介绍科幻作品作文英文英文:Science fiction is a genre of literature that explores the possibilities of science and technology in the future. It often involves imaginative concepts such as advanced space travel, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. As a fan of science fiction, I have read and watched many works in this genre.One of my favorite science fiction novels is "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. It tells the story of a young boy named Ender who is recruited to attend a military academy in space and trained to become a commander in a war against an alien race. The novel explores themes of leadership, morality, and the consequences of war.Another science fiction work that I enjoyed is the TV series "Black Mirror". Each episode presents a different story that examines the dark side of technology and itsimpact on society. The show often leaves me feeling uneasy and questioning the role of technology in our lives.Science fiction can also be found in films, such as the "Star Wars" franchise. These films transport viewers to a galaxy far, far away and explore the epic battle between good and evil. The films also showcase advanced technology such as lightsabers and spaceships.中文:科幻作品是一种探索未来科学和技术可能性的文学类型。
《安德的游戏》(Ender's Game)作者是美国著名科幻小说作家奥森·斯科特·卡特(Orson Scott Card),该作品发表于1985年,曾获得星云奖及雨果奖,其续集《死者的代言人》(Speaker for the Dead)发表于次年,也获得星云奖和雨果奖,这使卡特成为唯一一个曾连续两年获得星云奖最佳长篇的作家。
出版信息全国发售日:2010年8月《安德的游戏》[1]作者:(美)奥森·斯科特·卡德(Orson Scott Card)译者:李毅定价:25.00-29.90元| 288-344页| 16开本|万卷出版公司上架建议:畅销·经典责任编辑:王光昱封面设计:第7印象·白咏明ISBN:978-7-5470-1046-4编辑推荐美国科幻名著“雨果奖”“星云奖”双料大奖作品原《科幻杂志》社长兼总编、著名作家阿来作序推荐《快乐星球》制作人、科幻作家杨鹏:虽然我无数次向别人推荐这本书,但是,我还是想再向你推荐一次。
相关作品【Ender系列作品是他的代表作,目前已出版或将出版的的有】全12部书名如下:·《安德系列1:安德的游戏》(Ender's Saga 1: Ender's Game)1985·《安德系列2:死者代言人》(Ender's Saga 2: Speaker for the Dead)1986·《安德系列3:外星屠异》(Ender's Saga 3: Xenocide)1991·《安德系列4:精神之子》(Ender's Saga 4: Children of the Mind)1996·《安德系列5:安德的影子》(Ender's Saga 5: Ender's Shadow)1999·《安德系列6:霸主的影子》(Ender's Saga 6: Shadow of the Hegemon)2000·《安德系列7:影子傀儡》(Ender's Saga 7: Shadow Puppets)2002·《安德系列8:巨人的影子》(Ender's Saga 8: Shadow of the Giant)2004·《安德系列9:战争的礼物》(Ender's Saga 9: A War of Gifts)2007·《安德系列10:安德的放逐》(Ender's Saga 10:Ender in Exile: Ganges)2008《安德系列11:飞行中的阴影》(Ender's Saga 11: Shadows in Flight)2012《安德系列12:阴影活着》(Ender's Saga12:Shadows Alive)即将出版编辑本段内容简介战斗学校在战斗学校里,安德不但要学习在由学生组成的军队里进行模拟战斗,同时也要安德的游戏[2]面对其他学生的妒忌、陷害以及各种其他尔虞我诈的行为。
贴士1:《安德的游戏》之父《安德的游戏》(End er'sGame)是美国科幻小说家奥森·斯科特·卡德(Or son S cottCard)的代表作之一,该小说发表于1985年,是当年星云奖、雨果奖(世界科幻奇幻小说领域的两大“奥斯卡”级别的大奖)的双料得主,其续集《死者的代言人》(Spe akerfor t he De ad)发表于次年,再夺双奖,卡特也是唯一一个曾连续两年获得雨果奖、星云奖最佳长篇小说的作家。
《安德的游戏》小说系列奥森·斯科特·卡德以安德(E nder)为主角的系列科幻小说总共已经出版了11部,分别是:1.《安德的游戏》(Ender's Ga me)19852.《死者的代言人》(Speak er fo r the Dead)19863.《屠异》(X enoci de)19914.《精神之子》(Ch ildre n ofthe M ind)19965.《安德的影子》(Ender's Sh adow)19996.《霸主的影子》(Shad ow of theHegem on)20007.《影子傀儡》(Sh adowPuppe ts)20028.《巨人的影子》(S hadow of t he Gi ant)20049.《战争的礼物》(A War of G ifts)200710.《安德的放逐》(End er'sSaga10: E nderin Ex ile:Gange s)200811.《Sha dowsin Fl ight》(暂无中文译名)2012以上是以出版顺序排列的,而最佳阅读顺序排列则最好为1、5、6、7、8、9、10、2、3、4,因为这是以时间顺序为排列的。
《安德的游戏》——英雄的荣耀与良知作者:By Orson Scott Card来源:《新东方英语·中学版》2014年第04期奥森·斯科特·卡德(Orson Scott Card, 1951~),美国作家、评论家、公众演说家和政治家。
他最著名的代表作为小说《安德的游戏》(Ender's Game)及其续集《死者代言人》(Speaker for the Dead),双双获得了雨果奖和星云奖,也让卡德成为唯一一位连续两年包揽两项美国科幻小说最高奖的作家。
《安德的游戏》发表于1985年,小说讲述了极具军事指挥天赋的少年安德·维京(Ender Wiggin)历经重重磨练和心灵考验,最终指挥太空舰队打败了入侵地球的外星生物虫族的故事。
Ender took off his headphones, and only then realized that there was just as much noise in the room with him. Men in uniform were hugging each other, laughing, shouting; others were weeping. Colonel Graff came to Ender. Tears streamed down his face, but he was smiling. "Thank you, thank you Ender. Thank God for you, Ender."He tried to make sense of this. Had he passed the test after all? It was his victory, not theirs;why did they act as if he had won with honor?Mazer Rackham came straight to Ender and held out his hand. "You made the hard choice, boy. All or nothing. End them or end us. But heaven knows there was no other way you could have done it. Congratulations. You beat them, and it's all over."All over. Beat them. Ender didn't understand. "I beat you."Mazer laughed. "Ender, you never played me. You never played a game since I became your enemy."Ender didn't get the joke. He had played a great many games, at a terrible cost to himself.Mazer then grew serious and said, "Ender, for the past few months you have been the battle commander of our fleets. This was the Third Invasion. There were no games, the battles were real,and the only enemy you fought was the buggers. You won every battle, and today you finally fought them at their home world, where the queen was, all the queens from all their colonies, they all were there and you destroyed them completely. They'll never attack us again. You did it. You."Real. Not a game. Ender's mind was too tired to cope with it all. They weren't just points of light in the air; they were real ships that he had fought with and real ships he had destroyed. And a real world that he had blasted into oblivion1). He walked through the crowd, ignoring their words,their rejoicing. When he got to his own room he stripped off his clothes, climbed into bed, and slept.Ender awoke when they shook him. It took a moment to recognize them. Graff and Rackham. He turned his back on them."Ender, we need to talk to you," said Graff. Ender rolled back to face them."They've been playing out the videos on Earth all day, all night since the battle yesterday.""Yesterday?" He had slept through until the next day."You're a hero. Ender. They've seen what you did. You and the others.""I killed them all, didn't I?" Ender asked."All who?" asked Graff. "The buggers? That was the idea."Mazer leaned in close. "That's what the war was for.""All their queens. So I killed all their children, all of everything.""They decided that when they attacked us. It wasn't your fault. It's what had to happen."Ender grabbed Mazer's uniform, pulling him down so they were face to face. "I didn't want to kill them all. I didn't want to kill anybody! I'm not a killer! You didn't want me, you bastards,you wanted Peter, but you made me do it, you tricked me into it!" He was crying. He was out of control."Of course we tricked you into it. That's the whole point," said Graff. "It had to be a trick or you couldn't have done it. It's the bind2) we were in. We had to have a commander with so much empathy that he would think like the buggers, understand them and anticipate them. So much compassion that he could win the love of his underlings3) and work with them like a perfect machine, as perfect as the buggers. But somebody with that much compassion could never be the killer we needed. Could never go into battle willing to win at all costs. If you knew, you couldn't do it. If you were the kind of person who would do it even if you knew, you could never have understood the buggers well enough.""And it had to be a child, Ender," said Mazer. "I was too old and cautious. Any decent person who knows what warfare is can never go into battle with a whole heart. But you didn't know. We made sure you didn't know. You were reckless4) and brilliant and young. It's what you were born for.""We had pilots with our ships, didn't we?""Yes.""I was ordering pilots to go in and die and I didn't even know it.""They knew it, Ender, and they went anyway. They knew what it was for.""You never asked me! You never told me the truth about anything!""You had to be a weapon, Ender. Like a gun, like the Little Doctor, functioning perfectly but not knowing what you were aimed at. We aimed you. We're responsible. If there was something wrong, we did it.""Tell me later," Ender said. His eyes closed.安德摘下耳机,这才发现房间里也是一片沸沸扬扬。
安德的游戏读书心得英文回答:Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game" is a science fiction novel that explores the complexities of war, morality, and the nature of childhood. The novel follows Ender Wiggin, a brilliant young boy who is recruited into Battle School, a military academy that trains children to fight against an alien race known as the Formics.Ender is a gifted strategist and quickly rises through the ranks at Battle School. However, he also grapples with the moral implications of his actions. As he becomes more successful, he begins to question the necessity of violence and the price of victory."Ender's Game" is a thought-provoking novel that raises important questions about the nature of war and the role of children in society. It is a classic of science fiction and a must-read for anyone interested in the genre.中文回答:奥森·斯科特·卡德的《安德的游戏》是一部科幻小说,探讨了战争、道德和儿童天性的复杂性。
3 英语社团影片介绍 Anders Game
《安德的游戏》的特效师花费3年时间和超过3000个工时 来制作影片的特效镜头。每组单个画面就有超过2万个图 层或元素,而每个图层就由超过12000个元素组成。影片 幕后资深的图形设计专家,包括曾凭《阿凡达》赢得艺术 指导协会奖的艺术指导西恩· 哈沃斯和本· 普罗克特,二人 分别设计创造了战后的地球和零重力教室场景。参与过 《普罗米修斯》、《创:战纪》概念图设计师大卫· 维耶 尔· 利维设计了片中的模拟室全景图,地球未来世界的景 观以及地球国际舰队与虫族舰队开战的画面则由插图画家 罗伯特· O· 西蒙斯设计,他参与的作品包括新片《超凡蜘 蛛侠2》、《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》等 。
安 德 的 游 戏
导演:加文· 胡德
Film synopsis电影简介
"Ande's game" (Ender's Game) is USA famous science fiction writer Olsen S cott Card (Orson Scott Card) works, the works published in 1985, won the ne bula award and the Hugo prize, its sequel "speaker for the dead" (Speaker fo r the Dead) published in the following year, also won the nebula award and t he Hugo prize, this makes Card the only writer who had two consecutive yea rs won the nebula Award for best novel. The story takes place in the future, when the earth has two experienced Zerg attack, the international fleet that must look for the gifted children in the world, and moni tor in children is, at what they consider qualified conditions they will be sent t o the international space station (fleet training children "Battle School") was t raining, to mold them into fleet
英文科幻小说 作文
英文科幻小说作文英文:As a sci-fi fan, I have read many great sci-fi novels, but my favorite has to be "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. The story takes place in a future where Earth is under attack by an alien race called the Formics. The government decides to train young children to become commanders and fight the Formics.The protagonist, Ender Wiggin, is a young boy who is chosen to attend Battle School, where he undergoes rigorous training to become a commander. Ender is a brilliant strategist and quickly rises to the top of his class. However, he soon realizes that the training is not just a game and that the fate of humanity rests on his shoulders.One of the things I love about this book is the way it explores the morality of war and the sacrifices that must be made to win. Ender is forced to make difficult decisionsand sacrifices in order to save humanity, and the book doesn't shy away from the consequences of those decisions.Another aspect of the book that I appreciate is the way it portrays the relationships between the characters. Ender forms close bonds with his fellow students, but he also struggles with feelings of isolation and loneliness. The book does an excellent job of showing the emotional toll that the training takes on the children.Overall, "Ender's Game" is a thought-provoking and emotional sci-fi novel that I would highly recommend to any fan of the genre.中文:作为一名科幻迷,我读过很多优秀的科幻小说,但我最喜欢的必须是奥森·斯科特·卡德的《安德的游戏》。
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《安德的游戏》英语读后感In the world of science fiction, few books have captivated the imagination of readers as much as "Ender's Game." This classic novel by Orson Scott Card tells a tale of a young boy who is thrust into a military training program to save the human race from an alien invasion. What makes this story so compelling is not just the action-packed adventure, but also the themes of leadership, strategy, and the cost of war.Ender Wiggin is a brilliant yet isolated child. He is chosen to attend Battle School, a military academy where children are trained to command fleets in a war against the Formics, an insectoid alien race. There, he must navigate the complexities of military politics, friendships, and rivals while developing strategies to defeat the enemy.What I found most interesting about this book is the way it explores the nature of leadership. Ender is not a natural leader; he is thrust into a position of power and forced to learn on the fly. His journey from a reluctant student to a confident commander is both inspiring and heartbreaking. He must learn to trust his instincts, tomake decisions quickly, and to accept the responsibilityfor the lives of his troops.The strategic battles within the book are also fascinating. Card weaves together themes of surprise, deception, and adaptability, creating a tense and exciting narrative. The battle scenes are well-paced and thought-provoking, making the reader feel as if they are rightthere in the cockpit, strategizing alongside Ender.However, what makes "Ender's Game" truly remarkable is its exploration of the cost of war. This is not just astory about saving the world from aliens; it's also a story about the toll that war takes on individuals and society. The牺牲 made by Ender and his fellow soldiers are profound, and the emotional toll is devastating. This aspect of the story forces readers to question the morality of war andthe sacrifices we make for the greater good.In conclusion, "Ender's Game" is a masterpiece of science fiction that deserves to be read by every generation. It is a thought-provoking and emotional journey that explores the themes of leadership, strategy, and the cost of war. The English language version of this book isparticularly impressive, with its precise word choice and powerful imagery. Reading "Ender's Game" in English notonly enhances the understanding of the story but also improves language skills, making it a valuable addition to any bookshelf.**《安德的游戏》读后感**在科幻小说的世界里,很少有作品能像《安德的游戏》那样牢牢抓住读者的想象力。
口语 安德的游戏
Chinese Name: 杨阳English Name: Amanda ID: 2012108026 Class#1Ender’s GameIt is a story about an alien force known as the formic attacked earth, tens of millions died. It was only through the sacrifice of human‟s greater commander that human avoided total annihilation. From that time, people have been preparing for them to come back ever since. The International Fleet decided that the world‟s smartest children are the planet‟s best hope. Raised on war game, their decisions are intuitive, decisive, and fearless. Ender. Wiggin is one of those recruits. Ender was born in a family of genius. Both his elder brother and sister are genius. In fact, they have a little different in intelligences, just have the different characteristics—brother was an ambitious and fierce man, sister was a gentle and good-heart woman. Ender seems to be a qualified candidate, because of its comprehensive the character on its elder brother and sister. So, he was sent to “battle school”to study how to destroy entire formic, the way of study is play war games. He was regarded as the military commander of the future by the IF and he was bullied by the students around at early age and also has many friends. He was very humane, but his record has always been the best in school. He was only 11 years old when he as the supreme commander fighting finally. He was told that all of the fighting is a computer simulation program, in fact, it is truly in command. After he use of his genius thinking by use “The Little Doctor”--$70 billion of pure destruction, The MD.500. Mdecular Detachment Device, shattering mdecular bonds, leaves nothing standing--to win the most crucial battles, only to find that everything is true, so he fell into the deep remorse. He was very humane, but for the human‟s survival, he killed the wisdom of hundreds of millions of creature. Until he grew up, he reached the human in the zero colonies; he felt that the zerg‟s queen with unique ansi wave in conversation with his thinking, the queen told him that the zerg are peace-loving race actually. So, Ender took queen‟s last a chrysalis to find a suitable place for its reproductive at last.In this story, the time before Ender. Wiggin use his genius thinking to win the most crucial battles at last , he just thought that was a computer simulation program, and before the war ,he saw formic are waiting for human, they think human come in peace, but Ender destroyed the entire swarm by use of “The Little Doctor” at last. He was very self-accusation when he found that everything is real. In my opinion, this is the most important moment of the book for me. There are two reasons. First of all, Ender was a genius and very independent, he was also very simple and kind-heart. Resistance in everything he does in careless is adults imposed on him. When he learned that the entire formic was destroyed by him, his heart sank into the deepremorse. He thinks that he will bear the shame of this genocide, and he thinks the most important things is the way they win matters. In the book, have a conversation to reflect it.Commander: “Ender, thank you. You are brilliant. Absolutely brilliant, thank god for you, son, Ender, we wan!”Ender: “why are these images in the program? What do you mean we won? I beat him, h runs the simulations, and he said it was a game.”C: “it was them or us, Ender, there was no other way. With this victory, you‟ve won all future battles. You destroyed them, for all of us.” Ender was run away with tears.E: “stay away from me! You lied!” Ender cried.C: “son, we were afraid, if we told you, you might…”E: “what? Refuse to play? I …ve killed an entire species!”C: “they would have done the same to us.”E: “no, they waited. What were they waiting for?”C: “who cares? We lost 1000 men on the transporters you abandoned!”E: “I abandoned them in order to win!”C: “yes! And they died proudly! For us!”E: “they might not have died at all!”The second reason is that I think the formic are peace-loving race. Because of at last war, formic was waiting for human‟s come in peace. Maybe they were building an army for a second invasion or simple preparing to defend themselves from human. They came to earth to establish a colony, but human chases them away. And in 50 years, they never returned earth. The queen was always trying to communicate with Ender for peace.If the formic was not destroyed by war, the queen uses the unique ansi wave in conversation with his thinking again, she expressed to him the meaning of peace and they don‟t want war but a place to survival. She talk to him that they need human‟s help and no longer attack earth. So, after Ender wake up, his talk to his director about this, his director set the others commanders for a meeting later, after hearing it, most of commanders agreed to a truce. And then they communicate with queen by Ender again, both human and formic come to an agreement. That is formic don‟t attack earth forever and human help them find a suitable place to survival. So, there is no war. At the end, Ender was appointed the rank of Admiral and has its own devices to find a new home for formic.。
英语学习资料:英语电影《安德的游戏》影评(中英文对照)英语电影《安德的游戏》影评(中英文对照)Hollywood adaptations of best-selling sci-fi novels are no longer reason enough to attract moviegoers. But Ender’s Game, which is an adaptation of the 1985 novel of the same title, is a bit different.对影迷来说,畅销科幻小说改编的好莱坞电影已不复从前那样具有吸引力。
From US author Orson Scott Card’s refusal to sign the film deal for years, to the film’s pre-release controversy thanks to Card’s anti-gay views, there are plenty of reasons to watch it. At least you should be curious about what all the fuss is about.从美籍作者奥森?斯科特卡德数年来拒绝翻拍小说的态度,到新片上映前卡德因反同言论而引发的争端,该片可谓噱头十足。
Generally, it’s a polished sci-fi epic with stunning visual effects that will appeal to mainstream audiences. While it fails to reach the height it aspires to —namely the novel’s moral plexity —it’s quite an entertaining experience with some timely issues on its mind.大体上讲,这是一部精心打造的科幻史诗——出色的视觉效果足以赢得主流观众的青睐。
安德的游戏读书心得英文回答:Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card is a gripping science fiction novel that explores themes of war, ethics, and the nature of leadership. The story follows Ender Wiggin, a brilliant young boy who is recruited into Battle School, an elite training ground for future commanders in the war against the Formics, an alien race that nearly destroyed Earth years ago.Ender's journey through Battle School is a harsh and unforgiving one. He is constantly tested, both physically and mentally, and must make difficult choices that will have lasting consequences. Along the way, he learns about the horrors of war and the importance of compassion. He also develops close friendships with other students, who help him to survive the challenges of Battle School.In the end, Ender is forced to confront the Formics andmake a decision that will determine the fate of humanity. The novel's climax is both thrilling and heartbreaking, and it leaves the reader with much to ponder.Ender's Game is a classic science fiction novel that is still relevant today. It is a thought-provoking story about the nature of war, leadership, and the human condition.中文回答:《安德的游戏》由奥森·斯科特·卡德创作,是一部扣人心弦的科幻小说,探讨了战争、道德和领导本质的主题。
Ender’s Game《安德的游戏》
龙源期刊网 Ender’s Game《安德的游戏》作者:陈璟怡来源:《中学生英语·阅读与写作》2013年第10期导演(Director):加文·胡德(Gavin Hood)演员(Cast):阿沙·巴特菲尔德(Asa Butterfield)哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)海莉·斯坦菲尔德(Hailee Steinfeld)阿比吉尔·布莱斯林(Abigail Breslin)本·金斯利(Ben Kingsley)维奥拉·戴维斯(Viola Davis)类型(Type):动作(Action)/ 科幻(Science Fiction)/ 冒险(Adventure)国家/地区(Country/Region):美国(The United States)制片公司(Studio):顶峰娱乐(Summit Entertainment)上映日期(Release Date):2013年11月1日(November 1st, 2013)The Earth was attacked twice by an alien species (外星物种;外星种族) seemingly determined to destroy humanity (人类). Seventy years later, the people of Earth remain banded together (联合起来) Almost all the unusually gifted children are sent to a battle school in space and trained for preventing from the next attack of this alien species. Ender Wiggin, one of those gifted children, who was separated from his family and brought to battle school, may become the savior (救星) of the human.地球已经两次遭遇过一种企图毁灭人类的外星种族的进攻。
威列德(Vlad): 来自白俄罗斯的战斗学校学员,曾任安德属下 飞龙战队 B 组组长。在艾洛斯决战时,是第二个 陷入崩溃的支队长。
达普尔(Ducheval ‘Shovel’): 来自拉丁美洲的战斗学校学员,曾任安德属下飞龙
战队 E 组组长。达普尔非常崇拜安德,后成为艾洛斯上 安德团队成员。他是第三个因承受不了巨大压力陷入崩 溃的支队长。
师,传说中虫族战争英雄。第二次虫族战争中,曾 力挽危局,指挥舰队独立消灭入侵的虫族。是在安 德之前,最了解虫族的人。为了能将自己掌握的知 识传递给后继者,此后一直在宇宙中以光速往返飞 行,直到联合舰队挖掘出安德。在培养并辅助安德 彻底消灭虫族后,雷汉作为舰长,加入了殖民舰队, 奔赴远方。
安德森上校(M ajor Gwen Anderson): 格拉夫上校在战斗学校的副手。主要负责在战斗室
“豆子”朱里安·德尔菲克(Julian 'Bean' Delphiki): 生于荷兰鹿特丹、具有希腊和尼日利亚血统的
战斗学校学员,安德在飞龙战队时最信任的骨干队 员之一。豆子智力超群,五岁就被送进战斗学校, 因成绩优异,被认为是仅次于安德的天才。安德在 战斗学校指挥的最后一场战斗中,豆子领导他的小 队,起到了决定胜负的关键作用。在艾洛斯,豆子 被国际舰队暗定为安德的替补者,在安德指挥舰队 摧毁虫族母星之战中,发挥了重要作用。
战斗学校拒绝。安德未去战斗学校前,华伦蒂在暴虐的 彼得和善良的安德中间,充当调解人角色。华伦蒂深爱 着安德,始终是安德的情感寄托,安德去战斗学校后, 曾两次帮助安德克服遇到的心理问题。后成为底层民众 的舆论领袖“德摩斯梯 尼”,帮助彼得成 为世界联盟的 霸主。虫族战争后,和安德一起去虫族行星殖民,成为 一个历史学家。
丁·米克(Dink Meeker): 来自荷兰的战斗学校老兵,安德的好友之一。米克
科幻小说英文作文英文:As a fan of science fiction, I have always been fascinated by the imaginative worlds and technologies that authors create. From dystopian societies to advanced AI, science fiction has the power to both entertain and challenge our perceptions of the world around us.One of my favorite science fiction novels is "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. The story follows a young boy named Ender Wiggin who is recruited by the military to train for a future alien invasion. Throughout the novel, Ender faces numerous challenges and moral dilemmas, ultimately leading to a shocking twist ending.Another science fiction novel that I recently enjoyed is "The Three-Body Problem" by Liu Cixin. This Chinese novel explores the possibility of contact with an alien civilization and the potential consequences of such anencounter. The novel is filled with complex characters and thought-provoking ideas, making it a must-read for any science fiction fan.中文:作为科幻小说的粉丝,我一直被作者创造的想象世界和科技所吸引。
《安德的游戏》(Ender's Game)作者是美国著名科幻小说作家奥森·斯科特·卡特(Orson Scott Card),该作品发表于1985年,曾获得星云奖及雨果奖,其续集《死者的代言人》(Speaker for the Dead)发表于次年,也获得星云奖和雨果奖,这使卡特成为唯一一个曾连续两年获得星云奖最佳长篇的作家。
Ender系列作品是他的代表作,目前已出版的有:1.《安德的游戏》(Ender's Game)2.《死者的代言人》(Speaker for the Dead)3.《屠异》(Xenocide)4.《精神之子》(Children of the Mind)5.《安德的影子》(Ender's Shadow)6.《霸主的影子》(Shadow of the Hegemon)这是以出版顺序排列的,而以最佳阅读顺序排列,则个人建议为1、5、6、2、3、4,因为这是以时间顺序为排列的。
然而一个名叫梅泽·瑞克汉姆(Mazer Rackham)的指挥官仅靠一支小舰队竟奇迹般的消灭了无论在数量上还是质量上都占据了绝对优势的虫族舰队,从而挽救了人类。
幸运的是,就在最后的十年间,太空战斗学校的校长格拉夫上校(Graff)似乎找到了最后的一线希望--一个名叫彼得·维京(Peter Wiggin)的天才儿童出现在他面前,格拉夫几乎已经认定了这个孩子就是他所要寻找的目标,然而经过几年的观察,格拉夫发现彼得虽然还是个幼儿,却已经表现出极其邪恶残忍的天性。
Ender's Game《安德的游戏》人物分析
Ender’s Game安德及其亲属:“安德”安德鲁·维京(Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin):原名安德鲁·维京,绰号安德(即“Ender”意为“终结者”),来自美国,维京家的老三。
彼得·维京(Peter Wiggin):安德的哥哥,维京家的老大。
华伦蒂·维京(Valentine Wiggin):安德的姐姐,维京家的老二。
约翰·保罗·维京(John Paul Wiggin)和特丽萨·维京(Theresa Wiggin):安德的父母。
安德的师长和上级:希伦·格拉夫上校(Hyrum Graff):战斗学校校长,并主抓安德的培养工作。
安德的游戏梗概作文600字(中英文实用版)英文文档:Title: Summary of Ender"s GameEnder"s Game is a science fiction novel written by Orson Scott Card, published in 1985.The story is set in a future where Earth is under the constant threat of an alien race called the Buggers.In response, humanity has established the International Fleet, a military organization dedicated to training children to fight against the Buggers in the event of an invasion.The story follows Andrew "Ender" Wiggin, a young boy chosen for his exceptional strategic and tactical skills.Ender is separated from his family and sent to the Battle School, where he is trained in military strategy and leadership.He quickly rises through the ranks, displaying his incredible aptitude for the game of chess, which is used as a metaphor for military strategy.As Ender"s skills improve, he is selected to join the International Fleet and becomes the leader of a simulated battle against the Buggers.However, it is revealed that the simulations are not just games, but actual battles taking place in space.Ender"s decisions and actions have real consequences, and he is horrified to learn that he has been responsible for the genocide of the Buggers.The novel explores themes of leadership, the nature of war, and the moral implications of killing.Ender"s Game is a gripping tale of a young boy"s journey from innocence to maturity, and his struggle to come to terms with the actions he has taken.中文文档:标题:安德的游戏梗概《安德的游戏》是美国科幻作家奥森·斯科特·卡德于1985年出版的一部科幻小说。
安德的游戏读书心得英文回答:The Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is a classic science fiction novel that explores the complex themes of war, morality, and childhood. The novel tells the story of Ender Wiggin, a brilliant young boy who is recruited to train for a war against an alien race known as the Buggers.Ender is a highly intelligent and strategic thinker, but he is also a deeply compassionate and empathetic child. As he progresses through the training program, he is faced with increasingly difficult choices that test his moral compass. He must decide whether to use his intelligence to protect his fellow soldiers or to save the lives of the enemy.The Ender's Game is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that raises important questions about the nature of war and the responsibilities of those who wage it. Card'swriting is both beautiful and spare, and he creates a cast of characters who are both believable and unforgettable.中文回答:奥森·斯科特·卡德的《安德的游戏》是一部经典科幻小说,探讨了战争、道德和童年的复杂主题。