合同,价格条件为FOB深圳,合同总金额为18 万美元,付款方式为预付30% 的定金、余款见提单复印件( Copy of B/L) 后电汇。

原告在收到被告支付的定金后,于2010 年9 月委托深圳分公司通过海运将一批塑料家具运至日本东京,交给被告。



请求法院判令两被告赔偿原告货款损失11 万多美元及本案的诉讼费用。


原告集装箱内货物总价为18 万美元,扣除已收取的定金5. 5万美元,原告主张深圳分公司赔偿货物损失12. 5 万美元符合法律规定,对其诉讼请求予以支持。




电放提单于1993 年初在国际集装箱班轮近洋运输航线上出现,至今已有二十年的时间。


但是, 信用证制度最大 的特点是信用证独立原则 , 且对 于能否
止付信用证下款项 尚说法不一 。为 了不影响银行 的正 常结算
业 务及银行 的对外形象和信誉 ,运用司法手段干预信用证业
二、 提单欺诈 的法律救济
务应持特别慎重 的态度 , 应严格 限制其条件 :1 必须存在重 ()
() () 近年来我 国已成为国际海运 欺诈 的主要对象 。提单 的使 大欺诈情况 ;2 不损害善意第三人 的利益 ;3 冻结信 用证下 款项是 唯一可 以采取的财产保全方法 , 三者缺一不可。 这样才 用有较大的潜在风 险 , V商一旦发现外商有诈骗迹象时 , 进 I 首
为了防止带来 巨大的经济损失 ,买方可以要求银行止付
或 冻结 信 用 证 下 款 项 。我 国法 院 采 取 冻 结令 阻止 银 行 向欺 诈
人付款 的做法和 国际上的通行做法是一致 的。 因此 , 我进 口商 在有证据能够证 明出口商或承运人有伪造提单欺诈行 为发生
时, 应在适 当的时间 内向法 院申请 冻结令 , 以避免经济损 失。
先应注意及时向海事法 院提起诉讼 。如果在诈骗得逞之后才 向法 院提起诉讼 , 就极有可能找不到应诉方 , 即使找 到了法 院
主义初始阶段当权 者为了尽快 完成原 始积 累便赋予 了海盗行 为以合法地位。直 到这 些国家原始积 累的初步完成和近代工
欺诈人提起 的侵权诉讼 ,而且还可 以支持其对国际货 物买卖 合同卖方 的根本违约之诉 。
( ) 付 或 冻 结 信 用证 下款 项 三 止
业 的兴起 ,这一行 为阻碍 了国际贸易 和海运业 的发展才不断
诉 法。 为此 ,中华人 民共和国海事诉讼特别程序法》 《 列专章对



AbstractOcean bill of lading is an important document in the maritime transport. B/L has far - reaching effect on the maritime transport and the development of international trade. However, B/L fraud seriously hampers the normal operation of international trade order. In order to solve the problem this article makes discussion and analysis, and put forth suggestions.This article includes four chapters. Chapter one expounds the reasons of B/L fraud and disservice of B/L fraud, besides lists the main kinds of B/L fraud. Chapter two points out the loophole of institution of B/L. Chapter three represents that the foreign countries how to boycott B/L fraud. Chapter four puts forward some recommendations and relieves relating to the Bill of lading.Key words:bill of lading fraud;disservice of B/L fraud;precautions;relief海运提单欺诈法律问题的探讨国际贸易依赖于运输的发展,有效率的、大规模的商品运输乃是整个资本主义求以生存和发展所不可缺少的。



【法律法规知识】有关提单的法律xxxx年xx月xx日xxxxxxxx集团企业有限公司Please enter your company's name and contentv海牙规则中文版统一提单的若干法律规则的国际公约(1924年8月22日订于布鲁塞尔,1924年8月25日颁布,1942年8月25日实施)第一条本公约所用下列各词,涵义如下:(a) “承运人”包括与托运人订有运输合同的船舶所有人或租船人。

(b) “运输合同”仅适用于以提单或任何类似的物权凭证进行有关海上货物运输的合同;在租船合同下或根据租船合同所签发的提单或任何物权凭证,在它们成为制约承运人与凭证持有人之间的关系准则时,也包括在内。

(c) “货物”包括货物、制品、商品和任何种类的物品,但活牲畜以及在运输合同上载明装载于舱面上并且已经这样装运的货物除外。

(d) “船舶”是指用于海上货物运输的任何船舶。

(e) “货物运输”是指自货物装上船时起,至卸下船时止的一段期间。


第三条1、承运人须在开航前和开航时谨慎处理:(a) 使船舶适航;(b) 适当地配备船员、装备船舶和供应船舶;(c) 使货舱、冷藏舱和该船其他载货处所能适宜和安全地收受、运送和保管货物。


3、承运人或船长或承运人的代理人在收受货物归其照管后,经托运人的请求,应向托运人签发提单,其上载明下列各项:(a) 与开始装货前由托运人书面提供者相同的、为辨认货物所需的主要标志,如果这项标志是以印戳或其他方式标示在不带包装的货物上,或在其中装有货物的箱子或包装物上,该项标志通常应在航程终了时仍能保持清晰可认。

(b) 托运人用书面提供的包数或件数,或数量,或重量。



7、完善争议解决机制:在国际贸易中建立和完善多元化的争议解决机制, 为贸易商提供更为便捷和有效的争议解决途径。这包括仲裁、调解等非诉讼方式 以及诉讼方式,以满足不同情况和需求。
FOB术语下的海运欺诈问题给国际贸易带来了严重的挑战。为了有效防控海 运欺诈,需要各国政府、相关机构以及贸易商共同努力。通过完善法律法规、加 强执法力度、提高贸易商的法律意识以及加强国际合作等措施,我们可以为打击 海运欺诈提供有力
海运提单欺诈是一个复杂且多变的问题,需要从多个角度进行防范和打击。 通过提高警惕、信息共享、完善法规、技术手段和保险措施等手段,可以有效地 防止海运提单欺诈的发生,保护国际贸易的正常秩序和参与者的利益。
FOB(Free on Board)贸易术语下卖方风险及其规避
FOB术语下海运欺诈及其法律防 控
01 一、FOB术语与海运 欺诈概述
02 二、FOB术语下海运 欺诈的主要形式
03 三、法律防控措施
04 四、结论
05 参考内容
FOB,即“船上交货(指定装运港)”,是国际贸易中的一种常用术语,它 规定了卖方在将货物交由买方指定的承运人装运前,应承担货物装上船之前的一 切费用和风险。然而,随着全球贸易的不断发展,FOB术语下的海运欺诈问题也 日益严重。
1、伪造提单:通过伪造提单,欺诈者可以虚构货物的运输情况,以达到骗 取货款的目的。
2、虚假陈述:在提单中提供不真实的信息,如货物重量、数量、价值等, 以增加运输费用或骗取保险赔偿。




















国际贸易海运提单欺诈成因分析 英文资料2 精品

国际贸易海运提单欺诈成因分析 英文资料2 精品

The main form of bill of lading fraudCounterfeit bill of ladingLetter of credit required by the bill of lading is the main document, in the credit business, as long as the documents meet the requirements of the letter of credit, bank or vouchers for payment, not the source of the examination of documents and their authenticity. Some unscrupulous traders that use letters of credit "transaction documents, strictly consistent with" the characteristics of forged bills of lading, to fraudulently purchase price, may not ship the goods, or shoddy, deceived customers.1, empty one. One is recorded with the cargo space is extremely inconsistent or simply not on board bill of lading issued by the carrier and its agent or master bill of lading issued by a fake. This bill of lading may be completely innocent of the consignee or holder is used to perform the next sale of goods.In Germany, most scholars believe that the circulation of bills of lading instead of goods, the carrier issuing the bill of lading, therefore, it should be secured to take their records with the same goods, so the recognition of the effectiveness of air alone. Anglo-American countries because of its well-developed shipping industry in international shipping, the carrier often play a role, and therefore responsibility of the carrier to adopt legislation to reduce the idea to facilitate the aviation industry. Common Law that the bill of lading for the cargo carrier or the master to accept the shipment and will be prima facie evidence, available facts. So, in fact did not receive the goods carrier issuing the bill of lading, the carrier is not defined by the bill of lading above absolute constraints, can give considerable evidence to overturn its responsibilities. Even if the bill of lading holder in good faith was not at fault too. Some scholars believe that the seller is not intentionally falsified the case of delivery constitutes a fraudulent bill of lading, bills of lading is invalid, the infringement of fraud, this bill of lading documents simply becomes a tool for fraud, unauthorized use of its name from the bill of lading of the carrier bound . Such as collusion between the carrier and the seller for the seller to provide the necessary conditions to obtain an empty one, then the infringement constitutes a common, jointly and severally liable.2, the volume difference. Although the difference is the volume of goods shipped, but the actual number of shipping records the number of differences with the bill of lading. At common law, the bill of lading that the carrier is not to be recorded against the quantity of goods is not correct. However, the bill of lading is the number of its records on board the preliminary evidence and the burden of proof is clearly require the carrier to prove that fact is not recorded in the number of shipment, which calls for "very satisfied with the evidence", and that the goods during transport may be of any great Mobile is not enough. Bill of lading by the carrier only to add "weight unknown" clause to protect themselves. Volume difference between the bill of lading, Stone said that effective. But the fact is not recorded on the bill of lading of goods shipped, the seller should the buyer bear responsibility for non-delivery of the carrier or the consignee should also be responsible for the bill of lading holder.Backdating and renew and bespeak a bill of ladingOn board bill of lading should be issued after the goods loaded on board all of, the date of issue must be real, because the date of issuance of bill of lading is taken as the date ofshipment. If the bill of lading issued after the shipment, date of issue foreseen the actual shipment date, will constitute dated B / L; if not all goods or goods shipped by the shipping carrier to take over the case has not yet started issuing the bill of lading, it renew and bespeak a bill of lading form. Dated B / L or renew and bespeak a bill of lading, shipper's goal is to make the provisions of the bill of lading date of issuance of letter of credit consistent with the smooth settlement, but it constitutes a conspiracy against the consignee of fraud, the consignee may suffer great losses, which , national laws and shipping regulations are not allowed.To guarantee in exchange for clean bills of ladingIn international trade, often this occurs: the surface of the carrier wants to position the issue of dirty bad shipment bill of lading, because banks do not accept dirty bill of lading, the shipper can not harbor has enabled the settlement, which is often a bond to the carrier so that the carrier issuing clean bills of lading, and to ensure compensation for issuing clean bills of lading and carrier losses, in exchange for clean bills of lading, a smooth settlement.Shows that a bond is required for international trade, in a sense the shipper and the carrier can be certain of the convenience and benefits, but the fact is lurking on the carrier in terms of great risk, if Clean bill of lading to the consignee, the carrier holding the claim, the carrier must Peifu consignee.Delivery of goods without bill of ladingBill of Lading is a document of title, the goods to the port of destination, the carrier is obliged to deliver the goods to the original bill of lading holder. However, in actual business, sometimes occur before the goods arrive at the situation in the transport document, the original bill of lading as the consignee do not, not timely delivery of the goods sold or selling, will have ballast cost of goods, quality changes, market price fluctuations and a series of problem. When this situation is customary manner by way of security delivery address, shipping companies from the consignee to provide a writing countersigned by the bank guarantee, in the absence of property rights required under the certificate after the first pick up pay the bill of lading, but if the carrier delivers the goods to non-original bill of lading holder may cause errors on the bill of lading holder of delivery constitutes infringement. The process of delivery of goods without bill of lading, delivery of the goods is a contract of sale the buyer may not, may be claimed by such means, delivery people are not always easy to identify, but also ship stolen goods may, therefore, no risk of delivery of goods is a big .提单欺诈的主要表现形式伪造提单提单是信用证所要求的主要单据,在信用证业务中,只要单据符合信用证的要求,银行即凭单付款,而不审查单据的来源及其真实性。

国际贸易海运提单欺诈成因分析 英文资料 精品

国际贸易海运提单欺诈成因分析 英文资料 精品

Analysis of the Causes of the bill of lading fraud Paper Keywords: bill of lading causes of credit fraudPaper Abstract: In international trade, transport, maritime transport of goods has always been dominant, while sea freight bill of lading is the most important documents, has become a major international trade and shipping one way.However, with the development of international trade and shipping, bills of lading fraud has been a serious crisis to the normal operation of the bill of lading system, impeding the smooth progress of international trade. This in-depth analysis of the bill of lading the causes of fraud in order to better prevent fraudulent bills of lading, bills of lading in international trade to play a greater role in promoting.International trade practice, the bill of lading fraud more complex causes, such as bill of lading is not a strict format requirements, management is not strict on the blank bill of lading, the theft of blank bill of lading, the law did not provide for any penalties, so the comparison of fraud simple facilities.From the efficiency point of view, forged bill of lading, whether technically or in terms of costs are relatively easy to use bills of lading which is probably the direct cause of rampant fraud.Credit system: the system of fraud causes of the bill of ladingThe main reason leading to the bill of lading was fraudulent letters of credit system, more specifically the principle of independence is rooted in the letter of credit and from which it derived from the principle of strict conformity.(A) letter of credit system and its basic principlesDocumentary letter of credit or letter of credit is the issuing bank to buy the prescribing or issuing bank opened its own to ensure that submitted by the beneficiary and the terms and conditions of the letter of credit consistent with the requirements of the bill or pay it promises. Documentary credits as one of the tools of international trade finance, is "created by British commercial genius mechanism."Credit system has the following two basic principles: the principle of independence. This principle means that the issuing bank's payment obligation to the beneficiary is independent of the beneficiary on the basis of his obligations under the contract; Issuing bank's payment obligations on the beneficiary is independent of the applicant with the issuing bank issuing the obligations, that is, irrevocable letter of credit once issued, the issuing bank that assumed the responsibility of the first payment. The main principle of independence is reflected in UCP600 Article 3, section 4. Strictly consistent with the principle.Strictly consistent with the principles of international trade is of great significance, it makes the beneficiaries believe that if the beneficiary meets the conditions of Bank commitments (ie, letters of credit under condition), then the bank as a "reliable teller" can be an unconditional commitment implemented. This principle is the principle of independence of the letter of credit derivatives.(B) the defects inherent in the credit system itself led to the bill of lading fraudWith a single letter of credit is one of the basic features: bank handling the documents, not goods. Bill of lading is a receipt from the evolved mate, mates receipts to prove itself is the carrier's ter, after long-term trade practices, thebill of lading was the same as a document of title to property has become a kind of business practices, and this used to be legalized, that the bill of lading as a document of title is negotiable or transferable . Therefore, the delivery of bill of lading is equal to the symbolic delivery of the goods. This is the letter of credit bank under the bill of lading as proof of payment of the main reasons for the major. This feature documentary letter of credit determines the value of the bill of lading and its role in the credit system.In documentary credit system, using the bill of lading is based on an important assumption, that the real bill of lading is its transferability. However, the development of the bill of lading did not reach the extent as the currency in circulation. But in the specific case of trial, while that of the beneficiaries, the "irrevocable letter of credit and cash belong to the same level, must be honored."This means that the transferability of the bill of lading in documentary credit payment system has been exaggerated, the bill of lading in the circulation of defects can be ignored. The consequences are: the bill of lading still have the voucher's status, but not the performance of its role within the property and claims the role, this time the transfer of the bill of lading is regarded as the presumption of ownership of goods delivered, their credibility is difficult to guarantee.Whether because of the completely false bill of lading system is often difficult to identify the carrier or the actual quality of the goods on the issue of a clean bill of lading, the consignee against the carrier were difficult to for. He can not ask for insurance compensation. So he got only a paper bill of lading or greatly reduced. In order not to affect the normal operation of the letter of credit transactions, bill of lading by the transferability of extreme importance.Longitudinal perspective, the bill of lading is still in the modern business transactions to ensure its vitality is due to the expense of other criteria, the law is the case, only the development of the transferability of the bill of lading. Because of the transferability of the bill of lading has been developed to the current level, making the implementation of fraud easier.Adhere to the transfer of and prevent fraud beyond a certain extent, it is impossible combination, and can only be as the transactions demand to determine which is more important or in some kind of selection within, namely through increased costs to be taken by the parties appropriate measures to prevent fraud.Defects in the bill of lading system itselfThe above bill of lading with the documentary credit system is the root cause of fraud, which is why people will make use of the root causes of fraudulent bills of lading. In addition, the field of international trade and maritime bills of lading provided for the system itself there are some flaws and contradictions.(A) complete the bill of ladingFrance, the provisions of the bill of lading to be issued the old commercial law for more than four, the transport of goods by sea Act 1966, to two or more, the Italian law for the two voyages, the German commercial law does not provide all the requirements set by the shipper, the British law which also No explicit, it is customary for the two or three more, such as retention of a three shipper, another sent to the consignee, then a pay master. Japanese Business Law and International Transport ofGoods by Sea Act also recognized the issue of the number of copies of bills of lading. Maritime Law of China in Taiwan is also in accordance with the legislation of Germany and Japan, recognition of several bills of lading issued. China's current maritime law does not provide a bill of lading issued shares. However, according to maritime practice, bills of lading issued a set of three ordinary. States to permit a bill of lading issued several reasons nothing more than a bill of lading is lost or stolen backup; send the bill of lading to the consignee at the same time, another nice day in order to submit a check to the master.But now, due to advanced telecommunications, the aforementioned reasons have not sufficient. The bill of lading is lost or stolen, compared with the past has been greatly reduced, even if this happens, but communication is developed, it can immediately complete replacement procedures; the shipper or the master copy can only hold a bill of lading; States to impose stamp duty on shares in accordance with the bill of lading, in order to save expenses, is also an issue of several waste; now well-developed communication and convenient transportation, the consignee need not worry about the bill of lading has been too much delay. Therefore, the number of copies of its release, issued as a, if necessary, a copy or copies issued to。


































【摘要】提单在国际海上货物运输和国际贸易中都占据重要地位,是货物买卖、运输和结汇环节中不可缺少的主要单据之一. 提单引发的常见纠纷轻视提单的运输合同属性,会使合同当事人忽视提单合同中所规定的各自责任、权利义务而导致违约的发生.以下列举几种常见情况. 倒签提单(Anti-dated B/L) 这是指承运人或其代理人应托运人的要求,在货物装船完毕后,以早于该票货物实际装船完毕的日期作为提单签发日期的提单. 当货物的实际装船时间迟于信用证规定的装运期时,托运人为了使提单日期与信用证之规定相符,常常请求承运人按信用证规定日期签单.承运人倒签提单的做法,掩盖了事实真相,是隐瞒迟期交货的侵权行为,要承担风险.特别是当市场上货价下跌或其他原因,收货人可以以"伪造提单"为由拒收货物,并向法院起诉.因此,承运人不能签发这种提单.
1.《不显示货运代理人为提单发货人保函》性质认定问题研究 [J], 李田田
2.信用卡消费要当心警惕便利背后的欺诈风险 [J],
3.国际货运代理企业在提单确认时注意事项分析 [J], 丁行政;沙鹏飞
4.国际货运代理企业在提单确认时注意事项分析 [J], 丁行政;沙鹏飞;
5.论海上货运代理人交付提单的义务\r——兼论《最高人民法院关于审理海上货运代理纠纷案件\r若干问题的规定》第8条的完善 [J], 余妙宏

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THE INTRODUCTION TO “B/L”Wei XiongInternational trade attaches so great importance to shipping documents that, to a certain degree, it can be called trade of documents, or …symbolic‟trade. This is because shipping documents represent the title to the goods. The most important shipping document is the Bill of Lading (B/L or lading). It is a document given by a shipping company, representing both a receipt for the goods shipped and a contract for shipment between the shipping company and the shipper. It is also a document of title to the goods, giving the holder or the assignee the right to possession of the goods.The Bill of Lading is, firstly, a contract between the shipper and the shipping company; secondly, a receipt for the consignment; and thirdly, a document of title. A Bill of Lading does not only contain a full description of the consignment—numbers and weights and marks of packages—but a lot of other information as well. It quotes the name of the shipper and the carrying vessel, the ports of shipment and destination, the freight rate, the name of the consignee (unless the B/L is …to order”, like a check), and the date of shipment, which is very important from a contractual point of view.It may also contain a number of other clauses. Some Bills of Lading are marked “freight paid”, when a shipper is selling CIF or CFR, others may allow transshipment, which means that the cargo may be transferred from one ship to another at some intermediate port. It is often important to a shipper that his Bill of Lading should be “clean” rather than “dirty”, that is, that the shipping company should not have made any qualifications about the quantity or condition of the cargo actually shipped. This is because the shipper‟s letter of credit may insist on clean bills, just as it may insist on “on board”as opposed to “alongside”Bladings. Sometimes a mate‟s receipt is given to the shipper in advance of the B/L, which takes time to issue.The Bill of Lading has three important functions. It is a receipt for goods signed by the shipping company and given to the shippers. It is also evidence of a contract of carriage between the shipping company and shippers. In addition, it is a document of title because the legal owner of the Bill of Lading is the owner of the goods.For this reason the Bill of Lading can be used to transfer the goods from one owner to another. When the exporters complete it, they can write the buyer‟s name in the space, “consignee”. This means the consignee is the legal owner of the goods, as named on Bill of Lading. Otherwise the exporters can write “to other”in the consignee space. Underneath “to order” they write the name and address of the agent. Then the agent in the importing country can endorse the bill to the buyer. In this way the importers can transfer the consignment to their customers. This means that there has to be a separate Bill of Lading for each consignee and several consignments can not be consolidated on to one bill.The Bill of Lading is the central document of a sea export transaction. The form, provided by the shipping company, is filled in by the shippers as soon as they have all the details of the goods. Then it is sent to the ship where an officer of the shipping company checks that the goods are “in good order and condition”and sign the billwhen the goods are loaded over the ship‟s rails. The bill must be in the hands of the shipping company or their agents by the time the consignment is ready to be loaded.When a consignment is loaded, an officer or agent of the shipping company signs the Bill of Lading that the goods have been “received in apparent good order and condition”. In other words, the consignment must be exactly as written on the bill and not different. The cased should be undamaged and sacks, if any, should not be torn or stained. Drums of liquid should not be dented or leaking. The number and kind of packages should be the same as on the bill.If there is any difference between what it says on the bill and the actual condition of the consignment, the shipping company has to write a clause on the bill giving the damage or loss. In this case it is no longer a clean Bill of Lading and the bank representing the importer may not accept it. So the exporters‟ bank may not be able to get payment for the goods. For this reason, “foul” or “claused” Bill of Lading must be avoided at all costs and exporters must make sure their goods arrive at the docks in good order and condition.Sometimes certain defects of the goods are unavoidable. For instance, timber often has “split ends”. Chemicals cause discoloration on packing. In such cases the exporters must get the agreement of the importers to certain clauses on the Bill of Lading. These clauses must be agreed before the export contract is agreed and the importers should tell their bank, about the agreed clauses.The Bill of Lading is usually made out in sets of three or four originals. The shipper may ask for several extra copies for his files. One copy of the bill is kept for the ship. The other copies are sent to the exporters or directly to their bank. These negotiable bills of lading are used for payment. They pass to the buyers or their agents in the importing country.Then the bills and the other shipping documents are presented to shipping company when the ship arrives. The shipping company can then compare the negotiable bills with their copy on the ship. In this way the importers can show their legal right to the goods and obtain them from the ship.In recent years, a considerable simplification of documentary practices has been achieved. Bills of lading are frequently replaced by non—negotiable documents similar to those which are used for other modes of transport than carriage by sea. These documents are called “sea waybills”, “liner waybills”, “freight receipts”, or variants of such expressions.After signing, with the exporter, a contract agreeing to make payment by L/C, the importer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the exporter. If it accepts the importer‟s application, the opening bank issues a letter of credit and then informs its foreign branch or correspondent to advise the beneficiary (the exporter), who then examines the letter of credit. If it does not conform to the condition set in the sales contract, the exporter may request an amendment. If it is an irrevocable letter of credit, and they usually are, it cannot be changed unless all parties agree to amend.After confirming the letter of credit, the exporter delivers the goods to the shipper who then issues a Bill of Lading. Other documents, such as invoices and insurance documents, are prepared by the exporter. The next step occurs when the exporterdraws a draft on the opening bank and presents it, with the letter of credit plus documents to his or her own bank. Usually this bank will investigate the documents and, if they are in order, it will pay the draft. The letter of credit and documents are sent to the opening bank. It is the bank‟s responsibility to examine the documents in relation to the letter of credit issued.(quoted by “English for International Trade Practices”, Wu Han university press, 2001)。
